1 minute read

Arrive alive

Why target ‘Road to Zero’ in crashes, deaths & injuries? If Not Why Not?

Who in your family, your friends, or work colleagues would you choose to sacrifice if you don’t accept that road deaths and injuries are not acceptable?


As a road user, a voter and tax/rate payer, it is actually in your hands to help keep our roads safe and fit for purpose.

Covid-19 has shown us how important our roads are for essential workers delivering groceries, products and materials to keep us all fed, watered and able to wear or build things.

Sadly, in Northland as evidenced in the crash info graphics attached, we have still seen an increased number of fatal crashes in 2020 compared to 2019 and so far in 2021 we are three deaths ahead of the same time in 2020.

Despite long periods with fewer vehicles on our roads there has been an increase of dangerous drivers. Many of these motorists have been speeding, were impaired by drugs and alcohol and not wearing seatbelts.

These factors have also been too frequent influences in fatal & serious injury crashes.

The 2020 and 2021 data is still provisional and undergoing further investigations which may change the recorded data.

2 0 2 1 N O RT H L A N D R O AD TO L L T O DAT E 24

Road crashes, including fatal and injury crashes, are often a sad consequence of a mistake being made by either a driver, a passenger or other road user. Your full attention needs to be on driving safely and wearing your seat-belt.


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