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July/August 2010


Sharing in the Care of Others Charity is a hallmark of Masonic homes across the country. Sharing of best practices is resulting in providing better charity and more care. Charity and financial strength are an integral part of The Ohio Masonic Home’s Mission, Vision and Values. Under the leadership of the Board of Trustees, The Home’s Masonic Financial Assistance Corporation (MFAC) is spreading its wealth of knowledge with other homes. “A unique strength of The Ohio Masonic Home is its financial assistance programs and the key to that strength is understanding every aspect of the charity we provide,” said John White, Interim Chief Financial Officer and Masonic Financial Assistance Corporation President. “It’s a privilege knowing what we are doing can benefit others in several states.” Working with the MFAC Board, John and his staff pushed toward developing relationships with other Masonic organizations to share knowledge. “Education is a pivotal part of the financial assistance that we provide.” John and members of his team have shared dialogue and ideas with executives from the Masonic homes of Michigan, New Jersey and Oregon. The goal is to help with the development and implementation of their financial assistance models help them provide charity while

SAVE THE DATE Grand Lodge Annual Communication October 15-16 Dayton, Ohio

ensuring prudent management of their resources. “The presentation and one-onone conversation was extremely helpful as we contemplate opening our application process and changing our program,” said Adella Mcdonald, Executive Director of Jennings McCall Center and Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon. “I know we will have many more questions as we move toward actual program development and implementation, but we left knowing so much more than we came in with.” In addition to the Jennings McCall Center in Oregon, the Masonic Financial Assistance Corp. has provided consulting services and support to Michigan’s Masonic Pathways facility. Michigan has developed a Masonic Assistance Program under the leadership of Finance Manager Todd Moeggenborg. The program has been running more than a year and is providing an effective means of administering charity at Masonic Pathways. While the staff members attend senior care industry seminars and workshops throughout the year, Masonic Homes have a special link in Masonic Communities and Services Association, an organization for executive officers. This cooperation among homes is another way. “The common bond shared by all Masonic Homes across the country is providing charitable relief,” said John. “By sharing ideas among

John White, Interim Chief Financial Officer

our organizations, we have made significant progress in expanding on the goal of providing charitable relief while maintaining good stewardship of resources.” For additional information regarding information provided through MFAC and The Ohio Masonic Home contact John White at 800/564-9016 or via email at

In This Issue: Grand Master Presents $200,000....3 Masonic Model Needs Reps ............5 The Art of Living ..............................5 Brothers’ Memory Drives I-CARE Committee ..........................6 Military Veterans Remembered, Honored During Home Day 2010 ...8 Masonic Baskets Available ............12

Grand Master Terry W. Posey’s Oration at the Dedication of the War Memorials At Ohio Masonic Home Day on June 6, 2010 By Terry W. Posey, Grand Master


oday is a day of remembrance. It is not a day of mourning. Today, we remember those thousands of Ohio Masons who served in WW I, WW II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. June 6 has always been an important day in the United States. June 6, 1918 – WW I – Battle of Belleau Wood. The U. S. Marine Corps suffers its worst single day casualties while attempting to recapture the wood at ChateauThierry. June 6, 1942 – WW II Battle of Midway. U. S. Navy dive bombers sink the Japanese cruiser Mikuma and four other cruisers. June 6, 1944 – WW II Battle of Normandy begins D-Day, code named Operation Overlord. 155,000 Allied Troops land on beaches of Normandy in France. It is the largest amphibious operation in history. Total Americans killed: 2,499. June 6, 1953 – 7th Infantry suffers heavy casualties at Pork Chop Hill. June 6, 1968 – Robert F. Kennedy dies from gunshots in Los Angeles from the previous night. We have reached a perfect storm. A perfect storm of attacks on our homeland, being involved in two wars across this world and a realization – a realization that older men declare wars and younger men fight them. Those people who fought wars were our sons, fathers, brothers and our grandfathers. They are not “them” and everyone else is “us.” They are “us.” We may, as Americans, oppose the war and love our troops. We can recognize those soldiers, sailors and airmen who put aside their plans and answered the call of their government and went to faraway countries. We also recognize those spouses and children who kissed their serviceman goodbye and lived in fear of those two uniformed officers knocking on their door – the knock that would change their life forever. We expect that future Grand Lodge Officers will dedicate memorials to veterans of current and future wars. We hope and pray that wars will stop, that young people are no longer placed in harm’s way and peace prevails among all men. But until that time, Ohio Masons will support our The Beacon is published bi-monthly Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels. Chad Simpson, Director of Program Development The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio, P.O. Box 629, Worthington, OH 43085-0629, 614/885-5318, Brett Turner, Manager of Marketing and Communications The Ohio Masonic Home, 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698,937/525-3025


July/August 2010

troops and ask God to place his protecting hands upon our Terry W. Posey, military, active and retired. On this most solemn Day, we Grand Master stop and consider the great sacrifices that others have made so we may have the freedom and prosperity we enjoy. Let us honor each of them…with a prayer and pledge to restore to this nation the honor, morality, values and love of God for which they gave their lives and served. These new monuments are symbolic of the rough ashlar turning into a perfect ashlar. A rough ashlar is symbolic of the uninitiated Freemason. The perfect ashlar is symbolic of those who have received light. In these monuments, it is symbolic of the imperfection of this earthly life and the perfection of God’s presence in us and of everlasting life. We know and force ourselves to remember on this day that many brave lives have been sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy. Many more have fought and stood guard. All gave some; some gave all. Our brother, poet Robert W. Service, expressed the grief of a father left behind: They’ve told me the truth, Young Fellow My Lad: You’ll never come back again: (Oh God! the dreams and the dreams I’ve had, and the hopes I’ve nursed in vain!) For you passed in the night, Young Fellow My Lad, And you proved in the cruel test Of the screaming shell and the battle hell That my boy was one of the best. “So you’ll live, you’ll live, Young Fellow My Lad, In the gleam of the evening star, In the wood-note wild and the laugh of the child, In all sweet things that are. And you’ll never die, my wonderful boy, While life is noble and true; For all our beauty and hope and joy We will owe to our lads like you.

Their true memorial is the nation and culture we have created from their sacrifice. Lawrence Binyon wrote For the Fallen in words etched or expressed in many war memorials. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

God bless each of you; God bless Freemasonry; God bless our soldiers, and God bless the United States of America.

Summer Fun and the Annual Masonic Traditions By Marion Leeman, Managing Chief Executive Officer

The weather was perfect for the 26th annual Ohio Masonic Home Day on June 6 at Springfield Masonic Community. More than 2,100 people attended this celebration. But special this year was the dedication of two monuments to those who served in the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In addition, the Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial, a one-half scale version of the wall in Washington, D.C. was on display and drew more than 2,000 visitors, many who had never been to the campus before. However, The Ohio Masonic Marion Leeman, Managing Home Chief Executive Officer summer does not start and stop in Springfield. One can enjoy summer on the other campuses as well. On July 24 Browning Masonic Community

hosted its annual classic car Cruise-In; and on September 25 and 26 Western Reserve Masonic Community will hold its annual Renaissance Fair. These traditions are the results of the hard work and efforts of our many staff and volunteers. These are the same staff who assisted us in achieving the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services 5-star rating at Springfield Masonic Community and Western Reserve Masonic Community; for Browning Masonic Community to be ranked eighth out of 547 in the state-wide assisted living facility in The Ohio Department of Aging 2009 Residential Care Facility resident satisfaction survey; and for Western Reserve Masonic Community to receive the Area Agency on Aging Independent Living Award. The future is bright for The Ohio Masonic Home. We are hard at work putting together business plans to present to our Board of Trustees. These plans will update our Springfield campus and grow our campus services at Browning and Western Reserve. In addition plans are being developed to grow our community-

Ohio Masonic Home Announces Executive Changes The Ohio Masonic Home Board of Trustees recently received the resignation of Chief Executive Officer Wm. David Bannerman. The Board appreciates Dave’s six years of service in guiding the Home’s day to day operations and through the many changes in the industry during that time. Marion L. Leeman has assumed the role of Managing Chief Executive Officer for The Ohio Masonic Home. Marion has several years of long-term care experience, most recently as President of Springfield Masonic Community. Marion retired from Springfield Masonic Community in the fall of 2009, and we are grateful she was available as we shape a bright future for all Ohio Masonic Home campuses and in-home care services. Dale G. Ray, Jr. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio Masonic Home based services of Masonic Helping Hands and Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice. Enjoy some fun this summer and stop by one of our campuses and see what they have to offer.

Grand Master Presents $200,000 Check to Special Olympics Grand Master Terry W. Posey was proud to present a check for $200,000 at the opening ceremony of the Ohio Special Olympics Summer Games in June. The money was contributed by Master Masons and Masonic Lodges across Ohio. This is the fourth consecutive year that Ohio Masons have contributed $200,000 or more to Special Olympics.

“It never ceases to amaze me how hard our Brethren are willing to work to make sure that the athletes are able to participate in the Summer Games,” said Mike Cecil, chairman of the Grand Lodge Special Olympics Committee. “Even with the economic difficulties everyone is facing today, they were still able to raise $200,000.”

“Special Olympics is a charity very important to Ohio Freemasons, and they continue to work very hard to support it with their time and money,” said Grand Master Posey.

The Summer Games were held at the Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium on June 25 and 26. Four hundred and thirty five Master Masons, representing 179 Lodges, led

the parade of athletes during the opening ceremonies. Since 1979, Ohio Masons have contributed $3,280,000 in support of Ohio Special Olympics. July/August 2010


Small Gestures Equal Great Satisfaction faction What began as a small gesture – providing soup to complement sandwiches – has turned into a feast for Medina-area seniors. Western Reserve Masonic Community staff helped make it happen. For years, the Medina County Office For Older Adults provided affordable weekly lunches for seniors in Medina County for its nutrition program. As food costs increased, so did the cost for the lunches, leaving the program threatened to be cut. The Office reached out to local care facilities and health care providers. The idea was merely to have them donate soup to go with the sandwiches provided by the nutrition program. One of the first people the Medina County office contacted was Western Reserve Masonic Community Wellness Coordinator Renee Ashby, who has been active for 20 years in Medina community groups and programs. Western Reserve Masonic Community immediately accepted and took turns with 12 other

Medina County agencies to provide de soup on Wednesdays. “Western Reserve Masonic Community is proud to assist where we can, serving not only thee residents on our campus but also in the community,” said Renee. The enthusiastic cooperation meant the lunches evolved from soup and sandwiches to full mealss such as lasagna and chicken cordon bleu for the seniors to enjoy at a cost of just $2 with at least 35 participants enjoying the meals. Renee has seen the satisfaction the seniors who attend the lunches get from the meals and interaction. This was noticed by the Office For Older Ohioans. It nominated Western Reserve and other participating agencies for the Business Innovations Award, which goes to individuals and businesses that have made a special contribution in advancing opportunities for independent living through technology and business products and services. Renee accepted the award on Western Reserve Masonic

Western Reserve Masonic Community Wellness Coordinator Renee Ashby and President Jay Dettorre display the Business Innovations Award the campus earned from the local Area Agency on Aging Office.

Community’s behalf at a recent reception along with coworkers Sarah Koch and Vicki James. Renee said her networking in such programs has had several benefits. “The award is nice, but it’s not about that,” she said. “We were asked to help, responded and if asked again we’d do it again.” Springfield Masonic Community supports a similar program, providing the entrees for seniors participating in the local Meals on Wheels.

Forest City First Ohio Lodge to Receive Mark Twain Award

The Mark Twain Award was developed, and is reviewed and presented each year, by the Masonic Information Center, part of the MSA.

Forest City Lodge #388, of Lyndhurst, has won the Mark Twain Award for outstanding Lodge leadership.

Richard E. Fletcher, Executive Secretary of MSA, said “The 2009 Twain Award winners – 18 Lodges in 12 states – represent hundreds of Masons who are putting energy and creativity into their Masonic identity.

This is the first Ohio Lodge to receive the prestigious award from the Masonic Service Association (MSA). The Twain Award recognizes Lodge leadership for asserting a uniquely Masonic identity both within the Lodge and throughout the community that is consistent with the Fraternity’s historic focus on education, self-improvement, good works, and fellowship.

years, primarily under the leadership of Franck T. Kakou, Past Master. The Lodge is known as a leader in many areas of service, and has built a long reputation for its generosity through financial contributions to the community. Its “Brotherhood Night” for several decades has been a model of bringing various groups from the community into the Lodge, to enjoy fellowship and share the experience of giving. The award will be formally presented to Forest City by Grand Master Terry W. Posey at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in October.

“Winning a Twain Award means that members of a Lodge have come together to plan, implement, and evaluate a year’s worth of activities focused on enriching the experience of being a Freemason.”

Winners receive a custom-designed award for display and nationwide Forest City has worked on it applirecognition through MIC web and cation for the award for nearly two print publications. For more information, go to or


July/August 2010

The Art of Living Editor’s Note: The following is the conclusion of a story begun in the May-June issue of the Beacon on Mary Bancroft Walters. The story was written when she was a resident on the Springfield Masonic Community campus recovering from an illness. Shortly after her discharge, she was back in the hospital, then returned to the Springfield campus. Mary passed away on June 30. The following story is a tribute to her long life and the impact she had on people in the Springfield community, the Ohio Masonic Home alumni and others.

When Mary Bancroft Walters graduated from Springfield High School in 1925, most women’s options were still limited. There were few who went on to college and into the work place; most were expected to marry and raise a family. Mary represented the new woman. Not only did she want to go to college, she wanted to study fine arts, an unconventional higher education choice. Mary got her artistic start while living at The Ohio Home Masonic Home where her parents, “Mom and Pop” Bancroft, were the children’s home administrators. Some of the young residents were Mary’s early painting subjects but she admitted she didn’t get a lot of practice. “Not many wanted to sit still for portraits,” she said, smiling. Mary started at The Ohio State University and eventually transferred to an art school in Columbus. That move changed her life. While studying there, Mary met fellow student Kenny Walters. After the two finished their schooling – Mary said they didn’t have actual degrees, just certification – they married in 1930. While the freedom of an artistic life was fun for a while, the Walters felt the effects of the

Ohio Masonic Home children’s home alumni members Guy Miller, left, and Paul Davis, along with Paul’s wife Phyllis, celebrate Mary Bancroft Walters’ 102nd birthday on Dec. 6, 2009.

Great Depression. But the arrivals of daughter Ann and son Chris brought joy. Sadly, Kenny contracted tuberculosis and passed away in 1942. Instead of letting this drag her down, Mary carried on for her children, encouraged by her creativity. “Artists are a special breed,” she said. “Your art keeps you going.” Mary became a commercial artist and designer. For a while, she owned her own business in Michigan that painted mannequins. It was her family and passion for art that kept Mary going over the

years. Except for a 1987 mastectomy, she experienced great health throughout her life. In 2008, Mary earned first prize for a painting she did at a Springfield art show at age 100. This spirit has been an inspiration to her grandkids, one of whom did a documentary about her on DVD. It was her love for art that spurred her hope for recovery in the spring, never giving up. For more information on Springfield Masonic Community, call 888/290-2664or visit us at

Masonic Model Student Assistance Program Needs Local Support The Masonic Model Student Assistant Program (MMSAP) provides essential training to school personnel to identify and intervene with at-risk youth. In order to reach as many schools as possible, Past Grand Master Ronald Winnett is requesting local Brethren volunteer to promote the program in their local Lodges and school district.

The MMSAP was created in Pennsylvania and began operating in Ohio in 1998. The Grand Lodge of Ohio provides financial support for three trainings each year. Individuals may make contributions to support the work of the program by donating to the Scofield Fund.

Winnett serves as Ohio’s representative on the National Masonic Foundation for Children.

For more information, visit or call 800/292-6092. July/August 2010


Brothers’ Memory Drives I-CARE Committee

Red Cross volunteers collect blood from donors at Sunsbury Lodge on May 25 during its first blood drive.


he early winter months of 2010 were challenging for Beallsville Masonic groups. The cold and snowy weather caused the cancellation of many activities. The toughest part was the loss of three Brothers of Sunsbury Lodge #362 in a relatively short time. Brothers Mick Headley, Bill Swallow and Bill Phillips fought courageous battles against their medical maladies, but Beallsville #24 Chapters Order of Eastern Star I-CARE Committee would insure their memories lived on in a special way. With spring on its way, it was time to move forward to warmer and more hopeful days. Since those Brothers needed several blood transfusions, the committee decided to have a blood drive. “What better way could we fulfill our fraternal obligations?” asked I-CARE Committee Chairman Wayne Shirbish. The committee worked with Southeastern Ohio I-CARE Coordinator DeAnna Kinney, who brought in area Red Cross representative Amy Robinson and


July/August 2010

to donate. All this resulted in 45 units of blood for the event, far exceeding the goal the committee had set. The committee is now considering making a blood drive an annual event, which will continue to keep the memories of Brothers Headley, Swallow and Phillips alive in a positive way. “We are proud of our community and its support and are glad we could honor our departed Brothers as well as give back to the community,” said Wayne.

a plan was formed to hold a blood drive at the Sunsbury Lodge on May 25. The committee set a goal of collecting 30 units of blood. They didn’t bargain for the unforeseen positives that came along. A group of local high school students had to cancel their blood I-CARE is available to senior Masons, drive due to inclement weather their wives, widows, Eastern Star and joined in with this drive. members and members of affiliated The students assisted as greeters, bodies. For more information, call walkers and canteen workers 866/286-0010 or visit our web site alongside the committee volunteers. The Red Cross acknowledged the students’ participation and credited them for their work, and many donated blood. Because of this, one student became eligible for a Red Cross scholarship. In addition to the students, many Brothers and Sisters and community members donated time and blood, including several The widows of the deceased members of Sunsbury Lodge who inspired the blood drive stopped by to first-time donors. help. They include, left to right, Mrs. William (Donna) Some participants Swallow, Mrs. Mick (Peggy) Headley and Mrs. William waited up to two hours (Judy) Phillips.

The Senior Fitness Model of Northwest Ohio Senior fitness expert Jack LaLanne has a potential rival in northwest Ohio. Browning Masonic Community independent living resident Gil Fair is showing how a lifetime of health and exercise may keep you active into your 90s. Since moving to the Waterville campus this spring, Gil, age 94, has become the go-to guy for fitness questions on the Waterville campus. “I see a lot of people who could feel a lot better,” said Gil, a native of the Toledo area. Gil played basketball and baseball in high school. He was on the Libby High School hoops team that played in the 1933 state championship in Columbus. Gil recalls having to travel on back roads by car since the school district couldn’t afford to send the team by bus. Teammate Jack Hallett went on to play major league baseball. Gil later served in Japan during World War II and settled back in the Toledo area. With his playing days finished, Gil wanted to stay involved in sports and became a baseball and softball umpire at the prep and college levels for 39 years. “You want to stay in the game and that’s a good way to do it,” he said. In between, he was a basketball referee for 19 years. After retiring in 1983, Gil moved to Florida and entered a new sporting realm. “When you get older, it doesn’t take long to get out of shape and I didn’t want that to happen,” said Gil. He discovered the Polk County Senior Games in Lakeland, Fla.

Browning Masonic Community independent living resident Gil Fair displays a few of the athletic awards he’s received over his lifetime of sporting activity. Gil works out five days a week in Browning’s fitness center.

Gil competed for 17 years, doing as many as 10 events one year in basketball free throws, long jump, softball throw and several running events, all without ever having competed in track and field while in school. He even did the shot put. He eventually set records in the long jump and 1500 meter in the age 85-90 division and collected numerous trophies he now proudly displays in his apartment. But considering the oldest competitor in the senior games

was 100 and he knows another man doing 5k races at age 96, Gil is still a kid by comparison. Despite a self-imposed retirement from competition, Gil still exercises five days a week. He begins with 10 minutes of stretching and then to the Browning fitness center. For his meals he normally eats half portions. It’s this type of discipline that’s helped him stay just five pounds above the 130 pounds he’s been most of his life. “If I hadn’t been doing this I wouldn’t be here today.” For information on Browning Masonic Community, call 866/878-4055; or go to

July/August 2010


Military Veterans Rem Honored During Hom The patriotic sentiment of Memorial Day carried over to the first week in June as the 26th Annual Ohio Masonic Home Day recognized the contributions of military veterans with a weekend full of activities on the Springfield Masonic Community campus. Highlights included the dedication of permanent monuments to the veterans of the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the rededication of the monument to World War I and II veterans and the display of The Traveling Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial. “Our organization has served veterans from as far back as the Civil War and we have always found it important to honor and recognize them,� said Springfield Masonic Community President Jerry Guess, the Home Day coordinator. Jerry is a retired Air Force lieutenant


July/August 2010

colonel and Vietnam veteran and was instrumental in securing the Traveling Wall for the activities. The Traveling Wall is a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. and features the names of more than 58,000 people who lost their lives and unaccounted for prisoners of war and those missing in action. It was a chance for veterans, family members and those who have never been to Washington to pay tribute. A ceremony led by Mike Jackson of Operation Welcome Home, which recognizes the contributions of veterans, particularly Vietnam era, officially kicked things off. Grand Master Terry W. Posey had a vision of permanent tribute to Masons who served their country in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was inspired by the monument on the Springfield Masonic Community campus honoring veterans of World War I and II in front of Bushnell Hall, the campus’ signature building.

embered, me Day 2010 The memorials were funded privately by donations from Masons and lodges. Grand Master Posey wanted to dedicate them on Home Day, which fell on June 6, the 66th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of World War II. At noon, hundreds gathered in front of Bushnell Hall for the dedication. Veterans, Masons and families came to watch the ceremony. These monuments coupled with the Traveling Wall made this Home Day particularly memorable, with more than 2,100 people attending. It wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of time and effort by Springfield Masonic Community staff, Masons and many others. Visitors are welcome to view the monuments during daylight hours at Springfield Masonic Community. The 27th Ohio Masonic Home Day will be June 12, 2011 at Springfield Masonic Community.

July/August 2010


Ninety-six new Master Masons were initiated at the Grand Master’s Class held in Canton on June 12.

Local Grand Master’s Class Proves Popular With Lodges For the first time in Ohio, Grand Master’s Classes were held by local Lodges rather than on the District or regional basis. “Like it has been said of politics, all Masonry is local,” explained Grand Master Terry W. Posey. “For that reason I have allowed more local Lodges to hold their own Grand Master’s classes.” Though a few District classes were held for logistical convenience,

the majority of Grand Master’s Classes were held by small groups of local Lodges, which have expressed their satisfaction with keeping the initiation of candidates a local experience. Since January, 27 Grand Master’s Classes have been held. The total number of candidates initiated has not yet been confirmed, because of the local nature of the Classes.

The first Ohio Grand Master’s Classes were held in 2002 under the leadership of then Grand Master Thomas E. Reynolds. Subsequent Classes were held in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009. The first ever were held by the Grand Lodge of Montana in the late 1970s and the practice was revived by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia in the 1990s.

Freemasonry – It’s All In The Family Even Across the Border From left are Peter Derrick, Worshipful Master of Mystic Tie Lodge #213 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Ben Miller, newly raised Master Mason, his father, Darrell Miller, PDDGM of Ohio’s 5th Masonic District, and Rick Galloway, Grand Master of Saskatchewan. Darrell Miller made the long trek to Saskatchewan from Ohio to witness his son Ben being raised a Master Mason and member of Mystic Tie Lodge.


July/August 2010

Larger Office Space Increases Opportunities

The Masonic Helping Hands Fairborn office has moved to a larger space. Pictured clockwise are staff members Donna Thompson, manager; Julie Lambert, office assistant; Natalie McDonald, Helping Hands director; and Ramy Arbuckle, assistant manager.


he Masonic Helping Hands Fairborn office has increased to twice the size. This means double the opportunity to grow its brand in the Dayton and Springfield area. The office moved in May to 7594 Dayton Springfield Road, Fairborn, just a few yards from its previous location at 7600 Dayton Springfield Road.

With 2,200 square feet to work with, office management can now better accommodate staff meetings, client needs and be ready if staff expands. With a spacious meeting room, the office can now host community events such as breakfasts and professional meetings. Another possibility is hosting client events. Having a lot of options is helpful for the Fairborn-based office, which was the first Helping Hands office opened in late 2007. It served 139 clients and logged 23,876 client hours in 2009. Masonic Helping Hands provides in-home non-medical home care services to seniors and disabled adults, and also has a program to assist new moms. Other offices serve the greater Cincinnati and Toledo areas. Call 877/564-0210 to get started or for more information, visit our web site

Cornerstone Welcomes Medical Director, Moving to New Office Location Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice recently welcomed Dr. Barry Paxton as its hospice medical director. Cornerstone is located in Urbana and serves Champaign, Clark and Logan Counties in Ohio.

“This new location will make Cornerstone more visible to the community because it is on Route 68,” said Mary Lough-Pencil, RN, President of Cornerstone. “We can now do more with our entire staff, clients and the community. We’re very excited about this move.”

Dr. Paxton is an internal medicine specialist with 35 years experience. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from Johns Hopkins University and his M.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Paxton has had his own private practice in Urbana since 1975. Cornerstone is moving offices from 212 W. Court Street in Urbana to 953 N. Main Street right off State Route 68. The new location will have

Dr. Barry Paxton 2,700 square feet of work space, about 900 feet larger than the previous location.

Cornerstone, which provides in-home medical and hospice care, served 159 clients and made 4,500 visits in its first year as a member of The Ohio Masonic Home’s Masonic Senior Services program. For more information, call 877/684-5710 or go to July/August 2010


Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers T

he Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers, Inc. was founded at a time when Master Masons could be found in large numbers in most areas of public life. Stationary engineers, in particular, felt it would be beneficial for members of their trade who were Master Masons to unite together in a formal organization. Consequently, a conference was held in Cleveland, Ohio September 14, 1903. The delegates created The Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers. They immediately incorporated under the laws of the state of Ohio, and in short order, councils were formed in surrounding states and Canada, which was in keeping with their international ambitions as reflected in the use of the term “universal” in their title.

The Universal Craftsmen have operated in Ohio since that time. Ohio Council #15 has experienced the ebb and flow of membership common to the whole Masonic fraternity over the last 100 years, but like Freemasonry, it has begun to experience a resurgence of interest. “It’s not uncommon for Symbolic Lodges to have a veiled reference to the Universal Craftsmen hanging in their Lodge halls in the form of an etching entitled The Iron Worker and King Solomon,” explained Louis VanSlyck, Deputy Grand Worthy Chief of the 7th District. The etching depicts a legendary feast held by King Solomon to celebrate the completion of the Temple and to honor the masters of the various crafts involved with its construction. The legend relates that King Solomon announced that the

single greatest of the masters would be selected at the banquet, and he would sit in Solomon’s throne as king for a day. Much to their surprise, upon arriving at the banquet, the throne was already occupied by a lowly blacksmith. This legend and its lesson form the central allegory used in the ceremonies of a Council of Universal Craftsmen. Membership in the Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers, Inc. is open to Master Masons in good standing, particularly those with an interest in engineering or craftsmanship. For more information contact Lou VanSlyck,

Last Chance To Get Your Longaberger® Masonic Baskets! If you missed purchasing the 2008 Longaberger® Grand Lodge of Ohio Bicentennial basket to show your Masonic pride, here is an opportunity to purchase a customized Longaberger lapel pin design. All profits will be equally distributed to The Ohio Masonic Home and the Grand Lodge Charitable foundation. For sale are the popular TV Time Basket™ and the new 7” Round Keeping™ Basket. These baskets are whitewashed in color with a primary trim strip (bottom) of red and a secondary trim strip (top) of dark blue. The trim strips are accented by customized square and compasses tack covers. The whitewashed Longaberger lids are engraved and painted by Basket Accessories, LLC located in Akron, PA. Tax is included in the price. Orders will not be sent to The Longaberger® Company until 251 orders of each basket design have been received. After that, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Orders will be taken through October 13, 2010.


July/August 2010

July/August 2010



A Good Time For Financial Planning By Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn, CAE, President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation

Even though this article is being prepared prior to the 234th anniversary of our country’s birth – thanks, of course, to the efforts and sacrifices of many Freemasons from this and other countries – most of you won’t be reading it until the end of July or first part of August. And, at that time of year, we begin to look to the fall return to school, football season, the World Series and our various fraternal Grand Body annual meetings.

Estate plans usually include family members, loved ones and special friends in our lives. As life’s experience tells us, however, people come and go in our lives. Those who were once close enough to be included in estate plans may no longer be in our closest circle due to death, divorce or the change/end of a business relationship. Thus, documents, wills, trusts, insurance policies, retirement plans and others,

Fall is also a good time to take stock of our investments, estate plans and charitable giving for the year. While many folks do this in the last month of the year, getting a jump on things in September or October provides more time to make any necessary changes or updates to documents before tax saving opportunities expire at year’s end. The stock market’s recent volatility has prompted many of us to “sit tight” with our investments but, even as the most conservative investor knows, there are always opportunities to be found in the market.

need to be regularly reviewed and updated to assure that those named as beneficiaries and in other ways are those we currently want to be so named and be the inheritors of what we have to pass along. Not just a few people have been surprised when, following a “triggering” event, one or more such documents has been processed only to find that a change wasn’t made in a beneficiary designation and someone now estranged or formally displaced from the benefactor’s life will benefit from the non-updated designation.


July/August 2010

Estate Planning Tip: IRA’s and other retirement plans can be heavily taxed when left to individuals. Such taxes frequently consume a high percentage – easily 50% or higher – of the plan’s total amount. However, designating a properly established charitable organization, such as the Home or Foundation, as the recipient of such assets enables the full value of the asset to pass to the charity while other assets with less or very little, if any, tax impairment can be designated for loved ones and still provide a significant gift. Charitable giving is always an important consideration, not only in estate planning, but in your annual financial planning. In addition to direct giving to your favorite charitable organization(s) and the benefit received from it, several charitable giving instruments provide the opportunity to establish a tax-advantaged life income stream for the donor while also making a significant charitable gift to an organization the donor cares about. So don’t forget to make your plans early in the fall so you can relax and enjoy a wonderful holiday season at year’s end. Before that, we hope we might see you at: the Foundation’s Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic, September 13 in Springfield or Western Reserve’s Renaissance Faire September 25 and 26, along the fraternal trail or at October’s Grand Body annual meetings. As always, if we can be of assistance with your charitable giving or estate planning in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us toll-free at 888/248-2664 or via our website at

OES Grand Chapter Cuts the Ribbon for Glenn A. Gallagher Centre On June 27, The Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Glenn A. Gallagher Community Centre at the Order of Eastern Star Home in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Paul Gallagher, son of the namesake, cut the ribbon to the building before a large crowd of onlookers. The day’s activities included a luncheon, silent auction,

tours of the facility, and an Eastern Star initiation ceremony. The Grand Master and several Grand Lodge Officers attended the ribbon cutting ceremony. The cornerstone had been laid for the building in June of 2009.

Thank You For Your Generosity We offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between April 1, 2010 and May 31, 2010. $10,000 + Gantner, Jacob G. $5,000 - $9,999 Benes, Rose Wilma McGlone, Thomas D. Schulze, Vivian H. $2,500 - $4,999 Fritsche, Howard M. Grand Court, Order of Amaranth Moser, Elizabeth A. Oberle, Betty H. Parsons, Marion Seifert, Dorothy T. & Myron T. $1,000 - $2,499 25th Masonic District Association Brookville Lodge #596, F&AM Buckholtz, Kenneth O. & Faye R. Davis, Orlando W. District 18 Association Thomas, Myrtle T. $500 - $999 23rd Masonic District Association Fairborn Lodge #764, F&AM Goff, Martha J. Jenkins, Daniel C., Jr. Kelly, Floyd Meridian Sun Lodge #69, F&AM Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge #2, F&AM Paragon Lodge #788, F&AM Paramuthia Lodge #25, F&AM Solar Lodge #730, F&AM University Lodge #631, F&AM Venus Lodge #152, F&AM

$100 - $499 1st Masonic District Association 3rd Masonic District Association 12th Masonic District Association 21st Masonic District Association 44 Club of District 18 Ashlar Lodge #639, F&AM Baker, Dale L. & Pauline Beacon Chapter #593, OES Caldwell, Robert R. Caliburn Lodge #785, F&AM Chagnot, Charles W. Chagrin Falls Chapter #152, RAM Cokonougher, Steven E. & Judy Conkle, Ray E. Conklin, Robert E. Cortland Lodge #529, F&AM Coshocton Lodge #96, F&AM Coster, Robert H. Creps, Michael R. Dover Lodge #489, F&AM Dresden Lodge #103, F&AM Ely Lodge #424, F&AM Evergreen Lodge #222, F&AM Forest City Lodge #388, F&AM Fouch, Edward L. & Carol Geneva Lodge #334, F&AM George A. Holly Lodge #745, F&AM Gustavus Lodge #442, F&AM Hallman, Edward J. & Irene L. Hanselmann Lodge #208, F&AM Hart’s Grove Lodge #397, F&AM Heath Lodge #771, F&AM Hingst, Carl & Marilyn Hoffner Lodge #253, F&AM Holcomb, J. Robert & Antoinette

Hudson Lodge #510, F&AM Jerusalem Lodge #19, F&AM Karth, Charles E. & Marjorie J. Kopacka, Jeffrey N. Kreigh, Robert Lone Star Lodge #175, F&AM Malta Lodge #118, F&AM Mentor Lodge #772, F&AM Monroe Lodge #189, F&AM Niles-McKinley Lodge #794, F&AM Olive Lodge #210, F&AM Orion Lodge #353, F&AM Proctorville Lodge #550, F&AM Rayburn, Jason Dale Relief Lodge #284, F&AM Rogers, David Stephen, M.D. Ryan, Walter W., Jr. & Elizabeth G. Scenters, James W., Jr. & Barbara L. Shank, Harold & Josephine Steubenville Lodge #45, F&AM Temple Lodge #28, F&AM Toledo Ft. Industry Lodge #144, F&AM Triandria Lodge #780, F&AM University Heights Lodge #738, F&AM Valley of Dayton, AASR Village Lodge #274, F&AM Waltz, Jeffrey P. Warpole Lodge #176, F&AM Western Reserve Lodge #507, F&AM Wiggins, Hugh K. William Farr Lodge #672, F&AM Williams, Frank R. Zinn, Joseph J. July/August 2010



2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698

Resident Centered, Future Focused Illustrious Brother William Jerome, 33°


llustrious Brother Bill Jerome believes helping those he serves means involving them. As the secretary of Western Reserve Masonic Community’s board of trustees, he works closely with its residents. In their quarterly meetings some agenda items get too lengthy to address. A resident relations committee made up of various residents and board members meets in-between quarterly meetings to discuss agenda items more at length. “What has kept me enthusiastic is after each of our meetings I feel absolutely refreshed,” said Bill, who has served on the board and committee since 2004. “Working with the residents is what it’s all about for me; they are some of the finest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I find it enjoyable to attend additional meetings and socializing and attending special events throughout the year.” Bill’s attention is also focused on Western Reserve’s immediate needs, mainly a unit for Alzheimer’s and dementia care. He sees this as a priority for the campus, as it would help the continuum of care and aid residents in a variety of ways, particularly how it could support spouses whose loved ones have the disease.

Individual members bring different backgrounds to their boards and Bill’s is from his 31-year career with AT&T, formerly Ohio Bell and Ameritech. His telecommunications industry work included sales, new product development, project management and business development. “This background has been helpful to me in supporting the efforts of the Western Reserve administration in budget control, census goal attainment and business case development for the planned dementia unit.” Bill was raised a Master Mason in Barberton Lodge #750 in 1974 and became Worshipful Master in 1979. He is also a member of Portage Chapter No 202, Royal Arch Masons; Akron Commandery No. 25, Knights Templar and the Valley of Akron, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. He is a Past Thrice Potent Master, Aroba Lodge of Perfection; Past District Educational Officer; Past Member of the Grand Lodge Education Committee; Past Chairman of the Leadership Committee; and was coroneted a 33° Mason in 1997.

He is originally from Pennsylvania and is an William Jerome alumnus of Pennsylvania State University. Bill has been happily married to wife Becky for 38 years. They raised three daughters who live in Norton, Ohio. Bill said he and Becky enjoy traveling and boating, as well as “spoiling” their grandchildren, who range in age from 9 months to 6 years.

Saturday & Sunday SEPTEMBER 25th & 26th

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