March 2019
News & Views A newsletter of Northminster Presbyterian Church
Ash Wednesday
- page 2
MARCH 2019
Worship in March
Sunday, March 3, is Transfiguration Sunday. We will explore this strange story and celebrate the sacrament of communion. March 6, is Ash Wednesday. We will have Ashes-to-Go from 3:30 until 6:00 in the south parking lot. Ash Wednesday worship will be at 7:00. Sunday, March 10, is the first Sunday of Lent and our topic is forgiveness.
Sunday, March 17, Matthew takes us into a discussion of abundance. Sunday, March 24, You may have heard many are called but few are chosen. Where does that leave us? Are we chosen? Will we get into God’s kingdom? Sunday, March 31, is the 4th Sunday of Lent. We will look at the familiar parable of the Talents. What do we do with what we have?
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper Ash Wednesday is March 6. Plan to come from 5:30-6:30 pm and partake of soup made especially for you and your family, compliments of the Congregational Life
committee. A free-will offering will be received. Reservations are not mandatory, but appreciated. Call 317-251-9489 or go to:
(Pastor Teri Thomas, Ashes-to-Go)
Pastoral Ponderings Each year during the season of Lent we talk about the traditions of sacrifice (giving something up for Lent) or a practice of doing something new for the season. In order to help us all celebrate Lent with study, prayer, or spiritual practice we ask Teams, committees and groups to avoid meetings. We want everyone to use that time doing something that feeds their faith. Two years ago, I just happened to have a pass for unlimited yoga for a month at the time Lent started. I went to yoga 5 times a week. I felt better physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, once all the night meetings started up again
my yoga went back to an occasional practice. I am going to try again this year. I want to find a way to maintain the practice after Easter. That might mean getting up early for morning class or skipping lunch for a mid-day class. I am going to have to be more flexible in my scheduling as well as my postures. We have opportunities here at church for you to add Lenten practice to your schedule. We will have the Wednesday night class, Sunday morning classes, the regular weekly Bible Study for Women on Tuesday at 11:00, the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday at 8:15, and a special art experience. Why -2-
don’t you add one of them to your routine for a few weeks and see how it feels? Historically, Lent is a time to prepare for baptism and church membership or to re-commit to your faith. For me it has become a time to remember the connection between body, mind, and spirit and use them all in prayer and meditation. Let me know how you use your time this year. Blessings - Pastor Teri
(Cover photo: Pastor Ruth Moore, Ashes-to-Go)
MARCH 2019
Sunday Morning Adult Education Changing the Systems 101: Ending Hunger
Sunday March 10, 17, 24 at 10am in the Board Room How can a world with overwhelming wealth and prosperity also be a world with millions of people who are not assured of a daily meal? Can we actually end hunger worldwide? Learn how we can make a difference. March 10 – Food Insecurity – the numbers and the how and why
March 17 - Systems Matter – the macro approach to tackling hunger March 24 – How Advocacy Can Change Big Systems – the call to action This class will be facilitated by Corinne Imboden and Dave Miner (Central Christian Church, Bread for the World, Indy Hunger Network).
Book of the Month
Led by Carol McDonald at Noon in Calvin Hall - lunch provided Sunday, March 17 – Not Just Black and White by Anni K. Reinking, Ph.D. In Anni Reinking’s world, even the smallest occurrence of everyday life raises new questions and reflections, involving sociology, anthropology, religion, and psychology. This is Anni’s emotionally and intellectually moving memoir of her life as a white mother raising a black son in multiracial Ameri-
ca – but it is much more than that. It’s about an extraordinary journey towards awareness and learning. Anni shares her family’s story and is open about her own stumbling as a mother through cross-racial experiences in which she has discovered how much she has yet to learn. This book is available in hardcover and in paperback, and at your closest neighborhood library.
Wednesday Night Lenten Study “When the World Breaks Your Heart: Spiritual Ways of Living With Tragedy” by Gregory S. Clapper. WIPF & STOCK publishers, 1999. Taught by Rev. Carol McDonald from March 20 - April 17th.
Contact Maureen Wilson, Director of Education and Youth Ministries:
On April 17th we will be joined by Author Greg Clapper to lead discussion of his book. Books will be available in the church office for $10. or 317-251-9489 ext. 18. -3-
Holy Week Celebration of the Arts
Northminster invites you to express yourself through the arts by participating in the Holy Week Celebration of the Arts. If you are a photographer, visual artist, poet, digital designer, quilter, knitter, fabric artist, fingerpainter, potter, play dough sculptor, composer or doodlers – your gifts are welcome! Your art may reflect the themes of Holy Week, the joy of Easter or your own faith journey. All submissions will be displayed throughout the church during Holy Week and the two weeks following Easter. Don’t consider yourself an artist? Two workshops will be offered for those who don’t consider themselves artistic. If you can tear, cut and glue you are invited to join others on Saturday morning, March 9, from 10:00-12:00 or Sunday, March 24, from 12:15-2:15 (snacks provided!). Three beautiful but easy art projects will be demonstrated and you will likely finish your creation before you leave. Youth 12 and older and all adults are invited to participate. Please register so we can plan for supplies. (Registration deadline for March 9th class is March 6th. Deadline for March 24th class is March 20th.) Call 317-251-9489 or go to:
MARCH 2019
Massanetta Springs - Summer Middle School Conference June 20-23, 2019, Harrisburg, VA Massanetta’s Middle School Conference transforms the faith journey of hundreds of middle schoolers from all around the country. Every aspect of this conference is crafted with middle schoolers in mind. Conference activities like keynote, recreation, encounter groups, and workshops are centered on the theme of the summer "At The Door." Students who have completed grades 5th-8th and wish to participate should contact Maureen Wilson before April 1 (mwilson@ True Cost: $375.00 per person. From the support of the congregation and proceeds from Italian Night we are able to cover 1/2 the cost for Northminster students, making the price per student $187.50.
(Massenetta 2018)
Youth Group Food, fellowship and faith, open to youth, grades 6-12. Friends welcome! Please bring $3 to cover cost of lunch/dinner. 3/3 Youth Group at NPC 5:30 - 7:30 pm. 3/10 Youth lunch at NPC 12:15 - 1:15 pm. 3/24 Youth Group at NPC 5:30 - 7:30 pm. (Youth Group)
Save the Date
Vacation Bible School, evenings, June 17-19, 2019. -4-
MARCH 2019
Northminster Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ commandment to “love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). By means of this lay ministry, those in our congregation and community who are hurting receive the love and support they need through a one-to-one, confidential, caring relationship with a trained Stephen Minister. If you, a family member, or a friend need someone who cares; someone who supports; someone who listens; and someone who shares, or if you would like more information about Northminster’s
• Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), such as the 2017 hurricanes as well as international aid; • Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), that seeks to address the root causes of hunger in addition to relieving hunger itself around the world; and
Monday, March 4th at 6:00 pm, and Wednesday, March 6th at 1:00 pm. This support group is for all caregivers. Members and non-members are welcome.
Health Care Group Monday, March 11th at 7:00 pm. This support group is for anyone dealing with long-term or chronic illness. Stephen Ministry program, please contact Ruth Moore or Teri Thomas in our church office (317-2519489) or our referrals coordinator, Carol Campbell (317-432-7889).
OGHS - Happy 70th Anniversary Pastor Teri Thomas’ February 10th message, “Sermon on the Mount Part 3,” conveyed the perfect lead-in to our greatest opportunity for contributing to communities both near and far. Since 1949, One Great Hour of Sharing during the Lenten season has provided such teaching moments of sacrifice and giving. A generous OGHS offering provides funding for the following:
Caregiver’s Group
• Self-Development of People (SDOP), which assists low-income communities across the U.S. in farming, worker rights, immigration/refugee issues, etc. Further information about OGHS can be found at: Designated OGHS envelopes will be in our church pews. Contributions can also be made by texting OGHS to 20222. The offering is collected Palm Sunday, April 14. Let’s be who Jesus preached to, and about — a community of Christians in word and deed who see beyond themselves and include anyone who takes up Christ's teachings. We are One. Great. Hour. Of Sharing. -5-
Grief Group
This support group is for those who have lost a parent, and is provided by InTouch Bereavement of Community Health Network. Thursdays, March 7th - April 11th, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, at Irvington Presbyterian Church (55 Johnson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219).
3B Exercise
This FREE exercise class happens each Monday and Thursday at 2:30 pm. Chair Yoga is offered (every other week) on Mondays, March 4th, 18th, and April 1st, 15th, 29th. Community invited!
Contact Denise Harrington, Senior Ministries Coordinator:
or 317-509-7085.
MARCH 2019
Offering of Letters – Sunday, May 5 In John Crossan’s book, God and Empire, Crossan talks about “the radicality of God’s justice versus the normalcy of civilization’s injustice.” Think about that. As a society, we have become insensitive to so many daily injustices – gun violence, income inequality, costly healthcare, racial disparity, the daunting, ever-present plight of the hungry and the poor – that we often view these conditions as “normal.” But God’s “justice” does not accept this normalcy. God expects us to care for one another in a broad, enveloping, compassionate manner that pushes our faith community to action.
And so we invite you to participate in an effective approach to subduing, minimizing and, hopefully someday, eradicating hunger for all people. On Sunday, May 5, at 10 am and Noon, in the Gathering Place, we will meet for our annual Offering of Letters, proclaiming our belief in a just and caring world and petitioning our Congressional Representatives and Senators to support legislation to that end. We will have sample letters and/ or bullet points to help you compose a heart-felt, succinct letter to your legislators. Please mark this on your calendar and join us in the Gathering Place in May.
(Previous “Offering of Letters”)
Curious Conversations – March 17 and 24 at 10 am Curious Conversations are a time for new worship attendees to learn more about Northminster. We talk about what it means to be a Christian and a Presbyterian in the 21st Century. We talk about the ministry and mission of NPC. We explore ways you can get involved in the life of the church. These Curious Conversations are also a time to discuss becoming an official member of the church. Curious? Please contact Associate Pastor Ruth Moore at 317-2519489 or if you can attend. Childcare is available with advance notice. -6-
MARCH 2019
Deacons 2019 Spring Plant Sale On Sundays, March 3rd and 10th, at 10 am and at Noon, the Deacons will be in the Gathering Place selling flowers for their spring fundraiser. The Deacons raise their own funds to do mission and ministry. They are not supported by the church budget, so they appreciate your participation in this fundraiser. Flats, annuals, herbs, vegetables, grasses, hanging baskets and specialty planters will be available. Last year the specialty planters were exceptional and very popular. Order forms are an insert in this News & Views, and they are available to print on our website. You may mail in your order form and
check (Deacons Plant sale in memo line), or pay by check or credit card on Sunday mornings. Order forms and payment are due March 15th.
Plants will be available for pick up on May 3rd, 10 am - 6 pm, in the north parking lot of NPC.
What Do Deacons Do?
Middlers Dinner –
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
On March 3, the Deacons will be taking communion to those who are unable to attend worship on a regular basis or are home bound. If you would like to be added to this list and receive communion from a deacon, please contact Associate Pastor Ruth Moore at 317-251-9489 or ruthcmoore@
Saturday, March 23, 6 pm The Middlers – all adults (visitors welcome) from 45 to 65 – are invited to attend our next get-together on March 23rd at 6 pm at Steve and Liz Neterval’s home (14609 Adios Pass, Carmel, IN 46032). The main course will be provided, but you are invited to bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to share. Bring your own biblical beverage of choice. RSVP to Liz at eneterval@ -7-
Starting March 6th, the MPB group (Bible study for men) will begin at 8:15 am, downstairs in the Board Room. Cost is $10 for breakfast. Visitors are always welcome! Questions? Contact Bob Bowers: 317-259-7366.
MARCH 2019
Spiritual Direction with an Intern Director Are you interested in exploring God’s presence or grace in your life, deepening your experience of prayer or spiritual practices? Elder Mary Beth Riner is currently completing the first year of the spiritual direction program at the Benedict Inn in Beech Grove. She and her classmates are seeking interested individuals who would be willing to participate in monthly sessions. Your name will be kept confidential. What is spiritual direction? Spiritual direction is about one’s relationship with God. No matter your faith background, if you desire to: recognize God’s presence or grace in your life; deepen your experience of prayer or spiritual practices; listen to God’s Spirit speaking within you; integrate spirituality into your daily life; or, get to know the God who desires
and loves you deeply, then spiritual direction is for you. Spiritual direction is more about being encouraged in your spiritual journey than being directed. We believe God’s Spirit is the true Director and the human director helps to facilitate the movement of the Spirit in the life of one who comes for direction by listening deeply to the other. Is there a fee? If you are seeing one who is in training as an intern spiritual director, there is no fee. (Currently, for a spiritual director who is not an intern one might expect to pay up to about $75 per session.) Spiritual directors do not meet with family members, close friends, or those they see regularly in work or social settings. If you are able to help an intern to develop the skills and art of spiritual direction by
meeting with one, your participation in this program will be greatly appreciated. Please give your name, email address and phone number to either Mary Beth Riner (mary.riner@gmail. com or 317-417-8730) or to Antoinette Purcell, OSB (; or 317-787-3287 ext. 3022). Thank you for giving this your time and attention!
MARCH 2019
(Montreat - Lake Susan)
Attend the Montreat Conference on Worship and Music! What is it? The Montreat Conference on Worship and Music is a multi-generational conference that involves art, lectures, handbells, instrumental ensembles, choirs, inspiring worship, Bible study, storytelling, global music, dance, fun and games, playing in the great outdoors, and fellowship with new friends and Northminster folks. Think of it as a one-week summer camp for children, youth and adults, held in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina (18 miles from Ashville). Who is it for? The conference is for ANYONE (all ages) who is interested in
worship and the components of the spiritual life. It is not strictly a music conference. When is it? Sunday, June 23 – Friday, June 28, 2019. Why should I go? - Hear God’s voice in ways that are as varied as the voices that sing God’s praise. - Discover new channels of spirituality. - Attend meaningful and moving worship services each day. - Experience outstanding preachers and faculty. - Improve your singing skills. - Spend time with the family and other Northminster members. -9-
How much does it cost? Adult registration: $505. Children and youth: $280. Your room and board are paid for by Northminster. We stay in well-appointed houses on the grounds. Contact For questions or to express interest contact Director of Music Ministries, John Wright (johnwright@ or 317-251-9489). Deadline April 1st. For more specific information, go to:
MARCH 2019
NorthStars and Friends At the end of July 2019, John and Marty Brooks will be retiring from the “administrative” duties of NorthStars fellowship group. We are looking for new leadership who would start in August 2019. This could be one or two people to take over the duties of planning the August pitch-in dinner that is held in Calvin Hall. From this dinner / meeting, most of the year’s special monthly events are planned for the next year with input from volun-
teers who are willing to plan and coordinate these events. Not every month has to have an activity. Every year the community always has new and exciting shows, concerts, tours, talks, trips to take, and fellowship to share and enjoy with Northminster members and friends. If you are interested, please contact John or Marty at (317) 848-6995 or
NorthStars in April - Terre Haute NorthStars are back on the road in April, travelling to Terre Haute to visit the CANDLES Holocaust Museum (acronym for Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors). We will meet at church on Tuesday, April 16, departing by 8:30 am to arrive in time for the opening of the Museum at 10 am. At 10:30 am, we will be treated to a presentation by Eva Kor, speaking about her Holocaust experience and her message of Forgiveness.
We will plan on lunch around 1 pm in Terre Haute, before returning to church by 4 pm. Cost is $5 per person for the Museum, plus any transportation expenses and lunch on your own. We will reserve the church bus, though carpooling is preferred. Please contact Dolly Craft at or 317502-2080 to indicate your interest. Reservation deadline is April 11. Newcomers are always welcome!
IHN / Family Promise Starting the week of March 10, Northminster will open our doors for families in need for Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN). For one week, we will host several homeless families, and we need your help to prepare meals, drive the van, entertain children and
spend the night. We hope you will consider lending several hours of your time. Sign-up will begin online and in the Gathering Place every Sunday beginning March 10. Questions? See Dolly Craft or Nancy Jarrell. - 10 -
Weekend Food for Kids Volunteers Needed for Gleaners “Backsack” Project
On Thursday, March 14, the NorthStars fellowship group will again sponsor a Northminster workday at Gleaners Food Bank. We will work the assembly line to stuffs bags of food for school kids who are known to lack nutritional food at home. Gleaners distributes 10,000 of these bags every Friday through schools in central Indiana. This year our work shift will be from 12:30 to 2:30 pm with standing and sitting work stations to accommodate individual needs. We’ll meet at Gleaners at 11:30 am for lunch and orientation before starting our shift. Box lunches will be provided, $5 each. Carpooling will be available, leaving church at 10:45 am. This is the 6th year that Northminster will supply a minimum of 30 workers. Gleaners relies on over 21,000 volunteers each year to collect, assemble and distribute over 2 million pounds of free food to 21 counties in central Indiana. Please consider volunteering for this rewarding project. (Non-church members are welcome and invited!) Contact Cheri or Bob Gudgel @ 317-844-7139 to reserve your place on the assembly line.
MARCH 2019
March Calendar Highlights
Church Work Days
3/6 3:30 PM 3/6 5:30 PM 3/6 7:00 PM 3/9 10:00 AM 3/10 3/10 10:00 AM 3/10 12:15 PM 3/11 6 & 7 PM 3/11 7:00 PM 3/12 4:00 PM 3/14 11:30 AM 3/17 10:00 AM 3/17 10:00 AM 3/17 12:00 PM 3/20 6:00 PM 3/23 6:00 PM 3/24 10:00 AM 3/24 10:00 AM 3/24 12:15 PM 3/25 9:30 AM 3/26 9:00 AM 3/28 1:30 PM
Save April 12 and 13 on your calendars as Northminster Work Days to spring-clean and fix-up the church in preparation for our Easter celebration! Volunteers of all ages will be welcome and needed. Look for details and a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Place at church. Contact Linda Furuness with questions:
Ashes To Go Ash Wednesday Soup Supper Ash Wednesday Service Celebration of the Arts Workshop IHN Week Begins Bread for the World - Dave Miner Youth Group Lunch Stephen Ministers Health Support Group Finance Committee Meeting Gleaner's Backsack Project Bread for the World - Dave Miner Curious Conversations Book of the Month - Not Just Black and White Lenten Study: When the World Breaks Your Heart Adult Middlers Bread for the World - Dave Miner Curious Conversations Celebration of the Arts Workshop Stephen Minister Leaders Newsletter Stuffers Stephen Minister Leaders
See the complete calendar at, click on Menu and then Calendar.
March Birthdays Gracie Edwards Nicole Flynn Evelyn Hunter Russell Cline Mark Moore Amber Senseny Jason Reed Anthony Ricchiuto William Acklin Lisa Longo Joanne Murphy Marcia Young David Dzwonar Ellen Fosnaught Greg Merkel Rebecca Snider Kathryn Cory Lori Boone Susan Glant Scott Cavins Bradley Hill
3/1 3/1 3/1 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/4 3/4 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/10
Grace Gresham Bill Koriath Bradley Smith John Smith John Boone Minnie Chinn Susan Koriath Terry O'Connor Patricia Dunbar Ruth Moore Emma Schlabach Robert Senseny Molly Winkler Allen McCormick Margaret Duncan Paul Johnson Jenny Abbott James Beattey III JoEllen Clark Carolyn Swisher - 11 -
3/11 3/11 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/17 3/17 3/17 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20
Peggy Brandes Yvonne Church Lynda Cline Jean Dodds Rebecca Huehls Will Gudgel MaryAnn Ruegger Zachary Yohn Dolly Craft Mary Kutche Adelle O'Connor Susan Scott Amber Angotti Marianne Beck Alice Deer Stephanie Mokube Chad Stevens Lucinda Kirles Diane White Robert Butler Samuel Johnson
3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/26 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/31
MARCH 2019
Spring is the Right Time for Jazz!
Sound & Spirit welcomes
Hora Certa
- Sunday, April 7, 4 pm Here’s a little Sound & Spirit detour from Bach and Bluegrass. How does it sound to welcome Spring with a Sunday afternoon of J A Z Z? Next we present Hora Certa, Sunday, April 7 at 4 pm, in the an. Joining the group are pianist/ sanctuary at Northminster where keyboardist Winton Reynolds, and this fusion is free. drummer Terry O’Mahoney. The ensemble features original mateHORA CERTA (Portuguese for rial from the recently released CD ‘Right Time’) celebrates the exciting music of Brazilian masters and HORA CERTA in addition to music by Antonio Carlos Jobim, Hermeto contemporary composers/artists. Pascoal, Moacyr Santos, João DoWhat does that mean, you ask? nato, Gilberto Gil, Djalma Ferreira, Think of the bossa nova, think of samba, think of choro, think of Eg- Dominguinhos, João Bosco, Oswaldo Amorim and more. berto Gismanti, think of Stan Getz and Charlie Byrd.
Brazilian music is the result of the The University of Louisville School fusion of European music brought by the Portuguese, African music of Music is professional home to that came with the slaves in the Faculty Artist Mike Tracy, along16th century, and native Indian side Winton Reynolds, Giovanni music that was already an estabSena, Terry O’Mahoney, and Kiko lished form on the continent when Sebrian. The ensemble specializthe colonization process started. es in performing the many varied Although often confused with the styles and rhythms that are unique Spanish influenced music from to Brazil. The ensemble is led by Central America like the calypso, saxophonist Michael Tracy, Direcrumba, salsa and other variations, tor of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Brazilian music is very different. Studies Program at the University of Louisville, and features Brazilian The rhythms are far more subtle and developed from geographical musicians, bassist Hamilton Pinheiro, and percussionist Kiko Sebri- regions within the country. These
very diverse regions, with their cultural differences, influenced Brazil’s exciting music and musicians. That’s how we get bossa nova from one region, samba from another, and charo, a gutsy general style. From Bach to jazz to bluegrass, Sound & Spirit concerts celebrate regional and international artistry. These concerts are presented free of charge to the Broad Ripple Community and beyond. Funded by supporters and the audience, we accept a free-will offering to maintain standards of future events. For more about this and all future Sound & Spirit concerts, go to:
Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 317-251-9489
Easter Flower Donations A $15 donation helps to cover the cost of items used throughout the season to enhance our worship. Your generous support is greatly appreciated. Deadline is April 8 Your Name__________________________________ Amt._________ ______Check
(Check #) ________
In Memory of ______________________________________________ In Honor of ________________________________________________ Please make a donation for each dedication. Please return form and checks or cash to the church office. Make checks payable to: Northminster Church (“Easter Flowers” in memo line).
Easter Flower Donations A $15 donation helps to cover the cost of items used throughout the season to enhance our worship. Your generous support is greatly appreciated. Deadline is April 8
Your Name__________________________________ Amt._________ ______Check
(Check #) ________
In Memory of ______________________________________________ In Honor of ________________________________________________ Please make a donation for each dedication. Please return form and checks or cash to the church office. Make checks payable to: Northminster Church (“Easter Flowers” in memo line).
NPC Deacon's Spring Plant Sale 2019 ***All orders due by March 15, 2019 Name:
***Plant pick up on Friday, May 3, 2019
Flats, 4" & 6" Potted Annuals, Grasses, Herbs & Vegetables Annual Flats - 48 plants Price: $16.00 Qty:
Annuals for Sun - 4" pot Price: $7.00 Qty:
Alyssum - White Alyssum - Mixed Begonia - Mixed, Bronze Leaf Begonia - Mixed, Green Leaf Begonia - Pink, Bronze Leaf Begonia - Pink, Green Leaf Begonia - Red, Bronze Leaf Begonia - Red, Green Leaf Begonia - White, Bronze Leaf Begonia - White, Green Leaf Coleus - Mixed Cosmos - Mixed Dahlia - Mixed Dianthus - Mixed Dusty Miller Hypoestes - Rose Hypoestes - White Impatiens - Mixed Impatiens - Blue Pearl Impatiens - Rose Impatiens - Pink Impatiens - Violet Impatiens - Orange Impatiens - White Impatiens - Red Marigolds - Mixed Marigolds - Orange Marigolds - Yellow Moss Rose - Mixed Petunia - Mixed Salvia - Purple Salvia - Red Salvia - Victoria Blue Snapdragon - Mixed Verbena - Mixed Verbena - Pink Verbena - Purple Verbena - Red Vinca - Mixed Vinca - Pink Vinca - Red Vinca - Rose Vinca - White Zinnia - Mixed, Tall <---- Total Quantity Foliage for Sun or Shade - 4" pot Price: $7.00 Qty: Spike - Green Springeri - Green Sweet Potato Vine - 'Blackie' Sweet Potato Vine - Lime Sweet Potato Vine - Variegated Vinca - Variegated <---- Total Quantity
Annuals for Sun - 6" pot Price: $9.00 Qty:
Bacopa - White Cosmos - Mixed Dusty Miller - Vining Geranium - Pink Geranium - Red Geranium - Salmon Geranium - Violet Geranium - White Lantana - Red Flame Lantana - Rose Flame Lantana - Yellow Mezoo - Pink Million Bells - Orange Million Bells - Purple Million Bells - Red Million Bells - Rose Million Bells - White Million Bells - Yellow Osteospermum - Purple Osteospermum - White Petunia - Dark Blue, Trailing Petunia - Light Pink, Trailing Petunia - Red, Trailing Petunia - Rose, Trailing Petunia - White, Trailing Petunia - Yellow, Trailing Verbena - Pink Verbena - Purple <---- Total Quantity Annuals for Pt Sun /Shade - 4" pot Price: $7.00
Citronella - Lime Green Gerber Daisy - Mixed Gerber Daisy - Orange Gerber Daisy - Red Gerber Daisy - Yellow <---- Total Quantity Annual Grasses - 6" pot Price: $9.00 Qty: Blue Mohawk Fireworks Papyrus Purple Fountain Grass Spiral Juncus <---- Total Quantity Wave Petunias - 6 plants Price: $12.00 Qty: Mixed Lilac Rose Purple Yellow White <---- Total Quantity Herbs - 4" pot Price: $6.00 Qty: Basil - Sweet Cilantro Oregano Parsley - Italian Peppermint Rosemary Sage Thyme <---- Total Quantity
Qty: Coleus - Mixed Double Impatiens - Pink Double Impatiens - Purple Double Impatiens - Red Double Impatiens - Whte Lobelia - Blue Lobelia - White New Guinea Impatiens - Orange New Guinea Impatiens - Pink New Guinea Impatiens - Red New Guinea Impatiens - Salmon New Guinea Impatiens - Violet New Guinea Impatiens - White Tuberous Begonia - Orange Tuberous Begonia - Pink Tuberous Begonia - Red Tuberous Begonia - Salmon Tuberous Begonia - Yellow <---- Total Quantity
Vegetables - 6" pot Price: $8.00 Qty: Bell Pepper - Green Bell Pepper - Red Bell Pepper - Yellow Tomato - Better Boy Tomato - Big Boy Tomato - Early Girl Tomato - Patio Hybrid Tomato - Red Grape <---- Total Quantity
Total Price Page 1:
Hanging Baskets, Planters & Perennials Hanging Baskets for Sun - 10" Price: $22.00 Qty:
10" Terra Planters Price $28.00 Qty:
Boston Daisy - Yellow Ivy Geranium - Pink Ivy Geranium - Purple Ivy Geranium - Red Ivy Geranium - Violet & White Ivy Geranium - White Lantana - Red Flame Lantana - Rose Flame Million Bells - Mixed Million Bells - Purple Million Bells - Rose Million Bells - Yellow Petunia - Mixed Wave Petunia - Burgundy Wave Petunia - Dark Blue Wave Petunia - Light Pink Wave Petunia - Rose Wave Spring Mix Combo <---- Total Quantity
Qty: Climbing Black-Eyed Susan Vine Climbing Morning Glory Vine Dahlia - Orange Dahlia - Purple Dahlia - Yellow Spring Mix Combo <---- Total Quantity 12" Planters for Sun Price: $32.00
Qty: Diamond Combo Planter Roman Urn Planter Tall Square Combo Planter Zonal Geranium Square - Pink Zonal Geranium Square - Red Zonal Geranium Square - Salmon Zonal Geranium Square - Violet <---- Total Quantity
Hang. Basket - Part Sun to Shade - 10" Price: $22.00
Perennial Plants - 1 gallon pot Price: $12.50 Armeria 'Splendons' Astilbe 'Montgomery' Campanula 'Rapido Blue' Coneflower 'Pow Wow Wildberry' Coral Bells 'Palace Purple' Daylily 'Blackberry Candy' Daylily 'Little Grapette' Daylily 'Stella d'Oro' Delphinium 'Summer Nights' Gaillardia 'Mesa Peach' Hosta 'Albo Marginata' Hosta 'Praying Hands' Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise' Leucanthemum 'Snow Lady' Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' Russian Sage Salvia 'New Dimension Rose' Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue Note' Veronica 'Giles Van Hees' <---- Total Quantity
14" Planters for Sun Price: $40.00 Qty:
Bonfire Begonia - Orange Bonfire Begonia - Red Boston Fern Dragonwing Begonia - Pink Dragonwing Begonia - Red Fuschia - Purple & Red Fuschia - Red & White New Guinea Impatiens - Orange New Guinea Impatiens - Red New Guinea Impatiens - Violet New Guinea Impatiens - White Shade Combo Mix Tuberous Begonia - Mixed Tuberous Begonia - Orange Tuberous Begonia - Pink Tuberous Begonia - Red Tuberous Begonia - Salmon Tuberous Begonia - Yellow <---- Total Quantity
Bowl Combo Planter Terra Combo Planter Zonal Geranium w/ Spike - Pink Zonal Geranium w/ Spike - Red Zonal Geranium w/ Spike - Salmon Zonal Geranium w/ Spike - Violet <---- Total Quantity Specialty Planters Price: $70 Qty: 20" Terra Combo Planter <---- Total Quantity
Hanging Baskets for Sun - 14" Price: $54.00 Qty: Coco Basket Combo Cone Basket Combo <---- Total Quantity
Please Note: -Full Sun indicates 6-8 hours of direct sun exposure -Part Sun refers to approx. 4-6 hours of sun exposure, typically earlier in the day when sun is less intense -Annuals will bloom for 1 planting season only (spring-fall typically) -Perennials will return and bloom year after year
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