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The forecast is for colour




The forecast isfor colour

We’ve found ourselves in the midst of a unique time in history that has thrown us all for a curve.

Whatever ourplans were, they’ve eitherbeen disrupted, cancelled, shiftedorhave evolved intosomething else entirely. Withour whole world rocked by change, the driving factors ofcolourand design ‘trends’ as we’ve known them have also been turned ontheirhead.

Our missionis now one ofcare; both forourselves andourgreater community– andweneedcolourtrends, inspiration, ideas, rooms and spaces that embrace this. More thanever, there is a desire forsoothing and calming spaces in ourhomes, but we also needspaces that are stimulating to spendtime in–much more time, perhaps, than we might be usedto.

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Easy breezy

One of the all-time favourite classic colours has beenmakingahuge buzz: blue. Inlives fullof busyness and interruptions, light blue helps us filterout the noise and focus onwhattruly matters.

Whetheryou have abachorsimply want a similarlycasualand comfortable vibeathome, don’t look past beachcolours that evoke the sea, sky, sand andsurrounding sceneryto create a soothing space. Trya delicate greyedblue like Resene HalfDusted Blue, a chilled-outice blue like Resene Oxygen, a seaglass greenlike Resene Nebulaora cloudy white like Resene SeaFog. Opting forResene ColorwoodWhitewashor Resene ColorwoodLight Greywashontimber elements willgive offa softlylived-inlookand allowthe naturalbeautyofthe wood grainto showthrough.

Popularblues have also takenongreen undertones, with Resene GreenMeets Blue, Resene Dark Slate and Resene Jurassic being among the mostcovetable variations. Try them stone greys like Resene Pale Slate, sharp yellow whites like Resene Rice Cake or softgreygreens like Resene Aspiring. For apop of interest, bring insmallaccents of bitter orange, richochre or peridot greensuchas Resene MaiTai, Resene Pirate GoldorResene Flourishto finishthe look.

Backto nature

While nature itself has longbeena common inspirationfor home décor, woodland tones including silverysages suchas Resene Bud, muddy stonegreys like Resene Nomad, jades like Resene PalmGreenand olive greens such as Resene Saratogaare amongthe mostpopular trending hues.

Luckily, these shades are allsuitable for building tonallooks – an approachwhich is stillverymuchontrend. Since tone-on-tone schemes are built on layering, the more you add, the more the whole scheme willhang together. The trickis to pick hues that complement with enoughvariationto keep things frombecoming completelyhomogenous – andearthy greens like Resene Rivergumand Resene Mangrove are particularlyexcellent to work with when you’re trying to create a serene spacebut don’twantitto lackininterestorcontrast.


Given the efforts to turnour spaces into more relaxing places to spend time, we’re embracing livingamore clutter-free and thoughtfullife.

Those looking to bringatruly contemporary lookto theirhomes canlookto whatwe’ve come to call‘characterneutrals’–hues with soul, which are muchmore intriguing thanyour typicaltrue neutral andare anything butflat. Lookto nude and mushroom taupe, terracotta, greige and warmstone grey as the baseofyour colourscheme, which willbring that little extra ‘something’to yourspace thanks to theirsubtle undertones.

Evenwhites have gottencreamierand those that feature more colourfulundertones have become desirable for theirinherent simplicity that canalso bemanipulated with different types oflighting. Resene ThorndonCream– atimeless creamthat shifts dramatically richer anddeeper as the sunsets–isareigning favourite for this reason. Try it with beige neutrals like Resene Double Tea, blackenedwhites like Resene Alabaster or deep duskgreens like Resene Warrior.


For elemental, nature-inspired colours with a truly contemporaryfeel, dusty desertand terracottahues simply can’tbe beat.

Seemingly bakedwithheat, these rosyearth hues are inherently cosyand lend themselves wellto lounges andother rooms you like to linger in. Browner shades are becoming the variationof choice over the earlierpinkerversions meaning deeperclays like Resene Desperado, Resene RedwoodorResene HairyHeath are the ones to watch. Whetheryou use theminsmalldoses or splashthemaroundliberally, they’re extremely effective atgroundingaspace. Trythem with a softolive like Resene Double Tana, a rich bluegreenlike Resene Deep Tealora violet grey like Resene Bastille.

Layer desert-like shades togetherto create a tonalsunseteffect. Try combining Resene Crail, Resene Sante Fe, Resene Cashmere andResene Burnt Siennafor atoastylookfit fora casual living room. Forsomething completely different, team yourfavourite terracottawitha celery white like Resene Arrowrootand adda pop ofa vibrant ceruleanblue suchas Resene ResolutionBlue as a point of contrast.

A twist on terrazzo

Terrazzo continues to bea popularchoice for interiors, butfinding the right terrazzo tile colour, shape orprice canbe challenging. A simpler and more economical optionis to usepaint to create a similareffectonyourwalls orfloors. This effectwon’t breakthe budgetand canbe easily changed outifyourtastes shift.

To create this trendystone look, you’llneed a high-qualitypainter’s brushand four Resene colours. We usedResene Alpaca, Resene Tom Tom andResene Urbane forour mis-matched stone, withResene Jaguarfor the basecolour. The trickto making it look authentic is to not be too precise. Terrazzo, byits nature, is randomand unstructured. Make sure you haveamixoflarger shapes andsmallershapes, some withsharp edges andothers withcurvededges. Spacethem randomly– some close andothers furtherapart and allowyourcolourpatterns to be‘strategically random’. Startwithyourbase colourand then faintly mark your terrazzo shapes over the top withpencil, followed by paint.

For more ideas and inspirationsee the latest looks atresene.co.nz/latestlooks and visit your Resene ColorShop.

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