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Blomfield School What have we beenupto?

Visibleandvaluedandgenerallyvery enthusiastic- that is theessence of our students,asthey areoutandabout in thecommunity. At BlomfieldSchool,wehave returnedtoa fullrange of outings,adventures andindustriouscommunityundertakings followingthedry patch createdbyCovid,and theneed to protectourselvesbystaying put.


So, what havewebeenupto?

Mostrecentlywehad a Senior School eveningDisco, whichwas a ragingsuccess, withits ‘Winter Wonderland’theme. Priorto this Matariki meantliterally getting outunder thestars forour ManaiaView students, who celebratedthisspecialtimewitha triptothe WaitangiTreatyGroundsanda sleepoverat our Central Campus,checking outthestars together.

Weknowthat learningismore effectiveifitis inrealand meaningfulcontexts. Thisistruefor alllearners,butparticularlyfor ourstudents. Ourteachers incorporateopportunitiesto getoutinto thecommunitytoenjoyfishing, bushwalks, andbeaches – to experiencethe fullrange of what ourbeautifulregionoffers. TheurbanenvironmentinWhangareiistruly flourishingthesedays, withtheTownBasin offeringa range of culturalandfun activities for students from our5 year oldstoouradult students.Thenew playgroundistrulyinclusive andwehavewelcomedtheopportunityto engage withthedevelopmentofthisspace. Haveyouseenthemassive‘Coreboard’down there,withpicturesandwords to supportearly literacy andcommunication?I am proudtosay that thiswas a Blomfieldinitiative!

Asa Schoolweare certainly‘GettingOut There’, expandingourwingstodevelop further satellite units aroundareas of need in TeTai Tokerau.Thisyearwehaveopeneda brandnew,custom builtdoubleclassunitin OromahoeSchoolinthemidNorth.Thisisin addition to ourcurrentunits in Kaitaia.Clearly, ‘GettingOutThere’isa realityfor staffaswellas students at BlomfieldSchool.

OurSpecialistsandLeadershipteamtravel far andwidetoservice theseunits andthose withinWhangarei.Wealsorun an Outreach service whichprovidesSpecialist Teacher supportfor students withORS fundingin mainstream schools. Allofthis gettingoutand aboutmeansour schoolneedsa reliableand growingfleet of vehicles,includingmobility vans,carsand 12 seater vans.Weare grateful for thesupportofRealDealTyres whoensure ourvansare safe andreadyfor actionatall times. Andweappreciatethesupportof you,our localcommunitywhoensure our students cancontinuetofeelvaluedwhen they arevisibleandenjoyingalltheWhangarei communityhastooffer!

Student Maddison Bond enjoying our Winter Wonderland Disco. As a School we are certainly ‘Getting Out There’, expanding our wings to develop further satellite units around areas of need in Te Tai Tokerau.

BlomfieldSpecialist School Freephone: 094382105 Email:admin@blomfield.school.nz Web:www.blomfield.school.nz

Getting Out There Disability & Seniors EX PO It’s b ee n 3 ye ars! !


Megan Wills LLB, BA Bridget Westenra LLB Jasmine Han Grad. Dip. Law Fiona Newton LLB (Hons), BCom (VPM) Charlotte Woolston LLB

Level 3, Tai Tokerau Building, 5 Hunt Street, P O Box 127, Whangarei 0140 Telephone: 09 459 7000 Our offices are accessible.

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