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Northern Iowan t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n i o wa’s s t u d e n t - p r o d u c e d n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 2

SEPTEMBER 18, 2012





The communication studies professor earned a national award for excellence in teaching, which students and colleagues say is well deserved. < See PAGE 5 OPINION

Student body president seeks input on source of athletics funding Jordan Bancroft-Smithe describes the upcoming changes to the way UNI students help pay for Panther athletics, and asks students to contribute to an upcoming decision. < See PAGE 4


Panthers fall to the Hawks in rematch UNI got off to a promising start in Saturday’s game, but the Hawkeyes dug in their heels. < See PAGE 9 GRIT ‘N’ GLAM

Spruce it up with a scarf Style and beauty columnist David Pope has discovered a curious phenomenon: The Scarf Effect. < See PAGE 8


Presidential search committee approved Staff Writer

Professor Mitchell receives recognition






The Iowa Board of Regents approved a 21-member Presidential Search and Screen Committee to find a new president for the University of Northern Iowa. The committee, approved at the BOR board meeting on Sept. 12, will find a

replacement for UNI president Benjamin Allen, who will retire by July 1, 2013. At the meeting, a motion was made to include Farzad Moussavi, dean of the UNI College of Business Administration, because of his role on the Iowa State University presidential search committee. Although there was some concern about hav-

ing an odd number of committee members for voting, the regents voted unanimously to approve the motion. The BOR voted on the composition of the committee at their Aug. 27 meeting, and then sent letters to “representatives of the individuals and groups identified for committee membership to make nominations for the commit-

tee,” according to BOR documents. BOR president Craig Lang and president pro term Bruce Rastetter reviewed the nominees and created a list of 20 members to present to the BOR for approval. This list passed unanimously.

For a list of the committee members, turn to page 2.


Life after Price Lab: Level II field experiences BLAKE FINDLEY News Writer

With the closure of Malcolm Price Laboratory School, education majors at the University of Northern Iowa now undertake their Level II field experiences in the Waterloo and Cedar Falls school districts. The field experiences are supervised by field experience coordinators, 26 of whom are former Price Lab faculty members. In addition, the College of Education on a whole began using the distributed field model, also called the professional development school (PDS) model.

What is the new model for Level II field experience?

According to the UNI field experience overview for mentor teachers, the Level II experience is a two-week minicourse followed by a minimum 25-hour field experience completed in six weeks. The course culminates with students planning and teaching two related lessons to the whole class. According to Becky Hawbaker, coordinator of field experiences, there are field experience coordinators (FEC) who work with students undergoing their Level < See PRICE LAB, page 3

BRANDON BAKER/Northern Iowan

When Malcolm Price Laboratory School (above) closed, the University of Northern Iowa College of Education restructured the Level II field experience. It now involves 25-hours in the Waterloo or Cedar Falls school district.



UNI student loan indebtedness decreases by 7.6 percent BROOKS WOOLSON Staff Writer

COLLEGE HILL Limited Edition offers students a chance to geek out... and get a haircut. < visit northern-iowan.org

INDEX OPINION............................4 CAMPUS LIFE....................5 SPORTS.............................9 GAMES............................11 CLASSIFIEDS...................12

Student loan indebtedness at the University of Northern Iowa decreased by 7.6 percent during the 2011-2012 academic year, following a 0.8 percent decrease between 2010 and 2011. The typical UNI undergraduate finished school with $23,575 in student loan debt. Tim Bakula, associate director of customer service and student outreach in the Office of Student Financial Aid, credits the federal Teacher Education

Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant program, a falling share of private debt and financial literacy programs for the decrease. “Nationwide, student debt is at its highest point ever. It’s continuing to increase, seemingly. The national average is now above $25,000,” Bakula said. “So, knowing those trends were where we would head, that was another reason we started thinking about what do we need to do on campus to better educate < See STUDENT DEBT, page 3

COLBY CAMPBELL/Northern Iowan Archives

Rachel Smithart, a junior sociology major and Financial Aid employee, assists Amy Halverson, a senior family services major, at the Office of Student Financial Aid in Gilchrist Hall.



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Chairman, CEO and president of HNI Corporation; Chairman of the Iowa Business Council; UNI alumnus

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Ken Brown College of Business Administration

Professor of economics

Nicole Carroll


Board of Regents

Cliff Chancey Academic Affairs Council

Head of department of physics

Sue Etscheit College of Education

Professor of special education

Jack Evans

Board of Regents


Bettina Fabos

UNI — United Faculty

Associate professor of communication studies

Jeff Funderburk

College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences

Professor of music

Julee Jacobson UNI Supervisory and Confidential Council

Office coordinator I, HPELS

David Mason

Vice chair, UNI Foundation

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CAREER FAIR INTERVIEW DAY Maucker Union 8 a.m.-5 p.m. “QUILTING: LINKING THE LOCAL AND THE GLOBAL” Center for Energy and Environmental Education, Room 115 4 p.m.-6 p.m. As part of Lifelong University, Marybeth Stalp, associate professor of sociology, will discuss quilting history, how American women practice quilting, recent global trends and the importance of creativity and leisure through the life course. The fee is $30.



Katie Mulholland

Board of Regents



Mark Oman


Trustee of the UNI Foundation; 30+ years with Norwest/Wells Fargo; UNI alumnus

C. Scott Peters

UNI faculty senate

Associate professor of political science

Dan Power

UNI — United Faculty

President of UNI — United Faculty

Editorial Assistants at the Northern Iowan are a team of volunteers who assist the Copy Editor in reviewing content.

The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications.

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Farzad Moussavi College of Business Administration

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Mark Rowe-Barth UNI Professional and Scientific staff

Substance abuse/violence intervention services coordinator; WRS health education

Anne Woodrick

Professor of anthropology

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Information from http://www.uni.edu/presidential-search/committee

CAB Luau Maucker Union 7-9 p.m. “TAIWAN: A STRONG PARTNER OF THE U.S. IN EAST ASIA” Curris Business Building, Room 109 6-7 p.m. Baushuan Ger, the director general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago, will give this lecture. FILM AND DISCUSSION: “UNDER THE SAME MOON” Center for Multicultural Education 8 p.m. A screening and discussion of the film “Under the Same Moon,” which is about a young Mexican boy who travels to the U.S. to find his mother after his grandmother passes away. This event is part of “Dreams Deferred... Dreams Held Fast.”


STUDENT DEBT continued from page 1

students.” In order to do this, the Office of Student Financial Aid created the Live Like a Student course to teach UNI students how to manage their personal finances. The course emphasizes budgeting and living within one’s means. The office also directs students to studentloans.gov and nslds. ed.gov, websites which allow students in the federal student loan system to track how much they have borrowed and how much time they will have to repay it. Bakula said their office also ramped up their private loan counseling with students. “One of the things that has come up over the years is that all federal loans should be taken out first,” Bakula said. “It’s even something that most (of) your private banks will tell you now.” According to the Office of Student Financial Aid website, private loans often have less favorable repayment terms and higher interest rates. From the 2007-2008 academic year to the 2010-2011 year, private loan borrowing decreased from $15.3 million to $3 million, a decrease of 80 percent. Bakula also said the TEACH program has helped decrease debt. Last academic year, 643 students received TEACH grants, totaling $2.4 million, according to the Office of Student Financial Aid website. The TEACH program gives education majors up to $4,000 per academic year. Students who receive the funds do not have to

repay them as long as they teach in a high-need school district for four years after graduating from the university. Caitlin Hageman, a spring 2012 exercise science graduate, said debt still “makes me depressed and worried.” Michael Hellman, a sophomore theatre major, does not think there will ever be a way to “solve the debt crisis fully,” but thinks it could be helpful for banks to “offer fair loans at fair rates.” “I honestly feel the university hasn’t done much to help with my debt,” Hellman said. “Sure, they offer a few scholarships, but that only helps a select few.” Josh Inman, a junior elementary education major, feels the problem falls outside of the academic setting. “I don’t like how the cost of college keeps going up, keeps going up, while the salary of teachers remains, at least in Iowa, pretty constant,” Inman said. “If you increase one, you need to increase the other one. I think they’re putting too much pressure on us at this age.” As of press time, the University of Iowa and Iowa State University had not released indebtedness figures from the latest academic year. According to an article from the Gazette, the average debt at Iowa was $25,446 for the 2010-2011 academic year and $29,475 at Iowa State. According to the Project on Student Debt, the state of Iowa, with private colleges included, averaged $29,598 for the same period. Nationally, student debt averaged $25,250.

NEWS PRICE LAB continued from page 1

II experiences. The FECs include 26 faculty members from Price Lab who opted to remain a part of the COE as FECs. FECs teach both clinical and methods courses on campus and are placed within schools across the Waterloo and Cedar Falls school districts or on content-specific departments across several schools. “A new cadre of field experience coordinators (FEC) who have long histories of master and mentor teachers at (Price Lab) are now using their expertise and experiences in new ways for the mutual benefit of schools and the university,” Hawbaker said. The FECs will also supervise UNI field experience students at their school(s) and assist the mentor teachers hosting the students, Hawbaker said. They will participate in professional learning communities and professional development days that focus on improving student achievement. “Their work helps ensure UNI remains a beacon that illuminates the power of schooluniversity partnerships to solve problems, promote exemplary teaching and renew and revitalize educational missions,” Hawbaker said.

Transitioning to the PDS model

Dwight Watson, dean of the COE, said that although the “rudiments of (the) collective partnership” with the Cedar Falls and Waterloo school districts were in place before the spring 2012 semester, it wasn’t until then that the COE felt ready to WATSON create the mechanism for the expanded PDS model. According to Watson, one of the most challenging pieces was ensuring a critical mass of teachers in the Cedar Falls and Waterloo school districts were available to do the work needed with the students. The COE offered an incentive of providing $50 to any teacher willing to host a student in their classroom. Over the summer, the COE transferred the 26 faculty members from Price Lab into individual offices in the Schindler Education Center, which Watson said was a “bit of a challenge.” The transferred faculty also took some professional development courses to acclimate themselves to the new position. Hawbaker said most were “anxious about the gravity, scale and timeline of the project.” She said it was a complex endeavor to put thousands of available field experiences into place, but the community school districts have been “extremely accommodating and helpful.” The new mentor teachers made the commitment to take summer workshops to learn about the Level II field experience and even helped shape the model, Hawbaker said. “Many mentor teachers in the districts served as part of our transition team and were very vocal and helpful in preventing potentially disastrous situations,” Hawbaker said. Hawbaker said they are now past that hurdle and avoided disaster; every student has a home. “However,” she said, “that’s a pretty low bar to set.” Hawbaker said the COE needs to ensure each student has a “powerful learning experience” in the classrooms that help them apply theory and research to the actual implementation and witness the practical significance.

Addressing student concerns

Watson identified three concerns from students last year: 1) quality of care equal to that of Price Lab School in the Level II field experience, 2) proximity placements in schools and 3) flexibility for field experience assignments. “I feel we’ve remedied all three of those concerns with the new distributive model,” Watson said. He said embedded within the program are 26 highly qualified teachers from Price Lab who would exhibit the same quality of care and


service as they did at Price Lab. Those teachers have been placed in Cedar Falls and Waterloo school districts, Watson said, which addresses the concern of proximity. Watson admitted the new model does not allow for the same level of flexibility as students have had with Price Lab, but this time students are to register for time slots that align with existing class schedules to ensure sufficient time is given to the field experience. Molly Bannon, a junior art education major, said her Level II experience has been going well. “In the beginning, I was a little nervous without Price Lab, but I can see it being more beneficial than harmful,” Bannon said. She said her mentor teacher travels from the high school to Holmes Middle School, so she gets additional experience that would not have been available at Price Lab. “I have already learned a lot through my Level IIs and can’t wait to start teaching my lessons,” Bannon said. Brett Gourley, a senior biology education major, said he wished he could still walk to his field experience, but otherwise it was going well. One elementary education major, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said she still wished she would have been able to have her field experience at Price Lab. “Should I have been placed at Price Lab, my mentor teacher would have been Ph.D. faculty instead of ordinary teachers who have the potential to be only two or three years older than me,” she said. “I understand the FECs will be supervising us and the mentor teachers, but I would have preferred to see experts in action.” However, she said one benefit of the new model is that it allows for greater diversity in the classroom, something she said could not be found at Price Lab. Hawbaker said though the model is not yet perfected, they will continue to improve and adjust the model as needed to ensure the best quality for students. “We’re committed to UNI, we’re committed to teacher education,” Hawbaker said, “and we’re going to make this work.”


According to the National Association for Professional Development School Models, there are nine required essentials of a PDS, which are as follows: 1. A comprehensive mission that is broader in its outreach and scope than the mission of any partner and that furthers the education profession and its responsibility to advance equity within schools, and by potential extension, the broader community 2. A school-university culture committed to the preparation of future educators that embraces their active engagement in the school community 3. Ongoing and reciprocal professional development for all participants guided by need 4. A shared commitment to innovative and reflective practice by all participants 5. Engagement in and public sharing of the results of deliberative investigations of practice by respective participants 6. An articulation agreement developed by the respective participants delineating the roles and responsibilities of all involved 7. A structure that allows all participants in a forum for ongoing governance, reflection and collaboration 8. Work by college/university faculty and P-12 faculty in formal roles across institutional settings 9. Dedicated and shared resources and formal rewards and recognition structures.


SEPTEMBER 18, 2012








Student input needed on source of athletics funding

Students of the University of Northern Iowa, I have been asked to make a decision that has been put off as long as seemingly possible, and I feel that it is incomprehensible of me to make this decision on behalf of you, the students here at UNI, without first explaining what it is that I am doing and without asking for your feedback on the issue. The problems we are facing here at UNI are related to trying to secure financial security and stability moving forward while at the same time trying to deal with the issues that are presented to us on a daily basis, e.g. enrollment, the University of Iowa and Iowa State’s more aggressive in-state ad campaigns and the future role the athletic department will play on our campus, to name a few. This column is going to address the last of those three examples. For years, UNI student body presidents have had conversations about getting athletic funds out of the general fund. The general fund is the pot of money that is com-

prised of the tuition dollars we pay every semester and the money that is allocated to us from the state via the Board of Regents. Right now about $4.3 million of the Athletic Department’s funding comes from the general fund. Another $1.5 million comes from the Student Services Fee, which we all pay each semester. As president of the student body, I am the chair of the committee that determines, sets and allocates the funds of the Student Services Fee to different organizations and services on campus. Some services provided through this fee are the Panther Shuttle and SafeRide, free tickets to athletic and GallagherBluedorn Performing Arts Center events, Campus Activities Board’s programming and a portion of the printing costs of this newspaper. For the 2013-2014 academic year, the fee is currently set at $233 (about $116.50 per semester for full-time students).

Under President Adam Haselhuhn (three years ago), conversations began about the best way to remove athletics from the general fund. Items funded by the Student Services Fee began moving to the general fund. These things, like some theatre funding or opera funding, were by their nature deemed more appropriate for the general fund than the Student Services Fee. President Joel Anderson (two years ago) moved the entire music department to the general fund; for reasons that still confound me, it was funded by the Student Services Fee. That was one of those rare times when it was really a win-win situation. The music department is no long subject to the scrutiny of the committee every year, offering stability to their budgeting and programming, while athletics got the opportunity to move further off the general fund. Unfortunately, this move only delayed the inevitability of the conversation that must happen now. Last year,

President Spencer Walrath worked out the timeline (proposed below) with Director of Athletics Troy Dannen and UNI President Ben Allen. This is what has been proposed: An increase in the Student Services Fee dedicated to athletics equaling $25 a year until 2020. (The final amount of money is contingent on committee approval, so it may not necessarily be $25.) This would take the current levels of funding in the general fund ($4.3 million) and in the Student Services Fee ($1.5 million) and invert them. The reason for this is that the General Assembly in Des Moines, generally speaking (no pun intended), wants to see as few state and tuition dollars paying for things like athletics and other auxiliary services on campus. This includes Iowa State and the University of Iowa. The problem is that their athletics programs pay for themselves almost completely and we will never get to that point because of the size of our school and how our funding works. We also don’t have people giving us $20 million donations. That’s the reality of things. I think there is a general consensus among people who are attuned to Iowa politics and the workings of our university that what needs to be done in order to secure the most stable future is to get as much of Athletics off of the general fund as possible. Now, I am going to propose what I plan on doing. This $25 increase would not just be an increase to the fee. This move effectively does three separate things. It increases the Student Services Fee. Athletics gets no extra money – every new dollar provided via the Student Services Fee will be matched in a removal from the general fund – and this then frees up $25 per student in the general fund. What I propose is that the increase be made, whether that amount is $25 or not. I will then earmark those funds going to athletics to be used only for services that directly benefit students. Since that money is coming from the Student Services Fee, and this is the only money I have any control over, I want it to go toward students. The committee is going to have to decide exactly what the nature of the restrictions on that money will be in the next few weeks. As for the freed-up money in the general fund, I’ve spoken with President Allen and

he has indicated that he sees no problem earmarking that money to go toward academic programs. Whether that means increased funding to academic programs themselves or covering the cost of living wage increases for professors is up to him, but it will go toward academics. There is another possibility. We could remove athletics from the Student Services Fee altogether; we could create an Athletics Fee so that the amount of money that goes to athletics is out in the open and not wrapped up in the Student Services Fee. The problem that I see with this is that the Student Services Fee Committee is a committee that is half comprised of students, so students get a chance to decide how the fee is divided up and how much the fee will be. There is no guarantee of such a thing if a new fee is created. Here’s the kicker: Due to the nature of things last year, the Student Services Fee committee in spring 2012 didn’t have the time to examine this to the degree that it requires, and so, if we want to optimally position ourselves for funding next year, we need to figure this out by Oct. 1 when UNI presents its 2013-14 tuition and fees to the Board of Regents for approval. Otherwise, this conversation will continue into the spring and this plan will be stunted by a year. Delaying the decision will only move the increase down the road by a year and we will lose out on an opportunity to show the general assembly that we are making progress this year. So this is what I am asking of you: read over this carefully, read it multiple times and contemplate what you would do. I’ve tried to explain this to you in the limited space I have here, so if you have more questions, come and talk to me. This is a delicate balance between doing what is best for the students and doing what is best for the future of the university, and I believe that doing what is best for the students should be the weighted priority. I want to hear from you. You can email us at nisg@uni. edu. Tell me what you think, or maybe I can explain something to you better. In the end, I feel as though I have to be the bad guy in this decision either way, and I want your input to help me make it. Jordan Bancroft-Smithe Student body president


caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu

september 18, 2012




page 5

volume 109, issue 7


Panther professor earns national recognition SAM HAWLEY Staff Writer

Karen Mitchell, a professor of communication studies at the University of Northern Iowa since 1991, will receive national recognition for her lifetime contributions to performance. The N at i o n a l Communication Association awards the Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance annually, and has done so since 1994. Mitchell is the 21st recipient of the award. “To even be in the group of people who have received that award is pretty humbling,” said Mitchell. Mitchell’s contributions to the performance discipline have spanned five decades. Her dedication to her craft not only earned her an award, but also the respect of many colleagues, students and peers. “She’s a brilliant director; she does a lot of work with social justice and diversity issues,” said Paul Siddens, who has worked with Mitchell since her arrival at UNI. “She

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

Professor of communication studies Karen Mitchell talks with second-year grad students Jorge De Leon and Megan Wharff. Mitchell received the Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance.

does a lot of important work, nationally and internationally recognized.” Siddens, a UNI professor of communication studies, was a key contributor in the nomination process for Mitchell and engineered the

letters of recommendation that were sent to the NCA. A key factor was Mitchell’s contributions to her teaching profession, and the efforts she has made to help her students succeed in the classroom and in life.


New dining options available NICK HINZMANN Staff Writer

The University of Northern Iowa dining facilities went through some changes over the summer to make them more convenient, include more selections and help the environment by “going green.” One of the biggest changes implemented around campus is the closing of Café on the Way dine-out facility in the Redeker Center and the addition of grab-and-go containers at the Piazza dining center. Café on the Way closed because of now-underway renovations to Redeker Center to accommodate more students. After running a test trial in the Café on the Way, a pilot program team made a discovery. “Basically we demonstrated that it’s possible to get students to use reusable containers, save on money and help the environment,” Corey Cooling, a member of the pilot program team, said. “Initially there was a lot of waste at Café on the Way, because every item was individually wrapped or in plastic containers” After the three-week trial at the end of the 2011-2012 school year, the team proved that Café on the Way could close and the students could have the opportunity to bring a to-go container within Piazza itself. Instead of a dine-in only facility, students now have the option to bring their container into the dining center, fill it up with food and eat elsewhere. “People have enjoyed it,” said Mike Weiglein, dining unit manager. “They like the ability to pick from more. It’s a better option than Café was; it’s gone real smooth.” The to-go containers were available for free

“Another really important part of it is your teaching. She’s just an exceptional teacher,” Siddens said. Students who have Mitchell at UNI agreed with Siddens’ remarks. “Going to class with Karen

is like visiting one of your favorite places or going home again,” said Sarah Taylor, a second-year graduate student at UNI. “The immediacy and comfort you feel in her presence and in the classroom environment she creates is emblematic of Karen as a person.” However, Mitchell’s goal was to become more than just an instructor. Her objective was to create a more impactful relationship and trust with her students in order to maximize their potential and help them reach their goals. “I really enjoy my role as a mentor,” said Mitchell. “What I’m lucky to be able to witness is former students now… who are starting on that path that I started on. I’m just so glad that I have been doing what I’m doing long enough to see that.” Mitchell will receive the award at the NCA’s 98th annual convention in November, in Orlando, Fla. After the ceremony, she plans on visiting Disney World with her family.



Pear Fair brings local, handmade fun to the Hill

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

Freshman Rachel Guhin fills a reuseable clamshell in the Piazza. The clamshells are just one new feature to dining at UNI.

to students through Sept. 14, but now will cost $5. The Piazza has also opened its doors for a longer period of time. Monday thru Thursday, between 7:15 a.m. and 9:45 p.m., students can enjoy six different time frames to grab breakfast, lunch, dinner or late night. Piazza only < See DINING, page 8

If there’s one way to lure me in anywhere, it’s by having good music playing, any and every kind of free food and flasks for sale. The second annual Pear Fair, held Saturday, Sept. 15, did just that. Those things, along with handmade clothes, jewelry and art, made up the event. Sponsored by Mohair Pear, the Pear Fair began last year in hopes of bringing a different kind of craft fair to Cedar Falls. Dave Deibler, owner of Mohair Pear, has always wanted to do more storesponsored events. This led him to team up with Angelica Guerrero last year and hold an indie craft fair in the parking lot next to the store. After seeing events like this in Iowa City and Des Moines, Guerrero knows there is just

as much desire for this type of event as there is talent. “There is demographic,” said Guerrero. “ There’s good talent around.” Several Cedar Falls and Midwest businesses made their way under the big white tent this year, including Midwest Pressed (screenprinting), Luxe Debris (jewelry) and Papercake Creations (handmade journals). I definitely get why Cedar Falls needs this. I didn’t leave the event this year with anything in my mitts, but if I were any more of a girl, I would have bought one of those handmade dresses in a heartbeat. The Pear Fair brings something unique to Cedar Falls and to those looking for the nontraditional. It’s worth checking out.

page 6


northern-iowan.org | tuesday, september 18, 2012

northern-iowan.org | tuesday, september 18, 2012


page 7


Kindergym delights kids and parents alike BRIAN FREESE Staff Writer

On Monday and Saturday mornings, children from the ages of two to five “get those wiggles out” at the Kindergym program put on by the University of Northern Iowa. Held in the Wellness and Recreation Center main gym 84, Kindergym is an hourlong opportunity for children and their parents to get some exercise in a structured, success-based environment. “I like to bring my kids because not only do they have fun, but they exercise. I don’t think they realize it, but they were doing crunches earlier, and it was fun,” said parent Teresa Tjadden. The gym is set up with a variety of equipment and items for the kids to use, including padded ramps for running and jumping, balance beams, monkey bars and slides. “I bring my kids for interaction with other children. They learn social skills they don’t always get at home and there are motor skills they develop here in the different events. They have sports week here, and other events that really teach the children

a lot of skills,” said Richard Carter. The kids are separated into groups which move between stations, performing a variety of exercises over the course of the session, ranging from chasing down hula hoops when their names are called (appropriately titled “roll call”) to making waves with a giant, brightly colored parachute. Movement from one station to another is accomplished by asking for suggestions of an animal from the kids in the group. The children then run, walk, stomp, gallop or skip to their next station like the chosen animal would. Katie Farwell, program director and UNI alumna, said, “We like to vary each week so it’s not all running back and forth. We have a manipulative each day, which is either throwing, kicking, striking or something like that. … We have different themes, I think this semester we have an ‘All About Bugs’ week, so they’ll do bug activities. The cutest one is they have a fly on the end of a rope, their parents pull it and < See KINDERGYM, page 8

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page 8

KINDERGYM continued from page 7

they have a flyswatter and try to chase it around the gym.” When asked about their favorite activities, the children gave a variety of responses. “I could do the monkey bars!” said an excited Michael Lang. Amelia Tjadden shyly responded with “the obstacle course.” Olivia Carter said she “liked playing with the parachute. It went up and down and I had to go under it!” The program’s effects on the kids and their parents can

extend beyond the one hour they spend in the gym. Kellap Grant said the program has gotten his daughter more involved in physical activity. “Once my daughter started doing the monkey bars here, she started climbing the higher ones at the playground,” Grant said. “All the activities are activities we could do at home. It’s nice to be able to take the activities home,” parent Katie Lang said.




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northern-iowan.org | tuesday, september 18, 2012

DAVID POPE/Style Columnist







Email it to David at poped@uni.edu.


STYLE & BEAUTY One day early into the semester, I got up groggily after staying up too late the night before and didn’t feel like putting much effort into my appearance before heading to class. I threw on a plain colored t-shirt and some cuffed shorts and, as an afterthought, grabbed a scarf in a contrasting color to throw around my neck. I thought to myself, “Well, we can’t all look great all the time.” I got more compliments that day than I had before – or have since. Everywhere I went, people – like one of my roommates, friends in the Union, acquaintances from classes – told me they loved my outfit or that I looked “so good today!” I was stunned. Here I was thinking that that day was my frumpy day, and people were really responding to the look! I tried an experiment the following week. I wore a plain gray tee and blue jeans – a totally casual, everyday outfit you’d see on campus – and threw on a scarf. Again, compliments came my way, many of them directed at the scarf itself. That is when I knew I had to put into concrete form the phenomenon I was observing. I have dubbed it The Scarf Effect. The Scarf Effect: ~An otherwise nondescript outfit will, with the addition of a scarf, appear to others to be a complex and highly fashionable look.~




continued from page 5

closes the doors for 15-minute periods to reset the dining center. Another noticeable dining change around campus took place in Maucker Union. Instead of using plastic containers and baskets, several Union eateries have tried going green as well. As many students saw last spring, Wasabi tested the use of reusable bowls, which was a success. “We serve between 100 and 125 Mongolian (grill meals) a day,” manager of food operations Carolyn Young said. “The to-go container we used (last year) had a plastic dome lid; we got rid of the lid and replaced it with tinfoil.” Wasabi isn’t the only eatery with an approach to going green, however. The baskets at Café Fresco have also been replaced with brown paper wrapping. This prevents the plastic baskets from being thrown away or stolen, saving on costs and efficiency and helping the environment. Along with new ways of serving food, various venues throughout Maucker Union

The French have long known and made use of The Scarf Effect, turning daily citygarb or simple minimalist outfits into chic ensembles with the help of a scarf. Although scarves have been somewhat popular here in the United States with trendy girls, oftentimes we Americans don’t wear them with as much sophistication or style as our French counterparts. Here are some tips to utilize The Scarf Effect properly: • Scarves won’t bring your ratty sweats into the realm of high fashion – nothing is that powerful – but can take well-fitting basics to a more chic place. • Many people wear scarves on days when they dress up, coupled with several other fashion pieces and accessories, rather than using them to elevate basics. This often ends up being somewhat overwhelming with all the busy design elements competing for attention. When wearing a scarf, don’t overload yourself; keep the rest of the outfit somewhat toned down. • Scarves with sequins, bejeweling, rhinestones or the like should be gifted immediately to your favorite drag queen or kept for your own drag career, not worn as an everyday outfit piece. • Understand the difference between fashion scarves (those with little to no heat retention – perfect for summer) and actual fall/winter scarves that will look good and help keep you warm in the cold months. Wear scarves, have fun and look great!

have also added new items. Places where you will find new menu items include the Grab & Go Cart, Café Fresco, Flares, Wasabi, Avanti and Chats. It may seem fairly easy to implement these items; however, that isn’t always the case. “We do research throughout the year, stockpiling recipes and information, and in the summer we really dive into it and pull up stuff we think would work. We analyze our menus and look at the things that aren’t going. We then do testing of recipes and we evaluate the costing of the recipe,” Young said. After putting the recipes through trial phases, the staff decides which items will make the cut for the upcoming school year. A final place where students can see changes is the 23rd Street Market. After the introduction and success of Godfather’s Pizza, the market staff wanted something bigger. Instead of only serving personal pan pizzas, they wanted to add whole pizzas to the menu. After contemplation, staff decided to move Godfather’s to the north end of the market, allowing a

full oven to be installed in the area. This gave them the needed space and utilities to broaden the menu. They then worked around the pizza center and installed the cold beverage coolers on the west side. Michael Kelly, a sophomore philosophy major, said of the Redeker Center changes, “I love the new system. It’s a lot more convenient than Café on the Way. Also, there are better food options. I don’t know why they didn’t do this sooner.”

WANT TO USE THE NEW TO-GO CONTAINERS IN THE PIAZZA? The clamshell containers can be purchased for $5 at Biscotti’s if you don’t already have one. Swipe your card when you enter Redeker, leave it with the cashier, and fill your container within 15 minutes.

WHO WASHES THE CLAMSHELL CONTAINERS? You can wash your container yourself or bring it back to the Piazza and swap it for a clean one.


SEPTEMBER 18, 2012









UNI snaps six-game losing streak in 2-1 victory over NDSU ALEX MILLER Sports Writer

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI sophomore running back David Johnson (7) finished with 77 yards rushing and 77 yards receiving Saturday afternoon. Despite Johnson’s efforts, the Panthers fell to the Hawkeyes, 27-16.

Panthers fall to Hawkeyes, 27-16 RILEY UBBEN Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa football team started Saturday’s game against the University of Iowa Hawkeyes with a convincing eight-play, 82-yard drive which led to a Panther touchdown. However, despite the strong opening drive, the Hawkeyes stuck to their game plan and wore UNI down in a 27-16 win for Iowa. UNI redshirt freshman quarterback Sawyer Kollmorgen, along with sophomore running back David Johnson, led the Panthers (1-2) to a touchdown on their opening possession of the game. Kollmorgen connected with Johnson for a 30-yard gain on a wheel route to put UNI into Iowa territory. Johnson punched the ball in from the one-yard line out of the Wildcat formation to give the Panthers the early lead. Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz and his team focused on the running game from

the start. They fed the ball to sophomore running back Damon Bullock eight out of the 10 plays during their opening scoring drive of the first quarter. Hawkeye sophomore fullback Mark Weisman punched it in from the oneyard line to tie the game up with 5:25 left in the first quarter. The balanced attack of UNI, directed by Kollmorgen and senior running back Carlos Anderson, led to a career long 49-yard field goal from sophomore kicker Tyler Sievertsen on the Panthers’ second offensive possession. Iowa’s (2-1) game plan of trying to control the line of scrimmage was not halted when Bullock left the game with an apparent concussion, as true freshman Greg Garmon stepped in. Garmon helped lead the Hawkeyes to a field goal before he too had to leave the game. He is believed to have dislocated his elbow. With two Iowa running backs on the sidelines with injuries, non-scholarship fullback Mark Weisman entered at run-

ning back for the remainder of the game. “Big Ten teams are going to line up and just try to run the line of scrimmage and wear you down, and that’s kind of what happened,” said UNI head coach Mark Farley. The Hawkeyes did just that by way of Weisman. The Panthers’ size difference in relation to the Hawkeyes and was highlighted by their inability to stop the 6-foot, 225-pound Weisman as he rushed for 113 yards, including three touchdowns and 33 yards receiving. UNI’s last scoring play of the game occurred with 2:47 left in the third quarter by way of another Sievertsen field goal, his third of the day. Sievertsen pulled UNI within eight points at 24-16. However, UNI got no closer as they faltered 27-16. The UNI defense stopped Weisman at the UNI one-yard line on fourth down < See FOOTBALL, page 10

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI senior running back Carlos Anderson (1) was limited to just 13 yards on five carries against the Hawkeyes.

UNI redshirt freshman quarterback Sawyer Kollmorgen (pictured) was 20-for33, passing for 245 yards, no touchdowns and one interception against Iowa.

The University of Northern Iowa women’s soccer team defeated North Dakota State University 2-1 in extra time on Friday to end their six-game skid. The Panthers haven’t had a losing streak like this one since 2010-11 when they lost seven straight games. The Panthers (4-6) took an early lead in the eighth minute of regulation, but the Bison (3-5) rallied and tied the game at one goal apiece in the 55th minute. However, in the second period of extra time, Charlotte Jones curled a shot in from 28 yards, sending the ball right over the keeper’s head into the back of the net. “It’s a goal from nowhere,. It’s not like she hits that every day in practice or anything. It’s kind of a shot from nowhere. I think Charlotte just basically swung her leg and hoped that it goes in and it did,” said UNI head coach James Price following the game. Coach Price continued to hit home his point that the Panthers weren’t lacking energy to win, just the motivation. “We’ve had a tough spell, obviously, so it’s not been easy to get our girls motivated. We’ve had some issues, no doubt, with confidence and just some self-belief.” Although they may have been lacking belief in themselves to win lately, Jones’ game-winning shot in the 106th minute of play should boost the Panthers’ confidence. After a grueling, hardfought game like this one, the Panthers should be back on the prowl and ready to win some games. In regards to the way the Panthers started play on Friday, Coach Price said, “I thought we started off very brightly, creating chances and putting them under a lot of pressure, so that was good.” Even though the Panthers had more chances in the first half of play with their eight shots compared to the Bison’s four, they couldn’t seem to find the back of the net except for one early goal by Shauna Happel. UNI finished the game with 16 total shots compared to NDSU’s eight. Jones led the way for UNI with five shots total while putting three of them on < See SOCCER, page 10





continued from page 9

continued from page 9

with 2:51 remaining in regulation, but it was too late, as UNI’s final drive of the game stalled at the Iowa 43-yard line. Kollmorgen led both teams in passing, going 20-for-33 with 245 yards, no touchdowns and one interception. Johnson added 154 total yards for the Panthers as he was both the leading rusher and the leading receiver for UNI. “I’m pleased with what our team was asked to do and what they did in the last (three weeks). I thought we could have won both football games (against Iowa and Wisconsin),” said Farley. The Panthers look to bounce back Saturday in a big road game at Youngstown State University in their Missouri Valley Football Conference opener. “The character of this team will be tested on how soon they can come back and play on the road next week in a hostile environment that is very intense. It is a huge game for (YSU), as it is for us,” said Farley. The game will be featured on ESPN3.com at 6 p.m. Saturday. The Panthers defeated the Penguins by a score of 21-17 in Cedar Falls last season.

goal alongside the game-winning goal in the 106th minute. Sarah McHugh tacked on three shots while Kiki McClellan and Sam Copley added two shots each. Happel, Caitlyn Fuller, Katie Witt and Maggie Riley each added another shot for UNI as well. Throughout the course of the game, the Panthers took five corners whereas the Bison took just one. UNI goalkeeper Erin Zaideman managed three saves in 105 minutes of play, while NDSU keeper Sierra Bonham had seven saves during the match. The Panthers will be back in action at home on Sept. 24 when they take on St. Ambrose University at 7 p.m. at the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Complex in Waterloo.


Panthers open MVC play with victory over Bradley

WHITNEY PHILLIPS/Northern Iowan Archives

UNI vs. St. Ambrose Women’s Soccer

The UNI volleyball team defeated Bradley University 3-0 Friday evening. The Panthers haven’t lost to an MVC opponent since 2008.


When: Sept. 24 - 7 p.m. Where: Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Complex Waterloo, Iowa

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Sports Writer

The University of Northern Iowa volleyball team opened up Missouri Valley Conference play by sweeping Bradley University on the road in Peoria, Ill., on Friday 3-0. This was the Panthers’ first match of the Caltech Employees Federal Credit Union Tournament, hosted by the Braves. Amy Braun contributed 12 kills for the Panthers (9-5, 1-0 MVC) and Megan Lehman added 11. Setter Molly Turk dished out 40 assists in the win while Candice Burke continued her great defensive play with 16 digs. UNI jumped out to an early 8-3 lead over the Braves in the first set and had no problem taking it from there. Bradley was not able to catch up and the Panthers took the first set 25-15. Bradley made things a little more interesting in the second set, tying the game up at 11-11 midway through the set. However, the Panthers were able to inch their way past the Braves in a close 25-22 victory. UNI fell behind Bradley 11-10 in the third set, but responded with a 4-0 run to take a 15-11 lead. The Panthers would cruise from there, taking the final set by a score of 25-19. On the second day of the tournament, UNI squared off with Arkansas State University and lost 3-1. Macy Ubben recorded a career-high 14 kills with Lehman tacking on 13 of her own. Turk recorded another high assist count of 43 while Burke led the defense with 22 digs. After an early Panther error in the first set, Arkansas State was able to hold the lead for the rest of the set to eventually take the win 25-22. The second set was different for the

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Panthers as they came out determined to win. With an early 10-4 lead by the Red Wolves, UNI was sparked by kills from Braun and Kintzel to eventually tie the set at 12-12. The Panthers didn’t look back from there and coasted to a 25-15 win. The third and fourth sets were hard fought by the Panthers, but Arkansas State proved to be too much in this match. They were able to hold off the UNI attempts to get back in the match and won the third set 25-19 and the fourth set 25-21 to take the match 3-1. The Panthers bounced back in the third match of the tournament on Saturday afternoon as they took down Long Beach State University 3-1. Burke was named the tournament Most Valuable Player and Lehman was given honoree notice. Lehman recorded another 16 kills in the match while Turke had 41 assists. Burke stepped up and recorded an eye-popping 35 digs to give her a career-high and to lead the defensive efforts. The Panthers won the first two sets with large runs, which helped hold off any attempts of an LBSU comeback. With a 12-6 lead in the first set, UNI eventually won 25-18. The Panthers were also able to hold the lead for much of the second set in a 25-22 win. LBSU came back from the break determined not to be swept by the Panthers. With a 5-0 run, LBSU was able to get a 19-15 lead on UNI. This was enough to eventually give the 49ers the set. The Panthers were able to close the match in the fourth set as they won 25-20 and took the match 3-1. UNI will continue MVC play when they travel to Illinois State University next Friday. Play begins at 7 p.m.

fun & games

brandon poll managing editor pollb@uni.edu

september 18, 2012




page 11

volume 109, issue 7

Answers on Page 12, Classifieds. HOROSCOPES

By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s Birthday (09/18/12). Home life and work take center stage this year. You’re clear on what’s most important, so let go of what’s not. An educational adventure develops in the autumn. Career and relationships grow steadily. Follow your heart. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

getting smarter, but you may need a friend’s help to keep all your thoughts on track. Profit from the ideas. Get yourself something that you’ve been wanting for your home. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Make money, not war. Convincing others requires tact, and you can do it. Don’t take the situation too seriously. Breathing deep and laughing makes for the best medicine.

Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is an 8 -- A tough challenge awaits. Draw strength from your roots. Use what you’ve learned to cut costs; you’ll be more patient with finances over the next few days.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 6 -- Go ahead and try it out; nothing beats experience. Plant constructive seeds while you’re at it. Heart and mind are in sync today and tomorrow. There’s nothing wrong with nesting now.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- The upcoming week is good for negotiating. Outdo your past best performance. Strengthen your infrastructure. Someone has to teach them how to earn and save. Keep at it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is an 8 -- Venture farther out. Travelling isn’t as easy now, but it’s still worth the effort. Rewards are larger when the assignment is more challenging. Have the facts. Illusions fall away.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) -Today is a 9 -- You’re entering a two-day work phase, but it’s not all about you. See what you can do for others. You benefit in the end. Imagine the entire plot, and achieve perfection. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Trust your experience and your heart. Love blossoms in the next couple of days. Examine available resources. Smooth things over by maintaining decorum. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You’re irresistible. Provide facts, and your partner warms to your plan. Home and family take priority. Something that worked before works again. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 7 -- You’re smart and

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Today is an 8 -- Organize your team for the next two days. Clear confusion, and then go, and achieve the highest quality. Be respectful and gain promises. Past deeds speak for you. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is an 8 -- Work definitely takes priority. Take time to acknowledge the team and rest once you complete the project. You’re especially charming now. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is a 6 -- Go for the full experience and learn. Push the envelope. An older dream could be possible now. Take good notes for future reference. Return a favor.




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fun & games

page 12

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Not Valid with other offers. Cedar Falls University and Waverly locations only.

Managing Editor pollb@uni.edu

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Brandon Poll



northern-iowan.org | tuesday, september 18, 2012

Declamation/Play Director. Position open until filled. Apply to: Superintendent, Jesup Community Schools, P.O. Box 287, Jesup, Iowa 50648-0287. EOE/AA.

HELP WANTED Communities In Schools: Adolescent Sexual Health Educator Part-Time Position Opening. The Together For Youth Coalition is currently seeking a health educator to provide adolescent sexual health programming in local schools and youth serving agencies. This individual will facilitate TFY’s Cuidate & SiHLE curricula, newsletters, data compilation, and represent TFY at various community meetings. This position is currently offered at part-time (16-20 hr/wk) with a competitive wage. Applicants who are bi-lingual (English & Spanish) preferred. Associate’s degree required, bachelor’s degree preferred. For questions please call (319)234-3728. Interested individuals please send Letter of Interest and Resume to Brad at Communities In Schools 213 East 4th Street, Waterloo, Iowa 50703 by September 25th.

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