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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

FEBRUARY 14, 2012









Liam Neeson punches wolves Alex Toft examines whether “The Grey” packs enough substance with its punch. < See PAGE 5

Trevor Monnier and Beth Monnier Website: www.trevorandbeth.com Facebook: Students for Trevor and Beth

Jordan Bancroft-Smithe and KaLeigh White Website: www.jordanandkaleigh.com Facebook: Jordan and KaLeigh for UNI Students

*These are the known candidates as of press time. This list may not be exhaustive.

Kyle Burns and Brendan Thompson Website: www.kyle-brendan.com/ Facebook: Students for Kyle & Brendan



Interlude finds national spotlight SPORTS COLUMN

UNI fans: set higher expectations Paul Kockler calls for an attitude change in UNI men’s basketball fans. < See PAGE 9


The Greatest Show on Earth 2.0 If the Internet is the new circus, are trolls the new clowns? < See PAGE 4

ALLIE KOOLBECK Editorial Staff

When Interlude creators Ian Goldsmith, Tyler Wright and Scott Connerley were first asked to do the Interlude dance at a “Let’s Move!” rally, all they knew was they would be teaching the dance to a bunch of middle-school students and the first lady would be in attendance. Then, a few hours before they were set to take the stage, they found out Obama would for sure be on stage with them — doing the Interlude. “I would say Thursday (Feb. 9) was one of the most amazing and surreal days of my entire life,” said Goldsmith, the student body vice president of the University of Northern Iowa. “… We didn’t know a lot of the details before we got there, and even throughout the whole process, we were still kind of unsure, and they just kept tacking on a bunch of ‘Oh, by the ways,’ like ‘Oh, by the way, the first lady is < See INTERLUDE, page 2

Photo Courtesy of University Relations

Ian Goldsmith, the University of Northern Iowa student body vice president and co-creator of the Interlude, and First Lady Michelle Obama do the Interlude Dance at the “Let’s Move!” rally on Feb. 9. The rally was in Des Moines, Iowa, at the Wells Fargo Arena.


Board of Regents approves schematic designs for Redeker Center expansion Spring Career Fair Guide < See Insert

INDEX I SPY AT UNI......................2 OPINION............................4 CAMPUS LIFE....................6 SPORTS.............................9 GAMES............................13 CLASSIFIEDS...................14


Funding debate sparks reform JOHN ANDERSON


Executive Editor

Editorial Staff

On Feb. 7, the Iowa Board of Regents approved the schematic designs for the expansion of Redeker Center at the University of Northern Iowa. The project next moves into the design development phase, which the Department of Residence hopes to have < See REDEKER, page 3

OPN ARCHITECTS/Courtesy of Department of Residence

The renovated Redeker Center (pictured above) will include an expanded Piazza (right side), an expanded Fresh Beginnings (left corner) and an expanded Biscotti’s (front of building).

The Northern Iowa Student Government senate denied funding for University of Northern Iowa Colleges Against Cancer Wednesday over a question of precedent and interpretation, a decision that helped spark a revision of the student government’s funding guidelines.

Love is in the air Check out pages 7 - 10

< See NISG, page 3



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Copy Editor braumank@uni.edu


Photo Courtesy of University Relations

Ian Goldsmith, the University of Northern Iowa student body vice president and co-creator of the Interlude, and Scott Connerley, UNI alumnus, do the Interlude with First Lady Michelle Obama, Iowa Governor Branstad, other local and national celebrities and Iowa middle school children at the “Let’s Move!” rally on Feb. 9. The rally, which was part of the “Let’s Move!” Birthday Tour, was in Des Moines, Iowa, at the Wells Fargo Arena.


continued from page 1

going to be on the stage with you.’” Goldsmith, Wright (a senior at UNI) and Connerley (a UNI alumnus) taught the dance to about 14,000 middle school students at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines on Feb. 9. The dance was part of the Let’s Move Birthday Tour, which celebrated the second anniversary of Obama’s “Let’s Move!” initiative. Other local and national celebrities, including Iowa governor Terry Branstad; Bob Harper, the trainer from “The Biggest Loser”; Tamika Catchings, the current WNBA MVP; Carl Edwards, the current NASCAR champion; Michelle Kwan, an Olympic figure skater; and Shawn Johnson, an Olympic gymnast, joined Obama in doing the Interlude. “It was just unbelievable — like surreal,” said Wright, who is currently student teaching at Union High School. “It didn’t really feel real while we were

there. It felt very undeserved. It was just weird that Ian and myself (and Connerley) got included in something like that — for something as simple as dancing like a couple of goons, we got recognized along with famous athletes and Michelle Obama.” Goldsmith also said he “felt very humbled and very, very blessed by the entire experience.” According to Goldsmith, after the national anthem, they “kicked-off ” the event by teaching everyone how to do the Interlude. They then went offstage, while the other celebrities spoke to the audience. After Branstad introduced Obama and she spoke, she invited them back onstage. “So we led all the celebrities and the kids in the dance — it was kind of like the grand finale,” Goldsmith said. “ They (the kids) loved it. I would say maybe about right around onefourth of them already seemed to know it. We got them all up, and we were trying to get them excited, and you could tell they

were — even when we were going through the steps — they were like ‘Aw yeah!’” According to an article from the Associated Press, Obama started the Let’s Move Birthday Tour in Iowa because of Iowa’s Healthiest State Initiative. The tour also included stops at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, where she announced a new program to improve the meals on military bases; Fort Worth, Texas, where she went to Olive Garden with eight parents to discuss ideas for raising healthy kids; and ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World in Florida, where children did physical activities and learned “The Platypus Walk” dance. The “Let’s Move!” initiative is “dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation,” according to its website. It focuses on five pillars: creating a healthy start for children, empowering parents and caregivers, providing healthy food in school, improving access to healthy, affordable food and increasing physical activity. Goldsmith said he feels this event “has been like an extra big boost” for UNI. “The thing with the Interlude dance as a whole, is that, in terms of UNI, it has given UNI a lot of positive exposure,” Goldsmith said, “and that’s nothing I can take credit for … It’s just kind of the way how UNI and the students and everybody has just embraced it as their own, which I think is totally cool and totally awesome for the school. So I really have to give credit to the school and to the students. “It’s just nice knowing that the dance can still fuel that school pride and passion,” Goldsmith added, “which, I think, is the important part of the dance, in terms of UNI.”

The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


SAE BLOOD DRIVE Commons Ballroom 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the American Red Cross are hosting a blood drive. CAN DARWINIAN SEXUAL SELECTION EXPLAIN THE EVOLUTION OF GIANT SPERM AND SPINY PENISES? Center for Multicultural Education 7 p.m. The keynote speaker for Darwin Week’s sexualitythemed day is Clint Kelly, a professor of biology at Iowa State University.


DOES ELECTRONIC MEDIA IMPAIR YOUR CRITICAL THINKING? Oak Room, Maucker Union 12 p.m.-1 p.m. History professor John W. Johnson will speak on this topic. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO US: FACTS DIMINISH FAITH Center for Multicultural Education 7 p.m. The keynote speaker for Darwin Week’s diversitythemed day is Jamila Bey, an NPR journalist and secular activist in the diverse atheist movement.


A UNIVERSE FROM NOTHING Center for Multicultural Education 7 p.m. The keynote speaker for Darwin Week’s originsthemed day is Lawrence Krauss, a professor of physics at Arizona State University.


REDEKER continued from page 1

completed by April 20. “We are going forward with completing the design because schematic design is more of a rough drawing,” said Carol Petersen, interim executive director of residence, “so (now) they go back and do the real drawings.” After the designs are finished, construction documents will be created by June 2012, with the bid for construction opening in August. Construction will start in late August or early September and will be completed by the beginning of the fall 2013 semester. “This is a pretty demanding schedule, but I think that our architects are up to the task, and I think our staff is up to the task,” Petersen said,” so I think we will try as much as possible to hold to this schedule.” The DOR originally planned to do the project, which will involve enlarging Biscotti’s, adding more seating to Piazza, reconfiguring the DOR’s offices and expanding Fresh Beginnings

NISG continued from page 1

The funding bill, which would have allocated $1,950 to Colleges Against Cancer for a hypnotist and photo booth for its Relay For Life event, failed on a vote of 7-16-2. The final decision resulted from much debate on the interpretation of NISG’s funding guidelines, which state that organizations that have received funding for an item through the budgeting process cannot receive additional funding from the Panther and Contingency Funds for the same item. While some senators thought the word “item” should be taken to refer to a line item in the budget — like a karaoke machine, for example — others argued there was a precedent of interpreting the word more broadly to refer to an event. The Organization and Finance Committee previously denied the



(the DOR’s bakery), in two phases. According to Petersen, the DOR will now ask the Board of Regents at their April meeting for permission to “bond the money for phase two, so (they) can complete both phase one and phase two at the same time.” “When we originally were going to do it in two phases, phase one was going to be paid for out of what we call our reserves — (the money) that we use to do this type of thing,” Petersen said. “And then for phase two, we needed to figure out how we were going to finance it because we didn’t really have the cash to do it. So we ended up with the option of bonding the money, which means that we borrow the money. Specifically, “bonding” the money means selling bonds to bondholders and then paying interest on that, according to Petersen. The DOR will pay the money back over a 10-year period. “At the same time we are borrowing this money, we are also going to be refinancing some bonds that we already hold to lower the interest rate, so that

helps us to save money also, (and) to help pay for the renovations,” Petersen said. “Right now is a really good time to borrow money because interest rates are so low.” As construction will be going on during the school year, Petersen said they “are going to try to have it affect students as little as possible.” Since three of the renovations — the Piazza, Biscotti’s and Fresh Beginnings expansions — include adding areas on to the building, Petersen said the DOR might work on the additions and then fit the addition together with the building during periods when students are gone. According to Petersen, the construction for Fresh Beginnings and Biscotti’s will be a little trickier. In Fresh Beginnings, they will need to remove and change some of the floor tile and move some of the coolers and freezers. “… We’ll do the addition and then probably during (summer 2013) we would close this (area) and move our bakery to another kitchen on campus, so we could redo that area,” Petersen said. Although the DOR has not come to a decision about how

to phase Biscotti’s, Petersen said one option is to move Biscotti’s to another location, such as a lounge area or somewhere else in the residence halls on that side of campus. “But more likely, what we will probably try to do is to leave Biscotti’s open while we build the addition on to it, and then add it on during the summer months as well,” Petersen said. “We will try to not affect students as much as possible, knowing that there probably will be some minor inconveniences for students.“ In addition to expanding Piazza, the DOR is also adding an elevator to the south side of the building. According to Petersen, a lot of students who have accessibility issues live in Noehren, and the current setup is “really inconvenient for them.” The DOR will also add another set of bathrooms and additional storage and will somewhat reconfigure the setup of the serving stations. “When it gets really busy (in Piazza), we have some pinch points where there is not enough room for people to walk through to get their food and stuff, so we

are adding serving points and then trying to space out the venues a little bit better, so there is better flow through the space.” Andrew Romitti, a sophomore history major, said he is glad the expansion is happening. “Sometimes there’s a lot of lines … and at different parts it’s kind of hard to move around because it’s so cluttered,” Romitti said. “It’ll be nice to have more room.” Isaac Thullen, a junior earth science teaching major, said he would rather see Piazza serve a larger variety of food, especially pizza. “I’ll probably be living in the quads next year, and I understand why they would expand the seating area – that’s good thinking on UNI’s part – but if they don’t offer more food and more variety, I’ll just take my card over to the Rialto,” Thullen said. “All in all, I think students will like it,” Petersen said. ‘You know, even right now, without the additional students on this side of campus, we sometimes have problems with seating upstairs, so it is kind of long overdue.”

request based on the precedent, which was passed on through word of mouth from previous committee members, in order to treat all organizations equitably. “We denied it based on that fact, that we wanted to be fair to all organizations who would have been in a similar situation,” said KaLeigh White, an at-large senator on the Organization and Finance Committee. Ryan Alfred, speaker of the senate, wanted to give the senate a chance to discuss the interpretation of the guidelines, and so he brought the funding bill to the senate with senators Nate Konrardy and Blake Findley as cosponsors. “I really was looking for that interpretation of what ‘item’ meant, and I don’t think that really has ever been discussed with student government, so I wanted to see what that would actually turn out to be and see if senate would have their own

opinion about that,” Alfred said. The debate also highlighted the fact that UNI Colleges Against Cancer and UNI Relay For Life, two separate student organizations with their own constitutions, have the same executive board, causing some senators to question whether the same students were trying to use two organizations to get extra funding. “From my understanding, though, Relay for Life had no intention of that,” White said. She believes these similar organizations should be able to exist and that it would be up to the Organization and Finance Committee to determine whether to allocate funding if an organization tried to create and use a second organization to get extra funding. The Relay For Life discussion, coupled with a similar debate over funding buttons for the Black Student Union two weeks

ago, surfaced tensions between precedents set by previous senators and the interpretations and understanding of the current senate that have resulted from the ambiguous funding guidelines. The senate is now looking to overhaul the guidelines through a series of discussions, the first of which occurred Monday night, in order to make them more explicit and accessible to students. Alfred hopes NISG will make changes to the guidelines to make it easier for organizations to get funding. “It’s not fair for students from UNI to pay student service fees and that money will just sit there and not be spent until four years down the road,” he said. “… If we’re going to continue to take their money, we need to find a better way to fund, and I think a lot of people see that as senators.” “I understand where they’re coming from,” said Kaleigh Green, a member of Colleges

Against Cancer who served as Senator Patrick Gibbs’ proxy during part of the discussion. “They have to follow precedent; there are rules for a reason — it’s just an unfortunate circumstance that we have to be put in it. However, if Colleges Against Cancer has to be the organization that will make it better for the whole UNI campus, we’re willing to do that.” Colleges Against Cancer’s situation also highlighted the difficulty of planning next year’s budget in February. “It’s just hard to plan the budgetary process right now,” said Amanda Robertson, co-vice president of Colleges Against Cancer. “I mean, it’s due in two weeks, and we haven’t even started to plan next year’s Relay yet, so we have no ideas what we’re gonna come up with.” “We’re hoping that through this, future leaders won’t have the same problems we did,” Green said.

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FEBRUARY 14, 2012








Single on Valentine’s Day? Nice!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Happy Valentine’s Day for all

Valentine’s Day is a touted as a celebration of romance. It is also known as “Singles Awareness Day” due to the emphasis on romantic relationships and a seeming exclusion of anyone not in a romantic relationship. No matter what our romantic status is, we should strive to avoid a “couples vs. singles” mentality. Romantic relationships receive undue emphasis in our society. Whatever the legends or myths about the holiday say, the emphasis on romantic attachment only came about in the 14th century, after centuries of being a day on which martyred saints by the name of Valentine were honored. People enjoy many relationships that aren’t romantic, such as relationships with friends, family and even acquaintances. If we celebrate anything, we should recognize and celebrate all the relationships we have that have made us who we are today. Our lives and relationships are so much more than whether or not we’re romantically attached, and we should find ways to recognize that whenever we can. I challenge everyone to find a way to enjoy today. Let the people you care about know they mean something to you, even if it’s just a greeting in passing on the way to class. Make Valentine’s Day a day everyone can enjoy, no matter what relationship status people are in. Emily O’Loughlin senior philosophy major


’m a little late to the party, you see. While everyone and their mother-in-law were going nuts about SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, legislation to combat online piracy, I really didn’t say much on the matter. Now, yes, I signed the Google petition and was in general agreement that these bills should not see the light of day. I wasn’t going to go crazy about the situation. My true opinion is that legislation should rigidly be anti-piracy, without any additives that can jeopardize basic Internet freedoms. Clear, concise language should be used to define the laws and not be abused or misinterpreted by any law enforcing body. However, anyone who has read anything I’ve written knows I’m not going to tackle the political arena in print. That’s all I’m going to say. In the words of Austin Powers, it’s not my bag, baby. The real thing I want to focus on is “what-if ” aspect if one of these bills were to start messing things up. It would be a sad, sad world out there. And when there is a sad world, send in the clowns. Honestly, the Internet is the closest thing to a 21st-century circus there is. It’s such an ugly, ragtag, clustered mess that you absolutely adore. The Internet MCT CAMPUS

This editorial reflects the position of the Northern Iowan’s editorial staff: John Anderson, Allie Koolbeck, Brad Eilers, Tehrene Firman, Brandon Baker and Kari Braumann. All other articles and illustrations represent the views of their authors.

Troll face courtesy of alltheragefaces.com


Whether you’re riding solo this Valentine’s Day or in a couple, there is no need to go into hiding when the big day rolls around. Sure, couples skipping down the street holding hands and staring deep into each other’s eyes may make you feel like vomiting if you’re single, but there are definitely benefits to not having to deal with a boyfriend or girlfriend on the most romantic day of the year. Imagine all of the possibilities of not having a significant other. Your bank account won’t be completely dried out by the end of the month because there’s no need to spend money on fancy dates, expensive jewelry and five dozen roses. A Redbox movie, bag of buttery popcorn and a movie starring your favorite celebrity should do. And to those who have been counting down the days until Valentine’s Day, this is the one day of the year where you can engage in as much PDA as you want without one roll of the eyes – so enjoy it while you can, because on the 364 other days of the year, people will probably throw things at you.

ANTHONY MITCHELL ayomitch@uni.edu

is like a mutt. It’s ugly, but it’s so ugly that it’s kind of cute. I enjoy putting things into metaphors (you may have noticed), whether they are completely goofy or serious, but I think that the Internet as we know it does resemble a circus. There’s so much crap available to buy: the circus peanuts, the cotton candy, the hot dogs and the balloon animals — that’s your online shopping and trading. Your administrators are the ringmasters, drawing your attention to content happening all around you. Your trolls are the clowns; they’re never to be taken seriously and should be laughed at. Viral videos are your acrobats, performing amazing feats (and, more often, failing to accomplish said feats). In saying that, the Internet truly is a magical place. Can you imagine how things would be if things started being censored or being altered simply because we can’t define our terms? Yeah, now that I am getting this point in the piece, I’m starting

to realize that I’m going to contradict what I said earlier and get into the political arena. Oh well, I guess this is the opinion section after all. Welcome to the show! Believe me, I do feel that legislation to stop piracy would be a good decision, but I am sick and tired of bills being drafted that are nothing short of legal novels. Is it too much to ask for bills that focus solely on the issues at hand, without being chock full of other crap tacked on. In the political ring, everyone is in everyone’s pocket, so all this is wishful thinking. If laws or trade agreements stand, they must clearly define their stance against piracy without threatening the Internet’s true forms and freedoms. It’s uncomfortable for me to have to give political opinions, even if I keep them general so as not to start a flame war. The only thing I want to make clear is I just don’t want to see the Internet we know and love become endangered. The circus is a dying art form, but it had a good run for a few hundred years. I’d like to see our young Internet get that same kind of run. Anthony Mitchell is a junior in

electronic media from Grinnell, Iowa.

tehrene firman campus life editor firmant@uni.edu


february 14, 2012





page 5

volume 108, issue 36


‘The Grey’ has Liam Neeson punching A DAY IN AFRICA wolves (and that is awesome) ALEX TOFT Film Critic

It’s no secret that I am notoriously critical of action movies because they’re big, dumb and often include Jason Statham. “The Grey,” though, actually takes action and uses it to drive a story. It’s a pretty good story, too – one that rings of Jack London and Ridley Scott, combining a man-verses-himselfverses-nature plot with some great action scenes and some truly frightening wolves. All together, it makes for a pretty great ride, and delivers a truly solid first half that is almost straight horror and suspense, but sags through the ending, when what’s left of the bland characters begins to take center stage. “The Grey” is the story of Ottway (Neeson), a former soldier with inner demons, working for a petroleum company in a remote Alaskan drilling station as a wolf hunter, or something. When their tour in Alaska ends, the plane carrying Ottway and the other workers crashes in northern Canada in the middle of a blizzard, and they are forced to fight for survival against the elements and a pack of aggressive, hungry wolves. These wolves are arguably the best part of the movie, and when they are removed from the plot for more than a few minutes, the film bogs down and gets pretty boring. Especially because these wolfless scenes are devoted to haphazardly fleshing out the characters who are not Liam Neeson, which is stupid. Of the 10 or so survivors of the initial plane crash, only

three are successful at stand- begins to shiver, it’s because ing out in any way: Falnnery the poor man is really cold, (Joe Anderson), Diaz (Frank and watching it makes the Grillo) and Talget (Dermot cold creep into your bones. Mulroney). The rest were The cues taken from Blade basically wolf food, so I took Runner, however, are less the liberty of creating names positive ones, at least as far for them because I can’t be as Carnahan’s skills are conbothered to look them up: cerned. He tries hard to make Tender McWolfbait, Steve the movie one that leaves Wolfsnackington and Tasty itself open to different interSlowrunnerson. pretations, but he seems to I mentioned Scott a few be over-reaching his ability at paragraphs back not only this point. Carnahan has an because he is listed as a pro- affinity for the little magical ducer on the film, but because realist moments in his previCarnahan is borrowing ous movies, and he ports heavily from Scott’s this affinity over into classic work, spe“The Grey.” cifically “Blade It’s clear he Runner” and wants the film to “Alien.” The influhave a metaphysical ences from “Alien” interpretation, and make for some absoto remain ambigulutely awesome horror ous, but he does so by for the first half of MCT CAMPUS shoehorning in death the movie, during the hallucinations and plane crash sequence (which purposefully leaving gaps was basically lifted from my in the continuity that simnightmares) and as the wolves ply feel like editing mistakes. pursue the survivors. The Cumulatively, these attempts wolves are atmospheric, a lin- just don’t make much sense, as gering presence just beyond the interpretations he seems camp, but are most terrifying to be trying to entertain don’t when they are used in the make sense together, and in classic horror formula – when reality, confound each other. you know what is about to So even though the film has happen and you have to watch great action, passable acting it unfold anyway in excruciat- and the force of will of Liam ingly slow real-time. Neeson behind it, it feels shalThere are also a few jump low. But if one goes into the scares that snap the ten- movie and ignores the minor sion and keep you on edge. moments of pseudo-subtlety, Carnahan also goes out of “The Grey” is an extremely his way to deliver some well-done and greatly entergreat effects. He uses prac- taining action film that never tical effects for the wolves needed those falsely cerebral whenever he can, and some of moments. It’s poetic enough the blood and guts are really as a simple and universal manawesomely visceral. Also, the verses-nature story. entire film was done on-locaAlso, stay in your seat until tion in Canada. Thus, all the the end of the credits. weather is real. When Neeson

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Ghiffary Osman, president of the UNI African Union.

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Left to right: Alexis Smutzler, Theo Blankers, Vincent Chukwuemeka, Nyayang Toang, Roxane Kaale and Darian Thompson perform African dance moves in Lang Hall Thursday as part of A Day in Africa.

Random Acts of Kindness Week encourages students to take on volunteer opportunities JACOB STEWART Staff Writer

Random Acts of Kindness Week, which runs from Feb. 13-19, is an annual, nationwide event sponsored by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, which encourages participants to engage in one act of kindness a day for seven days. This event is one of many that are frequently run by the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley, an organization dedicated to lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it. The center was established in 1995, and entered into a part-

nership with the University of Northern Iowa in 2008. Since then, it has promoted a number of on-campus volunteer opportunities like Volunteer Tuesdays, as well as off-campus events such as Love Cedar Valley, a multi-church effort to inspire “ongoing servant evangelism.” VCCV is currently partnered with more than 80 different organizations in the Cedar Valley. Volunteer Tuesdays, a joint effort between the Student Leadership Center and the Volunteer Center, provides opportunities that are accessible to UNI students. Every Tuesday, dozens of students

pile on to a “volunteer bus” and head out to one of several locations to work at a food bank, a nursing home or wherever they are needed most. “We had 7,000 volunteers in the 2011 calendar year,” said Lauren Finke, executive director at the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley. Finke also stated that Iowa is the secondbiggest volunteer state, with more than 880,000 annual official volunteers, which is 37 percent of the state population. For more information on upcoming events, visit www. vccv.org.

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Lovet Manyeah serves Jollof rice, a West African dish, with corn bread in Lang Hall Thursday as part of A Day in Africa.



page 6

arts+entertainment monday










< 1-6 p.m. < @Maucker Union < $1-$3 < Looking for a sweet gift for Valentine’s Day? To Write Love on Her Arms will sell personalized candy grams.

< 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. < @McLeod Center < free < Bring a significant other, friend or pal to UNI Connection’s Valentine’s Day Pie Party for tasty treats and a welldeserved break.

< 7:30-9:30 p.m. < @Piazza, McCollum Science Hall < free < Learn about the history of soul food.

< 6-9 p.m. < Maucker Union Coffeehouse < free < Enjoy a night of fashion from New York City featuring designer Nicole Lyricc.

< 6 p.m. < @The HuB < $5 for 21+; $7 for 19-20




northern-iowan.org | tuesday, february 14, 2012




GBPAC brews up fifth beer and cuisine sampling event



KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Entertainment Writer

JOHN ANDERSON/Northern Iowan

Jon Snell, sophomore music: jazz studies major, plays the keyboard of Jazz Band One at the HuB Thursday night. JOHN ANDERSON/ Northern Iowan

Guest artist Walter Caldas, junior music major, joins Jazz Band One on the violin while Jon Snell plays the melodica at the HuB Thursday night. Jazz Band One was preceded by the Inglorious Jazzers and Jazz Panthers.

The fifth annual “Beers to You and Gourmet Too,” an event celebrating the art of fine cuisine and brews, will take place Feb. 26 at the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center. The event will include a presentation from Samuel Adams brewmaster Bob Cannon. Cannon will also be judging the event’s first ever Home Brewers Contest. A sampling of fine cuisine from around the Cedar Valley will follow Cannon’s presentation. Each food item will be paired with an import, craft or specialty beer. Live demonstrations from the area’s top chefs will also take place. The event will raise money for the Friends of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. This year, proceeds will go to support the Buck A Kid program and Kaleidoscope, both of which support children’s access to the arts. Tickets are $35 for gen-

eral admission. VIP tickets are $45, which allow entrance into the Home Brewers contest area to sample and judge the homebrewed beer. VIP attendees will also have access to different brewery representatives and delicious appetizers. VIP gift bags, including coupons to various restaurants and breweries, will also be handed out to those members. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5 or six for $25. The prizes up for grabs include a VIP trip to Boston and a tour of the Samuel Adams Brewery; the ultimate tailgate experience; tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals game; a coffee table with the UNI Panther logo; and gift certificates to both the Isle casino and Montage, a restaurant on Main Street. The event will begin at 3 p.m. with Cannon’s presentation, followed by the beer and food tasting from 4-7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at www. gbpac.org or by calling 319-273-4849.

Relay for Life Kickoff sows seeds for spring event ELISSA TERRY

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Staff Writer

This past weekend at the Hub, students came together for a night of food, fun and music for the Relay for Life Kick-off event. “We put on this event tonight to get people excited for (the Relay for Life) because it’s only a few months away,” said Amanda Robertson, junior early education major. The event featured Good Cop/Rad Cop, John June Year and I’m Prettier Than You, who will also be performing at the Relay for Life event. “Our Relay is in 60 days, so it’s good to get everybody together and get excited for this event,” said Cristy Steffen, senior public relations major. According to Kayleigh Green, junior public relations major, the Relay for

Life team has “reached out a lot more to the community this year” when it came to securing the connections they’re made this year. “We’ve expanded on the markets we already have, like Pizza Ranch, Buffalo Wild Wings, Coldstone – all those are established connections that we keep going back to because it’s a good relationship. They appreciate us and we appreciate them,” said Green. Currently, the 2012 Relay for Life has more than 400 registered participants and members of the group are hoping to see about 1,000 total on the night of the Relay. The Relay for Life will take place April 13-14 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. at the McLeod Center. Those who wish to sign up can visit www.uni.edu/studentorgs/ relayforlife for details.

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FEBRUARY 14, 2012






78 63

TOP PERFORMERS PTS: Seth Tuttle (17) REBS: Seth Tuttle (11) ASTS: Marc Sonnen (6)





PTS: Bryant Allen (17) REBS: Jackie Carmichael (13) ASTS: Nic Moore (5)

UNI cruises to 78-63 victory over Illinois State behind 12 3-pointers BRAD EILERS Sports Editor

MATT FININ/Northern Iowan

UNI senior guard Johnny Moran scored 16 points, including four 3-pointers. The Panthers were 12-for-21 on 3-pointers Saturday night.

Jackie Carmichael dominated the paint with 19 points, 10 rebounds and four blocks when the Illinois State University men’s basketball team hosted the University of Northern Iowa Panthers back on Dec. 29. The Redbirds won that meeting 65-61, with the Panthers shooting just 37.3 percent from the floor and just 32 percent from 3-point range. Saturday night, the two teams faced off in a rematch in Cedar Falls, with UNI winning 78-63. UNI freshman center Seth Tuttle did a better job limiting Carmichael’s scoring this go-around, while also recording his third career double-double with 17 points and 11 rebounds. The Panthers (17-10, 7-8 MVC) also shot the ball better, making 50 percent (25-for50) of their attempts on the night including 57.1 percent (12-for-21) from 3-point range. UNI’s 12 made 3-pointers matched their season high. “I’m becoming more confident in what I’m doing,” said Tuttle. “I can tell I’m not thinking as much when I’m out there; I’m just reacting. Knowing that the other guys have faith in you, that helps a lot too.” UNI’s assault from 3-point land was led by senior guard Johnny Moran, who chipped in


UNI fans: set higher expectations PAUL KOCKLER Sports Columnist

Students and fans need to adjust their attitude towards the University of Northern Iowa men’s basketball program. I came to this conclusion after UNI’s thrilling victory over Creighton University last weekend when the students came streaming down to the floor following Anthony James’ dramatic game-winning 3-pointer. I was confused. The students acted as though we had never won a big game before. The emotion of the moment was probably enough to cause students to storm the court without thinking about it, but I feel it was unwarranted. At the threat of sounding like a huge downer, I will explain. Storming the court is not something you plan. It is something that just happens. I heard some chatter prior to the conclusion of the game that we, the students, should storm the court if we won. Some students were even lining up near the floor with 10 seconds left before CU’s Antoine Young hit the gametying 3-pointer. If students had this much time to think

with 16 points (4-for-6 on 3’s), one point shy of tying his season high. “It’s always nice when your first shot goes down. After that, my teammates just did a good job of finding me and coach (Jacobson) drew up some plays to get me open. My shots felt pretty good tonight,” said Moran. “Johnny (Moran) had a great game. That’s fun to see,” said UNI head coach Ben Jacobson. “It’s been detailed how hard he works. He is in the gym all day every day, making sure that he is ready when he gets an opportunity in the game. Tonight he had a few more opportunities, and his play was very important for us tonight.” The Panthers and Redbirds were tied seven times throughout the first 12 minutes of action before Illinois State built a slim 30-26 advantage with under six minutes remaining in the first half. UNI responded with a 19-4 run that carried into the second half and gave the Panthers a 45-34 lead with just over 19 minutes remaining in regulation. “(UNI is) a hard team to guard when their big guys are making 3s. All of the sudden they become a five-guy 3-point shooting team,” said ISU head coach Tim Jankovich. “At halftime I felt like we were certainly within striking < See MEN’S, page 12


Panthers drop two games on the road JAKE BEMIS Sports Writer

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI students rushed the court following the Panthers’ 65-62 upset over No. 12-ranked Creighton.

about their predetermined displays of excitement, it might be a clue that the court storming should have been reconsidered. The Panthers did not beat a top-five team or a national powerhouse from a major conference. They did not end a ridiculously long winning or losing streak, nor did they earn their way into a postseason tournament. I’m on record as saying one of the best moments of my life as a sports fan was storming the court in 2009 after

winning the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament and punching our ticket to the NCAA Tournament. That win got us something. This win against Creighton was nice. It improved our postseason résumé and gave us a signature win. However, since Creighton has now lost three straight games, the win becomes less and less impressive. Our résumé needs more than just that one win at this point. < See FANS, page 12

The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team continued their road woes, losing to Illinois State University 84-68 Friday night in Normal, Ill., despite having four Panthers reach double digits in scoring. The Panthers shot 35.5 percent from the field and 36.4 percent from the 3-point line and gave up 84 points, which ties the record for the most points UNI has allowed all season. K.K. Armstrong’s 19 points Friday night put her in 12th place all-time in UNI women’s basketball history with 1,101 career points. With just over eight minutes left in the first half, UNI extended their lead to eight points, but ISU’s hot shooting (47.6 percent from the field, 50 percent from the 3-point line) was just too much for the Panthers. ISU finished the half on a 24-10 run to take a 44-38 lead heading into halftime. In the second half, the two teams battled back and forth

until ISU went on an 11-4 run to push their lead to 15 points with just over nine minutes remaining in the game. The Panthers cut the lead to as few as seven points on an Armstrong free throw with just over three minutes left, but could not get any closer. UNI shot just 27.3 percent from the 3-point line and 52.9 percent from the free throw line in the second half. UNI had a season-low eight turnovers, but the Panthers were outrebounded 48-33, which lead to a 9-2 advantage on second chance points for the Redbirds. ISU pushed their home winning streak to 21 games behind 24 points from Katie Broadway and 17 points from Jamie Russell. Marley Hall and Candace Sykes both recorded double-doubles. For the Panthers, Rachel Madrigal finished the game with 15 points. Katelin Oney and Amber Kirschbaum also added 11 and 10 points, respectively. UNI (15-9, 8-5) was unable < See WOMEN’S, page 12




MATT FININ/Northern Iowan

Seth Tuttle recorded his third career double-double Saturday night as he scored 17 points and collected 11 rebounds.

MEN’S continued from page 11

distance if we played better, but unfortunately, we didn’t.” From that point on the UNI lead never dipped below seven points and the Panther lead was never cut to single digits throughout the final 11:27 of action. Carmichael finished with a double-double, scoring 14 points and grabbing 13 rebounds for the Redbirds (16-10, 8-7 MVC). Bryant Allen chipped in with 17 points off the bench for ISU, who now hold just a slim one-

game lead over UNI in the Missouri Valley Conference standings. The Panthers are currently in sixth place in the MVC at 7-8, but are just one game back of the fourth place Redbirds, and just two games back of the third-place Missouri State University Bears. UNI returns to action Wednesday night when they face off with the University of Evansville Purple Aces (12-12, 7-7 MVC). Tip-off in Evansville, Ind., is set for 7 p.m.

MATT FININ/Northern Iowan

K.K. Armstrong’s 19 points Friday night put her in 12th place all-time in UNI women’s basketball history with 1,101 career points.

WOMEN’S continued from page 11

to turn their luck around on Sunday afternoon as they suffered a 71-60 loss at Indiana State University. The Panthers and Sycamores were tied at halftime; however, a 14-4 run by Indiana State to open the half was enough to separate the teams. UNI got no closer than seven points the

rest of the game. Katelin Oney led UNI with 16 points. With the losses, the Panthers are just 4-6 on the road, compared to a 9-3 record at home. UNI dropped to fourth place in the Missouri Valley Conference but remain just one game behind first-place teams Missouri State University and Wichita State University. The Panthers return to action Friday against Bradley at 6 p.m. in Peoria, Ill.




There were 6,910 fans in attendance for the Panthers’ upset of No. 12-ranked Creighton. The win was UNI’s first over a ranked opponent since they defeated No. 1-ranked Kansas University on March 20, 2010.

FANS continued from page 11



Think about it. We stormed the court against an MVC opponent, whom we have beaten four out of the last seven times we have played them. On top of that, we won on our home court when we were only 1.5point underdogs. It pains me that we gave perhaps our biggest rival the satisfaction that we think that highly of them. Yes, Creighton was ranked No. 12. And yes, we are having a bit of a down year compared to recent years (although I think it speaks to the quality of our program that a disappointing season results in a 17-10 record at this point), but it was a game in which I was not surprised by the outcome, and I highly doubt our players

felt it was a huge upset either. Good programs should not be stunned to win home conference games. We want to become a nationally known mid-major team that people respect. We would like to be the Gonzaga University of the MVC. Gonzaga has won their regular season conference title 15 out of last 18 years. In order for the program to continue to the next level and be a perennial threat in March, our fans need to increase their expectations and not be surprised when we upset teams who are having better-than-normal seasons like the one Creighton is having this year. Believing we can win every game we step on the court for needs to be the norm and not the exception. I thought our win against Kansas University a few years ago proved that.

brandon poll managing editor pollb@uni.edu

fun & games

february 14, 2012


By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s Birthday (02/14/12). Your circle of friends keeps expanding, from your heart outward. This year it advances your dreams. Being polite is a virtue to practice; “please” and “thank you” go a long way. Sometimes a respectful protest is in order, too. Share and celebrate love. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- A productive morning leaves space for a romantic evening; make what you will of it. You can have whatever you’re willing to stand for: Love is worth it. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Expand your mind and heart with an adventure, perhaps a rendezvous at a secret spot, followed by a puzzle to untangle or an art project to enjoy. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is a 9 -- Complete tasks earlier in the day. You’re a powerhouse. Later, reward yourself with relaxation and delicious food. Remember that pampering works best when it goes both ways. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You’re busy and getting busier at work, and that could interfere with your love life. Communication is key. Travel could be slow. Research holds crucial clues. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Don’t overspend on luxuries. Who needs them when you’ve got love? Celebrate with dear ones, and be flexible about




page 13

volume 108, issue 36

how it looks. Your true love holds you to your highest. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- You’re just on fire. New pathways are revealed. Plan to indulge the places where your heart is. Your confidence is quite attractive. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is an 8 -- There could be a clash between love and money. It’s not a good time to get extravagant. Don’t push yourself too hard. You have super study power. Share kindness. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 9 -- Your capacity to listen makes you more alluring. Stay in contact with loved ones. You’re getting more powerful, so you might as well raise the stakes. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- It all works out (if you’re willing to do the work). You’re in top gear, and improving, but remember that Valentine’s Day is not all about you. Share. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Plan a special day together with a loved one. It doesn’t need to be expensive. Go ahead and give your word. It’s okay to be quiet, too. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- A boost of energy helps you complete projects, but it could also wear you out by the end of the day. Make time for being social later. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Step into the emotional limelight. “Respectful” and “willing to be of service” get you the farthest. If the recipe falters, add a dash of “love.”

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Brandon Poll Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu

FEBRUARY 14, 2012




Page 14







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For rent: 4 bedroom duplex close to campus. Off-street parking, W/D. $1200. 319- 240- 8278

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Make a DIFFERENCE! Be a CAMP COUNSELOR! Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hiring for the 2012 season, May 26 - August 1. Activities include horseback riding, waterskiing, canoeing, ropes course and more. Competitive salary, room and board, travel stipend. To apply, contact Sylvia at sylvia@friendlypines.com or 1- 888- 281- CAMP. Be part of something AMAZING, and have the summer of a lifetime!

Ultimate Entertainment, Iowa’s Largest Mobile DJ service, is looking for 2-6 new DJ’s for this coming wedding season. Some experience would be helpful, but you will be well trained. We need people with PERSONALITY and music knowledge. You must be able to read a crowd and customize your delivery and music choices to best fit the event. Applicants must be at least 21 and will be in town for summer of 2012. Call 319-266-0717 or email at ultimate@cfu.net.

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More help wanted Page 15

Walking Distance to Campus! 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments 2218 Walnut - Free Cable - Heat Included - Landlord pays water, sewer garbage 2115 Walnut - Washer/Dryer on-site - Spacious apartments - Off-Street parking

1-4 BEDROOM, BRAND NEW TOWNHOUSE DUPLEXES. RANGE FROM $275-$400 EACH BEDROOM. HAS EVERYTHING. FACING UNI. 266- 5544, 273- 6264 3 BR., 4 BR. 2 blocks from campus. Off street parking. W/D included. Air conditioned. 319- 239- 2135 1 BR. available January. Most utilities included. Cats allowed. University Manor. 319- 266- 8586. Large 4 bedroom apartment $1,200/MO. plus utilities. Free laundry, off-street parking, A/C. 269- 1743 3 bedroom suite $900/MO. plus utilities. Free laundry, off-street parking, A/C. Each tenant has own kitchen. 269- 1743 Single bedroom unfurnished apartments available on-campus in Hillside Courts. Must be grad student or 23 or older, or married or veteran. 319- 273- 6232 weekdays or www.uni.edu/dor link to housing: apartments For rent. Newer 4 BR., 2 bath, 2 living room duplex. Close to UNI. All appliances, W/D. $1200/ MO. plus utilities. 512 W. 13th, Cedar Falls. 319- 573- 7917 4 BR. duplex. 610 Iowa Street. $900/MO. 319- 236- 8930 Subleaser needed for studio apartments. Three blocks from campus. $525/MO. Available now until May 5th. 319- 230- 7759

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The UNI Wind Symphony and UNI Symphonic Band perform in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center Great Hall Friday during the Northern Festival of Bands, an annual band festival for high school band students. The festival, which took place Feb. 9-11, typically hosts more than 40 schools and more than 250 students.






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Career Fair title

FEB. 20, 2012 11 A.M. - 3 P.M.



Photo: Thinkstock




Spring career fair to host 120 different organizations


A student talks to Tara Christensen (left), the recruiting director for Mass Mutual, at the 2011 fall career fair on Sept. 19 in the McLeod Center. The spring career fair will host 120 different organizations.


Students seeking internships or desiring to network with businesses can present themselves to company recruiters at the spring career fair on Feb. 20 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the McLeod Center. While the University of Northern Iowa’s fall career fair predominantly featured companies seeking accounting majors, the spring fair will offer a wider variety of companies present. The fair will host 120 different organizations. According to Matt Nuese, associate director of UNI career services, this is a 20 percent increase from last year’s fair. Students attending the fair should prepare a resume to bring with them, dress formally, and, according to Nuese, “be realistic about the fair.”

“The career fair is not where you go to get a job. You go to the career fair to network, learn and try to secure an interview,” Nuese said. Organizations present at the fair look for things such as personality and experience in students. “Every fair we hear of students who go in expecting little and come out with numerous interviews,” Nuese said. “I have also seen students be introduced to companies and positions they had never thought about and end up getting hired (after the interview process).” Nuese said that students should simply “go.” “This is one of the few times students can interact with organizations who are hiring for internships and jobs,” Nuese said. “No matter the major, no matter the career path, the career fair has something for all.”


Left to right: Ethan Kumbera, a Johnston native, talks with Josh Fiala, a field adviser college professional, at the 2011 fall career fair in the McLeod Center Sept. 19.





Career Fair Tips Freshmen





Speak with organizations about what they do and careers people have with them. Ask if your major would be valued by the organization.

Start seeking out internship possibilities and build a professional network. Find out what makes people in your major standout.

Find an internship.

Get a full-time job.


Review attendee list, find 3-5 organizations you would like to speak with. Bring a resume only if you are trying to be hired.

Identify 5-7 organizations are interested in and find a) What they do, b) Who hire, c) Current jobs they posted.

Revisit the 5-7 companies from last year and then add another 5-7 for a total of about fifteen. Network aggressively for experience.

Speak with the company you interned with. Then, revisit the fifteen companies you already know and add your handpicked favorites for this year.


Men: Polo & Khaki Women: Semi-dress

Men: Dress shirt/slacks Women: Blouse with Skirt/Slacks

Men: Tie and slacks Women: Blouse with Skirt/Slacks

Men: Suit Women: Suit



Resumes (10 copies) Padfolio

Resumes (20 copies) Padfolio

Resumes (20 copies) Padfolio


1) I am majoring in ____, what part of your organization may I use my major? 2) Does your organization offer internships or leadership programs? 3) What tips would you have for me as a freshman that would make me a targeted candidate as a senior?

1) Can you tell me about projects that interns work on? 2) Does your internship or leadership program match the candidate with a mentor? 3) I am willing to relocate, which of your offices has the greatest hiring need?

1) Last year you and I spoke about ____ internship program. I am interested in learning more about this program. Can you share with me what you are planning for the interns this summer? 2) Out of your internship pool from last year, how many were offered full-time jobs and what made those interns stand out? 3) What is the best way to apply and/or contact your organization?

1) From my internship last summer I had an opportunity to ____, I would like to continue doing this. Can you speak with me about your openings in this area. 2) I have been speaking with you for three years now about the openings in _____, can you share with me what it would take to get an interview for that job? 3) I am really interested in your company, but the work I would like to do is in your Minneapolis office. Who can I speak with about interviewing with Minneapolis?


Be confident, strike up conversations. Leave your friends engage employers 1:1.

Look the part - be ready to have a conversation about things not related to internships / majors.

When greeting the recruiter, use their name and remind them you spoke with them previously.

You have the experience, now think of the recruiters as partners in helping you get hired.

you out: they have

Courtesy of UNI Career Services


The early bird gets the internship OLIVIA HOTTLE Staff Writer

The career fairs hosted each semester by the University of Northern Iowa have become something of a staple for sophomore Amber Irlmeier. Irlmeier, a double major in actuarial science and financial services, attends the career fair every semester. “I learned the importance of first impressions,” Irlmeier said. “I also learned about companies I could possibly work for when I graduate.” Irlmeier first attended the career fair as a requirement for the Professional Readiness Program, a class for first-year business students. Even as a freshman, she still approached recruiters. “I wanted to get over the nerves so that when I began looking for an internship, I would know how to interact with recruiters,” Irlmeier said. Though it was not directly a result of the career fair,

Irlmeier received an actuarial internship with Aviva, in which she says the fair was a “contributing factor.” “At the career fair, I spoke with people from all the companies I ended up interviewing with for internships: Aviva, Principal and AEGON,” Irlmeier said. “However, the people I spoke with at the career fair were generally human resources employees and not actuaries.” Students do not have to attend the fair solely to find internships. “My freshman year, I felt like the recruiters dismissed me as soon as I said that I was a freshman,” Irlmeier said. “However, after I explained that I was simply interested in learning about their company, they were very informative.” Even though Irlmeier used the career fair to find more about companies, she continues to attend the fair so recruiters learn who she is. “In my second round interview with Aviva... two of the eight people I inter-

viewed with were from the HR department. I had previously met one of these people at the Career Fair at UNI. It made the interview less nerve-racking,” Irlmeier said. Irlmeier suggests that students ask for the recruiters’ business cards and email them the next day. In Irlmeier’s emails, she thanks

the recruiter for their time and lists one thing she liked about their company. She also says the fair gives students a reason to update their resumes and builds confidence. “Speaking with recruiters is intimidating,” Irlmeier said, “but the more I practice, the better I become.”

Courtesy Photo

Amber Irlmeier, a sophomore double major in actuarial science and financial services, attends the career fair every semester.







SPRING 2012 CAREER FAIR ORGANIZATIONS #66 AccessDubuqueJobs. com

#1 Financial Decisions Group

#59 Kohl’s Department Stores

 Interview Day: No  www.fdg.net

 Interview Day: No  kohlsoncampus.com

#34 Cedar Falls Police Department

#106 GEICO

#53 Kum & Go

#111 MassMutualMidwest Associates

 Interview Day: No  www.cedarfalls.com

 Interview Day: No  www.geico.jobs/iowa

 Interview Day: No  www.kumandgo.com

 Interview Day: No  massmutualcareers.com

#74 Genencor

#101 Kwik Trip/Kwik Star Inc.

#51 Maurices

#107 Admission Possible

#25 Center for Energy and Environmental Ed.

 Interview Day: No  admissionpossible.org

 Interview Day: No  www.ceee.uni.edu

 Interview Day: No  accessdubuquejobs.com

#62 Accountemps & Office Team  Interview Day: No  www.accountemps.com

#82 CBE Group  Interview Day: No  www.cbejobs.com

 Interview Day: No  www.genencor.com

 Interview Day: No  www.kwiktrip.com

#8 GMAC Mortgage #48 Aerotek  Interview Day: No  aerotekcareers.com

#17 City and National Employment  Interview Day: No  www.city-national.com

#113 Ameriprise Financial  Interview Day: No  ameriprise.com

#35 ASPIRE Therapeutic Riding Program  Interview Day: No  www.aspiretrp.org

#56 Auto-Owners Insurance Co.  Interview Day: No  www.auto-owners.com/ career-center

#54 Aviva  Interview Day: Yes  www.avivausa.com

#33 College Pro Painters  Interview Day: No  www.collegepro.com

#117 Consolidated Electrical Distributors  Interview Day: Yes  www.cedcareers.com

 Interview Day: No  gmacmortgage.com

#49 GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation  Interview Day: No  www.greatamerica.com

 Interview Day: No  www.musco.com

#116 Nationwide Insurance

#28 Lumenance, LLC  Interview Day: No  www.lumenance.com

 Interview Day: No  www.cgxoncampus.com

#65 Hershey Company

#99 Lutheran Services in Iowa

 Interview Day: Yes  thehersheycompany.com

 Interview Day: Yes  www.hnicorp.com

 Interview Day: No  bisfrucon.com

#57 Dart Transit Company

#55 Iowa Department of Corrections

#11 Blain's Farm & Fleet

 Interview Day: No  www.dart.net

 Interview Day: No  www.farmandfleet.com

#81 Deloitte

 Interview Day: No  www.doc.state.ia.us

 Interview Day: Yes  www.deloitte.com

#30 Iowa Department of Natural Resources

#13 Eaton Corporation

 Interview Day: No  www.iowadnr.gov

 Interview Day: No  www.Eaton.com

#31 JBS

#119 Braun Intertec Corporation

#87 EdgeCore

 Interview Day: No  www.jbssa.com

 Interview Day: No  www.braunintertec.com

 Interview Day: No  www.edgecore.com

#16 Brownells

#29 Emerson Process Management/Fisher

 Interview Day: No  www.jeld-wen.com

#75-76 John Deere

#33 Buckle

 Interview Day: Yes  www.emersonprocess. com/fisher

 Interview Day: No  www.buckle.com

#6 Enterprise Rent A Car

#120 Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.

#27 JELD-WEN Windows/ Grinnell

 Interview Day: No  Deere.com

#94 Kiesling  Interview Day: Yes  www.kiesling.com

#103 Farmers State Bank  Interview Day: No  www.fsb1879.com

#67 Kinze Manufacturing  Interview Day: No  www.kinze.com

#9 Federated Insurance Companies

#2 Know Your Care

 Interview Day: No  federatedinsurance.com

 Interview Day: No  www.knowyourcare.org

#26 Camp Adventure Child and Youth Services

#20 Ferguson Enterprises

#32 Kohler Company

 Interview Day: No  campadventure.com

 Interview Day: No  www.ferguson.com

 Interview Day: Yes  www.kohler.com

 Interview Day: No  www.joincambridge.com

 Interview Day: No  www.lsiowa.com

#21-23 HNI Corporation

 Interview Day: Yes  www.hy-vee.com

 Interview Day: Yes  www.go.enterprise.com

 Interview Day: No  millangfinancial.com

 Interview Day: Yes  www.lssdata.com/

#83 BIS Industrial Services

 Interview Day: No  chrobinson.com/careers

 Interview Day: No  www.logan.edu

 Interview Day: No  desmoinesmetro.com

#12 Hy-Vee, Inc.

#114 C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.

#58 Millang Financial

#91 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC

 Interview Day: No  www.cb-sisco.com/

 Interview Day: No  brownellscareers.com

#44 Logan College of Chiropractic

#4 LSS Data Systems

#40-41 Cottingham & Butler

 Interview Day: No  www.Bossard.com

 Interview Day: Yes  www.pnc.com/midland

#43 Greater Des Moines Partnership

 Interview Day: No  www.beefproducts.com

#100 Bossard North America

 Interview Day: No  www.larsonallen.com

 Interview Day: No  www.hajoca.com

#88 Beef Products, Inc.

 Interview Day: No  www.maurices.com

#70 LarsonAllen LLP

#104 Hajoca Corporation

 Interview Day: No  continental-fire.com

 Interview Day: No  www.marykay.com

#52 Midland Loan Services

#50 Consolidated Graphics

#7 Continental Fire Sprinkler Company

#61 Mary Kay Cosmetics

 Interview Day: Yes  nationwide.com

#45 Northwestern Health Sciences University  Interview Day: No  www.nwhealth.edu

#38 Marsh U.S. Consumer  Interview Day: No  www.marsh.com < Continued on Page 7



Commons Ballroom



#54 Northwestern Mutual - The Zach Group

#102 TeamQuest Corporation

 Interview Day: No  zachgroup.nmfn.com

 Interview Day: No  www.teamquest.com

#46 Palmer College

#3 TEKsystems

 Interview Day: No  www.palmer.edu

 Interview Day: No  www.teksystems.com

#63 PepsiCo/Pepsi Beverages Company

#60 The Campus Special

 Interview Day: No  pepsico.com/careers

 Interview Day: No  www.campusspecial. com/internship

#68 Per Mar Security Services

#14 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

 Interview Day: Yes  permarsecurity.com

 Interview Day: No  Thrivent.com/careers

#85 Peterson Contractors  Interview Day: No

#118 Toyota Financial Services

#73 Physicians Mutual Insurance co.

 Interview Day: No  www.toyotafinancial. com/careers

 Interview Day: No  physiciansmutual.com

#77-78 Transamerica

#92 Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

 Interview Day: No  www.transamerica.com




Do you want to find a quality internship that will help you gain skills, improve your full-time job search, and earn credit? UNI Career Services will spend 30 minutes teaching you the basics of getting an internship and earning internship credit. Feb. 9, 4:00 pm in 009 Gilchrist Mar. 8, 4:00 pm in 009 Gilchrist


Write a resume that wows employers by speaking their language.  Feb. 15, 1 pm in 119 Wright Hall  Feb. 16, 2 pm in 125 Curris Business


Get ready to provide a high quality interview. This workshop will teach you how to dress professionally, answer questions completely, provide samples, and give you insight to what recruiters want to hear.  Feb. 21, 5 pm in 127 Curris Business  Feb. 25, 2 pm in 125 Curris Business


 Interview Day: No  www.trapezegroup.com

Stop wasting time on job boards and find out how to really get that great internship or job.  Feb. 23, 2 pm in 134 Sabin  Mar. 24, 3 pm in 325 Schindler

#84 Principal Financial Group

#98 TSL Companies


 Interview Day: No  principal.com/careers

 Interview Day: No  http://www.4tsl.com

#93 Professional Computer Systems, Co.

#37 United Fire Group

 Interview Day: No  plannedparenthood.org/ heartland/

 Interview Day: No  www.pcsco.com

#97 Trapeze Software Group

 Interview Day: No  unitedfiregroup.com

#19 University Directories #64 Prudential Financial  Interview Day: No  jobs.prudential.com

 Interview Day: Yes  universitydirectories.com

#5 Red Frog Events

#115 University of Northern Iowa

 Interview Day: No  www.redfrogevents.com

 Interview Day: No  www.uni.edu/hrs

#95 Roberts & Dybdahl Inc.

#105 Vermeer

 Interview Day: No  robertsdybdahl.com

 Interview Day: No  www.vermeer.com

#18 Ruan Transportation

#108 Volt Workforce Solutions

 Interview Day: No  www.ruan.com/


 Interview Day: No  www.volt.com

#39 RuffaloCODY  Interview Day: No  www.ruffalocody.com

#122 Walmart

#15 Sherwin-Williams

 Interview Day: No  www.wal-mart.com/ careers

 Interview Day: No  www.sherwin.com/mtp

#89 WebFilings

#79 Sogeti USA

 Interview Day: No  www.webfilings.com

 Interview Day: No  www.us.sogeti.com

#86 Southwestern  Interview Day: No  southwesterninternship. com

#69 T8 Webware  Interview Day: Yes  www.t8webware.com

#71-72 Target Corporation  Interview Day: Yes  www.target.com/careers

#122 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage  Interview Day: No  www.wellsfargo.com

#90 Woodruff Construction, LLC  Interview Day: Yes  woodruffcompanies.com

#42 YMCA of Greater Des Moines  Interview Day: No  www.dmymcajobs.org

The basics on how to impress your intern employer and earn an offer before you leave.  Apr. 28, 3 pm College Eye of Union


Jumpstart your new job by starting with an understanding of the expectations.  Apr. 28, 2 pm in College Eye of Union


One of the fastest growing fields is not just for doctors. Find out how to navigate the healthcare system and where your skills could be utilized.  Mar. 23, 4 pm in Lantz Auditorium, MSH


Struggling to figure out what your major (psychology, communication, history, etc) can do in a world that seems dominated by business? Find out how to leverage your degree and skills.  Feb. 22, 4 pm in 23 Sabin  Mar. 25, 1 pm in 120 Seerley


Information and details at www.uni. edu/careerservices/educators. Additionally, learn about Career Services resources specific to educators. Job Search for May Graduates  Mar. 22, ICN Presentation UNI Teacher Fair  Mar. 26, 8:00—5:00 pm in Union


With a unique hiring process, getting hired for a government job creates challenges not faced in other fields. All majors are welcome to attend this overview on resume writing and job search strategies for government work.  Feb. 28, 3 pm in 127 Sabin


As part of a day-long career preparation conference, Career Services will present the CSBS students with career information unique to the majors in this college.  Apr. 9, 1:30 pm in Maucker Courtesy of UNI Career Services

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Answers to games below.

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page 8


Across 1 Place for family game night 4 Book of poems partly by King David 10 Farm grazer 13 Egg cells 14 Communicating regularly 16 Fat Tire product 17 Ballplayer’s hat 18 Woos, minstrel-style 19 N.J. neighbor 20 Dismiss an occult dollmaking practice? 23 Hanukkah money 24 Govt.-issued ID 25 Donahue and Collins 26 Double Stuf cookies 28 With 57-Down, wealthy people 31 Hair removal brand 32 “What’s that chocolate beverage you’re drinking, Yogi?” answer? 36 Raggedy doll 37 Debate side 38 PC component 39 Studio whose films get off to a roaring start 42 Model train expert? 45 Speed-of-sound name 48 Wee, like bairns 49 Sarandon of “Bull Durham” 50 Snow-block home 52 Hippie’s home 55 When Romeo meets Juliet 56 Frilly Hawaiian dress? 60 Small amount 61 Temps 62 Fib, e.g. 64 Dark time for a poet 65 Kind of fiction 66 Recreational transport, briefly 67 Driller’s deg. 68 More sexy 69 Manhattan liquor

Down 1 Bespectacled dwarf 2 Role for Patti LuPone or Madonna 3 Layered pastry 4 “Hogwash!” 5 Scissors cuts 6 Periodic table figs. 7 Access with a password 8 “Faster, huskies!” 9 John Candy skit show 10 Golf bag carrier 11 World Cup chant 12 Runner-up’s news 15 Earring style 21 Texter’s “From a different aspect ...” 22 “Say it isn’t so!” 23 “La maja desnuda” painter 27 Second-year student 29 High, in Hamburg 30 Spanish river 33 Top Olympic medals, in Madrid 34 Rapid economic expansion 35 Plains tribesmen 39 Powerfully built 40 Tip on a table 41 City bond, informally 42 Dynasty during Confucius’ time 43 Juliet’s family name 44 American territory in the Pacific 45 Offended 46 Signed a pact, say 47 Circus performers 51 Slays, mob-style 53 “Care for __?”: after-dinner offer 54 Numbskull 57 See 28-Across 58 Hodgepodge 59 Mouse manipulator 63 Night of anticipation

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