2010 Northern Green Expo Program

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1813 Lexington Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113 651-633-4987 • toll free 888-886-6652 www.NorthernGreenExpo.org Partners Green Expo Northern


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Advertisers Albert J. Lauer, Inc. . . . . . . . .111

Hoffman Brothers Sod, Inc. .86

Anchor Block Company . . . . .91

Hyatt Minneapolis . . . . . . . . .46

Anderson Nurseries, Inc. . . . .41

Interlock Concrete Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 61

Bachman's Wholesale Nursery & Hardscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Table of Contents Vendor & Product Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Friday Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Hotel Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Super Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Wednesday Schedule-at-a-Glance . . . .10, 12 Thursday Schedule-at-a-Glance . . . . . .14, 16 Friday General Sessions Schedule . . . . . . . .18 University of Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Friday Pesticide Recertification . . . . . . . . . .20 Alumni Social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Legislative Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Northern Gardener Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . .23 MTGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Casino Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Education-On-The-Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 27 Expo Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Wednesday Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-36 Thursday Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37-43 Friday Seminars (General) . . . . . . . . . . . .44-46 Friday Seminars (Pesticide) . . . . . . . . . . .47-49 Speaker Biographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-63 Trade Show Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-67 Trade Show Numerical Listing . . . . . . . .68-71 New Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Exhibitor Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74-108 MNLA Member Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Out and About in Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . .110 Minneapolis Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Convention Center Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112


Welcome to Expo! JRK Seed and Turf Supply . . . .4

Beumer Tree Farm . . . . . . . . . .85

Kubota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Bourdeaux Enterprises, Inc. .94

L&M Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . .87

Borgert Products . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Liquid Fence Co. . . . . . . . . . . .64

Boyer Trucks Inc. . . . . . . . . . .109

Midland Equipment Co. . . . .89

Brock White Company . . . . . .77

Minnesota DNR-Nongame Wildlife Program . . . . . . . . .35

Carlin Sales/ProGreen Plus .49 Carlson Tractor & Equipment Co. . . . . . . . . .103 Central Landscape Supply . .63 Central Power Distributors .81 Cherokee Manufacturing . . .78, 79, 80 COWSMO, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

MTI Distributing, Inc. . . . . . .21 North Central Truck Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Northern Christmas Trees & Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Northern Gardener Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Crysteel Truck Equipment .101

Rock Hard Landscape Supply . . . . . . .95

Eagle Bay Farms . . . . . . . . . . .92

Specialty Turf & Ag . . . . . . . .113

Eull’s Manufacturing Co. Inc. 29

St. Joseph Equipment, Inc. . .15

Fury Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Gardenworld . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Swanston Equipment Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . .97

Gertens Wholesale . . . . . . . . . .2

Sylva Corporation Inc. . . . . .115

Great Northern Equipment Distributing, Inc. . . . . . . . . .11

The Builders Group . . . . . . . .73

Greystone Construction/ Cover-All Building Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83

The Tessman Company . . . . .98

GroNatural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 The Haag Companies . . . . .116 Harley’s Sod, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .84 Hedberg Landscape & Masonry Supplies . . . . . . .17

The Mulch Store/ RRT . . . . . .53 Timberwall Landscape Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Truck Utilities & Mfg. Co. . . . .43 TurfWerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 United Label & Sales . . . . . . .39 University of Minnesota, CFANS . . . . . . .19 Vermeer Sales & Service . . .107


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Expo Energized with New Friday Programs! riday, January 8th will be a “can’t miss” day at the 2010 Northern Green Expo! The educational programming has been energized on several fronts. The complete Expo schedule can be found on-line at www.NorthernGreenExpo.org by clicking on “education” and “day at a glance.”


(1) Increase your chances of passing the MNLA Certified Professional exam by attending a new, expanded training program on Friday at Expo. Running from 7:30-10:30 and 1:00-2:30, the hands-on, in-depth training will help prepare you for either the Jan. 22 or March 5 exams. Be sure to read the manual ahead of time!




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Winning Plant Combinations: Growers, garden centers, landscape and garden designers, and others will share their expertise and new ideas for combining trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals in the landscape as well as containers at the Winning Plant Combinations seminar, moderated by Mike Heger of Ambergate Gardens. Boost your sales potential for 2010 by discovering new alternatives for mixing and matching both old and new plants. The session runs from 1:00-3:00 p.m. on Friday. 6

Ex po

New Plant Forum: Breeders, growers, university experts and others will present a rapid-fire New Plant Forum, moderated by Debbie Lonnee of Bailey Nurseries. Modeled on the annual forum done at the Perennial Plant Association conference, this session will include new introductions from both the woody and herbaceous sides of the plant world. Attendees will also receive a great handout with all of the specifics on each plant. The session runs from 8:3010:30 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 8, leaving you time to check out some of the featured new plants in the trade show.

Super Certification & Licensing Day. Be sure to reserve your spot at one of the following programs.

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(2) Applied PLT Irrigation Training. Get six hours of qualifying CEUs towards renewing your power limited technician license. The training is specifically targeted to irrigation system management.

(3) For the first time ever, the Minnesota Department of Transportation Certified Landscape Specialist course will be at Expo, running from 8:00-10:30 and 12:00-4:00. (4) Testing for various PLANET certifications will run from 7:30-11:30 a.m. You must register with PLANET by Dec. 8 in the certification section of www.landcarenetwork.org. (5) As always, CEUs to maintain your pesticide applicator license will be available from 7:30-10:30 and 1:00-3:30. q

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Seminar Highlights arter: king Sm ers r o W d n d a Crew Lea Success Building ers, Foremen, and ag For Man 3:00pm and 8:00am – , foremen

gers ills for mana ing leadership sk orkshop p w lo rk y e o a v d w e ll d to This fu cus on r team ers will fo ow you and you crew lead all l il w t a s th s: Builders and habit two topic rking g in w o ll o nt the fo ople & W will prese Two Types of Pe s n zo ri o H nly royers - O and Dest h Lean Tools. it c 9) w r Smarte ter by De

Join us for a full or half-day seminar prior to the Northern Green Expo on Tuesday, January 5, 2010. There are 4 programs to choose from including:

is : $99 (reg Members ter by Dec 9) F G T M / is MNLA D BY 119 (reg SPONSORE mbers: $ Non-Me

Emerald A sh Borer: L Case Stud earning ie

s from Mic From Expe higan, Illin rience ois, and In d research diana update

on EAB an

8:30am – 4 Learn from th


ose who h ave lived th rough the arrival of EA · Urban fo B. resters from the cities o · Golf cours f Chicago an e superinte d Fort Way ndent from · Commer ne cial ar a Mic treatments borist who successfu higan course lly integrate into his tree d EAB care busin ess Topics incl ude: assess m en removal, re t, budgetin planting, in g, invento -house vs. contracted ry, treatment, risk, The progra labor, and m also feat more. ures Dr. Ch with the U ris William niversity o so f Wisconsin n, entomo logist Madison w ho will pro scientists in vide the EAB states . Early Regis tration: $7 5 (register by Dec 9)

Training pe Lighting a sc d n a L Applied PLT





8:00am – 5

ning Limited Trai urs of Power ho t gh ei es rovid This class p o ill contain: Tw hour class w 8 e Th t. lis ia lighting spec training . Technical able training door Lighting: lic p ap of s and 6 hour 12 Volt Out and Principals of on – Wiring will include: ape Lighting Installati ew sc - How N Design; Land D Landscape Lighting e Lighting d LE ap an sc ; ts nd ui La irc e C Changing th is gy lo no Tech Business. r by Dec 9) $99 (registe Members: F 9) TG ec D M / y MNLA egister b ers: $119 (r Non-Memb

Phospho rus Fertil izer Train 1:00pm – ing 5:00pm

SUPER TUESDAY JANUARY 5, 2010 MINNEAPOLIS CONVENTION CENTER Save $$ - register by Dec. 9. Registration fees increase after Dec. 9. No onsite registration. Note that registration fees listed here are separate from those for the Northern Green Expo.

For those golf cours e participa ted in the employees that h ave not 4-hour co training se re phosp ss horus Although ion, this is your o pportunit th y for 201 it is open is class targets go 0. lf course to all tha personne t are inte look at p rested in l, hosphoru a deta s fe impacts o n the env rtilizers and phosp iled ironment. horus MNLA / M TG Non-Mem F Members: $99 (re bers: $11 9 (registe gister by Dec 9) r by Dec 9)

Register for any of these programs online at www.mnla.biz or call 651-633-4987 for more information! 8

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Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management

11:00 a.m.— MNLA Annual Meeting. Room 201. 10:45 a.m.—MSTMA Annual Meeting. Room 203.

Turf & Grounds

TRADE SHOW OPEN 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

Environmental Stewardship

7:00-11:30 a.m.— MTA Annual Meeting. Room 202.


Business Management

7:30-8:30 a.m.— Free coffee—while supplies last

Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

Wednesday Morning, January 6







Opening Keynote: A Better Way

Jim Paluch

See Page 30



Selling the Experience

Jim Paluch

See Page 31



Award-Winning Landscapes: Installation & Management

Doug Geesaman, moderator

See Page 30



Aquatic Plants in the Horticulture Industry

Mack Cook

See Page 30



U of M Turfgrass Research Update

Brian Horgan, Eric Watkins

See Page 32



Managing the Challenges of Today’s Fuel: ULSD, Bio-diesel, Price Volatility

Tony Yocum

See Page 31



Bed Preparation and Plant Selection for Successful Garden Beds

David Zlesak

See Page 31



Stormwater Management: Why Grounds Managers Should Care

Jim Calkins

See Page 31



The Diversity and Majesty of Bur Oak

Guy Sternberg

See Page 31



Nursery Industry Trends

Jonathan Pedersen

See Page 31

EDUCATION-ON-THE-GO! S STAGE E P A C S N E E R G e 0 aisl Back of 100/20

tions ing Demonstra

• Prun osis, • EAB Diagn Wood Management, Disposal its; Subey: Labor Aud rn o tt A e th sk Your Work. • A tting Paid for e G ; rs o ct a tr Con PAGE 26 SCHEDULE ON 10

SAFETY STAG Back of 1900/2

000 aisle


• Skin Cance r Screenings • DOT Mock Vehicle Inspe ction • Safety Wea r Showcase • First Aid • Respiratory Proection Wo rkshop SCHEDULE ON PAGE 27

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Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management

RSVP at www.NorthernGreenExpo.org

Turf & Grounds

5:30 p.m.— Higher Education Alumni Social, Hyatt Regency


Dedicated trade show time 10:30 a.m.— 2:00 p.m. and 4:50 p.m.—5:30 p.m.

Environmental Stewardship

TRADE SHOW OPEN 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

Wednesday Afternoon, January 6 Business Management


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Making the Best Use of Time

Jim Paluch

See Page 34



Award Winning Landscapes: Design

Craig Trenary, moderator

See Page 34



Vegetable Production: What You Must Know to be Successful

Terri Nennich

See Page 33



Developing a Winter Injury Strategy for my Golf Course

David Minner

See Page 32



Maintenance and Upkeep of Native Plant Restorations

Paul Erdmann

See Page 34



Safety, Security and Environmental Sensitivity in Planning & Maintaining Grounds

Ron Bratlie

See Page 33



Woody Ornamentals: Selecting Gary Johnson Plants for the Site



Trees in a Changing Climate

Guy Sternberg

See Page 33



E-Commerce in the Nursery Industry

Jonathan Pedersen

See Page 32



Low Voltage Irrigation Systems & the National Electrical Code (NEC)

Ed Lethert

See Page 34



Small Trees for Northern Landscapes

Stan Hokanson

See Page 34



Controlling Moss on Putting Greens

David Minner

See Page 36



Greening the Grounds, Case Studies: Murphy Warehouse

Richard Murphy

See Page 36



Improving Input Utilization with Measurement Technology

Aaron Johnsen

See Page 36



Plant Disease ID

Dimitre Mollov

See Page 36



Crew Leader Idea Exchange

Scott Frampton, moderator

See Page 34



Prevailing Wage

Michelle Dreier

See Page 36



Travels with Terry: Innovative Golf Course Maintenance Equipment Ideas

Terry Buchen

See Page 36



Green Industry Legislative Forum

Bob Fitch, moderator

See Page 36



800 aisle r Back of 1700/1 est practices fo b t a k o lo n o avers. Get a handsreplaces and p fi s, ll a rf te a w pondless


See Page 32


Back of 200/300 aisle See Certified Arborists and Champion Tree Climbe rs in action


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Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management





How to Get the Best From Your Roger Stewart Golf Course Staff—4 Key Concepts to Remember, Part 1



Marvelous Marketing with Minimal Money

Bill McCurry

See Page 37



Plant-Soil-Water Relationships, Part 1

Nick Christians

See Page 37



The Edible Landscape

Jim Luby

See Page 38



What You Need to Know About Synthetic Turf

Michael Andresen, Mike McDonald

See Page 37



Landscape Lighting Idea Exchange

Nels Peterson, moderator

See Page 37



GPS Systems Panel

Michael Haut, Mike Hammel, Steve Nicholson, Mike McNamara, moderators

See Page 37



Deconstructing the Garden: Exploring the Design Process

Tim Thoelecke

See Page 39



Plant-Soil-Water Relationships, Part 2

Nick Christians

See Page 39



Contracts that Stand up in Court, and the Mechanics of Mechanic’s Liens

Patrick McGuiness

See Page 38



Dealing with High Wear Areas in Sports Turf

David Minner

See Page 38



Garden Center Idea Exchange

Bill McCurry, moderator

See Page 39



Bark the Beguiling Skin of Trees

William Chaney

See Page 39



Answers to Nursery Questions and Problems Panel

MNLA Nursery Committee Members

See Page 39

Booth 419, 421


Turf & Grounds





10:30 a.m.— MPSA Annual Meeting. Room 203. Noon — MAC Luncheon. Lounge A. Noon — MNLA Awards Luncheon. Ballroom B.

Business Management

9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m.—TRADE SHOW OPEN.

Environmental Stewardship

7:30-8:30 a.m.— Free coffee - while supplies last

Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

Thursday Morning, January 7

See Page 37


Near the front of 1800/1900 aisle

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Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management

Environmental Stewardship

Turf & Grounds


Dedicated trade show time 10:30 a.m.— 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.— MGCSA Annual Meeting. Room Aud. III. 4:30 p.m.— 6:30 p.m.— Casino Party. Ballroom 7:00 p.m.— MSA Reception, MTGF Suite at Hyatt. Regency

Business Management

TRADE SHOW OPEN 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

Thursday Afternoon, January 7







Garden Center Panel

See Page 40



Creating Successful NightLighting Photographs

Mark Halla, Jeff Pilla, Randy Berg Mark Madsen



Biosolids for Growing Resource Efficient Turf

Erik Ervin

See Page 40



Tree and Shrub Valuation: How Plant Management Affects Value

Manuel Jordan

See Page 41



Weather Warnings for Grounds Jonathan Yuhas Managers



Weed Warfare: Managing Weeds—The #1 Landscape & Garden Pest , Part 1

Jim Calkins

See Page 40



Networking and Presenting Yourself & Your Company

Matt Norman

See Page 40



Irrigation Scheduling, Part 1

Craig Otto

See Page 41



Aquatics Recertification

Steve Enger

See Page 42



Pricing and Promotion for Profit

Bill McCurry

See Page 42



Paving Surface Options for Grounds Managers

Roger Pocta

See Page 42



How to Get the Best From Your Roger Stewart Golf Course Staff—4 Key Concepts to Remember, Part 2



What Every Business Owner Should Know About Reducing Worker Comp Costs & Losses

John Primozich

See Page 42



Critter Control: Managing Wildlife Damage in an Urban Environment

Nick Reindl

See Page 42



Weed Warfare: Managing Weeds—The #1 Landscape & Garden Pest , Part 2

Jim Calkins

See Page 42



Taming the Paper Tiger

Tim Thoelecke

See Page 43



What Happens in the Dark Beneath the Bark

William Chaney

See Page 43



Irrigation Scheduling, Part 2

Craig Otto

See Page 42

Casino Party Thursday, January 7 • 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Minneapolis Convention Center Ballroom


See Page 41

See Page 41

See Page 43

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Friday, January 8, General Sessions 7:30-8:30 a.m.— Free coffee—while supplies last.

Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management

Environmental Stewardship


Turf & Grounds

DEDICATED TRADE SHOW TIME 10:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

TRADE SHOW OPEN—9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Business Management


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Applied PLT Irrigation Training, Part 1

Andy Lindquist

See Page 44



Hands-On and In-Depth Training to Become an MNLA Certified Professional, Part 1

MNLA Certification Committee

See Page 44



PLANET Testing


See Page 44



MNDOT Certified Landscape Specialist Training, Part 1

Mn/DOT Roadside Vegetation Management Unit & Landscape Architecture Unit

See Page 45



Management and Business Topics for Owners

John Larson, Alex Kane, John Thoresen, Anthony Wacker

See Page 45



New Plant Forum

Debbie Lonnee, moderator

See Page 45



MNDOT Certified Landscape Specialist Training, Part 2

Mn/DOT Roadside Vegetation Management Unit & Landscape Architecture Unit

See Page 45



Applied PLT Irrigation Training, Part 2

Andy Lindquist

See Page 46



Hands-On and In-Depth Training to Become an MNLA Certified Professional, Part 2

MNLA Certification Committee

See Page 46



Winning Plant Combinations

Mike Heger, moderator

See Page 46

ON W E N Y! nt A D I FR am New Pla

m t Foru ng Plan i n n n i o i s pm Wombinat 1:00 C



FRIDAY is Super Certification and Licensing Day! DETAILS • Pesticide Applicator Recertification • Power Limited Technician CEUs • MNLA Certified Professional Training • MnDOT Certified Landscape Specialist • PLANET Certification Exams


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Friday, January 8, Pesticide Recertification Trees, Shrubs & Tree Care

Water Management

Environmental Stewardship

Turf & Grounds


Annuals, Perennials, Grasses

These sessions qualify for Pesticide Applicator Recertification. Participants are required to attend the 7:30 a.m. session and five additional sessions. Attendance will be monitored.

Business Management







MDA General Session & EAB Update

Kay Sargent, Jeff Hahn

See Page 47



Cultural Program Inputs as They Affect Nutrient Fate

Brian Horgan

See Page 47



Herbicides for Nursery & Landscape

Eric Nordlie

See Page 48



Understanding the Biology of the Bad Guys to Reduce Chemical Use

Michelle Grabowski

See Page 48



MDA Update: Nursery Inspection Case Studies

Steven Shimek

See Page 48



Seaweed Extract Effects on Bentgrass Summer Stress Tolerance

Erik Ervin

See Page 48



Diagnosis and Management of New and Emerging Diseases of Golf Course Putting Greens

Jim Kerns

See Page 48



Nozzles, Water Volume, and Fungicide Efficacy

Mike Fidanza

See Page 48



Woody Plant Insect Management Updates

Vera Krischik

See Page 48



Pesticides Safety and Health

Dean Herzfeld

See Page 48



What’s in the Water? MDA’s Urban Stream Monitoring Program

Ron Struss

See Page 49



Woody Plant Disease Diagnostics

Steve Larson

See Page 49



Ecology and Control of Fairy Ring

Mike Fidanza

See Page 49





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Northern Presented by

Green Expo Partners

minnesota turf and grounds foundation

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Higher Education Alumni Social Set for Expo The Northern Green Expo offers you the chance to reconnect with your college friends and instructors! Take part in the Higher Education Alumni Social scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Regency Room (skyway level near the elevators) in the Hyatt Regency Hotel. An RSVP is not required, but is strongly encouraged. All those who RSVP in advance will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift card donated by the Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association. The link to the RSVP form can be found on the right-hand side of the home page at www.NorthernGreenExpo.org.

Colleges hosting the event include: University of Minnesota University of Wisconsin-River Falls Dakota County Technical College Hennepin Technical College North Dakota State University Rochester Community and Technical College South Dakota State University University of Minnesota – Crookston

EAB, Water, Pesticides

Top of the List for the New Legislative Forum at Expo The Minnesota Turf & Grounds Foundation and the Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association will co-host the new Legislative Forum at the Northern Green Expo at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 6 in Room 200DE.

landscape specifications could cause a ripple of restrictions and limit your design, installation, maintenance and irrigation options. Can lobbying for sound science conquer the feelings and emotion that push poor policy forward?

The Legislative Forum will include a fast-paced discussion of important issues being faced by green industry professionals and businesses. The two major areas of discussion will be:

There will be time for Q&A on each topic. Invited panelists include:

• Will there be state funding for tree removal and replacement in light of the attack of EAB? The state budget doesn’t seem to have an extra nickel: Is there a realistic strategy to secure money to help cities protect and restore the urban forest?

• Doug Carnival, McGrann, Shea, Carnival, Straughn & Lamb, lobbyist for the Minnesota Golf Association and the Minnesota Recreation & Park Association; and new regulatory consultant for MNLA.

• Will science or feelings determine pesticide and water policies? Year-after-year, misguided attempts have been introduced in the Minnesota legislature to require restrictions such as a 48-hour notice to all bordering properties prior to any pesticide application. The political pendulum is currently so far in one direction that the anti-pesticide forces may see their best chance for victory. Meanwhile, the EPA’s new model home 22

• John Boland, Boland & Associates, lobbyist for the Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association.

• Jack MacKenzie, North Oaks Golf Club, president of the Minnesota Turf & Grounds Foundation. • Kirk Pederson, Rice, Michels & Walther, LLP, lobbyist for the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board. • Tim Malooly, Water In Motion Inc., member of the national Irrigation Association Board of Directors. • The forum will be moderated by MNLA Executive Director Bob Fitch.

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MTGF ALLIED ASSOCIATIONS ARE: minnesota turf and grounds foundation

The Minnesota Turf and Grounds Foundation (MTGF) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1993. It is a partnership of eight turf and grounds related associations and the University of Minnesota. Its mission is to promote the green industries in Minnesota through support of research, education and outreach at the University of Minnesota and elsewhere. Did You Know? Did you know that the Minnesota Turf and Grounds Foundation (MTGF) is a partner with the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association (MN LA) in the production of Northern Green Expo (formerly known as Minnesota Green Expo)? On November 14, 2001, the two organizations agreed to merge the MTGF Conference and the MN LA Convention & Trade Show into the Minnesota Green Expo. The joint event premiered in January 2003. Over the course of the past seven years, the Minnesota Green Expo has averaged registered attendance of 7,449 and 919 occupied exhibit spaces. To date, the peak attendance was 8,049 in 2007 and the peak exhibit spaces was 1,017 in 2008. Learn more about the MTGF and its Allied Associations by visiting their displays in the lobby.

• Minnesota Association of Cemeteries (MAC) • Minnesota Educational Facilities Management Professionals (MASMS) • Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association (MGCSA) • Minnesota Park Supervisors Association (MPSA) • Minnesota Turf Association (MTA) • Minnesota Society of Arboriculture (MSA) • Minnesota Sports Turf Managers Association (MSTMA) • Minnesota Turf Seed Council (MTSC)

www.mtgf.org 24

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front of MBING DEM O 200/300 aisle


GREENSCAPES STAGE back of 100/200 aisle Wednesday, January 6 11:00 12:00

1:00 3:30


Pruning Trees in the Nursery Dave McNamara, Bailey Nurseries EAB Field Diagnosis with hands-on examples and visual aids

11:00 12:00 1:00


EAB: Disposal and utilization of ash wood Mark Abrahamson & Keith Jacobson, MDA Ask the Attorney: Subcontractors vs. Employees Patrick McGuiness, Zlimen & McGuiness Pruning Trees in Landscapes and Grounds Craig Pinkalla, Bill Shroyer, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board EAB Field Diagnosis with hands-on examples and visual aids Mark Abrahamson, MDA

Friday, January 8 10:45




! Take yo ur turn in Wednes the harn day ess! 10:30-1:3 0 and 3:3 0-5:30 Thursda y 11:00-1:0 0 and 3:3 0-4:30 Friday 10:30-11 :30

Pruning Trees in the Garden Center Mike Bender, Bailey Nurseries Ask the Attorney: Are you ready for a Labor Dept. Audit? Patrick McGuiness, Zlimen & McGuiness EAB Management Strategies including info on chemical choices and application equipment

Thursday, January 7

Ask the Attorney : How to get paid for your hard work Patrick McGuiness, Zlimen & McGuiness EAB Management Strategies including info on chemical choices and application equipment. Pruning Trees in Landscapes and Grounds Craig Pinkalla, Bill Shroyer, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board

in action



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Section 1 22-29 promo stuff:Layout 1 11/13/09 2:38 PM Page 6


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Presented by The Builders Group back of the 1900/2000 aisle Wednesday, January 6 11:00-1:00 Skin Cancer Screenings 11:30 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection 12:30 Safety Wear Showcase 1:30 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection 4:00 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection 5:00 Stop The Bleeding: First Aid Tips for Outdoor Professionals


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Thursday, January 7 11:00-1:00 Skin Cancer Screenings 11:30 Top 5 Tips for Kick-Starting Your Safety Program 12:30 Stop The Bleeding: First Aid Tips for Outdoor Professionals 1:30 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection 4:00 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection Friday, January 8 10:45-12:15 Skin Cancer Screening 11:00 Respiratory Protection Workshop 11:30 Mock DOT Vehicle Inspection 12:00 Respiratory Protection Workshop


Section 1 22-29 promo stuff:Layout 1 11/13/09 2:38 PM Page 7


Section 1 22-29 promo stuff:Layout 1 11/13/09 2:38 PM Page 8

YOUR INDUSTRY LEADER FOR “Big Block” Retaining Walls REDI-ROCK Retaining Wall System

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Section 2 30-49 Program descriptions:Layout 1 11/13/09 3:06 PM Page 1


Educational Programs Wednesday, Januar y 6 8:20 AM - 9:30 AM


Main Aud.



9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. II

Aquatic Plants in the Horticulture Industry MACK COOK Presented by: MNLA Commercial Flower Growers Committee

In this energizing session, Jim Paluch will share his vision of putting the Green back into the Green Industry by simply finding A Better Way for everything that we do. By focusing on The People, The Profits, and The Planet we can grow our team, our own career, and create a sustainable future and better world for all those we serve. As our operation practices are inspired to become proactive in addressing the environmental demands in a changing economy, we can see the opportunity to become ACTIPRENEURS or individuals capturing the opportunities of today while creating a better future for tomorrow. n

This presentation will be aimed at retailers and landscapers and will cover the place of aquatic plants in the horticulture industry, business plans, and sales figures. n

9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. I

Award Winning Landscapes: Installation & Management DOUG GEESAMAN Presented by: MNLA Landscape Awards Committee This is the first of two sessions showcasing the MNLA 2010 Landscape Award winners. This session will feature landscape installation and management entries. n

Seminars are listed in chronological order. Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63.

Requests for special services at the Northern Green Expo If you have a disability and may require accomodation in order to fully participate in the Northern Green Expo, please call Bob Fitch at 651-633-4987 or toll-free 888-8866652. Some accommodations may require extensive arrangements to put in place. We ask for your cooperation in notifying us as soon as possible of your need for Biographies ofofall Expo speakers andtomoderators accommodation. While every effort will be made to meet attendees’ needs, we cannot guarantee the availablility accommodations in response requests received can be found on pages XX-XX. after Dec. 15, 2009.


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9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Bed Preparation and Plant Selection for Successful Garden Beds DAVID ZLESAK Presented by: MTGF Garden beds (beds containing ornamental annuals and/or perennials) have great impact in the landscape because they can serve as focal points or complement other landscape features. To ensure success, a clear understanding of one's site is essential. Based on that knowledge, one can make reasonable bed amendments if warranted and select plants that grow well under the site's conditions while still meeting aesthetic needs. David will lead you through key factors to assessing a site and selecting appropriate plants. He will also present several examples of successful garden beds. n |


Managing the Challenges of Today's Fuel: ULSD, Biodiesel, Price Volatility TONY YOCUM Presented by: MTGF Optimizing fuel performance with education and real solutions will protect your budget and bottom line, enhance customer satisfaction, and allow you to stay focused on your business. Learn about the challenges and facts of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, Biodiesel, and the fuel products and services being created in the marketplace to keep your equipment running smoothly. Fuel price fundamentals, volatility analysis, and risk management programs will be introduced to help protect your operating margins. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Nursery Industry Trends JONATHAN PEDERSEN Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee Yes, these are challenging and changing times! It’s not all just about the economy; there are other factors at work that are shaping our industry, and it’s all happening relatively fast. What are the trends today and why are they happening? From branding to retail-ready, just-in-time deliveries, and plants that are required to be in color 24/7. Communication, supply, the consumer and new plants are driving forces today and not just in the USA. What do you need to do so you're not left behind? We’ll take a look! n


Main Aud.

Selling the Experience JIM PALUCH Presented by: MNLA Hardscapes Committee Jim Paluch’s career as a trainer started 19 years ago as a result of his tremendous success as a sales person. It is clear that the simple basics of sales can sometimes be the most profound concepts to learn and apply. Understanding that people only buy on price if we allow them to, opens up the discovery of the importance of developing relationships, creating awesome experiences, and building a client base that looks forward to spending more money with you. Jim has helped hundreds of individuals double and triple sales goals through his fun and effective approach. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Stormwater Management: Why Grounds Managers Should Care


9:40 AM - 10:30 AM

9:40 AM - 10:30 AM

JIM CALKINS Presented by: MTGF Regardless of the type of landscape – residential, commercial, park, golf course, cemetery, or agricultural – other than flooding and the potential for property damage caused by flooding, managing runoff from rain events and snowmelt has often been overlooked from both a design and management perspective. Historically, the focus has been on careful grading to route runoff away from structures and off the property as quickly and efficiently as possible. This simple strategy is no longer an acceptable solution as increasing concerns about stormwater runoff and its effects on water quality continue to foster stricter stormwater management requirements. Learn about the importance of managing stormwater runoff properly, why runoff should be considered a valuable commodity rather than simply a drainage issue, and how you can better manage runoff on the grounds you manage. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



The Diversity and Majesty of Bur Oak GUY STERNBERG Presented by: MSA and MNLA Commercial Arborist Committee Bur oak, our ubiquitous denizen of Midwest savannas, floodplain forests, and bluff tops alike, is one of the most widespread and diverse of all North American trees. See some majestic examples of this great tree, learn more about its growth stages and management, and review the clinal differences displayed by specimens grown from throughout its native range. n 31

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9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. III

U of M Turfgrass Research Update BRIAN HORGAN, ERIC WATKINS Presented by: MGCSA




Aud. III

Developing a Winter Injury Strategy for My Golf Course DAVID MINNER

University of Minnesota turfgrass science faculty, Brian Horgan and Eric Watkins, will update you on the latest research being conducted at the TROE Center. Topics include: developing native grasses for turf, screening for disease resistance, converting rough areas to no-mow fescue, management of velvet bentgrasses, pesticide recommendations, evaluating fescue and bentgrass species for low-input greens, water conservation and remote sensing, late fall nitrogen fertilizer programs, soil testing for nitrogen recommendations, fertilizer and pesticide runoff, and NTEP data. n 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM


Woody Ornamentals: Selecting Plants for the Site GARY JOHNSON Presented by: MTGF There really aren't any "bad" trees or shrubs, but there are a lot of misplaced ones. Fifty foot tall trees shouldn't be planted under 25 foot power lines; acid-loving trees and shrubs shouldn’t be planted in our boulevards; and crabapples that are prone to apple scab and fire blight probably should be ignored since there are so many good alternatives. This session will focus on the most common site limitations, how to assess those limitations and then a broad look at some plant materials that will not just survive but thrive in those sites. You may not always like the plants, but you'll approve of the outcome. n

Presented by: MGCSA Results from the GCSAA Winter Injury Trial conducted at Iowa State University will be presented along with theories and solutions for the various types of winter injury experienced in Minnesota and Iowa including direct low temperature injury, ice injury, desiccation, and crown hydration. n 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM



E-Commerce in the Nursery Industry JONATHAN PEDERSEN Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee We live in a society today where instant communication is the norm and is fast becoming the requirement for business. Where are you and your business on the information super highway? Google, Facebook and others are fast becoming the way we get information and our industry needs to get onboard fast! It’s going to take more than a website with your contact information. We will look at some of the ways that you can get going without breaking the bank. From communicating and selling to your wholesale customers or directly to the consumer, ecommerce is one of the fastest growing sectors in business today. How can this work with our industry's touch and feel products? Lets take a look. n

Minnesota Turf Association Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association

Annual Meeting 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Room 201 • Minneapolis Convention Center


Annual Meeting 7:00-11:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Room 202 • Mpls. Convention Center

Section 2 30-49 Program descriptions:Layout 1 11/13/09 3:06 PM Page 4

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM


Aud. II

Vegetable Production: What You Must Know to be Successful TERRY NENNICH

Stimulus Package from Expo Hotels!

Presented by: MNLA Commercial Flower Growers and Nursery Committees The interest in local foods and vegetable gardening is increasing drastically. Some people are returning to their gardens but many are just starting and are full of questions. This seminar will supply information on site selection, site preparation, planting, soil fertility and pH, mulching and plastics, weed control, disease and insect control, plant varieties, plant culture, irrigation, harvest and a small segment on season extension. n 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM





Safety, Security, and Environmental Sensitivity in Planning & Maintaining Grounds

The Hyatt Regency and Millennium Hotels are offering a "stimulus package" to 2010 Northern Green Expo attendees to say thanks for your years of loyal patronage. Each guest will receive a $10 voucher that can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner or drinks. At the Hyatt, the voucher can be used at Spike's, Spike's Dugout, or Taxxi's. At the Millennium, the voucher can be used at Martini's Lobby Lounge or Nic’s Restaurant. (One $10 voucher per guest room per day.) In addition, both Spike's and Martini's will feature bonus happy hour specials for Northern Green Expo attendees. Both hotels are connected by climate-controlled skyway to the Minneapolis Convention Center. Rates are $94. Call Hyatt reservations at 888-421-1442 or call Millennium reservations at 866-866-8086.

Dr. Bratlie will discuss the importance of planning of grounds with respect to safety, security, and environmental concerns of today. Participants will: • Learn why it is important to plan grounds with safety, security and environmental issues in mind. • Recognize the educational and economic benefits of proper planning and maintenance of grounds to students and staff. • Learn how to conduct an environmentally responsive site audit and develop integrated planning. • Identify opportunities to enhance new or existing sites including: sustainability, water efficiency, life cycle costs, lighting pollution, green roofs, and natural surveillance. n 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM



Trees in a Changing Climate GUY STERNBERG Presented by: MSA and MNLA Commercial Arborist Committee Most scientists agree that our climate is becoming increasingly unstable, even if a few still doubt the extent of the role our own species is playing in the process. How will this affect our most treasured and permanent landscape plants – our trees? Why should we be concerned, and what should we do? Learn about things such as proxy data; clinal variation; natural climate cycling; the importance of species, provenance, and diversity; and some expected trends for our landscapes of the coming century. Come away better prepared for the uncertain future of your environment. n 33

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2:00 PM - 2:50 PM


Main Aud.

Making the Best Use of Time JIM PALUCH Presented by: MNLA Hardscapes Committee During the research for his second book, Leaving a Legacy, Jim Paluch asked senior citizens what they would do differently if they could live their life over again. The answer in most cases related back to one thing, "Make better use of my time." In this interactive seminar, Jim Paluch builds on this common challenge we all share and gives insights on how to utilize our most valuable commodity, TIME. By focusing on the Time Wasters and Time Makers participants find out how to find more time every day and leave with a written plan of action to make the best use of their time. n


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM



Maintenance and Upkeep of Native Plant Restorations PAUL ERDMANN Presented by: MGCSA This seminar will focus on short-term as well as long-term maintenance of native plant restorations. It will cover several techniques for controlling invasive weeds and pests including initial mulching, herbicide treatments, fire, and fencing. n 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM


Aud. I

Award-Winning Landscapes: Design CRAIG TRENARY Presented by: MNLA Landscape Awards Committee Learn from the region's best landscape designers! Hear the latest landscape ideas from members that submitted winning landscape design entries for the 2010 MNLA Landscape Awards Competition. n

Minnesota Sports Turf Managers Association

Annual Meeting 10:45 am • Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Room 203• Minneapolis Convention Center 34

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM



Low Voltage Irrigation Systems and the National Electrical Code (PLT) ED LETHERT Presented by: MNLA and MTGF This class is intended for persons who work with low voltage turf irrigation. It is intended to benefit individuals licensed as power limited technicians and individuals registered as unlicensed electrical workers. It is also of interest to unlicensed persons involved with these technologies. Compliance with the National Electrical Code is required of ALL persons performing electrical work. The class consists of 2 hours of instruction covering applicable portions of the 2008 National Electrical Code, focusing on applicable portions of Article 250 (Grounding and Bonding), Chapter 3 (Wiring Methods), Article 411 (Lighting Systems Operating at 30 Volts or Less), Article 725 (Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 Remote Control, and Power Limited Circuits), and Electrical Safety. It will address changes to the 2008 NEC where appropriate. The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has approved this continuing education class for 2 hours of NEC credit. The State of Minnesota requires that holders of a power limited technician license that has an effective date prior to December 1, 2007 complete 8 hours of stateapproved continuing education. A minimum of 2 of these hours must be based on the National Electrical Code. The state of Minnesota requires that holders of a power limited technician license that has an effective date of December 1, 2007 or later complete 16 hours of state-approved continuing education. A minimum of 2 of these hours must be based on the National Electrical Code based on current Minnesota Rules. n 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM



Crew Leader Idea Exchange SCOTT FRAMPTON Presented by: MNLA Landscape Contractors Committee The Landscape Contractors Committee will again host the popular crew leader idea exchange. The purpose of this seminar is to bring together a cross section of industry groups to discuss issues they encounter in the field. Questions and topics up for discussion will include: time management, tool selection, crew size and make-up, weather issues, client interaction, equipment maintenance, safety, and Gopher State One Call. Come prepared to share your challenges, successes, and failures, as well as to learn from your industry colleagues. This is a MUST-attend session for crew leaders – attendees will be overwhelmed with ideas to implement in their own operations! n

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3:00 PM - 3:50 PM


Aud. III

Controlling Moss on Putting Greens DAVID MINNER Presented by: MGCSA Moss is on the increase on putting greens across the U.S. Learn how moss grows and spreads and what you can do to prevent it from overtaking your greens. Product research will be discussed and moss control strategies will be presented. n 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM



Greening of the Grounds, Case Studies: Murphy Warehouse WEDNESDAY

RICHARD MURPHY Presented by: MTGF Want to learn about 15 year old prairies installed on industrial sites and their economic, environmental, design and stormwater impacts? Would the actual cost figures for prairie vs. lawn be of interest, especially if I told you we saved nearly $500,000 so far? How about the planting of 732 trees on industrial sites? And how about a highly urban, industrial stormwater solution that incorporates prairie planted raingardens and retention basin? This session will present details of three sustainability actions Murphy has installed on its logistics campuses. n 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM



Improving Input Utilization with Measurement Technology AARON JOHNSEN Presented by: MGCSA Turfgrass managers are facing environmental restrictions and experiencing economic pain. This, along with sustained user demand for high quality conditions, is cause for improved input management. Turfgrass managers can use measurement technology to better manage monetary, labor, fertility, and pesticide inputs. This talk will discuss measurement technology and its implementation in your maintenance plan. n 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM




Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee This seminar will discuss prevailing wage: what prevailing wage is, how it is applied, new statutory requirements, and how to get involved in the process. n 36

3:00 PM - 3:50 PM



Plant Disease ID DIMITRE MOLLOV Presented by: MTGF

The University of Minnesota Plant Disease Clinic is the onestop location for identification of plant diseases. Different diagnostic teqhniques are utilized at the clinic for detection of viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens. Case studies of most common diseases in Minnesota will be presented. n 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM


Aud. II

Small Trees for Northern Landscapes STAN HOKANSON Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee This seminar will include the following topics: defining a small tree, uses for small trees, descriptions, pictures of candidate species and cultivars known and not-so-well known for use in northern landscapes. n 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM


Aud. III

Travels with Terry: Innovative Golf Course Maintenance Equipment Ideas TERRY BUCHEN Presented by: MGCSA Golf course superintendents, assistant superintendents, equipment managers and assistant mechanics will learn innovative ways to modify existing golf course maintenance equipment to make it operate better and to also create better working conditions for equipment operators. Learn to design and build unique maintenance equipment from start to finish. The seminar will provide approximate cost estimates for materials and labor time to complete each idea. All equipment ideas were published in the "Travels with Terry" monthly column in Golf Course Industry Magazine. n 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM



Green Industry Legislative Forum BOB FITCH Presented by: MNLA and MTGF Get the inside scoop on critical state legislative and regulatory issues that face green industry professionals. Whether its taxes or pesticides or water or EAB, get the latest info plus take part in the Q&A. Involvement in government affairs is an insurance policy for the future viability of our professions! Sponsored by Bachmans’ Wholesale & Hardscapes; Irrigation By Design Inc., Wilson’s Nursery, Inc. and Zlimen & McGuiness, PLLC. n

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Thursday, Januar y 7 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. III

How to Get the Best from your Golf Course Staff - 4 Key Concepts to Remember, Part 1 ROGER STEWART Presented by: MGCSA

Part 2 of this session will be from 3:20 pm – 5:00 pm. 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM



GPS Systems Panel PANEL: MIKE HAMMEL, MICHAEL HAUT, MIKE MCNAMARA, STEVE NICHOLSON Presented by: MNLA Landscape Contractors and Commercial Arborist Committees Panelists will discuss a wide range of GPS applications for the green industry, including asset tracking, mapping, routing, time tracking, etc. Equipment costs will also be covered. We will avoid the technical background on how GPS works and focus on how to best use GPS. There will be time for questions from the audience about specific applications. n 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM


Aud. I

Marvelous Marketing with Minimal Money



Landscape Lighting Idea Exchange NELS PETERSON Presented by: MNLA Landscape Lighting Committee Nels Peterson will moderate a discussion of landscape lighting design, fixtures, marketing and other issues of interest. Attendees are encouraged to interact and be involved. n

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM



What You Need to Know About Synthetic Turf


Today we are all struggling with the challenges of shrinking budgets and shrinking staff sizes. There are four key concepts to remember to keep your employees motivated and working toward the goals at your facility. This seminar will explain these concepts and how they can be used every day to ensure you and your staff are always on the same page and working together as a team. n

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

MICHAEL ANDRESEN, MIKE MCDONALD Presented by: MSTMA This presentation will highlight new technologies and the latest updates on artificial turf. Sports Turf Managers will also cover their new and proven techniques for managing rubber infill fields. n 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM


Aud. II

Plant-Water-Soil Relationships, Part 1 NICK E. CHRISTIANS Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee This seminar will be a discussion of the basic principles of soil science as they relate to soil testing and soil test interpretation. n Part 2 of this session will be from 9:40 am. – 10:30am.

WILLIAM MCCURRY Presented by: MNLA Garden Center Committee Smarter customers are demanding more, but you are faced with more expensive and less effective media. How can you survive? Let’s get beyond "survive" and get to "thrive." How? By focusing on the strategies that work in today’s hypercompetitive world. It’s never easy but when you know what works in the real world (and what doesn’t work) it reduces your stress level and makes business fun again. We’ll uncover the secrets of marketing for 2010 and beyond. n Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63. 37

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8:30 AM - 9:30 AM



The Edible Landscape JIM LUBY Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee Fruit plants can add both beauty and function in the northern landscape. Tough economic times and interest in having fresher produce, have prompted gardeners to get into growing their own. From berries to tree fruits, an assortment of adapted cultivars and species will be presented along with special planting and care required for some species. n

9:40 AM - 10:30 AM




Answers to Nursery Questions and Problems Panel PANEL: STAN HOKANSON, CORY WHITMER, BERT SWANSON, ERIC NORDLIE, SUSAN MORLOCK JELKS, KENDALL KLAUS, JOHN DANIELS, BRANDON KALLAND Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee Have your plant growth questions and plant production problems answered and discussed by your professional colleagues. Now is your chance to tap into the knowledge and experience of several experts relative to your own specific needs, questions or problems. Prior to, or at the Northern Green Expo, clearly state or explain your question or problem on the "Ask the Expert Questions" form provided online at www.NorthernGreenExpo.org or at the Expo. Submit the form to the MNLA Nursery Committee by turning it in to the Member Services Booth at the Expo by Noon on Wednesday, January 6, 2010. Then attend this session to hear the answers and discussion of your questions as well as issues of your colleagues. n

9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Contracts that Stand up in Court and the Mechanics of Mechanic's Liens PATRICK MCGUINESS Presented by: MNLA Hardscapes Committee Written contracts are an essential part of doing business. Learn what the essential parts of a contract are and get information on what makes a contract effective. From having the right information in each contract, to making sure you have the proper signatures, this seminar will improve your ability to enforce your contracts should you ever need to. The seminar will also cover mechanic's liens. What are mechanic's liens and how can they benefit your business? Who is entitled to a lien and what steps must be taken in order for the lien to be valid and useful? All of these items and questions will be addressed in a seminar that mixes humor and the law with a laid back presentation. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Dealing with High Wear Areas in Sports Turf DAVID MINNER Presented by: MSTMA Learn how to manage intense traffic areas of sport fields using high seeding rates, multiple seeding techniques, force feeding with fertilizer, cultivation, and field assessment/traffic reduction. n

Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63.

Minnesota Park Supervisors Association

Annual Meeting 10:30 a.m. • Thursday, January 7, 2010 Room 203 Minneapolis Convention Center

Minnesota Association of Cemeteries

Luncheon Noon • Thursday, January 7, 2010 Lounge A • Mpls. Convention Center


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9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Bark: The Beguiling Skin of Trees WILLIAM CHANEY Presented by: MSA and MNLA Commercial Arborist Committee Even though bark is an important aid for identifying trees, adds aesthetic appeal to landscapes, and has many commercial uses, it is among the least understood part of the tree. Learn why barks look different, some smooth while others may be scaly or furrowed, and be able to impress your clients with knowledge of how it forms, why it is shed, and how to repair it when damaged. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Main Aud.

Deconstructing the Garden: Exploring the Design Process THURSDAY

TIM THOELECKE Presented by: MNLA Landscape Design Committee Using case studies, this lecture explains the thought process one designer uses when formulating a design. A welldesigned landscape does not occur by accident. There are deliberate decisions made in the creation of the design. In this lecture, Tim takes you through the steps in his process with before, during and after illustrations and photos from the drafting board to installed project. n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM



Garden Center Idea Exchange WILLIAM MCCURRY Presented by: MNLA Garden Center Committee Have a great marketing idea that you’d like to share? Or want to hear what marketing ideas are working for other garden centers? Marketing is just one of the topics that will be discussed at the Garden Center Exchange, which will be moderated by Bill McCurry. Please bring your ideas, comments and challenges to share with your peers. You will be amazed at the knowledge base that will be in the room and with the concrete take-a-ways you can apply to your own business! n 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. II

Plant-Water-Soil Relationships, Part 2 NICK E. CHRISTIANS Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee A continuation of “Plant-Water-Soil Relationships, Part 1” with an emphasis on water quality, water testing, and soil related issues. n 39

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2:00 PM - 3:10 PM


Aud. III

Biosolids for Growing Resource-Efficient Turf



Networking and Presenting Yourself and Your Company



Presented by: MGCSA

Presented by: MNLA Landscape Design Committee

Biosolids or processed sewage sludge have been shown to be an affordable and effective slow-release source of nutrients in comparison to traditional commercial fertilizers. Our recent research has also shown that they can be a source of auxins resulting in enhanced rooting and subsequent drought resistance. We will review the greenhouse data plus discuss preliminary results of our USDA-funded project using biosolids to produce a crop of tall fescue at Woodward Turf Farm in Virginia. n

As competition for jobs increases and technology makes face time even more scarce, it’s important that we continually improve our ability to network and present ourselves successfully. This seminar will take network marketing and presentation skills to the next level. Specifically we will work on: • Leading more compelling conversations in networking situations. • Developing the skills and attitudes that will make the biggest impact. • Honing presentation skills so that thoughts are properly conveyed. n

2:00 PM - 3:10 PM


2:00 PM - 3:10 PM


Aud. I

Garden Center Panel PANEL: RANDY BERG, MARK HALLA, JEFF PILLA Presented by: MNLA Garden Center Committee Back by popular demand! Running a highly seasonal business like a retail garden center is never easy, but even less so with increasing costs and reduced customer traffic as many have experienced this year. How do we compete and thrive in this new market environment? This session will feature a panel of three managers of independent garden centers located in Minnesota. We invite you to bring your ideas and questions to this facilitated discussion to find real life answers to real life challenges. n

Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63.

Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association


2:00 PM - 3:10 PM



Weed Warfare: Managing Weeds – The #1 Landscape & Garden Pest, Part 1 JIM CALKINS Presented by: MNLA Landscape Management Committee Without a doubt, weeds are the #1 landscape and garden pest and the bane of homeowners and landscape managers alike. Unlike most other landscape pests, weeds are a perennial problem in nearly every landscape and every season and their presence and level of concern is influenced by a variety of landscape design and implementation, landscape management, and environmental factors. Weeds compete for water, nutrients, and light. Some affect the growth of other plants by producing chemicals that stunt their growth. Others harbor insects, diseases, and other pests. Most are generally considered unacceptable in landscapes based on aesthetics. Understanding weeds and how and when they should be managed is an important skill for those charged with managing landscapes. Weed ID, potential threats, and the benefits and drawbacks of the various management and control options available for different landscape situations – mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical – will all be discussed. n Part 2 of this session will be from 3:20 pm – 4:30pm.

Annual Meeting

Minnesota Society of Arboriculture

1:00 p.m. • Thursday, January 7, 2010 Auditorium 3 • Mpls. Convention Center

7:00 p.m., Thursday, January 7, 2010 MTGF Suite • Hyatt Regency Hotel

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2:00 PM - 3:10 PM



Irrigation Scheduling, Part 1 CRAIG OTTO Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee Students will learn the four factors that influence effective irrigation scheduling. These include: weather, plants, irrigation, and soils. n Part 2 of this session will be from 3:20 – 4:30pm. 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM



Tree and Shrub Valuation: How Plant Management Affects Value MANUEL JORDAN Presented by: MNLA Commercial Arborist Committee


Aud. II

Creating Successful Night-Lighting Photographs MARK MADSEN Presented by: MNLA Landscape Lighting Committee Learn how to create stunning photographs of your evening landscape lighting projects. If you’re frustrated by having only daytime images of your projects, or have never been able to achieve proper exposure and sharpness in your attempts at evening photography, come expecting to acquire tips you can put to use right away. n 2:00 PM - 3:10 PM



Weather Warnings for Grounds Managers JONATHAN YUHAS Presented by: MTGF Join Yuhas to learn how to use the internet to access live, reliable, free weather information. There will also be a discussion of Minnesota weather hazards including: lightning, hail, heavy rain, damaging winds, and tornados. n



Almost everyone knows that trees and shrubs are valuable. They beautify our surroundings, purify our air, act as sound barriers, manufacture precious oxygen, help us save energy through their cooling shade in summer and their wind reduction in winter, and serve as habitat and food for wildlife. Many people do not realize that plants have a dollar value that can be measured by experienced plant appraisers. Learn about hidden values and how management choices affect them. n

2:00 PM - 3:10 PM

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2:00 PM - 4:00 PM



Aquatics Recertification STEVE ENGER Presented by: MTGF The aquatic pesticide applicator re-certification training session will provide information on aquatic invasive species management, common aquatic pesticides used for plant control in Minnesota, alternative methods of aquatic plant control and aquatic plant management regulations in Minnesota. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM


Aud. I

Pricing and Promotion for Profit WILLIAM MCCURRY


Presented by: MNLA Garden Center Committee Everybody wants a deal. You can deliver great value for your customers and maintain super profit margins for yourself when you know the secrets of profitable pricing. Couple that with proper promotion techniques and you’ve got a winning combination that will catapult your earnings. The customer wants value and she will keep shopping until she finds it. Save her the trouble by delivering what she wants, when and how she wants it while doing so profitably. We’ll explore what really works in today’s super competitive environment. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM



Irrigation Scheduling, Part 2 CRAIG OTTO

3:20 PM - 4:30 PM



Weed Warfare: Managing Weeds – The #1 Landscape & Garden Pest, Part 2 JIM CALKINS Presented by: MNLA Landscape Management Committee Without a doubt, weeds are the #1 landscape and garden pest and the bane of homeowners and landscape managers alike. Unlike most other landscape pests, weeds are a perennial problem in nearly every landscape and every season and their presence and level of concern is influenced by a variety of landscape design and implementation, landscape management, and environmental factors. Weeds compete for water, nutrients, and light. Some affect the growth of other plants by producing chemicals that stunt their growth. Others harbor insects, diseases, and other pests. Most are generally considered unacceptable in landscapes based on aesthetics. Understanding weeds and how and when they should be managed is an important skill for those charged with managing landscapes. Weed ID, potential threats, and the benefits and drawbacks of the various management and control options available for different landscape situations – mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical – will all be discussed. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM



Critter Control: Managing Wildlife Damage in an Urban Environment NICK REINDL Presented by: MAC

Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee Learn how to calculate precipitation rates, determine evapotranspiration, estimate efficiency, and create run times and frequency of irrigation that matches existing soil characteristics. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM


Aud. II

Paving Surface Options for Grounds Managers ROGER POCTA, MICHAEL MURPHY Presented by: MTGF This presentation will focus on: • Evaluation of existing pavement conditions along with maintenance recommendations. • Means and methods to develop 5 year maintenance management budgets. • Maintenance system cost estimating. • City regulations regarding pavement rehabilitation • Stormwater management practices. n 42

This seminar will focus on damage caused by white-tailed deer and Canada geese. Damage prevention and control measures will be discussed. State statutes related to nuisance wildlife will be reviewed briefly with an emphasis on control measures that can be implemented by property owners. Regional sources for damage abatement materials will be provided. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM



What Every Business Owner Should Know about Reducing Worker Comp Costs and Losses JOHN PRIMOZICH Presented by: MNLA Member Services Committee There are 8 main topics that will be covered during this session: Minnesota workers compensation system, hiring and employment practices/AWAIR programs, preferred providers, 1st report of injury/accident investigation, return to work, controlling claims costs, OSHA 300 log, and experience modification factors. n

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3:20 PM - 4:30 PM



What Happens in the Dark Beneath the Bark WILLIAM CHANEY Presented by: MSA and MNLA Commercial Arborist Committee Although it is out-of-sight, the anastomosing trail of connected cells hidden from view under bark are critical for moving life giving water, nutrients, and food as well as the chemicals of the arborist trade. The extensive variation in cellular structure among different kinds of trees will be illustrated, and the important implications of this for uptake and movement of substances applied to the soil, roots, leaves or trunk injected will be emphasized. n 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM




Taming the Paper Tiger TIM THOELECKE Presented by: MNLA Landscape Design Committee Relieve stress by creating systems to manage your landscape design business. Whether you are a sole practitioner or you have 5 landscape crews, the mindset is the same. If you spend some time designing your business, the payoff is immeasurable. Beginning with initial contact, a landscape designer goes through a series of steps in the process of getting the job done. This process is crucial to the success of the project and critical to the ultimate satisfaction of both client and designer. This presentation includes strategies for documenting conversations, changes, and using technology to make your life easier, as well as the "Ten-Step Design Process,” a proven strategy for dealing with a project from initial contact through final installation. n 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM


St. Paul

651-484-3305 Fargo


Aud. III

How to Get the Best from your Golf Course Staff - 4 Key Concepts to Remember, Part 2 ROGER STEWART Presented by: MGCSA Today we are all struggling with the challenges of shrinking budgets and shrinking staff sizes. There are four key concepts to remember to keep your employees motivated and working toward the goals at your facility. This seminar will explain these concepts and how they can be used every day to ensure you and your staff are always on the same page and working together as a team. n


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Fr iday, Januar y 8 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM



Hands-On and In-Depth Training to Become an MNLA Certified Professional, Part 1 BERT SWANSON


Presented by: MNLA Certification Committee This training will enhance your overall professional knowledge and improve your readiness to take the MNLA Certification Exam. Plant Identification will be taught by the Plant ID Expert, Tim Vogel of Baily Nurseries, using in-depth lectures, hands-on actual ID, and handouts. A practice exam will be given to familiarize the candidate with the exam format and actual exam questions. Specialization topics will be presented and questions answered in-depth by additional Certification Experts including: Laurie Robinson, Bailey Nurseries; Dr. Terry Ferriss, UWRF; Ed Plaster, DCTC; Mark Armstead, Linders Garden Center; and Dr. Bert Swanson, Swanson's Nursery Consulting, Inc. Be prepared to become a Certified Professional. It will be very helpful to you to have read the MNLA Certification Manual prior to attending this session to facilitate your learning and to bring forth any questions you might have. n NOTE: Attendees need to attend both parts 1 and 2 of this training in order to take the practice exam. Part 2 of this session will be from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM



Applied PLT Irrigation Training, Part 1 ANDY LINDQUIST Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee This session will cover electrical troubleshooting equipment for irrigation systems including: wire tracking equipment types and application, irrigation electrical testing equipment for conventional and two wire (decoder) systems, discovering the various irrigation testing equipment available, and how to properly use the products to troubleshoot your irrigation system. n Part 2 of this session will be from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm.


7:30 AM - 10:30 AM



PLANET Testing

Presented by Landscape Contractors Committee Interested in obtaining PLANET certification? Several tests will be offered including the following: CLP, CLT-I, COLP, and CTP-CSL. • Certified Landscape Professional (CLP) - The examination is a 4-hour multiple choice test. Candidates are expected to be a landscape contractor business owner or manager. The subjects tested represent the skill set needed to successfully run a business. • Certified Landscape Technician – Interior (CLT-I) - The CLT-Interior exam is a 4- hour multiple choice format test covering topics related to the job performance of the Interior Technician. Any interior technician who wants to demonstrate a mastery of a body of knowledge recognized as the international standard should take this exam. • Certified Ornamental Landscape Professional (COLP) This self-study course followed by examination emphasizes tree and shrub maintenance procedures. Candidates concentrate on landscape trees and ornamental woody plant physiology, health care management, and establishment. The course has learning materials on soil basics, insect and disease identification, troubleshooting physiological or cultural problems, and pesticide safety. • Certified Turfgrass Professional – Cool Season Lawns (CTP-CSL) - This study material covers the essential knowledge needed by an effective turfgrass manager in northern growing zones. The study leads to a mastery of weed, insect and disease identification/control, as well as diagnosis of common turfgrass problems. The material supports Integrated Pest Management concepts, pesticide safety and customer relations in northern climates. Turfgrass employees in northern growing zones who want to be fully versed in the best practices to establish and maintain beautiful lawns in those states should take this exam. You MUST register with PLANET 30 days in advance of the January 8, 2010 testing date to take one of the exams listed above. More information, including cost and testing applications, are available on the PLANET website at www.landcarenetwork.org. Just click Certification in the main menu and select the certification program of interest to you! n

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8:00 AM - 10:30 AM



MnDOT Certified Landscape Specialist Training, Part 1 PAUL VOIGHT Presented by: MNLA Landscape Contractors Committee

NOTE: You must attend both parts of this seminar in order to qualify for certification/re-certification. Part 2 of this session will be from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM



Management and Business Topics for Owners ALEX KANE, JOHN LARSON, JOHN THORESEN, ANTHONY WACKER Presented by: MNLA Nursery and Member Services Committees Speakers will discuss several timely issues related to running a successful green industry business: • Learn how the art of administering credit to your customers will help you sell more and ensure you get paid. • Discover what banks look for in an application for a loan. • Find out how to prepare for bank meetings. • Learn how you can make money by having an open line of credit. • Take a look at various collection techniques and procedures. • Hear from an attorney that specializes in collections. n




Presented by: MNLA Commercial Flower Growers and Nursery Committees This exciting new session at the 2010 Northern Green Expo is for those of you who are all about the plants! The New Plant Forum is a 2-hour, information-packed session highlighting new plants for our industry – including herbaceous perennials and annuals, as well as trees, shrubs and evergreens. The best of the newest will be presented by MNLA members and affiliated education institution breeders who are on top of the newest plants on the market! Come prepared to hear all about cutting edge new plants that you can use in your business. n 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM



MnDOT Certified Landscape Specialist Training, Part 2


The Mn/DOT Roadside Vegetation Management and Landscape Architecture Units have collaborated to offer certification and re-certification as a Landscape Specialist. Mn/DOT Standard Specifications for Plant Installation (2571) requires landscape contractors have a Certified Landscape Specialist on the project site at all times to perform or directly supervise plant installation and establishment. This one-day course will cover items such as recent changes to Mn/DOT's landscape specifications; preparatory work; staking plant and bed locations; preparing planting holes and beds; erosion control requirements; delivery, inspection and storage of plants, pruning, plant installation; rodent and sunscald protection; the plant establishment period; replacement plants and final inspection and payments. The course will also include research updates from the University of Minnesota. Participants wishing to become certified or recertified will do so by attending this course and passing a comprehensive take-home test. Because of limited space, we ask that only those that plan to become certified or recertified attend this full day class. n

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

PAUL VOIGHT Presented by: MNLA Landscape Contractors Committee The Mn/DOT Roadside Vegetation Management and Landscape Architecture Units have collaborated to offer certification and re-certification as a Landscape Specialist. Mn/DOT Standard Specifications for Plant Installation (2571) requires landscape contractors have a Certified Landscape Specialist on the project site at all times to perform or directly supervise plant installation and establishment. This one-day course will cover items such as recent changes to Mn/DOT's landscape specifications; preparatory work; staking plant and bed locations; preparing planting holes and beds; erosion control requirements; delivery, inspection and storage of plants, pruning, plant installation; rodent & sunscald protection; the plant establishment period; replacement plants and final inspection and payments. The course will also include research updates from the University of Minnesota. Participants wishing to become certified or recertified will do so by attending this course and passing a comprehensive take home test. Because of limited space, we ask that only those that plan to become certified or recertified attend this full day class. n NOTE: You must attend both parts of this seminar in order to qualify for certification/re-certification.

Seminars are listed in chronological order. Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63.


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12:30 PM - 3:30 PM



Applied PLT Irrigation Training, Part 2 ANDY LINDQUIST Presented by: MNLA Irrigation Industry Committee This session will cover two wire (decoder) systems controllers, control system and design/installation. Participants will be introduced to the various two wire (decoder) systems available in the residential and commercial irrigation market along with proper system layout considerations and installation practices. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss system issues that concern them and be exposed to some new ideas and practices to ensure a well functioning control system. n

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM



Winning Plant Combinations MIKE HEGER Presented by: MNLA Commercial Flower Growers and Nursery Committees As the industry embarks on another growing season, let's take a bit of time to learn from the design experience of fellow industry members. Join a cadre of local designers and horticulturists to discover some of the most successful plant combinations that they have used in their landscape work. Presenters will highlight work showing the integration of woody plants along with perennials and annuals in a variety of landscape settings. You are certain to leave this session with numerous new ideas that can be integrated into your own work. n 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM




Hands-On and In-Depth Training to Become an MNLA Certified Professional, Part 2 BERT SWANSON Presented by: MNLA Certification Committee This training will enhance your overall professional knowledge and improve your readiness to take the MNLA Certification Exam. Plant Identification will be taught by the Plant ID Expert, Tim Vogel of Baily Nurseries, using indepth lectures, hands-on actual ID, and handouts. A practice exam will be given to familiarize the candidate with the exam format and actual exam questions. Specialization topics will be presented and questions answered indepth by additional Certification Experts including: Laurie Robinson, Bailey Nurseries; Dr. Terry Ferriss, UWRF; Ed Plaster, DCTC; Mark Armstead, Linders Garden Center; and Dr. Bert Swanson, Swanson's Nursery Consulting, Inc. Be prepared to become a Certified Professional. It will be very helpful to you to have read the MNLA Certification Manual prior to attending this session to facilitate your learning and to bring forth any questions you might have. n NOTE: Attendees need to attend both part 1 and part 2 of this training in order to take the practice exam.


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Pesticide Applicator Recer tification

7:30 AM - 8:35 AM


Main Aud.

8:35 AM - 9:30 AM

MDA General Session & EAB Update


Main Aud.

Cultural Program Inputs as They Affect Nutrient Fate



Presented by: MDA

Presented by: MGCSA

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) wants to help applicators make sure they are licensed in the correct categories and, at the same time, you are up to date on your recertification trainings. This presentation, by Kay Sargent, will review the basics of pesticide application compliance with emphasis on applicable Minnesota Statutes and Rules. Jeff Hahn will then discuss factors you should think about if you are considering whether to treat an ash tree for emerald ash borer (EAB), looking at short term and long term factors. He will then look at the different types of insecticides and the different methods of application, considering their relative advantages and disadvantages. n


license at that time. Applicators can avoid delays by submitting completed license application forms as soon as possible. Applicators can renew on-line at MDA’s website. Applicators can contact MDA at 651-201-6615 with questions about recertification or license status. MDA’s website, www.mda.state.mn.us contains additional information for applicators. Note that the MDA session starts at 7:30 a.m. This session is required for everyone to recertify. Participants must attend the MDA session and four additional recertification sessions. Workshop participants must bring their license identification card to the workshop, and be present for the entire program to receive recertification credit. Attendance will be monitored. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture reserves the right to deny recertification credit to participants who arrive later than 30 minutes after the start of the program or who are absent during substantial portions of the program.

Increasingly, fertilizers applied to turfgrass are being regulated across the United States. Minnesota is the first state to restrict the use of phosphorus fertilizers applied to turfgrass. While there have been some positive outcomes from this legislation, there was no detailed look at the literature prior to enacting the law. This presentation will take you on a journey through the literature, present new data on the topic and let you decide the merits of such legislation. n

Everyone seeking Pesticide Recertification must report to Main Auditorium by 7:30 a.m. All sessions are also open to attendees who are not seeking Pesticide Recertification, as space allows.



Selected programs at the Northern Green Expo on Friday, January 8, have been approved by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to qualify as pesticide applicator recertification in categories A (Core) and E (Turf and Ornamental). Applicators in Categories A and E who last attended a recertification workshop in 2008, and new-licensed pesticide applicators in 2009 must attend an MDA-approved workshop in 2010. MDA will mail commercial and noncommercial 2010 pesticide applicator renewal applications in mid-December 2009. Pesticide applicator license renewal is an annual requirement of all applicators and is different from applicators’ requirements to recertify at an approved workshop. Turf and Ornamental applicators licensed in the A and E categories must attend a recertification workshop every two years. Applicators in all use categories must renew their license before they can legally apply pesticides. The volume of renewals in the spring increases the time taken to issue each

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8:35 AM - 9:30 AM


Aud. I

Herbicides for Nursery and Landscape


Aud. II

Nozzles, Water Volume, and Fungicide Efficacy



Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee

Presented by: MGCSA

Nordlie plans to discuss common weeds found in nursery operations as well as the landscape and review management options available to industry professionals. n

This seminar will focus on improving fungicide performance in turfgrass through improved application and delivery of commercially available fungicide products commonly used on golf courses. Specifically, the impact of water-carrier droplet size as influenced by the different spray-tip nozzle types currently available on the market, and the impact of water-carrier volume will be evaluated, reviewed, and discussed in detail regarding fungicide efficacy versus foliar disease control in turfgrass. n

8:35 AM - 9:30 AM


Aud. II

Understanding the Biology of the Bad Guys to Reduce Chemical Use FRIDAY RECERTIFICATION

9:35 AM - 10:30 AM

MICHELLE GRABOWSKI Presented by: MNLA Commercial Flower Growers Committee Get a step ahead of plant diseases by understanding where plant pathogens come from, how they spread, and what conditions favor infection. Learn which basic cultural control practices can reduce disease before problems begin. Learn what non-chemical options are available to manage existing disease problems and when it is appropriate to switch to chemical control. n 8:35 AM - 9:30 AM


Aud. III

MDA Update: Nursery Inspection Case Studies STEVEN SHIMEK Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee Learn about the interesting work of nursery inspections with case studies of inspections and investigations. n 9:35 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. I

Diagnosis and Management of New and Emerging Diseases of Golf Course Putting Greens JIM KERNS Presented by: MGCSA There are many new or emerging diseases that golf course superintendents must be able to recognize and manage. Some of these diseases are new, but some are old enemies that have come back. Dollar spot has been a serious disease of golf course turf for many years, however we have found some novel ways to control the disease. Pythium root dysfunction is a disease of newly established putting greens that can be quite destructive and difficult to diagnose. Brown ring patch (Waitea patch) has also become an important problem in the Midwest. This seminar will focus on the tools and techniques needed to diagnose and manage both old and new turf grass diseases. n 48

9:35 AM - 10:30 AM


Main Aud.

Seaweed Extract Effects on Bentgrass Summer Stress Tolerance ERIK ERVIN Presented by: MGCSA Seaweed extract is one of the most common ingredients in commercial biostimulants and foliar fertilizers for fine turf. In this seminar, we’ll discuss how these extracts are produced and their important chemical constituents. Our data indicate a major role of cytokinins in their mode of action for improving summer stress tolerance. n 9:35 AM - 10:30 AM


Aud. III

Woody Plant Insect Management Updates VERA KRISCHIK Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee We will discuss management tactics for 2009 insect plagues including linden thrips, maple thrips, Japanese beetle adults and grubs, emerald ash borer, and 3 diseases associated with ticks, and others. n 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM


Main Aud.

Pesticides Safety and Health DEAN HERZFELD This session will address: understanding pesticide health concerns; safety practices to protect applicators and others; and using the pesticide label. n Biographies of all Expo speakers and moderators can be found on pages 50-63.

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1:45 PM - 2:25 PM


Main Aud.

What's in the Water? MDA's Urban Stream Monitoring Program RON STRUSS Presented by: MDA


Aud. 1

Ecology and Control of Fairy Ring MIKE FIDANZA Presented by: MGCSA This seminar will focus on the biology of organisms that cause fairy ring disease in turfgrass, as well as a review of the turf injury symptoms and ecological implications associated with the fairy ring complex in turfgrass, specifically golf course turf. Also, cultural and chemical control strategies and options will be discussed to help golf course superintendents manage fairy ring symptoms on greens, tees, and fairways. n 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Main Aud.

Woody Plant Disease Diagnostics STEVE LARSON Presented by: MNLA Nursery Committee A brief overview of key woody plant diseases will be followed with an overview of the latest disease management products. There will be an emphasis on incorporating preventive cultural disease control techniques along with chemical control solutions. This presentation will include a brief overview of disease resistance management strategies for key ornamental diseases. n



The Minnesota Department of Agriculture monitors streams for pesticides, nutrients, and sediment throughout the state – both in rural and urban watersheds. This seminar will share what MDA is finding in urban streams and how our findings compare to other urban stream monitoring efforts in Minnesota and around the country. Sources of pollutants will be explored as well as best practices that landscape designers and managers can follow for water quality protection. n

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Section 2 50-63 Speaker Bios:Layout 1 11/13/09 3:14 PM Page 1


Speaker Biographies MICHAEL ANDRESEN Iowa State University Athletics Mike Andresen joined the Iowa State University Athletic Department in 1996 and presently serves as manager of facilities and grounds. He achieved status of Certified Sports Field Manager in 2000. In 2002 the Iowa Board of Regents recognized Mike with a Meritorious Service Award and in 2007, the the Iowa Turfgrass Institute recognized him with a Meritorious Service Award. Prior to coming to Iowa State University, Mike served as the Iowa Cubs Head Groundskeeper from 1991-1995. He was selected as Groundskeeper of the Year by the American Association in 1993 and 1995. Mike presently serves as Past President for the Sports Turf Managers Association and has been a board member since 2000. n

RANDY BERG Berg's Nursery & Landscape LLC Randy Berg of Berg’s Nursery in Austin, Minn. founded the company in 1979. Working within the operation as president, he oversees the areas of staff development, marketing, purchasing, and store layout, along with landscape design and installation duties. n


RON BRATLIE ABC Educational Services, LLC Dr. Bratlie has over 40 years experience as a public school superintendent and central office administrator. He is nationally recognized as a leader in high performance school planning, design, and construction. Dr. Bratlie was instrumental in the design and construction of the first LEED certified building in Minnesota and the first proposed LEED gold elementary building in the Midwest. He has made over 70 presentations nationwide and has received several national awards including the first K-12 employee to receive the United State Energy Association's Public Service Award in June 2005 with President Bush presiding. n

TERRY BUCHEN Golf Agronomy International, LLC Terry Buchen is president and consulting agronomist for Golf Agronomy International, LLC. He is also a contributing writer for Golf Course Industry Magazine and writes the monthly column "Travels With Terry." He is a former contributing editor of Golf Course News Magazine and Golfweeks SuperNEWS Magazine. He is a Master Greenkeeper since 1994 from the British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association, one of only 49 worldwide. He has been a Certified Golf Course Superintendent since 1978 and a GCSAA member for 41 years and is currently a life member. He is also a third generation Agronomist/Golf Course Superintendent, and a member of The Golf Writers Association of America. n

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MACK COOK Cook Water Farms

WILLIAM CHANEY Purdue University William Chaney is professor emeritus of tree physiology at Purdue University in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. He received a B.S. in plant and soil science from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. in botany and forestry from the University of Wisconsin. He has authored more than 250 scientific articles and book chapters that have contributed to the basic understanding of tree growth. He has served as president of the ISA Arboriculture Research and Education Academy, member of the editorial board of the Journal of Arboriculture, Chairman of the ISA Publication Committee, and is a past-president of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America. Bill was awarded the International Society of Arboriculture Author Citation Award for sustained excellence in publication of timely information for arborists. n


A native Minnesotan, Mack Cook obtained a B.A. from St. Olaf College and an M.S. from the University of Wisconsin. He moved to Sitka, Alaska to teach aquaculture, followed by a stint with the state of Minnesota as a cold water systems analyst. For the next 12 years, he and his wife operated an aquaculture farm in Minnesota where they produced food fish for the Midwest using wetland management, recirculation and plant filtration techniques. Gradually, they shifted their focus exclusively to water plant management and propagation. Now they supply the Midwest with over 240 native and tropical water plants and fish for home or park landscape, reclamation or water management. n

MICHELLE DREIER Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Michelle Dreier has been a senior labor investigator with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry's Labor Standards Unit since June 1998. Michelle certifies the prevailing wage rates, conducts prevailing wage investigations, and informs and educates employers, employees, and contracting authorities of the laws contained in the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act. n

STEVE ENGER Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Steve Enger began his career with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the Division of Ecological Services in 1984 as a member of the lake mapping team. Steve is currently the aquatic plant management program coordinator, a position he has been in for nearly 20 years. As coordinator of the aquatic plant management program, Steve works to protect aquatic habitat while allowing lake shore property owners to obtain reasonable access to Minnesota lakes. n

Iowa State University Nick Christians is a Professor of Horticulture at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. His area of specialization is Turfgrass Science. Nick received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Ohio State University in agronomy and his B.S. from the Colorado State University School of Forestry. Between his B.S. and M.S. degrees, Christians was employed as an assistant golf course superintendent at Flatirons Country Club in Boulder, Colo., and as a golf course superintendent in Pueblo, Colo. He has received several state and national awards for both teaching and research. n

PAUL ERDMANN Natural Shore Technologies, Inc. Paul Erdmann is a Restoration Ecologist with Natural Shore Technologies, Inc. Paul started and coordinated the Ramsey County Cooperative Weed Management Area, a program that focuses on new invasive plant threats to natural communities. He has experience designing, planning, installing, and maintaining native plant restorations. n 51


Jim Calkins earned B.S., M.S., and doctoral degrees from the University of Minnesota and is well-known for his research, extension, and teaching activities through the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Calkins’ research activities have focused on a variety of nursery production and landscape management practices and he has taught numerous classes including nursery management, plant propagation, woody and herbaceous landscape plants, and, most recently, landscape design and implementation and landscape operations and management. He specializes in nursery production methods and sustainable landscape design and management. He strongly believes that there are no bad plants, only good plants used in the wrong locations. Jim also has a strong interest in the relationship of horticulture to water quality and has served on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board of Managers for nearly 12 years and as president of the Board for the past five years. He has been described as a Ph.D. with a sense of humor. n

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Virginia Tech

University of Minnesota

Eric Ervin is a native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a Hort-Turf graduate of Iowa State University. He is an avid golfer with 12 summers of golf course maintenance experience. He currently teaches turfgrass management and golf/sports turf management, with a research focus on cultural management and turfgrass stress physiology. n


Pennsylvania State University Mike Fidanza is currently an associate professor at Pennsylvania State University, at the Berks Campus in Reading, Penn. His research and teaching appointment includes teaching undergraduate courses in 'Intro to Turf Science', 'Intro to Soil Science', 'Intro to Horticulture', 'Turf Pesticides', and 'Botany.' He conducts research in turfgrass ecology and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. He also holds an M.A. and B.S. from Pennsylvania State University. He was a research and development biologist in the industry from 1995–2000 and has since been employed at Penn State. n

SCOTT FRAMPTON Landscape Renovations, Inc. Scott Frampton is a co-owner of Landscape Renovations, Inc. He is the current chair of the MNLA Landscape Contractors committee, a member of the Government Affairs committee, and a member of the MNLA Board of Directors. n

DOUG GEESAMAN Otten Brothers Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Doug Geesaman has spent the last 35 years in the nursery and landscape industry and has extensive experience in commercial and residential landscaping, and seasonal experience in the garden center. Doug is the vice chair of the MNLA Landscape Contractors Committee as well as a member of the MNLA Landscape Awards Committee.n


Michelle Grabowski completed a B.S. in botany and plant pathology at Michigan State University in 1998, and an M.S. in plant pathology at North Carolina State University in 2001. Michelle began working as a regional extension educator for the University of Minnesota in the spring of 2006. Her work focuses on common diseases of plants grown in landscapes, yards and gardens. n

JEFF HAHN University of Minnesota Jeff Hahn has an M.S. in entomology and has worked for the University of Minnesota Extension for 25 years. He specializes in urban insects, especially those found in landscapes, gardens, and buildings. He communicates insect information through publications, newsletters, and educational programs to many audiences, including professional applicators, master gardeners, and extension staff. n

MARK HALLA Steward,\ The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center Mark became an MNLA Certified Professional in 1985, but his career in landscaping and horticulture actually began at 12 years of age when he became Head Weed Puller at Halla Nursery, Inc., a business his grandparents had started in 1942. He left the family business and moved to Maryland with his future wife, Kay, in 1985. His formal education in the industry really took place on the east coast, where he worked for one of the most recognized landscape garden centers, Metzler's, in Columbia, Maryland. In 1988, Mark and Kay returned to Minnesota. Prior to starting The Mustard Seed, Mark worked for Halla Nursery Inc. from 1989-2003, and the company grew from a small landscape firm to one of the largest retail garden center and landscape companies in Minnesota. n

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University of Minnesota

Michael Haut has been working for Sprint/Nextel for six years as a senior business sales consultant. He has been a top performer for the last four years and is currently working with companies with 2 to 10,000 employees. He specializes in wireless applications and services. n


Ambergate Gardens Mike Heger, along with his wife Jean, owns Ambergate Gardens located near Chaska, Minn. Though a foreign language major in college, his love of the outdoors brought him into 15+ years of employment with the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Ambergate Gardens was started in 1985 while he was still employed at the Arboretum. In 1988, it became a full time business for Mike and Jean. Ambergate Gardens is a retail mail order/walk-in business devoted entirely to herbaceous perennial flowers. It also offers a line of wholesale containerized perennials to local designers and landscapers. Mike is active in numerous plant societies and trade organizations related to perennial flowers. He has lectured on a wide variety of gardening topics throughout the northern tier of states. Mike is also the author of "Perennials A to Z", a series of articles that were originally published in Minnesota Horticulturist and coauthor of "Growing Perennials in Cold Climates," a recently released hard cover book written specifically for the colder regions of this country. Most recently, he has served as a consultant for the “Midwestern Garden Book” to be published by Sunset Publishing Corp. in the near future. n

DEAN HERZFELD University of Minnesota Dr. Herzfeld has more than 20 years of experience in developing education programs for users of pesticides. Dean has a B.S. in integrated pest management, an M.S. in plant pathology and Ph.D. in designing non-formal adult education programs. A Minnesota farm boy, Dean has also been a crop consultant and worked in research on air pollution effects on plants. He just completed two terms as one of five nationally elected executive officers leading the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators and is an immediate past member of the Certification and Training Advisory Board, a national board directing the future of pesticide applicator licensing programs in the United States. Dr. Herzfeld is also currently involved in educational outreach in the areas of water quality, invasive species, Integrated Pest Management for both schools and consumers, mold in buildings, and pesticide exposure concerns for health care professionals. n 54

Stan Hokanson is an associate professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota. He earned three degrees at Michigan State University including a Ph.D. in horticulture – plant breeding and genetics. Between East Lansing, Mich. and St. Paul, he spent time at Cornell University doing post-doctoral research on apple genetic resources and with the USDA-ARS in Beltsville, Maryland, running the small fruit breeding program there. At the University of Minnesota, his research responsibilities include directing the woody landscape plant breeding and genetics program which he has done since his arrival in July 2001. The primary objective is the development of new and improved trees and shrubs for USDA plant hardiness zones 3 and 4 landscapes. This objective is met primarily through the use of traditional breeding and selection approaches. The breeding goals are facilitated by the study of the genetic and physiological processes controlling important traits in woody landscape plants. Such studies include evaluations of cold hardiness and other environmental stress tolerances including elevated pH and drought, evaluations of germplasm for disease resistance and the identification of resistance genes to these diseases, and the genetics underlying plant architecture. n

BRIAN HORGAN University of Minnesota Dr. Brian Horgan is an associate professor and extension turfgrass specialist at the University of Minnesota. His interests revolve around nutrient fate and turfgrass water conservation. Specifically, he is interested in improving our nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer recommendations, gaining a better understanding of the fate of phosphorus in our environment, and utilizing organic nitrogen fractions in the soil to create an N-credit program. He has spent the last five years researching turfgrass water conservation strategies utilizing new technologies, ET predictors, and proper plant selection. n

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Turf Intelligence, LLC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Aaron Johnsen holds a B.S. in environmental horticulture and an M.S. in applied plant sciences from the University of Minnesota. His thesis focused on using measurement technology to detect drought stress in creeping bentgrass. Aaron worked for Spectrum Technologies Inc., a measurement technology manufacturer, as a green industry consultant. In this role, Aaron worked with turfgrass managers and researchers to implement measurement technology. In 2009, Aaron founded Turf Intelligence LLC, which is focused on mapping environment data and implementing measurement technology to help turf managers maintain better conditions and optimize inputs. n

University of Minnesota Gary Johnson has been an extension professor in the Department of Forest Resources at the Univesity of Minnesota since 1992. His research and publications have focused on tree production, storm and construction damage, and stem girdling root syndrome. Gary has been an ISA Certified Arborist since 1988, and has over 20 years experience as a nursery/landscape professional. n d

MANUEL JORDAN Heritage Shade Tree Consultants Manuel Jordan is a graduate from the University of Minnesota Urban Forestry Program. He has experience working locally (assistant city forester for St. Louis Park, city forester and contract manager for New Hope), at the state level (regional urban forester, Texas Forest Service) and internationally (England, Spain, and Mexico). He is an ISA Certified Arborist, a founding member of The ISA Hispanic Committee, an instructor in the Arboriculture Program at Hennepin Technical College, and the owner of Heritage Shade Tree Consultants. n

ALEX KANE Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Alex Kane is a University of Minnesota graduate with over 20 years of credit experience. She has been with Bailey Nurseries, Inc. since 1986 managing their accounts receivable, payable, credit and collections. n

VERA KRISCHIK University of Minnesota Dr. Vera Krischik is an associate professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Minnesota and an extension specialist in Landscape Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Dr. Krischik studied ecology at the University of Maryland where she earned a Ph.D. in entomology and a M.S. in zoology. Vera was a NSF sponsored visiting professor in plant chemistry and physiology at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York, Botanical garden. Also, Vera worked as an IPM Administrator in Washington, D.C. for seven years. Dr. Krischik teaches a course on IPM of landscape insects and team teaches in a course on pesticides. Dr. Krischik published a 300-page manual, entitled "IPM of Midwest Landscapes" that is available from the UMN bookstore or UMN extension. It has over 1000 large color pictures of insect damage, biological control agents, and suggestions on conventional and biorational pesticides for trees and turf. Vera teaches two courses, ENT 4015 IPM, which is open to everyone and is online and HORT 500, Use of Pesticides. The book and other landscape IPM materials, and courses are available online at the CUES website at www.entomology.umn.edu/cues. n

JOHN LARSON AgStar Financial Services John Larson is an an AV of agribusiness at AgStar Financial Services. He has been employed with AgStar since 2002. He currently serves a broad spectrum of clients in the green industry, as well as other agriculturally related businesses. John graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2001 with a degree in agricultural food business management with an emphasis in finance. n




Jim Kerns is an assistant professor and extension specialist in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds a 70% extension and 30% research appointment. His research efforts focus on dollar spot epidemiology and modeling, snow mold epidemiology and management and the economics of turfgrass disease control. His Ph.D. was conducted at North Carolina State University under the direction of Lane Tredway where they investigated the etiology, epidemiology and management of Pythium root dysfunction. Jim enjoys golf, hiking, bicycling, and watching the Chicago Cubs win or lose. n

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BASF Company

Bailey Nurseries, Inc.


Steve has worked in the turf and ornamentals industry for over 31 years. He has worked as a grower for Hines Nurseries and The Brookwood Community. He did technical support for Grace-Sierra and The Scotts Company, and sales/sales management for Grace-Sierra, Whitmire MicroGen and BASF. For the last 8+ years he has been with BASF as territory sales and national accounts manager. He holds a B.S. and M.S. in horticulture from Purdue University. n

ED LETHERT Ed Lethert Associates, Inc. Ed Lethert is Minnesota’s “Low Voltage Guy.” He has almost 50 years of experience with low voltage systems. He has worked with a wide variety of technologies and has studied and researched many others. He has experience as an electronic technician, salesperson, system designer, consultant, and technical instructor. Ed and his company conduct classes on the National Electrical Code and Minnesota's laws and rules governing electrical work in Minnesota, primarily for persons holding the Power Limited Technicians License. He also specializes in the design and delivery of technical training classes for all types of low voltage companies and organizations. n

ANDY LINDQUIST Hydrologic, Inc. Andy Lindquist is currently the director of education at HydroLogic Turf and Water Management Systems, providing training for staff and clients on landscape and irrigation related topics. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in horticulture with specialization in turfgrass science. He has 30+ years experience in the landscape industry and 10 years as an instructor at a Minnesota vocational/technical college as lead instructor in the grounds and golf course maintenance and irrigation design, installation and maintenance programs. Former positions held: certified golf course superintendent and general manager; irrigation and golf course designer; area manager and educator with a leading irrigation/landscape supplier. Lindquist is also active in various state professional associations and community organizations. n


For the first 13 years of her career, Debbie Lonnee worked in the retail garden center business, managing a large Twin Cities garden center. For the last 16 years, she has worked as a production coordinator at Bailey Nurseries, working primarily with the perennial and bedding plant crops, as well as roses and woody plants. She was promoted to manager of the Planning and Administration Department in 2006 and is actively involved in new plant introductions. Debbie holds a B.S. in horticulture from the University of Minnesota. Debbie is an avid gardener, and has a collector’s garden full of hostas, daylilies and perennials, as well as many new annuals. She considers herself a ‘plant geek’! You won’t find too much lawn in her yard! She is a member of the Perennial Plant Association, the Ohio Florists Association and is the Secretary/Treasurer of the board of directors of the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association, as well as chair of its Publications Committee. Garden writing is her second job; she is the horticultural editor for Northern Gardener Magazine, and writes the "Plant to Pick" article for each edition. n

JIM LUBY University of Minnesota Dr. Jim Luby has directed the fruit crops breeding program since joining the faculty of the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota in 1982. His educational background includes a bachelor of science degree in crop science from Purdue University and a Ph.D. in plant breeding from the University of Minnesota. The emphasis of the fruit crops breeding program has been to develop cultivars that combine cold hardiness with high quality and disease resistance. The breeding program has introduced 26 new varieties under Dr. Luby’s leadership including Honeycrisp and Zestar!® apples, Winona, Mesabi and Itasca strawberries, Polaris and Chippewa blueberries, and Frontenac, La Crescent and Marquette grapes. He has published scientific papers from research conducted on the inheritance of various traits in fruit crops, breeding methods, and genetic diversity in several fruit crops and their wild relatives. n

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Bachman's Landscape Department

Zlimen & McGuiness, Attorneys at Law


Mark Madsen has been involved in the world of landscape photography and landscape design since the mid 1970s. Both of these areas of expertise allow his creativity to flow freely. His favorite photographic interests include horticultural subjects and natural landscapes. He has had images published in Northern Gardener Magazine, The Minnesota Weatherguide Calendar, Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association plant catalogs, Black & Decker Home Improvement series of books, The Landscape Source (published by Minneapolis/St. Paul magazine), and GEICO Direct Magazine. n

WILLIAM McCURRY McCurry Associates Why do audiences like Bill McCurry? It’s not just the fact he ran a 225 employee retail chain, or his years teaching entrepreneurship graduate seminars, nor his experience as a business radio talk show host, or the fact he’s written four business books. It’s more than the fact he’s been a columnist for horticulture publications. What audiences like is that Bill McCurry doesn’t claim to know it all. But Bill knows people who do have the answers. Bill talks to horticulture professionals about what works and what doesn’t work in the real world. Bill shares that information with his audiences so they can go out and immediately improve their own businesses. That’s what makes Bill popular with audiences. n

MIKE McDONALD University of Minnesota Mike McDonald has been employed by the University of Minnesota for 34 years - the first 10 driving the Zamboni and working on the golf course crew, and the last 24 working on all the varsity outdoor fields and stadiums maintaining real and artifical grass surfaces. He is a CSFM (Certified Sports Field Manager) and a member and past president of the MSTMA (Minnesota Sports Turf Managers Association). n


Patrick McGuiness is a landscaper and an attorney. He is one of the owners of One Call Landscaping as well as a founding partner of the law firm of Zlimen & McGuiness. His law practice focuses on assisting those in the green industries with legal advice on employment law, contracts, liens, collections and other small business legal issues. With 15 years of experience in landscaping, McGuiness knows the issues contractors face on a daily basis and how hard they work to earn a living. n

MIKE McNAMARA Hoffman & McNamara Nursery and Landscape Mike McNamara is the president of Hoffman and McNamara Nursery and Landscape. He is a second generation contractor and has a degree in entrepreneurship from the University of St. Thomas. In 2004 he purchased the business from Gary Hoffman and Denny McNamara. Hoffman and McNamara is a public sector landscape contracting company specializing in the landscape of public spaces such as parkways, freeway interchanges, and parks. The company is based out of Hastings where they operate a 100-acre wholesale nursery in addition to landscape contracting. Mike is a member of the MNLA Landscape Contractors Committee and MNLA Foundation Board of Trustees. n

DAVID MINNER Iowa State University Dr. Minner is a professor with an extension, research, and teaching appointment in the Horticulture Department at Iowa State University. He received a B.S. from the University of Delaware, M.S. from the University of Maryland, and Ph.D. from Colorado State University. He has been involved with athletic field construction and research for the past 23 years. He consults nationwide on sports field and golf course issues, writes a monthly question and answer column for SportsTurf Magazine, and has served two terms on the Board of Directors for the Sports Turf Managers Association. n

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University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota

Dimitre Mollov is a scientist in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Minnesota and the director of the Plant Disease Clinic. Dimitre has an M.S. in Integrated Pest Management and an M.S. in Plant Breeding and Genetics. Prior to this appointment, Dimitre has worked for three years as a laboratory manager in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Minnesota, where he excelled in molecular biology techniques. Currently molecular diagnostics is an integral part of the routine procedures at the clinic. More information about the Plant Disease Clinic can be found at http://pdc.umn.edu. n

Larson Engineering Michael Murphy, PE LEED AP, has significant experience with project site design including utilities, grading, pavements and stormwater management. Mike is the civil department manager and he also designs and manages pavement and athletic facility projects and monitors their construction. n

RICHARD MURPHY Murphy Warehouse Company Richard Murphy is the president/CEO of Murphy Warehouse Company, a logistics services organization for domestic and international clients. He is also a licensed landscape architect, president-elect of the American Society of Landscape Architects - Minnesota Chapter, and will soon start his 23rd year teaching in the School of Design, University of Minnesota. He has combined his unique background by ensuring that his facilities are as green as possible by planting acres of native prairies, pursuing LEED Silver certification, adapting existing systems to make them more environmentally sound, and addressing stormwater issues on company properties. In January 2009, Murphy’s new voluntary stormwater management system for its 22acre Minneapolis logistics campus was given an honor award by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Minnesota Engineering Excellence Awards program. Murphy also won The Business Journal’s 1999 Best in Real Estate Award for a 26-acre Brownfield redevelopment project it completed in Fridley, Minnesota. n

STEVE NICHOLSON S & S Tree Specialists, Inc. Steve Nicholson is a certified forester and ISA certified arborist specializing in providing technology solutions to natural resource problems. A former member of the Governor's GPS Advisory Committee, he is the current vice-president of the Minnesota Shade Tree Advisory Committee (MnSTAC). He has over 14 years experience using GPS and GIS to map everything from trees to catch basins to archaelogic sites. n

ERIC NORDLIE Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Eric Nordlie graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in urban forestry. He has spent the past 17 years working for Bailey Nurseries, Inc. in St. Paul managing plant health in field and container growing as well as propagation. Eric is also a member of the MNLA Nursery Committee. n




Terry Nennich is a University of Minnesota extension professor, who throughout his career has specialized in vegetable and small fruit production and marketing. For the past seven years, he has led the University of Minnesota high tunnel research and development team. He is coauthor of the Minnesota High Tunnel Production Manual for Commercial Growers. Terry also works with farmers market development and in 2006 co-authored the Minnesota Farmers Market Manual for Management and Vendors. He is chairman of the Central Minnesota Local Foods Development Committee. Terry and his wife Loralee own and operate Ter-Lee Gardens, a small fruit and vegetable operation which sells its produce pick-your-own and directly at farmers markets. His lifelong agriculture production experience helps him maintain a strong perspective of the revolutionary changes occurring in direct-to-consumer marketing and local foods movement. n

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Dale Carnegie Training

Bailey Nurseries, Inc.


Matt Norman joined Dale Carnegie Training in 2004 and is responsible for making sure the Twin Cities consultants have the best job in the world. During his tenure, he has grown Dale Carnegie Training Twin Cities market revenue by 60% by helping Twin Cities organizations to perform at higher levels through the development of their work force. As a result, he has been recognized as one of the top 10 Dale Carnegie Training sales managers in the world. Prior to joining Dale Carnegie, Norman was a consultant with Accenture and a director of operations at Thomson Financial in Boston. He holds a B.S. from Boston College. n

A native of New Zealand, Jonathan landed in the Twin Cities 20 years ago with degrees in ag economics and marketing. After working for Cargill, he opted for the outdoor life and started work at a garden center. Now the brand and business development manager for Bailey Nurseries, Jonathan oversees all aspects of marketing, brand creation and development within the Nursery. In the last seven years, he has helped launch some very successful plant brands including, Endless Summer® Collection, First Editions and Easy Elegance® Roses. n



Water in Motion

N Design Partners LLC

Craig Otto is a water resource consultant for Water In Motion (formerly Irrigation Consultants & Control, Inc.). He brings a wide range of irrigation experience in his 18 years in the industry. He started in the golf course industry as a superintendent, and moved to residential/commercial irrigation as a lead service technician, ultimately owning and operating a service oriented irrigation company. Craig has focused on promoting high efficiency irrigation as an instructor and curriculum advisor for a major manufacturer, teaching nationally and internationally. His specialties include system design, consulting, and auditing. n

JIM PALUCH JP Horizons, Inc. Jim Paluch is a speaker, trainer, and author that has become a green industry legend over the past 20 years. Along with more than 50 keynotes per year, Jim and his JP Horizons team work with hundreds of companies around the country teaching simple ways to develop people while learning to work smarter. Through the development of the Working Smarter Training Challenge, Jim and his team have created the process to help companies like yours save hundreds of thousands of dollars. n

Nels Peterson is a nationally acclaimed landscape lighting designer. He has created landscape lighting projects throughout the Midwest, Southwest and Florida. Working on projects large and small for all types of clients, Nels’ talents and trained eye have him in demand by landscape architects and design-build firms all around the US. n

JEFF PILLA Bachman's, Inc. Jeff Pilla received his A.A. degree from Rochester Community College in 1983 and immediately started working for Bachman’s, one of the country’s top independent garden retailers and one of the largest retail florists. After managing Bachman’s Maplewood store, he was promoted in 1998 to store manager of Bachman’s on Lyndale, the company’s flagship location. Jeff currently serves as chair of the MNLA Garden Center Committee. n

ROGER POCTA Larson Engineering Roger Pocta, PE, has spent the last 20 years as a construction materials and geotechnical engineer in the upper Midwest and the Rocky Mountain region. This work includes quality control engineering of soils, concrete, bituminos, steel and masonry on numerous construction projects as well as construction materials failure evaluations. The next 20 years includes preparing pavement and athletic facility evaluation, budgeting, design and construction inspection on projects that he designed. n


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JOHN PRIMOZICH The Builders Group of MN John Primozich is a 2002 graduate of the M.S. of environmental health and safety program at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. From there he went to work as an intern for Johnson & Johnson. Following the internship he worked for Federated Insurance for two years. He has been working as part of the loss control team at The Builders Group of Minnesota since January of 2004. John holds his CSP designation and the ARM designation. n

MInnesota Department of Natural Resources Nick Reindl has been employed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the past 11 years as a depredation specialist and wildlife damage program coordinator following a 25 year career in captive animal management. Work in wildlife damage takes him throughout the

KAY SARGENT Minnesota Department of Agriculture Kay Sargent works in the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Licensing and Certification Unit. She works with the University of Minnesota and sponsoring organizations, such as MNLA and MTGF, to present Pesticide Applicator Recertification Workshops - key components of the Pesticide Licensing Program. The workshops provide both new information and review materials on responsible pest management and applicable pesticide laws. Kay holds a B.S. in horticulture, a M.S. in environmental safety and health, and worked for many years at the University of Minnesota Experiment Station in Grand Rapids, MN. n




state of Minnesota dealing primarily with bear, deer and geese damage complaints. The majority of work has been to resolve deer damage problems with specialty crop farmers including, apples, small fruits and berries, vegetables, and tree farms. Work activities also include helping resolve bear damage to apiaries and wildlife damage to stored forage. Nick holds a B.S. in biology from the University of Minnesota, College of Biological Sciences. n

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Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Swanson's Nursery Consulting, Inc.


Steven Shimek has been the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's Nursery Inspection Program Coordinator serving Minnesota's green industry for over 20 years. He earned a B.S. in Forestry at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He is a Certified Forester with The Society of American Foresters and a Certified Arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture. n

GUY STERNBERG Starhill Forest Arboretum Guy Sternberg is a registered landscape architect, Certified Professional Arborist, founding life member of the International Oak Society, author (Native Trees for North American Landscapes), and a gifted public speaker. Always interested in large and ancient trees, Guy works with the National Famous and Historic Tree Program and the Champion Trees Project to promote awareness and appreciation of special and historic trees. n

ROGER STEWART TPC Twin Cities Roger Stewart has been a Certified Golf Course Superintendent for over 25 years and has hosted 10 televised champion tour events during his career. He has also served as a seminar instructor for GCSAA for over 20 years, is the past president of the Midwest Association of Golf Course Superintendents, Chicagoland Association of Golf Course Superintendents, and the New Jersey Golf Course Superintendents. n

RON STRUSS Minnesota Department of Agriculture Ron's role at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture is to develop, promote, and evaluate pesticide best management practices for the protection of water resources. He has been with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture since 2006. He previously worked as an extension educator with the University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin in the area of agricultural and urban water quality protection. He has a B.S. in agronomy from Iowa State University and a M.S. in agronomy from the University of Nebraska. n


Bert Swanson holds a Ph.D. in plant physiology and biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. He was a professor of nursery management at Colorado State University and the University of Minnesota for 25 years. He was also the manager/owner of a container nursery for five years. He has been the president of Swanson's Nursery Consulting, Inc. for the past eight years. He was a captain, USNR and is a vice president at the Landscape Plant Development Center. He serves on the Horticultural Advisory Committee, University of Minnesota–Crookston, the MNLA Nursery Committee, treasurer of the MNLA Foundation, and vice president of the MNLA Board of Directors. n

TIM THOELECKE American Academy of Landscape Design Tim Thoelecke is the past president and fellow of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers and has been in the landscape design profession for 20 years. He has been published in more than 70 different publications, including Crain's Chicago Business, Better Homes and Gardens, This Old House Complete Landscaping and 5 Sunset Books. His current venture is the American Academy of Landscape Design, a professional development program that improves the confidence and skills of landscape designers and landscape architects. He resides in Glenview, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago with his wife Chris and three children. He is also a member of American Mensa, enjoys Duke basketball, Chicago sports, magic tricks, computers, gardening, golf, hunting, and anything that makes him laugh. n

JOHN THORESEN Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. John Thoresen is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management and has over 30 years of experience with credit and collections in the construction industry. He is currently the credit manager of Ferguson Enterprises, a wholesale supplier providing plumbing, heating, appliance, and lighting to the commercial and residential construction industry. n

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Terra Forma Design

Meteorologist for KARE 11 and President/Owner of Flashwarn

Craig Trenary is a 1993 graduate of South Dakota State University. He has lived and worked in the Twin Cities since moving here in 1994. He started Terra Forma Design in 2005 and currently lives in Bloomington with his wife, three sons and dog. n

ANTHONY U. WACKER Anthony U. Wacker, Attorney at Law

ERIC WATKINS University of Minnesota Eric Watkins is an assistant professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota. Eric received his Ph.D. in plant biology from Rutgers University. His research focuses on the development of low-input turfgrass cultivars for use in cold climates. Research activities involve germplasm improvement of several cool-season turfgrass species including tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. A major focus of his research is breeding native grasses such as prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha) for use as low-input turf. He is also involved with turfgrass cultivar evaluation and other turfgrass science research. Eric teaches four undergraduate turfgrass science courses. n

DAVID ZLESAK University of Wisconsin - River Falls David Zlesak is an assistant professor of horticulture at the University of WisconsinRiver Falls teaching plant identification, propagation, and nursery management courses. He previously served as part of the University of Minnesota Extension Horticulture team focusing on herbaceous plant materials. David's horticultural experience includes breeding and development of ornamental plants, landscape installation and maintenance, and greenhouse and nursery production. n

TONY YOCUM Yocum Oil Co. Tony Yocum graduated from University of Notre Dame with a B.A. in finance. Upon graduation, he worked in real estate tax consulting. In 1994, he joined his father at Yocum Oil and engineered a major overhaul of the company’s accounting and distribution software with its related processes. He was promoted to sales manager in 1997 and in 1999 promoted to vice president of sales and marketing. In 2005, he was promoted to his current position of chief strategic officer. Tony currently oversees product and services solutions development, major customer relationships, and energy risk management services. Tony and his wife Sara live in Lake Elmo, MN, and have three children: son Tony VI, son Chase, and daughter Ava. He enjoys his family time, as well as bird hunting and fly-fishing. n 63


Anthony U. Wacker has been practicing collections and mechanics lien law since he was admitted to the practice in 1976. n

Jonathan Yuhas has been a KARE 11 meteorologist since 1998. He has forcasted weather for 20 years in various locales including Mankato, Rochester/Austin, Sacramento, and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Jonathan is the founder and CEO of Flashwarn. n

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Out and in Minneapolis


After the day’s seminars and trade show are • Hennepin Avenue Theatre District: A haven for jump-starting Broadway runs over, Minneapolis offers many options for you like the Lion King and Sweet Charity, to get out and enjoy the city. downtown’s vibrant theater district offers a USA Today, New York Times, Time, Newsweek, full season of musicals, concerts and other Travel + Leisure are all raving about performances. Minneapolis’ booming arts scene: A half billion dollars in new arts infrastructure – all designed by international architects. It’s all located in or near downtown, making it easy for you to The Minneapolis area is home to four major professional teams, all playing in vibrant experience while you’re here. downtown arenas and stadiums. Plus, • Walker Art Center: It has doubled in size Minneapolis is a host to stellar college squads with the expansion, and houses a Wolfgang and dozens of exciting events. The schedule is Puck restaurant and a performance jam-packed no matter what the season. Get space, along with new galleries for its your tickets and take in the action. contemporary collection. Jan. 3 – MN Vikings vs. New York Giants. • Guthrie Theater: The spectacular new Jan. 3 – Dodge Holiday Classic Hockey, 3-theater complex on the Mississippi University of Minnesota Riverfront is not only a destination for shows, but you can also eat, shop and Jan. 6 – MN Timberwolves vs. Golden State simply enjoy the views. Warriors



• Minneapolis Institute of Arts: Known as one of the country’s best comprehensive museums, attendees will enjoy art that spans centuries in a newly-expanded building.


Jan. 6 – MN Wild vs. Calgary Flames Jan. 8 – MN Timberwolves vs. Indiana Pacers. Jan. 8 – University of Minnesota Golden Gophers Hockey vs. Harvard Jan. 9 – MN Wild vs. Chicago Blackhawks

For more information and tickets, go to http:// With more theater seats per capita than eventful.com/minneapolis anywhere but New York, Minneapolis boasts more than 30 venues and nearly 100 theater groups. • Tony Award-winning Theaters: Only Chicago can claim as many as Minneapolis. The Children’s Theatre Company – located close to the Minneapolis Convention Center – earned a Tony in the last few years. The Guthrie, also located downtown, was the first to earn a Tony in 1981. 110


When it comes to ways to spend, Minneapolis is tough to beat. It’s home to trend-setter Target, the country’s first enclosed mall and the largest shopping complex in the nation, so we know how to shop!

• Downtown: Step out of the convention center onto Nicollet Mall. A pedestrian thoroughfare, it’s home to Saks Fifth Ave and Macy’s, along with unique boutiques and great restaurants. • Mall of America: Getting there is easy with a light rail train that connects downtown Minneapolis with Mall of America and the airport.


Groups of any taste will find something to enjoy at downtown’s eateries. Atmospheres range from casual to upscale, featuring flavors and entertainment from around the world. • Irish atmosphere: several pub spots including Brit’s Pub, The Local and Kieran’s feature Irish drink and fare. • Jazz up your meeting: did you know Minneapolis has the 4th most active jazz scene in the country? The Dakota and Rossi’s Steakhouse have live performances 7 nights a week. • For all tastes: theater buffs might enjoy pre-show dining at Cue, before taking in a performance at the Tony Award-winning Guthrie Theater. If sports are a better bet, at NBA City you can get in on the gaming before, during or after dinner. Meet Minneapolis will have its Restaurant Reservation Booth in the Expo lobby. Their staff will have sample menus and will gladly help you make reservations.

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Entrance to Expo Trade Show

Entrance to Expo Trade Show




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Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday January 6-8, 2010

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Mezzanine Meeting Rooms


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1813 Lexington Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113 651-633-4987 • toll free 888-886-6652 www.NorthernGreenExpo.org Partners Green Expo Northern


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