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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

JANUARY 25TH, 2013





After some slip-ups earlier in the season, the men’s team has claimed a few more victories to improve their Missouri Valley Conference record. < See PAGE 6 GRIT ‘N’ GLAM

5 ways to be beautiful (that have nothing to do with appearance) Style and beauty columnist David Pope makes some suggestions on building one’s inner beauty < See PAGE 4


First presidential candidate to visit UNI News Editor

Panthers on a roll






William N. Ruud, president of Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, will be the first presidential candidate out of three to visit the University of Northern Iowa. The UNI presidential search committee is interviewing candidates on campus, as well as holding a public forum for students, faculty and Cedar Falls community members to attend and ask questions of the candidates. Ruud will visit campus on

Jan. 28 and Jan. 29. The public forum will be held on Jan. 28 from 3-4:30 p.m. in the Maucker Union Old Central Ballroom. All students, faculty, staff and community members are welcome to attend. Ruud was named president of Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania on Jan. 10, 2007, and started his duties the following month. The university saw an increase in enrollment, had their highest graduation rate and expanded graduate programs and community outreach opportunities during his tenure

at Shippensburg University. The agenda for Rudd’s campus visit includes meeting with the Board of Regents, lunch with student leaders, a campus and community tour and meetings with different departments on campus. The second candidate interview will take place Jan. 30 and 31, and the public forum will be held from 2-3:30 p.m. on Jan. 30 in the Commons Slife Ballroom. All candidates’ names will be released prior to the visit, along with his or her biography and curriculum vitae, on the UNI presidential search website.


UNI students serve the Cedar Valley on MLK Day


William Ruud, pictured, will visit UNI on Jan. 28 and 29. Ruud is one of three presidential candidates who will visit UNI in the coming weeks.


New website features ‘Inside UNI’ LINH TA

News Editor

able energy in a fun way,” Range said. “And last year, I helped out at the Hospitality House in Waterloo, helping out the less fortunate in the community. I really enjoyed learning how what we were doing helps others and the community.” Jesse Truax, a senior statistics and actuarial science major, also enjoyed the experience. “I volunteered at the Ridgeway Place assisted living in Waterloo,” Truax said. “Myself and other volunteers made Valentine’s Day crafts and exchanged conversation

Students and staff at the University of Northern Iowa may have noticed a change when they visited UNI’s homepage last week. On Jan. 17, UNI released its redesigned website with an emphasis on Inside UNI, a new communication platform that appeals to prospective students, current students and faculty members. Inside UNI features different multimedia stories and serves as a way to present news and announcements, according to Stacey Christensen, public relations manager at University Relations (UR). “It’s the ‘nitty gritty’ of the daily announcements that need to go out, but there’s something bigger,” Christensen said. “It’s about really having an understanding and a love for the place you’re at.” When deciding how to create a more effective communication and website platform, Christensen said UR sent a survey to students more than a year ago asking what they would like to see regarding the delivery of announcements. After receiving an eclectic array of answers, UR studied some of UNI’s peer institutions to get a taste of how they distributed announcements and accolades.

< See MLK DAY, page 2

< See INSIDE UNI, page 2


Open your eyes

Columnist Konrardy takes a long, hard look at the monotony and dissatisfaction many people experience and asks, “Why?” < See PAGE 3


Panthers back on top

The UNI wrestling team is ranked No. 21 in the nation after a slew of impressive weekend performances. < See PAGE 6

ONLINE Read about UNI being ranked a best value college by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, and an opinion column about Manti Te’o. < visit northern-iowan.org

INDEX I SPY AT UNI......................2 OPINION............................3 CAMPUS LIFE....................4 SPORTS.............................6 CLASSIFIEDS.....................7


University of Northern Iowa students volunteer at the Northeast Iowa Food Bank Monday, Jan. 21. The students took part in the fourth annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, hosted by the Student Involvement Center.


Students at the University of Northern Iowa braved frigid temperatures to volunteer around the Cedar Valley on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. “Martin Luther King Jr. was about service and giving back,” said KaLeigh White, vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government. “It’s important for students to give back. It spreads ideals.” Bright and early on a brisk Monday morning, students gathered in Maucker Union to check in for the day of

service. Students were bused to various locations in Cedar Falls and Waterloo to assist with community projects. Locations included the Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE), the Catholic Worker House, the Northeast Iowa Food Bank, the Cedar Valley Hospitality House, Ridgeway Place assisted living facility and Country View Care Center. Sadie Range, a senior public relations major, enjoyed volunteering on the day of service. “I fixed mini solar panels used by students in grade schools to learn about reus-



NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northern-iowan.org 319.273.2157

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ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

Do you know where this picture was taken? If so, post your answer on the Northern Iowan Facebook page. The winner’s name and the picture’s location will be featured in the next edition of the Northern Iowan. The Jan. 18 picture, which no one identified, was an instrument in a display case in the Russell Hall lobby.


continued from page 1

with the residents just before lunch. I think it’s important to participate in these types of events because caring and helping others seems less evident every day.” After the students finished at their respective locations, they congregated for lunch in the Maucker Union. Dr. Michael Blackwell, director of the Center for Multicultural Education, spoke about the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the importance of service. “King believed that the structure, processes and services of this country needed sweeping, far-reaching changes, and the last three years of his life demonstrate his long-standing embracement of democratic socialism and the development of a beloved world community,” Blackwell said. A total of 126 students participated in the MLK Day of Service. When considering the average hourly value of an Iowa volunteer, attendees of the event saved the Cedar Falls-Waterloo community approximately $3,250.


Check out the UNI Student Involvement Center page to learn how to get involved on campus and around the Cedar Valley. Visit: http:// www.uni.edu/involvement/


continued from page 1

Christensen also said the impetus for creating a tool like Inside UNI was UR’s desire to “... better tell UNI’s story to the campus, while at the same time, communicating really high-level, essential announcements.” The front page of the UNI website is directed toward prospective students and their families, according to Christensen. It will host three rotating stories featuring a student or faculty member, a university program on campus and a university-wide initiative. “Before, when you went to our homepage, it was everything for everybody. Right now, with the competitive marketplace the way it is, we need to focus on recruitment,” Christensen said. Also on the front page, people can access Inside UNI and from there find information relevant to them, with separate tabs for current students, faculty and staff and news media. Each section is specialized and served the needs of students and staff. Christensen encourages students to make Inside UNI their homepage. “It’s going to make (students’) lives more convenient,” Christensen said. “... I think it will also make their life so much richer because they’re going to learn so much more about students and groups that they might not be involved in, and they get a better picture of the whole university.” Inside UNI will still send

out a university-wide email with announcements every Monday to students and every Tuesday and Thursday to faculty members like the former MyUNIverse system,.The webpage will also be updated live, allowing people to see daily changes and updates. Students and faculty can find submission guidelines on the Inside UNI page, and from there, they can submit university-wide announcements, accolades and story ideas to be reviewed by University Relations. Connor Ferguson, a freshman English major, finds the new website hard to follow. “It’s kind of confusing. There’s no center of focus so I don’t really know what to look at,” Ferguson said. Justin Wurtzel, a senior biochemistry and biology double major, said Inside UNI is interesting, and he hopes that some features from MyUNIverse are transferred over. “I really enjoyed the MyUNIverse email that they sent out. I would scroll through it; I would find all the events; I would find all the opportunities and things I could do around campus,” Wurtzel said. “If they were to do the same thing with Inside UNI … it would be even better because students would be notified to new updates.” Kelsey McLellan, a sophomore psychology and family services double major, likes the new website and the new items it offers. “I think it’s appealing, and I like the new multimedia features that are on the front,” McLellan said.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


PANEL DISCUSSION: GENOCIDE, BIOCIDE AND ECOCIDE OF TURTLE ISLAND CME 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Indigenous and environmental activists from the Warrior Up Resistance Tour will take part in an interactive panel discussion to explore the environmental destruction of Turtle Island.


“CINDERELLA” (RUSSIAN NATIONAL BALLET THEATRE) Great Hall, GBPAC 7:30 p.m. The Russian National Ballet Theatre will be performing the classic ballet, “Cinderella,” at the GBPAC on Saturday night. Call 319-273-4TIX or visit the GBPAC box office.




UNI PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH PUBLIC FORUM Old Central Ballroom, Maucker Union 3-4:30 p.m. William N. Ruud, president of Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania and UNI presidential candidate, will be on campus Jan. 28 and 29 as part of the UNI presidential search. On Jan. 28, there will be a public forum where students, faculty and community members may ask Ruud questions and provide ideas. STUDY ABROAD INFO SESSION: BRAZIL Room 007, Gilchrist Hall 3-4 p.m.


JANUARY 25TH, 2013







It’s a new year – time for a new you MADISON McKONE

mckonem @uni.edu


Real eyes realize real lies Here we are, already at the end of the second week of classes, and look at us: we have long given up on our New Year’s resolutions, we have already stopped reading the assignments for class and we’ve fallen back into our apathetic workaday routine. Then we hate ourselves for it. So what do we do? We sit around with the people we tolerate and we compare sob stories. We will do this for the rest of the semester, just as we have done for every semester before and, as those who remain, will continue to do. But we hate it. We hate having responsibilities. We have having obligations. We hate doing homework. We hate going to class. We hate waking up. We hate it. Our only respite appears to be the weekend. So we trudge (figuratively and literally) through the weekdays with our sights set on the freedom that lies beyond five in the afternoon on Friday. We do so while suppressing the knowledge that the same uneventful drought of happiness will happen again the following week, waking us up Monday at the buttcrack of dawn, just as it has every week before.

NATE KONRARDY konrardy @uni.edu

Between our weekend shenanigans and our elaborate spring break plans, we will see the summer months on the horizon soon enough. But who are we trying to kid? We all know deep down that no matter our intentions we will set unrealistic expectations. Yet we’ll make all these plans to read more, work out more, hang out with people we think are our friends and have time to finally make one or two of the crafts we saved on Pinterest because they’re cute and quirky and use fancy ribbon to fasten cinnamon sticks to an unscented candle, which is totally something we would do. The sad truth is that we never accomplish nearly as much as we hope to during this time of our lives. And after (roughly) four years, it is the accumulation of regret that escorts us as we walk the green mile that is college graduation, marking our departure from the safety of

the classroom. We believe that once we sever our undergraduate tether, we are going to grab the world by an appendage, use our lemons to make something better than lemons and partake in other clichés implying our success. But that rarely happens. There exists a belief that if an individual works hard and keeps their mouth shut, eventual happiness will follow. This blind optimism is maintained by a false hope that the “American dream” is a thing that can be achieved. Too many people reach the end of their lives feeling empty and unfulfilled. What do you think causes a midlife crisis? It is the realization that you were promised something that doesn’t exist. You have wasted your existence chasing a figment of someone else’s imagination. It is a harsh realization to come to. We must accept that this “thing” we’ve been promised does not actually exist. Once we become aware of the fact that we’ve been living a lie, we are forced to take responsibility for our future. So, what do we do? Open your eyes and search for what YOU actually want

to do. Find a passion. Actually do the stupid things you accumulate on Pinterest. Think about your ideal summer, when income is of no concern. If you would be tempted to just lay out and party and watch Netflix, realize how quickly you would find that lifestyle dissatisfying. When we were young we wanted to be astronauts and artists, veterinarians and cowboys, princesses and the President of the United States. Nobody wanted to be an accountant, a human resources representative or a business major. What changed? If you hate what you are doing now, you are going to hate doing it for the rest of your life. Explore your potential. Discover what makes you tick and pursue it. Living a life out of a sense of obligation to anyone other than yourself is an enormous injustice. Stop wasting time and do something relevant. Give your existence meaning because nobody else will do it for you. Nate Konrardy is a senior in

philosophy and interpersonal communication from Dubuque, Iowa.

Old habits die hard. Though many Americans will make New Year’s resolutions on Jan. 1, only 46 percent will actually follow through.

>>>read Madison’s article online at www.northerniowan.org/opinion


caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu

january 25, 2013




page 4

volume 109, issue 29


‘8 the Play’ brings battle over Prop 8 to life ANDREW RUBENBAUER

Theatre Writer

With a 52 percent majority, the residents of California voted yes on Proposition 8 in 2008. Prop 8 forbade samesex couples from marrying, but it was quickly challenged in court. UNI Student Theatre Association’s production of “8 The Play” depicted the process of two California couples working to overturn the landmark measure. In “8 The Play,” a staged reading by Dustin Lance Black, proceedings of the trial to overturn Proposition 8 are brought to light. Derived from court transcripts, observations and interviews, “8 The Play” offers a behind-the-scenes look at those involved in the trial. “I was also attracted to the idea of presenting both sides of the case and allowing the audience to decide for themselves what their stance would be,” Joseph Schoborg, sophomore theatre major and director of the UNISTA performance, said. The character Paul Katami (a real-life plaintiff in the trial, played by freshman theatre major Mic Evans) described how the passing of Prop 8 made him feel like a second-class citizen, maybe even third-class. “‘Husband’ is definitive,” Katami explained in the script. Katami, his partner Jeff Zarrillo and another committed couple, Kris Perry and


Ken Pierce, of Equality Action Now, waves a rainbow flag outside the James R. Browning Courthouse where the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, Calif., listens to arguments regarding the latest court decision to overturn Proposition 8, a law forbidding gay marriage in California.

Sandra Steir, filed a lawsuit for equal recognition, protection and benefits under the law in the state of California. Perry v. Schwarzenegger went to the California courts in 2010. The audience watched as the players of the case stammered and yelled, exhibiting visceral passion as their characters fought for and against Proposition 8. “We got a small look into the lives of some of those people: their worries, their doubts, their tragedies, their triumphs,” Michaela Oehler, a freshman theatre major at UNI, said. “We were all a part

of that. We got to share their pain and feel their triumph.” The room was dead silent as lawyers delivered their closing arguments. “We put fear and prejudice on trial,” Daisy Boies, played by sophomore theatre major Madeline Achen, announced. The audience roared as a seemingly drunk (but completely sober) witness mumbled and stumbled during his cross-examination. People cringed as Maggie Gallagher, founder of the antigay National Organization for Marriage, shouted her opinion to whomever would hear it.

Do you have a relationship question for Anthony and Katie? Email it to petercap@uni.edu. ANTHONY MITCHELL and KATIE HUNT

Relationship Columnists

He said, she said:

relationship advice

I’m dating a wonderful man whom I love very much, but he is uncomfortable around my gay friends. Do you have any advice on how I can manage this? He said: Have you had a conversation about this topic or is this just something you’ve noticed over time? Ultimately, if this issue is bothering you, you need to bring it up and discuss it. Sadly, the adjustment to accepting something new is a long process. People will continue to behave a certain

way until they are convinced otherwise. Also, people change only when they choose to, so this needs to be more about why he feels uncomfortable as opposed to trying to convince him he is wrong. That will cause more harm than good. Ask why he is feeling uncomfortable and what could be done to make the situation

better. If you can come to an understanding, you will be able to move forward. Even if his responses are irrational, don’t lose your cool. Keep trying to move forward; don’t get lost in the argument. There really isn’t much more you can do. There simply has to be a conversation and it is up to you to try and

“The majority of people believe it (same-sex marriage) is an American wrong,” screamed Gallagher, played by Alex Stickels, a freshman theatre major. Because of the sparse set and unassuming clothing, the actors had to carry the entire weight of the message through their acting alone. It was a subtle performance set in a simple space with the focus falling on the message and the portrayal of each character. Actors were clad in black, white and gray clothing and sat in simple chairs as though in a courtroom setting. understand, as well as make accommodations. If you disagree with his reasons, remember that these are still your friends and ultimately you must stand by them and hope that your boyfriend can become more comfortable around them. She said: Unfortunately, not everyone is accepting of diversity. It’s something that we’re still seeing all too often today. Times are changing, but as a society I think we still have a long way to go. If people don’t agree with an LGBT lifestyle, that’s fine. It’s their prerogative and their belief and should be equally respected, so long as they are not discriminating or being hateful toward others, because that’s never ok. If your boyfriend is unaccepting or uncomfortable, then you must respect his beliefs. However, it wouldn’t

There were no props or costumes behind which to hide. “I think that the minimalistic set was perfect because it shifted the focus to the issue, rather than distractions with costumes or the environment,” Schoborg said. The small, dark space put the performers within reach of the audience, transporting the viewers directly into the California courtroom. In a talkback after the Saturday night show, David Pope, a junior political communication major and president of UNI Proud, described the process as seeing Shakespeare versus reading Shakespeare. Hallie Cook, a junior English education major, commented, “It gave the whole Proposition 8 story so much more depth than what was portrayed in the news coverage of the event.” “My hope for having presented the show is that someone left reconsidering their ideals against marriage equality,” Schoborg said. “Even if they came to the conclusion that they are still against it, at least they left thinking about why they feel that way.”


Visit www.after.org/live to see the original performance, featuring a cast of all-star actors, in its entirety.

hurt to give him opportunities to spend time with you and your friends in order to help him become more comfortable around them. This is something that should happen with significant others and friends anyway, regardless of their sexual orientation. Yes, you should respect his beliefs, but you should also stress to him how important your friends are to you and make sure they have a good relationship with him as well. Relationships where your significant other doesn’t like your friends and vice versa are never fun. The best you can do is let him know you respect him but you have some very important people in your life who should not be judged, even though he may not agree with their lifestyles. He doesn’t necessarily have < See RELATIONSHIP, page 5

northern-iowan.org | friday, january 25, 2013


page 5



Vocal AmmUNItion wields arsenal of jazz hands, fun LUKE PALANDECH Music Writer

Vocal AmmUNItion has more than just singing and dancing skills. The University of Northern Iowa show choir is the only one in existence at Iowa’s state universities, and it is run entirely by students. The group receives no help from instructors in UNI’s music department. “We’re just a group of people who wanted to be musical together. We’re people who want to sing and dance,” Bridget Hughes, junior psychology major and one of the group’s captains, said. According to the Vocal AmmUNItion website, the 25 group members are led by president Jacob Galema, a junior psychology major. The group prides itself on a fun atmosphere that isn’t too big of a commitment. New member Jacob Snyder, a freshman actuarial science major, said, “This group is a little more laid back and is more about doing what we enjoy.” Hughes added, “I love the people. Working with them all year long, you form a tight-knit community.” As a student-led organization, being in Vocal AmmUNItion is different from the high school show choir experience. All choreography and song choices are done by members of the group’s leadership committee, as opposed to show directors. The group only meets once a week on Sunday nights. The show choir also lacks the funding


Courtesy Photo

Members of the show choir group Vocal AmmUNItion are pictured. The ensemble will look to add to its numbers in fall 2013.

some larger high schools in Iowa can provide, meaning no costume changes. “We really are the basics of show choir,” Hughes said. This year’s show will include both energetic and slow songs from top-100 hits. The show also promises fun, upbeat dancing, including some partner dancing and lifts. Vocal AmmUNItion will travel across the state of Iowa this spring, competing in various high school competitions as an exhibition group and promoting UNI. Their first show is Feb. 2 in Mount Pleasant. At the end of the season, they plan to

have a showcase on campus. The tentative date for this is April 6. For the show, Vocal AmmUNItion hopes to pair up with the Orchesis dance team, as they have done in years past. The show choir will hold campuswide auditions in fall 2013. Group members plan to get the word out about what they do on campus in hopes of recruiting new members. “We’re just looking for people who want to have fun, that are not overly serious, have a good stage presence and have rhythm and vocal talent,” Hughes said.

continued from page 4

to agree with who they love to be friends with them. You say that he loves you and he is wonderful, which helps me believe that he truly is just uncomfortable because he doesn’t know much about or has never been around anybody from the LGBT community. I don’t think he would be discriminatory at all. In fact, I think he would be very accepting if given the chance to prove himself so. I wish you the best of luck in this predicament. I know that relationship disagreements are awful when they revolve around friends. You love your friends and your boyfriend, and in a perfect world they would love each other. Sometimes this doesn’t happen, but you’ve got nothing to lose in trying to make things better and more comfortable between them. Give it your best shot. Of course, sometimes your boyfriend or girlfriend will not appreciate your friends if they’re making poor choices, being a bad influence on you, not aiding you in being the best person you can be, etc. But in this situation, your friends have not done anything wrong. Remember that.

DAVID POPE/Style Columnist



Ordering Online is as easy as changing yOur majOr…again.

STYLE & BEAUTY 2013 can be a year of style and substance. Sometimes we are our most beautiful when we are appreciating the beauty in ourselves and in others. Here are five ways to be beautiful this year that have nothing to do with appearance: 1. Give a compliment and mean it. Look at someone and really see them, not just at a glance, but as a meaningful acknowledgement of their existence. Notice the beautiful amber of their eyes, the interesting style statement they are making or a feature that stands out as beautiful to you and let them know how you feel. 2. Say thank you. It’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and struggles and forget just how much is possible with the help of others. The people in your life aren’t looking for a huge gesture – helping you out was its own reward – but letting them know you appreciate them is one of the easiest and most meaningful ways to give back. 3. Stand for something. Standing up for what you

believe in will always be in style, even if others prefer you stay silent. Join a cause, renew your dedication to a current one or dare to challenge the status quo in 2013. 4. Be unapologetically you. There will always be things about you that someone doesn’t find beautiful, whether it’s your sense of style, a facet of your personality or a quality you can’t control such as race or sexuality. Don’t change, don’t hide and don’t apologize just because they don’t get you. A true original will always be worth more than a cheap knockoff. 5. Make peace with your body. If all of us spent as much time focused on the physical qualities we love as much as the ones we’re not happy with, this would be a much happier and healthier world. Try this: Every time you insult your appearance (whether verbally or mentally) give yourself two compliments on the way you look.



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JANUARY 25, 2013





UNI wrestling moves into top 25 after strong weekend performance





Koch and UNI make history in 85-55 rout of Drake

DIANA HALL/Northern Iowan Archives

UNI senior forward Jake Koch (20) joined former Missouri State standout Kyle Weems (34) as the only players in Missouri Valley Conference history to record 500 points, 500 rebounds, 100 3-pointers, 100 assists, 100 blocks and 100 steals in a career. ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan Archives

UNI senior Blayne Beale (right), pictured here against Wyoming, defeated Oklahoma’s Keldrick Hall in the closing seconds of Friday night’s match to seal an 18-15 victory over the No. 13-ranked Sooners.


Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa wrestling team recorded its biggest win of the season Friday evening in the West Gym when the Panthers defeated the No. 13-ranked University of Oklahoma Sooners 18-15. It was UNI’s first win over Oklahoma since 1988. The Sooners had defeated the Panthers during their previous three meetings. “We keep preaching to our guys about effort,” UNI head coach Doug Schwab said following the victory. “If you keep working hard, good things will happen. It was definitely a team effort tonight.” The Panthers started off slow, digging themselves a 12-0 hole. However, UNI’s David Bonin recorded a win at 157 pounds that seemed to rejuvenate the Panthers. Bonin’s match went into double overtime, giving the Panthers some much needed confidence and closing the gap to 12-3 in favor of Oklahoma. “We got behind and guys responded,” said Schwab. UNI’s Joey Lazor, ranked No. 14 individually, faced the top wrestler in the nation at 141 pounds, Kendric Maple. Lazor kept the match close but ultimately lost by three

points. UNI’s Jarret Jensen lost to No. 4-ranked Patrick Graham in the 165-pound weight class, but the momentum still shifted to UNI’s favor. The Panthers did not give up any bonus points and also gained a couple in the 174 pound match, when UNI’s Cody Caldwell was awarded an injury forfeit over Matt Reed to pull UNI within six points of Oklahoma. From that point on, it was all UNI. The Panthers didn’t lose another match the rest of the night. UNI’s Ryan Loder added another decision to his career win total at 184 pounds. Loder has now outscored his opponents 81-9. UNI redshirt freshman Blaize Cabell earned his first win against Brad Johnson at 197 pounds. Cabell was losing going into the third period, but accumulated enough points to win the match by a score of 10-9. “That was a huge comeback for him,” Schwab said of Cabell. “I haven’t seen a match like that from him in the last two years, so that is a huge confidence booster.” The dual wasn’t decided until the final seconds as UNI heavyweight Blayne Beale recorded a takedown to beat the Sooners’ Keldrick Hall in front of UNI’s largest home < See WRESTLING, page 7


Sports Writer

After falling to Creighton University by a score of 79-68 on Jan. 15, the University of Northern Iowa men’s basketball team returned home to defeat their in-state rivals, the Drake University Bulldogs, 85-55 on Sunday afternoon. The 30-point victory marks the largest margin between the two teams in their 61 meetings on the hardwood. UNI has won their last two home games by an average of 30.5 points per game and now sit at 3-4 in Missouri Valley Conference play. “I think it’s more that we’re getting better, we are getting closer,” UNI head coach Ben Jacobson said of his team’s recent play. “I’ve used the word inconsistent a lot this year, but I’m starting to get away from it after Bradley, Creighton and here. “The second half of Evansville was just before (Bradley) and Illinois State was before that,” Jacobson continued. “That’s four-and-ahalf games out of five where

we’ve played pretty good. Two of the five have been really good, with Bradley and (Drake). I think we’re getting closer, and a big part of that is the guys gaining confidence.” After falling behind early, the Panthers used a 17-2 scoring run in the first half and a 16-0 run in the second half to cruise to an easy 30-point victory. Six UNI players finish with eight points or more. Sophomore point guard Deon Mitchell led all scorers with 20 points on 6-of9 shooting, including 3-of-4 shooting from beyond the 3-point line. Mitchell entered the game shooting just 21.9 percent from long range. “I’ve been in the gym the past few days with one of the assistant coaches. I’ve been struggling, so that’s just something I’ve gone into the gym and keep working on,” said Mitchell. “Because of my percentage, I think teams are starting to back off. So I need to keep working on that so I can take advantage of that.” Senior forward Jake Koch < See BASKETBALL, page 7


Panthers pick up 3rd MVC win, move into 5th place RILEY UBBEN

Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team picked up their third Missouri Valley Conference win of the season as they defeated the Bradley University Braves 77-72 in Peoria, Ill. The Panthers (8-9, 3-2 MVC) shot nearly 54 percent from the field in their road win. The contest went back and forth throughout the first 10 minutes of action as the lead changed hands nine times.

UNI eventually took the lead with just over nine minutes remaining in the first half and did not relinquish it for the remainder of the game. The Panthers shot a season-high 56 percent from the field in the first half as they took a one point lead into the locker room. Redshirt senior guard Jacqui Kalin scored 11 points in the first 20 minutes despite getting into foul trouble early. The biggest lead for the Panthers came by way of an 8-2 run when redshirt freshman Jen Keitel hit a jumper to bring the score to 68-58 in favor of

UNI. Bradley junior Catie O’Leary’s 3-pointer narrowed the lead to five points with one minute left in the game. O’Leary finished with 28 points and nine rebounds off the bench for the Braves. Senior Katie Yohn ended up with 10 points and a game-high 10 rebounds. UNI did not make a field goal after Keitel’s made jumper with 3:10 left in the game. Despite the cold shooting, the Panthers made 7-of-8 free throws to help seal the victory. Kalin went 6-for-6 from the line in an 18-second

span to give the Panthers a 77-70 lead. Kalin led the Panthers in scoring as she finished with 23 points while shooting 62 percent from the field. Keitel added a career-high 19 points for the Panthers. Sophomore Brooke Brown was efficient as she scored 11 points on just five field goal attempts while going 4-for-5 at the free throw line. The Panthers continue conference play as they take on the Creighton University Bluejays Friday in Omaha, Neb.

northern-iowan.org | friday, january 25, 2013



crowd of the season. “The atmosphere was awesome. The crowd was incredible. It makes a difference for our guys,” said Schwab. “You could see the other team getting uncomfortable with the crowd on top of them.” After defeating Oklahoma, the Panthers went on the road to Edwardsville, Ill., to take on Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and No. 21-ranked Northwestern University. The Panthers won both contests, defeating Edwardsville 48-0 and Northwestern 21-13. After recording three more wins, two of which came against ranked opponents, the Panthers moved into the USA Today Top 25 Coaches’ Poll. UNI is currently ranked No. 21 nationally. UNI will close out their home dual season at 2 p.m. on Sunday in the West Gym against the No. 7-ranked University of Missouri Tigers. “Sunday will be tough. We need to come out fighting and ready to win,” Schwab told the media following UNI’s victory over Northwestern. “I like where we are headed though, and we have a lot to build on. We’re excited to see the competition.”

finished the game with 16 points, 14 of which came in the second half. “The first half, I just sat there and kind of felt out the defense,” said Koch. “The second half, we had good highlow passes and there was a couple of drives. I just tried to be more assertive. When the opportunity’s there, go after it.” Koch reached a significant career milestone on Sunday by becoming just the second MVC player to ever record 500 points, 500 rebounds, 100 3-pointers, 100 assists, 100 blocks and 100 steals in a career. The Panthers returned to action Wednesday night to host the Southern Illinois University Salukis. For a full recap of the SIU game, plus UNI’s game at Indiana State University on Saturday, pick up a copy of next Tuesday’s issue of the Northern Iowan.

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