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How smarttechkeepsyour home safe while on holidays

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How smart tech keeps your home safe while on holidays

BYVANESSA WALKER, HOUZZ Purchases towards home security upgrades have increased among renovating homeowners year-on-year, according to research from Houzz, the leading home renovation and design platform.


And with the summer holidays around thecorner, anda potentialgetaway on thecards, how do you set offwith peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken the rightstepstosecure your home?

From motion detection, 24/7 video surveillance, alarmresponsepatrols and more, VanessaWalker, editoratHouzz.co.nz has consulted the pros in thecommunitytoshare ways homeowners can safeguard their property with smart home security.

Digital doorbells A keyless entry option isa reasonable replacementfor your standard deadlock, offering bothconvenience and greater property security. There’s no chance of losing yourkeys while on holiday as thesecome equipped with smart-lock safety features which


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require aspecial pincode, fingerprint scan or smartphonetap-to-unlockaccess. When multiple incorrect attemptsare made, these doorbell systems will lock out or trigger an alarm. In addition, there areoptions hooked up with video surveillance, soeven whenyou’re out oftown, the doorbellcan capture footageof anyone who approaches the door, where you’ll be abletoconfirm whether it isa trusted family member/friend ora trespasser tryingtoenter.

Securitycameras AccordingtoHouzzresearch, securing the grounds is on the rise, with nearly one in five homeowners reportedtohave purchased an outdoor securitycamera inthepastyear (17%).

Generally, having securitycameras installed around the home are agreatdeterrentto intruders and puts homeowners’mindsat ease. Most standalone securitycameras offer 24/7 surveillance and Wi-Ficonnectivity, which makes iteasyfor homeowners to monitor their property andcatch aculprit in their tracks from just about anywhere.You can find a securityexpert on Houzztohelp advise onyour property’s surveillance needs.

Smart lighting Lighting isa top security-related purchase amongrenovating homeowners on Houzz, and for goodreason. Best placed near vulnerable entry points, lights when motion activated, can spook potential trespassers and also helptohighlightpassersby to any suspicious activity. While sensor functionality is nothing new,automated light integrations available todaygotheextra miletoprotect the home.For example, lighting automation systems armed with an“away” mode or similarcan helpwarn offhome break-ins. Whetheryou’reoutfor the weekend or longer, this settingcan schedule lights to turn on/off, indoor and out, so that it appears as if someone is inresidence moving through the home.

Wireless alarm systems Integratinga robust alarm system can help keep your home secure.Whenunusual activities are detected,such asdoors andwindows opening orglass breaking, an alarm will be automatically triggeredandhomeownerswho are away can be immediately notified. Alarm systemscan becontrolledremotelyand beeither selfmonitored or linkedtoa monitoring service. Ifa situation occurs, havinga professional monitoring team respond on your behalf to inform the proper authoritieswillmake allthe difference, especially ifyou’reonvacation. In some instances, the noiseofthesiren alone can instantly scare offany intruderandadditionally alertanyone nearby or else, your neighbours, helpingtocatch them red-handed.

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