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Jr. Golf............... 1
letters HIT SEND!
Love what we’re doing here? Disagree with something on these pages? Share your views by emailing a quick letter to the editor: info@northernexpress.com A Few Rules: • Keep your letters civil and 300 words or fewer, one per month • All letters will be edited for clarity • Some letters or portions will be omitted due to space or issues with questionable facts/citations, privacy, publication in other media, etc. • Include your full name, address, and phone or email • Note: Only your first name, first initial of last name, and city will be published. We are temporarily suspending publication of letter authors’ full names.
Freedom to Vote
The right to vote is a sacred, inalienable right of American citizens. Voting rights are being threatened by the introduction of the Michigan GOP’s 39 “election reform bills,” which are intended to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. The bills are based on the Big Lie.
More than 250 local and statewide audits confirmed that Michigan’s elections were safe, secure, and accurate. These bills would affect lower income people, disabled people, and seniors. Call your state representative and state senator to oppose bills that disenfranchise Michigan voters.
M. Fletcher, Lake Leelanau
Dam Hinders Fish
As I went down to notice the existing dam on Union Street, I saw a fish ladder not in use and netting — not letting — beautiful steelheads go upriver, beating? themselves, to death against a wire fence. This stoppage of good fish not being able to spawn is criminal. Yes, there are sea lamprey already in the Upper Boardman, I’ve seen them myself 10 years ago, impossible to kill. But not letting the good fish through is really ridiculous. If you want the river to go back to its natural state, quit controlling nature, let it do its own thing, please. Haven’t we screwed up the planet enough in this dying world?
Bradford K., Traverse City Do the Job Before the Bills, GOP
I am very concerned about the extreme number of proposed changes to Michigan’s election law. My years as an election inspector demonstrate that mail-in voting is totally safe and most proposed changes are unnecessary. They don’t address the needs of city and township clerks who successfully run elections. The 2020 election has been repeatedly audited, and it is recognized as one of the most voter engaged and accurate in years.
Proposed bills make mail-in voting more difficult and expensive for voters and clerks. The bills show an embarrassing lack of knowledge of voting procedures by GOP legislators. Senate bills 273, 278, 287 and 287 and 286 all make it harder for voters to vote absentee. With identify theft a huge problem, I do not want my license number nor photo mailed to anyone. The Qualified Voter File already has my name, address and birth date. A driver’s license number adds to info used in ID theft.
Election challengers need much more training and structure. However, election workers do not need well-intentioned bodies physically blocking us from election materials, equipment, or assisting voters. SB 276 could allow challengers to get even closer to voters at the tabulators than election inspectors are allowed — to film ballot tabulation and tabulator totals! Our job is difficult, with exacting rules and procedures to follow within a short timeframe.
The greatest needs I see are more time to process absentee ballots before election day and more opportunities for early voting and the dropping off of absentee ballots.
I suggest that legislators throw out these ill-informed proposed laws and actually work as an election inspector in the 2022 election in a district in which they are not running for office. They would learn election law and procedures and witness all that clerks and election inspectors are currently doing to safeguard our elections.
JoEllen R., Petoskey
Throw the Book at Him
In the April 12 issue, Steve Tuttle said this in his opinion column, “Spring Cleaning”:
It is true there is a group [Coalition of the Possible]trying to get governmental agencies to each kick in $10,000 for their project, but so far, only the village and DDA have done so. The library has nothing to do with this effort, is not planning to contribute, and has not even discussed it at a meeting. I am offended that you have implied the library is somehow involved with this boondoggle.
Also, library boards do not discuss books very often, unless there has been a challenge of one of our items. They do the very important work of overseeing the library operations by setting policy, ensuring adequate funding and approving a budget, planning for the future, and hiring a director to manage the library. Perhaps Mr. Tuttle could correct his statement in his next column.
Nannette M., Elk Rapids District Library
coming may 10
spring restaurant guide
NORTHERN express norther nex press.com
Spring RestauranTour Issue
NORTHERN MICHIGAN’S WEEKLY • may 11 - may 17, 2020 • Vol. 30 No. 19
Photo courtesy of Providence Organic Farm & CSA in Central Lake
email info@northernexpress.com or call 231-947-8787 CONTENTS
The Stories in Our Stars..................................9 EJ Jigs.....................................................10 Jr. Golf........................................................13 Morel Mushrooms.........................................14 Spring Refresh..............................................16 RAD.ISH........................................................19 Disc Golf.......................................................20
columns & stuff
Top Ten........................................................5 Spectator/Stephen Tuttle...............................6 Opinion..........................................................7 Weird............................................................8 Dates........................................................21 Advice.....................................................28 Crossword..................................................28 Astrology.....................................................26 Classifieds...............................................26

Northern Express Weekly is published by Eyes Only Media, LLC. Publisher: Luke Haase PO Box 4020 Traverse City, Michigan 49685 Phone: (231) 947-8787 Fax: 947-2425 email: info@northernexpress.com www.northernexpress.com Executive Editor: Lynda Twardowski Wheatley Finance & Distribution Manager: Brian Crouch Sales: Kathleen Johnson, Lisa Gillespie, Kaitlyn Nance, Michele Young, Randy Sills, Todd Norris, Jill Hayes For ad sales in Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Boyne & Charlevoix, call (231) 838-6948 Creative Director: Kyra Poehlman Distribution: Dave Anderson, Linda Szarkowski, Sarah Rodery, Randy Sills, Roger Racine Matt Ritter, Gary Twardowski Listings Editor: Jamie Kauffold Contributors: Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsny Ross Boissoneau, Eric Cox, Jennifer Hodges, Michael Phillips, Steve Tuttle, Anna Faller, Craig Manning, Janice Binkert Alex Tank, Meg Weichman
Copyright 2020, all rights reserved. Distribution: 36,000 copies at 600+ locations weekly. Northern Express Weekly is free of charge, but no person may take more than one copy of each weekly issue without written permission of Northern Express Weekly. Reproduction of all content without permission of the publisher is prohibited.
SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Keep your letter to 300 words or less, send no more than one per month, include your name/address/phone number, understand it may be further edited. That’s it.
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