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Church News

Rives Chapel Baptist Church Homecoming

Rives Chapel Baptist will hold its Homecoming service Sunday, August 13, 2023, at 11am with a covered dish lunch following the service.

Revival Services will be Aug. 14-16 at 7pm. Keith Bobbitt will be the guest speaker.

Everyone is welcome.

Address: 4338 Rives Chapel Church Road, Siler City, NC

More Information: riveschapelbaptist.com

Sandy Branch Baptist Church Bible School

You are invited to our Vacation Bible School on Saturday, August 12 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. This year’s theme is Food Truck Party. There will be fun, food and fellowship; join us for Bible Study, Worship, Music, Games, Crafts, and an Italian Ice Truck, followed by lunch.

To pre-register, please call or email the church office with each child’s name, age, and grade: 919-837-5331 or sandybranchchurch@gmail.com. You may also register at the door when you arrive.

Address: 715 Sandy Branch Church Road, Bear Creek

Gum Springs Baptist Homecoming

Phil Stone will deliver the homecoming message at Gum Springs Baptist Church, Sunday August 20 at 10am. Mr. Stone is the retired Sunday School Director of the Baptist State Convention of NC. The church is located at 226 Gum Springs Church Road, Moncure.

Mays Chapel Baptist Homecoming set for Sept. 17

Mays Chapel Baptist Church has changed the annual Homecoming from the first Sunday in August to the third Sunday in September. This year Homecoming at Mays Chapel Baptist Church will be held on September 17 at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck lunch. Everyone is invited.

Back to School Bash

Hickory Mountain Baptist Church will host a Back to School Bash on Aug. 13 from 4-7pm. Come out for one last hurrah. There will be games, food, and free school supplies. 1094 Mt Vernon Hcry Mt Rd, Siler City.

Hickory Mountain Baptist Homecoming set for Aug. 20

Hickory Mountain Baptist Church will host its annual homecoming on August 20, 2023, at 11am followed by lunch on the grounds. Guest speaker is Rev. Steve Clark.

Smart Ways To Invest In Bonds

Most investors are aware of the different types of stocks: big-company, smallcompany, technology, international and so on. And it may be a good idea to own a mix of these stocks as part of your overall investment portfolio. But the importance of diversification applies to bonds, too — so, how should you go about achieving it?

To begin with, individual bonds fall into three main types: municipal, corporate and government. Within these categories, you’ll find differences in the bonds being issued. For example, government bonds include conventional, fixed-rate Treasury bonds as well as inflation-protected ones, along with bonds issued by government agencies, such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (or Fannie Mae). Corporate bonds are differentiated from each other by several factors, but one important one is the interest rate they pay, which is largely determined by the credit quality of the issuer. (The higher the rating grade — AAA, AA and so on — the lower the interest rate; higher-rated bonds pose less risk to investors and therefore pay less interest.)

Municipal bonds, too, are far from uniform. These bonds are issued by state and local governments to build or improve infrastructure, such as airports, highways, hospitals and schools. Generally, municipal bonds are exempt from federal tax and often state and local taxes, too. However, because of this tax benefit, municipal bonds typically pay lower interest rates than many corporate bonds.

How can you use various types of bonds to build a diversified bond portfolio? One method is to invest in mutual funds that invest primarily in bonds. By owning a mix of corporate, government and municipal bond funds, you can gain exposure to much of the bond world. Be aware, though, that bond funds, like bonds themselves, vary

Pittsboro Chad Virgil, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® 630 East St Suite 2 919-545-5669

Chapel Hill Eric C Williams, AAMS® 190 Chatham Downs Dr Suite 103 919-960-6119

Siler City Laura Clapp, CFP®, AAMS™ 301 E Raleigh St 919-663-1051 widely in some respects. To illustrate: Some investors may choose a low-risk, low return approach by investing in a bond fund that only owns Treasury securities, while other investors might strive for higher returns — and accept greater risk — by investing in a higher-yield, but riskier bond fund.

But you can also diversify your bond holdings by owning a group of individual bonds with different maturities: short-, intermediate- and long-term. This type of diversification can help protect you against the effects of interest-rate movements, which are a driving force behind the value of your bonds — that is, the amount you could sell them for if you chose to sell them before they matured. When market interest rates rise, the price of your existing, lower-paying bonds will fall, and when rates drop, your bonds will be worth more.

But by building a “ladder” of bonds with varying maturities, you can take advantage of different interest-rate environments. When market rates are rising, you can reinvest your maturing, shorter-term bonds at the new, higher rates. And when market rates are low, you’ll still have your longerterm bonds working for you. (Generally, though not always, longer-term bonds pay higher rates than shorter-term ones.)

A bond ladder should be consistent with your investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial circumstances. But if it’s appropriate for your needs, it could be a valuable tool in diversifying your bond holdings. And while diversification — in either stocks or bonds — can’t always guarantee success or avoid losses, it remains a core principle of successful investing. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Governors Club Sharon A Dickens, AAMS® 50101 Governors Dr Suite 118 919-967-9968

Pittsboro Kevin C Maley, AAMS® 984 Thompson St Suite E2 919-444-2961

Pittsboro Lee Shanklin, AAMS® 120 Lowes Drive Suite 107 919-545-0125

Pittsboro Blake Stewart 114 Russet Run Suite 120 919-542-3020

Chapel Hill Jessica L Villagrana, CFP® 180 Providence Rd Suite 1c 984-219-6635

Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up in Moore County:

August 10

Arts & Crafts

Families with children ages 3 and up (younger with an assisting adult) are invited to join staff at the Goldston Public Library for an arts and crafts session. The fun will be held in the E.M. Harris, Jr. Conference Room on Aug. 3, 10 and 17, starting at 10:30 a.m.

August 11

Family Movie Night

Families with children of all ages are invited to the library every Friday for a family movie in the E.M. Harris, Jr. Conference Room at the Goldston Public Library. Participants are welcome to bring snacks, a blanket or pillow, and family and friends. Friday, Aug. 11, 2 p.m. Movies are rated G or PG.

Edge Salon & Wellness

Ribbon Cutting

The Chatham Chamber of Commerces invites you to celebrate this event with us. Ribbon Cutting will occur at 11am followed by an open house.

This expanded space is connected to Edge Aveda Men and offers a wide range of services. The menu offerings include women’s (and men’s) cut/ color, facials, dermaplaning, waxing services, lash/ brow services, hydrafacials, pedicures/manicures, as well as monthly memberships for the Infrared Sauna and Massage Chair/Aromatherapy/Sound Therapy room.

Location: 58 Chapelton Court, Suite 120, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Fill the Pantry with Cravin’ Melon Chatham Outreach Alliance (CORA) recently opened its new choice pantry in Chatham County. They are holding a “Fill the Pantry” food drive in August and September to ensure their shelves are filled with food for the hundreds of families who visit each month. CORA is kicking off the food drive in partnership with Mosaic at Chatham Park on August 11th. Come out and enjoy the music of Cravin’ Melon with special guest: Big Time Shine, bring food items to donate to neighbors in need, and relax on the large lawn! The concert starts at 7:00 pm. More details at https:// www.corafoodpantry.org/ food-drive-kick-off-event-atmosiac-in-chatham-park/

August 14

Central Carolina Community College

Fall Semester Begins

August 16

Read & Play at the Library

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Goldston Public Library and the Chatham County Parks & Recreation Department will host a series of activities on Wednesday, Aug. 16, for children of all ages to enjoy. Some recreational activities will include large group games, various yard games, and a scavenger hunt around the library.

During the event, the Friends of the Goldston Public Library will be distributing school supplies to the children attending (until supplies last). Goldston Public Library is located at 9235 PittsboroGoldston Road, Goldston, N.C. 27252.

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