2 minute read

The End of 2022


This year has flown by so quickly and I can’t believe that 2023 is about to start. I have had so many new experiences and opportunities this year. From landing roles with actual names to earning positions of leadership, I am grateful for so many of the achievements and opportunities I have been able to earn. One of the opportunities that I am extremely grateful for is being able to contribute to the North Garland High School Key Club as their 2022-2023 Key Club Secretary. This opportunity has allowed me to be able to have more of an influence on Key Club and meet more people within Key Club.


Being able to influence Key Club and voice my opinions as part of the board has been one of my goals ever since I joined. However, I was never able to run in an election until this previous year. I have always had a passion for volunteering, so Key Club was an organization that clicked for me. I wanted to be able to make a difference within Key Club and improve the little things in order to make it even better. When I had the opportunity to run in the elections, I immediately made sure that I could run and quickly applied.


. I even knew exactly what position I wanted to run for, which was Secretary. I was ecstatic and extremely grateful when I found out that I was going to be Secretary and that the Assistant Secretary was someone that I have known since middle school. I immediately knew that we would work well together and do our very best to complete our tasks and responsibilities to the best of our abilities.

Being able to influence Key Club was something I knew I would work towards as soon as I became Secretary, but meeting and getting to know new people within Key Club was something that I was not expecting. I have always been on the quieter side when it comes becoming Key Club Secretary has been one of experiences that I am most grateful for to the Key Club community. I never talked to many people outside of my friend group unless I needed to. However, I didn’t realize that becoming a part of the Key Club Board meant that I would get closer to the other board members as well as get to know more members as I work on my officer duties.

Even though it has only been one semester, I have met a lot of new people through Key Club, which is something that is new for me and that I am grateful for. I never expected to be grateful for becoming an officer for Key Club, but the things that I have been able to do and achieve as Secretary is something that was unexpected for me.

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