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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

FEBRUARY 1, 2013





Columnist Monnier observes a phenomenon she calls “muffin top madness” at the WRC after New Year’s, and offers an unsual solution to the battle of the bulge. < See PAGE 3

Michael A. Wartell, chancellor emeritus and professor of chemistry at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), has been announced as the third and final presidential candidate to visit the University of Northern Iowa on Feb. 4 and 5. A public forum will be held at 3 p.m. on Feb. 4 in the Old Central Ballroom in Maucker Union, where attendees can go and learn more about

Wartell as well as ask questions relevant to the presidential candidate search. Wartell serves as chair of Wartell/ Courtesy Photo the U.S. Army Education Advisory Committee. Previously, he served on the U.S. Army Science Board and worked on chemical warfare, decontamination and manpower.

He also served as a consultant to government agencies and defense contractors and has authored/coauthored numerous textbooks, laboratory manuals and scholarly papers. Wartell was also provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Humboldt State University in California. He received his B.S. in chemistry from the University of New Mexico and his M.S. and Ph.D in physical chemistry from Yale University. As chancellor of IPFW, Wartell worked at the only

Kaleidoscope series offers kids a glimpse at Rosa Parks’ life

es in the United States. Along with this, Ruud said there is a large shared governance operation at Shippensburg. “(I see) the University of Northern Iowa as the logical next step to what I’m doing at Shippensburg University,” he explained. Regarding his vision for the future of UNI, Ruud said the first thing he needs to do is become more acquainted with the state of Iowa. He also emphasized the importance of student success and said he wants to highlight the

The search for the next president of the University of Northern Iowa continued Jan. 30 in the Commons Ballroom where Dr. Avijit Ghosh, senior advisor to the president and professor of business at the University of Illinois College of Business, spoke about his desire to win the presidential bid. Ghosh opened his presentation by discussing the need to change the public perception of the higher education system by citing a Pew Research Center poll indicating that 67 percent of the population feels that uniGHOSH/Courtesy Photo versities care more about themselves than their students. “If we don’t change the perception, it will become reality,” Ghosh said. He also pressed his commitment to education quality. “The fear is that we’ll go from great to merely good,” Ghosh said. “I feel that good, in this instance, may become a

< See RUUD, page 2

< See GHOSH, page 8

Ruud spoke to University of Northern Iowa students, staff and local community members about his previous higher institution administration experience, as well as his ideas for the future of UNI, on Jan. 28.

Ruud talks about future of UNI LINH TA

News Editor

INDEX OPINION............................3 CAMPUS LIFE....................5 SPORTS.............................7 GAMES..............................9 CLASSIFIEDS...................10

To read more about the qualifications of the UNI presidential candidates, go to http://www.uni. edu/presidential-search/

News Writer

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Amanda Merritt guides readers through some Valentine’s-Day-themed crafts to decorate one’s dorm room or apartment, whether in a relationship or unattached. < See PAGE 6

Want to learn more?


Thanks to the “buck a kid” opportunity, grade-schoolers have the chance to learn about the famed civil rights leader through the storytelling power of theatre. < See PAGE 5

Sweet gifts for your sweetheart – or you

comprehensive public university in northeastern Indiana, and worked to expand programs and endowments, overseeing construction of more than 30 buildings. He also helped increase enrollment.

Ghosh emphasizes leadership




Final candidate announced LINH TA

Let’s fatten up



News Editor



Hundreds of people from the University of Northern Iowa and the Cedar Falls community crowded the Old Commons Ballroom on Monday, Jan. 28 to hear what William Ruud, the first presidential candidate to visit UNI, had to say. Sporting a purple and gold tie and a UNI pin, Ruud, 60, spoke to the crowd about his time as president at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He described his vision for the future of

UNI and its place not only in the state of Iowa, but in the Midwest and the nation. “We face in Pennsylvania many of the same things that you face here in the state of Iowa. No money, and then no money the next year and then no money the year after,” Ruud said. “But we’re doing more with less, and sometimes we think we’re doing less with less and trying to move forward.” Ruud said there are six unions on the Shippensburg campus, and they are unique because their athletic coaches are the only unionized coach-

Love is in the air.

Check out page 11 to find out how.



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continued from page 1

qualities of the university. “The first question I was asked by the search committee was that, ‘We are the only regional comprehensive university in the state of Iowa. How do we fix that?’ And I said, you fix that quickly by dropping ‘only’ and underlining ‘the,’” Ruud said. He also pointed out the unique qualities UNI has to offer, including small class sizes and one-on-one time with professors and advisers. “You know, I think that at the University of Northern Iowa, if you fall and skin your knee, there’s going to be someone right next to you to pick you up and spin you around a couple times, to dust you off and send you off the right direction. Because they want you to graduate, they want you to succeed,” he said. However, Ruud also said the university needs to focus on collaborative competition with other schools, unbundling, demographics, technology and commercialization. In regard to unbundling, Ruud said higher institutions need to stop focusing on bundling credits and denying transfer credit hours. He felt that increasing RUUD/Courtesy Photo demographics is important for UNI and that the university will need to keep up on technology to compete with institutions providing degrees at a lower price. Quality marketing is also important for colleges, according to Ruud. “We need to be able to tell and sell a story in higher education, but at the same time, we need not to entertain or engage in crass commercialization,” Ruud said. Open communication was also something he conveyed as a necessity. “I need to be at a university where you feel comfortable raising your hand,” he said. After Ruud spoke for half an hour, a question and answer session commenced. The first question, from UNI professor Frank Thompson, addressed whether Ruud has ever worked with the American Association of University Professors. Thompson added a fol-



low-up question concerning how he would work with UNI faculty to address the potential censure. “So the easy question first?” Ruud joked. He reiterated that Shippensburg has six unions on campus and that he works in a unionized environment daily. Ruud also said that Shippensburg has the fewest number of grievances that go forward in Pennsylvania. However, some grievances have been filed at Shippensburg, including issues regarding academic

I need to be at a university where you feel comfortable raising your hand. WILLIAM RUUD

Presidential Candidate

freedom, discrimination and sabbaticals. Ruud said he worked with unions to solve the issues. In regard to the potential AAUP censure at UNI, Ruud said, “I think if there was ever a time if you wanted to keep your mouth shut, this is not the time to keep your mouth shut, because then it is your fault.” He emphasized the importance of “the UNI family to work together and cooperate” but also said people need to voice their issues now and not suddenly bring it back up in a few years. Corey Cooling, a senior physics and philosophy double major, referenced the closure of numerous foreign language programs last school year and questioned Ruud about his vision for foreign languages. While Ruud mentioned the importance of languages like Arabic, Chinese and Spanish, he proposed collaborating with surrounding schools and community colleges to provide programs in foreign languages. Other questions included the future of the Liberal Arts Core and what response Ruud would have if the governor suggested cutting the program. Ruud referenced a time when the Pennsylvania governor wanted to cut 50 percent of the budget for higher education institutions and said that schools were teaching too many teachers. Ruud said that at Shippensburg, they understood the long


term, and he would fight to protect the Liberal Arts Core at UNI. However, Ruud also said, “(The) biggest mistake we make is (to) teach Shakespeare the way it was taught years ago,” and he felt courses should be integrated with technology and taught in a manner that fits into today’s times. Jordan Leckband, a senior music education major, brought up difficulties education students at UNI are facing, including the closure of Malcolm Price Laboratory School, an increase in the student teaching fee and the extra Praxis test, and questioned how Ruud would bring opportunity back to UNI. Ruud responded by saying that he wants to promote the university and reach out to UNI alumni to ask about their vision for the university. He also talked about the importance of looking out-of-state for ideas on how to run the university and that it is okay to “steal” beneficial ideas. Cedar Falls Mayor Jon Crews was also in attendance at the forum and said he was impressed with Ruud. He said he would like to see success continue at UNI and hopes the future president assists with increasing enrollment, considering UNI’s enrollment dropped in 2012-2013. “Obviously the university is a very important part of the community,” Crews said. “We’re concerned that (UNI) has a good image going forward, and hopefully that will be the case.” Crews also liked Ruud’s comment about engagement and said, “It’s good to have the university a part of the community instead of just up on the hill. Not ‘apart from’ but ‘a part of ’ the community.” Kofi Sam, a public policy graduate student, said he enjoyed what Ruud had to say. “He seems approachable, relatable and like he did a lot of research for this position,” Sam said. “He showed that he’s really committed to being in this seemingly hostile environment and has passion and is ready to fight for UNI.”

Voice your opinion

Students/faculty may answer survey questions about the candidates through a universitywide email containing a link. Community members may also request a form from csbr@uni. edu. Due before 5 p.m., Feb. 5

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In the Jan. 29 article “NISG debates procedures on funding bills,” College of Business senator Tyler Moran was incorrectly listed as a College of Education senator. The Northern Iowan regrets this error. The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


BLACK STUDENT UNION DISCO DANCE Courts 1-4, WRC 8 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Roller skate along with music and learn some disco facts. INTERPRETERS THEATRE: “CONVICT” Room 40, Lang Hall 7:30 p.m. The UNI Interpreters Theatre presents “Convict.” Admission is free, but seating is limited. Doors open at 7 p.m. AMERICAN DEMOCRACY PROJECT LECTURE: FRANK DARRAH & GOWRI BETRABET GULWADI Univresity Book and Supply 10:30-11:30 a.m. Frank Darrah, Cedar Falls city council member, and UNI professor Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, will discuss ways Cedar Falls and other cities are adapting to climate change.


EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL NETWORKS ON UNIVERSITY DIVERSITY POLICIES, INITIATIVES AND CULTURE Room 109A, CME 12-1 p.m. Ruth Chananie-Hill, assistant professor of sociology, is giving a presentation examining the impact movements and networks have on universities. The event is free and open to the public.


FEBRUARY 1, 2013

Getting along through change







This year, let’s fatten up


trotterg@ uni.edu

We’ve become the latest in the most recent volume of the American Epic: a vast nonfiction of polarizing issues, political conflagration and general discontent that has become a hallmark of modern American culture. The evidence of disgruntled folk is everywhere. Most striking is a move that has encompassed more than the last 70 years – a split from the classic two-party system. As shown by Pew Research, since before the end of WWII, political registration as Independent has grown from 18 percent in 1939 to 38 percent in 2012, which has since surpassed Democrat and Republican percentages in 2009. That’s right, most Americans identify as Independent. Yet that’s just the tip of the new American iceberg. So many Americans, particularly the younger, will say the current system is broken. You can check RealClearPolitics aggregation of the polls for what the average American thinks the country is heading. In the last two years, between 55 percent and 75 percent of Americans thought the country was going in the wrong direction. This was expressed in the severe party brinkmanship and obstructionism as the fiscal cliff approached. To be fair, some degree of obstructionism is chronic. Yet to most eyes, noncooperation seems as the only tool in the toolbox used in recent years. It also leads to divisions. “Divided” doesn’t always mean “apart.” Democrats and Independents, who comprise about 70 percent of the country, overwhelmingly say they want compromise, while the Republican voters say they don’t, according to Pew research. Outside of the average political ideological calamity, serious problems with < See CHANGE, page 4



monnierb@ uni.edu

Every January, I witness a phenomenon I would like to call “muffin top madness” in the Wellness and Recreation Center. This event is marked by scores of New Year’s resolution makers clogging the treadmills and elliptical machines of the WRC as effectively as cholesterol clogs arteries, making it difficult for the regulars to find a spot. However, by the end of February, the resolution runners have dwindled and the regulars excitedly reclaim their usual watering holes. This event is the result of two things: lack of commitment and a “fat-session,” or fat obsession. The first is easily explained by internal motivation, as running and lifting weights are not as easy as sleeping in for an extra hour. The second cause of the annual migration is external. The overwhelming desire to be thin is a cultural value that is perpetuated by media images of beautiful people who are, of course, wealthy and intelligent (or Snooki). As a general rule, less attractive persons play the role of either an extremely intelligent outcast or a lovable and insecure dunce; it is not a coincidence that Homer

Simpson is overweight. According to Dittmar and Howard, “the media is littered with images of females who fulfill … unrealistic standards, making it seem as if it is normal for women to live up to this ideal.” Tiggemann and Slater found that “body dissatisfaction affects almost all women at some level.” And trust me, ladies, we aren’t the only ones affected by an onslaught of media images. In a study conducted by Deborah Schooler, which focused on college men at San Francisco S t at e

else, and getting fatter. Not counting small island countries like Micronesia and Palau, the United States wins first prize in obesity with a rate of 30.6 percent (nationmaster.com). Other countries, such as Germany and Sweden, have obesity rates of 12.9 percent and 9.7 percent, respectively. All this pressure to be thin is not getting us any closer to health. That is why I am proposing a different New Year’s Resolution: fatten up.

All this pressure to be thin is not getting us any closer to health.

University, Schooler found that “the more media these young men ‘consumed’ — especially music videos and primetime tv — the worse they felt about … their bodies.” No wonder I frequently find myself clicking through Fitbie articles and checking the calories in my mac-ncheese. Despite the desire to be thin, Americans are still fatter than nearly everybody

That’s r i g h t : Let’s all eat an extra pound of chocolate and scarf down five more boxes of macaroni while we are hanging out with our cats. No, I don’t actually mean eat more food; I mean stop mentally beating yourself up. Instead, fatten up on selflove. I know, I know, the term “self-love” sounds like a load of mush, but I am serious.

I don’t care if you are a University of Northern Iowa linebacker or an Orchesis dancer – giving yourself positive feedback about your body image will improve your self-esteem. This doesn’t mean walking around telling everyone “I’m so awesome, I’m like Chuck Norris and Beyoncé morphed together.” Rather, highlight your strengths and shrug off your flaws. Sure, working to improve your outward appearance is admirable, but is it really an improvement if you are internalizing a belief that you aren’t good enough as you are? I don’t want to discourage January Jaunters from fighting the battle of the bulge, but I do want to encourage these exercisers to think about why that bulge is there in the first place. Does the pressure to be thin lead to overeating? Do you eat from stress? Do you put yourself down when you look at numbers on the scale? Maybe the muffin top is only a side effect of the real problem. Instead, tell yourself that you are smart, friendly, funny, lovely, handsome, etc. at every weight. I would rather have pudgy friends who are kind to themselves than thin friends who focus on their flaws.

Beth Monnier is a junior in economics and English from Tripoli, Iowa.






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continued from page 3

many jobs are outsourced but it’s hard to outsource a job that has to be done right here on American soil. Second, we need to be smart about our technology. Through the power of electronics, computers and the Internet, industry, education and overall communication have skyrocketed. We need to prepare for the coming technological changes that will occur within the next century. The Internet is becoming the lifeblood of our current reality. Just as much as electricity has become a necessity, the Internet is quickly becoming one too. Third, we need to take care of the environment. Sustainable forestry, recycling and renewable energy aren’t just good for the environment, they’re also good for business. Traditional petroleum supplies will dwindle to nothing within the next several decades. We must advance into the renewable energy age. Finally, we must not leave our fellow human beings throughout the world behind. Putting our advancements in basic technology into universal formats or Open Source/ Creative Commons is one way to spread our technology with a simple Internet connection. Another way is to be smart in planning for the next century. The world population continues to grow, putting a strain on environmental resources. Advancements in resource use technology will help, but we need to be smart about it. We must think of the future in terms of the future and not just the now. If we think only of the now, the future’s lost to us, for America and for humanity. Most importantly, in the future we must get along.





our country exist that matter more than the petty squabbles that usually occur. Sure, social issues matter a lot. Freedom and liberty are the basic tenets of our country, but it is important to balance that with strengthening the framework that allows our country to exist in the first place, which is the economy. Similarly, the American people constantly think about it. In fact, the polls show that having a high-paying job is more important to the Millennial generation (ages 12-30) than the generation before. Overall, people are constantly occupied with economic issues like debt, unemployment and the stock market. Their congressional representatives should be too. Essentially, Americans are striving toward a better future they can see but don’t know how to do it. They feel mired mindless political games and endless irreconcilable issues. We must learn to compromise and get along. It is a necessity, and not just in politics but also in daily life. When we don’t agree to disagree or compromise on issues that mean relatively nothing compared to the economy’s impact on our lives, we forget the most important issues. Every one of us has a duty to each other and to the whole. That is the only way we move forward. Otherwise, we can progress in some ways and stagnate in others. Here are just a few ways we must move forward regardless of partisan divisions: First, we need to put people back to work fixing our nation’s physical infrastructure. It’s crumbling and corroding as we speak. Our water supply systems are ancient models. Our power grids are inefficient and will not sustain over the next century. So




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caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu

february 1, 2013




page 5

volume 109, issue 31


Kaleidoscope Series presents Rosa Parks play to children for MLK Day ANDREW RUBENBAUER

Theatre Writer

In Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 1, 1955 started out as an ordinary day. That is, until a tired Rosa Parks refused to give her bus seat up for a white man, an offense for which she was arrested. Charged for violating segregation laws, her arrest sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the largest social movements of the 20th century. The rest is history. “Walk On: The Rosa Parks Story,” a musical about Parks’ life from her childhood to her historic Dec. 1 decision, was presented by Mad River Theater last week as a part of the Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations. The seven actors sang and danced to gospel and blues music, relating the important events of Parks’s life to their audience of young students. Micki Stonewall, an elementary teacher at South Tama County School District, said, “I think that made it more meaningful to our students to connect their prior knowledge of segregation to seeing real people being treated unfairly.” Aside from the unfair treat-

ment of others, many subjects stressed in school classrooms were covered. Bullying, working hard, courage and the importance of an education were recurring themes in “Walk On.” The musical numbers, which incorporated these themes, had the children clapping, tapping, moving, singing and shuffling to the music. “There is such a variety of learning styles amongst all students,” said Stonewall. “Seeing a live performance just might be that one event that connects with a learner.” Unlike a traditional classroom, the Kaledoscope Series, housed in the GallagherBluedorn Performing Arts Center, offers children the opportunity to learn from and experience a staged play, musical, opera, dance or other performing arts medium. “I personally love seeing how excited students are when they (go) to each show and hearing what their favorite parts of the show are as they leave,” said Anna Zimney, a student educator at GallagherBluedorn. Zimney, along with ushers, stagehands, teachers, chaperones, bus drivers and sponsors, works to make all Kaleidoscope shows a reality for their audience.

At $1 a seat, Kaleidoscope’s “Buck A Kid” program offers children and school districts a unique opportunity at an inexpensive rate. “As a teacher from a school with such a high poverty level, the thing I’m always blown away with is seeing students’ reactions as they experience something they have never seen before,” said Stonewall. “Many of these kids have never been to a city and have definitely never been to a play.” Along with Stonewall’s fourth-grade students, up to 1,500 additional students from districts across the state were given the opportunity to be on the other side of history, momentarily walking the steps of Parks and other African-Americans of her time. “Walk On: The Rosa Parks Story” transformed the African-American Civil Rights Movement from pictures and words in a textbook to a visceral, life-like reality. Parks was no longer a hero only on the printed page, but a hero in the flesh.


Mayor of Detroit, Mich., Coleman Young, right, holds up Rosa Park’s hand at a rally in 1981. Parks became a civil rights movement icon when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in 1955. Parks’s life has been made into a musical, “Walk On: The Rosa Parks Story,” which was presented to children as part of the Kaleidoscope Series last week.

WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THE KALEIDOSCOPE SERIES? Visit www.gbpac.com for a list of upcoming performances.


UNI students beating hunger one t-shirt at a time KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Staff Writer

University of Northern Iowa students will show their support for more than just the men’s basketball team during the game against the Missouri State Bears on Tuesday, Feb. 5. Sporting “beat hunger” shirts, students, alumni and members of the community will be aiding the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. All of the proceeds from the shirts go to the organization. “This will be our fourth Beat Hunger. It was very much a learning experience for us during the first couple attempts because it takes so much time to get students familiar with your event, but we feel like we’ve come a long way,” said Blake Ruane, a

senior English major and the UNI Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow program coordinator. The event is a joint effort between UNI STAT, Connecting Alumni To Students, Panther Athletics and Service and Leadership programs. With different shirt designs each year and increased student involvement, the groups involved with the organization of the event are very pleased with the progress made since the first year. “I got involved with STAT through CATS,” said senior elementary education major and UNI STAT vice president, Nicole Wilson. “I have always been on that committee and love giving out t-shirts to students and seeing their excitement.”

UNI STAT was created in order to get students involved on campus and in the surrounding community by offering t-shirts to athletic events and discounts at more than 40 local businesses. Ruane stated that far too many students were leaving campus with little knowledge of the UNI Alumni Association or how it could benefit them. Because of this, STAT was created to give students a preview of what it means to be a member of the UNI Alumni Association. “I have been working at the Alumni House since I was a freshman, so I was able to get a behind-the-scenes look at how STAT worked and what it could do for me, both as a student and a future alum,” said Ruane. “I also recognized that STAT, as the largest stu-

dent organization on campus, would allow me to interact with a variety of different students, and I was eager to get involved.” Even though t-shirt sales are closed, students interested in getting involved with the event can bring canned goods to the Alumni House up until the game. There will also be barrels at each entrance to the game for donations. Anyone who brings at least 10 items to the Alumni House between now and Feb. 5 will receive a lanyard and a page of coupons. Those who bring in 15 or more items will have their choice between a Polar Bare Run t-shirt or an official Basketball Game Day t-shirt.


page 6

northern-iowan.org | friday, february 1, 2013

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UNI Singers strive for vocal excellence LUKE PALANDECH Music Writer

Ask a random University of Northern Iowa student in Maucker Union to name a singing group at this college and they are likely to say Men’s Glee Club. UNI Singers may not be the most well-known group at UNI, but it is a group made up of many talented singers performing a wide variety of challenging choral pieces. The group has about a 50-to-50 ratio of males to females, covering the four main singing parts: bass, tenor, alto and soprano. UNI Singers prides itself on its professionalism, striving to create “a professional level vocal training experience and a high standard of performing excellence,” according to the class syllabus. Because all vocal majors are required to be in one large group ensemble, the group draws heavily from all of UNI’s vocal majors, but it still appeals to anyone looking to sing at a high level. “I really enjoy singing, so I thought joining UNI Singers would a fun experience and it has really improved my ability as a vocalist,” said Bob Spielbauer, a freshman earth science major. Adding to the appeal of UNI Singers is the group’s conduc-

tor, professor John Wiles. Wiles has a doctorate of musical arts in choral conducting from the University of Texas. Wiles has ample experience in both choral performance and being a choral conductor, according to the UNI School of Music webpage, but it is his approach that sets him apart as a conductor. “I love how Dr. Wiles makes everything so fun,” said Josh Pannhoff, a freshman vocal education major. “He always relates a life story into every piece we do, allowing us to know the story and feel the emotions behind the music we are singing.” “The pieces Dr. Wiles chooses are much more complex. There’s an emphasis on the meaning of lyrics and composition that makes it completely different from high school,” added Pannhoff. “Individual and group expectations are raised tenfold (from high school), but like most hard work, it’s all worth it in the end,” said Ben Owen, a sophomore vocal music education and piano performance major. UNI Singers meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:20 p.m. in Jebe Hall in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. They spend the first two or three minutes warming up and then spend the rest of the time learning their choral pieces.

Due to the complexity of the music, UNI Singers typically only review two or three pieces per class. This semester, UNI Singers will hold two concerts. The first is the Choral Collage Concert on March 7. For this concert, UNI Singers will work with up-and-coming composer Dwight Bigler from Virginia Tech University. The concert will showcase his music and also debut his new choral piece. The winning piece of UNI’s Choral Composition Contest will also be showcased. The second concert is the American Voices concert on April 18. This concert will feature more contemporary pieces from American composers, including a piece featuring Walt Whitman’s poetry. For those looking to join the group, auditions will be held in the fall of 2013. The audition often requires one to sing a solo or a well-known song as well as sight-sing (meaning auditioners will be given a piece of choral sheet music and will be asked to sing the melody as one reads it) but these requirements could change at Wiles’s discretion. “If you want to join the group, go for it! However, previous experience in choirs and musical literacy are a huge plus in making the group,” said Owen.

Pinterest Column Amanda Merritt

Tip: All of these supplies can be purchased from Hobby Lobby. Make sure to use coupons!

2 pins Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is just two weeks away, and no other day screams love more than this one. Looking for a way to help spruce up the drab dorms, apartments or homes with heart-filled spirit? Try making a Valentine’s Day wreath for your door or sewn hearts to hang from your ceiling, or you could even give them as gifts to the ones you love! These two crafts will surely keep you busy and full of love!

Valentine’s Day Wreath Directions:


Step 1:

• Foam wreath

Cut wide ribbon with scis- • Ribbon (I used 1 wide sors. ribbon and 2 thin rib-

Step 2:


Step 3:


Wrap wide ribbon around • Scissors the wreath leaving gaps • Straight pins (or hot for other ribbon. Hot glue or straight-pin the ribbon to the back of the wreath.

Step 4:

Cut off excess ribbon.

Step 5:

Fill the gaps with the rest of ribbon by repeating steps 2, 3 and 4.

Step 6:

With excess ribbon, wrap a loop on the top of wreath to use for hanging.

Step 7:

Tie bow and straight pin or hot glue it to wreath.

Sewn Felt Hearts Materials:


• • • • • • •

Step 1:

Felt Fiberfill stuffing Thread Needle Paper Marker Scissors

Draw a heart on piece of paper. Cut out.

Step 2:

Cut out two squares of felt.

Step 3:

Trace heart cutout onto square.

Step 4:

Sandwich two squares together and cut heartshape.

Step 5:

Repeat steps two, three and four depending on how many hearts you want.

Step 6:

Put the two hearts together and begin sewing.

Step 7:

Leave at least a one-half inch without stitches.

Step 8:

Stuff heart with fiberfill stuffing.

Step 9:

Sew the opening closed.

Step 10:

Use needle to attach a string for hanging.


FEBRUARY 1, 2013


Kalin receives national Jewish scholar-athlete award


UNI Athletics Communications

Jacqui Kalin, a senior basketball player at the University of Northern Iowa, has been selected as the 2013 Marty Glickman Outstanding Female Jewish Scholar Athlete of the Year by the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Committee. Kalin will accept the award on April 21, 2013 at the national Jewish Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Induction Ceremonies in Commack, N.Y. Courtesy Photo Kalin, who redshirted the 2011-2012 season, was named the Jackie Stiles Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year and the Missouri Valley Conference Scholar-Athlete of the Year during the 2010-2011 season. She also made first-team AllMissouri Valley Conference and second-team CoSIDA Academic AllAmerica. Kalin led UNI with 15.3 points per game and 3.1 assists per game. “Jacqui Kalin is an outstanding example of a scholar-athlete,” Hall of Fame Chairman Lynne A. Kramer said, “and we are so glad she will be joining the Hall of Fame Class of 2013.” Other National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame & Museum inductees for 2013 are: Aly Raisman, Olympic gymnast; Garrett Weber-Gale, Olympic swimmer; and Andrew D. Bernstein, senior NBA photographer. The April 21 Induction Ceremonies begin at 10:30 a.m. and are open to the public. Admission is $10 per person and children and seniors are free. For more information, call 631-462-9800, ext. 119 or 125.








No. 21 UNI falls to No. 7 Missouri at home, 27-9 NICK GARY

Sports Writer

After moving into the top 25 last week by beating the No. 13-ranked University of Oklahoma Sooners and the No. 21-ranked Northwestern University Wildcats, the University of Northern Iowa wrestling team failed to keep their hot streak going and dropped a 27-9 decision to the No. 7-ranked University of Missouri Tigers. The Panthers gave up riding time in seven matches on Sunday as the Tigers beat UNI in a matchup between two new Mid-American Conference foes. “You give up riding time in seven weights and it is going to be tough to win. I don’t care who you wrestle,” UNI head coach Doug Schwab said after the meet. After the first two matches, the Panthers dug themselves a hole. It looked as though they might turn it around at 141 pounds when UNI’s Joey Lazor caught Trevor Jauch out of position and recorded a pin in 3:45. But UNI could not build on the victory, losing four consecutive matches and sealing the win for Missouri. Missouri won eight of 10 matches, getting major decisions from Nathan McCormick at 133 pounds, Drake Houdashelt at 149 pounds and Brent Hayes at 197 pounds. UNI’s David Bonin (157 pounds) and Cody Caldwell (174 pounds) also lost to Kyle Bradley and Todd Porter, respectively, reversing their wins they had against the duo at the Las Vegas Cliff Keen Invite. Bonin attempted a reversal with 10 seconds to go in the match, but the official felt he had not broken Bradley’s grip as time expired. At 285 pounds, UNI’s Blayne Beale wrestled against the No.1-ranked wrestler in the nation in the heavyweight class, Dom Bradley. Beale competed well but ended up falling, 4-1. The other bright spot for the Panthers on Sunday was junior Ryan Loder. Loder, wrestling at 197 pounds, beat Mike

ERIN KAISER/Northern Iowan

Senior Ryan Loder in action during his 184-pound match. Loder won his match 3-0, but the Panthers took a team loss of 27-9.

Larson 3-0 in a battle of top-10 ranked wrestlers, avenging a 3-2 semifinal loss at the Las Vegas Invitational. “We can get this turned around. These are the guys we will face at the national level, so we will look to get ready for this kind of competition in the weeks ahead,”

said Schwab. The Panthers will continue competition as they travel to South Dakota State University on Friday and North Dakota State University on Sunday.


Panther women drop 63-55 road contest to Bulldogs RILEY UBBEN

Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team wrapped up their three-game road trip Sunday as they took on the Drake University Bulldogs in Des Moines. The Panthers (8-11, 3-4 MVC) could not pull out of their shooting slump as they shot just 33 percent from the field and fell to the Bulldogs 63-55. The loss broke UNI’s streak of six straight wins against

Drake, dating back to the 20092010 season. Redshirt senior Jacqui Kalin scored the first seven points of the game for the Panthers and assisted senior Amber Kirschbaum on the next bucket to bring the score to a 9-9 tie. The Panthers orchestrated a 7-0 run over a span of three minutes to gain a 16-13 lead with 10:31 left in the first half. Kirschbaum pitched in with four points during the run while contributing on defense with a block. The run was capped off

by a 3-pointer from junior Jess McDowell off an assist from Kalin. The Bulldogs answered with a 7-1 run of their own to end the half. UNI was held without a field goal over the final 10:31 of the first half. Drake senior Stephanie Running scored four points during the run for the Bulldogs. Running finished with 10 points and six rebounds off the bench for Drake. The Panthers would pull within two points early in the

second half off a steal by senior Mercedees Morgan that led to a fast-break lay-up from freshman Hannah Schonhardt. However, that was as close as the Panthers would get the rest of the way. Drake extended their lead to as much as 13 points with just over five minutes remaining in regulation. Kalin rebounded from her season-low outing against Creighton University, finishing with 22 points and a career-high 11 rebounds. Kirschbaum tied her season-

high as she connected on five field goals for a total of 10 points. The Bulldogs were led by junior Morgan Reid’s doubledouble. She finished with 17 points and 12 rebounds and was a key factor as Drake outrebounded UNI 50-35. The Panthers return to Cedar Falls for a two-game home stand to take on Southern Illinois University on Thursday and the University of Evansville on Sunday.





Another heartbreaker: Panthers fall to Purple Aces in overtime JAKE BEMIS

Sports Writer

For the second time in as many games, the University of Northern Iowa men’s basketball team had a chance to win a game in the closing seconds of regulation and failed to do so. UNI held a 47-41 lead over the University of Evansville Purple Aces with just over one minute left in regulation, but fell 54-51 in overtime on Tuesday night in Indiana. Evansville’s Colt Ryan and Ned Cox hit 3-pointers in the final minute to tie the game and force overtime.


continued from page 1

pathway to mediocre, and that is a future for public universities we cannot afford to have.” Ghosh continued by describing the three main tenets of his presidency, should he be selected. Vision was the first of these three. “This is a time for big ideas, not for cutting ourselves short,” Ghosh said as he discussed the need for what he called “high aspiration goals.” Resources and leadership were his other primary points. He stressed the importance of having enough resources to transform big ideas into reality, and set forth an objective to promote leadership in managing the university’s relationship with state and regional governments. “We need leadership from the state and the region that will think about public education as an investment, not an expense,” Ghosh said. In addition to governmental leadership, Ghosh called for leadership from corporations to assist the university. He also pressed upon the need to engage with alumni through avenues aside from fundraising. “Getting an education from a university is like buying a stock that you can

Cox hit his 3-pointer with 30 seconds remaining, but UNI failed to even get a shot off in the final 29 seconds of regulation. UNI was 0-for-4 from behind the 3-point line in overtime – scoring just four points in the final five minutes of action. UNI senior guard Anthony James had a chance to send the game into a second overtime, but his final shot was off the mark. The Panthers started slow out of the gate, shooting just 9-for-24 in the first half and 1-for-9 from beyond the arc. After trailing 23-19 at

the break, the Panthers rallied in the first five minutes of the second half to take a 37-30 lead. Seven points was the largest UNI could stretch their lead, as they held a 44-37 lead with just under three minutes to play. UNI committed 17 turnovers while recording only 16 assists and shooting just 26 percent from the 3-point line for the game. The Panthers were also limited to just two free throws for the game, while Evansville went to the charity stripe on 12 occasions. Marc Sonnen was the only Panther to reach dou-

ble-digits in scoring with 11 points. Seth Tuttle and Deon Mitchell added in nine points each, and Jake Koch finished the game with eight points. Evansville was led by Ryan, who finished the game with 23 points and nine assists. Ryan also grabbed eight rebounds and recorded two steals. Cox and Troy Taylor each finished the game with nine points. With the loss, UNI sits at .500 with an 11-11 record, and is now 4-6 in the Missouri Valley Conference. The Panthers are three games back of third-place

Indiana State University and four games back of first-place Wichita State University. UNI has just eight conference games remaining on their schedule before heading to St. Louis, Mo., for the MVC Tournament, which begins on March 7. UNI returns to action on Saturday as they try to avenge a 25-point road loss to No. 15-ranked Wichita State. Panther fans are encouraged to wear white in an attempt to “white out Wichita.” Tip-off is set for 3 p.m. and the game will be televised on ESPN 2.

never sell for life,” Ghosh said. “Alumni have a deep self-interest and we need to engage them.” He also talked about the need for students, faculty and administration to come together as a community, and he called for leader ship at all levels. However, Ghosh said that ultim a t e l y, “Leadership has to start GHOSH/Courtesy Photo with the president.” He also promised transparency in his work with faculty and students if selected as the next president. Ghosh summed up his the discussion with his take on how to achieve the visions he laid out. “You have to focus on recruiting the best students,” Ghosh said. “You also have to focus on recruiting the best faculty.” Ghosh said one of his goals is bringing UNI the necessary infrastructure to attract and retain the best students and faculty. As evidence of his ability to do this, he described a campus-wide entrepreneurial center that he worked to create at Illinois. The facility, designed originally for business students, serves all

majors at the university to empower students who wish to start businesses once they complete their coursework at Illinois. Ghosh also spoke about his competency to manage UNI’s budget. He referenced his management of New York University’s $110 million budget, his sole control of the Illinois business program’s $50 million budget and his responsibility for assisting in the management of Illinois’s $5.4 billion budget. After the presentation, a question and answer forum commenced. The first question Ghosh received from the audience dealt with the potential censure ruling from the American Association of University Professors. A censure from the union would label UNI as out of compliance with commonly accepted academic freedom and tenure practices. Ghosh stated that he had only worked with a local chapter of the AAUP and did not have experience with the organization on a national level. Joe Gorton, associate professor of sociology, anthropology and criminology, questioned Ghosh about a scholarship program for veterans at Illinois that ended in 2006, even

though Ghosh did not head the scholarship program. Gorton said, “Since the program took place in the business college, do you accept or feel any responsibility for this, really what I think was a debacle? I’m not asking if it’s your fault, but I’m asking if you look back on it if you accept any responsibility for how this unfolded.” Ghosh said, “I take great pride in the scholarship program that was offered.” He continued, explaining that the situation unfolded due to “rules not being followed” regarding the application process for the program. He said the decision was made to honor every scholarship and make changes in program leadership. “Under the same circumstances, I would make the same decisions,” Ghosh said. After the presentation, students had differing views about Ghosh. “He was very interesting. It was really nice to listen to what he had to say,” said Hallie Berg, a sophomore global studies major. “He’s got some really big ideas that are good for the university, especially now, with everything that’s going on, we could really use the fresh and new ideas.” Corey Cooling, a junior

physics and philosophy major, did not share the same viewpoint. Earlier, he asked Ghosh about budget cuts that resulted in the loss of several majors at UNI, particulary in foreign languages. “I didn’t think he answered my question very well,” Cooling said. “If I could draw any contrast between (William Ruud and Avijit Ghosh), I would say that there’s obvious charismatic differences between the two and there was a marked difference in the substance of both of their talks, both in the presentations that they had and in the way they answered questions.” Northern Iowa Student Government President Jordan Bancroft-Smithe said that while he could not comment on candidate Ghosh directly, he felt that the search has been successful so far. “Overall, the process has been going very smoothly and very well, and I feel like the search committee picked very good candidates, and I’m looking forward to the third candidate coming next week as well,” BancroftSmithe said.

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To schedule showing:

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brandon poll managing editor pollb@uni.edu

fun & games

february 1, 2013




page 9

volume 109, issue 31

66 Big name in casual wear 67 Thomas associate 68 Gave quite a shock? 69 In support of 70 Weightless state, and a hint to 21-, 34-, 41- and 54-Across

By Alex Bajcz Across 1 F. Scott’s spouse 6 Major NCAA 8-Down 9 Buff 14 Homer work 15 2014 World Cup final site 16 Home of the NCAA’s Black Bears 17 One keeping a beat? 19 Portsmouth pop 20 Narrow strip 21 British bathroom plant? 23 Center of attention 25 At that point 26 Medical office responses 29 Bass player’s tool 30 “Wheel of Fortune” buy 31 Wriggly swimmer 34 Review July 4th festivities?

38 Center of attention 39 Man on a mission: Abbr. 40 Disney duck princess 41 Headline about rudeness in the House of Lords? 46 Mucky place 47 Actress West 48 Tool for some summer Olympians 49 Barnyard beast 50 Home in the woods 52 Summer sunset hour 54 Academy for special operatives? 58 Kuala Lumpur locale 62 Long bones 63 Musician for whom New Orleans’s airport is named 65 Attack from all sides

Down 1 Closes, in a way 2 Mideast carrier 3 Rocker Ford 4 The maximum score with three of them is 180 5 Fuss 6 Bank truck protector 7 “Bye!” 8 Sports div. 9 Show with a “Just Desserts” spin-off 10 Grandstand, say 11 Absolutely none 12 Steven Chu’s Cabinet dept. 13 Small craft 18 Andean creature 22 “... __ additional cost!” 24 Looseleaf divider feature 26 Pisces follower 27 Went after 28 They may have twists 30 Hubble, for one 32 Maritime birds 33 Has followers 35 90-degree turn 36 Clothing catalog choice: Abbr. 37 Top-drawer dresser 42 “My aim was off ” 43 Buster 44 Roller coaster guides 45 Spigoted vessel 51 Bit of wisdom 53 Baseball Hall of Famer Combs 54 Deteriorate, in a way 55 Et __ 56 Word seen twice on some dairy cartons 57 Dipped cookie 59 Évian evening 60 Excited by 61 Dumbfounded 64 Toon devil

Sudoku One

Sudoku Two

Answers to Crossword and Sudoku on Page 11, Classifieds. HOROSCOPES

By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s Birthday (02/01/13). Home, romance, career and community have your heart this year. Creativity, sports, culture and fun buzz you into June, when work picks up. Provide excellent service to others (and yourself). After April, stick with tested methods and your team to accomplish greatness. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 9 -- Dare to renew a family bond. It may take courage. Your friends support you. Think through what you’re committed to and share it. Success is your reward. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is an 8 -- Clear up confusion before proceeding, and get some rest. Keep control of your

own resources. Get an expert coach, and you’ll become one. Provide common sense limits. You’re gaining status. Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is a 9 -- Take it easy. Passion asserts itself, and you may find yourself compelled to action. Persuasive methods and compromise are needed. Others share your enthusiasm. Craft a solid plan. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Postpone projects and organize your space with systems streamlined. Change up work habits. Conditions are too unstable to launch yet. Collect supplies, and prepare with a solid foundation. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- The possibility of loss is high, so keep bets low, or better yet, avoid gambling. Review rules and instructions. Don’t launch yet, even though you’re anxious to start.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is an 8 -- A profitable assignment opens up, despite temporary confusion. Wait until the dust clears. It may be necessary to make a mess for beautiful results. Stay flexible and openminded. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is a 9 -- Invest in your career. Take care ... there are pitfalls along the path. Don’t spread hurtful gossip. Sweep residual emotions out along with the dust. Lean on your friends. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 7 -- It’s not a good time to mess around or get into risky business. There’s money coming in, but it could go right back out. Stick to tested routines and play it low key. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Explore a new philosophy or view. Emotions are on the surface and

could hit extremes. Conditions feel unsettled. Winning isn’t everything. Maintain composure. What would your coach do? Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Do homework early and increase overall efficiency. Gracefully overlook inept remarks, and persuade without coercion. New responsibilities will soon occupy your time. Preparation leaves room for love. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 9 -- Don’t invest in a startup group activity yet; you may decide it isn’t worth it, despite generous impulses. Important people are impressed by your diligence and confident work. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Let your emotions fuel your effort. You can borrow the money you need, or just ask for, and receive, a raise. Don’t take on more than you can handle.


Brandon Poll Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu

FEBRUARY 1, 2013




1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments/townhouses/duplexes facing UNI. W/D, dishwasher, parking, internet/cable, etc. June 2013. 266- 5544

Available July 1ST. 4 bedroom duplex. $960/MO. Appliances included. 319- 236- 8930 or 319- 290- 5114.

1 or 2 bedrooms for rent until May 17th, 2013. Subleasers wanted. Call 563- 920- 3761 for more information.

For rent, 1 bedroom apartment, three blocks from UNI. Free parking. June 1ST available. $425/ MO. 266- 5480.

4 bedroom apartment for rent. June 2013. On Olive Street, next to UNI. Call 712- 358- 0592. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Pool & laundry facilities, garages, walk to UNI, free cable, cat friendly. Taking deposits for 2013-2014. Call now to schedule a tour, 319- 2775231. Gold Falls Villa, 1824 University Drive, Cedar Falls. goldfallsvilla.com. 1, 2, 3, 4 bedroom units 10 minutes north of Cedar Falls. Security gated complex. Some utilities/ cable paid. $400 - 800/MO. www. hildebrandrentals.com. 319- 352- 5555 Large 3 bedroom newer ranch style home. Half mile to campus. Many new updates, bath and kitchen, central air, lots of parking. $950/MO. 319- 846- 2995 3 BR. house - pets welcome. Available May 1ST. $1050 plus utilities. 1721 Belle Avenue/ Five minutes from UNI. Laundry, finished basement, patio, single stall garage. Landlord does snow/yard work. Call/text for pictures/showing - 319- 242- 1895. Large 2 bedroom, newer ranch style home. 1/4 mile from Main Street, Downtown. Many new updates, bath and kitchen, central air, lots of parking, single stall garage. $595. 319- 846- 2995. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments for rent near UNI. Available May or June 2013. Call 712- 358- 0592. For rent, 1 bedroom apartment, three blocks from UNI. Centrai air, free parking. June 1ST available. $930/MO. 266- 5480. For rent June 1ST. 2 bedroom apartments. 2423 Tremont. 266- 6440. Studio and variety of 2 bedroom apartments. All very close to campus. Very clean, off-street parking. Reasonable rent and reasonable landlord. No smoking, no pets. 12 month lease begins June 1ST. Call Dennis 319- 232- 6819.

For Rent House

Large flat lot, no close neighbors. Large two bedroom newer ranch stytle home. 1/4 mile from Main St. downtown. Many new updates, bath and kitchen. One small garage. Central air, ai lots of parking. June-May lease, $650 total rent.

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2 bedroom apartments, Cedar Falls. $630-675. No pets, no SEC. eight. Available June 1ST. 319- 404- 9095

ROOMMATES 1, 2 or 3 roommates needed. Available now through the school year. 319- 240- 0880.




Page 10



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HELP WANTED Help wanted. Tony’s Pizzeria downtown Main Street. Hiring servers, cooks and drivers. Go to www.277tony.com. Fill out application and mention The Northern Iowan.

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northern-iowan.org | friday, february 1, 2013

Sudoku One


page 11

Sudoku Two

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page 12


northern-iowan.org | friday, february 1, 2013

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