2 minute read

Nourish to Flourish

By Paula Green

Chances are you know someone who has had some form of cancer. This horrible disease rears its ugly head all too often. This past January, Amy Gadomski of McCandless Township was diagnosed with breast cancer. This diagnosis had a profound effect on not only Amy but also her husband, Ron, and their two children, Rylee, 13, and Ryan, 11.

Feeling the need to get involved, Ryan, Rylee, and their friend, Lorelei Schreiber, 14, decided to do something to help cancer patients. The trio partnered with the Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute in Wexford (AHNCI) to raise funds for various snack options. The name of their initiative is called “Nourish to Flourish.”

It all began when Amy mentioned to her children that there were not many snack choices for chemo patients at AHNCI. “They need to have healthy snacks and nothing too acidic, things they enjoy. Chemo patients love granola bars, trail mixes and nourishing drinks such as Gatorade and Premier Protein.”

The threesome came up with a plan to help alleviate this problem. “The Nourish to Flourish drive is a way to help cancer patients during chemo. This program will give us the ability to provide patients with a variety of snack options while they receive their treatments. Our goal is to keep patients nourished as long as the funds are available to do so,” Rylee and Lorelei said. To date, they have raised $5,751.10, and their goal is $10,000.

Nourish to Flourish was launched as an early Mother’s Day present for Amy while on her journey. Amy’s chemo finished on May 8, but the need to help other cancer patients with nourishment surges on for these three kids. “There will always be patients entering the AHN Cancer Institute’s doors who need to keep up their strength to continue their fight,” said Rylee and Lorelei.

However, Amy didn’t stop there. She knew she needed a more prominent social media presence to raise more funding and awareness about this campaign. Amy decided to reach out to her dear friend Natasha Lightner for help. Natasha, an Avon Sales Leader & Influencer, has been fundraising for many years for essential causes like Breast Cancer and ALS. Through her Avon business, Natasha can help organizations in the community raise money and awareness. Customers purchase Avon products, and proceeds are donated to the organization. During June, an online fundraiser was set up where customers could “Shop For A Cause” to support the Nourish to Flourish Campaign. With the generosity and support from the community, the Nourish to Flourish Avon fundraiser raised $1,800. Natasha Lightner

“I thought Rylee, Ryan, and Lorelei did a wonderful job raising funds during a pandemic. I am so appreciative of Natasha’s passion, support, and generosity for donating 100% of the Avon proceeds for this cause,” Amy added.

For more information on how you can contribute snacks or monetary donations to the Nourish to Flourish drive visit, https:// give.everydayhero.com/us/nourish-to-flourish

“I thought Rylee, Ryan, and Lorelei did a wonderfuljob raising funds during a pandemic. I am so appreciative of Natasha’s passion, support, and generosity for donating 100% of the Avon proceeds for this cause,” Amy added. For more information on how you can contribute snacks or monetary donations to the Nourish to Flourish drive visit, https:// give.everydayhero.com/us/nourish-to-flourish. n

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