2 minute read

Aaand We Are Back to School with Its Madness

By Sofya Stearns

In the blink of an eye, summer is over, and we are back to madness. No time for anything but school, after-school activities, but most importantly, no family time. Anywhere you go, the fall colors are everywhere. Stores are filled with fall and Halloween house decorations that you probably thought you needed more of but don’t. To be honest, I’m very much guilty of buying more decorations than needed myself. The coffee places have their pumpkin-flavored coffee in place and the farms are happily advertising the Fall Fests.

But what if we step away from it all and explore what September, the beginning of fall, can bring us. I hear so many moms say to me, “Once school starts and the activities are in a full swing, the family time is all forgotten, which is quite sad because I was accustomed to that during summer.” Well, I say, “I feel the same. I love my family time.”

In my family, we love going for a short bike ride. Finally, it’s not too hot outside anymore, and we are not drenched in our own sweat. Biking is a great form of exercise and provides healthy family time, and if time permits, it’s a great opportunity for sharing a quick bite right after together or


Serves 4


• 8 Slices of Sourdough or Whole Wheat Bread, very lightly toasted

1-1/2 Large Cucumbers, thinly sliced

½++ Package of Cream Cheese, whipped or regular OR


• 4 Tbs Mayonnaise. My preference, Mayonnaise made with avocado

1 Avocado

• Salt/Pepper to taste

Dill, chopped (optional)

• Caramelized Onions (optional) having a little picnic—nothing fancy, just a few healthy dips with veggies. My go-to is Izabella’s favorite CUCUMBER SANDWICH and thirstquenching drinks. Or if riding a bike is not your forte, go for a walk in the neighborhood and enjoy that crisp air.

Spread cream cheese or mayonnaise on 2 pieces of toast.

Spread ¼ of Avocado on each toast.

Place 4 slices of cucumber on only one toast.

Salt/pepper to taste.

Place another toast on top.

Slice the sandwich 4 ways, making sure each ¼ has a cucumber.

Another thrilling activity my family really enjoys is climbing walls at the Public Lands. “Your daddy will do it with you,” you say. It’s quite amusing to watch monkey one and monkey two climbing up and down, hearing them laugh and challenge each other.

So, the family time post summer and during “back to school” doesn’t have to be all forgotten, it just needs to be weaned slowly to a shorter time. It’s like a bandage, don’t rip it off quickly, do it slowly, otherwise it will hurt.

Even though we are back to school with its madness, ease off on forgetting the good old family times all together, remember, it’s the quality of time spent together not the quantity. HAVE FUN!

La Dolce Vita! n

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