Northern Express - August 01, 2022

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this week’s

top ten Must-Dos for Harbor Days

Elk Rapids’ hometown festival, Harbor Days, kicks off Wednesday, Aug. 3. There are a million things to do—or, at last count, at least 50—and you can find the whole schedule at But there are a few events we at Northern Express recommend you don’t miss. Thursday, Aug. 4, catch the Harbor Days Car Show by the Bay starting at 4pm or get out on the water with Paddle Antrim for the evening Paddle at Rotary Park at 6:30pm. Friday, take the kiddos to Arnold’s Amusements (open 3pm to 11pm) and watch the Fireman’s Waterball Contest at Veterans Memorial Park at 7pm. Saturday is the Grande Parade (noon), the Sand Sculpture Building Contest (2pm), the Swan Race (4:30pm), and the stunning firework show (10pm). Unaffiliated but conveniently timed for beer lovers, Short’s Fest will be held at the brewery’s Pull Barn in Elk Rapids, featuring drinks, food truck fare, live music, and more. (Tickets: $35-$65 at

Float Your Vintage Boat Go back in time with the historic, antique, and classic boats set along the tree-lined boardwalk of the Boardman River in downtown TC during the 2022 Boats on the Boardwalk on Saturday, Aug. 6 from 10am to 4pm. Hosted by the Water Wonderland Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc., vintage boats of any material and older than 25 years are welcome.


Hey, watch It! Obi Wan Kenobi

If you lost interest in that galaxy far, far away sometime in the past 23 years, consider checking back in for Obi Wan Kenobi. The six-episode miniseries on Disney+ is the most consistently engaging bit of Star Wars mythology since the 1980s. Central to the appeal is Ewan McGregor, whose portrayal of a younger, headstrong Obi Wan Kenobi was the highlight of the convoluted prequel trilogy. Here, McGregor plays a decidedly different version of the character: older, grumpier, wearier, and haunted by the horrors of his past. Called back into action by the kidnapping of a young Princess Leia (newcomer Vivien Lyra Blair, uncannily channeling the late Carrie Fisher), Kenobi must confront his failures, relearn how to be a Jedi, and face down a certain helmet-wearing former apprentice. That the show manages to wring so much tension and suspense out of characters we know will survive to fight another day is an impressive storytelling trick and might just re-energize your love for Star Wars. Now streaming on Disney+.


Jeans for every season.

Available online or in-store. Open 7 days a week.


tastemaker Sage’s Deep-Fried Deviled Eggs

Mom always warned us that too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing. And in most cases of culinary lily-gilding—Twinkies transformed into “Raspberry Zingers,” doublecheese pizzas with cheese-stuffed-crusts, etc.—she’s right. In the case of Sage’s latest lounge menu offering, however, she’s four aces short of a full deck. For starters, the Odawa Casino restaurant recently dunked everybody’s favorite hella-good hors d’ovum in a deep fryer. And that’s after whipping those deviled-egg yolks with sriracha and before topping them with candied bacon and green onion. Sweet, salty, rich, creamy, and crunchy all at once, these deep-fried devils are about as close to heaven as you can get here on earth. Find them at Sage Restaurant in Petoskey’s Odawa Casino, 1760 Lears Rd. (231) 3444420,

4 • aug 01, 2022 • Northern Express Weekly 231-352-4642 419 Main St, Frankfort

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