En el campus de UNI hay una gran variedad de actividades por descubrir y tomar provecho y que pueden ayudarte a dis frutar tu tiempo libre, tomar un descanso de estudiar y otras que se pueden convertir parte de tu rutina diaria. La biblioteca ofrece otros servicios más que tomar libros y textos prestados.También se pueden tomar prestados juegos de mesa, CD ‘s, películas, series y documentales. Y si por alguna razón, tu computadora portátil o tableta no funciona también puedes sacarlas prestadas para usarlas por tres horas hasta una semana.Sinecesitas distraerte un poco más y salir de tu dormi torio, puedes visitar el WRC donde puedes encontrar un sin fín de máquinas y servicios para todos.
orientation.in-person CAMPUS LIFE PAGE 5 OPINION
“We made the decision to open it up to allow a tempo rary use by Panther Esports to better understand how an Esports space might be used if [it were to be] created on cam pus,” he said. “We understand that Esports can play a role in recruiting students to college campuses as well as engag ing students in a wide variety of opportunities, whether it be recreational or competitive play…. By allowing a tempo rary use, we have been able to provide an extremely low cost investment into seeing how might the student body support such a space.”
¿Qué hacer en campus de UNI en tu tiempo libre?
With many organizations being impacted by COVID-19 many clubs felt an impact in their funds from the past cou ple of years. Panther Esports has been one of those organi zations struggling with funds, including finding a physical space for their club. After meeting with many adminis trators, Panther Esports and Tabletop Gaming will tem porarily be hosting their new gaming hub in the old Health Beat gym near the tunnel con nected to Maucker and Lang this fall Acquiringsemester.this room did not come easy, as the lead ership team reached out to the Rod library, ITTC and the Wellness and Recreation Center for a space for their team. Other options includ ed the computer lab in the lower level of Maucker Union and the Purple Pen Room, but they didn’t move forward in those options due to inacces sibility and classes that were taking place. Once they knew
for me. This room is supposed to be focused on the commu nity and is bringing people together,” Esports president Tanner S. Braun said. “This room also fulfills like all of our long term goals, even though this is a very tempo rary and short term thing.” download a form to return to their county auditor. In Iowa, a qualified voter must be: - An Iowa resident. - A U.S. citizen. - 18 years old by Election Day. People cannot vote if they are a convicted felon (unless their voting rights have been restored), if they have been judged mentally incompetent to vote by a court, or if they claim the right to vote in any other place. In order to register, Iowans must provide both proof of ID and proof of residence. This can be provided through an Iowa driver’s license, or by other ID cards such as a U.S. passport, student ID or outof-state driver’s license. If the photo ID does not contain the voter’s current address, they will be required to bring another document, such as a residential lease or a piece of mail like a utility bill or pay check, which contains their name and current address. It’s still possible to regis ter to vote without these doc uments. Another registered voter from the same precinct can attest for the person reg istering. Falsely attesting or registering to vote with incor rect information are felony offenses, punishable by fines of more than $10,000 and up to five years in prison. Iowans can check their voter registration status on the Iowa secretary of state’s web site.
Gov. Kim Reynolds signed legislation into law last year that shortened both early and Election Day voting windows in Iowa. The law also changed some rules dealing with return ing absentee ballots in person and by mail heading into this year’s midterm election. Aug. 30 marks 70 days
some of their options were cut down, the team was informed that the Health Beat was going vacant around the first week of August. Panther Esports took action in acquiring that space.Director of Student Involvement and Event Services Michael J. Bobeldyk emphasizes that the space is unused and is currently being evaluated for how it will be reprogrammed in the future.
Panther Esports current ly has 235 members in their clubs. 39 of them are in com petitive teams. Some of the games Panther Esports plays are League of Legends, Call of Duty, Super Smash Ultimate, Valrant, Overwatch and more. “This room is more than just Esports for us, or at least before Election Day. Here’s what you need to know about what’s changed in Iowa’s vot ing laws, and what you need to know to cast your ballot in the upcoming election: Are you registered to vote? Nothing has changed in recent years about Iowa’s voter registration process. The state allows same-day voter regis tration, which means a person can register when they go to the polls to vote, in addition to earlier registration. Iowans can also register to vote online, or One of the university’s largest student organizations finds a temporary home in place of former Health Beat
Editor’s note: This article is from Iowa Capitol Dispatch from Aug. 30, 2022 Iowans are now able to request absentee ballots to vote in the general election, but changes to state voting laws mean Iowans will not be able to cast their votes until later than they may have in the past.
NIXSON BENITEZ Executive Editor MAYRA VILLANUEVA Editora en español ROBIN OPSAHL Iowa Capitol Dispatch Iowa’s new voting rules: What to knowas absentee voting requests start See ABSENTEE VOTING , page 2 See GAME ON, page 2 Ver TIEMPO LIBRE, página 2 Panther Esports levels up CEDAR FALLS, IA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 VOLUME 119, ISSUE 3 FACEBOOK.COM/NORTHERNIOWAN WWW.NORTHERNIOWAN.COM TWITTER: @NORTHERNIOWAN NI ARCHIVES
Iowa’s midterm elections will take place on Nov. 8. Absentee ballots may be requested as early as 70 days in advance and must now be received at least 15 days before the election.
NIXSON BENITEZ/Northern Iowan Panther Esports was founded in 2016 and has grown to be one of the largest student organizations on campus with 235 members. the first time in three years, hosted Guest columnist Vern Wuensche makes the case for government.small Sports writer Colin Horning previews UNI’s season opener against Air Force.
NIXSON BENITEZ/Northern Iowan Panther Esports Vice President Anna Plathe notes that because the spot between Maucker Union and Lang is temporary, the organization is already looking for options for the future. MARTIN christopher.martin@uni.edu
El WRC está abierto de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 10 a.m. y sábados a las 8 a.m a 5 p.m. y domingos de 1 p.m a 10 p.m.Y para los amantes de la naturaleza, el Centro Botánico de UNI es una de las mejores maneras para despejar la mente de tareas y estudios. Ofreciendo una colección variada de plan tas encontradas por todo el mundo, esto nos permite apren der sobre su cuidado y su hábi tat. El Centro Botánico también cuenta con un invernadero, dos aves tropicales y una pecera. El Centro Botánico está abierto al público y estudiantes de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 4 p.m. Estas son algunas de las actividades en el campus en tu tiempo libre.
ADVISORS ANELIA DIMITROVA anelia.dimitrova@uni.edu CHRIS
Panther Esports Advisor and System Application Manager Jeff Chapin men tioned this was very important and a step in the right direction for both UNI and prospective students. Chapin emphasized that, “The students now have a ‘home’ on campus -- already this semester, the members of the organization have been using this space in between classes, both to game, social ize and to study.” He said, “This is very important, both to the club and to UNI. Esports has matured to the point where it’s now common for students to consider how well established and furnished the Esports program is when selecting a school.”2022 alumni Hunter White graduated this past May with a degree in accounting and business economics and has been a member of Panther Esports since 2018. White was involved in a variety of roles including shoutcasting and announcing in Esports, many of which resulted in more opportunities outside of his college career.
Bobeldyk mentioned, “We are always looking for stu dent’s feedback and sugges tions with the use of Maucker Union in how to better serve students.”Tofind more information or to get involved, scan the QR code for their linktree.
Iowa also offers early vot ing in person. Voters can cast ballots at their county auditor’s office, and satellite voting loca tions can be requested by peti tion. These in-person locations can be open for the 20-day absentee voting period, up until the day before the election. How do you vote on Election Day? Of course, Iowans can head to their precinct location on Election Day to cast their bal lot. Polls previously were open until 9 p.m. but now close an hour earlier as required by law. Voting locations will be open from 7 a.m. through 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Iowa passed Voter ID requirements in 2017, which means registered voters must also prove their identity before casting their ballot in-person. Valid forms of identification include an Iowa driver’s license, a U.S. passport or a signed Iowa Voter Identification Card. If a voter does not have a form of identification with them at the voting site, they can still cast their ballot if another registered voter at the precinct attests for them. Not yet comfortable voting inside or have a disability that prevents you from entering a precinct site? Iowa offers curb side voting. Voters can call their election office and two precinct officials will come out to their car and help the person vote. While no advance notice is nec essary for curbside voting, the Iowa Secretary of State office recommends calling ahead or bringing another person with you so officials can assist you quickly.
The new voting law has shortened Iowa’s timeframe for voting. In the upcoming elec tion, Iowans have 20 days to vote – from Oct. 19 through Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8. It’s the latest cut to Iowa’s early voting window, which already fell from 40 days to 29 days in 2017, as required in Iowa’s Voter ID Anotherlaw.change is that all absentee ballots must arrive at the county auditor’s office by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Previously, votes still counted as long as they arrived before noon on the Monday follow ing the election. Ballots can be delivered by mail or in person to the office, or delivered in a drop box. Each county has one drop box for absentee ballots.
In 2020, voters might remember receiving an absen tee ballot application in the mail. The state saw record voter turnout in that year’s election after Secretary of State Paul Pate mailed all active regis tered voters request forms for that year’s primary and gener al elections. But voters should not expect an application form this year: The new voting law prohibits Pate from mailing requests to all registered voters without legislative approval. Registered voters can request an absentee ballot start ing 70 days before an election. The new law has changed the window so that requests must be received by 5 p.m. at least 15 days before the election – this year, by Monday, Oct. 24. This is changed from the previous requirement of requests due 10 days before a general election. Absentee ballot request forms can be downloaded from the Iowa Secretary of State’s website. They can be returned either in person, or by mail to the voter’s local county audi tor’s office. Find your county auditor’s information here. The ballot request forms require Iowans to provide proof of identification, through either an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator’s ID number, or by a four-digit PIN found on their voter identification card. While requests can start now, it will be a while before voters receive absentee ballots. County auditors can begin mail ing ballots starting Wednesday, Oct. 19. How do you return absentee ballots?
Puedes ejercitarte en el gimnasio, nadar en la piscina, jugar deporte en las canchas, y también puedes practicar en las canchas de exterior así como tomar raquetas presta das y jugar en las canchas de tenis. También se ofrece el cuarto de pesas y otras máquinas para entrenar.
There are also new restric tions on who can return mailed ballots. No longer can a neigh bor or friend drop off your bal lot at the post office for you. Only the voter, a housemate or immediate family member or caregiver can send in a ballot by mail or deliver it directly to the county auditor’s office. There are exceptions for people with disabilities, who can designate a “delivery agent” outside of their relatives or household to return their ballot.
How to request an absentee ballot
“As someone who has never had a space like that before, it means the world to me that new students will get the opportunity to utilize a much needed space,” White said. “For the longest time, Panther Esports has been missing a space, a factor that a lot of highly skilled players value, and UNI would miss [out] on these very valuable players because we did not have the accommodations they were looking for.”
El WRC ofrece clases de gimnasio para cualquiera que desea comenzar a ejercitarse o mantenerse más activo físicamente, los estudiantes deben registrarse para estas clases y pagar una inscrip ción por el semestre.
Before this room was acquired Panther Esports would invest nearly their entire budget for room reser vations in the Maucker Union Ballrooms and for regular Wednesday meetings. The club would also utilize the Maucker Union main floor to play games and to raise aware ness of their club. Esports Vice President Anna Plathe emphasized, “We currently only have this space for the fall semester. But we have been told that we could get the space in the old com puter lab in Maucker in the future, but we’ve been told that before. So the future is unknown.”BothPlathe and Braun mentioned that although this is a temporary solution they are glad to have an advocate like Bobeldyk on their side.
NEWS SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 3 PAGE 2 L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA www.northerniowan.com50614northern-iowan@uni.edu319.273.2157 NORTHERN IOWAN NIXSON BENITEZ Executive benitezn@uni.eduEditor319.273.6826 EMMA KOEHLER Managing koehlere@uni.eduEditor319.273.6420 EDITORIAL STAFF MALLORY SCHMITZ News schmimbt@uni.eduEditor DIAMOND ROUNDTREE Campus Life diamondr@uni.eduEditor DAVID WARRINGTON Sports warringd@uni.eduEditor SOPHIE HOFFMEIER Copy Editor hoffmeis@uni.edu EMMA KOEHLER GraphicWebmasterArtist PRODUCTION STAFF The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. All material is © 2021 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu. SEND US STORY IDEAS Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to informationDonorthern-iowan@uni.edu.youwanttohaveaneventlistedhere?Emailusatnorthern-iowan@uni.eduwithabouttheeventtohaveitfeatured.CIRCULATION ELIZABETH SPAKE Circulation Manager GAME ON continued from page 1 TIEMPO LIBRE extendida de página 1 TO READ IT IN ENGLISH visit northerniowan.com ABSENTEE VOTING continued from page 1 EMILY EAVES/Northern Iowan El Centro Botánico y sus plantas en el exterior creando una atmósfera agradable.
Editor’s Note:
The Founders intended each state to be a laboratory of democra cy with its recognized best practices to be copied by other states. They knew that governing by individ ual state officials would be superior as they were closer to the people. To implement the Tenth Amendment, Congress should sunset some depart ments, eliminate others and return many necessary functions to the states. A good first candidate for elimination would be the Department of Education. The $74 billion Department of Education budget should be distributed to the fifty states to use as each saw fit. An additional downsiz ing tool would be to allow an incoming president to fire 10 or more percent of nonsecurity, nonmilitary government personnel. In doing, so he or she would be afforded more control and would be more properly accountable to the public for the decisions made and their implementation. An added benefit is that this legislation would improve the efficiency of all govern ment employees as each of their jobs would be at risk each day. The same as the employee of any business. A further major step would be to pass term lim its on those in Congress. Seventy percent of all Americans support them. Passing a bill on this would over time shrink govern ment as these elected offi cials would know that they would shortly live living under any unnecessary laws they passed. And would hear about it from their friends and neighbors. Focusing on fraudulent government spending would also help. The
VERN WUENSCHE Guest Columnist PEXELS Guest Columnist Vern Wuensche speaks about returning the federal power to the states and back to the local people. OPINION SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 3 NIXSON BENITEZ Executive Editor PAGE 3 Disclaimer: The following opinion articles featured do not reflect the opinion of the Northern Iowan newspaper or staff as a whole. Reduce the reach of the government
Vern Wuensche has been active in Republican politics for 50 years and has written commentary published in Texas and elsewhere for a decade. He is a small town Texas farmboy with an MBA and CPA who is a business man, a Christian, a veteran and an early marathoner who ran for President in 2008 and 2012. All true conservatives believe that our govern ment should be downsized. Our Founders intended for the federal government to be small, handling national security, finances and a few other functions—not the octopus of today with 450 departments and 2.2 million employees. They designed it to include three balanced bodies with laws strongly and properly enforced. Not the questionable and often unenforceable 185,984 pages of regulations in the Federal Register today with an out-of-control Justice Department.Agreatstart in this down sizing would be to enforce our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment by shifting most federal government functions to the individual states. It reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
problem private business es should be engaged in locating fraud and be given a fair percentage of what they recover. The remaining portion should be returned to the American people as a direct payment or a tax cut. Fraud would be reduced automatically as crooks would know that an active free enterprise system—not a passive uncaring govern ment—would be after them. And rewarding taxpayers would guarantee its contin ualFurthermore,implementation.as a con dition of holding office, a senator or representative should be forbidden to do any lobbying after leav ing office. Since today the Hatch Act prevents current officeholders from person ally benefiting while work ing for the government, why should they be allowed to set themselves up to benefit after they leave? The nega tive effect on the public is generally the same. Many might consider any idea mentioned above to be pie in the sky because of the entrenched interests of Congress, unions, govern ment workers and lobbyists, etc. Yet our last president began the process by insist ing that for every new reg ulation passed, two must be eliminated. Ten for one would be better. And a num ber of the ideas mentioned could be tested on a small er scale and adjusted and improved as necessary, a process employed by busi nesses every day. Just as an aircraft car rier changing its direction one degree can end up in a much different place far away, beginning to change our process with an unbend ing disciplined approach can do the same. Pressure should be applied to those in power. Let’s start now!
EMILY EAVES/NORTHERN IOWAN Dress up and explore the wonders of the Kamerick Art Building with your significant other.
UNI’s most unique and romantic destinations for campus couples to enjoy
EMILY EAVES/NORTHERN IOWAN The Botanical Center is the perfect spot to eat your grilled cheese sandwich from the Book Bistro; grab your partner and experience a snippet of the tropical life.
Writer A
With a new school year comes new romance. Luckily, there are plenty of romantic destinations for you and your boo here at UNI.Those looking for a fun and outdoorsy activity with your significant other look no further than the classic college pastime of hammocking. Cuddle up under the stars with your honey in a hammock and enjoy some good music and warm weather. Have no hammock? Never fear! Rod Library has hammocks stu dents can check out. Want a fun photoshoot with your special someone? UNI Greenhouse is a whim sical and beautiful destina tion for photos, and also to stroll along and enjoy the flowers. The greenhouse is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. What’s more romantic than a picnic? Grab some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a blanket and set up on Lawther Field under the sprawling oak trees. Enjoy each other’s company and the entertaining antics of UNI’sChecksquirrels.outthe purple and gold bikes at Rod Library and parooze around campus with your biking buddy. Outdoors not your thing?
CAROLINE CHRISTENSEN Staff night out on campus
Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center offers various shows from string quartets to comedi an Jay Leno. Students can use two free tickets to get into a GBPAC hosted per formance – a perfect idea for a date Meandernight. over to Kamerick Art Building and explore the UNI Art Gallery with unique works from UNI students, faculty and famous artists like Salvidor Dali. The Art Gallery is open from Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m - 7 p.m, Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday from 12 p.m. - 5 Lookingp.m.for a quiet and cozy way to spend Friday night? The UNI Film Club hosts a feature movie in Kamerick Art Building on Friday nights. Bring a blan ket, your boo thang and snuggle up with a classic movie and snacks.
EMILY EAVES/Northern Iowan
For the first time in three years, incoming Panthers are face-to-face for new student orienta tion. In the fall of 2020, orientation was moved to a virtual format follow ing the COVID-19 crisis to ensure the safety of students, staff and facul ty. Orientation coordina tor Joellen Hatchett and program assistant Sam Pfab led a strong group of student orientation leaders as the program model made the transition back to in-person summer 2022.Historically, orienta tion was a two-day pro gram but was converted this year to a “one-day model”. Students were offered an optional over night stay in Panther Village where they could participate in activities led by orientation leaders. Orientation consisted of a welcome to the univer sity from both the orien tation team and univer sity leadership. Students were given information on the UNIFI academic requirements, department overviews that pertained to their major of interest and the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an academic advisor giving each student 30-minute sessions catered to their needs and fall class regis tration.Jesús
EMILY EAVES/Northern Iowan
After three long years of Zoom meetings, UNI has finally been able to hold in-person orientation for incoming Panthers.
LizárragaEstrada, Director of Student Success and Retention talked to the Northern Iowan about the reasoning behind the “Thisswitch. was part of an access piece, not every one can come the night before, family members might be working and there is a cost associated to it. We wanted to make sure that we provide that access for students, but also accommodate those students that did want to stay the night could do so at an affordable price in collaboration with the Department of Housing,” he Transfersaid. student orien tation was still held vir tually as the needs of this student group are differ ent. Sam Pfab, Student Success and Retention Program Assistant dis cussed handling transfer orientation in a new way. “I think it caters to the needs of transfer students because their needs look completely different com pared to a student that is coming straight from high school. All orienta tions for transfer students were virtual, but we also had an option to attend a transfer transition day. We had two of those in-person throughout the summer. If students were seeking that more in-per son connection then we had that available to them as well… There’s plen ty of times where trans fer students feel like that isn’t something that they need, and that’s okay. We don’t want to put them in that situation if it’s not going to be fruitful for them.”With the excitement from students and the ori entation team about being back in person, new stu dent orientation is mov ing forward with positive feedback from students and families and look ing forward to welcoming futureJoellenPanthers.Hatchett, a UNI alum, was an orientation
With the return of in-person orientation, new Panthers have the ability to participate in all sorts of activities that were not possible during the initial COVID-19 lockdown. leader during her time in undergrad, and began working with orientation in her role in January 2020. She commented on her feelings towards the program.“It’salways nice to see people excited about UNI, I don’t know about you, but for me it’s exciting to see the genuine curi osity and excitement that students and family mem bers have. Being able to talk with them one-onone is what I really like about the in-person which you just don’t get in the Zoom world,” she said.
In- person orientation returns after three years
Quarterback Hazziq Daniels is return ing under center after rush ing for 736 yards and 11 touchdowns for last year’s Falcon team. He’s not the only running threat on this team however, as fullback Brad Roberts led the way last season with 1,357 and 13 touchdowns, averaging about 100 yards and one touchdown per game a sea son ago. The Falcons have a deep array of rushing options behind these two as well, as their run-heavy offense demands depth at the running back and full backDon’tpositions.expect Air Force to throw the ball a lot in this game however. They rare ly throw the ball and when they do, it usually comes on a third-down situation. Daniels only completed half of his passes last year, and the team’s leading receiver Brandon Lewis only caught 21 passes in the 2021 season (Lewis has since graduated). They will likely try to keep the Panther defense hon est by throwing every now and then, but for the most part this is a run-dominated offense.Onthe offensive side of the ball for the Panthers, expect much of the same style of moving the ball that UNI coach Mark Farley is accustomed to. This typi cally involves a mixture of ground-and-pound run ning and short passes, with the occasional deep ball to try to catch the defense off guard. Returning under center for UNI will be last year’s MVFC Newcomer of the Year Theo Day, as well as running backs Dom Williams & Vance McShane. One potential silver lining in being matched up with Air Force in week one is that the Panthers have had a longer amount of preparation for facing the flexbone offense. Had this game been in the middle of the schedule there would only have been one week of preparation - but since it comes during the first week UNI has had more time to practice against the unique offensive style of Air Force leading up to the sea son.UNI football has earned a reputation for playing well against FBS opponents like Iowa and Iowa State, so expect a close bout against Air Force. This game will surely be hard fought on both sides of the ball and is expected to be a quality FBS vs. FCS week one matchup.
In the first match against Toledo, the Panthers started off well taking the first set 25-18. Carly Spies led the team with four kills while also tallying two blocks. The team did not fare so well in the remaining sets losing three straight 25-21, 25-19, and 25-17. The Panthers lost the match 3-1. Emily Holterhaus led the team with 10 kills in the match. Inga Rotto led the team with four blocks and Sydney Petersen led the team with two aces. The later match on Friday, against Arizona State, was a highly contested and close match. Only one set fin ished with a point differen tial greater than two and in two of the sets the winning score was over 25. The team started off well, winning two sets 27-25 and 25-23 before ultimate ly losing three sets in a row again, 26-24, 25-23, and the deciding set 15-10. Although the Panthers suf fered a loss in the match, they still beat Arizona State in kills 65-61, while Carly Spies and Rotto led UNI in kills with 15 each. Rotto also led the team in blocks with six while Tayler Alden led the team with three aces. The final score was 3-2.In their lone match on Saturday afternoon, against CSU Bakersfield, the team swept the sets, winning 25-16, 25-19, and 25-20. Holterhaus led the team in kills in the match with 12 followed by Rotto with nine. Spies accounted for three of UNI’s eight aces during the Saturday contest and led the team with four blocks as well. The Panthers won the match 3-0. All in all, over the course of the weekend the Panther volleyball team went 1-2 in their contests to start off the season. The Panthers, as a team, had a .201 attack percentage, outscored their opponents 197-188, and had a total of 16 more kills than their opponents over the three matches. Spies led the team in aces over the week end with four while Rotto led the team with 33 kills. Spies also led the team with 11 Theblocks.next outing for UNI volleyball will come on Friday, Sept. 2, at the Bluejay Invitational in Omaha, Neb. against the University of Southern California and the University of Kentucky fol lowed by a match against Creighton University on Saturday, Sept. 3. The first chance to catch the team in the McLeod Center for the 2022 season will be at the UNI Tournament on Friday, Sept. 9, and Saturday, Sept. 10.
UNI will have to contend with Air Force’s unique, run-heavy offense. The Falcons led the NCAA in rushing yards last season.
WHEN: SATURDAY, NOON WHERE: COLORADO SPRING, COLO. TV: MOUNTAIN WEST NETWORK RADIO: PANTHER SPORTS RADIO NETWORK LINE: AIR FORCE -15 Courtest Photo / UNI Athletics Theo Day enters 2022 as UNI’s opening day starting quarterback for the first time. Last season, Day started the final 10 games, passing for 2316 yards with 16 touchdowns and 11 interceptions. NEW SERVICE
Air Force recorded their fourth 10-win season under head coach Troy Calhoun a year ago, and all three of their losses last season came by seven points or less. They capped off the strong season with a 31-28 victo ry over Louisville in the First Responder Bowl. This is a highly-talented squad on both sides of the ball that will likely be a hand ful for the Panthers in the opening week.
BEN LAHART Sports Writer
COLIN HORNING Sports Writer Week one of the 2022 col lege football season is offi cially upon us, which means football will soon be return ing to the UNI campus. But before the Panthers take the field in the UNI-Dome on Sept. 17, they will first hit the road for two games to open up the season. First up is a non-conference roadtrip to Colorado Springs, Colo. to match up against the Air Force Falcons out of the Mountain West Conference. The game is scheduled for a noon kickoff on Sept. 3 and can be viewed on Altitude Sports Network and the Mountain West Network. UNI is coming off of a 6-6 year in which they were selected for an at-large bid to the FCS playoffs, only to fall in the first round on the road against Eastern Washington. Despite their record, last year’s Panther squad was able to compete at a high level in the bru tally competitive Missouri Valley Football Conference, defeating three top-25 oppo nents during the year. Their matchup with Air Force will surely be a unique chal lenge, as the Falcons are well-known for their offen sive attack known as the “flexbone offense.” This style of football typically uses 2-3 men in the back field and incorporates a very run-heavy, triple-op tion attack. Expect Air Force to run the ball, run it again and run it some more against the Panther defense.
Coming off a scrimmage loss to Northern Illinois on the previous Saturday, Aug. 20, the UNI volleyball team officially opened the 2022 season at the WebbBurbridge Classic in Tempe, Ariz. last weekend. The team played two matches on Friday, Aug. 26 against Toledo in the late morning, and Arizona State later that night. However the team lost both matches. The team turned their momen tum around with a win the next day, Aug. 27, against California State University (CSU) Bakersfield.
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball goes 1-2 at Webb-Burbridge Classic
DREW HILL Sports Writer
In the Aug. 29 edition of the Northern Iowan, there was an article about the upcom ing NFL season. The article focused on teams contending for a championship. This arti cle, on the other hand, will preview the teams still in the rebuilding process.
The NFL’s race for the bottom
Many consider Justin Fields to be the Bears long-term answer at quarterback. However, the Bears are still missing plenty of key pieces that will be needed before they can be a consistent playoff contender.
The defense lost key pieces in Khalil Mack and Akiem Hicks, and may not be as stout as usual. It looks to be a rough start for the new coaching staff.The Seattle Seahawks will have their first season without long-time quarterback Russell Wilson since 2011. To replace him, the Seahawks will move forward with an uninspiring quarterback duo of Drew Lock and Geno Smith. There are proven weapons in the pass game, but the offensive line has struggled for several sea sons, and the defense has lost most of its pieces from the Legion of Boom days. Many prognosticators are predicting a breakout season for the Jacksonville Jaguars. They brought back promis ing young quarterback Trevor Lawrence, and added new head coach Doug Pederson to go along with several free agent and draft additions, highlight ed by number one overall pick Travon Walker. However, even if Lawrence has a break out season, the Jaguars may still struggle to perform well enough to return to the play offs with a largely unproven cast.The Carolina Panthers, Atlanta Falcons, and Washington Commanders are all in a state of flux in their quarterback situations. The Panthers are led by Baker Mayfield, who was traded from the Cleveland Browns after struggling through an injury last season. They draft ed Matt Corral in the third round, but Corral has been placed on injured reserve, end ing his season. The Falcons also have a third-round rookie in Desmond Ridder, but will start the season with Marcus Mariota, who has been a backup the past two seasons. The Commanders traded for Carson Wentz, who had been traded in the previous offsea son as well after disappointing in both seasons. The last time any of these three teams had a winning record was 2017, and that seems unlikely to change thisWhileyear. a couple of these teams may break out and return to the playoffs, most of them will be featured in the 2023 NFL Draft’s top ten. Perhaps they can add the missing piece that will catapult them back to the top of the standings. The 2022 NFL season will begin on Thursday, Sept. 8, when the reigning Super Bowl champion Los Angeles Rams host the Buffalo Bills, one of the favorites to win the Super Bowl coming into this season. The game will be aired on NBC.There will be a full slate of week one games on Sunday, Sept. 11. Games will begin at noon, and a matchup between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Dallas Cowboys will finish the day at 7:20 p.m. on NBC. Opening week will con clude with a Monday Night Football matchup between the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks. The game will begin at 7:15 p.m. and will air on ESPN.
Jaguars second-year quarterback Trevor Lawrence is expected to have a breakout season this year. However, the Jaguars may still struggle to find consistent success without much proven talent on the roster. ilar position. A good draft has given rise to optimism, but the results from previous seasons leave room for doubt. Quarterback Daniel Jones has played for three seasons and seen his passing touchdowns decrease each year, as well as his interceptions. The run ning back is Saquon Barkley, who had an elite rookie season, but has dealt with injuries and effectiveness ever since. The Giants look likely to struggle and will simply continue to add to its young talent. The Lions also had a strong draft showing. However, their situation is different than other rebuilding teams in that they are led by mediocre vet eran Jared Goff at quarter back. While the team may see improvement, it seems likely the team may look to add a quarterback in the 2023 draft. The Chicago Bears may have their long-term solution at quarterback in second-year player Justin Fields. However, he may struggle to produce with the cast around him. The offensive line looks porous, meaning Fields may not have time to make plays. The only proven receiver is Darnell Mooney, meaning other teams can key in on stopping him.
The Houston Texans wound up with the third overall draft pick in the 2022 NFL Draft and addressed a weakness in pass defense with defensive back Derek Stingley. Third round pick Davis Mills showed promise, but the supporting cast is still not up to the level of other teams in the AFC. For such a young team, there will be growing pains along the way, and expecting a large improvement from last year’s 4-13 team seems like a long shot.The New York Jets went 4-13 last year, but a strong draft showing gives hope. However, Zach Wilson’s rookie year was extremely rough, as he threw 11 interceptions to just nine touchdowns and averaged just 179.5 passing yards per game. He has also had injury trou ble. He missed four games last season and was injured during the preseason, so he will likely miss games this season as well.
The Giants are in a sim
SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 3 PAGE 8 EMMA KOEHLER Managing EditorCLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CARETAKER - Adult female high functioning autistic. Hourly rate plus $800 BONUS QUARTERLY. Minimun 11 hours per week. Please call for details, Mike's cell: 319-239-2021. Across 1 Hanks who plays Mr. Rogers 4 Spanish houses 9 Watched secretly 14 Dr.'s group 15 Scarlett of fiction 16 African river 17 Server of shots 18 Manicurist's tool 20 Word with sprawl or renew 22al Norse trickster 23 Walrus feature 24 Made stuff up 26 Like Mattel's Cathy doll 28 Eponymous '60s-'80s CROSSWORD "Airways" entrepreneur 33 Like desperate straits 34 Send with a stamp 35 Old Detroit brewer 39 Like frozen roads 40 Resolves out of court 42 Paris summer 43 Spot for a friendly kiss 45 Bit of cat talk 46 Mennen lotion 47 Attacker or defender of online information systems 50 Water heater 53 Nuremberg no 54 German auto 55 Movie lab assistant 59 President #2 62 "It" novelist 65 Org. for the ends of 18-, 28-, 47- and 62-Across 66 Remove the chalk 67 Muslim holy city 68 Home state for the ends of 18-, 28-, 47- and 62-Acr. 69 Monica of tennis 70 Beautify 71 Suffix with Japan or Milan Down 1 "Forbidden" fragrance 2 Actor Epps 3 Bakery item Jerry stole from an old woman in a classic "Seinfeld" episode 4 Fooled in a swindle 5 "Figured it out!" 6 Windsurfing need 7 Guthrie of folk 8 Quarterback-tackling stat 9 Biol. or ecol. 10 Toaster snack 11 Data to enter 12 Spew out 13 Not at all cool 19 Kiss from a pooch 21 Teacher's helper 25 Ten-cent piece 27 Gas brand with toy trucks 28 Bank acct.-protecting org. 29 Wealthy 30 Cake directive Alice 31obeyedSoda bottle buy 32 Permit 36 Arrange new terms for, as a 37loanBart's bus driver 38 Perceive aurally 40 Terrier type 41 McGregor of "Doctor 44Sleep""Total" 2017 event visible in a coast-to-coast path from Oregon to South Carolina 46 Very dry 48 Soft French cheese 49 President #40 50 Diamond quartet 51 Off-the-wall 52 Perfect 56 Govt.-owned home financ ing gp. 57 Gave the nod to 58 Wealthy, to Juan 60 Corp. execs' degrees 61 January "white" event 63 "For __ a jolly ... " 64 ATM giant ANSWERSSUDOKU northerniowan.com