North Lands Creative Material Cultures Programme 2022

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Glass’s influence on artists’ imagination has shaped many ideas and ethics and emboldened their adventures with the material.

All things are delicately interconnected. Glass and its interventions with other disciplines has always been central to our programming. We are an autonomous not-for-profit contemporary arts organisation based in rural Scotland. Since our inception in 1995 in Lybster, we have been committed towards building global networks and solidarities. Through our programmes we support and incubate emerging, experimental and transdisciplinary creative practices and pedagogies. In tandem with the exploration of the material we often talk of an ecology of place, our visiting artists are interested in people’s relationship with nature and place as well as about habitat and species of the area. Moreover, we are interested in an enquiry as to whether our residency artists could help an understanding of the proposed Flow Country World Heritage Site which straddles Caithness and Sutherland where the studio sits.

Our 2022/23 public programme of symposia, classes, and exhibitions explore the links between the contemporary relationship, both physical and intellectual, between glass, the spaces in which it encounters, and the artist and viewer. As a material, functional, and in relation to wider sculptural and artistic Weconcerns.will encourage artists to draw on and contribute to the rich and previously underexplored sources of material and wealth of knowledge held by the many groups and organisations supporting our organisation. Skill sharing and partnership working is crucial and artists selected in our new annual programme will affirm this approach.

Our visiting artists draw so much inspiration from the world around them and the everchanging landscape, wildlife and rich lore of the north-east Highlands. Through the artists’ practice, different aspects of what makes a ‘place’ will be explored and the interconnectedness of rural land and rural lives revealed.

We offer a comprehensive range of production facilities across our studio and campus for glass making. Our team can provide artists with advice on the technical implementation of projects, offer information on the quality and properties of materials, and assist, where possible, with solutions to complex projects.

North Lands Creative is an award winning, international and influential centre dedicated to the study and development of glass as an art form. It incorporates the Alastair Pilkington Studio, Quatre Bras Gallery, campus accommodation in Dan Klein House and Friend’s Lodge overlooking the Morven Hills.

We are a member of Scotland’s Workshops, a network of 11 visual arts production facilities all across Scot land, Scottish Contemporary Art Network, committed to the growth and development of contemporary art in Scot land and the Green Arts Initiative, a networked commu nity of cultural organisations in Scotland committed to reducing their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable Scotland. We are an accredited Living Wage Employer and are com mitted to fair work for artists and provide the Scot tish Artists Union rates and conditions of

A system of studio session fees and memberships contribute to the running of all equipment and the cost of consumables provided by the workshop. Staff always present to oversee the safe usage of the communal studio facilities. The Studio and Programme team are also available to discuss projects and give advice. For larger, more complicated projects we offer an service.atelier We can offer access to a large community of skilled artists and makers helping create emotional, memorable connections with commissioned projects. The North Lands team works with artists, architects, designers, creative agencies, makers and private individuals to realise creative concepts. We are able to offer a unique, fully rounded service from consultation to bespoke making. As a national charity our income goes directly into helping build ing a stronger glass community which ben efits many artists and crafts makers globally. We pro vide direct funding to artists to allow them time and space to develop projects, test ideas and produce and show work. We subsidise the cost of studios and workspaces so that access to our facilities remains affordable for art ists as they build their careers. Activities which will benefit our local community and the arts sector, such as talks and exhibitions and the schools and outreach programmes are offered free of charge to ensur that no one is excluded from participating. We receive core funding each year from Creative Scot land. Around 4 0% of our annual revenue is from earned income but we rely on additional financial and in-kind support each year , we work with a variety of local com munity partners, national and international partners and funders, trusts and foundations to support our work. FACILITIES & SERVICES PARTNERSHIPS & FUNDING

SEP 24.09.2222 Glass Painting with Verity Pulford VISITING ARTIST CLASS OCT 22 3.10.22artistartistartistexhibitionAssembly18.10.22(online)inresidenceisgneairVerityPulfordinresidenceisgneairMARTAEDOCSinresidence Glass Nexus Forum Award AIR in partnership with London Glass Blowing PAUL ROWBOTTOM22.10.22JewELlery Workshop with Márta Edőcs VISITING ARTIST CLASS NOV 2211.22 FOUR NATIONS AIR Effie Burns PARTNERSHIP PROJECT 18.11.22 - 25.11.22 Glass Lives Week FESTIVALWishing(ONLINE)29.10.22BowlsPâte de Verre Workshop with Fiona Byrne VISITING ARTIST 17.11.22-18.11.22CLASS The Power of Glass Symposium, SYMPOSIUMEdinburgh Discussions on diversity, identity, representation, and political thought within art glass. Craft Scotland, Edin bugrh College of Art,National Museums of Scotland & North Lands Creative. jan 23 07.01.23 - 28.01.23 glass, meet the future film festival 2023 festival (hybrid) GMTF Film Festival is dedicat ed to presenting a selection of new films pivoting around the medium of glass. The fes tival showcases a cross sec tion of international diverse and engaging series of short films curated and directed by female identified and non-bi nary filmmakers using glass as the predominant feature. mar 23 01.03.23 - 05.03.23 COLLECT ART FAIR SOMERSET HOUSE,exhibitionLONDON COLLECT showcases some of the visionary artists who are rein venting our relationship with glass, the natural environ ment, which often incorporates the manipulation of materials or imagery which resonate with a particular place and time. artist in BaibaresidenceisgneairDzenīte

13.03.23 - 17.03.23 Essentials, Richard Wheater NEON - ALL LEVELS VISITING ARTIST CLASS 27.03.23 - 02.04.23 ANEW, Juli and NobleVISITINGDESIGNBolaños-DurmanJimen-ALLLEVELSARTISTCLASS27.03.23-02.04.23Glass,AgustinaRosLampworkingIntermediatelevelVISITINGARTISTCLASS PROGRAMME EXHIBITIONSRESIDENCEARTIST2023-2022INCLASSESFORUMPROJECTSFESTIVALSYMPOSIUMAPR 23 artist in residenceisgneair María Renée Morales Lam artist in residenceisgneair Elmira CABRACH,06.04.22-Abolhasani28.04.22MARYBOURNE&LYNNESTRACHANNLCProjectSpaceQuatreBraS,LybsterEXHIBITION

MAY 23 01.05.23 - 05.05.23 Exploring the Negative Space, María Renée Morales Lam Mould Flameworking,SketchingVISITINGIntermediatemakingLevelARTISTCLASSartistinresidenceisgneairSamanKanatari01.05.23-05.05.233Dwithtinybororods,ElmiraAbolhasaniIntermediatelevelVISITINGARTISTCLASSartistinresidenceisgneairGeorgeWilliamBell JUN 23 VISITING ARTIST CLASS 05.06.23 - 09.06.23 Paper-thin pâte de verre Saman VISITINGIntermediateKalantariLevelARTISTCLASS05.06.23-09.06.23 From Tradition to Innova tion, George William MATERIALHot-GlassGlassblowingBellSculptingIntermediateLevel02.06.23-07.07.23CULTURE,Artists-in-residenceexhibitionexhibitionJUL23InternationalAssociateArtistProgrammEPARTNERSHIPPROJECT VISITING ARTIST CLASS 31.07.23 - 06.08.23 Inspired by nature Trine Drivsholm Hot glass, cold working & kiln forming techniques Intermediate to advanced AUG 23 VISITING ARTIST CLASS 09.08.23 - 15.08.23 The Right Glass for Your Job Amber Cowan Torch and IntermediateflameworkingtoadvancedartistinresidenceARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE(INTERNATIONAL)2023TeRongoKirkwooD

If being material is being sci entific, artistic and human istic - how have ideas about creativity, craft, and the en vironment transformed the glass community in the process? De veloped in tandem with new dis courses in science and environ mental practices, artists are working with new materials and methods with which to query the new possibilities andsibilities.respon 2023 international forum seeks to examine art forms and ex pressions enabled by the emer gence of new materials and by technological advances in stu dio practice. In support of the glass community alliances, es pecially as they may be under threat from funding cuts and loss of key courses and facil ities, the forum will expose artists and collaborators who are pioneering new forms of ar tistic practice with a 3-Day programme schedule of demon strations and networkingportunities.op - 15.08.23


DEFINING AllCastIntermediateDanteTRADITIONMarioniGlassblowingtoadvancedVISITINGARTISTCLASS09.08.23-15.08.23TransparentThoughtsFiazElsonglass&coldworkinglevelswithsomeglassexperience

16.08.23 Glass Nexus Sculpting,IntermediateChristopherKeynoteDayGlassblowingtoadvancedVISITINGARTISTCLASS09.08.23-15.08.23StillLifeMiscellanyElliotWalkerGlassblowing,Hot-GlassIntermediatetoadvancedlevelVISITINGARTISTCLASS11.08.22-01.09.23FLUX,AbigailReynoldsexhibition GLASS NEXUS FORUM 17.08.23 - 19.08.23 GLASS THAT MAKES US Glass Nexus Forum 2023 Schedule announced April 2023.


North Lands Creative - Schol arship Awards are an important part of our commitment to ar tistic and cultural development and supports the work of emerg ing glass artists, providing opportunities for artistic de velopment within an innovative and supportive glass community.

North Lands Creative is looking for proposals and notes of in terest for our 2023 Glass Nexus Forum. We are interested to hear from you if you have an idea on how you would like to be part of our international lineup of artists, studios and producers and respond to the 2023 theme ‘GLASS THAT MAKES US’. Please send your proposal out lining your idea (this may in clude a panel discussion, Pecha Kucha presentation, demonstra tion or location-based/ per formative work). Notes of interests must be re ceived by 7 November 2022 (1page A4 letter with web or so cial media link). The full programme including speakers and demo artists will be announced in April 2023.


We are looking for applications from female identified and nonbinary filmmakers using the me diums of glass and film in their work for our Glass, Meet the Future Film Festival 2023.

Pilchuck OctoberResidencyPartner2023artistin residence North Lands Creative is delight ed to offer Pilchuck scholar ship applicants the unique op portunity to be considered for a residency at our NLC Studio in October 2023. The residency represents an op portunity to expand your work in a world-class studio in the most inspiring settings around the globe. SHANGHAI MUSEUM




Glass Nexus Forum 2023 Proposal Call Out CALL FOR ENTERIES

Each Award is an initiative to support emerging graduate ar tistic talent to further their practice following graduation. The award includes a supported 2-week residency at North Lands Creative, an opportunity to participate in visiting artist class, including mentoring and technical support. The Award is designed to fund an artist’s development and re search time with an opportunity to respond to Caithness and the ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP


FILMS WANTED For the third Glass, Meet the Future Festival North Lands Creative and Shanghai Museum of Glass are offering commis sion opportunities to create new, festival-responsive work or associated programming for the next festival, that clearly responds to using the medium of glass.


For North Lands Creative and the The Radcliffe Trust, this is a way to keep in touch with the most promising emerging practice

An immersive opportunity to work across all aspects of North Lands Creative studio life.

Theartists.Radcliffe Trust Scholarship Award is an important part of our commitment to artistic and cultural development and sup ports the work of an emerging UK glass artist, providing op portunities for artistic devel opment within an innovative and supportive glass community. All Artists who graduated be tween 2018 and 2022 from a glass course at a UK art school are eligible to enter.

Selection Criteria Applicants should be: UK residents at time of appli Recentlycation.

The Award focuses on glass art ists in the first five years af ter graduation; a critical time when the loss of the university support structure and financial pressures can test an artist’s dedication to their practice.

graduated or an early career artist (in the last 5 years) who has studied a glass course between 2018 and 2022 at a UK art school. internship programme studio internshipstechnical

APPLY NOW INFO@NORTHLANDSCREATIVE.CO.UKWWW.NORTHLANDSCREATIVE.CO.UKATOREMAILFORINFOMATIONPACK join the isgne glass arts network for glass lives 23 GLASS LIVES WEEK 22 WINTER 23 - TECHNICAL JAN - FEB AUTUMN 22 -TECHNICAL SEP - NOV SPRING 23 - LAMPWORKING MARCH - MAY JUN - SEP SUMMER 23 - HOT GLASS We are interested to hear from artists who wish to: Share their experiences and sub mit pre-recorded talks or docu mentaries telling their journey with a focus on European

The Caithness & SutherlandExpeditionartist in residence


in the medium of glass, and with higher education institutions and courses. More broadly, the scheme aims to stimulate glass artist networks in the UK and encourage support for graduates and early career artists.

The Award is an initiative to support emerging graduate ar tistic talent to further their practice following graduation. The award includes an opportu nity to participate in our vis iting artist class programme, and receive studio time, men toring and technical support.

The Open Call is a search for exceptional artists interested in working with the material of glass exploring conversations concerning the land and people of Caithness & Sutherland. Under thematics of Glass and Social Practice, Ecology, Practice & Pedagogy, Technologies, Migra tion, Eco-tourism, Performance, Gender, Food and the Environ Thement.Caithness & Sutherland Ex pedition programme provides a shared experience for its international participants to engage in the myriad issues rel evant to our local communities and to develop pro fessionally through fieldwork and interdisciplinaryresearch, collabora tions, exhibit opportunities, and public and workshop Closingengagement.Date 12 December 2022 We’re always looking out for talented people to work on a broad range of projects. If you feel like you can offer some thing to the team please send an email with CV, cover letter and images of previous experi ence get in touch

oppor tunities-22-23

INternational AiR

ecology of the place, our vis iting artists are often inter ested in people’s relationship with nature and place as well as about habitat and species of the area.

The Award focuses on Royal Dan ish Academy Alumni and artists in the first three years af ter graduation; a critical time when the loss of the univer sity support structure and fi nancial pressures can test an artist’s dedication to their practice. For North Lands Crea tive, this is a way to keep in touch with the most promising emerging practice in the medium of glass, and with higher edu cation institutions and cours es. More broadly, the scheme aims to stimulate glass artist connections between the UK and Denmark and encourage support for graduates and early career


The Caithness & Sutherland Expedition programme works with a growing net work of artists, presenters and institutions to engage with the public and to communicate ideas and findings that result from our expeditionary residency programme.

The Caithness & Sutherland Expedition programme provides a shared expe rience for its international participants to engage in the myriad issues relevant to our local communities and to develop professionally through fieldwork and research,interdisciplinary collaborations, exhibit oppor tunities, and public and workshop engagement. North Lands Creative and our associates supports the creation and exhibition of new and pioneer ing work, and aims to empower the creative individual while fostering the collaborative.

The Open Call is a search for exceptional artists interested in working with the material of glass exploring conversations concerning the land and people of Caithness & Sutherland. Under thematics of Glass and Social Practice, Ecology, Practice & Pedagogy, Technologies, Migration, Ecotourism, Performance, Gender, Food and the Environment. Artist led, forging connections between the local and global, bringing together artists,scientists, curators, researchers and educators; the artists will be based at the North Lands Creative campus in Lybster. We are looking for creative practitioners who have developed their artist voice and wish to be considered for the expedition, or residency 2023-24. An incubator for thought and experimentation that brings together a wide variety of thematics for cross-exchange to spend time in Caithness & Sutherland. North Lands Creative is a nexus where the material of glass intersects art, science, indigenous knowledge, education, community and activism – we are interested in applications from artists who seek out and foster areas of collaboration to engage in the central issues of our time.

The Caithness & Sutherland Expedition


Berridale Water, Caithness by Angus Mackay Photography OpportunityAiR

North Lands Creative promotes good prin ciples on conservation, education and sustainability through retreats, study, research, reflection and the arts.

Berridale Water, Caithness by Angus Mackay Photography

Situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, NLC offers creative practitioners com plete immersion into a stimulating, expansive and striking environment through which to ex plore new practices and possibilities. Caith ness is also home to a rich backstory that cov ers Neolithic burial chambers, Pictish stones, Viking graves and medieval castles. Our campus is set in the coastal village of Lybster, and offers views across to the Morven Hills and landscape scattered with dwarf shrubs, moss heath and rough grassland.


Our Creative Retreat Programme welcomes art ists, makers, writers, dancers, musicians and researchers to stay in our accommodation for self-funded residencies. Most importantly, whether you need to research or produce, North Lands provides a supportive and welcoming en vironment for artists of all levels. We have a long and fruitful history of working with professional artists to students and academ ics from foundation level through to PhD. self funded


No experience necessary As designers who are reinventing our relationship with waste, sisters Juli and Jimena invite you to look at the future of design and the circular economy. The class will address the challenges and opportunities for glass to provide solutions by students as a circular material and how repurposing is breaking out of traditional cycles. Game-changing trends in design are gaining ground, and in the process reinventing materials as future ‘renewable resources’. This class looks at how artists and designers adapt and make products fit for the next material revolution.

Neon, a gas in the air we breathe, waiting to be harnessed into a vacuumed glass tube and excited by electricity. The ultimate renewable light. As well as learning the basics of neon making, an emphasis will be placed on experimenting with the selfsustaining methods available of lighting up participants’ works in the natural environment.

ANEW Juli and 27.03.23Bolaños-DurmanJimena-02.04.23DesignAlllevels



Using neon light in naturepowered by nature. Artist Richard Wheater will team up with Neon Workshops and a green energy company, to explore our relationship with the natural environment through neon.


Intermediate27.03.23AgustinaGlassRos-02.04.23Lampworkinglevel find out more at

Explore the meeting point between performance & wearable sculpture. Artist Agustina Ros has a broad interest in lampworking, glass wearables and adornments for the Thisbody. class will combine the sensitivity of clean and organic forms and the resolution of design. Focusing on the use of blown borosilicate glass, students will learn how to incorporate precious metal finishes to explore the potential of contrasting colour and chemical effects, to produce fluidity and form.

The ultimate purpose of her artistic journey, to date, has been to understand how human networks and identities are formed and what their underlying structure is. Her works reflect her attempt to understand the meaning of network systems and, in particular, her role and position – as an individual node – in this complex web, as well as the nature of her artistic task as an interpreter of this all-encompassing network. Her works and thoughts stem from her belief that we must first obtain a clear vision of ourselves to apprehend significant aspects of our world.

Sketching 3D with tiny boro rods Elmira Intermediate01.05.23Abolhasani-05.05.23FlameworkingLevel

From Tradition to Innovation

The process of mould making allows us to reproduce surfaces and objects in a diversity of materials such as plaster, glass, clay, metals, etc, for both functional and artistic means. There are also a variety of techniques to later achieve the final object employing the use of these moulds such as: casting, slumping, fusing, blowin, among Duringothers.this workshop we will analyse ordinary surfaces and everyday three-dimensional objects, and build open-face moulds and twopart moulds from these artefacts, or from our own clay positives. Participants will learn to calculate the volumes of the moulds, prepare and mix materials, use wooden boxes or learn how to hand-build moulds, understand the drying and curing process, prepare the end material to be cast/ slumped/blown, and learn about the maintenance of the tools and Duringworkspace.the class we will have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of materials such as plaster, silica, clay and alginate. We will explore the negative space surrounding matter, and from this understanding we will build moulds to reproduce surfaces and objects in glass. Exploring the Negative Space María Renée Morales Lam 01.05.23IntermediateMould05.05.23makingLevel

George William Bell 05.06.23Hot-GlassGlassblowing09.06.23SculptingIntermediateLevel

During this week-long course we will explore together how traditional glass making techniques can be harnessed, combined in new ways, or subverted entirely, as a way of establishing a new set of tools for personal artistic exploration within the material glass. Each day will begin with a foundational glassmaking skill such as colour application, form investigation or mould blowing as well as more advanced pattern creation such as cane and murrine. Together as a class we will use this “artistic pallet” of technique to develop complex works of art which reflect both an understanding of the traditions of glassmaking, as well as a forward looking personal and contemporary expression.

Learn how to apply netting technique to 3D large scale installation. This class will allow students to think in 3 dimensions, creating sketches on paper and before transferring their ideas with flameworking using borosilicate Elmirarods. Abolhassani was born in Iran and lives and works in Lisbon, ShePortugal.holds a master of glass art, science, and technology from the Lisbon fine art university.

George William Bell originally trained as a production glassmaker over fifteen years ago, and has been actively working as a practising artist for the last ten. In 2019 he completed a Masters Degree in glass at the Royal Danish Academy, which provided new perspectives and allowed him to further focus on developing his personal aesthetic vision. Using glass as a medium of personal expression, he creates works which combine traditional techniques with an experimental design approach. He has worked and exhibited widely throughout the world.

Intermediate to advanced Understanding and exploring variables in Glass COE at the torch. This class will explore the properties and possibilities of flameworking through the exploration of many types of glass. We will learn the different ways to approach utilisation of borosilicate, soft and recycled glass and how each of these types of glass works at the torch and in the kiln. The glass will be used to create small and large scale sculptures with an emphasis on creating thoughtful and interesting compositions. The class will have a special focus on the abilities and ways of utilising recycled and found glass at the torch.

Throughout history of mankind this has been one of the most common starting points for creation of objects and art in cultures around the world. And for many good reasons: we all have a relation to the natural world. For some the focus is on the concerning effects human beings have on nature and for others the fascination is all about the aesthetic qualities in Withnature.nature as the inspirational theme students will be encouraged to transform ideas into work that holds references to specific places or cultures.

Intermediate Level

Paper-thin pâte de verre Saman Kalantari 05.06.23 - 09.06.23 Pâte de verre

Students will be challenged to look at the relationship of form, pattern, balance, surface and inspirational reference.

Students will be able to combine hot glass, cold working and kiln forming techniques and should have at least one year glassblowing experience Inspired by nature Trine Drivsholm 31.07.23 - 06.08.23 Hot glass, cold working & kiln forming techniques

Amber Cowan’s sculptural work is based around the use of recycled, upcycled, and secondlife American pressed glass. She uses the process of flameworking, hot-sculpting and glassblowing to create large-scale sculptures that overwhelm the viewer with ornate abstraction and viral accrual. She incorporates collected antique glass into her pieces that is used to activate and animate the material into a visual story.

Saman Kalantari is an Iranian artist specialising in ceramics since 1992, glass since 2005 and based in Bolzano Italy since 2004. His innovative work progressing the techniques of pate de verre into a contemporary realm awarded him the Glass Art Society 2015 Technology Advancing Grant (TAG) in the USA for his innovative Flexible Glass Sheet. Recipient of other numerous prestigious awards such as the 2008 Bullseye Emerge Newcomer award and gold award Emerge 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA; 2018 Warm Glass Prize, UK England; the Creative Glass Centre of America Fellowship, Wheaton Arts, as well as finalist in many other competitions such Glass Kanazawa, Japan; Bullseye Glass Emerge, Portland, and the Jutta Cunty-Franz Memorial Award. Kalantari has exhibited widely in the USA, Italy, Japan, and the Netherlands, Norway, Lithuania, Denmark and also taught various international masterclasses around the world.

There are different ways to make pate de verre objects and depending on the work you want to make and the size of it usually takes a lot of time. This is a new approach to produce pieces with thin walls in a very simple way and in a short time by producing handmade glass-paper and using sand as a moulding material.

The Right Glass for Your Job Amber Cowan 09.08.23 - 15.08.23 Torch and Intermediateflameworkingtoadvanced find out more at

Focus will be on experimenting, combining and developing techniques as well as looking for ways to express your own thoughts and ideas in glass.

Walker is a sculptor working with molten glass as their primary medium. He studied glass making in the Historic Glass Quarter, Stourbridge, where he developed his basic skills that are the essential foundation for creating works in this challenging medium. He established himself as a maker and an artist with the pleasure of working for glass legend Peter Layton for 8 years as part of the London glassblowing studio team. This was alongside some of the UKs most skilled glass Heartists.has been creating his sculpture for close to a decade and now currently works from his studio with artist Bethany Wood, (The founder of Blowfish Glass) situated in Hertford. At the studio he facilitates the creation of works for a number of noted designers and artists. He is a dedicated experimenter with his chosen material and is constantly trying to challenge himself and the audiences of his work to abandon many preconceptions of the material.

My greatest joy as an artist is variety! Variety of form, technique and concept. I have been working in the still life genre for several years now as it gives me an infinite opportunity to expand my material knowledge and to experiment with many different techniques, both hot and cold.

The process I am proposing will involve us working together towards a collaborative and cohesive composition inspired directly by a specific painting by one of the ‘Old Masters’. We will be picking and choosing which elements of the composition we would like to make, trying to keep within our own personal areas of interest. This could be sculpting, goblet or vessel making, pattern or colour building, texturing and any number of other techniques that may be appropriate. This is the way I work , rather Still Life

For me, the glass blowing process is a means to an end, rather than something to pursue and perfect in and of itself. It is important to keep this fact in mind in order not to get too obsessed with the ‘correct’ way of doing things and leave ourselves open to experimentation and improvisation.


than narrowing in on something specific, I revel and romp in the possibilities that the material Elliotoffers.


An emerging artist and graduate from Wolverhampton University, Day received a special commendation at the 2019 British Glass Biennale held in Stourbridge, UK. He has not only become a leading voice within the contemporary British art-glass scene but also with the continued conversation surrounding Black Lives Matter and racial inequality.

Combining materials used in both heating and electrical systems into his creations, Day finds he is able to create the perfect marriage of his artistic path and technical knowledge, both of which rely on dexterity and high levels of skill and Acraftsmanship.reoccurring and signature theme are ‘copper cages’ which enclose his glass, representing the restriction of movement both physically and mentally that traders possessed over other human’s lives that were viewed simply as ‘commodities’. These are created from simple copper tubing and wire but to dramatic effect. The glass, by contrast, Day compares to the human spirit, attempting to break free despite the restrictions that hold it in Joinplace.this artist in the North Lands hotshop for a one day keynote class in advance of the 2023 international forum.


This class is ideally suited for those already possessing hot glass making skills. With demonstrations daily, this class will teach a combination of American & Venetian glass blowing techniques. The facilities at North Lands Creative create an intimate atmosphere in which to watch and learn from this glass Dantemaster.Marioni


Fiaz Elson trained in fashion and design, fine art and silversmithing before studying Glass Design gaining a BA Hons degree. Elson has worked with glass for 18 years exhibiting nationally and internationally. She set up The Glass Lab project in 2020, within The Glass Foundry studio, aimed to increase diversity, innovation and collaboration in the glass Shearts. is passionate about the alchemical nature of working with this medium. Glass is the only raw material that has the three dimensions of sculpture and the fourth interior and ever changing dimension of light caught in transit. Developing a relationship with a glass sculpture that evolves.



Cast glass & coldworking

All levels with some experienceglass find out more at

Glass Nexus

This dynamic class will be focusing on expressing your conceptual ideas in an experimental way within the cast glass, blown elements and coldworking techniques. We will look at shifting self imposed boundaries and utilising new ways of expressing your ideas in colour, form, and structure as well as design and installation.

was born into a family of glassblowers; from an early age Dante spent summers at Pilchuck Glass School. Before studying glassblowing at The Glass Eye, Washington, where he met Benjamin Moor, who confirmed his passion & commitment to pursue glassblowing. Over the years, Dante has taught extensively in many countries with influences from Lino Taglipietra and Richard HisMarquis.execution to combine American and Venetian techniques is world - renowned. ‘I have never really been in love with all the obvious qualities of glass. I am more in love with the process and the traditions, age-old and of the contemporary studio variety. Form is always my primary concern; light manipulation and colour are almost an afterthought.’

North Lands Creative invites a summer food residency in our Fuse Kitchen community space. We’re really excited to find a unique individual or group of artists who work with food to collaborate with us to provide an all-day offering to the people of Caithness.

VISITING ARTIST CLASSES ONE DAY SPECIALS24.09.22 Glass Painting with Verity Pulford22.10.22 JewELlery Workshop with Márta Wishing29.10.22EdőcsBowls

Making in the landscape

AsPhotographer-in-Residencepartofourdigitisation ambitions, we have appointed Morwenna Kearsley as our first photographer-in-residence. to spend time on campus working with the staff team and broader studio users. Using the North Lands Collection as a starting point to develop an online repository of the 27-year collection, which functions as a rich resource and an educational tool.

Morwenna is a Glasgow-based artist and educator, concerned with producing still and moving images. Her primary motive as an artist is to consider the entwined histories of photography and cinema, against the backdrop of localised social history, in order to contemplate the current and ongoing implications of these technologies in the age of digital reproduction. She is trying to understand the complexity of image-making, image-receiving and image-keeping. Often through writing, she weaves archival research with autobiographical events to agitate and disrupt her understanding of what a photographed image is and how it acts on our memories, and inevitably, on our bodies and voices.

of our Emerging Artists-in-Residence, and is cohosted by North Lands Creative & Lyth Arts Centre. Sinéad is exploring our environment & coastlines with communities in Caithness. She primarily works with live performance, dance and moving image, and is a graduate of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Contemporary Performance Practice. Ideas Fund The Ideas Fund is a grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, which enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing by working with researchers. Run by the North Lands Creative Studio and supported by visiting artists and teaching staff, this project has been designed by and for young people to develop inspiring and interactive glass-making activities, with young people and staff being invited and trained to act as co-researchers. Our Youth Advisory Group plans co-research and arts-focused activities. The project aims to explore how the process of glass-making and transformative art may lead to improved self-expression and managing emotions.

Pâte Fiona Byrne

de Verre Workshop with

North Lands Creative has a wide history of hosting residencies, popup events, open days and gatherings. We’re looking for an individual or a group of artists we can work alongside with an equal value on quality produce, traceability and sustainability on a food-focussed -residency during Summer 2023.

The Highland Culture Collective is a group of artists, communities and arts organisations across the Highlands of Scotland. We’ve come together as part of a national pilot project across Scotland, in response to the impact of the pandemic. Funded by Creative Scotland, our 5 artists-in-residence will work creatively & collaboratively with Sinéadcommunities.Harganisone


Fuse Kitchen Residency

We have a range of mobile equipment including a mobile furnace and wheel engraving which makes it possible to make in the landscape and take direct inspiration from the surroundings. Highland Culture Collective

Bead PrimaryProjectschools across Caithness are being offered the opportunity to take part in a unique competition to design a bead that represents living close to the UK’s most beautiful coastline. North Lands Creative have teamed up with the UK bead company Nalu as part of this year’s United Nations International Year of Glass celebrations. The project will ask pupils to think about their favourite Caithness beach - its colours, the feel and mood of the natural environment and the surrounding characteristics of the sea and sky and design a ‘Caithness’ bead that will be made into a special Nalu friendship bracelet to raise funds for a local young people’s charity. find out more at

Initially a research project to reconnect with workers from Caithness Glass and Dounreay Nuclear Plant, Glass in Caithness aims to grow to harness the positivity it will offer to support those local skills to be reignited.

Glass in Caithness Glass in Caithness project looks to provide opportunities for communities and individuals to develop artistry and technical glass skills, and for artists to explore ways of transferring those skills.

Effie Burns has been awarded the Four Nations artist in residency. As a maker of small ob jects, touch is a recurring theme in her work. During the pandemic she began to make work that documented the seasons and became obsessed with surface texture and using gold leaf to high light details. Her work is continually evolving and the four nations residency will be a fantastic opportu nity to explore different cultures and to im pact what she makes radically. The time spent at North Lands will allow her to experiment and explore the theme of wearability and the rela tionship jewellery has with the body. Inspired by the small precious things discov ered in archeological digs. The beautifully crafted items that were kept on a body and could tell stories of travel and status. She has begun to use graphite to create channels in her pieces so that she can make cast glass beads. The residency will allow her the time to collaborate, gather, distil and most impor tantly – make. The opportunity to travel and work with dif ferent people is a really important part of this process. It will enable Effie to develop new pieces made in a variety of ways that could be shared and exchanged and most importantly Theworn.Four Nations International Fund is a pi lot fund with co-investment from Arts Council England, Arts Council Northern Ireland, Arts Council Wales/Wales Arts International and Creative Scotland which supports individuals and organisations in developing international partnerships and co-creation projects. Glass Point in Riga, Latvia; National Glass Centre in Sunderland, England; North Lands Creative in Lybster, Scotland and Ruthin Craft Centre in Ruthin, Wales, have secured support from the Four Nations International Fund to deliver a collaborative project. This opportu nity will allow the selected artist to explore the unlikely combination of glass and the theme of wearability.


The International Artist-in-residence 2023 re cipient is Te Rongo Kirkwood.

Kirkwood has exhibited in galleries and exhi bitions around the world including Vancouver, San Francisco, Singapore and Canberra as well as in multiple exhibitions in her home country of New Zealand.


Te Rongo Kirkwood is of New Zealand Maori (Wai o Hua, Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Te Kauwerau a Maki, Ngapuhi, Taranaki) English and Scottish ances Atry.mixed media artist who specialises in kiln formed, cold worked glass. Her pieces draw on her Scottish, English, and Maori heritage while exploring ideas grounded in history, science and Kirkwoodmythology.incorporates a Maori worldview in her work that anchors tupuna (ancestors), whaka papa (existential links between all things) and the relationship between the past, present and future. Her work is known for its precise and exacting nature, fusing Maori customary art and modern glass art techniques. She strives to create art experiences and enduring works of special meaning that connect people and places.

Currently studying for a PhD at Edinburgh Col lege of Art, researching sustainability in kiln cast glass and wider glass studio prac Julitice. Bolaños-Durman is an emerging Costa Ri can Artist & Designer based in Scotland with a background in Graphic Design, mixed-media and recent immersion into the glass material. This specific set of experiences give Juli a fresh and versatile vision when approaching research and the creative process by repurposing found objects and transforming them into precious artefacts that tell a story.

In order to interrogate what we are doing and what we should be doing, we ask our Associates to enter into honest discussions that are mu tually beneficial in our shared professional development, emotional wellbeing and connec tivity as artists and influencers.

are part of North Land Crea tive’s extended family - influencing and shap ing the direction of our studio. Our Associates Artists group is formed of artists who have worked with us on our recent and current pro gramme. It is an open, exploratory and outward looking space to look both deeply and tangen tially at the intersection of NLC’s programme themes and ethics of engagement through the lens of a diverse range of glass practices.



Our Associate Artists also play a key role in the organisation, providing advisory on cur rent practice and informing decision making and Associatestrategy.Artists

Gregory Alliss predominantly works with kiln casting and cold-working techniques working with optical glass and recycled glass. He is interested in how over time traditional glass making techniques have influenced manufactur ing processes for the industrial production of glass and in turn how industrial techniques can now be re-introduced into studio glass making. Glass art is not his first career. He had become increasingly curious about the tech niques used to produce the contemporary glass art that he had been collecting. Working with glass initially became a hobby using my garage as a studio space. He recently completed an MFA degree in Glass, at Edinburgh College of Art. Studying allowed me to explore glass in an advanced technical detail that was not possible as a solo hobby ist. During this time his practice has devel oped both creatively and professionally.

Our Associate Artists programme is designed to support artists, helping them to create new work by offering them studio time, tech nical support and programmatic opportunity.

art and history, Day’s work ex emplifies this immersion of personal preoccu pation, a unique compositional line of enquiry and an emotive invitation to viewers to engage with that inquiry. The resulting observances confront viewers with a synthesis of new and often shocking realities. Day’s work is created in response to his own conflicting feelings of belonging as a man of mixed-race, which are compounded by the limit ed representation of diverse narratives by and of people of colour in art history and popular Day’sculture.practice investigates complex topics and social tensions through the use of the person al; often creating works that hold colour and light and the potential of how these incredible objects reflect the subtle and not-so- subtle integrations of ideas into individual lives and identities.

Our 3 artists appointed for 2022-23 are Grego ry Alliss, Juli Bolaños-Durman and Christopher ChristopherDay. Day is a mixed race artist who uses his craft to navigate what it means to be black in the UK. And also, white. While he might be both, he sometimes feels like he is not enough of either. His new work, deeply personal in exploration, are often self-portraits that ex plore what it means to be biracial in the UK by playing on stereotypes and aspects of gen Traditionseralisations.of

Winner of Jerwood Makers Open 2017, the ELLE DECORATION British Design Awards 2015- ECO DESIGN Category, Awarded Exceptional Talent (Promise) Visa endorsed by the Arts Council UK, Inches Carr Scottish Craft Award 2017, and her work is included in the collection of Mu seum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (MUDAC) Collection. Lausanne, CH., Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections Museum, National Glass Centre Collection 2021 & the Royal Edinburgh Hospital 2022, UK.

Teaching Assistants

Recently, campus has undergone developments to further increase our commitment to inclusive spaces and acces sible infrastructure. Improvements to our accommodation to aid towards a safe and secure environment for visit ing artists. We are committed to enabling access for our wider community of visitors through increasing and im proving our public spaces with the development of our new cafe and community space. Strengthening our commitment to community education and access to makerspace equip ment and resources.

The primary role of a TA is to support teaching activi ties within North Lands’ unique environment. Successful candidates will have an interest in teaching, great pro ject planning and time management skills, be proactive, and enjoy problem solving. All assistants must have ex tensive studio experience and an interest in collabora Artisttion. Educators Through our creative learning work, we use the arts to enable artists and communities to explore the world we live in, and to challenge inequality. Our work depends on the passion, commitment and drive of artists, community groups, leaders, activists and funders who believe in the power of the arts to illuminate our world. We wish to expand our pool of artists by inviting dynamic Socially Engaged Artists and Artist Educators, who have a minimum of three years’ experience of working with com munities, groups, and schools to apply. We are looking for artists who have experience in co-creating and crea tive learning to explore social and political issues.


North Lands Creative is seeking interns to participate in the studio activities, which looks to grant an immersive opportunity to work across all aspects of North Lands Creative studio life.Each candidate will work closely and under the supervision of our Studio team. Your contribu tion will be valued and support our programme moving for ward; leaving you with some vital, practical skills and experience. The intern can expect to gain experience and develop their skills in teamwork, studio duties, mainte nance and dealing with the studio students and visitors.

North Lands Creative 300 square metre state of the art studios are housed in a 19th century village school with natural light and the best equipment available with re cent upgrades across the campus to improve accessibility and functionality. The studio includes a hot shop, cold shop, kiln room, sandblasting room, mould room, and com munity space. The studios also feature lampworking equip ment, mobile furnace, 3D printer and a photography suite.

Studio Internships

Glass Lives Week is an initiative supported by the EU Creative Europe Programme. Project ISGNE celebrates the creative process of glass making, talented artists and their work from Europe or those who have a connection to European glass. Featuring films, podcasts, exhibition and interviews Glass Lives Week is an opportunity to en gage with fellow artists-makers-designers and a diverse audience, to share ideas and be inspired by each other. Come and celebrate Europe’s glass art and design tal ent. Across seven days, the online event offers a dynamic programme of presentations – the breadth and scale of the very best of European glass – from artists who have taken part in the ISGNE project - sharing their experience, a commentary on European Glass during uncertain times, and expertise and insight in abundance. Sign up to be part of the growing community of the ISGNE network which is free to join. Network members can also apply for two opportunities for the Glass Lives Week 2023 official programme. We are interested to hear from art ists who wish to: Share their experiences and submit pre-recorded talks or documentaries telling their journey with a focus on Eu ropean an online selling exhibition in partner ship with ABOUT THE FESTIVAL Glass, Meet the Future Film Festival is dedicated to pre senting a selection of new films pivoting around the me dium of glass. The festival showcases a cross section of international diverse and engaging series of short films curated and directed by female identified and non-binary filmmakers using glass as the predominant feature. GMTF is a microcosm to explore the human relationship with glass and film, exploring dynamics with the physi cal and environmental context, together with the human and social context. Glass Meet the Future Film Festival

January 2023

A very special feature of our programme for the UN In ternational Year of Glass is an exciting fundraising event. The ‘Assembly’ Auction continues the tradition and support for the Dan Klein’s Memorial Fund created as a tribute to Dan Klein (1938-2009), the UK’s preeminent glass advocate, writer, collector and a founding member of our organisation. Each artist has been invited to donate a small collectible ‘paperweight’ using their individual ingenuity and creativity. Featuring the work of over 70 leading artists and designers working in con temporary glass who are embedded in the international community glass scene, emerging makers, and collectible Proceedsartists. from the Auction enable North Lands Creative non-profit work to create more equitable opportunities in studio glass, provide platforms to promote important work, foster a diverse next generation of artists and makers, and define the future of glass making locally and internationally with our annual scholarship programme.

online events festivals&Dan Klein Memorial Fund ASSEMBLY AUCTION 3-18 October 2022 Glass Lives Week November 2022


North Lands

Founding Patron & Director PaulaStaff Avila, Housekeeper Jonathan Chi, Studio Manager Eric Dahlberg, Studio Manager Joanna Garrett, Programme Executive Sinéad Hargan, Caithness AiR: Environment (HCC) Chelsea Lightley, Operations Assistant Laura O’Kane, General Manager Karen Phillips, Director Michael Spencer, Building & Grounds Assistant BrandiBoard Clark, Chair Moira GordonJessamyJeffreyKellyKeyden, Vice Chair Audrey NorthCONTACTBertilElizabethKeithJaneHonoraryDenisFounderLordDanIainFounderChristopherJuliGregoryAssociateWhittyArtistsAllissBolaños-DurmanDayPatronsGunnKleinMaclennanofRogartMemberMannMembersBruceCummingsSwinburneVallienDETAILSLandsCreativeis




The presence of artists within a community can, through their approachability as people, help to demystify the experience which, though sometimes forbidding in prospect, can be exhilarating for those made ready for it. has brought into the Caithness community in general and to Lybster in particular wonderful, generousspirited artists, whose work and open approach to its challenges, has helped to make many of us more ready for the exhilaration of contemporary glass. - 2020)

Lord Maclennan of Rogart (1936

a Registered Charity (Charity Number SC023805) Limited by Guarantee. One of the most successful facilities of its kind in the UK. By providing subsidised spaces and excellent production amenities for visiting artists and the broader community, facilitates a wonderful variety of artistic production and generates awareness of contemporary artistic practice making us a significant organisation in the cultural landscape of Scotland, the UK and internationally. To find out more visit our back into supporting our core remit to facilitate artists to create new work. always looking out for talented people to work on a broad range of projects. If you feel like you can offer something to the team please send an email with CV, cover letter and images of previous experience to general@

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