November 2010 Vol. 8, Issue 11
TOUR OF DUTY: AFGHANISTAN A Soldier’s Perspective
BIG BOXING IN SALMON ARM Community Activists Take On A Shopping Centre Giant Publications Mail Agreement 41188516 ISSN# 1710-4750
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November 2010 Vol. 8, Issue 11
TOUR OF DUTY Master Corporal Glenn Duffield was warned not to bring his Canadian idealisms on his 7 month tour of duty in Afghanistan, where living conditions have been pushed back hundreds of years. Story by Dawn Renaud
12 BIG BOXING IN SALMON ARM The fight to KO a proposed shopping centre development By Don Sawyer
28 STAYCATIONS Ski Western Canada
38 DO YOU HEAR MY SECRET CALLING? A true love story By Carole Fawcett
6 YOUR LETTERS 16 REGIONAL ATTITUDE An Interview with Joanne de Vries 18 CALVIN WHITE Bakhtiar’s Song 26 DON SAWYER Fair Comment: You Can Get Everything You Want 37 BOB HARRINGTON It’s Your World: Consuming the Planet
FROM OUR EDITOR December 21st may officially be the first day of winter, but in my mind, winter begins when we light the fireplace for the first time. That happened last night. Recent news headlines have been forecasting “the worst winter in 80 years.” That got me wondering, just how bad was the winter of 1930/31? Was it worse than the winter of 1995/96 when 24 centimeters of snow fell on a single day, November 7th, in Kelowna? Was it worse than 1996/97 when the highest single-day snowfall in Vancouver was recorded; 41 cm fell on December 29th and a blizzard stranded hundreds of motorists in their cars on the Trans Canada near Chilliwack. Records indicate that winters were relatively mild in the early 1930s, at least here in the Thompson Okanagan. How, I wondered, do the forecasters know it will be one of the worst winters in recent history? Turns out predicting the weather is a science, just not an exact one. Water temperatures around the equator are a few degrees below normal and that translates to a moderate to strong La Niña, according to the experts. La Niña is the opposite of El Niño, sort of, and pretty close to hell freezing over, but not quite. Like I said, it’s not an exact science. According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, “La Niña winters in Canada… usually comprise alternating bouts of freezing and thawing. Overall, in Western and Central Canada, most La Niña winters tend to be colder than normal by 1 to 2°C, and snowfall amounts are greater than normal from the interior of BC to the St Lawrence Valley. During 8 La Niña episodes since 1950, 6 of the winters across Canada were colder than normal (2 were near-normal) and 7 were snowier than normal.” So what does all this winter weather doom and gloom mean for Thompson Okanaganites? If snowfall is heavy we can expect an increase in fender benders and ICBC claims. Shoveling snow can be good exercise but it also brings with it health risks. Power outages are more likely. Arthritis tends to flare up in cold weather. But there are upsides, too. The skiing will be fantastic. (See the story on page 28). Business should increase for tire stores, snow blower sales, home heating sources and restaurants that deliver. There will be a mini baby-boom next summer. People who live in cold climates tend to live longer. See, that is proof positive that some snow clouds really do have a silver lining. Still, I’m not taking any chances. I’ve made an appointment to get my snow tires installed and I bought an extra cord of fire wood – just in case.
North of 50
LOCAL LATITUDE, GLOBAL ATTITUDE NORTH of 50° i s a n i n d ep e n d en t , f r ee m o n t h l y publication, locally owned, produced and distributed throughout the Thompson / Nicola/ South Cariboo/ Okanagan and Shuswap areas by 0727724 BC Ltd. Disclaimer: The publisher will not b e responsible for errors or omissions. In the even t o f a typographical error, the portion of the advertisement that is incorrect w i l l not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable r a te. T h e op i n i ons a n d v i ew s contained in submitted articles to North Of 50° magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. T h e p ub l i s h er r et a i n s the right t o e d i t a l l s u b m i s s i o n s , i n c l ud i n g a r t i c l es a n d l et ter s to the editor, for brevity and clarity. Copyright is retained on a l l m a ter i a l , tex t a n d g ra p h i c s in this publication. No reproduction is allowed of any material in any form, print or electronic, for any purpose, except with the ex p r es s ed permission of North of 50 P ub l i c a t i on s (unless for private reference only). Publications Mail Agreement 41188516 ISSN# 1710-4750
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To all of the walkers, and those who supported them by pledging; to our presenting sponsor Interior Savings; to our sponsors and prize donors Astral Media, Interior Health, Westjet, SW Audio, Prestige Hotels & Resorts, Shaw TV, Big White Ski Resort, Starbucks, Canadian Springs, MAC Cosmetics, functional, Golf Kelowna, Black Mountain Golf Club, Avalon Event Rentals, Lakeside Medicine Centre, Okanagan Telephone Company, Kelowna Insta-Print, The Wellness Spa, Planet Lazer, The Delta Grand Okanagan, and Oakcreek Golf; to all of the volunteers who worked so diligently to ensure its success; and to AIDS Walk Coordinator Emily Ophus, we say a huge “Thank You”. All of the money raised by this event stays right here in our community to provide support for individuals and families whose lives have been impacted, as well as allowing us to expand our prevention, education and awareness campaigns. If you would still like to make a donation, you can do so online via our website at With the help of this community, we are making a difference, and we offer our heartfelt thanks. Sincerely,
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North of 50 Magazine would like to thank our men and women in uniform who have sacrificed so much for us!
OUR CONTRIBUTORS DAWN RENAUD realized she needed an excuse for ignoring her chores and sinking into the alternate reality of a good book. Today she channels her creative imagination and affinity for words into more lucrative pursuits, writing for businesses and magazines and helping other writers hone their craft. Dawn lives in a tiny house in Penticton.
North of 50
Publisher Dean Wallis Managing Editor TJ Wallis Advertising Sales Dean Wallis Kamloops & Area
Since DON SAWYER retired as Okanagan College’s director of the international Development Centre, he has come to realize that retirement just means it’s easier to work evenings and weekends. Don and wife Jan emigrated from the US in 1969. Don has published more than 10 books and his essays have appeared in most major Canadian dailies.
Layout & Design Kristi Boe Administration Caralyn Doyle Deadline for Ads to be submitted is the 20th of the month for publication the first week of the month Office Location: Suite 102 2516 Patterson Avenue Armstrong, BC CAROLE FAWCETT is a Counsellor whose practice is located in Vernon, BC. If you need to talk to someone, check her out at www. She would be pleased to help you find the answers. Carole is a seasoned public speaker and offers workshops to the corporate world. Carole has published nationally, provincially and regionally.
Mailing Address: Box 100 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 ADS & SUBMISSIONS Phone: (250) 546-6064 Fax: (250) 546-8914 Toll Free: 1-877-667-8450 (877)NORTH50 Website: ISSN 1710-4750 0727724 BC LTD Printed in Canada
TOUR OF DUTY By Dawn Renaud
Cover shot: Remembrance Day 2009: Master Corporal Glenn Duffield stands vigil at FOB Ma’Sum Ghar. Photo submitted. Beauty and desolation: the setting sun adds colour to the Afghan landscape (above). Photo G. Duffield. Duffield (left) with Corporal Bengtsson, holding the BC Dragoons’ flag. In the background, a Leopard tank (inset). Photo submitted. INCOMING. FORGET THE SCENES FROM M*A*S*H: here, there are no choppers flying in with the wounded. Picture instead a body arriving on a cart built on the back of a three-wheeled motorcycle. Nothing comes through the gate without being checked for weapons and improvised explosive devices (IEDs)—not even a mortally wounded human being. Stress is compounded by the language barrier, so there’s plenty of yelling. The Afghan police are yelling, the gatekeepers are yelling. The Canadian troops search the injured man and give the okay to carry him inside. He’s lifted from the cart, revealing another bloodied body. More yelling, more searching. Another all clear, and the 8
second injured man is lifted to reveal yet a third, this one so soaked in blood it’s hard to imagine he’s still alive. The yelling continues; the searching resumes. “In all this mayhem we have to do our job, and we have to do it thoroughly,” says Master Corporal Glenn Duffield. He’s sitting at my kitchen table, trying to explain what it’s like to be on a tour of duty in Afghanistan, where IEDs are anywhere, everywhere. The third man’s injuries are the least severe; most of the blood is from the first two. He’s cleared and carried inside, where the medics get to work. Most of the injured treated at Forward Operations Base (FOB) Ma’Sum Ghar are Afghan citizens, injured sometimes by the Taliban, sometimes during inter-tribal skirmishes, often by IEDs. Men, women, children—they are the casualties of violent confrontations that make little sense to those of us who haven’t experienced their way of life. Like all soldiers, Duffield was warned not to bring his “Canadian idealisms” with him. Despite his training, it was still culture shock: the foreign terrain, the strange mix of
goods for sale in Kandahar City’s marketplace (meat hanging in the flies along naan bread, next to kiosks hawking Red Bull, Coca Cola and electronics), the noise of small arms fire so consistent that rare periods of silence are eerie. “Too damn quiet,” says Duffield. “The norm becomes the abnorm.” In nearby farming communities there may be a car outside the house, but there’s no electricity. He’s heard that in Kandahar City they’re selling stuff for bodybuilders; meanwhile, people struggle to feed themselves. The water they drink isn’t what we’d choose to bathe in. For the most part, living conditions have been pushed back hundreds of years. Duffield’s journey to Afghanistan began with a mountain of paperwork (arrangements for finances, his will, next of kin forms) and gathering last minute pieces of kit. After a 22 hour flight, he had to deal with another barrage of paperwork before getting to the FOB. There, he got a quick update from the soldier he was relieving and hit the ground running as second in command for the Adam troop, B Squadron for Strathcona’s Horse. “Our job was basically to re-supply the tanks,” he says; that meant giving protection to the troops who fix the guns and equipment. Inside and outside the base, he was in charge of security. His tour of duty lasted seven months, spanning Christmas, the Olympics, through winter and into the spring. Each day he was allotted a few minutes for a phone call home.“You tell them you’re okay,” he says, “whether you are or not.” Calls home were made awkward by a seven- to ten-second time delay, and the fact that he couldn’t say much about what he was doing—some of it he couldn’t talk about, much of it he didn’t want to. “It gets so bloody depressing,” he says. And he really just wanted to hear what the folks back home were up to, what the kids were doing. When he knew he’d be away from the FOB for a few days, he’d use a code to let his wife know he wouldn’t be calling home for a while; phone time missed on those days could be banked. Duffield figures his wife tried not to tell him about problems that inevitably cropped up while he was gone, handling everything she could. But when the truck broke down she wasn’t sure what he’d want her to do. His response: “I’m going out the gate in half an hour, put it on the credit card, do what you’ve gotta do, I love you very much, goodbye.” Some in his tour had much bigger problems. When this happens the military flies the soldiers home to deal with them. It’s not just a matter of common decency—if your mind’s on your problem, it’s not on where the enemy is. There are too many lives at stake not to have your head in the game.
on, there were IEDs,” says Duffield; he and his driver almost drove up on one. Move too quickly, and you’re likely to be delayed for hours. They picked their routes cautiously, sometimes paying a farmer to drive through his land to avoid more dangerous routes. The walls around the Afghan’s living compounds stretch taller than the military vehicles, to prevent the soldiers from seeing the women. If a woman is brought to the FOB, a female medic or soldier must search her. Girls are still unable to attend school. Little kids sometimes approach as they pass; sometimes they ask for food, or a pen and paper. Sometimes they give the soldiers a thumbs-up, a gesture loosely translated as “You’re going to blow up.” This region is the birthplace of the Taliban; here, they are family. “Some places, they liked having us there but they know we’re not going to be there forever,” says Duffield. The International Security Assistance Force is trying to provide what the people want during the rebuilding, but he can only imagine the turmoil they face. “They know we’re not going to hurt them, but at the same time they have the Taliban coming in the back door when we leave, saying ‘you better watch it.’” Duffield says Canadians can be very proud of the job our men and women are doing over there. It’s a struggle just to understand what it is that the Afghan people most want them to do, how best to help. “We try to make it secure, try to get rid of the IEDs so they can farm…do whatever they want to do, lead their lives, but at the end of the day—yeah, we’re leaving.” Duffield has lost friends to the mission in Afghanistan and says he’d like Canada to see it through, make sure their sacrifice worth more than just a short term commitment. “At the same time,” he says, “how many Canadian lives should be given up?” I ask him if he’ll go back for another tour. “I don’t know if I could put my family through that again,” he says. Will the people of this region be ready to take care of their own security when our troops pull out? “We’re training the Afghan National Army, as well as the Afghan Uniform Police and the Afghan National Police,” says Duffield. (He describes the ANA as incredibly brave, if a little crazy: they’ll run into a firefight, and are benefiting from learning tactical manoeuvres and logistics.) “The northern part of the country doesn’t put up with the Taliban,” he points out. Still, the ancient tribal conflicts run deep, as do bribery and corruption. There’s no easy fix, and only time will tell. “I’d like to think that our sacrifice over there….” Duffield searches for the right words. “I hope somebody appreciates it, because we have paid a pretty dear price.”
Outside the FOB, the troops move slowly. They have a saying: Slow is fast. “Almost every operation you went out
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WE’LL MEET AGAIN: Christine Pilgrim’s one
woman show goes back in time at the Mackie Lake House time of World War I in the early 1900s. Parts of it are based on the show O It’s A Lovely War, first produced in London’s East End by Joan Littlewood and later made into a movie by Richard Attenborough. Pilgrim worked with Littlewood in two productions soon after graduating from drama school in London, England. Her career spans classic musicals like The Beggar’s Opera to television comedies like The Benny Hill Show. For many years, she worked as a stand-up comic in Britain and Europe but since moving to Canada in 1992, she has focused more on Canadian history and has created several one-woman children’s shows, including one on local pioneer Catherine Schubert and another on artist Emily Carr. Many of her characters, from her old-fashioned schoolma’am to H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, are local favourites. (She’s also a regular contributor to North of 50.)
CHRISTINE PILGRIM HAS BRUSHED DOWN her tunic and brushed up her songs and stories for her one-woman show, We’ll Meet Again, to be presented at Coldstream’s Mackie Lake House on Remembrance Day (November 11). Pilgrim will perform this interactive, often funny, sometimes saucy, but always thought-provoking one-hour show after a delicious dinner served in military manner, catered by The Other Company and accompanied by Ms Betty Kemper at the pianoforte. Once she has received guests in the guise of Mrs Grace Mackie and offered a complimentary glass of sherry, Pilgrim will disappear to re-emerge later as one of the “boys” who fought at the front in World War I. The show will honour Paddy Mackie, who served in the Canadian Navy in World War II and who left the Mackie Lake House for the public to enjoy. Pilgrim will also honour Paddy’s brothers John, a fighter pilot with the RAF, and Geoffrey who served with the RCAF. Both lost their lives in World War II. We’ll Meet Again is presented in the style of British Music Hall, a vaudeville-type genre that was in its heyday around the
So oil your larynxes, sharpen your wits (Pilgrim thrives on banter); make sure you skip lunch on November 11th and make your way to the Mackie Lake House. The show starts at around 8pm with dinner at 7 p.m. and sherry served at 6.30 p.m. This will be the third time that the Mackie Foundation has presented Christine Pilgrim’s We’ll Meet Again. It has been sold out on each occasion. Advance tickets are available through Ticket Seller (250-549-7469) and further information can be obtained at Mackie Lake House (250545-1019).
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A billboard on the edge of town. Photo by Don Sawyer
ON JULY 22, AFTER MORE THAN THREE YEARS OF STRUGGLE, the efforts of community activists in Salmon Arm to block a shopping centre planned for sensitive wetlands three kilometers east of town at the mouth of the endangered Salmon River were dealt a serious blow. After four days of often emotionally-charged hearings where hundreds of community members spoke, the SA City Council, reversing an earlier decision, voted 5 to 2 to approve the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment necessary for the project to go forward. While acknowledging the setback, community organizers vowed to continue the fight and also took pride in their achievements, which included a significant reduction in the footprint size of the proposed shopping centre and the creation of a strong community 12
advocacy network, which, for the first time, included neighbouring First Nations communities. The July event was actually the second set of public hearings on this controversial proposal. At the original hearings held over 5 nights in October 2008, 500 to 700 people attended nightly. At one marathon session that lasted until 2:00 am, over 200 people remained to the end. Of the more than 200 people who spoke 90 percent were opposed to the development. At the end of the fifth night, council defeated the proposal to alter the Official Community plan that would have extended the urban containment boundary to allow the development to proceed.
The community’s concerns were expressed in a September 16, 2008 Globe and Mail article titled “Shuswap Residents Fight Megamall Project on Salmon River flood Plain.” Critics say the very livability of the area - both for residents and large numbers of local and rare migratory birds relying on the flood plain - is at stake. “We’re not against development, but they’re basically rebuilding downtown three kilometers outside of the downtown,” said a spokesman for [The Coalition for Responsible Development], a local coalition scrambling to put brakes on the plan. “Environmentally speaking, they simply couldn’t have chosen a worse location.” Less than a year after the defeat, the developer of the proposed shopping centre, Smart!Centres (SC), returned with a slightly modified proposal in the fall of 2009. Over the protests of many community members, including a delegation of senior business people, who pointed out that Salmon Arm was in the midst of an OCP review and that a decision of this magnitude should be postponed until the review process was complete and a new plan in place, the council decided to consider the proposal. But all did not go smoothly for the shopping centre giant. As part of the application process, SC presented the city with an environmental impact assessmentt paid for by the developer and accepted by the Ministry of Environment. However, a new organization called the Wetlands Alliance:The Ecological Response (WA:TER), whose members include several professional biologists, demonstrated serious flaws in the SC report and raised funds (including support from West Coast Environmental Law) to hire independent environmental experts to review the developer’s report. Ecoscape Environmental Consultants and geoterrain specialist Dr. Murray Roed carried out this review, preparing reports that showed the gross inaccuracy of the SC study, especially with respect to flooding from the river and lake, and the consequent extent of fish habitat. Armed with this new evidence along with data accumulated by local biologists, and after much lobbying, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) eventually agreed to review the SC report. Consistent with the BC government’s commitment to the “professional reliance model,” which essentially removes oversight responsibility from provincial ministries and instead relies on professional organizations to be self-monitoring, there was no formal admission by the developer or MOE of fatal errors in the initial assessment. However, the development permit process was stopped and SC was ordered to review its findings. Several months
later, SC returned with a modified proposal that reduced the development area from 34 to 22 acres, in effect conceding that their consultants’ calculations of the river’s high water level were indeed erroneous. During all of this, efforts were also made by community groups to correct an economic impact study, conducted by a consultant with close ties to the shopping centre industry and funded by the City as part of the OCP review process, that concluded the city could absorb the impact of a 115,000 sf big box merchandiser (even though the actual SC proposal was for a development three times that size). Recognizing the inaccuracy of data used to reach this conclusion, citizens rallied to hire another independent consultant, this time in the area of retail development and commercial real estate, to review the first report. The consultant’s review demonstrated that the original analysis greatly exaggerated the amount of shopping outside of Salmon Arm by residents, underestimated the existing commercial supply while not factoring in new developments already being planned, largely ignored the impact big box retailers would have on the downtown, and overestimated the financial returns of such a development At the same time, the local Neskonleth First Nations band, whose land is adjacent to the proposed development site, became involved with the opposition because of concerns about the impact of river flooding, the health of the river and lake, and a lack of proper consultation. Among other things, they were worried that plans for a Shuswap cultural centre, in the memory of beloved elder Mary Thomas and meant to be located on the west side of the river directly across from the proposed development, would be jeopardized. They feared that SC’s original plans to place up to nine feet of fill on their land and dike the river would divert the river at high water onto their site. The situation turned especially ugly a week before the scheduled July hearings when an abandoned house on the SC property burned to the ground and a billboard erected by SC to promote the development was chainsawed. While no one was then – or has been since – charged, that didn’t stop the local radio station from drawing its own conclusions. A newscast the day after the vandalism began by stating that “A criminal element has emerged from the opposition to the proposed SmartCenters/ Walmart-anchored development at the west end of Salmon Arm.” Then, quoting a spokeswoman for SC based in Ontario, the newscast compared the fire to the G8 conference where “hoodlums and thugs went on a rampage.” The item ended by reminding the community that 13
“Public hearings, hijacked by environmentalists the last time around, begin again next week.” Many saw the broadcast as blatant attempt to sway public opinion by demonizing the entire sector of the community opposed to this development under the guise of “local news.” As a result, several complaints were filed with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunication Commission (CRTC), which have yet to be resolved. The hearings themselves went on for four intense nights. Smart!Centres organized a barbecue and rally on Saturday and rented a curling rink for the entire week near the Community Centre where the hearings were to be held. On the evening of the 19th, they assembled their supporters for pizza and coke and provided them with orange Smart!Centres shopping bags filled with chocolate, water, and instructions on how to speak in favour of the proposal. They also handed out large white stickers that said simply “YES.” The group then marched over to the Community Centre en masse. Nonetheless, despite being outspent and out organized (SC had hired locals in black t-shirts and cell phones to coordinate their troops and monitor activity), those who opposed the development showed up in force as well. It made for four highly entertaining, provocative nights. While those speaking against the proposal only slightly outnumbered those supporting it, many observers felt that the supporters showed a dismaying lack of knowledge of the complexity of the issue, emphasizing instead their desire for greater shopping choice, convenience and lower prices. In contrast, those in opposition to the proposal had clearly done their homework, demonstrating persuasively the potential environmental, economic and social costs to the community of the proposed shopping centre development. In the end, it wasn’t enough. Council members voted 5 to 2 to approve the amendment, with two councilors who had opposed the development in 2008 changing their vote. Despite the setback, opposition continues. Three formal complaints have been filed with the BC Ombudsman’s Office. One complaint, filed by the Coalition for Responsible Development, alleges that the City and staff acted in contravention of the Official Community Plan, which commits the City to protecting the downtown as the commercial centre of Salmon Arm and “discouraging urban sprawl.” Another, filed by WA:TER, focuses on the development area’s importance as a cultural heritage site and the need for its protection. A third, filed by local farmers, 14
questions the process undertaken to remove the parcel from the Agricultural Land Reserve in the first place. Members of the Committee for a Strong and Sustainable Salmon Arm (CASSSA) are investigating the possibility of a judicial review of the entire matter, and the Neskonleth Band continues to consider its options, including mounting a legal challenge. The proposed development faces other obstacles, including working out complex highway access issues and overcoming fisheries and other environmental concerns. Regardless of the outcome, as WA:TER president Warren Bell explains, “We should thank Smart Centres for turning this town’s crank so hard it is mobilizing our community to continue the fight.” As part of the battle, CASSSA engaged Smart Growth BC in a program that involved hundreds of citizens in neighbourhood workshops throughout the community on alternative urban growth concepts that emphasize environmental responsibility and social as well as economic development. Can these forces of smart growth prevail? Time will tell, but in the meantime the Salmon Arm community members who have put in thousands of hours (and thousands of dollars) to fight the development can take consolation from the gains they have achieved and the spirited fight they have put up. As one opponent put it, “For me it’s the principle, it’s knowing that we did everything we could to stop this development because we think it is bad for Salmon Arm. I always liked what Randal McMurphy said in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest after he tried to rip out a huge control panel: ‘But I tried, though. Goddammit, I sure as hell did that much, now, didn’t I?’” To learn more, visit:,, or www., or
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By Jack Godwin ONE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’S most successful prospectors is also one of its least known historical figures. A. R. “Volcanic” Brown spent his early years as a trapper, fisherman, logger and railway worker in eastern Canada but came west to work on the C.P.R. His contemporaries called him “volcanic” because of the crazy ideas he kept spewing. He said there was electricity in our bodies and if we could learn to control it we could affect our health. He preached the need for loggers to replant trees otherwise we’d need to use aluminum for house siding. But Volcanic’s biggest passion was his desire to end the inequity and suffering he saw in society. His solution was to have governments take over banks and use their profits to help the needy. The craziness of his beliefs didn’t stop him from discovering two huge lodes of copper. In the early 1880’s he found the Volcanic Mine near Grand Forks and even laid out the plan for Volcanic City. However, disagreements with banks embittered him and he walked away with a debt of $65,000.00 in legal fees. Down but not out, in 1888 Volcanic discovered the Sunset Mine on Copper Mountain near Princeton—one of the richest copper properties in the province. Realizing the need for a railway to exploit this discovery, he went to his old enemies the bankers, telling them the find was so rich that if they loaned him the money to build a railway to Copper Mountain he would repay them ten times over and still have enough profits to build hospitals all across the province. Rather than fund his railway the bankers bought him out for $45,000.00 but only after Volcanic had extracted a promise from them that “his copper” would be used for peaceful purposes. Imagine his despair when the Kettle Valley Line was completed in 1915 and his copper was mined to produce artillery shells for use in WW One! Disappointment broke his spirit and he retired to a cabin in the mountains behind Pitt Lake. Though he always had ample gold dust to finance his winter accommodation in New Westminster, he never staked a claim. Bitter and disillusioned with the world, Volcanic died in 1931.
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The song “Volcanic Brown” by The Kettle Valley Brakemen is available on the CD “Climb Aboard!”. To discover more about the group including concert schedules, other CDs and bookings please visit 15
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November 1960 50 Years Ago This Month
November 6 - One of the longest-running television shows in Canadian history, The Nature of Things has aired continuously since 6 November 1960. November 8 - John F. Kennedy was elected the 35th president of the USA, defeating Republican Richard Nixon. November 10 - The US Senate passed a landmark Civil Rights Bill. November 13 - Sammy Davis Junior married Swedish actress May Britt. November 14 - Penguin Books published DH Lawrence’s novel Lady Chatterly’s Lover after being found not guilty of obscenity charges. November 14 - A collision between two trains in Pardubice, Czechoslovakia killed 117 people. November 14 to 20 - Georgia on My Mind by Ray Charles was Billboard’s number one hit. November 16 - Actor Clark Gable died at the age of 59, 10 days after suffering a severe heart attack. November 25 - Gospel/rock singer Amy Grant and John F. Kennedy Jr share this birthday. 16
ATTITUDE Lake Country’s Joanne de Vries has been a communications consultant to local governments for the past 18 years, and is founder and CEO of the Fresh Outlook Foundation — a nonprofit organization whose passion is “to kindle a fresh outlook among British Columbians that inspires sustainable behaviours at home, work, and play.” At the end of last month, we spoke with Joanne about the upcoming Building SustainAble Communities conference in Kelowna. Joanne, Fresh Outlook Foundation was your brainchild. Why did you start the organization and what do you hope to achieve? I’ve been a communications consultant to local governments for the last 18 years. My job is to help them connect with their residents about sustainability issues — things like community planning, water and wastewater management, energy efficiency, and air quality. About four years ago, I decided to step up to the plate myself and work to further
sustainability using the social marketing skills I’d developed as a consultant. There were many things I wanted to do that local governments weren’t going to pay me to do, so I established the foundation. It’s been a very exciting and rewarding time.
realms, and the general public. People from different sectors have different areas of expertise, passions and perspectives. By working together, they can expedite solutions. That’s critically important given the urgent nature of our serious environmental challenges such as climate change.
Fresh Outlook has some exciting events coming up. Tell us about the upcoming conference. Our signature event is Building Sustainable Communities, a four-day conference held at the Delta Grand in Kelowna, November 15 to 18th. Last year the event drew 450 people from 70 BC communities. This year we have 129 speakers from the public, private, nonprofit and academic sectors. There are presentations, workshops, discussion panels, and debates on a variety of topics — everything from global food security, to pollution prevention, to building a green economy, to the spiritual piece of the sustainability puzzle. The conference focuses on success stories. We’ve heard enough about what’s wrong. We want to move away from negativity toward positivity and practical, affordable solutions.
In simple terms, what is meant by community-based social marketing? In conventional marketing, you use specific marketing techniques to sell products or services. In social marketing, you use the same techniques, but you sell behavior change. The outcomes of that change benefit the individual and society as a whole. In conventional marketing, success depends on people buying the product or service. In social marketing, the measure of success is behavior change.
Last year Fresh Outlook hosted its second film fest. Will you be having that again this year? Yes, on January 28th and 29th, the foundation is hosting its third annual REEL CHANGE Sustainability Film Fest at UBC Okanagan. We bring in films from all over the world on a huge range of sustainability topics, and then we invite local experts to lead discussion following the films. This format has been very popular. Another current project is Talking DIRTy x 10,000, during which we hope to have 10,000 Okanagan residents watch the documentary DIRT, about soil ecology and conservation. There have been about 2000 views so far. Businesses have hosted viewings over the lunch hour for their staff. Private citizens have had viewings in their homes. Now the film will be shown throughout School District 23, so it will be shown to many hundreds more. Anyone interested in hosting a viewing can contact me at, and I will provide a screening kit. Sustainability used to be thought of in terms of the environment. Has the definition changed? By definition, a sustainable community is socially healthy, culturally vibrant, environmentally sound, and economically prosperous. If a community is lacking in any one of those areas it is not truly sustainable. To build sustainable communities, we must involve people from all sectors — from government, business, the nonprofit and academic
For example, using community-based social marketing campaigns I encourage people to reduce their water use. If they reduce consumption, they might pay less for water now and lower their taxes in the future because infrastructure upgrades can be delayed or eliminated. For the community as a whole you have even greater benefits, including longterm resource stewardship, collaboration among sectors, and attitude change across generations. For communitybased social marketing projects to be successful, they must be innovative, timely, and designed for a specific target audience. And they’re most successful if they’re fun, too! Can you give us an example of real life behaviors that can make a change? Some people assume the problem is too big, and that their contribution won’t make a lasting difference. I strongly encourage people to think about the power that just one person can have. An example I like to share is the impact my daughter had on me when she was only six years old. Because of her determination to get our family recycling, I had an epiphany that prompted me to change career paths. Her passion has inspired me for 22 years. When you think of the power of one person, even one small child, it is incredible. Because of her, I’ve had the opportunity with local governments and with the Fresh Outlook Foundation to influence hundreds of thousands of people. Where can people interested in attending the conference get more information? The program is available on our website, www. . You can register for a single session, a half day, a full day or the whole conference at 17
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Bakhtiar’s Song
IT IS A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT HERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET. Warm for this part of autumn. A strong half moon gapes over the landscape and the Big Dipper is perched over to the side of the sky. It’s the same moon everyone on earth sees each night. If there were tether lines from each person’s gaze to the moon, we’d all be connected. Maybe we’d find it easier to live with the awareness of connection in our consciousness. Maybe we’d love each other more. Tomorrow, Bakhtiar will be giving a concert at the main MDR-TB hospital. Bakhtiar is just twenty years old. His black hair sweeps down the back of his head, hazel eyes bottomed by a shade of darkness. He is thin and dresses in a simple but elegant blazer. Easy smile. He sings upbeat tunes about love and life, but his signature song is about his mother. When he sings it, many in the audience, both male and female, will cry. Bakhtiar’s mother
died when he was two. His father was never in the picture. He was raised by his grandmother until she, too, died, when he was 15. At 17, he sold his cell phone to record a DVD disc of his song. It is professionally done and shows him going to a gravestone and running his fingers down the etched lettering, tears streaming down his face. He asks for just a few minutes to hear her voice, a few minutes to feel her touch, for one more chance to tell her that he loves her. “Mother, I miss you so much. Mother, why did you have to leave me?” The melody is very appealing. You can almost hear the lumps forming in people’s throats during opening the bars of the song. At the last concert Bakhtiar gave at the other TB hospital, I watched two of our young girl patients standing with two of counselors. As he sang, they clutched the counselors arms, dropped their heads against the counselor’s shoulders and let the tears flow. One of the counselors daubed at her own eyes. So many here have lost a parent. And mothers are so respected by their children. At the end of Bakhtiar’s song, two older ladies came forward to the microphone and proceeded to offer him a blessing and so to all the others in the audience. Just two years before, Bakhtiar had an operation in which he had a kidney removed. Later came a problem with his nose. Then 9 months ago, he was diagnosed with MDR-TB. He spent over 4 months in the hospital he’ll sing at tomorrow. For 6 days each week for these past 10 months, he has taken his daily regimen of drugs and painful injections. Twenty pills that give him a headache, joint pain, and general body malaise for three to four hours. Tomorrow morning he’ll head to the polyclinic a bit earlier than usual so he can be ready to sing in the afternoon. We pay him $20 for doing the 90 minute concert. This is split bewteen Bakhtiar and the tech person who brings all the sound equipment and runs the show. During the concert, Bakhtiar will talk about taking his drugs that morning and how MDR-TB can be beaten. This is such a terrible disease. It attacks the lungs and tries to turn them to wet, fallen sacks that no longer pump and surge to take in the air we all take for granted. It’s already killed fellow patients who Bakhtiar knew well. Everyone who has the disease wonders if they can tolerate the toxic cocktail of drugs for two long years, they wonder if the drugs will cause the permanent side effects of deafness or liver damage, if they can be cured or if they will be among the five percent who don’t respond. At the concerts they
look around and see all the other patients sitting on benches, leaning against trees or squatting in the autumn sun. And then they dance. They dance not as patients but as full human beings. They dance as Bakhtiar croons and smiles, his lungs not at all believing that they are afflicted, his eyes scanning the crowd for any that were in the hospital during his time and giving them a knowing nod. And afterwards,as we all return to our regular routines. It is easier for each of us to believe whatever it is we need to believe. Calvin White is a retired high school counsellor who lives in the North Okanagan. He has over 70 essays published in various Canadian daily newspapers, including the Globe and Mail, the Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun and Province. If you have any comments on this column, you can write to Calvin White at or to Calvin White c/o North of 50, Box 100, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 Calvin White is currently working with Doctors Without Borders in Uzbekistan, a landlocked former part of the Soviet Union. He will be there for about a year, working with victims of drug resistant tuberculosis and training counsellors to do the same. He continues to submit his columns to North of 50 from there.
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20 MOST POPULAR HOLIDAY SONGS OF THE LAST DECADE EVEN THOUGH THE FIRST DECADE of the 21st century witnessed a change in how nearly everyone acquires and listens to music, some things about music -- especially holiday music -- may never change. According to the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, the following 20 songs were the most performed holiday songs of the first decade of the 21st century. The date was compiled with the aide of Mediaguide, the most comprehensive digital audio performance tracking technology in the world. 1. WINTER WONDERLAND Written by: Felix Bernard, Richard B. Smith Performed by: Eurythmics 2. THE CHRISTMAS SONG (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) Written by: Mel Torme, Robert Wells Performed by: Nat “King” Cole 3. SLEIGH RIDE Written by: Leroy Anderson, Mitchell Parish Performed by: The Ronettes 4. HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS Written by: Ralph Blane, Hugh Martin Performed by: The Pretenders 5. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Written by: Fred Coots, Haven Gillespie Performed by: Bruce Springsteen 6. WHITE CHRISTMAS Written by: Irving Berlin Performed by: Bing Crosby 7. LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! Written by: Sammy Cahn, Jule Styne Performed by: Michael Buble 8. JINGLE BELL ROCK Written by: Joseph Carleton Beal, James Ross Boothe Performed by: Daryl Hall & John Oates 9. RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER Written by: Johnny Marks Performed by: Gene Autry 22
10. LITTLE DRUMMER BOY Written by: Katherine K. Davis, Henry V. Onorati, Harry Simeone Performed by: The Harry Simeone Chorale & Orchestra 11. IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR Written by: Edward Pola, George Wyle Performed by: Andy Williams 12. I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Written by: Walter Kent, Kim Gannon, Buck Ram Performed by: Josh Groban 13. ROCKIN’ AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE Written by: Johnny Marks Performed by: Brenda Lee 14. SILVER BELLS Written by: Jay Livingston, Ray Evans Performed by: Anne Murray 15. FELIZ NAVIDAD Written and Performed by: Jose Feliciano 16. FROSTY THE SNOWMAN Written by: Steve Nelson, Walter E. Rollins Performed by: The Beach Boys 17. A HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS Written by: Johnny Marks Performed by: Burl Ives 18. BLUE CHRISTMAS Written by: Billy Hayes, Jay W. Johnson Performed by: Elvis Presley 19. IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS Written by: Meredith Willson Performed by: Johnny Mathis 20. I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS Written by: Tommie Connor (PRS) Performed by: John Mellencamp
DO’S AND DON’TS OF HOLIDAY OFFICE PARTIES WITH HOLIDAY OFFICE PARTIES happening all over the country, now is a great time to go over some do’s and don’ts for employees hoping to have a good time ... but not too good of a time. THE DO’S Do attend the party. Even though the holiday season is the busiest of the year for many people, time must be made to attend the office holiday party. Declining the invitation can imply an individual doesn’t care about the company or his or her coworkers. Do behave. Even if the party is as jovial as jovial gets, remember behavior is still being monitored by fellow employees and higher-ups. Do be gracious to the hosts. The company often covers the tab for the party, so be gracious when leaving for the night, thanking bosses for the food and drink. Also, avoid negative comments about the party, regardless of how bad something might be. Do ask about guests ahead of time. Most office parties encourage bringing spouses or significant others to the festivities. However, those thinking of bringing kids along should inquire ahead of time if that’s acceptable. Sometimes an office holiday party is not the ideal locale for children.
THE DON’TS Don’t dress as if going out for a hot night on the town. Conservative dress is often best. It also might not hurt to wear something that symbolizes the holiday season. Don’t get overly flirty with coworkers. Nearly every business has had an office romance or two. But publicly flirting with a coworker in front of the rest of the office and their significant others is a good way to become fodder for the water cooler conversations come Monday morning. Don’t overindulge. The food might be delicious and the alcohol might be free, but overindulging in either is a recipe for disaster. Moderation is ideal when it comes to food and drink at the office party, and ask a spouse or significant other to be mindful of how much you have had, if necessary. Don’t discuss work. While some work discussions are bound to happen, the laid-back nature of the office party might cause some to say something they will later regret. Keep topics light and avoid discussing anything that might lead to an argument. Don’t drink and drive. Workers who have had one too many should call a taxi or ask for a ride home. Law enforcement officials are extra aware of drunk drivers during the holidays, and getting behind the wheel after a drink or two is never a good idea.
REINDEER NOT ALL RED-NOSED RUDOLPHS WHILE RUDOLPH might be the most famous reindeer, there remains no documented evidence of a red-nosed reindeer guiding Santa’s sleigh on an especially stormy Christmas Eve. But just because no one has yet to find the real Rudolph, that doesn’t mean we don’t know a few things about Santa’s sled buddies. * Reindeer are also known as Caribou in North America. * Females generally weigh between 170 to 260 lbs., while males are often much larger, weighing as little as 200 lbs. but as much as 460 lbs. * Reindeer reside in both the Arctic and Subarctic, and hunting of wild reindeer and herding of semi-domesticated reindeer is important to several Arctic and Subarctic people.
* Reindeer fur can vary considerably. In northern populations, reindeer tend to have white fur, while southern populations are darker in color. * Reindeer size can also vary depending on location, as southern reindeer populations tend to be larger than their northern counterparts. * In most reindeer populations, both males and females grow antlers. Among deer, reindeer have the largest antlers in relation to body size. * Males often battle with each other by locking antlers for the right to mate with certain females. * During migration, some reindeer reach speeds of 37-50 miles per hour 23
CON ARTISTS DON’T TAKE A HOLIDAY VACATION WHILE MOST PEOPLE are consumed with shopping for holiday presents, con artists are hard at work coming up with new ways to part individuals from a buck. Unsuspecting people could lose their holiday spirit if victimized by a scam. Every year people save money so that they can purchase scores of gifts for their family members and friends. While money is being charged to credit cards or flying out of wallets at check-out counters, con artists are interested in getting their cut of the proceeds. Many scammers prey on the goodwill of people this time of year, fleecing them of their hard-earned money. There are a number of scams that are commonplace throughout the year, but seem to escalate come the holiday season. Many of these fake deals are solicited through mail or e-mail. Here are some to avoid. SPAM SCAMS: Check anyone’s e-mail inbox and there’s bound to be dozens of unsolicited messages in their offering products and services. While many advertisements are from legitimate companies (many from stores and businesses a consumer may have used in the past), others are from bogus outfits looking to prey on the unaware. These scam e-mails may promise unbeatable deals on all types of things. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Shoppers can avoid the headaches of losing money to scammers by deleting unsolicited e-mails and not falling prey to the deals they offer. NAME A STAR, PLANET, ETC.: Individuals looking for clever gifts for that hard-to-buy-for person may have been tempted to “name a star” in one’s honor. A number of companies charge a fee to register a chosen name for a star at particular coordinates. The trouble is that only the International Astronomical Union (IAU) names stars, and the stars are not for sale. Many stars are actually named with numbers and in abidance to strict regulations by the IAU. Any organization that claims they can name a star is not legitimate. PHONY CHARITIES: All types of charities spring up around the holidays and do their best to collect money for a particular cause. There are many legitimate charities around the world, even some the average person may not be aware of. It is important for consumers 24
looking to donate money to a charity to carefully research the organization before writing any checks. All Canadian charities are listed on the Canada Revenue Agency website. Check them out before you write the check at www.cra-arc. ONLINE AUCTIONS: Thousands of nameless people list items for sale on popular auction Web sites. Individuals take leaps of faith when bidding on and eventually purchasing items at auction. Selecting sellers with high rates of positive feedback is a good idea, as is paying with a form of payment that can be cancelled should the item not be shipped out. DESTRUCTIVE E-MAILS: ‘Tis the season for merriment, and people are anxious to download cute and whimsical ring tones or e-greetings to celebrate the season. What they may not know is that some of these seemingly harmless downloads contain potentially damaging computer viruses. BAD GIFT CARDS: A favorite trick of con artists is to swipe and steal the information from gift cards on display in stores and then periodically check to see if they’ve been activated. Once active, the scammers can use the cards to shop online. Another gift card scam is to sell bogus cards online that have no monetary value. PICKPOCKETS: Not all holiday scams need to be high-tech. Picking a pocket or stealing a purse is still thriving today - especially in crowded places like a busy mall. Shoppers should be aware of their belongings at all times while shopping.
CHANCES ARE, holiday revelers will find themselves underneath the mistletoe at least once this holiday season. While they might know what to do when that time comes, they might not know the history of that plant above their heads. Especially sacred to Celtic Druids, mistletoe was believed bestow life and fertility, while also protecting against poison and serving as an aphrodisiac. Mistletoe would later take on a more political meaning, as the ritual of cutting the mistletoe came symbolized the emasculation of the old King by his successor. Nowadays, mistletoe is typically hung in doorways or entryways from one room to another. This tradition can also trace itself back several centuries to the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits. Throughout Europe, mistletoe was placed over doorways in the house as well as the stables as a means to preventing the entrance of witches. The tradition of kissing underneath the mistletoe likely stems from the belief that mistletoe bestows fertility and is often associated with the Roman festival of Saturnalia, a period of merrymaking that pre-dated Christmas. In 18th century England, a young lady standing underneath the mistletoe could not refuse to be kissed. Once kissed, the kiss would signify deep romance or eternal friendship. History also suggests that mistletoe was a symbol of peace. In Scandinavia, mistletoe was considered a plant of peace. When standing underneath the mistletoe, enemies could declare a truce and spouses could end any marital turmoil with a kiss
NURSING STUDENTS FROM UBC’s Okanagan campus are heading to Africa to deliver medical supplies and work with rural health clinics in Ghana and Zambia next February. To do that, they’re holding an African Gala fund-raiser on Nov. 27 and hope to raise $20,000. “We have never managed to raise this much, but this is the first year that we are giving to two countries and we are dreaming big,” says Daniela Fast, a fourth-year nursing student and Vice President of the Global Nursing Citizens. Fast is unable to join the 33 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students and two faculty members who will travel to Africa, but she’s enthusiastic about helping make the trip possible. “I feel that by being part of this gala, helping to organize it, I can still directly have a part in building a better health care system in Africa,” she says. Funds from the gala are used for medical supplies and will support other health initiatives in the two African nations. This trip is made possible by the faculty that accompany the students, and as such these funds also help support their airfare. Last year, a shipping container full of supplies for basic blood testing, wound-care supplies, stretchers, as well as a transport van were sent to Ghana and more supplies were purchased there. While in Ghana and Zambia, students will participate in community development projects in collaboration with local health care professionals who know the needs of their community and identify needs for funding. Students are expected to pay for their own trips and accommodations while overseas, so the fundraising is for the communities they’re visiting, not the students, Fast points out. The African Gala features a live band and dancing, three-course dinner, silent auction, and a safe ride home service. The event will be held at the Immaculate Conception Parish, 839 Sutherland Ave. in Kelowna. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are $35 -- purchase a table of eight and the eighth ticket is free. Students in the group are from across the valley, including Vernon and Penticton, and will be canvassing for donations in these cities as well. For tickets or further information about how you can help, email the students at 25
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Open 7 days/nights Days 11 am, Saturday 10 am Evening 7 pm Friday - Sunday - Twilight
I’M NOT SURE ABOUT ARLO GUTHRIE’S FABLED ALICE’S RESTAURANT, but it’s certainly true at Chez Valerie, a tiny market nestled deep in the narrow streets of this medieval Languedoc village of Bize. Not more than 500 square feet, Chez Valerie’s is on the bottom floor of a 400-year-old stone house. Only a small green awning and a tasteful display of glistening green onions, yellow pears, shiny aubergines and bunches of bright orange carrots on both sides of the front door mark Valerie’s as a market. Inside you are met with a cheery “Bon jour!” from Valerie herself, as well as shelves of, well, everything you certainly need, at least, from fresh baguettes, glistening pink rabbits and bottles of olive oil from the community olive cooperative to laundry detergent and toilet paper. But the joy of this place is not in its selection, but in
the exchanges between locals, who stroll in for a few oranges and a lot of chatting. With my rudimentary high school French, bolstered slightly by reading the French translations on oatmeal packages and post office notices, I can get only snatches of the local gossip, amid much tsking and chuckling, but one thing is clear: this is a place of community, not just trade. Admittedly, Valerie is a little short on pastries, but if you walk just a little ways down the narrow, winding streets, you find, in the square next to the 14th century church, Boulangerie Banette. Amidst laughing kids buying one or two meringues or a baguette for the family and the yeasty smells of baking bread, the lovely Tatania greets you cheerily, and is delighted to describe each pastry in scrumptious detail, even if it means bringing out her French- English dictionary to explain the difference between a bocaton and a baguetton. On the way back, there is Michel’s boucherie, where locals line up in the lowceilinged butcher shop to buy just the right piece of beef or a wonderful butterflied leg of local lamb. But we all like variety, so sometimes it’s fun to branch out from Bize and visit a shopping centre that offers a little wider selection. In Languedoc, that doesn’t mean heading for Wal-Mart, but to one of the more than 30 open-air markets held on various days in the tiny communities that surround us, such as St. Chinian just up the road. Set in the central square of this lovely town, founded in 836, twice a week the St. Chinian market attracts a hundred small merchants, most hauling their wares in tiny white panel trucks, and thousands of shoppers. The merchants’ kiosks and counters, many covered with bright red and yellow umbrellas, stretch 100 meters along two main walkways lined with century-old plane trees and thronged with locals. Children laugh and chase each other through the crowd, dogs look hungrily at the piles of sausages, and Languedocans, old and young, discuss the merits of various cheeses – and perhaps politicians.
of the market, people crowd around tables and chat over tiny coffees and pastries. But this morning I have limited my shopping to Bize. After stopping in at Valerie’s and chatting with Tatania, I return home with the makings of a perfect breakfast: six eggs (neatly stacked in a narrow paper bag made just for this purpose); four different pastries, right from the oven; some green onions and local garlic (which, along with an aged local cheese, will be delicious in the omelette I’m making); fresh pears and apples; some light and tasty yogurt; and a fabulous loaf of whole-wheat bread that will toast up perfectly to receive the rich local butter and fig preserves. I know that when I get back to Canada, I’ll be assaulted by TV ads blaring “Nearly two feet of pizza for only $8.95!”, soulless big boxes, and frantic consumption. But not today. Today I return from my morning stroll along the quiet streets of this small French community not only with a sack of local food, but also nourished socially and spiritually. That’s mighty hard to find – at any price – at a Wal-Mart or Loblaw’s Super Store so huge the stockers wear in-line skates to get around the store. Here, in this little town, it’s the kids, laughing and grabbing onto stone walls as they roll down sloping streets, who wear skates. Don Sawyer is a writer, educator and former director of Okanagan College’s International Development Centre. He lives with his wife in Salmon Arm. You can contact Don Sawyer by email at or by mail at Don Sawyer c/o North of 50, Box 100, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0. For more information on Don’s writing and development work, visit his web site at
There are tables displaying dozens of varieties of olives in local ceramic bowls; three or four bakeries, their loaves of bread works of art; stalls specializing in the local wines; a whole section with fruit and vegetables brought in from local farms. One whole area is devoted to clothing, from suits to dresses, being tried on by shoppers under the critical eye of their companions. Several merchants specialize in purses, providing a selection that would put Zellers to shame. Two vendors even sell mattresses, some displayed so you can try them out right on the spot. In front 27
51° 51’ 30”N
A staycation is a bit like being a tourist in your own town. Instead of travelling afar for a vacation, you stay home and relax, taking day trips close to home. Living in the Thompson Okanagan is a bonus for staycationers, considering all there is to do here. Plan your staycation just like you would a regular vacation. Set a time and date for your ‘departure’. Buy a local guidebook. Go on a winery tour. Spend a day at the beach. Have dinner out. Visit a museum or art gallery. Check out one of the world class ski hills in the Thompson Okanagan. Experience live theatre. Attend a musical festival or sports event. Find a new hiking trail. The trick to enjoying a staycation is to make sure you do what you would do if you were on vacation: relax and explore!
Many resorts get pounded with 7 m (23 ft) of snow a season on some of North America’s most spectacular terrain.
EACH NOVEMBER, IT CALLS TO POWDER HOUNDS LIKE A SIREN. It’s Canadian snow, dumping on steep glades, tree runs and broad alpine bowls that seem to go on forever when you point the tips downhill and push off. We know it’s up there, in quantity. Many ski-in-ski-out British Columbia resorts reliably receive up to seven metres (23 ft) of wintery bliss in a given season on some of the most spectacular terrain in North America.
Here’s a sampling of what’s on offer at a few of Canada’s top mountain properties. Many operations open in midNovember and close in May; shoulder-season rates typically apply before Christmas and after April. Early-bird discounts, kids ski free, extended-stay deals and gear-rental incentives are all designed to reward those who reserve early. To get the best deal, be sure to book through your preferred travel specialist or a reputable ski-tour professional. And no pushing and shoving at the airport, please. Rest assured, there’s enough snow up there for all of us.
Whistler Blackcomb, BC It’s consistently ranked among the top ski resorts in the world for a reason: Whistler Blackcomb is the whole package. Multiple terrain parks and half-pipes, heli-skiing and -boarding, and a mind-boggling 3,307 ha (8,172 ac) of terrain in total. With more than 200 trails to explore, you’ll only scratch the surface of what’s on offer here. Brave the dizzying 4.4-km (2.7 mi) PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola that links the two mountains of this resort that millions admired during the 2010 Winter Games. Whistler’s pedestrian-only village has a European flavor, with world-class restaurants, shopping, nightlife and activities. It’s just two hours north of Vancouver on an almost totally rebuilt highway. Typical skiand-stay packages offer a third night free. Plan to head up for the TELUS World Ski and Snowboard Festival—North America’s biggest celebration of mountain culture held every spring.
Marmot Basin, Lake Louise, Sunshine Village, AB Nestled in the great national parks of the Canadian Rockies, these three Alberta ski areas showcase great snow, incredible historic properties like The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and The Fairmont Banff Springs, and the pure
blue-sky majesty of the Canadian winter. Lake Louise and Sunshine Village offer excellent snow and jaw-dropping panoramas of glacier-carved alpine lakes, cirques and bowls. Marmot Basin offers the longest high-speed quad on the Alberta-side of the Rocky Mountains, whisking guests up almost 600 m (1,969 ft) of elevation gain in less than 10 minutes. This part of the country is best enjoyed by more independent adventurers who can rent a car and make their way between the ski areas over a week-and-a-half along the famed Icefields Parkway, with a stop to visit the Athabasca Glacier along the Continental Divide.
Sun Peaks Resort, BC With 1,488 skiable ha (3,677 ac) of terrain—the third-largest in Canada—plus 882 m (2,894 ft) of vertical and 122 runs (including 12 glade areas), it’s no surprise that Condé Nast Traveller magazine recently rated Sun Peaks “the second best resort in Canada, next to Whistler.” The resort was designed as ski-in/ski-out, so you’ll find a ski-through village of hotels, restaurants, spas, shops and great nightspots. Typical offers include kids 12 and under ski free (when booked through a tour operator), extra nights free and earlybird discounts. Early each January, the Sun Peaks Family Cup means five days of on-snow fun for the whole clan.
Silver Star Mountain Resort, BC If you’re going to the trouble of crossing an ocean, the snow better be worth it when you get there. More than seven metres (23 ft) of the stuff reliably lands on Silver Star Mountain Resort’s 1,240 ha (3,064 ac) of terrain each year and—like most of the snow in British Columbia’s interior region—it falls as light, dry “champagne” powder. There’s 760 m (2,493 ft) of descent from the top of the mountain, with everything from groomed cruisers to glades and steeps, plus comfortable daytime temperatures that average -5º C (23º F). In other words, conditions are perfect. The resort is surrounded by literally millions of hectares of snowy wilderness that Canadians call “the backcountry,” and there are many opportunities to enjoy it beyond the lifts, including guided tours where you strap on lightweight snowshoes to walk safely atop powder that you would otherwise sink in to your waist.
Big White Ski Resort, BC Named one of the top five family ski resorts in the world by UK’s The Times, Big White—in British Columbia’s Okanagan wine-growing region—boasts 118 runs, 1,000plus ha (over 2,470 ac) and a huge selection of activities for tots to teens and beyond, including a big terrain park, ice skating, snowshoeing, bonfire nights and more. This is one 29
Photos courtesy of Tourism BC/Don Weixl destination that has it all. Like Silver Star Mountain Resort, this is a self-contained ski-in-and-ski-out resort village, where skiing and riding is accessible from your doorstep. The sister properties share something else, too: fluff. From mid-November to mid-April, more than 700 cm (276 in) of champagne powder falls here, virtually guaranteeing incredible skiing and snowboarding. The fluff creates worldfamous “snow ghosts”—powder-caked trees that take on a “ghostly” appearance. There’s really nothing else like ‘em anywhere in the world.
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, BC Located 14 km (8.7 mi) above the town of Golden, BC, two-and-a-half hours west of Calgary, AB, Kicking Horse Resort is the first four-season mountain resort to open in the Rockies region in 25 years. Surrounded by six national parks, and boasting 1,112 ha (2,748 ac) of terrain and a vertical drop of 1,260 m (4,134 ft)—the second highest in Canada— Kicking Horse is a raw and rugged “big mountain” Canadian ski experience. The resort’s got massive alpine bowls and ridges, well suited for advanced skiers, and optional heliskiing. Courtesy of the Canadian Tourism Commission 30
The poppy has stood as the official symbol of Canada’s Remembrance Day since 1921, a visual reminder of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for war. Some may wonder why this small flower is used to represent the fallen soldier. Poppies and fallen soldiers have a long history together. The origins of the flower can be traced back to the Napoleonic wars in France. During these times of unrest and battle, many soldiers went on to final resting places in graves in Flanders, France. Ensuing literature describing how poppies grew so thickly and vibrantly over these graves -- in soil that once could not produce much vegetation. Years later, a soldier would be instrumental in bringing the symbol of the poppy to the hearts and minds of Canadians. When John McCrae served in World War I as a Lieutenant-Colonel, he was stationed near Ypres, Belgium, the area traditionally called Flanders. McCrae observed how poppies grew so well among the makeshift graves of the soldiers, which were marked by wooden crosses. When McCrae lost a fellow soldier and close friend, he penned a poem called “In Flanders Fields” and portrayed the picture of war and the poppy flower visual. “In Flanders Fields” In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. To this day McCrae’s poem remains among the most memorable war poems ever written. It also paved the way for the poppy flower to be one of the most recognized symbols of wartime remembrance. Thousands of poppies are placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Remembrance Day participants wear poppies on their lapels.
FLU CLINICS START IN THE INTERIOR IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN – sniffles, fevers, aches, and pains – but getting your flu shot can reduce your chances of suffering from influenza this season. This year’s vaccine contains three different flu strains, one of which is the pandemic strain (H1N1) that circulated last year. Influenza (flu) shots are free for those 65 or older, people with chronic health conditions, or other at risk groups, including young children and pregnant women. “The flu shot is a safe, effective way to reduce your chances of getting influenza and reduce the severity of your symptoms if you do get it,” says Dr. Rob Parker, Medical Health Officer for Interior Health. “The vaccine is 70 to 90 per cent effective in preventing influenza in healthy children and adults. If you aren’t eligible for the free clinics, it is a
good idea to check with your pharmacist or doctor to find out about getting vaccinated.” Influenza is highly contagious and is the leading cause of preventable death due to infectious disease in Canada, killing thousands of Canadians every year and hospitalizing thousands more. It spreads easily from person to person by coughing, sneezing or talking. Seniors, infants under two and people with chronic illness are most at risk from complications that can result from the flu. “Getting a flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school, work and in the community,” adds Dr. Parker. “People can spread the influenza virus before they show symptoms, which is why it is so important for people to be vigilant about washing their hands throughout the day and immediately after sneezing, coughing or before and after visiting daycares, hospitals or healthcare facilities. It is also important to stay home if you are feeling sick.”
HEDLEY Hedley OAP 89 Scott Avenue Wednesday, Nov 17 3 pm – 5:30 pm OLIVER Oliver Community Centre 36003 79th Street Friday, Nov 12 12 pm – 6 pm Friday, Nov 19 9 am – 3 pm Friday, Dec 10 12 pm – 6 pm
GET YOUR FREE FLU SHOT AT: PENTICTON Penticton Seniors Drop-In Centre 2965 South Main Street Monday, Nov 1 9 am – 4 pm Tuesday, Nov 9 11 am – 6 pm Cherry Lane Shopping Centre 2111 Main Street Friday, Nov 26 9 am – 4 pm Penticton Health Centre 740 Carmi Ave Saturday, Nov 20 9 am – 3:30 pm Friday, Dec 3 1 pm – 4 pm Friday, Dec 10 1 pm – 4 pm Friday, Dec 17 1 pm – 4 pm SUMMERLAND St. John’s Lutheran Church 15244 N Victoria Road
Thursday, Nov 4 12 pm – 6 pm Thursday, Nov 18 12 pm – 6 pm OK FALLS Okanagan Falls Seniors Centre 1128 Willow Street Monday, Nov 15 9 am – 12 pm NARAMATA Naramata Centre, Columbia Hall Gym 455 Ellis Street Tuesday, Nov 23 9 am – 12 pm KEREMEOS Keremeos Seniors’ Centre 421 7th Avenue Tuesday, Nov 2 9 am – 3 pm Tuesday, Nov 16 2 pm – 6 pm
OSOYOOS Sonora Centre 8505 68th Ave Friday, Nov 5 10:30 pm – 3:30 pm Thursday, Nov 25 12:00 – 5:00 pm PRINCETON Riverside Centre 148 Old Hedley Road Monday, Nov 22 11:30am – 5:30 pm KELOWNA Mission Creek Alliance Church Corner of Springfield & Cooper Monday, Nov. 1 9 am – 5 pm Monday, Nov. 8 9 am – 3 pm First Baptist Church 1309 Bernard Avenue Friday, Nov. 19 9 am – 12 pm Friday, Dec. 3 1 pm – 5 pm
FLU SHOTS ARE SAFE, EFFECTIVE, AND FREE FOR THE FOLLOWING: •People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts •Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts •Children & adolescents (6 months to 18 years) with conditions treated for long periods of time with Acetylsalicylic acid and their household contacts •Adults who are very obese •Aboriginal people •Healthy children age 6-23 months •Household contacts and caregivers of infants age 0-23 months •Pregnant women who will be in their third trimester during influenza season and their household contacts (pregnant women who are in other high risk groups can be immunized at any time during the pregnancy) •Residents of nursing homes and other chronic care facilities
RUTLAND Okanagan Sikh Temple Hall 1101 North Rutland Road corner of Rutland & Sumac Rd Monday, Nov. 15 9 am - 3 pm Rutland Health Centre 155 Gray Road Monday, Nov 22 1 pm – 5 pm WEST KELOWNA Westbank Lions Community Hall 2466 Main Street Tuesday, Nov. 2 9 am – 5 pm Tuesday, Nov. 9 9 am – 3 pm West Kelowna Health Centre 160-2300 Carrington Road Monday, Nov. 22 1 pm – 5 pm WINFIELD Winfield Senior’s Centre 9830 Bottom Wood Lake Road Friday, Nov. 12 10 am – 4 pm ARMSTRONG St. Joseph Church Hall 3335 Patterson Street Wednesday, Nov 10 9 am – 4 pm Pleasant Valley Health Centre 3800 Patten Drive Thursday, Nov 18 2 pm – 6 pm
CHERRYVILLE Cherryville Hall 158 North Fork Road Monday, Nov 01 10 am – 12 pm ENDERBY Enderby Seniors Complex 1101 George Street Friday, Nov 05 10 am – 2 pm Monday, Nov 15 1 pm – 4 pm FALKLAND Falkland Seniors Hall 5706 Highway 97 Friday, Nov 12 10 am – 12 pm LUMBY White Valley Community Hall 2250 Shields Wednesday, Nov 3 10 am – 3:30 pm VERNON Schubert Centre 3505 – 30th Avenue Thursday, Nov 4 11 am – 6 pm Vernon Recreation Centre – Sunrise Room 3310 – 37th Avenue Monday, Nov 8 9 am – 12 pm Monday, Nov 15 9 am – 12 pm Monday, Nov 22 1 pm – 4 pm
•Health care and other care providers* in facilities and community settings who are capable of transmitting influenza to those at high risk of influenza complications •People who work with live poultry and/or swine •Individuals who provide care or service in potential outbreak settings housing high risk persons (e.g., crew on ships) The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office, call flu line South Okanagan 250-493-7109 North Okanagan 250-549-6306
Central Okanagan 250-868-7715 or visit 31
33° 30’ 33” N
SONORAN DESERT SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA A RUGGED AND UNTAMED WILDERNESS, the Sonoran Desert is a 120,000-square-mile reminder that the American West’s frontier spirit is alive and kicking. Overflowing with towering mesas, solitary saguaros and exotic wildlife, this timeless tableau has remained virtually unchanged for thousands of years. Welcome to Scottsdale, a cosmopolitan mini-metropolis with Wild West roots and the world’s most scenic backyard. Here you can walk in the millennia-old footsteps of the mysterious Hohokam Indians, shoot the rapids like a whiteknuckled river explorer, or take a rip-snorting horseback ride alongside honest-to-goodness cowboys - and still make it back in time for that tee time or sumptuous supper. 32
A DESERT IN NAME ONLY At first glance, Scottsdale’s Sonoran Desert outskirts can seem a bit barren and, well, desert-like, especially when seen from the window of an airplane or while zipping down the interstate. Dig a little deeper, though - be it on foot, horseback or inside a guided Hummer - and this sweeping expanse reveals itself as a vibrant oasis bursting at the seams with unusual wildlife and one-off vegetation. In fact, from America’s only native venomous lizard (the lethargic Gila monster) to wild herds of pig-like Javelina, the Sonoran Desert is home to some 60 mammal, 350 bird, 100-plus reptile and 30 native fish species. Then there’s the unmistakable beauty of the Sonoran Desert’s 2,000 plus native plant species, many of which are
across the northern and eastern edges of Scottsdale, will encompass 36,400 acres of permanently protected desert, ensuring a full one-third of this rapidly growing city remains pristine, public open space. The McDowell Sonoran Preserve Gateway opened in May 2009 and features shade ramadas, a dog comfort station, water fountains and an equestrian staging area with horsetrailer parking, water troughs and hitching rails. And in keeping with the City of Scottsdale’s progressive green building codes, the Gateway’s design minimizes the impact on the fragile desert environment by incorporating elements such as solar power generation and water heating, rainwater harvesting and rammed earth walls constructed of native soil from on-site excavating. Down the trail, the Gateway will be joined by the Desert Discovery Center, an interactive learning hub featuring state-of-the-art exhibits, an indoor theater and open-air amphitheater. GO GREEN Although the rough and tumble Sonoran Desert seems immutable to change, it’s actually a delicately balanced ecosystem featuring thousands of specially adapted plants and animals able to survive both searing summertime temperatures and rare rainfall (www. Beyond its unique flora and fauna, the desert is a treasure trove of human history, including prehistoric ruins, Native American monuments, abandoned mining encampments and even a Civil War battlefield or two.
on display at the serene Desert Botanical Garden (www. Nestled amidst the wind-swept red buttes of Papago Park, this 145-acre, 50,000-plant oasis hosts one of the world’s finest collections of desert flora, including 169 rare and endangered species. Alongside perennial favorites such as the herbarium, cacti and succulents galleries, and the Desert Discovery Trail, the Garden also hosts nighttime flashlight tours and a popular Music in the Garden series. PRESERVATION IS A PRIORITY Established in 1995, Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve ( tempts visitors and locals alike with nearly 20,000 acres of do-it-yourself or guided outdoor adventure, including hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing and horseback riding. Eventually this preserve, unfurling
Often invisible to the untrained eye, cracking the secret code of the Sonoran Desert is as simple as calling upon the Eco-Tour specialists at My Arizona Guide (www. Each custom tour is led by a guide well versed in geology, biology, mineralogy, mining history and local legends, as well as Native American archaeology, history, culture and their use of desert plants for sustenance and medicine. Speaking of edible plants, Windwalker Expeditions ( now offers a variety of Sonoran Desert survival courses, starting with a basic two-hour hike to learn water indicator signs and shelter building tips, and advancing all the way to an expertonly three-day challenge alongside Windwalker’s survival expert. Hunt and trap food and scrounge for water in some of North America’s harshest terrain. Another great way to experience Scottsdale’s ‘green’ side is to take a stroll along the city’s grass-lined Indian Bend Wash, an interconnected string of four urban parks also 33
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known as the Greenbelt. Featuring lighted walking and recreation p see-and-be-seen dog park, this popular 7.5-mile urban playground d and dry during Scottsdale’s thunderous summer monsoon rainstorm
JUST ADD WATER First-time visitors are inevitably surprised by the number of wet ‘n w just talking about that sparkling hotel pool. The wettest of America’ in the Sonoran Desert starting with the area’s original inhabitants, th replicated and expanded upon to create our modern water-delivery s outskirts, meanwhile, are chockablock with lakes, watering holes an north.
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Valley based rafting guides, Arizona Outback Adventures (www.aoa ( along with AAM’s Mild to Wild Rafting such rivers, the Salt and Verde. While paddling through these lush C birds such as herons, hawks and nesting bald eagles, as well as coyot
paths, fishing ponds, athletic fields, tennis courts, a skate park and doubles as a flood-control system that helps keep city streets high ms.
wild adventures available in and around Scottsdale, and we’re not ’s four deserts, water has always been a cherished commodity he Hohokam Indians, whose 500 miles of irrigation canals were system of dams, reservoirs and canals. Scottsdale’s high desert nd rivers thanks to icy snowmelt from Arizona’s mountainous and Cimarron Adventures & River Company g ( ply their trade year-round on two Cottonwood-Willow riparian areas, rafters might spy predatory tes, javelina and wild mustangs grazing near the water’s edge.
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PROVINCE’S USER FEE PLAN PENALIZES BC PATIENTS BC Health Coalition calls on province to reverse its directive requiring health authorities to charge fees to patients who need hospital care to recover from illness or injury. The BC Health Coalition is concerned that core hospital services previously provided to patients free of charge as required by the Canada Health Act are now subject to socalled “convalescent care” fees that health authorities began to impose over the spring and summer. The BCHC has received a string of calls from patients and family members who report being charged for recovery time before returning home. The complaints follow a decision earlier this year that saw government quietly direct health authorities to charge $29.40 per day. “My 88-year-old father-in-law fell and broke his hip. My family was told that our options were to move him to convalescent care, for which he would be charged a fee, or he could go home,” said Janet Jones of Langley. “He is still in need of care so going home before he recovers is not an option. Now we are receiving bills. My father-in-law did not pay taxes his whole life only to be charged fees for care as a senior.” “This family’s situation is exactly what Medicare is designed to protect against - times of health difficulty for individuals and families should not be compounded by
financial burden,” said BCHC co-chair Alice Edge. The BCHC is concerned that the fees are a cash grab from the wallets of patients when they most need care, and could lead to higher long-term costs if patients end up leaving hospitals before they are ready in order to avoid the fees. On October 20th, BCHC representatives attended a Vancouver Coastal Health Authority open board meeting to seek information about how the fees are being implemented in the region. “We asked what explanation the Ministry has provided the health authority with as to why they are to all of a sudden charging for hospital care services that have always been covered under Medicare, as directed by the Canada Health Act,” said Edge. “We were told that an answer would not be addressed to the public in the room at that time because it was a ‘detail’. This is no detail - this is a fundamental question that British Columbians deserve an answer to.” The BCHC is calling on the government to scrap the fees and address long-term costs by fully funding home and community care services.
HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP MIGHT GET A SWEET NEW NAME High fructose corn syrup has been getting bad press for a while now. Food manufacturers are pulling it out of some products, and everyone from soccer moms to nutritionists are blaming obesity rates on consumption of corn syrup. Is this sweetener really at the root of obesity? While the nutritional value or detriment of corn syrup is still open for debate, companies that manufacture high fructose corn syrup are trying to rename the product to give it a better public relations spin. The Corn Refiners Association wants to change its name to corn sugar, after consumption of the sweetener reached a 20-year low. The corn syrup industry is already using the name in advertising and seeking the approval for the name change from the Food and Drug Administration. Such approval could take as long as two years. The Corn Refiners Association claims sugar is sugar, whether it comes from sugar cane or corn. The body uses it the same way, and corn syrup and cane sugar are 36
nutritionally the same. That means the products that contain sugar are just as likely to contribute to obesity as those with corn syrup. Sugars are found in many products, including cereals, pickles, breads, and even pet foods. Nutritionists urge individuals to cut down on consumption of all sugary products for a healthier diet. It is still unsure whether “corn sugar” will be adopted and whether consumers will be “fooled” by the name change. If history repeats itself, it just may be a boon to the corn industry. When “prunes” were changed to “dried plums,” the fruit was more warmly received. Although public relations officials deny that the former Kentucky Fried Chicken was changed to KFC to limit usage of the word “fried,” connoting unhealthy foods, the name change did help alter the image of the chicken, though how much or how little is likely impossible to calculate.
IT’S YOUR WORLD Consuming the Planet By Bob Harrington
SUPPOSE THAT WE REJECT the idea of being simply consumers and decide to reunite with the real world of which we are one part. We would need to review our actions and options, our possessions and our wants. We might decide, for example, not to buy a new car, or to drive as many kilometres as usual, or to be a tourist to support airlines and tourism. Much of the solution to problems rests on governments whose penchant for international affairs causes them to ignore the public, the planet, and Nature’s own economy while strongly supporting the philosophy that the “business of Canada is business.” This is totally wrong because the first item of business should be the health and integrity of the planet that underwrites all life. Government, however, can only be awakened if many people make it uncomfortable enough to stir from its sleep. With the ship of state leaking badly, it is folly to sell life jackets in preference to repairing the ship’s hull. Give up things such as that new shed you have thought about as a storage place for the lawnmower. Get an item repaired rather than buy a new one. Press governments into making it mandatory for suppliers of the throw-away electronic industries to take back and re-use or recycle outdated equipment. Take a walking holiday rather than an automotive tour. There is an old Japanese saying that “the day you cease to travel you will have arrived.” Share vehicles for driving to work. Definitely compost food waste, leaves, and grass clippings rather than plastic bagging them and hauling them to the dump. Plastics have become such a problem that recently a filter-feeding, minke whale was washed onto the shore in Normandy and 800 pounds of plastic bags and other packaging were found in its stomach! Turn off lights. Plant a garden. Eat a bit lower on the food chain, more vegetables, less meat. Learn more about Nature and our relationship to it. Escape into Nature on occasion and find a log or a rock where you can think your own thoughts. Reuse, recycle, and repair. Set a definite goal for yourself such as reducing your own driving by fifty percent.
must be relinquished. The inability to control appetites for example, has reached such an alarming point that according to statistics Canada’s Community Health Survey in 2004, nearly 23.1% of all Canadians aged 18 years or over – that’s five and a half million people - were obese, while an additional 8.6 million were overweight. In Europe 31% of all adults are overweight. In the United States the number of overweight adults is 61%. The causes are policies that make sugary and fatty foods cheap and plentiful while we perform less and less physical activity. Car sharing is an innovation that began in Switzerland in 1987 and was underway in Germany in 1988. By June, 1996 there were 17 car-sharing programs in the US with 101,993 members sharing 2,558 vehicles, and there were 11 Canadian programs involving 15,663 members and 779 vehicles. In Canada a small or large car can be used for a four hour trip for prices ranging from $18 to $34. Gasoline must be paid for by the individual who rents the vehicle. Maintenance and insurance are covered by the fee. In general the services are arranged by cooperatives. Businesses can be part of the solution too as indicated by a recent action of Citzens’ Bank in Calgary that donated a 2005 Toyota Prius to Calgary’s carsharing co-op. It is obvious we have a long way to go and serious changes to make, and we can’t just rely on our politicians. I am reminded of a story, which appeared in the Lethbridge Herald on June 15th, 1898. “A man who had some horses to sell wrote to a friend in Ottawa asking if they could be sold in that city. The friend replied: `The people in Ottawa ride bicycles, the wagons are pulled by mules, the street cars are run by electricity and the government is run by jackasses, so there is no demand for horses here.’” Adapted from Bob and Linda Harrington’s latest book: Testimony for Earth – A Worldview to Save the Planet and Ourselves
Mahatma Gandhi once said that there is enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed. However, with six and a half billion people now on the planet, this statement is questionable today. We are at the point where we must examine our personal definition of “need” each time we make a purchase. If what we need today is going to end up as garbage tomorrow, then those so called needs 37
Do You Hear My Secret Calling …a true love story
By Carole Fawcett
“So, was it an eyes-meet-across-the-room-thing and you knew you were destined for each other instantly?” I asked my Mom. “No,” she laughed, “it was a swinging-door-thing and once we met, then we knew it was destiny.” It was 1946 when my parents met in postwar Oldenburg, Germany while working for British Intelligence. Dad (a.k.a. Peter Russell) had survived WW II after being in many challenging battles. He was a “frightfully English chap” who grew up in Brighton, England. Mom (Blanche Moore - a.k.a. Pat Russell) had experienced the war in a different way. One of the many bombing raids on Belfast, Northern Ireland had demolished her family home. It only took Dad one week after he saw Mom going through the now infamous swinging door into the Intelligence Offices, to make sure he was introduced to her. Once they met, they were inseparable and spent many hours dancing at the Officers Club in Oldenburg. Mom and Dad were known for being fabulous ballroom dancers and other dance participants would frequently stand aside and watch them together as they swirled around the dance floor, eyes locked on one another. Dad was a tall, lean, and handsome in his British Intelligence Uniform. Mom was and still is a petite 5’ 2” pretty Irish woman with twinkly eyes with a penchant for laughing a lot. As they danced together, Dad would sing (in German): “Do you remember the precious time when we came together for life, My heart sang a little melody for you day and night. Do you remember that beautiful time? Even though youth will fade, songs of love will always stay. Should fate ever darken your happiness, My song will always light it up for you.” They were the first British couple to be married in Oldenburg after the war. They were transferred to the village of Brake on the Weser River in Germany as a husband/wife team with British Intelligence specializing in political and counter intelligence. Dad had a network of agents under his 38
supervision. He and his agents contributed to the break up of the Communist party in that area of Germany. “Peter and Pat’s” cover for being in post war Germany was the interrogation of returning prisoners of war from Russia. But it was at night that their real work would begin. Dad would direct and rendezvous with various agents in the field. Another agent, would cautiously make his way back to Mom with stolen documents. This home rendezvous would usually happen after midnight, Mom waiting nervously for the agent to arrive. She would then translate and type the information immediately, so that it could be sent to the head office of British Intelligence in
Dad died in 1989 in Salmon Arm, BC, seven years after retiring as a Special Agent for the Canadian National Railroad Police in Prince George. As well as being named Citizen of the Year in 1972, he was also the recipient of the Governor General’s award for his contribution to the youth of that city. In the years since his death, Mom had searched for their special song. She wrote to CBC radio, and she had asked people she met who were of German descent if they had heard of the song. She was nearly ready to give up until the Spring of 2004. She was in the hair salon having her hair done, when a gentleman came in to have his hair cut. As he had a German accent, Mom struck up a conversation with him and asked him if he had heard of the song. He said he hadn’t, but promised to look into it for her. One month later, Mom went to her weekly hair appointment. As she sat down, the hairdresser turned to her friend, who happened to be the German gentleman Mom had asked about the song and said, “I forgot to turn on the radio today. Would you turn it on for me please?” Soon the beautiful words of the song “Do You Hear My Secret Calling” were being played throughout the salon. Through contact with friends in Germany and with the help of a popular newspaper columnist the song had been found on a CD of hit songs from 1934 to 1943. Mom was completely overwhelmed with happiness when she heard the song again after 50 years. Peter Russel & Blanche Moore. Photo contributed London, England. It was a tense and nerve wracking time. “Do you hear my secret calling Open up your sweet loving heart, When you have longingly thought of me tonight. Then I will be with you in your dream Let me look at you once again Show me your much loved face Then turn off the light My heart will not forget you Please go to sleep”
My parents shared the special kind of intense and enduring love alluded to in this lovely song. It was their heart song. Now she can close her eyes as she listens to the music and from her memory bank, imagine that she is back on the dance floor, being tenderly held in the arms of her beloved as he sang to her. “Just as autumn and spring will always be, So will sorrow and joy forever change the earth. Every hour of sadness is followed by a day of sunshine, Every parting is followed by a new embrace. Storms in life will pass as long as we will understand each other. When your heart fills with sorrow, quietly sing my song again.” 39
November 6 to 26, “CELEBRATION OF THE SALISH PICTOGRAPH” paintings by David Wilson.
Now to December 12, KEITH LANGERGRABER Rattlesnake Island. Now to December 12, CONSTRUCTIONS OF IDENTITY - Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. The main fall exhibition features works of contemporary art that have been added to the Gallery’s permanent collection in the last two years.
November 4 to December 22, MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION - Visual Vernacular at the Caroline Gailbraith Gallery.
November 4 & 18, THURSDAY NIGHT JAZZ - 7 - 9pm. Admission by donation (suggested minimum $5). November 4 - Sandy Cameron & November 18 - Steve Brockley Concert ($10).
November 4 to December 22, ARTIST TRADING CARD EXHIBITION, 2.5” x 3.5” at the Up Front Gallery. This exhibit will feature a maximum of 600 pieces sent in from regional, national and international participants.
December 4 to 11, AFFORDABLE ART FAIR exhibition and sale of works by local artists for under $200.
November 4 to December 22, BREAKAWAY POTTERY - 20 + Hands II at the Community Gallery.
November 20, BLACKBERRY WOOD at 7:30pm.
November 18 & 19, THE MARC ATKINSON TRIO. This is gypsy jazz. It wanders - from blue grass to classic jazz and everywhere in between. The Marc Atkinson Trio has dazzled audiences with their vitality, exuberance, elegance and melodic strength.
COMING EVENTS November 12 and 13. Creekside Theatre in Winfield presents Que’ Bola’ Magic November 12 7:30 pm & Saturday November 13 at 1:30 pm Que’ Bola is a uniquely Cuban expression used when greeting people, meaning “what’s up?” or “what’s happening?” With dazzling illusions, sparkling magic and humour that will have the whole family gasping in amazement and laughing at the same time. Info at 250.766.5669. Ticket reservations at 250.766.9309 November 12. A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline at the Vernon Performing Arts Centre. From small town Virginia to the bright lights of Carnegie Hall, Patsy Cline’s legend is a testament to ambition, grace, and talent. This theatrical tribute tells the story of a dazzling star lost at the peak of her career and features classics like Walkin’ After Midnight, Sweet Dreams, and Crazy. Tickets at November 13, BC Interior Horse Rescue Society is hosting a Christmas Craft Fair at Winfield Memorial Hall at 10:00 a:m. Arts and crafts by local artists. Table space still available. For more information or call 250-260-5344 November 14, Kamloops Symphony Salmon Arm Concert Series presents Eastern Echoes at the Salmon Arm Recreation Centre at 2pm. Tickets available at Kamloops Live! Box Office or at the door 250.374.5483 or toll free 1.866.374.5483 November 14. Jack and the Dragon. The award-winning Oregon Shadow Theatre is back with more adventures with Jack and the Dragon! The King and Princess Polly have varmint trouble. It might be a pesky Unicorn. It could be a cantankerous Giant Hog. Or maybe a Fire-Breathing Dragon. Who can deal with these troublesome varmints? Why, Little Man Jack of course, the world champion varmint whacker! Colourful shadow puppets, live banjo and hammer dulcimer music bring this Appalachian fairy tale to life. Tickets at November 13 to 14. The Holiday Festival of Creations at Prospera Place. The show will feature 150 gifted artisans from throughout Western Canada displaying thousands of unique arts, crafts, clothing, jewelery, food products, gift giving and home decorating ideas. Great door prizes. Admission is $5/ person and kids 12 and under are free. November 20. The Penticton Authors & Artists Christmas Faire. In association with Penticton Writers And
november Publishers, Red Tuque Books is proud to present the 2010 Authors & Artists Christmas Faire. Join us at the Penticton Lakeside Resort Hotel between 9 am to 5 pm, to discover, or rediscover, an array of highly talented local Okanagan artists and authors. This is not just another Christmas craft faire. Bringing together writers and artists from all over the Okanagan, and from a little beyond, this event showcases their finest works of literary and visual art. From original paintings to prints and art cards, from sculptures and carvings to autographed books, there is a little something for every taste and budget. This event is open to the public, admission is free, and there will be plenty of door prizes drawn throughout the day. November 25 to December 19 White Christmas, the musical, presented by the Kelowna Actors Studio. Timing is everything. It is hard to imagine a more perfectly timed arrival for any production in recent memory to compare with the opening of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. From the opening moments when General Waverly asks rhetorically “Who knows where we will be 10 years from now. Let’s hope it’s a better place” through the final moments of the curtain call when the entire audience of strangers join together to sing a few bars of White Christmas as the snow falls, nearly every moment of this production seems to speak more loudly to our own time than it did to audiences in 1954. Lose yourself with the classic songs Happy Holiday, Let Yourself Go, Sisters, Snow, Blue Skies, I Love A Piano, How Deep is the Ocean and of course White Christmas. Thursday through Sunday at 8 p.m. (dinner 6:30) . Saturday matinee at 1 pm. Dessert or Dinner options available. 250.862.2867 November 20. The Barra McNeils Celtic Christmas at the Rotary Centre of the Arts. Hailing from Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, the family group is deeply rooted in Celtic music, culture, dance, language and history. Multiple lead vocalists, beautiful sibling harmonies, top drawer instrumental prowess on a wide variety of acoustic, stringed, percussion and wind instruments blend with dance, storytelling, Gaelic songs and a journey through an ancient culture; it is family entertainment at its highest level. Tickets at November 25 to 27. Nuncrackers, presented by Ed Schneider and Associates at Centre Stage Theatre, Summerland. NUNCRACKERS, takes place in real time in the basement of Mount Saint Helen’s Convent. It is the first TV Special being taped in the Cable Access TV Studio. A live camera with two television monitors is used to create 41
an actual TV Studio feeling for the audience. The show is the annual Christmas program put on at Mount Saint Helen’s. The audience soon discovers they are to be treated to an original ballet based on the “Nutcracker” featuring Sister Mary Leo as the Sugar Plum Fairy, but before Sister Leo makes her grand entrance... well, it all goes awry. The show includes some traditional Christmas Carol and some spoofs including Here We Come-a-Waffling and The Holly and the Ivory...Of course, the show is filled with the traditional “Nunsense-sense of humor” and one-liners that have made the three previous NUNSENSE shows so popular. Tickets at The Summerland Art Gallery, Sweet Tooth and Indulgences and in Penticton at Dragon’s Den on Front Street November 27. Downtown Christmas Light up, Kelowna. Celebrate the beginning of the holiday season. Join Towne Centre Mall for the beginning festivities, then walk to Kerry Park for the light up. 250.862.3515
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December 10 and 11. The Vernon Community Singers, under the direction of Molly Boyd with Marjorie Close accompanist, present “Christmas Fantasy” concert at 7pm and Saturday, December 11 at 2pm at Trinity United Church. The choir will also take part in Downtown Light-up and the Rotary Carol Festival, as well as carolling at Silver Star on December 22. For more info please call 250.542.4735.
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Know your limit, play within it
ACROSS 1 Swab 4 Tiny spider 8 Really cool 11 Roman three 12 Religious work of art 13 Goddess 14 Goof 15 After eight 16 TV award 17 Dictator government 19 Hunts 20 Vast 21 Not who 22 Amity 25 Assist 26 British thermal unit 29 Omelette ingredient 30 Deli order 31 Optical device 32 Maturity 33 Calorie 34 Main artery 35 June 6 1944
37 Discs 38 Renown 40 Countryman 44 Wields 45 Make music vocally 46 Battle of nations 47 Otherwise 48 Negative (prefix) 49 Adam’s wife 50 Distress call 51 Mexican money 52 Change color DOWN 1 Abstain from certain foods 2 Ethereal 3 Vigor 4 _____ Pearl 5 Cake topping 6 ____ Danza (Taxi) 7 Compass point 8 commemorate 9 Navy’s rival
10 24 hour periods 13 Big sandwich 18 The alphabet 19 Doctoral degree 21 Intelligence 22 Legume 23 Chick holder 24 Elderly nature 25 Entire 27 Trinitrotoluene 28 below 49th parallel 30 Bark 31 Failure 33 Sedan 34 Musical “slow” 36 Medicine amount 37 Pennies 38 Tints 39 Capital of Norway 40 Long for 41 flabbergasted 42 Dark blue 43 Ash 45 Tree gum 43
Community Events ARMSTRONG Knitting Circle. A relaxing evening of sharing, learning & meeting new friends. Bring a project, needles & yarn or just yourself. Beginners always welcome. Now accepting yarn donations for local charitable projects. Judy at 250.546.9475 or Marlene at 250.546.6325.
on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the evenings.
Armstrong Toastmasters. All ages welcome! The best communication & leadership training you can get in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Every Tuesday, 7:20pm to 9:30pm. Coffee, tea & snacks. Armstrong Spall Chamber of Commerce, 3550 Bridge Street. 250.546.3276 or 250.558.8110 or visit
Westside Jam. Open mike jam every 1st and 3rd Friday, 6:30 to 9pm. C & W, blues, bluegrass; old-time, gospel, etc. Meets at Westside Seniors Hall in Westbank. Carl 250.707.1030 or Gerry 250.768.4421
ENDERBY The Good Food Box - Must be paid by the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Baron Insurance or Century 21. Pick-up on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 12-3:45pm at the Anglican Hall on Knight Street. For info call 250.838.6298. Enderby Cliff Quilters meet at Enderby Evangelical Chapel, 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month, 1pm to 5pm. Call Bonnie at 250.838.7024 or June at 250.838.5565. KELOWNA The Kelowna Newcomers Club meetings 7pm, 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Seniors’ Centre on Water Street. Interesting and informative speakers. Many activities available. Coffee & goodies served 250.764.9686. Dance with live music every Saturday night at the Rutland Activity Centre. 7:30 pm. For those 50+. $4 members, $6 non-members.
The Rug Hooking Circle meets every second Monday at 1pm in Room 204, Rotary Centre for the Arts. Practice a traditional Canadian art form in a group setting. Angela at 250.767.0206
Kelowna Garden Club Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, October 13th. Speaker Mike Roberts. This icon of Okanagan television will share with us his stories of weather as he has experienced it in the Okanagan. Every gardener should know as much as he or she can about the weather. Mike is just the man to fill us in on what has happened in the past what may happen in the future and why. For info call 250.764.0620 or Panic and Anxiety Recovery Group meets every Thursday at Martin Avenue Community Centre, Classroom C. 6:30 pm to deal with issues surrounding anxiety, panic attacks, ocds, and depression. Newcomers welcomed and encouraged. Based on proven cognitive behavior therapy. You owe it to yourself to take the leap and contact us. Questions? You can reach Dennis or Debra at (250)212-0652 or at LUMBY Lumby Legion. Thursday, darts, Friday, pool, Saturday meat draws. 250.547.2338.
Seniors Skate (Kelowna Recreation & Cultural Services) every Tuesday at Rutland Arena, 9 to 10 a.m. and every Thursday at downtown Memorial Arena, 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. $2.25 per sesson. (Begins Oct. 5).
PENTICTON The Penticton Seniors Computer Club drop-in days at the Leisure Centre, 439 Winnipeg Street, are: Monday 1 to 3pm, Wednesday 1 to 2pm, Friday 1 to 3pm. Mac Computer Support Monday 10 am to 11 am. Members and visitors welcome. 250.492.7373.
Ballroom dancing every Sunday evening. 7:30 to 10:30 pm at the Water Street Senior Centre, 1360 Water Street Dress code: no jeans, runners, or sandals. Dance lessons 1/2 hour before the dance. Cost $6.00 Tea, coffee and cookies included.
Penticton Toastmasters meet in the Penticton Public Library auditorium at 785 Main Street, Tuesdays at 7 pm. Please come out as a welcome guest. The first 3 meetings are free! For more details email
Raging Grannies; a group of concerned ladies who express their concerns with satirical songs & other activities. Meet 2nd & 4th Mondays, 11 am, Kelowna Legion, 1380 Bertam. 250.860.1576.
The Penticton Concert Band rehearses under the leadership of Gerald Nadeau on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30pm at the SeventhDay Adventist Church Hall in preparation for upcoming concerts. Intermediate to advanced players or 250.809.2087
The Alzheimer Society of BC holds a support group for people in the early stage of Alzheimer Disease & related dementia on Tuesday mornings at 865 Bernard Ave. 250.860.0305 or Also a support group for caregivers of people with Alzheimer Disease & related dementia 44
Royal Canadian Legion. Monday Night is Miser Monday with chicken wings & baron/beef $3 each, bar specials. Entertainment 5 to 9:00pm every Monday. Friday is membership appreciation
night. 5:30 to 6:30pm full course meal & entertainment, 6:30 to 10:30pm. Wednesday is Bingo Day, 1:00pm & 6:30 pm Bingo. Meat Draw every Saturday & Sunday; 250.493.0870 The Franco 50+ group meets Thursdays to socialize in French, from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Lina at 250.492.2549 SALMON ARM Salmon Arm Duplicate Bridge club meets at 6:45pm every Tuesday at the downtown Activity Centre & every Sunday at 12:45 pm at Branch 109. 250.832.7454 or 250.832.7323. Fletcher Park Seniors Resource Centre 320A 2nd Ave., N.E. Meals on Wheels, Lunch With Friends, Monday Morning Market, Shop & Drop, Income Tax Service, Advocacy, Foot Care, Volunteer Drivers for medically related appointments, up. 250.832.7000. SICAMOUS Senior Citizen’s Meals (Wheels to Meals) at the Eagle Valley Haven in the C o m m o n R o o m . Phone ahead, 250.836.2437 or 250.836.4718 or 250.836.4302 or 250.836.2031. Sicamous Family Market at the Seniors Activity Centre, Saturdays 8:30am to 2pm. 250.836.2587. SUMMERLAND Come one, come all - Summerland NeighbourLink sponsors a Lunch Social on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. It is held between 12:00pm - 1:30pm at the Summerland Senior’s Drop-In Centre at 9710 Brown Street in Summerland. The Lunch Social is a time to connect with neighbours, enjoy a free lunch, and listen to some local talent in a relaxed atmosphere. No need to book ahead unless you require transportation...For a ride, please call 24 hours in advance 250.404.4673 TAPPEN Carlin Hall, Bluegrass/Slowpitch Jam. Tuesday nights 7 to 9pm. Bluegrass instruments only. 250.835.2322. VERNON The Vernon Seniors Choir under the direction of Lyn Taron rehearses each Wednesday from 12:30 to 2:30 pm at the Halina Complex in the Vernon Rec Centre. Our motto is “ Music is our contribution.” 250.545.3119 or 250.542.2264
Arts Centre. Fee is $3 for members, $4 for non-members. First Tuesday of every month the Vernon Placer Miner Club (gold panning club) meets at 7 pm, bsmt of Peace Lutheran Church at 1204-30 Ave. Guests welcome. Memberships for family, $20/ yr. Donna Smith 250.545.3832 or or Jerry Stainer 250.549.4395. Vernon Horseshoe Club - practices at 6:30PM Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Clubhouse on Alexis Park Drive. No charge to come out and try pitching horseshoes. For more information call 250-503-1639. Seniors Information & Resource Bureau is hosting the North Okanagan Seniors Action Network Meeting on Tuesday, November 09, 10a.m.-12 p.m. at the People Place, Room 006, 3402 27th Ave. Vernon, BC. Call Dayle Drury (250) 545 8572 or email sirb@ socialplanning to inquire about these monthly meetings that aim to make a difference in the lives of seniors. WINFIELD Cribbage Tournament at the Seniors Activity Center 9832-Bottomwood Lake Rd. Each 3rd Sunday of the month. Entree fee $12. Excellent lunch included. Games start at 10am. Play partners & meet new friends. John 250.766.3026
List your community event by calling toll free 1-877-667-8450 or email details to
Wordsearch Solution: In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow Crossword Solution:
Friday night supper at the Elks Lodge, 3103 - 30th Street, 6 pm. A homemade meal includes soup or salad, buns, dessert and coffee all for $7.50. Everyone welcome, including children. A Mini Meat Draw and 50/50 follow dinner. All funds raised go to charities and children in Vernon. ELKS MEGA MEAT DRAW - Third Sunday of each month at Elks Hall - 3103 - 30th Street. Doors open at 1:00 pm Mega Meat Draw - Meat Basket - 50/50 draw and concessions available. Bar open at 1:00 pm Draws start at 2:00 pm . Everyone welcome. All monies raised go to children and charities in Vernon. Oil Painting. Drop-in Fridays 1 to 4 pm at the Vernon Community 45
Classified & Directory 20 pieces 12 feet long, primed HardiePlank lap siding. New stock stored indoors, $100. for the lot. Phone 250.542.2636. Gifts & More - Phone 250.542.5698. Nightvision Monocular, brand new! Zenit NV-100-1, $200. Phone 250.837.3741 Revelstoke. Telex noise cancelling aviation headset, brand new, never used, $250. Phone 250.837.3741. Couch horsedrawn carriage design unique $175. Rocker $75. Exercise rowing machine $85. Hand hocked rugs etc. Bedspreads, Old German items, Hot wine set, rum toph. Phone 250.804.8845. Snowboard boots, mens size 8, $40. Records, variety 115 (Elvis Gold Vinyl), $2-$25. Collectible dolls from $15-$50. Round marble table, $100 o.b.o. Chesterfield & chair, excellent condition, oak trim, $225. Phone 250.765.6240.
Exercise & Fitness Equipment. Tunturi F520 ECB semirecumbent cycle (exercise bike). Commercial grade, magnetic resistance, digital readout, Excellent condition, $275. Northern Lights Flex Gym, 200 lb. weight stack lat bar, curl bar, low row/calf raise attachment, leg press attachment (sled), Commerical grade, very good condition, $450. Bowflex half-cage cable gym – commercial grade – in ‘as-new’ condition, $400. Aerobic Rider, digital readout, asnew condition, $50. Phone 250.851.6363.
North of 50° is looking for a dynamic, results driven salesperson. Above average remuneration for the right person. Flexible hours. Supportive environment. Send a resume and cover letter detailing how your skills fit this position to:
MITA DC-3060 Photocopier. 30 copies per minute, three on-line paper sources, 500 copy management account code usage, reduction, enlargement & zoom magnification. $500. Phone 250.546.8910.
2 rototillers, 2 leaf/branch shredders & Weedeater gas leafblowers, bargain prices on all. Phone 250.492.8501 any time. Professional magic props plus magic video tapes, dvd’s and books. Good for beginner age 9 or advanced. Selling for health reasons. Value $2000, asking $800 cash. Phone 250.770.2042. 8” Schmitt Cassigrain telescope, Original Orange Tube, Driveable Mount, full selection of eye pieces. Custom built Packing Trunk $800 obo. Phone 250.763.8316. Sealy adjustable bed, used 1 year. Remote control raises head or foot; vibrates either. 80”x53”. $3,500 new, asking $2,500. Salmon Arm, 250.832.4831. Hammond Organ with bench, floor model, Leslie speakers, different instruments and beats, $100 obo. Phone 250.979.4315. Free Classified Ad Policy We’ll place your ad, up to 25 words FREE, as long as the value of the item you are selling is under $1000. This offer is available to individuals only and is not available to businesses or commercial enterprises. One ad per household, space permitting. The rate for business / commercial ads or for items valued over $1,000 is $14 plus tax up to 25 words then 25 cents for each additional word. Email your ad details, along with your phone number and address to: classifieds@ or fax to: 250.546.8914 46
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