September 2016 news and views

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Answers to your

Abundant JOY campaign questions - pg. 2

September 2016

September 2016

Capital Campaign: Focus Groups Q & A As many of our members know, the church has been planning an ambitious, three-year capital campaign to strengthen Northminster spiritually and financially. To let you know what’s in the works, we’ve anticipated and answered some of your likely questions about how the campaign will play out over the rest of the summer and fall. (Spoiler alert: The campaign’s goal is $2.5 million over three years.) Q. So, it’s that time of year again when we contemplate our annual financial commitment to Northminster. What’s different about this year? A. In addition to receiving annual pledges from members for the church’s regular operations and ministries, the congregation is staging a capital campaign to raise $2.5 million over three years to cover some special projects that are central to the church’s life, longevity and mission. Q. So, my family will be asked to make an annual pledge, as per usual, and then also make a commitment to the $2.5 million goal that we’ll pay in 2017 through 2019? A. Yes. Q. How much do we usually try to raise in a normal year? A. The church’s budget is about $1 million. Q. So we’re shooting for that $1 million in 2017, and also pledging

an amount for the three-year, $2.5 million capital campaign that we’ll begin paying this year?

Q. I’m not great with numbers. What’s this financial stuff you were talking about, like “retiring debt”?

A. You’re getting it.

A. It’s like paying off your mortgage, which actually is what this money would do for the church. We would also build a reserve fund for long-term or emergency maintenance.

Q. And these pledges will happen by the end of October? A. Yes. Q. You’re serious? A. These are serious times. Q. OK. Didn’t I hear at some point that the campaign would be $3 million? A. In general terms, yes. As we floated the idea for the campaign, we asked members to think in terms of $1 million each for a new organ; to help retire debt and beef up the building reserve; and to boost mission activities and community outreach. After carefully considering all of the feedback, the session decided that the campaign would consist of $1 million for the organ, $800,000 for debt retirement and the building fund, and $700,000 for mission and outreach. Hence, the capital campaign is for $2.5 million. Q. What’s the problem with the organ? I can hear it fine. A. It’s 54 years old. It’s on its last legs and could poop out on us permanently at any time. Music is such a fundamental and joyful part of worship at Northminster, custom-building a top-notch instrument for the next generations is a worthy investment. -2-

Q. What about mission? We already have a mission team with a regular budget, don’t we? Aren’t they solving the world’s problems? A. We really want to ramp it up. We think we can make an even bigger impact by creating an endowment for mission that would allow the church to make regular, major gifts to help children in poverty in central Indiana. We’d also boost our commitment to the Global Interfaith Partnership programs—particularly mission work in Kenya. This all would come in addition to our regular mission work and make a significant difference, especially in the lives of children. Q. I’m not really sure how much I should give. What even would be appropriate? Is there anyone I can talk this over with? A. You’re in luck. Selected members of the congregation, working on behalf of the campaign, will visit all of our members at their homes—or get coffee together, I suppose—to go over all of the (Continued on page 3)

September 2016

September Worship – by Teri Thomas September 4th we will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion at both services. We will also be commissioning a new leader for our Stephen Ministers. Psalm 139 has us being searched and known but we will also hear the seldom read Book of Philemon. September 11th is all about being lost and found. This will be kickoff for church school and Merriman Bibles will be presented to all third graders. This is always a

joyous day and we hope to see you here. Plan to stay for the picnic at noon.

all to practice what we preach and make a real difference in someone’s life.

September 18th is very different and we have never done it this way before. We will have a short worship at 9:00 in the sanctuary. Then everyone will engage is a Mission Day of Caring. You will find a description of the projects in this newsletter. Bring friends who want to do some hands-on service. This will be an amazing day for us

September 25th Ruth Moore will be preaching. This is the 19th Sunday of Pentecost. The gospel lesson is Luke 16:19-31, the Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. This is a tough one to hear, but let’s try to understand it together.

Capital Campaign: Focus Groups Q & A (continued from page 2) pertinent info, answer all questions, and then suggest a generous amount someone of your means would be comfortable contributing.

Q. OK, I’m with you so far. What’s the schedule for how all of this plays out through October? A. Campaign representatives will visit with members in September and October. Capital Campaign

commitments will be accepted throughout this process, and we’ll ask for your final decisions on annual giving on Commitment Sunday, which this year will be Oct. 30.

Q. This initiative is very inspiring. I’d feel even more comfortable if we could cement this with some scripture. Any ideas?

Foundation Minute – by Robert Rothrock From The Kiplinger Letter: Once you reach the age of 70 ½ you are subject to the RMD (required minimum distribution) from your traditional IRA. You can donate as much as $100,000 per year from that IRA to a charity tax free. The amount counts as your RMD for the year without boosting your adjusted gross income.

If you are unable to itemize the contribution, this could be a real benefit. Keeping the money out of your adjusted gross income could help avoid the Medicare high income surcharge or make less of your Social Security benefits taxable. The first wave of baby boomers -3-

A. Oh, wow. Take your pick. Proverbs 11:24-25. Luke 21:1-4 is always reliable; that’s the poor widow. But Matthew 6:21 really brings it home: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Northminster is a special community because it is built by many hands. The vision we have for ourselves and our world will be accomplished the same way – together.

(born 1946 to 1964) will reach 70½ this year. Check with your tax advisor.

September 2016

For All Northminster Men – by P. E. MacAllister Critical to the Christian faith is a vast collection of writings; compiled into a volume which is called “The Bible.” A formidable and venerable collection of essays, history, prophesy, poetry, and legal instruction which makes it the most important literary and theological work ever produced. If you have any interest in reaching a better understanding of this remarkable series of documents, (out of which grew both Judaism and Christianity) here is a chance to get started. The “Men’s Prayer Breakfast,” which meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30am, is presenting

a layman’s study, explanation, and interpretation of the sacred text in a yearlong study, led (on disc) by theological and historical scholars to tell us what it means, how it grew, and what impact it has had for humankind. Breakfast ($10) is included in the agenda and random prayers for those who are ill, experiencing bereavement, family dislocation, or maybe celebrating happy events. We would welcome your attendance and participation – if you choose to come and get your licks in. Meeting room is down the steps in the Board Room.

Butter Braids are Back! - by Ruth Moore Northminster Presbyterian Church and Butter Braid® pastries team up for a winning fall fundraiser!

cinnamon, cream cheese and a variety of fruit fillings. The pastries arrive frozen, allowing customers to store until ready to prepare. Set out to thaw and rise until double-inThe Butter Braid® pastry fundsize, then bake for an unforgettable raiser is underway now! Support experience! Visit www.butterbraid. from our community is very much com for additional product details. needed and appreciated! Thank you for supporting this Sale dates are October 2 - 23. cause. It will make a positive difDelivery to Northminster Presbyference for Northminster. terian Church is Wednesday, November 9. Members will deliver to supporters shortly thereafter. Order on Sunday mornings in the Gathering Place in October. Butter Braid® brand pastries are made with exquisite sweet dough that is hand-braided around mouthwatering fillings such as -4-

What Do Deacons Do?

The Deacons thank the congregation for contributing to the school supplies collection for School 55. The teachers and students were very appreciative. Through the Joan Hawks Memorial Fund for School 55, the Deacons have purchased $1500.00 of new books for the classrooms and library. A picture of Joan and a plaque have been placed in the library. Joan was a Deacon and great supporter of School 55 and the gifts given in her memory are being managed and used by the Deacons for the children and school. Order your Butter Braids and support the Deacon’s Fund! (See article at left.) The Deacons collect your donations to the food barrels for the food pantry at Westminster Neighborhood Services. Proteins like peanut butter, and canned fish and meat are always welcome.

September 2016

Back to School Extravaganza: What Does It Mean? – by Jerry Gray It means that Northminster Presbyterian Church is in the fight against poverty. Recently, the Polis Center at IUPUI released statistics that the poverty rate in Indianapolis has reached 33%. That is a 41% increase in children living in poverty since 2005. Poverty is federally defined as $24,300.00 per year for a family of four. Can you imagine living on that! I am proud to watch our congregation come together in this one small way to help reduce some aspect of poverty by serving over 1,200 children with their back to school needs. Special thanks to Connie Coleman and Sally Gray for shopping as early as December for new blue jeans for those kids, and to Linda Theobold and Barb Angotti who rallied the

Striders, Deacons and others to come to my aid when I injured my leg. I was surrounded by ladies doing God’s work. They went to the schools to collect clothing and sorted clothing in Room 114 tirelessly. We also must not forget to thank Donna Haines and the First Mennonite Church for donating $1,500.00 for the clothing effort and providing many volunteers for the clothing preparation day and the day of the event. A special treat occurred when the Ellie Schmink, Director of the Jordan YMCA, brought six of her staff as a community outreach day to help with preparing the clothes. Finally, I need to thank the congregation for the hundreds of loads of clothing that were washed, and the outstanding volunteerism at every crucial step in this very complicat-

Northminster Fan Squad!

Northminster members of all ages! Would you support Northminster young people in their activities by attending a sporting event, a music show or theater show? If you have a Northminster shirt, please wear it and go out to encourage these wonderful young people!

- by Julie Shannon if interested. I will list these types of events on a board outside my office and on the youth page of the website. (Get-in-free VIP card for ages 60+ at many Washington Township events! Call 845-9400 ext. 77200.)

We’ve got kids who play in bands, orchestras, kids who act, sing, and dance, etc. NPC has several in competitive show choir this year in February and March. Email jshannon@northminster-5-

ed process. I want to leave you with one final thought. On the clothing preparation day dozens of volunteers were at work in the Gathering Space picking up clothes from the cart and bringing them to the various tables and separating the clothes according to gender and size. It reminded me of Jane Austen’s ballroom scene in the movie Pride and Prejudice. People were moving between each other effortlessly from table to table as if it was a dance. They were twirling and swirling, the clothing flaring and flying, and the whole scene was of people moving in concert. I stood there leaning against my cane watching this waltz thinking that this is the way church should be!

College Care Package Help Needed Want to let the NPC college kids know we are thinking about them during finals? Every fall the youth, families and parents help assemble college care packages. I appreciate the support and help of the NPC congregation. You can write notes, donate items, bake goodies, & or give $ towards the cost of these packages. Email Julie Shannon at if you are willing and able to help!

September 2016

100 Things Every Child Should Know Before Confirmation We promise each time children are baptized that we will guide and nurture, by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of Christ's church. So what, exactly, should we be teach, and how should we be guiding? Join us in Calvin Hall on Saturday, September 24, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, AND/OR Sunday, September 25, from 10 - 11 am (you are welcome to attend both times) for a workshop/conversation with the Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick, author of 100 Things Every Child Should Know Before Confirmation: A Guide for Parents and Youth Leaders.

Rebecca Kirkpatrick is Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Mission at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church near Philadelphia. A graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary, she served for 10 years as Associate Pastor for Children and Youth at Sunnyside Presbyterian Church in South Bend, IN. From 2013-15, she served as a mission worker with Presbyterian World Mission (PCUSA) and the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Egypt. She blogs about nurturing the spiritual lives of children at Register for this event on the Featured Events page of our website.

“Plant the seed, feed the soil, watch them grow!”

Youth Fellowship – by Julie Shannon

It’s Not Too Late! Get Your Northminster T-shirt! Don't miss out on ordering your Northminster "Spirit" Wear! Shirts are available in adult sizes S-4XL, $15 each, and youth sixes XS-XL, $10 each.

September 4th: No Youth Fellowship. (Labor Day weekend) September 11th: Regular Youth Fellowship 6-8pm. Pizza, games, bible study & prayer! September 18th: Regular Youth Fellowship 6-8pm. Pizza, games, bible study & Prayer!

Order and pay for your shirt in the Gathering Place on Sundays, or on the Featured Events page of our website.

September 24th: Special speaker, Rebecca Kirkpatrick. (See article, above.) September 25th: No evening Youth Fellowship. Please Sign up and volunteer for IHN. They could use activity hosts this evening from 6-8:30pm.

Shirts will be delivered to Northminster for pickup on Sept. 18th. Proceeds benefit the Deacon's fund.

Questions? Contact Julie Shannon: -6-

September 2016

Christian Education / Family Ministries Happenings All School age children (K-5th gr) will attend worship with their parents and celebrate Communion with the Congregation on the first Sunday of the month, September 4. Look for the Children’s Worship Bulletin which will be avail-

able along with the regular Sunday Worship bulletin. After Time with Children, Toddlers and Preschoolers will proceed to their classrooms on the 1st floor of the C.E. wing for Church School and care. Children’s Church for K-5th graders will be

offered at both services after the Time with Children on Sundays September 11, 18, and 25. Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Church School and care will be offered every Sunday.

Church School in September - by Debbie Bulloff

Consider the scripture and talk with your friends and family about the question at the end of each week’s lesson. Copies of all of the Bible Stories from the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum are available in your child’s classroom. We are following the Lectionary for Year C. This is the Season of Pentecost. September 4: Philemon 1–21 A New Identity This week we learn about discipleship from a letter that Paul wrote to Philemon. Paul is asking an act of kindness from Philemon, but sees it more as one of God’s disciples helping another. When we share God’s love it can refresh the hearts of others. Preschoolers will talk together about acts of kindness. How does it feel to ask for a kindness? How does it feel to

offer an act of kindness? How does it feel to accept an act of kindness?

they serve, so that all might live in peace and experience God’s saving love. This week, think about September 11: 1 Timothy 1:12–17 the people in the world who are in Growing in God’s Love need of prayers for healing, justice, The letter of Timothy retells the peace, security. Where and in what story of Paul and his encounter ways might you be an answer to with the risen Christ. Paul is not your prayers? Talk together about deserving but God is loving. The how you can be an answer to Church School will consider the prayer. gift of God’s grace and what it might mean in our lives today, in September 25: Luke 16: 19-31 this place called Northminster. Preschoolers will talk about making new friends. Children’s Church September 18: 1 Timothy 2:1–7 will be participating in Communion Prayerful Living Training in preparation for World The writer of the letter to Timothy Communion Sunday, October teaches about prayer and encourag2. Parents are invited to attend. es the readers to pray for everyone, Classes will be divided by age: especially those in authority. In K-2nd graders and 3rd-5th Graders. a time of persecution, the author encourages the church to pray for all political leaders no matter who

Save These September and October Dates! 3rd Grade Bible Sunday is September 11 during both services. Our third graders will be presented with their own copies of NRSV Merriman Bibles!

Communion Training will occur September 25 in Children’s Church at both the 9:20 am and 11:20 am. All children, Kindergarten-Grade 5, are encouraged to attend Children’s Church on September 25 as we prepare for World Communion Sunday. Parents - please join us! -7-

World Communion Sunday October 2. Let’s celebrate Communion together with Christians all over the world. Bring your favorite bread to share at 10 am, along with the story of why it’s your favorite. Contact Debbie Bulloff (dbulloff@ by Sept. 30 if you can participate.

September 2016

Presby Day Join us at Irvington Presbyterian Church on Thursday, Sept. 8, at 10 am. Steve Barnett will be our guest from the Irvington Historical Society. The neighborhood of Irvington overlaps Irvington Historic District. The historic district is a 545 acre area that was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987. Come and hear about the history of Irvington and the exciting new things happening in the area. Call 317-356-7225 to RSVP by 9/6/16. Lunch is $5.00.

3B resumes September 12, 1:30 pm in the Board Room! Denise Harrington:

Parents with a Passion

Spirit and Place Home 2016

Calling all parents - come and join us! We meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:15 pm, upstairs in the Knox Room. Childcare is provided. Come at 5:30 pm for dinner (It’s affordable - call 251-9489 by Monday each week to make your reservation). We are a support, discussion, and prayer group to learn about current issues that impact our families and our lives as parents. We share our parenting experiences. We laugh often. We share frustrations and joys. We care for and support one another. During September we meet on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

“Refugees Welcome” is a collaboration with Northminster, Exodus Immigration, the Polis Center and Yardbox Films on November 12, from 2-4 pm at Northminster. Refugees Welcome will explore the concept of Home through refugee perspectives with creative placemaking through art, faith and data.


Intergenerational Trunk or Treat

Everyone is invited to join us at Northminster on Sunday, Oct. 30, from 4:30-6:00 pm. This FUN outreach event needs helpers of all ages, decorated cars, costumed folks and candy to hand out. Candy donations will be collected in the Gathering Place during the month of October. Contact Julie Shannon ( or Debbie Bulloff (

September 2016

Annual Church Picnic - September 11 – by Betty Bowers As a kick-off for the Christian Education program year, on Sunday, Sept 11, we will gather in the church parking lot – weather permitting – or inside, to enjoy a Jug’s catered picnic. Menu is fried chicken, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, and those yummy fried biscuits with apple butter. Cost is $5 per person, children

under age 5 free, family maximum is $20. Cash reservations may be made on Sundays in the Gathering Place through September 4 at the coffee bar during the 10 o’clock hour. Reservations can also be made by credit card on the Featured Events page of our website no later than Friday, Sept. 9. Don’t delay in

September 2016 Birthdays Aaron Eberhard Tina Humbert Kate Keesling Martha Adcox Mike Shannon Anne Whiteman Chloe Holewinski Cy Donnelly Mark Gritton Aden Bensi Jack Wareham William Ronco Betty Young Bob Gudgel Emma Moore Mark Durham Betty Sue Drake Suzanne Kerr Rick Nelson Sara Neitzel Rob Rothrock Tom Buchanan Troy Hill James Mann John Lisher Sam Neier Eli Neier

9/1 9/3 9/3 9/3 9/5 9/5 9/5 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/7 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/10 9/10 9/10 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/19 9/19 9/19

Loui Nelson Gene McComb Elle Keppler Bill Erdel Barbara Meriweather Nannette Kinney Mary Garrett Melodie Sarver Clay Stults Jameson Hittle Jessica Gritton Madeleine Achgill Art Angotti Betty McCoun Alan Hill Annie Robinson Benneit Kincaid Judy Hall Mary Hedlund Catarina Foga Pat Safford Don Craft Cleo Barnes Debbie Bulloff Julie Stark Yvonne Parker


9/19 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/21 9/21 9/22 9/22 9/24 9/24 9/25 9/25 9/26 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/29 9/29 9/30

making your reservation! Come and celebrate the start of many Christian Education opportunities. Help is needed to set up and tear down tables and chairs. Just show up at 10:15 am and after eating, lend a helping hand. This event is sponsored by the Congregational Life Team.

NorthStars trip to the Zoo Since the NorthStars trip to Richmond has been postponed until the facility at the Levi Coffin House is completed, we will spend Tuesday, September 20, at the Indianapolis Zoo. We will leave Northminster at 9:30 am and carpool and/or take the church bus. Once we arrive we will visit the Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center, which is considered "one the most significant zoo exhibits in the world." After getting to know the apes, you can lunch at the Café on the Commons and visit other zoo exhibits or the White River Gardens. We will plan to leave for Northminster at 2:30 pm or whenever your carpool group decides to return. Zoo ticket prices change according to demand. Currently the adult tickets for September 20th are $15.45. Parking at the zoo is $6 for cars and will be $10 for the bus. If you wish to order tickets, contact the Kepplers (549-2358) or

September 2016

September Calendar Highlights 9/1 9/1 9/4 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/6 9/7 9/11 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/14 9/14 9/18 9/18 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/24 9/25 9/25 9/27 9/27 9/28 9/28

6:45 AM 9:00 AM 8:30 & 10:30 AM 9 & 11 AM ALL Day 7:30 AM 7:00 PM 5:30 - 9:00 PM 9 & 11 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 - 9:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:30 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 - 9:00 PM 10:00 AM 9:30 AM 9 & 11 AM 10:00 AM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 5:30 - 9:00 PM 6:00 PM

IHN Week continues Newsletter Assembly Communion Preparation Worship Building Closed Campaign Steering Committee Team Meetings Dinner, PWP, Choirs Worship All-Church Picnic Stephen Ministry Campaign Steering Committee Women's Bible Study resumes Deacons Meeting Finance Committee Dinner, PWP, Choirs Worship (brief) Day of Caring Campaign Steering Committee Tandem Session Meeting Dinner, PWP, Choirs Receptionist Training Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Author Worship Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Author Campaign Steering Committee Newsletter Assembly Dinner, PWP, Choirs Disciple Fast Track (Adult Ed)

Wednesday Night Dinner Cooks and Helpers Needed If you would be willing to help prepare Wednesday Night Dinners on a rotating basis, please get in touch with Debbie Bulloff ( or Betty Bowers ( Calendar will be set by semester: August-December, January-April. This is a great service project for your group or team. Families rely on Wednesday Night Dinners before choirs and Wednesday evening activities.

Listen to This! Our member (and choir member), Steve Boller, released a new album over the summer called Let’s Begin. You can hear it on Spotify.

Thank You from the Shannon family I would like to thank all the families and wonderful giving people of Northminster who provided meals, sent cards, and prayed for me and my family during my Father’s illness, hospitalizations, and his recent death. We are grieving and miss him tremendously. Your love and support is strengthening and comforting. - Julie Shannon (Mike, Leah, & Stella) - 10 -

September 2016

Clothe-a-Child - Thursday, Dec. 1 - Sears in Castleton Square by Maureen Purcell September sign-ups, parent nights, Tandem lunches, North Star field trips, Kiwanis, Rotary, company picnics, high school reunions are filling their calendars every day. Did you remember to save December 1 for Clothe-a-Child? Co-chairs Maureen Purcell and Mike Shannon are taking inventory of the extra uniforms from last year that have been stored at School #55 and handed out when needed throughout the Spring semester. This month we will

purchase more uniforms from Sears while their fall inventory is abundant and have them ready for the shoppers in December. As you know, the 75 children from School #55 will take what they need for uniforms and add them to the jeans, jackets, shoes, dresses and shirts they also need. We are currently pulling together our volunteer list from last year and need emails for many of the non-Northminster folks. While you spread the word to your friends

Above: Clothe-a-Child, 2015. - 11 -

and associates, please pass on their email information to Maureen Purcell ( so we can keep them in the loop. Meanwhile, post the date (December 1, 9 am to 1 pm, at Sears in Castleton) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, phone a friend, and reminisce. Didn’t we have fun last year? Let’s do that again!

September 2016

Sunday, September 18 Our 1st annual Day of Caring will be Sunday, September 18th. We will gather at Northminster at 9 am for devotions, doughnuts and instructions and then go out into the community to be the hands and feet of Jesus with our mission partners. Some projects will only take an hour and others will last until 1 pm. There will be no regular worship that Sunday at 9 or 11 am. Childcare is available from 9 am – 1:30 pm at Northminster. Please consider signing up for one of the following projects and invite your friends and neighbors to come and help. Broad Ripple Village Association- help our neighborhood association with Clean up, Garden Maintenance and Graffiti Abatement. All supplies provided. All ages can participate but children under 12 need to be with an adult. (40 or more people needed) 9:30 am-1pm. Brooke’s Place – create “miss you” postcards and training binders. (5 adults) 9:30 am-1pm. Westminster Neighborhood Services – deep cleaning of the old Westminster building. Participants

need to bring their own cleaning supplies. Ages 12 and up. (10 people) 9:30 am-1pm. Exodus Refugee Resettlement – work in their warehouse sorting and organizing donations or set up an apartment for a new refugee family. Wear closed toed shoes. Ages 12 and up (10-15 people) 9:30 am-1pm. Julian Center – clean out and reorganize clothing closet – get rid of summer clothes and make room for winter clothing. Deep cleaning of playroom and classrooms. Ages 16 and up (10-15 people) 9:30am-1pm DaySpring Family Shelter – paint a hallway and trim at the shelter. Paint provided but you would bring brushes, rollers, drop clothes etc. Ages 14 and up (20 people) 9:30 am-1pm.

Projects at Northminster – beginning at 9:30 am Million Meal Movement – help us pack over 6,400 meals to be used by Gleaners to feed children in Indianapolis. This pack can be done sitting down. Ages 6 and up (20-25 people) 9:30– 11:30 am. We can include more people and pack more meals if you contribute to this proj-

ect! The Mission Team, Deacons and E-Team have already contributed a total of $1500.00. The VBS children have contributed $100. Baptismal Blankets – cut and tie baptismal blankets. Ages 7 and up (10 people) 9:30-10:30am. Sewing scissors, rotary cutters and cutting boards for fabric are needed. Big Thank You – write letters of appreciation to overseas military service personnel. Unlimited number ages 6 and up. 9:30-10:30 am. Letters to Homebound Members – write letters of remembrance and encouragement. Unlimited number ages 4 and up. Drawings appreciated too! 9:30-10:30 am. Childcare is available from 9 am – 1:30 pm. Bring lunch for your child if you are doing a full morning project. Register in the Gathering Place or by calling the church office (2519489), or the Featured Events page of our website. Questions? Contact co-chairs Nancy Flamme (nancyflamme21 or Debbie Grush (

Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220-2799 317-251-9489

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