March 2010 Okanagan Edition - North of 50

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March 2010 Vol. 8, Issue 3,

Publications Mail Agreement 41188516, ISSN # 1710-4750


Free Publication


NORTH of 50 March 2010


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NORTH of 50 March 2010


Okanagan Nurses Work with Organization to Aid Zambia

Children in Zambia. Photo submitted from OkaZHI.


kanagan nurses, Lianne Jones and Jessica Barker first traveled to Zambia in 2008 to volunteer as nursing instructors in Mongu, Western Province Zambia. Once a middle-income country due largely to copper mining, Zambia began to slide into poverty in the 1970s when copper prices declined on world markets. Zambia's economy has been affected by the continued decline in world copper prices and the global economic crisis. High inflation, currency appreciation, debt servicing and restricted access to capital are key issues affecting Zambia's economic outlook. Western Province is one of the poorest in Zambia and has amongst the worst health outcomes in the country. It also has one of the lowest levels of literacy and education in Zambia. On their first stay, Jones and Barker worked both as lecturers and clinical instructors around the Mongu region which included supervising students in the local hospital, various government run clinics, and a UNHCR refugee camp. "The meaning of ‘Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for life’ became much clearer as our work at the School of Nursing continued. We learned that in order to create positive change our work had to be sustainable, which was why we made the decision to teach "teaching nursing"within Zambia", say the nurses. Teaching allowed them to shape the nursing practice of over 100 future Zambian

nurses, in a positive way. During their initial stay they not only taught Zambian nurses, but they also enhanced the educational tools of the Zambian nursing instructors, by giving them the tools needed to create and use PowerPoint, as well as, providing nursing presentations, new textbooks, and laptops. Jones and Barker's initial motivation was to go over ‘to help’, but in the end the biggest growth came from learning they received from their Zambian colleagues. They worked hard to develop relationships and left having built solid foundations with co-workers and students. Following their return home to the Okanagan, the nurses wanted to find a way to continue their work with Zambia and were excited when the opportunity to help form the Okanagan -Zambian Health Initiative (OkaZHI), with Dr. Bill Nelems developed. The OkaZHI Foundation soon became a bold and exciting new effort working for the enhancement of basic healthcare and health education in Zambia. Together, OkaZHI is a group of local Okanaganbased nurses, surgeons, and general practitioners with a mandate to build capacity and empower their Zambian colleagues. They have begun by offering educational opportunities for local Zambian nurses and doctors within Western Province, which is creating sustainable Continued on page 4.

Lianne Jones and Jessica Barker. Photo submitted from OkaZHI.

Nurse in Zambia. Photo submitted from OkaZHI.


NORTH of 50 March 2010

Zambian nurse with child. Photo submitted from OkaZHI.

change for healthcare in Zambia. After helping with the creation of the organization, Lianne and Jessica's strong desire to return to Zambia found them back in Mongu in October of 2009 with a team from OkaZHI. Accompanied by doctors from the Okanagan, including Dr. Bill Nelems, Dr. Gary O’Connor, and Dr. Glynn Jones, the team brought to Western Province a course titled the ’Essential Surgical Skills Course’ created by the Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS). They ran a five-day surgical skills course for over twenty doctors, along with a complimentary nursing surgical skills course for nurses in Mongu. Both courses were very well received in the hospital community.

Jessica Barker states, "The overwhelming positive response to the course demonstrated to us the need for continuing these educational opportunities for our Zambian colleagues. It has also made it clear to us the need to keep delivering more education." Currently, the nurses are back again in Mongu working on a number of different activities. Together with Fay Karp, am Associate Professor from the University of British Columbia-Okanagan, they have facilitated nursing practicums for nine nursing students at the local hospital in Mongu. The staff has warmly welcomed the students, and they are observing a wonderful cultural and educational exchange between both parties. They are also working with their Zambian colleagues to plan for future educational opportunities with OkaZHI. In April 2010, Jessica and Lianne will be biking alongside Dr. Bill Nelems through Zambia as a fundraiser for OkaZHI’s work in Western Province. At 70 years old, local thoracic surgeon Dr. Bill Nelems seems an unlikely participant for a gruelling, 38-day, 4,500 kilometre bike trek across sub-Saharan Africa from Zambia to Capetown, South Africa. But, on April 7, Dr. Nelems will embark with the nurses upon just that, with a goal of raising $100,000. “We believe that health can only be improved in Zambia in the future if the skills and capacities of local Zambian nurses, physicians and health workers are strengthened in a sustainable way,” says Dr. Nelems as he passionately describes his vision for OkaZHI. “We believe that by building skills and enhancing

educational opportunities, we not only grow capacity but we provide hope. This bike trek and the funds it will raise will help make this vision a reality.” Jessica Barker and Lianne Jones will be biking part of the trek through Zambia. With purchased bikes from a local company called ZamBikes, the RNs are continuing the bike training that they started while in Canada. All funds raised will go directly to health education within Western Province, and to the people with whom they have developed significant and meaningful relationships. By bringing nurses, general practitioners and surgeons together, Okanagan Zambia Health Initiative is crossing disciplines to provide a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on training for Zambian health care workers. Teams of medical experts are joining forces in growing numbers, including local GP and Chair of OkaZHI Dr. Linda Hawker, and founding member of OkaZHI, Joan Bassett-Smith (Professor of Nursing at UBCO). As one can imagine, transportation to and from Africa for teams of medical staff as well as the purchase and delivery of much-needed supplies is costly. With the start of Dr. Nelems’ African-bike trek now less than two months away, the heat is on to drive both private and public donations, as well as to recruit new, passionate volunteers with an interest in health education. To donate or learn more visit

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NORTH of 50 March 2010

Jo Berry: A Woman of Distinction

Jo Berry runs with the Olympic torch through Valleyview on January 27. Nominated by Terry Lake, Jo says her torch bearing experience was a humbling experience that hit her hard. It was while running with torch in hand, with her twin daughters, husband and friends running alongside, that Jo felt an overwhelming sense of community and a feeling of “this really is what it’s all about.”


magine if you can, that you have reached a point in your life where you do not have to accomplish, acquire or earn anything to experience inner peace. Through a 20-year journey of movement—in body, mind and spirit—Jo Berry has reached a point where she is living a love-based life without pretence. “At 45, I feel healthier than I did when I was 25,” says Jo, founder of the Runclub and co-founder of Boogie the Bridge. “I believe it is because of the inner work I’ve done—the constant development, the development of my ego-less self.” Before enrolling in the University College of the Cariboo’s social work program in the mid-90s, Jo earned her living in the cycling business and as a fitness instructor. With a belief system out of sync with the fitness industry’s focus centred on physicality, the 30-year Kamloops resident left the industry after three years. “Physical movement represents only 10 per cent of health,” says Jo. “Health is so much more than physicality and being ‘athletic.’ Health manifests itself in body, mind and spirit; constant movement, in the physical sense and the spiritual sense.” Born in Edmonton with what she calls “too much energy,” hours spent outside the classroom during Jo’s youth were spent tap dancing and figure skating. Sitting was something reserved for the back of a horse or a bicycle seat. Active her entire life, Jo says ‘athletic’ has never been the best word to describe her. “I’ve always had lots of energy, but for me it’s always been about being active rather than competition or winning. I’m the kind of person who prefers to chitchat and take photos when I walk or run. I like to stop and visit with people. I don’t care about my time or my heart rate as much as I do about the fun experience I’m having.” Espoused with a genuine concern for other people’s well-being since a young child growing up in Victoria, Jo’s gravitation towards the social work profession was a natural one.

5 by Sherry Bennett

In 1997, two years into her social work studies, Jo lost her mother, a major crisis she confesses hit her hard and left her staring into the eyes of depression. But with her personal tragedy came a major period of spiritual growth and awakening to the concept of self and the rewards of a love-based form of living. Born during this highly transformational period of Jo’s life, through her personal explorations into all facets of movement, were two now renowned local health initiatives—Daily News Boogie the Bridge and Runclub In 1998, as part of a UCC-based project to promote healthy living and incorporate the ideas of feminism, play and movement, Jo co-founded Boogie the Bridge, a 5K and 10K run walk or stroll, recruiting five dozen women; a cooperative health movement that has now exploded into a large scale community-based health event attracting thousands. A year later, at the tail end of her degree, and as a further exploration of movement, fun and cooperation as healing tools, Jo developed and launched her homebased Runclub. With ‘Movement as Change’ as the mantra and a ‘no one gets left behind’ attitude at its core, a single group of 16 women in 1999 has blossomed into a ‘movement’ movement where thousands of men, women and children representing every shape, size and ability demographic meet on city roads and trails to blast comfort zones and experience running as a fun and cooperative team sport. “Life is supposed to be fun. “People don’t play as much anymore. People get programmed into school and jobs. Movement likens playtime. It’s not hard work. There’s a pace for everybody. There’s a comfort level for everyone. It’s a form of play where you just happen to get healthy along the way.” While perhaps not in the traditional sense, Jo, with husband Adrian, is practising social work with a playful twist, helping countless people change their lives for the better—social work outside of the box. “It’s not counselling per say, but we are applying the same principles and core values—the promotion of health.” Her genuine passion for the well-being of the people of the city has earned her the Grace Chronister TRU Bachelor of Social Work Alumni award, the 2004 Woman of Distinction for Community Contribution award and the BC Community Achievement award. “Things have changed so much over the past few years. Many people have lost control of their own health and the human connection—meeting people, connecting with other people’s energy, connecting with the community. “There are so many simple things people can do to regain their health. People have the power to change their lives. If things aren’t working out, there are things that can be done to change it. “Change is so hard, but it’s so worth it. It is like peeling the layers off of an onion. It’s about realizing, learning, and making something different. “It’s your health. You do have control over it. Don’t think you can’t change it. You can and it feels great.” Through movement Jo has changed her life, from the inside out. She’s found the peace to know she is in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things. Flying in the face of the ‘no pain, no gain’ doctrine, when Jo turned 40 she told herself she better be having fun with what she was doing, every day.

Co-founding the event, Jo Berry has been involved with Boogie the Bridge for over a decade. The 2010 Boogie is slated for May 2. Funds raised at this year’s event will be donated to the ASK Wellness Centre. For more information on the Boogie, visit Photo submuitted.

As a full-time coach and mother of twin 14-year-old girls, Jo’s days are filled. “It’s work. I work hard. But because I get so much out of it and am truly passionate about what I do, it really doesn’t feel like work.” “I’m sure there are some people out there who think I’m a couple of marbles short,” jokes Jo, with a wide grin framed by a baseball cap and ponytails. “Sometimes people question my love-based approach, but it’s just something I need to share.” “I’m living a simple life now. It’s not about pushing my boundaries to acquire things anymore. For me it’s about having more time and more energy. “I don’t need a bigger, better house or a new car. I believe that when you live simple you live more. “I’ve got a job I love. I have a family who loves me. I have my health. I have my time. These things are my currency. “Life truly is such a gift. We need to live.”

WORDS AND AWARDS FOR JO BERRY 2009 Jo Berry Thompson Life In motion Thompson Nicola`s top 50 most influential people 2009 Jo Berry on CFJC midweek show 2008 Jo Berry and Runclub show cased in ``An afternoon with Deepak Chopra``magazine 2008 Jo Berry receives Thompson Rivers University Distinguished Alumni Grace Chronister Award for bringing honour to the Social Work program by her community health and wellness iniative and raising over quarter million dollars and moving thousands of people to a healthier life. 2008 Jo and Runclub recognized by the BC government for community contribution and has received the BC Community Achievement Award 2004 Jo Berry. Woman of Distinction "Jo Berry...Learning to love, accept and appreciate yourself for all you can do is a mantra Jo Berry has personally embraced while inspiring thousands of her fellow citizens. Her energy, enthusiasm, and support has made runners out of people who would never have dreamed it possible. Through her RunClub business, Jo Berry created a charitable fun run in Kamloops. Now in its tenth year, the run attracts 2500 participants and raises money for community programs thanks to the driving force of its founder. Through Jo Berry's example that... movement is change....`` BC Liberal Government


NORTH of 50 March 2010

EDITORIAL a division of 0727724 BC Ltd.

Publisher Dean Wallis Managing Editor TJ Wallis Creative Director Cassandra Redding Advertising Sales Dean Wallis Ad Design & Layout Kristi Carter Administrative Assistant Caralyn Doyle Deadline for Ads to be submitted is the 22nd of the month for publication on or about the 1st of the month Office Location: Suite 102 Armstrong Business Centre 2516 Patterson Avenue Armstrong, BC Mailing Address: Box 100 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0

ADS & SUBMISSIONS Phone: (250) 546-6064 Fax: (250) 546-8914 Toll Free: 1-877-667-8450 (877)NORTH50 Website: North of 50 i s a n i n d e p e n d e n t , f r e e m o n t h l y publication, locally owned, produced and distributed throughout the Thompson /Nicola/ South Cariboo/ Okanagan and Shuswap areas by 0727724 BC Ltd. Disclaimer: The publisher will not be responsible for errors or omissions. In the e v e n t o f a typographical error, the portion of the advertisement that is incorrect w i l l not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable r a t e . The opin i o n s a n d v i e w s contained in submitted articles to North Of 50 newsmagazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher retains the right t o e d i t a l l submissions, including articles and letters to the editor, for brevity and clarity. Copyright is retained on a l l m a t e r i a l , t e x t a n d g r a p h i c s in this publication. No reproduction is allowed of any material in any form, print or electronic, for any purpose, except with the expressed permission of North of 50 P u b l i c a t i o n s (unless for private reference only).

Publications Mail Agreement No. 41188516 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To North Of 50 Box 100 Armstrong, BC • V0E 1B0

Size Matters


oes size matter? In the magazine business, probably not much, though some pundits say the size and shape of a magazine influences the way readers and advertisers view it. Others say its not size that matters; it's content. We can go along with that. So, as we head into our ninth year of publication, we're going to change our format. We’re getting our hair done and putting on our Sunday best. Next month, North of 50 will change from a newspaper tabloid to a full colour, saddle stitched magazine. It’s an entirely different look - elegant, durable and eco-friendly. It won't be the same as all the other magazines you see around. Our new look will be unique. I don’t want you to think we’ve gone all high-faluting, thinking too much of ourselves just because we're getting all prettied up. We’re changing format, but we’re not changing focus. We’ll bring you the same great, local content – and more of it. We’ll still take you to some great travel destinations in our Home and Away pages. Don Sawyer and Calvin White will continue to write provocative and informative columns. All the regular sections – Health, Coming Events, Community Events, the Puzzle Page – it’s all still here. And yes, you can still place a free classified ad! We’ll have more contributors, too, but I can’t let the cat out of the bag yet, else it will ruin the surprise. We won’t be reinventing the wheel here. We aren’t going to upset the apple cart. Our goal is to redesign the look of North of 50 and to maintain our journalistic standards while introducing a fresh perspective on local issues. As we see it, our job is to bring our readers a rich experience with compelling graphics and intellectually rewarding stories. But let's face it. It's not all about you. It's also about our advertisers. North of 50 is supported solely by advertising revenue. Advertisers have indicated that they, too, love our content, but given the option of a tabloid or a contemporary, unique magazine, it was no contest.

The new look wins hands down. We want to do a good job – a great job – a fantastic job. We like to think what we do matters, but we know our readers and our advertisers will be the real judges of that. So next month, when you pick up the new North of 50, all spruced up for a first date, drop us a letter or an email and let us know how we're doing.

Do you have a personal experience story you would like to share with North of 50 readers? North of 50 invites you to submit your story for publication. A personal experience story can be about anything. It might be inspiring, funny, scary or weird. It might be about a wonderful holiday or a travel nightmare. It might be about pursuning a lifelong passion, how you coped with a health crisi or a personal loss. It could be a love story, a ghost story or an embarassing tale. It's your story, whatever that is. Guidelines: Stories should be between 600 and 800 words and be on any topic, but it must be your own personal experience. You must include your telephone number and address. These will not be published and are for verification purposes only. Please submit your story to: Email: Fax: 250-546-8914 (Attn. Editor) Mail: Personal Experience Editor, North of 50, Box 100, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0

Cover Photo: Jessica Barker, RN amd Zambian child. Photo submitted.

NORTH of 50 March 2010 FAIR COMMENT

Haiti: A Man-Made Catastrophe


hile the January 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti was indeed a natural disaster, the human catastrophe that followed is directly attributable to the poverty, brutality, exploitation and political manipulation that have plagued Haiti since its creation as a slave colony in the early 17th century. By the time the French took over from the Spanish in 1697, the indigenous population was extinct. As plantations expanded (by the 1780s, Haiti produced about 40 percent Don Sawyer of all the sugar and 60 percent of all the coffee consumed in Europe), the demand for African slaves became insatiable. By 1789, the slave population totaled 500,000 was ruled over by just 30,000 whites. Terrified at the prospect of a slave revolt, the plantation owners and overseers responded with cruelty and brutality unmatched in the history of the Atlantic slave trade. In a diary entry by a slave who later became a leader in the Haitian Revolution, the full extent of the horror used to crush the slave population is revealed: Have they not hung up men with heads downward, drowned them in sacks, crucified them on planks, buried them alive, crushed them in mortars? …forced them to eat excrement? …Have they not cast them alive to be devoured by worms, or onto anthills, or lashed them to stakes in the swamp to be devoured by mosquitoes? Have they not thrown them into boiling cauldrons of cane syrup… put men and women inside barrels studded with spikes and rolled them down mountainsides into the abyss? All of this began to change with the French Revolution and the slave revolt of 1791. And when France passed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1794, Haiti’s great revolutionary leader, Toussaint Louverture, aligned himself with the French. Preaching equality and reconciliation, he governed over a peaceful, prosperous land. But Napoleon had other plans. In 1803 his brother-in-law arrested Louverture and his entire family. Louverture was imprisoned in France and died soon afterwards. Napoleon then sent more than 40,000 French troops to crush the rebellion and reinstate slavery. In the ensuing war, tens of thousands died in one of the most barbaric wars ever fought. (After one battle, the French general buried 500 prisoners of war alive.) Through bravery and determination, the Haitians won and declared independence in 1804, becoming the second republic in the Western hemisphere and the first black republic in the world. But the country was devastated. Most damaging, to lift a

The Lethal Strains of TB


ust a few years after my brother was born, my mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Treatment and a cure meant many weeks in a sanitarium. This was a time when it wasn't so unusual for Canadians to contract that dreaded disease. Because she was put on heavy doses of sulfa drugs, my mother believed she would never be able to have any more children. So, years later it was a big surprise when she became pregnant with me. Calvin White Flash forward many decades and it is a rich irony that now just a few months before the same age my mother was when she eventually died from cancer, here I am on the other side of the world in Uzbekistan working with TB patients. Not just ordinary TB but multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and extreme multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, respectively abbreviated as MDR-TB and XMDR-TB. I came here to work as a mental health specialist with an international aid organization. The team of counsellors which I supervise has the job of convincing and supporting patients to stay on the treatment that can save their lives. Unlike the strain of TB my mom had, MDR-TB and XMDR-TB are difficult to treat. They require two years of medication, often with such serious side effects as continual nausea, pain, hearing loss, mood shifts, and even psychosis. In the end there is no guarantee of success. But unlike other diseases which might have adverse side effects, with this one to not go through treatment, or worse to stop treatment once started, means the high likelihood of infecting others and of furthering the mutation of increasingly lethal strains of TB. Of course, we are responsible for this development. This is a country where respiratory disease contributes to almost 50% of all deaths. It is epidemic. Regular TB is epidemic. MDR-TB is epidemic. And it will spread. When I say we are responsible, I mean we as in us humans. The problem began in Soviet times when it was decided that this region could grow cotton in abundance. But only with enough irrigation. That was easy to solve. Water from the two main rivers feeding the Aral Sea was diverted in massive irrigation systems. The Aral Sea was the 4th largest inland body of water in the world. Larger than all the Great Lakes other than Superior and Huron. It was abundant with marine life, supporting

7 crippling embargo imposed by the French, British and Americans, Haiti was forced to pay retribution for the "lost property” (including slaves) of the former colonialists. To do so, the Haitian government had to take out high interest loans. The debt was not repaid in full until 1947. The late 1800s saw the introduction of a new constitution, the stabilization of social institutions and the flowering of Haitian culture. But by 1911, Americans acquired control over Haiti’s national bank and then, in 1915, at the request of the American investors, the US occupied the country and remained in direct control until 1934. This era was marked by brutal repression, forced labour, and the passage of laws that reduced Haiti to an economic colony of the US. During the Cold War, the U.S. supported the dictatorships of the Duvaliers as an anti-communist counterweight to Castro's Cuba. Dumped American agricultural imports flooded Haiti, destroying peasant farming. As a result, hundred of thousands of people flocked to the teeming slums of Port-au-Prince to labor for pitifully low wages in sweatshops located in U.S. export processing zones. Finally, in the 1980s, Haitians rose up and drove Baby Doc from power and elected as president reformer Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who promised land reform, aid to peasants, reforestation, investment in infrastructure, and increased wages and union rights for sweatshop workers. The U.S. responded by backing a coup that drove Aristide from power in 1991. Though eventually returned, the elected president was forced to accept an economic program that ensured Haiti would remain an economic and political colony of the US. Even this wasn’t enough. First the U.S. imposed an economic embargo that strangled the country, and in 2004, Washington collaborated with Haiti's ruling elite to topple the government. The puppet regime that followed dismantled the mild reforms Aristide had managed to implement. The pattern of impoverishment and degradation of the country's infrastructure accelerated. As Guardian columnist Seumas Milne points out, what this sad saga translates into can be seen in the stark contrast between Haiti and neighbouring Cuba. While Haiti's infant mortality rate is 80 per 1,000, Cuba's is 5.8; while nearly half of Haitian adults are illiterate, the figure in Cuba is around 3%. And while 800 Haitians died in the hurricanes that devastated both islands last year, Cuba lost four people. So when you see those shattered buildings and shattered lives, remember that the poverty that underlies it all is neither natural nor inevitable. Instead it is the result, as Milne puts it, of “calculated impoverishment.”

a thriving fishing industry that fed hundreds of thousands, and it attracted tourists to its picturesque shores. But the draining from the rivers caused the sea to shrink. When communism fell in 1991, the current government continued the irrigation. They needed the cotton production. The Aral Sea continued to shrink. In fact, it dropped to 20% of its size. Every living thing died because the salt content stayed the same. The exposed sea bed, now a vast and barren plane offers up tons of fertilizers, pesticides, salts, and other contaminates to the winds throughout the year. Everyone breathes in these particles. Hence, they sicken and they die. Soon after leaving the station 800 kilometres in the capital of Tashkent, the train starts to cut through flat, arid land and a light skim of white appears. Since it was winter when I arrived, I thought it was skiff of snow. But it is salt. Such a long way from the Aral Sea, salt covers the land. People talk of the taste of salt in vegetables and fruit. Drinking water in this town where I live three hundred kilometres from the old sea, has a slight tinge of salt. We did this. We, who wanted to produce massive amounts of cotton from a land unable to produce it naturally. We, who want to buy this cotton cheaply. We, who want what we want and do whatever we want to get it. And we who believe that what happens on other parts of the planet is of no concern to us and so pay no attention because it doesn't matter. The message is this: Unlike the Chernobyl nuclear disaster which was a mistake, the Aral Sea disaster was done wilfully. What it indelibly demonstrates is that humans can make massive changes to the earth. If we have done this to the Aral Sea with virtually no response of outrage, we can and will do it on the same scale elsewhere. It's just a matter of time. I had learned of the situation before coming here. But it was travelling across the land and seeing the white of the salt everywhere that drove it home on an emotional level. Walking into a cold, bare-walled cubicle in an MDR TB ward drove it home all the more deeply. This was the cubicle of Massor Strachov. He is 62 and was an artist. He sat silently in his chair watching a TV program. Alone and unwanted by family, he is now partially deaf. He stayed on the arduous treatment regimen for the fully required two years. Two years of side effects and growing deafness. And now, now he is known as a treatment failure. He will die. And that matters.


NORTH of 50 March 2010


traditional marching band funeral. Vernon Performing Arts Centre.

March 1 -14, LEGACIES 2010, Penticton Art Gallery. Free for members, students and children, $2 non-members In the main gallery, this exhibition questions the role and the value of arts and culture in our society today and challenges the perception that the arts are an elitist frill servicing all but a small segment of our society.

March 7 at 7:30 pm, HAWKSLEY WORKMAN WITH SPECIAL GUESTS. Poet, producer, and peerless performer, has been a critical favourite since his 1999 debut, evolving from the slight, pin-striped oddball with an acclaimed diamond voice, to the panoramic, guitarpunishing superstar with no performance limits. Kelowna Community Theatre. Doors: 6:30 pm. Tickets available at, Ticketmaster outlets or Charge By Phone 250-374-9200.

March 3 at 7:30 pm and March 4 at 1:30 pm, THE VANCOUVER CHAMBER CHOIR is Canada's outstanding professional vocal ensemble. Under the baton of conductor Jon Washburn, the twenty singers are noted for their diverse repertoire and performing excellence. Vernon Performing Arts Centre. March 4-21 at 8 pm, I HATE HAMLET Performed Cabaret style with drinks and refreshments at the Black Box Theatre, located on the east side of the Kelowna Community Theatre at 1375 Water Street. Tickets available online or by calling (250) 762-5050 or in person at the box office at Prospera Place. March 5 at 6:45 pm, BILLY TALENT with special guests alexisonfire, Against Me & Gallows! South Okanagan Events Centre, Penticton, BC phone 1.877.763.2849 Or online at www.Valleyfirsttix.Com or www.Livenation.Com March 5 at 7 pm, COLOURS OF THE SHUSWAP, presented by SAGA Public Art Gallery. A juried exhibition of work by local artists. Featuring live music and wonderful goodies. Sponsored by Jeff Stacer Real Estate Team. Admission by donation. March 5 at 8:00 pm, KELOWNA SINGLES CLUB DANCE Music by Art Taylor & Co. Held at Rutland Centennial Hall on 180A Rutland Rd. N. Doors Open : 7:30 p.m. Bar and Refreshments Available - Light lunch at 10:30 p.m. Members $9.00,Non-Members $12.00

March 5 and March 6, 9 am -5 pm, SOUTH OKANAGAN SIMILKAMEEN HEALTH FAIR, Penticton Trade & Convention Centre, Is your business a gym, or do you offer Pilates, Yoga or Fitness Classes, then this event is for you... Read more: events/thismonth.aspx#ixzz0gtY4tpgB March 7 at 10 am, SHUSWAP SEED SWAP & SALE, Over 30 vendors: Selling SEEDS, Vegetables, Baking, Foods, Crafts & other products SEED BANK TABLE Seed Exchange Area Silent Auction, A.L. Fortune School, Enderby. March 6 at 7:30 pm and March 7 at 2:30, MONASHEE CHAMBER CHOIR and Orchestra performs Handel’s Dixit Dominus, plus pieces by Rachmaninoff, Percell, A. Gentles, Mozart and others. 7:30pm on Saturday, 2:30pm on Sunday at Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church in Salmon Arm. Tickets $20, students free, available at Wearabouts in Salmon Arm, and True Value Hardware in Sicamous. March 6 at 8:00 pm, A FINE AND PLEASANT MISERY This laugh-packed one-man stage show features a bumper crop of tales harvested from one of America's funniest humour writers. Patrick McManus is known for his books and columns in "Field and Stream" and "Outdoor Life" and has been called "a cross between Mark Twain and Bill Cosby." Vernon Performing Arts Centre. March 7 at 2:00 & 4:00 pm, PUSS IN BOOTS. The amazing Oregon Shadow Puppets brings a thoroughly modern Puss in Boots, now set in New Orleans. The miller's dying wish is granted as his three sons honor him with a

March 8 at 7:30 pm. Summerhill Pyramid Winery for the CD Release party, an event that is part of the Summerhill 'Platinum Series' of entertainment. Phone: 250.764.8000 E-mail: : $15.00 March 8 at 8:00 pm I AM WOMAN! HEAR ME LAFF 6. Join Canadian comedy superstar Nikki Payne for our sixth annual Celebration of International Women's Day. Hailing from Nova Scotia, Payne is one of Canada's most original comics. Vernon Performing Arts Centre. March 9 at 12:00 am, MERCY OR SIN. Yukon roots music songwriter Gordie Tentrees released his 3rd album, Mercy or Sin, produced by Juno Award-winning producer Bob Hamilton to rave reviews in August of 2009. There are 12 tracks delivering story-driven songs, edgy foot-stompers and heart-worn odes that can only be cultivated by a road warrior. Minstrel Cafe March 12 at 7 pm, HAITI EARTHQUAKE survivors share their experience before, during and after the earthquake where they were buried in the rubble of their home and school before being rescued by their adult students. Speakers Al and Ev Hromek, Missionaries to Haiti. Location: Sandman Hotels & Suites, 2130 Harvey Avenue (Banquet Room-The Westbank Room) $5 charge, donation will be accepted. Elaine (250) 558-4192. March 12, 7th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL WINE EXHIBITION. Wine lovers may sniff, sip and swish wine from Okanagan, BC wineries as well as wines from around the world at the held at The Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. Proceeds from this event will be donated to The Rotary Club of Kelowna and the Sunrise Rotary Club to assist them in their local and worldwide humanitarian efforts. Tickets: 250-860-6060 $45.00 March 13 at 10 am, CARMEN, presented by The Met: Live in HD at the Salmar Classic. Approx. running time 4 hours with 2 intermissions. March 13 at 8 pm, BARNEY BENTALL with Eric Reid Contact: The Dream Cafe Venue: The Dream Cafe Cost: $26 A country-folk-roots sound that is resonating with listeners from coast to coast. www. March 13 at 10 am EDITING ESSENTIALS— A Crash Course. Learn in a day the short cuts to polishing a piece of writing to perfection! We’ll cover the basics of "trimming the deadwood," grammar, punctuation and honing purpose and content. Led by Dona Sturmanis at Gallery Vertigo. For information call Gallery Vertigo @ (250)503-2297 or email: March 14 at 8:00 pm Cirque Eloize - RAIN,The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society and the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad Present Rain, a Cirque Eloize Production. Combining acrobatic feats with physical poetry, Montreal's Cirque Éloize brings the wonder of childhood to vivid life in this amazing circus arts performance. Vernon Performing Arts Centre. March 15 at 7:30 p.m. QUARTETTE has received several Juno nominations, won a Canadian Country Music

Award for best vocal collaboration, performed with major symphony orchestras across Canada, and recorded the CMTTV special, “A Quartette Christmas.” Tickets: $25 general, $23 students/seniors, family pack of four tickets - $84. The Creekside Theatre March 15 at 7:30 pm, SCIENCE IN SOCIETY SPEAKER SERIES,This talk is part of an ongoing science and technology public presentation series hosted jointly by okanagan college and the okanagan science centre. Dr. Nancy Turner - “Not Just Any Old Place”: Ethnoecology In A Changing World. Okanagan College Lecture Theatre, Vernon Admission: $5 in advance or $7 at the door (tickets available at the OSC) What can we learn from the traditional ways that Indigenous peoples perceive, use and care for the natural resources around them? March 15 to 19 SAGA Public Art Gallery presents a Spring Break Art Camp for kids aged 8 to 13. 9am to noon each day, featuring drawing by Lisa Figueroa, pottery, painting and more. $150, all supplies are included. Registration forms available at gallery front desk or by emailing Register by March 5. March 18, “COFFEE BREAK,” from 2pm to 4pm at SAGA Public Art Gallery. Enjoy coffee and cookies while you peruse the exhibition “Colours of the Shuswap.” Many artists will be in attendance. MARCH 18 FROM 7 - 9 PM JAZZ NIGHT at the SAGA Public Art Gallery, featuring Brian PJ and friends. Admission by donation. March 19 at 8 pm, The Barra MacNeils, As a group, the six MacNeil siblings are widely regarded as one of the greatest live concert acts in the Celtic world. Doors open at March 20 at 7 pm ACOUSTIC AVENUE presents an Equinox concert, SAGA Public Art Gallery. Music guests yet to be announced. March 20 at 8 pm, KELOWNA SINGLES CLUB DANCE Music by Art Taylor & Co. Held at Rutland Centennial Hall on 180A Rutland Rd. N. Doors Open : 7:30 p.m. Bar and Refreshments Available - Light lunch at 10:30 p.m. Members $9.00,Non-Members $12.00 March 20th at 10 am, SELF-PUBLISHING SUCCESS Ready to get your book in print? These days you can do it quickly and affordably with all the self-publishing services being offered. Led by Dona Sturmanis at Gallery Vertigo. For information call Gallery Vertigo @ (250)503-2297 or email: March 21 at 8:00 pm, DANCE CUBA Cuba's most popular dance company that is beloved around the world, Havana-based Dance Cuba has remained since its founding fifteen years ago under the inspired creative direction of dancer-choreographer Lizt Alfonso. Vernon Performing Arts Centre. March 27 at 10 am, THE ART OF SELLING MAGAZINE ARTICLES Learn how to match up your inspired stories with the right publications. Led by Dona Sturmanis at Gallery Vertigo. For information call Gallery Vertigo @ (250)503-2297 or email: info@galleryvertigo. com. March 27 at 7:00 pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSO! The Orchestra re-creates its very first program from 1960 in celebration of 50 years of continuous classical music performances in the Valley, joined by former players and all conductors. Haydn, Bach, Gershwin, Bizet, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky - and a big party on stage after every show. Truly a "Rhapsody of Rediscovery" for audiences. Vernon Performing Arts Centre.

NORTH of 50 March 2010


Knitting Circle - We invite you to a relaxing evening of sharing, learning and meeting new friends. Bring a project - needles and yarn - or just yourself. Beginners always welcome. Now accepting yarn donations for local charitable projects. Judy at 546-9475 or Marlene at 546-6325. Armstrong Toastmasters. All ages welcome! Come try Armstrong Toastmasters – the best communication & leadership training you can get in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Every Tuesday, 7:20pm – 9:30pm. Coffee, Tea & Snacks. Armstrong Spall Chamber of Commerce (3550 Bridge Street). 250.5463276 or 250.558.8110 or visit armstrongtoastmasters/


Enderby and District Wheels to Meals Society Luncheon held every Wed. at the Seniors Complex. 1101 George St. in Enderby. Come for a home cooked meal and visit with friends. Meals cost $6 and you must be 65 or older. Enderby Cliff Quilters meet at the Enderby Evangelical Chapel the first and third Mondays of each month from 1 to 5 pm. Call Sonia at 838-0685 or June at 903-1799. Lorenzo’s Cafe - 901 Mabel Lake Road (8 km east of Enderby). Join the jam with Dan Engelland from the Hoo Doos every Sunday at 6:00 pm. For info call (250) 838-6700.


The Kelowna Newcomers Club Meetings 7pm, 3rd Wed. of each month at the Seniors' Centre on Water Street. Newcomers enjoy interesting and informative speakers at the meetings, and have a chance to join some of the many varied activities available. Coffee and goodies are served 250-764-9686. Ballroom dancing to good music every Sunday evening. 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. at the Water Street Senior Centre, 1360 Water Street Kelowna. Dress code: no jeans, runners, or sandals. Dance lessons 1/2 hour before the dance.

Cost $6.00 Tea, coffee and cookies included. Mah Jong drop in every Wednesday 1PM at Branch #17 Seniors Centre 1353 Richter Street Kelowna. Refresher sessions available. Contact # 250763-9410. Raging Grannies a group of concerned ladies who express their concerns with satirical songs, etc. Meet 2nd & 4th Mondays, 11 am, Kelowna Legion, 1380 Bertam. 860-1576. Kelowna Singles Club Dances Bored - nothing to do? Why not come out to the Kelowna Singles Club' Dance Held at Rutland Centennial Hall at 180A Rutland Rd. N. Kelowna. Doors open 7:00pm Dancing 8:00pm - 12:00am Bar and Refreshments Light lunch at 10:30pm Members $9:00 per person. Non-members $12:00. 250-763-1355 or 250-763-1867 The Good Time Entertainers of Kelowna are looking for members! This is a choir of men and women who sing all the popular oldies at Seniors' Residences on Wednesday afternoons. Merilyn Schram at 250-826-8080 The Alzheimer Society of B.C. holds a support group for people in the early stage of Alzheimer Disease and related dementia on Tues. mornings at 865 Bernard Ave. 250-8600305 or mwasylyshen@ Also a support group for caregivers of people with Alzheimer Disease and related dementia on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the evenings. The Rug Hooking Circle meets every second Monday at 1pm in Room 204, Rotary Centre for the Arts, Kelowna. Practice a traditional Canadian art form in a group setting. Angela at (250) 767-0206 WESTSIDE JAM. Open mike jam every 1st and 3rd Friday, 6:30 to 9:00p.m. C & W; blues; Bluegrass; oldtime, gospel, etc. Meets in the Westside Seniors Hall in Westbank. For info call Carl (250)707-1030 or Gerry (250)768-4421


Lumby Legion - Don’t forget to join us Thursday for darts, Friday for Pool, Saturday for our meat draws and keep your eyes open for out specialty dances and events! For info call 250547-2338.


The Penticton Seniors Computer Club drops in days at the Leisure Centre, 439 Winnipeg Street, are: Monday 1 PM to 3 PM Wednesday 1 PM to 2 PM Friday 1 PM to 3 PM Mac Computer Support Monday 10 AM to 11 PM Members and visitors welcome. Information (250) 492-7373. The Penticton Concert Band rehearses under the leadership of Gerald Nadeau on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30pm at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Hall in preparation for upcoming concerts and for the sheer enjoyment of playing a variety of music selections in concert band. Intermediate to advanced players www. or phone 250-809-2087 Penticton South Okanagan Seniors Wellness Society 696 Main St. Programs for the community - Volunteer Development, Friendly Visitor Program, Health Education, Elders Leading and Adopt-A-Grandparent. 487-7455. Royal Canadian Legion, presents: the Following Special: Monday Night is Miser Monday: with chicken wings, and Baron/ Beef $3.00 each; bar specials; entertainment 5 9:00pm with different every Monday. Friday Night: is Membership appreciation Night; with 5:30 6:30pm full course meal; 6:30 - 10:30pm different entertainer every Friday Night Wednesday: is Bingo Day; 1:00pm Bingo, and 6:30pm Bingo; Meat Draw, every Saturday and Sunday; 250-493-0870 The Franco 50+ group meets Thursdays to socialize in French, from 1:30-3:30pm. Call Lina at 492-2549 for info.

Salmon Arm

Salmon Arm Duplicate Bridge club meets at 6:45 every Tuesday at the downtown Activity Centre. and every Sunday at 12:45 pm at Branch 109. 832-


7454 or 832-7323. Fletcher Park Seniors Resource Centre 320A 2 nd Ave., N.E. Salmon Arm. Meals on Wheels, Lunch With Friends, Monday Morning Market, Shop and Drop, Income Tax Service, Advocacy, Foot Care, Volunteer Drivers for medically related appointments, Day Away, Senior Advisor, Frozen Dinners at Home, Seniors Housing List, Home Services List, Good Food Box and Caregivers Group. Call (250) 832-7000.


Senior Citizen’s Meals (Wheels to Meals) at the Eagle Valley Haven, in the C o m m o n R o o m . Phone ahead: 836-2437, 836-4718, 836-4302 or 836-2031. Sicamous Family Market at the Seniors Activity Centre, Saturdays 8:30 am to 2 pm 836-2587. TAPPEN Carlin Hall in Tappen Bluegrass/Slowpitch Jam. Bluegrass instruments only. For info call 250-835-2322. Tuesday nights 7pm-9pm.


North Okanagan Seniors Action Network Meetings at the Shubert Centre every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Hosted by seniors resource bureau. Call 250-545-8572 for more info. The Vernon Seniors Choir under the direction of Lyn Taron rehearses each Wednesday from 12:30 to 2:30 PM at the Halina Complex in the Vernon Rec. Centre. Our motto is " MUSIC IS OUR CONTRIBUTION". For more information call: 250-545-3119 OR 250542-2264 ELKS LODGE -3103 -30TH STREE -VERNON Every Friday Nite, Supper at 6:00 pm Cost $7.50 for Home Cooked meal and Mini Meat Draw 50/50 draw after Dinner. Everyone Welcomemembers and non-members Vernon Singles ClubUpcoming Dances. Dances held at the Eagles Hall 5101-25th Ave., Vernon or Schubert Center - 350530th Ave., Vernon. For more information please contact Dawn 250-5589974 or Lottie 250-5492495

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Fun Time Seniors 50+ Thursdays at the Schubert Centre from 10 to 11:30 am. Free event including games, entertainment, talks & videos. 545-5984 or 549-4201. Oil Painting - Drop-in Fridays from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Vernon Community Arts Centre. Fee is $3.00 for members, $4.00 for non-members. First Tuesday of every month the Vernon Placer Miner Club (gold panning club) meets at 7 pm,bsmt of Peace Lutheran Church at 1204-30 Ave. Guests welcome. Mem-berships for family, $20/yr. For more info contact: Donna Smith 250-545-3832 or mrspumpkin36@hotmail. com or Jerry Stainer 250549-4395. Brazilian Embroidery Chapter Stitching group gathers every second Thursday of the month, 7 pm. Call Pat at 549-2219 or Mary at 545-3939. Sunshine Seniors meet 2nd & 4th Friday of the month, downstairs at the Peace Lutheran Church, 1204-30th Ave., at 1:30 p.m. All 55+ invited to fellowship, devotions, games and always excellent treats and coffee. Annual membership is $3. The Vernon Lapidary and Mineral Club (Rockhounders) meet every 2nd Wednesday of the

month, at 7:30 p.m. (except July and August) in the Art Centre, 2704A Hwy 6, in Polson Park. For info call 545-1274, or 542-0616. Schubert Centre 3505 30th Ave. Shuffleboard, Monday to Friday at 8am 250-549-4201 First and third Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to noon. Kintting Circle at Gallery Vertigo. For knitters and crocheters of all experience levels. Admission is a $5 donation to Gallery Vertigo’s Smarties Family Sunday Art Program. For more info, call 250-5032297 or see


Cribbage Tournament at the Seniors Activity Center9832Bottomwoodlake Rd. Each 3rd Sunday of the month. Entree fee $12.00 Excellent lunch incl. Games start at 10:00 am Play partners and meet new friends. John 250-766-3026

FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS LISTING: List your community event by calling tollfree 1-877-667-8450 or email details to


NORTH of 50 March 2010

Political Theatre Raises Funds for Pathways: April 10 and 11 by James Iwasuk

James Iwasuk


lash TV Variety News, is a mixed medial theatrical piece created by James Iwasuk, to be presented at the Penticton Lakeside Resort & Casino Ballroom, as a fundraiser for Pathways Addictions Resource Centre. The show opens Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 2pm, with a second performance that evening at 8pm, and closes Sunday, April 11, 2010, with a 2pm matinee show. Like so many non-profit organizations, Pathways Addictions Resource Centre in Penticton is feeling the financial pinch of government cutbacks. Jeanni Jones, Pathways Agency Director reports that, “Cutbacks have a negative impact on our ability to meet an increasing government demand for structural standards; we do carry on despite this with limited resources and higher demands for service.” Dr. Sherry Ure, is the Chair of Pathways, and she is concerned that the client numbers are going up while funding is going down every quarter. “It’s not just hard on us,” she comments, “but the clients are insecure about whether the doors will remain open. The clients develop relationships and inquire on our situation, given the constant news on cutbacks, and organizations closing their doors like the Kelowna Drop in Centre,

and others that have gone the way of privatization.” Jeanni Jones sees a significant rise in homelessness, too. “Homelessness has increased beyond all proportion and continues to rise as the result of non-affordable housing and the building of luxury and/or other high income dwellings. Homelessness has a tendency to cause an increase in the use of substances to cope with hopelessness and homelessness. Government Best Practices highlight the need for stable and affording housing if clients are to be successful in their efforts to reduce or eliminate substance use through outpatient or inpatient treatment programs which is why the homelessness issue in this community is such a huge issue for all community services at this time… There tends as well to be increases in crime and pressure on the legal system …” Says Jones, “When James Iwasuk came to us with his idea, we were very impressed with the creative and stark message he wants to deliver through his play. When he offered to use this as a fundraiser for our agency, we were thrilled and delighted by the opportunity it offers to raise awareness about the social and economic issues in our community affecting our clients and the plight of many non-profit agencies (SOVAS, SOWINS, Discovery House, SOSBIS, and far too many others to name here) that are dependent on government funding to continue to provide the caring and client-centered programs they deliver in our region.” The generous sponsorship by David Prystay, GM, Penticton Lakeside Resort & Casino, got the ball rolling; with Karen Davy of Astral Media rolling out the red carpet with her dynamic sponsorship of publicity and promotion. Andre Martin at the Penticton Herald contributed substantial print sponsorship. Henry Michel, Director of Education, Penticton Indian Band offered to design and print the poster. Russ Stasiuk, artist, cultural leader, and revered Penticton Secondary High school teacher, volunteers as Digital Arts director. Iwasuk's script addresses cutbacks, as news items, read by retired CHBC/CBC reporter, Mohini Singh; prerecorded on video, in a Penticton alleyway, with a backdrop of murals and graffiti. Depicting how mass media puts the spin on our perception of issues - the news will be broadcast on a huge TV screen; complimented by ad buster style commercials and the Vice


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Report read by an Astral Media announcer arranged by Karen Davy. To coincide with this, characters on stage, in front of a back alley laneway wall, share their experience, with homelessness, addiction, and mental health, in a tasteful, respectful and humorous manner. Woven through the action of the script is a solid musical variety component for dramatic and emotional impact to underscore the dialogue and several street poems. The presenters are Daryl O’Neil/singer songwriter, Bobby Bovenzi/percussion, Stefan Bienz/standup bass, and the QuickSilver Flute choir. The play opens with a spiritual native drummer saying a prayer; ending with a street dance organized by a social worker and a cutback protest rally; all on stage while slide shows, graphics and media plays. Singer/songwriter Steve Jones closes with the finale. Penticton’s Pathways Addictions Resource Centre, formed 30 years ago, is a non-profit agency, funded by the Provincial government and donations; seeing about 600 new clients each year and rising; totaling about 15,000 in all. They are located at #1 – 996 Main Street, Penticton, B.C., V2A 5E4. They can be reached at 250492-0400 and Pathways offer Prevention Services, Youth Services and Adult Services. Prevention projects include programs with schools and community groups. Also available are seminars, workshops, and training programs for community members and professionals to develop more skills and information regarding substance misuse and abuse. The marketing strategy for tickets is sponsorship, direct sales, and group bookings. The Penticton ticket outlet, Grooveyard, 239 Main Street, a music and apparel store, run by popular culture merchandizing pioneers Leanne and Andrew Jakubeit. This production is a zero budget, fully sponsored event, supported by volunteers and donations; with generous door prizes rolling in. All proceeds go to Pathways. Call 250-3289229 for group bookings or ticket sponsorship.


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NORTH of 50 March 2010


Developing an Intergenerational Toolkit S o what happens to a teacher when she leaves the classroom after thirty years? We caught up with Sharon MacKenzie two and a half years after North of 50 ran a story on her innovative approach to education. (Looking Forward to School: through new lenses, Christine Pilgrim, September 2007). Sharon, a thirty-year veteran educator, believes in connecting school children and youth directly to the community in which they live. Three decades of out-of-classroom experiences proved to her that there are more ways than one to teach and to learn. In the summer of 2008, Sharon set out on an amazing voyage of change that has kept her breathless and inspired, and intent on making a difference for kids and for seniors. In a time when field trips and out-of-school activities are riddled with everything from financial issues to liability concerns, how do you take the school out into the community? “Sometimes,” Sharon says, “You have to start with a leap of faith.” Sharon uses a simple metaphor about a dog to explain the depth of success realized by this community-embedded approach to education. “Education, traditionally, has had both feet firmly planted in acquisition of information and development of skill sets. We study about a dog, learn facts about the dog, we are informed about the dog. But as Einstein said, information is not knowledge. Information is important, but that is only a part of the educational experience. Consider the huge difference between knowing information about a dog, and knowing a dog as its owner. Community embedded education helps young people ‘own the dog’.” By adapting the traditional approach to government-mandated curriculum, Sharon’s students became engaged in meaningful activities with people of other generations. Using the support and generosity of spirit of community members, businesses, and not-for-profit groups from the North Okanagan, Sharon was able to support this educational approach for her students for five months of their school year. Did this cost a lot of money? In fact, working off-site with a wide variety of ‘instructors’ sharing local wisdom, and taking advantage of locally developed resource materials all gave taxpayers and students a ‘better bang for their buck’. A perfect example of the success of this approach was the Meadows School Project, a seven-year pilot project that moved Sharon’s intermediate students into a makeshift classroom at Coldstream Meadows Retirement Community for two full months of the school year. Based on the curriculum, volunteerism, and developing

Interrgenerational learning. Photo submitted.

one-on-one relationships with senior buddies, the Meadows School Project has become a legend in its own time. In the fall of 2007, a one-hour documentary, ‘Whose Grandma Are You?’ (Jim Elderton, filmmaker) premiered at the Vernon Performing Arts Centre, hosted by CBC’s Shelagh Rogers. Rogers came on behalf of the late June Callwood of Toronto, who had been Sharon’s friend and mentor for five years during development of the Meadows Project. Immediately, the film opened a floodgate of national interest. The full immersion intergenerational project soon grabbed the attention of the provincial and federal governments, community organizations, celebrities, media, and international Continued on page 12


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2008 Roketa - Two Seater TNS HV 650cc 2WD and 4WD ATV with only 54 hours use. Loaded with options. Windshield with wiper, radio/MP3 player, snow blade, chains, winch, metal cargo box with hydraulic lift, custom exhaust, alloy wheels. Upgraded engine blocks, electrical wiring & fuse panel, battery, oil cooler, in-line block heater. Recent service and oil change. Spent over $13,000. Great condition. Asking $8,500. Or trade for small tractor (not ride on lawnmower). Located in Armstrong. Call: 250-546-8975


NORTH of 50 March 2010

supporters. They all had sensed the richness of this level of ‘ownership’ that encompassed understanding and facilitated empowerment within community. In the summer of 2008, Sharon leaped out of the walls of her classroom for the last time. She headed out on a journey across Canada to encourage other teachers to seek more community-connected ways for their students. Sharon created the i2i Intergenerational Society of Canada with a Board of Directors spanning five generations, and launched a website that recently has been embraced as the national umbrella for intergenerational resources and sharing. (www. Shortly after, the University of Victoria received a $50,000 grant to formally evaluate the success of the unique Meadows School Project with the results of this to be presented internationally later this year. In 2009, nominating parents, students, colleagues and administration celebrated with Sharon her receipt of the BC Premier’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Her work was also nominated for the Molson Award, and recently was selected by the Cancer Society and other not-for-profits for the BC Innovative Community Capacity Building Award. In the past two years Sharon has been asked to engage in the development of an intergenerational toolkit by the BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport, to develop a national curriculum kit for grades 4-6 on elder abuse and its prevention by the Public Health Agency of Canada, and work with five high schools from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island creating an international pilot project on elder abuse

awareness for the International Federation of Ageing and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Two months ago, Sharon proposed a three-year pilot project plan to the BC government that will see representatives from five Ministries working as a team with the i2i Society, a school district, community, and a

health authority to celebrate intergenerational activities at every level. It is hoped that this pilot will go on to be a model for the rest of the province and Canada. Sharon’s parting thoughts, “Together we just are a whole lot better!”

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Retreat to British Columbia Mind, Body and Spirit by Cathryn Atkinson


hile the word “retreat” means to withdraw from battle, it can also signal a far more holistic escape for reflection and rejuvenation. British Columbia – a haven of mountains, forest and sea - is home to many examples of this other important type of retreat. Such places offer the ultimate refuge: experiences can shape new ways of living, aid in the pursuit of good health and inspire one to reflect on their own personal wealth – one that has nothing to do with dollars and cents. Here follows five vastly diverse opportunities for calm, seclusion, and, ultimately, the chance to breathe. Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands Hollyhock Centre, nestled on Cortes Island in hauntingly beautiful Desolation Sound, positions itself as Canada’s leading educational retreat centre. Despite its isolation, the centre has been going strong for 27 years and is now a charitable foundation dedicated to learning and well-being. Here, you’ll unearth a wealth of activities, including yoga, kayaking, cooking and spa treatments; special weeks are also set aside for artists, writers and those seeking refuge from the pressures of daily life. Hollyhock is also renowned for its ongoing series of speakers who fall under their theme of social change programming: each explore and explain alternative lifestyles, teach a variety of art forms and indulge in spa therapies. “We find programs that bring together personal and professional skills have such a high value for people,” says Dana Bass Solomon, Hollyhock’s CEO. “The aim is to inspire and nourish people who are trying to make the world a better place.” Bass Solomon says the ongoing stresses of everyday life are leading more people to take stock in what is important to them. “Life is a little bit confusing right now and we are finding the types of gatherings we offer are a strong draw,” she says. For more information: or call: 1-800-933-6339. Kootenay Rockies Quantum Leaps Lodge, located on 11 acres in the Blaeberry River Valley near Golden, offers a wide variety of holistic pursuits for those eager to recharge their batteries – all within a glorious mountain setting. Retreats vary from the activity-based to the reflective: adventurous firewalking, dance, and shamanistic drumming workshops are scheduled alongside yoga, meditation and massage. (Outdoorsy types can partake in river rafting in the summer and cross-country skiing in the winter.) As an added draw, the lodge hosts many guest speakers and specialists who explore spiritual growth. Annette Boelman, who co-owns the retreat with her partner Brian Olynek, says Quantum Leaps aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to explore ancient wisdoms from North America and around the world. Boelman says they call their workshops “playshops” to encourage a lighter, more joyful path to enlightenment. “We’re generalists when it comes to a spiritual path; we believe in using the best from international spiritualism. It all provides an excellent path. ” And within such a wide schedule of programs is the theme of exploration for self-knowledge and peace.

“We try to provide a safe sanctuary for inner and outer explorations,” says Boelman. “Some of our guests come for the beauty of the Rockies, some for rejuvenation.” For more information: www. or call 1-800-716-2494. Yasodhara Ashram, a yoga retreat and study centre on 140 woodland acres along the shores of Kootenay Lake, attracts visitors from around the world. The ashram was founded in 1963 by Swami Sivananda Radha – an early pioneer of yoga in the West, unique particularly because she was a woman. As a westerner, she was able to bridge eastern yogic practices to everyday life in North America. The teachings offered at the ashram are both practical and inspiring. “We are a very vital spiritual community. Families come with little children and our oldest resident is 85,” Janet Gaston, the ashram’s manager of admissions, said. “Yoga goes beyond Hatha, beyond the postures. It is an entire system of living we try to follow.” Gaston said that along with yogic movement typified by Hatha, the retreats they offer work with symbolism

Horseback riding at Hills Health Ranch Photo: Tom Ryan

through dreams, chanting mantras and the invocation of divine light. Newcomers to yoga are just as welcome as longstanding enthusiasts. Visits can be as short as a few days or last three months or longer, and the ashram is open year round. “In terms of wellness, a lot of what we teach creates a balance in our lives… a focus. Typically visitors speak of finding rest and renewal, and they comment on how happy they are to meet other people with similar questions,” she adds. Along with those who want to explore the spiritual meaning of yogic life, the ashram is also popular with those who need to remove themselves from the stresses

NORTH of 50 March 2010


of city life, make a major life decision, or seek healing after health problems. For more information: www. or call: 1-800-661-8711. Mountain Trek near Nelson is a retreat for the body that is good for the mind. Here, you’ll find a weight loss and fitness centre that combines the luxury of a spa and the discipline of a boot camp using the alpine trails and flowery landscape of the Kootenays as a backdrop. General manager Kirkland Shave says Mountain Trek staff aim to provide a challenging outdoor experience to de-stress guests, using the retreat’s FitPath program to change the unhealthy habits of a lifetime. Participants can go for one week or several. “We’re pretty scientifically-focused. Weight loss is our visitors’ primary, conscious objective. The experience is very in-depth and we give them a tool bag so they can go home and integrate what they’ve learned into a subtle lifestyle change,” Shave says. He added that in the first three or four days many participants go through emotional moments as buried feelings surface. He attributes this to the rigours of the boot camp and the detoxification experienced thanks to the combination of organic diet and exercise. Most guests, Shave says, are “traditional” people who generally don’t try alternative therapies like yoga. “They are coming to us without having explored a lot. We make it safe and comfortable for them,” Shave adds. “By the end of the first week there is quite a transformation. The lines in their faces have dropped, they sleep more deeply and by the time they go home they are pretty pumped.” For more information: or call: 1-800661-5161. Cariboo Chilcotin Coast The Hills Health Ranch near 108 Mile Ranch is nestled in the heart of the province’s cowboy country – a setting that the destination takes to heart. Surrounded by 20,000 acres of ranchland, the fitness spa and resort boasts a wide range of wellness services with the added bonus of time spent in the saddle. Guests are drawn to the retreat to decompress and to focus on personal well-being through quality fitness, food and fun, says the ranch’s wellness director Regula Wittmer. They stay from a week to 90 days, with longer stays increasing in popularity. Weekend breaks are also in demand. “It’s not the Hilton; we’re a ranch,” says Wittmer. Our packages and programs are luxurious and our staff…well, we are always getting compliments on how caring and nurturing they are - they are our strong point.” Face time with these professionals is indeed paramount; Hills Health Ranch offers over 40 fitness classes and weekly workshops, all with a focus on fitness in Mother Nature’s backyard. Along with their year-round programs, from hiking to skating, depending on the season, The Hills Health Ranch is also family-oriented, offering an array of children’s summer riding and winter ski camps. “Parents can do their own thing and their kids are well taken care of,” Wittmer says. (Tourism BC).

NORTH of 50 March 2010

and Away ideal holiday destination that has an equal mixture of all. Fethiye's dazzling beaches are undoubtedly an ideal place for outdoor activities like surfing, sunbathing or boating. Moreover, theis beach resort even features some of the Europe's best restaurants where you may even enjoy the taste of local cuisines, traditional kebab and other international dishes. Adding to all this, the nightlife is yet another fundamental key feature of this location. In fact, the nightlife of Fethiye provides best alternatives to enjoy your evening at some of the good range of live bars and clubs.

Holidays to Turkey


urkey, being surrounded by eight other countries has unique natural beauty. The bright sun, the high mountains and the brimming seas and lakes along with the mixture of sound and sights of cultural customs make it for a perfect holiday spot. Travelers experience immense pleasure while visiting this country. In addition to all this turkey has a cultural mix of both the East and West.Tourist come here again and again to experience once in a lifetime opportunity. It doesn't matter whether you are looking to spend holiday with your family members or friends, holidays in Turkey can provide you an all together a complete kaleidoscope of exciting opportunities. This is one of the few countries in the world that can offer childrenfriendly, eco-friendly or couple holidays to anyone wanting to experience an all different ideal break on a sun-and-sea based Mediterranean getaway. Giving you excellent value for money there are many cheap hotels in various destinations of Turkey that can ultimately provide you the cheap holiday option. Besides this, the Turkish bazaars, baths and beaches are other key features that make it the ideal getaway if you are looking for more than just sea, sand and sun. So this season, if you are planning to have a trip to Turkey then there are few resorts like Fethiye, Dalyan and Altinkum that are worth to be explored at least once in your lifetime. Fethiye - Located on the hillside of the Mount Mendos in south west Turkey, today Fethiye is considered as a gem of Turkey's Mediterranean coast. It is a well known holiday resorts in Turkey whose awesome scenery have always pulled holidaymakers from every corner of the world frequently. Be it a romantic break, beach holiday or a cultural tour of Turkey, Fethiye is an

Dalyan - In case if you are more nature friendly person and thinking to spend an eco-friendly holiday then Dalyan can be your most ideal option. In the country it is only in Dalyan that you can experience such colourful natural beauty. All this is possible in Dalyan after spending very little money. Major tourist attraction is this beach resort which is situated in the south west part of Turkey's Mediterranean coast. Though the region is remarkably dry during the summer, but the area is well nourished by underwater springs that in turn help in lush vegetation and further support the Dalyan's remarkable wildlife. However, if you are a history buffer and like exploring different historical sites then Dalyan could be the best option. Apart from this, it has numerous other options that are worth exploring. And finally, once you are in Daylan, you cannot afford to miss the mouth-watering cuisines available at the local restaurants. Altinkum - Moreover, if you are looking for more adventure then holiday to Altinkum resort can be the best alternatives. It provides guaranteed summer sun, sparkling clear water and a range of good and cheap hotel accommodation. Anybody interested in History will be delighted to see large number of archaeological sites like Ephesus. Ephesus is considered next to Pompeii with regards to depiction of Roman life. Besides this, today it is counted among busy resorts that feature a good range of shops and bars and clubs that can provide you a lively nightlife. In addition to this, holidays in Altinkum couldn't be better for family beach breaks or couples looking to chill on the sands. If you are one among those who have a deep inclination towards water sports then you would really get amazed by the variety of activities that are available in this place starting from snorkeling and scuba diving, wind surfing to water skiing. With such a huge range of activities and enormous things to enjoy and watch, holidays at these resorts of Turkey can make your tour a memorable one. No matter, how different they are from one other, but each of them has something to make your trip a wonderful experience. Even if you spend only a short time in Turkey, you can see and do enormous variety of things ranging from water sports to mountain trekking, archaeology to night-clubbing and many more. Therefore if you want to visit this place this season, you should book your package on time. Timely booking of all inclusive tour packages can make your holiday to any of these places as one of the wonderful vacation experiences.

15 Beginner's Guide to Haggling in A Foreign Market When on holidays in Turkey, Morocco or Egypt, we are bound to discover something new every day as the local life is full of surprises. Women weaving carpets on the side roads, street sellers offering fruits, vegetables, antiques, families enjoying al fresco lunches, men smoking water pipes and playing backgammon and of course, the colourful street markets. You can find everything there from local handicrafts to silk cushions, textile and leatherwear, wallets, belts, accessories, carpets, silver and gold jewellery, bracelets, rings and locally produced delicacies as well as loads of souvenirs. Losing yourself in the market for a day is simply the best cultural experience you can ever imagine in any foreign country. Each country has its specifics when it comes to goods offered and the personal style of salesmen trying to sell them. On holidays in Spain or Greece, you will find that the sales people are more patient and generally let you browse through the items on offer until you have made your choice. Of course, they are most helpful if you ask them for advice, but they will not insist on purchase if you have not made your final decision. Prices are usually fixed, but you can always negotiate, especially if your purchase is larger. In oriental markets, especially in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Arabic countries, the story is a bit different. Selling and buying is an art which takes a few lessons to master. First of all, if you expect a quiet walk and browse, forget it! Prepare yourself to be approached at every stall, the salesmen will want to talk to you about everything and anything, they will try to even speak your language. They will ask about your nationality, country, family and any most direct questions you can think of. And then, once you get involved in the conversation, they will start offering their goods. They will maintain eye contact to see your reactions and their pricing will very much depend on which country you come from or which hotel you are staying at on your holiday in their country. Needless to say, for a beginner in a foreign market, this can sometimes be a rather intimidating experience. Here are a few useful points to remember. 1. Always look around and compare the prices before you buy. 2. If you are not interested in the goods offered, be firm but polite when saying 'No, thank you'. 3. Knowing the basics of the language of your holiday destination will always help, especially if you want to move from stall to stall faster. 4. If you are just browsing and not interested in buying anything, keep avoiding the eye contact with the salesmen. 5. Once you have found the items you want to buy, start a conversation with a smile. 6. Always ask about the lowest or the 'minimum' price. If it seems too high, try to bargain it down. 7. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to enter into haggling with the salesmen. They expect it and they like to sell to clever buyers. It's their culture! 8. If you like the item and the price is acceptable, always try to meet the salesman half way through. Do not offend them by asking unrealistic prices or bargaining them too low. Don't forget, this is their business and they are also trying to make the living out of it. 9. Once you have made your purchase, shake hands with the salesman. It is also customary for the salesman to offer you tea and it is polite to accept. 10. Always be positive, smile and look at your shopping and haggling at the market as a fun experience. That way you will always be more successful at achieving the right prices and finding the right bargains to take home.


NORTH of 50 March 2010

Arts and Entertainment

RETURN OF “EL MARIACHI” Ken Smedley & The George Ryga Centre present “The Return of El Mariachi” Tuesday, March 9 – Zion United Church Hall, Armstrong – 8 p.m. Tickets at The Final Touch Gallery, Armstrong – Ph. 250-546-1949 - Wednesday, March 10 – Minstrel Café & Bar, Kelowna Dinner: 6 p.m. Show: 8 p.m. Reservations – Ph. 250-764-2301 -Thursday, March 11 – Lorenzo’s Café, Ashton Creek Dinner: 6 p.m. Show: 8 p.m. Reservations – Ph. 250838-6700 -Friday, March 12 – Kal Lake Campus Theatre, Vernon Tickets at The BookNook – Ph. 250-558-0668 -Saturday, March 13 – Centre Stage Theatre, Summerland Tickets at Martin’s Flowers, Summerland(next to Nester’s) – Ph. 250-494-5432 and The Dragon’s Den(Penticton) – Ph. 250-492-3011

KAL ROTARY HOSTS “CASABLANCA” HAITI RELIEF FUNDRAISER AT PAC If you’ve always wanted to see the classic movie, “Casablanca”, now’s your chance, in the comfortable seats of the Vernon Performing Arts Center. Kalamalka Rotary will host a showing of the iconic Bergman and Bogart movie, March 11, doors and bar at 6:30PM and the movie at 7:30PM. “We hope to fill the Centre for a joyful evening to raise funds for more shelter boxes, show off the simple genius of a Shelterbox and to appreciate those who have already generously donated,” said co-chair, Beth Marks. “The Shelterboxes provide tents, sleeping bags, water purification tablets, cooking and eating utensils and small hand tools for 10 people and they’re desperately needed before the rainy season begins in April,” said co- chair, Jim Elderton. Kal Rotary is covering the cost of the event and all donations will go toward purchasing additional Shelterboxes for Haiti. The club recently donated funds for this project which were matched by the federal government. Individual club members also made donations for Shelterboxes. Each Shelterbox costs $1000 Canadian and the price includes delivery on the ground by Rotarians and Shelterbox Society staff. A Shelterbox and contents will be on display in the PAC lobby. This is a benefit event with admission by donation. Tax receipts will be available for donations made by cheque or credit card over $20. Guided online donations will be available in the PAC lobby.


Astral Media Radio GP (AMRGP) in partnership with the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation (KGHF) is pleased to announce the first annual competition for emerging local artists to submit a piece for consideration in the juried selection of a ‘limited edition’ print that will be presented over the forthcoming year to donors of KGHF’s Annual Monthly Donor Program. The selected piece will be displayed prominently in the Pediatric Waiting Room and should provide comfort and cheer to visiting children and their families lending them hope during what is generally a very difficult time in their life. A limited print of the selected piece will be offered only to donors who make a minimum annual donation through regular monthly contributions. Each year a new painting will be selected for the program through a similar ‘call to artists’. Applicant Qualifications & Other Criteria Open to Artists of any age Open to emerging through to experienced artists Open to paintings rendered in any medium Submitted pieces should be matted & framed Interested Artists need to complete a commitment to enter form on or before Wednesday, March 31st (Form is available from the Receptionist at Astral Media Radio (SunFM, CilkFM & AM1150) located at 435 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC) Artists will need to deliver completed work by April 23rd, 2010. See attached letter for detailed information about KGHF and its fundraising commitments For additional information or questions please contact Bill Litwin (Astral Media Radio GP) 250) 868 – 4737 //

YSO - The Youth Symphony of the Okanagan is once again very proud to be presenting three concerts in the Okanagan Valley, under conductor, internationallyrenowned Canadian composer Imant Raminsh. Repertoire will include works by Mozart, Strauss, Elgar (featuring Nick Denton on cello) and Khachaturian. There will also be a special presentation of Cambodian songs with tenor Chanthavouth Hy. Concerts this season will be held on Saturday, March 6 at 2pm at Bethel Pentecostal in Penticton and at 7:30 pm at First Lutheran in Kelowna; and on Sunday, March 7 at 7 pm at Trinity United in Vernon. Tickets are available at the door. Check our website:

NORTH of 50 March 2010


News & Information Student Project Aims To Remember Murdered Okanagan Women A Gender and Women's Studies class at UBC Okanagan is gathering information about women who have been murdered in the Okanagan Valley. Students will create visual biographies of the victims, to be given to the Kelowna Women's Resource Centre (KWRC). Beginning this month, students are collecting information from public sources -- such as newspapers, archives and websites -- to build the framed pieces. "The project fits in beautifully with the course I am teaching," says Ilya Parkins, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Gender and Women's Studies. "It's so important for students to connect this largescale issue to their community and their lives. "It will put a face to the issue and show how violence cuts across the spectrum," she says. "These stories are going to be different from one another. Students will see that violence against women doesn't affect just one demographic." Parkins is also asking her students to reflect on the gaps in information. "Some of the students could find little or no information about the woman they've been assigned, and I want them to think about what that might mean." Part of the UBC Okanagan Learning Exchange program, the project is intended to help honour and preserve the memory of local women who died because of violence and ensure they never become invisible in the struggle to end violence against women, says Micki

IF YOU ONLY DINE OUT ONCE IN MARCH, PLEASE DO IT ON THURSDAY MARCH 25th! ark your calendars for the most satisfying meal you’ll ever eat! Thursday, March 25th is the date for Dining Out For Life®. This event was established in Philadelphia in 1991, and has grown to more than 3,500 restaurants in 55 cities throughout North America who annually raise over $4 million dollars during this event. Now in its sixth year in the Okanagan Region, the event will see participating restaurants from Penticton to Vernon who will be contributing a generous portion of the day’s revenue to Living Positive Resource Centre to help support the fight against AIDS in our community. To see if your favourite restaurant is participating, visit and click on the ribbon for Okanagan Region. A new addition to this year’s Dining Out for Life program in the Okanagan is the Corporate Challenge. The Corporate Challenge allows local businesses to become a “Restaurant Host” and encourage all of their staff, clients and customers, family and friends to join them at the participant restaurant where they are the host. Businesses are also encouraged to challenge other businesses in their particular sector to do the same. The business who is able to completely fill all the seats in the restaurant, or who comes closest to filling all the seats, will be declared the Corporate Challenge winner! Daryle Roberts,


Smith, coordinator of the Kelowna Women's Resource Centre. "Since 1991, on December 6 we have been dedicating roses in memory of local women, as well as the 14 women in Montreal who were murdered during what is known as the Montreal Massacre," says Smith, adding that the annual remembrance strengthens the women's centre's resolve to create safe communities for women and their children. "The names of murdered women must never be forgotten as their lives were meaningful and society as a whole has suffered the loss of their contribution and potential. These pieces will help to reinforce the community's connection with the victims." The list of women murdered in the Okanagan is much longer than the 18 to 20 women being profiled by the students, notes Parkins. "But they were chosen by the KWRC because of the likelihood of finding at least some sort of public information about them." "The women's centre has wanted to do this project for a long time, but just hasn't had the time or resources," says Lori Field, program coordinator of the Learning Exchange. "The idea came directly from a conversation with Micki. It is a great fit for the Learning Exchange, as it provides a two-way learning opportunity for our students, enabling them to work on something very meaningful to our community that at the same time enhances what they are studying in this class."

Executive Director of Living Positive Resource Centre says, “We are so grateful to the community for their support of this initiative, especially the participating restaurants. This is traditionally a slow and economically challenging time of year for them, so the fact that they are willing to donate a portion of revenues reflects not only their commitment to our community, but also their understanding and support of the important work we do. The addition of our Corporate Challenge will allow the business community to participate and show support as well. The money raised from Dining Out for Life stays right here in our community to provide crucial funds for support and education programs, so the success of this event is an integral part of our ability to provide these services.” For more information on how to be a participant restaurant; to join the Corporate Challenge; or to volunteer for this event, please contact Karen Alexander at Living Positive Resource Centre at 250-862-2437 or 1-800-616-2437.

Multigenerational Innovations – Get involved!

The OSC is recruiting a planning team to kick-start an exciting project, "Multigenerational Innovations", a program to ignite minds of all ages! This program will bring together older adults to work together with teens to create animatronic and robotic exhibits for display at the centre. Workshops on healthy aging through volunteering, social engagement, and understanding Generation Y (aka teens) will be offered to the public as an introduction to the project. This program’s goal is to bring generations together to share their knowledge and skills, and engage today's youth in science. We are looking for enthusiastic adults to assist us in all aspects of this innovative program. Interested volunteers can contact Paula at the Okanagan Science Centre at 250-545-3644 or by email at for more information.



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Health Matters

NORTH of 50 March 2010

Spring Is Here and So Is Allergy Season Score 'strong' in Immunity


pring is synonymous with many things. The return of baseball. The smell of freshly cut grass. Warmer weather. While many things we associate with spring give us good feelings, the dreaded return of allergy season is another thing that comes to mind when thoughts turn to spring. Sniffles, sneezing and general discomfort are all too common even for those with relatively mild allergies. Though allergies might be a nuisance, they don't necessarily have to be much more than that.

What Is an Allergy? An allergy is an abnormal response of the immune system that occurs when the immune system reacts to a usually harmless substance present in the environment. The substance is known as an allergen and, upon exposure, the body feels this substance is dangerous, releasing chemicals like histamine to protect itself. That release can result in sneezing, red and itchy eyes, rashes, or a runny nose, among other things. The body's response is an allergic reaction. One very different allergic reaction is anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening response that requires immediate medical attention. Anaphylaxis is a whole-body reaction, one that can include hives and itching all over the body, wheezing or shortness of breath, tightness or hoarseness in the throat, and even tingling feelings in the hands, lips, feet, or scalp. What Might I Be Allergic To? A visit to the local allergist is always a good idea to determine what you might be allergic to. But keep in mind some of the more common things both kids and adults are allergic to: dust mites, feathers, pollen, dairy, pet dander While things like pet dander and dairy aren't exclusive to spring, dust and pollen tend to be more prevalent and problematic throughout the spring season. Won't I Outgrow My Allergy? According to the Allergy & Asthma Network, ongoing research indicates that food allergies are persisting longer into childhood. One study highlighted in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in late 2007 followed the progress of more than 800 children with milk allergy. In that study, only 1 out of 5 children outgrew milk allergy by age 4, and less than 50 percent had outgrown milk allergy by age 8. By age 16, nearly 80 percent had outgrown milk allergy. While this might be encouraging for parents of children with milk allergies, no two allergies are the same. Peanut allergy, for instance, does not necessarily disappear or weaken as a person gets older. So while it appears possible to outgrown an allergy, it's certainly not a guarantee, and those diagnosed with a given allergy should continue to consult with their physician. What Triggers My Allergy? A host of preventable factors can trigger an allergy. * Pets. Those with an allergy to pet dander can avoid visiting friends or family members with pets. If that's not an option or if you have pets of your own, keep them out of the bedroom or off the furniture. * Dust. Dust allergies are common, and the best way to combat them is to keep a clean house. Place pillows in the dryer, wash sheets in hot water, use dust mite covers on mattresses and furniture, and vacuum regularly. Sweeping might help pick up random debris, but it's not effective on its own when fighting dust, as it will simply move the dust around the room. * Mold. Many people are allergic to mold, and one can prevent exposure to this allergen by using a dehumidifier in damp areas, such as the basement, and running the bathroom or shower fan for up to 15 minutes after Health Canada is advising Canadians that natural health products containing the ingredient glucomannan in tablet, capsule or powder form, which are currently on the Canadian market, have a potential for harm if taken without at least 8 ounces of water or other fluid. The risk to Canadians includes choking and/or blockage of the throat, esophagus or intestine, according to international adverse reaction case reports. It is also important to note that these products should NOT be taken immediately before going to bed.For more information, please visit:


pproximately eight out of 10 women world-wide say their number one health concern is protecting their wellbeing. Yet, this new international women's study also reveals only half are aware that 70 per cent of the immune system resides in the intestines, a figure that drops to one in three for Canadian women. “More and more Canadians are striving to live a healthier lifestyle, but may not understand the link between good digestive health and a healthy immune system, says Dr. Jennifer Malcolm, family physician. But there is good news – even small lifestyle changes can keep our digestive system running smoothly, which in turn boosts immunity.” Looking to improve your immunity IQ? Dr. Malcolm recommends these quick and easy tips: • Eat your fruits and veggies: Data reveals Canadian women want to eat healthy, but despite best efforts, have difficulty doing so. While daily servings of fruits and vegetables help keep the immune system strong, fitting these essential nutrients into our diet isn't always easy. Try keeping a stash of frozen vegetables on hand to toss into soups or salads, or splurge on pre-washed, pre-cut fruits and veggies for an easy dinner side dish. Feeling adventurous? Substitute avocado for butter or margarine as a healthy, but delicious spread. • Don't wait for cold season: Five out of 10 Canadian women take multivitamins daily, and multivitamin use climbs to 59 per cent during cold and flu season. Newer innovations on the market, such as Multibionta, contain multiple benefits such as probiotics and essential vitamins and minerals in one daily, easy-to-swallow caplet. New to Canada, this new probiotic multivitamin is also clinically proven to reduce the duration of a cold by up to two days and the severity of cold symptoms. • Stay active: North American women lead the pack in wanting more energy. And, Canadian women (69%) are more likely to work physical activity into their day, understanding exercise helps keep the immune system strong and healthy. So whether it's playing with your kids, taking the stairs or parking a few blocks away from work, try to get moving at least 30 minutes a day. Regular exercise also reduces stress – another reason to keep moving. • Sleep more: Sleep contributes to the health of our immune system, and 65 per cent of Canadian women agree extra sleep can make them feel more revitalized. Having difficulty sleeping? Take some time to unwind before you sleep and try getting up at the same time every day to set your internal clock.

Health Canada is advising consumers not to use any unauthorized health products sold under the brand names Natural Choice Vitamin B-17, Natural Choice Kava Kava and Natural Choice Lithium Orotate. These unauthorized health products have a similar identifying image on their label. Consumers should note that the above-mentioned products may also be available under the brand names Life Choice, Doctor’s Choice, Your Choice and Healthy Choice as these products have been marketed under a variety of brand names.For more information, please visit:

NORTH of 50 March 2010

Word Search & Crosswords p

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Marvelous march aquamarine bees birds birthstone bloodstone bloom break buds cabin fever charm color crocus daylight egg equinox fresh green holiday hyacinth ides Irish jonquil lamb life lion lucky

march mardi gras melt mud Paddy Patrick pisces puddles rain saint savings shoots spring spuds sun vernal violets warmth

Find the words in the grid. When you are done, the unused letters spell out a hidden message. Words can go left or right, top line to bottom line. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions. Answers to puzzle is on page 22. ACROSS 1 High naval rank (abbr.) 4 Drains strength 8 Waistband 12 Bashful 13 Catch 14 Three 15 Charged Particle 16 Ethereal 17 Fats 18 Joe Friday’s show 20 River in Idaho 21 Spots 22 Bullfight cheer 23 Autumn 26 Cash with order (abr.) 27 United Parcel Service 30 Drawbacks 34 Sum 35 Decompose 36 Melt 37 Pain unit 38 River (Spanish) 40 Music type 43 _______ shorts


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47 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 48 Very large truck 49 Steal 50 Scallion 51 Car rental agency 52 Take to court 53 Fewer 54 Fable 55 Creative work DOWN 1 Bad rain 2 Portal 3 Asian bird 4 Group of trees 5 Sign of the zodiac 6 Split up 7 Observe secretly 8 Rock 9 Opera solo 10 ______ worm 11 garden ______ 19 Festive 20 Coin machine

Happy Days Nanny Service

22 Possess 23 Food and drug administration (abbr.) 24 Assist 25 Acid 26 Tiger 27 Good grief! 28 _____ fowl 29 Compass point 31 earing type 32 Volume (abbr.) 33 Particle 37 cuts pay 38 Make a payment 39 Luck o' the __ 40 Seed pod 41 Fencing sword 42 Honey makers 43 Gathering 44 __ Major (Big Dipper) 45 Glum 46 To incite 48 Surface to air missile

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NORTH of 50 March 2010 40% for the Blue Party, the Blues are elected, even though the 60% majority chose a different party. That’s not democracy.

Interview with Huguette Allen Retired Green Party Candidate February 22, 2010 Interviewer: Greig Crockett Q. Huguette, you have been tremendously successful as a political candidate and especially as a Green Party candidate. You almost placed second in the last federal election, raising the Green vote from 4 to 17%. Do you think that success showed support for you or for the Green Party? Both. A lot of people really connected with what I have been saying in this riding. They feel in their bones that we can't continue on with "business as usual." Once they hear about Green policies, people find they make sense. Green policies work together so that what's good for the economy is also good for our environment and our health. Q. In light of your political success, many people in the Okanagan-Shuswap were surprised to read about your resignation as the Green Party candidate. What brought you to that decision? When I ran in 2008 I was determined, if elected, to go to Ottawa and do the best job I could. I firmly believe that even one voice of reason can do a lot to bring about the changes we need. However, since I moved to BC from the East in order to be close to my sons and their families, and given that I am now 62 and that the grandkids are growing, I want to spend time with them. With no immediate election on the horizon, now is a good time to let someone else become known so Greens can continue building strength for the next elections. Q. You are reported as criticizing the ‘first–past-thepost’ voting system. Why does it fail voters? It is a horse & buggy system designed a few hundred years ago for a two party race. It doesn’t work with more than two parties. The fact is, there are more than just two points of view in today’s complex world and there are more than two political parties in this country. When voter preference is divided between three or four parties, we often find more people voting against the elected party, than for it. The math is simple. If 30% vote for the Red Party, 30% for the Green Party and

Q. How would proportional representation improve that? Most democracies around the world have advanced to some form of proportional representation that gives a voice to the majority of voters. Greens are part of the government in most of those countries. Many ideas propagated by the Green Party have been implemented in those countries and have proven to work. Yet in Canada, with close to 1 million Canadians having voted Green; 10,000 in this riding alone, Greens have no voice at all. Ignoring diversity & in many cases the majority, is an injustice. Q. Wouldn’t that mean perpetual minority governments? It would mean governments that better represent voters’ wishes and partnerships that represent majorities. It was during one of those partnership governments that Canada got Medicare. I think Canadians are happy with that. Q. How can we change the system? I believe the only way is to educate voters so they can understand it. Unfortunately, we see that the established parties have nothing to gain from proportional representation, so they spin it as something complex that would leave us without leadership. In fact, it would do the very opposite. People need to see that it works by looking at countries that have it and then demand it. Q. In your official press release, you say “Green policies can solve the problems we face because they are integrated”. What do you mean by that? If we look at the major problems we face right now, we see that they are all inter-related. I just bought the book Storms of my grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity by James Hansen, director of NASA. He points to the most urgent catastrophes we must avoid, including; melting of the ice sheets and disappearance of species that are associated with climate change and our production of greenhouse gases. Over the last year, governments have reacted to the biggest economic recession since the 1930s. But instead of shifting the economy away from ‘grey’, polluting industries that make these problems worse, they are handing them bail-outs. Green Policies would turn blue collar jobs into green collar jobs. By investing in innovative technologies that reduce greenhouse gases in the automotive, energy and construction industries, Green policies would stimulate improvements in other sectors. Fixing the economy would be integrated with fixing the environment, which would contribute significantly to improving our health. Q. You also say, “We can’t solve the healthcare crisis unless we develop an economy that is good for us,

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instead of one that makes us sick”. Is that an example of ‘integration’? Yes, this is an excellent example! Let's look at how the global food economy alone contributes to health, or rather sickness. While a few multinationals such as Monsanto make huge profits producing genetically modified crops, chemical fertilizers, suicide seeds, and pharmaceuticals - talk of vertical integration! They invented it - local farmers can no longer make a living producing food that is grown naturally. Force fed, hormone and drug injected livestock, heavily sprayed produce and the processed foods and drinks brimming with preservatives that fill our supermarkets are linked to obesity, diabetes amd cancers. Include all the chemicals used by agribusiness and industry, and you can add learning disabilities, reproductive problems and a whole series of disorders to the ailments they cause. GMOs are a new, unfinished experiment on a scale never seen before. We know that rats fed GMOs have diseased organs - what are they doing to us? To our children? They’re appearing in everything. So while governments let corporations make us sick, our tax dollars pay for increased healthcare costs. And when we can no longer pay? The Private health providers come in... Q. How would a ‘Green’ economy improve that? By making sure that our economic model is based on what is good for people, not for corporations. We have an opportunity to shift from an economic model based on the unsustainable exploitation of resources to a sustainable and resilient economic model based on conservation and renewable resources; a model that advances the common good and ensures quality of life for all Canadians. Q. Many say that we are the problem. That we simply consume too much. Of course we do. If everyone in the world consumed as much as North Americans, we’d need four more planet Earths.Our one planet simply cannot support that much consumption or garbage. And I wonder if people are that much happier than we were in the 1960s when this race for more stuff started? But remember too, that our habits are influenced by the big corporations beaming advertising at us constantly. By controlling major media outlets, they have taken over our powers of critical thinking. Instead of being masters of our own destinies, or even democracy for that matter, people have become purchasing pawns in the corporate game of influence. Working for stuff takes time from living for experience. We need to unplug the TV cables, those umbilical cords to media mind control, and start thinking again for ourselves. Education, culture & experience are more durable than stuff. Q. Do you think there is any possibility of Greens being elected under the present system? Yes. People sense we are on the brink of some major disasters. They are considering alternatives. Q. What are your plans for the future? Protest. I will protest with citizen groups that fight water pollution. I will work with organizations to promote local, natural food production. I will stand for human rights, medicare and social democracy. I’m stepping down from the podium to pick up with my grandchildren but I’m not stepping away from advocacy. Thank you, Huguette Allen, for this chat.

NORTH of 50 March 2010


MOVIES & BOOKS THE BOOK SHELF from the publishers

NEW IN THEATRES - from the producers


Burned out veteran Eddie Dugan (Richard Gere) is just one week away from his pension and a fishing cabin in Connecticut. Narcotics officer Sal Procida (Ethan Hawke) has discovered there’s no line he won’t cross to provide a better life for his long-suffering wife and seven children. And Clarence “Tango” Butler (Don Cheadle) has been undercover so long his loyalties have started to shift from his fellow police officers to his prison buddy Caz (Wesley Snipes), one of Brooklyn’s most infamous drug dealers. With personal and work pressures bearing down on them, each man faces daily tests of judgment and honor in one of the world’s most difficult jobs. When NYPD’s Operation Clean Up targets the notoriously drug-ridden BK housing project, all three officers find themselves swept away by the violence and corruption of Brooklyn’s gritty 65th Precinct and its most treacherous criminals. During seven fateful days, Eddie, Sal and Tango find themselves hurtling inextricably toward the same fatal crime scene and a shattering collision with destiny.

LOUSY EXPLORERS 0-88971-230-1 Nightwood Editions 5.25 x 7.5 · 80 pages Paperback · $17.95 May 2009

In this collection, husbands and wives stumble into each other at the end of days, children find the wild edges of suburbs, new mothers try to navigate through a map-less terrain, and a relentless epidemic of bugs eats away at the forest. The collection explores new territory, both physically and emotionally—relocation, the north, new marriage and motherhood—in a way that is honest, raw and insightful. Novelist and poet Laisha Rosnau is UBC O’s third annual writer-in-residence. Sponsored by the Department of Creative Studies, this program allows 16 selected local writers to get free critiques on their work. Public reading will be Thursday, March 4, 7 PM at the Downtown Kelowna Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library, 1380 Ellis Street.

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GREENBERG March 26, 2010

Florence Marr (Greta Gerwig), an aspiring singer, is struggling to find her place in the world. She works as a personal assistant to the Greenberg family, beginning and ending each day tending to other people’s needs. In sharp contrast to the Greenbergs’ bustling life in their elegant Hollywood Hills home, Florence lives alone in a tiny studio apartment and sings at open-mike nights. When Phillip Greenberg (Chris Messina) takes his wife and children on an extended trip abroad, Florence is suddenly left more to her own devices. She makes the occasional visit to their home to check up on the family’s dog Mahler, and look in on Phillip’s brother Roger (Ben Stiller), who has come to L.A. to housesit. Single and fortyish, Greenberg is intelligent, witty, sharp-tongued – and, like Florence, something of a lost soul; he is at a crossroads in his life. He has been working as a carpenter in New York after an early career as a musician in L.A. petered out. His vulnerability immediately endears him to Florence, who helps him navigate Los Angeles and take care of Mahler. What begins as a courtesy to her employer develops into a charmingly eccentric and unexpectedly significant connection.

World Community Film Festival Ready to Roll - March 12, 13, & 14, 2010

16th Vernon International Film Festival March 12-18, 2010

Fasten your seatbelts for a whirlwind trip from Senegal to Ecuador with stops in over 20 other countries along the way! The 8th Annual Travelling World Community Film Festival, featuring over 30 films, comes to two Kelowna venues: Okanagan College’s KLO campus and UBCO. . Admission to all films is free, but donations are accepted for the Kelowna’s Women’s Resource Center and the Ki-low-na Friendship Centre. The Festival is also thrilled to be joined by the Kelowna Community Seed Swap which will take place Saturday from 10:00 to 3:00 in the Okanagan College Student centre.


Programme guides will be available at Leo’s Videos (on Pandosy), the Women’s Resource Centre, and the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society (both downtown). Film descriptions and the schedule are also online at www. and announcements can be followed on the World Film Fest Kelowna Facebook page. For more information call: 250-868-0900 or email

SATURDAY, MARCH 13 • 6:30 pm AMREEKA SUNDAY, MARCH 14 • 6:30 pm A SERIOUS MAN MONDAY, MARCH 15 • 5:00 pm THE YOUNG VICTORIA • 7:30 pm O’HORTEN TUESDAY, MARCH 16 • 5:00 pm THE DAMNED UNITED • 7:30 pm COOPER’S CAMERA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 • 5:00 pm ME AND ORSON WELLES • 7:30pm THE PRIVATE LIVES OF PIPPA LEE THURSDAY, MARCH 18 • 5:00 pm A SINGLE MAN • 7:30 pm GOOD HAIR All films will be shown at: Vernon Towne Theatre (The Home of the Vernon Film Society) 2910 - 30th Ave, Vernon, B.C.


NORTH of 50 March 2010

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This is your chance to make a difference for the more than 70,000 British Columbians who are living with Alzheimer's disease or dementia. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. needs volunteers now to help organize the annual Investors Group Walk for Memories fundraising event in Kelowna, which will be held on January 31, 2010. To learn how you can help, call Louise at 250-491-9404 or visit

www.walkformemories. com.

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NORTH of 50 March 2010


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