1 minute read

Rather live off campus?

Visit offcampushousing.niu.edu to:

• Search for housing and sublets.

• Find a roommate.

• Submit a tenant review.

• Check tenant reviews.

We have resources just for you. In the Peters Campus Life Building, Military and Veteran Services features space for our military students and their families to study, relax and create community, while our Center for Student Assistance is home to our Commuter Lounge where students can take advantage of study tables, computer access, free coffee and more.

We offer off-campus student meal plans to provide flexibility to commuters and students living off campus. go.niu.edu/offcampusmealplan

Feel free to schedule an appointment with us.

Commuter and Off-Campus Programs

Center for Student Assistance

Peters Campus Life Building, Room 150 studentassistance@niu.edu

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