4 minute read

UNI CATS to kick off “Giving Week” with Field of Flags event

ERIN MCRAE Staff Writer

Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS) is planning a celebration for the final week of March called “Giving Week.” This week is a celebration of donors’ contributions to bettering the University. One of the main events taking place during this week is the Field of Flags, a visual representation of UNI’s donors.


Sarah Craw is the Student and Young Alumni Engagement Coordinator, and the Advisor for CATS. “In planning the first Giving Week last year, members of the CATS Philanthropy Committee wanted to find a way to educate students about the UNI Foundation and philanthropy at UNI. They determined that a field of flags would catch students’ attention on their way to class, providing an opportunity for CATS to share more information about how and why members of the Panther community give to UNI,” Craw said.

Each flag will represent 20 donors, and the color of each flag will correspond to the type of donor (alumni, friend, student, etc.).

For students interested, Craw said the display will be easy to find. “Stop by the Commons Plaza on Monday, March 27 to see Field of Flags and learn more about giving to UNI,” Craw said. “Students are encouraged to participate in Live Purple Give Gold on Thursday, March 30 by making a gift of any size to an area of campus that is mean- ingful to them. Whether students give to their college, the Panther Pantry, the Campanile renovation or the Student Emergency (to name a few options), they help shape the tomorrow UNI needs.”

Field of Flags is one of many events that will take place during giving week, students have multiple opportunities to get involved. “This event kicks off a week of education and involvement opportunities. CATS hopes that the events help spark interest in student giving to help reach the Live Purple Give Gold student donor goal of 100 on our way to 1,330 total donors in 24 hours,” Craw said.

 See FIELD OF FLAGS, page 2

FIELD OF FLAGS continued from page 1

“The funds raised during Live Purple Give Gold help support so many impactful areas of campus and make the UNI experience what it is.”

CATS will have a social media giveaway on Wednesday and free Chickfil-a outside the commons on Thursday while supplies last from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For more information, visit https://alumni.uni.edu/giving-week.


Alumni, friends, students and more are invited to give back to the university during Live Purple Give Gold on March 30 and to participate in “Giving Week” activities which will take place the final week of March.


Editor’s note: The following article was originally published in The Northern Iowan on March 21, 1978. It gives the history at the time of the Women’s Gym, which today stands as the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center (ITTC). There is no writer credited for the piece.

CAMPO DE BANDERAS extendida de página 1

Cada bandera representará 20 donantes y el color de cada bandera corresponderá con el tipo de donante (ex-alumno, amigo, estudiante, etc.).

Para estudiantes interesados, Craw dijo que la pantalla será fácil de encontrar. “Pasa por el Commons Plaza el lunes, 27 de marzo para ver el Campo de banderas y aprender más sobre las contribuciones a UNI”, dijo Craw. “Estudiantes están alentados a participar en Live Purple Give Gold el jueves, 30 de marzo para poder crear un regalo de algún tamaño para una área del campus que es significante para ellos. Si los estudiantes quieren donar a la universidad, el Panther Pantry, la renovación del campanil o la emergencia de estudiantes (para listar algunas opciones), ellos ayudaran a moldear la mañana que necesita UNI”.

Campo de banderas es uno de los eventos que sucederá durante la semana de donaciones, los estudiantes tienen múltiples oportunidades para involucrarse. “Este evento empieza una semana de educación y oportunidades de implicación. CATS espera que los eventos ayuden a encender un interés en donaciones estudiantiles para ayudar a alcanzar la meta de Live Purple Give Gold de 100 donantes a 1,330 donantes totales en 24 horas” dijo Craw. “Los fondos recaudados durante Live Purple Give Gold ayuda a apoyar muchas áreas del campus y hacer la experiencia de UNI lo qué es”.

CATS tendrá un sorteo de redes sociales el miércoles, 29 de marzo y Chick-fil-a a gratis afuera de los comunes el jueves, 30 de marzo mientras las provisiones duran. Será hasta las 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Para más información, visita la página web https:// alumni.uni.edu/giving-week.


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Ex-alumnos, amigos, estudiantes y más están invitados a dar patrás a la universidad durante Live Purple Give Gold el 30 de marzo y a participar en las actividades de “Semana de donaciones” que sucederá la final semana de marzo.

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