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BEACON September/October 2008



I-CARE Program Earns Prestigious Award One of the values we have

adopted says “Through these values we will provide distinguished service and be recognized as outstanding in Ohio in any service/operation, satisfaction, or best practice.” The I-CARE program of Masonic Senior Services just received

I-CARE committees pitch in to make Masonic seniors’ lives better in numerous way.

the Social Commitment Award from AOPHA, the statewide organization representing nonprofit services for the aging at their Annual Meeting Sept. 9th. AOPHA is the Association of Philanthropic Homes and services for the Aging. The social commitment Award is awarded “to an individual, program or organization that has made a significant contribution to social justice, cultural

diversity, equal opportunity and/or harmonious relations.” AOPHA recognized that the I-CARE program was a unique combination of professionals and volunteers helping people at home. Care coordinators and committee members and trustees of the Masonic Senior Services Corporation from across the state were invited to attend the awards dinner and reception. There are 7 care coordinators assigned to cover every county in the state. There are 17 committees across the state, including an I-CARE committee within the Prince Hall Affiliation. Together the staff and committees serve over 140 active clients each month and monitor over 200 more. You can help. If you know a senior within a Masonic organization that needs help, call 1-888-286-0010 and ask for help for your brother. If you want to participate, ask to have a coordinator come to your organization and talk about a volunteer committee. Women are encouraged to sponsor meetings and talk about how to help.

See more I-CARE stories on pages 3 and 14.

There are some great stories about how your help allowed Final Logo with 80% screen someone to receive care at home.The next time you see a care coordinator or a volunteer on a committee, thank them for all they do in the name of Freemasonry and I-CARE.

I-CARE Welcomes New Coordinators I-CARE coordinators cover all areas of the state. The two newest coordinators are Mary Jane Bates, who covers central Ohio, and Shelley Fricke, who covers southwestern Ohio. Mary Jane graduated from Ohio State University with a Mary Jane Bates degree in social work and from the Columbus School of Practical Nursing. She has worked for the Alzheimer’s Association of Central Ohio, the Council for Older Adults and Senior Services for Independent Living, both in Delaware County. Mary Jane’s father was a Mason with Triangle Lodge #748 and grandmother was Shelley Fricke in Eastern Star, along with various aunts and uncles who are affiliated. These ties made Continued on page 6

Thank You for Creating Excitement During Our Bicentennial By Ronald L. Winnett, Grand Master

I hope all of you are as excited as I

and the other Grand Line Officers are to be a Master Mason during this time in the history of Ohio Freemasonry. As we have celebrated our Bicentennial we have also been able to demonstrate the great teachings of the craft, by showing our rich, proud heritage, by being ambassadors who lead by example. We need to continue giving our Fraternity maximum exposure. We need to tell about our good works, because a lot of today’s world does not have a clue concerning our history or how our ancestors helped form America and, in particular, Ohio. We have to educate the non-Masonic public about “The Wonderful World of Freemasonry” to which we belong. There has been a lot of excitement this year, starting with the 25 Founders Day dinners, and continuing to the parade on June 21 in Columbus. Many districts have had special events of their own to promote Freemasonry, so I hope all

The Beacon is published bi-monthly Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels. Brett Turner, Manager of Marketing and Communications The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 937/525-3025 George Braatz, P.G.M., Grand Secretary at The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio P.O. Box 629 Worthington, OH 43085-0629 614/885-5318


September/October 2008

of you will take the time to come to Columbus to see the special “Exposition” that has been gathered from around the country and Ohio. My Brethren, this year we have been celebrating our Past, but we need to move forward in the years ahead with the same enthusiasm we have shown this year. As you read this, my last official message to you as Grand Master, there are many “thank you’s” to give out, but not enough space. To the Deputy Dawg, DDGM’s, Advisors, Grand Lodge Officers, who have supported me all year, and most of all the Brethren of Ohio, I want to say “Thank You” from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the courtesies and the support you have shown to Linda and me, and thank you for being who you are.

Grand Master throws 1st pitch at Reds Game Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett checks out the view at the Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati, where he threw out the first pitch on August 16, prior to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game. It was the 70th annual Masons Night with the Reds, and many Masonic dignitaries were introduced on the field before the game.

Red Pens Available to Scofield Fund Donors A red, ball point pen, inscribed, “Royal C. Scofield Charity Endowment Fund for the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program,” will be given to all individuals who contribute at least $25 to the Scofield Charity Fund. Most Worshipful Brother Scofield became famous among Ohio Masons in the 1970s and 1980s for the personal notes he wrote to thousands of brethren with his “red pen,” as he graded their Masonic educational correspondence courses. The fund was created in the will of Brother Scofield and the goal is, using interest only, to finance the Masonic Model Program in Ohio. Checks, made out to Royal C. Scofield Charity Endowment Fund, may be sent to the Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 629, Worthington, OH 43085-0629.

Masonic Seniors Services Aiding Those in Need By Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Officer, The Ohio Masonic Home

Masonic Senior Services is one

of the subsidiary corporations of The Ohio Masonic Home. Separately incorporated in 2006, it is the company that is responsible for our “Care at Home” strategy. Right now there are two organizations they are responsible for managing. One company is I-CARE, the Independence through Coordination, Assistance, Referral and Education program. They have seven service coordinators across the state and 17 committees. The second organization is

Masonic Helping Hands. They provide companion services and chore services to people in their homes. Right now they are in the Dayton-Springfield area and in the Cincinnati area. Masonic Senior Services is planning to expand the Masonic Helping Hands services across the state. One of the ways you can help is to make sure every brother or sister in need of services is referred to us. If we can help we will. If a referral is a better choice we will make that referral. If the best we

Bicentennial Theme to Continue Through Annual Grand Lodge Session The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio will be held October 17 and 18 in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Columbus.

Washington) Bible, and George Washington’s Masonic gavel and trowel.

The 2008 Bicentennial theme, “Pioneers to Astronauts,” will continue through the annual session. One of the features will be an exposition of some of the most treasured Masonic artifacts in our country. Among the items will be the St. John’s (or George

The Annual Communication also will include the visitation of guests from other jurisdictions, introduction of dignitaries, presentation of reports, conduct of regular business, and election and installation of officers for the coming year.

The display of items will be in the Information for delegates has been Delaware Ballroom of the Hyatt sent to the Secretary of each Symbolic Regency Hotel during the Grand Lodge in the state. Lodge session.

Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman led Springfield Masonic Community residents during the Ohio Freemasonry bicentennial celebration parade in downtown Columbus this summer.

can do is to identify an unmet need, it will help with future planning. Call us today. The 200th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge has been an exciting time for thousands of Masons and their families who have participated in events throughout the year and throughout the state. Among the highlights of the year, often cited by Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett, are the 25 Founders Day dinners in each district, which attracted more than 6,000 participants; the June 21 parade in downtown Columbus, the picnic, and ceremony at the Statehouse; the July 4 dedication of a Masonic plaque at the gravesite of our first Grand Master Rufus Putnam; and the burying of time capsules at the Ohio Masonic Home in Springfield on Sept. 9 (see story on page 12.)

Community Builder Award Presented by Hudson Lodge Hudson Lodge #510 presented its 2008 Community Builder Award to longtime community resident and volunteer Robert Swedenborg, second from right. His wife, Karin, right, accepts the award with him. The certificate was presented by Worshipful Master William DeBlaey. Gwen Mayer, left, a senior archivist from the Hudson Library and Historical Society, shared highlights of Hudson Freemasonry from the 1800’s to the present. “Freemasons have been a major influence in the Hudson community.”

September/October 2008


Children’s Home Alumni Reunite in Springfield Several people who lived on the

The Ohio Masonic Home grounds when it served as a children’s home gathered for their 28th annual homecoming reunion July 5-6 at Springfield Masonic Community. The group reunites biennially to spend time together, reminisce about their time here, dine and have their business meeting. The Ohio Masonic Home had a children’s home from 1897 to 1956 in addition to its retirement home. It differed from a traditional orphanage as the children came when a parent passed away or couldn’t support them properly. The Home would take them in and gave them a good life until the parents’ situation improved or they turned 18.

Although the weekend followed the normal pattern of activities, there were a few things that stood out at this reunion. A Hollywood crew shot a documentary about the event. Rachael Harris, an actress and daughter of alumni president Cynthia Whitacre Cameron, led the crew and interviewed alumni members and Home staff. The documentary is being edited. Plans were not certain yet when the documentary will air. Longtime alumni committee members Paul Davis and Guy Miller were honored for their many years of service to the alumni as was the late Jack Lindsay. A plaque recognizing their work was

Ohio Masonic Home children’s home alumni gather on the steps of Bushnell Hall on the Springfield campus during their biennial reunion on July 6.

awarded and will hang near the present Apartments at Cunningham Place on the campus. The alumni met every three years in the past, but now meet every two years on the first weekend in July, with the next coming up in 2010.

Legends Golf Tournament Expands to Northeast Ohio A combination of 26 retired sports celebrities, The Ohio Masonic Home and Masonic fraternity helped show how a day of golf, food and fun can mean more for residents of Medina’s Western Reserve Masonic Community suffering with Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. The first Northeastern Ohio Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic was July 28 at Medina’s Blue Heron Golf Club. The tournament has been a fixture in Fairborn, Ohio for six years. The event allowed threesomes a chance to golf Former Cleveland Browns receiver and broadcaster Reggie Rucker discusses play with a teammate at the Legends Tournament on July 28 at Blue Heron Golf Club in Medina.


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18 holes with former major league baseball players, NFL players, an NBA and Olympic gold-medal winner and more. The event is led by former pitcher and 1970 Cy Young Award winner Jim Perry. The Benevolent Endowment Foundation of The Ohio Masonic Home sponsored the event. This event also differed in that several Cleveland-area Masons and their families volunteered to run it. Legends events are unique in giving participants the chance to interact with the sports celebrities. This one had a heavy Cleveland feel with former Browns such as receiver and broadcaster Reggie Rucker, kicker Don Cockroft, 1964 championship team members Dick Schafrath and Ross Fichtner and Pro Bowl quarterback Milt Plum. Former Cleveland Indians participating included Ron Pruitt, Vern Fuller, Max Alvis and Hal Naragon. 1964 Olympic gold-medal

winner and NBA player George Wilson was by far the tallest golfer there. Other participants included former major league umpire Greg Kosc, former NCAA Final Four Basketball coach Johnny Orr, Pro Football Hall of Fame founder Chuck Such and 1960 Cy Young Award winner Vern Law. Participants in the Legends events get to golf with and spend time with the celebrities and hear stories from their playing days, get autographs, enjoy a dinner and have the chance to bid on several unique items in auctions. “There’s nothing like spending time on a golf course with old friends and new ones and knowing people are being helped by what we do here,” said Jim Perry, who runs several Legends events around the country each year to help various charities. Another Legends event is planned for Medina in July of 2009. For more information, call 888-248-2664.

Wii System Fun, Healthy for All Ages Seniors and video games aren’t

a common fit. The Nintendo Wii game system is changing all that by allowing people to play video games and get fit at the same time and age is not a factor. Wii is a video system that allows people of any age to play tennis, bowl, box or any of a number of sports or fitness activities without leaving home. All you need is the system and a television. Many retirement communities are using the system to promote fitness and health for residents. Now the excitement is catching on with Ohio Masonic Home subsidiaries’ residents and staff. Renewing a Past Love Browning Masonic Community will receive a Wii system later this year as a gift donated by Lady Linda’s List. A local Rainbow assembly is committed to helping the residents learn the system. A few have already gotten a preview courtesy of a staffer. Roger Tappan, a former bowler was the most enthusiastic. He enjoyed physical activities, but became limited in recent years. Wii was able to bring it all back for a while. You use a hand control to simulate the activity and Roger got so into it he threw the control by accident according to Laurel McCulloch, Browning’s activities coordinator. She added the enthusiasm is building for getting a system to use full time. Independent Living Residents Get Physical Macular degeneration forced Springfield Masonic Community independent living resident Jack McConaugha to stop playing tennis. He’s playing again thanks to becoming the first resident to buy a Wii. Now he can play not only tennis, but golf and a little boxing every now and then.

Jack laughed about what his family says. “My grandson said ‘Imagine a 90 year-old getting a Wii,’” he said. “At least the kids will know what to get me for Christmas.” Jack said part of what he likes best about it is he doesn’t enjoy just sitting. But he has to limit himself as one can get tired easily playing Wii. Jack’s wife, Peggy, has yet to try the Wii, but enjoys knowing Jack is having such a good time. The McConaughas inspired garden villa home residents John and Joan Primm to buy a Wii. They considered the purchase their eighth anniversary gift to each other. John used to bowl three times a week up until just a few years ago. Now he’s going to write his friends to tell them he’s back in the game. “You don’t realize you’re exercising,” said John. Joan hasn’t played much, but acts as John’s trainer and cheerleader. They look forward to fellow residents getting together to play Wii in the future. Assisted Living Residents Many Springfield Masonic Community assisted living residents are former bowlers and golfers, but haven’t been able to participate in these sports in years. Wii is allowing them to again. Some stand and some use chairs to bowl, all smile when trying it for the first time. They are excited about being able to create their own characters and the chance to do something fun and healthy. “This keeps you busy and active,” said Hillman Manor resident Ruth Tisdall. Ruth was a longtime bowler. The prospect of

learning other games in the future has the residents looking forward to activity time. Leading by example Springfield Masonic Community President Marion Leeman is a big fan of Wii, both as a campus leader and in her personal life. She’s had her system about three months and plays tennis, bowling, boxing and baseball. After a hard day’s work, Marion would often go home and take a nap. Now she’s competing and reducing her stress level through the Wii games and has seen her fitness level go up and is noticing how important balance is in the game. “The nice part is if you want to exercise you don’t have to go to a gym, you can stay at home,” she said. “I’ve never played golf before and now I can.” Marion is excited about residents on her campus and other subsidiaries benefitting from the Wii. “We want what’s best for our residents and I believe having this system will get them moving and having something to look forward to.” September/October 2008


Masonic Plaque Placed on Rufus Putnam’s Grave One of the Grand Master’s goals

for the year was to provide public recognition for Rufus Putnam’s service as the first Grand Master of Ohio Masonry. Previously, no reference to Brother Putnam’s being a Mason was included at his gravesite in The Mound Cemetery in Marietta. On July 4, Most Worshifpul Brother Ronald L. Winnett, Grand Lodge of Ohio officers, many Masons and a delegation from the Sons of the American Revolution paraded from downtown Marietta to Mound Ceremony for the unveiling of a plaque at Putnam’s grave. A special thanks to Marietta Masons who worked hard to plan this special event. The day also included a Reconsecration Ceremony for the Marietta Masonic Temple, home of American Union Lodge #1 and Harmar Lodge #390. The building is 100 years old. An early morning Master Mason Degree was also

Grand Lodge Officers surround Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett during the plaque ceremony, with Rufus Putnam’s tombstone directly behind the Grand Master.

conferred by the two Lodges, with Grand Lodge Officers assuming key roles in the Second Section of the Degree. The Grand Master and Grand Marshal James F. Easterling unveil the plaque.

I-CARE Welcomes New Coordinators continued from page 1 her eager to become an I-CARE coordinator. “I wanted to work for The Ohio Masonic Home because of the strong Masonic commitment I received from my family and because I knew that any program offered here would be one of quality and would have real value,” Mary Jane said. “My focus to enable older adults stay in their home as long as possible and the I-CARE program just seemed to match my background and personal commitment.” Mary Jane covers central Ohio including Franklin, Delaware, Knox,


September/October 2008

Licking, Coshocton, Fairfield, Perry, Hocking and Vinton Counties. She can be contacted at (614) 572-3507 or at

“I remember telling Amy a few years ago if she ever left to let me know, and here I am,” said Shelley.

Shelley grew up in Cincinnati and started in special education at Mount St. Joseph but working at a nursing home piqued her interest in working with seniors. She earned a degree in social work and minored in gerontology and socio-psychology.

Learning about the Masonic Fraternity and her work so far have Shelley looking forward to each new day. “I have been impressed to learn of all the good works that are done every day by the whole Masonic family and happy to be a part of this organization and look forward to continuing my mission of assisting seniors access resources available in their communities.”

Shelley started as a social worker, but decided she wanted to do field work. She learned about Masonic Senior Services from her friend and former co-worker Amy Colley.

Shelley covers southwestern Ohio including Hamilton, Clermont and Brown counties. She can be contacted at (513) 623-6528 or at

Record Number of Students Awarded Ohio Masonic Home Scholarships A record number of students are

attending college this fall with support from The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program. Several other record numbers were reached this year according to John White, Director of Financial Assistance Programs. “The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Committee was pleased to award 15 scholarships totaling $39,000 this year,” said White. “We received a record number of applications this year. The recipients represented a broad spectrum of individuals from across Ohio and from a variety of colleges and universities.” Another plus was that many of the students came from different Masonic affiliations including Prince Hall, Job’s Daughters and Rainbow Girls. Fifteen applicants received financial awards to be used during the 2008-2009 school year. Four of the students are repeat recipients of the award. Anthony “Eli” Pierce of McArthur and Abbie Chevalier of Pomeroy have earned Ohio Masonic Home Scholarships for three consecutive years. Eli attends Ohio Wesleyan and is majoring in education and Abbie goes to Ohio University for accounting. Second-time recipients were Elizabeth Freshley of Lancaster, who attends Otterbein and is majoring in education and Jennah Lalley of East Palestine, majoring in literature at Capital University. First-time recipients included: Danyell Lewis of Dayton, attending the University of Indianapolis to study psychology. Melody Hatton of Dayton, attending Wright State University for pre-med studies.

Annaliese Butterbaugh of Wooster, attending the University of Akron to study psychology. Ryan Morris of Cincinnati, attending the University of Cincinnati to study operations management and accounting. Leslie Klein of West Chester, attending Miami University to study childhood education. Stephanie Strunk of Lebanon, attending Wright State University to study psychology. Tyler Holcombe of Crooksville, attending Ohio University to study criminology. Lauren Buschhaus of Springboro, attending Miami UniversityMiddletown to study business management. Hannah Mason of Newcomerstown, attending Capital University for pre-dentistry studies. Jason Hao of Westlake, attending Ohio State University for pre-med studies. Kristin Ford of St. Clairsville, attending Virginia Tech for sports management. “We encourage all applicants to apply again next year and wish them all the best for academic success,” said White. For more information on The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program, see the sidebar.

To be eligible for consideration for The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship an applicant must meet the following criteria: • Have graduated from a high school or passed the GED. • Have made satisfactory academic progress in the preceding academic year (if applicable) as indicated by completion of required credit hours and a grade point average or at least 2.3 on a 4.0 scale. • Be at least 16 but not more than 25 years of age at the time of application. • Have a Masonic affiliation, by establishing that the applicant’s father, step-father, grandfather or step-grandfather is or was a Mason in good standing at the time of death of a body recognized by the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of Ohio including, but not limited to, Blue Lodges and Prince Hall Lodges in Ohio. Preference will be given to applicants with financial need due to a father’s or step-father’s death or disability. For a copy of the scholarship form, go to, click on the Ohio Masonic Home dropdown tab and select scholarship form. For more information, call 800-564-9016 or go to

Dues Card Appearance Changes The 2009 dues cards for Ohio Masons will have a distinctively different appearance. The cards, while including all the necessary information, will have the shape of Ohio image in the background in a wallpaper-like image. The cards are part of a new membership management database system, used by the Grand Lodge and all local Lodge Secretaries to maintain information.

September/October 2008


Photo Memories From the Bicentennial Year At 25 District Grand Master’s Receptions throughout the state, Grand Master Winnett and Lady Linda, share ready smiles and fellowship with thousands of Ohio Masons during the year.

Fraternal relationships are made by each Grand Master as he travels out of state to other jurisdictions. Here, from left, Most Worshipful Brother Ronald L. Winnett and his wife, Linda, have developed good friendships with Most Worshipful Brother Edmund Cohen, Grand Master of Virginia, and his wife, Gwen.

Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett takes time, prior to the June 21 parade in downtown Columbus, to share a friendly hello with potential future Mason, who is in the care of Right Worshipful Brother Eric Schau.

During any year, the Grand Master makes numerous visits to The Ohio Masonic Home. From left, Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett, his wife, Linda, and Grand Chaplain Ralph E. Crossan greet assisted living resident Wanda Van Gundy during one of those visits. Each year, the Grand Lodge Officers participate in dozens of ceremonies. Here, at one event in Tipp City, Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett is backed by several of this Grand Lodge Officers, including, from left, Bradford A. Goebel, Junior Grand Warden; Terry W. Posey, Senior Grand Warden; Charles R. Murphy, Deputy Grand Master; Norman J. Mick, Senior Grand Deacon, and Steven E. Cokonougher, Junior Grand Deacon.


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At right, a representation of the Grand Master’s pin this year, crafted in wood by Worshipful Brother Lee Kallsen, of Hicksville Lodge, No. 478, was given to Most Worshipful Brother Ronald L. Winnett at the Grand Master’s Reception in the 5th Masonic District.


Changing to Meet the Times at The Ohio Masonic Home A relaxing, casual breakfast is enjoyed following a formal dinner reception the night before.

Right Worshipful Brother Michael D. Cecil, left, receives the Community Service Award in the 20th Masonic District from Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett. Brother Cecil was recognized for many years of successfully leading the Grand Lodge Special Olympics program.

This sixth in a series celebrating the 200th anniversary of Ohio Freemasonry.

With the closing of the children’s home

in 1956, The Ohio Masonic Home’s mission was focused solely on its elderly population. As times changed, so did needs and the mission evolved. The 1960s started with a new main entrance. To meet changing health requirements, a fivestory Scottish Rite Wing was added to the Rickly building in the fall of 1966. Several upgrades were made to the hospital area as the 1960s went on. The creation of the Route 68 bypass in the latter part of the decade meant part of The Home’s grounds being taken and given other land in exchange. There were 478 total residents at the end of the 1960s. The Eastern Star extended care facility had its ground breaking in late 1972. A 1973 workers strike saw Masons and their families volunteering to help residents during this troubled time. The Hillman building for assisted living was dedicated in 1976 that included a chapel. Modification to Bushnell Hall resulted in a new building, Bancroft Manor for assisted living. The 1980s brought a new era of independent living to The Home. Plans were made in 1984 for a new area of the grounds to be used for a series of independent living garden villa homes. The Grand Master at the time was Rollie Lattanner, who would later on become a resident in the homes. 1986 saw the groundbreaking for Masonic Square, a series of independent living garden villa homes. Sixteen units were built in the initial phase with several more in the fall of 1990. Around the time of planning the first garden villa homes, residents and visitors got a new outdoor facility in the shelter house, where many activities and picnics take place each year. Many contributors to the project were honored with bricks that can be viewed on the fireplaces.

The buildings themselves would change to reflect the demand for independent living. The Cunningham building was revamped in 1998 and reopened as the Apartments at Cunningham Place. Another building was opened in 2003, Iredell Gardens, which is right next to Cunningham. In 1999, the Springfield campus opened a new area to help fight a growing health hazard – Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The Pathways Center for Alzheimer’s Care opened in early 2000. Over the years, The Ohio Masonic Home itself has changed as a corporation. In 1999, it added another facility, Browning Masonic Community, which opened independently in 1981. In 2002, a large facility called The Oaks at Medina was acquired and became a part of the Ohio Masonic Home family and renamed Western Reserve Masonic Community. The new millennium also brought new businesses such as Masonic Senior Services, which helps people in their homes with various needs through I-CARE, done for Masons, and Masonic Helping Hands. The Springfield campus took significant steps in late 2006 and early 2007. The independent and assisted living facilities, which were exclusive to those with Masonic affiliation, were opened to the public for the first time. And the Masonic Retirement Village merged with Masonic Health Care to become one, and the campus was renamed Springfield Masonic Community. The Ohio Masonic Home name represents the overall organization and is still headquartered in Springfield. The Ohio Masonic Home has been through a lot in 116 years and is focused and poised for what the future of retirement living and senior care will bring. September/October 2008


$200,000 Raised to Support Ohio Special Olympics – Again For the second consecutive year,

the Ohio Masons donated $200,000 to the Ohio Special Olympics to help finance their annual Summer Games in Columbus. “A total of $200,000 in our 200th year has a nice ring to it,” Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett said. “That equals $1,000 for each year of our existence.” The Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers and other dignitaries from the Fraternity led a procession of about 400 Masons into Jesse Owens Stadium on the Ohio State University campus in June to help kick-off the 2008 Summer

Games. They were followed by the parade of athletes in the traditional opening ceremonies. As part of the ceremony, Grand Master Winnett presented an oversized check for the $200,000 to the Special Olympics.

2008 Ohio Special Olympics Pin

Above: Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett addresses crowd as he presents check for $200,000. Left: Parade of nearly 400 Masons helps launch 2008 Ohio Special Olympics Games.

Lima Area Masons Serve 300 Meals To Aid Special Olympics On August 9, the Lima area Masons held their annual Special Olympics Breakfast to raise money for the Allen County Special Olympics athletes. The group served more than 300 meals, with helpers having a great time in reaching out to their community. The morning’s events were featured with two pictures in the Lima News.


September/October 2008

Cincinnati Area Masons Hold Event at Fountain Square Masons from the Cincinnati area planned and implemented the inaugural “Freemasonry on Fountain Square” event on August 9 to raise public awareness about the organization, its purpose, and its good works. From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati was devoted to Masonic awareness. Local bands provided entertainment. The huge “jumbotron” screen aired Masonic related videos. Booths, literature, banners, food, clowns, and balloons were all a part of the activities. Officers and members of local Lodges attended to greet guests and answer questions, and representatives of the Shrine, York and Scottish Rite organizations also shared the spotlight. The key event organizers, Worshipful Brothers David Fine and Keith Clepper, along with Right Worshipful Brother Norman J. Mick, Senior Grand Deacon, spent much of the day fielding questions from the news media.

Thomas E. Reynolds, 1937 - 2008 Thomas E. Reynolds, Grand

Master of Ohio in 2002, passed away in Findlay on June 28, after battling a recurring illness. A native of Hoytville, Most Worshipful Brother Reynolds retired after a 36-year career as a high school teacher in Findlay and five years teaching for the University of Findlay. He was “Ohio’s Outstanding Biology Teacher” in 1978 and was presented the University of Findlay’s “Distinguished Alumnus Award” in 1998. He coached the Findlay High School golf team for many years, including 21 winning seasons and the state championship in 1984. He was elected into the State Golf Coaches Hall of Fame in 1992 and the Hancock County Sports Hall of Fame in 1994.

He was a Past Master of North Baltimore Lodge #561, and was active in numerous Masonic organizations. He served as District Deputy Grand Master in the 11th Masonic District, before being appointed into the Grand Lodge Officer Line. He steadily moved upward in the line and was elected and installed as Grand Master on October 20, 2001. Most Worshipful Brother Reynolds is survived by his wife, Marjorie; daughter, Rhonda Nye; son, Thomas J., and four grandchildren. In the Fraternity, he was once described as “an intelligent, inspiring man with a passion for education.” Most Worshipful Brother Reynolds was Grand Master during the first Grand

Master’s (or one-day) Class in Ohio, which was very successful and attracted much attention nationally for our Grand Lodge. At the time of his death, he was serving as a member of the national board of directors of the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program. Tom’s ready smile, inspiring words, and sincere friendship will be missed by all who knew him.

Establishing 18 Masonic Principles in Modern English By Doug Price, PM, Grand Lodge of Kansas I love the Craft, and one thing I particularly treasure is the language of the ritual, the lectures and the charges. It is rich, literate English such as one rarely encounters today. However, one area where I think we need to modernize our language is when we talk about Masonry to others, especially men considering joining. Too often I have seen Masons unable to explain in plain language what it is we believe in. I have worked on the following list for a while now, and I do not in any way think it is perfectly expressed or exclusive of other precepts, but it displays my thoughts. The first three of these speak to our foundations of Faith, Hope and Charity. The second three express the core of each of the three degrees. Numbers 7-11 are further duties which I think Masonry binds us to, 12-15 express the principles of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. Number 16, I think, tells of what we are taught in the charges, and 17 is a matter of self preservation of the institution. At the end, 18 is the payoff we get when we follow the others.

18 MASONIC PRINCIPLES IN MODERN ENGLISH 1. Serve God, as you understand Him to Be. 2. Expect good things in life, and live like you do. 3. Be generous to people in need. 4. Keep your promises. 5. Be industrious, and improve your mind. 6. Remember that there is a life to come, and act with this in mind. 7. Take care of your family. 8. Be tolerant of the honest opinions of others. 9. Keep yourself morally clean. 10. Help your Brother Masons. 11. Learn the ritual work, and be active in Lodge. 12. Protect your own physical and mental health. 13. Be strong in the face of adversity. 14. Make your decisions in a calm frame of mind. 15. Always treat other people fairly. 16. Be proud to be a Mason, but modest in expressing it. 17. Watch for good men seeking what Masonry offers, and assist them within our rules. 18. Be happy and enjoy life. September/October 2008


Longaberger® Basket Now Available as Bicentennial Keepsake A Longaberger® TV Time™

Basket with lid engraved with Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett’s lapel pin design is a great way to participate in the Bicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Ohio – and have a unique commemorative item. All profits from the sale of this Grand Lodge Bicentennial Basket will be donated to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation. The TV Time™ Basket dimension are 8 inches wide, by 6 ¼ inches deep, by 5 ¼ inches (front height)

and 7 inches (back height). The basket is warm brown in color with a primary trim strip of medium blue and a secondary trim strip of dark blue. The trim strips are accented by customized square and compasses tack covers made by ArtVac in Rhode Island. The Longaberger® lid is engraved by Basket Accessories, LLC, lcated in Akron, PA. The cost of the Bicentennial Basket, protector and engraved lid is $100 (tax included). The

UPS shipping and handling and insurance fee is $15. Due to the fact that the basket and protector, engraved lid and custom tack covers come from different locations, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Orders will be taken through October 31, 2008.

Order Form For Bicentennial Longaberger® Basket I would like to order: ___ Basket sets @ $100 each = Subtotal $_____________ Shipping, handling & insurance @ $15 per set = Subtotal $_____________ TOTAL $_____________ Check or money order only, make payable to: James Oughterson, Independent Longaberger® Home Consultant, 2 Winnipeg Plaza, Washington Court House, OH 43160. Please note on the memo line: Bicentennial Basket Set. Questions can be answered by James Oughterson, 740-335-1612 or

Name______________________________________________________ Lodge______________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City________________________________________________________ State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Telephone___________________________________________________

Longaberger and other basket and collection names are the property of The Longaberger® Company. This fundraiser is in no way connected with or sponsored by The Longaberger® Company. ®

Time Capsule Ceremony Marks Bicentennial Year As The Ohio Masonic Home

Day marked the bicentennial of Ohio Freemasonry at its Home Day event on Sept. 7, it also paved the way for the tricentennial at a special ceremony. The Home’s Benevolent Endowment Foundation collected time capsules representing all 25 Ohio Masonic districts, Scottish Rite, York Rite, the Grand Lodge and The Ohio Masonic Home. The capsules were sealed and buried in the cemetery on the Springfield Masonic Community grounds in a ceremony with all the participating districts and bodies represented.


September/October 2008

The area will be marked by special commemorative granite stones with the names of families, individuals, lodges and others. Endowment Foundation president Tim Strawn said notes are being prepared for future generations so they will know the contents at the

opening of the time capsules in the year 2108 to learn about their predecessors. “This is a great way to let our future Freemasons know how proud we were to be here during the bicentennial of Ohio Freemasonry,” said Tim.

Springfield Masonic Temple Recommended as Historic Site

Reception Honors Watson as DeMolay Grand Master A dinner reception was held on August 2 in Newark to honor C. Michael Watson as the new Grand Master of DeMolay International. He is a Past Grand Master of Ohio and Past DeMolay Executive Officer. Among the distinguished guests present were, from left, H. Jeffery Shaw, DeMolay Executive Officer in Ohio; James Johnson, Ohio DeMolay State Master Councilor; Richard W. Eells II, International Master Councilor, and Most Worshipful Brother Watson. Also during the reception, the late R. Eugene Loose, of Upper Sandusky, was inducted into the Ohio DeMolay Hall of Fame.

The Masonic Temple at 125 W. High Street in downtown Springfield is one of 16 Ohio locations recommended by the Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board to be forwarded to the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places for consideration. Here is the explanation given by the Historical Site Advisory Board: “Springfield’s Masonic Temple has been recommended for nomination to the National Register for its association with the Masons, the city’s oldest fraternal organization, and their role in charitable activities throughout the community. Designed by Columbus architects Howard Dwight Smith and Miller & Reeves, it was completed in 1927 during the height of Masonic activity in Springfield. The five-story building is a good example of an urban Masonic Temple of the era, housing lodge meeting rooms, a ballroom, club rooms, and dining rooms.”

Gala Awards Night Held in Mingo Lodge Right Worshipful Brother Michael R. Satterfield, left, District Deputy Grand Master in the 13th Masonic District, and Mingo Lodge Worshipful Master Greg Green, right, presented Masonic senior emblems to 50 and 60 members on July 14. They included, from left, Paul E. Taylor (50), Lawrence Dicken (50), Robert J. Bartholomew (50), Howard R. White (60), Robert C. Bryan (60), Barney L. McClain (60), Leo E. Hughes (60), Worshipful Brother Ronald B. Johnson (50), Lonnie Bail (50), and Larry E. Jarvis (50).

Hamilton DeMolay Give Out American Flags This group of advisors and members of the Hamilton Chapter of DeMolay distributed more than 5,000 American flags along the parade route in Hamilton on July 4. The Masonic bodies in the Hamilton Masonic Temple had a pancake breakfast last fall to raise the funds to purchase the flags. It was part of Hamilton’s support for the 200th anniversary of Masonry this year in Ohio. September/October 2008



Thank You, Lady Linda By Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn, CAE, President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation

As we come to the end of this

Grand Master’s year, on behalf of The Ohio Masonic Home, its trustees, residents and staff, I want to say thank you to Lady Linda and the Grand Master for their wonderful support during this bicentennial year. Most Worshipful Brother Winnett and Linda have tirelessly promoted not only “The List” but also the Home itself in all their travels. We really can’t thank them enough for all they have done for us this year. Lady Linda’s List became very popular, was well received and frequently talked about throughout the state during the last twelve months. While a number of specific items were sponsored directly from

the list, many people sought to make cash gifts to enable Lady Linda herself to choose items. At this writing, total gifts to Lady Linda’s List are just beyond $19,000 and we’re still a couple of weeks before the dinner and auction of baskets at Aladdin Shrine Center which will add even more to the project. Those baskets were a labor of love by the wives of this year’s District Deputies and provided Linda a way to involve even more people in supporting the Home she and the Grand Master love so much. The items sponsored and those yet to be chosen by Linda will be very helpful at all three of our campuses in brightening our facilities and the lives of our

residents. A complete list of items acquired as a result of Lady Linda’s List will appear in a future issue of the Beacon. And there will also be a “legacy” of the List as it gives us the foundation for the establishment of an on-going wishlist which you will see in future issues of the Beacon. We’re thankful for every gift we receive each year and we’re especially thankful this year for the wonderful gift of support from the Grand Master and his Lady! Thank you, Most Worshipful Brother Winnett and Linda. To find out how you can support The Ohio Masonic Home, please contact Right Worshipful Brother Tim Strawn, President of the Benevolent Endowment Foundation, toll free at 888-248-2664.

I-CARE and Western Reserve Staff Exchange Ideas An I-CARE program group from Prince Hall Lodge and Western Reserve Masonic Community staff met recently to exchange ideas and get to know each other better at the Medina-based facility on July 26. The I-CARE group, which just formed in March, came to Western

Reserve Masonic Community to tour the campus and see how the staff operated. Staff members included campus president Jay Dettorre, Roberta Gifford and Kimberly Valco, board member Jim Salmond and Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman.

The I-CARE committee members included Brothers Eric Kidd, Jerry Ellerson, Reggi Price, Keith Thomas, Michael Leftwhich, Otis Beecher, Trell Meeks, Pete Bucey and Craig Griffin. All are from Akron-area Prince Hall lodges. The committee gave an overview of what they are doing to fulfill their I-CARE duties, which include helping the widows of deceased lodge members and checking to make sure their needs are being taken care of. In turn, Western Reserve staff got an overview of what I-CARE does and to spend some time with new friends. “It’s always valuable to get to know our brethren and to find out what we can do to best serve our fraternity,” said Jay Dettorre. Jay added he looks forward to future meetings with this I-CARE group and others or any Masonic group in the area interested in seeing how Western Reserve is taking care of seniors.


September/October 2008

Ohio Mason, Wounded in Iraq War, Gives Memorial Day Address I

“ t was my honor and privilege to step forward and take the oath” of service in the military, Retired Staff Sgt. Brian K. Pearce told a crowd in Hanover, Ohio, on Memorial Day. Brother Pearce was severely wounded by an IED while serving in Iraq and is now retired on disability. “If I could do it again, I would.” In his keynote remarks at the Hanover Veterans Memorial at Hanover Wayside Park, Staff Sgt. Pearce took the audience through the history of wars in which service men and women had been

memorialized. After each point, he posed the rhetorical question, “What if?” What if no one had come forward to serve? “Think about them as you leave here today. In my eyes, they are all heroes.” Brother Pearce and his wife, Angela, and children, Jordan and Logan, then laid a wreath at the memorial, while taps was played. Staff Sgt. Pearce, a native of Gallipolis, is a member of Vinton Lodge #131, where he received his degrees in 2003. After he

was injured in Iraq, he was sent to Walter-Reed Hospital, near Washington, D.C. On request from his Lodge, the Grand Lodge contacted the Masonic Service Association, who visited him during his stay in the hospital. Brother Pearce, now living in Mechanicsville, Virginia, was raised in Gallia County, and served the community in a number of ways, including being a member of the Gallia County Sheriff’s Department.

Thank You For Your Generosity We offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups, or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between May 1 and June 30, 2008. $10,000 + Falk, Flora E. Parsons, Marion

Patriot Lodge #496, F&AM Vandalia Lodge #742, F&AM Village Lodge #274, F&AM

$5,000 - $9,999 Kelly, William H. Rammelsberg, Allen A. Veinott, Cyril

$100 - $499 11th Masonic District Association 17th Masonic District Association 2nd District Officers Association 8th Masonic District Officers Association 9th Masonic District Officers Association Avon-Miami Lodge #542, F&AM Baker, Dale L. & Pauline Bellville Lodge #376, F&AM Black, Ross R., II & Linda Brown, Gordon P. Carroll F. Clapp Lodge #655, F&AM Carroll Lodge #124, F&AM Cincinnati-Lafayette Lodge #483, F&AM Conway, Kenneth Cornett, Larry M. Creps, Michael R. Doric Lodge #172, F&AM East Liberty Lodge #247, F&AM Ehlers, Arther & Ermille Eureka Lodge #592, F&AM Fannin, Frank M. Garfield Lodge #528, F&AM Hammer, Donald Harmony Lodge #8, F&AM Holcomb, J. Robert & Antoinette Hudson Lodge #510, F&AM Hugh L. Bates Lodge #686, F&AM Ionic Lodge #438, F&AM Jenkins, Daniel C., Jr. Johnston, Fred E. Joyce, Charles M. Karth, Charles E. & Marjorie Keller, Frank Latham Lodge #154, F&AM Lone Star Lodge #175, F&AM

$2,500 - $4,999 Oberle, Betty Valley of Columbus, AASR Valley of Dayton, AASR $1,000 - $2,499 1st Masonic District Officers Association 24th Masonic District Association Ada Lodge #344, F&AM American International Group, Inc. Clevenger, Hazel Davis, Orlando W. Elyria Lodge #787, F&AM Grand Court Order of Amaranth Hosler, Bessie V. Niles-McKinley Lodge #794, F&AM Paramuthia Lodge #25, F&AM Tippecanoe Lodge #174, F&AM $500 - $999 22nd Masonic District 6th Masonic District Association Celina Lodge #241, F&AM Center Star Lodge #11, F&AM Community Chapter #227, RAM Franklin Lodge #14, F&AM Kelly, Floyd Minerva Lodge #98, F&AM Paragon Lodge #788, F&AM

Mad River Lodge #161, F&AM Mason Lodge #678, F&AM Melrose Lodge #671, F&AM Miles, Louise C. Moriah Lodge #105, F&AM New Lisbon Lodge #65, F&AM New Straitsville Lodge #484, F&AM Norwood Chapter 193, RAM Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge #2, F&AM Ohio City Lodge #486, F&AM Olive Lodge #210, F&AM Orion Lodge #353, F&AM Pauley, Christopher Allan Pickaway Lodge #23, F&AM Reynoldsburg Lodge #340, F&AM Rising Sun Lodge #22, F&AM Rockton Lodge #316, F&AM Rogers, David Stephen Rushville Lodge #211, F&AM Sackett, Floris A. Schafer, Albert C. & Beatrice Scott, Anna Jean & Jack Siloam Lodge #456, F&AM Springfield York Rite Association Stokes Lodge #305, F&AM Sulgrave Lodge #696, F&AM Sunsbury Lodge #362, F&AM Taubler, Charles Tyne, Michael D. & Rebecca Valley of Cleveland, AASR Versailles Lodge #290, F&AM Victory Chapter #210, RAM Wakeman Chapter # 177, RAM Warren Lodge #24, F&AM Wauseon Lodge #349, F&AM West Milton Lodge #577, F&AM White, John Williamson, James M. & Sherry

September/October 2008


Growing Needs Worshipful Brother Donald L. Losasso, KYCH

When he’s not working or

engaged in one of his many Masonic activities, Worshipful Brother Donald L. Losasso, KYCH, can be found nurturing day lilies at his home in Canal Winchester. With Theda, his wife of 43 years, Don has raised about 300 day lilies. Their effort started about 20 years ago when a neighbor gave Don a few of the plants. “Theda and I enjoy working together to raise them,” he said. “We give many of them to friends. We enjoy sharing.” That spirit of charity is further demonstrated in Don’s Masonic involvement. “Masonic charities allow us to help the less fortunate,” he said. “The

philanthropic work of the Masonic fraternity is second to none.” Brother Losasso’s Masonic activities include membership in Blue Lodge (Orient Lodge #321 in Waverly), 11th Capitular District, Scottish Rite, Shrine, Eastern Star and York Rite, the latter in which he serves as Grand Scribe of Grand Chapter. “I particularly enjoy the degree work in Grand Chapter,” Don said. On days of home games for The Ohio State University football Buckeyes, Don works a 15-man concession booth in Ohio Stadium to raise money that the monies are used for District functions and various charities. “I arrive four hours before the game and stay until about two hours after the game,” he said. “It’s a long day, but it allows us to cover a lot of the District’s expenses.” His gameday obligations prevent him from


September/October 2008 • VOLUME 15, ISSUE 5

In This Issue: I-CARE Program Earns Prestigious Award....Page 1 Children’s Home Alumni Reunion...............Page 4 Plaque Placed at Putnam’s Grave..............Page 6 Grand Master’s Photo Album.....................Page 8

watching the Buckeyes. “I’ve seen four or five plays over the past five years,” he said. Grand Chapter recently appointed Brother Losasso to the Board of Trustees for The Ohio Masonic Home. It is a responsibility he takes seriously. “The decisions we make today will determine our future success,” he said. Don said The Ohio Masonic Home is an extension of the philanthropic ideals of the Masonic fraternity and encourages financial contributions to its affiliated Benevolent Endowment Foundation. “Making a gift to The Ohio Masonic Home is one of the most worthwhile things you can do,” he said. “The Ohio Masonic Home should expand to meet growing needs. But it will require additional investment from us all.”

2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698 Web site: Web site:

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