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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

MARCH 27, 2012







‘Funeral’ held to protest academic program cuts




Panthers fall in WBI championship

UNI’s roller coaster season came to an end in Minneapolis Sunday as they fell to the Minnesota Gophers in the WBI champsionship game. < See PAGE 11

House panel votes to freeze tuition JOHN ANDERSON

sage, marchers held purple and black balloons, tombstones mourning programs lost and a bouquet of roses to properly lay academics at UNI to rest. After the march, attendees gathered at the campanile to remember Price Lab and the academic programs the Board of Regents approved for closure on March 21. Ray Werner, a graduate history student, encouraged those in attendance to remember why they were present. “Indeed, this is a time to grieve, mourn and cry. Yet, < See FUNERAL, page 2

< See TUITION FREEZE, page 4

< See PAGE 5

< See PAGE 7


Iowa’s public universities may see a $31 million cut for next year without the ability to cover that disparity through tuition increases under a bill the Iowa House Appropriations Committee passed along party lines Wednesday. The bipartisan committee voted unanimously to pass an amendment to freeze tuition rates for the 2012-2013 academic year. The tuition freeze and the budget cut total a $60 million reduction for the Regents’ expected revenue, including a $6 million blow to the University of Northern Iowa. “At this time, when we have families struggling, students are struggling to pay for tuition, I think this is the right move to help those families and to help those students be able to afford tuition,” said Representative Nick Wagner, a Republican from Marion. The bill needs approval from the Iowa House and the Iowa Senate before taking effect, and could be vetoed by Governor Terry Branstad, whose budget includes a $20 million increase to Regents institutions. Wagner said tuition and fees for Iowa’s public

Continued cuts to its public universities betray an unfortunate truth: the state of Iowa no longer values education.

The UNI Gallery of Art is featuring outstanding student artwork in a number of media during its Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition.


Executive Editor

Well, at least we still have corn

Showing students’ best


ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Students, faculty and community members march in a “funeral procession” across the University of Northern Iowa campus on March 23. Students United for Academics organized the procession to protest academic program cuts and the closure of Price Lab.

LINH TA through a Styrofoam tomb-

On March 23, next to the University of Northern Iowa campanile, Linda Heinzel stood robed in a doctor’s outfit and diagnosed the status of Malcolm Price Laboratory School. “I have great news to report that Price Lab is not dead ... (the administration) mistakenly thought they had the right to take her off life support,” Heinzel said. “I can assure you there is a group of dedicated professionals working tirelessly to restore her to good health.” Heinzel then kicked

stone with “Price Lab” written across it to the approval of a crowd of more than 100 people. This demonstration was part of a Funeral for Academics, an event hosted by Students United for Academics. In a procession that originated at the ground floor of Seerley Hall, students, faculty and community members marched to raise awareness of the importance of academics and their dissatisfaction with decisions that have been made regarding academics at UNI. Making their way across campus to spread their mes-



Staff Writer


Students, faculty, community rally for education

MATT FININ/Northern Iowan

UNI Museum building closing

CAITIE PETERSON SLIDESHOW See more photos from the Funeral for Academics. < visit northern-iowan.org

INDEX OPINION............................5 CAMPUS LIFE....................7 SPORTS...........................11 GAMES............................14 CLASSIFIEDS...................15

Staff Writer

On Feb. 23, the University of Northern Iowa announced the UNI Museum building will close by June 30, saving the university $200,000 annually in addition to capital funds for necessary renovations, according to a Feb. 27 Northern Iowan article. After < See UNI MUSEUM, page 4


Senator Jeff Danielson (D-Cedar Falls) addresses students, faculty and community members who gathered in protest of the budget cuts at the University of Northern Iowa on March 22. Representative Bob Kressig (D-Cedar Falls) was also in attendance. According to an article from Cedar Falls Patch, Kressig told those in attendance to advocate for increased funding for higher education. The attendees then marched across campus. There were about 100 individuals who participated in the march, according to Cedar Falls Patch. < See page 3 for more photos



FUNERAL continued from page 1

at the same time, we need to remember and demonstrate those great things that the loss of which are making us grieve,” Werner said. Tyler Sharp, a senior public relations major, said the “UNI I am” displays in Lang Hall should have one more display: “UNI I am disappointed by my college.” Fred Halgedahl, associate professor from the UNI School of Music, congratulated students in attendance for “taking the time” and having “the courage to make this protest.” “We’re here to stand with you, and we will stand


with you all the way to Des Moines,” Halgedahl said. Whitney Fortman, a senior criminology major who also works at Price Lab, attended the event to oppose the cuts at UNI. “It’s a total loss because I was an education major, and the reason I came here was the convenience of Price Lab,” Fortman said. After the event, graduate student Kelley Rouchka played “Taps” on her trumpet, and attendees released dozens of purple and black balloons into the sky. “Education is such a huge part of UNI,” Rouchka said. “It’s not all about getting a job — education helps form you as a whole individual.”

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Upper right: Students, faculty and community members march across the University of Northern Iowa campus in a funeral procession on March 23, mourning the academic programs that were cut. Far right: Linda Heinzel (right) wore a doctor’s outfit and diagnosed the status of Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Right: Doug Shaw, UNI professor of mathematics, speaks in front of the campanile.

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

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NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northern-iowan.org 319.273.2157

JOHN ANDERSON Executive Editor anderjao@uni.edu 319.273.6826













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The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.

BRAD EILERS Sports Editor eilersb@uni.edu

BRANDON BAKER Photo Editor bbaker@uni.edu



Advertising Executive northern-iowan@uni.edu

Upper right: A little boy holds a sign reading “Education First” in protest of the proposed closure of Price Lab. Attendees of the march first gathered outside Maucker Union, where Senator Jeff Danielson (D-Cedar Falls) and Representative Bob Kressig (D-Cedar Falls) both spoke.


Advertising Executive northern-iowan@uni.edu




Upper left: UNI students, faculty and community members, including Price Lab students and parents, march across UNI’s campus on March 22 in protest of the proposed closure of Price Lab.


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Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Send submissions to anderjao@ uni.edu.





Email submissions to Executive Editor John Anderson at anderjao@uni. edu.


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Visit northern-iowan.org/ employment to apply.



Copy Editor braumank@uni.edu



Left: Attendees begin their march across campus in protest of the proposed closure of Price Lab.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


FIFTH ANNUAL GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Maucker Union ballroom and Davis Hall, GBPAC 12 p.m.-3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. From 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., there will be oral presentations in the lower level meeting rooms in Maucker Union. From 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., there will be poster presentations in the Maucker Union ballroom. From 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., there will be creative performances in Davis Hall.


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MCCALEY LAUBE Business Assistant


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EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS KATHERINE PEARCE MEGAN SCHAFER MAT MEYER Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content. The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2012 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.

“IMMIGRATION, RACE AND THE POWER OF DELUSION” UNI Museum 7 p.m. Presented by Mark Grey, director of the Iowa Center for Immigrant Leadership and Integration and professor of anthropology. PANEL ON LOCAL TRAFFICKING Maucker Union ballroom 7 p.m. A variety of nonprofit and government officials will be answering questions on the Iowa and national trafficking situation and solutions.


DESTINATIONS: MULTIETHNIC EXPRESSIONS OF FREEDOM Center for Multicultural Education 6:30 p.m. Multiethnic groups will artistically represent the journey to freedom for communities facing the reality of modern-day slavery around the world. FREEDOM WEEK KEYNOTE SPEAKER Lang Hall Auditorium 8 p.m. York Moore, a modern-day abolitionist, will speak on the social, spiritual and economic forces behind modern-day slavery.


UNI MUSEUM continued from page 1

the building closes, the museum’s collections will move to various campus and community locations. According to Sue Grosboll, director of the UNI Museum, the university has yet to give the museum a space to display its collections after the building closes. “Things will be closer, but probably more dispersed around campus,” Grosboll said. Grosboll said this will make it harder for students to see everything in the collections. “If you’re a student that spends most of your time in one particular building, but you don’t go into another building, you won’t see exhibits that are in that building, whereas if you came here you’d get to see everything all at once,” Grosboll said. Grosboll said they expect to be able to move collections onto campus after they refine the museum’s collections to include only those that relate to university curriculum, a task the museum staff has been undertaking for the past five years. After refining the collections, the staff will then try to find either different museums to give the unrelated collections or institutions to “trade” collections with. When the museum closes, two staff positions (out of six current staff currently employed at the museum) and student internship positions will be eliminated, according to Grosboll. Grosboll said giving students internship opportunities and watching those students grow has been “one of the best experiences” of her 20-year career at the museum. “You want to go out, and you want to be in your field; you want to make a living; you want to do something to make a difference, to do something exciting professionally,” Grosboll said. “We gave students internships that helped students do that, and it was the most satisfying thing in the world.”

NEWS Jennifer Wynstra, who teaches at Valley Lutheran High School, said she feels the closing of the museum to the public “will be a loss for the community.” “It’s something that enriches the community,” she said. Wynstra has taken her own children and her students to the museum and said she values everything it does for its visitors. “I know it’s a small place, but it’s packed full of so many interesting, scientific things and historical things and cultural things that I don’t think some kids in Iowa would get to see that close (if not for the museum),” Wynstra said. Both Grosboll and Wynstra said they feel the university could have saved the money without closing the museum. While she said she understands that UNI must be financially responsible, Wynstra feels that, compared with other university programs, the museum “gives so much for so little.” Grosboll said she didn’t have an opportunity to give her opinion regarding whether the museum should close. “We were just told they were going to close this building, and that was that,” Grosboll said. According to Grosboll, the museum costs around $420,000 to maintain each year, most of which goes towards the salaries of the six professionals who currently work there. In its 120 years of existence, Grosboll said this is not the first time the museum has been without a building. “It could very well come back, if there’s a will for it,” Grosboll said. UNI Museum also maintains the Marshall Center School one-room schoolhouse on the corner of Indiana St. and West 23rd St. That building will remain open for campus activities, but most likely not for the public. “It’s been a good museum, and we’ve got a great collection,” Grosboll said, “and I just hope we’re given really good space on campus.”


TUITION FREEZE continued from page 1

universities increased by nearly 180 percent from 1998 to 2011, while state funding also increased by 7.4 percent in that time. While all representatives expressed concern about the affordability of higher education, many Democratic representatives considered the amendment empty talk. Representative Tyler Olson of Cedar Rapids looked to the senate’s budget, which increases funding for Iowa’s public universities by $34 million, as sincere support for students of higher education. “The house amendment that slashed $31 million from our Regents institutions does not walk the walk,” Olson said. Democratic Representative Cindy Winkler noted that the state’s financial support made up 67.8 percent of the Regents universities’ general fund expenses in 2002, while today it comprises 39.7 percent, adding that increases in university expenses and the cost of living can also explain the tuition increases. Representative Andrew Wenthe, a Democrat from West Union, added that the 3.75 percent tuition increase approved by the state Board of Regents falls within the Higher Education Pricing Index range, which reflects inflationary increases. “With the cuts you’re making of $31 million this year, $19 million last year … I just don’t understand how you think public education will continue to thrive in this state when you’re tying their hands in this way,” Wenthe said to Wagner. Wagner said it is “inaccurate” to say a $50 million cut to the Regents’ institutions would decimate their combined $1.2 billion budget, and commended UNI for its recent cost-saving efforts, which included cutting academic programs with low graduation rates and

closing the Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Other representatives wondered at what point recent cuts from the legislature would decrease the quality of Iowa’s public universities. “In respect to this amendment, I think it would be very difficult for (the Regents) to continue to provide the mission they’ve set forth without some small increase in tuition,” said Republican Representative Cecil Dolecheck, chair of the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee. Wenthe called the amendment “ludicrous” and said he felt like the committee was in “fantasy land,” but called on Democrats to vote in favor of the tuition freeze amendment to show support for Iowa’s students. The Democrats on the committee all voted against the final bill, which included the $31 million budget cut. “We’re not going to allow ourselves to be blamed, to be the scapegoat, for a reckless budget that you’re putting forward, so I would ask my caucus to support this amendment,” he said. Spencer Walrath, UNI student body president, feels the budget cut, combined with the tuition freeze, would result in future cuts at UNI. “Everything that we’ve just seen play out over the last month and a half, with cuts to academic programs and the shuttering of the museum, Price Lab school, Print Services, etc. — all that is going to happen again (if this bill passes), and it will be much worse,” he said in a phone interview Sunday. Walrath called the tuition freeze amendment “politically motivated,” and said that while it may save students $240 in the short run, it will actually cost students much more in the long run. “If our legislators truly want to show their support for students and for UNI and for their families and for our public universities, they need to fund us,” he said. “That is essential.”


MARCH 27, 2012




Illustration by JOHN ANDERSON/Northern Iowan. Source: Iowa Board of Regents

A graph of the percentage of the UNI general fund provided by tuition and state appropriations since 2002.

Well, at least we’ve still got corn baseball and reducing support to auxiliaries. These cuts from the state ultimately motivated the recent academic program cuts and the closure of Price Lab, the University Museum and Print Services. What’s more, the House Appropriations Committee voted Wednesday to freeze tuition, which, if it passes through the legislature, could effectively prevent the university from even matching higher education inflation costs, let alone making up the $3 million cut the committee also approved. Proponents of the tuition freeze claim the measure is to help maintain the affordability of Iowa’s public universities. Yet at the same time, cuts from the state legislature have forced tuition increases above inflation for the past three years, including a 6 percent tuition increase for the 2010-11 academic year. Moreover, while the freeze may save students some money (the 3.75 percent tuition increase approved by the Board of Regents amounts to roughly $240 for in-state undergraduates), it will force more cuts like the drastic reductions seen this year, reducing the quality of a UNI education. Where else can the university cut? What other inefficiencies are there to find? Do we cut athletics at the risk of losing NCAA Division I certification, which could decrease our reve-


Erase the elephants! Defeat the donkeys!


The state of Iowa no longer values education. We realize that’s a very bold, general statement, but a look at the state legislature’s support for higher education contradicts its verbal commitment to educating its citizens. Legislators from both sides of the aisle passed $23.5 million in cuts to the University of Northern Iowa over the past four years, and the Iowa House is currently looking to slash another $3 million from UNI’s budget. As a result of these cuts, students now bear the majority of the cost of their education, with tuition dollars making up 52.3 percent of UNI’s general fund this year, according to a report from the state Board of Regents. In 1998, the state covered 71.2 percent of the general fund, helping keep tuition at a low $2,566 for in-state undergraduate students, according to UNI’s Fact Book. The cost of tuition for an in-state undergraduate student at UNI is now almost $1,000 more than it was four years ago. In that same time, state appropriations per student have declined by more than $2000. Students didn’t take the full force of these vicious cuts, however. The university cut more than $9 million in expenses over the past four years by reducing faculty and staff positions, merging colleges and departments, cutting



nue, exposure and enrollment? Do we cut administrative positions? Where? From Academic Advising? Career Services? The president’s office? Do we cut more programs? How many more programs can we cut before we cease to be a true liberal arts institution? Or do these most recent cuts already bring us beyond that point? Cuts from the state mean UNI can no longer continue to provide the quality educational experience it offers to its 13,000 students. These cuts mean greater costs for students, and both forcing cuts and preventing tuition increases means an even more grim outlook for UNI’s future. At what point can we say the state of Iowa no longer values education? Right now, its centers of learning — where its future leaders, educators, scientists, accountants, engineers. artists, scholars and doctors are taught — are being gutted by the state, and students are forced to bear the burden. Right now, the state is facing a growing surplus, and yet it continues to consider further cuts to the biggest possible investment in its future: the education of its citizens. Right now, the state of Iowa doesn’t value education. And for the sake of its future, we hope that changes, and soon, before its too late.

This editorial reflects the position of the Northern Iowan’s editorial staff: John Anderson, Allie Koolbeck, Brad Eilers, Tehrene Firman, Brandon Baker and Kari Braumann. All other articles and illustrations represent the views of their authors.

This week’s selection from me is going to be a total “duh.” Not only has the political climate of this country and in turn at this school become toxic, it’s starting to look like a high school football rivalry. We don’t even know why we hate the other side 200-someodd years later, but it is tradition, so keep tradition alive! To hone my focus here a little bit, I’ve been noticing that it’s becoming less about pride about one’s ideals and reaching the point of crushing someone else’s. I have heard with my own ears people claim to utilize their vote to destroy the opposite side of the aisle or just to be an utter annoyance. What are we, political Bond villains now? Vowing to destroy everything a party affiliation stands for… first America, then the world! Maniacal laugh! Cut me a break. I want to be clear up front: My own political affiliations really don’t reflect a capital R or D through and through. That didn’t used to be case, but I say that in confidence it is now. What scares me is how the political climate affects college campuses. I, like most, have always held dear the notion that a college campus should be a place where ideas can roam free and exist with an open mind. If you think UNI and most college campuses hold that true, I think you’re a bit naïve. I’m really going out on a limb here, but open-mindedness here and across the country is a perception. Where the chastising is centralized is just a matter of whether the state tends to be red or blue. I’m going to say it: UNI leans left by a mile. Well, no duh. Honestly, the way a campus leans isn’t that important; it’s everything surrounding it. On this campus, if you so much as dare offer a conservative idea, you will be chastised, you will be perceived as unintelligent and you will become a laughing stock. I’ve seen it happen to real people on this campus with real ideas who are judged and treated by existing political stereotypes. On this campus, I have heard liberal-leaning students referred to on separate occasions as “fairies,” “bleeding hearts,” “weak,” “backstabbers” and so forth. Conservatives, I’ve heard called

ANTHONY MITCHELL ayomitch@ uni.edu

on this campus, “evil,” “sociopaths,” “Bible-thumpers” and so on. Honestly, this kind of crap is the equivalent of what I hear coming out of uncomfortable wooden bleachers on a Friday night. To anyone (and mostly everyone) who thinks their political agenda is superior: shut your yap. I’m not interested and I don’t care how popular or unpopular it is. Since I specialize in crazy ideas, I think the only way to restore some integrity to the American political game is to dissolve the two-party set up. Sounds nuts, but I think all candidates should run as independents. Instead of parties and their respective media outlets screaming what to think, in a perfect world it would have us actually paying attention. I don’t see it happening, but a guy can dream. I hate getting political, especially in print, but I just couldn’t help myself. Our allegiances to red and blue have gotten so far out of control that American voters are crazy sports fans and the Republicans and Democrats function as mob families. Think about it: the party tells you what to support and tells their people what to support, the registration process for party candidates to get on the ballots is nothing compared to that for independents, and one side is trying to control more territory than the other — in this case, winning states. I’m not going to sit here and say you should support one way or the other; I just want to raise some awareness that the whole thing is ridiculous. The only way we are ever going to make any progress and/or recovery is actually working together as a team. Save the pointless rivalries for the fields. Anthony Mitchell is a junior in

electronic media from Grinnell, Iowa.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The number one reason for UNI’s current financial problem is the disparity in state funding to the three state universities. For years, and likely decades, UNI has received less per student funding from the state than the other two universities. This continues today, where it

is easily determined that the University of Iowa receives more than double the state funding that the University of Northern Iowa does for an Iowa resident undergraduate student. Based on figures published in the winter 2012 issue of “Northern Iowa Today,” the

state funding per resident undergraduate student at each of the three universities is: UI: $17,628 ISU: $10,802 UNI: $7,502 With more 10,000 resident undergrad students at UNI, that comes to more than $100 mil-

lion that UI gets from the state for educating an equal number of resident students. Years of underfunding of UNI by the state has led to this crisis. It is up to the state to remedy this crisis by increasing UNI’s per-resident student funding by funding all three

state universities equally. Why should UNI and ISU students be treated as less important than UI? Please, help get the word out to our UNI community. Sincerely, Ross A. Witt, ‘90

LETTER TO THE EDITOR POLICY Letters may be no longer than 300 words, and may be edited for spelling, grammar, length, clarity and Associated Press conventions. Email submissions to anderjao@uni.edu. Not all submissions will be printed.




Playing defense for UNI athletics

Travis Heying/Wichita Eagle/MCT

Northern Iowa’s Ali Farokhmanesh pumps his fist after hitting a key 3-pointer late as UNI defeated Kansas in the second round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament in 2010. The upset gave UNI national exposure and a bump in admissions.





I don’t really care about University of Northern Iowa athletics, or any college athletics, for that matter. I went to a couple of football games and a basketball game my freshman year so that I could check it off my college bucket list, but other than that, I haven’t paid much attention. Aside from my personal feelings of apathy, I also don’t think athletics is essential to the mission of a university. While I agree that a university should try to foster feelings of camaraderie and belonging, I think this can be accomplished through means that are more academically and socially enriching, such as student organizations, events at the GBPAC, etc. I’m not saying all this to convince you that you should feel the same about athletics; I know my views are unpopular, and yes, if I took the time to sit down watch more games, there’s a good chance I would like them more than I had originally thought. However, I think my opinions on the matter are important to consider given the assertion I’m about to make: I think UNI should continue funding athletics. Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard countless people say that in the face of these cuts, we should just ditch athletics entirely. “Academics are what should come first, not athletics.” “Athletics shouldn’t continue to exist while majors are getting cut.” While I completely agree with these sentiments, the fact of the matter is that despite its limited academic value, athletics provides a lot of side benefits for the uni-


mcgraws@ uni.edu

versity. Several studies have found that well-performing athletics teams have a monetary payback for the university. For instance, one by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that “when a male graduate’s former team wins its conference championship, his donations for general purposes increase by about 7 percent and his donations to the athletic program increase by about the same percentage.” In addition, several studies have found that successful athletics programs draw more students to enroll at universities. One such study by California State UniversitySacramento found that local high school students of CSU branches enroll at a higher rate when teams are doing well. This is especially applicable to UNI, being that 92 percent of our students are in-state. Another point to consider is the fact that not having an athletics program might deter certain students from attending UNI entirely. To be honest, I probably wouldn’t be here if there weren’t an athletics program. This obviously isn’t because I care at all about college sports, but because as a high school senior, not having a football or basketball team carried a certain stigma (though I no longer agree with that). From talking to other students, I know I’m not by any

means alone in this. As much as we all would like it not to be this way, our reputation to prospective students does matter; academics may be far more important than athletics in a university, but you need enough students in order to have a university at all. My central point is this: I don’t care about athletics, but if we want to stay competitive as an academic institution among other universities of a similar caliber and size, we need to keep them. The assertion that athletics sucks up too much of our money compared to academics is probably correct, but that’s not something UNI alone can fix; having athletics is something too ingrained in what makes a university a university today. The call to ditch athletics is mistaking something that’s a societal problem for a UNI problem. While I would be a proponent of something similar to the Ivy League agreement for UNI and comparable institutions, where scholarship athletics are a thing of the past, the fact of the matter is that UNI cannot make that move unilaterally without facing serious consequences in terms of reputation and enrollment. Until society values college athletics less or a larger agreement among universities is made, I’m afraid UNI is stuck funding something that does little to progress its core mission.

Stef McGraw is a senior in

philosophy and Spanish from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

The hotdogs behind Kony 2012 On April 20, 2012, thousands, if not millions, will take to the streets of their communities and promote the Kony 2012 initiative. For those of you who are unaware, Kony 2012 is an effort to stop Joseph Kony, the leader of a Ugandan rebel group named the “Lord’s Resistance Army.” Among the many atrocities Kony and this group have committed, the abduction of children and mutilation of innocent people stand out as some of the most grotesque and vilifying. A YouTube video titled “Kony 2012” provided me and most of the world with the first word of these atrocities. In it, director Jason Russell makes a promise to a young Ugandan boy that he would stop Kony and the LRA. The Kony 2012 initiative seems to be the flower stemming from this initial promise. Any non-sociopath would appreciate the goals presented in Russell’s film. However, is there more here than meets

TOM EARLY earlyt@uni.edu

the eye? Come on everyone; let’s use the critical thinking skills developed in our liberal arts education to get to the bottom of this one! In and NPR article titled “Joseph Kony Is Infamous — But Will He Be Caught?”, we soon find out that Russell has oversimplified this matter. Worse yet, Russell’s proposals may do more harm than good. Russell believes that the United States should assist the Ugandan army in finding and stopping Kony. However, Kony and the LRA have not been in Uganda for several years. Furthermore, the president of Uganda has been in power since 1986. Does helping the army of a president who has been in power for more than 25 years sound fishy to you too?

Sometimes when we are overwhelmed with so much despair, we hastily attempt to do anything we can. While Russell has worked hard to raise awareness, he could be in the wrong. Maybe instead of paternalistically making a promise to that Ugandan boy, he could have done something even braver. He could have said, “I’m sorry, but this issue is very complex, and I do not know what to do.” Had he started there, maybe his efforts would have been better thought out and thusly, more effective. So now the issue is pushed onto us, the social-media junkies. What do we do with the crying boy? Do we brashly make promises that make us feel better or do we maturely analyze this issue and find real ways to help? “Kony 2012!” Tom Early is a senior in the

study of religion from Harlan, Iowa.


tehrene firman campus life editor firmant@uni.edu

march 27, 2012




page 7

volume 108, issue 45

Student organizations rave for awareness at UNI OLIVIA HOTTLE

Staff Writer


Steve Bjoin, sophomore management information systems major, observes paintings at the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition in the Kamerick Art Building.

Juried Art Exhibition showcases outstanding student artwork ALEC GLUESING Staff Writer

Those looking for the latest fine artwork from the University of Northern Iowa’s student body should look no further than the Kamerick Art Building for the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition. The artwork on display ranges from traditional oil paintings and pottery to unexpected surprises like a digital print sculpture and books written and bound by students. “The goal of the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition is to provide art students with perhaps their first professional public presentation,” said Darrell Taylor, director of the UNI Gallery of Art. “This exhibition has been offered to

EXHIBIT HOURS The exhibition, which is free to attend, will remain on display in the KAB’s main gallery until April 15. Mon.-Thurs.: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri.: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat.-Sun.: 12 p.m.-5 p.m.

art students for decades and is one of our most highly anticipated and attended events of the academic year.” Students are allowed to enter up to three different pieces into the competition, all of which must have been created within the past year either in class or independently. Each year, a juror or judge from the art world outside of UNI chooses which pieces will be displayed in the gallery. A number of works are select-

ed for merit awards, and students may also choose to sell their creations should someone wish to purchase them. Taylor believes that the overall experience of the exhibition is very valuable, and that the competition itself is a positive influence upon working art students. “I do think students are driven to work harder and submit their strongest work since an outside juror (or judge) from the art world will be reviewing, choosing and potentially remembering this work when jurying other future exhibitions,” he said. “It’s a terrific experience in every way. Even students who don’t make it into the show get firsthand knowledge of this very common practice of entering art competitions.”

Fliers advertising various raves and dance parties are a popular sight around campus. Many organizations are utilizing dance parties to raise awareness of their group or provide a safe place for students to have fun on weekends, but what is it that is so alluring about these events? The Residence Hall Association (RHA) began hosting RHA’ves last year. Thus far, four RHA’ves have provided students with entertainment, including one held Friday in the Commons Ballroom. “One of our goals was to show people that there are alternatives to going out and getting drunk on the weekends,” said Tyler Larson, sophomore psychology major and vice president of social programming for RHA. “Since many people go to clubs on the weekends, we decided to have a dance party to kind of imitate the clubs without the alcohol.” Larson said that the RHA’ve was named as such because “raves tend to have a negative stigma to them.” However, Larson said that dance parties are attractive to students. “They tend to be fun, a great place to meet new people and something you can do with your friends,” Larson said, adding that dance parties sponsored by the university are either free or cheaper than going out to a club. The Northern Iowa Democrats will be hosting Raveolution 2012, the organization’s first dance party. Senior political science major Jaime Yowler, the organizer of the event, said the reasons for hosting the event were to be a more visible organization on campus and to brighten students’ spirits.

“We thought the atmosphere around campus was in the dumps, so we thought we’d throw something fun to have students get their minds off of it,” Yowler said. Yowler said many students who are part of the Northern Iowa Democrats enjoy attending raves or are DJs themselves. “I thought it would appeal because lately a lot of people have been throwing dance parties, and we just thought it would be something really fun to do,” Yowler said. Yowler thinks that dance parties attract students because they appeal to the college age group. Both Yowler and Larson have seen a rise in the use of dance parties on campus since they began school at the University of Northern Iowa. Both also credit the recent acceptance of dance music into mainstream culture as part of the reason why dance parties are popular. “The DJ itself is coming back into the big circle, so where the importance before was really stressed on the hip hop star and that sort of thing, the DJ is starting to get more credit and more visibility as well,” Yowler said. “So I think that dance party and especially rave and the music that’s associated with it has become more popular.” Larson also mentions artists of dance music that have been recognized for their sound, such as songwriter Skrillex winning three Grammys and the sampling of dance music by Flo Rida, Jay-Z and Kanye West. Yowler recognizes that student organizations have picked up on the dance party trend. “I think now it’s becoming more of a student organization thing,” he said. “They’re trying to appeal in a different way.”

MORE INFORMATION ON CAMPUS RAVES: Raveolution 2012 Host: Northern Iowa Democrats Upcoming: March 30, 2012 Contact: facebook.com/NorthernIowaDemocrats

Dance Party 8: Invigorate Host: Dance Party Commission Upcoming: April 27, 2012

RHA’ve Host: Residence Hall Association Most Recent: March 23, 2012 Contact: facebook.com/NorthernIowaRHA

Dance Marathon WHITNEY PHILLIPS/Northern Iowan


Clair Williams, communication studies graduate assistant, Sophomore Sara Heffernen won the “Rod Library created ceramic plates and cups called “Zen Tangle Purchase Award” for her ceramic pieces called Escape.” “Jaunty Djinn.”

Host: UNI Dance Marathon Most Recent: Feb. 25, 2012 Contact: facebook.com/UNI.Dance.Marathon COLBY CAMPBELL/Northern Iowan



page 8

out this week / march 27 dvd/blu-ray



northern-iowan.org | tuesday, march 27, 2012 movie scores from metacritic.com






Botanical Center is the ‘secret garden’ of UNI TEHRENE FIRMAN Editorial Staff

The Botanical Center is one of the University of Northern Iowa’s best-kept secrets — but not intentionally. “People go by and they look and think, ‘That looks really interesting,’ but they don’t take the time to stop,” said Billie Hemmer, the manager of the Botanical Center. “Everyone is really busy — you’re on your way to work or on your way to class, and you think ‘I’ll just go do that later,’ and then of course you don’t.” Although the UNI Botanical Center is right in the center of campus, it’s easy to overlook. “Other people think that’s biology and you can’t go in there unless you’re biology, or they think it’s just research, when in fact we are open to the public,” Hemmer said. “I’ve talked to staff who have worked here for 20 years but have never come in.”

Little does the public know, there are more than 1,000 species within the collection that have accumulated since the first greenhouse was built on the northern end of campus in the early 1900s. The UNI Botanical Center is made up of 10,000 square feet of glass and has six main houses, each with their own environment, from a desert atmosphere to a tropical jungle room. The center is also home to animals that are native to the environments. Columbo, a 17-year-old African Grey Parrot, lives in the tropical jungle room along with Chaquita, a Gold Cap Conure who is half Columbo’s size. The desert room houses Ernie, an iguana. Having an iguana has been a tradition at the Botanical Center since the late 1980s. The UNI Botanical Center works with the biology department by providing them with plant material, and also does a community


The University of Northern Iowa Botanical Center is home to more than 1,000 species of plants and exotic animals, including Chaquita (pictured above), a Gold Cap Conure.

outreach program where they give tours through the center for K-12 students. Nine college students are employed at the Botanical Center and all have become

professionals when it comes to keeping the environments of the center healthy, as they all have gone through rigorous training on how to water the collection properly, manage the heating and cooling systems, and prune and propagate the plants. “When I interview prospective students, I always have to tell them this is not your romantic picture of taking a watering can and watering the flowers — it’s a labor job, so there’s a lot of dirt and a lot of water, so you’re going to get wet,” Hemmer said. “If they don’t run out of the door by then, I continue. It isn’t your typical campus job.”

Hemmer also manages the UNI nature preserves. “Every year I think we get more people out (on the preserves), and they realize that in just five minutes, they can walk from central campus and be out in the woods or out in the middle of a prairie and go for a walk,” Hemmer said. “What a wonderful respite, whether you’re an employee or a student.” The UNI Botanical Center also works with the Student Nature Society to hold a plant sale once a year, which is a fundraiser for both organizations. This year’s sale takes place on < See SECRET GARDEN, page 9


FREE INTENSIVE TREATMENT FOR STUTTERING There is an opportunity for free, intensive treatment for persons who stutter at the Roy Eblen Speech & Hearing Clinic after spring break. Schedules for treatment will be individualized depending on work and class obligations. Anyone interested in intensive, one-on-one treatment should be prepared to commit to several hours of treatment a day for one to two weeks. The Roy Eblen Speech and Hearing Clinic is located on the UNI campus in the Communication Arts Center (CAC).

QUESTIONS? For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Dena Snowden by phone: (319) 273-2542 or email: dena.snowden@uni.edu


northern-iowan.org | tuesday, march 27, 2012

page 9

Courtesy Photo

Kelsey Hampton, senior biology major, showcases her research project at the poster presentation session for the participants of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program in summer 2011.

Undergrad researcher makes her mark in UNI biology department ALEC GLUESING Staff Writer

Taking a small amount of initiative outside of class has paid off academically for senior biology major Kelsey Hampton. Hampton has been selected to present her research on the morphology of fiddler crabs at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Utah, held at Weber State University from March 29 through March 31. While working with Carl Thurman, a professor in the biology department, Hampton and several other students have been studying the effects of various conditions such as climate change and environmental damage from oil spills on

two separate populations of crabs in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. “We’re using Brazilian fiddler crabs as a model organism to observe relationships among species,” Hampton said. “We’re watching evolution happen right now.” In the summer of 2011, Hampton, Dr. Thurman, and other students collected field data on the crabs along the Gulf Coast between Panama City, Fla., and Galveston, Texas. “The trip last summer was my favorite part of this project,” Hampton said. “We met a lot of new people from different schools and programs, and collecting information in the field was just really fun.”




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Hampton primarily attributes her success to good old-fashioned hard work and dedication, but also commends the UNI biology department’s accessibility to students. “I really feel like the smaller class sizes make it easier to talk with professors and ask questions, as well as just getting to know everyone better,” she said. “Early on in college I was nervous about asking to take part in research, but all you really have to do is go in and talk to the professors. A lot of it is just taking that initiative.”


One area of the University of Northern Iowa Botanical Center houses numerous types of cacti of all sizes.

SECRET GARDEN continued from page 8

April 26 and will feature cuttings from plants in the collection and other unusual plants that can’t be found at any average garden center and generally range from $2-3. “Students that are on a very limited budget can come in and support the Student Nature Society and get a plant as a gift for Mom — it’s right before Mother’s Day — or a plant for themselves to grow,” said Hemmer. The next time students are

walking to class on a freezing cold winter day, they can take a break and escape to a warm, tropical paradise right on campus. They may even make some new feathered friends.

ANNUAL PLANT SALE The UNI Botanical Center will be holding its annual plant sale on April 26 from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for $2-3 per plant. For more event information, visit www.uni.edu/biology/ botanicalcenter.



Misplace Your Invitation? You Can Still Enter The Drawing For Prizes! Did you receive an invitation in your UNI e-mail from the National Survey of Student Engagement? If you are a first-year or senior student who was invited to participate and haven’t responded yet, you still have time! If you don’t have the e-mail with the link to the survey, go to the link below & click on NSSE Link and Prize List. Don’t miss your chance to complete the survey and get your name entered into the drawings for prizes. http://www.uni.edu/assessment/


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page 10

northern-iowan.org | tuesday, march 27, 2012



Students dance at the Residence Hall Association’s RHA’ve 4.0 in the Commons Ballroom Friday night. Attendees received free glowsticks and were able to take pictures in a photobooth, and the first 100 students who entered the door to the event were given a free t-shirt.

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ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

A UNI student gets an airbrush tattoo at the Campus Activities Board’s showing of “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” in Maucker Union Thursday night.

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74 88


PTS: K.K. Armstrong (24) REBS: Amber Kirschbaum (3) ASTS: K.K. Armstrong (5)




PTS: Rachel Banham (26) REBS: Micaella Riche (8) ASTS: Kiara Buford (6)

Panthers come up short in WBI championship game

MATT FININ/Northern Iowan

UNI senior guard K.K. Armstrong (4), pictured here against Drake, scored a team-high 24 points against the Minnesota Golden Gophers, but it wasn’t enough as the Panthers lost 88-74 in Sunday’s WBI championship game.

JAKE BEMIS Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa women’s basketball team ended their roller-coaster season with a roller-coaster game, falling to the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in the championship game of the Women’s Basketball Invitational. The Panthers had one of their best shooting performances of the season, but one of their worst defensive performances as well. The Panthers (19-15, 9-9 Missouri Valley Conference) shot 49 percent from the field and 50 percent from the 3-point line. Minnesota (19-17, 6-10 Big Ten) was even hotter, shooting 61.8 percent from the field and 66.7 percent from the 3-point line. The two teams battled back and forth for the first 15 minutes of the game, but with an early 28-24 lead with just over five minutes left in the first half, a Katelin Oney 3-pointer sparked a Panther 12-4

Northern Iowa Minnesota

1 41 32

2 33 56

Final 74 88

run in the next four minutes to extend their lead to 40-28. UNI took a nine-point lead heading into halftime. The Panthers were 7-for-12 (58.3 percent) from the 3-point line in the half. UNI extended their lead to 13 points on another 3-pointer by Oney early in the second half, but Minnesota went on a 24-6 run to take a 60-55 lead with just under 10 minutes left in the game. Minnesota extended their lead to as many as 14 points, and the Panthers never get closer than 11 points the remainder of the game. The Golden Gophers outscored UNI 56-33 in the second half. Minnesota’s 88 points was the most an opponent has scored against the Panthers all season. The three Panther seniors (K.K. Armstrong,

Katelin Oney and Rachel Madrigal), combined to score 56 of UNI’s 74 points while also recording a combined 10 assists and five rebounds. Brittany Donaldson added 11 points for the Panthers. Rachel Banham was Minnesota’s leading scorer with a game-high 26 points. The Minnesota bench scored a total of 35 points to UNI’s 13 bench points. The Panthers were outrebounded 33-21 including 10-6 on the offensive boards. The Panthers also recorded five steals to Minnesota’s 10. UNI is now 0-8 against Minnesota all-time, including 0-4 at Minnesota. It was the third straight postseason run for the Panthers, who had reached the NCAA Tournament the previous two seasons. Looking to next season, UNI loses the top three scorers of the season and will also lose three of the top four leaders in assists. They will be a very young team with just two seniors, one junior and eight sophomores.






Panthers show improvements Panthers start at NCAA Championships conference play 6-0 MATTHEW BLUMBERG


Sports Writer

Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa wrestling team sent five members to the National Championships in St. Louis, Mo., over spring break. The Panthers finished with 12 team points, good enough for a 34th team finish, while two wrestlers remained one win away from the elusive All-American honors. Sophomores Joe Colon (133 pounds) and Ryan Loder (184 pounds) both bowed out in the round of 12 wrestlers, just one win shy of qualifying to be UNI’s first All-Americans since Jarion Beets in 2010. To be an AllAmerican, one must finish in the top eight wrestlers in one’s respective weight class. Day one of the NCAA Championships ended in a promising way for the Panther wrestlers as three of the five wrestlers stayed alive in their weight classes. Colon advanced to the semifinals with two very decisive victories. His first victory was a 10-1 major decision over Ridge Kiley from the University of Nebraska, a competitor he had beaten earlier in the year. He then went on to beat Zach Horan of Central Michigan University by a final score of 9-1. David Bonin (157 pounds) recorded arguably the biggest victory of the day with a fall over No. 4-ranked David Peppleman of Harvard University in two minutes, 55 seconds in the first round. In his second match of the day, Bonin found himself on the losing end of a 10-5 decision to Daniel Kolodzik of Princeton University. Loder found himself in a similar situation to Bonin, winning his first match and dropping his second. He won his first decision over Grant Gambrall from the University of Iowa by a slim 2-1 margin. Austin Trottman of Appalachian State University stopped Loder in the next round with an 8-2 decision, send-

The University of Northern Iowa softball team has started conference play with a bang. After sweeping the University of Evansville in a three-game series over spring break, the Panthers swept Indiana State in another three-game series this weekend. In those six games, UNI outscored their opponents 42-7. In game one of the weekend, the Panther offense scored their second highest total of the season, defeating ISU 11-1. Jamie Fisher, who started on the mound for UNI (20-9, 6-0 MVC), pitched four innings, giving up just one unearned run on three hits while striking out four batters. It was Fisher’s 10th win of the season, improving her record to 10-1. UNI took the game over in the top of the second inning when a Laura Turner twoRBI single capped a five-run inning, giving the Panthers a 6-0 lead. In the top of the fifth inning, after the first two batters had grounded out, UNI went on a four-run rally to extend the lead to 11-1. Four Panthers turned in a multi-hit game, and Turner had a team-high three RBIs. Game two of the series was the back end of a doubleheader on Saturday. UNI easily took care of ISU once again, winning 7-0. While the Panthers dominated with the bats, the highlight of Saturday was Jaye Hutcheson’s pitching performance. Hutcheson pitched a complete game onehit shutout while striking out seven batters and walking two. On the offensive side, the Panthers struggled to put runs on the board until late in the game. A Courtney Dunker RBI double in the top of the fifth was the first time the Panthers saw the scoreboard. Just two batters later, Dunker scored while Whitney Plein reached base on an error. The Panthers would extend their lead in the top of the seventh

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

Junior David Bonin was one of five UNI wrestlers to participate in the NCAA Championships in St. Louis. Sophomores Joe Colon and Ryan Loder came up one victory shy of being All-Americans.

ing Loder to the consolation bracket. The other two Panthers to qualify for the championships found themselves battling in close matches but ending up on the losing end of their decisions. Freshman Levi Wolfensperger (141 pounds) lost his first match in overtime to William Ashnault of Rutgers University. In the consolation rounds he fell again, this time to Joshua Kindig in a 14-6 decision. Junior heavyweight Blayne Beale also ended his first NCAA championships visit on day one with two consecutive losses. He first lost a 6-1 decision to Bobby Telford from Iowa. Beale then drew another in-state rival, Matt Gibson of Iowa State < See WRESTLING, page 13

BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan archives

Senior pitcher Jaye Hutcheson is 7-6 this season with a 2.51 Earned Run Average. Hutcheson pitched a one-hit shutout against the Sycamores on Saturday.

inning, when a Mackenzie Daigh scored on a wild pitch to cap a five-run inning. A 7-0 lead was more than enough for Hutcheson, pitching a 1-2-3 inning for the fourth time in the game. The Panther offense was led by Turner, who went 3-for-5 with one RBI. Plein recorded a team-high two RBIs. On Sunday afternoon the Panthers jumped out to an early 5-0 lead after the top of the second inning and looked as though they would cruise to another easy victory. However, the Sycamores slowly chipped away at the UNI lead and eventually tied the game at 5-5 in the fifth inning. Neither team scored in the sixth or seventh inning, forcing extra innings. In the top of the eighth inning, the Panthers were able to push across two runs and the Sycamores were unable to rally in the bottom half of the inning, giving UNI a 7-5 victory in extra innings. Fisher picked up the victory for the Panthers. UNI returns to action Tuesday to face Iowa State University in Ames. After the one-game series, the Panthers will face Wichita State University in a three-game series starting Saturday.

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Time for some new national holidays PAUL KOCKLER Sports Columnist

There are four days on the sports calendar that should be designated as national holidays. The Monday after the Super Bowl and the first two days of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament are huge ones, but the one that is approaching quickly is Opening Day of Major League Baseball. It is a true sign of spring when there is baseball being played that actually means something. The excitement for die-hard baseball fans started when pitchers and catchers reported to spring training in late February, but now we want nothing more than for the beautiful 162game marathon to get underway. Opening Day is a time of hope and fresh starts. There is hope for a new year where anything can happen and with a win any team will be in first place, which is music to Cubs fans’ ears. It brings a spring to everyone’s step. It is a day that everyone in America should take off and enjoy while watching baseball with no worries from morning until late into the night for the West Coast games. Many politicians right now are looking to “restore” America to what it used to be, and what better way to get America back on the right track than by making its national pastime a holiday. Baseball history coincides with American history. Maybe children could learn about this in school and then celebrate and learn by watching baseball history being made on their day off. Another main reason for making these grand days into national holidays is the lost productivity that results because of them. I can’t say that I have never skipped some of my classes to enjoy the spectacle that is Opening Day and go to the bar to watch games with friends. I can’t be the only person that during elementary school (before smartphones), was begging his teachers to check the scores or put the games on TV. Even if I had been in class during these times, I wouldn’t

MCT/Ron Ennis/Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Matt Holliday and the St. Louis Cardinals will look to defend their World Series title this MLB season.

have gotten much out of it, so why waste everyone’s time and energy pretending to do what they’re supposed to and just admit that these days are meant for sports? I am not advocating for laziness or less work; America needs hard and diligent workers. There are ways that these “lost” days can be made up throughout the year. Does Columbus actually need a holiday to himself ? When we actually believed he was the first from the Old World to see North America, then, yeah, I could see it, but now that we know he wasn’t and wasn’t exactly the greatest person in the process, his day can be revoked. As influential as George Washington was, do you think he will mind if we move his birthday celebration in February to the day after the Super Bowl? I don’t think he will. It can still be called George Washington’s Birthday; it would just be placed on a different day. I don’t have a solution for how to replace the first two days of the NCAA tournament, but are two new holidays really going to kill anyone? Sporting events like these bring everyone together, whether it is a Super Bowl Party, an office bracket challenge or a group of buddies watching baseball all day and arguing about how this is the year for their teams. Life presents so many challenges and things to worry about that I think we deserve these days as a time of guilt-free enjoyment of what is great in sports.



WRESTLING continued from page 12

University, who handed Beale a 10-3 loss. Day two began with Bonin losing a heartbreaking match to Jake O’Hara of Columbia University, ending his NCAA Championships run and season in the second round of the consolation bracket. Colon was the only Panther to see the quarterfinals on the winners side of the bracket, where he ran into B.J. Futrell from the University of Illinois,

handing Colon a 44-second fall. This was the second time the two wrestlers matched up this year, with both victories going to Futrell. Unable to bounce back, Colon lost in the consolation bracket to Devin Carter of Virginia Tech in a 13-10 match. As the Panthers’ last hope for an All-American, Loder gave his weight class all they could handle. He won his first two consolation matches in a decisive manner, with wins over wrestlers from the University of Oklahoma

and the University of North Carolina. However, when it came to the fourth round of consolation bracket, Loder ran into Josh Ihnen from the University of Nebraska and bowed out of the tournament with a 5-3 loss. While the Panthers fell just short of having two wrestlers reach All-American status, all five NCAA qualifiers will return next season, which will give UNI head coach Doug Schwab a solid foundation to continue to build the program on.

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fun & games

brandon poll managing editor pollb@uni.edu

march 27, 2012




page 14

volume 108, issue 45

37 Barrier-breaking noise 40 “Pygmalion” playwright 43 Reeves of “Speed” 44 Palindromic Altar 47 Bridge holding such as acequeen 50 Surprises 52 More decrepit 54 Wuss 55 Topsy’s playmate in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” 56 Exalted group leader, facetiously 61 __ cotta 63 Household cleanser 64 Alternate identity letters 65 Encouraging cry, such as the one formed by the ends of 20-, 37-, and 56-Across

Sudoku Two

By Gary Steinmehl (1937-2012)

Across 1 __ Tomé and Príncipe 4 Cap on spending, say 9 Norwegian Sea arm 14 Footed vase 15 Habituate 16 Friend of Fido 17 Agt.’s cut 18 Grouchy Muppet 19 The other side 20 The smile on an email happy face 23 Director Reiner 24 Jazz singer Anita 25 Vatican City is one 27 Split end in a uniform 32 Air-conditioned 33 Tut’s cousin? 34 Andrea __: ill-fated vessel 36 88 or 98 automaker

Down 1 Provide for, as a dependent 2 Teen haunts 3 According to plan 4 Ponce de __ 5 R&D site 6 A whole lot 7 “Dies __”: Latin hymn 8 Short and sweet 9 Mural on wet plaster 10 Comedian Lovitz 11 From one end to the other 12 Took out 13 Ditches where creeks once were 21 A patch may cover one 22 Co. designation 26 Rise up dramatically 28 Courtroom oath 29 Otto __ Bismarck 30 The Phantom of the Opera 31 Puts through a food press 35 Blind as __ 37 Babe Ruth’s sultanate? 38 “I’m __ roll!” 39 Wilder’s “__ Town” 40 Final race leg 41 Bum’s rush 42 Supergiant in Scorpius 44 Woodcutter who stole from thieves 45 New versions of old films 46 Paving material 48 Perfectos, e.g. 49 Suffix with profit 51 Pair 53 Jewish holy man 57 __ contendere: court plea 58 Shootout shout 59 Lawyer’s aide 60 Plow pullers 62 Inactive mil. status

Sudoku One

66 Trumpet sound 67 __ canto: singing style 68 Leno and Letterman, e.g. 69 Artist Grant Wood, by birth 70 Bermuda hrs.



By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s Birthday (03/27/12). Everything starts to make sense, and you understand the changes you want to make for success and happiness. There’s plenty of room for improvement. Plan your alterations out well before taking action. Impulsiveness can have permanent repercussions. Get support, and go for your dreams. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Whatever you need, you can learn. Your concentration is especially keen, and things are fun. Allow ideas

Game answers on Page 15 to gel. Review notes. Avoid daydreams and distractions. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is a 7 -- Spending could come easily for the next few days, so keep an eye on the budget. You have tons of profitable ideas, so keep in action. Shake, rattle and roll. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Hold off on travel for now. Meditation delivers insight. Feel the undercurrent of emotion. Ask advice from an older, wealthier person. Be respectful, and stay true to yourself. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -Today is a 7 -- Slow down and contemplate. Clarify your direction, and copy the itinerary so

others get it. Include a budget. Save up and complete projects so you can go. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Socializing takes the forefront, whether networking at meetings and parties, through social media, commenting publicly or participating on teams. New doors open. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 7 -- Consider new opportunities over the next few days. They could include a test or challenge; you’re up to it. Stick to what you know. A partner helps. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is a 6 -- If anyone can enjoy the ups and downs of today, it’s you, Libra. You may be

interrupted often by others and even yourself. In the end, things work out, and you get a morale booster.

without delay. Don’t worry about the money. Conserve resources and stay home. Get into a workaholic phase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is an 8 -- Today may feel hit and miss. Celebrate victories, and learn lessons from defeats. You gain experience points and move up to the next level. Call it a win.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 6 -- Love is a wondrous thing, and it’s getting more intense. Harness this energy to accomplish projects you’re passionate about. In case of doubt, trust your intuition.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Consult with experts over the next couple of days. Partners hold the keys to strategy. A bolt from the blue takes you by surprise. Wait to decide, and consider opinions.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is an 8 -- Today you can discover new stories from your past. Dig deeper and fertilize your family tree. A surprise discovery allows you to see yourself in a new light.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Today is an 8 -- Put the pedal to the metal, and complete projects


Brandon Poll Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu

MARCH 27, 2012







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One 3 bedroom and one 4 bedroom apartment facing UNI. Has W/D, internet, parking, etc. 266- 5544, 273- 6264

Subleaser needed for studio apartments. Three blocks from campus. $525/MO. Available now until May 5th. 319- 230- 7759

3 bedroom duplex. 809 West 20TH. Two blocks to campus. W/D, A/C, cable, internet included. $1050. 2 car garage available. No pets. 415- 5807 One block from UNI. Walk all year to school. Nice 3-bedroom. Living room has newer carpet. Large in-eat kitchen with newer appliances. Big bathroom with tub/shower combo. Tenant pays utilities. NO PETS. Call 319-240-8455 or 319-277-2553 4-5 bedroom house for rent. 2104 Walnut ST. Nice house will be available May 15, possibly a week sooner. Rent is $1550 per month. Located couple blocks from campus and one block to the hill. Has nice big yard and ample parking with a garage. The bedrooms are spacious and the new mechanicals keep utilities low. Tenants pay all utilities. Call Jason at 641-425-7466 or Justin at 319560-8743 to set a time to look, if no answer leave name and number. Pets may be negotiable. 6 bedroom duplex. $1500/MO. 4 bedroom duplex. 1200/MO. No pets. 319- 939- 3277 3 bedroom apartment at 620 West Seerly. Small basement unit. $800. On site laundry, off-street parking. 277- 8719 2 bedroom apartments available, close to campus. Clean and nice. Reasonable rent, responsible landlord, off-street parking. No smoking, no pets. 12 month lease begins June 1ST. Call Dennis 232- 6819 1, 2 or 3 rooms to rent. Available now through May. 319- 240- 0880. 2 bedroom apartment for rent near UNI. Call 712- 358- 0592 4 bedroom apartment for rent on Walnut ST. near UNI. Call 712- 358- 0592 1901 Four Winds Drive, Cedar Falls. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Newly renovated. Quiet neighborhood, close to campus. No pets or smokers. $1400 per month. Available June 1ST. Call 920- 539- 9809

4 Bedroom Blowout! $300/ person 1410 W 2nd - Free Cable - Free Washer/Dryer - Energy Efficient - Garage - Recently Remodeled 122 N Division - Large Living Room - 2 Bathrooms - Free Washer/Dryer - Spacious Bedrooms - Dishwasher

4 BR. duplex. 610 Iowa Street. $900/MO. 319- 236- 8930 4-8 bedroom duplex to rent. Half block from campus. 319- 240- 0880 Nice 4 bedroom duplex. Available June 1ST. Two blocks to UNI. $1250/MO. Free laundry, dishwasher, central air, off street parking and garage. No pets and no smoking. 319- 231- 0517 Cedar Falls: 2 bedroom duplex and apartment. No pets. 266- 0903 1 bedroom apartments. Large, clean, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking and laundry. Available May 16th. 266- 1245. 1221 College Street. Large 3 bedroom house. $1100. Laundry, garage. 277- 8719 1 BR. available January. Most utilities included. Cats allowed. University Manor. 319- 266- 8586. Single bedroom unfurnished apartments available on-campus in Hillside Courts. Must be grad student or 23 or older, or married or veteran. 319- 273- 6232 weekdays or www.uni.edu/dor link to housing: apartments Single bedroom apartment. Utilities included except electrical. $500. 319- 415- 4370 4 bedroom house for rent in quiet neighborhood. Close to campus and College Square. 1.5 bath with garage. $1300/MO. plus utilities. 319- 239- 9077. Available June 1ST. Close to dome in Cedar Falls. Have just summer school left? Or one more semester and don’t want to get into a long term rental? I’m a partially empty nester looking for short term rentals. No lease, no deposit. Available May 1st. $425. 319- 266- 3935 Help wanted. Tony’s Pizzaria downtown Main Street. Hiring servers, cooks and drivers. Go to www.277tony.com. Fill out application and mention The Northern Iowan. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. Clean, spacious, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking and laundry. Available May 16th. 290- 8151 3 BR., 4 BR. 2 blocks from campus. Off street parking. W/D included. Air conditioned. 319- 239- 2135

Page 15


Subleaser: 1 bedroom available in 3 bedroom apartment, Campus Courts. $375/MO. plus utilities. May - August. 563- 581- 2189 Nice 3-4 bedroom houses. Central air, cable. $825 - $1200/MO. 319- 266- 7783

MISC Local game console repairs: 360 - PS3 - Wii - DSLite - PSP. www.cvxgameconsolerepair.com


Sudoku one

Make a DIFFERENCE! Be a CAMP COUNSELOR! Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hiring for the 2012 season, May 26 - August 1. Activities include horseback riding, waterskiing, canoeing, ropes course and more. Competitive salary, room and board, travel stipend. To apply, contact Sylvia at sylvia@friendlypines.com or 1- 888- 281- CAMP. Be part of something AMAZING, and have the summer of a lifetime! Help wanted for Tubs R US in Waterloo for retail counter help. Friday’s, Saturday’s and one other day of your choice. Part-time. Must have transportation. Apply online to mike07@mchsi.com. 319- 291- 7004

Sudoku two

Ultimate Entertainment, Iowa’s Largest Mobile DJ service, is looking for 2-6 new DJ’s for this coming wedding season. Some experience would be helpful, but you will be well trained. We need people with PERSONALITY and music knowledge. You must be able to read a crowd and customize your delivery and music choices to best fit the event. Applicants must be at least 21 and will be in town for summer of 2012. Call 319-266-0717 or email at ultimate@cfu.net. Certified life guards and swim instructors for summer season. Sunnyside County Club, Waterloo. Call Connie 319- 277- 3351 Earn $1000-$3200 a month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.AdCarPay.com Help wanted. Tony’s Pizzaria downtown Main Street. Hiring servers, cooks and drivers. Go to www.277tony.com. Fill out application and mention The Northern Iowan.

Walking Distance to Campus! 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments

3 bedroom house

3917 Southlawn - Quiet, Nice Neighborhood - Free Cable - Free Washer/Dryer - Dishwasher - Garage

$875 a month plus W/D & garage

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319- 415- 4370

2218 Walnut - Free Cable - Heat Included - Landlord pays water, sewer garbage 2115 Walnut - Washer/Dryer on-site - Spacious apartments - Off-Street parking Call Tim 319-404-9095 timothy.hoekstra@gmail.com www.cedarvalleyproperty management.com




Campus Court Apartments ONLY 6 APARTMENTS LEFT

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The Northern Iowan 319-273-2157

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University Manor Apartments UniversityManorOnline.com

NOW LEASING - June and August 2012-2013 Two blocks from UNI’s campus

Now Leasing for 2012-2013 Free High Speed Internet Free Cable & TV Jack in your bedroom

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