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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

FEBRUARY 26, 2013









BracketBusted: Denver snaps UNI’s 6-game winning streak

The Pioneers led the Panthers going into halftime and never let go, likely dashing UNI’s hopes of earning an at-large NCAA tournament bid. < See PAGE 7 OPINION

Speak up; speak out; participate

Columnist Pope urges UNI students to pay attention to the NISG elections, which affect students’ future more than they perhaps realize. < See PAGE 4


Don’t get complacent: Beward the undead

Columnist Nicholson ponders the implications of the zombie apocalypse, and the effect of the idea on our culture. < See PAGE 4



Pregracke gives hope to students Living Lands and Waters founder talks about experience KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Staff Writer


Chad Pregracke first began cleaning up rivers at the age of 17, just him and his boat. At the age of 23, he founded Living Lands and Waters, an environmental organization devoted to river cleanup. Now, nearly 15 years later, Pregracke, along with the help of 70,000 volunteers, has managed to clean up more than BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan 8 million pounds of garbage Chad Pregracke, pictured, spoke to University of Northern Iowa students along the Mississippi River about the organization Living Lands and Water in Lang Hall Wednesday. and other rivers. things needed to change. He made calls to the On the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 20, Pregracke spoke in Lang Department of Natural Resources and several other government agencies but failed to get Auditorium about his journey. Pregracke grew up in East Moline, Ill., any support. Not wanting to wait any longer, with the Mississippi River literally in his back- he set out by himself in 1997. “His story was incredibly powerful. He yard. After spending six summers shell diving, just went out and did it. He didn’t wait for he realized something. anyone to help him,” said Rachel Wobeter, “When I was diving, I got to know the UNI local food program manager through river from a completely different perspective. the Center for Energy and Environmental This thing is alive,” he said. Education. That’s when Pregracke first decided that the river needed to be cleaned up and < See PREGRACKE, page 2


‘Dark Skies’ horror film dims expectations

Film critic Paul Lichty knew he was supposed to be scared by ‘Dark Skies,’ but was too distracted by all the horror film clichés. < See PAGE 5

ONLINE Read Campus Life stories and a letter to the editor. < visit northern-iowan.org

INDEX I SPY AT UNI......................3 OPINION............................4 CAMPUS LIFE....................5 SPORTS.............................7 CLASSIFIEDS...................10 GAMES............................11

Students simulate drunk driving KIRSTEN TJOSSEM Staff Writer

University of Northern Iowa students took a break from pumping iron at the Wellness Recreation Center on Wednesday, Feb. 20 to check out “UNI I am Making Safe Decisions.” Put on by UNI Public Safety, Wellness and Recreation Services, local and state law enforcement and other university departments, the goal of the event was to educate students on the choices made while consuming alcohol. “Hopefully the kids make better decisions with drinking. Hopefully they think

about slowing down and who it affects. It affects everything,” said Scott Bentley, UNI patrol officer. The event featured a lifesize drinking and driving sim-

ulator, as well as several tables with informational material and resources on drinking and driving, binge drinking, < See DRINKING, page 3

BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan

A student tries out the drunk driving simulation at the Wellness Recreation Center on Feb. 20.

Students watch the NISG presidential/vice presidential candidate debate from the Maucker coffeehouse.

NISG candidates debate the issues


Staff Writer

While the snowy weather was blowing outside, University of Northern Iowa students attended the Northern Iowa Student Government debate in the Maucker Union Coffeehouse on Feb. 21 to hear what the NISG presidential and vice presidential candidates had to say about their vision for the future of student government. The tickets brought experience in leadership positions and their platforms were unique to UNI. “On our platforms, we have a lot of new ideas, which we would like to try out,” said Tom Madsen, candidate for NISG president. “We are very passionate about not just doing the same old thing, because you will never (know) if something can be better if you don’t try something new.” W hile NISG presidential candidate KaLeigh White may currently sit as vice president of NISG, she said that her platform with < See DEBATE, page 2





continued from page 1


NISG presidential and vice presidential candidates debated Thursday in Maucker Union. The candidates, from left to right, were: Alicia Jessip and KaLeigh White; Tom Madsen and Blake Findley; David Pope and Katie Grassi.


continued from page 1

People began to see what he was doing and contacted the media. Suddenly he was known across the country, and in 1998 Pregracke founded Living Lands and Waters. For Julia Ostapiej, who works with Green Iowa AmeriCorps, Pregracke’s story was motivational and inspirational. “He started small and

expanded. It gives students hope,” she said. Pregracke recalls almost calling it quits during the last seven miles of a cleanup near Chicago, where barrels and tires filled the shores of the river. But he thought, “I can see it. It’s tangible. I need to stick with this.” While so much has been accomplished over Living Land and Waters’ 15 years of existence, there’s still a lot of



Daily specials include Regular Pita and 22oz. fountain drink for $6.31


work to be done. “There are so many places to go and so much need. We’re just getting started,” Pregracke said. Today, Pregracke takes time to speak to audiences across the country, encouraging them to find what they’re passionate about. “Look around. If you see a problem, I would really encourage you to go after it,” he said.


Visit their website at www. livinglandsandwaters.org to learn more about how to get involved.


vice presidential candidate Alicia Jessip has unique ideas. “We do have a lot of new ideas on our platform. These ideas are ultimately expanding and improving what we have seen over the past (year),” White said. “What’s important is making sure that our ideas are important to the students.” NISG presidential candidate David Pope and vice presidential candidate Katie Grassi brought up the idea of a digital student application. “I will say that I like the app that David and Katie talked about where students can post issues and concerns, instead of going to an office or physically putting a note in a box,” said Jenelle Martin, Spanish and business administration double major. “(It’s a) good use of technology.” Paresh Upreti, junior economics and mathemetics double major, was concerned with student attendance at the event. The debate was also live-streamed for stu-

dent viewing. “I listened to the debate but I did not enjoy having so few students attending,” Upreti said. “Since these are the people who will be making the future tomorrow, they should be more involved and they should know what NISG is and how it affects their future.” “I was surprised that more students didn’t come to see what the candidates had to say,” Martin said. “It makes me feel like what the older people say about our generation is true; we aren’t choosing to vote and or educate ourselves about the candidates and their platforms because many of us don’t seem to care.” Former NISG vice president Ian Goldsmith commented on the debate. “Well, I admire all the candidates to have the courage to put themselves out there (and) their ideas out there. Ultimately, what’s most important is that you know these conversations are happening, and that all six of them (are) working really hard to do what’s best for our university,” Goldsmith said.


Visit the NISG Elections blog at www.nisgelections. blogspot.com/ to read critiques about the candidates platforms. Also, follow NISG Elections — Northern Iowan on Facebook for the most current updates on the elections.




NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northern-iowan.org 319.273.2157

KARI BRAUMANN Executive Editor braumank@uni.edu 319.273.6826

BRANDON POLL Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu 563.249.6861









Email submissions to Executive Editor Kari Braumann at braumank@uni. edu.


News Editor tal@uni.edu


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.

CAITIE PETERSON Campus Life Editor petercap@uni.edu



Sports Editor eilersb@uni.edu

The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.

BRANDON BAKER Photo Editor bbaker@uni.edu

AMANDA BLANCHE Copy Editor blanchea@uni.edu




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Do you know where this picture was taken? If so, post your answer on the Northern Iowan Facebook page. The winner’s name and the picture’s location will be featured in the next edition of the Northern Iowan. The Feb. 22 picture, which no one correctly identified, was a sculpture in front of Russell Hall.



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EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS AMANDA ARP Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content. The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2013 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.




DAKOTA INGLES Production Graphics

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Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to braumank@uni.edu.


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CIRCUS OZ Great Hall, GBPAC 7:30 p.m. Circuz Oz features a legandary circus from Australia. Performers will present acrobatics, comedy and aerial acts.


continued from page 1

drinking and violence and texting while driving. Jack Delaney, sophomore physics education major, was at the WRC to rock climb but decided to take a turn at the drinking and driving simulator, crashing into the back of a car shortly after putting the alcohol goggles on. “I’ve always been against drinking and driving. It just reaffirmed it,” he said. Though this was the first event of its kind on UNI’s campus, Bentley hopes that it becomes a once-a-year occurrence. Educational alcohol talks in the dorms and holiday enforcement ads on the radio put on through the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau are two other main drinking-related events UNI police are involved in during the school year. “We’re looking out to save people’s careers, money issues and lives,” said Doug Widen, UNI police lieutenant. “My advice to people: designate one person to take care of their group. Be responsible. Don’t take that chance,” said Widen.

JAZZ COMBOS CONCERT Bengston Auditorium, Russell Hall 7:30 p.m. Under the direction of faculty artist Chris Merz and graduate student conductors, the School of Music will present a jazz combos concert. This event is free and open to the public.


PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Room 114, Begeman Hall 4-5 p.m. “Get Prepared for the Future” will be presented by Guang Jin, global manufacturing engineering manager at John Deere Waterloo Works.

BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan

People try out the drunk driving simulation in the Wellness and Recreation Center. The simulation was part of an event called “UNI I am Making Safe Decisions.”

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BLACK STUDENT UNION TALENT SHOW Lang Hall Auditorium 7-9 p.m. The Black Student Union is hosting a talent show to pay homage to African American heritage, past, present and future. Participants can sing, dance, recite poetry or play an instrument. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third places.




FEBRUARY 26, 2013







Stand up; speak out; participate In case you haven’t heard, the Northern Iowa Student Government elections are today (Feb. 26) and tomorrow (Feb. 27). NISG is, of course, the entity that represents UNI students to the administration and divvies out student organization money. They also fund the SafeRide, Panther Shuttle and initiatives like Voterpalooza. Many students may not know much about NISG or understand how to get involved, and it’s true that communication on both sides needs some improvement. It’s also understandable that some students are jaded with NISG, unsure if it truly advocates for them. Nevertheless, here’s the bottom line: you must participate.



Your NISG senators, president and vice president will serve for a year and represent you in many capacities, whether you vote or not. They will decide which initiatives to fund, which student organizations to recognize and what advice to give various university committees that make important decisions. These decisions include building veterans’ and LGBT centers, utilizing the student services fee we all pay and public safety measures. NISG also holds symbolic power.

As representatives of the student body, many look to NISG to ask what the students want, and they pay attention to the answers. It’s easy. It takes five minutes at the most to fill out your ballot online through MyUNIverse, and in a university of approximately 12,000 students, your votes could tip the scales and make the difference. I know it can be a daunting task, trying to keep up to date with local politics and all the various goings-on at UNI that NISG has a hand in. However, you don’t need to know everything in order to know enough to make a successful, educated decision as a voter. To do some research, visit www.uni.edu/nisg. Any government, large or small, will fail when it ceases to truly speak

Don’t be complacent: Beware the undead We are all currently inundated with zombie literature, films, television shows and pop culture references regardless of our acceptance of the plague. Zombies are everywhere and are invading quicker than vultures on a fresh kill. But where are all of these zombies coming from and what do they really want? Zombies represent our biggest fears: isolation and abandonment as well as stripping us away from the very resources we currently depend on for survival. We have become a nation almost completely dependent on others. Whether we are talking about fuel to heat our homes or water, the basic material essential to life, we have little control over the resources we depend on. We have stripped ourselves of our basic survival instincts and replaced them with reliance on farmers, supermarkets, restaurants and the factory food production and distribution system of an industrialized nation. We will be nothing next to helpless animals when the power shuts down and our cell phone signals vanish. Less than 3 percent of America’s population is employed in agriculture, leaving the rest of us starving, sleep-deprived and desperate to fend for ourselves in the event of an apocalypse. Well, except for the extreme couponers who have several years of stockpile…. Zombies have always been a way to challenge social issues. We have but one man to thank for this: George A. Romero, king of the zombies. Romero gave birth to the horror film as we know it today. While divergence from Romero’s themes is not punishable by death, Romero introduced the horror film as a way

HEATHER NICHOLSON hnichols@ uni.edu

to confront social themes as well as individual fears. Many films produced today follow the same rules that Romero set forth decades ago. Romero’s films not only challenged civil rights issues by casting an African-American male in the lead role during the ‘60s but also gave notice to the generational counterculture of America. These young nonconformists were the same adolescents protesting the authority of the Vietnam War and the disillusionment of our nation. Film was simply becoming a way to question conformity and filmmakers like Romero took full advantage of their access to media outlets to spread the message and understanding of their world. “Night of the Living Dead” became a cult classic because every viewer could take away something different from it. Whether you watched it for the thrill of the show or the underlying social commentary, everyone took something away. Of all supernatural entities – werewolves, vampires, aliens – I believe zombies are absolutely the most possible. Man has always been determined to create the most powerful, destructive weapon, and I’m certain that biological warfare has not escaped the list of possibilities. The zombie virus is just that – a virus. Think of all the viruses we are exposed to almost daily, many of them mutated animal strains.

Potential causes of a zombie apocalypse fall in the realm of science, not the supernatural. Zombies are real people, your friends and neighbors, not thousand-year-old corpses possessed by the devil who come to life only at night to feed on the living. Even the authorities at the Centers for Disease Control have jumped on the zombie bandwagon in an attempt to prepare us for the apocalypse. The CDC’s website is complete with a zombie blog, a graphic novella called “Zombie Preparedness 101” and an educator’s website to provide teachers with the tools necessary to teach zombie preparedness. Dr. Ali Khan of the CDC notes, “If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake or terrorist attack.” Your survival ultimately depends on how prepared you truly are for any type of disaster. All disasters are the same when you think about it, really. Our biggest fear stemming from natural disaster is that we won’t be prepared to deal with the lack of resources and imminent danger to human life. This fear can render us helpless, or it can help us rise above whatever disaster sinks its deadly teeth into us – as long as we’re ready. While I’m not condoning mass hysteria and paranoia, it would be nice if there were more than a few hundred of us zombie aficionados left to repopulate the earth after the inevitable event. Heather Nicholson is a senior in

English teaching from Cedar Falls, Iowa.

GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? DROP US A LINE. Write a letter to the editor. Letters must be no longer than 300

words in length and will be edited for grammar, spelling, length, clarity and Associated Press style conventions. Not all submissions will be printed. Email submissions to Executive Editor Kari Braumann at braumank@uni.edu.

for the people it is supposed to represent. To hold government accountable, to make sure your unique voice is heard, here’s the bottom line: You must participate. Your voice is important. Your experience matters. Your difference is beautiful and adds new perspective. You are who NISG should be about – students – and the bottom line is, you must participate in order to make NISG work for you and have your voice heard. You can vote through MyUNIverse today and tomorrow. Stand up; speak out; participate. David Pope is a junior in political

communication from Clear Lake, Iowa.


Character counts: Vote for Tom and Blake I am a former Northern Iowa Student Government member. I had the honor of serving my fellow students through NISG every semester of my five-year career at UNI in all three branches of the organization. In my long and colorful career, I developed somewhat of a sixth sense when it came to the measure of a person’s character and worth. It is with this experience and intuition that I am endorsing Tom Madsen and Blake Findley. From their records alone, one can see their hard work, vision and dedication. Blake was just a wee little first-termer when he appeared on my radar as someone of note, worth and potential in NISG. History has vindicated my first impression. He has been a dynamic and invested leader of NISG. Tom has dedicated himself to a career of selfless service with an imminent and real chance of bodily injury or death. He has elected to chance the ultimate sacrifice for countrymen unknown; how much more will he chance for the peers in his midst? A cursory glance at their platform sets them apart from the other tickets. While Tom and Blake have statements on a wide variety of issues, they have outlined clear, attainable and rational goals that will enhance the entire student body. They do not demagogue with vague and nebulous promises to any and all demographics, nor do they pander to any one or group of special interest organizations. They are the only ticket to articulate and prove their commitment to bettering the entire student body. It is clear they will do what is needed and not merely what is politically convenient. Improve your community and condition by voting for Tom and Blake. Gage Rewerts UNI alumnus

caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu


february 26, 2013





page 5

volume 109, issue 38


Music students bring ‘Opera Gala’ to GBPAC ANDREW RUBENBAUER

Theatre Writer


Keri Russell stars as suburban mom Lacy Barrett in “Dark Skies.” The movie came to theaters last Friday.

‘Dark Skies’ horror film dims expectations PAUL LICHTY

Film Critic

I will start off this review by saying that I believe the horror genre is the most difficult genre to pull off effectively. The genre often deals with the supernatural (particularly in recent years with the “Paranormal Activity” movies) and that is a difficult topic to depict convincingly. Therefore, “Dark Skies” had some obstacles to overcome right from its conception. Too bad the filmmakers clearly didn’t have any intention of overcoming those obstacles. Instead, director and screenwriter Scott Stewart has given us a horror film that is dead in the water. The movie tries to sound intellectual right from the start with a quote from Arthur C. Clarke: “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” After digesting that quote, we are introduced to the Barrett family, a family of four living in suburbia, USA. This is the most generic, uninteresting family you can get in the movies. The father, Daniel (Josh Hamilton), was recently laid off from work and his relationship with his oldest son, Jesse (Dakota Goyo), isn’t strong because of Jesse’s choice in friends. The mother, Lacy (Keri Russell), is a real estate agent and the youngest son, Sammy (Kadan Rockett), has taken a keen interest in lizards. I’m sure you’re dying to know more already. Sammy begins to have nightmares that all involve a “sandman,” and whenever he experiences these nightmares, something strange occurs. On one night, the refrigerator gets broken into. The next night all of the cans of food get stacked into specific geo-

metric shapes. Later on, all of the pictures in the house are removed from their frames and go missing. After that, the security alarm randomly goes off, indicating that all of the entrances into the house had been broken into even though none of them were. Eventually, all members of the family start to experience phases where they seem to be under the possession of some paranormal spirit. They have no control over what they do and they don’t remember a thing when they are put under this “spell.” Oh, and three migrations of birds fly into the windows of their house. If all of these occurrences don’t seem overdone and unoriginal to you, then you aren’t well versed in the horror genre. And of course a film of this caliber isn’t complete without its stereotypical cast of supporting characters! “Dark Skies” contains three: Jesse’s pot-smoking friend, Kevin Ratner (L.J. Benet), who is a few years older than him and treats and talks about his female “companions” not unlike the male actors in his porn collection; a clueless police officer (Josh Stamberg) who suggests the children stole the pictures from their frames (because nowadays pictures are the first targets of disturbed children!); and a paranormal “expert” (J.K. Simmons) who tells them they are all in danger and there is little time before the spirits will abduct Sammy. What makes his opinion valid? Is it because he posts a bunch of child abduction stories from the newspaper on his wall? That he has a lot of books on aliens? Or that he lives in a rundown apartment with a lot of cats? It’s < See REVIEW, page 6

The University of Northern Iowa School of Music brought the longstanding tradition of opera to UNI with the “Opera Gala,” performed Feb. 22 and Feb. 23 in the Great Hall of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. The “Opera Gala,” directed by Sandra Walden, was comprised of selections and scenes from six different operas. The UNI Opera Ensemble, Concert Choral choir and Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra demonstrated a diverse repertoire, varying the performances from scene to scene. The viewers and performers alike received a taste of various formats within the world of opera. “The musicians, directors and stage crew have put a tremendous amount of work into the show, so we are very excited to perform,” said Morgan Kramer. “... The audience provides us all with an energy that is not present during rehearsals.” Sophomore choral education major and “Opera Gala” cast member Kramer had not been exposed to opera before his first performance at UNI last year. He believes it is important to bring this lifelong art form to UNI and to the Cedar Valley since opera is not widely performed in the Midwest. With rehearsals spanning the course of several months, the “Opera Gala” placed vocal and instrumental undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni and instructors side by side onstage. The

eclectic group formed a large ensemble that sang stories of love, sorrow, death, destiny, alcohol and much more. The audience was treated to an excerpt from Verdi’s “Il Trovatore,” in which gypsies sang the “Anvil Chorus” around a campfire in the woods. A love story entwined with lies and manipulation was told in Offenbach’s “Les

The show was stunning - a true spectacle. It is beyone inspiring to return to performances at UNI, always leaving with the realization that this program is one in a million. James Healy

UNI alumnus

Contes d’Hoffman,” an opera written in the 19th century that, for the “Opera Gala,” was set in 1960s Manhattan. The viewers laughed and gasped as mix-ups, lies and truth comically unwound at every twist and turn in Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro.” These famous operas, as Walden described, are a “marriage of music and text.” Along with the text, the vocals and instrumentals were combined with many different lighting elements and extravagant sets and costumes. The “Opera Gala” unified several forms of art and presented them as one “gesamtkunstwerk,” a total work of art, as German composer Richard Wagner would describe.

Kramer believes that learning about this all-encompassing art form is an experience that proved to be a tremendous benefit to UNI music students’ education. “Not only does performing in front of a large audience teach the performers to overcome stage fright, but it forces performers to project both their voices and emotions to the back of the auditorium,” said Kramer. The musicians used their instruments and voices to fill the Great Hall, an auditorium that seats 1,680 people, with arias and chorus lines in English, French and Italian. Backed by a full orchestra, the vocal artists sang without the help of microphones. “Whenever I perform on the Great Hall stage, I look around and see the amazing singers, instrumentalists, directors, stage crew and audience members that make such a performance possible,” said Kramer. James Healy, UNI School of Music alumnus, believed the “Opera Gala” was one of the best he had seen. “The show was stunning – a true spectacle. It is beyond inspiring to return to performances at UNI, always leaving with the realization that this program is one in a million,” said Healy. “As performers, we hope the ‘Opera Gala’ transports the audience to a place far away from anxiety and stress,” said Kramer. “If the entire audience, or a single audience member, was moved to tears, reminded of a joyful memory or compelled to laugh hysterically, the performance was a success.”

CAB Country Night

Visit northern-iowan.org for the full article! COLBY CAMPBELL/Northern Iowan


page 6

northern-iowan.org | tuesday, february 26, 2013


DAVID POPE/Style Columnist


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continued from page 4

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probably the cats. So yeah, the film is basically a regurgitation of common horror movie cliches, but those would be forgivable if the film succeeded in being scary. Too bad it doesn’t. The film failed to get me to care about this family, so the spooky paranormal occurrences throughout had little effect on me. It doesn’t help that all the performances are lackluster. I think the only coaching the director offered was this: The bigger your eyes are, the more frightened your character is. Not to mention that 90 percent of the big scary moments occur in the film’s trailer, so whatever impact was there initially is eliminated. There was nothing in the movie that made it any different than the other horror movies being released from the usual Hollywood assembly line. Therefore, the film

If you’re going for prepster: There’s only one real website to visit for inspiration and splurge shopping: www.jcrew.com. For a long time, J. Crew has set the standard for put-together prep, and it’s not being replaced any time soon. Check out the bright gingham button-ups, the pure essence of prep. Check out the web, have fun and look great!

is just a waste of time. When the moments that are supposed to be the most disturbing and shocking end up being unintentionally hilarious, something is not right (go ahead and see for yourself, most of these moments are in the trailer). A common argument against me when I debate horror movies with people is that I take them too seriously, and that I should just go along for the ride. I think that mindset is more useful when applied to comedies, not horror. In order for a movie to genuinely frighten me, I have to care about what’s going on; I need to be drawn in somehow or else I’ll lose all interest. I can’t see how a viewer can be affected by something when they are just “along for the ride.” Plus, with a movie this lousy, I find it hard to believe that a die-hard horror movie fan can find much to defend, but I guess you’ll have to ask one to find that out for sure.


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Daily specials include Regular Pita and 22oz. fountain drink for $6.31


FEBRUARY 26, 2013









UNI struggles, drops games to Creighton and Drake

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI redshirt senior Jacqui Kalin (center) scored 25 points against Drake, but it wasn’t enough as the Bulldogs topped the Panthers 82-67.


Sports Writer

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI sophomore forward Seth Tuttle (10) scored 18 points and grabbed five rebounds in the Panthers’ 63-57 loss to Denver as part of the Ramada Worldwide BracketBusters event.


Denver snaps UNI’s 6-game winning streak in 63-57 victory BRAD EILERS

Sports Editor

After jumping out to an early 16-2 lead in the opening five minutes of action, the University of Northern Iowa men’s basketball team was outscored by the University of Denver Pioneers 30-9 over the final 15 minutes of the first half. The Panthers trailed the Pioneers 32-25 at halftime and were never able to fully dig themselves out of the hole in the second half, falling 63-57 as part of the Ramada Worldwide BracketBusters event. The Panthers (17-12) clawed their way back to within one point at 53-52 on a Deon Mitchell layup with 2:25 remaining in the game, which was the closest UNI would get the rest of the way. UNI senior Marc Sonnen missed a goahead 3-pointer with just 35 seconds remaining, but he appeared to be fouled on the shot. However, no foul was called, and UNI head coach Ben Jacobson received a technical foul, the sixth of his career, for arguing with the officials. “Not that I’ve been around forever, but I have enough experience in my seventh year,” said Jacobson. “Ben Jacobson of year one or year two maybe would have reacted that way. That’s a mistake, and that cost us a possession at an important time of the game. And that won’t happen again. It gave (Denver) an extra possession with 35 seconds left, so those two

points were big.” When asked if he was fouled on his last minute 3-point attempt, Sonnen said, “I believe so. The refs thought differently, and that’s their choice. You have to live with that and move on.” Denver (18-8) sealed the victory with four made free throws down the stretch. The loss snapped UNI’s six-game winning streak. Despite the loss, UNI is still in the same position they were heading into Saturday night’s game. The Panthers sit at third place in the Missouri Valley Conference standings and likely need to win the MVC Tournament in two weeks to have any shot at making the NCAA Tournament. The Panthers were led in scoring by sophomore forward Seth Tuttle, who finished the game with 18 points, five rebounds, three assists, two blocks and a steal. Sonnen was the only other Panther to join Tuttle in double figures, finishing with 12 points. Anthony James, Jake Koch and Mitchell finished with eight points apiece. James left the game with 13 minutes remaining in the game with what Jacobson called a deep thigh bruise. Jacobson said James should be back to practice this week and is hopeful that he will be ready for Wednesday night’s MVC game against the Southern Illinois University Salukis (12-16, 4-12 MVC) in Carbondale, Ill. Wednesday’s game tips off at 7 p.m.

The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team dropped two games this week, falling at home to the Creighton University Bluejays 73-66 Thursday night and 82-67 to the Drake University Bulldogs Saturday afternoon. The Panthers struggled to defend the 3-point line in the first half of both games as the Bluejays connected on 7-of-11 3-pointers while the Bulldogs went 8-for-11 from long range. The Bluejays shot 52 percent in the first half while the Panthers shot 46 percent and made six 3-pointers of their own. Creighton led 43-37 at halftime. However, the second half was a different story as the Panthers (12-14, 7-7 MVC)

struggled from beyond the arc, going 0-for-8. The Bluejays went 4-for-17 on 3-pointers in the second half, which was the difference in the game. Creighton junior Sarah Nelson tallied a game-high 19 points and collected eight rebounds on the night. UNI sophomore Brittni Donaldson scored a teamhigh 14 points off the bench for the Panthers. Redshirt senior Jacqui Kalin scored 13. The Panthers continued to struggle from behind the arc Saturday against the Bulldogs. UNI shot 40 percent from the field and went 5-for-23 from long range while Drake shot 58 percent for the game and made 13 3-point attempts. The Bulldogs built their lead in the first half by way < See BASKETBALL, page 8


Say goodbye to UNI’s NCAA Tournament at-large chances JAKE BEMIS

Sports Columnist

Porky Pig from the “Looney Tunes” may have the best description for the University of Northern Iowa men’s basketball season. I could just imagine Porky sticking his head out after the tough loss to the University of Denver on Saturday night and saying, “uh-be-duh-la-be-duh-la-be that’s all folks!” UNI had a real shot at picking up an at-large bid to enter the NCAA Tournament, but there was one key rule: the Panthers had to win out the rest of the regular season. Had they done so, UNI would have finished the reg-

ular season on a nine-game winning streak. If you add a win or two in the Missouri Valley Conference, we may have seen UNI’s name pop up during Selection Sunday. Instead, it’s going to take an MVC Tournament championship to make it back to the big dance. If I had to put odds on UNI’s at-large chances, I’d give them a slim 5 percent chance of making it to the NCAA Tournament without an automatic bid. This is only because UNI remains one game behind Creighton University for second place in the MVC. If the Panthers can overtake that second-place spot < See GOODBYE, page 8




continued from page 7

of the 3-pointers. Drake took advantage of UNI’s loose defense and hit four straight 3-pointers to take a 48-39 lead at halftime. “I didn’t think we did a very good job of paying attention to the scouting report,” said UNI head coach Tanya Warren. “When you do not do

those things and you allow a team to get into a rhythm, they are going to be very hard to defend.” Down 10 points and with the momentum up for grabs in the second half, UNI redshirt freshman Stephanie Davison’s layup was taken away after she was called for the offensive foul with less than eight minutes to play. “It changed the whole complexion of the game and that is all I will say


about that,” said Warren. “We had the momentum and it was snatched from us. It quickly swung back to Drake’s side.” DU sophomore Kyndal Clark’s back-to-back 3-pointers sparked a 15-4 Bulldog run over a span of four minutes, which extended the Drake lead to 24 points at 82-58 with just 2:49 remaining. Clark filled the stat sheet as she

scored 23 points while adding eight assists and six rebounds. Kalin led the Panthers in scoring with 25 points while freshman Hannah Schonhardt added 14. The Panthers will look to get back in the win column Friday night as they travel to Evansville, Ind., to take on the University of Evansville Purple Aces at 7 p.m.


continued from page 7

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI senior guard Marc Sonnen (center) scored 12 points Saturday night against Denver. Sonnen has now scored 833 points in his Panther career.

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by the end of the regular season, it may be tough to not have a legitimate argument for UNI to enter the field of 68. I have heard all season about how great Creighton is. Creighton is nearly a lock to make the NCAA Tournament. So it makes sense for the Panthers to have a good shot at the tournament if they sit ahead of the Bluejays in the final conference standings. But when it comes to March Madness, you can throw sense right out the window. Therefore, in my mind, UNI still only has a 5 percent chance at an atlarge bid. What really matters to Panther fans is the MVC Tournament that takes place in St. Louis March 7-10. The Panthers will not be playing a Thursday game, which is very helpful. UNI only has to win three games

in three days to win the tournament and receive the automatic bid for the NCAA Tournament. It’s not a long shot considering UNI has reeled off six straight conference wins and the Panthers could have had 10 wins in a row if it wasn’t for a mere 33.3 seconds in a two-game stretch that gave UNI two losses to Indiana State University and the University of Evansville. So sit back and relax, Panther fans. You deserve a break after this long, grueling season. It seems that, while every game matters, the next two don’t matter quite as much. UNI likely isn’t getting an at-large bid no matter how bad we all want it. Start packing your bags and booking your hotel rooms. The Panthers are going to need you when they begin play in the MVC Tournament on March 8 at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis.

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Nicholas Jeremy Carlo Shannon Irene Carlson Rachel Grace Carmen Stacy L Carnahan Katie John Elizabeth Carnelley Hannah Colleen Carr-Murphy Laura Elizabeth Carson Linnea Patricia Casey Benjamin Tod Castle Melissa M Champion Kaci Lynn Chapman Victoria Elizabeth Chargo Bethany Carin Chatterton John Thomas Chesley Pat Chizek Yi Sheng Chong Andrew William Clair Shelby Lynn Claman Mackenzie Russell Clark Tyler Jon Clark Melissa Sue Cleveland Eva Marian Coblentz Nathaniel Philip Colbert Mckenzie Lee Coles Kaitlin Nicole Collins Brittany Elaine Conrad Joel David Conrad Carissa Constantinou Kristen Jo Conway Hallie Anne Cook Corey C Cooling Jeffrey Alan Coons Leah Lynn Cooper Brett Andrew Copeland Mikaela Amanda Corkrean Zac Alan Cornell Kathryn Ann Costigan Austin Jon Edward Coulter Eric Carl Cox Jessica Lynn Cramer Thomas Dale Creeden Joseph Cubit Thomas Irvin Cullen Aaron Lee Culley Steven Delmar Danielsen Taylor Ann Daubenberger Rose Daugherty Kailah Marie Davenport Ashley Ann Davidson Molly Jo Davison Stephanie Jean Davison Casey Lee De Hoedt Brittany Brooke Deal Bailey Brielle Debolt Christian David DeJongh Kelsey Christine Delap Meggan Caroline Dempewolf Michael Ryan Dennis Michael Joseph Desloover Emily Suzanne Deters Sarah Katherine Dieken Jessa Lynn Dierks Seth Benjiman Diewold Stephanie Jo Dilly Tyler Scott Dirschel Anna Elizabeth Dixon Brett Killian Dixon Carter Alan Doering Amanda J Donnelly Katelyn Mary Donovan Mariellen Rose Doughty Makenzie Elaine Doyle Trevor Zachary Draisey Allison Anne Dreyer Jacob Michael Duben Brittany Kay Duckett Morgan Marie Duesenberg Sarah Ruth Dunegan Katelynn Elizabeth Dunlap Sarah Marie Duster Kyle John Dvorak Luke Easter Dalton Louis Ebel Jonna Mae Eckhardt Chelsea Nicole Ecklund Brett Joseph Egan Prescott Charles Egemo Garrett Michael Ehlke Sarah Elizabeth Eikenberry Hannah Elizabeth Eilderts Justin Ross Ellingworth Chelsie Ann Elliott Kayla Marie Emery Emily Nicole Endelman Katelyn Michelle Eppert Alyssa Brooke Erhard Leila Ann Eriksen Madelyn Marie Espinosa Vanessa Espinoza Jorge Vicente Esquivel Sarah Elizabeth Etringer Daniel Alan Evans Darian Nicole Everding Kelsey Marie Ewald Gabrielle Capri Facciani Shelby Lea Farrer Rachael Renee Faust Leah Marie Feauto Adam John Feller Brannon Lee Fells Maggie Yung Fencl Connor Allen Ferguson Catherine Elyse Fettkether Allison Margaret Fick Benjamin Swartzendruber Fick Maren Marie Finsand Tehrene Victoria Firman Bethany Hope Fischer Michaela Ann Fiser Ashley Louise Fisher Scott R Fisher Breanna Leigh Flater Dennis James Fleege Kayla Ranae Fleming Nicholas Flores Brian Keegan Flynn Zachary Frank Foltz Abigail Helene Foote Annie Nicole Forsyth Stacia Kay Fortune Dyllan G Frahm Jaime Lenette Frahm Rachel Kay Franzen Stephanie Ann Frederick Sarah Jean Freeland Mikayla Jo Freese Joanna Mary Freking Megan Marie Frerichs Olivia Rose Frisch Megan Nicole Fritz Holly Anne Frosch Joshua Eugene Frost Tomi Lynn Fullick Marissa Rana Gaal Katherine Anne Gabrielson Ryan Christopher Gaffney

Ethan John Gambrall Jeremy Richard Ganfield Emily Anne Gardner Christian Perri Gargano Michaella Ellen ann Garringer Sarah Abigail Garrison Lindsay Marie Gassmann Kara Ann Gaul Jenna Lynn Geick Jessica Lianne Geidel Nicholas A Geiger Samantha Joy Gelhaus Emma Kathryn George Jeremy Joseph George Joshua Adam Gibbons Jennifer Rose Gienger Zachary Christopher Gignac Amy Llewellyn Gingrich Devin Matthew Gipper Brook Tyler Girkin Andrew William Girod Acie Alexander Glassford Aleigh Ranee Glazier Abby Jo Golden Ian Thomas Goldsmith Sydney Jolene Good Walter Allan Goodknight Brett Lyle Gourley Hannah Marie Gourley Ashlee Karrissa Lyn Graham Hayley Irene Graham Makayla Emily Graham Jenna Rose Graupmann Susan Hillary Graves Bailey Layne Gray Kelsey Ann Greif Renee Jayne Greiman Megan Esther Grey Rebecca Sue Griffin Cody Martin Grimes Tyler Michael Grimm Wendy Marie Grimm Allison Jane Gruwell Dallas Lee Guffey Paige Ellyn Guidebeck Mackenzie J Gustafson Amanda Jo Hackenmiller Joslyn Alyssa Haffarnan Calista Marie Hagan Melissa Lynn Hagan Nicholas Jordan Hageman Paige Elizabeth Hageman Lisa Marie Hagen Katie Ann Haight Autumn Amalia Hall Diana Darlene Hall Jalessa Rose Hall Anna Elizabeth Halverson Gabriel Lee Halverson Brooke Suzanne Hamann Danielle Kathryn Hamilton Hilary Nicole Hamlett Harold Kaene Hammes Jennifer Michelle Hampton Sonia Tien-Ying Han Brian Thomas Hansen Christopher Allen Hansen Devin Michael Hansen Maddisen Gayle Hansen Kaitlyn Ruth Hanson Mary Katherine Harbor Erin Mary Harrity Jessica Leigh Harwood Anna Rose Hastings Joellen Whitehead Hatchett Jonathan Mark Haverdink Joshua Brayden Hawkins Robert Patrick Hawkins Megan Mackenzie Hayes Molly Maxine Hayes Chuan He Thomas Louis Heathershaw Sarah Rosanne Hedeen Kate Renee Heetland Holly Jo Heims Suzannah Marie Hekel Kaitlin Elizabeth Heller Benjamin Edward Hellman Mark Weston Hembry Drew Severn Hemesath Lindsay Marie Henrickson Raylea Lynn Hepker Andrew David Heppeard Kayla Elizabeth Herbers Emily Marie Herbst Sydney Carmen Herman Beau Henry Heyenga Gregory Steven Heysinger Bradley Charles Hickey Cassara Jolleen Higgins Lauren Cole Higgins Megan Lynn Hindman Nicole Lynn Hindman Trisha Jillian Hinke Taylor Blake Hircock Katherine Simone Hobbs Rachel Francis Hoeger Allison Marie Hoffman Shane Michael Hoffman Derek James Hofland Lauren Elizabeth Holmes Leslie Lynn Holtkamp Austin J Horner Marcellus Timothy Horsch Emma Catherine Horst Patrick Jessen Horst Olivia Grace Hottle Brian S Hovey Sheena Rae Hovey Niah Janet Howard Stacey Lynne Howes Danielle Rene Hudachek Michael Joseph Hudson Kathleen Jo Huinker Taylor Lee Huinker Amanda Jo Huisman Nicole A Hulme Jacob Thomas Humburg Noah Benjamin Hurley Danielle Faith Hutton Peter Joseph Ickes Michaela Ashlynn Illig Karolyn Ruth Ingle Brett David Irving Kent Allan Isaacson Jennifer Elizabeth Isenhower Gina Lynn James Dayna Lynn Jansen Delaney Gene Jansen Maddison Zayn Jansen Rebecca Joyce Jaquith Ellen Michelle Jarrett Olivia Lynn Jaschen Alexander Joseph Jay Alison Jo Jaynes Samantha Rae Jeffery


Levi Michael Jellison Jarrett Landon Jensen Amy Christine Joens Anna Katelyn Joerger Stormie Elizabeth Johanson Alexis Ann Johns Amanda Marie Johns Alyssa Nicole Johnson Charlotte Ann Johnson Elizabeth Rae Johnson Julie Marisa Johnson Morgan Elizabeth Johnson Susan Elizabeth Johnson Tessa Rose Johnson Thomas Joseph Johnson Ryan John Jonas Ann Colleen Jones Ashley Elizabeth Jones Chelsea Therise Jones William Harry Jones Megan Lee Jordan Nathan Michael Jorgensen Maicol Jose Josephs Brittney Marie Jost Lindsay Katherine Kabrick Amber Clare Kearney Molly Kay Keegan Zachary Croix Kelchen Sarah Elizabeth Keller Christopher John Kelley Heather Anne Kelly Michael David Kelly Katie Ann Kelzer Sarah Marie Kelzer Emillie Claire Kenne Wyatt L Kern Andrea Hayes King Janeth Donna King Megan Ann Kingery Austin Parker Kinsey Briar J Kleeman Alexis Amy Klein Thomas E Klemensen Thaddeus Grover Klenske Bailey Marie Knudson Zachary Wayne Kockler Sarah Jo-Anne Koel Kristina Elizabeth-Ann Kofoot Danelle Lois Kohlmeyer Ellyn Rachael Konrardy Kristin Elizabeth Koser Austin Daniel Kramer Jaimie Suzanne Kramer Morgan Scott Kramer Elizabeth Marie Kreassig Jonathan Michael Krein John Krentz Abigail Jen Kreun Dusty Ann Kriegel Emily Ann Kriegel Kaitlyn Alyse Krumm Hallie Elizabeth Kuchera Jessamyn Michelle Kukral Rachel Ann Kunst Ross Allan Kurash Kayla Ann Kurt Lauren Marie Kurt Holly Suzan Kwikkel Joshua L Lacher Anthony Gint Lake Caitlin Ann Lake Owen Paul Lamp Jacob Randall Lampman Lindsey Leigh Lang Kelli Rae Larson Abigail Anne Lee Christopher Allen Lee Jenni Lynn Lehmann Andrew De Paul Leinen John Robert Leister Karleen Kimberly Lensing Leia Mae Lensing Alex M Lenstra Patrick Charles Leonard Brandon Michael Levad Kenzy Marie Lewis Jessica Lynne Leyh Paul Stephen Lichty Megan Elizabeth Lidd Molly Talbott Lightfoot Rocio Elizabeth Lima Guaman Man Lin Christine Marie Lind Rachelle Merie Lipp Curran Clark Lipsett Jessica A Little Robin Ashley Livermore Ryan David Lockard Anna Christine Locke Mckenzie Lee Loeffelholz Cody Lee Loew Rachel Ann Long Alexander David Lorsung Timothy Henry Luchtefeld Jordan Lea Ludwig Lindsey Michelle Ludwig Theresa Marie Luensmann Maranda Jo Lund Blake Jerald Lybbert Mariah Cheyenne Lyle Jenna Victoria Lyons Curtis Henry Maas Christine Lauren Macneill Jonathan Daniel Macomber Margaret Jo Maher Tyler Jace Mahncke Morgan Mary Maiers Samantha Christine Mallow Katelyn Jane Markley Megan A Marlow Bethany Linn Marshall Lance Edward Martens Brian Alexander Martin Natalie Catherine Martin Riley Margaret Martin Elizabeth Ann Mastalio Alison Rose Matney Janis Leigh Matthys Michael Thomas Mcandrew Anthony Joseph McBroom Catherine Pattison Mcclellan Kelsey Lynn Mcclyman Tyler John McCormick Melissa Ann Mccoy Aunna Victoria Mcdowell Briana Shaquita McDowell Cassandra Kay Mcfarland Anna Clara Mcgee Stefanie Hannah Mcgraw Madison Elizabeth Mckone Dustin Ross Mclaughlin Madison Kay McLaughlin Matthew Bryant McLellan Grant Benjamin McPheron Kristen Jenna Mcpheron Brent Michael Mead


Jacob James Meade Ellen Marie Meerdink Chelsea Elyse Meier Emily Elisabeth Meier Alex Patrick Meirick Corbyn David Mellinger Brennan Michael Menken Macala L Mennen Troy Joseph Mensen Samantha Jean Merz Jennifer Marie Messer Carolyn Ruth Metz Tanner Lee Metz Alison Elizabeth Meyer Jeremy Donald Meyer Joshua Brian Meyer Mathew John Meyer Jacqueline Kay Meyers Mason Jon Meyers Megan Ann Middleton Ryan James Middleton Kenneth Charles Miesner Corey Steven Milbrandt Ashley Lynn Miles Addison Marie Miller Amber Sue Miller Caldwell Scott Miller Chelsea Pearl Miller Jennifer Nicole Miller Melanie Elizabeth Miller Jesse W Miller-Paulson Cody Gregory Millikin Joshua J Mixdorf Jesse Michael Moeller Heng Yee Moh Shan Ann Mooney Chelsea Lee Moore Jessica Ann Moore Andrew Alexander Moreland Gaelen Renee Morgan Ethan Alexander Morisette Alicia Viola Mormann Jessica Christine Morosky Trent Jon Morris Emily Ann Moser Madelyn Claire Mosiman Kyle Joseph Mueller Sarah Nicole Mulford Erica Munkel Chloe Anna Murphy Mary Helgevold Nading Seth Alan Neitzke Melissa Kay Nelson Nehemiah N Nelson Alexis Marie Newberry Emily Faye Newton Huy Ngoc Nguyen Jaclyn Kay Nielsen Kristina Melissa Nikl Nadia Nikoueiha Joseph Ray Nitcher Lauren Rebecca Nitzschke Jacquelyn Mae Nolte Morgan Patricia Norberg Benjamin Elijah Northrup Marcus Noyes Tyler Slade Nutting Stormy Rose Obrink Anthony Tracy Odell Chelsea Lynne Odonnell Jason Scott Ohalloran Kaylee Elaine O’Halloran Lindsey Jo O’Halloran Elizabeth L Olear Collin Anthony O’Leary Eric Wayne Olivarri Emily Marie Oloughlin Tucker Addison Olson Niki Marie O’Meara Meghan Rene Opolka Justin Aaron Opperman Stephanie Kay Opsal Curt James Oren Hannah Leigh Orlandini Kayla Jeanne Orthmann Abby Rose Osborne Casie Jean Osterman Allison L Ostwinkle Jacob James Oswald Aaron James Ottmar Tori C Ovel Brittney Ann Oxley Stephanie Janine Paape Luke Justin Palandech Austin James Palmer Anthony Vito Palumbo Mackenzie Autumn Pape Abbie Bear Parker Laura Kirsten Parker Chelsey Jo Parks Jason Cole Parks David James Parrott Khusbu D Patel Joshua Paul Patience Linda Ruth Patrick Kyle Joseph Patterson Katherine Lea Pearce Sarah M Pearce Amy Marie Peiper Mason Anthony Pelzer Magdalen Celina Pena Jillian Ruth Pereboom Shelby Mariah Perkins Dylan John Peters Michael Patrick Petersen Caitlin Anne Peterson Chloe Nicole Peterson Emma Elizabeth Peterson Kari Linn Peterson Luke Ronald Peterson Lauren Holly Petri Shawna Rae Pfantz Lucas Lee Pietan Andrea Nicole Pingel Lindy Therese Pins Eleanor A Poe Shawn Matthew Poellet Logan Patrick Poole Alexandra Nadine Popinga Harrison Augustus Postler Aaron Michael Potter Dana Renee Potter Andrew Johnson Powers Alexander Floyd Prinsen Rachel Louise Proffitt Angela Nicole Putnam Annette Kathie Putnam Justin James Putney Matthew James Rafferty Holly Marie Randall Meghan Christine Rankin Jacob Andrew Rathmacher Matthew Alan Rector Jane Ann Redlinger Ross Samuel Reed Bradley Alexander lee Rees

Aubrey Anderson Reese Rachel Kelli Reetz Nicole Tiffanie Reicks Maggie Katherine Reifert Valerie Ann Reinberg Natalie Joy Reindl Aaron Rex Reinhart Amber Noel Reinhart Valyn Rashel Reinig Carl Reed Reitz Elizabeth Renee Rench Kayla Rose Rethwisch Jessica Lynn Reuter Ashley Annmarie Richardson Thomas Daniel Riefe Aaron Stephen Riggs Hayley Ann Rinehart Megan Jeannine Rion Britney Ann Roberts Sara Elinor Rockow Laura Maria Rodriguez Tanner Ray Rollefson Amy Lee Rosenbaum Brian Thomas Ross Mackenzie Jordan Roth Matthew Martin Roth Sara Amy elizabeth Roth Jacqueline Jo Rowland Sarah Louise Rowland Megan Marie Ruebel Kirstie Ellen Ruhland David Matthew Rustebakke Chad James Rutledge Sarah Joy Rutt Erica Emily Rutz Sarah Elizabeth Ryan Sarah Elise Ryerson Kyle Steven Saddoris Anne Kathryn Salow Holly Marie Salzbrenner Matthew James Samec Steven Philip Sanchez Dustin Allen Sanders Morgan Leigh Sanders Joshua John Saunders Emily Anna Saur Nina Justine Savage Megan Marie Schafer Gabriel William Scheid Alison Renee Schell EadieMarie Markee Schettler Christine Lee Schick Jessica Ann Schick Katherine Mary Schickel Matthew A Schiffer Josiah Adam Schiller Sarah Dawn Schipper Megan Louise Schlumbohm Leah Garlene Schmidt Theresa Mae Schmidt Jacee Jo Schneider Cortney Lyne Schneiderman Zachary George Schnock Joseph Merle Schoborg Leah Rachel Schoenberg Emily Ann Schoenberger Scotti Lynn Schon Gabriel Daniel Schott Riley Ann Schreder Courtney Rae Schroeder Nolan James Schroeder Amanda Lynne Schueller Amanda Autumn Schultz Autumn Lindsey Schulz Sarah Ann Schwendinger Robert Scott Julie Ann Seibert Autumn R Sempere Scott James Sesterhenn Hannah Marie Shade Sarah Ann Shade Deanna Lauren Shafer Jennifer Rae Shatek Luke Adam Shatek Taylor Christine Shaul Deidre Anne Shea Danielle Lynn Shearer Jayna D Shetterly Abigail Christine Shew Jenna Rae Shirley Brooke A Shively Christopher James Shoff Jason Daniel Sholly Rebecca Ann Siemens Ross Allen Siemering Abbey Lawrence Silverman Courtney Marie Simons Allie Marie Simpson Jade Ashley Simpson Kaylie Janet Singkofer Lydia Sue Sink Leeta Ann Sivesind Andrew John Sladky Landon Burke Slattery Anne Kathryn Sloter Alec Ryan Smith Alex Michael Smith Allison Renee Smith Cassie Jo Smith Emily Marie Smith Katherine Victoria Smith Mackenzie Marie Smith Megan Lynn Smith Montana Jean Smith Teresa Marie Smith Rachel Lee Smithart Trevor Lee Smits Heather Lee Snell Jonathan Nicholas Snell Jacob Brandt Snyder Tyler Jerome Solar Dana Mackenzie Sorensen Abby Jo Souhrada Caryn Renee Sowder Sydney Nicole Spelde Nicole Ellen Sperfslage Elizabeth Rose Spielbauer Robert Joseph Spielbauer Brittany Kay Lynn Sprague Greg Alexander Staebell Lottie Brooke Staggs Jamie Leann Staley Fallan Danielle Stark Stephen James Starr Courtney Lyn Staudacher Kristin Danielle Staude Michael Joseph Steckel Hannah Elizabeth Steele Connor Michael Steffens Kylie Rose Steimer Alexander James Steines Kyle Douglas Stephens Jaime Leigh Sterling Annie Elizabeth Stevens Haley Marie Stevens Ryan David Stevens

Alexandra Elaine Stewart Cheston Edward Stidolph Amy Michelle Stoll Lauren Rose Stratton Adam Michael Strausser Lindsey Marie Strock MacKenzie Jeanne Stueck Emily Marie Stumpff Elizabeth Kayla Sturgeon Kelsey Mae Sukovaty Malorie Renee Sullivan Jialiang Sun Kathleen Louise Swain Marci J Swank Austin Michael Swantz Abigail Marie Swartz Allyson Nichole Swinton Claire Michelle Szeszycki Rhydian Rose Talbot Melani Margaret Taylor Nicholas Edward Tebockhorst Nathan Paul Temeyer Loren Elizabeth Thalacker Olivia Thiel Mary-Rose Kathryn Thill Mary Beth Thiry Christopher Michael Thode Andrea Rae Thoene Lucas John Thomas Mckenzie Jo Thomazin Sarah Marie Thome Emily Alicia Thompson Laura Kathleen Thomsen Holly Patricia Thorpe Molly Ray Thuente Rachel Elizabeth Tish Jennifer Louise Titus Kirsten Ruth Tjossem Claire Kathleen Tompkins Kristin Lynn Torrey Brianna Marie Towers Erin Elizabeth Trampel Jared David Trimble Elizabeth Anne Turcotte Dawn Marie Tuve Macy Lanae Ubben Justi Marie Uden Alex Jon Uhlenhopp Celeste Marie Underriner Stephen J Van Beek Rachel Anne Van Dalen Elizabeth Lane Van Gorp Sarah Nicole Van Maanen Taylor Delaine Van Roekel Brooke Nicole Van Soelen Louw Van Wyk Cody Lee Vander Veen Heather Elizabeth Vander Wilt James Tyler Vannordstrand Kayla Jane Vaske Matthew Stephen Vichlach Michael Alan Victoria Zachary Thomas Viggers Valerie Monique Vivian Rachel Marie Volkert Benjamin Blake Wadkins Christy Deanna Wagner Nicole Catherine Wakeman Melanie Rae Walde Jason Robert Walker Joseph E. Walleser Clayton Beaumont Walters Haley Rebecca Wandrey Hannah Louise Warburton Austin Scott Ward Adam Joseph Warner Gabrielle Marie Warrick Allison Nicole Waters Patrick Robert Weatherford Abbigail Rose Weber Jordan Joseph Weber Bailey Kay Wedeking Katie Lynn Wedeking Nathan Alan Wedeking Rachel Elizabeth Wedewer Rachel Kay Weerheim Shelby Rose Wegener Alexaundria Katherine Weichers Laura Beth Weigel Brandi Jo Weis Ethan Thomas Weishaar Maddison Kanne Welch Lauren Vaughn Welser Aaron Karl Wendt Larissa Ann Wessels Danielle Christine Westcot Ethan John Westering Megan Marie Westervelt Stephanie Lynn Wharton Megan Ann Beverly Wheeler Jillian Leigh Whitaker Hayley Rae White Kathryn Ann White Matthew Joseph White Brianna Elizabeth Whiting Noah Israel Widrowicz Jarren Paul Wiersma Kaisee Gertrude Wiesmueller Katherine M Wildeboer Ariel Marie Williams Shannon Genelle Williams Jennifer Marie Willms Nicholas Grant Wills Jordan Lee Wilmes Colin Robert Wilson Jessica Paige Wilson Kaitlynn Samantha Wilson-Arcand Paige Suzanne Wirth Valerie Ann Wisco Tricia Marie Wisniewski Allison Renae Wold Hannah Margaret Wold Kyle Clellan Woollums Angela M Wrage Cara Ariel Wright Tanner Steven Wright Zachary Russell Wright Tracy Rose Wulfekuhle Sarah Irene Wullner Jillian Leigh Wunderlich Tyler Anthony Yanda Bethany Kay Yocum Kira Nicole Yoder Rachel Roberta Yosch Katie Lynn Youngblut Skylar Chaelyn Zahari John Michael Zauche Grant Christopher Zieser Anna Lynn Zimney Paige Elizabeth Zylstra


Brandon Poll Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu

FEBRUARY 26, 2013




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Page 10



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northern-iowan.org | tuesday, february 26, 2013


page 11

Campus Townhomes 1902 Campus Street

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2013-2014 Applications Due February 25th at 4 P.M.

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Scan to view our rental listings

Minimum of 2.5 GPA required for all applicants These are full-time positions with salary pay plus scholarship Application available at the Northern Iowan office, L011 Maucker Union


By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT)

and taking actions to support them. Work smarter and make more money.

Today’s Birthday (02/26/13). Constant monitoring gets you ahead financially this year. Group efforts advance the furthest. Fix your place up for happy times at home until summer, when your playful side gets sparked to pursue art, travel, culture or a romantic adventure. Dream muses inspire. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is an 8 -- Allow yourself more quiet time this month. You may as well tell the truth; it saves hassle. Stick to old rules and your schedule to avoid misunderstandings. Think before speaking.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) -Today is a 7 -- You overcome new challenges and set ambitious goals to further you career. A glitch in the communication could rain on your parade. Don’t take it personally.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is an 8 -- Dress for power and practice success. Watch for short tempers if you’re going to be late for a family affair (or just be on time). Group activities go well.

Answers located on Page 10, Classifieds.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is a 7 -- For the next month, it’s easier to advance your agenda, especially by listening to other people’s considerations

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- It’s becoming easier to save, not just now, but for the next month. It’s also easier to make money. Offer a calming voice to a loved one. Rediscover a gift or talent that you have. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 9 -- You have superpowers to clean up messes now. Move quickly through your stack of stuff and request promised benefits. Reassure one who’s easily upset. Add time for the unforeseen. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- The days ahead are good for achieving romantic or creative goals. Take action. Keep checking the quality and integrity of the project without obsession. Play it cool and easy. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Full speed ahead,

you’re in high gear and extra lucky. Watch for opportunities at the top; you can be well-paid. But beware, costs could be higher than expected. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Household chores are more enjoyable. Keep home fires burning by updating finances. Gossip could arise ... it would be wise to avoid falling into that trap. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Get off to a quick start. You’re even smarter than usual. Discover hidden resources. Keep on schedule for best results. Visit a local establishment for supplies. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is a 7 -- Be patient with a passionate partner and get rewarded. Re-evaluate your work habits for greater fulfillment. Start a light-hearted fire under procrastinators. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 -- You’ll feel especially appreciated for the next four weeks. Offer corrections to erroneous assumptions; you may find some resistance. Defend your position with love. It’s important that they know.

page 12


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