6 minute read
Traducción: Orchesis subirá al escenario en Teatro Oster Regent
from 4-20-23
Nota de la editora: Anahi Ramos es estudiante del curso SPAN 3159 Translation for Heritage Speakers, dirigido por el Prof. Juan Carlos Castillo.
La Compañía de Danza Orchesis llevará a cabo su gala anual en el Teatro Oster Regent el 14 de abril a las 7 p.m. y el 15 de abril a las 2 p.m. Orchesis se estableció en 1926, lo que la convierte en la organización estudiantil más antigua de la UNI. Como organización de baile pre-profesional, el grupo realiza audiciones todos los años y ensaya varias veces a la semana. Cada año actúan en una Gala que es la culminación de su trabajo de todo el año. El grupo baila una variedad de estilos, desde el jazz al tap, pasando por contemporáneo, hip-hop y más. Megan McGuire es la jefa de relaciones públicas de Orchesis Dance Company, además de bailarina en la organización. “Ayudo a crear y publicar contenido en las redes sociales, además de colaborar con los miembros de mi comité para publicitar nuestros eventos, nuestra mesa en el Maucker Union, y mantener a nuestros seguidores actualizados sobre lo que estamos haciendo en los ensayos”, dijo McGuire.
“Los asistentes a la Gala de Orchesis también pueden esperar ver piezas de artistas invitados, ex alumnos y estudiantes. Verán iluminación, movimiento y colocación de bailarines, todo realizado por nuestros artistas. Es extremadamente inspirador como bailarina de Orchesis ver el arduo trabajo que nuestros miembros realizan para crear arte para una audiencia”, dijo McGuire. Como preparación, los bailarines han estado trabajando en ensayos y coreografías durante todo el año. Si bien eso es agotador, McGuire dijo que los ensayos enfatizan el sentido de comunidad en el que se basa Orchesis. “Los bailarines se han estado preparando para este evento a través de clases de técnica los lunes y miércoles, así como ensayos al aire libre para nuestras piezas completas e interludios. Los ensayos tienen que tener un buen ritmo para completar nuestras piezas a tiempo para la Gala. Nuestros ensayos son muy divertidos y todos disfrutamos de nuestro tiempo colaborando para hacer que estas piezas sean lo mejor que puedan”, dijo McGuire. “El espacio de ensayo de Orchesis se redujo un poco este año para que pudiéramos compartirlo con otros eventos que ocurren en el WRC, por lo que nos hemos adaptado al espacio más pequeño y tuvimos que encontrar las mejores formas de lidiar con esto”.
Ver ORCHESIS, página 2
ABA HONOR continued from page 1
“The organization recognizes outstanding achievement on the part of concert band conductors and composers. The current membership comprises approximately 300 band conductors and composers in the USA and Canada,” he said. “Membership is by invitation only to conductors who are considered to be exemplary professionals in the field of wind band music.”
Galyen underwent a rigorous interview and nomination process to be accepted into this position. To begin the nomination process, a director must be nominated by two current association members. Galyen also said that during his interview, he had to submit over 70 minutes of recordings of his band,the UNI Wind Ensemble, for the committee to evaluate his musical skill and conducting ability.
Galyen’s other work at UNI includes teaching undergraduate courses on conducting, wind literature and music education, as well as past leadership within the Panther Marching Band. Under his
VANDALISM continued from page 1
The Acrobat sculpture is over 50 years old and was recently restored in 2020. According to Perry, the restoration included, “repairing the internal structure and restoring the fiberglass surface with modern products and materials which should help ease the process of removing the graffiti and keep the artwork in good standing for years to come.” administration, the marching band grew from only 150 members to over 330 within a few years. According to his School of Music biography, “Dr. Galyen is a frequent guest conductor and has recently led performances of the Wind Orchestra of the State Conservatory of Music in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and the L’Orchestra d’Harmonie du Conservatoire d’Aulnay sous Bois in Paris, France. He has conducted, taught, and adjudicated in Luxembourg, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Ireland, Italy, France, and England and has studied in Holland, Switzerland, and Ireland.”

The vandal’s name has since been cleaned off of the acrobat.
School of Music students heap enormous praise on Galyen regarding this recent honor. Member of the Wind Ensemble Aubrey Williamson, a flute player, wrote, “I have had Dr. Galyen as my conducting professor this year. Studying under him in a classroom setting other than ensemble rehearsals is an inspiring experience.”

Regarding Director Galyen’s promotion of work ethics, Williamson said, “The students in Wind Ensemble love Dr. Galyen because he
ORCHESIS extendida de página 1 holds our ensemble to a high standard of musicianship but makes rehearsals fun. Our two-hour rehearsals can be tiring some weeks, but the challenging, engaging literature he selects for our ensemble makes the time fly by.” Another member of the Wind Ensemble, Reed Andrews, also reflected Williamson’s commendatory view of Director Galyen. “He is entirely respectful of everyone and one of the kindest people on this campus. Dr. Galyen knows when and how to push us to get the best music to come out in a healthy and fun way. He has built a culture of excellence that ripples throughout the entire music school from his direction of the Wind Ensemble,” Andrews said.
A pesar de encontrar obstáculos en su camino hacia la actuación, McGuire dijo que la organización estudiantil es, en esencia, un esfuerzo de colaboración entre artistas. “Mi parte favorita de estar en Orchesis son todos los amigos que he hecho cada semestre”, dijo McGuire. “Disfruto de colaborar con todos los miembros y conocer mejor a cada miembro a medida que avanzan los ensayos. He disfrutado mucho de nuestras Galas en mi poco tiempo en Orchesis, y siempre son muy gratificantes. Cuando llega la Gala, se siente que todo el trabajo duro, los ensayos y la creatividad valieron la pena”. Las entradas se pueden comprar en la puerta. Cuesta 10 dólares para la entrada general y 5 dólares para niños menores de 12 años y personas mayores de 65 años. Los boletos son gratuitos para los estudiantes de la UNI con credencial de estudiante.
Building a solid community is essential for any organization, musical or not.
“Dr. Galyen is very committed to programming works by under-represented groups of composers, such as women, composers of color, and pieces that in general haven’t received much spotlight and deserve to be performed,” Williamson wrote regarding Director Galyen’s strong relationship and community-building expertise. “The analogies he uses when teaching are very humorous and create a light, fun environment, and work well to help students understand how to play music better. Our students also love Dr. Galyen for the community he cultivates in the ensemble.”
Regarding his newfound responsibilities within the
American Bandmasters Association, Galyen said, “I will be expected to attend their annual conference and to serve on certain committees that promote the organization’s goals.”
Galyen expressed optimism regarding this upcoming and reputable opportunity. “I am excited to be able to connect regularly with the top wind conductors in North America. I have always admired the ABA and look forward to being part of such a prestigious group,” he said. While the Wind Ensemble is done for the semester with public performance, they have been invited as the only band to perform at the annual Iowa Bandmasters Meeting this May in Des Moines. Nevertheless, the Wind Ensemble looks forward to another productive year in 2023-2024 to further contribute to the University of Northern Iowa’s already robust arts and musical climate.

Director Galyen will be officially inaugurated at a Washington, D.C., ceremony next March 2024. At this ceremony, Director Galyen will be honored with the distinction of being able to conduct one of the nation’s most prestigious military bands. This prestigious honor only builds on Galyen’s accomplished reputation, as well as enhances the already robust status of the University of Northern Iowa’s School of Music.
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