2012-2013 Northshore Kiwanis Scrapbook

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Northshore Kiwanis Aw ard Winning 2012 / 2013 Scrapbook

Created by: Dana Hladky

2012 - 2013 Committee Chairs 2012 - 2013 Officers & Directors

IF President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Special Advisor Lt Governor for District 13 Directors

Steve Jacobs Paul LeBlanc Lori Pausina Ted Brandon Paul LaRocca, Jr. David Lindsey Tom Sheldon Steve Bradshaw Guy Guinot Dana Hladky Pattie McGinnis Pat Phillips Tatem Ruiz-Richa Mark Seamster

Public Relations Service Leadership/Interciubs Speakers Golf Tournament 5Kiwanis for Kids Annual Food Drive Breakfast with Santa



Coats for Kids Seafood Festival Poster -irs for Scholars larships Show den Boat Festival )wship 'bership I. ] 'n Club Special Advisors 1

Dana Hladky Rick Danielson Pattie McGinnis Pat Phillips David Lindsey Paul LeBlanc Tatem Ruiz-Richard Ana Ott Peter Barsczeski Steve Bradshaw Jimmy Maxwell, Jr. Rick Danielson Bill & Linda Wayman Tatem Ruiz-Richard Lori Pausina Annabelle Bier Lance Rase Guy Guinot Peter & Sandra Barsczeski

OEM I Service Projects

* Key Clubs

Fontainebleau High School Lakeshore High School Mandeville High School Northlake Christian School

Builder Clubs

Fontainebleau Junior High School Lake Harbor Middle School L.P. Monteleone Jr High School Mandeville Junior High School Northlake Christian School Tchefuncte Middle School

K-Kids Clubs

Magnolia Trace Elementary Man gny Elementary

Aktion Club

Northshore Mandeville STARC

Map Painting - at school's request, paint a map of the United State on campus. Coats for Kids - collect & clean coats to distribute to needy children. Buddy Bear - provide a talking, stuffed friend for terminally ill children. Hwy 22 Clean-Up - collect trash along US Hwy 22 and other locations as needed. Pancake Breakfast with Santa - fundraiser to support service projects. Golf Tournament - fundraiser for scholarships to local "Key Club High Schools" Kids Konnection - sponsor/donor for committee to build an all-needs playground Hoyst Program - assist with clean up/building projects Mandeville Seafood Festival - official poster & t-shirt provider Annual Food Drive - collect food for distribution to Mandeville Samaritan Center Dollars for Scholars - collect toys, school supplies and personal items for distribution to children in Yd world countries

5Kiwanis for Kids - provides funding for Project Graduation and other projects Children's Museum - helping to kick start St. Tammany's Children's Museum Car Show - an annual event dedicated to a new cause each year





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Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Weekly Meetings: Thursdays 7:15 A.M. New Covenant Presbyterian Church Mandeville, Louisiana


IlViandeville, Louisiana Founded August 12, 1986



Board Meetings are on the first Monday of the Month West Resource Bank Causeway Approach Mandeville, LA


"Celebrating over 25 years of service to the Northshore"


- * Northshore Kiwanis Y HE CHILDREN O'

www.northshore-kiwanis.org httt): / /www.facebook.com/nskiwanis




On Aug. 11, the Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club celebrated its 25 years of service by honoring its past presidents at a special breakfast. The group was founded in 1986 by friends Paul Ritch, Craig Lewis, David Lindsey and Ted Brandon. Today the club has 89 members that volunteer for numerous local and international service campaigns. The Mandeville club has placed numerous automated external defibrillators in local schools, raised funds for college scholarships, STARC, Project Graduation and the Children's Museum, just to name a few fundraisers. The club meets every Thursday morning at New Covenant Presbyterian Church on Louisiana 22 at 7:15 a.m. For more information on any Kiwanis event or meeting, call current president Tatem Ruiz-Richard at 504.458.8120. Past presidents honored at the breakfast event include, seated, from left, Robert Lehman, David Lindsey, Vernon Ray, Tony Ayers, Jimmy Maxwell and George Maier; and standing, Rick Danielson, Tom Sheldon, Bruce Mabee, Shane Mutter, Aaron Ogea, Tatem Ruiz-Richard, Jim Magee, Chuck Ortego, Ted Brandon, Craig Lewis, Paul LaRocca, Tony LeMon and Dick Sylvest.

1 MISSION STATEMENT Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.


Welcome to the Mandeville Kiwanis Club

We invite you to join the members of the Mandeville Kiwanis Club. We meet at 7:15 a.m. every Thursday at New Covenant Presbyterian Church.



Your host:________________________________________________ Kiwanis* Serving the children of the world


Members, Family & Friends are invited to attend Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis 27'Annual Installation & Recognition Banquet Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Beau Chene Country Club Club House Mandeville, LA

6:00-6:30 p.m. Social 6:30 p.m. Dinner Cost $30 per person (please pay at door) Cash Bar

2012-2013 Officers President-Steve Jacobs Vice President-Paul LeBlanc Immediate Past President-Paul LaRocca, Jr. Secretary-Lori Pausina Treasurer-Ted Brandon Special Advisor-David Lindsey

2012-2013 Board of Directors Steve Bradshaw, Guy Guinot, Dana Hladky, Patti McGinnis, Pat Phillips, Tatem Ruiz-Richard & Mark Seamster

Please RSVP with dinner selection to Tatem Ruiz-Richard by Sept' Cell: 504-458-8120 or email: tatemrichard(Wbellsout1 Redfish Meuniere: fresh sautĂŠed fish with brown and toasted pecans or almonds with rice Chicken Picatta: chicken breast pounded thin, sautĂŠed, and lemon sauce served over angel hair

Both dinner selections include Chef's choice of veggies, New York Cheesecake and iced tea/water/coffee.


Northshore Kiwanis hold installation and recognition banquet: Northshore Notables


13y Elizabeth Moore.Notabl.es on November 02. 2012 at 8:30 AM. updated November 02, 2012 at 8:33 AM Email Print

Northshore Kiwanis Club members enjoyed a convivial gathering at Beau Chene Country Club on Oct. 9. Outgoing President Paul LaRocca opened the installation and recognition banquet with a greeting and call to order, which was followed by the pledg of allegiance by Vernon Ray. All joined in singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" led by Leâ‚Ź Wilcznski.

onique Jacobs, Northshore Kiwanis Club 2012-13 President Steve Jacobs, and Max Jacobs. Elizabeth Moore

Lt. Gov. Torn Sheldon installed the 2012-2013 officers. Stepping up to the were Steve Jacobs, president; Paul LeBlanc, vice president; Lori Pausina, Brandon, treasurer; Paul LaRocca, past president; David Lindsey, special Bradshaw, Guy Guinot, Dana Hladky, Pattie McGinnis, Pat Phillips, TateA Richard and Mark Seamster, directors.

LaRocca was the recipient of the Walter Zeller Award, as well as the Ruby K Award for membership recruitment. Dana Hladky also received the Ruby K Award.. All committee


chairpersons received certificates of appreciation.

The Northshore Kiwanis Club recently celebrated its 2012-13 installation and recognition banquet at Beau Chene Country Club. Outgoing President Paul LaRocca Jr. was pleased to honor the club's new president, Steve Jacobs, and also shared accolades for the organization's recent participation in the Madisonville Wooden Boat Festival. "This was our first year at this event, and we had a great time. All of our Kiwanis proceeds benefit local children's charities, and we are happy to give back to our community." LaRocca said. Northshore Kiwanis also supports the local Key Clubs, Builder Clubs, K-Kids Clubs and Aktion Clubs throughout the area. "We recently sponsored a 5K run on the Lakefront to support Project Graduation. It was a very successful event, and we want to thank our members for their participation," he said. Local meetings are held every .ursday morning at New CoveChurch in Mandeville.

Northshore Kiwanis Club provides service leadership programs in local schools. Service projects are Map Painting at schools; Coats for Kids; Buddy Bear stuffed animals for terminally ill children; Hwy. 22 Clean-Up; Pancake Breakfast with Santa; Golf Tournament fundraiser for Key Club scholarships; Kids Konnection all-needs playground.; Homeless Youth of St. Tammany (HOYST); Mandeville Seafood Festival Tshirts; Food Drive for the Samaritan Center; Dollars for Scholars in third world. countries; 5Klwanis for Kids fundraiser; Children's Museum and Car Show. F



ta Noel lives in Manclevii1e. To please PmaA her atimoe@



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Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis staying busy

The Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis recently honored member Ken Digby and wife Brenda Digby with the Zeller Award for their generous donation to the Eliminate Project. Tom Sheldon, left, presented Ken Digby, right, with the award during the weekly Kiwanis meeting. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. Visitors are welcome. For more information please contact Guy Guinot at guy.guinot@lpl.com or 985-624-5655

Suzy McDaniel (center), President of Support Our War Heroes, recently spoke about the foundation and how to contribute to the organization at a Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meeting. Pat Phillips, (left) Kiwanis member, and Steve Jacobs, (right), Kiwanis President, welcomed McDaniel on behalf of the club.

Recently the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis and Ponchatoula Kiwanis came together for an Interciub meeting and fellowship. Mandeville Kiwanis was represented by, from left, Greg Dennkman, Chuck Ortego, Lori Pausina, Bob DuSaules, Rick Johnson, Matt Green, Rachel Kidwell, and Russ Kucher.

The Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis recently welcomed Mohammed Patwa, president of the STARC Aktion Club. Patwa (center) spoke about the upcoming Inaugural Show benefiting STARC with Lori Pausina (left), Kiwanis Chairwoman of the Car Show, and Peter Barsczeski (right), Kiwanis Sponsor for Aktion Club.

Kiwanis Club installs new slate ,officers

2012-2013 Installation & Recognition Banquet Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Beau Chene Country Club, Mandeville

Immediate Past Gov. Greg Beard, Mayor Donald Villere and Rick Danielson.

Board member Tom Sheldon.

Bradshaw, Sherre Bradshaw and Lt. Gov.



Debbie and Dan Trotter.



Snane anct Jenny Mutter, Pattie MCUtnnIs and Lance Kase.



Peter and Sandra Barsczeski and Laurie and Guy Guinot.

The Northshore Kiwanis Club recently celebrated its 2012-13 installation and recognition banquet at Beau Chene Country Club. Outgoing President Paul LaRocca Jr. was pleased to honor the club's new president, Steve Jacobs, and also shared

accolades for the organization's recent participation in the Madisonville Wooden Boat Festival. "This was our first year at this event, and we had a great time. All of our Kiwanis proceeds benefit local children's charities, and we are happy to give back to our community." LaRocca said. Northshore Kiwanis also supports the local Key Clubs, Builder Clubs, K-Kids Clubs and Aktion Clubs throughout the area. "We recently sponsored a 5K run on the Lakefront to support Project Graduation. It was a very successful event, and we want to thank our members for their participation," he said. Local meetings are held every Thursday morning at New Covenant Church in Mandeville. 0*0000*0

Mssie Arata Noel lives in Mandeville. To reach her please email her atjrnoel beilsouth.net,

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Secretary Lori Pausina, board members Tatern Ruiz-Richard and Dana H!adky and Special Advisor David Lindsey.

Christie Laporte, center, and Wesley Pitts f Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr &Smit about the importance of estate planning at shore Kiwanis meeting. Steve Jacobs, pres wanis, right, welcomed Christie and Wesle Kiwanis, a community service organization morning at 7:15 p.m. at the New Covenant Mandeville. Visitors are welcome. For info Guy Guinot at guy,guinot®ipLcorn or 985.6

1V1andev11e \orhyhjre Iüwanis

Phillips, Kiwanis Club member, left, Kiwanis Club, right, the Kiwanis.

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•-•• Suzy McDaniel (center), president of Support Our War Heroes, was a recent guest speaker for the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club. She is pictured with member Pat Phillips (left) and club president Steve Jacobs. For more information on the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club contact Guy Guinot at guy.guinot@lpl.com or 624-5655. .. ...... _

:hac was theguestspeake re Kiwanis Club. Bechac i n and he discussed the f teve Jacobs left, and Becj at 7:15 a.m. at the New C bers are welcome. For .3-812O or visit the club

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Speaking to Kiwanis • Maureen O'Brien, (right) a current St. Tammany Parish Councilwoman, was the guest speaker at a recent Mandeville Kiwanis club meeting. O'Brien spoke about current and future events in the Parish. She is welcomed by Tom Sheldon, left, on behalf of the organization. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis, a community service organization meets • every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. For more • information contact Guy Guinot at guy.guinotlpl.com or (985)




Members of the Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis and, Ponchatoula Kiwanis recently came together for an Interciub meeting and fellowship. Mandeville Kiwanis was represented by, from left, Greg Dennkman, Chuck Ortego, Lori Pausina, Bob DuSaules, Rick Johnson, Matt Green, Rachel Kidwell and Russ Kucher.

Suzy McDaniel, center, president of Support Our War Heroes recently spoke about the Foundation and how to contribute to the organization at a Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meeting. Pat Phillips, left, Kiwanis member, and Steve Jacobs, right, Kiwanis president, welcomed McDaniel onbetia on Stipp visit http


The Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis recently welcomed Mohammed Patwa President of the STAAC Aktion Club. Mohammed, center, spoke about the upcoming inaugural show benefiting STARC with Lori Pausina, left, Kiwanis chairwoman of the Car Show, and Peter Barsczeski, right, Kiwanis

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Kiwanis Club of Greater Covington was pleased to have guest speaker John Tobin, director of the Department of Health and Human Services for St. Tammany Parish administrative offices, at its recent meeting. Tobin updated the club on the care for mental health needs throughout the community and parish. With Tobin, is club speaker coordinator Kathy Smith. The Kiwanis of Covington, a community service organization, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. at the at the Covington Presby-' tenian Church Fellowship Hall, 222 S. Jefferson St., Covington. Visitors are welcome. For more information contact Kakki Taliancich at 893.9622.

Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis recently honored member Ken Digby and his wife, Brenda Digby, with the Zeller Award i'o their generous donation to the Eliminate Project. Tom Sheldon, left, presented Ken Digby, with the award during the weekly Kiwanis meeting. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis, a community service organization, meets every Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Pres-


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The Northshore Kiwanis Club had two special guests at a recent meeting. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meets Thursday mornings at 7:15 a,m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church. For more information, call club President Steve Jacobs at 630-3456 or view www.northshore-kiwanis.org. From left, Margie Pouncy of the Boys and Girls Club of Covington, Northshore Kiwanis Club Vice President Paul LeBlanc, Frances Dunn of the Boys and Girls Club of Covington and a Greater Covington Kiwanis Club member, and Northshore Kiwanis member Dan Trotter,

Tina Thomas was the guest speaker at a recent meeting OT me Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club. Thomas discussed the ninepoint personality system used to improve business performance and to better daily life. Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church. Visitors and new members are welcome. pictured, from left, are Kiwanis I member Paul LeBlanc and ThoPS. FO, r more information, contact Tatem Ruiz-Richard at 504.458. 3120 or go online to wwwnorThshore-kiwanis.org.


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Kiwanis member Dr. BID Wayrnan gave a presentation to the Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club at the club's April 19 meeting. He spoke about the Keep Dent dental ministry. He discussed I.

Covington recently welcomed several members Pictured from left, Dana Hdalky, Bob De Saulles, irol Liull and Steve Jacobs. The Kiwanis of Greate it meets every Tuesday, 7:30 am. at the Covingt efferson St. in Covington.

Susan Nelson was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club. Nelson is with PFD Consulting and she discussed Louisiana Progress, a nonprofit organization dedicated to taking Louisiana forward. Pictured, from left, are Kiwanis member Tom Sheldon and Nelson. Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday at 7:15 am. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Al Barron with the St. Tammany Parish Library System was me guest speaker at a recent meeting of Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Barron presented the history of Bernard de Marigny, founder of Mandeville Pictured, from left, are Kiwanis member Paul LaRocca, Barron and Kiwanis member Russ Kercher.

Mandevi lleLKiwanis w




Terry Forrette (top photo, left) with Education Technology Group, recently spoke at the Mandeville Kiwanis club's meeting about the organization's dedication to turning ordinary playgrounds into colorful learning arenas. Eve Barton (right) welcomed Forrette on behalf of the club. Kristin McLaren (bottom photo, right), Asst. Executive Director of Louisiana Seafood Industry, spoke to the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis about the current seafood industry and the results of the BP Oil spill. McLauren is pictured with Kiwanis member Pat Phillips. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis, a community service organization, meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandevilie. Visitors are welcome.

Northshore Kiwanis Club in conjunction with the Mandeville Seafood Festival have chosen their annual poster contest winner. This year, the award goes to Mandeville High senior Lucy Oprea Second-place winner Madison Parsons is also a senior at MHS Both are students of Talented Ails teacher Fernanda Crstiani The committee was particularly impressed with the unique perceptive and the overall feeling of patriotism which exudes from Oprea s work. At the presentation are, from left, Tony LeMon and Rick Danielson, both or the selection committee and members of the Northshore Kiwanis Club, Oorea, Christians, Parsons, and school principal Bruce Bundy.

Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis installed 12 new members at a weekly breakfast meeting on July 19, including, front from left, Tee D'Antoni, Beverly Glynn, Judy Hankel, Melanie Edwards, Gina Oatsvall and Lauren Huval, and, in rear, Doug Ferrer, Eve Barton, Dick Barton, Devon Nolan, Connie Cossich and Scott Crosby. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis meets every Thusday morning at 715 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church. For more information, call club President Paul LaRocca, Jr., or visit northshore-kiwanis.Org.

The Kiwanis Club of Greater Covington recently had Judge Will Crain as its guest speaker. Judge Crain is serving on the Louisiana 1st Circuit Court of Appeal and presented the Kiwanis Club with the history of the First Circuit. Pictured from left are club member Debbie • Stuart and Judge Cram. Kiwanis of Covington, a community service organization, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. at the Covington • Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 222 S. Jefferson St. in Covington (located behind Acquistapace's facing 20th St.) Visitors are welcome. For more information contact Kakki Taliancich at 893-9622.

At a recent Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis meeting, Tim Barfield (center), with the Louisiana Department of Revenue, discussed Gov. Bobby Jindal's plan for state income taxes versus increased sale taxes. Members and visitors were given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the matter. Pat Phillips, a Kiwanis Club member (left) and Steve Jacobs, President of Northshore Kiwanis Club (right) welcomed Barfield on behalf of Kiwanis.

Christie Laporte (center) and Wesley Pitts (right) from the Law Offices of Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, A PLC, recently spoke about the importance of estate planning at the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meeting. Steve Jacobs, President of Northshore Kiwanis (right), welcomed Laporte and Pitts on behalf of the club. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis, a community service organization, meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. Visitors are welcome. For more information contact Guy Guinot atguy.guinotlpl.com or 985-624-5655.

Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis members attended a recent meeting of the STARC Aktion Club, one of several local service leadership clubs that Kiwanis sponsors. On the agenda for the meeting were details to finalize a partnership regarding the recent inaugural car show. All of the proceeds from the show will benefit STARC and its expanding organization. Pictured from left are Rick Danielson, Northshore Kiwanis Club President Steve Jacobs, Tatem Ruiz-Richard, Aktion Club President Mohammed Patwa and car show chairwoman Lori Pausina.



maternal /neonatal tetanus


0 Kiwanis unicef

maternal /neonatal tetanus


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Marco's Pizza invite you to participate in WAR



wCO'S PiLzi 14%f

Kiwanis & Marco's Pizza are working together to raise funds to help eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetnus Worldwide.


HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: On Tuesday March 20th 2012, place your carry-out or delivery order anytime during normal business hours of operation (11:00am to 11:00pm) with Marco's Pizza. When placing your order, be sure to mention the COUPON OFFERS BELOW. Marco's will then donate 10% of your order amount to the Northshore Kiwanis Club. Tell your friends, family & neighbors. The more orders, the better.

Participating Marco's Location:

Mandeville 1 4638 HIGHWAY 22 ...............................................................

985-84 5-4141 A

(Next to Subway) Let's do lunch. Don't forget, Marco's is open for lunch daily. Feel free to use the coupons below for Northshore Kiwanis Club FUND RAISER

Visit us at marcoscom


02011 Marcus F,anchisina. LIC 8075-711

[gel I W011A

APRIL 16TH Alulp,FS& I I'1vi• 04 ink VI







10% Of All 5aleo That Pay




With each flyer presented on Kiwanis Club MNT night, Chili's will donate 10% of the sales you bring in to your organization. Let us do the cooking and help Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus at the same time.

Kiwanis Club of Northshore - Fight to Eliminate MNT Event is: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 from 4pm-10pm only at: Chili's - Mandeville, LA 3420 U.S. Highway 190 Mandeville, LA 70471-3102 985-727-2771 - www.chilis.com



We look forward to seeing you here.

I om bneiaon, Lt. uovernor for Division 13 Kiwanis, presents Ken Digby an appreciation certificate for his Diamond-Level Zeller Fej/' lowship for his continued support of the Maternal Neonatal Tcänus Eliminate Project Campaign. •2


Give Back Night flyer required with each check to receive credit for the sale. Sale cannot be included in donation amount without flyer. Offer only valid on the date and location stated above. Donations will not be given on sales made prior to or past this date.


____ ____



Kiwanis backs drive to eliminate tetanus NOEL from Page 1 a Thanksgiving Food Drive on Nov. 17, a Pancake Breakfast on Dec. 8, and the Coats for Kids drive in late November/early December. The new club officers will be installed next month and are Jacobs at stevej@meleprinting. corn; Vice President Paul LeBlanc at pleblanc@arborlending.com; Secretary Lori Pausina at lori.pausina@whitneybank.com; Treasurer Teddy Brandon at tdbnlbb@ bellsouth.net; and Adviser David Lindsey at dlindsey@bankonresource.com. The marketing director for

the club is Dana iiiaaxy at cianahladky@hotmail.com. Hiadky also is a first grade teacher at Marigny Elementary School and just was elected in the Louisiana-Mississippi-Tennessee Kiwanis district as Teacher of the Year. Last year the club also had the First Responder of the Year Award, which went to St. Tammany Parish Fire District 4 Chief Merrick Tassin and a Law

Officer of the Year award, which went to Silky Sullivan. "Dana single-handedly puts the club on the map by taking pictures, writing articles, providing press releases and completing our club scrap book," Jacobs said.

In addition to the Nortnsnore Kiwanis' many local youth events and community- sponsored events, they are in the middle of their international fundraiser to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus worldwide. The campaign is called The Eliminate Project. For $1.80, you can provide the vaccination for one child (a series of three shots). Kiwanians all over the world are encouraged to skip one meal per week and donate the money to The Eliminate Project. Jacobs added, "The success of our club has come to the national Spotlight by attaining our 100th member this year with a monumental membership drive. We

have over 15 newly install, members to our club this mont something we are very pr. of. I don't think there is a better opportunity to help children in the community in a social club setting. We aren't only business either; we have monthly 'Fellowship Lunches' and quarterly 'socials' for members that just can't make it to our morning meetings." For more inf,rmfin

on the Nort is organizat of the offic phone Jaco

Join the Mandeville Kiwanis Club 1]


Digby honored by T

July 30,, 2013 SPM thru 9PM / /

Mandeville Kiwanis Tom Sheldon, (left) Lt. Governor for Division 13 Kiwanis, presents Ken Digby an appreciation certificate for his DiamondLevel Zeller Fellowship for his continued support of the Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Eliminate Project Campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Digby have continued their

w (),feun STEAK & MARTINIS .

Bring this flyer or Mention the Kiwanis Event to your Server 10% of proceeds will go to the ~A Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus project. —

pledge to the International Kiwanis project to eliminate this disease. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis, a community service organization, meets every Thursday morning at 7:15 at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. Visitors are welcome. For more information contact Guy Guinot at guy.guinot@lpl.com or (985) 624-5655.

Services... I serving individuals with disABILITIES since 1972

April 26, 2013

David Lindsey Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis CFO/EVP 70533 Hwy 21 Suite 101 Covington, LA 70433-8101 Dear Friends: Tk yp for your recent gift of $250.00 to STARC received on 4/26/2013. Your support is deeply appreciated. It is through thoughtful and generous donations such as yours that STARC is able to continue to provide a life-time of quality services to infants, children and adults challenged with disABILITIES.


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Dianne Baham, executive director of STARC, was the guest ( speaker at a recent meeting of the Mandeville Northshore Ku Club, Baham spoke about the history of STARC and the orgj zations dedication to providing a lifetime of services, trainir advocacy, resources, and community connections for mdiv with dis-abilities. Pictured, from left, are Craig Cowen, STAI ent; Mohammad Patwa, STARC client and president of the Aktion Club; Dianne Baham, Karen Carroll, STARC board rn Jimmy Dykes, STARC board member; and Peter Barsczesl Northshore Kiwanis member and Aktion Club Kiwanis advis Northshore Kiwanis is a community service organization th meets every Thursday morning at 7:15a.m. at New Covenar byterian Church. For more information about Northshore K please contact club president Steve Jacobs at 630-3456 or club website www.northshore-kiwanis.org.

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-Tcrri+lc Kids



Kiwanis Club

! Congratulations to our Terrific Kids for the month of October! Great job Starfish!




iMMA IM, RM MjT The Kiwanis Club of Camellia City Slidell recently held a chartering ceremony for its Aktion Club at the Knights of Columbus Hall on West Hall Avenue, The Aktion Club is sponsored by Kiwanis and is the only available service club for adults with disabilities.. According to International Trustee member Dennis Oliver, "Aktion clubs are the newest and fastest growing club with an estimated 400 clubs around the world."

Photo provided by Northshore Kiwanis Club

Leadership club Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis members attended a meeting of the STARC Aktion Club, one of several local service leadership clubs that the club sponsors. From left are Rick Danielson, Northshore Kiwanis Club President Steve Jacobs, Tatem Ruiz-Richard, Aktion Club President Mohammed Patwa and Lori Pausina. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. Visitors are welcome. Call (985) 624-5655.

Their mission is to provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative, leadership skills, and an avenue to serve their community. Wanda Farbe, president of the local Kiwanis chapter, worked with charter members of the Mandeville Aktion club and STARC to start the club in Slidell. "The club gives members ownership and they are able to give back to the community," said Farbe. With the assistance of advisors, Mel Carter and

Wanda Farbe, the group will hold monthly meetings and decide on its own activities. Club officers for the 201213 year were installed at the ceremony. They are president Brittney McGee, vice president Terri Galiano, secretary Latricia Galloway, and treasurer Alan Pittman. Slidell Mayor Freddy Drennan offered a proclamation from the city of Slidell, and district governor Robert Benoit presented the group with an official charter and club banner.


Supporters of Aktion Club of Camellia City at the organizations recent chartering ceremony, are, hack row, from left, CJ Rogers, Mel Carter, Rick Dannielson, Lori Pausina, Tom Sheldon, Greg beard, ;ichael Collins, Dennis Oliver, RUSS Kurcher; and, front row, from left. latem Richard. Jobeth Kg•i;naugh, Shelley DAntoni, Wanda Farbe, and Akti a-

Northshore Mandeville Kiwarlis Club received a STARC STAR

award. STARC's STAR awards went to: Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club; Lake Harbor Middle School OWLETS; the Pearl River Dancers; the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office; St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's deputy Pamela Bailey, who received a personal award from the children at Noah's ARC Child Development Center; the Slidell Ladies of the Elks; the American Legion; and Love On A Leash

he Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis recently weld Mohammed Patwa, president of the STARC AkClub, to its meeting. Patwa (center) is pictured members Lori Pausina (left) and Peter Barsczeskj. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville. Visitors are welcor7e. For more information, contact Guy Guinot at guy.guinot@lpl.com or 624-5655.









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IMarigny Elementary School kindergarteners Lucy Snveru. Hayden Lamb. Lauren Huval Anthony Milliet, Lauren VelUeLto and Riley Sutter and their classmates visited the Emeritus Senior Living Community to sing Christmas carols and deliver gingerbread houses that were decorated by members of the school's K-Kids Club.




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member of Northshore Kiwanis,









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At a recent meeting of the K-Kids Club of Marigny Elementary, club members were visited by members of the Northshore Kiwanis Club. The special guests spoke about service and making a difference in the community. K-Kids is a service club for students in elementary school and is sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club and teaches the value of helping others by taking part in community service projects. Pictured, front row, K-Kids members Cecelia Cherry and Ethan Hansen; and, back row, from left, Mandeville City Council Member-at-Large Rick Danielson, Kiwanis District Lieutenant Governor Tom Sheldon, Northshore Kiwanis Club Presiden


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St. Tammany Parish School Board Superintendent Trey Folse recently attended the Magnolia Trace Elementary K-Kids meeting. He shared the story "Have you Filled a Bucket Today?" with the students. Pictured are advisor Casey Fradella, Ryan Bernard, Ray Favaza, Superintendent Folse, Gracie Martinez, Madison Johnson, Amelia Knott, and advisor Laura Cangiamilla.








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Scholarships available 7The Northshore Kiwanis 01,,1, 41l VYmli _lau .,1,-e LTSWII..Lt. V lLL# ASSrn.n }fS J

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vide scholarships to graduating Key Club members from Fontainebleau High, Lakeshore High, Mandeville High and Northiake Christian. There will be up to 10 $1,000 scholarships awarded to wor-


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members who have exemplifled to the highest degree the basic principles of Key Club - caring and sharing - in their homes, schools, communities ini1 (SLAm r.h11r('hg The rpeirjpnts Waa ,aS '-.J.-W----

will be of high moral character and should have achieved excellence in all their endeavors. The application includes specific instructions and requirements. Applicants must be graduating seniors who


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technical college. Applicants are required to demonstrate good academic ability by haying maintained a grade-point average of 2.5 or better on a 4_•%.(1 scale also mustalso ----_____ Ann1iints rr

show a spirit for helping others by having been a member of Key Club for at least two years. Northshore Kiwanis has awarded more than $97,000 in scholarships to local graduat-

F available senior guidance counselors or Key Club advisers. All Key Club Seniors are encouraged to apply by the deadline on April S. For more information, contact Tatem Ruiz-Richard at Ja.r .J






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(504) 458-8120 or tatemrichard @bellsouth.net.

Karen Baker writes about St. Tammany Parish. She can be reached at sliceoftarnmany@ gmaiLcom.




Kiwanis for Kids Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis is holding its third annual Kiwanis for Kids Oct. 1. The event will feature a 1 mile run/walk and 5K race. The pre-registration cost (before Sept. 23) for youth entrants is $8 and an adult is $15. Race day registration is $10 for youths and $20 for adults. Race applications are available at wwwasthstreetfiyers,org. Race day registration and number pick up begins at 7 a.m. at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne St., Mandeville. The 1-mile race begins at 8 a.m. and the 5K race starts at 8:30a.m. The 5Kiwanis for Kids Run will follow a beautiful course through Old Mandeville and the scenic Mandeville Lakefront. Participants will be given a t-shirt and post race refreshments. 1 mile and 5K awards will be given, as well as a school spirit award to the school with the most registered participants. The race is administered by the 15th Street Flyers Running & Walking Club, and Northshore Kiwanis. All race proceeds benefit Project Graduation. For more information, please contact Paul LeBlanc 867-8334 or 2499034.


Kiwanis 5K for Kids The Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis will hold the third annual 5Kiwanis for Kids on Oct. 1. The event will feature a 1 mile run/ walk and 5K race. The registration cost (before Friday) for youth entrants is $8 and an adult is $15. Race-day registration is $10 for youths and $20 for adults. Race applications are available at www.15thstreetflyers.org.

Runners pace themselves dtir


"''.'aIKiwanis for Kids race on Oct. in Mandeville.




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Race-day registration and number pickup will begin at? am. at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne St., in Mandeville. The 1-mile race will begin at 8 a.m. and the 5K race will start at 8:30 am. The 5Kiwanis for Kids Run will follow a course



n to help ouIProjectLGraduation event Gets moving 5Kiwanisfor K/dc is setfor Oct. 1 The Northshore Kiwanis Club MANU[VU.E WEST is racing to help local seniors enjoy a safe graduation celebraLisa von Eberstein tion this school year. The club will hold its third annual "51(iwanis for Kids" event celebration for the senior class, on Oct. 1 at the Mandeville lake- an all-night party that involves front. The public is invited to join no alcohol, drugs or driving. The 15th Street Flyers Runthe 5K race and one-mile run/ ning and Walking Club, another walk, which will benefit Project Graduation events for Mandev- nonprofit group, is organizing ille High, Fontainebleau High the races. Participants will start at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne and Lakeshore High schools. Project Graduation is a non- St., and follow a route through profit organization composed, 01(1 Mandeville and along the of parents and other volunteers beautiful lakefront. The 1-mile who organize a safe graduation race starts at 8 a.m. and the 5K


old Mandeville and along the Mandeville lake front . Participants will be gven a Tirtandpostarefre ments. One-mile and 5K awards will be given, as well as a school


Kiwanis 5K for Kids

Northshore The Mandeville N I Kiwani ill al -Kiwanis for Kids on Oct. l The event will feature a 1 mile spirit award to the school with run/walk and 5K race. The registhe most registered participants tration cost (before Sept 23) for The race will be administered by the 15th Street Flyers Runyouth entrants is and an adult ning& Walking Club, and Northis $15. Race day registration is shore Kiwanis. All race proceeds $10 for youths and $20 for adults. benefit Project Graduation. For Race applications are available at more information, call Paul LeBwww)thstreetflyers.org. lancat867.S334ox2434 Race-day registration and number pickup will begin at 7 a.m. at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne St., in Mandeville. The 1-mile race will begin at 8 a.m. and the 5K race will start at a.m. Ti'' )KISfliS tui Kid • Run unwill Od(jV a cL).U.CJ.11lOugh



Oct. 1: The Kiwanis for Kids walk will benefit Project Graduation. The Northshore Kiwanis 1-mile run/walk and 5K begins at 8 a.m. at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne St; in Mandeville, and takes a tour of old Mandeville and the lakefront. Project Graduation provides a drug-free, alcohol-free graduation party for high school students. For more information, call Paul Leblanc at 867.8334 or 249.3434.

race starts at 8:30 a.m. The 5K Richard. Several awards will be prewalkers will start at 8:31. a.m. Race-day registration and num- sented for top finishers in both races. LeBlanc said each youth ber pickup starts' at 7 a.m. Preregistration fees are $15 participant will receive a medper adult and $8 per youth under al, and the school with the most 17, with a $55 maximum per participants will receive a Spirit household family. Race-day reg- Award. "We'll get a little competition istration costs $20 per adult and • $10 per youth, and $65 maximum going," he said. According to LeBlanc, last per family. T-shirts will be provided for preregistered entr • i'ce day Race-day en an buy 11-shirts for $15 eac availability is not guararite Event co-chairman Pau —.w lane said the 1-mile run i for all ages, and is a good children to get involved effort. VARSITY SPORTS MANDEVILLE! 15TH STREET FLYERS "It's a nice little lei stroll, a great family eve RACE SCHEDULE said. Co-chairwoman is No Kiwanis President Tatem

Nd .



8A VSM Stone Creek Club 6P

SAT. 5/7 SAT. 5/21

STYLA 5K Stone Creek Twilight Run

JUNE SAT. 6/4 WED. 6/8 WED 6/22

7:30A VSM 4th Annual "Shorts Run" Summer Series #1 (Decade Dash) 6:30P VSM 6,30P Fontainebleau S.P. Summer Series #2 (Trail Run)

LY JULY MON. 7/4 WED. 7/6 WED. 7/20

7,30A 15th St./Covington 12th Annual "Four on the Summer Series #3 (Banana Relay) 6:30P VSM 6:30P VSM Summer Series #4 (Cross-Fit)

AUGUST SAT. 8/6 SAT. 8/20

VSM Summer Series GF (Breakfast Run)8A 5:30P VSM Heroes for Habitat 5K

OCTOBER SAT. 1 0/1 <_--K

nis 5K

Louisiana Northshore




Fontainebleau State Park


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VARSITY SPORTS 2021 Claiborne Street, Mandeville 985.624.8200 www.varsityrunfliflg.com www. 1 5thstreetftyers.Org



Hit the road t1111or Project Graduation The organization is sponsoring each school's participation in the its third annual "5Kiwanis for race.. Everyone is encouraged Kids" Run that will benefit Proj- to participate, as any school in St Tammany is eligible to take ect Graduation. "The proceeds from this event home the 'Spirit Award." The 1-mile run/walk and 5K will go towards Project Graduarace will be held Saturday. Racetion at Fontainebleau, Lakeshore and Mandeville High Schools," day registration and number By Margaret Schonberg said Tatem Ruiz-Richard, presi- pickup will begin at 7 a.m., with Contributing writer dent of the Northshore Kiwanis the 1-mile race starting at 8 a.m., Members of the Northshore and co-chairwoman of the race, followed by the 5K at 8:30 a.m. Runners will meet at Varsity Kiwanis are encouraging the along with Paul LeBlanc. "The Sports, 2021 Claiborne St., with community to make a run for it. money will be awarded based on

5Kiwanisfor Kids to be held Saturday Ell


the course taking them through events. Come support Kiwanis as 01(1 Mandeville and along the we support our kids for Project Graduation." lalcefiont Race-day registration will be A post-nice party also will be held at Varsity Sports and will $10 for youth ages lb and youngfeature music by DJ Mark Sal er and $20 for participants 17 vetti, along with white beans and and oklei; with a $65 maximum rice, fresh fruit, root beer floats, per family, with members living in the same household. Cost smoothies, coffee and vatei "We encourage families to for those not receiving a T-shirt come out and walk or run the is $15. 1-mile or 5K," LeBlanc said. "They will he family -oriented See GRADUATION, Page 9

Awards will go to top male, female runners GRADUATION, from Page 1 Awards will be presented to both male and female winners in various age categories. A special award will be given to the school with the most registered participants that includes students, parents and teachers. Besides Project Graduation, other Northshore Kiwanis projects include: the Kids Konnection Playground, Coats for Kids, Buddy Bear, the Children's Museum Project, school map painting, K-Bar-B Youth Ranch, Louisiana 22 Clean-Up, the annual Thanksgiving food drive (which will be held Nov. 19), Pancakes with Santa (to be held Dec. 10), Dollars for Scholars, the Mandeville

Seafood Festival Poster Contest, an annual golf tournament, annual scholarship awards and the Habitat ReStore. Checks should be brought in person to Varsity Sports in Mandeville. Race applications also are available by visiting the website at www15thstreetflyers. org. For information, call Diane Weiss at 504.460.2991 or at 893.3684; or Paul Leblanc at 867.8334 or 249.3034, The Northshore Kiwanis are celebrating 25 years of service to the north shore. The group meets each Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church on Louisiana 22 West in Mandeville. For information, call D2Lrndsey at 801.0107.



0 1




Lakeshore High School's Kiwanis 5K Fun Run for Project Graduation drew lots of support from the school faculty and staff. It was a family affair for Assistant Principal Stephen Sodeau, above, who participated in the run with his son Mark a ninth grader at LHS, his wife, Missy Soileau, and daughters Mikayla, a senior at LHS, and Emmeline. Below left are new LHS faculty member Courtney Chautin, who was joined in the run by her mom, Michelle Chautin, dad, Joe Chautiri, and younger sister Gabby Chautin. Below right are LHS Principal Brennan McCurley and his wife Liz.

11 El





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Get mo"ng to help ou 4

5Kiwanisfor 1dc i setfor Oct. 1 MANUEVILLE WEST

The Northahore Kiwanis Club is racing to help local seniors enjoy a safe graduation celebration this school year. The club will hold its third

Lisa von Ebe'rstein

annual "5Kiwanis for Kids" event no alcohol, drugs or driving. The 15th Street Flyers Runon Oct. 1 at the Mandeville lakefront. The public is invited to join ning and Walking Club, another the 5K race and one-mile run/ nonprofit group, is organizing walk, which will benefit Project the races. Participants will start Graduation events for Mandev- at Varsity Sports, 2021 Claiborne ille High, Fontainebleau High St., and follow a route through old Mandeville and along the and Lakeshore High schools. Project Graduation is a non- beautiful lakefroint. The 1-mile profit organization composed race starts at 8 a..m. and the 5K of parents and other volunteers race starts at 8:310 a.m. The 5K who organizea safe graduation walkers will stairt at 8:31 a.m. celebration for the senior class, c e-day registraition and numan all-night party that involves ''nstartt7a,m.


Preregistration fees are $15 per adult and $8 per youth under 17, with a $55 maximum per household family Race-day registration costs $20 per adult and $10 per youth, and $65 maximum per family. T-shirts will be provided for preregistered entrants on race day. Race-day entrants may buy T-shirts for $15 each, but availability is not guaranteed. Event co-chairman Paul


See EBERSTEIN, Page 16

NijZT '

Awards will got to top finishers in both 'aces EBERSTEIN, from Page 13

SEPT 3 SEC Fall Football Kickoff KI1OK Run, 6:00

races. LeBlanc said each youth nonprofit organization that aims may be done in person at Varparticipant will receive a med- to positively change the world sity Sports or by mail to Northa!, and the school with the most through service to children and shore Kiwanis, do 15th Street . Flyers, 49 Karen Drive, CoyLeBlanc said the 1-mile run is participants will receive a Spirit communities For more information, call ington, LA 70433. Applicagreat for all ages, and is a good Award. "We'll get a little competition LeBlanc at 867.8334 or 249.3084; lions also are available online at way for children to get involved or Diane Weiss at 504.460.2991 www15thtreetflyers.org. going," he said. in the effort. According to LeBlanc, last or 89&3684. Preregistration "It's a nice little leisurely - ___________----------_stroll, a great family event," be year's event raised about $3,000 for Project Graduation. He said said. Co-chairwomani s Northshore all proceeds are split between the Kiwanis President Tatem Ruiz- three schools. Refreshments will • be served for all participants folRichard. 61 Several awards will be pre- lowing the races. , Kiwanis is a worldwide, sented for top finishers.inboth

p.m., Bedico Creek northshoretricl fling corn SEPT 4 Crescent Connection Road Race 4 miles 6:30 p.m., www.ccclOk.com SEPT 9: Elmwood Fitness Center Twilight Classic Run, 1 mile, 5K, 7.00 p.m., www.NOLArunning.com SEPT 11 : Louisiana Freedom Walk 2011, 8:30

am., Audubon Park, www.louisianafreedomwalk.org SEPT 1 7: Black Tie 5K New Orleans, 8:30 am.

LaSalle Park, www.active.com SEPT 18: St. Charles Trail Run, 5K, 8:00 a.m., Bonnet Carre Spillway, www.NOLArunning.com



SEPT 24: Great Wake Up Race Run/Walk, 5K/1 Mile, 7:00 a.m.Abita Trailhead, www.active.com


SEPT 24: Alligator Stomp Run/Walk, 5K/Half-Mile, 8:00 am., Luling, www.NOLArunning.com OCT 1: Kiwanis 5K, 8:00 am., Varsity Sports, Mandeville, www.15thstreetflyers.org

, I






, 4.

OCT 1: Till Paths Meet, 5K/1 Mile, 8:00 a.m.,

Fontainebleau State Park, www.active.com


r got

1: UNCF 5K Fund Run/Walk, 7:30 am.


Riverview in Audubon Park, www.NOLArunning.com '


OCT 1: Gentilly Festival Race, 8:00 a.m., 5K and 15K, Pontchartrain Park, www.runnotc.org



OCT 14 The Monster Dash, 2 miles, 7:00 p.m., Southport Hall (Jefferson, LA), www.runnotc.org A












OCT 15: Middendorf's Manchac Run, 10 mile and

5K, Manchac, www.NOLArunning.com OCT 22: Susan B. Komen "Race for the Cure," 5K, 1 Mile, City Park, www.runnotc.org




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FOOD DRIVE Date: Saturday, November 17th Quail Creek Subdivision All Food Will Be Donated to: Samaritan Center Food Items Needed: Peanut ButterSoup-Canned Meats-Rice-Pasta, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit,etc. More Information: Tatem Ruiz-Richard 985.624.9749 or Ana Ott 985.626-3116

cndevffle Yiwn Annual Thanksng Food he



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event, along with Ana Ott. "Dur- • lflg these current economic - Trr 1 y ,r I I 1/ 1 IL'IfIIWT . . • tlrnPs viut i . there are many families in need. : uOi)1fltOfl w&-i , . As the holidays approach we as Kiwanians recognize the needs I in our community and work very hard to support those that we can. Students from local schools By Margaret Schonberg that are in Builders Clubs and Coiitributing writer Key Clubs will volunteer their Add an item or two to the time to assist Kiwanis members grocery list, perhaps a package with the food collection." I of pasta or a bag of rice. The More than 1,500 food items Kiwanis Club of Northshore were collected last year for The Mandeville will sponsor its ninth Samaritan Center, which will tiuua1 Thanksgiving Food also receive the donations this Drive on Saturday from 9:30 year. "Food drives are essential for i a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Wal-Mart, located at 880 North Highway the Samaritan Center because a stockedshelf this week equals an l9OinCovington. "Kiwanis continues their corn- empty shelf next week Without munity support by collecting great partners like the Kiwani food items for needy families in is who help us to constantly the local area," said Lori Pausina., who is co-chairwoman of the See DRIVE, Page 3 I

is collection site

't I -









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Page i

replenish," said Dena Grosart. executive director. "The Samaritan Center serves families experiencing emergencies, impacting the 1w approximately 175 c)nPerishab1e items that the

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peas, powdered and canned peanut butter, potatoes ' • me.. . :,. ,eai mixes '• . . hamburger ' heiner, etc) ' deshtee, gravy rmxes, sert mixes, cooking 011, flour. anti1athd) and marshmallows. Kiwanis also will accept donations that will be used to purchase food items. For information about the Northshore Kiwanis food drive. call pausina at 9858983110, or email her at LorLpausina@whit 'lb a' Center is located at -i02 Girud Street in Mandeville and is open weekdays from BI a.m. to 3 p.m. For flfm.jjtio' call 985.626.4457. or visit the website at www, sarnceii.org. The organization has families to adopt for their "Giving Thanks" program. Anyoneinterested should call Amy Ettinger at 626.4457.

Northshore Kiwanis also is sponring their annual Coats for Kd.s Drive through Dec. 7. Gently-used coats, jackets and sweaters of all sizes, from infants to adults, are needed and can he donated at Mandeville area public schools, Our Lady of the Lake School, at all Whitney and Resource Bank locations, or at Econo Cleaners at 2201 11th St., Lee Cleaners at 2201 Florida St. and Corporate Cleaners at 1814 Causeway Blvd., all located in The coats will be distributed at the Greater Mandeville Police . Foundation's Holiday Toy Distribution on Dec. 15 at 8 a.m. at the Lions Club, 720 Lafitte Street in Mandeville. Children residing in the Fourth Ward who qualify for the toy giveaway are eligible to receive a coat. For information about the Coats for Kids drive, call Jimmy Maxwell at 6263297. The club will host their Pancake Breakfast with Santa on December 8, at New Covenant Presbyterian Church, located on Highway 22 in Mandeville. Regular meetings also are held at the church on Thursdays at 7:15 a.m. For information about Northshore Kiwanis, call Steve Jacobs, club president, at 893.9522, or visit www.riorthshore-kiwanjs. org.

DROP OFF STATION Donate your unneeded coats and jackets to help keep a child warm this winter.

Toy, coat distribution


The Greater Mandeville Police Foundation's Holiday Toy Distribution will be Dec. 15 from 8 to 11a.m. at the Mandeville Lions Club at.709 Lafitte St. The Mandeville Kiwanis organization also will be distributing Goats through its annual Coats for Kids program. Coats may be deposited into labeled boxes throughout the community. There is no charge for this event, but pre-registration is a must to receive a pass for the program at the Mandeville Police Department prior to the day of the event.





Sponsored by: • • • • • • • •

Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club ABC Mini Storage Cleaners at Nor Du Lac Econo Cleaners Corporate Cleaners Five Cs Cleaners Lee Cleaners Pristine Dry Cleaners


Coats for Kids drive begins


Northshore Kiwanis is now accepting donations for its 1.7th annual Coats for Kids drive. Coats, jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts of all sizes (including adult sizes) are welcome through mid-December. Collection boxes have been placed at Mandeville-area public schools, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School and Northiake Christian School. Collection boxes are also located at participating Whitney and Resource banks anu various dry cleaners in Mandeville and Covington. ..F'or more information, contact Jimmy Maxwell at 626-7297 or visit northshore-ki.wanis.org.



tions of coats of all sizes


Kiwanis collecting Coats for Kids '.

enable local children to bundle coat this winter." The coat drive, which has up against the winter weather. The Kiwanis Club of Northshore been collecting coats, jackets Mandeville will hold its annual and sweaters for more than 20 Coats for Kids drive beginning years, needs gently-used artides in all sizes from infants to Friday. "Of all the Kiwanis projects adults. They can be dropped off we perform each year this is my at all Mandeville public schools, By Margaret Schonberg favorite," said Jimmy Maxwell, as well as at Our Lady of the Contributing writer who has been chairman of the Lake School, and all Whitney Cleaning out closets and event for the past seven years. and Resource Bank locations. bundling up coats and sweat- "For some of these children, this See COATS, Page 10 ers to give as donations will will he their only shot at a new

Drive çffèrs several drop-off sites



Donations of toys, money still needed The holidays soon will be here, which means the Greater Mandeville Police Foundation's "Holiday Toy Distribution" is in full swing, collecting new toys and funding to distribute Dec. 15 from 8 to 11 a.m. The distribution will be held at the Mandeville Lions Club at 709 Laf'itte St., and Santa and his elves are expected to be there as well. Chris King, president of the Greater Mandeville Police .inrI


to youths on Dec. 15 Coats will be stributed di I

COATS, from Page 9 as well as at Our Lady of the Lake School, and all Whitney and Resource Bank locations. Participating cleaners that serve as both drop-off and cleaning locations include: Econo Cleaners at 2201 11th St., (behind McDonald's); Lee Cleaners, 2201 Florida St., (next to Mandeville Bake Shop); and Corporate Cleaners at 1814 Causeway Blvd.

(next to Joe's Shoes), all located in Mandeville. More than 1,000 coats were given out last year. This year, the coats will be distributed at the Greater Mandeville Police Foundation's Holiday Toy Distribution on Dec. 15 at 8 a.m., at the Lions Club, located at 720 Lafitte St. in Mandeville. Donation boxes will be picked up a week prior to that date. Children residing in the Fourth Ward who qualify for

the toy giveaway are eligible to receive a coat. New, unwrapped toys are needed for the toy giveaway. They can be brought to the Mandeville Police Station, located at 1870 US 190 in Mandeville, until Dec. 14. For information, call Chris King, police foundation president, at 504.782,5788. For information about the Coats for Kids drive, call Maxwell at 626.7297. For information about Northshore Kiwanis, call

Steve Jacobs, club president, at 893.9522, or visit the website at www.northshore-kiwanis.org. The club also will host its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive on Nov. 17; and Pancakes with Santa Breakfast, Dec. S. Regular meetings are held on Thursdays at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church, located on Highway 22 in Mandeville.

\ 4' 7--



NOEL, from Page 1 Foundation, said this particular fund has been in place for the past five years. "We expect about 500 children at the event. We will be accepting new toy donations and monetary contributions (checks payable to the GMPF) at the Mandeville Police Station. Families who live in the 4th Ward Recreational District, mainly the greater Mandeville area, must pre-register for the event at the station. Identification and proof of address is required. Children ages 13 and under will receive a pass for the day of the event," King explained. King added that the event also will be used as an opportu-. n$ty for the Mandeville Kiwanis organization to hand out coats hough their "Coats for Kids" program. If you would like to donate a coat for this program,

look for the labeled boxes throughout the Mandeville area. There will be no charge for this event, but remember, preregistration is a must to receiv a pass for the program at t1 Mandeville Police Departm priOr to the day of theevent Other organizations Co. uting to the event include jew Regional Hospital, ille AARP, New Coven2 1 byterian Church of M and the Krewe of Eve. Eve, Mandeville' val organization, has active participant in and recently collected bags and more than 135 the foundation at its cos decorating workshop. The kr has been donating toys to mak the holidays brighter for local children for the past 27 years. Eve Captain Joycelyn Nash said that in addition to this particular fund, the krewe has participated in a "Women Build" for Habitat






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Left: Kortney Chiappetta and Ally Shreve. Right: Carly Howden and Allie St. Angel

Pancakes and Santa make• a perfect combo.. The Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club held its annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 8, when volunteers flipped hundreds of pancakes and organized activities and entertainment for those in attendance. The event was held at New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mandeville, and featured breakfast, stories, and visits with Santa. (photos by DelaneySheehan)

Right: Jennifer Ranatza and Spencer Aguilar. Jr.






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Saizziri. Madison Robin, Chandler Patterson, Carley Sebren and Mqhan Mistric

• l n and Steve ,J meron Guidry.





om Sheldrn. Hunter and Brittany Mar:niit-. !1:.nt. Candace and Hailey J.,In'. Kathy Sheldon. Mason Macmaster and Alie l-$unI,

Santa Claus gets a giggle from Doug Deroche during the Breakfast with Santa event.


Pancake Breakfast with Santa


Saturday, December 8, 2012 8 am to 11 am

4.1 0 1-4

New Covenant Presbyterian Church 4375 Hwy. 22, Mandeville, LA

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andra Barsczeski of Mandeville gives Santa her wish list during UPancakes With Santa event at New Covenant Presbyterian Chu:i rn Mandeville on Saturday. Hosted by the Northshore Kiwanis Clu proceeds from the annual event benefit local Kiwanis programs

all donations to benefit the children of our community


*Complimentary Pictures with Santa

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Pancake Breakfast with Santa Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club will sponsor its 20th annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 8 from 8-11a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall on Louisiana Highway 22 in Mandeville. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee. Complimentary pictures with Santa also will be taken. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at the door or in advance from a Northshore Kiwanis member or Resource, Whitney and Gulf Coast bank in Mandeville. All donations benefit Kiwanis youth and community service projects. For more information about this event or Northshore Kiwanis, call Steve Jacobs at 630-3456 or view www.nortlishorekiwanis.org. -




8 Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast. New Covenant Presbyterian Church. 4375 Hwy. 22, Mandeville. 8-11 am. $5. Steve Jacobs, 6303456. northsho-klwanas.orQ.



8, Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast wit!' Santa_ Sponsored by Northshore Kiwanis. 8-11 a.m.. New Covenant Presbyterian Church, 4375 LA 22 West. r)ec5


PHOTOS BY Ofl!\NT T;I[fljlL[) N / ftft

I $5 ticket inc1uds p a ncakes, photo with Santa Kiwanis


4t7 Pagel .

tell Santa what they want for ristmas Complimentary pieyires with Santa and all you can t pancakes, a combination VOU .._..: in hardly beat. Proceeds from Ile Pancake Breakfast,, a well all other Northshore Kiwanis rents, benefit at ea KiwanS youth and community service projects " : Steve Bradshaw and Peter . Barsezeski are chairmen of the event The breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, milk, coffee

and orange juice. A picture with Santa is included in the pancake ticket price of $5 per person, Parents also can bring their own carne as to capture pictures of their child with the "joll aid elf" himself, Members of area school Buildei s ( Iiils and Key Clubs will assist at the breakfast by gi eeting guestM at t he door, helping Santa in the picture area, assisting on the serving line, busing tables and working in the children's coloring at ca They also will be reading "The Night Before Christmas," ' t11he White Christmas Reindeer," "The

Polar Express," "The Gingerbread Man" and other Christmas stories. Those participatmg include students from Pontainebleau High School, Fontainebleau Junior High School, Mandeville Junior High School, Mandeville High School, Lakeshore High School, Tchefuncte Middle School, Northiake Christian School, Lake Hai bor Middie School and LP Monteleone Junior High School "We hopefully will have spontaneous caroling from those who are filled with pancakes and holiday spirit," Jacobs said Tickets can he purchased in

advance at all Iesoun and also will be avai11 door. For informati the Pancake Breakf Kiwanis, or attendin call Jacobs at 985.63( Northshore Kiwan Thursdays at 7:15 a.n Covenant Presbyterian Fellowship Hall The or,. Latlon's website is http 1/" northshorek1wanis.org/, Activities planned for ft . spring include a gulf t ourua ment, a car show and a sprin food drive, as well as o t with Kiwanis service leadershit programs in local


Northshore Kiwanis Pancakes with Santa The Northshore Kiwanis Club will hold their 20th annual Pancakes with Santa breakfast Dec. 8 from 8 to 11 a.m., at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, located at 4375 Louisiana Highway 22 in Mandeville.The breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, milk, coffee and orange juice. A picture with Santa is included in the pancake ticket price of $5 per person. Parents also can bring their own cameras to capture pictures of their child with the 'jolly old elf" himself. Tickets can be purchased in advance at all Resource Banks and also will be available at the door. For information about the Pancake Breakfast, joining Kiwanis, or attending a meeting call Jacobs at 985.630.3456.


-- Pancakes slated for Dec 8




• The Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club will host its 20th annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 8-11 a.m. at the New Presbyterian Covenant Church Fellowship Hall in Mandeville. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee, and there will be free photos with Santa. Proceeds benefit the

Kiwanis youth and cornmunity service projects. Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance from any Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club member. Advance tickets are also available at Resource, Whitney and Gulf Coast bank branches in Mandeville. For more information, call Steve Jacobs at 6303456- or visit northshorekiwanis.org.

Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club will sponsor its 20th annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 8 from 841a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall on Louisiana Highway 22 in Mandeville. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, in juice and coffee. Complimentary pictures with Santa also will be taken. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at the door or in advance from a Northshore Kiwanis member or Resource, Whitney and Gulf Coast bank in Mandeville. All donations benefit Kiwanis youth and community service projects. For more information about this event or Northshore Kiwanis, call Steve Jacobs at 630-3456 or view www.northshore-kiwanis.org.




Northshore Kiwanis Pancakes with Santa The Northshore Kiwanis Club will hold its 20th annual Pancakes with Santa breakfast Dec. 8 from 8 to 11 a.m., at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, beated at 4375 Louisiana Highway 22 in Mandeville.The breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, milk, coffee and orange juice. A picture with Santa is included in the pancake ticket price of $5 per person. Parents also can bring their own cameras to capture pictures of their child with the "jolly old elf" himself. Tickets can be purchased in advance at all Resource Banks and also will be available at the door. For information about the Pancake Breakfast, joining Kiwanis, or attending a meeting call Jacobs at 985.630.3456



Dec. 8 breakfast hosted by Kiwanis By Margaret Schonberg Contributing writer

Pancakes are on the menu and there will be a very special guest. The Northshore Kiwanis Club will host its 20th annual Pancakes with Santa breakfast on Dec. 8 from 8 to 11 a.m., at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, located at 4375 Louisiana Highway 22 in Mandeville. "The Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast with Santa is an excellent opportunity for the community to come together to not only eat some great pancakes, but to take time out of your busy lives to spend some time with Santa," said Steve Jacobs, club president.. "It's the holiday season and everybody needs a chance See

SANTA, Page 3


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In appreciation of our members and our commitment to the community 'you and a guest are invited to attend the annual holiday Kiwanis gathering At the home of Peter & Sandra Barsczeski Saturday, January 19' 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 2131 Winghaven Drive, Mandeville



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Children's Museum of StTammany

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ENTERINMFNT Soul Revival • St. Paul's Jazz .t4 Wolves . Culinary Showcase with over forty restaurants • Zte's Bakery • Celebration's Choice • Spinnovation 1W1 • Live and Silent Auctions • Raffle • And more! 1

TICFETS: General Admission Ticket: $100 Reserved Table for Eight: $1,200


I 1 MISTRSS OF CEREMON.: Margaret Orr MASTR OF CEE1ON!; Jim Henderson


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CMST hosts fun under the big top

r The Children's Museum of St. Tammany LHAI ME[ (CMST) hosted Celebration: An Evening of Marvels on Feb. 24 at the Castine Center in Mandeville, where a sold-out crowd enjoyed circus-style entertainment, live music, auctions, raffles, food and drink, and more. It was announced at the ••• . event that the CMST, which was originally planned for the Koop Drive .'. '• Tammany Trace campus, is now part of the St. ParFN Tammany -: ish master plan . 1oraculturalarts \ district along In:p terstate 12 between the Nord : - du Lac shopping .., .. center and the Tchefuncte River. Susan . ugger. Arnanda and Randy Daigle. _•••_.____-

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Tammany Trace Foundation President Bruce Wainer, Children's Museum of St. Tammany President Lisa Barnett and Celebration Ring Master/Tammany Trace Foundation Vice President Tony Le Mon with a renftt..r of the Cultural Art; enter.

1 :

Co Chairman Tony LeMon, Honorary Chairman Shane Gorringe and Co-Chairwoman Lori Hosch. 4



By NOIA.com i The Times-Picayune on March 15, 2013 at 8:00 AM, updated March 15, 2013 at 8:09 AM Email

•• .• : .• A

The Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville is bringing the spirit of service to the Northshore by designating the "Eggstravagaiva on the Green" as the club's 2013 Kiianis One Day work project. The Tammany Trace Foundation is sponsoring the event, and proceeds will go towards the Kids Town initiative that is currently under development for The Tammany Trace on Koop Drive. Northshore Kiwanis of Mandeville are dedicating their Kiwanis One Day vtork project hours to the Eggstravaganza on the Green being held March 17 at the Lakeview Regional Medical Center. The Easter celebration will raise money to support the Kids Town project under development for the Tammany Trace. (Ph by Chris Granger, NOLA corn I The Times-Picayune archive)


The "Eggstravaganza on the Green" will be held March 17 from 11a.m. to 3 P.M. on the campus of Lakeview Regional Medical Center. Northshore Kiwanis members will be actively involved all weekend in setting up and cleaning up, as well as working at the event. Family members, friends and prospective Kiwanans interested in volunteering are invited to attend. Kiwanis One Day, a global volunteer action day unites the entire Kiwanis family, including Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Builder's Club, Aktion Club, K-Kids and Kiwanis Jtiiior in service. On this day, volunteers from Kiwanis clubs in the area are expected to join nearly 600,000 volunteers around the world in devoting a few hours to hands-on volunteer service. Kiwanis expects that Kiwanis One Day will contribute nearly one million service hours around the world in just one day. "We are proud to join our fellow Kiwanis family members around the globe to participate in Kiwanis One Day," said Steve Jacobs, Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club President. 'The energy, commitment and camaraderie surrounding this single day make the experience of hands-on service even more gratifying for our members as they make an immediate, measurable impact on the north shore community." -

'nt K`- was designated by Kiwanis International in order to unite all youth and tnis family together in service. wanis Club's service activities, conta For information on Kiwanis One D






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By Debbie Glover St. Tammany News .






"Celebration: An Evening of Marvels!" will be held Sunday from 6-10 p.m. to raise funds for the Children's Museum of St Tammany. The event will be held at the Castine Center and will be instrumental in contracting the Museum's exhibit design firm, developing a detailed architectural site and exhibit plan and assisting in launching a capital campaign, according to Lisa Barnett, president of the Children's Museum of St. Tammany Board of Trustees. "We are pleased to report that the Children's Museum of St. Tammany has incorporated and will

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of St.Tammany

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tOVrWIL5 MUUM Wn Look for an Outreach Team at your


school and community events throughout the Northshorel


New website launches FALL 2012! Follow our progress at cmstkids.org!

jrA, Board of ii teeS hs spi mg,' said Barnett, "We thank the







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PROJECT. from Pagel

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tion, and the live and silent auctions will showcase countless priceless items donated by area businesses, including gift certificates, jewelry, home decor, beauty products, weekend getaways and more Over the past five years, the Celebration event has raised more than $565,000 for the new museum. Museum progress is steadfast. Its website, cmstkids, org, launched in December 2012 and will provide upto-date information to the community about museum progress, events and news. (504) 460-3247. The combined efforts of St Attendees can also look Tammany Parish - Goforward to familiar favorite vernment, the Junior attractions including Ce- League of Greater Coylebration's youth artists ington, and Celebration creating art during the have produced over $3 milevent and the eagerly an- lion in commitments to the ticipated balloon drop. - development of this projThe Sprnnovauoi prize ect through in-J*l and 1.rheel--!sfavorie dsthiá- cash idntibn --------



- -

A Celebration's Choice competition in which guests will be invited to silently vote for their favorite dish throughout the evening, will be held as well. This year's CASH or DASH raffle, sponsored by the Junior League ofGreater Covington, is a winner's choice and features a Las Vegas three-night luxury stay with Cirque Du Soleil VIP tickets and airfare for two or $5,000 cash. Tickets are $10 each and just 2,500 will be sold. Tickets can be purchased by calling


The ChiIdrens Museum of St. Tammany is the signature project of the Junior League of Greater Covington in partnership with St. Tammany Parish.


many individuals and busi nesses who help us each year with Celebration. Their support and generosity provides a. very enjoyable and successful event for our guests; which, in turn, benefits the children of St. Tammany." The $ioo per ticket event, which will be held at the Castine Center, will feature more than 40 area restaurants in a culinary showcase; liquid concoctions; and an artistic dessert spectacular from Zoe's Bakery. The evening's special guests include returning emcees Margaret Orr and Jim Henderson. The band Soul Revival, a Northshore favorite, and the St. Paul's Jazz Wolves, will be the night's -featured entertainment - hitting the stage sponsored by Ochsnei He System. - - -


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Tickets cost $25 each with the opportunity to win a 21.5-inch iMac, iPad 2, Lexmai-k wireless artisans Alexander Breeden printer and $l00 gift card asfirst from Archbishop Hannan High prize; a MacBook Pro and $75 School and Will Barnett of St. gift card as second prize; and an iPod Touch, Apple TV and $50 Paul's School. This year's Honorary Chair- gift card as third prize. The win man is Shane Gorringe, with ner need not be present to win. Margaret Orr and Jim Hen- -- Tickets to Celebration of derson returning as Masters of Innovation are $100 per person, or $1,200 for a reserved table of Ceremony. The auction will he a cause eight. Order online at wwjlgc. UI celebration for high bidders. net or call 789.0822. For more Among the items featured are a information about Celebration of Coldendoocile pup; flight- k's- Innovation, contact Lori Hosch, event co-chairwoman, at busyons.jewe1ryandmore. Guests also can try their luck chic70(z att.net . The Children's Museum of St. at the Spinnovation Wheel. A $20 spill is W(>.ItIi the chance to win Tammany is a signature project. prizes that include jewelry, home of the Junior League of Greater (bCtIl, beauty products, week-- Covington in partnership with . n'a'v ':rih. It .k'flj be end getaways, gift certificates wid more.(>U 1'he winning celebra- built at Koop Drive, 'j ut'sl )(f, i imai9.




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Welcome to

Kiwanis set service day Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville will join Kiwanis clubs around the world Sunday by designating the "Eggstravaganza on the Green" as the club's 2013 Kiwanis One Day work project. The Tammany Trace Foundation is sponsoring the event, and proceeds will go towards the Kids Town initiative that is under development at the Tammany Trace on Koop Drive. The "Eggstravaganza on the Green" will be held on the campus of Lakeview Regional Medical Center March 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Northshore Kiwanis members will be actively involved all weekend in setting up and cleaning up, as well as working at the event. For information, contact Steve Jacobs at (985) 630-345 or visit http://www.nort' shore-kiwanis.org.

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TGAGstravaganza on the Green' set for ,

St. Tammany bureau The Kids Town "EGGStravaganza on the Green" will be held March 17, in the green space adjacent to Lakeview Regional lical Center near Covington. 7

The event, which happens to fall on St. Patrick's Day, will be a fundraiser for the Tammany Trace Foundation. It will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be face painting, arts and crafts, games, food, drink, dancing and musical entertainment, inflatables, a magician, and an egg

hunt for approximately 15,000 Easter eggs. A sure highlight will be a Rubber Duck Regatta Race. For $5, patrons will have a chance to "adopt" a rubber duck that will be placed along with all other entries in a pond on site. The first duck to cross the finish line , ,




• .

of the race will win its owner $500. Five second-place winners each will receive $100. Only 2,000 ducks will be sold. The race will be held at 2p m.' and will be the first fundraiser of its type for the Kids Town See








Easter egg-citement for little ones began to build last weekend at the Eggstravaganza egg hunt (above), held March 17 on the campus of Lakeview Regional Medical Center to benefit the Tammany Trace Kids' Town, a pintsized village to be built adjacent to the Kids Konnection Playground at the Koop Drive Tammany Trace Trailhead. Finding her share of treat-filled eggs at the Kids' Town benefit was Victoria Medus (right). The quest for eggs and fun will continue this Saturday, March 30, at The Hunt, an annual community-wide fair sponsored by Northwood Church. Volunteers, like young Bradyn Frosch (below left), gathered 'at the church last Sunday to stuff more than 70,000 plastic eggs for the event. It begins at 8:30 am. with a fun run at the church, located in downtown Covington at 221 N. New Hampshire St. A street carnival will follow, and at 11 am. participants will parade to nearby Bogue Falaya Park where children in sixth grade and younger are invited to search for the Easter treats. (photos by Bobby Gilboy and Susan Sheehan)

ter will host the Kids' Town (;G'$i aagatia on"the Green" on 1VldICh L from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. The event, taking place adjacent the pond facing the hospital, will feature three different age level Faster egg hunts, an : gg to's, arts and crafts tents, inflatable, magic act,, and dance and music performances. But the highlight of the clay is the Rubber f Duck Regatta Race, for which Li ()flIS,i 2,000 $5 duck entries will ( be sold. The first lucky cluck to cross, I the finish line will win $500, r and the next five ducks will win $100 each. Admission is just $1. . per person, under 3 is free. All proceeds from the event benefit Tammany Trace Kids' Town. ' The Tammany Trace Foundation is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is the inspiration behind the special events and fundraisers that help support numerous projects on the trace. KIDS Konnection Playground, a place for children of all abilities to play, is a project of the Tammany Trace Foundation. The Lakeview Regional EGGStravaganza event will help fund * the next project—Tammany Trace Kids' Town at KIDS Konnection Playground_–a childsizeeci town that will feel just like a grown up town with a roadway for hikes and other tykesize vehicles, exercise and rec reational areas, and fun ways to learn and play simultaneously. "In the immortal words of I)r. Seuss, 'A person's just a person, no matter how small'," stat Tony Lemon, Tammar Foundation Vice "This ja-oject is g




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flarish President Pat Brister andGeorge - • of I'Fire Distric 4, LF'H psI the Rubber Duck Regatta r;' :tI/" festi al. Money along at the raised frcIr1 the event Nvill •:• to develop J'....jI•I • i:•-i-•.'-i.i on i'-' the Tammany • -w-hich NviJI a miniature town vAth "bike and trik" paths Nvinding r1rn - h the village.


Ava Almerico and Ella Buras dance 1 _Jwork at the craft station. HE


the music. -

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Mandeville Kiwanis revs up for inaugural car show stall a storage building for St. Tammany Mandeville Northshore Kiwan- install is Club will host its inaugural car show on West STARC, an organization dedicated 13, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the to providing a lifetime of services, trainSaturday, Clarion Inn and Suites Conference Center ing, advocacy, resources and community connections for individuals with dis tbihon U.S. 190 in Covington. Owners of cars, trucks and bikes are in- ties. The storage building will be used for vited to register for the event, which will in- STARC's year-round project of collecting dude awards in seven categories, a 50-50 Mardi Gras beads for packaging and resale. Admission is free for spectators. raffle, door prizes, games, music, food and For more information or to register, call drinks. Proceeds will be used to purchase and Mike Pausina at 966-3165. S •*

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at ion Sevand check presentation. eral. STARC artists had crcBy Carol Wolfram ated classic car-themed works Staff writer of art that were given as prizes An integral component of or sold at the event and, on the any great partnership is simple: day of the event, the STARC cliEveryone does their part. Such ents worked right alongside the a solid partnership between Northshore Kiwanis volunteers the Northshore Kiwanis and - selling water, judging cars, STARC -not to mention a pie- promoting the special needs ture perfect spring day — con- AKTION Club sponsored by ti ibuteci recently to the success Kiwanis, and better getting to of the Northshore Kiwanis inau- know their Kiwanis supporters. Lori Pausina, who co-chaired gural Car Show. All proceeds from the show the project with her husband, benefited a specific project at Mike Pausina, said that the partSTARC West in Mandeville, the nership between the Kiwanis construction of a storage shed members and the STARC clifor STARC's recycled Mardi ents was one by design. "Th.... Gras bead program. "People will isn't just a relationship, this is a know exactly where their money partnership. We wanted them to be here, just as involved as the went," said Lori Pausina. But don't get the impression Kiwanis," she said.

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STARC client

which used av serve into the ing the cumpa

01 Kiwanis car show to help benefit STARC MANDEVILLE -- Car enthusiasts, and owners of classic cars, trucks and motorcycles are in-

beads, which STARC recycles for resale. The building will be used to store the beads once

Northshore devilie Kiwanis Club Car show.

cled. The cost to register is

vited to enter the Man- they have been recy-

Wow Café ChoicE Award Directors' Choic Award * Mandeville Kiwani Choice Award The car show will als


have a 50-50 raffle, door $20. prizes and goody bag Mandeville The Kiwanis for each registered ye Northshore hide. Club will hand out There will be music awards at the show for: * Two People's Choice food and drink. Admis sion to the car show i.S awards free, and everyone is in-* STARC Aktion Club vited. Choice Award For more informatio * STARC Administraand to register your ye tion Choice Award * Clarion Inn and hide, call Mike Pausin at (985) 966-3165.. Suites Choice Award - ______ ..........s-_.. *L---_ -- --

The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 13 at the Clarion Inn and Suites Conference Center on U.S. Highway 190 in Covington. The event will raise money to help the St. Tammany West chapter of STARC build a storage building for their year-round project of collecting Mardi Gras _—i


* 1



C clients Connie Carter and Mike Dapiaz sell water to raise money to support the Northshore is inaugural Car Show efforts.

ore than 100 cars were gistered by mid-morning

the Clarion Inn & Suites Con- learn more about its mission and vention Center parking lot in membership requirements are Covington. invited to visit, vw'v.nort}ishoreThe Kiwanis Club of Northkiwanis,org or contact Membershore community and classic car enthusiasts from throughout the shore Mandeville meets every ship Chairman Guy Guinot at region would support the show. Thursday at 7:1 a.m. at New 985M24.565 or guy.guinott' "It's a family" Lori Pausina said, Covenant Presbyterian Church, lpl.com . For more information about noting that by mid-morning on Louisiana Highway 22, MandevApril 13 more than 100 cars had ille. Membership in the organiza- STARC, visit www.STARCIa. registered and were parked in tion is open, and those wishing to or g. .


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satura Y ,, aPriL 13, 2013, From 9:00 am — 3:00 PTh awars at 3:00 Pm cLarion inn & suites conference center 501 fl HWY 190 • COViflGtOfl, La 70433 9159893.3580 Xp]7 T[Jt 7VYp C [

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Northshore Kiwanis plans inaugural car show 7b be held April 13 in Covington

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This 1941 Willys belongs to Mike Pausina, Kiwanis Car Show director.


By Margaret Schonberg Staff Writer






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v up the engines. The hshore Kiwanis inauguar Show will be held April om 9 a.rn. to 3 p.m. at the on Inn & Suites ConferCenter, located at 501 N. way 190 in Covington. All eeds will benefit STARC rvice, Training, Advocacy, ources, Community Connec•ìs of Mandeville. The show is open to all cars, ucks and motorcycles, any year nd any model. Registration will be done the day of the show with a $20 per entry donation. Admission for spectators is free. "This is the first year for the Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis

CAR, .froin P(I{j(? / includes Nah's, Cmero's, ConY(tt(s, Un(1son's. Fouls, ( Thevy's, Dodge and more. Awards will he given to "Special Picks," such as a $11A JIC Client Award, Kiwanis J\war(1, People's Choice Award and more. The a\val'(ls will he

to host a car show and we have selected STARC as the beneficiary of our event," said Mike Pausina, car show director. "STARC is in need of a storage shed and our hope is to raise enough money to meet their needs. STARC recycles Mardi Gras beads year round as a fundraiser and is in need of a place to store the beads. As Kiwanians, we felt as though this would be a wonderful project for us to take on in 2013." "We are excited to partner with STARC clients and administration," he said, "We hope that our community will support us as we venture into a new fundraiser for Mandeville Kiwanis in 2013. This is just one of many ways that we give back to the community." Among the cars that will be on display is a blue 1941 Willys, a 1966 Nova and other cars from the 40's to the present that See CAR, Paqe S

presented at 3 1). M. (body bags with chip clips, kouzies and cups will be presented to the first 100 entries. Door prizes will include oil changes, T-shirts, bag chairs and gift certificates. Paper shredding by A-I Mobile will be free with it donation for any amount.

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Kiwanis to hold car show in Covington 'a

MANDEVThLF -- Car enthusiasts, and owners of classic cars, trucks and motorcycles are invited to enter the Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club Car show. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 13 at the Clarion Inn and Suites Conference Center on U.S. Highway 190 in Covington. The event will raise money to help the St. Tammany West chapter of STARC build a storage building for their yearround project of collecting Mardi Gras beads, which STARC recycles for resale. The building will be used to store the beads once they have been recycled. The cost to register is $20. The Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis Club will hand out awards at the show for: * Two People's Choice awards * STARC Aktion Club Choice Award * STARC Administration Choice Award * Clarion Inn and Suites Choice Award * Wow Café Choice Award * Directors' Choice Award * Mandeville Kiwanis Choice Award


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The car show will also have a 50-50 raffle, door prizes and goody bags for each registered vehicle. There will be music, food and drink. Admission to the car show is free, and everyone is invited. For more information and to register your vehicle, call Mike Pausina at(985) 966-3165.



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Keep Mandeville BeaLitiful

I eep Mandeville Beaut!ful does just that on April 27 From Milliken Farms were, from left, Dave Millikan, Kyndra Gray, Haley Cundiff, Bailey Lyons and Karen Milliken.

Woodlake Cub Scout Pack 119 members, front row, from left, Landry Gilcrease, Jeffrey Ansardi, Evan Cooper, Patrick Downing, Will Snizik and Pack KMB chairwoman Andrea Defreiras; and, back row, cubmaster Darrell Cooper, Matthew Blaun, Jeffrey Ansardi, Sr., Christopher Snizik, Christian Downing and Paul Gilcrease. Mandeville High School Key Club members, front row, from left, Lisa Goodgion and Nabillah Tanuwikanda;. and back row, president Carly Howden, Reed. McLaughlin, Mary Grace Sherlock, Anna Lukinovich and Ally Shreve.

Mandeville Kiwanis, front row, from left, Kathy Reeves, Moses Swent, Sandra Barsczeski, Dana Hladky, Rick Danielson, and Peter Barsczeski.

'It's great to see all the children who Keep Mandeville come out to particiBeautiful and the pate. They get a free City of Mandeville T-shirt, and learn sponsored a citywide that the power to cleanup effort on eradicate litter is April 27. The event in our hands. When was held in consomeone picks up junction with Keep MANUEVILLE WEST someone else's littr. America Beautiful's there is a less chance Mis.ie Noel Great American that they'll ever be Cleanup. litterers." A wide range of beautificaCub Scout Pack 119 from tion projects were "adopted" by Woodlake Elementary various organizations. Fami- busy along the East Caui lies, church groups, civic groups, Approach, ifihing bags wit Scouts and Garden Clubs were rette butts and fast food seen throughout Mandeville on pers. Added Evan Coop . Saturday morning. seems like everyone i At the intersection of Highway dumping their ashtrays 2 22 and West Causeway Approach, town. Cigarette butts a the .Mandeville Kiwanis organiza- biodegradable, the Pape: ' tion paired with Mandeville High be here forever!" School's Key Club to create a new In addition, the pr garden spot. Key Club member hopes to spread the mc Reed McLaughlin shared, "We that not only is littering feel like we are all out here ful- but it also affects our eec filling our responsibility to our development, including community. Our school is on West erty values. It contribi Causeway, and we want to make flooding by preventing sure Mandeville stays beautiful." from draining properly, Director Susan Russell ter that makes it throu announced that over 300 volun- ditches, will ultimately en teers participated in this year's our waterways. event, which culminated with If your organization is the annual Watershed Festival ested in participating in" at the gazebo on the lakefront. A-Spot", adopting a por a local street, highway, ____ lie green space, please contact the KMB offices. The organization will provide yol' cleanup materia' and install sir ing your gro . Director Su reached at9: .

Keep Mandeville Beautiful and the City of Mandeville are calling all volunteers to help beautify and clean up Mandeville on April 27 from 9 a.m. to noon. The event is being held in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup. All volunteers are asked to pre-register. KMB will provide each volunteer with a safety vest, litter grabber and bags. Volunteers are invited back to the lakefront after the cleanup for the Watershed Festival, booths of family-fun, interactive educational activities. Drinks, popcorn and cotton candy will also be offered to volunteers. To register call Keep Mandeville Beautiful at 985.624.3165 or email k tnh@cityofmandeville. corn.


Mandeville High School Junior ROTC, under the leadership of Marine Instructor Shane Kraemer.

Missie Arata reach her, p net.

13 1 Members of the Mandeville High Key Club worked side by side with the Mandeville Kiwanis to plant a new garden on the West Causeway Approach in Mandeville.


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rocks during Mandevi11e Li* yef '0

Mandeville Live! Soul Re1val will be at the Mandeville Trailhead Friday night to perform a free concert beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Soul Revival will perform at Mandeville Live, being held April 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mandeville Trailhead in Historic Old Mandeville, 675 Lafitte St. Restaurants on site that night will be Bosco's Italian Cafe and N'Tini's. Kiwanis will manage beverage concessions. Beverage tickets may be purchased starting at 6 p.m. For a full schedule or details. call 985J-)24.3147.

Soul Revival perform lItII Event part of Mandeville live! concert series MANDEVILLE -- Grab your blankets and chairs and enjoy food, fun and live music featuring Soul Revival Friday, April 19 as part of the Mandeville Live! Free Friday Concert series. The event kicks off at 6:30 p.m. at the Mandeville Trailhead, 675 Lafitte St., in Historic Old Mandeville. The restaurants for the evening are Bosco's Italian CafĂŠ

and N'Tini's. Kiwanis will manage beverage concessions. Beverage tickets can be purchased beginning at 6 p.m. Money raised from concessions helps keep the conc free, so it is asked that no outside food nor drink brought to the event. For more information col 985-624-3147....

JflJ'L-rzsfir live Grab your blaikers ana cnaJ music., food and fun featuring the George French Band, Four Unplugged Friday, March 15th, 6:30 p.m. at the Mandeville Trailhead in Historic Old Mandeville.

The Restaurants for the evening are The Broken Egg and The Rusty Pelican. Kiwanis will handle beverage concessions. Please no outside food or drinks.

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Club of Mandeville will host vide its 14th annual benefit golf projaW __ tournament on Monday, May ships HhJJIL at La at Beau Chene sponsors Country ). and teams are being sought. The tournament will fealIl II I I ture aI four-person scramble format with s P I Fees include gun start time. 'I bags, cart. greenfees,

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of St. Tammany, Coats for Kids, 5K for Kids & Fun Run, Prqj ect Graduation, and the annual Thanksgiving food drive.


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tourney Signiii) i.jjNorthshore Kiwanis 1.) rI(.1! Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville will host its 14th annual beneft golf tournament on Beau Monday, May 13, and Country Golf Chene Club, and sponsors and teams are being sought. The tournament will

Free! Take

ceihez K @

Mandeville/ Covington To submit community events or for advertising inquiries: info@coffeenewsnola.com

504-914-5059 April 29, 2013

Vol. 5 Issue 38





I 1


& 4' Covington Farmers Market offers homegrown fresh produce, prepared food, music and a broad selection of live native, ornamental and culinary plants but no crafts or commercial items. Open every Sat, rain or shine, from 9a-1p at City Flail and Wed from 10a-2p at Covington Trailhead. Call 985-892-1873 for more information.


May 4' Mandeville Trailhead Community Market is open every Saturday from 9a-1p featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables, gourmet foods, plants and wonderful arts and crafts. Visit www.mandevilletrailheadmarket.com.

May 4' Witness Youth Group Service at Shepherd's Care Ministries (20115 Hwy 1081) at 6pm every Saturday night. For more details, please contact Rev. Cecil & Linda Hudson at 985-974-2404.

May 11th Madisonville Art Market is an artist managed monthly art market along the banks of the Tchefuncte River on Water Street in old Madisonville. Art mediums include painting, photography, wood working, pottery, jewelry and other varied art. All works are handmade. Market held the second Sat of every month from 10a-4p. Admission is free. Visit www.madisonvilleartmarket.com for more info.

May 13' Kiwanis Club Golf Tournament at Beau Chene Golf & Country Club.

ships for Key Club members year For more informaat Lakeshore. Mandeville. Christian tion, to become a sponsor Northiake and Fontainebleau high or to register, contact Daschools. The club also sup- vid Lindsey at 801-0107 or ports various local projects dlindsey@hankoiircsource. and charities during the coni.

a.m. shotgun start time. Fees include cart, green fees, (lillY bath, lUflCh and . \ -elreshmenls. Early rethrough runs istralion Wednesday, May 1. ..l Tournamentproceeds I will be used to support ! cornuiiiflilv and youth programs. • Last year, Northshore . • Kiwanis was able LO .;vide. 14.557 t() C011UlUillily .4 I . — 'pioltL(s. . ' . including SL,()tU. .- --- - - - - - .-

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Kiwanis Club Golf Tournament The Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville is holding its 13th annual benefit golf tournament at Beau Chene Country Club May 14. The four-person scramble has a 9 a.m. shotgun Individual reistration is $165, while team cost . $600. . For more .information, contact David Lindsey 801-0107 or e-mail dlind sey®bankonresource.com.













• • e * • • . , * • • • • • • a • • • .1 Kiwanis golf tourney registration now open

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The Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mande- lunch and refreshments Tournament proceeds are used to supbenefit on Monday, May 14, at 9 am. at Beau port community and youth programs, including scholarships for Lakeshore High, Chene Country Club The format will be a four-person scram- Mandeville High, Northiake Christian School ble 'ith a shotgun start, \. registration JISU)Uflt and Fontainebleau High Key Club graduates For information, contact David Lindsey at is available befoic Thesday, May I. The tegistration fee includes cart, green tees, ditty bags, 801-0107 or dlindsey@bwikonresource.com.

t .411e will host its 1 3th annual golf tournament

Tournament format is a 4 person scramble with a shotgun start at 9a. Individual and team registration and fees include cart, green fees, ditty bags, lunch and refreshments. To enter a team or for sponsorship opportunities please contact David Lindseyat 985-801-0107 or dlindsey@bankonresourccom.

Golf tournament planned The Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville is holding its 14th annual benefit golf tournament at Beau Chene Golf and Country Club on May 13. The tournament format will be a four-person scramble with a shotgun start beginning at 9 a.m. Individual registration is $140 before May 1. Late

registration is $165 per player. Registration for a team of four golfers is $550 by May 1. Late registration is $600 per team. Fees will include cart, green fees, ditty bags, lunch and refreshments. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. All proceeds from this tournament will be used to provide revenue to support community and youth programs. Last year; Northshore Kiwanis was able to provide $14,557 to community projects including scholarships for Lakeshore High, Mandeville High School, Northiake Christian and Fontainebleau High School. Kiwanis also supports vanQua local projects and charities during the year such as the

Homeless Outreach for Youth in St. Tammany, Kids Konnection Playground, Children's Museum Project, Coats for Kids, 5K for Kids & Fun Run, Project Graduation and the annual Thanksgiving food drive. In addition to supporting community programs, proceeds from the golf tournament allow the club to sponsor seven Builders Clubs, five Key Clubs, two K-Kids Clubs in local schools and one Aktion Club at STARC West in Mandeville. Sponsorships at many different levels are available. For information, contact David Lindsey at (985) 801-0107 or email dlindsey@bankonresource.com. Karen Baker writes about St. Tammany Parish. Shecan be reached at sliceoftammany@ gmail.co-m.




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On Saturday, May 18th, over 1000 people attended the 3rd annual Crawfish Cookin' for a Cause (www.crawfishcookin.com) in Fontainebleau State Park. 20 teams participated and a whopping 5000 lbs of crawfish were cooked to benefit the Mary Payton Miracle Foundation (www.marypaytonsmiracle.com) and Project Red Light (www.prl4hope.org). Over $45,000 was raised. Saints players Garrett Hartley, Jed Collins, and Justin Drescher served as judges, along with Mandeville Mayor Donald Villere.


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Benefit held at Fontainebleau State Park on May 18 By Margaret Schonberg Contributing writer


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Lawn chairs, blankets welcome at f€ CRAWFISH, f,.. . Page 1

public will pick the first, second and third-place winners for the People's Choice awards for tastiest crawfish. Tickets to the All-You-CanEat Crawfish Cook-Off are $20 in advance by May 17; $28 per person for "all-you-can-eat" plus a T-shirt; $100 for six tickets; and $148 for six tickets and six T-shirts. On-site tickets will be $30 per person. Children 12 and younger eat free. For inform'-' tion, or to purchase tickets, v-' the www.crawfishcookin.coiy' Those wanting inform about team participation , contact Lance Rase at 6" - or at Lance.Rase@CGF. Event day voluntee representatives fro / PRLFH, MPMF art*.

Girls U13\. olleyb • For inforrnatjol • . Red Light for Ho www.pr14hope.og tion about Mani', P. cle FOU?l(1tjOp marypatonsnjp.lec

The aroma of mudbugs and catastrophic illness. In addispices will fill the air, as the reation to McWilliams, other board son for the causes fill the hearts members include Lance Rase, of those who participate and Greg Spears, Chris Freret, attend. The third annual AllCheri Noto Karlin, Katie PenYou-Can-Eat Crawfish Cookoff, dergast, Jimmy McCarthy and -sponsored by Crawfish Cookin' Andy Farris. Last year's event, — for a Cause, will be held May 18 that benefited Project Red Light, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Fonraised more than $20,000. tainebleau State Park. Festival-goers should plan to "Crawfish Cookin' for a Cause bring chairs, picnic blankets and began three years ago when my umbrellas. Hot dogs, water, lemgraduating class hosted a crawonade and beer also will be availfish boil on the day of our20th able for purchase. A deejay will, reunion to raise money for a. provide music and there will be classmate, Beth Crutcher Giaentertainment and raffle prizes cone, who suffers from ALS," for all ages. A children's area said Scott McWilliams, chairwill feature a variety of activities man of CCFC. "The support "fit for a fun day at the beach." was tremendous so we deided Justin Drescher and Jed Colto make it an annual event. This lins of the New Orleans Saints . year, in addition to supporting. will decide first place for the Beth's foundation, Mary. PayCelebrity Winner, and the .' I ton's Miracle Foundation will also be a beneficiary." The Mandeville High School class of 1993 also will be'participating, as part of their 20th reunion weekend. The class of '93 will sell T-shirts raffle to fund a schol mPninrv of Ivan (hr a classmate and stud who died before gradu Crawfish Co ki Crawfish Cookin' ForA and Jed Collins, family fun, Miracle Foundation. A porCause is aonpit Cause (CCFC) will host its and entertainment for all ag- tion will also fund a scholartion dedicated to ship in memory of Ivan Gathird annual All-You-Can- es. foundations, families brie.l Zenon, a member of nonprofit orCCFC is -aEat Crawfish Cook-Off on viduals in the local the Mandeville High School Satuiday, May 18, from II ganization dedicated to supty that have been af . a.m.- p.m. at i-'ontaineoieau, porting me iouuuauons, lam- CIiiSS 01 1.5J3. - For boiling team speilies and individuals in the State Park. The event will feature local community that have cifics or to enter, call Lance crawfish cooking teams and been affected by catastrophic Rase at 630-1444. _ For general informacelebrity judges such as New illness. Event proceeds will ____ Orleans Saints' players. Gar- benefit Project Red Light tion or tickets, visit crawfish/ ; rett Hartley, Justin Drescher for Hope and Mary Payton's cookin.com

Crawfish charity event set for May 18





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Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis Club "Bring a Guest Day" p. .




Kiwanis plans open house for prospective members By Margaret Schonberg Contributing writer

The Kiwanis Club of Northshore Mandeville

is opening the door to welcome new members. The nonprofit, volunteer organization will host a

Northshore Kiwanis Open House in conjunction with Kiwanis Membership Month. The open house breakfast will be held May 16 at 7:15 a.m. at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, located at 4375 Highway 22 in Mandeville. "The Northshore Kiwanis Club is a group.

Kiwanis sponsors 14doffe rent school clubs R

14 difftrent school eluhs in our just encourage every member to area which include Key Clubs, help out when they can. I would Builder's Clubs, Aktion Club and encourage anybody interested communityservice-minded K-Kids," . . to just come to one meeting and individuals that focus on helpNorthshore Kiwanis has 110 they will feel the energy and Irig children," said Steve Jacobs, members and is hosting the open friendship our club exudes." president. "Our club Is made up house to attract additional new The group is involved with of both men and women, ages 21 members. local projects such as the Kid's and up, and requires no certain "This is our largest member- Konnection Playground, Coats amount of involvement other ship drive of the year, last year for Kids, the Children's Museum than a love for helping children gaining an additional 17 mem- Project, School Map Painting, and our community. Our service bers," Jacobs said "The one HOYST (Homeless Outreach for projects range from food drives thing I have stressed this year Youth in St. Tammany), Highway to help The Samaritan Center is, 'If we can't have fun while 22 Cleanup, an annual Thanksand Covington Food Bank, to helping out on any service proj- giving Food Drive, the Pancakes our Pancake Breakfast with ect, then it's probably something with Santa breakfast, the NicaSanta," we shouldn't be involved in.' We ragua Children's Dental Minis"The Kiwanis/STARC Car really have become one big fami- try, the annual golf tournament, Show, held in April to benefit ly enjoying each others company annual scholarship awards, the STARC and our Kiwanis Golf befoi e, during and after many 5Kiwanis for Kids and Fun 1 un Tournament on May 13, will help service projects." and eHabItatReHto'.ep' to provide college scholarship "We don't require any amount money to deserving high-school of time or effort from any of our senior Key Club members," he members," he said. "We undersaid. "We currently sponsor stand everybody Is busy and

KIWANIS, fr(nn P(1jjâ‚Ź 9

"Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it's located," Jacobs said. "In the Northshore Kiwanis Club, members express themselves through youth and community services. Our motto and the cornerstone of Kiwanis is 'We Build." Northshore Kiwanis sponsor Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs through the Kiwanis Aktion Club at STARC West in Mandeville; Kiwanis K-Kids Clubs at Marigny Elementary and Magnolia Trace Elementary; Kiwanis Builder's Clubs at Fontainebleau Jr.High, Mandeville .Jr. High, Madisonyule Jr. High, Tchefuncte Middle 1, LP Monteleone Jr. High,

Lake 1.-larbor Middle School and N.)rthlake Christian; and Kiwanis Key Clubs at Mandevtile High, Fontainebleau High, Lakeshore High and Northiake Christian. Dues for membership in Northshore Kiwanis are $45 per quarter. It is not necessary to he invited by a current member to attend the open house or a meeting The group meets each Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church. For information about membership, contact membership chairman Guy Guinot at 624.5665, or email him atguy.guinot@1p1. corn, or visit. the website at www. northshore-kiwanIs.org.

Local Kiwanis Club is all about community Full slate of events setfor thefall I


Il iIi

The Northshore Kiwanis Club consists of men and women of all ages that are interested in serving the community and giving



back that which they have been so richly given. The group meets at the New Covenant Presbyterian .Church on Louisiana 22 in Mandeville on Thursday mornings at 7:15 a.m. Any and all visitors are welcome to the meetings, which end promptly at 8 a.m. Each meeting includes a guest speaker that covers a wide variety of events, causes and programs.


Incoming Kiwanis President Stove Jacobs shares the mission statement for the organization and adds, "Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. This statement basically says it all, everything we do, and every penny of money we raise goes directly to either kids or our community. This year, we

gave out over $9,000 in college scholarships to deserving high school seniors from five different local high schools. We participate in many events, which range from selling the official Mandeville Seafood Fest poster and T-shirt to participating in the Project Red Light Crawfish Cook-off to benefit people








See NOEL, Page 18


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Kiwanis backs drive to eliminate tetanus Yr




NOEL from Page 18

affected by ALS." This fall, the club will have a full schedule of events, including the Kiwanis 5K on Oct. 6, a Thanksgiving Food Drive on Nov. 17, a Pancake Breakfast on Dec. 8, and the Coats for Kids drive in late November/early December. The new club officers will be installed next month and are Jacobs at stevej(g)meleprinting. corn; Vice President Paul LeBlanc at pleblanc@arborlending.com; Secretary Lori Pausina at lori.pausina@whitneybank.com; Treasurer Toddy Brandon at tdbnlbb@ bellsouth.net; and Adviser David Lindsey at dlindsey@bankonresource.com, The marketing director for the club is Dana Hladky at danahiadky@hotmail.com. adky@hotmail.com. Hladky also

is a first grade teacher at Marl- Project. For $1.80, you can pro- opportunity to help children in gny Elementary School and just was elected in the LouisianaMississippi-Tennessee Kiwanis district as Teacher of the Year. Last year the club also had the First Responder of the Year Award, which went to St. Tammany Parish Fire District 4 Chief Merrick Tessin and a Law Officer of the Year award, which went to Silky Sullivan. "Dana single-handedly puts the club on the map by taking pictures, writing articles, providing press releases and cornpleting our club scrap book," Jacobs said. In addition to the Northshore Kiwanis' many local youth events and community-sponsored events, they are in the middle of their international fundraiser to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus worldwide. The campaign is called The Eliminate

vide the vaccination for one child (a series of three shots). Kiwanians all over the world are encouraged to skip one meal per week and donate the money to The Eliminate Project. Jacobs added, "The success of our club has come to the national spotlight by attaining our 100th member this year with a monumental membership drive. We have over 15 newly installed members to our club this month, something we are very proud of. I don't think there is a better

the community in a social club setting. We aren't only business either; we have monthly 'Fellowship Lunches' and quarterly 'socials' for members that just can't make it to our morning meetings." For more Information on the Northshore Kiwanis organization, contact any of the officers via email or phone Jacobs at 630.3456.













JA F1ii.[4Y4 II i 1k'iYEl ii riii.11•iiiT!.t']S111•IiI.iI The Kiwanis Club of Northshore Mandeville invites prospective members to join them at an Open House



For more information, nual golf tournament, the STARC AKtion Club, Hab- call Guy Guinot at 624itat ReStore, Nicaraguan 5655 or visit northshore-kiChildren's Dental Ministry. wanis.org.


day, May 16 at 7:15 a.m at New Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 4375 Louisiana 22 in Mandeville. The breakfast is being held in conjunction with the club's regular weekly meeting. Those wishing to learn more about the local nonprofit organization are invited to attend the one-hour event. Kiwanis is an international organization designed to benefit children. The local club works elementary, area with middle and high schools hip of through ,









Mwanis Plans open house for


schools. Its members , ects, including Coats


prospective members

Kids, school map paini.,i~~. 1 the Kids Konnection play-

ground, litter clean-up, a Thanksgiving food drive and Pancakes with Santa. The group also awards annual scholarships for Key Club seniors, and sponsors the 5Kiwanis for Kids and Fun Run benefiting Proj.- I ect Graduation and an a11-



By Margaret Schonberg Contributing writer


The Kiwanis Club of Northshore Mandeville is opening the door to welcome new members. The nonprofit, volunteer organization will host a Northshore Kiwanis Open House in conjunction with Kiwanis Membership Month. The open house breakfast will be held May 16 at 7:15 a.m. at the New. Covenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, located at 4,375 Highway 22 in Mandeville. "The Northshore Kiwanis Club is a group of .

See KIWANIS Page 11

111,M 111 1110

Club helps with a variety of local causes K IWANIS, from Page 1

Hurricane Katrina its members lost houses during Ruiz-Richard said that the "When Katrina hit, Kiwanis Katrma group has two events coming up International was sending diaThe group also engages youth in the near future. 600,000 members worldwide and pers, formula and other supplies in service at varying levels. On Oct. 1, they will be holdraises more than $107 million on 18-wheelers within hours from Worldwide, there are 340,000 mg a 5K run in Mandeville that annually. Florida, New York and all over youth members, ranging from benefits Project Graduation, and Chapters have the option to the place," he said. elementary school children to on Oct. 16, they will host a BBQ support international efforts and Lindsey said the organization college students. The Key Club, chicken dinner along with area the most recent international contributed more than $400,000 which is a Kiwanis-affiliated ser- Key Clubs. campaign focuses on supplying in hurricane-related ud lie add- vice program for high school stu"We pretty much always have tetanus shots worldwide. ed that this July, the Northshore dents, has active chapters at Fon- something going on," she said. At the local level, Lindsey chapter provided funds to hell) tainebleau, Mandeville, CovingNorthshore Kiwanis Club said that the Kiwanis Club also restart the Slidell chapter, which ton, Saint Scholastica and North- meetings are held every Thui swas active in supplying aid after became defunct after many of lake Christian high schools day at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant •

ii Jill HI I Mandeville Kiwanis hosting open house The Kiwanis Club of Northshore Mandeville invites prospective members to join them at an Open House Breakfast on Thursday, May 16, at 7:15 a.m. at New Coyenant Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 4375 Louisiana 22 in Mandeville. The breakfast is being held in conjunction with the club's regular weekly meeting. Those wishing to learn more about the local nonprofit organization are invited to attend the one-hour event. Kiwanis is an international organization designed to benefit children The local club works with area elementary, middle and high

For more information, schools through sponsorship of K-Kids, Builders Club and call Guy Guinot at 624-5655 Key Club at various schools. or visit us at northshore-kiIts members also participate wanis.org. in service projects, includ... .. Ull •I mg Coats for Kids, school Kids the painting, map I Konnection playground, litter clean-up, a Thanksgiving food drive and Pancakes with Santa. . , The group also awards annual scholarships for Key Club seniors, and sponsors the 5Kiwanis for Kids and Fun Run benefiting Project R. Graduation and an annual golf tournament, the STARC AKtion Club, Habitat ReStore, Nicaraguan Children's Dental Ministry.

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Northshore Mandeville Kiwanis recently installed 12 new members at their weekly breakfast meeting on July 19 Pictured are new members, front row, from left, Tee D'Antoni, Beverly Glynn, Judy Hankel, Melanie Edwards, Gina Oatsvall and Lauren Huval; and back row, Doug Ferrer, Eve Barton, Dick Barton, Devon Nolan, Connie Cossich and Scott Crosby. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis meets every Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian Church For more information about Kiwanis, go online to the club website at www.northshore-kiwanis.org.















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Steve Jacobs of Mandeville is the president-elect of the Kiwanis Club of Northshore Mandeville. The organization invites the community to attend an "Invite a Member" Day on May 24 at 7:15 a.m., at the Fellowship Hall of New Covenant Presbyterian Church, located at 4375 Louisiana 22 in Mandeville. It will feature a continental breakfast and speakers with information about Kiwanis projects. For information, call Paul LaRocca at 966.4673, David Lindsey at 801,0107, or visit the website at www.northshore-kiwanis.Org.

Who should join Kiwanis? "I would encourage men and women of any age that have a heart for helping children and the community to join. All of our projects are designed to raise money to give back to children and the community." What project does Northshore Kiwanis have going on now? "We are involved with producing the official poster and T-shirt for the Mandeville Seafood Festival. This year's winner is Miranda Barajas, a graduating senior from Fontainebleau High School. Each poster is individually numbered and signed by the artist. For more information and for special discounting, visit the Northshore Kiwanis or Seafood Festival websites." What is your favorite Kiwanis project? "My favorite project is the Pancake Breakfast with Santa, It's a family-oriented fundraiser where we get to interact directly with Key Clubs, Builder's Clubs and K-Kids."

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Exchange Club hosts ultimate tailgate.. The Ultimate Tailgate Party II, a ga- ing of the Saints game on a giant blowla party to benefit the West St. Tammany up screen, and plenty of tailgating food Exchange Club, was held Aug. 25 at and drink. There were also silent and live Tchefuncta Country Club in Covington, auctions. The Exchange Club will use where the group provided all the tradi- proceeds from this year's event to aid tional tailgate fun and more. There was Danielle Inn, Hope House, STOPS and a barbecue contest, live music from HOYST. For more information or to help, the Fontainebleau High School march- visit sttammanyexchange.org or call ing band and Four Unplugged, live air- 898-1481. (photos by Susan Sheehan)




Thtem Ruiz-Richard ofMandev• •.. • a- . .-. : •. : What are some of the projects that Northshore Kiwanis ifle is the president of the Kiwanis •, .. . sponsors? Club of Northshore Mandeville, the . "We st)OflOF youth organizations in Mandeville schools at all club's second female member to hold ,levels: elementary (K-Kids), middle/junior (Builders Club) and that office. She also is co-chairwom'. .. high school (Key Club), 13 schools all together. We also hold sev an of the Kiwanis 5K Run that will he eral events throughout the year that support these clubs and . #j held on Oct. 1, along with Paul LeRother community projects. A few of these annual projects are our lane. The organization will celebrate SKiwanis Fun Run, BBQ Chicken Dinner, Thanksgiving Food 25 years of service to the commuDrive, Pancakes with Santa and Golf Tournament." nity and honor its past presidents at -. how can the community help Northshore Kiwanis? their meeting on Thursday at 7:.1 6 "We are a diversified group that enjoys being involved in our a.m. at New Covenant Presbyterian community and giving back. Anyone is welcome to join our orga: Church's Fellowship Hall, located mzation or can help by attending one of our events. We are gear on Louisiana 22 in Mandeville. For big up fr our annual race on Oct. 1 that benefits Project Gradu4 information, call Ruiz-Richard at __________________________ lion at Fontainebleau, Lakeshore and Mandeville high schools; * 504.458,8120, or visit the websile at -well as STARC and other community projects. Right after th4 ' wwwnorthshore-kiwanis.org. New is our BBQ Chicken Dinner on Oct. 16 at the Resource Bank d members are welcome. West Causeway Approach."



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Mangny Elementary's Dana Hladky was awarded the 20112012 Teacher of the Year Award by the Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District of Kiwanis International The award honors a teacher in the district who exemphfies in an unusual and/or exceptional way, service above and beyond the call of duty ' The award was presented at the District Convention held recently in Lafayette. Pictured, from left, are District Gov. Greg Beard, District Key Club Lt Gov. Reagan Sandoz, Hladky, and Steve Jacobs, President-Elect of Mandeville Northshore Kiwanis

In Loving 7vtemoiy Of

Remembering Charles "Silky" Sullivan Memorial Service First Baptist Church, Covington LA Sunday, October 30, 2011 4:00pm to 5:00pm Order of Service 4

Welcome, Obituary, Scripture and Prayer: Dr. Waylon Bailey, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church - Covington, LA Special Music/Psalm 121 (Presented In Hebrew) Ellen Ste igman Guest Speakers: A Hon. Donald Villere --Mayor of the City of Mandeville Chief Rich Richard --Mandeville Police Department Bruce Bundy --Principal of Mandeville High School Denis Bechac Rabbi John Nimon of the Northshore Jewish Congregation . Rykert Toledano Message:

Charles "Silky" SulTivan .9'fovem6er28, 1943 - Octo6er26, 2011

Chaplain Louis Ogle, St. Tammany Hospice Special Music/Amazing Grace Faydra White and Zondra Jones (Daughters of Ben and Debris White) Presentation of Colors and Taps



Sio lky's SoIraisesI iiO1i' fortscholarship



ast weekend, Mandeville Trailhead was rocking with the music of the Huey P's as many gathered to honor a long-time Mandeville friend, Charles it Sullivan. Organizers said it was humbling to see how many people came out to rally around a local resident. Sullivan, a former school resource officer with Mandeville Police, is battling pancreatic call-


IV A man that about have never been shy giving back to the community, called upon the community help him in his hour of need, and the community answered his call. Sullivan joined together with the Greater Mandeville Police Foundation, the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 42 and local businessman Denis Bechac to set up a scholarship fund for Mandeville High School graduates. They then organized last Saturday's fundraise, Silky's Soiree, to raise the funds needed to set up the fundraiser. The event was a true family affair with children running around playing while parents sat on the berms, listening to music by the Huey P's and dining on food donated by local restaurants. Silky and hisfamily even joined in the festivities and helped sell raffle tickets and personally thanking those that came out.

Team Silky with the Northshore Mandeville I....._.. LeMon, Pattie McGinnis and Lori Pausina, sh







Charlese "Silky" Sullivan takes a break from selling raffle tickets to pose with

his wife, Bonnie Sullivan; daughter, Cassie Kropp, and granddaughters, Chloe -

Sullivan and Emma Kropp.


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and appreciate your continued support.



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W. L. "Trey" Folse, Ill Superintendent

October 3 1,2012

District 4 15 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Board Members Stephen J. Jack' Loup, Ill, President Mary K. Bellisario, Vice President Neal M. Hennegan Elizabeth B. Heintz Michael J. Dirmariri Charles T. Harrell Roanne V. Tipton Willie B. Jeter Peggy H. Seeley Robin P. Mullett Ronald "Ron" Bettencourtt Robert R. "Bob" Womack James Ronnie' Panks, Sr. John C. Lamarque Ray A. Alfred

Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville 4375 Highway 22 Mandeville, LA 70471 Dear Kiwanis Club Members: The St. Tammany Parish Public School System has received an "A' in the latest District Performance Report released by the Louisiana Department of Education. This is a great accomplishment by any school district and especially one as large as ours with 55 schools and almost 38,000 students. We know we did not achieve this success without the support of our community. This school year we decided on a theme of Community Connections because we know how important it is to have a partnership with groups like the Northshore Kiwanis Club of Mandeville. I would like to thank you for being our partner in education. I am enclosing our media release announcing our"A' status so that we can celebrate this great accomplishment with you. Thank you for your continued support of the St. Tammany Parish Public School System. Sincerely,

Folse, III St. Tammany Parish Public School System Twitter@STPSB Supt

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321 N. Theard St. • P. 0. Box 940 • Covington, LA 70434 • 985.892.2276 • Fax 985.898.3267


WE New York District Kiwanis Foundation Inc.

Kamp K iwanis® Sal Anelli President David Rothman Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca 0. Lopez Executive Director

January 18, 2013

Kiwanis Club Northshore Project Acct 677 N. Beau Chene Dr Mandeville, LA 70471 Dear Kiwanis Club On behalf of the New York District Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. aka Kamp Kiwanis, I would like to thank you for your generous gift of $1,000.00 directed towards the Disaster Relief fund. Your commitment to helping children and adults that are underprivileged with and without special needs from the New York community is sincerely appreciated. Each year the NY District Kiwanis Foundation continues to advance the Kiwanis mission of serving children throughout the world. Through our programs, specifically Kamp Kiwanis and the college scholarship program for graduating seniors we have seen many lives changed for the better. In particular the Kamp program has enjoyed great success in recent years. The property has improved and expanded all while continuing to serve children. The goal of the Foundation is to continue to make a difference in the lives of children in need. With the help of donations from supporters such as you we will continue to see improvements in our programs. You have touched the lives of all of our camper's and for that we thank you. Thank you again for your generous support of our efforts in keeping camper's futures filled with hope and promise. Best wishes, -9


Rebecca 0. Lopez

9020 Kiwanis Road Taberg, NY 134719 315 336-4568 Fax: 315 336-3845 www.kampkiwanis.org kampkiwanis@hotmail.com

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Fontainebleau High School Project Graduation The Fontainebleau High School graduation class of 2013 thanks you for making this safe and special night of celebration possible! The signatures below are representative of the nearly 300 FHS graduates who participated in the event.





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Artwork by FHS Student Cerys McCarthy




Lyon Elementary School is honored to recognize

Northshore Kiwanis for supporting our students in the

HASTS. Mentoriiig Program 2012-2013 Jeanine


Pittman, Assistant Principal

•. Sama ritan Center July 8, 2013 PARTICIPATING CHURCHES: Church of the King

STARC 1541 St. Anne Slidell, LA 70460

First Baptist Covington First Baptist Mandeville First Baptist Lacombe

Dear Samaritan Center supporter: -Thank-you-for-your

June -2013 donation.

First Free Mission

Cash Food Personal Gift Cards Materials

Grace Church Disciples of Christ Goodwill Baptist Hosanna Lutheran

$0.00 291 items 0 items $0.00 $0.00

Lacombe United Methodist Life Church Living Word Assembly of God Mary, Queen of Peace

This letter is to serve as your receipt. We care enough about you to acknowledge your giving heart. We want you to know that your gifts are crucial to our mission to feed His sheep (John 21:17). We could not do this without your help.

Morning Star Baptist New Covenant Presbyterian Newell United Methodist




Thank you for supporting our ministry.

JUL 11 7c3

In Christ's Name

Our Ladyof the Lake Sacred Heart of Lacombe

Margaret Whitela

St John of the Cross St. Michael's Episcopal St. Timothy United Methodist

Margaret Whitelaw Assistant Director

Village Church Luthern Executive Director Dena Grosart


**No goods or services were received in exchange for this donation** Tax ID#: 58-1882948

!Vou love me. feed my sheep.

402 Girod Street, Mandeville, Louisiana 70448 (985) 626-4457, Fax (985) 626-4594 Gran's Attic Thrift Shop, 408 Girod Street, Mandeville, Louisiana 70448

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