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UNI welcomed its LGBT students by hosting its annual Rainbow Reception.

Opinion 3


Opinion columnist Christopher Daniel discusses the current conflict in Syria. OPINION PG 3

Campus Life 4

The UNI women’s volleyball team won their fifth consecutive game on Sept. 14. SPORTS PG 6

Sports 6

Games 7

Classifieds 8



NISG wants green light for more buses

UNI hires new UR director


For University of Northern Iowa students, getting home safely

after a night out partying is made easy by the UNI SafeRide, a bus service

running from Seerley Boulevard to Main Street. But when crowds nearly double Homecoming weekend, available buses are in short order. On average, between 120 and 200 students use the free bus service on Fridays, and on Saturdays those numbers rise to between 300 and 400 students, said Thomas Madsen, Northern Iowa Student Government president. “On Homecoming of last year there were 395 students on Friday, but the number we are concerned about is


come up with issues that we as a community were struggling with. We came across this idea by examining how much college students do not know about their food, such as where it is coming from and where it is being made,” said Poppe. “We had to create a project that we could do as a class to fix these issues and we decided creating our own garden was a perfect idea since the food would come directly from our community; and also the fact that the university did not have a garden to begin

The University of Northern Iowa welcomed back a Panther as the new director of University Relations. Scott Ketelsen, director for marketing and media production at the University of Iowa, began work as the new University Relations director on Sept. 16 starting with an annual salary of $125,000, according to Kim Brislawn of University Relations. For the last eight years, Ketelsen, 53, enjoyed working at Iowa. However, as an ’82 UNI alumus, he said he’s ready to get back to his roots. “I’m looking forward to being acknowledged as a true ambassador for the university,” Ketelsen said. “My wife and I, we always come back to Cedar Falls for a lot of activities. Now that I’m going to be an employee and part of the president’s cabinet, that gets me more excited.” During his first few weeks, Ketelsen will meet executives and staff within University Relations and learn about ongoing events and initiatives. He also plans to meet with campus and student leaders and begin to conjure ideas on how to improve things at UNI. “I’m not one to come into a new situation and start suggesting that I have all the answers,” Ketelsen said. “I need to meet with a lot of people and find out what they’re thinking, and find out what we have the resources to do and prioritize and see if

< See FESTIVAL, page 5

< See DIRECTOR, page 5

< See SAFERIDE, page 2


Panther Plot produces Harvest Fest RILEY COSGROVE Staff Writer

Panther Plot welcomed hungry guests to the first-ever Harvest Festival with fresh produce and a slow-roasted hog on Sept. 12. The festival was held in celebration of the initial harvest of the Panther Plot and included a live disc jockey who spun rec ords as both University of Northern Iowa students and community members passed through the serving line. The hog roast was provided by Carl Blake of Rustic Rooster

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan Students come together to celebrate the first Panther Plot crop of the season at the Harvest Festival which included local foods, games and music.

Farms. Junior UNI students Britney Bockstahler and Kara Poppe were

the organizers of the event. The two came up with the idea for a campus garden last

school year during one of their Presidential Scholar classes. “We had to


Executive Editor


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continued from page 1

the 709 that we received on that Saturday,” said Madsen. On the 2012 Homecoming weekend, intoxicated students were trying to get home via the UNI SafeRide, but due to the large crowd drawn by the game there was not enough room on the buses for everyone. “In one situation, one of the buses was going to an apartment complex and it was

If we can have multiple buses ... That will alleviate a lot of stress. Thomas Madsen

Student Body President

just surrounded by students,” said Madsen. “That became a safety hazard because (the bus drivers) didn’t want to run over anybody but the kids just want to get on the bus. These students became angry and frustrated, which isn’t good when they are intoxicated.” For the 2013 Homecoming weekend, the Northern Iowa Student Government is try-





ing to get more buses so students have a way to get home safely. “I think that getting more buses for homecoming would be a good idea just because it is so important that students are safe, especially in times like Homecoming,” said Curtis Ritter, junior communications major. “And I think that it is really the responsibility of the university and the community to come alongside students and support them that way.” Mark Little, general manager at Metropolitan Transit Authority — with whom NISG partnered for the SafeRide program, said they had to turn students away from the bus service last Homecoming. According to Madsen, the cost of getting one more bus to accommodate Homecoming weekend would be roughly $2,500. The money needed to support the extra bus would come from either the Student Service Fee contingency fund (which is about $300,000) or from the NISG Student Services Fee contingency fund.


“$2,500 is a small price to pay to make sure students aren’t left behind or run over,” said Madsen. Since contracts between UNI and MTA were signed a week before the 2013-2014


A UNI student boards the UNI SafeRide.

school year started, it is too late to add a clause that specifies having one bus per weekend except for Homecoming weekend. Jade Johnson, freshman communicative disorders major, believes having an extra bus during Homecoming would be convenient. “Realistically speaking, there are a lot of students that are going to be drinking and it would be better to be safe than sorry to have more buses so students can safely get from point A to B,” said Johnson.


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Email submissions to Executive Editor Linh Ta at tal@uni.edu.


In the Sept. 13 issue of the Northern Iowan, Cathalene Bowler is misidentified as Amy Bowler in the photo caption on page two. In the opinion column “Be a part of the community: Speak out for others and serve as an ally,” a line should read “The work of an effective ally is not an exercist in altruism.”


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FALL CAREER FAIR INTERVIEW DAY Old Central Ballroom, Maucker Union 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Employers will conduct interviews scheduled during the Career Fair.




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THE NATIONAL FLUTE ASSOCIATION 41st ANNUAL CONVENTION PANEL Room 116, Russell Hall 2-2:30 p.m. Returning members of the UNI flute studio will present a panel to share their experiences from the 41st Annual Flute Convention in New Orleans










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PRESENTATION BY DAVID AND TINA LONG Room 246, Schindler Education Center 9-11 a.m. David and TIna Long will tell their personal story and family tragedy as shared in the award-winning film, “Bully.” CAMPUS CONNEXUS Slife Ballroom, Commons 3-5:30 p.m. Campus Connexus is an opportunity for UNI faculty and research staff from across campus to make scholarly connections in an informal, social setting. THIRD ANNUAL FIELDS OF FAITH Cedar Falls High School Football Field 7-9 p.m. UNI Fellowship of Christian Athletes will co-host the Third annual Fields of Faith, a peerto-peer event.

opinion Avoiding U.S. intervention in Syria LINH TA




SEPTEMBER 17, 2013





The history of the world’s “Supercop” and why we need to stop CHRISTOPHER DANIEL daniecab @uni.edu

Carl von Clauewitz famously wrote that war is diplomacy by other means. Often forgotten is that he held the reverse to also be true. President Barack Obama’s rush to initiate a limited strike on Syria’s chemical weapon stockpiles should surprise no one. Since taking office, he has pursued a stripped-down version of George Bush’s war policies: less shock and awe, more surgical strikes. We have watched the civil war in Syria for over two years, the latest instance of the once- promising Arab Spring blossoming in blood and brutality. Our aid in these endeavors has borne disappointing fruit. At first, we opposed Egypt’s overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, only to see their revolution descend to military dictatorship. In all of this, the U.S. has been playing catch-up, unable to influence the course of events there. The airstrikes we provided in support of the Libyan rebels have not brought any stable regime. Civil strife and destruction continue apace there. Now Syria has crossed the “red line” and attacked its people with chemical weapons. It is wrenching to be in the position to say this in the face of such callous and horrific action, but we ought to ask what difference would such an attack as Obama proposes make? The civil war will con-

Our guns may be silent, but this is war. Christopher Daniel Opinion Columnist

tinue. There is no guarantee that we would destroy all of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical arsenal. However, there is hope. A diplomatic solution has been offered by Syria’s ally, Russia. Secretary of State John Kerry and Obama have cautiously embraced this plan. According to the dictates of this deal, Syria must account for all of its chemical weapons and turn them over to Russia by November. Complete chemi-


Destitute Syrians who’ve flocked to rebel-held eastern Syria have taken to the oil fields of Deir el Zour to earn what they can, refining oil from what were once government lands into diesel fuel. Many have fled from other parts of Syria, saying they were ordered to leave their homes by the Syrian army.

cal disarmament must be accomplished by mid-2014. Yet unsettling problems remain. Obama insists the use of force is still in play should anything in this deal not progress as he feels it should, though he fails to define what would constitute a breach of the deal. Bear in mind, also, that Russia is not a disinterested party. Syria has long been an ally of Russia, going back to the days of the USSR. Russia will take their side should we have any cavils at the way in which Syria disarms itself. And so history repeats itself. As in the Cold War, the great powers vie for control and influence in the oil-producing areas of the world, establishing their spheres of control as buffers against the power of others. Much of the political morass and the wars we have fought in the last 20 years in the Islamic world have their roots in this game of brinksmanship begun in the 1950s between NATO and the USSR. To see it repeated is not heartening. While we dither over the number, placement and dismantling of Syria’s chemical toys, the war continues. The Syrian Free Army rejects the U.S.-Russian deal and vows to continue fighting. Freelance jihadists are crossing the border from their playhouse in Iraq’s devastation (a war, by the way, we claim is over because we are no longer

there, yet the recent death tolls assure those reading the news that the war continues its ferocious trajectory, with no end in sight) to take a new holy-war holiday in sunny Syria. Assad has shown no compunction in meeting resistance with utmost butchery. Even without chemical weapons, bullets and explosives tear flesh and reduce homes to ash. Do we, then, merely try to stop further chemical attacks while the conflict otherwise rages on, or do we attempt to impose total peace? Our attempts over the last 10 years have borne bitter fruit and small returns. The United Nations proposes solutions, Russia proposes solutions, China does not want to be left out and the U.S. insists on being the champion of liberty in the Middle East. This diplomacy begins to look more martial as we examine it — it is the reversal Clausewitz’s formulation. Our guns may be silent, but this is already war. Syria is currently the model in miniature of the world’s overarching geopolitical crisis. We are enlisted in a mission to stop the proliferation of terrorism and rogue states in the name of a principle of human rights that too often masks more pragmatic goals: dominion and authority, the control of fossil fuels in a world in which these resources are dwindling.

This is no accusation — only a fool denies that oil is one of the major issues in Middle Eastern politics. At this time, the United States tries to maintain its role as sole superpower, the world’s supercop. New powers are on the rise; Russia, China and India vie for a place at the table worthy of their robust and their strengthening economies and militaries. I confess that here I fail at the editorialist’s responsibility: to

suggest a solution, a way out. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert Kennedy and the Soviet ambassador credited the aversion of what seemed imminent destruction to the “men of goodwill” who existed on both sides, working against the belligerent policies of their respective governments. In this new dark age, the men and women of goodwill are either not to be found or are not allowed a place at the table.


caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu

September 17, 2013




page 4

volume 110, issue 6


Reception welcomes LGBT students FARIHA AFZAL

Staff Writer

The University of Northern Iowa welcomed back its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by hosting its fourth annual Rainbow Reception at the GallagherBluedorn Performing Arts Center on Sept. 11. The Rainbow Reception showcased the work UNI has done to try and become an open and nonjudgmental university. This year’s reception was the largest in as many as four years, with 50 participants. “I think this is a fantastic event,” said UNI President William Ruud, who was in attendance. “It really shows the UNI family is inclusive. We enjoy everybody being who they are regardless where they are coming to us from or what their background is or what their major is. This is a welcome from the UNI family to the LGBT community, and we are really happy that folks are coming out.” Textiles and apparel professor Annette Lynch said she wants to bring a graduated transgender student she knew back to UNI, so she can see the progress the university has made with the LGBT community. “A few years ago I had a transgendered graduate student that I was working with, and she was uncomfortable on this campus,” Lynch said. “She didn’t have a real bathroom that she felt like going into. She was uncomfortable walking through the

union. So I really want to bring Jill back and say ‘look how much progress we have made, look how different this campus is now.’” David Pope, president of UNI Proud, an LGBT organization, was ecstatic to see the high turn out at the event. “I am really excited to see so many people attending the Rainbow Reception,” Pope said. “It’s an amazing event. … I am just really floored by all the support we have seen and how many people have showed up.” Steven Sanchez, director of media relations for UNI Proud, said the organization has seen a large growth in members in recent years. “We had more than 70 people at our first meeting, and so I think that reflects that (the) UNI community is growing. ... I think it’s important because being an LGBT, you don’t always know if certain places will be accepting or just where to find the resources and that they will be understanding. So this is the place they learn about organizations on campus and off campus that can provide resources.” Support for the LGBT community went beyond the walls of the reception. “We just started revamping our website to include LGBT information for students they can actually check,” said Stephanie Miller, student support specialist for the Study Abroad Center. “They get information (on) how to be safe abroad and there is a lot of funding available. We are adding scholarships almost daily to our website.”

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

ABOVE: Prospective student Bekah Bass, of Cedar Falls stops at the Psychology Club table with her mother. Many student organizations had informational tables at the Rainbow Reception. RIGHT: Justin Wurtzel, senior biochemistry major, puts his name on the list for email updates from UNI Proud. The group strives to create an inclusive atmosphere for people of all orientations on campus.

WANT TO JOIN UNI PROUD? The group meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Presidential Room in Maucker Union.


Visit www.uni.edu/deanofstudents/lgbt


Military and veteran conference to be hosted at UNI CORREY PRIGEON Staff Writer

The University of Northern Iowa is uncamouflaging itself for one week as it welcomes military and veteran students to the fourth annual Military and Veteran State Conference. The conference, titled “Uncamouflaging Campus Diversity: Creating Transparency Through Cultural Competence,” is a statewide congregation of veterans and military members. It will be held Monday, Sept. 23 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The conference was created to educate faculty, staff, community members and students about the issues, concerns and strengths of having military members on campus. The topics cover conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain inju-

ry and suicide prevention. “I think it (the conference) is extremely important for this community because we have the 133rd National Guard Infantry Unit in Waterloo, and they are one of the most deployed units out of Iowa,” said Juliea Heuer, military and veteran student services coordinator. “So we have a lot of people in the community that have had deployment support or combat experience, and this conference is just to enrich the community and to better support the needs of military members and their families in the community.” Around 300 students attending UNI are military affiliated, which means they have served, are serving or are dependents. The school also expects that number to increase as military intervention decreases in Afghanistan and more students begin to self-disclose their military

affiliation. Heuer said the goal is to have 200 attendees at the conference, and that they need all participants to register by Sept. 18 in order to have

...we have the 133rd National Guard Infantry Unit in Waterloo and they are one of the most deployed units out of Iowa. Julia Heuer

Military and Veteran Student Services Cooridnator

enough food for the Lunch and Learn panel. The conference will start with keynote speaker Meredith Kleykamp, former West Point Military Academy instruc-

tor and sociology professor at University of Maryland. Kleykamp will speak about the transition process and basic military culture. After Kleykamp’s address, the conference will divide into breakout sessions. At different times throughout the day, there will be various workshops for all military affiliations from dependents to veterans. After the breakout sessions, the group will reconvene for a Lunch and Learn panel. The lunch panel is meant to help the community accommodate veterans and to better understand their language and culture. The panel will feature members from various branches of the military going over etiquette and postmilitary culture. “Since we can’t identify everyone unless they selfidentify, it’s about being familiar with the language, being

familiar with terms and actions so that we can better respond to people without them saying ‘I’m a veteran.’ It’s so we can start that conversation and understand the culture a bit more,” said Heuer. The first Military and Veterans Conference was hosted by the University of Iowa, and last year it was hosted by Iowa State University. The regent universities of Iowa are hoping to rotate the conference among them, said Heuer. “UNI agreed to take that on because we really want to not only educate our faculty and staff, but also show support by taking something like this and having it in our location. It’s also to benefit the community so having it rotate between the regent universities helps to access the greater Iowa population and neighboring states,” said Heuer.

northern-iowan.org | Tuesday, September 17, 2013


continued from page 1

this seems like a logical process to start on right away.” Previously, Jim O’Connor served as director before he moved on to work as vice chancellor for marketing and communication at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in May. Over the summer, a search committee interviewed candidates and open forums were held in August for three finalists. UNI president William Ruud made the final hiring decision, according to University Relations. During his open forum presentation on Aug. 15, Ketelsen presented a marketing campaign he worked on at Iowa called “The Hawkeye Way.” The campaign created a new slogan and commercials that appealed to new students


continued from page 1

with,” Bockstahler said. “This gave us a chance to provide the university community with fresh, locally-grown produce.” The garden, located near the intersection of College Street and University Avenue, was planted with an abundance of produce, including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, onions, beets, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, squash and watermelon. The food will be distributed to UNI Dining Services, Food Corps and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Fresh produce will also be sold at the Panther Plot Produce Stand, which is stationed in front of Maucker Union from 10:30

and promoted campus inclusion. If he starts a marketing campaign at UNI, Ketelsen said there will be a research phase where he and others can learn about what students are wanting to see. “Those campaigns, when you go through the research phase, you find a lot of information,” Ketelsen said. And while Ketelsen acknowledges UNI recently went through some rough patches, he’s excited about the future path of the university. “We know Northern Iowa had a rough 18 months, but our feeling is that the campus turned the corner,” Ketelsen said. “We know how great it is, and we’re very optimistic and feel strongly that it will be a great year.”


page 5


PAIGE BUNS/Northern Iowan

Juggle This, a juggling group consisting of Stephen King and Ryan Dekoe, knock a tube out of a UNI students mouth with a juggling pin. The group was brought to campus by the Campus Activities Board.

a.m. to 1 p.m on Fridays. With the first harvest under their belt, project organizers are already preparing for next summer’s garden. “We are beginning to educate new members in December so that we can teach more students about the importance of local-grown foods, and keep this project running for the year to come,” Bockstahler said. “We are going to be meeting this week and talking with new volunteers about our project.” The Panther Plot committee will be meeting Monday, Sept. 23, at 8:00 p.m. in the Presidential Room in Maucker Union. Everyone is encouraged to come and learn how to be involved with the garden.

PAIGE BUNS/Northern Iowan

Illusionist James David uses giant cards to perform a card trick with two UNI students last Thursday, Sept. 12. David used humor in his act while entertaining students at the CAB event.

Learn about the Marketplace with the Iowa Insurance Division Feds okay educational and awareness campaign planned for this year and early 2014

September 12, 2013 DES MOINES, IOWA – The Iowa Insurance Division (IID) received permission from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to embark on an approved outreach effort designed to assist the federal government in their efforts to help Iowans better understand their opportunities for enrolling in the federal Health Insurance Marketplace as established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Open enrollment for the Marketplace begins October 1 and continues through March 31, 2014. Coverage in the Marketplace can actually start as early as January 1, 2014 if the applicant enrolls by December 15, 2013. Over the course of the next few months, IID and its interagency partners, Iowa’s Departments of Human Services and Public Health will be traveling to communities for town hall presentations of information on the Marketplace (sometimes referred to as the Exchange). The presentations will address such topics as: what it is, how to access it, and what it may mean to Iowans seeking coverage for health care. Iowa’s efforts to educate and raise the awareness of Iowans will supplement the primary outreach efforts done by HHS, as the federal government is actually operating Iowa’s Marketplace and its informational outreach. A meeting has been scheduled in Cedar Falls for September 24, 2013 beginning at 8:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers room, Cedar Falls City Hall located at 220 Clay Street. Registration for the event can be found at http://insuranceca.iowa.gov. “It’s good to know we can finally hit the ground running on this,” said Iowa Insurance Commissioner Nick Gerhart. “We have been working on plans for months, as we submitted our plan to HHS along with our request for the use of these funds some time ago. We have had to be really creative in the allocation of a relatively small amount of available money, maximizing the impact through technology, collaboration with enthusiastic and committed outreach partners, input from consumer advocacy advisers and just plain hard work. We look forward to interacting with Iowans in communities across the state and educating them on the upcoming Marketplace changes.”

About the Iowa Insurance Division The Iowa Insurance Division (IID) has general control, supervision and direction over all insurance and securities business transacted in the state, and enforces Iowa’s insurance and securities laws and regulations. The IID investigates consumer complaints and prosecutes companies, agents and brokers engaging in unfair trade practices. Consumers with insurance or securities-related questions or complaints may contact the IID toll free at 877-955-1212 or visit the Division on the web at www.iid.state.ia.us.



SEPTEMBER 17, 2013








UNI extends winning streak to 5 BEN LLOYD

Sports Writer

After a slow start to a season featuring ranked teams and a difficult travel schedule, the University of Northern Iowa volleyball team has found their groove. The Panthers extended their winning streak that started Sept. 7 with a win over Saint Louis University and a doubleheader sweep against the University of WisconsinGreen Bay. The weekend flurry of games started Friday in St. Louis where the Panthers took on the Billikens. The first four matches were decided on extra serves. UNI took games two and three by scores of 25-19 and 33-31,

Facing a lot of good teams has really helped out because we know we have a lot of good teams yet to face left on the schedule.

Eryca Hingten

UNI Outside Hitter

making the match 2-1 in favor of the Panthers. The Billikens fought back to win the fourth game, which forced a fifth game between the two teams. The fifth game went back and forth to start off, with both teams tied at 14. A kill by UNI’s Eryca Hingtgen followed by a block by Kinsey

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

UNI defeated St. Louis University and swept the University of Wisconsin Green-Bay to extend their winning streak to five games. The Panthers face Northern Illinois University before opening conference play against Loyola University Chicago on Friday.

Caldwell and Shelby Kintzel helped the Panthers pull away, winning the match 3-2. Less than a day later the girls were back in Cedar Falls and at it again in the McLeod Center. The short rest was not an issue for the Panthers as they won both matches of the doubleheader against Green Bay, only losing one set throughout the entire day. They improved their season’s

overall record to 6-4. “Things are finally starting to click,” said Caldwell about the team’s progress and current winning streak. After the weekend the Panthers moved their winning streak to five straight matches as they head into conference play. “We’ve played hard competition. Our practice schedule is hard, our travel is hard and we’re a young team, but the

girls have handled it well and worked really hard,” said head coach Bobbi Petersen. Petersen and the players both agree that the stressful start has been good for the team. “Facing a lot of good teams has really helped out because we know we have a lot of good teams yet to face left on our schedule,” said Hingtgen, who led the Panthers with 10 kills in the second match

against Green Bay. Petersen hopes to keep the momentum going and keep on preparing the team to strive to be better on the court. “We still have some growing to do as a team, we have a lot we want to get better at,” said Petersen. The girls hit the road again Sept. 17 as they look to advance their winning streak against the Northern Illinois University Huskies.


New technology could hold advantages for Panthers SEAN DENGLER

Sports Columnist

Imagine a future in which cameras in the rafters of sports arenas watch a player’s every move and send realtime data to the coach. That coach would then use the data to make decisions on the fly to further improve his team’s play. The future is here and basketball is the sport. Last week, the National Basketball Association announced they were installing SportVU camera technology on every court. These cameras will provide coaches and teams with

instant data, allowing coaches to evaluate players more efficiently. SportVU camera technology has existed for a number of years in the NBA, and each year new teams have adopted it. The University of Northern Iowa should adopt the technology, too, before other college basketball teams do. Granted, I do not know whether the NCAA would allow this technology, but it would give the Panthers a competitive advantage. Other teams would be at a disadvantage because with the cameras, UNI’s coaches could analyze the weaknesses

The future is now and the Panthers need to be the first ones to get this SportVU camera technology. Sean Dengler

Sports Columnist

of each Panther player. This would allow the Panthers to work on weaknesses that otherwise go undetected, which could also be a powerful recruiting tool.

The coaches could pitch this technology to future UNI basketball players as an instrument to help them reach their highest potential. This technology has yet another benefit. Since most players in the Missouri Valley Conference play for four years, the cameras would provide valuable data on the junior and senior members of opposing teams. This data would help the Panthers shut down their opponents. While this should be enough for the Panthers to consider purchasing SportVU technology, there is a catch. The technology costs

$100,000 dollars a year, which is an issue for a small program like UNI. Hopefully the price of this technology will come down in future years and UNI athletics can be one of the first programs to purchase it. With all the benefits that could greatly improve UNI’s basketball program, it is a no-brainer. The future is now and the Panthers need to be the first ones to get this SportVU camera technology. UNI has always been in the top tier of mid-major basketball schools, and with this technology, the Panthers could be the best mid-major basketball program.


Dakota Ingles

Managing Editor inglesdni@gmail.com

SEPTEMBER 17, 2013




Page 7



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Sudoku Two

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Across 1 Manages (for oneself) 6 Snuck 11 __ Moines, Iowa 14 Native Alaskan 15 Cowboy singer Gene 16 “That’s nasty!” 17 Criticize gas and electric companies? 19 The Beatles’ “__ Loves You” 20 Sunrise direction 21 One of a D.C. 100 22 Russian capital 24 Roy G __: rainbow mnemonic 26 Piebald horse 27 Criticize a modeling shoot array? 30 It replaced the French franc 33 Pass out 35 Mudville number 36 Complete, as a scene 37 Tropicana and Minute Maid, briefly 38 Cheesy sandwiches 39 Grounded jet 40 Sworn statement 42 Isaac’s eldest 43 Wranglers with wheels 45 Folk music’s Kingston __ 46 Criticize stage shows? 48 Former Bears head coach Smith 50 Be in debt 51 Sea near Stockholm 53 Prefix with pass 55 Become enraged 59 World Cup cheer 60 Criticize awards? 63 Gen-__: boomer’s kid, probably 64 Invalidate 65 On one’s toes 66 Fist pumper’s word 67 Trotsky and Uris 68 Pack animals

Down 1 Lose color in the wash 2 “On the Waterfront” director Kazan 3 Loch with a monster 4 Brit’s trash can 5 Sault __ Marie 6 Batman’s hideout 7 Wreck completely 8 And so on: Abbr. 9 Vacate the __: eviction notice phrase 10 Big name in chicken 11 Criticize college subjects? 12 Bounce in a 6-Down 13 Depict unfairly 18 Invitation letters 23 Bouillabaisse, e.g. 25 Practitioner: Suff. 26 Kept in, as hostility 27 Criticize farmers?

28 Bodysuit for a tiny tot 29 “__ Marner”: Eliot work 31 Speak with a grating voice 32 Chooses 33 12 inches 34 Open a bit 38 Doctor’s profession 41 Owl’s cry 43 A boxer may have a glass one 44 They’re attractive to look at 47 “Footloose” co-star Singer 49 “Myra Breckinridge” author Gore 51 Like the Honda Element 52 Away from the wind 53 Really surprise 54 Web addresses, briefly 56 Beehive State natives 57 Little more than 58 Repair co. proposals 61 __-cone 62 Sheep’s call


Page 8

northern-iowan.org |Tuesday, September 17, 2013


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TUESDAY: Philly Steak


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Sudoku One

Sudoku Two

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