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UNI desvela un plan estratégico para el 2023-2028
from 2-27-23
los negocios y servicios para la comunidad de UNI (BCS en inglés). “El presidente Nook le preguntó a mí y a Nikki Skaar, profesora asociada y coordinadora del programa de psicología escolar, a copresidir para el plan estratégico de 20232028 (SPC) y ayudar a navegar el proceso de la planificación estratégico. Nosotros tuvimos un buen grupo de estudiantes, facultad y empleados que sirvieron en SPC. También tuvimos una buena facilitación de líderes por Randy Pilkington, director ejecutivo de BCS, y Andrew Morse, jefe anterior de gabinete del presidente Nook”, dijo Conrad.
De acuerdo con Conrad, el nuevo plan estratégico es un paso adelante hacia a un plan más grande que va a cultivar en el futuro para UNI. “El nuevo plan estratégico continuará a UNI en nuestro camino de tra- bajar en la visión del futuro de UNI – lo que deseamos que sea UNI para 2051 cuando celebra su 175 aniversario. Yo creo que los estudiantes de ahora y los del futuro son el enfoque central de nuestro nuevo plan”, dice Conrad. “Esto también está reflejado con creando equitativas, diversas e inclusivas oportunidades al frente y al centro del nuevo plan, al lado del aprendizaje exitoso dentro y fuera del salón. La participación de la comunidad y también ayudando a construir un mejor Iowa está elevada con el nuevo plan”.
Hay más para el nuevo plan también fuera del salón. Una de las metas principales de UNI es crear más conexiones con la gran comunidad de Cedar Valley y crear oportunidades para los estudiantes en la nueva y en el desarrollo de la área de estudio.
“Yo creo que es un tiempo muy emocionante para UNI. El nuevo plan estratégico es parte de la agitación y va ha ayudarnos a quedar enfocados en nuestras prioridades. El nuevo plan estratégico también ha estimulado muchos esfuer- zos de planificación estratégica sobre el campus por los colegios, departamentos académicos y otros programas. Es maravilloso”, dice Conrad.
El plan estratégico para el 2023-2028 incluye crear más oportunidades equitativas, diversas e inclusivas para los estudiantes fuera y dentro del salón. La imagen arriba representa dos estudiantes participando en UNI’s Rainbow Reception que sucedió en agosto–un celebración de estudiantes LGBTQ+–una parte de la diversa población de estudiantes.
Black Businesses
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“We are providing equitable career readiness programming that not only assists with upskilling while addressing barriers to meaningful employment, we are seeking to be the bridge for employers to work with nonprofits to create stronger, more vibrant communities,” Briscoe said.
Some of the services that ONE Cedar Valley provides include local youth internships, connecting businesses with Black-owned suppliers, and facilitating information on increasing diversity in local organizations.
For Briscoe, Black History
Month is a time for Americans to remember not only our history but where we are going. “It’s a time to recognize Black leaders who have paid the price and continue to pay the price for democracy. We have to look back to go forward and not make the same mistakes of the past,” Briscoe said. “We can and should always connect Black history to a need for financial freedom as well. This is where businesses come into place and where we as a community can look to create a more equitable business environment.” to be a statistic,” King said. “I didn’t really get a say when I was younger, so I vowed to make something of myself and really try to encourage other at-risk youth to do the same.”
For individuals interested in contributing to a more equitable business environment, Briscoe said there are steps consumers and businesses can take. “Shop with local Black business owners, ensure they are a part of your supplier list and when they are a part of your diversity supplier program don’t just have them as a name, but use their services and products. This can take a little more work to research and find Black-owned businesses, but the benefits of increasing economic mobility for our community is priceless and worth the investment,” Briscoe said.
After experimenting with clay jewelry-making during the COVID-19 pandemic, King quickly discovered that a lot of people were interested in purchasing her products. Her business took off quickly, and King was featured on the popular Magnolia website founded by Chip and Joanna Gaines as one of the top 50 Black artisans to watch. “Business came sweeping in, and I made a decision to see where this would go,” King said. “I started selling at markets in 2021, in addition to my online shop.”
Joy Briscoe, executive director of ONE Cedar Valley, encourages both consumers and businesses to shop with local Black business owners to work toward creating a more equitable business environment in the Cedar Valley.

Plan Estrat Gico
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“Tienen a individuos y unidades sinceramente pensando en donde ellos quieren estar en cinco años y lo que necesitan para completar lo que han imaginado y cómo sus prioridades van a ayudar a lograr las prioridades en el 2023-2028 plan estratégico de UNI y ayudar la universidad en conseguir su visión del futuro”.
Para más información del 2023-2028 plan estratégico de UNI, visita a strategicplan. uni.edu
L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu
Executive Editor benitezn@uni.edu
Managing Editor koehlere@uni.edu
Ebony King is the owner of Formed, a business in Waterloo that specializes in clay jewelry designs and workshops. For King, the journey to owning her own business was not an easy one.“I was born and raised here in Waterloo, Iowa. I was raised in foster care from the age of 2 until I aged out at 18.
I have always wanted to make sure my life was showing other children and youth in foster care that you don’t have
Election Results
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Krutsinger and Montalvo thanked Caughron and Tungu as well for their hard work for the past two weeks.
“With the engagement both campaigns showed with the student body, we are looking forward to continuing this engagement next year within NISG,” Krutsinger and Montalvo said from their official Instagram page.
College Elections
For the College of Business no senate candidates were running, and no write-in candi-
MALLORY SCHMITZ News Editor schmimbt@uni.edu
DIAMOND ROUNDTREE Campus Life Editor diamondr@uni.edu
DAVID WARRINGTON Sports Editor warringd@uni.edu
SOPHIE HOFFMEIER Copy Editor hoffmeis@uni.edu
KARINA ORTIZ Spanish Editor ortizkac@uni.edu
But her success was not without struggle. In the early stages of building her website, King encountered many obstacles as a young Black business owner. “I was not being seen on platforms even though I was doing the work, posting every day, posting at peak times, trending sounds, etc.,” King said. “I even hired a service to help. I have to work extra hard to be seen and appreciated. I also still have people making racial comments when I sell my items in person. It’s pretty crazy.”
King emphasized that Black History Month means reflecting on the sacrifices other Black Americans made. “I’m a firm believer that Black History is everyone’s history, and should always be celebrated. I don’t want some - dates were made, leaving three vacant seats unfilled.
For the College of Education no senate candidates were running for these seats and there were no write-in candidates. The senate seats remain unfilled.
For the College of Humanities Arts and Sciences: Geneva Bell received 89.8% with a total of 265 responses. James Carolus received 56.3% with a total of 166 total responses. About 4.4% of the votes went to the other category, but they weren’t sufficient enough to offer a seat. Two of the seats are now filled and the other two remain vacant.
For the College of Social
Ebony King finds joy in her jewely business, but still faces many obstacles as a Black business that impact her visability and her experiences with customers. She wants people to support her and her business not only during Black History Month, but year-round.
one’s business if it’s only in February. I want people who choose to support me 12 months out of the year because they believe in what I do all year… Not just when they feel obligated in February,” King said.
For more information about Formed, including market dates, workshop events and private party booking, and Behavioral Sciences, Caleb Gehle received 76.2% with a total of 147 total responses, and Cooper Messina received 62.2% with a total of 120 responses. The last candidate, Joshua Walsh received 54.9% with a total of 106 responses. Anna Singelstad got 3% of the vote with five total responses. It only takes five people to write-in a candidate to earn them a seat, according to Daniels. All four candidates filled their seats leaving zero vacancies.
For the graduate college, two senate seats are left vacant. The same goes for the interdisciplinary and exploratory college. EMMA
KOEHLER Webmaster Graphic Artist
WEBER Social Media Manager weberhae@uni.edu
The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications.
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The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees.
All material is © 2023 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.
visit this website: https:// formedclaydesigns.wixsite. com/formed
For more information about ONE Cedar Valley, visit this website: https://www.onecedarvalley.com/
While they will not be filling the roles of student body president and vice present, Sam Caughron and Christelle Tungu stated on Instagram that they will continue to serve the student body in other ways.

Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.
Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.
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