Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2
AUGUST 31, 2012
Panthers looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead
In their season opener, the UNI football team will face a formidable Wisconsin team, but head coach Mark Farley never says never to anything. < See PAGE 8
Roots Market to close in September Cedar Falls’ only natural foods grocery store is closing its doors in the middle of the month because of declining sales and competition from other area businesses, according to owner Rob Pruitt. < See PAGE 5
Presidential search committee accepting nominations NI NEWS SERVICE
The Iowa Board of Regents approved the creation of the University of Northern Iowa presidential search and screen committee at their meeting on Aug. 27. T h e committee will find someone to replace ALLEN current UNI President Benjamin Allen, who recently announced he will retire before July 1, 2013. The committee will include three representatives from the public. The BOR is now seeking nominees for those representatives. Individuals can submit their names, contact information and a summary of 250 words or less of why they believe they are qualified to serve on the committee. Nominations are due Wednesday, Sept. 5, and the BOR will approve the committee at its meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 12. Nominations can be sent to Marcia Brunson, the BOR policy and operations officer, at mbruns@
MyVerona, which Peregrine Financial Group CEO Russell Wasendorf Sr. owned, closed when Wasendorf was charged with embezzlement. His company, Peregrine Financial Group, also closed.
What was the economic impact of PFG closing? CODY GRIMES News Writer
Federal embezzlement charges in July against Russell Wassendorf Sr., CEO of Peregrine Financial Group Inc. (also known as PFG or PFGBest), led to the immediate closure of PFG and MyVerona Ristorante Italiano, a Cedar Falls restaurant owned by Wasendorf. The chain of events left more than 200 people without work. According to a press release from the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber, when PFG relocated to Cedar Falls from Chicago, the chamber and the
entrepreneurial and financial studies at the University of Northern Iowa calculated that PFG’s economic impact would be approximately $125 million per year. According to an October 2009 press release from the UNI Foundation, Wasendorf and his wife Connie gave a $2 million unrestricted donation to the athletic fund. Until then, an unrestricted donation of that size had never been given to the university. “I am simply paying back, with interest, the financial aid I received while attending UNI. I feel, without that financial aid, I would not have received a quality college education,” Wasendorf,
a 1970 alumnus, said in the press release. PFG approached UNI Career Services and other departments on campus when they were beginning to move to Cedar Falls in 2009, according to Laura Wilson, assistant director of UNI Career Services. Career Services placed students in internship positions in the areas of finance, computer science, marketing and education at PFG’s Cedar Falls location, Wilson said. However, Wilson said “PFG was not hiring so many students that it would be necessary” to replace < See PFG, page 3
Construction on Redeker Center begins JONATHAN HAUSLER Staff Writer
SLIDESHOW See photos from the Wesley Block party last Sunday. < visit
INDEX I SPY AT UNI......................2 OPINION............................4 CAMPUS LIFE....................5 SPORTS.............................8 GAMES............................10 CLASSIFIEDS...................11
Expansion of the University of Northern Iowa’s Redeker Center, which was approved in February, began last week. With the opening of Panther Village, the increase of students living on the south side of campus created a need for more space in the building. According to the Department of Residence’s website, the expansion will include the creation of a new student lounge and
more study spots. It will also include two-story additions on the north, east and west sides of the building, which will add more space in Piazza, Biscotti’s and Fresh Beginnings. The project is expected to be finished in August of 2013. Due to the construction, the south ground-level entrance to Redeker Center is not accessible, but students and guests can enter through the north groundlevel entrance. All skywalks < See CONSTRUCTION, page 2
MATT FININ/Northern Iowan
The expansion of the University of Northern Iowa Redeker Center began last week. The parking lots directly adjacent to Redeker are closed due to construction.
NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 319.273.2157
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COLBY CAMPBELL/Northern Iowan Do you know where this picture was taken? If so, post your answer on the Northern Iowan Facebook page. The winner’s name and the picture’s location will be featured in the next edition of the Northern Iowan. The previous picture, which was identified by associate director of security and systems Ken Connelly, was in the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center, in the area formerly known as the women’s pool.
UNI creating new veteran and military student service office LINH TA
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EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS JENNA SALZBRENNER Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content. The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2012 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.
News Writer
On Veterans Day in November, Jennifer Suchan, assistant registrar coordinator for military services at the University of Northern Iowa, hopes to open up a veteran and military student services office in the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center. According to Suchan, the new space will provide a variety of items for the 250 veteran and military students currently enrolled at UNI, including a full-time coordinator for military and veteran student services, a computer lab and a congregation space, where military and veteran students can feel a sense of community. “Just being able to create that sense of community among our students and having a place where they can come and meet each other — I just think being able to make that kind of atmo-
CONSTRUCTION continued from page 1
will remain open except for the Rider Hall skywalk, which will be closed for part of the project period. In addition, parking will be unavailable next to Redeker Center. Piazza remains open with extended hours and the ToGo dining service is now being offered instead of Café on the Way. Sam Hinman, a freshman history education major, voiced concern about the construction. “The only problem with the
sphere and having that direct access to the coordinator will really help kind of move initiatives forward, (and help identify) needs that the students have,” Suchan said. “… I think that’s really what we see this initiative doing.” Darin Adams, a senior criminology major, served for four years and seven months as an infantryman in a variety of roles and went on to join the Army Reserve. He believes the military student services office will make the university more marketable. “The University of Iowa has had a veteran center for about three years. They’ve seen their veteran population increase by about 30 percent,” Adams said. “It will also help us to be competitive against Iowa State University because they will also be opening a veteran student services center.” Suchan said the space will benefit more than just military and veteran students, as there
will be outreach and education for the general student population. Suchan also said the possibility of more military and veteran students enrolling at UNI will help inform students. “I think military and veteran students really make the experience for the rest of the students rich because they have very different world experiences that they bring to the classroom,” Suchan said. Overall, Suchan said she is excited for the coming office space. “… When I first started the position I always had two goals for myself,” Suchan said. “One was seeing that a full-time coordinator was hired because I honestly believed that there was a need to serve the population in that kind of way. The other one was to get a space because that really is a best practice that you see across institutions in this nation.”
expansion I have is when the skywalk gets closed,” Hinman said. “It’s really convenient living in the quads to have that accessibility to the Piazza. “I do think the expansion will help future students who live in Panther Village,” Hinman continued. Joey Anderson, a sophomore business major, doesn’t mind the construction, but questions the overall project. “Can we get consistent air conditioning before we get nicer dining centers?” he asked.
The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at immediately.
Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at with information about the event to have it featured.
VOLUNTEER FAIR Maucker Union ballroom 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Come find out about volunteer opportunities from more than 50 nonprofit organizations. OBSERVATORY SHOW Roof of McCollum Science Hall 9 p.m. Meet outside of Lantz Auditorium (Room 137) in McCollum, so the guide can show you the way up to the roof. FINAL THURSDAY READING SERIES: LARRY BAKER Hearst Center for the Arts 7 p.m. This event features Larry Baker, who is the author of the novels “The Flamingo Rising” and “A Good Man.” It’s free and open to the public. Individuals can also share five minutes of their own original poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction.
LABOR DAY No classes
INTRODUCTORY COMMUNITY-BUILDING WORKSHOP Center for Multicultural Education 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Attend “Welcoming Diversity: Valuing the Differences Among Us,” a three-hour interactive approach to learning about each other. This event is free to attend. Contact Karen Mitchell at 273-2519 for more information. Register at http://fall2012diversity. MATT FININ/Northern Iowan
WRS makes health promotion magazine available to students
BLAKE FINDLEY information they need without News Writer
Student Health 101, an electronic, health promotion magazine, will be available to University of Northern Iowa students on Saturday, Sept. 1 at In order to reach a larger base of students, UNI Wellness and Recreation Services (WRS) decided to subscribe to Student Health 101, according to Kathy Green, director of WRS. Green said she feels the magazine, with the social media craze and students’ attachment to their computers, would be an ideal way to “reach the greatest amount of students possible with the resources at our disposal.” According to Green, the magazine will feature articles written by professionals in the health field. These articles form a core newsletter, to which colleges and universities across the nation subscribe. The magazine will allow UNI to put in personalized information at the end of each article and include an additional six pages of their own. Students are allowed to send in recipes and stories relating to stress, health and other topics. There will also be surveys to win money and other interactive activities to entertain and educate students. UNI health promotion students created a video highlighting the qualities of Student Health 101 and encouraging students to check the program out. The video will be featured on the magazine. “We believe (Student Health 101) has been helpful in that it is very pertinent to students’ needs and interests,” Green said. “It is one more way for students to get the
having to talk to someone in person.” According to Green, the magazine will not be the only way WRS reaches students, but will be one avenue the WRS explores. “Our hope is that it will help students with their decision making and help them make healthy choices to contribute to a great college experience,” Green continued. Jessica Rupp, a senior health promotion major, said the magazine is “taking health and media to a new level.” “Student Health 101 allows students to get health tips and event information at any time, from virtually anywhere,” Rupp said. “It has a lot of potential to take off, as long as students access it.” Green said the university subscribed to a hard copy of Student Health 101 for a year in the mid-’90s, but discontinued because of costs and the rising popularity of e-media. At a convention this past year, Green heard other schools were subscribing to an electronic edition of the newsletter with lots of success. Upon hearing this, Green decided to investigate it again. According to Green, a portion of the department’s health promotion budget, which used to be reserved for strategies reaching a smaller pool of students, is now paying for the magazine. The subscription is for 10 issues, from September to June, lasting for three years. At the end of the three years, Green said the WRS will assess student readership and opinions to determine action regarding the service for following years.
Textbooks cost $1137 on average saves about 90% (that’s $1,000 you just made)
Changes made in student computer centers ALLIE KOOLBECK Editorial Staff
Information Technology Services made a variety of changes in the student computer centers (SCCs) on the University of Northern Iowa campus this fall. ITS permanently closed the SCCs in Rod Library and Bartlett Hall. According to Tom Peterson, director of user services, the library SCC, which was located in the basement, closed due to low utilization. It also opened up space for the UNI Museum collection. Library computers are still located in the upstairs levels,
PFG continued from page 1
them with another business. “In CareerCat we currently have 88 internship postings for businesses in the Cedar Valley, (the) state of Iowa and beyond,
and ITS left a few of their computers in the lobby. According to Peterson, the Schindler Education Center SCC is now closed on Sundays, due to low usage on that day. In addition, the Bridge Lounge SCC, which is located between Noehren and Hagemann Hall, is no longer staffed, and a new SCC opened up in Panther Village. According to Peterson, there are 95 new computers, located in different SCCs on campus. There are also new Dell duplex printers, which print on both sides of the paper, in all SCCs. Peterson said this change was made to “cut cost
(on paper usage and) be green.” He also said he was concerned about paper jamming in the new printers because of his past experience with duplex printers. Peterson advised students to be gentle with the printers and not rip paper out if the printers become jammed. Lastly, ITS replaced their previous antivirus software with Microsoft’s System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection antivirus software – a change Peterson said he hopes makes the computers quicker. It is also less expensive. “We try to cut costs,” Peterson said. “We really do.”
as well as close to 150 employers attending our fall career fair on Sept. 17,” Wilson said. According to the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber, there is still much to be excited about economically in the area.
“… We’re working to keep the demise of PFG from overshadowing the great things that are happening all over the Cedar Valley economic area,” the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber said in a press release.
The Northern Iowan staff received a tip from students that suspicious individuals were soliciting in Hillcrest Park Apartments on Monday. The individuals claimed to be selling magazines to benefit sick children and people serving in the military, and ultimately asked for $116. The business they claimed to be affiliated with currently has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau, according to the BBB website. Capt. Craige Berte with the Cedar Falls Police suggests that residents ask to see solicitors’ licenses before doing any business with them; solicitors are required to have licenses to solicit in Cedar Falls. Watch our website,, and the Friday, Sept. 7 issue, for more information.
AUGUST 31, 2012
An open letter to moderate college Republicans Another big election year is upon us, and we University of Northern Iowa students have the ability to make our voices heard. Though I tend to vote Democrat, I can see why you, a modern Republican on a college campus, would support Republican candidates. Not only do they seemingly best match up with your ideals, but it’s also good to have a dissenting, conservative voice on a college campus that tends to see more active Democrats than Republicans. While I disagree with that decision, I get it. However, as you are well aware, your party has been hijacked by the religious right, marked with extreme social conservatism and a blatant disregard for facts that don’t mesh with the alternate reality they seemed to have constructed. The religious right has been a present force for several decades, but as any moderate Republican who still watches Fox News knows, it’s been particularly bad recently. I could go on for pages, but for the sake of space and because I’m assuming most are well aware, I’ll just quickly review: The Republican Party is still overwhelmingly fighting against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered rights, including anti-bullying laws, anti-discrimination laws and marriage equality, something that 11 countries and seven states (including Iowa) have realized is an important civil right. The party’s current treatment of women is also abhorrent, including opposing insurance coverage of contraception on the basis of “reli-
gious freedom,” as well as working to limit a woman’s right to choose. For a large number of politicians, including presumed vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (according to the New York Times), this even includes cases of rape. Another issue many party leaders are fighting for is to keep science out of science classrooms. Instead of accepting the scientific fact of evolutionary theory, they’re trying to insert pseudoscience like intelligent design (which is merely creationism masquerading as legitimate science). According to National Public Radio, Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky all have laws allowing teachers to incorrectly pass off evolution as “just a theory.” One issue that isn’t directly tied to the religious right, but is still worth noting, is the recent influx of states that are limiting voting hours so as to disenfranchise urban working class families, particularly people of color. Don’t believe that last part? Ohio GOP leader Doug Priesse is quoted in the Columbus Dispatch as saying, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban -- read African-American -voter-turnout machine.” For all these infractions, I’m not blaming you, the young Republicans. According to the New
York Times, your generation is far more open to gay rights, women’s rights and keeping religion out of the classroom. However, it is disappointing to watch my Republican friends be privately frustrated but publicly continue to support candidates who adhere to all of these backwards ideals.
... It is disappointing to watch my Republican friends be privately frustrated but publicly continue to support candidates who adhere to all of these backwards ideals.
I’m sorry that your party has left you. I really am. Though I unapologetically lean left, I think it’s absolutely reasonable to engage in a public discourse on the merits of small versus large government, who should be paying what tax rate and when it’s appropriate to intervene overseas. All are nuanced, evolving issues that deserve a fair discussion. However, in the year 2012, it’s unbelievable that issues like LGBT rights, women’s rights, science education and even racial equality are in the forefront of public debate,
when most of them should have easily been settled several decades ago. So, what are you supposed to do when there’s a party that supports your economic views, but whose social views are stuck in the dark ages? I don’t have an easy answer. I’m inclined to say that you should vote Democrat or third party until your party realizes that it can no longer deny reality, but I understand the concerns that raises. Even as someone who will probably vote straight Democrat this November, I’m not always satisfied with my party either, and I’m certainly not pleased with everything President Obama has done. At the very least, I ask this: make your dissatisfaction heard. When given the opportunity, let Republican candidates know that even though you’re in the party, you don’t support their views on contraception. Speak openly about why intelligent design has no place in the science classroom. Join groups like Iowa Republicans for Freedom, which is an organization that supports civil marriage for same-sex couples. As much as I’d like to convince you to vote Democrat, I know that’s probably not realistic. It is realistic, however, to make it known that you, moderate college Republicans, don’t support the backwards views of your current party leaders.
Stef McGraw is a senior in
philosophy and Spanish from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Cupcakes, presents and the price of appeasement ANTHONY MITCHELL ayomitch
I remember, back in third or fourth grade, winning second place in Little League. We lost to a team that basically had the whole system rigged and had the best kids in the area due to a few zoning loopholes. I remember telling my dad that it wasn’t fair, that we should have won (in my limited logic at the time). He told me, distinctly, that life wasn’t fair and to get used to it. What was important was that I tried my hardest, but it didn’t change the fact I didn’t win. It’s the way it was and the way it should be. At the risk of sounding like a premature codger, I don’t believe in participation awards or not grading homework with a red pen because it appears
“aggressive.” To those of you in child development, I have immense respect for you in the trenches with our kids. All I do is get paid for my harebrained streams of consciousness, so level with me in knowing that I think you know better than I. My question to those in child development is this: have we forgotten the importance of failure? Failure should not be seen as a hindering agent, but as encouraging. To hop back in the wayback machine again, I remember participating in a sack race for a grade-school field day. Halfway through, I fell down and I finished last. I was stunned to cross the line and see someone holding a sixth-place ribbon for me. It didn’t make sense to me then, nor does it now. When did it become acceptable to make everyone a winner? Personal examples of this could go on forever, but I won’t bore you with more sto-
ries of not keeping score during soccer or not celebrating achievement for others’ selfesteem. As someone looking to invest in the generations of the future (i.e. the terrifying thought of little Anthonys or Tonis running around), I can’t stand for this as a status quo. We are in a time where education and the formative years play a huge role in a child’s success, probably now
more than ever. Success has moved from achievement to appeasement. Society has made such a manic change in gear of how we view the selfesteem of a child. We stomp out small embers for them instead of allowing them to fight their own fires. Bear in mind, I do not embrace the idea of allowing some to succeed while others fail merely for convenience.
We must fight for an even playing field and remember that failure and defeat are not one and the same. Failure to accomplish anything should be perceived as a locator of your progress, not the end of your journey. I know that when I am a parent, I will encourage my child to do their best when they encounter something that doesn’t go their way, instead of telling them they’re a winner when nothing has truly been accomplished. As I’ve said, I’m not a child development specialist, nor am I a psychologist. It’s just my opinion. To close, I quote what Thomas Wayne told his son Bruce: “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” If it’s good enough for Batman, it’s good enough for me. Anthony Mitchell is a senior in
electronic media from Grinnell, Iowa.
caitie peterson campus life editor
august 31, 2012
page 5
volume 109, issue 3
UNI Physics Department establishes agreement with Chinese high school ALAN WILKINS Staff Writer
If you don’t watch Chinese news on a regular basis, you might be intrigued to find that the University of Northern Iowa physics department was the focus of a news story reported in China this past summer. In April 2012, Cliff Chancey, head of the UNI physics department, and Beipeng Deng, principal of Hubei Sashi High School located in Jingzhou of the Hubei province, signed a partnership agreement designed to recruit Chinese students for the UNI physics program. The document states that the UNI physics department will provide recruiting materials to the students and parents of Hubei Sashi High School. Rui He, an assistant professor at UNI, will be consulted by interested parties about UNI or the physics program. In return, the Hubei Sashi High School will keep in regular contact with He about prospective students and will assist three students each year to matriculate to the
UNI physics program. Rui He is originally from China and started working at UNI in August 2011. When she was interviewed for her job, He said, “I was impressed by the very nice work environment and the interactive teaching and learning styles.” He was born in Jingzhou and established personal connections there at the Hubei Sashi High School. The school is considered to be one of the best high schools in China and its prestige attracted the attention of the Physics department. According to Chancey, the UNI physics program’s quality gives it appeal to students here and abroad. “The physics department at the University of Northern Iowa has one of the best undergraduate physics programs as ranked by national reviewers,” Chancey said. Special programs within the department include studies in nanotechnology, robotics and computational science. This semester, two Chinese students are enrolled in the
physics program. They are 17-year-old Louis Ji from Jingzhou and 18-year-old Sebastian Ye from Shanghai. Ji stated that he decided to come to UNI because “I have heard that (the) University of Northern Iowa has one of the best undergraduate education(s) in the USA.” Ji added that after he graduates from UNI, he plans on attending a graduate program in physics to receive his doctorate. The partnership agreement comes under review in 2014. If it is determined that the agreement was mutually beneficial and if both parties are willing, the agreement will extend to cover all major programs at UNI. This would lead to a larger influx of Chinese students coming to UNI for higher education. Chancey says that the overall goal of this agreement is “… to increase our enrollment in science and particularly in physics … and to provide an even better education with an international aspect for the students we already have.”
ALAN WILKINS/Northern Iowan
Louis Ji (left) and Sebastian Ye stand on the steps of Begeman Hall. Ji and Ye are participants of the agreement between the UNI Physics Department and Hubei Sashi High School.
Roots Market to close in September
Mac Miller concert moved ANNA BELKNAP Fine Arts Writer
The Mac Miller concert scheduled for Sept. 16 in the McLeod Center has been moved to the McElroy Auditorium Outdoor Stage in Waterloo. The press release stated that people who have purchased a ticket for the McLeod Center will automatically be refunded the full amount. New tickets must be purchased via to attend the McElroy performance. The
Roots Market, Cedar Falls’ only natural food grocery store, is preparing to close its doors in mid-September. Like small businesses in many towns, Roots dealt with the competition of larger corporations, and it reached a point when it couldn’t keep up. “There are the smaller, cooler, funner businesses. Then the bigger businesses come in and we just can’t compete,” said owner Rob Pruitt. There was a time when Roots was the only place in the area offering organic and natural foods. Pruitt said he felt like Roots really set the stage for interest in organic items. As interest in those labels increased, though, so did other suppliers. “Every dollar you spend is a vote for that business,” said Pruitt. “Voting” for local businesses is something Pruitt feels strongly about. “Communities themselves are defined by small businesses,” said Pruitt. “You don’t hear people saying, ‘Oh, this town has the best Walmart.’” Despite the situation, Pruitt remains optimistic. He said he appreciates the opportunity he had, but is also looking forward to the next chapter of his life.
WHITNEY PHILLIPS/Northern Iowan Archives
Roots Market, a natural foods store located at 2021 Main Street in Cedar Falls, is pictured in April 2012. Roots will close in mid-September of this year because of declining sales and competition from other area businesses, owner Rob Pruitt said.
concert is scheduled to open at 7 p.m. and is part of the National Cattle Congress Fair. Tickets bought for the concert double as tickets to the fair. Miller, a 20-year-old American rapper also known as Malcom McCormick, is from Pittsburgh, Pa. He was signed to Rostrum Records and released his debut album, “Blue Slide Park,” on Nov. 8, 2011. Some of McCormick’s hits include “Donald Trump” and “Party On Fifth Ave.”
page 6 | friday, august 31, 2012
Pin Happy! Amanda Merritt
Welcome! Since March of 2010, many people have discovered a website called Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to discover tasty recipes, find creative and innovative crafts, start fashion trends, plan a fairytale wedding or let dreamers simply dream. Pinterest also helps you share what you find so that the rest of the world can
Pinterest Column enjoy it too. In this column, I will show you how to make crafts and recipes and explain what worked and what didn’t work. Most of the recipes and crafts are inexpensive and relatively simple to do. Since students are settling into their dorms, apartments or houses, these first crafts will give step-bystep instructions on how to spice up your room. To keep costs down, some of the materials used for one craft will be used for other crafts as well. Also, make sure to look for coupons before you go to the store to buy your materials. Good luck!
3 pins
Clothespin picture holder
Step 2
Let the paint dry, then decorate how you desire (polka dots, stripes, etc.)
Step 3
Step 1
• Two clothespins • One pack of small clothespins (six) – found at Wal-Mart • Paint (at least two colors) • Wooden rod — found at Walmart by the art supplies • 3M Velcro Command picture hanging strips
Step 2
Step 1
Step 5
Plug in the hot glue gun.
Wrap the ribbon around the area you would like it to go on the lamp, then cut it.
Step 3
Glue the ribbon to desired area on the lamp. Again, a little glue goes a long way. Lamp with ribbon
Target has plain and pretty cheap lamps if you need a new one.
Materials: • Lamp (if you already have one, use that!) • Ribbon • Hot glue gun and glue • Scissors
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Paint wooden rod and clothespins. Do at least two coats. Tip: When you paint the clothespins, make sure you don’t paint where the pins clamp down. If you do, it may be very difficult to open and close when you’re ready to clip your picture to it.
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Step 4
Clip the two regular clothespins on the ends of the rod and clip the six small clothespins in the middle. Clip your pictures to the close pins and hang it wherever you would like it to go. Tip: You may need a third regular clothespin in the center for extra support so it doesn’t bow in the center.
Materials: • At least three fake flowers (preferably Gerber daisies) • A vase • Ribbon (at lease two different kinds) • Hot glue gun and glue (other glue would work, but hot glue works the best) • Foam beads (optional) • Scissors
Step 1
Plug in the hot glue gun.
Step 2
While you’re waiting for the hot glue gun to heat up, start by measuring your ribbon. Wrap one ribbon around the vase and cut it. Now use the measured ribbon to cut the rest of the ribbon.
Step 3
After everything is dry, cut a Command strip in half and place it on the back of the regular clothespin. Do this to both of them.
Wrap the ribbon around the vase and glue it. You only need one dab of the glue because a little goes a long way. Make sure when you glue the next layer of ribbon that it all lines up down one side of the vase.
Step 4
After the ribbon is glued, you can tie a bow and glue it to the vase if you want to.
Flower vase
Step 5
Pour the foam beads into the vase.
Step 6
Cut the flowers so they aren’t too long in the vase and arrange them how you would like.
When cutting the flowers, use a big pair of scissors. Clamp down on the stem, though it probably won’t cut all the way through the stem. Then bend the stem back where you made the slit. Ta-da – the piece you don’t want should snap off! All photos by AMANDA MERRITT/Northern Iowan | friday, august 31, 2012
418 Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a Teapot
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be a teapot, advertise with us. 319-273-2157
page 7
AUGUST 31, 2012
#9 (FCS)
Panthers looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead WHEN: 2:30 P.M.
BRAD EILERS Sports Editor
RICK WOOD/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/MCT Campus
Montee Ball (28) and Wisconsin love to run the football. The Badgers averaged more than 235 yards on the ground per game last season.
The University of Northern Iowa football team will face their toughest opponent in school history Saturday at 2:30 p.m. when they face off with the No. 12-ranked University of Wisconsin Badgers. Just ask UNI head coach Mark Farley. “I don’t think there is any question, on film, this is the toughest team that we’ve prepared for… They have some elite players,” Farley said Monday. One of those elite players is senior running back Montee Ball, who is one of the preseason favorites to win the Heisman Trophy this year after rushing for 1,923 yards and scoring 33 touchdowns a year ago. Ball has been dealing with a concussion he suffered in practice but is expected to suit up and start this weekend’s season opener at Camp Randall Stadium. “We’ve been in competitive games and tough situations in Kinnick Stadium and Jack Trice Stadium and even playing BYU at (LaVell Edwards Stadium), but what makes this one different is the style of team that we play. Wisconsin is a power football team,” said Farley. “(Camp Randall Stadium) I have heard is an awesome setting, and when you add that on to the fact that they are a power football team, that’s where you tend to get a little wear and tear. “We will face adversity many times throughout that game, but it’s how we handle
Mat’s Sports Minute: Saturday’s game is about more than just winning MAT MEYER Sports Columnist
There is a lot of talk going around the University of Northern Iowa campus concerning two of UNI’s first three games of the football season. If you haven’t heard, UNI is traveling to Madison, Wis., to square off with the No. 12-ranked University of Wisconsin Badgers for the season opener. After a home game against Division-II Central State University, the Panthers will travel to Iowa City to take on intra-state rivals, the University of Iowa Hawkeyes, Sept. 15. So what does all this mean for the UNI football program?
Walking around campus, I have heard a lot of, “well, there are two losses right away,” or, “I just hope they don’t get injured.” However, it is possible that winning is not the only goal for our football organization in games such as these. Look at Wisconsin and all of the hype they have this year being the No. 12-ranked team in the Football Bowl Subdivision. You could look at the Badgers’ recent history and declare them a powerhouse football school. In other words, a ton of people will be watching this game and you can bet that our Panthers will make one heck of an impression on each one of them, win or lose.
Not only will new and potentially better recruits be watching the game, but think about the impact if UNI pulls off the monumental upset. It would almost be comparable to the UNI men’s basketball team beating Kansas University to make it to the Sweet Sixteen in the 2010 NCAA Tournament. When basketball recruits asked UNI head coach Ben Jacobson why they should play for him, he had a Sweet 16 banner to point at in the rafters of the McLeod Center. Just the fact that our Football Championship Subdivision program has made a big enough name for itself to play < See SATURDAY, page 9
#12 (FBS)
those situations and that environment that will determine how we play in this game,” said Farley. Saturday will mark the first meeting between the two schools on the gridiron. The Badgers have won 16 consecutive home games and 32 straight regular season nonconference games, both good enough for second best in the Football Bowl Subdivision.
... It will be difficult, but I never say never to anything. Mark Farley UNI head football coach
“We want to play well, but (Wisconsin) is such a good football team,” said Farley. “In this kind of environment, I feel the pressure is on us. I sense it. Let (Wisconsin) feel the way they want. But this is a huge, huge task for this (UNI) team… It will be difficult, but I never say never to anything.” Saturday will mark the first of two nonconference games against Big Ten Conference opponents for the Panthers. UNI will square < See FOOTBALL, page 9
Scouting WISCONSIN Team Name: Badgers Location: Madison, Wis. Enrollment: 42,595 Home field: Camp Randall Stadium (80,321) Football Traditions: “Jump Around,” 5th quarter Mascot: Bucky Badger
Head Coach: Bret Bielema (60-19), seventh year Offense: Pro-style/I-form Defense: 4-3 Offensive player to watch: Montee Ball, running back Defensive player to watch: Mike Taylor, linebacker
RICK WOOD/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/MCT Campus
UNI ties Creighton, 8-8
Photo courtesy of UNI Athletics Communications
The UNI women’s golf team tied the Creighton Bluejays 8-8 in an exhibition dual on Tuesday. The regular season gets under way on Sept. 9 when UNI travels to Pawleys Islands, S.C., for the Golfweek Challenge.
ALEX MILLER Sports Writer
LLOYD FOX/Baltimore Sun/MCT Campus
Junior quarterback Danny O’Brien (pictured above) will be making his first start as a Wisconsin Badger after transferring from the University of Maryland.
FOOTBALL continued from page 8
off with the University of Iowa Hawkeyes on Sept. 15 in Iowa City. However, Farley doesn’t want fans to judge this Panther team on their performance in those two games, win or lose. “Our purpose here is to find a way to win (the Missouri Valley Football Conference), and our (conference opener) is Youngstown. I can already see the hype building for two games, where really the hype should be for our season. That’s our purpose,” said Farley. “As you look at this season, don’t gauge us,
don’t gauge our football team off two games – win or lose them.” UNI’s success against Wisconsin likely depends on the Panthers’ ability to do two things: keep the game close so the crowd isn’t as much of a factor and control the line of scrimmage. The Badgers’ power offense averaged over 44 points per game last season, scoring more than 50 points on four separate occasions. Not only that, but they rushed for an average of 235 yards per game while allowing an average of 153 yards on the ground. “It’s going to come down
to how we play (Wisconsin) at the line of scrimmage,” said Farley. “It’s indicative to how well you do, if you can’t stop the run, then you have issues all day long. That’s what Wisconsin is going to hang their hat on, their ability to run the football.” If the Panthers can shut down Montee Ball and the Wisconsin running game, something teams struggled to do last season, they may have a shot at getting Mark Farley his 100th career victory in dramatic fashion. Like Farley said himself, it will be difficult, but never say never to anything.
SATURDAY continued from page 8
MARK HOFFMAN/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/MCT Campus
Bret Bielema is entering his seventh year as head coach of the Badgers and has a record of 60-19.
two of the top football programs in the nation says enough. On paper, the critics say that the UNI football team will lose both of their games against Big Ten Conference opponents, but in reality it can be seen as a win for the Panthers no matter what. They are playing for more than just the experience or a couple of big wins. This season is about expanding our already established program into something bigger and better. Our Panthers will be playing for the opportunity to make this fact loud and clear: UNI is the real deal, and has have earned the right to play against two of the top football schools in the nation.
The University of Northern Iowa women’s golf team tied the Creighton University Bluejays 8-8 in a dual meet Tuesday evening in Omaha, Neb. Every year the UNI women’s golf team heads to Omaha to take part in the annual Creighton vs. UNI dual. Despite this being just a meet between the two teams, the Panthers and Bluejays tend to duel on the course. Last year the Panthers defeated the Bluejays 7-1 in the match-play format. This year the two played in three different formats. Those being match-play, stroke-play and a best ball/alternate shot competition. The two started off the meet playing 18 holes using the match-play format in which the Panthers came out victorious 6.5 - 5. Led by senior Alex Zenor,
the Panthers began the year on the right foot. However, they later fell to Creighton in the nine-hole match that was played using the best-ball style of play, 3-1.5. Individual scores for the meet were not tallied since it was an exhibition match, but starting off the season with a tie leaves plenty of room for the new freshman on this year’s team to improve. According to UNI head golf coach John Bermel, the real winner of the meet was “the golf course.” With that in mind, the Panthers head to Pawleys Islands, S.C., alongside the men’s golf team on Sept. 9-11 to take part in the Golfweek Challenge. Last season, UNI took home 9th place out of 12 teams, and with a new and improved roster, the Panthers will attempt to prevent the course from beating them twice.
Someone you know is planning her future.
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fun & games
brandon poll managing editor
august 31, 2012
By Norm Guggenbiller
Across 1 With 70-Across, what you’d likely have if you said this puzzle’s four longest answers 5 Concerning 9 Frequent settler 13 Online “Seems to me ...” 14 Mother of Judah 15 After-school treat 16 Weeded carelessly? 19 __ glance 20 Dote on 21 Stop from spreading 23 Short 25 Arctic diver 27 Jurist in ‘90s news 28 Editor’s rejection of a tribute? 33 Basketball Hall of Famer Robertson 34 Like Olympic pools 35 Maker of Golf Street shoes 38 Instruction on a cap 41 Some NFL linemen 42 Type of vb. 44 1950s war site 46 Provoke Olympic winners? 50 Channel for a spree 51 __ chi 52 Ward and others
page 10
volume 109, issue 3
55 Disapproving utterances 57 Unpleasant laugh 61 “Either you do it, __ will!” 62 Purchased, then altered? 65 Mystique 66 Word with cast and shadow 67 Fictional sailor 68 MapQuest data: Abbr. 69 Sussex stable area 70 See 1-Across Down 1 Drummer’s pair of cymbals 2 Frustrate the director, perhaps 3 Informal bridge opening 4 Pentagon org. 5 Inventing middle name 6 Feel 7 Rain delay sight 8 “We’ll just see about that!” 9 “I’m such an idiot!” 10 “Topaz” novelist 11 Conscious 12 Simultaneously 17 Summer Olympics equipment 18 Hard to debate 22 They might swing 24 Chased away 26 __-El: Superman’s birth name 29 Canadian Thanksgiving mo. 30 Raven relative 31 Slezak with six Daytime Emmys 32 Leave 35 Figure on the ice 36 Placekicker’s target 37 Produce prolifically 39 Answer to a prob. 40 Ad starter? 43 Clock-setting std. 45 Almost half a glass? 47 Per 48 Microscopic alga 49 ESPN effect 53 Staggering 54 Went (with) 56 “Why not” 58 Give 59 Wasn’t guessing 60 Country runners: Abbr. 63 Hot air 64 Corner key
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
August 30 August 31 September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4
7:30 a.m. - 12:00 Midnight 7:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m. 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 Midnight 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 Midnight
Answers to games located on Page 11, Classifieds.
Brandon Poll Managing Editor
AUGUST 31, 2012
Available July 1ST. 4 bedroom duplex. $960/MO. Appliances included. 319- 236- 8930 or 319- 290- 5114.
1, 2, 3, 4 bedroom unites 10 minutes north of Cedar Falls. Security gated complex. Some utilities/ cable paid. $400 - 800/MO. www. 319- 352- 5555
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Help wanted. Tony’s Pizzeria downtown Main Street. Hiring servers, cooks and drivers. Go to Fill out application and mention The Northern Iowan.
For sale: 1270 Black Hawk Road. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. No basement. $59,000. For showings, 319- 287- 7676 or 319- 230- 7676.
1, 2 or 3 roommates needed. Available now or June 1ST. through the school year. 319- 240- 0880.
Page 11
Answers to games from Page 10.
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