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North Green Snowdrops 2 0 2 0 C AT A L O G U E
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Front cover image: ‘Chameleon’ (see page 26)
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North Green Snowdrops 2020 36th Anniversar y Edition 1984 – 2020
kkkkk N o rt h G r e e N o N ly, S to v e N, B e c c l e S , N r 3 4 8 D G . G r e at B r i ta i N . ©John Morley 2020
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Veronica Cross 1932 – 2019 respectfully, we would like to dedicate this, our 2020 catalogue, to a very dear snowdrop friend: veronica cross, who sadly died last year. ‘the island’ within veronica’s very remarkable garden in herefordshire was the source of a huge number of outstanding new snowdrops which she so freely shared with her snowdrop growing friends. her snowdrop lunch-parties were legendary as was her boundless generosity. Dear veronica; she will be so hugely missed.
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Colin Mason 1927 – 2019 Sadly we have just received news of the death of another great snowdrop friend: colin Mason. over many years colin produced a large number of new varieties of snowdrops, the names of which were all prefixed by ‘Fieldgate’ the name of his house. We have known colin from the golden days of the early snowdrop parties given by richard Nutt and Primrose Warburg. his skill in the raising and growing of snowdrops, combined with his keen eye and enthusiasm will be greatly missed.
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is valid until 1st april 2020 and cancels all previous lists. as there are never enough snowdrops to meet the demand, especially of the recently named cultivars, please place your order as soon as possible aer receipt of your catalogue. We regret we are no longer able to offer customers the option of “alternatives” as this causes problems, which are very time consuming to sort out. although there is no short list in this year’s catalogue several of the snowdrop varieties on offer are restricted to strictly one bulb per customer. however, despite these measures, we are afraid that every year there are customers who will be disappointed at not receiving their order in full. We sell best quality snowdrop bulbs “in the green” dispatched aer flowering in March/april or sometimes earlier. Plants supplied are believed to be correctly named. h i S c ata l o G u e
Method of payment Due to the intransigence of major banks who will no longer cash “limited” cheques, we can now only accept payment by credit or debit card. having tried unsuccessfully, over several months to retain the right to use this old and long established method of payment it is with much regret that we have had to make this change. a further complication is the uncertainty around the timing of our departure from the eu. however, for the time being we shall continue as normal in the hope that our business will be unaffected this year. Please add £4.95 to all orders towards the cost of First class postage and packing (eu and europe add £10). cheques should be made payable to North Green Snowdrops. you will be sent a detailed account and receipt.
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Please use the order form and print your name and address clearly. Please note that orders will be dealt with in strict rotation and may be delayed if these instructions are not followed. Please note that there is no telephone number for North Green Snowdrops. e Plant Lovers Guide to Snowdrops We highly recommend this delightful and informative book by Naomi Slade. Published by e timber Press in association with Kew royal Botanic Gardens. iSBN 978-1-61469-435-2. Daffodil, Snowdrop and Tulip Yearbook 2019 Published in association with the royal horticultural Society at £11.95. is authoritative, illustrated annual includes a very significant coverage of snowdrops. available as a special offer to snowdrop enthusiasts for £10.00 from Mr J. Gibson, Dept. NG, 14 Waverley road, Kettering. NN15 6Nt: cheques made payable to the royal horticultural Society or €15. We highly recommend this publication. North Green Snowdrops. Surplus copies of our archive snowdrop catalogue are now available on From seller: sudaby2 Snowdrops like to grow in fairly deep, well-drained friable soil in sun or light shade. When planting, a good dusting of bone meal and a handful of extra coarse sharp sand around each bulb will help to keep away disease. if snowdrops are le undisturbed for too long they could begin to “go back” which means fewer bulbs will flower and they could be more prone to disease. in some cases, the whole clump may die out. ey should therefore be lied about every three years. –5–
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More frequent liing is recommended where there is no sign of increase. clumps should be carefully teased apart and replanted. a surface dressing of bone meal should be given in early autumn and a thin mulch of garden or mushroom compost applied in December will help improve the look of the flowers. one of the great pleasures in gardening is viewing snowdrops on a warm day in winter; the sun at this time of year is very low in the sky and can be blindingly bright. remember therefore to plant your snowdrops so that you can look at them with the sun behind you. We are most grateful to Jim almond, richard Bashford, Matt Bishop, val Bourne, andy Byfield, ian christie, hagen engelmann, Jon evans, eric Fisher, Debbie Monique Jolliff, Doug Joyce, David King, Janet lacore, cyril lafong, rod and Jane leeds, Marianne Majerus, e National collection of Margaret and David Maclennan, Bennet Smith, Wol and Sue Staines, Paddy tobin and carolyn Walker (carolyn’s Shade Gardens) for all their help and for generously allowing us to use their lovely photographs. a very big thank you to Steve edwards who has designed the beautiful catalogue, Matt Bishop and Brian ellis for proof reading and much good advice and rosie Steele for all her wonderful and invaluable help with our catalogue over many years. “For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.” Song of Solomon.
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1 . S E R i E S Ga l a n t h u s : leaves greyish (semi-glaucous or glaucescent), flat against each other with their margins either flat (applanate), or folded or rolled back (explicative or revolute). ese species are mainly confined to Europe. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
G. nivalis: the common Snowdrop naturalised in many parts of Britain and native to much of europe. e leaves are flat against each other (applanate) at the base and the edges are flat or almost so. We offer the following cultivars:
‘Courteenhall’: we inherited this historic snowdrop from the late richard Nutt who was almost certainly given it by oliver Wyatt from his garden at courteenhall. ere has been much controversy between this snowdrop and G. nivalis ‘Modern art’ but according to richard it lacks the green marking at the base of the outer segment which is present in G. nivalis ‘Modern art’. ................................................................. £15.00 ‘Das Gelbe vom Ei’: hagen englemann’s stunning and aptly named snowdrop: “e yellow of the egg”. Particularly short pedicels mean that the suffused cream flowers tend, at first, to be upward facing thereby revealing the brilliant egg yolk yellow stamens. ere is an added bonus of good yellow markings on the inner segments. an outstanding lateflowering snowdrop. ................................................................. £120.00
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‘Das Gelbe vom ei’
‘Flocon de Neige’: one of the most beguiling of the double-flowered snowdrops. Perfectly symmetrical flowers with six equally spaced, all-white outer segments. Quite enchanting and most memorable, especially when fully opened. Much loved at North Green. (snowdrops, (2001) p.114)................. £35.00 ‘Hugh Mackenzie’: Pc 2007: a most lovely classic green snowdrop found originally by ruby and David Baker. e beautifully marked green outer segments, composed of eight or so substantial apple-green lines, extend well over half the length. e inner segment marking reminds us of the laughing cavalier’s moustache. a late-flowering snowdrop best planted in a cool position: a real joy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... £70.00
Sandersii Group ‘Grake’s Yellow’: a distinct and very good yellow snowdrop sent to us by valentin Wijnen from his ‘Grakes Series’ of snowdrops. e ovary is of a very fine yellow matching the sometimes divided inner segment marking: the whole complimented by a surprisingly green spathe and the somewhat yellow informed scape and pale green leaves. rarely offered for sale. ................................................................... £65.00
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‘Flocon de Neige’
‘hugh Mackenzie’ –9–
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G. plicatus: a vigorous and variable species. e leaves have a prominent central channel and their edges are strongly folded or turned under (plicate). e markings on the inner segments are extremely variable. We offer the following cultivars: ‘Castle Green Dragon’: (syn. 'anne's Green Stripe'): a virescent G. plicatus seedling from Brechin castle in angus, Scotland. e outer segments of the flower closely remind us of G. 'cowhouse Green' whilst the inner segment marking is a solid green. it is named aer the green dragon on the castle’s flag. a highly desirable snowdrop. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... £150.00
‘Diggory’ aM 2018: perennially one of the most desirable of all snowdrops. e outer segments remain tucked under, even as the flower matures and expands, giving this snowdrop its unique and instantly recognisable shape. From rosie Steele. (snowdrops, (2001) p.147) ............... £35.00 ‘E. A. Bowles’ aM 2018: unique among snowdrops this is one of the first known poculiform G. plicatus. Discovered by Michael Myers in the garden of the late e. a. Bowles at Myddelton house and named aer him. above the broad, upright, glaucous-green leaves is the crowning glory of this magnificent snowdrop: a large, full flower with six immaculate, pure white segments all of equal length. an outstanding garden plant and it is scented! .......... £50.00
‘castle Green Dragon’
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‘Eric Fisher’: a stunning large 4×4 found by eric Fisher in the garden here at North Green in 2010. certainly a very large G. plicatus with long, broad leaves, reliably producing flowers with four generous outer segments and a good green bold marking on the inner segments. ........................... £60.00
‘Madelaine’: we are grateful to Joe Sharman for this excellent cultivar. closely related to G. plicatus 'Wendy’s Gold' with similar pale yellow colouring but differing in having a slightly smaller marking on the inner segment. however, the outstanding feature of this snowdrop is its vigour and very strong constitution; the strongest of the group. ................................................................... £25.00
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‘Priscilla Bacon’
‘Priscilla Bacon’: an outstanding lateflowering snowdrop found in the garden of the late Priscilla, lady Bacon, towards the end of the Millennium snowdrop season. is wonderful find is almost certainly a seedling from the “henham Snowdrops” (which also included such treasures as G. plicatus ‘ree Ships’ and G. plicatus ‘henham No. 1’) that grew in the deep leaflitter under the now famous cork oak in the demolished garden at henham. large flowers with very distinct puckering to the outer segments form a delightful combination with the handsome plicate leaves. Fittingly named to commemorate a dedicated and much loved plantswoman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £35.00
‘Trimmer’: an outstanding G. plicatus ‘trym’ seedling discovered by rannweig Wallis. e large tricorn-shaped outer segments are of very heavy substance with fine green markings, whilst the inner segments are almost entirely green, except for a white band next to the ovary and a distinct ribbon of white at the apex. an altogether very desirable plant. .................................................................. £35.00
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‘Walker, Canada’: there is a touch of mystery about this rather special snowdrop from the garden of the late richard Nutt. e well-proportioned flower has an Xshaped mark on the inner segment curiously broader towards the long, narrow conical ovary. e flower is borne above plicate leaves on a short scape which slowly lengthens as the season progresses, resulting in a large, distinct and eye-catching snowdrop. is is, in our opinion, the best snowdrop inherited from the late richard Nutt’s garden at Great Barfield and has been very much admired by all his friends. a nearby faded and barely legible label with the name "Walker, canada" is all that is known about this lovely snowdrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £35.00
'Yaffle': an early-flowering snowdrop of a distinctly yellowish-green hue that was found in North Norfolk in the 1990s and named with the vernacular name for a green woodpecker: also of the same colouring. e ovary and inner segment markings are of the same hue as well and the outer segments are long and beautifully puckered; altogether making for a very elegant plant. ................................................................... £20.00
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2 . S E R i E S l at i F o l i i : leaves emerging either flat against each other (applanate), or with the outer leaf rolled or wrapped round the inner leaf (supervolute or convolute). Where flat (applanate) leaves either grey (glaucous) or green, rarely inbetween. e species in this series are found mainly in turkey and the Caucasus and are divided into two subseries.
2A. SUBSERiES GlauCaEFolii: leaves grey.
G. gracilis: a charming species which is widely grown and a parent of many attractive hybrids. e flat greyish leaves are quite narrow, oen twisted and unhooded. e inner segments have separate markings at the tip and base. We offer the following cultivar: ‘Corkscrew’: an instantly recognisable selection with long, exceptionally twisted leaves and first introduced by North Green Snowdrops in the 1997 catalogue. a muchprized, very distinct and charming snowdrop for a free-draining site. .... £25.00 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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G. elwesii: an extremely variable species with grey leaves, hooded at the tips and rolled or wrapped around each other at the base (supervolute or convolute). is species now encompasses plants grown for many years in gardens as G. caucasicus (sic.). We offer the following cultivars: ‘Anglesey Orange Tip’: a really sensational snowdrop with so orange suffused outer segments, the colour strong in bud but soening as the season progresses. ere is a broad green inverted u-shaped mark on the inner segment. We are delighted to offer this most desirable collectors’ item from anglesey abbey. . . .................................. £50.00 ‘Beany’
‘Beany’: a tall, shapely, large flowered snowdrop of good substance. e outer segments have green tips composed of between ten and twelve lines converging to a somewhat pinched tip. e bold, green mark covers more than half the inner segment and neatly follows the contours. although slow to increase; much admired and undoubtedly one of the very best greentipped G. elwesii snowdrops. ........... £35.00
‘anglesey orange tip’
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‘Carolyn Elwes’: found on the elwes family estate at colesbourne in 1983. is snowdrop was initially famous as the first yellow G. elwesii to be discovered but later, as the victim of “e Great Snowdrop robbery”; when aer a garden open day, most of what had been a substantial clump was stolen and despite considerable publicity never recovered. e exceptional yellowness of this rare plant is not confined only to the inner segment marking but also appears in the spathe, leaf tips et cetera. it is very slow to increase and repays careful cultivation. Definitely a collector’s item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... £140.00
‘Fly Fishing’: an early-flowering snowdrop originally selected by alan Street of avon Bulbs. as described by alan it has one of the longest pedicels of any snowdrop, giving it an extraordinary elegance that eclipses even that of G. ‘Magnet’ and G. ‘Galatea’. in some years the outer segments have green tips. .................................................................... £20.00
‘carolyn elwes’
‘Fly Fishing’ – 18 –
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‘Godfrey Owen’ aGM 2017: this outstanding snowdrop has been described as one of the most distinct snowdrop discoveries of recent times. it is remarkable in that it has a double row of outer and inner segments. When fully opened the symmetrical arrangement of the six outer segments is exquisite. Found by the late Margaret owen in the mid 1990s and named aer her late husband. (snowdrops, (2001) p.205)................. £15.00
‘Glenchantress’ (syn. 'Gc 5'): the large flowers of this bewitching snowdrop have six strong lines towards the apex of the outer segments and the inner segments are of a startling dense-green colour. From Glen chantry, the garden of Sue and Wol Staines .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £30.00
‘Godfrey owen’ – 19 –
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‘Green Eyes’ of all the green-leaved cultivars this highly desirable and outstanding snowdrop is considered to be by far the best. e large elegantly shaped flowers on tall straight stems are held well above the arching leaves. e usual green, v-shaped marking on the inner segment is accompanied by two large, round, very distinct green eyes. another covetable treasure from anglesey abbey ........... £30.00
‘Green eyes’
hiemalis Group ‘Hoggets Narrow’: considered here to be by far the finest and most desirable of all the autumn-flowering snowdrops in the hiemalis Group. e inner segments have a good green, rounded, inverted v-shaped marking and measure just a third of the length of the very striking, exceptionally long and narrow outer segments. When the flower is mature, the anthers shine through giving a delightful so-orange glowing bar between the inverted v-shaped mark and the long narrowly-conical pointed ovary; a showstopper even at the height of the season! hoggets was the name of the garden of the late terry Jones at Zeal Monachorum, Devon (home of G. ‘hoggets round’ and Nerine ‘Zeal Giant’). ........................... £65.00
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hiemalis Group ‘Peter Gatehouse’: oen appearing in November and one of the earlier flowering forms of G. elwesii. a distinctly upright, olive- green snowdrop with a narrowly condensed, elongated X-shaped marking. originating from the garden of the late Peter Gatehouse of tenterden, Kent, who gave bulbs to Washfield Nursery in about 1994. (snowdrops, (2001) p.187) ............... £10.00
‘Manor Farm early’
hiemalis Group ‘Manor Farm Early’: these early-flowering jewels are deservedly becoming more popular as devoted snowdrop lovers realize their invaluable contribution in extending the season during the very darkest days of the year. ‘Manor Farm early’ is a November-flowering contributor comparable to G. elwesii ‘remember, remember’ but perhaps a little smaller. e flower is of good proportions with a bold green mark, somewhat heartshaped, which covers more than half of each inner segment. Shallowly concave, paddleshaped outer segments with a distinct flat rim around the edge (reminding us of a well grown G. plicatus ‘amy Doncaster’) add interest to this lovely variety from Gill richardson. . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £10.00
‘Peter Gatehouse’
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‘Jubilee Green’: found in the garden here at North Green this snowdrop is distinct in having leaves of a striking lettuce-green. e flower has a well defined X-shaped marking. ‘Jubilee Green’ was named to commemorate twenty five years of North Green Snowdrops. a lovely snowdrop................................. £10.00
‘Louise Ann Bromley’: an earlyish flowering G. elwesii hybrid with tall glaucous leaves and a very large, substantial flower (at one time it was the record holder for the largest flower of any snowdrop; the outer segment can measure 50mm!). e inner segment has a wide bridge-shaped mark. a very desirable and much admired plant from the garden of David Bromley and named aer his late sister ........ £20.00
‘louise ann Bromley’
‘Jubilee Green’
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‘Mrs Macnamara’ (syn. ‘Milkwood’) aGM 2017: this excellent, early-flowering snowdrop originated from the mother-inlaw of Dylan omas: Mrs Macnamara (please note correct spelling). a tall, stately plant flowering in December when there are few other large snowdrops in bloom. is is the favourite of all our early-flowering cultivars at North Green. outstanding. (snowdrops, (2001) p.177) ............... £15.00
‘Natalie Garton’: a beautiful, larger, wideleaved snowdrop with a perfect heart-shaped mark on the inner segment. is splendid snowdrop can produce one or two additional inner segments. a most lovely plant.............................................. £10.00
‘Mrs Macnamara’
‘Natalie Garton’
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‘Yvonne Hay’ (syn. 'Maximus'): we are grateful to the late harry hay for this lovely snowdrop of huge proportions, which originated in his garden at Margery hall Pig Farm, Surrey and which he later named aer his wife. e flowers are described as being ''of respectable dimensions''; aaron Davis, described it as a ''Monster''. it has very broad leaves and huge bulbs which do not respond well to twin scaling. in a warm room the outer segments rise up and reveal a large and perfect inverted heart-shaped mark on the inner segments. a very distinct snowdrop. (snowdrops, (2001) p.190). .............. £25.00
‘yvonne hay’
G. woronowii: broad glossy-green leaves emerging with the outer leaf rolled or wrapped around the inner leaf (supervolute or convolute); oen forming large clumps. inner segment with single marking towards the apex which is distinctly smaller than that of G. ikariae. Flowering in main season. We offer the following cultivars: ‘Elizabeth Harrison’: aM 2012: ian christie's relatively newly discovered and already much talked about snowdrop from Scotland. is is the first ever G. woronowii to be found with distinctly yellow marked flowers and in 2011 realised the highest price then recorded for a snowdrop! .................................................................. £60.00
‘elizabeth harrison’
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Hybrids – Single ×allenii: a flower of good substance with characteristic strong scent of bitter almonds. unlike any other snowdrop, the leaves are pewter-coloured, the outer leaf being
wrapped round the inner at the base and rather short at flowering time. it thrives here in a damp situation. a robust plant if it likes you but slow to increase. Now considered an hybrid. .............................................. £10.00
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‘Chameleon’: the flowers of this joyful new snowdrop are of good substance with the outer segments having unusual yellow flushed tips. on the apex of the inner segment there is a lovely yellow heartshaped mark, whilst a golden collar at the base delineates the ovary. e blue-green prostrate leaves, the golden pedicel (towards the ovary) and the chameleon-like behaviour of this plant all remind us somewhat of another colour change
snowdrop: G. ‘Mother Goose’. very slow to increase and well named in that its character may change from year to year depending on the weather and size of the bulb. Mature bulbs will have markings that start light-green before becoming yellow with yellow tips, whilst a sister bulb can be bright yellow and those of younger bulbs are curiously, oen bright yellow. We are most grateful to richard Bashford for another treasure that originated in his garden. .................................................................. £100.00
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‘Early to Rize’: discovered in the garden here at North Green. From the characteristics of its leaves, it is possibly a hybrid of G. elwesii hiemalis Group and G. rizehensis. is fine snowdrop is conspicuous for its early-flowering which consistently starts well before christmas and continues into the New year. (snowdrops, (2001) p.244) .............. £20.00
‘Dragonfly’(×valentinei): another very handsome, long pedicelled snowdrop from the garden of veronica cross; the home also of G. ‘Wasp’. a diffuse green, somewhat waisted, inner segment marking and very long outer “wings”! a truly very desirable, heavyweight snowdrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £45.00
‘early to rize’
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‘Green Comet’: a huge snowdrop and probably one of the very finest to have originated in the garden at North Green. it was found growing close to a clump of G. elwesii ‘comet’ and G. ×allenii; G. elwesii ‘Jubilee Green’ was not far away. is stately snowdrop has a large weighty flower resembling G. elwesii ‘comet’ held by a particularly long pedicel well above the strikingly tall, usually three, lettuce green leaves. unlike G. elwesii ‘comet’ it does not have green markings on the outer segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £20.00 ‘Homersfield’ (×valentinei): a tall vigorous snowdrop oen producing twin scapes. e outer segments are of good substance whilst the inner segments are somewhat flattened with two-eyed basal and wishbone-shaped apical marks. Found near homersfield, Suffolk by Michael Broadhurst. is snowdrop is a very good doer ............. £20.00
‘John Gray’ Fcc 1996: a very beautiful early snowdrop. e flowers are about 40mm long, strongly marked with green on their inner segments. e.B. anderson in his book “Seven Gardens” tells of visiting the garden of the late “Jock” Gray of Benhall, Saxmundham “… i found two wood labels marked XXX against the remains of snowdrop foliage. i brought these bulbs back to lower Slaughter and one bore an outstandingly large flower among the earlies and this i named ‘John Gray’ in memory of a delightful friend. e late Sir Frederick Stern said it was the finest early snowdrop he had ever seen. i think the other one, but of this i am not quite sure, is the dwarf, large-flowered one that i named ‘Mighty atom’” (Snowdrops, (2001) p.247) .. £10.00
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‘Mother Goose’: the most exciting snowdrop ever to have originated here in the garden at North Green. e whiteness of the flowers is attractively complemented by the bluish-grey leaves. however the most remarkable feature of this truly beautiful snowdrop is the astonishingly radiant eggyellow inner segment apical marking and strong yellow shading towards the ovary. e silken pedicel together with the base of the ovary are wonderfully highlighted in gold. on first seeing G. ‘Mother Goose’ one galanthophile visitor here was heard to ask for sunglasses! expect only an established, mature bulb of this colour change snowdrop to show these characteristics. is is a golden treasure and was a fitting snowdrop with which to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of North Green Snowdrops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £90.00
‘Mother Goose’
‘Rodmarton Arcturus’: a distinct, largeflowered snowdrop with the curious habit that the outer, somewhat puckered, boatshaped segments appear to be merely “hooked on” to the ovary rather than the usual attachment. e inner segments have dark green apical marks with two basal eyes. another very fine snowdrop from rodmarton Manor. ............................. £40.00
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‘ruby Baker’
‘Ruby Baker’: first noticed and much admired by the late ruby and David Baker in the garden of robin hall at Primrose hill, lucan, ireland and subsequently named by robin hall aer ruby. a substantial plant with broad upright foliage and large flowers with wide outer segments and inner segments marked at the base with two merging ‘eyes’ and a pair of tear-shaped marks at the apex. a really lovely plant and a most fitting tribute to someone who was so dedicated to the study of snowdrops; “e pillar of the Snowdrop World” (see dedication in North Green Snowdrops 2015 catalogue). ................................. £40.00
‘Spindlestone Surprise’ (×valentinei), aM 1998: a lovely yellow hybrid which reminds us somewhat of G. ‘Primrose Warburg’ though quite distinct when they are grown near to each other. it is a stronger growing snowdrop and generally considered to be a better garden plant. (snowdrops, (2001) p.275)................ £15.00
‘Spindlestone Suprise’ – 31 –
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‘Trumpolute’ (×hybridus): the first significant hybrid between G. plicatus ‘trym’ and G. elwesii to have convolute leaves and flowers reminding us of both G. ‘trumps’ and G. plicatus ‘trym’. e distinctly flattish outer segments have a bold v-shaped mark towards the apex and a paler ovalshaped mark towards the base but this mark can vary until the plant is established. an historic breakthrough which occurred in the garden at North Green in 2001. an exceedingly rare snowdrop. ............... £45.00
‘Trumps’ (×hybridus), aGM 2017: we are delighted to be able to offer bulbs of this beautiful early-flowering snowdrop which was spotted in the garden here at North Green by Matt Bishop in the late 1990s. ere are charming heart-shaped markings on both the inner and outer segments. it is closely related to G. ‘Green of hearts’ but flowering a little earlier. (snowdrops, (2001) p.283)..... £15.00 – 32 –
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Hybrids – Double ‘Ailwyn’: (syn. 'lady Fairhaven'): the most beautiful and perfect of all the double snowdrops that include G. elwesii in their ancestry, with absolutely regular flowers. it was found at anglesey abbey by richard Nutt in 1994 and named 'ailwyn' aer lord Fairhaven. (snowdrops, (2001) p.296) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ £20.00 ‘ailwyn’
‘Betty hansell’
‘Betty Hansell’: a fine regular double snowdrop with a neat rosette; oen producing twin scapes when established. Small green apical marks and slight pinching on the outer segments and bold,
strongly waisted, inner segment markings. Found by robert Marshall in Norfolk in 1994 and named aer his aunt. a lovely snowdrop. (snowdrops, (2001) p.298) ................................................................. £30.00 – 33 –
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‘Celia’s Double’ (×valentinei): an exciting new double snowdrop from the garden of celia Sawyer that was found within a clump of G. plicatus ‘Diggory’ growing close to a patch of an unnamed Greatorex double. a beautifully rounded, neat, well-filled flower. e inner segment marks consist of a basal blotch and an apical heart-shape. We are most grateful to richard Bashford for this very good snowdrop. .......................... £45.00
‘evenley Double’
‘celia’s Double’
‘Evenley Double’: a double snowdrop of great beauty and symmetry found by the late tim Whiteley in his evenley Woods Growing within a clump of G. nivalis 'viridapicis'. Wide loose double inner segments have very dark green apical marks and there are green tips to the outer segments. one of the best double snowdrops, flowering early to mid-season. ................................................................... £75.00 – 34 –
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a D D i t i o Na l S N oWD ro P S customers may be interested in the following snowdrops we also have for sale, several of which, though not all, have been offered before in our catalogues (see dates in brackets). We also offer a limited number of bulbs of the December flowering dwarf trumpet daffodil narcissus ‘cedric Morris’. G. nivalis 'Bishop’s Mitre' 'odd Scharlock' 'ruby’s Gold' 'Walrus' (2009)
£25.00 £30.00 £55.00 £25.00
G. plicatus 'colossus' (2018) 'e Dragon' (2016)
£15.00 £75.00
G. elwesii 'Brian Mathew' (2016) 'Bumble Green' (2016) 'cedric’s Prolific' (2016) 'charles Wingfield' 'Discovery' 'helen tomlinson' 'Jamie Broughton' (2011) 'Kite' 'Margaret owen' (2018) 'Meteor' 'Michael holcro' 'North Green Wasp'
£25.00 £45.00 £10.00 £35.00 £12.00 £15.00 £25.00 £20.00 £25.00 £95.00 £45.00 £80.00
'Dot underhill' 'Gabriel' (2016) 'howard Wheeler’ 'Sybil Stern'
£25.00 £15.00 £10.00 £15.00
Hybrids-Single 'David Bromley early' £20.00 'Dryad Gold Bullion' (×valentinei) £145.00 'Fieldgate Superb' (2016) £20.00 'James Backhouse' (×valentinei) (2015) £6.00 'long Wasp' £25.00 'Melanie Broughton' (2015) £10.00 'Sentinel' £10.00 'treasure island' (×valentinei) £130.00 Hybrids-Double 'lovely rika'
Narcissus 'cedric Morris'
Galanthus elwesii Hiemalis Group 'Barnes' (2015) £10.00 ex Broadleigh Gardens (2011)£10.00 'Donald Sims’ early' (2015) £10.00 'Dorothy Foreman' (2019) £35.00 – 35 –
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‘odd Scharlock’ – 36 –
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‘North Green Wasp’
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‘David Bromley early’
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G. nivalis ‘Bohemia Gold’: a selected seedling raised at North Green from seed collected in woodland belonging to an old friend in Prague. Both the ovary and the markings on the inner segments of this snowdrop are of an old-gold colour and it is aptly named to celebrate the restitution of property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... £100.00
‘Green Whisp’: a stunningly exciting green snowdrop given to us by the late veronica cross, who in turn had been given it by Johan Mens. one of the greenest snowdrops we know: the barely opening flower on it’s particularly long pedicel resembles an old fashioned tear-glass bottle streaked all over with green, both inside and out. an exceptional, good tempered and desirable plant for the connoisseur................... £120.00
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‘Moonshine’: found by richard Bashford in the same vicinity as G. nivalis ‘little angel’ and G. nivalis ‘Wisp’ and very much admired. ere is a pale ghostliness about this small, neat little snowdrop which, unfortunately, is not conveyed in the photograph. e whole of the scape and pedicel are a curious, dense, milky-cream colour in contrast to the ovary. Delightful and most unusual................................. £120.00
‘Lady Putman’: a most charming, diminutive inverse poculiform (i-poc) snowdrop. Both inner and outer segments are of equal length and of good substance with pretty, neatlydrawn and similarly notched markings. a treasure for a choice spot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. £75.00
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G. plicatus ‘Chantry Gold Cross’: this is a very fine and exciting new snowdrop from Sue and Wol Staines: it has a long narrow golden ovary with a distinctive golden X-shaped mark on the inner segment. a substantial new discovery offered here for the first time. ............................................................... £130.00
‘Never Before’: this delightful, low growing treasure was originally found by the late ruby and David Baker and probably, due to its very slow rate of increase, has “never before” been offered! as an inverse poculiform snowdrop, all six of the segments are of a similar size, with apical notches and indeed, not dissimilar green marks: a charming and rather lovely legacy from two great and devoted growers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ £130.00
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‘John Morley’: originally thought to be G. plicatus subsp. byzantinus or even of G. gracilis origin but now considered to be an hybrid . First noticed in the garden here at North Green as one of the most floriferous of snowdrops. Not a tall growing plant but one which, when well grown, has disproportionally large flowers with an almost divided basal and v-shaped green apical marking, with occasionally a yellowish haze. originally reminding us, somewhat, of G. ‘Mary ann Gibbs’. a snowdrop much dependant on the season but always very dear to the heart. ................................................................ £120.00
Hybrids-Single ‘Hilary’s Coquette’: an extraordinary snowdrop reminding us somewhat of G. ‘South hayes’ and other pagoda-shaped snowdrops. e outer segments marked with green, appear to be flying away from the dark green, turban-shaped ovary. each inner segment has a large distinct molarshaped mark. is was given to us by the late Margaret owen shortly before she died and from which our stock originates. it was named aer one of her many garden volunteers at e Patch, her garden in Shropshire.. . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... £110.00
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We have a few of the above rare snowdrops for sale. in order to give all our customers an opportunity to acquire these bulbs we are once again, selling them by tender. customers are invited to submit a bid for a single bulb of one or more of the eight varieties on the yellow bidding form enclosed. e reserve price is the lowest price at which we will sell any of the above snowdrops. Please note, in most cases there are only five, or even less, bulbs of a particular variety for sale. Should there be more than one bid of an equal amount, and only one bulb remaining, we shall accept the first bid opened. Please put your bid or bids in a sealed envelope and mark the front with the name(s) of the bulb(s). in previous years, many customers have been very disappointed but it would appear that this is the fairest method we can devise to give all our customers an equal chance of acquiring these rarities. No bids will be accepted aer 12 noon on Monday 24th February 2020. customers wishing to participate please note that bids, which must be made in whole pounds sterling, can only be accepted if payment is made by credit/debit card and no other form of payment. any snowdrops acquired through this newish venture will be separately dispatched and the whole transaction treated separately from any other order you may have placed. as we cannot combine these snowdrops with your main order, please add £4.95 to all orders towards the cost of First class postage and packing (eu and europe add £10). – 44 –
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complete information on all the species and many of the cultivars listed in this catalogue can be found in the book Snowdrops, Bishop, M., Davis, a. and Grimshaw, J. (2001). e Griffin Press. Maidenhead. regrettably, we have been informed that this invaluable book is out of print and unlikely to be reprinted.
allen, J. (1891). Snowdrops. J. roy. hort. Soc. 13: 172-188. artyushenko, Z.t. (1967). taxonomy of the Genus Galanthus l. r.h.S. Daffodil and tulip year Book. 32: 62-82. Bishop, M. (2011). e appearance and diversity of inverse poculiform snowdrops. r.h.S. Daffodil, Snowdrop and tulip yearbook: 43-47. Bishop, M., Davis, a. and Grimshaw, J. (2001) Snowdrops. e Griffin Press. Maidenhead. Bowles, e.a. (1914). My Garden in Spring. london. Brickell, c.D. (1984). Flora of turkey. edinburgh. Burbidge, F.W. (1891). Snowdrops. J. roy. hort. Soc. 13: 191-210. Davis, a.P. (1999). e Genus Galanthus. timber Press. leeds, r. (2000). early Bulbs. David & charles. Devon. Melville, D. (1891). Snowdrops. J. roy. hort. Soc.13: 188-191. Nutt, r. (1969). Some thoughts on growing Snowdrops. r.h.S. Daffodil and tulip year Book 34: 80-86. – 45 –
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Nutt, r. (1971). Snowdrop freaks or natural variations. r.h.S. Daffodil and tulip year Book 36: 165-174. Nutt, r. (1993) encyclopaedia of alpines. Galanthus. vol. i aGS Publications ltd., Pershore, Worcestershire. Kilpatrick, i. and harmer, J. (2018). e Galanthophiles. orphans Publishing. leominster. Schwartz, o. (1963). Bulletin alpine Garden Soc. XXi: 131-141. Slade, N. (2014) e Plant lover’s Guide to Snowdrops. e timber Press, inc. Portland, oregon. Stern, F.c. (1956). Snowdrops and Snowflakes. london. van Dijk, h. (2011). Galanthomania. uitgeverij terra lannoo-groep. arnhem Waldorf, G. (2012). Snowdrops. Frances lincoln ltd. london. Wyatt, o.e.P. (1967). two Snowdrop Problems. and "Double Green" Snowdrop. r.h.S. Daffodil and tulip year Book. 32: 83-87 and 189.
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G. nivalis ‘Bohemia Gold’ ‘Chatterbox’ ‘Dumpy Green’ ‘Fanfare’ (lost) ‘Golden Glow’ ‘Goldheart’ ‘Gold Dust’ ‘Green Whisp’ ‘La Bohème’ ‘Odd Sharlock’ ‘Prague Spring’ ‘Stork’ ‘Tall Prague Spring’ ‘Tramlines’ ‘White Stag’ (lost) G. plicatus ‘Amy Doncaster’ ‘Blue Moon’ ‘Eric Fisher’ ‘Old January’ ‘ree Ships’ ‘Vera Trum’ ‘Winter Green’
G. elwesii ‘Comet’ ‘Jubilee Green’ ‘Chelsworth Magnet’ ‘Margaret’s Star’ *‘Mrs Macnamara’ (‘Milkwood’) *‘Remember, Remember’ (‘November Merlin’) ‘Sibberto Magnet’ G. reginae-olgae subsp. vernalis ‘Blue John’ ‘Blue Peter’
hybrids ‘Benton Magnet’ ‘Bloomer’ ‘Early to Rize’ ‘Green Beauty’ ‘Green Comet’ ‘Green of Hearts’ ‘John Morley’ ‘Little Dorrit’ ‘Long Wasp’ ‘Mother Goose’ ‘North Green Wasp’ ‘Trotter’s Merlin’ ‘Trumpolute’ ‘Trumps’
G. gracilis ‘Ayes and Noes’ ‘Corkscrew’ ‘Denton’
e names in brackets are our original naming but for various reasons these have had to be changed to the name with an asterisk. – 47 –
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‘×allenii’ ‘ailwyn’ anglesey orange tip’ ‘Barnes’ ‘Beany’ ‘Betty hansell’ ‘Bishop’s Mitre’ ‘Bohemia Gold’ ‘Brian Mathew’ ex Broadleigh Gardens ‘Bumble Green’ ‘carolyn elwes’ ‘castle Green Dragon’ ‘cedric Morris’ ‘cedric’s Prolific’ ‘celia’s Double’ ‘chameleon’ ‘chantry Gold cross’ ‘charles Wingfield’ ‘colossus’ ‘corkscrew’ ‘courteenhall’ ‘David Bromley early’ ‘Das Gelbe vom ei’ ‘Diggory’ ‘Discovery’ ‘Donald Sims early’ ‘Dorothy Foreman’ ‘Dot underhill’ ‘Dragonfly’ ‘Dryad Gold Bullion’ ‘e. a. Bowles’
25 33 17 35 17 33 35 40 35 35 18 10 35 35 34 26 42 35 35 16 7 35 7 10 35 35 35 35 27 35 10
‘early to rize’ ‘elizabeth harrison’ ‘eric Fisher’ ‘evenley Double’ ‘Fieldgate Superb’ ‘Flocon de Neige’ ‘Fly Fishing’ ‘Gabriel’ ‘Glenchantress’ ‘Godfrey owen’ ‘Grake’s yellow’ ‘Green comet’ ‘Green eyes’ ‘Green Whisp’ ‘helen tomlinson’ ‘hilary’s coquette’ ‘hoggets Narrow’ ‘homersfield’ ‘howard Wheeler’ ‘hugh Mackenzie’ ‘James Backhouse’ ‘Jamie Broughton’ ‘John Gray’ ‘John Morley’ ‘Jubilee Green’ ‘Kite’ ‘lady Putman’ ‘long Wasp’ ‘louise ann Bromley’ ‘lovely rika’ ‘Madelaine’ ‘Manor Farm early’
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27 24 12 34 35 8 18 35 19 19 8 35 20 40 35 43 20 28 35 8 35 35 28 43 22 35 41 35 22 35 12 21
‘Margaret owen’ ‘Melanie Broughton’ ‘Meteor’ ‘Michael holcro’ ‘Moonshine’ ‘Mother Goose’ ‘Mrs Macnamara’ ‘Natalie Garton’ ‘Never Before’ ‘North Green Wasp’ ‘odd Scharlock’ ‘Peter Gatehouse’ ‘Priscilla Bacon’ ‘rodmarton arcturus’ ‘ruby Baker’ ‘ruby’s Gold’ ‘Sentinel’ ‘Sybil Stern’ ‘Spindlestone Surprise’ ‘e Dragon’ ‘treasure island’ ‘trimmer’ ‘trumpolute’ ‘trumps’ ‘Walker, canada’ ‘Walrus’ ‘yaffle’ ‘yvonne hay’
35 35 35 35 41 30 23 23 42 35 35 21 14 30 31 35 35 35 31 35 35 14 32 32 15 35 15 24
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Back cover images: Top le: ‘John Morley’ (see page 43) Bottom right: ‘Green Whisp’
(see page 40)
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