6 minute read
estudiantes terminar con fuerza
from 5-6-23
estar informados sobre recursos que no sabías. Los estudiantes también pueden hablar con sus profesores durante horas de oficina o después de clases para preguntar y preparar.
Localizado en el piso principal de Rod Library, el centro de aprendizaje es un gran recurso para los estudiantes para buscar un tutor. Aquí, los estudiantes pueden recibir ayuda para prepararse para los exámenes, hacer borradores y revisar los ensayos y papeles, desarrollar reportajes, crear un plan de estudio y aprender cómo estudiar por una manera efectiva. “Los estudiantes vienen a nuestro escritorio en el piso principal de Rod Library y piden ayuda sobre un material específico. Luego, nosotros mandamos a los estudiantes a la dirección de un tutor que ha completado esa clase o tienen conocimiento de esa materia específica”, dice Dylan Hasse, un asistente graduado por el Learning Center. Hay muchos diferentes temas que ofrecen tutoría sin cita. Todos los estudiantes que están inscritos en UNI tienen el acceso gratis a este recurso. Para los estudiantes que no pueden asistir tutoría en persona, hay un recurso en línea disponible que se llama Smarthinking: tlc.uni.edu/ online para los estudiantes que solamente pueden aprender en línea o de lejos. “Nuestros tutores en el Learning Center de Rod Library también son estudiantes. Ellos quieren ayudar a otros estudiantes y ellos no van a juzgarte por preguntar una pregunta que puede sentir chistoso”, dice Hasse.
Los estudiantes que reciben acomodación por Servicios de Accesibilidad Estudiantil (SAS por sus siglas en inglés) pueden contactarlos para explorar opciones de acomodación o por apoyo adicional. “Yo siempre animo a los estudiantes a conectar con SAS si algo no va bien con sus estudios o si no se sienten seguros”, dice Tiffany Dodd, asistente decana de estudiantes para Servicios de Accesibilidad Estudiantil.
RESOURCES ON CAMPUS continued from page 1
Try creating a study group with your classmates, prepare for tests sooner by reflecting on what strategies worked well and avoid cramming to ensure a good night’s sleep
There are many resources available to assist students with their scholarly goals. “Never doubt reaching out; we are here to help!” says Heather Harbach, vice president of Student Life. Student Life at UNI is dedicated to helping students succeed. Students who are unsure of what help they need should check in with their academic advisors, who are knowledgeable about the resources available on campus and what might be the best option. Harbach also suggests doing something as simple as asking your classmates, as they may be aware of resources that you didn’t know about. Students can also talk to their professors during office hours or after classes to ask questions and prepare.
Located on the main floor of Rod Library, The Learning Center is a great resource
RECURSOS EN CAMPUS extendida de página 1
Los exámenes parcial, o la escuela en general, pueden causar a los estudiantes sentirse abrumados o estresados. Es importante recordar que los recursos en el campus están dedicados en asistir el bienestar de los estudiantes. El centro de consejeros siempre es una opción para los estudiantes que están sufriendo de dificultades con su salud mental. Los estudiantes también pueden visitar con un entrenador de bienestar y aprender estrategias que les pueden ayudar con la semana parcial.
Mientras los exámenes parciales llegan, es importante para los estudiantes darse cuenta de la abundancia de recursos para terminar con éxito la primera mitad del semestre.
L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu
Executive Editor benitezn@uni.edu
EMMA KOEHLER Managing Editor koehlere@uni.edu
319.273.6420 to students seeking a tutor. Here, students can get help preparing for tests, drafting and revising papers and essays, developing reports, creating a study plan and learning to study more effectively. “Students come to our desk on the main floor of Rod Library and ask for help with a specific course or skill. We will then direct students to a tutor who has completed that coursework or has knowledge in a particular skill,” says Dylan Hasse, a graduate assistant for The Learning Center. Multiple subjects are offered with walk-in tutoring.
All students currently enrolled at UNI can access this resource free of charge. For students who cannot attend in-person tutoring, there is an online resource available called Smarthinking at tlc. uni.edu/online for online and distance learners to access.
“Our tutors at The Learning Center at Rod Library are fellow students. They want to help other students, and they won’t judge you for asking a question that might feel silly,” says Hasse.
Students receiving accommodations through Student
Accessibility Services can reach out to them to explore accommodation options or just for additional support. “I always encourage students to connect with SAS if something isn’t going well with their academics or they just feel unsure,” says Tiffany Dodd, assistant dean of students for Student Accessibility Services. Midterms, or just school in general, can make students feel overwhelmed and stressed. It is important to remember the resources on campus committed to assisting the wellbeing of students. The Counseling Center is always an option for students who are struggling with their mental health. Students may also meet with wellness coaches and learn some strategies to make it through midterms week.
As midterms creep closer, it is important for students to keep the abundance of resources in mind to successfully finish out the first half of the semester.
Editor’s note: This article is part of the Northern Iowan’s coveage of Women’s History Month.
The following is an article originally published in The Normal Eyte on Feb. 5, 1898. It recounts a women’s basketball game on UNI’s campus, at the time titled the Iowa State Normal School (I.S.N.S.). There is no writer credited for the piece.
It was indeed an interesting game of basket ball played in the ladies’ gymnasium last Saturday afternoon. The teams, I.S.N.S. and Hawkeye, marched out upon the grounds in double file, each player in rank with her opponent. The I.S.N.S. team wore white sashes and the Hawkeye, yellow. Each team gave its yell and then the players took their positions and
EDITORIAL STAFF MALLORY SCHMITZ News Editor schmimbt@uni.edu
DIAMOND ROUNDTREE Campus Life Editor diamondr@uni.edu
DAVID WARRINGTON Sports Editor warringd@uni.edu
SOPHIE HOFFMEIER Copy Editor hoffmeis@uni.edu
KARINA ORTIZ Spanish Editor ortizkac@uni.edu the game began. Nr. Mortland officiated as time-keeper and Miss Satterthwaite as umpire. Each half consisted of twenty minutes. The game was spirited but was played very good naturedly. The ball, at times, seemed everywhere. Now it was at one end, now at the other, now among the spectators, and once it lodged up on the ceiling between the rafters. The Hawkeye team played well and succeeded in getting the ball into the basket twelve times, but the I.S.N.S. team out played it. They made score after score until at the close their number was twenty-six.
The Hawkeye players played too fast and nervously when they had possession of the ball and generally threw it too high. There were a few foul plays but the interest was so intense that the ball was passed on and the fouls overlooked. Among the star
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ELIZABETH SPAKE Circulation Manager
UNI’s campus offers a lot of valuable study spots, such as the ground level of Sabin pictured above. As midterms approach, students are encouraged to take advantage of the Learning Center and other resources at Rod Library.
COURTESY/UNI SPECIAL COLLECTIONS & UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES players of the Hawkeye team may be mentioned Misses Odle, Noland, Loveland, and Rhodes. Those of the I.S.N.S. team are Misses VanWinkle,
Pictured above is a 1903 portrait of the Iowa State Normal School’s women’s basketball team.
The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications.
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The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees.
All material is © 2023 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.
England, Berner, and Black. We hope to see another game with the Hawkeyes better trained.
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