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NorthernIowan October 28, 2011
Volume 108, Issue 18
Cedar Falls, Iowa
the university of northern iowa’s student-produced newspaper since 1892
‘WE, THE 99 PERCENT...’ Occupy Movement seeks to form National General Assembly, create petition of grievances LINH TA Staff Writer
After a month of protests around the nation, the Occupy Movement and the “Demands Working Group,” an organization associated with the movement, are calling for the creation of a National General Assembly to create a petition of grievances. The groups plan to elect two delegates, one male and one female, from each of the 435 congressional districts, who will then convene in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012. At that time, the assembly will vote on a nonpartisan list of demands called the petition of grievances, according to the Huffington Post. Some of the items on the list call for public financing for campaigns, national health care and reversal of the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court, which allowed corporations to spend an unlimited amount of money on political campaigns. Lindsay Cohn, assistant See PETITION, page 2
New building hours create conflict for music majors BLAKE FINDLEY Academic Writer
NICK MADDIX/Northern Iowan
UNI students and community members protest corporate greed and other issues on Oct. 15. The protesters marched to Wells Fargo and then to Overman Park.
With the new, enforced practice hours at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center and Russell Hall, many music majors at the University of Northern Iowa are having trouble making it to either building by closing times in order to practice. “I work 15 to 20 hours a week, I have class and I try to be involved on campus to make the most of my last year at school,” said one senior music major who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “I really do not know when I can find the time to get all my practicing in before 2 a.m. At this point, I have begun regretting my decision to be a music major.” A junior music major, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the early closings have added stress to her life. “The past two years I have been busy with student organizations, work
and classes and still have had the time to practice. All of a sudden, I am now being forced to squeeze all of that into fewer hours, which causes that much more chaos,” she said. “Granted, I should be sleeping more, but (the School of Music) are not my parents. I am an adult and can decide how much to be involved in. I am paying to have them provide me with the resources I need to succeed. They are not doing so.” John Vallentine, director of the School of Music, encouraged students to seek out other avenues to deal with the potential stress, such as meeting with advisers to discuss problems. “Faculty members are always willing to assist students. Time management and remaining healthy are extremely important if one wants to be a successful student,” Vallentine said. Vallentine said that See MUSIC, page 3
Record analyst process changed to two-week period BLAKE FINDLEY Academic Writer
Students at the University of Northern Iowa who want to ensure they meet graduation requirements used to meet record analysts by appointment. This year, the Office of the Registrar held a twoweek open house where students could walk in and consult with the analysts. However, an announcement on MyUNIverse News stipulated that this was the only time record analysts would be available to students graduating this year.
The record analysts are the individuals in the registrar’s office who monitor students’ progress towards graduation, according to Phil Patton, the university registrar. They meet and visit with students about the courses they have completed and what classes they still need to meet the graduation requirements. They do the final checkout of students and certify the student’s eligibility to graduate. Patton said the change was partially made for students’ convenience. “We have tried to set
aside two full weeks when students can just drop in and visit with their record analysts,” Patton said. “We are trying to provide a large block of time which might be convenient to just stop in, rather than making an appointment.” Patton said that their second thought was to provide recognition of the students and their achievements with the open house. Kimberly Burken, a senior elementary education major, had a “challenging” experience with the
BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan
Record analyst Rosann Good talks with Jordan Vandersvelde, senior management: human resources major.
mostly sunny
Friday, October 28, 2011
Forecast from National Weather Service
20 percent chance of showers; partly sunny
36 sunny NICK MADDIX/Northern Iowan
Occupy Cedar Valley protesters gather before marching on Oct. 16.
PETITION continued from page 1
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L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northern-iowan.org Friday, October 28, 2011 Volume 108, Issue 18
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BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan Do you know where this picture was taken? If so, email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with your answer. The winner’s name and the picture’s location will be featured in the next edition of the Northern Iowan. The previous picture, correctly identified by sophomore lesiure, youth and human services major Gayle Nelson, was part of the horse statue behind Curris Business Building. Be sure to check out I Spy at UNI on the Northern Iowan’s Facebook page.
professor of political science, believes that the movement and call for a national assembly have merit, but there is a need for observers and protestors to educate themselves on the governmental system. Cohn said people need to realize that the president is unable to make a change. Instead, protesters need to address Congress and the individual citizens of the United States. “I understand why people are angry and if they want a more social democratic kind of policy; this is a democracy,” Cohn said. “But this attitude that somebody else did this to us, and then somebody else needs to fix it, and we’re just going to hang out in the street until somebody else fixes it? I have a problem with that.” For the Occupy Wall Street Movement to succeed, Cohn believes there are two things that need to be accomplished: a realistic list of changes and a squeeze on Congress. “It would be important for them to put together a list of things that they want to see changed, and it needs to be a realistic list,” Cohn said. “You cannot get things done if you are Utopian about it. What can be done? Reform campaign finance; reform the electoral system. What cannot be done? Take greed out of the human heart.” Cohn also emphasized the importance of pushing Congress to make an actual change. “As long as you sit somewhere else saying ‘This is bad,’ they (Congress) will all do what they’re doing right now, which is either demonize
you or say ‘Yes, you’re absolutely right and those people should change what they’re doing.’ In other words, nothing will change,” Cohn said. David Pope, sophomore political communications major and part of the Occupy Cedar Valley movement, thinks the National General Assembly “would answer a lot of critics that say Occupy Wall Street and the whole movement don’t have a point.” “Some people in Occupy Cedar Valley really hope that it gets moved forward so we can send delegates and hopefully make more positive change,” Pope said. Pope thinks the movement is here to stay. “I think it’s important to note that great movements that have changed society profoundly were not built in a day,” Pope said. “This movement was just begun a little over a month ago and has already changed the dialogue and gone global.” While Cohn believes there are faults within the movement, she acknowledges the possibility of change with the arrival of the National General Assembly. “There’s just a little bit too much emotion and too little analysis and assessment of the problems, but maybe this is what it takes to reform (the) system,” Cohn said. “It’s not easy to reform an electoral system because Congress would have to do it, and of course, they have an incentive to stay in power. But this is potentially the kind of thing that could actually make them think about reforming something, and in that sense, it’s a good thing.”
Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content.
The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2011 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.
Friday, October 28, 2011
MUSIC continued from page 1
the buildings are open for 19 hours Monday through Thursday, 16 hours on Friday, 10 hours on Saturday and 14 hours on Sunday. “Students can choose to study for their liberal arts, music theory, history, literature or education courses during closure times, or sleep,” Vallentine said. According to a junior music performance major, despite the comments made regarding an increase in hours, there was actually a decrease in the amount of time students are allowed to practice. “This is my third year here at UNI. I have never seen or heard of any students being kicked out of Russell or the GBPAC, even if they were there at 4 a.m.,” the student said. “Now everyone has to leave at 2 a.m. Also, the fact that they are paying someone to do this is ridiculous considering the budget cuts the school is under. The moves made me start to consider transferring. It probably won’t happen, but it has still crossed my mind.” Vallentine said that the School of Music faculty division council decided that they believed the current hours are appropriate. He also said that the hours were better than many music schools around the country. “Most of those schools close at midnight on weekdays. Russell Hall now closes at 2 a.m. and reopens at 7 a.m. on weekdays,” Vallentine said. “For safety reasons, the building is locked at 2 a.m. and trained student monitors are on duty for added safety during open late-night hours.” Vallentine said that, in the past, students remaining in the GBPAC and Russell Hall weren’t “officially approved to do so.” “Universities across the country, including UNI, continue to examine and update safety practices to help ensure
The programs are great, the concert series are great, the faculty could teach at Juilliard and be great. The only problem is basic resources and the number one issue is time. Music major
student, faculty and staff safety,” Vallentine said. One music major cited Holly Botzum’s point from the previous Northern Iowan article, “School of music’s new hours create controversy,” agreeing that the early closing on the weekend nights seems like an encouragement to party rather than stay and practice music. “During previous years, I spent my weekend nights practicing. I went out with friends in the early evening and then when they began to drink, I went to Russell to practice,” he said. “Now, what am I going to do? I could and probably will have to practice earlier, but that will leave me with nothing to do once the hall closes. I will probably end up drinking with my friends when I would have been practicing.” In response to this, Vallentine maintained the position that closing early seemed like the best decision to make in interest of safety. “The university made the changes to building hours due to ongoing safety and liability considerations,” Vallentine said. “The university and the School of Music encourage students to make good choices regarding their health and
wellbeing. The campus committee will continue to take student suggestions regarding any changes in building hours.” Ashley Williamson, a junior music education major, said that the new hours don’t affect her at all. “I usually practice during the day,” Williamson said. “I also think there are only a few students affected by these new hours.” Williamson also said that while she does not really have enough knowledge of the situation to have an opinion, she feels the issue has been blown out of proportion. Several music students took issue with the inability to practice Sunday mornings. “I do not understand why we are not allowed to practice Sunday mornings before 12 p.m.,” one student said. “I do not go to church. I would like to be able to practice during that time. I am sure there are many people in the same boat.” Vallentine explained the reasoning behind that decision. “The campus committee made the decisions on the new hours for the entire week. We certainly will consider changes based on suggestions and current usage patterns by students,” Valentine said. “In fact, one faculty Division Council member stated that when she was a student, she used to like to warm-up in the morning before Sunday church services. So it sounds like some faculty, including me, would support and recommend that change to the campus committee.” One music major lauded the School of Music, but pointed out time to practice is needed for the students to reach the level of excellence that is expected. “The programs are great, the concert series are great, the faculty could teach at Juilliard and be great,” he said. “The only problem is basic resources and the number one issue is time.”
RECORD ANALYSTS continued from page 1
new process, as the registrar’s office only held appointments for Spring 2012 graduation during the week of Oct. 24, which was also Burken’s Participation Week. “This is Level III field experience for most senior elementary education majors. I am at home this week and not on campus,” Burken said. Burken said she had to email the registrar’s office to have them check her transcripts via email, which was “very uninformative.” She said that they did not schedule this well and that she now has no way to meet with anyone about graduation, as this is the only week to do so. “I was highly disappointed in this change and I do not think it is a good idea,” Burken said. Jared Parker, a senior history and political science double major, thinks the process “could be an inconvenience.” “However, I am not well versed in the process. For example, I do not know how hard it is to schedule an appointment with the record analysts,” Parker said. Polina Bogomolova, a UNI alumna, said she “never had any issues setting up appointments.” “But I was not using the help of the record analysts that often,” Bogomolova said. She also said that her adviser served as her unofficial record analyst during her time at UNI. “I see how two weeks of walk-ins might be inconvenient in comparison to appointments, yet I cannot say how it would have affected me as I did not use the option while at UNI,” Bogomolova said. “I used email to communicate with my ana-
lyst and this was enough for me.” Cassandra Hayne, another UNI alumna, said that she, too, only communicated with her record analysts via email. She had some concerns about the change. “I think walk-ins will make it a little more challenging for students with a packed schedule, but I’m sure there are always other options and people to consult with,” Hayne said. According to Patton, the record analysts have some additional work this year. “The record analysts are also (fully) engaged with implementation of the degree advisement report in the new student information system,” Patton said. “To accomplish this effort, we have found it beneficial to set aside some dedicated time each day for the record analysts to concentrate on this responsibility.” Patton said the record analysts work on this during the morning and meet with students individually in the afternoon. Patton encouraged students to visit with the analysts. “Record analysts are a valuable advising resource to students,” Patton said. “We encourage students to get to know their record analyst and make use of the services they provide.”
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Our Primary Interest Is You!!
the university of northern iowa’s student-produced newspaper since 1892
Friday, October 28, 2011
Volume 108, Issue 18
Cedar Falls, Iowa
A crucial benefit from Occupy Wall Street
a snake biting its own tail
represent every he single student’s Northern opinion, they are still Iowa Student the voice – the only student Government senate is ill. During its discusvoice – representing students to our sion of a resolution regarding the Board government. of Regents’ proposed tuition increase of With this in mind, senators need to 3.75 percent, senators argued over amend- take their jobs seriously and do everything ment after amendment, ultimately forc- in their power to represent the interests ing through a resolution in support of of students. If they feel the current resothe proposed amount that nobody seemed lution is irrelevant, they need to spend happy about. as much time as is necessary to make it During the debate, many senators relevant. If they feel their voice won’t seemed to really question the relevance of make a difference, they need to actively the body, feeling that their resolution – the work to ensure that it will – they need to message that your student representatives lobby to our legislatures and spend every were sending to the board that determines free moment working to get students vottuition – didn’t matter and wouldn’t have ing and to educate Iowa voters about the any effect on the tuition decision. Others importance of higher education. felt that NISG was incapable of representUnlike most autoimmune diseases, this ing students on the matter. one can only be cured internally, by a Resolutions that seemed to offer a com- change of attitude and practice. The senpromise between supporting an increase ate ended debate on this important docuand still standing up for students were ment long before many senators seemed shot down, and the to be satisfied with senate ended debate it, and they later Now, we’re no doctors, before many propassed important posed amendments but we can see that senate and previously concould even be distroversial reforms is exhibiting behaviors cussed, forcing out to the election the undesirable final rules without any commonly associated resolution. debate, and we have with those suffering from to wonder if it isn’t Now, we’re no doctors, but we can because the senaautoimmune diseases. see that senate is tors didn’t want to exhibiting behavhave to stay late to iors commonly associated with those suf- really get closer to satisfactory changes. fering from autoimmune diseases, which There have been multiple occasions this turn the body against itself. The senate semester when senators complained about seems to be plagued with a particular dis- meetings being too long, yet no meetease in the form of a self-fulfilling proph- ing has lasted longer than two hours. On ecy of irrelevance that’s tearing apart any the other hand, there were meetings last legitimacy it has. year that lasted nearly four hours because There is some truth to the fact that the senate took time to debate important the senate cannot accurately reflect the issues (and sometimes not-so-important opinion of every student at the University issues). Why aren’t our representatives of Northern Iowa, and in all honesty the willing to spend more time to fight for Board of Regents’ decision would not have students’ interests? likely changed had NISG not supported an Our student senators need to get rid increase. However, whether the senators of this pessimistic attitude and start doing like it or not, they are elected to represent what they were voted to do: represent their constituents to the best of their students. After all, they’re the only repreability, and while they may not be able to sentatives we’ve got.
This editorial reflects the position of the Northern Iowan’s editorial staff: John Anderson, Allie Koolbeck, Brad Eilers, Tehrene Firman, Brandon Baker and Kari Braumann. All other articles and illustrations represent the views of their authors.
ith Occupy Wall Street in full swing and Republican presidential candidates vying for national approval, there is a lot of attention being placed on money, wealth and greed these days. While Occupy Wall Street protestors aim, among other things, to eliminate corporate greed, national attention given to wealth disparity has steadily been increasing. Even if Occupy Wall Street accomplishes nothing else, I can be thankful they brought this issue so aggressively into American consciousness. We live in a society run by a capitalistic market system, of which I have made my opinion known in an earlier column. There are numerous advantages to this system and various positive results arising from it. These benefits, however, do little to counter one of its most damaging contributions to society: the grossly disproportionate distribution of wealth. When we talk about the dangers of capitalism, history books
often refer back to the robber barons of the 19th century and the concentration of wealth amongst the elite, a result of monopolistic practices. We refer to these problems in the past and assume progress has been made to correct them. Yet we need to be critical of the assumption that we are free from such issues. Even as late as 2007, the top 1 percent of this country owned about 43 percent of the wealth. The only country with a higher concentration of wealth amongst the top 10 percent of the population was Switzerland. How can we justify this? How can 99 percent of the population possess only 57 percent of the wealth? Many people who support complete free market capitalism, particularly those trying to pass legislation protecting and benefiting the rich, cite job creation as justification for such disproportionate wealth distribution. The 1 percent, they argue, produce jobs. Without them having so much wealth, the See KROB, page 5
Hatin’ on sitcoms ANTHONY MITCHELL ayomitch@uni.edu
fter two outings in the self-righteous ranting arena, I think it’s time to lighten things up again and have a little fun (bros and hipsters will rejoice after my last column; yikes). I’ve been keeping an ear open lately and I’ve noticed a lot of heat on “Seinfeld.” This kind of surprised me; I kind of live in a TV bubble, but I always thought Seinfeld was one of those shows that everyone liked in some way, shape or form. Turns out there are a lot of college students who think it’s garbage. Now I won’t stand here and say who is right and wrong when it comes to the opinion on a TV sitcom, but it’s something that made me stop and think. As with a lot of opinions, you think everyone thinks the same way as you do until it gets challenged and it throws you off. “Seinfeld” con-
sidered not funny? Blasphemy! It’s genius! And then your brain gets all defensive and you begin arguing about nothing (which is funny considering it started as an argument over a show about nothing). Once I got past that stage, I was truly fascinated about the difference of opinions when it comes to TV sitcoms. I started thinking back to earlier years at the University of Northern Iowa and high school. Out of all TV shows, the most heated debates were always about sitcoms. I remember people absolutely trashing “Friends” and calling “Will and Grace” terrible and “Frasier” boring. No other genre brought on this much heat that I could remember. Personally, I liked all three of those as well as a lot of other sitcoms for the ‘90s and early 2000s. Why See MITCHELL, page 5
Friday, October 28, 2011
Those pesky evergreens GLORIA SUMPTER gsumpter@uni.edu
alking around campus this time of year is so incredible, and using any excuse to get outside at least once a day is my goal. Just last week, I went to deliver something to another department. The route took me past red hedges, yellow hues of leaves and various other fall colors. Everything was changing except those pesky evergreens. Now, if you know me, you know there is a learning experience here. I started thinking about the evergreens; really, they should not bother me. These trees are not “designed” to change. The oaks and other trees that change color every year have no choice. It is almost like the other trees and groundcovers are welcoming the change. It is the concept of the evergreen that drew me to ponder the ability to change, the notion that change is unavoidable, or maybe, just maybe, change is not an option. I see people like this, and sometimes, honestly, I consider myself a pesky evergreen. So, if you think about being a tree, which are you? Would you be the pesky evergreen, with needles that fall, or are you one of the other trees, which change as the environment does? Now, before you get ready to say you are either/or, let me give you the characteristics I have come to expect from both. For, the person who changes with the environment, I would consider him or her to have done one or two things: buckled under pressure or considered options and circumstances of the change, thus determining that the change is a good thing. The change may eventually make one a better person, and the situation may change because of one’s own changing, thus causing a change in the surrounding environment. On the other hand, the pesky evergreen, by nature, will not change. Some people really feel they cannot change. I have heard over the years comments like, “I was born this way and I will die this way.” Those pesky evergreen people like to think they are
forever forced to remain one way or the other, which leaves (no pun intended) me thinking they are the cowards. I say “cowards” in the nicest sense of the word, because I too was a pesky evergreen. You know, it actually takes less courage and energy to stay an evergreen. Think about it: in higher education, there are many ideas, theories, truths and lies coming from every angle. It takes no effort to just say no to everything new or different. Little effort is needed to stay the same as you enter and exit the environment and the community of a university. Discerning, seeing, living, feeling and considering our beliefs and values differently is an unavoidable challenge. It is somewhat a scary experience, so we remain pesky evergreens. Facebook is a unique social media source from which I print things and clip them on my refrigerator or tape to my desk area. These three C’s are my latest nuggets, and they sum up what I feel about the issue of change. They are choice, chance and change. The author of the post says we must make the choice to take the chance if we want anything in life to change. It is that easy. We do not have to wait for the exact temperature, or just the right amount of water, or dryness. We can make the choice to have an open mind, to ask questions, to listen with patience for answers that may or may not be what we are accustomed to hearing, but we need to hear to develop an ear of respect for diverse opinions. When I think how lovely the world would be if we all were like the changing of seasons, I feel hope. There are so many colors (ideas, cultures, backgrounds, etc.) to discover and so many new areas to explore. These next two to four years of your life can be some of the most rewarding ones. You need only to keep the three C’s in your focus. Have courage to make the choice to take the chance and see the change that is possible to be a healthier soul, friend and citizen for life.
continued from page 4
rest of society wouldn’t have jobs in the first place. There is some meat to this argument, but I can’t help but feel like it only goes so far. Economic motivation for job creation is understandable, but grossly excessive economic motivation capitalizing off of the wellbeing of others is not. In 2005, the CEO of Wal-Mart, Lee Scott, made $27,207,799. The average fulltime Wal-Mart employee made $13,861 – about 2,000 times less. Even his $15,000 hourly wage looks paltry when compared with the compensation Gregory B. Maffei of Liberty Media Corporation, who made
MITCHELL continued from page 4
these? Why do we develop such strong feelings towards these types of shows? It makes no sense, really. The sets are cheap, the lighting is flat and low-contrast, there is typically a laugh track and the majority of the episodes are incredibly predictable. Yet we will fight and defend these shows with great gusto. (I’ll always claim “Seinfeld” to be nothing short of genius.) Then I got to thinking about this generation’s sitcoms, like “Big Bang Theory” or “Two and a Half Men” (talk about hatred toward a show from some critics). Why do
more than $87 million in 2009. Phillippe Dauman of Viacom Incorporated wasn’t far behind, earning $84,515,308 in 2010. Before you think I’m being sensational, however, I will note the average CEO salary in 2010 was a measly $9 million. Sarcasm. The gap in income is simply unacceptable. In 2006, the average household income was $50,233, roughly 180 times less than what the average CEO made on their own. Minimum wage currently hovers around $7 an hour as citizens struggle to survive. Can anyone honestly live on that much money? Is slightly more than $1,000 per month enough to truly live? Occupy Wall Street is truly helping society by bring-
ing this issue into consideration. Whether or not corporate greed can be combated (I tend to believe, in America, it can’t), it is worthwhile to try and reduce the income gap. CEOs do not need $9 million a year to survive. It is time this country truly looks at itself and determines its value. Is it really just competition of the fittest, where the most successful get to use those who fail as slaves? We need to readdress our priorities and put the wellbeing of society first. We can start this by aiming our efforts at those who make too much money. Thankfully, Occupy Wall Street has already started the process.
these little programs make us so feisty? I think the answer is no secret. We relate to the characters, even if the setups are obvious or the dialogue is bad. The ridiculous setups of some of the shows about how these characters came together, no matter how implausible, reflect how random and crazy our own lives are and makes us feel that it’s OK. Sitcom characters, because of their relatable edge, get so ingrained in our brains that we defend them as if they were our actual friends. A lot of analysts and stuffy higher-ups continue to claim sitcoms are TV rubbish and that they appeal to the meager intelligence and the gullible. I
call foul. I don’t care what any starched-collared critic says; I feel sitcoms still belong on the air. These little gems may be simplistic, but really I think they are a part of Americana. So what if they pander to demographics or dumb down dialogue for a wider audience? These shows continue to affect us in ways other shows don’t, and no one can deny that. While I don’t present a lot of hard-lined opinions in here, I hope the point got across. Who knows, maybe I am just a product of American TV, sucking away my IQ with sitcoms. If that’s truly the case, I really don’t care. I like it. After all, we will always be apt to do what we enjoy, won’t we?
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friday, october 28, 2011
volume 108, issue 18
cedar falls, iowa
A Z N A G -A
As costume-clad students filled the Wesley Foundation last Tuesday, it was clear that Halloween was coming to town early for University of Northern Iowa Proud members and their supporters. Ellie Hail, co-president of UNI Proud and senior communications major, was busily popping popcorn and making sure everything was ready as the visitors arrived for the organization’s first Halloween Drag-a-Ganza. “We celebrate Halloween every year because Halloween is kind of like Gay Christmas,” said Hail. “It’s the one day everyone can dress up however they want without ridicule, which is really special to the gay community.” With UNI Proud’s total of approximately 130 members
between those that are active and those that come to meetings and events whenever they can, Hail said that UNI Proud is “one of the only gaystraight alliances in the community that has the power to have such an influence.” David Pope, director of creative programming and sophomore political communications major, was very excited to have such a big event taking place for Halloween. “A lot of us wanted another chance to perform drag, and we noticed that we had a lot of events in the spring semester for Pride Week but not during fall semester,” said Pope. “We wanted this to be our big event.” Before all of the students entered the festively decorated room, the party had already begun. Students treated themselves to pop, snacks and all of the candy they
Visit www.northern-iowan.org for a slideshow of the event. Photos by Brandon Baker/Compiled by Tehrene Firman
could get their hands on. With the dance music playing in the background, not long after everyone was cozily seated in the room chatting with friends, a few students started to show off their dancing skills – and their original drag outfits. Steven Sanchez, a junior communications major, took over the stage for the majority of the time, busting his moves dressed as a cat in a fishnet top, leather vest and studded ears. Sanchez was soon joined by a group of numerous students strutting their stuff. Even an older man, cane and all, was dressed as a nun and took the stage for a short time, making sure to take a moment every so often to give fellow dancers an unsuspecting smack to their behinds. After the dance party ended, the drag show began. Justin Bieber was the most-
covered artist of the night, as two of the three performances featured his music. Silara Gillespie, a student at Hawkeye Community College, worked the audience as Justin while Lauren Fontaine, a UNI elementary education major, completed the duo as Ludacris in “Baby.” Sara Holmes, senior biology major, and Katie Grassi, sophomore public relations major, also worked their Bieber charm, sending the crowd into wild spurts of cheering and clapping every time the Justins busted a move. “Justin Bieber is hardly drag” was heard from the audience, making the crowd burst out into laughter as the night continued. A cheetah-print-adorned Lady Gaga, performed by Pope, took the stage with a masked monster, portrayed by
Katie Richardson, sophomore political science major. The song ended with the monster devouring Gaga’s heart, leaving a red bloodstain over Gaga’s chest. The Halloween show was just a “sneak preview,” as Hail said, to the UNI Proud Drag Ball, which she is hoping will have it’s “blow-out year” this spring. Those interested in learning more about the organization can visit www.uni. edu/studentorgs/proud, search “UNI PROUD” on Facebook, or attend any of the meetings, which take place Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Presidential Room in Maucker Union. “(We’re) open to anyone, including straight allies,” said Pope. “We’re just a supportive community that does a lot of important work on campus.”
Ninja Study Club teaches students how to study to educational success CAROLINE DAVIS Staff Writer
Photo courtesy of MCT CAMPUS
‘The Three Musketeers’ — not historically accurate, but definitely entertaining EMILY HEYER Film Critic
All for one, and one for all. It’s a quote we can almost all recognize from Alexandre Dumas’ masterpiece, “The Three Musketeers,” and the various television and movie
versions thereof. So popular, they made it a candy. “The Three Musketeers” is a well-loved tale of friendship, dashing heroics and young love. The new and updated version is all that and more. I should stop here though, and allow you to
ask yourself this question. “Do historical inaccuracies bother me?” If the answer is yes, honestly, just stop reading and don’t go see this movie, because part of the “and more” of this film is See MUSKETEERS, page 8
Ninja Study Club is a club for students to do just that – study as though they are ninjas. While it is not required that any student wishing to join must be a ninja, it is recommended that students are prepared to learn to study like one. “I thought I had a pretty good grasp on studying and homework before we started the club, but I have already learned so much from the other members,” said Amanda Huisman, sophomore communicative disorders major. Huisman, along with Jade Horning, post-baccalaureate undergraduate management information systems major,
and Danielle Hawkins, a junior English major, initiated “Study Like a Ninja.” “The time of the meeting was originally set aside as a group to talk about the book Zeitoun, the common read for the Cornerstone students this year,” said Husiman. “However, it was decided that the group would be more useful if we expanded our horizon to include common issues college students face when it comes to their studies.” Horning came up with the idea to relate the group to ninjas, hoping the program would seem more exciting to students. “Right now, we have about four students in the See NINJA, page 8
friday, october 28, 2011
M U SIC Pork Tornadoes & Lick It Ticket @theHuB
page 7
HALLOWEEN Costume Dance Party @Lampost
D ANCE PART Y The Banger V @Wheelhouse $10
Z O M BI E N I G H T Good Cop/Rad Cop @theHub $5
Hitchcock thrills at Oster Regent Theatre KIRSTEN TJOSSEM
Entertainment Writer
Main Street winds through an assortment of one-of-a kind shops and restaurants, and at the very end is a theatre that’s been standing for a little more than 100 years. Oster Regent Theatre, located on the corner of Main and 1st Street, provides the Cedar Falls community with a number of forms of entertainment. For many years, Frank Cotton dreamed of opening a theatrical performance hall in Cedar Falls, and in 1910, those dreams became a reality. The Cotton Theatre, as it was known at the known, had its first show, “The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary,” in June of that year. The theatre was sold and changed names shortly after and continued to be sold several more times over the next few years. In 1918, the theatre changed its name to the Regent Theatre. In 1921, Merle Blair bought
the theatre. With the public’s new interest in movies and lack of interest in theatre, Blair found different ways to promote these movies; bicycles, nylons and prizes were often given away on the stage. The theatre continued to be managed by Gene Blair until 1991, when the Blair family and the Beck Trust passed it on to the Cedar Falls Community Theatre. The CFCT board, as well as the Cedar Falls community, raised $1.2 million to restore the theatre. The name was changed to the Oster Regent Theatre in June of 1994. Today, the Oster Regent Theatre hosts plays, movies and concerts. “We do a lot of different programs to utilize the place,” said Jan Andersen, the events and promotions coordinator for Cedar Falls Community Main Street. Up until last year, there hadn’t been a movie shown at the theatre
since 1989, when “Dances With Wolves” was shown. “We had a lot of interest from the public,” said Andersen. Because of that interest, Oster Regent held its first movie series. “It brings the heritage back,” said Mary Huber, director of the James and Meryl Hearst Center for Arts. Oster Regent Theatre is currently just about to wrap up its second donation-based movie series, featuring the films of Alfred Hitchcock. “Vertigo” and “North by Northwest” have already been shown, and this Sunday they will show the final movie of the series, “The Man Who Knew Too Much.” Gary Chambers, a board member of the Cedar Falls Community Theatre, encourages everyone to head down to the theatre this Sunday at 2 p.m. “Where else can you have KIRSTEN TJOSSEM/Northern Iowan $2 popcorn and no charge?” The Oster Regent Theatre has been providing entertainment Chambers remarked. to Cedar Falls citizens for more than 100 years.
Montover wins Pumpkin Carving Contest
Congratulations to Alexsis Montover, the winner of the 2011 Northern Iowan Pumpkin Carving Contest! For her entry, Phineas from the TV show “Phineas and Ferb,” Montover will receive a $15 gift card to Jimmy John’s. Visit us on Facebook to view the other entries!
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page 8
friday, october 28, 2011
No Shame Theatre provides new, unusual and uncensored fun MEGAN KENNEDY Staff Writer
Just three simple rules govern the eccentric land of the University of Northern Iowa’s No Shame Theatre. Material must be 100 percent original, less than five minutes in length and harmless to the performance space and its occupants. No Shame’s relaxed atmosphere differs from more formal performance venues on campus. “There’s not a lot of pressure … we don’t ask for perfection,” said Jens Petersen, senior theatre major and production manager of No Shame. “One guy came in and ate a cheeseburger for five minutes, and you know, that counts.” Every other Friday night at 9:30 p.m., the doors to
CAC 108 open and No Shame participants sign up for performance time slots. Performances range from comedic skits to poetry readings; musical acts use the opportunity to try out new material and gauge audience reaction. Math professor and No Shame faculty liaison Doug Shaw feels strongly about the presence of a performance vehicle like No Shame at UNI. “Places where there’s a feeling of a celebration of freedom of expression are deep in the soul of a university … I believe that No Shame is far more important than just the people who come and perform at it,” said Shaw. Audience members come to see material that’s new, unusual, and uncensored.
Shaw cautions students that the absence of censorship comes with the possibility of experiencing offensive material. Audience members are encouraged to leave if made uncomfortable by a performance. For students who may be interested in performing but are apprehensive, Shaw offers words of encouragement. “An important part of college is learning to communicate,” said Shaw. “No Shame is a way that you can perform for a large amount of people without being graded and where the stakes are low.” No Shame Theatre’s next production is Friday, Oct. 28. The performance begins at 9 p.m.
Kelly Smith (left) and Rebecca Thacker (right) cut off Joe Veltri’s dreadlocks during a skit at No Shame Theatre.
‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ will allow crowd to get involved in the action ELISSA TERRY Entertainment Writer
Get ready for some cheesy horror fun at the Communication Arts Center on Oct. 31 – Theta Alpha Phi will be providing a one-night, free showing of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.” “You should expect a lot
continued from page 6
more and more things that never actually ever happened. Ever. The plot of the movie follows the same general (but not really) plot of Dumas’ novel. Three outof-their-prime and downon-their-luck Musketeers, Athos (Matthew Macfadyen, “Pride and Prejudice”), Aramis (Luke Evans, “Clash of the Titans”) and Porthos (Ray Stevenson, “Thor”) are brought out of their alcohol-induced retirement by the dashing young D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman, “The Lightning Thief ”) and back into saving the French
JUSTIN ALLEN/Northern Iowan
of fun singing and dancing along to the movie, and a lot of fun participation stuff,” said Ryan Decker, senior theatre major. “Also a lot of people dress up for this, so (there will be) a lot of fishnets and corsets from men and women both.” “I love how ridiculous it is,” Decker continued. “There’s a group of peo-
ple who know and love how awful this show is. It’s a lot of fun and also a chance for some people to get dressed up and go out and be a little outside their comfort zone, so it’s also really exciting.” The film will be showing at 10 p.m. in room 108 of the Communication Arts Center. Those who want to purchase a prop bag may do so for $3.
monarchy from the evil Cardinal Richelieu and his quest for power. The young French King Louis XIII finds the Musketeers charming and even goes as far as asking young D’Artagnan for his advice about wooing Queen Anne on a stroll through the gardens of Versailles. Now, if you know anything about French history or have ever heard of the Versailles, you might be cocking your head slightly to the side and asking yourself if you just read a misprint. Nope – you did not. Even though Versailles was built (or rather expanded in the same way “Extreme Makeover” makes houses
over) by Louis XIII’s son, honestly, that’s not even the most historically inaccurate this film gets. Apparently there were airships in the time of King Louis XIII… guess that solves that tricky problem of crossing the English Channel. Until, of course, it crashes in the Notre Dame. But putting aside all the things that could have never happened (even within this realm of historical fiction), the movie is surprisingly decent. It has some of the same swashbuckling charm of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies (and it even has Orlando Bloom as the “villain” Buckingham!) and much of the same action
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NINJAS continued from page 6
group plus those who are facilitating, and we would absolutely love if anyone interested would drop by for one of our meetings,” said Huisman. “Just because you attend one meeting doesn’t mean you are obligated to join, so feel free to check it out even if you aren’t sure whether Ninja Study Club is for you or not.” Any students who are interested in being taught that, while admittingly choreographed, is still awesome. One of the best scenes stars double-agent Milady de Winter, played by Milla Jovovich, fighting off several guards in period clothing. Now, that may not sound too cool put like that, but consider that Ms. Jovovich insisted on training and filming that scene in full costume, including corsets (aka old-timey Spanx with whalebone in them). Let’s just say it adds a whole other layer of sword fighting awesome. With quite a few fighting scenes himself, the young Logan Lerman does an excellent job portraying D’Artagnan. Though the role is usually played by someone older, director Paul W.S. Anderson wanted to go back to the roots of the original and have a teenaged lead. It’s a good decision; Lerman brings some young blood (and fightin’ skills from Camp Half-Blood) to the film that helps keep it moving. Another positive aspect is the comic relief by two key players. One is Freddie Fox, who plays King Louis XIII. Perhaps one of my favorite lines goes to him when he asks if “consummated”
NINJA STUDY CLUB Where: ITTC 035 When: Wed. @ 1-1:50 p.m. how to study like ninjas are encouraged to stop by a group meeting on any Wednesday from 1 to 1:50 p.m. in room 035 of the ITTC. means what he thinks it does. (It does.) The other is the loyal servant of the three Musketeers, Planchet, played by the hilarious James Corden (most recognizable from his role as Craig on “Doctor Who”). Corden adds a sense of familiarity and history to the Musketeers, as well as being there for a good laugh. At the other end of the sword, we have a great villain in Cardinal Richelieu, who, although played by an Austrian (who really cares about the accents?), is spoton. Christoph Waltz, in yet another role fit for a great maniacal laugh, of course does a spectacular job. Really there’s not much else to say about it – Christoph Waltz has the bad guy role down to a “t.” Perhaps that is what this movie is all about – liking the characters or loving to hate them. Well, that and really cool action scenes. It’s truly laughable if you watch it expecting historical accuracies, but when you watch it for the swashbuckling action movie it is, you should be pretty happy with the outcome. All for one and one for all.
the university of northern iowa’s student-produced newspaper since 1892
Friday, October 28, 2011
Volume 108, Issue 18
Cedar Falls, Iowa
#2 PANTHERS VS. #3 BISON UNI travels to Fargo with first place on the line
(6-1, 5-0 MVFC)
WHEN: 3 P.M.
(7-0, 4-0 MVFC)
ANNA SCHRECK/Northern Iowan Archives
UNI senior quarterback Tirrell Rennie (10) made his first collegiate start at the FCS level last season against the NDSU Bison. Rennie was 10-for-20 for 172 yards, no touchdowns and an interception. He also carried the ball 19 times for 96 yards in UNI’s 16-9 victory. The Panthers lead the all-time series between the two schools, 25-18.
BRAD EILERS Sports Editor
The old football cliché “defense wins championships” could definitely be applied to Saturday’s top-three Football Championship Subdivision showdown in Fargo, N.D., between the No. 2-ranked University of Northern Iowa Panthers and the No. 3-ranked North Dakota State University Bison. The Panthers (6-1, 5-0 MVFC) have the No. 2 scoring defense in the FCS, giving up just 13.29 points per game. The lone team that ranks ahead of UNI? NDSU (7-0, 4-0 MVFC), who is giving up a mere 11.57 points per contest. “(NDSU) has got good players and they play hard. They’ve got 16 returning starters and most of them are on defense,” said UNI head coach Mark Farley. “They’re good at what they do, they’re confident in what they do and I don’t expect them to change a lot (defensively) just to prepare for us.” Not only will Saturday pit the two lone undefeated teams in Missouri Valley Football Conference play against one another, but it will also mark the first time in the 27-year history of the conference that two top-three MVFC schools will face off against one another. “I know (the players) read what is in print and hear what is being said (about the rankings). We got to this point because of the
way we practice and the mindset we have week in and week out,” said Farley. “This is a big game because it’s the next game, not because it’s North Dakota State. At the end of the day, (NDSU is) a very good football team, and when all is said and done they may be the best one on our schedule. “(NDSU is) a power football team. They are going to run right at you,” Farley continued. “They are a strong, big, physical football team. They are going to line up and try and knock you off the ball. That’s their mindset and it always has been.” While the Panthers are used to playing inside a domed stadium and have had success playing in other domes in the past (3-0 on the road in domed stadiums since 1994), the Fargodome is arguably one of the toughest places to play in all of the FCS. NDSU packs 19,000-plus rowdy Bison fans into the Fargodome on a weekly basis. “I don’t think it’s the dome that fazes you, it’s the environment that fazes you,” said Farley. “Their environment is much like ours. It’s not the building that creates the environment; it’s the people in it. The fans are the ones who give you that home field advantage.” Strong defenses and ball-control offenses have been the calling card for these two teams all season long. UNI ranks No. See FOOTBALL, page 10
SCOUTING THE BISON Head Coach: Craig Bohl, 68-30 (ninth year) Offensive scheme: West Coast Points per game: 36.1 (7th FCS/2nd MVFC) Yards per game: 348.9 (72nd FCS/7th MVFC)
Passing YPG: 192.1 (71st FCS/5th MVFC) Rushing YPG: 156.7 (52nd FCS/6th MVFC) Player to watch: Brock Jensen, quarterback Defensive scheme: 4-3 Points allowed per game: 11.6 (1st FCS/1st MVFC)
Yards allowed per game: 296.9 (8th FCS/1st MVFC)
Passing YPG: 190.1 (29th FCS/1st MVFC) Rushing YPG: 106.7 (17th FCS/2nd MVFC) Player to watch: Marcus Williams, cornerback
Can Theo Epstein reverse the curse in Chicago?
down. Instead of making key decisions to Sports Columnist improve the team, Epstein has used the power of money to get players. Although it is nice It’s official, Theo Epstein will be the new- to pick up big-name guys like Carl Crawford, est member of the Chicago Cubs, which it also shows how spending too much money makes nearly every Cubs fan excited about on one player can lead to a big mistake (see: the forthcoming years. But after taking some Alfonso Soriano of the Cubs). time to think about it, should we be excited? The Cubs, who just went through their It doesn’t matter who the Cubs’ president, 103rd year of not winning a World Series, general manager, manager or players are – have a lot of work to do if they’re serious the Cubs are cursed. So the real question is, about being a playoff contender in the next can Epstein, known for reversing the curse two years. Almost every position is a big quesfor the Boston Red Sox, do it tion mark, and the big conagain in Chicago? tracts of Soriano and Carlos In my opinion, there is a Zambrano will hold the team big difference in the two franback for the next three years chises and the curses they Instead of making and one year, respectively. claim to have. There is some- key decisions to The only stabilities thing about the Billy Goat of the Cubs seem to be their curse that just feels so real to improve the team, shortstop, Starlin Castro, and Epstein has used me. their bullpen. Epstein will For those who do not the power of money need to make some key deciknow the story, it’s about a sions starting this offseason, tavern owner who once tried to get players. too. Should Aramis Ramirez bringing his goat to the game return to the team? Should with him, but was denied by the Cubs sign Prince Fielder Wrigley Field staff. He then or Albert Pujols? Is it posput a curse on the Cubs, saysible to trade Soriano and ing they will never win a World Series again. Zambrano? If the Cubs want to be taken It might be the black cat that crossed Ron seriously, Epstein will have to work his magic Santo in the on-deck circle, or it could simply starting Nov. 1, which is when free agency be the whole Steve Bartman incident. Either begins. way, there are times where I honestly believe So the big question is, can Epstein finally it will just never happen for the Cubs. win a title in Chicago? The Red Sox, on the other hand, had the I think it is possible, but what Cubs fans “Curse of the Bambino.” This was when the need to remember is that this is going to take Sox traded Babe Ruth to their hated rival, the time; it is not something that can be solved New York Yankees. It took them 86 years to in one year. If Epstein stays away from the win another World Series. After winning the recent mistakes he’s made as a general manSeries for a second time with the Red Sox in ager, we could be talking about him being the 2007, Epstein’s “magic” has started to wear savior of Cubs baseball in the next five years.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Women’s rugby team suffers first defeat of season
The UNI women’s rugby club team, pictured here scrumming against Minnesota, suffered their first defeat of the season against Eastern Illinois University last Sunday.
Sports Writer
The No. 14-ranked University of Northern Iowa women’s rugby club team made the 380-mile trek to Charleston, Ill., to face Eastern Illinois University in a non-league match this past Sunday. The Panthers entered the match 5-0 (4-0 Midwest League); however, they left with a 25-5 defeat after facing the lone varsity Division I women’s rugby team in the nation. “They took advantage of our mistakes and we didn’t do the same against them,” said UNI head coach Steve Murra. Brooke Dwyer was the only Panther to score Sunday, which is uncharacteristic of the high-scoring Panthers team. However, because EIU has a varsity program, they
get the luxury of practicing every day, compared to just three times a week for the Panthers. “(EIU) was just more fit than we were, and that made the difference,” said Murra. Despite the loss, the Panthers still hold an unblemished record in Midwest League play and sit atop the standings. A firstplace finish in the league would mean that UNI gets to host a home playoff game. As of now, the Panthers would most likely host Indiana University or the University of Notre Dame in the Midwest quarterfinals. However, before the team can worry about the playoffs, they still have to travel to face a league foe, the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, Sunday afternoon.
FOOTBALL continued from page 9
4 in the FCS in turnover margin (+1.86/game) and NDSU ranks No. 6 (+1.57/ game). “You just got to play your game. Don’t worry about where you play it; just worry about how you play it,” said Farley. “We have to take (better) care of the ball and cut down on some of the penalties.” Playing against a fundamentally sound and topranked team like NDSU on the road, the key for the Panthers will be to seize control of the game early to try and take the crowd out of it. When UNI manages to build up a first-half lead, they have been tough as nails defensively in the second half, allowing just six points all season in the third quarter and giving up just 10 total second half points in MVFC play. Kickoff is set for 3 p.m. The game will be televised on Fox College Sports Central.
The University of Northern Iowa’s student-produced newspaper since 1892
Classifieds I
Volume 108, Issue 18
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HELP WANTED Help wanted. Tony’s Pizzaria downtown Main Street. Hiring servers, cooks and drivers. Go to www.277tony.com. Fill out application and mention The Northern Iowan.
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Answers from Sudoku on page 12.
Friday, October 28, 2011
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Friday, October 28, 2011
NI Archives
Compilation by BRANDON POLL/Managing Editor
The ‘60s were an interesting decade, but it wasn’t all just flower power. Here’s a look back to Oct. 27, 1967 of the Northern Iowan.
Oct. 27, 1967 – the Northern Iowan UNI Theatre to present Goldoni comedy ‘The Fan’ “The Fan,” a comedy production centering around – you guessed it – a fan, was opened Nov. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 1967. Tickets at the time cost $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for students. “No hours” In that time, female students had curfews while living in the dorms. A new program debuted for UNI women who were under 21, at least sophomore standing and had parental permission. With “no hours,” students could come and go any time they wished. Freshman women at the time had “one o’clock hours” every night. Students said, “We come to UNI to be educated, not babysat,” and “They’re a necessity to learn how to accept responsibility.”
Answers to Sudoku on page 11.
Horoscopes By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT)
Today’s Birthday (10/28/11). Reviewing the budget reveals the gaps. A new assignment could bring in additional revenue, but beware the temptation to spend what you see as “extra.” Use it to shore up your financial foundations for a strong year. You achieve your goals. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Pay special attention to details now, but don’t stress about them. It’s not a good time to make important financial decisions. Think it over and come back to it tomorrow. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is a 5 -- Focus on your
goals and your commitments, especially when things don’t seem to go the right way. Maybe that side trip holds a missing key. You solve the puzzle. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is an 8 -- This busy day holds surprises, and your attitude about them makes all the difference. You’re getting to the good stuff. Surprising beauty awaits. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Go for comfort today, and keep a low profile. Your skill at pinching pennies comes in handy. Business is beginning to heat up, so stay focused for productivity. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- You’re in love. And work’s even more fun than you expected. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes. Focus on what you’re
passionate about, and find ways to add that to even mundane tasks. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Watch where you’re going to avoid accidents. Stick with tried and true methods. It’s not a good time for travel or romance, so stick close to home and take it easy. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You’re a master of clear communication now. Keep it up. You may have to compromise to please a partner. Accept a stroke of brilliance, and apply it to great effect.
Semester dorm contracts Rather than a yearly contract, some proposed the idea of semester contracts instead. This might have combated the financial impact of a student leaving during the year but incurring the expense of a full year of housing. The problems with this idea included potential demand for recontracting at semester for a different room and roommate, and potential delay in housing notification – as late as 10 days before the semester began. The Union Maucker Union was under construction in 1967. As reported by the newly instated Student Union Director John Ketter, “The new UNI Student Union will be one of the most unique unions in the nation today.” The cost reported at the time was $1,700,000 and completion was marked for 1968. To help with costs, in a 1962 faculty senate meeting proposed that each faculty member give $10 a year for 10 years to aid in costs.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Conflict in finances could be possible. Don’t try to do everything at once or you’re likely to forget something important. Try something you’re not sure how to do, and adapt. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Stay on top of your game. Don’t forget to slow down sometimes. All work and no play can get exhausting, especially for the ones who come behind. Wait up. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Conserve resources and contemplate your next move. Prepare your argument to state your case. Esoteric subjects become newly relevant. Sort and organize. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -- Pay more attention to facts than rumors. Talk it over with friends to get to the bottom. They support you to launch the next project, and illuminate the road to take. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 -- Hang on to valuable antiques or old treasure. New responsibilities provide a test or challenge. Choose practicality over fantasy, yet pursue a fantastic idea. Step carefully.
Maucker Union exterior model.
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monday-$1 beers Taco Tuesday- $1 tacos Wednesday-open jam starting at 9 P.M.(bring instrument) Thursday- Ultimate Entertainment Karaoke (Starting at 10 P.M.)
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