Northside Holidays Transforming Tablescapes
Under Wraps
2012 Must Haves
Sweet Treats
Classic Twist Cocktails
holidays 2012
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northside sun
ransforming a table from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s could seem like a daunting task, but with these ideas and helpful hints for taking your table from one holiday to the next using common elements, the holiday table will be one thing you can mark off your to-do list.
Thanksgiving Table
Common Elements for All Three Tables: Golden Edge Dinner Plates by Herend Annieglass Gold Charger Francis I sterling Claire and Camilla crystal goblets by William Yeoward Hurricanes as vases and with candles Collected antique silver rings
Thanksgiving Table:
Accent salad plates from the Tien Manh Dinh collection by Royal Crown Derby Country crystal hurricane by William Yeoward Fanny Amber water goblets by William Yeoward Table runners by Le Jacquard Francais Copper placemats by Copperworx Votives by Simon Pearce
Thanksgiving sideboard: Tiered cake stand by L’Objet Bittersweet in vases
Gayla’s Tabletop Tips –
• Update a white china pattern with chargers, accent salad plates and colorful linens.
• Collections add a personal touch to tablescapes and place settings. (We have used a collection of trees for the Christmas table and a collection of antique napkin rings for each place setting.) • Fresh greenery, fruits and vegetables give softness and life to tablescapes. To preserve fresh material and add shine, spray with a clear coat of gloss. For a touch of elegance, spray with gold and silver.
• Crystal hurricanes may be used with candles or as vases. Votive candles add sparkle to a dining room tablescape.
• When mixing crystal patterns, consider shape, style and height of stemware.
Dining Room table - Maitland Smith; Chairs - Hickory Chair; Sideboard Sherrill Occasional; Lamps - Visual Comfort; Mirror - La Barge h o l i d a y s 2 0 1 2 11
Christmas Table Christmas table:
Placemats by Juliska Napkins by Le Jacquard Francais Grenadiers salad plate by Bernardaud Fanny Green water goblets by William Yeoward Christopher Radko ornaments as gifts Collection of Christmas trees
Christmas sideboard:
northside sun
Natalie Hurricanes by William Yeoward Antique Silver Tray Grenadiers Coffee set and mugs by Bernardaud Bay Comport by William Yeoward Votives by Simon Pearce
New Year’s Table
New Year’s table:
Gold Aves salad plates by Royal Crown Derby Natalie Hurricane by William Yeoward used as a vase Wine glasses by T.Davlin Kimberly vases by William Yeoward used as hurricanes Silver capiz shell placemats by Pearl Dragon Antique silver wine coaster Magnolia leaves from Christmas were spray painted silver & gold White lilies are in the vases
New Year’s sideboard:
Herend Figurines Champagne chiller by Simon Pearce Antique silver tray Champagne flutes by Varga
holidays 2012
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northside sun
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Gather Your Supplies
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Get Organized
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Ribbons and Bows
Monogram it
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Wrap as You Go
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Try a Little Tape
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Mix It Up
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2 0 1 2 holiday
must haves cable class
David Yurman Metro Pavé Hoops Lee Michaels • Northpark Mall • Ridgeland 601.957.6100 •
fresh start
Juliska Juicer and Measuring Cup BellaChes • The Renaissance • 1000 Highland Colony Pkwy, Suite 7004 Ridgeland • 601.605.2239
deck the halls
“Segreto- Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors” • Antique Shops of Jackson • 4525 I-55 North Frontage Rd • Jackson 601.982.1881 •
Dara Ettinger Ring Hemline • The Township• Ridgeland 601.898.3456
on dasher
All Is Calm, All Is Bright
Fly Thermal Top The Bike Crossing • 115 West Jackson St. • Ridgeland 601.856.0049 •
Spa Gift Card The Sanctuary Body Spa of St. Dominic’s 340 Township Avenue, #200 • Ridgeland 601.790.2222 •
holidays 2012
2 0 1 2 holiday
must haves
Set of Four Agate Coasters Trimmed in Gold Annelle Primos • Highland Village • Jackson 601.362.6154 •
holiday home
Ornate Antique Chair Interiors Market • Woodland Hills Shopping Center • Fondren • 601.981.6020
all i want for christmas
i’ll be home...
hark the herald
golden glory
drink up
Polo Ralph Lauren Luggage, Dopp Kits, and iPad Cases Great Scott • 4400 Old Canton Rd. Jackson • 601.984.3500 •
Angels by Moni Craftmen’s Guild of Mississippi • 950 Rice Rd. • Ridgeland •
holiday trimmings
Mississippi Made Cheesecake McDade’s Market •1200 East Northside Dr Jackson • 601.366.8486
northside sun
Burlap Banner by Glory Haus The Shop Around The Corner • 120 West Jackson Street • Ridgeland 601.853.3004 • Find us on Facebook!
Gift Card Renaissance at Colony Park • 1000 Highland Colony Pkwy, I-55 at Old Agency Rd • Ridgeland •
Wire Gold Bracelets Material Girls • Dogwood: 601.992.4533 Renaissance: 601.605.1605
warm & cozy
100% Cashmere Gloves with Fringe Taylor Collection • 2082 Main Street Madison 601.605.0236 •
2 0 1 2 holiday
must haves
warm his heart & sole
Boots by Frye Kinkade’s • 120 West Jackson Street • Ridgeland 601.898.0513 •
Gift Card Ruth’s Chris • Renaissance • 1000 Highland Colony Parkway • Ridgeland 601.853.2734 •
baby, it’s cold
Renfrew Collection Ruffled Whiskey Suede Jacket Fashion Post • LeFleur’s Gallery, I-55 N. Jackson • 601.362.5171
holidays 2012
northside sun
2 0 1 2 holiday
must haves
blue christmas
Tokens and Icons Pan AM 707 Cufflinks Batte Bridal Registry and Fine Gift Gallery • E. Northside Dr, I-55 N. • Jackson 601.366.8120 •
get together
Gift Card Logan Farms • Maywood Mart 1220 E. Northside Dr • Jackson 601.366.4267 •
rockin’ around
Garnet cowboy boots and Litter “Walk of Shame” shoe jewelry Juicy Drama Boutique • Flowood 601.919.1302
holidays 2012
2 0 1 2 holiday
must haves
festive feet
Nicole Nook Leopard Wedges Village Boutique • 1888 Main Street Crossing • Madison 601.957.0010 •
keep it brief
Kenneth Cole Reaction Briefcase Mori Luggage • 1424 Old Square Rd. Jackson • 601.981.4888
ms charm
northside sun
New Mississippi Charm $5 Turkoyz • Highland Village • Jackson 601.981.4000
northside sun
Sweet Treats
northside sun
Sugar Cookies
Makes 2 dozen cookies
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Ingredients: 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon fine salt 21/2 sticks unsalted butter (20 tablespoons), brought to room temperature 1 cup granulated sugar 1 large whole egg 1 large egg yolk 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest (about 1/2 orange) (optional)
1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour and salt; set aside 2. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and the sugar at medium-high speed until light and creamy, about 2 minutes. Add the egg, egg yolk, vanilla extract and orange zest, and mix until well blended. Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture, one-third at a time, mixing until just combined. Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and divide into 4 pieces of equal size. Shape each piece into a disk, wrap well in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until firm, at least 30 minutes or up to 2 days. 3. Preheat the oven to 350 ° F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. 4. On a lightly floured surface, roll one of the chilled dough disks to a thickness of 1 /4-inch. Use cookie cutters to cut the dough into shapes. Gather the scraps of dough into a ball, roll it out once more and cut more cookies. Using a metal spatula, transfer the cookies to the prepared baking sheets, spacing them 1/2-inch apart. 5. Bake the cookies until pale golden brown, about 10 to 15 minutes (baking time may vary depending on the size and shape of the cookies).* Transfer the cookies to a cooling rack and cool completely. Repeat with the remaining dough. *To help cookies bake as evenly as possible, rotate pans front to back and between racks at least once during baking.
Royal Icing
Makes 1 pound (about 3 cups)
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Ingredients: 1 large egg white, brought to room temperature* 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar (or 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice) 1 pound confectioners’ sugar (about 3 3/4 to 4 cups) 2 teaspoons water Gel or paste food coloring (optional)
1. Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat slowly until the icing turns pure white, slaps against the side of the bowl, and forms stiff peaks. The icing should not be shiny or fluffy. (Note: Do not over-beat, or the icing will have a spongy texture.) 2. To tint the icing, use a small amount of food coloring gel or paste (liquid will
distroy the consistency of the royal icing). For a quarter cup of icing, dip the tip of a toothpick into the color and then into the icing; stir well. If you desire more color, dip again, adding more color gradually. For strong colors such as red, royal blue and dark purple, you will need 1/8- teaspoon to 1/4-cup icing: add more or less as you desire. Place a slightly damp paper towel on the surface of the icing, then cover each bowl tightly with plastic wrap.
*Raw Egg Warning: The American Egg Board states: “There have been warnings against consuming raw or lightly cooked eggs on the grounds that the egg may be contaminated with Salmonella, a bacteria responsible for a type of food borne illness. Healthy people need to remember that there is a very small risk and treat eggs and other raw animal foods accordingly. Use only properly refrigerated, clean, soundshelled, fresh, grade AA or A eggs. Avoid mixing yolks and whites with the shell.”
Baking Tips:
1. Make sure to let cookies cool completely before decorating.
2. Place tinted icings into squeeze bottles or pastry bags fitted with decorative tips to decorate cookies.
3. Outline cookies with thick royal icings, then flood the outline with thinned royal icing. Add sanding sugar, edible glitter, candies and decoratifs as desired.
4. Dip the front side of the cookies in thinned royal icing and transfer (icing side up) to a cooling rack to allow the icing to set.
5. To add sparkling sugar, edible glitter or decoratif details to iced cookies, wait for the icing to dry completely, then paint the area you wish to highlight with warmed light corn syrup. Sprinkle the sugar, glitter or decoratifs on the painted area, then brush off the excess.
6. Ice around the outside edges of the cookies and roll in sprinkles, crushed candy or finely chopped nuts. holidays 2012
northside sun
holidays 2012
Classic Twist
Happy New Year NLQ=çò=Äê~åÇó PLQ=çò=êìÄó=éçêí PLQ=çò=çê~åÖÉ=àìáÅÉ Q=çò=`Ü~ãé~ÖåÉ mêÉé~ê~íáçåW
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northside sun
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Raspberry Chocolate Kiss
Cherry Gin-gria
Choco Mint Cream Äó=`~äáëíçÖ~=
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holidays 2012
northside sun
TAG IT. BAG IT. GIFT IT. With thousands of gi ideas – from jewelry to antiques, original artwork to one-of-a-kind bowls – Interiors Market is the source for everyone on your list. Join us for some festive shopping and a scrumptious lunch this holiday season. MeeZbWdZ >_bbi I^eff_d] 9[dj[h <edZh[d | 601.981.6020 | CedZWo#<h_ZWo" '& Wc#+0)& fc IWjkhZWo" '& Wc#* fc | BkdY^ CedZWo#<h_ZWo" ''0)& Wc#( fc
holidays 2012
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