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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

DECEMBER 7, 2012









BOR approval of tuition freeze contingent on state funding LINH TA

News Writer

The Iowa Board of Regents voted Wednesday in support of a tuition freeze

for fiscal year 2014, but they warned the freeze was contingent on Iowa legislators’ decision to provide additional funding for the three public universities, according to the

Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. If the Iowa legislature does not approve a 2.6 percent increase in funding for the regent universities for FY 14, the BOR said they may decide


to raise tuition in the spring. With a freeze in tuition, tuition at the University of Northern Iowa would remain $6,648 for in-state undergraduate students.


Liberal Arts Core at a crossroads


Panthers top Chicago State 81-41

Hot shooting and persistence paid off as the the Panther women neatly notched a victory in the McLeod Center Tuesday. < See PAGE 11

Changes proposed, set to go through curriculum process


Academics Writer


‘Twilight’ is destroying America

The wooden acting! The hole-filled plots! The baffling and irritating characters! What’s not to hate about “Twilight,” Columnist Ruane wonders. < See PAGE 4



UNI staff earn Regents Excellence Awards Four staff members were recently honored by the Iowa Board of Regents for outstanding contributions during their careers. < visit northern-iowan.org

INDEX OPINION............................5 CAMPUS LIFE....................7 SPORTS...........................11 CLASSIFIEDS...................14

backbone for retail and dining to produce the recipes they need,” Moore said, describing the role of Fresh Beginnings. Moore said fewer than 10 pounds of food are wasted per week, even though Fresh Beginnings

The Liberal Arts Core of the University of Northern Iowa is “truly at a crossroads,” according to Deirdre Heistad, the director of the LAC. “What I mean is we have two things. We have a president who is leaving, so that can affect the vision of the university in general,” Heistad said. “Then we are also entering a new curriculum cycle.” According to Heistad, a majority of faculty and students wish to see changes to the LAC, but the challenge is knowing what changes to implement and how to build a consensus around those changes. There are a number of proposals for changes, including one from the social sciences category committee (Category 5) and three supported by the LAC committee (LACC). The social sciences category committee proposed having students take a course from Category 5A, 5B and 5C instead of 5A, 5B or 5C. The first change supported by the LACC, according to Heistad, is the addition of a first-year Cornerstone course to the permanent curriculum. The course would be an option for students to satisfy Categories 1A and 1B of the LAC. The second recommendation supported by the LACC is a restructuring of the humanities requirement so that students would have to take two required courses

< See FOOD, page 3

< See LAC, page 3

Graphic by Linh Ta

UNI explores composting options to reduce food waste LINH TA

News Writer

The University of Northern Iowa Department of Residence and UNI Facilities have collaborated since last spring to test a potential composting program and reduce waste from the dining centers and retail stores on campus. In the past, UNI Facilities composted leaves and yard waste. After visiting Iowa State University last spring to observe the composting program there, Paul Meyermann, assistant director of operations planning at the physical plant, said UNI is taking a closer look at its own composting program and the potential of composting food waste. Fresh Beginnings, a centralized commissary/bakery production facility in the Redeker Center, has played

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

A University of Northern Iowa student sends his tray to be washed at the Rialto Dining Center.

a part in the testing of the composting program. Bakery and commissary manager Cathy Moore said Fresh Beginnings has composted close to 750 pounds of pretable waste a week. Pretable waste includes produce such as vegetables and fruits. “We’re providing the





BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan

Sophomore communication and public relations double major Cat Gabrielson gets “NOH8” drawn on her cheek in preparation to take a photo at the “NOH8 at UNI!” event on Dec. 6.

Promoting ‘NOH8’ at UNI BRIAN FREESE Staff Writer

Exp. 12-15-2012

The “NOH8 at UNI!” event in the Maucker Union Ballroom on Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 gave students, faculty and staf the opportunity to show their solidarity with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community through NOH8 photography and It Gets Better Project videos. “I’m an ally of the LGBT community, and I feel it’s essential to stand with a

united voice saying we will not tolerate hate on this campus,” said Darin Adams, the organizer of the event and a University of Northern Iowa senior criminology major. “There were some posters that went around campus about a month ago that said some pretty horrible things about my friends. … I think (NOH8 at UNI!) says pretty clearly that we repudiate that poster and we will not stand < See NOH8, page 13



NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northern-iowan.org 319.273.2157

KARI BRAUMANN Executive Editor braumank@uni.edu 319.273.6826

BRANDON POLL Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu 563.249.6861

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CAITIE PETERSON Campus Life Editor petercap@uni.edu

BRAD EILERS Sports Editor eilersb@uni.edu

BRANDON BAKER Photo Editor bbaker@uni.edu

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EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS JENNA SALZBRENNER Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content. The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2012 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.












HIGH: 39 LOW: 27

HIGH: 39 LOW: 25


continued from page 1

produces a high volume of ingredients such as meat, cheese, vegetables and bread. The lack of food waste is thanks to a computer program called Food Pro that all of the dining centers use to determine how much food is needed for a particular day, based on past dining history. Along with Food Pro, the reactionary abilities of Fresh Beginnings also limit food waste. Since Fresh Beginnings processes, cleans and bakes its own ingredients, if a dining center has an overabundance of a certain food, they will contact Fresh Beginnings and tell them to produce less of an ingredient. “We really don’t throw away a whole lot,” Moore said. Carol Fletcher, assistant director of residential dining, said that while the university currently composts 750 pounds of food a week, she sees that amount rising to 3,000 pounds soon. If UNI decides to expand its composting program, Fletcher said the university by itself will not be able to handle all of the food waste. Fletcher cited past difficulties in trying to find a conve-

HIGH: 35 LOW: 28

niently located outside source that was willing to help with recycling on campus. “I hope that some outside organization will step up to the plate and say, ‘Hey, we would like to be a part of this,’” Fletcher said, referring to the potential expansion of the composting program. While Fletcher said people may be initially shocked by the amount of food produced by UNI, placed in comparison to the average amount of food waste per American family, the amount of waste is actually minimal. Moore said the reduction of food waste creates cost savings. For one “unit,” which includes Piazza, Rialto and UNI catering, Moore said $600 is saved at each unit each week. The University of Iowa and ISU compost the food waste from their universities. Iowa began composting its pre-consumer food waste in 2007 and has composted over 80 tons of food waste, according to their website. At Iowa State, ISU Dining collaborates with its composting facility — a facility that can handle more than 10,000 tons of organic waste annually. Presently, their facility generates 100 tons of com-

HIGH: 25 LOW: 15

post each week, according to their website. ISU Dining is currently conducting tests to determine how much waste is produced each day. “There are some places that do it in a big way, but they have the space and the place to do it,” Moore said. “When you compare the campus space at a place like Iowa State to UNI, we’re not going to be able to do it at the same grand scale they have.” “The less that we put in our landfill, the better,” said Susan Graves, UNI junior and president of the Student Nature Society. “Especially since the waste can be used for other means, I think that’s a great idea.” Kara Poppe, a sophomore who is part of Green Project UNI, Northern Iowa Energy Corps and Student Nature Society, believes the university could do more with its current composting program. “I visited a few universities that currently are doing postconsumer composting in their dining centers ... it would be awesome if UNI could get that on campus,” Poppe said. “But it’s huge that we’re simply experimenting with composting.”

HOW TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE NORTHERN IOWAN JOIN OUR STAFF Visit northern-iowan.org/ employment to apply.


Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to braumank@uni.edu.


Email submissions to Executive Editor Kari Braumann at braumank@uni. edu.


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.


It was mistakenly reported in the Dec. 4 article “NISG votes in support of gradual student teaching fee increase” that cooperating teachers will receive $350 in compensation. They will actually receive $400. The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.



continued from page 1

instead of two of three offered humanities courses. The final supported recommendation is the removal of personal wellness from the LAC. “The idea here is that we would like to see basically a reconceptualization of wellness within the core,” Heistad said. “For example, we would like to see courses in public health and global health be integrated into more parts of the LAC.” Heistad said this could possibly mean capstones or a course in epidemiology within the social science categories. According to Heistad, the LACC would also like to see movement across campus in upgrading writing assessment and instruction. “We would like to explore an exit requirement that would require additional writing-intensive courses,” Heistad said. Since an exit requirement is not technically a curriculum change, Heistad said the LACC needs to determine how to move forward with this. Heistad said the univer-

sity is now entering the formal curriculum cycle, so faculty will have to initiate these changes and send them through the formal curriculum process.

The process of changing the LAC

Any changes to the LAC must go through the two-year formal curriculum process. Any faculty or group of faculty can propose changes to the LAC, and many of these proposals have been brought to the LACC for consultation, according to Heistad. However, any proposal has to be vetted at all levels of the institution before being implemented. In order to submit a proposal, faculty fill out an online form, according to April Chatham-Carpenter, member of the LACC and professor of communication studies. She also said consultation is needed from the people who would be most impacted by the change. Faculty members need to determine what can be done to impact those people less or in a better way. If a new course is being proposed, the department in which that course would be housed would need to be on

board as well. According to ChathamCarpenter, the next step is to take the proposal to the college senate from which the course is initiated, where it would be decided whether the course should go forward as currently stated. Following that approval, the university undergraduate curriculum committee would then look at the course. If approved there, it would go on to faculty senate and then to the Board of Regents. Chatham-Carpenter said, for this curriculum cycle, the proposals would probably not reach this stage until well into Spring 2014. “In the spring (2013), hypothetically, college senates will be looking at all proposals that affect the LAC,” Chatham-Carpenter said. “At that point, they will send the information to the university undergraduate committee.” If there are unresolved conflicts or consultations, Chatham-Carpenter said, the university undergraduate curriculum committee can bring in parties about the proposal and have a place where they can mediate their conflict. She said the proposals will then ideally go to the faculty senate by spring 2014.

SEMINAR IN PERFORMANCE STUDIES: “SHAME AND GLORY” Interpreters Theatre, Lang Hall 040 7:30-9 p.m. Graduate students perform their work from the Seminar in Performance Studies.


WRESTLING: UNI OPEN West Gym All day HOLIDAYS WITH THE TEXAS TENORS Great Hall, GBPAC 2 and 7:30 p.m. Texas Tenors, a band that won fame on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent,” will give a holiday performance. Purchase tickets through UNItix. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL VS. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE McLeod Center 2 p.m.


CHERISH THE LADIES GBPAC 7:30 p.m. Cherish the Ladies is a Celtic band whose performances include elements of traditional Irish culture. Preshow meal begins at 6 p.m. in the lobby. Tickets can be bought through UNItix.





NORTHERN-IOWAN.ORG | FRIDAY, december 7, 2012


DECEMBER 7, 2012

Sit down and write a letter EMILY O’LOUGHLIN emolou @uni.edu

[ADDRESS] Emily O’Loughlin c/o Northern Iowan L011 Maucker Union University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 [SALUTATION] Dear readers of the Northern Iowan (including, but not limited to, University of Northern Iowa students, faculty, staff and administrators): [FORMALITIES/ INTRODUCTION] I write this letter to you today for two reasons. Firstly, I would like to say a farewell to the Northern Iowan, as I will not be writing (regularly) next semester. Secondly, I would like to encourage anyone who reads this to write a letter in the next month. When we were younger, some of us wrote to Santa. Others might remember the seasonal flood of cards with greetings and well wishes and yearly updates from family and family friends. [COMMENTS] Sadly, writing letters as a means of communication has fallen rather out of fashion as email, text messages and instant messaging, Facebook and other electronic media have grown more popular. This is a shame, as a letter can brighten someone’s day amid the usual mess of bills and advertisements (or plain emptiness) in the mailbox. Over the years, I have become pen pals with about a dozen friends with whom I wish to stay in touch. It would be possible to do so through email or an occasional Facebook message. But some aspect of choosing a particular card or stationery, taking the time to write (or rather print) in your own hand and knowing that it will arrive, an unexpected surprise, is just irreplaceable. It’s a way to show that you are thinking of the recipient. In an increasingly digitized, technology-filled world, the physical and manual things stand out in contrast. It’s a reminder that even if we are in some sort of virtual world like in “The Matrix,” the things we do here and now are real enough to us to matter to ourselves and others. In a letter, you can ask questions of your recipient, give long answers, include stories or < See LETTER, page 6







‘Twilight’ is destroying America BLAKE RUANE ruaneb@ uni.edu

In the words of Howard Beale, the lead character from the award-winning 1976 film “Network,” I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore. Like Howard, I am frustrated and flabbergasted by the depravity I see in the world around me. Just a few weeks ago, millions of people across the United States flocked to their local movie theaters at midnight, desperate to nab a decent seat for the special screening of a movie opening up on Friday. I can assure you that they were not there to see “Lincoln,” the latest historical film from director Steven Spielberg about the efforts of former president Abraham Lincoln to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, effectively abolishing slavery in a country torn apart by it. No, these crazed individuals were there for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2,” the fifth and final installment in the popular film franchise that has captured the attention of lovesick lunatics everywhere since the first “Twilight” descended on movie theaters in 2008. To date, according to BoxOfficeMojo.com, “Breaking Dawn – Part 2” has grossed more than $232 million domestically, and more than $598 million when you add in foreign totals. As a franchise, “The Twilight Saga” has grossed more than $9 billion worldwide, and that isn’t even including DVD sales and rentals. This is utter madness. For the uninitiated, “Twilight” is the twisted tale of Bella Swan, a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. To add some drama, her close friend Jacob Black, who just so happens to be a werewolf, is also in love with Bella, and proceeds to battle Edward for her affections. Now, for the purposes of this column, I forced myself to watch the first four films (I refuse to pay to see the

KIMBERLEY FRENCH/Summit Entertainment/MCT

Robert Pattinson (left) and Kristen Steward as Edward and Bella, respectively, in “Twilight: New Moon.”

final film in theaters) and, to put it quite simply, they are atrocious. There were quite a few times when I found myself baffled by what I was seeing, and I had to fight the constant urge to curl up in the corner of the room, close my eyes and tell myself it was all just a bad dream. I just could not, for the life of me, figure out what is so appealing about these films.

I understand the need to go to the movies and escape, but do we really need to sacrifice our intelligence to do so?

It’s certainly not the acting. Kristen Stewart, in the role of Bella, emotes about as well as a cardboard box. You’ve got Taylor Lautner, whose acting is so bad the filmmakers seized every opportunity to have him take his shirt off, hoping his chiseled physique would keep the audience distracted until he was done reading his lines. And then there is Robert Pattinson, who seems like he might actually be a decent actor, but the material is so bad, any effort to salvage it would be futile. Speaking of bad materi-

al, there also is no real storyline. Bella falls in love with Edward in the first film, and then nothing really happens over the next few films. Edward leaves her in “New Moon,” leading Bella to nearly commit suicide, until Edward thinks she actually went through with it, which in turn leads him to attempt to kill himself. You know, just your typical, healthy teenage relationship. In “Eclipse,” an evil female vampire assembles an army of vampires to kill Bella to get revenge against Edward for killing her lover, which might seem like overkill to some, but hey, I’ll give her an A for effort. And then in “Breaking Dawn – Part 1,” Bella and Edward get married, make a baby, and Bella is turned into a vampire, despite Edward refusing to do so in the first three films. And the special effects are anything but special. For as much cash as these movies pull in, you’d think they’d be able to afford a bigger budget. I’ve seen better effects on the Looney Tunes. So, to recap, the whole crux of the story is that Bella loves Edward and nothing else matters in life, not even her poor dad, who all but disappears after the first film. Father of the Year he is not. Oh, and you’re supposed to actually pretend like there is legitimate uncertainty as to whether or not Bella will choose Edward, as opposed to Jacob. Are you Team Edward?

Or are you Team Jacob? Why is there not a Team Bella? I wonder if Stephenie Meyer, the author of the books on which the films are based, ever considered having Bella reject both of them, choosing instead to be her own woman and not be defined by her relationships, but I suppose that ending would’ve been too feminist. What was I thinking? To be frank, I just don’t get the appeal. People compare the success of this franchise to “Harry Potter,” but those movies were about confronting fear and standing up and fighting for the greater good, even when the odds seem insurmountable. “Twilight” is about a girl desperate to be with the man she loves, even if that means attempting near suicides and surviving repeated attempts on her life. Not exactly the role model I’d be championing for the independent woman. I have seen all four of the first films, and I am now dumber for having watched them. I could almost feel the brain cells dying in my head as I sat through these horrific excuses for movies. I understand the need to go to the movies and escape, but do we really need to sacrifice our intelligence to do so? You want a love story? There are plenty out there, and I bet 99 percent of them are better than this one. Blake Ruane is a senior in English from Cedar Falls, Iowa.

GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? DROP US A LINE. Write a letter to the editor. Letters must not exceed 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to the executive editor at braumank@uni.edu.




continued from page 5

pictures and share a part of your life. It may get messy or be somewhat less organized than if you have a chance to correct and spell-check everything as in an email, but that’s a great part of the fun! Writing a letter can also be a way to take a break from something that is frustrating or tedious (like some homework or studying) and refresh your mind. Perhaps you can write a letter to your future self to remind you what you liked or didn’t like about the past semester. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, I would again challenge you to write to someone this month of December. It can be as simple as a card and “hello” or a more formalized letter like this. Write to a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a coworker or Santa, whether for fun or with an agenda. It doesn’t matter; just write! I would like to again thank those who take their time to read the Northern Iowan, and especially those who put it all together. The editorial staff always works hard, and still finds the time to have fun with their jobs. [CLOSING] My best regards and well wishes to all, Emily M. O’Loughlin Emily O’Loughlin is a senior

in philosophy and history from Kelley, Iowa.


Tradition goes ‘tutu’ far I’ve attended the UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club Christmas Show both years that I’ve been at the University of Northern Iowa. Both times were incredibly enjoyable and left me feeling proud of my fellow UNI students for working so hard to put on such a great show – until the final act, that is, in which the pride was replaced with disappointment. Both times, the show closed with the “Arthur Murder Dancers,” a selection of Glee Club members dancing on stage in tutus. While the intent is harmless, the actual performance is problematic in several ways. Not only is it offensive to legitimate dancers, such as the talented female dancers who performed earlier in the show, who obviously worked hard to perfect their intricate choreography and impressive high-kicks (while the Arthur Murder Dancers flail their arms around and barely kick their feet), but it is sexist and transphobic. It’s sexist in that it mocks traditionally feminine behavior and styles of dress, and it’s transphobic in that it mocks those who don’t fit into their traditional gender roles. It makes both gender and the rejection of gender roles a punch line for a joke. Even if the Arthur Murder

Dancers took the performance seriously, and focused on performing an entertaining dance routine, the dancing would take a backseat to the “joke” that is men dancing in tutus. There actually were a couple of aspects of the dancers’ routine that I found to be well done. Unfortunately, every dance move the men made was met with a roar of laughter from the audience. As someone who identifies as gender-queer, who attended the Glee Club show in nongender-conforming clothing both years, this left me feeling extremely uncomfortable. This year in particular, I was sitting in the audience, in my high-heeled boots and lipstick, listening to people laugh at the men in tutus on stage, questioning why I decided to attend this show a second year. While I understand the Glee Club values tradition, and this is one of them, I can’t help but feel it’s a tradition that needs to be retired. Steven Sanchez Senior, communication studies


The Northern Iowan accepts guest columns on topics of interest to the UNI community. Columns must be 600 words or less and will be edited for grammar, clarity, length and Associated Press style conventions. Not all submissions will be printed. Send columns to braumank@uni.edu.


Enough is enough ANTHONY MITCHELL ayomitch @uni.edu

Brief history lesson: since I have been an opinion writer for the Northern Iowan there have been three or four drafts I’ve written about this topic that were never submitted to the editors. Then there was one draft that I finally had some confidence in and submitted it, only to retract it mere hours later. Something kept me from putting it out there. Every time I’d tell myself some reason things are the way they are or it just isn’t worth ranting about. Well, this is my final go at it, folks, and I can’t let it sit in the background anymore. It’s time to sound off at parking at the University of Northern Iowa. It is a disaster that I have put up with for years now. Granted, I’m only here for one more semester, but it’s time for me to give a piece of my mind to this absolutely broken system that drives us all nuts on a regular basis. Other writers have touched on this, but I really don’t care. Something needs to be said again about this matter. Number one, C parking passes should not be not be permitted in CP lots at any time. Period. Nothing against anyone with a C pass, but I’m sorry, I paid extra money to park in CP and I intend on having a spot. The whole C in CP rule is garbage in my opinion (keep in mind the key phrase “my opinion”). Nothing is more infuriating than coming back to my home in Panther Village and not finding a spot anywhere near my building or not finding one at all. In fact, just this last weekend I parked in a service spot (partially out of spite) because there was not a single spot available in CP from Rider to Shull; from Hagemann to Noehren to Panther Village. None. Zero.

That should not happen ever. So from parking in a service spot overnight (no ticket, boom-shaka-laka) I ended up having to park way out in the Gallagher lot, and of course, I had a little orange buddy waiting for me the next morning. Number two, B lots should be utilized for guest parking on weekends. If you have guests come to UNI, good luck finding them somewhere to park their vehicle without a little Cedar Falls hospitality. These lots are wide open on weekends because they aren’t being utilized for travelers. Why be a stickler and start handing out orange trinkets? All I’m saying is that it is a reasonable request at a campus where guest vehicles are certainly not welcome (without a little financial compensation). Finally, number three, lower the over-sale percentage. UNI admits to overselling parking passes; we’ve looked into it before and I got the numbers. I can understand overselling slightly because selling an exact number of passes would be slightly anal and there would always be unused spaces. However, the overselling is way overkill. There are way too many instances where I’ve found myself ousted by no parking and I believe this to be a factor, albeit a smaller one. Ultimately, my question to UNI is this: Do you think we honestly care about the little orange slips on our cars? I can care less about the $13. I’m not parking farther away because of a flawed system. I will park close to my building and pay the fine if need be. We are just annoyed with the lack of available spots under the current system and the spots that could be better utilized but instead remain wide open. In short, our parking situation seriously needs to be reanalyzed. Anthony Mitchell is a senior in

electronic media from Grinnell, Iowa.

do you love a good


apply to be a spring 2013 opinion columnist! you’ll get professional writing experience, pay for your work and a chance to speak out about issues that matter to the UNI community. we’re looking for proficient writers who are willing to do research and reporting to make solid arguments. interested? visit our office in Maucker Union for an application or find the listing on the UNI student job board. you’ll need to turn in one professional writing sample and one sample column. email Executive Editor Kari Braumann braumank@uni.edu with any questions.

caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu


december 7, 2012





Wahls gives speech about importance of marriage KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Staff Writer

It was a little less than two years ago when Zach Wahls gave his speech in front of the Iowa House of Representatives in defense of gay marriage. Since then, he’s received countless emails and Facebook friend requests, made television appearances including “The Daily Show” and “The Ellen Degeneres Show” and released a book in April of this year titled “My Two Moms.” Now, with more than 20 million hits on the YouTube video of his speech, Wahls is taking some time off of his schooling at the University of Iowa to continue his activism. He is focusing on promotional events like the one that was held here at the University of Northern Iowa on Tuesday, Dec. 4. “It’s too important to not do something,” said Wahls, who partnered with One Iowa, the state’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy group, for the event and several others like it across the state. Wahls’ talk focused on pro-

tecting marriage equality in Iowa as well as across the nation. “Today we live in a state where the rings on their fingers mean something, and that’s beautiful,” said Wahls. While Iowa is ahead of many other states when it comes to marriage equality, there’s still work that needs to be done to ensure equal and fair rights for all, advocates say. “We have the laws, but how do we impact the rest of the Midwest?” said One Iowa communications director Molly Tafoya, who spoke of the Home for the Holidays project. With only four members, it’s impossible for UNI’s One Iowa to reach everyone. That is why their on-campus initiative began Home for the Holidays, a project that encourages students to take a pledge to have five conversations about the importance of marriage equality while at home during the holiday season. “You have to talk about it,” said Wahls. UNI became involved with One Iowa early in 2010,

with the goal of strengthening and establishing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Iowans through education, political activism and social outreach. Since its establishment, the group has evolved from collaborating with One Iowa to becoming a recognized student organization. “While political advocacy remains an important part of our mission, we’ve broadened the scope of our work to include LGBT activism issues specific to UNI, like gender-neutral housing,” said UNI One Iowa president Kyle Woollums. “We’ve also become a more social organization and try to program events that encourage the campus at large to get involved and learn about LGBT issues.” UNI students interested in getting involved with One Iowa at UNI can attend the weekly meetings held on Mondays at 8:15 p.m. in Maucker Union. More information on the organization can be found on their Facebook page.


Department of Residence seeks applicants for RA positions ALAN WILKINS

Staff Writer

The Department of Residence is now accepting applications for Resident Assistant positions for all residence halls on the University of Northern Iowa campus. According to the DOR website, to apply one must be a full-time UNI student with a minimum GPA of 2.25 in good behavioral standing with the university, and one must have spent at least one semester living in a residence hall. The recruitment process is handled by a committee of current Residence Life Coordinators and Resident Assistants from each residence hall on campus. Ashley Hartnett, Residence Life Coordinator and chair of the RA recruitment committee, provided insight into the RA recruitment process. The first part of the RA recruitment process includes

filling out and submitting an online RA application with an attached cover letter and resume. Additionally, two letters of recommendation, including one from a current RA and one from a previous employer, professor or someone able to assess the candidate’s work ethics, skills and personality, may be handdelivered or scanned and emailed to the DOR. The second part of the RA recruitment process includes an hour-long series of formal interviews by the RLCs along with current RAs, which Harnett compares to “speed dating.” This gives the RLCs the chance to meet and interact with all the candidates for about five minutes each. Each candidate will be accompanied by an RA, who will show them where to go and will answer any questions the candidate may have. The next part includes what is called a “socialview.” This is a large-group, infor-

mal setting which gives candidates the chance to speak to RLCs one-on-one, asking about what each RLC is looking for in RAs working in their building. Additionally, some activities will be put together that allow candidates to show how they work on a problem in a group dynamic. Finally, decision letters will be sent in the mail on Feb. 20. The letters will tell candidates whether they have been offered the RA position or selected as an alternate in case candidates who have been offered the position do not accept the offer. Hartnett said that after the interviews, the RLCs get together to discuss who they will select. “Mainly, the determining factor that determines who we hire for buildings comes down to the fact of who’s going to work well with who and what type of team dynamic do we < See RECRUITMENT, page 8

page 7

volume 109, issue 27


DAVID POPE/Style Columnist


Grit ‘n’ Glam Holiday Gift Guide Gift suggestions for everyone in your friend group, from sizable “spare no expense” gifts to thoughtful “a little something” presents! Don’t forget to like Grit ‘n’ Glam on Facebook for access to multimedia features and updates from Grit ‘n’ Glam! The Workaholic 1. Spare no expense: professional massage. Nothing mixes health, beauty and pleasure like a massage. The stress relieving properties of a massage will leave your overachieving friend refreshed, feeling good and looking spry. This gift is a perfect antidote to all the tension of the holiday season. 2. A little something: aromatherapy candles. Studies have shown that scents such as lavender decrease blood pressure and heart rate. With a cute note saying something to the effect of “Take it easy!” you can show you know how hard they work – and that they deserve a break. Bonus: they’ll think of you every time they light it. The Artsy-Fartsy 1. Spare no expense: art print. A print by one of their favorite artists shows that you actually were paying attention that time they ranted about the correlation between disestablishmentarianism and the postmodern movement in art. (www.allposters.com) 2. A little something: book of poetry. A small book of poetry will give your friend plenty of reason to curl up next to the fire this holiday season. Personalize with sticky notes designating your favorite poems with brief reasons why you like them. You’ll connect on a whole new level. The Fashionista 1. Spare no expense: gift card. It’s easy to take missteps when attempting to buy items of apparel for chic types. Instead, opt for a gift card to their favorite clothing store. Perhaps not very imaginative, but with a note saying “I’m taking you shopping!”, it’s just the gift they really wanted. 2. A little something: bath

gift set. Sets of bath products are extremely cheap and easy to find this time of year. Get one with pampering products like bath salts and practical staples like body wash and you’ve struck gift gold. ($525, department stores like WalMart have many on display during the holiday shopping season.) The Geek 1. Spare no expense: video game. Whether it’s the latest Skyrim expansion or the bazillionth Mario game, the dweeb in your life will love you forever and get hours of fun from your thoughtful gift. 2. A little something: Take them to see “The Hobbit.” “The Hobbit” comes out in theaters Dec. 14, and you should be the one they see it with. Buy their ticket and some buttery popcorn and they’ll thank you for the return to Middle-earth. This gift also gives you a chance to nerd out together over hobbits, dwarves and wizards. What’s not to love? ($6-12, local theaters.) The Do-Gooder 1. Spare no expense: give to charity. Donating money to a charity (such as Feeding America, which provides meals to the hungry) in their name shows you understand how important that issue is to them – and that you’re willing to invest in their passion. (www.feedingamerica.org) 2. A little something: inspirational stories. Jill Iscol and Peter W. Cookson’s “Hearts on Fire: Stories of Today’s Visionaries Igniting Idealism into Action” is a collection of true stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things to better our world. They’ll be inspired to keep working for their own goals by the rousing tales of kindness and social change. ($12, www.amazon.com.)


Email your questions to poped@uni.edu to receive advice from our beauty and style expert! Questions from all people are accepted.


page 8


Walk A Mile In Their Shoes to raise poverty awareness JON HAUSLER

Staff Writer

On Saturday, Dec. 8, the Cedar Valley Hospital House will host the first “Walk A Mile In Their Shoes” event, a 1.5-mile walk to help raise awareness for poverty and homelessness in the community. The walk starts at 10 a.m. at Riverloop Amphitheatre in Waterloo and ends at First Presbyterian Church, where there will be refreshments and a speaker who will share his story of homelessness and how he overcame it. Kelli Miller, the Americorps Volunteer for the Hospital House in charge of the event, shared her passion for the walk. “This is important to the community so we can raise

awareness about the issues of poverty and homelessness,” said Miller. “These issues become insignificant and invisible unless we make a conscious effort to bring attention to them.” This event is not to be confused with “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” which, according to the organization’s website, raises “awareness and funds for sexualized violence education, prevention and remediation.” To register for the “Walk A Mile In Their Shoes” event, email kelli.miller321@gmail. com or call 319-750-5585. The walk costs $8 for students and $10 for adults. “We need as many people as possible to participate to really make this a success,” said Miller.

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northern-iowan.org | friday, december 7, 2012


UNI students present work at fall 2012 B.F.A. exhibition KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Staff Writer

Four University of Northern Iowa students will present their artwork at the Fall 2012 B.F.A. Group Exhibition, located at the UNI Gallery of Art, from Thursday, Dec. 6 through Saturday, Dec. 15. A reception for the exhibition was held Thursday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. For almost a decade now, this exhibition has given students the opportunity to present their work to the public as the final step in obtaining their bachelor of fine arts degree. This fall, the students involved have been working hard to prepare every aspect of the exhibition. Aside from the artwork, the students have also created postcards to publicize the event. The artists involved in this show will be presenting everything from paintings to

sculptures to ceramics. “My sculptures are combined, abstracted forms that are filled with metaphors and are representations of specific themes or ideas,” said Zachary Bowman, one of the artists featured in the exhibition. Amber Persinger, another student involved in the exhibition, has an emphasis in painting. Titled “Everything was Beautiful and Everything Hurt,” Persinger’s exhibition focuses on relationships, working primarily with the female form. The event is free and open to the public. Gallery hours to view the exhibition are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and noon to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. “This is a great opportunity to see what current students have been working on, in a venue that is second to none,” said Bowman.

are you the

artsy type?

apply to be a campus life beat writer! we are looking for people who know their stuff to cover important events in theatre, music and visual art, as well as an album reviewer. interested? visit the UNI student job board for more details and an application. RECRUITMENT continued from page 7

want to build on our staff,” said Hartnett. Audrey Grove, a sophomore economics major and RA in Campbell Hall, advised candidates to “start working on leadership roles now to get used to that position and keep your grades up, because it does get harder once you are an RA.” RAs receive a single room and their dining center meals are paid for by the university. They also receive a yearly stipend of either $1,200 or $1,400. Dan Bohnker, a junior leisure, youth and human services major, is applying because, “… When I was a freshman, my RA was just awesome because he helped me out a lot. I would like to return the favor to other people coming in.” Those interested in applying may find the application on the UNI job board. Applications can also be downloaded from https:// www.uni.edu/dor/page-tag/ ra-application. The deadline for applications is Jan. 17.

northern-iowan.org | friday, december 7, 2012

Do you have a relationship question for Anthony and Katie? Email it to petercap@uni.edu.

He said, she said:

relationship advice

I’ve been crushing on this guy in my class and have been trying to get up the nerve to ask him out, but with finals next week I’m hesitant because I know it would be hard to set up a date during this busy time of the semester. Would it be too late to wait until school gets back in January? Or should I just forget about it? He Said:

While, yes, it is true that things get pretty hectic during finals week, it’s still worth a shot. You never want to pass up an opportunity that could be worthwhile. Besides, if you approach him now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have to cram a date in during finals week. You can set something up when you both are back from break. I’d definitely say not to wait too long – meaning waiting to ask in January – definitely say something now. As break is a month long, it may make approaching him a little odd with how much time has passed. Also, if you wait until January to try and initiate something, who’s to say that you’ll be in another class together or have any type of face-to-face communication? This really makes time of the essence and I stress once again that now is the time, not later. Yes, we are all stressed during finals, but we are all looking for a bit of an escape, too. Asking him out could provide that escape for him, which could be the grounds for a very strong first date. That, of course, always sounds good. Ultimately, in a situation like this, I say go for broke. Time is of the essence, so get over to his desk and say that you’d like to see him sometime!

She Said:

Wait until January? Are you kidding?! It’s finals week—the perfect opportunity to ask him on a study date! This will be a great way for you two to have some time alone and get to know each other while not officially being on a date. Yes, this time should be used for studying and prepar-

ing for tests, but it can’t hurt to have a study partner there next to you for when you need to take breaks, right? I’m all for studying – school should absolutely come first. But I do think that you should take advantage of this time and invite him to go to the library with you. This study date can initiate other dates in the future. When you come back from break, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off or better yet, hang out over break because you took the initiative to hang out with him before break. Maybe things will go really well while studying and the two of you can grab dinner or coffee when you’re done. If you choose to do something besides a study date, I would ask him now just in case he is busy with finals and needs time to make plans. It doesn’t hurt to ask – tell him that you understand if he’s too busy but you’d really like to set up a date of some sort. You may have to wait until after break and that’s ok, too. Just take a chance and ask him if he’s able to do anything before break. If you have to wait a month, then it’s no big deal – you’ll just be even happier to see each other when school starts back up again! Whatever you do, don’t just forget about it. If you don’t take these chances now, you’ll never get them back and it could turn out to be something great, as cheesy as that sounds. Plus, if you brush it off and forget about it, it will absolutely, 100 percent come up again. The feelings will still be there and you’ll still want to go out with him, so take the initiative now and I’m sure you’ll find that things will work out just as you want them to. Good luck.


Don’t be! All questions are kept anonymous. Questions are accepted from students of all walks of life. Katie and Anthony have been answering your questions for four years, so do yourself a favor and get advice from these seasoned writers!


page 9

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northern-iowan.org | friday, december 7, 2012


DECEMBER 7, 2012








Strong shooting propels Panthers to 81-41 victory RILEY UBBEN

Sports Writer

WHITNEY PHILLIPS/Northern Iowan Archives

UNI sophomore Brooke Brown (left), pictured here against Indiana State, scored 10 points to go along with two assists during Tuesday night’s game against Chicago State.


The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team downed the Chicago State University Cougars 81-41 Tuesday night in Cedar Falls. The Panthers’ quick start and hot shooting was key as they virtually put the game away in the first half. UNI took the lead on their first possession and did not relinquish it for the remainder of the game. The Panthers (5-4) started the night off with a 9-0 run led by their guards. Redshirt senior Jacqui Kalin scored on an old-fashioned 3-point play while sophomore Brittni Donaldson nailed a 3-pointer to give the Panthers an early lead. Sophomore Brooke Brown constructed a run of her own when she nailed back-to-backto-back 3-pointers in a 58-second span to give the Panthers a 31-8 lead.

“It definitely felt awesome. A lot of that was credited to my teammates,” said Brown of her nine straight points. “The better I shoot the 3, and every single person on our team, the more it opens the drive.” Chicago State put together a 6-0 run of their own in the first half to narrow the scoring gap. The run was led by sophomore Tierra Williams, who also led the Cougars with 13 points for the game. However, the Panthers’ hot shooting in the first half proved to be too much for the Cougars, as UNI shot 50 percent from the field along with 58 percent from beyond the 3-point arc. The Panthers took a 42-16 lead into the locker room and did not falter in the second half as they continued to extend their lead. The offense was a main focus for UNI head coach Tanya Warren and the < See BASKETBALL, page 12


Pack your bags, UNI football fans – it’s time to move


Kansas City Chiefs fans remember Jovan Belcher during last Sunday’s game against the Carolina Panthers. The Chiefs took a moment of silence for all domestic abuse victims before the game.

It’s just a game JAKE BEMIS

Sports Columnist

I’ve been lucky enough to be around sports my entire life. I’ve been involved with all the highs and all the lows. It’s incredible how much of me relates in one way or another to sports, and I’m even luckier to have chosen a career where I can focus my attention on my true passion.

The highs can be so thrilling. I’ve never truly experienced anything like my favorite team winning a championship or even just a big game. It’s one of those times where you’ll always remember where you were and what you were doing. Every little detail about those moments will always be instilled in your < See JUST A GAME, page 12

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

The UNI football team has averaged 8.8 wins per season over the past decade.


Sports Editor

“UNI football shocks the BCS, headed to the Orange Bowl.” That’s a headline University of Northern Iowa football fans can only dream about. However, you may hear it come from the mouths of many ill-informed college football “experts” in the coming weeks when they talk about Northern Illinois University crashing the Bowl Championship Series by

sneaking into the Orange Bowl as a member of the Mid-American Conference. It’s NIU, not UNI… … but it could be. Financially, right now may not be the best time for UNI to make the move from the Football Championship Subdivision to the Football Bowl Subdivision. However, looking at this strictly through the eyes of a UNI sports fan, now is the time to move. < See FOOTBALL, page 12




continued from page 11

Panthers heading into Tuesday’s game. “It was very important that we bounce back. The last thing I said to them is that the Iowa game is going to back us bitter or better. They did a great job of sharing the basketball and making the extra pass,” said Warren.


What could have been...

You have five kids on the floor at all times that have to be guarded. You can’t really cheat off of anybody.


Jovan Belcher (59) died Dec. 1 in a murder-suicide, killing his girlfriend Kasandra Perkins before killing himself.


Tanya Warren

continued from page 11

UNI head basketball coach

The Panthers had six players finish with double digit points on the night. The starters combined for 48 points and got some key help from redshirt freshman Jen Keitel and freshman Hannah Schonhardt off the bench. “You have five kids on the floor at all times that have to be guarded. You can’t really cheat off of anybody,” Warren said. Kalin led the starters with a total of 13 points. Senior Amber Kirschbaum had 12 points and 11 rebounds to give her the first Panther double-double of the season. Keitel added 10 points and eight rebounds along with Schonhardt’s 13 points to give the Panthers a spark off the bench. The Panthers continue their three-game home stand when they take on South Dakota State University on Saturday at 2 p.m.

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Illustration by BRAD EILERS/Northern Iowan


continued from page 11

If UNI and NIU football were placed sideby-side, you may be surprised by how many similarities there actually are, aside from the similar abbreviations. NIU was established in 1895 as the Northern Illinois State Normal School. In 1921 they became known as the Northern Illinois State Teachers College before being renamed Northern Illinois University in 1957. The two schools have similar endowments and undergraduate student enrollment numbers. DeKalb, Ill., has approximately 40,000 residents, as does Cedar Falls. And finally, the two schools have similar football attendance numbers while their programs are overshadowed by other FBS programs within their own states. UNI could compete in the MAC; there is no doubt in my mind. I’m not going to say that the Missouri Valley Football Conference is as strong top to bottom as the MAC, but I’m also not going to say that the top teams in the MVFC couldn’t annually compete for conference titles in the MAC, and that includes UNI. With the new BCS bowl/playoff setup coming in 2014-15, teams from the MAC and other nonautomatic qualifying conferences will have a better opportunity to make it into the BCS. Aside from that, every MAC school

is projected to receive a $1.65 million payout this year for their bowl tie-ins, not to mention the seven schools that will get free national publicity while playing their bowl games on television. The MAC makes perfect sense for UNI. However, I feel that the move would have to be strictly football - only for financial reasons. UNI could be even more dominant in their other sports as a part of the MAC as opposed to the Missouri Valley Conference. That speaks to how strong the MVC is. However, this needs to be a football-only discussion. Financially, right now may not be the right time to make the move. However, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. It is entirely possible that a move to FBS football could lead to a boost in enrollment numbers for the university and bring in lots of money along with it. However, it’s also entirely possible that it won’t affect enrollment one bit and we will actually lose money. UNI needs to seriously consider contacting the MAC and moving the football team from the FCS to the FBS, and they need to do it soon. With the way the college football landscape is changing, I don’t want to see UNI get left behind. There is no question that the time to move is now. The only question is whether UNI is ready.

mind. The same can be said for the lows. As much as we all like to say a bad loss or even bad seasons don’t affect us, they do. But when you’re a true sports fan, that’s ok. You’ve earned the right to be upset that your team stinks – note to all Chicago Cubs fans, including myself. Yet, with the recent deaths of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher and college basketball coach Rick Majerus, sometimes we forget about what’s important. No matter what sport you’ve turned into your passion, no matter who your idol is on the court or on the field, at the end of the day these are just games. Win or lose, you’ll go back to your life and face the real world. Don’t get me wrong, I may be one of the worst at not letting sports interfere with my daily life, but it’s times like these when I realize what’s really important. I wasn’t a fan of Sunday’s NFL game between the Chiefs and Carolina Panthers. Not because of the outcome, but because of the fact that the game was played at all. Just one day before that game, the Chiefs lost a true friend. No matter who he was or what he did, Belcher is a human being that has left this world. Why haven’t we taken the time to step back and realize this? Sunday’s game was just that – a game. Sure, for those players, football is a career. But they are also entertainers, putting on a show for the country to watch. Would it be the same if you were to see a Sunday showing of the Wizard of Oz, and a cast member has just passed away one day before the show? No. It’s just a game. If you win, that’s great. If you lose, there will be another game. Life doesn’t always work like a football season. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who has lost a loved one recently. This should be a time to reflect on their life here on this earth, not for football.



continued from page 1

for hatred and bigotry on this campus.” UNI, UNI Proud, ONE Iowa, UNI Feminist Action League and the Northern Iowa Democrats sponsored the event. “The NOH8 campaign is a silent visual protest where people get their pictures taken with NOH8 written on their cheek to show support for the LGBT community,” said Steven Sanchez, co-director of public relations for UNI Proud and a senior communication major. “We’re one of the first campuses nationwide to have this event. The It Gets Better campaign is a video campaign which aims to express stories of support for the LGBT community.” The photos taken at the two-day event will be edited and given t the NOH8 campaign to use in their NOH8 at My School website, according to Adams. The photos will also be posted on UNI social

media. “We’re going to try to make a collage out of it by spelling out NOH8 with faces,” Adams said. A compilation of the videos will be given to both University Relations and the It Gets Better Campaign for each to put it on their websites. Many UNI students participated in the photo shoot and the video shoot. “Being an elementary education major, supporting the NOH8 and no bullying in schools was a great cause to support,” said Lauren Hanzelka, senior elementary and middle-level education major. “I just think it’s a really great way to use art to draw awareness to an issue,” said Reece Sealock, a UNI alumnus from Cedar Falls. “If it’s something that catches the eye, typically it will stick in someone’s head. I’m hoping that as people do this and wear the makeup around, it will get other people to ask

sports questions.” “I’m a total supporter of the LGBT community and making sure teen suicide rates come down,” said Colt Butrick, a sophomore social science teaching major. Alicia Soppe, a senior psychology major, said she went to the NOH8 event because individuals should “support equal rights.” “I think it’s important to have this event because it shows that we’re a campus that supports equality,” Soppe said. “It’s something that everyone should stand up for.” “Allies who may not be able to speak out about (NOH8) can come and get a picture taken to show solidarity with the NOH8 campaign,” said Sara Holmes, a senior biology major. “It Gets Better is a way for people to become a part of a larger video where they can express support and show that there are people who care.”


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DECEMBER 7, 2012




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Page 14


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northern-iowan.org | friday, december 7, 2012

ON CAMPUS. ON WINTER BREAK. ALWAYS CONNECTED. Discover how our A+ lineup of devices help you keep up with your studies just about wherever your academic schedule takes you. Save with discounts for students, faculty and staff of the University of Northern Iowa.




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off select regularly priced Sprint plans Req. new 2-year agmt.



Keep in touch when roaming campus with email, text and apps. Multiply your multitasking with the 4.7-inch display and Android™ 4.0 while Beats Audio™ makes the most of your music.

Read books, review documents, or run thousands of apps from Google Play™ on this Android™ 4.0 tablet. Onboard 4G LTE, 3G and Wi-Fi mean email and the web are close at hand to answer your questions. Take a study break to check Facebook, watch a movie, or video chat on the ample 10.1-inch display.

Sprint 4G LTE network available in limited markets. Beats by Dr. Dre headphones sold separately.

Students, Faculty and Staff, get your best deal online at sprint.com/save

SIERRA WIRELESS™ 4G LTE TRI-FI HOTSPOT Share the Internet on the go or on the quad with friends or up to eight of your own Wi-Fi enabled devices. This device connects to best available of the Sprint 3G, 4G (WiMAX) or new 4G LTE networks depending on your location. No software installation is required, just click to connect.

Month-to-month plans and Sprint Mobile Broadband passes make it convenient to access mobile 4G LTE or 3G when you might need it.

Use this code to claim your discount. Student Corporate ID: GSTDT_ZST Faculty/Staff Corporate ID: GMCTA_ZZZ


Call: 866-639-8354 Visit a local Sprint Store: sprint.com/storelocator Activ. Fee: $36/line. Credit approval req. Early Termination Fee (sprint.com/etf): After 14 days, up to $350/line. Individual-liable Discount: Available for eligible students, faculty or staff of the university participating in the discount program (ongoing verification). Discounts subject to change according to the university’s agreement with Sprint and are available upon request for monthly svc charges on select plans. No discounts apply to second lines, Add-A-Phone lines or add-ons $29.99 or less. Other Terms: Offers and coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks. Nationwide Sprint Network reaches over 282 million people. Sprint 4G (WiMAX) network reaches over 70 markets, on select devices. Sprint 4G LTE network is available in limited markets, on select devices. Visit sprint.com/4GLTE for info. Unless otherwise noted, Sprint 4G LTE devices will not operate on the Sprint 4G (WiMAX) network; Sprint 4G (WiMAX) devices will not operate on the Sprint 4G LTE network. Sprint 3G network (including roaming) reaches over 285 million people. Restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com for details. ©2012 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Android, Google, the Google logo and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. The HTC logo, and HTC EVO are the P125838 trademarks of HTC Corporation. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. MV1234567

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