November 2016 news and views

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Refugees Welcome 2016 Spirit & Place Festival

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visit us on Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 am

visit us on Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 am

www.nort November 2016

Refugees Welcome - by Katie Bulloff I am a news junkie. It can be a problem in this day and age because the news cycle is so fast and the world seems so scary at times. In these moments, I turn the television and my phone off, stop checking Facebook, and take the time to breathe and turn my brain off. The fact is though, the world does not stop turning and the news keeps coming during these breaks; I’ve just used the privilege that I have to stop my consumption of it for a while and even sometimes that does not even work. One of the stories that keeps playing in my mind, no matter what I do, is the global refugee crisis. We’ve all seen it; the pictures of children in perilous situations, the floods of people leaving their homes because it is no longer safe to reside there, and the faces of those who do not know where they will end up tomorrow. The news

is unavoidable; the world is facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. Luckily, even when I want to bury my head in the sand, my church does not. Northminster’s history with refugees began 35 years ago when we started to work with Exodus Refugee Immigration. We’ve sponsored refugee families, supported Eagle Scout projects, given funds, and even volunteered there recently on our Day of Caring. Now, together with Exodus, The Polis Center, and Yardbox Films, Northminster is pleased to be presenting Refugees Welcome as part of the 2016 Spirit and Place Festival. An interactive, safe, and creative forum, this event will explore the concept of “home” through refugee perspectives through a program involving spoken word, art, faith, and data. We’ll hear stories from refugees from around the

world and how they made Indianapolis home and share our sense of home through art. This program is on November 12th from 2-4 pm at Northminster. You can preregister at I hope you’ll intentionally turn off the news for a couple of hours and join us for this opportunity. Please bring new or gently used winter accessories or coats with you to this event as a “warm welcome” for refugees here in Indiana. Questions? Contact Katie Bulloff, Debbie Bulloff, or Dolly Craft.

New Members - by Ruth Moore Please welcome our newest members to our community of faith. Look for their pictures on the bulletin board off the Gathering Place. Janet Ingram – Janet comes to us by certificate of transfer from a Presbyterian church in Logansport. She is a retired social worker. She and her husband

David have two children and spend their winters in Florida. Adam and Andrea Brandes Newson – Adam and Andrea come to us from the Lutheran tradition. Andrea is Vice-President and General Counsel for the University of Indianapolis and Adam is a Deputy Fire Marshall with the IFD. Ask Adam about his fantastic sugar cream pie sometime! -2-

Clint and Molly Winkler – Clint and Molly come to us by reaffirmation of faith. Clint and Molly parent their three elementary school children Sam, Elliott and Mary. Molly is the daughter of Northminster church members, Bo and Mary Walker.

November 2016

Pastoral Ponderings - by Teri Thomas celebration. Huge thanks to all who made visits and to all who participated so generously. Final results are not in when this goes to print, but I have faith!

Sometime during the month of November I always begin to hum some old, old song about counting blessings. I am not sure I have ever actually sung it, but somehow it has been planted in my brain. Do you know it? Count your blessings; Name them one by one. Count your blessings; See what God hath done. Text: Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1922 Music: Edwin O. Excell, 1851-1921

So in no particular order, let me begin my list… I am thankful for all those who worked so hard on our Capital Campaign and our Annual Campaign. John and Cheryl Plunket and Jennifer Dzwonar were committed, organized and fun chairs of the whole effort. Kristin Keltner put her huge heart and keen mind into working with our visitors, recruiting, training, supporting them all the way along. Andy and Lisa Longo did the publicity. Ruth Moore organized our great speakers and writers to share their personal stories with us. Chad Kincaid knows how to throw a party. He and Tori led our kick-off event and our final

I am thankful for people who serve on the staff of this congregation. Two of our staff members, Katie Bulloff and Jacob Mann will be completing their ministries with us at the end of December. Katie has been with us on a part-time basis for three years assisting in the areas of Stewardship, Social Media, and Communications. Her understanding of new technologies and her creativity have served us well. Katie’s position was originally created with a special gift and those funds have run out. She will certainly be missed. Jacob Mann became our Middle School Youth Director in September of 2003. He came on board for 10 hours a week so Julie Shannon could cut back after Stella was born. There is a large part of Jacob that has never grown older and that has enabled him to relate so well to our middle schoolers. He is a wonderful blend of youthful enthusiasm and experienced faith and commitment. The youth, their parents, and our staff will all miss Jacob and his contributions. There are so many things I can be thankful for today, but my greatest blessing is that I am able to share them with all of you. Northminster is a blessing. -3-

November Worship – by Teri Thomas

November 6th is the 25th Sunday of Pentecost. It is also the Sunday before election day and the scriptures for the day talk about the end of the world. Is this a prediction? A warning? A joke? Let’s consider this. We will also celebrate the sacrament of communion at both services. November 13th the Old Testament reading is Isaiah 65:17-25. The prophet tells of a new heaven and new earth the Lord is creating. It always makes me think of this painting of the Peaceable Kingdom…

November 20th is Reign of Christ Sunday (also called Christ the King Sunday). This Sunday marks the end of Ordinary Time and moves us into the season of Advent. This day celebrates the Lordship of Christ by looking back at his life, and pointing ahead to his rule in the Kingdom of God. (Continued on page 4)

November 2016

Westminster Christmas Baskets We are partnering with Westminster Neighborhood Services once again this year to provide Christmas baskets for low income families on the near eastside of Indianapolis. Our contribution will be toiletries – shampoo, conditioner (or a combo of both) and deodorant. (Dollar stores are a great resource for inexpensive toiletries.) We need 300 of these by the end of November. The yellow

Are you new to our worshipping community? Would you like to learn more about Northminster and our ministry and mission? If so, please join in on our next Curious Conversations on November 6th and 13th at 10 donation cart will be in the Gather- am in the Conference Room. For ing Place, beginning November 6th. more information contact Please help provide a more joyous Associate Pastor Ruth Moore Christmas for families in need. (317-251-9489 or ruthcmoore@

What Do Deacons Do? The Deacons thank you for contributing to their Butter Braid Fundraiser. Your contributions will help us provide Thanksgiving Baskets for 30 School 55 families this month. Butter Braids can be picked up Wednesday, Nov 9, from 5-8 pm.

This month the Deacons will be calling members who are no longer able to attend worship with us. If you know of such a member, or if you yourself would like a call, let Associate Pastor Ruth Moore know of your interest (317-251- 9489, ext. 14).

Ag Pioneer Named Life Sciences Champion Northminster Church member John Swisher is the most recent winner of the 2016 Watanabe Life Sciences Champion of the Year Award. John says continuing advances in agriculture, including high-tech equipment, seed engineering and animal nutrition will be key to addressing the global challenge of how to "feed people without money" in regions including Africa and Asia. Swisher is a member of the Indiana Business

Curious Conversations

Hall of Fame. The entire article can be found on the Inside Indiana Business website. (Search “ag pioneer named life sciences champion”.) -4-

November Worship (Continued from page 3) November 23rd, 7 pm, is our Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations in our area will gather to celebrate our common heritage and pray for peace. The service rotates among all our congregations. This year it will be at First Baptist Church of Indianapolis. There will be a combined choir from all our congregations. Bring your family and begin the holiday in this significant way. (Read more, page 11) November 27th is the first Sunday of Advent. This year the lights will all be on and we will fly through the season with the angels of Advent. We begin, this week, with the Angel and Zechariah. We will also light the first candle on our Advent wreath. Make Advent worship a part of your holiday plans.

November 2016

Clothe-a-Child – Play a Role! - by Maureen Purcell Clothe-a-Child Thursday, Dec. 1, 9 am - 1 pm Sears in Castleton Square Ed and Janet Swearingen were devoted to the annual Clothea-Child event for many years, as shoppers as well as financial supporters. Such was his devotion that Ed asked, upon his death earlier this fall, that memorial contributions be made to the project. He understood the connection between the Clothe-a-Child envelope in our pews and the act of guiding a child through Sears’ shoeboxes and coat racks. It was a promise fulfilled. Now we need you to sign up and you can do it lots of convenient ways: the Gathering Space on Sunday mornings throughout November, the signup sheet on the Deacon’s board in the choir hallway, visiting the events page on the website, or by contacting Maureen Purcell ( or Mike Shannon (mshannon@ Here’s what we need: 4 people to ride the school buses that leave School #55 on East 54th Street at 9AM and return to the school by 1:30pm. A versatile position, you may shop with a child, serve at check-out and help process shopping bags, or serve pizza.

Above: Betty Bowers and friend, Clothe-a-Child 2015

60-80 people to shop will meet at Sears in Castleton Square by 8:30 to get instructions which include locating already purchased uniforms, keeping running totals on the costs of clothing you choose, accompanying your shopper to the snack room for pizza party, games, and entertainment, and escorting your shopper back to the buses about 1pm. 6-8 people needed to assist Sears employees during check out process , carry bags to the storage room for sorting , and passing them out to children as they head for the bus. 3 people to help serve up the pizza and other treats from about 11 am to 1 pm. 2-3 Entertainment folk to lead the crowd through interactive activities -5-

appropriate for a multi generational group like singing and crafts. This will run from about noon to 1 at which time the kids will be dismissed to the buses. 1 Mrs. Lourdes Holloway (School #55 Counselor) to shop for children unable to attend on that day, to answer questions about anything you don’t understand on a shopping list, and to enjoy her day while you and the kids play together. Financial support to make it all possible. Remember our friend Ed and check your pew cards for our special Clothe-a-Child envelope. And all of God’s people say, “Amen!”

November 2016

WAMM: Worship through Arts, Music and Mission Each Sunday in the Gathering Place at 10:00 am, Stories under the Stairs continue. We’ll have Little Round Table activities for our youngest children. November 6 Images of Christ. What word or symbol represents Christ to you? Create that word or image for Sanctuary art on Reign of Christ Sunday.

November 13 Images of Christ. Add color to your Christ symbol. November 20 Begin preparations for the Advent Angel Wing project. November 27 1st Sunday in Advent Pix with Angel Wings opportunities.

Christian Education & Dates to Save! Wednesday Night Dinners Please make a reservation with the Church Office by 12:00 Noon on Mondays if you plan to have dinner with us Wednesday night. Kid-friendly and we always have salad and a vegetarian option. Adults $5.00. Kids $2.50.

Advent Party/Hanging of the Greens On Sunday, November 20, at 4:30 pm, come and get the church ready for Advent. We’ll have dinner to follow at 6:00 pm. Celebrate with us as we decorate wreaths for our church doors. We’ll put up the Christian Education Christmas tree with new angel ornaments that we will craft. We’ll decorate cut-out Christmas cookies to share, and eat dinner together with the Youth Group at 6:00 pm. Colts Football will be on the television if the game has not concluded! All are invited! Register in the church office (317-251-9489) or on the Featured Events page of our website so we can plan enough food

for dinner. A good-will offering of $5.00/adult and $2.50/child with a $20 family maximum is suggested. We will have the Square Reader available for credit/debit cards. Angel Collections Bring your Angel collections to share with the Congregation during WAMM/Coffee Hour at 10:00 am on December 4. Please let Debbie Bulloff know so we can have enough tables set up to display your collections. If you have a special story about a part of your collection, please plan to share it.

Christmas Pageant Families, if you will be in town on Christmas Eve, December 24, and your children and youth would like to participate in the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve “Joyful Noise” worship service, please email Debbie Bulloff ( We will cast the pageant shortly. -6-

Christian Education/Family Ministries Happenings

All School age children (K-5th gr) will attend worship with their parents and celebrate Communion with the Congregation on Communion Sunday, November 6. Look for the Children’s Worship Bulletin which will be available along with the regular Sunday Worship bulletin. After Time with Children, Toddlers and Preschoolers will proceed to their classrooms on the 1st floor of the C.E. wing for Church School and care. Children’s Church for K-5th graders will be offered at both services, after the Time with Children on Sundays November 13, 20, and 27. Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Church School and care will be offered every Sunday.

(Above: Christmas Pageant 2015)

November 2016

Church School in November - by Debbie Bulloff Consider the scripture and talk with your friends and family about the question at the end of each week’s lesson. Copies of the Bible stories from the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum are available in your child’s classroom. The booklet, Living the Season after Pentecost at Home, is also available. We are following the Lectionary for Year C. The Season of Pentecost will end with Sunday, November 20, and Reign of Christ Sunday. The Season of Advent will begin on Nov. 27. Nov. 6: Psalm 145: 1-5, 17-21 Preschoolers will talk about how to praise God everyday with ordinary actions in ordinary ways! Show how much in every way, I love you God! Join them! Nov. 13: Isaiah 65: 17-25 We will rejoice in God’s message

of hope to Isaiah. God’s vision of the world of hope and peace is still relevant today in this place and time. How shall we help it come true? Nov. 20: Colossians 1: 11-20 Reign of Christ Sunday The Church School will explore ways that Jesus revealed God’s reign of love and justice and talk about how we can help God’s love to go on and on in our world today. How shall you share God’s love? Nov. 27: Isaiah 2: 1-5 As the Season of Advent arrives, the children of the Church School will consider the message of hope and peace, weapons of war made into tools of peace. How can we take Isaiah’s words of hope and become peacemakers in our own neighborhoods?

Parents with a Passion Please join us on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:15 pm in the Knox Room. We share our parenting joys and challenges. We discuss current topics, laugh, support and pray for one another. All parents are welcome! Nov. 2nd: Share time. What are your views on discipline and family rules? Do you have techniques and tips when dealing with difficult behavior? What are you doing similar and/ or different from how you grew up? Do you have any helpful resources?

Nov. 9th: Jen & Tony Dzwonar will share their parenting ups and downs. Nov. 16th: We will watch the Animate video and have a discussion on the topic of “Church”. Nov. 23: No meeting. Nov 30: Foodie time. Bring a favorite recipe and share a favorite place to eat. We will also talk about Angels.


Youth Fellowship – by Julie Shannon

November 6: Escape Room Event for Youth and Parents. Come early at 5:00 pm for food at the Old Spaghetti Factory, downtown. Escape is from 6:30 -7:30 pm. Cost is $29 per person for the Escape Room. Food will be covered by NPC. Limited room available. RSVP to hold your spot to Julie Shannon asap ( or 317-753-6985) For more info: Drop off and pick up is downtown at the Old Spaghetti Factory (not using the church bus.) November 12: Refugees Welcome - Spirit & Place Event. Saturday at NPC from 2-4 pm. (See details on page 2.) November 13: Pancake Breakfast. From 10 – 11 am we will make pancakes and serve breakfast. Volunteers are needed to cook and serve. Please arrive by 9 am to cook, and 9:30 to serve. All proceeds will go to Global Interfaith Partnership to feed and educate children in Kenya! November 20: Regular Youth Fellowship 6-8 pm. Pizza, games, discussion and prayer. Come early from 4:30-5:30 pm to help with the Hanging of the Greens and to decorate cookies. November 27: No Youth Fellowship. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family.

November 2016

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Save the date and your appetite. Eat pancakes, sausages and other goodies for breakfast on November 13 from 10 - 11am. Donations will go toward Global Interfaith Partnership, helping students go to school and providing lunches to Kenyan children in need. GIP also helps to fight hunger here in Indiana!

Presby Day at Faith Presbyterian Do you recognize this guy? He will be our special guest at the next Presby Day at Faith Presbyterian Church on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 10:00 am. Also, a descendant of the Mayflower will be our speaker at the November session. Come out and hear her unique perspective of her heritage. Why did they leave England? What happen on the Mayflower in 1620? What is a pilgrim? A great way to start the Thanksgiving season. Please call 317-849-1930 to RSVP. The cost of lunch is $5.00.

Christmas Lite Program and Lunch


Make plans to have lunch before the Christmas Lite program on December 4 in Calvin Hall, served by the Congregational Life Team. Lunch is served at noon. Cost is $5 (family max of $20). The menu will be deli sandwiches, chips, and fruit. Reservations can be made in the Gathering Place during the coffee hour, or by calling the church office (317-251-9489) by November 28th. The program begins at 1:00 pm.

November 2016

NorthStars Join the NorthStars on an excursion to the Indiana State Museum on Wednesday, November 16. We’ll view the “Indiana in 200 Objects: A Bicentennial Celebration” exhibit. From the literal bedrock of Indiana to a pair of Chuck Taylor’s Chuck Taylors, this exhibit explores and celebrates the history, science and culture of the Hoosier state, featuring artifacts from the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites’ own extensive collection, as well as

objects from partner organization and institutions like the National Archives and Records administration. We’ll gather at church at 9:30 am and either carpool or take the church bus. There is a cafeteria at the museum for lunch, and we will plan to be back at the church by 2:00 pm. Cost is $9 for seniors. Please RSVP to Dolly Craft at 317-848-5170 or dollybike@aol. com. Make payment to Dolly by November 6th.

NorthStars will travel to the Eiteljorg Museum on Tues., December 6, to see the Jingle Rails exhibit and have a guided tour of the Bud Adams Collection. We will meet at the museum at 10 am, see the exhibits, then have lunch in the Museum Café. Museum admission is $9.00 per person for our group. Bus travel will be available from the church, leaving at 9:30 am. For details contact Joyce Mallette ( or 317251-9602). (Continued, page 10)

November 2016 Birthdays Craig Williams Amaya Angotti Robert King Becky Erdel John Purcell Molly Auer Nancy Moritz Katherine Robinson Girtha Perkins Robert Barrows Nancy Leffler Mary Ann McCormick Becky Brooks Mick Keppler Linda Theobald Gary Ryan Charles Walker Kristin Keltner Emily Zubler Finn Rasmussen Dale Theobald

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Mary Shebek Matt Robinson Pat Ward Nathaniel Clayton Steven Sarver Maeg Shackleton Everett Fleming Elaine Purdue Laura Hedrick Jenice Alexander Isaac Rexford Ted Engel Suzan Stoops Jack Mart Carol Campbell Carol Mann Jane Eyler Barbara Belt Haley Holdaway Dick Kraege Sophie Johnson -9-

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Andrea Newsom Emma Longo Michael Longo Dick Dunbar Mary Sue George Ivo Kask John Karpicke Barbara Hill Douglas Sherow Lauren Palladino Nancy Andrews Beth Ladd Bob Ross Andy Brooks Betty Shelhorn John Carr Nicklas Stitle Corinne Imboden Hannah Clayton

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November 2016

November Calendar Highlights 11/1 11/4 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/8 11/8 11/9 11/10 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/15 11/20 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/29

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am 12:15 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 am 7:00 pm 4:00 pm 9:00 am 2:00 pm 9:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 12:05 pm 7:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm all day all day 9:00 am

Team Night Meetings Sound & Spirit Concert: Choral Dimensions Curious Conversations class Youth / Parent Meeting Youth Escape Room Event Voting / election day Deacons Meeting Finance Committee News & Views articles due Spirit & Place event Pancake Breakfast fundraiser Curious Conversations class #FoodandFaith Music Committee Meeting Session Meeting Hanging of the Greens / Advent Party Mom to Mom group Interfaith Thanksgiving Service @ 1st Baptist Building Closed Building Closed Newsletter Assembly

NorthStars Events (continued from page 9) Get your BLUE ready to cheer on the Butler Bulldogs. We have tickets in hand for the February 19th game with DePaul. This is a Sunday game starting at 1:30. Tickets are $35 each. Seats have backs and cushions for your viewing enjoyment.

Supper will be planned after the game between 5:00 - 5:30 for those interested. More details to follow. Contact Bob Bowers: or 317-259-7366.

Reservations and payments can be made with Bob Bowers at 317-259-7366 or betbobbowers@ Checks should be made payable to Northminster with Butler Basketball in the notation line. Cash will be gladly accepted as well. - 10 -

Foundation Minute

– by Robert Rothrock Coming soon to a computer near you. Northminster Foundation has been working on a link to the Presbyterian Foundation Planned Giving Navigator. This will be a great resource and a starting place to begin or modify your planned giving. The information will be up to date and at your fingertips 24/7. Many on the foundation board have been helping with the Abundant Joy Capital Campaign. Please give the campaign your prayerful consideration.

Fourth Sunday Adult Education

Join Associate Pastor Ruth Moore for adult education on November 27 at 10 am in the Conference Room as we continue our discussion of how books got into the bible, and we will “bible ourselves up” for advent as well. (Yes Advent is coming and begins on November 27th!) All are welcome!

Thank You!

Dear Northminster Friends, Lowell and Pennie Lumley would like to thank you for your many kindnesses following Lowell's recent surgery and during his ongoing recovery. The blessings came in so many ways: prayers, of course, visits from pastors and others, a prayer shawl, get-well cards and notes, the loan of medical equipment and some sumptuous casseroles. It has been, indeed, an abundant joy!

November 2016

Thank You Abundantly! Thank you to all those who have supported the Abundant JOY campaign with your financial gifts, your time, your talents, your wisdom and your prayers.

Your efforts will bring joy and fulfillment, not only to you but also to many others throughout the coming years.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Gratitude is taught by all religions. In honor of that gratitude, First Baptist Church (8600 N. College Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46240) is hosting the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.

The public is invited to see and hear how different faiths express thankfulness, to demonstrate the respect that we have for other religions, and to enjoy our own freedom of religion. We will be

joined by local Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations. The service will be on Wednesday, November 23, 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited and welcome.

(Above: previous Interfaith Thanksgiving Service participants.) - 11 -

November 2016

Sound & Spirit Presents: Choral Dimensions - by John Wright The Northminster Chancel Choir, Chamber Ensemble and Indianapolis’ newest chamber choir, C4, will present a concert of choral masterworks and 21st century compositions 7:00 pm., Friday, November 4th, in Northminster’s sanctuary. This concert of eclectic repertoire will include smaller a cappella pieces, fuller pieces with organ, and folk songs and spirituals. Choral music of various countries will be represented, including America, England, Germany, Ireland, and Norway. Featured composers include J. S. Bach, William Byrd, René Clausen, Ola Gjeilo and Charles Stanford. Joining the choirs will be Anna Danilova, Cello and Heather Hinton, Organ. Here is a preview of three unique pieces: O Magnum mysterium – written by the young Norway composer Ola Gjeilo in 2012. Symphonic in nature, the piece portrays a “spacey” wash of sound and incorporates cello and 16 part chorus. JERUSALEM is an ancient Irish tune. The 1992 arrangement we’ll sing is by Michael McGlynn. Set for treble voices, the piece incorporates heterophony,

a form of singing in which each singer sings her line in isolation at different times than her neighboring singers. This creates a “cacophony” of sound. Te Deum in B flat was composed by the English composer Charles Stanford in 1878. Stanford is now chiefly known for his sacred choral and organ works, but he wrote quite bit of music for the stage – 7 symphonies, 9 operas, 28 chamber works. Te Deum is a quintessential British sacred piece. It incorporates organ and chorus in the grand British style. A quartet makes an appearance near the end of the work. The work is unique in that there is a section marked “Decani” and one marked “Cantoris.” These are terms associat-

ed with the church of England. Decani (Latin for “of the Dean”) denotes the side of the church occupied by the Dean, which is typically the choir stalls on the south side of the chancel. Cantoris (Latin for “of the cantor”) is the side of the church occupied by the cantor, which is typically the choir stalls on the north side of the chancel. The choirs and their directors are looking forward to sharing this music with listeners. Doug Johnson, founder and director of C4 states, “We’re still a new ensemble, so collaboration with such an esteemed program is a huge honor for us.” As with all Sound & Spirit concerts, Choral Dimensions is a free event.

Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 317-251-9489

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