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To be held at the Chupp Auction Center, 1 mile north of US 20 on SR 5 ADDRESS: 890 S. Van Buren St. Shipshewana, IN 46565
WED, MARCH 29, 2023
Beginning at 4:30 PM
MOSTLY ERTL, SPECCAST & SCALE MODEL TRACTORS! Almost all NIB!!! John Deere, Case/ IH, White, Allis Chalmers, Minneapolis Moline, Massey Harris, Versatile, Hesston, AGCO & more! Scale Models White American 60 Set! Many Prestige Collection pieces! Farm Sets! Many Show Editions! White Field Boss Tractors, Steiger Panthers, Gleaners & Combines, Crawlers, many Tractors with Duals & Triples, Implement Sets and much more!