June 2017
News & Views A newsletter of Northminster Presbyterian Church
FREE Community Picnic Sunday, June 4 - page 2
Pentecost Mandala - from Sanctified Art
(Details, page 3) visit us on Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 am
June 2017
Pastoral Ponderings from Pastor Teri One of the tour companies I have traveled with brands themselves as hosting tours for thinking people. They offer reading lists before the trip. They offer lectures during the trip on history, language, geography, food, and culture. This is all so the visitor has a deeper experience of the place and the people and is not simply an observer or tourist. I like to believe that we are a church for thinking people and one of my goals is always to encourage us to think together. If you look around the church this summer you may see people reading a book called Facing Decline, Finding Hope: New Possibilities for Faithful Churches. I used
sections of the book in my report to the congregation last January. We explored some of the ideas in our officer retreat and the Session and Deacons are all reading the book this year. Want to get on board? Need some good vacation reading? There are several copies of the book in the church library for you to borrow (254.5JON). If you want your own it is $22 on Amazon, $13.19 for a Kindle edition, or you can get it in the church office for $20, while supplies last. On August 20th we are going to have lunch following the 11:00 service at noon. Everyone is invited to come to lunch and join in a conversation about the book and what it says to us, here at Northminster.
The core section of the book we want to talk about is called Part 2: Old and New Questions. (See question list, below.) The author’s central thesis is that we need to change the questions we ask. I hope many of you will take part in this conversation. You may attend on August 20th even if you haven’t read the book. You can read the book and pass it on to others. Your comments, insights, questions, and ideas are all valuable in the conversation. We want to hear from you. Start reading and enter the date of August 20th on your calendar now. Happy vacation! Keep on thinking!
Old Question New Question How do we bring people into church? How do we send people out of church? What can the pastor do?
What can the congregation do?
What is our vision and how do we make it happen?
What is God doing and how do we get on board?
How do we survive? How do we serve? What are we doing to save people? How can we make God’s reign more present in this time and place?
Community Picnic VBS Music & Arts Camp Kick-off
Join us Sunday afternoon, June 4, from Noon-3:00 pm for a VBS Kick-off, featuring a Community Picnic, Storytelling, Music, Games, Yoga, Bounce House, and a big Birthday Party for the Church. This afternoon celebration is for everyone!
June 2017
VBS Music & Arts Camp will be with the Drama Crew to tell the Monday through Wednesday, June Pentecost story from different 5 - 7, from 5:45-8:00 pm. Cost: points of view. $10 for supplies. Scholarships are At 7:20 p.m. everyone will particavailable. This is an intergeneraipate in Games and there will be tional event for all ages. SNACKS each evening. At 7:45 VBS Music & Arts Camp will p.m. we will all gather together in open each evening with Music the Sanctuary for Closing Worship, and Storytelling at 5:45 pm. Music and announcements. Arts Camp will feature a 45-50 Preschoolers will experience Earth, minute session from 6:35-7:20 pm Wind, and Fire in their own classeach evening for concentration in room setting. For kids age 4 by an arts offering. Everyone will June 1, 2017- rising Kindergartenget an opportunity to experience a ers. different class each evening. Child Care for all volunteers/adult Register on the Featured Events participants who have younger page of our website. Please indichildren will be available. All cate your top three choices on the children in Nursery care must be registration form. Every effort registered in advance. will be made to place folks into those choices. Let your friends and neighbors know! VBS/Arts Camp is an interChoose three classes from: generational event for everyone. 1. Music - including a drum This is the biggest event of our circle. Church School year! Questions? Ask any C.E. Team member! Email 2. Yoga - Story and Stretch! with Debbie Bulloff dbulloff@northMs. Tracey Hart, cerified yoga minster-indy.org. instructor. Acts 2: 1-4 When the day of 3. Art - including kite and pinPentecost had come, they were all wheel making and decorating. together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound 4. Journalism -Wednesday evelike the rush of a violent wind, and ning Newspaper and photos for it filled the entire house where they nightly VBS Facebook posts. were sitting. Divided tongues, as of 5. Drama/Storytelling - Work -3-
fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Fourth Sunday Adult Education
June 25th at 10 am in Board Room We will finish our Marcus Borg video series with a discussion on Community. We will explore what Christian community is all about, where we can experience it and what we are looking for that community might offer at this time in our lives. Come join us - no previous participation is needed or expected.
June 2017
The Northminster Archives are Coming Alive! Watch for tables set up on the ramp (where the light is good) with pictures from our archives. Please take a sticky note and tell us who is in the picture, approximate date, and what they were doing. (Please add your name at the bottom.) We’re getting ready to celebrate 75 years of existence! We want to get our archives in order and share the contents with you. • We’ll have facts/articles in News & Views. It may be a “Did you know?” or a “Can you find?” or “What happened in (insert year)?” • We’ll begin an oral/video history project to collect reminiscences from members and friends.
• We’ll catalog artifacts within the walls such as artwork, masks, collections, etc. If you’re interested in writing, oral history, videography, cataloging artifacts or helping to organize the archives room, contact Nancy Sala (nancys@northminster-indy. org or 317-251-9489) and we’ll get started! If you want to help plan the 75th Anniversary Party, contact Barb Stayton (barbarajstayton@ gmail.com) or Sally Gray (sallygray1949@gmail.com).
Thank You Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your cards. Thank you for your food. Thank you for your hugs. Thank you for your inquiries. It has been a humbling experience for Carol and me. Northminster members and staff have helped in many ways. I am currently about halfway through my treatment program and do not know what may come next. I feel good today. - Jim Mann (pictured at right with granddaughters), Carol, Jacob and Susan Mann
June Worship - by Teri Thomas
June 4th is Pentecost, the day we celebrate the gift of the Spirit to the disciples and the beginning of the church. We will celebrate communion and kick off VBS today. There will be Earth, Wind and Fire! Don’t miss this huge celebration and all the fun. Bring your friends and neighbors to join the festivities during and following worship. June 11th is called Trinity Sunday. While the concept of a triune God is not found explicitly in scripture, this has been a doctrine of the church since the early 4th century. We can read scriptures that name all three persons and give us understanding. June 18th is the second Sunday of Pentecost and we are going to talk about GRACE. It may be a small word but its implications and promises are tremendous. Did you know that God’s grace is like a side order of grits? Come find out why. June 25th, the 3rd Sunday of Pentecost we read in Genesis 21 about a broken family, hard feelings, and separations. This story has traditionally been used to explain the origin of the three Abrahamic faith traditions- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Did the conflicts of today begin with Sarah and Hagar?
June 2017
Christian Education/Family Ministries Happenings All School age children (K-5th gr) will attend worship with their parents and celebrate Communion with the Congregation on Sunday, June 4, 2017. Look for the Children’s Worship Bulletin which will be available along with the regular Sunday Worship bulletin. After Time with Children, Toddlers and Preschoolers will proceed to their classrooms on the 1st floor of the C.E. wing for Church School and care. Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Church School and care is available every Sunday. Children’s Church for K-5th graders will be offered at both services, after the Time with Children on Sundays, June 11, 18 and 25. We plan a relaxing time with videos, crafts, and snacks this summer as we journey through Matthew and Genesis to learn stories of our faith. Church School in June Consider the scripture and talk with your friends and family about the question at the end of each week’s lesson. We are following the Lectionary for Year A. June 4: Acts 2: 1-21 Preschoolers will focus on the story of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to Jesus’ disciples with wind and fire! Using The Day When God Made Church, they will blow some bubbles, make some flame hats and celebrate the birthday of the Church! God’s Spirit is with us and people can
see it in the things that we do! How do you show God’s love in concrete ways? June 11: Genesis 1: 1-2: 4a Formed by Love. The Church School will listen to the first Creation story and consider that God has trusted people to be the image of God for the sake of creation. We are part of this good creation. How shall we care for it? June 18: Matthew 9: 35-10:8, (9-23) Compassion. Jesus calls others to help him spread God’s liberating justice farther that he could all by himself. How are we called to do this important work? Do we have to do it by ourselves? Write some Acrostic Poems and make some Giving Pockets to use through the summertime. June 25: Matthew10: 24-39 God and Sparrows. Jesus reminded all that God knows all, even the sparrows. When we confront the barriers of injustice, there may be a cost. But God will be with us no matter what. How can we follow God and understand when God says, “Do not be afraid!” WAMM - Worship through Arts, Music and Mission - In the Gathering Place at 10:00 am Stories under the Stairs continue. Little Round Table activities for our youngest children. Sing with Miss Olivia on June 11! Get coffee/ snacks and see what’s happening! -5-
Church Library News Check out titles by Bruce Feiler including: Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land through the Five Books of Moses; Abraham; A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths and Where God was Born: A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religion. For children, Feiler offers Walking the Bible :an illustrated journey for kids through the greatest stories ever told. Feiler challenges us to take back the Bible and use its powerful voice as a beacon of shared ideals. We will have book displays supporting Continuing The Journey - Racism and White Privilege Summer Reading/ Listening/Watching Club on the Library table. Come upstairs via the elevator or Gathering Place stairs and check them out!
Help this Summer in Church School
If you are willing and available to help out in the Nursery, Preschool Church School, or Children’s Church at either Worship Service this summer, please let Debbie Bulloff know. We background check all adults who teach/assist with our babies, toddlers, children, and youth at Northminster.
June 2017
Continuing the Journey: Racism and White Privilege - by Carol McDonald
More than 100 of us traveled the Lenten journey together exploring issues related to Racism and White Privilege. Again and again, the question was asked, “What’s Next? We want to keep learning. We want to keep growing in knowledge and understanding and commitment to the difficult issues of our world and our time.” So… Northminster’s Summer Read/ Listening/Watching Club is for children, youth, and adults! We’ll meet from May to September 10. Lists of suggested books, articles, movies, and podcasts for all ages are available in the Gathering Place and on all the
information tables, as well as on the Featured Events page of our website.
Thursday, July 13 – 11:45 a.m. The Gathering Place. Bring your lunch. Beverages provided.
A “reporting board” is available in the Gathering Place so you can share your discoveries with all of us! Join us at any or all of the following times:
Sunday, August 27 – 10 a.m. Calvin Hall.
Sunday, June 18 – 10 a.m. Calvin Hall. Thursday, June 22 – 11:45 a.m. The Gathering Place. Bring your lunch. Beverages provided. Sunday, July 9 – 10 a.m. Calvin Hall.
Sunday, June 4 - Pentecost Offering A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Giving envelopes are found in member’s envelope boxes, in the pew racks or you can give at pcusa.org/pentecost. This offering is appropriately received at Pentecost, just as the church is remembering the
coming of the Holy Spirit with its wondrous animating activity in the life of the church. The children and youth who benefit from these gifts are themselves an animating presence in the church of today, whether members of Sunday schools or neighborhood children who receive hospitality and homework assistance. The Pentecost offering is a Christian discipline of stewardship in which, through revenue sharing, the whole church witnesses to Jesus’ injunction that “whoever welcomes one of these little ones, welcomes me.” It just makes sense – dollars and cents! -6-
Thursday, August 31 – 11:45 a.m. The Gathering Place – Bring your lunch … beverages provided. Sunday, September 10 – All Readers/Listeners/Watchers will be celebrated in Worship at both 9 and 11 a.m. (Discussions will be facilitated by Parish Associate Carol McDonald)
What Do Deacons Do? The Deacons are hosting an Honor Roll banquet for students, parents and teachers from School 55 on Thursday, June 1st in Calvin Hall. There will be dinner, prizes and certificates of achievement for all students who have been on the honor roll for the school year 2016-2107. The Deacons are helping (the Deacons are always helping!!!) with the Community Picnic and Vacation Bible School on Sunday, June 4th. Come help them set up the tables, distribute the food, play the games and then clean it all up.
June 2017
Back to School Extravaganza is Coming! - by Jerry Gray It is that time of year again when we start preparing for our church’s participation in the “Back to School Extravaganza” at St. Luke’s Methodist Church. Each year we partner with Second Presbyterian Church and the First Mennonite Church to provide dental screening, hair-cuts, books, shoes, back packs and school supplies and of course, our part, the clothing store. We recycle gently used clothing for children left in the “lost & founds” of the Washington Township Schools and the Carmel Clay Schools. We take these clothes and launder them, sort them and place them on hangers and in boxes for the extravaganza. Here are the im-
portant things for you to know and the times you can volunteer.
Gathering Space from 9:00am to 1:00pm. (25 volunteers needed)
June 1st to July 15th: White trash bags filled with dirty clothes will be placed in the center of the Gathering Space in the yellow hamper. Please pick up a bag or two and take home with you, launder these items and return to the church for processing.
July 28th: Set up the clothing store at St. Luke’s from 3:00pm to 6pm. (20 volunteers needed)
June 15th to July 20th: There will be announced times to sort the cleaned items, inventorying them and placing them in boxes. July 19th: Sorting of clothes and preparation for the event in the
July 29th: Back to School Extravaganza event. Two shifts of 20 workers each will be needed. (First Shift – 9:30am to 12:30pm, Second Shift 12:15 pm to 3:15pm) Sign-up sheets for these events will be available at a later time. Thank you all in advance for this enormous effort in aiding needy children in our local area. It is truly God’s work.
New Members in 2017 Ron and Mary Calkins – come to us by certificate of transfer from another Presbyterian church. They are both retired and have already become active by helping to HOST on Sunday mornings. They are former elders, Mary was a deacon, and they both have sung in their church choir. Elizabeth Brandes – comes to us by profession of faith. She was formerly very active in her Lutheran church. Elizabeth is Vice President of Marketing at Student Connections. She is also fluent in German and has a beautiful singing voice.
Kyle and Trena Trowbridge – come to us by reaffirmation of faith. Trena is the Office Manager of TrendyMinds and Kyle is a Data Analyst for Ascension Health. He is also enrolled at CTS in the fall for a Master of Theology degree. Norma Blake – comes to us by certificate of transfer from a Lutheran church. She is retired. She first came to Northminster when she brought her daughter for violin lessons at the church with Kathy Hershberger who often plays in worship for us. Norma is already active in the Chancel Choir.
David and Marcia Young – come to us by certificate of transfer from a Presbyterian Church in Ohio. David is a retired Presbyterian Minister and Marcia a retired psychiatric nurse and administrator. They are the parents of member Jennifer Young Dzwonar. Evan and Suzy Steger – come to us by certificate of transfer from another Presbyterian church. They are both retired, Evan as an attorney, and spend a great deal of time in their house on Beaver Island, Michigan. But they will be worshipping with us in the colder months!
June 2017
Youth Fellowship and Graduation News Congratulations Graduates! Congratulations to our many graduates. Here is a quick list of our high school, college, and graduate school grads. High School: Avery Smith, Ben Plunkett, John Call, Adam McGoff, Jason Boone, Megan Yohn, Tesfome Gebrenegus, Jacob Dzwonar, Robin Alexander, Lauren Palladino, Gillian Paxton. College: Gabe Boris, Jack Dynes, Keflome Gebrenegus, Olivia Browne. Graduate School: Alan Hill, Rebecca Huehls. Yay! When you get a chance, make sure to congratulate them, and continue to lift them up in prayer as they head off on a new adventure! Thank you to Jackie Schmidt and her family for providing the Teri Thomas Scholarship for our high school graduates who plan to go on to Indiana colleges. Helping with VBS Music & Arts Camp We need youth, parents, & families to participate in many ways. We are teaming up with the E-team for our community picnic on June 4th. We need actors to dress in character and tell the Pentecost story. There will also be activities & games for all. Then on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday -5:45-8pm -Vacation Bible School —Earth, Wind,
& Fire. Come and participate and volunteer. Please contact Debbie Bulloff for details. Youth who want a specific volunteer job please contact me, Julie Shannon. Also— we will go out and get a treat on Tuesday night following VBS. Summer Youth Fellowship June 15th There will be a local mission and fun experience planned. Our trip, planned with North United Methodist Church, is cancelled. (I will line up an event locally and get the details out soon.) June 21st-25th Our middle school youth and chaperones head to Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference in Harrisonburg, VA. Please pray for Stella Shannon, Caroline Kelter, Lilly Banks, Ally Yohn, Audrey Neterval, Isabelle Ruegger, Conner O’Reilly, Mike Shannon, Nancy Flamme, Maryanne Ruegger and Julie Shannon. June 25th-July1st Montreat Worship & Music Conference. There are several Northminster families participating in this wonderful conference - singing, worshipping, doing art, and living in community. July 16th-22nd Montreat Youth Conference. Our high school youth are headed to Montreat, North Carolina. Please pray for David Cornett, Emma Longo, Leah Shannon, Megan -8-
& Aidan Yohn, Steve Neterval, Marie Baumgartner, and Julie Shannon. We will be joined by two youth from Whitelick Presbyterian Church. If you have questions or need more information please contact jshannon@northminster-indy.org. Blessings – Julie Shannon
NorthStars June Event On Thursday, June 15th, the NorthStars will be heading to downtown Indianapolis to the Eskenazi Hospital. We will visit their very interesting Sky Farm (with the Sky Farmer). Later, we will lunch in the hospital at Café Soleil and have time to see the T.C. Steele art exibit in the lobby. Plans are to carpool from church, leaving promptly at 10:00 am. Those choosing not to carpool must be in the Eskenazi Hospital lobby no later than 10:45 am. Sign up in the Gathering Place on Sundays, May 28 - June 11. Reservations may also be made by calling Nancy Durrett @ 317-430-6500.
June 2017
Go and See! See what? You’ll see soon ... Newsletter Stuffers Needed
Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma & Sunset Festival Proceeds benefit skin cancer education and melanoma research Saturday, June 17, 6pm Fort Harrison State Park/Lawton Loop 1-mile walk, 5K run/walk, 5-mile timed run Live music, food trucks, wine/beer garden, games, kids' zone Registration and information: www.outrunthesun.org -9-
Can you spare a couple of hours a month at church? On the last Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am, a small group of devoted people get together to fold and “stuff” our monthly newsletter. We are all friendly and would welcome you to join us! The pay is nothing, but the side benefits are great! - fresh coffee, pastries and new friends! Contact Susan Glant at sglant@ northminster-indy.org or Bob Bowers at 317-259-7366 with questions.
June 2017
Presby Day in June This event is all about music! Our special guests will be the Marion County Extension Chords (below). Come for a fun
time in song. Join us at 10 am on June 8, downstairs in Calvin Hall. Lunch cost: $5. Call 317-251-9489 to RSVP by June 5th.
Habitat for Humanity - Homeowner Receives Helping Hand On Saturday, April 22nd, a dozen Northminster volunteers arrived early in the morning to lend a helping hand to a new Habitat for Humanity home, along with future homeowner, Danyelle. The framing crew, consisting of Bob Bowers, Rob Day, Nancy Flamme, Gabe Goncalves, and Max Ruegger, not only framed but set the shower/tub and wrapped the house exterior with the moisture barrier.
The day was not only great fun but truly helped Danyelle take the next step in her life as a proud homeowner. The home dedication is set for June 16th. We would encourage anyone and everyone from Northminster to attend this very rewarding event. Thanks to all the Northminster volunteers who gave of their time and energy for this very worthwhile project.
Meanwhile Jim Aelick, Tony Dzwonar and Clint Winkler were on the roof constructing the architectural gable at the front of the house. Adam Newsome and Bo Walker installed the gutter board and later, under the expert leadership of John Brooks and Gabe, Adam and Bo assisted in installing all windows in the house. And Jerry Gray operated the table saw with surgical precision. - 10 -
Contact Denise Harrington
Your Senior Consultant, Denise Harrington, is here to answer questions about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Caregiving, Rehabilitation Therapy, Estate Planning, Grief, Probate and Guardianship or a referral for Elder Law. Contact Denise at 317-509-7085 or email dharrington@northminster-indy.org.
She is also available at the church on Thursdays.
(Pictured below: Northminster members volunteered for the April 22 Habitat build.)
June 2017
June Calendar Highlights June 1 6:00 PM - School 55 Honors Banquet
June 13 6:00 PM - Worship Planning Party
June 4 12:00 PM - Community Picnic
June 15 9:00 AM - NorthStars Trip to Eskenazi Hospital
June 5 - 7 5:45 PM - VBS Music & Arts Camp
June 18 10:00 AM - HOST Training 10:00 AM - Exploring Racism/ White Privilege
June 5 6:00 PM - Caregiver Support Group June 6 7:00 PM - Team Night
June 20 8:00 AM - Massanetta Middle School Conference 7:00 PM - Session Meeting
June 7 1:00 PM - Afternoon Caregiver Support Group
June 22 11:45 AM - Exploring Racism/ White Privilege
June 8 10:00 AM - Presby Day at Northminster
June 25 - July 1 8 AM - Montreat Worship & Music Conference 10:00 AM - 4th Studay Adult Education 12:00 PM - HOST Training
June 11 10:00 AM - Exploring Racism/ White Privilege 12:00 PM - New Member Brunch 4:30 PM - #foodandfaith Evening Cookout
June 27 9:00 AM - Newsletter Assembly
June 2017 Birthdays Melinda Butler 6/1 Mike Bensi 6/1 Suzanne Gaidoo 6/1 Norman Best Jr 6/2 Patricia McVey 6/4 Nathan Kinney 6/4 Colleen Hooper 6/6 August Neier 6/6 Jennifer Skeels 6/6 Leona Morack 6/6 Stephanie Mansell 6/7 Ian Clarke 6/7 Sharon Parsley 6/7 Mimi Davis 6/8 Jim Dougans 6/9 Deb Goodchild 6/9 Joyce Hall 6/10 Margaret Thompson 6/12
Loretta Olivier Denny Phegley Jr Sarah Oldham Barb Weber James Wark Morgan Boone Jeff Hunter Peter Johnson Jr. Janice Bilby Amy Stults Craig Hittle Elizabeth Eckert Robert Nation Rebecca Haag Nancy Flamme Lori Mail Christina Call - 11 -
6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/22
Mary Kuhlman Christopher Palladino Robin Alexander Victor Mercer Tony Dzwonar William Rodenbeck Marilyn Baumgardt Barbara Morris Bonnie Fulnecky Terry Brooks David Cornett Meredith Brase Kevin Clayton Leona Melton Joan Carr Sharon Lyst Shannon Lyst Kathryn Runge
6/22 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/26 6/27 6/27 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/29 6/30 6/30 6/30
June 2017
Bread for the World - Offering of Letters On May 7, Northminster hosted an Offering of Letters. More than 60 letters were written to our US Senators and Representatives. These letters, along with letters written by congregants from over 25 other churches in Indiana, will be hand-delivered to the recipients’ local offices in June. The more that our elected officials are informed about local, national and international hunger issues and recognize that constituents want their tax dollars used to fund hunger initiatives, the more likely they are to vote
to maintain or increase vital aid to existing programs. Thank you for actively living your faith.
(Pictured below: Northminster members writing letters to elected officials.)
Capital Campaign Update In 2016, Northminster embarked on a capital campaign to build a new organ, reduce debt and create a mission endowment to fund major mission gifts. The congregation has made pledge commitments totaling more than $1.3 million dollars toward the Abundant JOY Capital Campaign’s goal to raise $2.5 million
over the next three years. While we have not met that goal, your contributions are going right to work to pay off debt and establish a mission endowment. The organ portion is being held in an Organ Fund, and the Northminster Organ Team (NORT) will recommend next steps to Session in the coming days.
As of March 30, 2017, members and supporters made payments of over $133,000 towards Abundant JOY Campaign pledges. If you have not yet made a commitment to the Abundant JOY Capital Campaign and would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Teri Thomas.
Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 www.northminster-indy.org 317-251-9489