News & Views Pastoral Ponderings: Getting ready to determine if we are ready – by Teri Thomas As many of you have heard we have a special committee here at Northminster called N.O.R.T. (Northminster Organ Team). In August of 2012 they began a thorough investigation of the status of our current organ and what options are available for repair, restoration, or replacement. In May of 2015 they reported to the Session with a recommendation that the present organ be replaced. For a detailed explanation of the present organ’s issues and the proposed solution, go to our website (, click on the Music tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page. The Session knows that a new organ will require a serious financial commitment on the part of the congregation. We cannot responsibly talk about a new organ without discussing the $600,000 loan we still have with PILP. When either of those topics comes up, someone asks, “What about mission?” In conversation and consultation with church fundraising firms, the suggestion came up for a three prong financial campaign. This suggestion is that we raise 1 mil-
lion for an organ, 1 million to pay off the building and refill the building contingency fund, and 1 million to embark in new areas of mission as a congregation. Please hear me when I say, this is only a suggestion at this time. No decisions have been made. So how do we go about making a decision of this magnitude? Every fundraiser we talked to suggested our first step should be a readiness assessment or feasibility study. Successful campaigns have shown it is a necessary step that enhances the churches capital stewardship potential. The Session has contracted with JD Klote & Associates to help us conduct such a study or assessment. To learn more about this firm just check out their web site at Through a series of focus groups, each member of the congregation will have the opportunity to hear about the proposed plans in detail and offer reactions, input and suggestions. The discussions at these gatherings will tell us if this is the right time for a campaign and if we have enough support for
these particular projects among our members. A consultant from Klote will be present taking notes at the meetings and will prepare a report for the Session at the end. Only after studying that report will the Session decide when and how to proceed. According to Klote, the benefits of this approach include: • Involves all church members. • Informs church members about the project and programs. • Stimulates broad involvement. (Continued, page 2)
April 2016
April 2016
Habitat for Humanity – April 23 12 spots have been reserved for Northminster volunteers for build day, Saturday, April 23. To sign up, go to: You will receive a confirmation email. The build site is located at 813 Warren Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46221. Please arrive by 7:45 am to sign in. Orientation, introductions and safety instructions will begin at 8:00 am. Lunch is provided (Domino’s, our 2016 Hospitality Sponsor, will provide pizza for all of our There is street parking available, build site volunteers!). Water will although this is a very tight street, be available on site. The day will with parking on both sides of the wrap up around 2:30 pm. road. McCarty Street is your best We build, rain or shine! Please plan option, just a few doors down with to arrive regardless of conditions. parking on the south side of the However, safety is priority. If instreet. clement weather persists, your lead superintendent will call the day, on site.
Interfaith Hospitality Network: May 1 - 8 Help to host Interfaith Hospitality Network families, May 1-8! Through the IHN, congregations throughout the city take turns hosting homeless families for a week, providing shelter, meals, security and compassion. We need people to prepare evening meals, act as dinner hosts, evening hosts, activity hosts (with the children), overnight hosts, to drive the IHN van, to help with set-up and clean-up. We would love to have some new volunteers!
Please prayerfully consider spending two or three hours of your time to provide a smiling face and helping hand to these families. Sign up in the Gathering Place on Sunday mornings starting April 3rd. There will be information available on the responsibilities of each volunteer position. The sign up sheet will also be posted across from the choir room during the week. Or call Nancy Flamme at 847-6692. Thank you for your consideration of this worthwhile project. -2-
Keep an eye out for a reminder email closer to your build date. We look forward to seeing you on site!
(Pastoral Ponderings, continued from page 1) • Identifies new leaders. • Develops sense of ownership for church members. • Assists in measuring timing and potential. • Enhances your capital-stewardship potential. We will keep all of you informed each step of the way in this process. We do want everyone’s full participation. Once we set the dates for the focus groups, we will encourage you to signup and attend one that is convenient for you. In the meantime, if you have questions please ask.
April 2016
April Worship – by Teri Thomas In April we move into the Easter Season. Instead of Old Testament lessons, the lectionary offers us readings from Acts. This is where we learn about the early church. What did it mean to be a church in those early days after Jesus’ resurrection? Our second readings will come from the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible. These readings speak of the church of the future. What will it mean when God’s kingdom is fully realized? By exploring the church of the past
and the church of the future, maybe we will find guidance and inspiration for the church of today, and particularly Northminster Church.
bring wholeness and health into our lives. All of our children’s choirs will participate in the 11:00 am service.
April 3 is the second Sunday of Easter. We will celebrate communion at both services.
April 24 is confirmation Sunday. Our confirmands will lead worship at both 9:00 and 11:00 am, and share some of their faith statements with us. The actual service of baptism and confirmation will take place at the 11:00 am service.
April 10 we hear the story of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. April 17 both readings challenge us to consider the power of God to
Foundation Minute – by Robert Rothrock
Support Our Mission Partner: Westminster Neighborhood Services WNS is pleased to announce some exciting events we have coming up this spring. These events help to fund Westminster Neighborhood Services pathways out of poverty projects for at-risk children and families. Food Fight: a Family-Friendly Cook-off Dinner. Tickets are available for this fundraiser, presented by Drink & Dish Local, 5-7 pm, Sunday, April 10, at Westminster's Family & Adult Services Center (445 N. State Avenue). Local culinary students and their chef instructors come together to battle for the title of local student master. Tickets are only $12 and may be purchased at this link: http://www.
Dinner with Dr. William Enright on April 20, discussing the importance of mission programs such as Westminster.
As you recall last month we published part one of a letter from a seminary student we support from funds from the Mathias Fund. Abbi Heimach-Snipes is a senior at McCormick Theological Seminary. Below is a recent update:
Family & Dog 5K Walk on the downtown canal, May 22. We have opportunities for congregations, church groups, and individuals to support WNS and participate in educational and fun events. Buy a table or individual tickets for one of the dinners or collect pledges for the 5K walk. We hope that you and your members will consider being a part of these exciting upcoming events. For more information, contact Harriet O’Connor, Executive Director, Westminster Neighborhood Services, Inc., at harriet.oconnor@ or 317-632-9785. -3-
“I just accepted a position at 4th Presbyterian Church in Chicago. I am still very much interested in church planting, but may pursue this later in the future, depending on where God calls me after 4th. - With peace, Abbi”
April 2016
Older Adult Ministry - by Denise Harrington
Caregiver Support Group A caregivers group will be starting on Thursday, April 7, at 5:30 pm, here at Northminster. The group will last for one hour, and will meet for 6 consecutive weeks. This group is open to anyone who is a caregiver. If you provide care for a child, parent or other family member you are welcome. Contact Denise Harrington with questions at 317-509-7085.
Presby Day at Northminster Presby Day means devotions, familiar hymns, trivia, food, humor, resource sharing and an exciting guest presenter, every second Thursday, including participants from Faith and Irvington Presbyterian Churches. On April 14, Presby Day will be hosted by Pastor Teri Thomas. We’ll have lunch with local TV celebrity, Dick Wolfsie, from 10 am to 2 pm, in Calvin Hall at Northminster.
Curious Conversations - by Ruth Moore Would you like to learn more about Northminster and its ministry and mission? Would you like to meet other people who are newer to our congregation? Do you know how to answer your friends if they ask you what it means to be a Presbyterian? We will discuss these questions and more at our next Curious Conversations on April 3 and 10, 10:00 am,
in the Conference Room. These conversations are not a new members’ class, but they are the first step in the membership process. Please let Associate Pastor Ruth Moore know if you can attend or would like more information. or 251-9489 ext. 14.
4th Sunday Adult Education class Join Associate Pastor Ruth Moore at 10 am on Sunday, April 24, in the Conference Room for an overview of the Book of Revelation. People are often intimidated by Revelation because of its difficult language, its talk of doomsday, destruction and judgement. But to ignore it is to ig-
nore who we are and who we could be. Revelation has had a profound influence on Western Christianity. We will be hearing more from this powerful book in worship in April and May. Come, join in the discussion, and let’s learn together!
What Do Deacons Do? The Deacons are selling blue t-shirts in the Gathering Place in April. (See order form in this newsletter.) This is a fundraiser for
the Deacons so we can continue to do outreach in the community and advertise NPC when we are out and about. -4-
This group of people in their 20’s and 30’s (and up!) joins together for food and conversations of faith on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Join us April 10 at 12:15 pm at Binkley’s for lunch. We will have childcare for mobile children at the church, so bring a lunch for them. Contact Associate Pastor Ruth Moore if you can attend, need more information or childcare: Ruthcmoore@northminster-indy. org or 251-9489 ext. 14.
Parents with a Passion
April 6: We will share our summer plans - travel tips, favorite family trips, from 6:157:15 pm in the Knox Room (upstairs). Send me a picture of your family traveling to be displayed on a bulletin board with our families and places they will be heading to this summer. April 13: Our ending celebration! Come and have dessert, snacks, and close the year with a family story! This is our final gathering before our break. We will resume our Wednesday night Parents with a Passion meetings in August when children’s choirs resume. Questions? Contact Julie Shannon at 251-9489 or jshannon@
April 2016
Worship through Arts and Mission (W.A.M.M.)
Step a bit closer to God in a new way; Grow in your Faith What is WAMM? Worship enrichment through Art, Mission, Music, and Mission. When/Where is WAMM? Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Gathering Place. Who can participate? WAMM is for everyone ages Kindergarten-Adult. WAMM is Intergenerational. Why? Learn more about and participate directly in Worship at Northminster Church. Watch the weekly email and the Monitors on Sunday morning for interesting, enriching opportunities in Worship, Art, Music and Mission. WAMM! April 3 - Sharing the good news! Working for justice (naming injustice). Stories under the stairs. Stained glass crosses.
April 10 - See the world in new ways! Butterfly crafts. Blinded by the Light! Stories under the stairs. April 17 - Showing up as ministry, Connect with others. Card making. Note writing. Pray the prayer list. April 24 - Tipping point. Make room for change. Inclusive love collage. Sharing food.
Christian Education / Family Ministries Happenings - by Debbie Bulloff School age children (K-5th gr) will attend worship with their parents and celebrate communion with the congregation on April 3. Look for the Children’s Bulletin, which will be available along with the regular Sunday Worship bulletin. After Time with Children, toddlers and preschoolers will proceed to their classrooms on the 1st floor of the C.E. wing for church school and care. Children’s Church for K-5th graders will be offered at both services on Sundays, April 10 and 24. On April 17, Children’s Church will be offered at 9:20 am only. Children’s Choirs will sing during 11 am worship on April 17. Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Church School and care will be offered every Sunday.
Wednesday Night Dinners are available at 5:30 pm, through Wednesday, April 13. Reservations are needed. Dinners are kid-friendly and we always have salad. Adults $4. Kids $2.50. Make a your meal reservation at 251-9489 by Monday at noon. Wednesday Evening Child Care/ Homework Help is available each Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm to cover all Wednesday evening activities. Child care will be conducted upstairs in the Christian Education classrooms for ages babies through middle school. Parents and Youth: please let the Child Care providers know if/where you will remain in the building during Wednesday evening activities.
Vacation Bible School/Arts Camp: June 6-9, from 5:45 8:00 pm. Join us for fun, music, drama, dancing, visual arts, plus snacks and games! This is for ALL ages, preschool through adult (age 4 by July 1, 2016). Volunteers are needed! Pre-Registration begins Sunday, May 8, in the Gathering Place at 10 am. Register early to assure a place in special Arts Camp “classes” such as photography, music, drama, painting, etc. Online registration begins Monday, May 16. Materials charge is $10. Scholarships are available! Interested in being part of the VBS/Arts Camp Creative Team? Join us on Tuesday evening, April 5, at 7:15 pm in Room 205, upstairs in the C.E. wing. Email Debbie Bulloff: dbulloff@northminster-indy. org.
Church School in April - by Debbie Bulloff
Peter’s Dream Consider the scripture and talk with your friends and family about the question at the end of each week’s lesson. Copies of the Bible stories for Lent through Eastertide are available in your child’s classroom. We are following the Lectionary for Year C. April 3 Scripture - Acts 5: 27-32 Alleluia! This week our Preschoolers will hear about the Good News of Easter! We will shout Alleluia, Praise God! We will learn to tell Jesus’ story. How will you share the Good News, that the cross is empty and Jesus is alive, in a new way!? April 10 Scripture - Acts 9: 1-6, 7-20 An enemy turned friend. The children of the Church School will consider the story of Saul who tried to get rid of the followers of Jesus. Something miraculous happened on the Damascus road that changed the future of the people of “The Way” forever. In what ways and through what persons, have you encountered Jesus? How will you share that encounter with others as
Ananias did? April 17 Scripture - Acts 9: 36-43 Loving Acts: The caring ministries of Tabitha and Peter. Tabitha, (identified with a title given to no other person in the N.T.: mathetria the feminine form of Greek for “disciple,”) did holy work among the widows of her community. Her compassion was hands on. When she falls ill, Peter is called to heal her. How shall we mirror the loving acts of Tabitha and Peter today? How shall we seek the welfare of the community and the world? April 24 Scripture: Acts 11:1-18 Tipping Point - Peter’s Dream. “The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”Gladwell. The Church School will consider the story of Peter’s vision and what his reaching out to the Gentiles meant for the message of Good News in the world. How do we include everyone and understand that God’s love is for all? -6-
April 2016
April Birthdays
Lorrie Klain Bob Bork Helen McNeil Eli Teising Kylie Flynn Kathy Diehl-Schick Meredith Stevens Ashleigh Rexford John Whiteman Mary Holland Lena Zubler Jack Whiteman David Scott Steven Senseny Bob Bowers Jim Clark Judy Reasoner Pattie Weyreter Anita Hicks Bob Mart Jackie Wilson Ed Swearingen Gloria Blake Josh Hill Victor Petricic Donna Schmahl Nancy Wynne Mildred Bagley Cheryl Jacklin Michael Shebek John Eyler Alicia Noneman Ella Stevens Luke Stevens Lily Banks Katharine Ruegger Rick Campbell Jack Anderson Juliet Hardesty Jessica Rasmussen Marilyn Davis
4/1 4/2 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/6 4/6 4/8 4/10 4/11 4/13 4/13 4/13 4/13 4/14 4/14 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/17 4/17 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/22
(Continued - page 7)
April 2016
April & May Youth Fellowship – by Julie Shannon April 3: Bowling Outing at Woodland Bowl, 6 - 7:30 pm. You can meet us at 3421 E. 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240, or meet at church by 5:30 pm to ride the bus. We will be finished bowling between 7:30 – 7:45 pm, and back to the church by 8 pm. Bring $1520 to cover the cost of two games ($4.55 per game), shoe rental ($3.40), and snacks. We will provide some community snacks. April 10: Mission Focused Youth Group, 6 – 8 pm, for middle and high school youth. We will be making bags to give out to those who are homeless, and writing notes to our members who are homebound. We will also play games, eat pizza, pray – you know, the regular stuff. April 17: Younger Youth Group evening (5 - 7th graders) from 5 – 7 pm. April 24: Confirmation Sunday all morning. Please come to worship to support the confirmation class. They will be leading our worship and sharing their faith statements at both 9 & 11 am worship services. At 10 am there will be cake, and at the 11 am worship service they will be confirmed. April 24: No evening Youth Fellowship.
May 1: The Youth will volunteer with Interfaith Hospitality Network as activity hosts from 6 – 8 pm. May 8: No evening Youth Group. Celebrate Mom! May 15: Regular Youth Group from 6 – 8 pm. May 21: Community Picnic. We need youth and families to help at this community picnic. We will have kid games (cornhole and such) and face painting!
May 22: Graduate recognition during the 9 & 11 am worship services. There will be a special breakfast in their honor at 10:15 am. Thanks to all who volunteered and participated in the Global Interfaith Partnership Open-Mic Night last month!
April Birthdays (Continued from page 6) Netta Mae Browne Maureen Cornelius Samuel Banks John Moore Juanita Cox Neil Moehring Wade Ricchiuto Lauren Lancaster -7-
4/22 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/27
Steve Boller Steven McNeil Pam Young Max Ruegger Sofia Merida Mike Runge Laura Stitle
4/28 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/29 4/29 4/30
April 2016
New Social Group –
NorthStars: Coming Events Join NorthStars on Friday, April 22, at 9:15 am to visit the Indiana History Center (450 W. Ohio St.). Engage in a debate of principles, recreating the Corydon Meeting House and the drafting of our state’s first constitution. Conversations are on issues such as education, slavery, personal liberty, and the balance of power between branches of the new government. The cost of this trip is $5.50. The Stardust Terrace Café ($12 and under) and several other restaurants are inside the museum. Take the church bus ($2), carpool from the church or drive individu-
by Betty Bowers
ally. Make reservations with Eileen Alsop (255-3248) or Lynne Tobin (590-6471). On Sunday, May 22, the NorthStars and other Northminster friends plan to attend “The Four Freshmen” concert at the Warren Performing Arts Center at 4 pm. Join the fun and relive the “good old days” of rock ’n roll. Tickets are $23 each. Seating is limited, so contact Dolly Craft promptly if you are interested: or 848-5170.
Dinners for 6, 7 or 8 – by Betty Bowers Make your reservation now to attend “Dinners for 6, 7 or 8” to be held on various dates in April. A hostess will call you to set the date, time, and location. You will determine what dish you will bring to
complete the menu. This is a great way to become better acquainted with other church members. A sign-up sheet is at the coffee bar in the Gathering Place, or you may call Betty Bowers at 259-7366.
Community Picnic – May 21 at 11:00 am The E-Team is inviting our Broad Ripple neighbors for a community picnic on Saturday, May 21, from 11 am to 2 pm. We will have hot dogs and other picnic fare, plus a bounce house, live music, face painting, and warm Northminster hospitality. Join us to help with the
picnic and greet our neighbors! We need volunteers to assist with set up, serving, clean up, church tours, etc. Contact Dolly Craft at,, or 317-8485170 for details or to volunteer.
Work Day Thank You
Thank you so much to our Spring Cleanup volunteers (March 18 & 19): Liz Aelick, Jim Arend, Bob Bowers , Bill Diehl, Tony Dzwonar, Bob Gudgel, Bill Lord, Dwight Moritz, Gary Ryan, David Scott and Russell Wareham. Northminster appreciates your time and talents! -8-
Last year, when we held revisioning meetings to identify the church needs for the next ten years, it was identified that there was a need for an additional social group, targeting the approximate age group of 45-60 years. Our church has social groups for various age groups, such as Tandem, NorthStars, Boomers, Mom-to-Mom, etc. These groups have traditionally planned their own programs to provide members opportunities to become better acquainted through activities outside of church programming. The Congregational Life Team is interested in facilitating the start of this new fellowship group. Why are social or fellowship groups important? A fellowship group is often an avenue for new members to become acquainted with church members who have common interests and are at a similar stage of life. It is an opportunity to make new friends, to have fun, and participate in new activities. For persons of this age group, (no proof of age is required!) bring your cup of coffee on April 10 at 10:15 am to Calvin Hall, to explore what type of programing would meet your needs for fun and fellowship. If you are involved with church school or other duties at this time period, send your ideas to the Congregational Life Team. You can find a member serving at the coffee bar.
April 2016
My Own Psalm - by the 3rd-5th Grade Children’s Church Class Psalms are like poems or songs written by people to talk about God, about life, and about creation. Using the outline based on Psalm 63: 1-8, here are their creations. “O God, you are my God! Your love is like a treasure, special in all ways. I see your power in the parks where all kids play. When I think of you, I imagine a cross and you on it. You have helped me when I fail. You lifted my spirit. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Jessie Gritton, 4th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like a dog, always wanting to play. I see your power in myself. When I think of you, I imagine peace. You have helped me since the day I was born. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Soloman Alexander, 4th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like the stars in the night sky. I see your power in helping the homeless. When I think of you, I imagine a loving, kind person. You have helped me when I felt sad and mistreated.
I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Lucy Hittle, 4th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like a calm ocean breeze. I see your power in the very room I’m in. When I think of you, I imagine a kind, loving person. You have helped me when I was sad and sorrowful. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Sophia Johnson, 4th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like a friend who you can trust and always depend on. I see your power in the sun, your gift of light to us. When I think of you, I imagine great power, with love for all creation. You have helped me when I lost someone. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Sarah Crook, 5th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like an infinite inferno. I see your power in strong pressures (such as oceans.) When I think of you, I imagine good luck. You have helped me when I had appendicitis. -9-
I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Madi Mokube, 6th Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like my mom’s love. I see your power in trees. When I think of you, I imagine a wizard. You have helped me when I have to sleep. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Hank Senseny, 3rd Grade” “O God, you are my God! Your love is like burritos, fresh from the oven. I see your power in goats, pigs and red pandas! When I think of you, I imagine you surrounded in cupids. You have helped me when I got my marshmallow just right. I want to stay close to you, because you will always love and support me. - Sam Winkler, 4th Grade”
April 2016
April 2016 Calendar of Events Friday, April 01 Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Gibson Brothers concert 7:00pm Saturday, April 02 Hershberger music lessons 8:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Sunday, April 03 Communion preparation 8:30am Worship 9:00am Nursery, toddler, preschool / church school & care 9:00am Tutoring 10:00am Curious Conversations 10:00am WAMM / Fellowship 10:00am Confirmation 10:00am Communion preparation 10:30am Worship 11:00am Music Committee 12:05pm Handbell Choir 1:00pm K. Wright music lessons 1:00pm Youth Fellowship (away) 6:00pm Monday, April 04 Chancel Care 8:30am Card group 9:00am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm Hershberger music lessons 3:00pm AA Bellringers Group 7:30pm Tuesday, April 05 Library Committee 10:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Women's Bible Study 11:00am K. Wright music lessons 11:00am Petricic - Organ lessons 1:00pm Exercise class 1:30pm Team Meetings 7:00pm Wednesday, April 06 Men's Prayer Breakfast 7:00am K. Wright music lessons 12:00pm Tutoring 4:45pm Petricic - Organ lessons 4:50pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Bel Canto 6:00pm Peace Choir 6:00pm
Covenant Bible Study 6:00pm Childcare 6:00pm Celebration Choir 6:15pm Parents with a Passion 6:15pm Chancel Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Homework Help 7:00pm Thursday, April 07 Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Lunch With Friends 11:30am Organ Practice- Marko 1:00pm 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm K. Wright music lessons 2:00pm Caregivers Group 5:30pm Men's Workshop / AA 6:30pm Circle 3 7:00pm Friday, April 08 Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Student Recital - Marko 7:00pm Saturday, April 09 Hershberger music lessons 8:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Sunday, April 10 Worship 9:00am Nursery, toddler, preschool / church school & care 9:00am Children's Church 9:20am Tutoring 10:00am Curious Conversations 10:00am WAMM / Fellowship 10:00am Confirmation 10:00am 40-55's Social Group 10:15am Worship 11:00am Children's Church 11:20am Chamber Ensemble 12:05pm #FoodandFaith 12:05pm Handbell Choir 1:00pm K. Wright music lessons 1:00pm Youth Fellowship 6:00pm Monday, April 11 Chancel Care 8:30am Card group 9:00am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm - 10 -
Hershberger music lessons 3:00pm Stephen Ministry 6:00pm AA Bellringers Group 7:30pm Tuesday, April 12 Food Pantry @ 2nd Pres. 8:00am Preschool & MDO 8:30am Library Committee 10:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Women's Bible Study 11:00am K. Wright music lessons 11:00am Tandem Group 11:30am Preschool extended day 11:30am Exercise class 1:30pm Petricic - Organ lessons 2:30pm Deacon's Meeting 7:00pm Wednesday, April 13 Men's Prayer Breakfast 7:00am Preschool & MDO 8:30am Spiritual Striders 9:00am Preschool extended day 11:30am K. Wright music lessons 12:00pm Tutoring 4:45pm Petricic - Organ lessons 4:50pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Bel Canto 6:00pm Peace Choir 6:00pm Covenant Bible Study 6:00pm Childcare 6:00pm Celebration Choir 6:15pm Parents with a Passion 6:15pm Chancel Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Homework Help 7:00pm Chamber Ensemble 8:40pm Thursday, April 14 Preschool & MDO 8:30am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Presby Day @ NPC 10:00am Lunch With Friends 11:30am Preschool extended day 11:30am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm Exercise class 1:30pm K. Wright music lessons 2:00pm (Continued, page 11)
NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (April 2016 events, continued) Caregivers Group 5:30pm Men's Workshop / AA 6:30pm Friday, April 15 Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Saturday, April 16 Hershberger music lessons 8:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Sunday, April 17 Worship 9:00am All choirs in worship 9:00am Nursery, toddler, preschool / church school & care 9:00am Children's Church 9:20am Tutoring 10:00am WAMM / Fellowship 10:00am Worship 11:00am Children's Church 11:20am Chamber Ensemble 12:05pm Handbell Choir 1:00pm K. Wright music lessons 1:00pm Youth (5-7th grades) 6:00pm Monday, April 18 Chancel Care 8:30am Card group 9:00am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm Hershberger music lessons 3:00pm AA Bellringers Group 7:30pm Tuesday, April 19 Preschool & MDO 8:30am Library Committee 10:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Women's Bible Study 11:00am K. Wright music lessons 11:00am Preschool extended day 11:30am Exercise class 1:30pm Petricic - Organ lessons 2:30pm Session Meeting 6:30pm Session (Confirmands) 7:00pm Wednesday, April 20 Men's Prayer Breakfast 7:00am Preschool & MDO 8:30am Preschool extended day 11:30am
April 2016
K. Wright music lessons 12:00pm Tutoring 4:45pm Petricic - Organ lessons 4:50pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Bel Canto 6:00pm Covenant Bible Study 6:00pm Celebration Choir 6:15pm Chancel Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Chamber Ensemble 8:40pm Thursday, April 21 Preschool & MDO 8:30am Center for Cong. Workshop 9:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Lunch With Friends 11:30am Preschool extended day 11:30am K. Wright music lessons 2:00pm Caregivers Group 5:30pm Men's Workshop / AA 6:30pm Foundation Board Mtg. 7:00pm Friday, April 22 NorthStars trip 9:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Saturday, April 23 Hershberger music lessons 8:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am K. Wright Group Lesson 1:00pm Sunday, April 24 Worship 9:00am Confirmation Sunday 9:00am Nursery, toddler, preschool / church school & care 9:00am Children's Church 9:20am Tutoring 10:00am 4th Sunday Adult Study 10:00am WAMM / Fellowship 10:00am Chamber Ensemble 10:15am Worship 11:00am Children's Church 11:20am Music Committee 12:05pm Handbell Choir 1:00pm K. Wright music lessons 1:00pm Monday, April 25 Chancel Care 8:30am - 11 -
Card group 9:00am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm Hershberger music lessons 3:00pm AA Bellringers Group 7:30pm Tuesday, April 26 Preschool & MDO 8:30am Newsletter Assembly 9:00am Library Committee 10:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Women's Bible Study 11:00am K. Wright music lessons 11:00am Preschool extended day 11:30am Exercise class 1:30pm Petricic - Organ lessons 2:30pm Ruth Circle (1) 7:00pm Wednesday, April 27 Men's Prayer Breakfast 7:00am Preschool & MDO 8:30am Spiritual Striders 9:00am Preschool - extended day 11:30am K. Wright music lessons 12:00pm Tutoring 4:45pm Petricic - Organ lessons 4:50pm Covenant Bible Study 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Bel Canto 6:00pm Celebration Choir 6:15pm Chancel Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Thursday, April 28 Preschool & MDO 8:30am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Lunch With Friends 11:30am Preschool extended day 11:30am 3B - Senior Ministry 1:30pm K. Wright music lessons 2:00pm Caregivers Group 5:30pm Men's Workshop / AA 6:30pm Canterbury N. Assoc. 7:00pm Friday, April 29 Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am Saturday, April 30 Hershberger music lessons 8:00am Organ Practice - Stegall 10:00am
seek, serve and embrace Sound & Spirit presents - The Rose Ensemble - May 6 Aloha oukou (Aloha to all of you!) – by Maureen Purcell Sound & Spirit is proud to welcome back the amazing Rose Ensemble, Friday, May 6 at 7 p.m. in our sanctuary as they celebrate their 20th Anniversary. You are invited to wear your floral shirts. This free concert is The Last Queen of Hawaii: Music from the Soul of the Hawaiian Saga. Founded in 1996 by Artistic Director Jordan Sramek, The Rose Ensemble has achieved an international reputation as a premiere American early music ensemble. Each performance illuminates centuries of rarely heard repertoire, bringing to modern audiences research from the world’s manuscript libraries and fresh perspectives on history, culture, politics and spirituality from around the globe. With ten critically acclaimed recordings and a diverse selection of concert programs, the group has thrilled audiences across the United States and Europe with repertoire spanning 1,000 years and over 25 languages. Unique for Sound & Spirit, the concert will take us on a journey through Hawaii’s musical heritage
– steeped in tradition, transformed by world influences and reborn through the struggle to carry the past into the present. This is an artistic legacy that looks and sounds nothing like a stereotype. Don’t expect Don Ho. But do expect to ask for an encore – hana hou.
ings have been called “first class” (Neuss-Grevenbroicher Zeitung), “impassioned and brightly alive” (Choral Journal) and “engaging . .. satisfying” (Gramophone). Founder Jordan Sramek received the 2010 Louis Botto Award from Chorus America “for entrepreneurial zeal.”
The Rose Ensemble is the recipient of the 2005 Chorus America Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, and first prize winner in both sacred and secular music categories at the 2012 Tolosa Choral Contest in Spain (part of the European Choral Grand Prix). The group’s concerts and record-
Thanks to the financial support of sponsors and the free-will offerings collected during performances, Sound & Spirit holds fast to free celebrations of art and artistry in Broad Ripple and the surrounding community. Tell your friends. Childcare will be available.
April 2016
Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 317-251-9489
Northminster T-Shirt Order Form Don’t miss out on ordering your Northminster “Spirit” Wear! The deacons are selling Northminster t-shirts in Adult and Youth sizes. What a great way to show your Spirit from the inside out! Wear your t-shirt to the Community Picnic in May, or when you volunteer at School 55, or when the kids are travelling together on mission trips, etc. The shirts will be tagless and made of pre-shrunk 100% cotton in royal blue with the Northminster logo in white. Orders will be accepted through Sunday, April 24th. Payment must accompany your order. Anticipated order delivery is Sunday, May 15th. To place an order, fill out an order form, attach your payment and return it to the church office. There will be deacons available in the Gathering Place during Sunday morning coffee hours in April to answer any questions and assist you with your order. Sample shirts will be on display. Adult shirts $15 (sizes S – 4XL). Youth shirts $10 (sizes XS – XL). Proceeds benefit the Deacon’s fund. Adult t-shirts ($15) Quantity
Youth t-shirts ($10) Quantity
X Small (2/4)
Small (6/8)
Medium (10/12)
Large (14/16)
X-Large (18/20)
Totals: #___________Adult t-shirts @ $15 = $________ #___________Youth t-shirts @ $10 = $________ Grand Total = $________ (Make Checks payable to Northminster)
Name_________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________ Questions? Contact Barb Hill at or 317-850-4238