October 2017 news and views pdf

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October 2017

News & Views A newsletter of Northminster Presbyterian Church

Annual Day of Caring Go and See! - page 3

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(page 2) www.northminster-indy.org

October 2017

“Go and See” – Stewardship Season 2017 – by Carol McDonald “How many loaves have you,” Jesus asked the disciples. “Go and see.” Mark 6: 30-44 is the Biblical focus for Stewardship this year at Northminster. It is a story of exhausted disciples hungry for food. It is a story of eager crowds hungry for the wisdom and compassion of Jesus. And it is a story of what can happen when even the most skeptical persons dare to take a risk to “Go and See.” The 2017 Stewardship season is our opportunity to “Go and See” – our invitation to join our gifts together so that Northminster can make a difference in the lives of our members, our community, and our world. I have been part of this church family since 1989; some years I have been able to pledge more than other years. But from the beginning of my commitment to this faith community, I have been excited to join my resources to yours so that, together, we can be Christ’s hand and feet in the world.

What will our gifts empower us to “Go and See” in 2018? • Inspiring worship with heart-soaring music and powerful preaching; • Building on the strong foundation of ministry with children and youth laid by Debbie Bulloff and Julie Shannon; • Congregational care that feeds our spirits and nourishes our souls; • Mission that enlarges our understanding of our city and our world; • E-vangelism and communication efforts that touch our neighborhood; • Opportunities for all ages to ask difficult questions, engage in risky conversations, and push ourselves to new possibilities in ministry;

Pastoral Ponderings - by Teri Thomas If everything goes as planned, by the time you read this newsletter I will be on my way to Australia. My hope is to post travel logs on Facebook while I am gone. If you have a Facebook account, go to the Northminster Presbyterian Church Facebook page to

follow my adventures and see some photos. If you don’t have an account, please sign up! Blessings to you all - Teri (somewhere on the Pacific Ocean)


• Prospects for serving as Christ’s hands and feet with people we have yet to meet, in places we have yet to discover. The disciples, following Jesus’ direction, discovered 5 loaves and 2 fish – and more than 5,000 persons were fed. What will we discover, in 2018, if we dare to join our gifts together? How many will we feed with the love and compassion of Jesus? Go and See! And be amazed!

October 2017

October Worship - Five Sundays for us to praise God! - by Carol McDonald

October 1 is World Communion Sunday. Did you know this celebration was the dream of a Presbyterian pastor in Pittsburgh? Worldwide Communion began in 1933 at Shadyside Presbyterian Church and is now observed around the globe. As we gather at the world table, we will “dance the word,” receive communion by intinction, sing songs from the global community, and receive the PC USA Peacemaking Offering. October 8, 15, 22 will focus on “Go and See” - our Stewardship theme for 2017. You will become

familiar with the story of the five loaves and two fish as told by Mark’s gospel – and preached by 3 different preachers! You will experience the beloved Psalm 23 in three different ways. And you will hear testimonies from several Northminster members about why they give so our church can be Christ’s hands and feet in the world. October 29 is Commitment Sunday. You will be invited to bring your pledges forward to the communion table, symbolizing the joining together of our individual

Rev. Carol McDonald gifts so that amazing things can happen in Christ’s name. October 29 is also Reformation Sunday; we will remember and celebrate Martin Luther’s brave witness and we will hear bagpipes! October worship will be filled with story and song and praise and invitation! Don’t miss it!

Faithful Followers Can Make a Difference In May, members of our congregation, along with 41 other congregations in Central Indiana, participated in the spring Offering of Letters for Bread for the World. Over 3600 letters were written and hand delivered to our Congressmen/Congresswomen and Senators. The focus of the letters was to encourage these leaders to make funding decisions that put us on track to end hunger by 2030. Your letters made an impact as the message from constituents was very clearly heard. This built immediately on another success. The omnibus-spending bill passed in May included nearly $1 billion in famine relief. This much-needed funding was not originally part of the bill. In fact, Bread for the World, through

meetings with the Senate Appropriations Committee and over 20 meetings with congressional offices in a four-day period, along with grassroots emails and phone calls, helped congressional members recognize the need to take action. A group of Senators, led by our Senator Todd Young, wrote to Secretary Tillerson to include the increase.

a faithful Christian. Let’s walk this path together. Let’s continue to write, call and email so that, through faith and determination, we make a difference.

But we have more to do. The recently passed House budget resolution calls for $150 billion in cuts to SNAP (food stamps) over the next ten years. This translates to 50 million meals per year for Indiana kids, vets and seniors. We must continue to advocate for at-risk members of society. Guiding our government to be the compassionate leaders that we want them to be is an essential part of being -3-

Bread for the World letter writing, May 2017.

October 2017

Clothe-a-Child – Play a Role!

Thursday, December 7, 9am-1pm, Sears in Castleton Square We will have sign up sheets in the Gathering Place on Sunday mornings throughout November, the signup sheet on the Deacon’s board in the choir hallway, and on the Events page on the website, or by contacting Mike Shannon (mshannon@miller-eads.com). Here’s what we need: 4 people to ride the school buses that leave School #55 on East 54th Street at 9AM and return to the school by 1:30pm. A versatile position, you may shop with a child, serve at check-out and help process shopping bags, or serve pizza. 60-80 people to shop will meet at Sears in Castleton Square by 9:00 am to get instructions which include locating already purchased uniforms, keeping running totals on the costs of clothing you choose, accompanying your shopper to the snack room for pizza party, games, and entertainment, and escorting your shopper back to the buses about 12:30-1pm.

6-8 people needed to assist Sears employees during check out process, carry bags to the storage room for sorting, and pass them out to children as they head for the bus. 3 people to help serve up the pizza and other treats from about 111pm. 2-3 entertainment folk to lead the crowd through interactive activities appropriate for a multi generational group like singing and crafts. This will run from about noon to 1 pm at which time the kids will be dismissed to the buses. 1 person to help Mrs. Lourdes Holloway (School #55 Counselor) to shop for children unable to attend on that day, to answer questions about anything you don’t understand on a shopping list, and to enjoy her day while you and the kids play together.

Above: Bob Bowers helps a child choose a winter coat. Financial support to make it all possible. Check the pew racks or your offering envelope box for our special Clothe-a-Child envelope. Watch for sign-ups in The Gathering Place and online throughout November or email Mike Shannon – mshannon@miller-eads.com

Thanks from Craine House Suzanne Pierce, Executive Director of the Craine House, sends thanks for a contribution made to their organization by the Northminster Mission Team: “Your remarkable caring means the world to this program and we thank you for your support.” Craine

House offers women an opportunity to serve out their court-mandated sentence while keeping their pre-school age children with them, preserving the mother and child bond and allowing them to reenter the community as a family. Suzanne continues by saying, “We -4-

give the women we serve a chance to rebuild their lives and create a better future for themselves and their children. (Northminster’s) donation helps Craine House further continue the implementation of our mission. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.”

October 2017

Blessed Are The Peacemakers World Communion Sunday, October 1, marks the end of the Season of Peace and the official completion of collecting special offerings for Peace and Global Witness. As you may know, the mission of this Special Offering remains dedicated to promoting peace and standing against violence. And in this time of local, national and global unrest, this particular offering is of pointed relevance in our dedication as Christians to being witnesses and peace offering agents. Recently, Mission Team has voted to turn this offering over to TenPoint Coalition. Led by Reverend Charles Harrison, the group includes ministers and other faith leaders who put their feet and their faith to work on the streets and

sidewalks of Indianapolis. 25% of each offering defrays the expenses of the Coalition, as they strive to bring, and maintain, peace through Christ to our neighborhoods. The remaining portion of the collection funds the Presbytery and their ongoing efforts to be a Witness for Peace globally. As well as impacting our local community, Reverend Harrison and his “small but mighty” band were contacted with requests to replicate their project in troubled communities across Indiana and even beyond our state. So we know our contributions are now even more greatly appreciated.

If you have already chosen to give, we thank you. If you have not yet given and are moved to support this most worthy cause, consider this an opportunity to join in the promotion of Peace, both in our own backyard and in furthering the Witness of the Power of Christ around the world. For this is an Offering that is open year round. You can contribute online or with pledge envelopes that can be found in the pews. In Christ’s name and His message of Peace to us and through us,

Comfort Animals Mission Project - by Carrie Savage-Zimmerman This is a personal testimony and acknowledgment for those who have collected and provided Stephen Minister Comfort Animals, blessed and waiting to serve, in the front pew at Northminster. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the comfort they provided a very dear friend’s husband recently. In August, Tom suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the Cardiac ICU at Methodist Hospital while being treated for a deep ear infection. Learning this about halfway into his two-week stay, I spent as much time as I could with my friend and Tom. After one

Sunday service, preparing to head down for a brief visit, I learned of the Comfort Animals and picked one up. A tiger, who would soon be christened Tigger, was embraced literally and figuratively by Tom and his family. And, as you can tell by the photo, Tigger was the first and foremost item ready to accompany Tom upon his release from Methodist a few days later. Did Tigger speed his recovery? Who knows. I would like to think so. Again, a heartfelt acknowledgment from one family to the NPC family. You make a difference in people’s lives.” -5-

Tom and his comfort companion, Tigger, both ready to be released from the hospital, August, 2017.

October 2017

Fall Adult Education Opportunities Curious Conversations If you or someone you know wants to learn more about Northminster and its mission and ministry, please attend our next Curious Conversations on Sundays, October 1 and 8, at 10 am in the Conference Room. Come and learn who we are and what we do as a congregation and how you can be a part of it! If you are considering official membership, then this is the place to start. Please contact Associate Pastor Ruth Moore if you can attend. (ruthcmoore@northminster-indy. org) The Protestant Reformation: Then and Now On October Sunday mornings at 10 am in the Board Room, we will be commemorating events that began five hundred years ago in Europe. On October 31 in 1517, Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. This event has traditionally been seen as launching the Protestant Reformation. Discover what brought about Luther’s distaste for many of the Roman Catholic traditions of his day. Led by the Rev. Dr. Jim Montgomery, this class will allow individuals to understand why the Reformation happened, what it was really about, and its influence on us as 21st century Presbyterians. The class will use A Brief Introduction to the Reformation by Glenn S. Sunshine as its guide, and Jim will share other resources, including a brief book by

Martin Marty entitled October 31, 1517: Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World, for those interested in further understanding.

We Make the Road by Walking: Wednesday Night Bible Study for 2017-2018 Have you signed up? Have you purchased your book? This study will continue through Wednesday, April 18, 2018, from 6:00 – 7:15 each week. We’ll study “We Make the Road by Walking” by Brian McLaren, a year-long quest for spiritual formation, reorientation and activation. Each chapter begins with 2 or 3 Scripture passages which we will consider in relationship to McLaren’s narrative. While the text does not move systematically through the Bible, we will explore a wide expanse of the Biblical narrative in our study. Primary leadership will be provided by Parish Associate Carol McDonald: carol@lincolntrails.org. (Pastor Teri is following the same study while she is gone.) -6-

Spirit and Place Northminster will, once again, host an event as part of the annual Spirit and Place Festival. On Saturday, November 4, from 2-4 p.m., we will join with partner organizations – the Kheprw Institute, Indy10 Black Lives Matter, and Indy SURJ (Stand Up for Racial Justice) to offer “An Outrage: Using the Power of Social Justice for Change.” We will watch together the film, “An Outrage,” a documentary about lynching and systemic racism in America and then engage in a community conversation about changing the legacy of violence and power against people of color. Join us in Calvin Hall for this provocative and enlightening event! Register at http://bit.ly/2017spiritPLACE. Fourth Sunday Adult Education with Pastor Ruth There will be no fourth Sunday Adult Ed (Painting the Stars curriculum) with Associate Pastor Ruth Moore in October. (This class will resume on November 26th.) All class participants are encouraged to attend the five Sunday morning classes in October with Jim Montgomery, learning about and discussing the Reformation.

October 2017

Farewell from Julie Shannon Dear Students, Parents, & Families, God’s call and the active living of this call, in service and community, are central to our lives as Christians and as members of the greater Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.). One of the greatest things about being in ministry is the knowledge and understanding that we are called by God to a particular place at a particular time. There is no doubt in my mind that I was called to Northminster Presbyterian Church to serve as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. For almost seventeen years, I have laughed, cried, talked, prayed, learned, served, and played with God’s children of all ages here at NPC. My focus is the youth, parents, & families of NPC and they have my heart. The bonds and relationships I have formed are lifelong and I would not trade those years for anything. Before my daughters were born, they were embraced and loved by this community. Over the past year I have felt a yearning to get back to my roots of social work. I have been offered and have accepted a position in social work at North Central High School. This position provides me the opportunity to serve students and their families in a new way and different setting. I'm excited for this new adventure. This has not been an easy decision to make and I have prayerfully considered this decision and am confident that I am following God’s lead. This is a great opportunity for me, and I

know it is impossible to go where God has not already been and I look forward to seeing what God has planned for me. As you are reading this, I have left my position of Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Northminster Presbyterian Church. My last day in the office was September 20th. My final Sunday evening Youth Group was September 24th. Please come and see me at a farewell celebration on Sunday, October 1st, at 10 am. I am overwhelmed by so many amazing memories when I think back to my interview at NPC. The search committee, headed up by Maureen Purcell was composed of an equal number of youth and adults. The balance of youth and adult leadership is unique and made a lasting impression. Youth had equal voice in the selection of their youth director. My family and I have experienced so many gifts and blessings during my time at Northminster. We have participated in mission trips domestic and abroad to Mexico, lock-ins, retreats, yuck nights, camps and tobogganing, energizers, service projects, and wild fun games. I've witnessed young people grow, deepen and claim their faith as their own and go into leadership in the church. I've laughed, cried, worried, prayed, played and have had so much Fun! The past 17 years are a true blessing for me and I -7-

am honored to have the privilege to serve with so many wonderful young people, volunteers, parents, families and members of this amazing congregation. I am thankful that my daughters are still being raised in this church and are nurtured, mentored, loved and shown God’s steadfast love by the people here. We, the Shannon's, are not leaving Northminster. This is our church and it is where our family belongs. I am excited to see how God is leading me in this new direction. Blessings & All God’s People Say Amen! - Julie Shannon, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries Youth Farewell Lunch for Julie, October 1 at YATs There is a goodbye celebration with the church planned for Sunday, October 1, at 10 am. Additonally, Julie would like to extend an invitation to any youth interested in meeting her at Yats on Sunday, Oct. 1 , from 12:30-1:30 pm. This will be a fun, informal gathering. Following that, Julie will be keeping a “low profile.” But she will be back around, later in the fall!

October 2017

October Youth & Family Ministry Schedule October 8th: Youth Group! 5:30-7:30 pm (all middle and high school students) October 15th: Kids Club Mission project – 10 am -- that morning –Youth and Families encouraged to participate – the mission project will be here at Northminster. October 22nd: 10 am, hands-on creating art and decorations for Trunk or Treat. October 22nd: Youth Group 5:30-7:30 pm, for all middle and high school students. October 29th: Trunk or Treat! We will decorate our cars and hand out candy to the community from 4-5 pm. Sign up in the Choir hallway on the bulletin board. Please arrive by 3:30 if you’re bringing a car. At 5:15 pm, after cleanup, volunteers who worked the event can head out to dinner together. We’ll gratefully accept donations of individually wrapped candy all through October.

Kids Club We had our first Kid’s club on September 10th. We made prayer flags, we did a few name-games and fun getting-to-know-you games, and also shared with M & Ms – what makes us angry (red M & Ms), what we absolutely love or like a lot (blue M & Ms) , and what brings us peace (white M & Ms). Then we got to eat the M & Ms! On September 17th, Youth and families participated in the Day of Caring service projects. October KIDS Club Schedule Sundays, 10 - 10:50 am, upstairs in Room 204, for grades K - 5 Middle School and High School youth can participate as helpers. We gather in the temple room for check in. Please pick up your child at the Temple Room (Room 204) by 10:50 am. Kids Club is geared to be hands-on and active, and will have rotating themes each week. October 1: Theme: Movement –Games & action activities. Our volunteer leaders are Sarah & Craig Hittle.

October 8: Theme: Arts –Drama . Our volunteer leaders are Todd & Mandy Ellington. October 15: Theme: Mission Project – our volunteer leaders are Quinn & Jacob Bensi. October 22: Theme: Legos & Hands On fun! Our volunteer leaders are Jennifer and Russell Wareham. October 29: Theme: Reformation Sunday! Listen to the Bag Piper – music – (Celebration choir sings at 11 am.) Working with John Wright –due to sound level –will be outside or in the sanctuary.

Parents with a Passion We will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:15 pm in the Knox Room. All parents welcomed and encouraged to attend! -8-

October 2017

NorthStars Events Cheer our Indianapolis Colts as they take on the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday, October 8. The NorthStars will gather for a “Virtual Tailgate” at Jon and Pam Constable’s home for the 1:00 PM game. Bring your favorite side dish, salad, or dessert, and $5.00 per person. Barbeque and beverages will be provided. Arrive any time from noon on, and watch our Colts bring home a big win! RSVP by October 4 to Jon and Pam at conjn@comcast.net or (317) 2013873. The Constables’ address is 19989 Prescott Pl., Westfield IN. Directions: North on US 31 to 191st Street. West on 191st St. to Tomlinson Road. Right on Tomlinson to Chatham Hill Blvd. Left on Chatham Hills Blvd., then take first left on Prescott Place. Look for 19989 on left side of the street. Parking in the driveway or on the street.

On Friday, November 17, NorthStars will travel to the Great American Songbook at the Paladium in Carmel. The Great American Songbook is a concept, an archive, a library and someday, a museum. The staff is actively collecting American music – sheet music, scores, records, discs, films, videos – published from 1900 to the early 1960’s. Included, but not limited to, are composers George Gershwin and Cole Porter, jazz artists Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, pop singers Frank Sinatra and Pegge Lee, and iconic musicals from the forties and fifties such as “South Pacific” and “My Fair Lady.” Elvis, this is not. The NorthStars will be attending a program featuring the career and music of Meredith Wilson, best known for “Music Man” and “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.”

An archivist will speak, and participants will have an opportunity to listen to and view artists on their own. The program is free, but donation are welcome. The church bus will travel from Northminster to the Paladium, and the group will adjourn to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Details will be forthcoming. For reservations and more information, call Lowell and Pennie Lumley (317-549-2864) or Eileen Alsop (317-255-3248).

Paladium in Carmel

Let's Go to Pokagon - January 19-21, 2018 Pokagon is a state park in northern Indiana. Northminster secures rooms in the historic lodge for a weekend in January, every other year. This is a great time for singles and families to play, hike, read, relax, ride the toboggan, and spend time with Northminster members and friends. We have access to the lodge on Friday, January 19, through Sunday, January 21 (two evenings). More specific information will be available soon, particularly the cost and deadline, but we

wanted to get the dates to you now in hopes you'll plan to attend. John Wright is the contact person this year so if you have any questions,


email him at johnwright@northminster-indy.org or call 317-2519489 ext. 20.

October 2017

October Birthdays Jerry Gray Jim Mann Jimmy Moehring Marilyn Beattey Nancy Hill Jenny Moehring Bill Dynes Mary Buchanan Heather Banks John Coleman Jennifer Fisher Nancy Gradolf Cullen Hooper Scott Hawks Melissa Hopkins Marge Ashby Adam Newsom Jo Wright Dawn Boys-Sibley Pennie Lumley Dwight Moritz Cheryl Plunkett

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Iona Smith Barb Stayton Jim Aelick Barbara Berting Chad Kincaid Gayle-Sue Murphy Char Swenson John Calvin Courtney Fisher Lori Schlabach Megan Klinginsmith Pat Kilbury Becky Merkel Anne Nation Debbie Everett Dorothy Moos Bob Rogers Bill Diehl Mary Kay Henry Amy Johnson Beth Spradlin

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Eunice Hughes Liz Neterval Frank Sauer Mike Boris Jan Drac Benjamin Johnson Hitch Learned Judy Nelson Evan Steger Abby Hunter Marci Robinson Barb Angotti Sarah Hittle Chuck Cornett Allison Gritton Mae Leech Hannah Plunkett John Brooks Charisse Acklin Anita Day Doris Harmon Jeff Kinney

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October Calendar Highlights 10/1 10/1 10/1 10/3 10/4 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/11 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/23 10/23 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/31

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Curious Conversations Adult Ed - Reformation (1st class) Youth Lunch at Yats Team Meeting Night We Make the Road by Walking #foodandfaith Curious Conversations NorthStars Colt's Game Stephen Ministers Finance Committee Meeting Spiritual Striders Elder Law Seminar Music Committee Meeting Session Meeting Foundation Meeting Stephen Minister Leaders Ministerial Support Committee Commitment Sunday Chancel Choir Rehearsal/Lunch Trunk or Treat Newsletter Assembly - 10 -

What Do Deacons Do? Deacons raise their own funds to do their ministry and mission. In October they will be selling Butter Braids and cookie dough to raise money for our Thanksgiving baskets to families at School 55. Please support your deacons by buying some delicious treats in October. Order forms are included in this newsletter.

October 2017

3B - Body, Brain, Belief

Mondays & Thursdays, 1:30 pm in the Board Room Exercise helps maintain the ability to live independently and reduces the risk of falling and fracturing bones. Therefore, we do 3B! Come

Join Us to Learn More! We are now doing lightweights, aerobic and strength training.

Elder Attorney Seminar Mark your calendars and plan to attend a lunch session with Elder Attorney Lisa Dillman (photo, right). Lisa is an expert in all issues and legal matters a couple or single person may face as they age. Whether you’re a widow(er) or a child of aging parents, she has valuable information to help you navigate through family, long term health care, and estate planning. Her firm specializes in Medicaid and VA benefits. Come with your questions about estate planning, probate, wills and trust. Lisa will be at Northminster on Wednesday,

October 11, at Noon. Please RSVP by calling the church office at 317-251-9489. Feel free to bring a

Your Senior Consultant, Denise Harrington, is here to answer questions about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Caregiving, Rehabilitation Therapy, Estate Planning, Grief, Probate and Guardianship or a referral for Elder Law. Email Denise at dharrington@ northminster-indy.org or call her at

317-509-7085. She is also available at the church on Thursdays.

Presby Day in October David Leonards is the founder of International Entertainment Bureau, and has been an “entertainment consultant” for 44 years. David (photo, right) is a professional pianist and trumpeter who is a Life Member of Local #3 American Federation of Musicians. David will share stories of his interactions with celebrities down through the years with us. He is the agent for Gary Varvel, Patty Spitler, Jim Shella and Dick Wolfsie, to name a few.

Need to Contact Denise Harrington?

Avanti Duo (Nancy Burriss and Jillian Chrisman) will serenade us with a variety of familiar musical tunes. Come ready to enjoy the beautiful music provided by these talented ladies. Presby Day is on Thursday, October 12, at 10:00 am at Faith Presbyterian Church. Call the church office to RSVP, 317-8491930 by Tuesday, October 10.

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October 2017

Thank you to all who made contributions to Sound & Spirit. Thanks to you, we are able to offer another season of eclectic concerts free to all. If you have not yet contributed to Sound & Spirit and would like to do so, simply mail a check to the church or contribute on line by visiting the Sound & Spirit page of northminster-indy.org.

Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 www.northminster-indy.org 317-251-9489

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