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MONDAY, MARCH 14 Spring break safety 3




VOLUME 115, ISSUE 43 ‘Captain Marvel’ film review 4 MVC final 6

College Republicans revived at UNI ANNA FLANDERS Staff Writer

While most people would love nothing more than to escape political discussions in our current climate, one group of UNI students wants to do just the opposite. After the group fizzled out last semester, the College Republicans are now being revived on UNI’s campus. “The person running it graduated [last semester], and I was like, ‘Okay, I gotta do something,’” said Nicholas Schindler, a sophomore finance major who is the organization’s president. “There needs to be a voice for the other side on this campus.” Schindler has been interested in politics since the 2012 presidential race, when he was disappointed in Mitt Romney’s loss to the then-President Obama. Schindler’s interest continued to grow through reading books by Mark Levin and listening to his radio show. “I’ve always envisioned

being able to run a club like this,” he said. “So, then I talked to the person who was sort of in charge and I asked if I could take it over and he told me ‘yes.’” The revival of College Republicans began on Feb. 14. On March 5, they held their first meeting where Schindler said about 25 people were in attendance. Their next meeting will be on Tuesday April 2, at 7 p.m. in the Elm Room of Maucker Union. The Buchanan County Women’s Conservative Group and a representative from Americans for Prosperity will also be attending the meeting, according to Schindler. Schindler says they plan to discuss the results of the Iowa Senate District 30 special election. The group has been actively campaigning with the Republican candidate Walt Rogers. When he decided to revive College Republicans, Schindler recruited some of his friends to the group, including Jacob Sly, a sophomore and fellow finance

major. “I’ve had a teacher every semester at least that’s hated on conservative ideas or hated on Trump,” Sly said. “I had a teacher tell me last year that she can’t even stand to hear the name Trump, which I just find that funny because I’m sure she hears his name a lot.” Sly said that he feels “a lot of bias” on campus against those with conservative political leanings. “Obviously, this is a government-funded organization and a lot of college students — they hear ‘free college,’ ‘free healthcare,’ this and that,” he said. “To somebody that doesn’t really know what they’re talking about, that sounds great. But once you find out what you’re talking about — I mean those aren’t really tangible things, nor do they really make sense. So, I think there is a lot of bias towards conservatives, and I’d like to see that change.” Not all members of College Republicans chose

COURTESY PHOTO/UNI College Republicans

to join because they knew Schindler beforehand. Mikayla Warrick, a freshman majoring in English with a

theater minor, was the first to reach out to the group.

symphony will perform on April 13. “That’s why we wanted to focus on him — it’s our home story as an Iowa orchestra,” Weinberger said. “Pretty much all Iowa symphonies do Dvorak,” said Gary Kelley, former UNI art department professor and a key collaborator for the event’s visual narrative. “But nobody’s done it like we’re going to do it.” The wcfsymphony Dvorak concert will focus much more heavily on storytelling than a traditional orchestral performance, according to Weinberger. “It’s not a typical concert with symphonic movements in a set order,” he said. “We have a set of pieces chosen specifically for their relevance to the story — where Dvorak was from and how he came to Iowa — so many of those are individual sections of larger pieces. We picked music that would help support the narrative.” That narrative describes Dvorak ’s childhood in Bohemia and his journey to America, culminating in his

summer spent in Iowa. “You can’t really understand [Dvorak’s] impact on American music without understanding where he came from,” Weinberger said, explaining that the distinctiveness of Dvorak’s music comes from his ability to fuse Bohemian folk music with the more classical style of composers like Beethoven. “If we didn’t start with his early experiences absorbing his own culture, then we couldn’t explain why he was so important in America.” The storytelling aspect of the concert will also be strengthened through a unique collaboration between the symphony and Kelley, who is also a world-renowned artist and has produced artwork for Time Magazine, Barnes and Noble, Google and many other clients. “Gary and Jason have explored the idea of a symphony concert not only being an aural experience but also a visual experience,” said Rich Frevert, executive director of the wcfsymphony.


wcfsymphony to present visual and aural experience ELIZABETH KELSEY Staff Writer

COURTESY PHOTO/wcfsymphony

When the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony (wcfsymphony) performs its concert “To the New World” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 13 in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center, the music of Antonin Dvorak will be a theme that’s “very close to home,” according to artistic director and conductor Jason Weinberger. “Dvorak is well-known for the time that he spent in Iowa,” Weinberger said. “He’s the only classical composer who ever spent time here.” In 1892, Dvorak was hired as director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York City and left his native Bohemia to travel to America. Dvorak was “looking for a dose of his native culture,” according to Weinberger, and spent the summer of 1893 in Spillville, Iowa, which had a strong Czech community. It was there where he wrote some of his most famous American works, many of which the



MARCH 14, 2019 |






Fatness, Body-Size Stigma panel CECILIA MITCHEL Staff Writer

On Monday, March 11 at 3 p.m. in the Center for Multicultural Education, three UNI faculty members spearheaded a “Fatness, Body-Size Stigma and Thin Privilege” panel. The panel featured Susan Hill, professor of Philosophy and World Religions, Fabio Fontana, professor of Kinesiology and Jesse Swan, professor of English. The discussion centered around these professors’ research and analyses of socio-cultural perspectives on body size. Fontana was the first to present his research. His presentation focused on antifat bias among professionals in exercise-related fields, discrimination of obese clients by personal trainers and weight-related bullying among children and adolescents. Fontana described his and his colleagues’ research

in the academic world of physical education. They had found that exercise professionals had an implicit bias, an automatic attitude based on stereotypes that disfavored people with more fat. They also found that this bias increased as physical education students progressed in their undergraduate careers. Next, Fontana described an experimental study of personal trainers (physical education teachers and majors) that he conducted last year. This two-phase study first had different trainers watch videos of prospective clients that were identical in voice, clothes and action. The only difference between the actors playing the clients were their body compositions. The outcomes of this phase were the trainers’ exercise recommendations and general attitude towards the clients. Trainers were asked to describe the intensity of exercise they would recommend for their prospective client in their first session, and the total exer-

cise they would advise in the first week. In the second phase, trainers were asked to meet the clients in an observable room, where the actors asked them personally for exercise advice. To Fontana’s surprise, the results from this experiment were very similar, regardless of the prospective client’s body composition.

You cannot, ever, tell whether a person is healthy by the way they look. Susan Hill

Philosophy and World Religions

Fontana concluded his segment by describing a six-question survey conducted with both American college students and Brazilian adolescents, asking them about weight-related bullying they have endured. In the college students, Fontana and his colleagues found


Three UNI faculty members organized a “Fatness, Body-Size Stigma and Thin Privilege panel held on Monday, March 11 at 3 p.m. in the Center for Multicultural Education.

NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu 319.273.2157

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that those who encountered weight-related bullying reported less physical activity and less enjoyment of exercise. For the Brazilian youth, attitudes about physical activity differed less with bullying rates. Fontana and his colleagues are now working on developing a better questionnaire for future research into this topic. Hill followed with a presentation entitled “Disrupting Common Assumption about Fat.” In it, Hill discussed what she described as the problematic implications surrounding the term “obese,” the history of BMI classifications related to health insurance interests and little-known medical research that conflicted with mainstream anti-fat attitudes from medical professionals. Hill first approached the term “obesity,” claiming that modern weight classifications “assume there is a normal” weight for humans. She then transitioned into discussing the Body Mass Index (BMI)’s origins, its rise to prominence in the 70’s when health insurance companies sought ways to charge higher-weight patients more for coverage, and the changes the system underwent in the 90’s that are still in effect today. According to Hill’s research, over 30 million Americans found themselves classified as overweight or obese seemingly overnight when “overweight” classifications switched from a BMI of over 27.8 for men and 27.3 for women to universally 25–29 being overweight, and over 30 being obese. Hill claims this arbitrary stigma around weight contributes to the $60 billion/year diet industry. Hill then described medical studies that showed overweight and obese people were not statistically more at-risk for heart disease, and The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is © 2019 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.

that overweight people had significantly lower mortality rates in comparison to those in the “normal” BMI range. She also explained that while persons with BMIs over 35 (Level 2 and 3 Obesity) are associated with higher mortality rates, those in the most common Level 1 Obesity do not have higher mortality rates. “You cannot, ever, tell whether a person is healthy by the way they look,” Hill said. “We assume that we can, but you cannot.” Swan then read from his paper, “Binaries, Love and Hate, Fatphobia, and Thin Privilege.” In it, Swan pulls from his field of expertise, early modern english literature, to show examples of a time before the body size stigma of today. Swan described that in the “love culture” of the seventeenth century, moderation, in eating or otherwise, was the ideal, yet fatness was written and recorded as desirable and respectable. He compared this ideology with postmodern “fat scholars” who embrace similarly love-centered fields of thought to combat the “mechanically modern” anti-fat sentiments, as earlier described by Hill, the BMI scale and mainstream medical beliefs. “In late capitalism, in late modernity,” Swan read, “the only liberation, including the liberation of genuine understanding, comes from being defiant.” The final thirty minutes of the event were dedicated to answering questions from the audience. The three panel members responded with additional discourse about their research as well as perspectives on societal weight-based bias. This event was held by UNI’s Office of Research & Sponsored Programs and co-sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.


Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to hauers@uni.edu.


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu. Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.




Executive Editor

MARCH 14, 2019 |




Stay safe this break: Do it for YOU!

This guest column was submitted by Graduate Assistant Brianna De Moss of Student Wellness Services.

Whether you’re planning on vacationing somewhere tropical or stay-cationing in Cedar Falls, consider making a spring break safety checklist this March to ensure you are able to have a fun and safe time away from classes! Student Wellness Services has highlighted ideas pertaining to alcohol, sexual health, friends and phone safety to pay extra attention to this spring break. What will you add to your personal safety checklist? Alcohol If you choose not to include drinking in your plans, you are not alone! In fact, 1 in 3 UNI students choose not to drink alcohol according to the 2017 National College Health Assessment. However, if you choose to drink, consider these safety measures: • If you plan to drink, maintain your buzz and avoid regrets/poor decisions by staying in your “sweet spot”! Follow these sweet spot tips: Set a limit on how many standard drinks you will have and keep track, pace drinks to one or

less per hour and choose drinks that contain less alcohol by volume. Outline your personal limits! Think about how much alcohol you want to consume if you choose to drink, how you will get a safe ride and how to obtain protection if you choose to engage in sex. Never leave your drink unattended. If you lose sight of it, get a new one! Know the potential risks and consequences of drinking underage. Underage drinking can lead to long-term effects in brain development, criminal records, fines for UNI and/or the criminal system and other legal problems. Take the Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO online assessment before spring break to receive personalized feedback about your alcohol use. Get started here: aodeducation.uni.edu. If you see the following signs of alcohol overdose, call 911 for help: C-cold, clammy skin / pale or bluish skin, U-unconscious semi-conscious, P-prolonged vomiting/ very rapid or very slow pulse, S-Slow, shallow or

irregular b r e at h i n g / seizures

Panthers take care of one another. We encourage students to seek medical or professional help for someone who needs it. In turn, students who seek medical assistance for themselves or another person, due to intoxication of alcohol and/ PEXELS or other drugs Student Wellness Services Graduate Assistant Brianna De Moss suggests ways in which may not be students can stay safe this spring break. held accountable through involved, it’s difficult to be in a risky situation. the student conduct promake safe sexual health • When using Uber or cess. The student(s) may decisions. Partners are Lyft, make sure to ride be required to complete an more likely to be carewith a group you trust, educational sanction, but less when using a connever ride alone and do not further conduct action. dom, causing it to break not share the ride serQuestions about the Good or slip, or they might vice with people you do Samaritan Provision? Visit have sex without using not know. the Dean of Students staff a condom. in Gilchrist 118 or call 319- • Make consent your top Phone Safety 273-2332. priority this spring Phones can be your helpful break by ensuring you sidekick over spring break Sexual Health and your partner have a if you use them wisely! Use If you plan on engagconsensual conversation these tips to ensure you’re ing in sexual activity while that is clear, coherent, using your phone most you are away, make sure you willing and ongoing. effectively and safely. think about your personal People incapacitated by • Always bring your phone boundaries and the safedrugs or alcohol cannot fully-charged when you ty measures you will take. consent. go out. Make sure someConsider the following ideas one you trust knows to include in your sexual Friends your plans so they can health safety checklist: Be extra intentional about check in with you often. • Get yourself tested for who you surround your- • Think twice about postsexually transmitted self with over spring break. ing your location! diseases. The Student Consider these ideas as you Sharing too much inforHealth Clinic offers free select friends to spend your mation can put your chlamydia and gonor- spring break with! safety at risk! rhea testing. • Keep an eye on your • Update your phone con• Stock up on protection friends and agree to tacts! Start a group BEFORE you go! Visit watch out for each other. chat to easily tell others the following website to Go out with a group where you’re going so have safer sex supplies of people you trust and they’ll know where you discreetly delivered to leave with the group you are at all times. your door for FREE: came with! Need additional ideas to https://www.myiacon- • Create a code word stay safe and entertained doms.org/condom-locabetween you and your this spring break? Check out tor or visit the Student friends so that you can this link: uni.edu/resources/ Health Center to make a alert each other if any- campuslife! Whatever you FREE safer sex kit. thing feels off. decide, be intentional about • Avoid mixing sex with • Be an active bystander creating your own personal alcohol and/or other and intervene if you safety checklist! What will drugs. When alcohol is notice someone who may you add to yours? #DIFY

Giddens will fight student voter suppression This Letter to the Editor was submitted by Eric Giddens, Democratic candidate for Iowa Senate District 30.

Right now in the Republican-controlled Iowa Senate, there is a bill making its way that would outlaw voting on University of Northern Iowa campus, as

well as voting on the other state university campuses. This is a slap in the face to everyone in the University of Northern Iowa community and young voters across the state. With the elections bill passed by a strict party vote and our special election planned during Spring

Break, it is clear to me that the current party in power is laser-focused on suppressing student voters at the University of Northern Iowa. The core of our democracy is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Making it easier for people to exercise their right to vote should not

be a partisan issue. This is one of the reasons I am running for the Iowa Senate in District 30. We need leaders in the Statehouse who will work to increase voter participation by college students and other Iowans, not silence the voices of voters. The core values of our democracy should always

come before party politics. I will work in the Iowa Senate to expand access to the polls, to make early voting easier and to ensure that every eligible voter has the chance to cast a ballot in every election. I encourage all UNI students to make their voices heard in this special election.


MARCH 14, 2019 |





Campus Life Editor


‘Captain Marvel’ sluggishly underwhelms HUNTER FRIESEN Film Critic

Marking the 21st chapter in the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), “Captain Marvel” has finally bowed out in theatres after a mountain of hype had been built up for close to a year. Much like how “Black Panther” was the first MCU film to feature a black lead, “Captain Marvel” is the first film to feature a woman as the lead character. However, unlike how the former saw huge critical success and sparked a cultural movement, “Captain Marvel” disappoints on both the levels of filmmaking and fan service. What should be an enjoyable and inspirational tale ends up being a tepid blockbuster that sorely lacks in the areas that have made the Marvel brand so entertainingly great. Directing: 2/5 “Captain Marvel” is directed by partners Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, who have previously worked on smaller indie films, most notably “Half Nelson.” Now with a budget of $152 million, the pair’s lack of experience with tentpole films glaringly shows. Many of the action scenes are by the numbers as they devolve into a series of quick camera cuts and choppy editing. The computer and practical effects don’t help at all

with the action. Apart from the de-aging of Samuel L. Jackson, which looks incredible, the visuals look a bit outdated, almost like the film was made 10 years ago. To recreate the feel of the 1990s setting, Boden and Fleck rely heavily on nostalgic product placements and callbacks. Blockbuster Video, internet cafes, pagers and an endless line of fashionable toys are paraded throughout the film to try and get a response from the audience. It reminded me of the same shallow technique that was used to death in “Ready Player One” where inessential references are repeatedly made instead of constructive jokes. Writing: 2/5 Probably the biggest problem with “Captain Marvel” is the incoherent and bland story that offers the audience little to care about. Right away the film introduces the conflict between the Kree and the Skrull, two factions who have been at war for an eternity. Basic facts are given such as a roster of important characters, but other relevant information such as the war’s importance and purpose are left out. Even as the conflict gradually becomes the main part of the narrative, these necessary explanations are never touched on. This lack of information

strips the film of any real stakes within the MCU — not that low stakes is an outright bad thing. “Ant-Man” has next to no overall effect on the other films within the universe, but the franchise still works anyway as it makes you care about its great characters. That central quality is also missing from “Captain TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Marvel,” which is Brie Larson stars as ‘Captain Marvel” in the 21st installment in the Marvel Cinematic surprising consid- Universe. Directed by filmmaking duo Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the film received a ering both Boden 79 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating. and Fleck have built their careers Acting: 3/5 the rest of the supporting from their prowess for layered Brie Larson does a thor- cast. Each one of them does human drama. oughly average job as the tit- a fine job, but these roles are Despite being her origin ular hero. Her performance hardly anything compared story, the character of Captain contains seldom amounts to the other work they have Marvel turns out to be the of energy, which can partly done. least interesting person in the be blamed on the lackluster film. Her storyline is quite script she had to work with. Overall: 2.5/5 straightforward and consists Fortunately, Larson does Is “Captain Marvel” a good of a lot of on-the-nose mes- show a ton of confidence and movie? No. Is it a bad movie? saging that feels shoehorned a knack for comedic timing in Also no. in. her limited number of quality This is an average film that Tonally, this film falls in scenes. comes and goes while doing line with the rest of the MCU. Samuel L. Jackson is great everything you expect and Comedy is mixed in with as Nick Fury, who at the nothing more. drama, but not as seamless as moment is only an agent of In the grand scheme of you would expect. Many of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jackson brings things, this film is just a quick the jokes don’t land or feel too his usual boisterous flair to jolt of superhero energy to forced in awkward positions. A the role and is able to make keep audiences satisfied until disappointing feeling repeat- up for the downbeat energy “Avengers: Endgame.” edly panged me every time a exuded by the rest of the cast. pivotal scene was undercut by Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn a joke that really didn’t work. and Annette Bening fill out



Campus Life Editor

MARCH 14, 2019 |





UNI welcomes Statewide PTSD conference COLBY WEBER Staff Writer

From something as life-altering as war to as simple as stubbing your toe, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect people’s day-to-day lives. The UNI Veterans Association (UNIVA) hopes to clear up misconceptions while providing hope and support to those who are struggling during the Third Annual Statewide PTSD Conference that will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27 in the Maucker Union. “Diagnosis is hard to explain,” said Cole Passick, the UNI Veterans Association president who is majoring in political science and public administration. “It comes from traumatic events that happen in life. Usually it refers to the military, however, it doesn’t only originate from military experiences. It can go with rapes, car accidents or something as small as stubbing your toe and then not going near the bedpost again because of the pain you felt.” This keynote speaker scheduled for the conference is Matthew Vasquez, a UNI professor of social work who will be speaking about vicarious trauma. According to Passick, an


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“Ever since I’ve been in college, I’ve been trying to be more politically active because that’s what college students are all about,” Warrick said. “I talked with the [UNI] Democrats and kind of helped them a little bit with campaigning — just to dabble a little bit — and didn’t really quite like how everything turned out with that. So, I was like, there must be a Republican party on campus.” Warrick inquired about their meeting times and learned the group was just starting back up. She attended their first meeting at the beginning of March. Warrick said she would like to see the UNI Democrats and College Republicans engage with one another in the future, including hosting open mics and open-table discussions to educate students who may not be very informed about politics. Currently, the group’s greatest challenge is finances. No one has submitted a budget for the College Republicans for the last few years, according to Schindler. He hopes to obtain funding for the group next year. “We’ve reached out to somebody from Prager University whose name is Will Witt, and he has interest to come. He just said he needs $3,000,” Schindler said. “So, I told him next fall,

example of this type of trauma could involve a dispatcher who often hears about suicides or accidents. While they didn’t experience these things directly, the situations that they are exposed to can be overwhelming. Through various speakers and breakout sessions, Passick hopes that the conference can explain the road to recovery and give back to local Iowans. “We talk a lot about PTSD recovery and maintenance,” Passick said. “You can’t just get a shot of penicillin and you’re done. It’s something that you have to work on continuously. Sometimes you have setbacks, and sometimes you have good weeks and you have bad weeks.” Passick wants this year’s event to shine a spotlight on Iowans within rural commuwe’re gonna work on that. That would be something that would spark the club to get people interested. It’s one thing to get people in election season, but it’s another thing to keep people here and keep people interested.” Schindler hopes that once the club is up and running, they can do more than just hold regular meetings to discuss politics. Schindler would like to host debates and other clubs as well as have debate watch parties. Not all of his ideas even relate to politics. He would like to have tailgating events with the College Republicans. “I hope they feel like there’s a place on this campus for other ways of thought,” Schindler said. “The professors here are like 85 percent liberal […] There’s a big majority of us who think this certain way and hopefully they feel that there’s a place where at least once a week or twice a month, we can talk amongst each other, even have a debate with the other side just so they know that we’re here. “Don’t act like we don’t exist. Iowa is a conservative state, whether the teachers or academia thinks it is or not. We just need to let other people know that we’re here for you, and […] there’s no reason [this club] shouldn’t be as big as all the other clubs on the other side.”

nities. Many small towns have volunteer firefighters who work in a department with a small budget and staff. Because of that, they may not have the funds to get a psychological evaluation. Due to these constraints, the event will have a specific focus on first responders, police and others who help people. “It’s something that you don’t always see or feel,” Passick said. “A lot of people will say ‘that’s not me.’ I was the same way. But once you have someone break it down for you and you get some of the information at these sessions, it can change lives. For everyone that comes in off the street, it’s an informational period that can help someone else’s life.” UNIVA is an on-campus


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The symphony has previously collaborated with Kelley on other productions, including a concert of Gustav Holst’s “The Planets” and a version of “The Nutcracker” influenced by the music of Duke Ellington. Kelley’s artwork has been projected onto a screen behind the symphony, with technological advances that transform the concert into a theatrical or operatic experience. This use of visual elements during an orchestra concert is not a new concept, according to Weinberger. “Using video screens has become a pervasive part of live symphonic performance,” he said. “The challenge is that oftentimes musicians are forced to follow the visuals. In a lot of ways, that lessens the performance, since performers and conductors aren’t free to offer an interpretation of the music.” That, Weinberger said, is why he founded his company The New Live, which focuses on incorporating technology into musical performances by designing the visuals to instead follow the music. The New Live’s technical director, UNI grad Jacob Meade,


The Statewide PTSD Conference returns to UNI on Wednesday, March 27. The annual event is hosted by the UNI Veterans Association.

group of military, veterans and non-military veteran students. Every year they host events to support veterans such as the Military Ball and “Write a Card, Thank a Vet,” which is an opportunity for UNI students to write thank-you cards and send them overseas to bases and nursing homes. They also provide Green Zone Training to faculty and staff, which helps them learn about the behaviors of military students. Overall, Passick is looking forward to helping people out at the event. “The whole point of this conference is to bring people together,” Passick said. “Maybe there are people from North Iowa and people from South

Iowa and they meet in one of the breakout sessions. That’s one connection that they would have never made. The biggest thing here is to push connections and push awareness for PTSD as a disorder.” General admission for the conference is $10, but the event is free to all UNI students. Those who wish to get a Continuing Education Unit may do so for an additional $10. Lunch will be served, and the event will feature a community panel of first responders. Those interested in the event can sign up at military. uni.edu/ptsd in order to learn about the often-unseen illness and how it affects the state of Iowa. Registration closes at 12 p.m on Friday, March 22.

has been instrumental in adapting Gary’s art for the screen during the wcfsymphony collaborations. “Jacob is able to design the visual presentation so that there is flexibility built into the visuals without changing the story,” Weinberger said, “so our musicians don’t have to worry about the screen. There’s not a single other orchestra of our size in the world that has that capability.” Not only do Meade’s visuals allow for wider musical interpretation, they also bring Kelley’s art to life. Kelley began the process by listening to the Dvorak pieces and conducting historical research to put the music in context. “I’m looking at visual artists that were living and making art at the same time that Dvorak was making music,” Kelley said. Many of those artists were printmakers who used woodblock printing, which Kelley is emulating by rolling out printmaking ink onto paper. He estimates that the concert will feature about 30 complete pieces of art. Once Kelley has completed a piece, he and Meade use video to make them fade, turn or shift. Rather than pure animation, Kelley said they

focus on the way the camera follows a still piece of art, moving the camera rather than the artwork itself. “I want it to feel like original, handmade art,” Kelley said. “I definitely don’t want it to feel like it’s a digital superhero movie. I want it to feel organic.” Miller emphasized that students of all majors have something to learn from the event, noting that student tickets are only $10. He encouraged students to attend the pre-event talkback session at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, where Weinberger and Kelley will offer their perspectives and take questions about the collaboration. The symphony is also releasing a zine, or a small-circulation magazine, advertising the event. The launch for the zine, designed and created by Kelley, will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 14, at Montage in Cedar Falls. All the collaborators are looking forward to the event as a chance to present classical music in an innovative way. “The concert will be a good reflection on Dvorak and help expand the mood of his music,” Kelley said. “The deeper we get into it, the more exciting it gets.”


MARCH 14, 2019 |




ELIOT CLOUGH Sports Editor



March sadness in MVC final COLIN HORNING

Sports Writer

Heartbreak is perhaps the best way to sum up this past weekend for the UNI men’s basketball team. Riding off the momentum of two upset wins over Southern Illinois University and Drake University on Friday and Saturday in the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament, UNI was looking to make their first NCAA Tournament appearance since 2016. Standing in their way was the Bradley Braves, who had just come off an upset over top-seeded Loyola-Chicago the day before. Things were looking promising in the first half, as the Panthers got out to a 14-2 lead and held a 27-15 halftime score, holding their opponent to only 22 percent shooting. The Braves completely turned the tide in the second half, shooting a blazing 58 percent from the field and outscoring UNI 42-27 overall in the final 20 minutes of play. With under two minutes to play, UNI center Luke

McDonnell was called for a deadball technical foul, resulting in four made Bradley free throws, a made basket and a fivepoint advantage for the Braves. The purple and gold were not able to cut into the deficit in the final seconds, as Bradley clinched the MVC’s automatic NCAA Tournament bid. When asked about the crucial call, UNI head coach Ben Jacobson said: “The way the rule is written on a play like that when something like that happens the officials don’t have, it’s not within the rules for the officials to use any judgement on the play.” Coach Jacobson confirmed that UNI will not accept any other postseason tournament bids, ending their season with

with SIU taking both contests by single-digit margins. As the saying goes, however, ‘it’s hard to beat a team three times.’ This proved to be true, as UNI came away with a 61-58 victory. Senior Wyatt Lohaus played 38 of the 40 minutes in the game, and led all Panther scorers with 21 points. Junior Trae Berhow followed up with 11 points and 3 three-pointers. The men in purple led for most of the game, and by as much as 11 points in the second half. However, a late run by Southern Illinois brought them to within two points when SIU guard Eric Cook made a contested, stepback three point shot with the clock running down to put SIU up 58-57 with around 30 sec-

TONI FORTMANN/Northern Iowan

a record of 16-18. The first round of the Missouri Valley Conference men’s basketball tournament saw the 6th-seeded UNI Panthers face off against the 3rd-seeded Southern Illinois Salukis in St. Louis. The two teams had met twice during the regular season,

onds to play. On the other end, Missouri Valley Conference Freshman of the Year AJ Green made a go-ahead 10-foot jump shot in the lane to put Northern Iowa up one. SIU missed the go-ahead shot on the other end and Spencer Haldeman sealed the game for UNI with two free-throws. On Saturday night, UNI was tasked with playing their in-state rival, the Drake University Bulldogs in the MVC tournament semifinals. The teams split the two matchups in the regular season. In a back-and-forth game, UNI was able to pull out the two-point upset victory over the favored Bulldogs. They returned to their first MVC title game since 2016, taking on the 5th-seeded Bradley Braves. Senior Wyatt Lohaus again lead all Panther scorers with 27 points. Trae Berhow added 12 points and 6 rebounds for UNI. Drake scored 26 points in the paint, while the Panthers were able to hold Drake to 5-18 shooting from three-point range.

Foster claims second Big 12 title in Oklahoma


Sports Writer The UNI wrestling team competed in the Big 12 Wrestling championships this past weekend in Tulsa, Okla. The Panthers were competing with their season on the line as they fought for spots to wrestle in the NCAA FRANK WALSH

championship. Six Panthers were able to qualify and the team was able to grab third place over all, putting up 82 points, sitting behind Iowa State’s 114.5 points and Oklahoma State’s outlandish 158. The standout performances came from the two finalists Taylor Lujan and Drew Foster, as the two upperclassmen both were attempting

to defend their Big 12 titles. Foster was the lone Panther able to regain his position as king of the conference at 184 pounds. Just a couple weeks ago, Foster lost to Sam Colbray of Iowa State in the West Gym, and ultimately was able to get revenge in the Big 12 finals, winning 4-1. Foster’s leg defense and takedown scoring ability were what led

to the victory. “I was excited to be wrestling in the finals again. The biggest thing was being clear minded and confident in myself,” said Foster in reference to his mind-set prior to the match. The 184-pound contender is still not satisfied, as he will soon be battling to be a national champ. Regarding his movement

towards the championships, Foster said, “I need to continue to find ways to score when guys try to slow me down. Also, I need to keep my feet and hands moving and continue to be gritty.” Six Panthers will be competing for a national championship, including Lujan and Foster, in Pittsburgh, Penn. from Thursday, March 21 to Saturday, March 23.

Krodingers show off big bats, Panthers go 1-3



The UNI women’s softball team traveled to Kentucky on Sunday, March 10. UNI split their first two games on day one. The purple and gold got on the board first with a sac fly to left by Brittney Krodinger in their first matchup up with Purdue Fort Wayne. The following inning the Mastodons scored off a double to center field and two runners scored, leaving the Mastodons with a 2-1 lead. The Panther’s opposition took off in the third inning with

five consecutive hits, including a three-run homer to left center, making the score 5-1. Brooke Craig eventually got UNI out of the inning. In the third, Olivia Brooks flew out to center field, Sammey Bunch tagged up and scored making it a 5-2 game. Purdue Fort Wayne dominated at the end, with a final score of 8-2 after 7 innings. The Mastodons walked away with 10 hits, 8 runs and 7 strikeouts. The Panthers played the host Murray State in their second game of the day, walking away with a 10-7 win. Shortstop Sammey Bunch led the way for the Panthers with 3 hits and two RBIs. Courtney Krodinger fin-

ished the outing with four RBIs for UNI. Ashley Chesser homered to left center to put up 5-1 after three innings. Hannah Kelley started for the Panthers on the mound, pitching three innings and allowing five hits and two runs. This match-up came down to the final inning. Courtney Krodinger grounded out to score Bunch to tie the game in the seventh inning, sending the contest into extra innings. Courtney Krodinger put the Panthers up with a three-run home run to put the Panthers up 10-6, which proved to be the finishing blow. The Racers were able to score a run in the bottom of the ninth

inning, but it wasn’t enough to beat the Panthers. On day two, UNI played against Purdue Fort Wayne once again. Perry native Emma Olejniczak had the best game yet for the Panthers on the mound. Olejniczak allowed five hits all game with five strikeouts. With a stellar performance on the mound, UNI won 6-1. Bunch also jacked her sixth home run of the year, setting a new career high for home runs. In their final game, the purple and gold faced off against Samford University, falling to the Bulldogs 6-5 in a nine-inning thriller. Kelley made her second start of the weekend, allowing four

runs on six hits and one walk. Craig relieved her in the seventh inning, followed by freshman Erica Oler coming in to attempt a save for UNI. The Bulldogs led 4-0 in the end of the second inning. In the third Brittney Krodinger matched her sister’s hitting and homered to score for the Panthers. The women of UNI gained the lead in the fourth inning 5-4. After tying the game, the Bulldogs pushed the game to extra innings. Samford eventually scored one run in the ninth, which gave them just enough to beat the Panthers 6-5. The Panthers will be playing Indiana State in Terre Haute, Ind., on Saturday, March 16.

PAGE 7 SIERRA STEEN Managing Editor


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KenKen How do you play KenKen?

Fill in the blank squares so that each row and each column contain all of the digits 1 through 5. The heavy lines indicate areas (called cages) that contain groups of numbers that can be combined (in any order) to produce the result shown in the cage, with the indicated math operation. For example, 12x means you can multiply the values together to produce 12. Numbers in cages may repeat, as long as they are not in the same row or column.


Across 1 Cleared (of) 4 Tote bag material 10 Hubbub 14 Chemical suffix 15 Even though 16 Ancient Cuzco resident 17 Teacher on call 18 John D. Rockefeller’s company 20 Cutlery collection

22 Implore 23 Record 24 Umbrella part 26 Parts of some directions 30 Bilingual “Sesame Street” Muppet 32 Hangs out 34 Most babbling 37 Bunk 38 Woodland goat-man 41 Arraignment answers

Puzzle Answers CROSSWORD

SUDOKU ONE 42 Kitchen pests 43 Racing Unsers 44 Preparation period 46 German mathematician Bernhard 48 Softening 52 Calf-length skirts 53 61-Across kingpin __ Fring 56 Subtle shade 57 Glass lip 59 Speed trap equipment 61 #3 on Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time (as of 2016) ... and a hint to what the black squares are doing in four rows of this puzzle 65 Check out 66 “Star Trek” race 67 Mariner’s patron 68 __ Lingus 69 Pineapple center 70 “Mercy me!” 71 Genetic material Down 1 One who agrees to a dare 2 “Got me” 3 Ledger entries 4 Italian city whose Royal Palace has been used as a set in two “Star Wars” films 5 Hgts. 6 Net or Knick 7 Starbucks order

8 Give a leg up 9 Attempt 10 __ spinner 11 Mattel game since 1992 12 Chem., for one 13 Mineo of film 19 Burning again 21 Affect 25 Pasture cry 27 Forest floor flora 28 Unhurried pace 29 Old Atl. crossers 31 Colorado snowboarding mecca 33 Davis of “Dr. Dolittle” 35 Urban Dictionary content 36 Iraq War weapon: Abbr. 38 One to grow on 39 Et __: and others 40 Hand-me-down 42 Group at Asgard 44 Cornea-reshaping surgery 45 One facing charges? 47 Desert illusion 49 Ready to roll 50 Vietnamese-American poker star Scotty 51 Biological subdivisions 54 Implored 55 Black 58 Japanese soup 60 Lady of Spain 61 Eng. channel 62 Pal of Piglet 63 Goof up 64 Extreme





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