5 minute read
UNI Guild of Carillonneurs awaits the return of the bells
from 4-3-23
Rising above all else on the University of Northern Iowa’s campus stands the Campanile. In regular times its bells on the hour and the weekly Friday performances were looked upon fondly by passing students and faculty. Nevertheless, for the past five months, the tower has remained silent. The overarching Our Tomorrow campaign is the cause of this silence, as the Campanile and its renovation were included in the $250 million movement.
Until the bells ring again, the UNI Guild of Carillonneurs has been working hard to prepare for another hundred years of performance and entertainment. The Guild of Carillonneurs is the musical organization on campus that plays the carillon, or the collection of bells at the top of the clocktower. President of the UNI Guild of Carillonneurs Emily Clouser states regarding the carillon, “While the bells have been away, the Guild has been busy practicing and further developing our playing technique for the carillon. It’s a unique enough instrument that the technique takes a while to perfect — especially considering most of us had never played one or knew what one was before coming to college.”
A carillon is somewhat like a piano with different keys
TREVOR MEYERS/NORTHERN IOWAN representing different notes.
Some members of the Guild of Carillonneurs had the unique opportunity to help break the mold for the new bells that were cast during the Our Tomorrow campaign launch this past October. Since then, the group has been collaborating with carillonneurs from other universities, cataloguing UNI’s collection of carillon music and staying active on social media.
Clouser expands on this by saying, “However, a carillon keyboard is much larger and more spaced out than a Piano keyboard. So, we use our fists to strike the wooden pegs, which pull the wires connect- ed to the clappers within the bells through a radial system. When the wire is pulled down, the clapper strikes the side of the bell, sounding the chime.”
SAFETY PHONES continued from page 1
“We are turning the corner,” Tyler said. “This is getting into the 2020’s, which is good. I think the students will love it. Our hope is that it will continue to grow and that students will use it. The more students who use it, the better.”
Haire added, “[The Rave Guardian app] is so much more adaptable to the students’ needs.”
The app can be personalized to the user, which can include information about place of residence and medical conditions. In an emergency, this profile will be presented to responders for a more efficient response.
The app will also allow UNI Police to detect where an emergency call is coming from compared to the blue phones which alerted police to an emergency, but often not the exact location of the emergency. Visitors on UNI’s campus can also download the app and use it if necessary.
One of the features Tyler is most excited about with the
CIEP extendida de página 1
“La Universidad Marista estaba buscando compromiso internacional”, dijo Coronado-Park. Ellos querían combinar especializaciones con las áreas de estudio porque eso permitiría a los estudiantes y facultad enfocarse en el idioma y Antropología del Estado, que educa a los estudiantes de las diferencias entre la cultura y la civilización durante sus visitas a los Estados Unidos. Gracias a los Socias de las Américas, una organización independiente y sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja por las oficinas internacionales en Washington D. C., del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos, esta subvención fue propuesta y ganada en 2018.
Desde la ganancia de la subvención, el CIEP ha afectado varias comunidades, incluyendo otras universidades de todo el mundo.
“Nosotros no solamente trabajamos con las universidades, sino también con los estudiantes de la preparato -
L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu
Executive Editor benitezn@uni.edu
EMMA KOEHLER Managing Editor koehlere@uni.edu
319.273.6420 new app is the Safety Timer. This feature allows the user’s friends or family to monitor their status updates and location, and will notify them at assigned check-in times. If the timer expires, the app will notify their designated personal guardian. If the user pushes the panic call button, the UNI Police Department will be notified.
“We have escorts on campus who can help students, but oftentimes students aren’t aware of that service,” Tyler said. “The nice thing is students will be able to set those safety timers and do it themselves, so at least someone knows they are out walking.”
In addition to the introduction of the Rave Guardian app, UNI’s Department of Public Safety has been hard at work offering various programs aimed at creating a safer campus community. They offer Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) courses to help improve personal safety, as well as Violent Incident Defense Strategies (VIDS) trainings which provide attend- ees strategies to assist in an event involving an armed and violent encounter. The next VIDS training will take place Thursday, April 13, 1-3 p.m. in Gilchrist Hall Room 009.
The bicycle patrol units will also be riding around campus more often due to the warmer spring weather.
“You’ll see more of a presence on campus just because it is getting nicer outside,” Tyler said. “We’re always out and about and patrolling, but we usually don’t have many problems, especially on the inner campus.” ria y con maestros que quieren enseñar en inglés”, dijo Coronado-Park. “Esto nos da una oportunidad de mostrar universidades a otras universidades”. Ellos han trabajado con instituciones educaciona-
UNI’s Department of Public Safety also hosts yearly safety walks in collaboration with Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), the Student Life Division and Accessibility Services to see what areas of campus can be improved in regards to lighting, accessibility and overall safety.
For more information about the Department of Public Safety at UNI, visit https:// publicsafety.uni.edu.
CIEP tenía que ser más creativos. Creando más programas, como programas de “Inglés para un propósito específico”, ellos fueron capaces de contratar a un conjunto de los estudiantes más diversos.
En el futuro, CoronadoPark quería ver CIEP expandir el programa para los estudiantes multilingües y apoyar por los programas de búsqueda de títulos porque algunas veces los estudiantes necesitan ayuda adicional para aprender escritura académica y habilidades lingüísticas. También ella quería revelar que el programa no es solamente para los estudiantes, sino para todos en la comunidad del campus, que el programa es todo inclusivo.
El programa de CIEP conecta la Universidad del Norte de Iowa con la Universidad Marista de Mérida este semestre para enseñar los estudiantes de las dos universidades la importancia de ser bilingüe y aprender de diferentes culturas.
EDITORIAL STAFF MALLORY SCHMITZ News Editor schmimbt@uni.edu
DIAMOND ROUNDTREE Campus Life Editor diamondr@uni.edu
DAVID WARRINGTON Sports Editor warringd@uni.edu
SOPHIE HOFFMEIER Copy Editor hoffmeis@uni.edu
KARINA ORTIZ Spanish Editor ortizkac@uni.edu les de Colombia, Perú, Japón y muchas más. Durante el semestre de otoño, estudiantes de Yamanashi, Japón participaran en el programa. Coronado-Park dijo que el único propósito de CIEP
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Social Media Manager weberhae@uni.edu
ANELIA DIMITROVA anelia.dimitrova@uni.edu
CHRIS MARTIN christopher.martin@uni.edu
ELIZABETH SPAKE Circulation Manager era solamente enseñar el inglés. Sin embargo, debido a muchas decisiones políticos que afectaron la movilidad de los estudiantes junto con la disminución de la población de estudiantes en campus,
The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications.
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“Es muy gratificante ver este cambio que pasa entre los estudiantes internacionales, familias anfitrionas y estudiantes en general. Que los estereotipos pueden romperse porque conocerías a alguien personalmente. No somos tan diferentes”, dijo ella.
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