3 minute read

High Notes



Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

As children, we all had our fun finger painting and gluing things together. Using our imaginations, allowing our minds to wander into a fascinating world of creation, was second nature to us. Following our hearts and natural curiosities is what gave our creations significance. The lack of self-criticism in children is what allows them to show off those scribbled-looking drawings with immense pride.

As we continue to experience adult life, that child-like sense of wonder begins to disappear in some of us. Self-criticism increases as judgments in our own work become easier compared to the work of other people. This feeling of “am I good enough?” is advanced further with instant access to various online platforms that allow us to catch up on what the next person is creating. For many, these platforms are inspiring, but for others, they are discouraging, thus adding to the dissipation of creative expression.

Northern Michigan is known for its talented artists, who are nearly as prevalent as our cherry trees and apple trees. But from performance artists and musicians to potters and woodworkers, one perceptual question remains a hindrance to all: “Am I really an artist?”

The ability to create art isn’t lost within us—we just tend to lose confidence. So, how do we gain confidence back in ourselves? Well, if you ask any of us over here at Dunegrass, we’ll tell you first to select a nice uplifting Sativa strain to get the mind focused and the heart pumping with passion.

Next, embrace curiosity. Allowing yourself to try many different forms of art may help you navigate back onto a path of enjoying the process of making and creating. When we get lost in the flow of an activity, we start to feel the calming effects. Or was that the Sativa?

The bottom line: We are never too experienced to learn new things, and our childhood artist selves are never truly gone.

www.dunegrass.co Scan to spark creativity! We Need You

F I N D P U R P O S E W H I L E H E L P I N G O T H E R S M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E I N A S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S L I F E O R M E N T O R A C H I L D I N N E E D V O L U N T E E R 1 5 H O U R S A W E E K

E A R N U P T O $ 3 0 0 / M O N T H W I T H A T A X - F R E E H O U R L Y R E I M B U R S E M E N T & H A V E F U N !

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