Healthy Communities: the housing sector offer
Tuesday 15th March 2011, York Racecourse
Supported by:
The housing sector has a key role to play in improving health outcomes of the wider population, although policy makers may perceive our role as solely being about meeting the demands of those in greatest need. The Government’s proposals for health, housing, planning reform and localism provide an opportunity to think again. Healthy Communities: the housing sector offer will examine the implications of the Government's long-term vision for the future of public health in England set out in the White Paper:
Healthy Lives, Healthy People.
There are challenges ahead if local areas want to prevent ill-health and improve health outcomes on a much reduced budget, realising the potential that exists in the housing sector could make a difference. This conference aims to provide housing professionals, as well as those in health and social care, with an enhanced ability to work with each other to develop the housing sector’s role in healthy communities. In particular, the conference will examine: • The changes in direction for health, housing and social care and the opportunities and challenges these present. • Who will be doing what, and where – what the new local arrangements look like and how you can engage with them. • The range of opportunities that exist for housing-related activity to contribute towards improved health – from spatial planning to environmental health. • The new relationships between health, housing and other professionals, enabling them to feel confident in working together to take joint action. • Practical strategic and operational steps that can be taken to contribute to healthy communities.
Who should attend? This event should be attended by Directors and Senior Managers in housing, planning and environmental health, social care as well as those with responsibility for strategic planning and commissioning of public health and health improvement. Anyone working in local housing or health improvement partnerships and prospective members of Health and Well-Being Boards will find this conference of interest.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Delegates will be able to record 4.5 Continuing Professional Development hours for attending this conference.
Programme 9.45
Registration and refreshments
10.15 Chair’s introduction and welcome Nick Atkin Chief Executive, Halton Housing Trust and Northern Housing Consortium Board Member
10.20 Health reforms and the Marmot Review Martin Gibbs Department of Health, Health Inequalities Team This session will provide an overview of health reforms with particular reference to the Marmot Review. Martin will cover: • • • •
Government’s ambitions for health. How the Government is enabling these to be delivered through reform. What the Government expects local authorities and their partners to do locally. Challenges for the housing sector in contributing to healthy communities.
10.45 The public health perspective Jane Riley Deputy Regional Director of Public Health, Yorkshire and Humber Providing the public health perspective in response to Healthy Lives, Healthy People, this session will cover: • • • •
How public health works now and what will be different when reform is complete. The health challenges facing the Yorkshire and Humber Region and how these are being addressed. The potential impact of reform on improved outcomes, challenges ahead and what remains to be resolved. What the housing sector can contribute to improved health.
11.10 Refreshments 11.30 The local government perspective Martin Seymour Healthy Communities Programme, Local Government Improvement and Development Providing the local government perspective in response to Healthy Lives, Healthy People, this session will cover: • • •
The current local authority role in public health and what will be different in the future. What needs to happen for local government to become responsible for local public health. The challenges ahead and how these might be overcome.
12.00 Professional practice sessions: 1. Cumbria closer to home – a home for life Robert Cornwall Project Manager, Cumbria Strategic Partnership This session will look at; Cumbria’s approach to enabling people to remain living in their home, reducing the impact on health services and other budgets, partnership working with GPs and others, and lessons for others as we move towards localism and personalisation.
2. The Department of Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment project Ed Harding Department of Health, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Programme This session will look at JSNAs; their role in the future to shape plans and practice that will improve health. Michelle will also consider how the housing sector can inform JSNA’s and use the findings.
3. Healthy homes projects This session will look at two projects that address housing conditions in the rented sectors to improve health. Lessons from the projects will be shared and delegates will hear about the challenges ahead and plans to overcome them. Liverpool’s Healthy Homes Programme Ian Watson Programme Co-ordinator, Liverpool Healthy Homes Programme This programme demonstrates effective collaboration between the City Council and Primary Care Trust designed to tackle health inequalities and deprivation through strategic use of housing enforcement powers. Gateshead Private Sector & Health Project Speaker to be confirmed
4. Making the link – safer homes and communities Ian Evans Head of Education and Engagement, Child Accident Prevention Trust This session will look at child accident prevention and the importance of this for positive health outcomes. Ian will also cover the role of the housing sector in delivering safety in our communities.
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Housing and health: benefits realisation Jeremy Porteus Department of Health, Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) Exploring benefits realisation in housing and health, Jeremy will look at: • •
Relevant projects underway by the Housing LIN. Opportunities and challenges presented by health and housing reform.
14.30 The environmental health perspective David Kidney Head of Policy, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health David will present the opportunities arising from health reforms from an environmental health perspective. This session will also cover: • • •
What the environmental health profession can contribute to improved health outcomes. The changes that are required and barriers to be overcome, for environmental health to make an effective contribution to improved public health. What local authorities and housing providers can do to support and engage environmental health professionals in a productive way.
15.00 The spatial planning perspective Tim Chapman Sustainable Communities Specialist, Homes and Communities Agency (ATLAS) Examining the importance of special planning for health, this session will cover: • •
The challenges and opportunities from the reform of health and planning, to improve health outcomes. What local authorities and their housing partners should do to ensure that well planned development achieves long term health and well-being outcomes.
15.30 Next steps and questions Gill Leng GLHS Ltd
15.40 Chairs closing remarks Nick Atkin Chief Executive, Halton Housing Trust and Northern Housing Consortium Board Member
15.45 Close of conference
Healthy Communities: the housing sector offer
Tuesday 15th March 2011, York Racecourse Delegate fees
Early booking discount: book before 1st March 2011
Northern Housing Consortium Member
Non Member
£229 All delegate fees are shown excluding VAT.
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