North State Journal Vol. 7, Issue 29

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“An economy that is strong” focusing on inflation, high gas prices, supply chain issues and competition with China; “A nation that is safe” with a focus on crime and immigration; “A future that is free” with freedom in education, health, and speech; and “A government that is accountable” emphasizing oversight and investigations into the Biden administration.

The 54-year-old Robinson told North State Journal the book had been in the works for some time.

US House Republicans to unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Robinson says gubernatorial run in 2024 a possibility; addresses book critics

Washington, D.C.

“I think one of the key things

Event included 2022 Supreme Court candidate forum


RALEIGH — North Carolina’s first black Lt. Gov., Mark Robin son, spoke at length with North State Journal about his new book and the prospect of a run for gov ernor in Robinson’ is titled, “We Are The Majority: The Life and Passions of Patriot” and will be released on Sept. 27.

The hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Buckingham Palace, London, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022, from where it will rest overnight in the Bow Room.

In a statement, the company said, “We’ve completed our contract with Boom and delivered various engineering studies for their Overture supersonic program. After careful consideration, Rolls-Royce has determined that the commercial aviation supersonic market is not currently a priority for us.”

Flying magazine reported that with Rolls-Royce walking away from the partnership, Boom’s original timeline for making commercial supersonic travel a reality before the end of the decade could now be in flux.

Rolls-Royce pulls out of engine deal with Boom Supersonic Greensboro

58 2017752016 $0.50 VOLUME 7 ISSUE 29 | WWW.NSJONLINE.COM | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will formally unveil a four-part “Commitment to America” in Pittsburgh on Sept. 19 to tell voters nationwide why they should vote for Republicans — not just against Democrats — in November, Axios reported.Thenew document aims to give Republicans a unified message in the final stretch before November. The four themes are:

Community Development Corporation in Winston-Salem will receive a $1 million grant for expansion of the Enterprise Center supporting development of additional foodbased“Presidentbusinesses.Biden is dedicated to supporting communities as they seek to create new opportunities to spur business growth and create jobs,” said Raimondo. “These investments will support business and workforce efforts to help communities build stronger local economies.”


on the constitution, but the im portance and uniqueness of North Carolina’s Declaration of Rights.

“I wrote a manuscript a couple years ago and just didn’t really do anything with it,” Robinson said, adding that “the timing just kind of came together” and that it “wasn’t necessarily something that was planned.”

The Associated Press

By A.P. Dillon North State Journal

Thom Tillis (R-NC) and United States Magistrate Judge Robert T. Numbers. Three panel events followed including topics such as


Robinson took office as the state’s 35th lieutenant governor in January 2021. He won office by defeating Democrat Yvonne Lew is Holley with 51.6% of the vote to Holley’s 48.4%.

See THE CROWN, page A8See ROBINSON, page A3 See FEDERALIST, page A2

British engine maker RollsRoyce has pulled out of an agreement to work with Boom Supersonic to build the company’s engines for its commercial aircraft that is expected to be built in Greensboro.


Visa, Mastercard, AmEx to start categorizing gun shop sales

Federalist Society’s inaugural NC Chapters Conference widely attended

“The Declaration of Rights states what the colonists in North Carolina wanted from their gov ernment after the revolution,” Pro fessor John Orth, William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor of Law, UNC School of Law, said in reference to how the NC’s declaration differs from the U.S. Declaration of Inde pendence.Hethen went on to describe the differences between the federal and state constitution and other panel members expanded on his initial remarks using modern ex amples, such as the Duke Coal Ash case referred to by Andrew Tripp, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, University of North Caro lina System Office.

Founded in 1982, the Federalist Society is a group of conservative and libertarian-leaning individu als committed to reordering pri orities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law.

The book outlines a number of topics, including the fiery gun rights speech he gave before the Greensboro City Council in 2018 which, in part, paved the way for his successful campaign.


U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration is awarding $3.1 million in grants supporting business development and job growth in communities impacted by the declining use of coal.Gateway Research Park Inc. in Greensboro will receive a $2.1 million and grant to expand a manufacturing facility supporting minority-owned businesses.S.G.Atkins

The conference included four events, which kicked off with a fireside chat featuring U.S. Sen.

US Department o f Commerce invests $3.1Min NC grants

queen’s life. In Britain and across its for mer colonies, the widespread admiration for Elizabeth her self was occasionally mixed with scorn for the institution and the imperial history she symbolized.Ontheking’s first full day of duties, Charles left Balmoral and flew to London for a meet ing with Prime Minister Liz Truss, appointed by the queen just two days before her death.

He arrived at Buckingham Palace, the monarch’s London home, for the first time as sov ereign, emerging from the of ficial state Bentley limousine alongside Camilla, the queen consort, to shouts from the crowd of “Well done, Charlie!” and the singing of the national anthem, now called “God Save the King.” One woman gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Under intense scrutiny and pressure to show he can be both caring and regal, Charles walked slowly past flowers heaped at the palace gates for his mother. The mood was both grieving and celebratory.

State Constitutionalism in North Carolina, The Law of Democracy: Recent and Future Developments in Election Law, and a North Car olina Supreme Court candidate forum.The theme of returning public confidence in the courts was per sistent throughout the conference. Panel discussions addressed the importance of the state constitu tions, criticisms of judicial activ ism, the role of courts in redistrict ing, and inflammatory political rhetoric. Panel participants also occasionally touched on North Carolina cases both past and pres ent brought before the U.S. Su premeIntroductoryCourt. remarks were pre sented by Hon. Frank D. Whit ney, United States District Court, Western District of North Caroli na.North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby moder ated the panel on State Constitu tionalism in North Carolina that featured lively discussion not only

LONDON — Bells tolled across Britain and mourn ers flocked to palace gates to honor Queen Elizabeth II as the country entered a new age under a new king. Around the world, her exceptional reign was commemorated, celebrat ed and Kingdebated.Charles III, who spent much of his 73 years preparing for the role, performed his first duties as king last week, meet ing the prime minister and addressing a nation grieving the only British monarch most people alive today had ever known. He takes the throne in an era of uncertainty for both his country and the monarchy itself.As the country began a 10day mourning period, people around the globe gathered at British embassies to pay hom age to the queen, who died Thursday at Balmoral Castle in InScotland.London and at military sites across the United King dom, cannons fired 96 shots in an elaborate, 16-minute sa lute marking each year of the

Britain mourns Queen Elizabeth as becomesCharlesking

New York Payment processor Visa Inc. said it plans to start separately categorizing sales at gun shops, a major win for gun control advocates who say it will help better track “suspicious” surges of gunButsales.the decision by the world’s largest payment processor will likely provoke the ire of gun rights advocates, who argue categorizing gun sales would unfairly flag an industry when almost all sales do not lead to mass shootings. Mastercard and American Express already say they plan to move forward with categorizing gun shop sales.

RALEIGH — Over 200 were in attendance for the Federalist So ciety’s Inaugural North Carolina Chapters Conference held in at the N.C. State University Club in Ra leigh on Friday, Sept. 9.

During the session with Tillis, he spoke about his time in the U.S. Senate through a few anecdotes and how observing former Sen. La

Washington, D.C.

By A.P. Dillon North State Journal

An NC Supreme Court candidate forum held during the Federalist Society’s NC Chapters Inaugural Conference on Sept. 9, 2022, in Raleigh.

“First off, we are in a different world where we have 24-hour news cycles, we have non-stop social me dia, and we have non-corroborated reports,” said Tillis. “We’ve lost re ally honest journalism. Everybody thinks they are a talking head.”

All four candidates vying for the state’s top court this November were in attendance for the candi date forum, which was moderated by John William Pope Foundation president John Hood.

mar Alexander’s (R-TN) ability to build relationships in order to get things done had influenced how he himself worked with others.

“Whoever claims to live in Him — must walk as Jesus did.” John 2:6

Referring to the work done in Congress versus media coverage, Tillis said “Honestly, it’s not as bad as you think” and “the outside is going to amplify it.”

The candidates presented their

What was secret of the life of Christ? You have read your New Testament and have been charmed by the matchless beauty of that life which is portrayed in the gospels. His great central feature was love — love full of compassion; love serving even to the humblest needs and at the greatest cost; love which was patient, forgiving, thoughtful, gentle; love unto the uttermost — which went to a cross to save sinners!

Every page reveals some new beauty in the character of Jesus, and uncovers some new depth of His love. And the qualities of that blessed life — are to shine in our life. His disposition, His spirit, His compassion, His patience, His meekness, His peace, His joy, His humility — these are to reappear in us.Itis not enough — let us again and again remind ourselves — to preach about these gracious things in Jesus, to talk about them in our conferences, to extol them in our hymns — they must be manifested in our life. We must repeat in our own dispositions and lives — the story of Jesus.


Tillis also remarked that the way media “hypes” political activ ities isn’t helpful.

And it is these lives of Christ, written in men’s daily lives — which are needed in the world.

He went on to say, “It’s not going to destroy democracy. We have to tone the rhetoric down.”

judicial philosophies and gener ally concurred on the idea judges should follow the text of the law and refrain from following person al opinion when deciding cases.

The recently much-reported “Independent State Legislature Doctrine” was also brought up.

“It’s overblown. It’s a misnomer,” said Strach of media coverage of the doctrine. “It’s the elections clause of the U.S. Constitution.”

Many have written ‘lives of Jesus’, setting forth the beauty, the grace, the wisdom, the gentleness, and the power of Him who was the chief among ten thousand, the altogether lovely one. But Paul tells us that in every Christian’s life — the life of Jesus is to be written, “That the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.” 2 Corinthians 4:9.

“What Our Lord Saw from the Cross” by James Tissot (circa 1886) is a painting in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum, New York.

J.R. Miller was a pastor and former editorial superintendent of the Presbyterian Board of Publication from 1880 to 1911. His works are now in the public domain.

er.”North Carolina’s General As sembly attempted to rein in “sue and settle” situations last year with a bill barring “collusive settlement agreements.” Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed the measure.

We stand corrected: To report an error or a suspected error, please inwithcorrections@nsjonline.comemail:“Correctionrequest”thesubjectline.

The contests feature Sam Ervin IV, an incumbent Democrat, and challenger, Trey Allen, a Republi can.Ervin was first elected to the top court in 2014 to the seat vacated by Robert N. Hunter, Jr.

A2 WEDNESDAY 9.14.22 #351 “Variety Vacationland” Visit us online North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365) Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Cory Lavalette Managing/Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Emily Roberson Business/Features Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday by North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: 336-283-6305 or online at Annual Subscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. SendPOSTMASTER:addresschanges to: North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

How is the life of Jesus to be manifested in His followers? It is not enough to merely talk about Him. There are those who, with silver tongue, can speak of Jesus eloquently and winsomely, in whom it cannot be said that His life is manifested in them.

Strach also touched on the top ic of “sue and settle” cases and the executive branch’s use of “consent decrees” to overstep their author ity and bypass state laws and leg islatures, the latter of which he referred to the secret agreement entered into by N.C. Attorney Gen eral Josh Stein and the N.C. State Board of Election and left-leaning attorneys to enact changes in the 2020 elections without legislative approval.Strach said it was encouraging that state legislatures were acting on consent decrees to keep execu tive branches from “usurping pow

He later went on to say, “I’m not a particularly bombastic person, but I think we could ask some of our leaders to “tone it down” just a little bit.”

In this sense — it is not more preaching which is needed today — it is more gospels in the lives of Christians. It is only what we manifest of Christ in our own life — which is really witnessing for Him. We preach just as much of the gospel — as we get into disposition, character, deeds, life.


In the panel on “Recent and Future Developments in Election Law,” the roles of legislatures and courts in redistricting cases were the main Formertheme.legislator Rick Glazier, a Democrat who currently leads the NC Justice Center, repeatedly as serted the idea courts in NC have a role to play in redistricting and voting cases and that state statute gave them that role.

Fellow panel member Phil Strach, a national elections expert and litigator and partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, agreed the court has a role but dis agreed with Glazier over how far a court can go.

“Leaving you an example, so that you should follow in His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

All seats on the supreme court in North Carolina are elected by a statewide vote.



“How much can courts be checks on the state legislature? How much can they be an independent check – and that’s exactly what the ball game is right now,” Iowa College of Law Professor Derek Muller said following Glazier’s remarks.

Two N.C. Court of Appeals judg es, Democrat Lucy Inman and Re publican Richard Dietz, are seek ing to fill the seat of the retiring Robin Hudson, a Democrat. STEPS

bring my ideas.”


Former Lt. Gov. joins national government relations firm

By A.P. Dillon North State Journal

trial, and in September 2021 a majority struck down the law, saying it intentionally discriminated against Black voters. Earlier this year, in a similar 4-3 decision, the jus tices agreed to hear the case, instead of waiting for the in termediate-level Court of Ap peals to deliberate first.

“This is a positive report, as we are benefiting from the tailwinds of high interest rates, but facing headwinds of inflation and the exorbitant costs of health care.”

In his role at Michael Best Strat egies, Forest will lead the devel opment of a bipartisan team of professionals focused on serving clients with government relations and public affairs needs in North Carolina’s State Capitol. “Dan is a proven leader, and we welcome him to our team,” said Rob March ant, President of Michael Best Strategies. “We know that his ex perience and commitment to the

“This is a positive report, as we are benefiting from the tailwinds of high interest rates, but facing headwinds of inflation and the exorbitant costs of health care.

better and do better.”

ting yourself up for failure. And so when we talk about reserving grades one through five for read ing, writing and mathematics, we don’t mean pushing everything [else] out. We mean having a s trong focus on those three things during those five years.”

other than pensions (OPEB) as of June 30 for retirees and perma nent, full-time, general employees who will claim the benefit once they

Local media outlets and Dem ocrats have picked out sections of the book, claiming Robinson wants to “remove science and history” from elementary school curriculum. One MSNBC report er even dubbed Robinson to be a “full-onRobinson’sextremist.”response was to call the media out for peddling narratives.“Youknow, these people in the mainstream media, they find one thing that a person says that they don’t like and they take it and run with and write their own narra tive,” said Robinson.

A3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Report: NC state health plan shortfall drops $7 billion

He added that one last thing he would want readers to take away from the book is to not be afraid to speak “Speakup.up for what you believe in,” said Robinson. “Stand firm for what you believe in. Get out here and work to push what you believe in. Don’t be that person that stands in the background and doesn’t want to be a part of what’s going on.”

“Of course, it’s for people to get to know us a little bit better,” Rob inson said of the book. “And stop listening to someone jumps out there [with] some of the untruths and some of the half-truths and to get the message directly from me.”“We all know who’s going to be a critic of the book – it’s going to be folks who don’t like our mes sage,” said Robinson. “Who don’t like what we’re saying, don’t like our party, don’t like our message. And that criticism is fine. But,

Friday that the “majority ex pedites the hearing of a case where no jurisprudential rea son supports doing.”

held a

When Folwell was elected in 2016, the plan’s funding ratio was just 2.4% and according to the treasurer’s release, that put it “among the worst in the nation.” The most recent report now places plan’s funded level at 10.6%.

Robinson, a Republican, also said he thinks the book will help clear misconceptions local media has reported about him.

state of North Carolina will be of great value to our clients.”

In addition to his work with Mi chael Best Strategies, Dan assists in driving forward the law firm’s strategic growth plan in North Carolina, with a focus on client development and talent acquisi tion. “We’re excited to add Dan to our leadership team in North Carolina,” said Andy Jones, North Carolina Managing Partner for Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP.

The plaintiffs wrote in July that an expedited argument date as soon as September would help state officials and voters “prepare for future elec tions without the risk of voter confusion and disenfranchise ment.”An order filed Friday and signed by Senior Associate Justice Robin Hudson granted the request, citing “the great public interest in the subject matter of this case, the im portance of the issues to the constitutional jurisprudence of this state, and the need to reach a final resolution on the merits at the earliest possible opportunity.” The order said oral arguments would occur either the week of Oct. 3, or no

again, we wrote the book to set the record straight and anyone who tries to misinterpret our words or misuse our words, we’re going to be right there to make sure that record is set straight.”

State Treasurer Dale Folwell

Family has played a key role in Robinson’s life. A native of Greensboro, his official biography is brutally honest, stating he had nine other siblings and “grew up extremely poor.” The bio also ad mits his “father was an alcoholic who routinely abused his moth er.”Faith also plays a crucial role for Robinson, writing that his mother “displayed her faith and hard work heroically for her children after her husband died, providing for them despite only having a fifth-grade education.”

Former Lt. Gov. ForestDan


On the topic of a potential run for governor in 2024, Robinson said it’s a possibility.

“We’re looking at it, but we’re not there yet,” said Robinson. “When we get there, we’ll let ev erybody


RALEIGH — The shortfall in the state’s health plan related to paying for retiree benefits has dropped by over $7 billion, ac cording to a report by The Segal Group, a human resources and benefits consulting firm.

said Forest in a statement. “It’s an honor to be part of a dynamic and growing group of professionals serving clients at the highest level, and I look forward to bringing my insight and experience to the table and doing great work on behalf of ourForestclients.”spent most of his career as an architect, becoming a senior partner in one of the nation’s larg est architecture firms. He man aged design teams in Corporate, Education, College and University, and Cultural Projects for numer ous clients across the nation.

He also credits his mother for “cultivating a foundation for his faith, and an understanding that with hard work he could achieve anything.”“Asecond thing would be the importance of are challenging each other,” said Robinson.” To be

Newby added that speed ing up the matter provides no additional relief to the plain tiffs because a permanent injunction by the trial court panel last year means the law remains unenforceable. That follows with an argument by Republican legislative leaders who were sued and who op posed the expedited schedul ing.A federal lawsuit challeng ing the same voter ID law is pending and could become moot if the state Supreme Court upholds the state trial court’s decision.

In a 4-3 decision, the jus tices who are registered as Democrats agreed with at torneys for minori ty voters who had asked the state’s highest court in July to move the case along more quickly. These voters are plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed in December 2018 moments after the administered.lawphotosemblytrolledRepublican-conGeneralAsapprovedaIDlaw.ThathasneverbeenApanelofjudges

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

The scheduling means oral arguments now will occur weeks before elections for two of the seats on the Supreme Court currently held by Dem ocrats. Hudson is retiring and Associate Sam Ervin IV is seekingRepublicansreelection.would retake a majority on the court in Janu ary if they win one of the two seats. Any final ruling would have to be issued by year’s end for all seven cur rent justices to par ticipate. The Dem ocratic majority has already has is sued

“There is a long-term solution to decreased liabilities. Hospitals need to be transparent in post ing their prices. And they should do the right thing by cooperating with us in reducing costs to the health plan by weeding out $300 million annually in waste and in efficiencies in health care deliv ery,” said the treasurer’s office, Segal researchers assessed the plan’s assets and net liabili ty for postemployment benefits

“You know, we’re talking about education,” Robinson said. “Edu cation is not something that’s ad ministered by one person and it’s not something that’s deciding on by one person. It’s not like if I be came governor, I would be sitting in the chair, decide everything for everyone. I come to the table and

He went on to say that one of the “major ideas” he has is that in elementary grades the main fo cus should be on reading, writing and math. Robinson said no mat ter what the lesson is, whether it be history or science, those three components should be the major focus.“That lesson should have the reading component, a writing component,” Robinson said. “That should permeate every thing that is done in an elemen tary school setting from grades 1 through 5 to ensure that by the time that child gets the mid dle school, they are proficient in basic mathematics, reading and writing and the test scores of bear thatRobinsonout.” added “We are fail ing our children on that end” when it comes to the reading component, which he says is pos sibly the “most important compo nent” of education.

“If you can read proficiently, you can just about teach yourself how to do anything else,” said Robinson. “If you can’t, you’re set

ROBINSON from page A1

“Youretire.can’t manage what you can’t measure,” Folwell said during a meeting of the OPEB Valuation Committee in late Au gust.“There are 609,448 retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, active, and vested but inactive OPEB plan members,” per Folwell’s release.

In another 4-3 ruling last month, the state Supreme Court’s Democratic majority said it was possible a constitu tional amendment mandating photo ID and approved by vot ers in November 2018 could be thrown out because state leg islators who put it on the bal lot were elected from districts tainted by illegal racial bias.

NC Supreme Court to hear voter ID arguments next month

would be the importance of fam ily,” Robinson said when asked what he hopes readers will take way from his book. “When I look back at my life, family was abso lutely paramount in my life.”

RALEIGH — Oral argu ments over the constitution ality of North Carolina’s photo voter identification law will be held next month, the state Supreme Court has decided in another ruling determined along partisan lines.

“I’veknow.”gained confidence of many people across the state who have urged me to run,” Robinson said, adding they “considering it a greatThedeal.”likely Democratic candi date Robinson may face in 2024 if he decides to run is thought to be N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein.Robinson acknowledged it has been floated that Stein may be a likely opponent, but they are “not necessarily counting on that,” said that “if we decide to run and we do run, whoever our opponent is, we’re open to taking them on.”

North State Journal

“Dan’s record of service and deep network across the state will help us continue to build our entrepre neurial-minded team of profes sionals and round out our ability to provide full-service solutions to our“I’mclients.”thrilled to be joining the ac complished team at Michael Best,”

RALEIGH — Dan Forest, the first Republican in North Caroli na’s history to serve two terms as lieutenant governor, is joining Mi chael Best Strategies. Forest, who lost to Democratic Gov. Roy Coo per in 2020, will be a senior advi sor in the company’s Raleigh office.

The unfunded liability was ex pected to increase year over year to $32.44 billion but instead de creased from $30.92 billion to $23.75 billion between June 30, 2021, through June 30 of the current year, according to the report. Additionally, the funded level of the plan rose from 7.72% to 10.58% during the same time period.Pera press release from State Treasurer Dale Folwell, The Segal Group’s report pegs the shortfall as having dropped $7.17 billion in the past year and the “Retiree Health Benefit Fund is at its high est rate of funding” since Folwell took office in 2017.

The improved outlook of the Retiree Health Benefit Fund is due in large part to higher dis count rates. That lowered unfund ed liabilities by $6.1 billion. Sharp contract negotiations to select the State Health Plan’s Pharmacy Benefit Management services was credited for a $2.57 billion reduc tion in liabilities. The new con tract for managing the prescrip tion drug benefits, is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1, 2023.

Despite the progress more work remains to be done to achieve even greater stability in the fund,” Folwell said in the release.

Michael Best Strategies also em ploys Reince Priebus, who served as the chairman of the Republi can National Committee and was former President Donald Trump’s first chief of staff.

later than Oct. 18.

“The annual awards are a chance to highlight positive wildlife conservation efforts around the state while inspiring others to become more active in protecting North Carolina’s natural resources for future generations.”

RALEIGH — The National Republican Congressional Committee is adding $2.7 million to its fall TV advertising reservations in North Carolina, Politico reported Monday.

Ex-company executive gets prison term in bid-rigging plot

The NRCC is increasing its spending on behalf of Bo Hines, the Republican nominee for the

The NC Wildlife Federation’s Governor’s Conservation Achievement Awards “honor individuals, associations, businesses and others who have exhibited an unwavering commitment to conservation in North Carolina,” according to the group. The awards committee is comprised of qualified and dedicated conservationists who review all nominations and select the winners.

Bridge on N.C. 55 to be rebuilt

Veterans win helicopter back after it was taken from VFW post

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has announced that it plans to shut down the Highway 321 southbound bridge between Caldwell and Catawba counties. Each day, tens of thousands of drivers cross that bridge, but the NCDOT says it will reroute southbound traffic onto the northbound bridge with traffic flowing in both directions but only in one lane. Starting Sept. 16, the bridge will be closed from Friday at 7 p.m. until Monday at 7 a.m. It will be closed for three weekends, through Oct. 3.

“We encourage all eligible North Carolinians to register to vote and to make a plan now about when and where they will cast their ballot in 2022,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “Your state and county elections officials are here to provide accurate information to help you safely and securely exercise your right to vote. We will make sure your vote counts.”

Richmond County Richmond County deputies recovered 16 grams of fentanyl following a vehicle-turnedfoot chase over the weekend. According to the sheriff’s office, investigators attempted to conduct a traffic stop around 11:20 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10 — but the driver refused, leading deputies on a chase until the driver crashed into a tree. The driver then reportedly fled on foot, with deputies in pursuit. He was caught after being chased through a wooded area, but not before allegedly throwing a black bag reportedly containing synthetic opioid fentanyl.”

The Truth AboutTheAg Truth About Ag 98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms 98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms WEST PIEDMONT

North State Journal

seats, two seats on the NC Supreme Court, four seats on the NC Court of Appeals, all 170 seats in the NC General Assembly, and many judicial and local seats across the state.Voters can also view their sample ballots through the Voter Search tool on the NCSBE website.

Toyota’s announcement of an expansion at the future electric vehicle battery plant will expand auto company’s footprint in the state. The announcement makes a $2.5 billion investment and an additional 350 jobs, bringing the total employment to approximately 2,100. 3. LIBERTY

$10 million in economic incentives approved for 2 Henderson County projects

Tommy Cabe, Macon County resident and Board of Education vice chairman, died after undergoing heart surgery in Asheville.

Hunters Reminded of New CWD regulations as deer season nears Yadkin County


Henderson County Henderson County commissioners have approved more than $10 million in economic incentives to try and land hundreds of jobs from two companies. Project Chicago involves the expansion of an existing manufacturer in the county, resulting in 54 new jobs. The average salary is about $58,000. County officials approved $203,763 in economic incentives. County leaders approved $9.8 million in economic incentives for Project Delta, an agricultural production facility that would be making a $260 million investment in the county and bring in 227 new jobs. The average salary is about $88,000.

Orange County

Fentanyl found following car-turned-foot chase


1 2 3 4 4. SILER CITY Wolfspeed, formerly Cree, will build a new manufacturing plant in Chatham County. The company, which chose its home state following a massive incentive package, plans on creating 1,800 jobs and could see federal incentives from the CHIPs bill recently signed into law. Wolfspeed marks the second major Chatham County manufacturing economic development announcement, following VinFast. Appalachian State shocked another college football power, defeating then-#6 ranked Texas A&M at their home stadium on Saturday, 1714. Following the celebrations in Boone, ESPN announced their College GameDay show would broadcast live from the ASU campus this week. 1. BOONE The NASCAR Cup Series is returning to the legendary racetrack, with Speedway Motorsports announcing that the annual All-Star race would be held there next year. The move resulted in the cancellation of a set of October dirt track races, which would have preceded a repave of the track. The original pavement will remain for next year’s All-Star race. 2. NORTH

Highway 421 runs from southeastern NC to the northwest corner of the state, and for the past few weeks, many of the top stories in the state run along the route.


“After coming into office in 2019 as an appointee, it wasn’t long before Sen. Jim Perry made his mark on North Carolina’s General Assembly as a champion for his

Voters can cast absentee ballots for midterm election



Murphy to Manteo Jones & Blount

Chowan County Counselors from Albemarle Hopeline in Elizabeth City visited the Chowan County Courthouse to thank local professionals for their services. Albemarle Hopeline, as a private non-profit organization, provides comprehensive direct and preventive services to victims of family violence, sexual assault, and teen dating violence in Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties.

A celebration of life service was held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Franklin High School Fine Arts Center. Cabe has served on the school board for almost 20 years.

Hopeline counselors visit courthouse

A4 A5North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Macon County

Wake County

Contests in the 2022 general election include a U.S. Senate seat, all 14 U.S. House

1,700 students moving to different school district following Nash and Edgecombe de-merger

Pamlico County



The first two positive cases of Chronic Wasting Disease in North Carolina’s deer herd were detected in Yadkin County earlier this year. As a result, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission established primary and secondary CWD surveillance areas and special regulations in the northwest corner of the state. Since deer in the early stages of CWD infection may appear healthy, it is imperative to take precautions when disposing of deer carcasses, the agency said.


A group of veterans in Alexander County has won a court battle over an antique helicopter. The veterans refurbished the Vietnam-era helicopter at their post south of Taylorsville, but they say it was taken from their property one day without their permission. The veterans wanted families across the area to see that military chopper up close, so they kept at their post. But one morning, they said the man who donated it took it off their property.

State Sen. Perry named NC Wildlife Federation legislator of the year


Alexander County

North State Journal

The Orange County Detention Center has received a naloxone vending machine. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, helps reverse opioid overdoses. The detention center is one of six in the state that has this type of vending machine. The vending machines include Narcan nasal spray kits as well as COVID-19 tests. These vending machines were funded by a grant from the National Center for State Courts and facilitated by the NC Harm Reduction Coalition and NC Department of Health and Human Services.

Edgecombe County After years of planning, the de-merger of the Nash and Edgecombe school districts is officially moving forward. The Edgecombe Board of Commissioners voted to split the school districts down county lines, initiating a shakeup of the area’s district maps for the first time in decades. Since 1992, Nash County Public Schools included four schools on the Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount, with Edgecombe County paying the Nash County district to educate some 1,700 students living there. With Edgecombe commissioners voting to cease making payments starting in 2023, the de-merger will redraw the district maps to split them down county lines starting in the 2024-2025 school year.

competitive 13th District seat. Hines is running against Democratic state Sen. Wiley“WeNickel.arecontinuing to expand the playing field deeper into Democrat-held territory and look forward to prosecuting the case against every one of these vulnerable Democrats,” NRCC chairman Tom Emmer said in a statement.

More than 7.35 million voters are registered in the state, according to the most recent voter statistics available from the elections board.

Officials: Inmate killed in attack by prisoners at NC prison

“For nearly 60 years, the awards program has been bringing together conservationists from across the state working to protect wildlife, air, water and land. This year’s conservation heroes are land stewardship champions, water advocates and leaders in preserving unique ecosystems,” said T. Edward Nickens, awards committee chair.

A bridge on N.C. 55 in Pamlico County will be rebuilt after an agreement on a new contract. The bridge over Trent Creek was built 1960 South of Stonewall. The N.C. Department of Transportation awarded $5.7 million in July to S.T. Wooten Corporation of Wilson for the project.Officials said a temporary bridge will be built to maintain traffic before the new one is built. The new bridge is expected to be done in about two years.

AP Detention Center receives Narcan vending machine

RALEIGH — Absentee by-mail ballots are available for voters for the 2022 general election.OnFriday, Sept. 9, North Carolina’s county boards of elections will began mailing absentee ballots to voters who have requested them.

Highway 321 to shut down between Caldwell and Catawba counties for 3 weekends


U.S. Highway 421 WILKESBORO

Caldwell County

Macon County Board of Education vice chairman dead at 79


The group selected Perry for his advocacy for farmers, agriculture and agribusiness in rural communities.

The hottest road in the state

The NCWF cited Perry’s sponsorship of the Flood Resiliency and Prevention Act, partnering across the aisle to ensure a budget bill that made historic investments in community-centered disaster recovery and resiliency measures, and preserving family land.

By Matt Mercer North State Journal


district and eastern North Carolina,” a statement from the group said.

As of the start of the absentee request period, nearly 53,000 voters had requested an absentee ballot for the general election.

NRCC adds to TV reservations in NC

RALEIGH — Sen. Jim Perry (R-Lenoir) was honored by the state’s largest conservation group at their annual awards banquet on Saturday, Sept. 10 in Cary.

Craven County A former engineering company executive has been sentenced to one year and six months in prison for his role in a bid-rigging scheme to defraud the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Brent Brewbaker, who worked for Contech Engineered Solutions, also was sentenced on Thursday to two years of supervised release after his prison term. A federal jury convicted Brewbaker of conspiracy and fraud charges in January after a weeklong trial.


An inmate at a North Carolina prison has been killed in an attack by other prisoners, authorities said. The News & Observer reports that the Central Prison in Raleigh was placed on lockdown on Friday while police investigated the death of the inmate, 35-year-old Ronald S. Rhodes. Rhodes died about an hour after other inmates assaulted him with a weapon in the prison’s recreation yard, the state Department of Public Safety said in a news release.

Eliza Fletcher’s death, like every single one of the 44 murders per day committed in America, was senseless and unwarranted. Well over half of all homicides are committed against black people, including what seems like one black child per day in crime-ridden Chicago.

A6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Life after losing a loved one

Mom and I have struggled with some degree of guilt for letting go

Not having a close family member pass away since I was a child, I was not really prepared for what life would be like after the loss of a loved one, especially a parent. As I noted before, even though you know your parents will not be around forever, a tiny part of you holds out hope that they will defy the odds and live beyond the century mark because the thought of being without the people who most shaped your life is unbearable.



The races.of“silentpointbeMemphisElizaschoolkindergartenbelovedmurdersenselessbrutalofteacherFletcherinmightthetippingforanewmajority”citizensofall

It was a lot to handle, but doing all of that kept my mind (for the most part) off of the fact that dad was no longer around to talk to, to watch football games with, and to visit Southport with.

The Democrat mayor of Memphis, Jim Strickland, said “Our judicial system is too often a revolving door… We should not be terrorized by anyone who wants to strike fear in our hearts and take away what we love aboutMayorMemphis”.Strickland may be the first Democrat mayor to state publicly what everyone knows to be true ― crime is out of control in major metropolitan cities and counties. The root causes of crime are many and varied but the political answer to it has to come from elected local Democrat officials, not Republicans. There is hardly an elected Republican on any local major city board or commission today in New York, Chicago, Atlanta or Los Angeles ― there are only two in Wake and Mecklenburg County combined.

The brutal senseless murder of beloved kindergarten school teacher

Eliza Fletcher and the four shooting murders by Ezekiel Kelly, the last of which was filmed on Facebook Live, in Memphis might be the tipping point for a new “silent majority” of citizens of all races to demand security and justice from elected officials.

In addition to that, I got back to getting my house ready to sell — and helping mom go through dad’s things so we could donate them. Though the latter was tough, we both soldiered through. At this point, about 90% of the things he had in the house have been donated, with the remaining items being picked up last week.

America is based on the rule of law. We don’t need a society of guntoting vigilante warriors. We need elected officials to understand what the rule of law is and let law enforcement control the streets, not the criminals.

If Democrats are unwilling to support law enforcement and protect citizens, there will be a rise of unaffiliated candidates filing to run for office on the crime issue alone.

It is better than having an army of Jack Reachers and Rambos patrolling our streets.

After that, we sprung into “get it done” mode, as there were some things to get settled in the aftermath of the loss of my dad, as most people who have been through losing a loved one will understand. It was overwhelming, and mom had a hard time keeping track of it all. So I stepped in to help, right around the same time I got back to a normal-ish work schedule.

PHOTO SUBMITTED BY STACEY MATTHEWS A scenic view of Southport taken in 2016.

North Carolina native Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a media analyst and regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.

In the minds of most Americans, something has gone seriously askew with extreme far-left liberal politicians castrating local law enforcement. Repeated instances of mayors and city councils telling their police forces to stand down during the George Floyd riots of 2020 are now seared into the memories of millions of local residents who were truly fearful for their lives and property, perhaps for the first time in their life.

In the late 1960s, a wave of lawlessness and crime swept the nation. The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago was a televised mosh pit of violence and mayhem which exemplified the lack of respect for the rule of law in America. Richard Nixon ran on a strong law-and-order platform to win the White House against liberal Democrat Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey.Nixonattributed his decisive victory to the “silent majority” of Americans who were just fed up with the violence they witnessed in their cities and on the news on a daily basis.

north STATEment

Two of the highest-rated streaming series in recent months have been “Reacher” and “The Terminal List”, both of which feature ex-Special Forces or SEAL veterans who suffer personal loss at the hands of some really bad guys. They resolve to kill everyone directly responsible ― and thenThesome.subliminal message in all vigilante justice movies is if elected officials won’t let law enforcement protect the public from crime and lawlessness, then by God, let someone else do it.


of his things, but I’ve reminded her we are not trying to move on from remembering dad; we’re just letting go of things that cause us the most heartbreak.Thegoalnow is to forge ahead and make new, happy memories. Instead of dwelling too much on what we’ve lost, we now look back at what we had with my dad and thank God that He gave us so long with him.We know the holidays will be tough, but we also know dad wouldn’t want us to be in a perpetual state of sadness. So we’re moving forward with those thoughts in mind. I’m pleased to report that mom and I have been having more good days than bad in recent weeks. We still miss you like crazy dad, but — as it should be — time is healing the wounds we suffered from your loss. Love you.

In the eyes of God, no life taken is more or less important than any other. They are each and every one its own individual tragedy.

POPULAR CULTURE reflects American moods and values. Sometimes it precedes changes in public opinion and, in many ways, helps shape it.

After gonetwoofnotsomethingmoment,”hadpickedthingsthosewereup,Ia“daddyIhadhadmuchoncethefirstweekshadby.

Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

Over the next two decades, movies such as Clint Eastwood’s “Dirty Harry” (1971) and Charles Bronson’s “Death Wish” (1974) series became big hits in the aftermath of those turbulent 1960s. American police forces were respected, funded, honored and supported. The rampant crime abundant in the 60s steadily came down to the point New York City under Mayor Rudy Guiliani was rated one of the safest places in America to live.

Murder in Memphis

I was in the middle of preparing to put my house on the market when my dad’s health took a turn for the worst back in April. When that happened, I dropped everything and went to stay with mom while dad went to a physical rehab facility to try and get his strength back after a fall heHesuffered.never got well enough to come home. In fact, just a few days before we lost him, the facility had told us they didn’t think he’d be able to walk again.The first two weeks after dad’s passing, I was numb and mostly went through the motions. I did my best to keep it together for mom because considering the grief she was feeling I didn’t want her to worry about me.

If an innocent young woman such as Eliza Fletcher who runs marathons can be randomly and brutally killed while jogging by a man with repeated offenses who was released early from a 24-year prison sentence, “who is really safe anymore?” goes the thinking.

After those things were picked up, I had a “daddy moment,” something I had not had much of once the first two weeks had gone by. That final pick-up of his things, including the books he loved to read and the CDs he loved to listen to, hit me hard and made me remember that dad is well and truly gone.

THREE MONTHS AGO, I lost my dad, Jack Matthews, after his near11-year battle with kidney disease.

Marsha Blackburn represents the state of Tennessee in the U.S. Senate

This cult of apocalypse started in the late 1960s with the doomsday predictions of “the population bomb,” the title of a mega-bestselling book by Stanford University biology professor Paul Ehrlich. “The Population Bomb” predicted that mankind was breeding at a pace that would bring about a Malthusian nightmare of collectiveDemocratsworried.ofcontrast,theasdescribed70%showedthroughoutPollsrecentofswarmthatandstarvation,overpopulation,war,povertywatershortages.Allwasmissingwasaoflocusts.Wewererunningouteverything.COVID-19isthemostcaseinpoint.fromthestartandthepandemicthatroughlyofDemocratsthemselves“veryworried”aboutcoronavirus.Byonlyabout30%RepublicanswereveryBluestatesrunbywentintoafetalpositionfor

A7North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Sadly, Taiwan is unable to participate in the most important forum of global cooperation due to suppression by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). By deliberately conflating its “One China” principle with the UNGA Resolution 2758 — the decades-old resolution that determined who represents “China” in the organization — Beijing is spreading the fallacy that Taiwan is a part of the PRC.

THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY is confronting a number of unprecedented crises: COVID-19, climate change, supply chain disruptions, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Now more than ever, China’s actions are jeopardizing the well-being of the world. As the UN members meet again in New York this year, it is worth reminding these leaders that all people — including the people of Taiwan — deserve to have their voices heard.

WHAT IS IT about those on the Left of the political spectrum that they seem to not just live in perpetual fear of apocalypse and doom but they actually embrace it? It is their raison d’etre.

Is there something in the collective psyche or the DNA of modern leftists that they crave fear? And doom?

Contrary to this claim, the resolution does not take a position on Taiwan. This wrongful

By ofTaiwantheis2758,Resolutiontheprinciple“OneconflatingdeliberatelyitsChina”withUNGABeijingspreadingfallacythatisapartthePRC.Morethan90%ofalladvancedsemiconductorchipsessentialforcars,medicaltechnology,andmodernappliancesaremadeinTaiwan.


nearly two years, with forced business, school and church closings — while red states pretty much got back to life as normal. COVID-19 was a killer virus for sure, with more than 1 million deaths. But the government interventions were almost all oversized in terms of their effectiveness in combating the spread of the Climatedisease.change is, of course, the overarching pandemic of fear so far in the 21st century that has swept across the country and induced lame-brained economic responses like windmills. Amazingly, virtually every Democrat, from the local dog catcher to the president of the United States, believes this is an “existential threat” to Earth. Twenty years ago, there were many climate change skeptics on the Left.

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economist with FreedomWorks. His latest book is “Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government is Devouring our Economy.”

Virtually threat”isclimateStates,ofthedogfromDemocrat,everythelocalcatchertopresidenttheUnitedbelieveschangean“existentialtoEarth.

COMMUNIST CHINA is on a mission for dominance. At the helm of the New Axis of Evil, China has indicated they will invade independent countries and destroy democratic leadership to achieve that end. My recent visit to Taiwan made it abundantly clear that the leaders in Taiwan want the United States and our allies to stand with them as they fight to keep their independence.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always viewed non-conformity to them as a threat. In Xinjiang province, state leadership continues to wage genocide against the Muslim Uyghur minority. In Hong Kong, the CCP led a hostile takeover of the local democratic government. However, this authoritarian aggression has faced overwhelming opposition in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s independence and levying veiled threats to regional stability.

The UN Charter states clearly that its purpose is to maintain international peace and stability. However, Beijing continues to conduct military exercises in areas around Taiwan, undermining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The UN and its member states must stop allowing such a member, which ironically is a member of the UN Security Council, to dictate the positions of the organization to suit its own political agenda.

We are thankful that countries worldwide are beginning to realize what Taiwan can offer and many, including the US, support Taiwan’s robust participation in the UN system. Our shared obstacles require all hands on deck. Taiwan has proven its worth, and the people of Taiwan stand ready to contribute. Let’s work together as one for the global good!


In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, center, poses for photos with U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, fourth left, and her delegation during a meeting in Taipei, Taiwan on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022.

Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to or 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite 300. Raleigh, N.C. 27607. Letters must be signed; include the writer’s phone number, city and state; and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for style, length or clarity when necessary. Ideas for op-eds should be sent to

These demonstrations escalated following Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip in early August but did not dissuade me from making my own journey to the Indo-Pacific. I met with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu to express America’s support. I also delivered remarks before Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where I publicly reaffirmed America’s backing of Taiwan in front of dozens of diplomats and ambassadors. When the CCP heard my speech, they responded directly to my office by doubling down on their denials of

Americans need to stand With Taiwan

While it would be easy to ignore what is happening overseas, Americans aren’t content leaving this up to diplomats. We know the danger that China poses and that there is no path to countering China through cowardice. Americans want to stand with Taiwan, and they expect the White House and Congress to follow suit. With the United States leading the way, Taiwan will remain sovereign and the New Axis of Evil will not win. If the United States backs down, China’s dominance is all but guaranteed.

Without access to Taiwan’s semiconductor market, the United States’ economy would suffer. Domestic producers are working quickly to fill potential gaps in the supply chain, but in the meantime, Chinese aggression poses a direct threat to the emerging domestic vehicle production industry in Tennessee.

interpretation has long deprived Taiwan of the right to participate in the United Nations and its specialized agencies.

Taiwan is a beacon of democracy in Asia and a force for good in the world. During the pandemic, Taiwan has provided masks, medical supplies, and its homegrown vaccine to global communities. Taiwan also sent relief supplies and millions in donations to the people of Ukraine following the Russian invasion. On climate change, Taiwan has a blueprint for netzero carbon emissions by 2050 and policies to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Taiwan plays a key role in global supply chains and, unlike China, lets its free and open society lead by example.

The theme of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges” pointedly reminds us of the grave challenges we all face. When the UN talks about “joint solutions” and “solidarity” to tackle “interconnected crises,” Taiwan could not agree more. And the 23.5 million resilient Taiwanese people surely should not be excluded from such important global efforts.

Joseph Wu is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Now, to be fair, just because the Peddlers of Apocalypse have a long track record of being dead wrong in their dire predictions doesn’t mean we don’t have things to worry about. Sometimes the wolf really is at the door, no matter how many times the boy has issued false alarms. In the meantime, the thing we have to worry most about running out of these days is ... freedom.

Taiwan is our friend in Asia, not China

This unhinged response is indicative of how much China has to lose. A reunified Taiwan would grant China more control over the South China Sea. In addition to being a strategic military stronghold, the South China Sea also plays host to one third of all maritime trade. In terms of production, Taiwan is a powerhouse: more than 90% of all advanced semiconductor chips, which are essential for cars, medical technology, and modern appliances, are made in Taiwan.


People are frustrated that more is not being done to stand up to the CCP. In response, I have introduced legislation to secure semiconductor supply chains and strengthen relationships with our partners in the Indo-Pacific Region. My visit to Taiwan took these efforts a step further by demonstrating to China that we will not relent in our defense of democracy.

Why is the Left always so afraid?deathly


But again, why the reign of fear? One obvious explanation is that when planetary crises arrive, as with a pandemic, it is said to require more centralized government and more control over people’s lives. So, if you believe in the virtues of big government, you need supersized problems to justify its vast expansion. Crisis really is the rallying cry of the tyrant. As the late Julian Simon taught us, the answer to planetary problems is not more government, but human ingenuity.TheLeft is fatalistic. The Right is opportunistic. It’s the difference between cursing the darkness and lifting a candle. I have often wondered: What would be the Left’s reaction to some kind of definitive proof that there was no manmade climate change to worry about? Would there be whoops of relief and celebration? Would there be ticker tape parades down Fifth Avenue?

In spite of Beijing’s demands for reunification and reeducation, over half of the island’s citizens support independence. President Trump knew this and recognized Taiwan on the world stage by intentionally strengthening America’s relationships with Taiwan instead of with the Chinese Communist Party. However, President Xi Jinping views this momentum toward a free Taiwan as a direct challenge to his authority. Desperate to silence dissenters and guarantee a historic third term in office this year, President Xi launched a new round of military exercises intended to scare the world into silence.

We witnessed the full extent of the psychosis this past summer when some parts of the country saw severe flooding and others encountered bonedry drought. One day, the waters are rising to the levels of Noah’s Ark, and the next, water shortages are going to besiege the lands and we will die of thirst. Apparently, if we would stop using fossil fuels, the sun will come out in the flood regions, and the rains will simultaneously hit the parched areas of the country like California. Are they sure about that?

A8 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

“It’s just such a momentous change that is going to happen,” she said. “I’m trying to hold it togetherEverydaytoday.”politics was put on hold, with lawmakers paying tribute to the monarch in Par liament for two days, beginning with a special session where Truss called the queen “the na tion’s greatest diplomat.”

In the evening, he delivered his first speech to the nation as king, recognizing his late moth er’s life of service and steadying presence, vowing continuity of the same principles and duty. “As the queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, I, too, now solemnly pledge my self, throughout the remaining time God grants me, to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation.”

Those who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior by calling 1-800-481-6494.

Berlin German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made clear Monday that he doesn’t expect an agreement with Iran in the immediate future to restore Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers, though he said there’s no reason for Iran not to sign up and European countries would remain “patient.”

Scottish historian Tom Devine

Meanwhile, many sporting and cultural events were can celed as a mark of respect, and some businesses — including Selfridges department store and the Legoland amusement park — shut their doors. The Bank of England postponed its meeting by a Archbishopweek. of Canterbury

Germany’s Scholz sees no imminent nuclear deal with Iran

and between Ireland and Britain during the years of the peace pro cess.”Scotland and England have been governed under the same monarch since 1603, and formally unified in 1707. But Scotland has distinct educational and legal systems and, since 1999, its own parliament.

As monarch, Charles is required to remain politically neutral. His mother caused a stir in 2014 when she remarked that Scots should “think very carefully” before voting — a remark widely seen as oppos ingEvenindependence.afterthat comment, the queen remained widely respected by people on both sides of Scot land’s independence debate. Stur geon, the pro-independence first minister, praised Elizabeth on Monday as “the Queen of Scots” and “the great constant -- the an chor of our nation.”

“I think they (demands for Scot tish independence) will come back. And I think the whole question will be how much can Charles build his bonds with them? What bonds does he have? That will then be one of his tests, that’s for sure,” she said.

Sinn Fein vice president Mi chelle O’Neill praised “the signifi cant contribution Queen Elizabeth made to the advancement of peace and reconciliation between the different traditions on our island,

Relations now between the Conservative U.K. government in London and the pro-independence Scottish administration in Edin burgh are tense.

The United States unilaterally pulled out of the accord in 2018 under then President Donald Trump and reimposed sanctions on Iran.Iran earlier this month responded to a final draft of a roadmap for parties to return to the tattered nuclear deal and bring the U.S. back on board.

may also submit comments by phone at 512-580-8850

THE CROWN from page A1

Justin Welby said, “A part of our lives we’ve taken for granted as being permanent is no longer there.”But while Elizabeth’s death portends a monumental shift for some, day-to-day life in Brit ain went on in other respects, with children in school and adults at work, facing concerns aboutElizabethinflation.was Britain’s lon gest-reigning monarch and a symbol of constancy in a turbu lent era that saw the decline of the British empire and disarray in her scandal-plagued family.

The impact of Elizabeth’s loss will be unpredictable. She helped stabilize and modernize the monarchy across decades of enormous social change, but its relevance in the 21st century has often been called into ques tion. The public’s abiding affec tion for the queen had helped sustain support for the monar chy during the family scandals, but Charles is nowhere near as popular.“Charles can never replace her, you know,” said 31-year-old Londoner Mariam Sherwani.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who left office last week, was unpopular in Scotland, where a majority opposed his pet project: Brexit. Johnson led the U.K. out of the European Union after a 2016 referendum in which the country as a whole backed leaving — but Scotland voted to stay in the bloc.


Iran’s hard-line president, Ebrahim Raisi, has said that the IAEA investigation into the issue must be halted in order for the 2015 deal to be renewed.

and he plans to visit Northern Ire land and Wales later in the week, attending memorial services in Belfast and Scotland,Cardiff.Wales and Northern Ireland are all part of the U.K. but have distinct histories — and complex ties with England, which dominates the U.K. in both popu lation and politics.

Aquellas personas no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan llamando al 1-800-481-6494.

Devine said Johnson’s govern ment had displayed “a reduction in

STIP Project No. W-5805A

Like many, she referred to Elizabeth as a grandmother figure. Others compared her to their mothers, or great-grand mothers.While the global fascination with the British queen is puz zling to some, others felt a per sonal connection to a woman who seemed ubiquitous, from banknotes used on multiple continents to TV shows like “The Crown” — which is paus ing production to honor her.

Scotland’s First Minister Nico la Sturgeon has pledged to hold such a vote in October 2023. But new Prime Minister Liz Truss, like Johnson, says her government will not agree, and without its approval a referendum would not be bind ing.Amid the political deadlock, Sturgeon has appealed to the courts for the power to call a ref erendum on her own. The U.K. Su preme Court is to start hearing the case next month.


King Charles III has moved quickly to stress that he will be a monarch for the whole of the U.K., undertaking a national tour during his first days on the throne. He was in Scotland on Monday accompanying his mother’s coffin,


In a touching display of respect, thousands of people on Sunday lined the 175-mile route from Bal moral to Edinburgh as the queen’s coffin was driven in a slow pro cession to the Scottish capital. On Monday, the coffin was carried along Edinburgh’s medieval Royal Mile to St. Giles’ Cathedral, where thousands more are expected to pay their respects over the next day.The queen had deep ties to Scot land. Besides spending her summer months at Balmoral, her mother, the late Queen Mother, was Scot tish and as a child the queen grew up playing on her grandparents’ estate of Glamis Castle in central Scotland.Sofar there have been only tiny protests by anti-monarchist demonstrators. One woman was arrested in Edinburgh on Sunday for breaching the peace after bran dishing a profane sign calling for the abolition of the monarchy.

“It was a fitting end to a life of service and a life of concern for the four nations — not simply one na tion — of the U.K.,” he said.

Some Welsh nationalists have objected to Prince William being recently given the title of Prince of Wales — a title first given to the heir to the throne after the English conquest of Wales in the 14th cen tury.The status of the monarchy has always been fraught in Northern Ireland, where there are two main communities: unionists who con sider themselves British and na tionalists who see themselves as Irish. That split fueled decades of violence known as “The Troubles,” and remains a deep divide. But in a sign of how far Northern Ireland has come on the road to peace, representatives of the Irish Repub lican Army-linked party Sinn Fein are attending commemorative events for the queen in Belfast.

“It was a fitting end to a life of service and a life of concern for the four nations — not simply one nation of the U.K.”

Loss of unifying queen could fray the bonds of fractious UK

Division Design Engineer

People (project code 4594), email, or mail at the address shown below by Oct. 13, 2022 NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled people who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Tony Gallagher, Environmental Analysis Unit, at 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1598, 919-707-6069 or as early as possible so arrangements can be made.

NCDOT TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE THE INTERSECTION AT N.C. 42 AND PINEY GROVE-WILBON ROAD IN WAKE COUNTY FUQUAY-VARINA - The public is invited to a public meeting with the N.C. Department of Transportation this month to discuss the proposed roundabout at the intersection of N.C. 42 and Piney Grove-Wilbon Road in Wake County. Project details, including maps and a video, can be found on the NCDOT project web page: The information will be presented at the meeting allowing for one-on-one discussions with engineers but no formal Thepresentation.meeting will be held Sept. 29 at Piney Grove Baptist Church, 3217 Piney GroveWilbon Road, Fuquay-Varina. The public is invited to attend at any time between 5 - 7 p.m

Finance worker Giles Cud more said the queen had “just been a constant through ev erything, everything good and bad.”At Holyrood Palace in Edin burgh, mourner April Hamilton stood with her young daughter, struggling to hold back tears.

Pallbearers carry the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped with the Royal Standard of Scotland, as it arrives at Holyroodhouse, where it will lie in rest for a day, in Edinburgh, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022.

respect for Scotland as an historic nation.”“That attitude of disrespect considerably annoyed the Scottish electorate over the last few years,” he said. “But there is a still a very strong sense here that the monar chy — especially in the person of the queen — maintains that re spect.”In2014, Scotland held a referen dum on whether to remain part of the U.K. Voters rejected indepen dence by 55% to 45% in what was billed as a once-in-a-generation choice. But the Scottish National Party government in Edinburgh is pushing for a new independence referendum, arguing that Brexit has radically changed the political and economic landscape.

The queen’s coffin was brought to London on Wednes day, where she is expected to lie in state before a funeral at Westminster Abbey, on Mon day, Sept. 19 at 11 a.m., local time.

A probe by the International Atomic Energy Agency into man-made uranium particles found at three undeclared sites in the country has become a key sticking point in the talks for renewing the agreement.

Scholz spoke after meeting in Berlin with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, who insisted that restoring the 2015 agreement would be a mistake. Germany, along with France, Britain, Russia and China, is still a party to the deal and involved in talks on its revival that have dragged on for over a year.

Pauline Maclaran, an expert on royal culture at Royal Holloway University of London, said “it will remain to be seen if Charles can command the same loyalty” as his mother.“There will be a honeymoon pe riod for Charles, I think, where ev erybody — out of respect, but also their own feelings — will lay off the usual demands for independence,” sheButsaid.Maclaran felt that period would not last.

As the second Elizabethan Age came to a close, hundreds of people arrived through the night to grieve together outside the gates of Buckingham Pal ace and other royal residenc es, as well as British embassies worldwide. Some came simply to pause and reflect.

The European countries “have made proposals, and there is no reason now for Iran not to agree to these proposals, but we have to take note of the fact that this isn’t the case, so it certainly won’t happen soon, although it looked for a while like it would,” Scholz said. “We remain patient, but we also remain clear: Iran must be prevented from being able to deploy nuclear weapons.”

By Jill Lawless The Associated Press

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II has been likened to the invisible glue holding the United Kingdom together. Some think the reign of King Charles III will see those bonds come unstuck, giving new momentum to Scotland’s push for independence.Butthefact the queen died last week at her beloved Highland re treat, Balmoral Castle, has made Scotland the focus of commemo rations watched around the globe in the first days after her death. That has served as a reminder of the monarchy’s deep ties to Scot land — and could provide a boost for the Scottishunion.historian Tom Devine said because by “extraordinary ser endipity” the queen died in Scot land, “it was possible for the world to see the relationship between the queen and this country.”

By Mail: Reid NCDOTDavidsonHighway Division 5 –

2612 North Duke Street Durham, N.C. 27704

NHL Prospects Showcase comes to Triangle, B4

“But we have a job at hand right now as we open conference play. Our goal was not to beat Texas A&M — our goal is to win the Sun BeltTheChampionship.”Trojans(1-1)opened the sea son with a 28-10 road loss to No. 21 Ole Miss but rebounded a week later with a 38-17 home win over Alabama A&M.

“Our goal was not to beat Texas A&M — our goal is to win the Sun Belt Championship.”

RALEIGH — NASCAR is re turning to one of its original venues that it left more than a quarter-century ago — North Wil kesboro Speedway.

Stadium.“Anytime you go on the road against the No. 6-ranked team in the country and get that win is great,” App State coach Shawn Clark said Monday. “It’s fantastic and it gives us an opportunity to bring ‘College GameDay’ to Boone, North Carolina, and we’re very ex cited about that.

The .625-mile asphalt oval, lo cated between Winston-Salem and Boone, hosted the year-ending race in 1949 for what became the Cup Series. It became an annual

NC State, Wake move up in AP poll

yards, has emerged as Watson’s top target.“Their quarterback can throw it, and they’re excellent on special teams,” Clark said of the Trojans. “In the Sun Belt as a whole, it’s tough to win — I don’t care where you’re at. Those teams are all bet ter now and those games got a lot tougher, so we have our work cut out for us. I know those guys will be ready to play, and so will our guys.”

Gov. Roy Cooper and Dale Earn hardt Jr. joined the stock car body and the track’s owner on Thursday to announce that the track will host the NASCAR Cup Series AllStar Race next year — NASCAR’s 75th anniversary season.


Troy’s running game — with only 118 combined rushing yards

The iconic track had fallen into disrepair since the Cup Series last raced there in 1996

Junior quarterback Gunnar Watson has averaged 313 passing yards and completed more than 70% of his passes through two games. Wide receiver Jabre Bar ber, with a team-high 165 receiving

NASCAR Hall of Fame driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. speaks during a press event last Thursday announcing that the 2023 NASCAR All-Star Race will be run at North Wilkesboro Speedway on May 21, 2023.

See APP STATE, page B4 See N. WILKESBORO, page B3


App State running back Daetrich Harrington celebrates after the Mountaineers upset No. 6 Texas A&M on Saturday in College Station.

Charlotte Daniel Rios scored the game’s only goal in the fifth minute — his team’s first goal since Aug. 21 — to lead Charlotte FC to a 1 0 w in over New York City FC on Saturday at Bank of America Stadium. Kristijan Kahlina had a one save shutout for Charlotte, which improved to 11 17 2 a nd ended its three game losing streak. Charlotte had been shut out in its two previous games and three of the last five before the win. The team now sits 11th in the Eastern Conference and will play at 12th place Chicago this Saturday. Charlotte is 2 11 2 on the road this season.

App State opens conference play riding wave of confidence

North Wilkesboro to host ’23 NASCAR All-Star Race

stop on the schedule, hosting two races a year starting in 1951, and was a throwback to the days when moonshine runners in the region — NASCAR legend and Wilkes County native Junior Johnson among them — drove fast cars to


By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

“It’ll be something that people want to come from all over the country and enjoy — NASCAR All-Star week at North Wilkesboro Speedway — to enjoy the culture, the festivities, the history,” Marcus Smith, CEO of Speedway Motor sports, which owns the track, said at a news conference outside the North Carolina Museum of His tory in Raleigh. “We’re excited to revive it.”

Shawn Clark, App State football coach

through two games — has yet to click, but lead back Kimani Vidal has shown flashes of potential.

By Jesse Deal North State Journal

New York NC State moved up two spots to No. 16 and Wake Forest jumped four places to 19th in The Associated Press college football poll released Sunday. The Wolfpack shook off a closer than expected win over East Carolina in their opener to beat Charleston Southern 55 3 on Saturday at Carter Finley Stadium. The Demon Deacons got back Sam Hartman, and Wake’s star quarterback delivered with 300 passing yards and four touchdowns in a 45 25 win at Vanderbilt. Georgia climbed to No. 1, moving ahead of Alabama after the Crimson Tide narrowly escaped their game at Texas. Ohio State, Michigan and Clemson rounded out the top five. Appalachian State received 80 votes, the 28th most in the poll, after upsetting then No. 6 Texas A&M, which slid to 24th, 17 14 in College Station. UNC received 71 votes (30th) after its 35 28 win over Georgia State improved the Tar Heels to 3 0.

The Mountaineers host Troy — and ESPN’s “College GameDay” — after their upset of Texas A&M

ONE WEEK after pulling off the second-biggest upset victory in school history, Appalachian State will try to carry that momentum into Sun Belt play against visiting Troy.After pulling off an improbable 17-14 win at Texas A&M on Sat urday, the Mountaineers will also get a visit from “College GameDay” — the first time the ESPN show is headed to Boone and Kidd Brewer

escapeNorthauthorities.Wilkesboro hosted more than 90 Cup races before it closed in 1996, a result of NASCAR’s dra matic growth during that time and arguments that it wasn’t large or fancy enough as the sport tapped

into new markets. The track’s rac es went to New Hampshire and Texas.The oval went into disrepair, and non-NASCAR racing at the

MLS Rios’ goal gives Charlotte FC 1‑0 win over NYCFC

Clark’s Mountaineers (1-1) took the sports world by storm Satur day, beating Jimbo Fisher and the Aggies and rekindling memories of perhaps the most famous upset in college football history: App State’s 34-32 road win over Michigan in 2007.



Nebraska fired football coach Scott Frost on Sunday after a 1‑2 start to the season and 16‑31 record in four‑plus years at his alma mater. The Cornhuskers made the move despite there being just three weeks before Frost’s $15 million contract buyout would have been cut in half. Associate head coach Mickey Joseph was named interim coach for the rest of the season.

Beyond the box score

T.J. Watt:

Carlos Alcaraz defeated Casper Ruud 6‑4, 2‑6, 7‑6 (1), 6‑3 in the U.S. Open final to earn his first Grand Slam title at age 19 and become the youngest man to move up to No. 1 in the rankings. Alcaraz climbed three spots from No. 4 after winning at Flushing Meadows in his eighth Grand Slam tournament.

Broncos kicker Brandon McManus missed a 64‑yard field goal with 20 seconds remaining, spoiling new Denver quarterback Russell Wilson’s return to Seattle in a 17‑16 Seahawks’ win. The former NC State quarterback, who played 10 seasons and won a Super Bowl in Seattle, finished 29 of 42 for 340 yards and a touchdown.



Career home runs for Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols after hitting one Sunday, moving him past Alex Rodriguez for fourth place on the career list. The 42‑year‑old trails only Barry Bonds (762), Hank Aaron (755) and Babe Ruth (714).










The White Sox manager says he’s on the mend after having a pacemaker inserted for his heart. He says he’s uncertain when he’ll return to manage the team. La Russa, 77, has been away from the White Sox since Aug. 30. He rejoined the club on Sunday in Oakland to celebrate the A’s retiring Dave Stewart’s No. 34 jersey, but he did not manage the game. La Russa has won 2,893 games with the A’s, Cardinals and White Sox over 35 years as a manager.


Dale Earnhardt Jr. on Twitter following the announcement that the 2023 NASCAR All‑Star Race will be held at North Wilkesboro Speedway.

The Team Penske driver won his second IndyCar championship on Sunday with a third‑place finish at Laguna Seca Raceway. The Australian,41‑year‑oldwho also won the title in 2014, finished behind race winner Alex Palou and teammate Jose Newgarden. Power claimed the title by 16 points to give Penske its 17th championship. Palou was the ninth different race winner during the 17‑race IndyCar season.


Tony La Russa:

Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher on App State possessing the ball for 41:29 in the Mountaineers’ 17‑16 win over the sixth‑ranked Aggies on Saturday.

Will Power:

The NFL’s reigning defensive player of the year suffered a torn left pectoral injury late in the fourth quarter of the Steelers’ 23‑20 overtime win over Cincinnati on Sunday. The three‑time All‑Pro outside linebacker, who tied an NFL record with 22½ sacks with Pittsburgh last season, is pursuing second and third opinions on the injury to see if he can avoid surgery, which would end his season. Watt’s brother J.J. suffered a torn pectoral in October 2019 and returned for an early January playoff win with the Texans.

“They constantly ate clock.”

A championship contender hasn’t reached Victory Lane through two weeks of the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs after Bubba Wallace — driving the No. 45 — held off his 23XI Racing co‑owner Denny Hamlin to win Sunday at Kansas. It’s the second career victory for Wallace, who did not qualify for the postseason but has now notched wins in back‑to‑back years during the playoffs. The No. 45 qualified for the postseason but pulled out due to driver Kurt Busch’s ongoing concussion issues.

B2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

By Shawn Krest North State Journal

It’s the Tar Heels and Wolf pack on the interior of the line as well. UNC has an army of high ly rated defensive linemen who have gained experience early in their career, as well as an impres sive group of transfers, including Temple’s Xach Gill and Oregon’s Jordon Riley. Murphy is the most promising of the tackles. Clark missed most of last season and spring practice with an injury but has helped the Wolfpack to a 2-0 start at nose tackle.

good to see Devin Leary just back to himself, playing ball, running the show, making plays, buying time in the pocket, extending plays,” DoerenSophomoresaid. running back De mie Sumo-Karngbaye contin ued to establish himself as a goto player in the running game, totaling 70 yards on seven car ries while showcasing an ability to find holes and break tackles.

B3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The team is selected with an eye toward the high school talent they flashed right here in North Carolina, but it also gives a big nod to what the players have done afterward to live up to their po tential. We used a combination of recruiting rankings (based on 247Sports) and their outlook for the 2022 season to make our se lections.

The Pack has had trouble get ting to the quarterback, getting just one sack through its first twoThegames.defense should get a boost with redshirt junior line backer Payton Wilson and red shirt sophomore cornerback Shyheim Battle set to return to the lineup against Texas Tech after both left the ECU game with upper-body injuries.


No. 16 NC State hosts the Red Raiders in a battle of unbeaten teams

Defensive tackle: Myles Mur phy, UNC (Greensboro Dudley, No. 4 in 2020); C.J. Clark, NC State (New London North Stanly, No. 4 in 2019)

One question mark is if the offense can keep in rhythm against better competition. Tex as Tech is 2-0 and coming off a 33-30 double-overtime win over then-No. 25 Houston in Lubbock.TheRed Raiders pulled off the upset with their backup at quarterback. Sophomore quarterback Donovan Smith, playing in place of starter Ty ler Sough, had an up and down performance against Houston, throwing for two touchdowns and 351 yards in the win but also throwing three intercep tions and taking five sacks.

Jones was a first-team All-Amer ican last year and is a preseason second-team All-American this season. Battle has led the Pack in pass breakups each of the last two years. When the Duke goes to the nickel, it will bring in Tony Davis (Gastonia Hunter Huss, No. 12 in 2019).

legendary track in the early 2010s fizzled. But former drivers like Earnhardt Jr., local boosters and state officials wouldn’t give up on the venue, which has a direct con nection to NASCAR’s birth.

Cornerback: Steven Jones Jr., App State (Rockingham Rich mond, No. 102 in 2017); Shyheim Battle, NC State (Rocky Mount, No. 17 in 2019)

NC’s best: The top defensive players, special teamers from the state

Kicker: Christopher Dunn, NC State (Lexington North Da vidson, No. 77 in 2018)

“This is a great day for North Carolina. Whether you care about racing or not, this means eco nomic revival and more money in the pockets of everyday North Carolinians,” he said. “We are the birthplace of NASCAR.”

Dave Doeren, NC State football coach

RALEIGH — No. 16 NC State plays host to Texas Tech on Sat urday night as both teams look to stay undefeated.

“He can make plays on his feet,” Doeren said of Smith, “won the game with a scramble lastJuniorweek.” running back Tahj Brooks, who rushed for 78 yards and a score against Houston, al ready has four touchdowns this season.NCState will look to stifle Texas Tech’s running game and force Smith to throw the ball more with the hopes of forc ing the young quarterback into more turnovers.

It’s the sixth time meeting between the two teams and the first since 2003, with the Wolf pack holding a 4-1 all-time ad vantage including winning the last four matchups.

The Wolfpack’s defense, meanwhile, held the Buccaneers to just 36 yards on the ground last week. NC State also allowed just one third down conversion in 15 attempts and forced three turnovers.

The last time these two teams met was also the last time the Wolfpack hosted a Big 12 op ponent, back when Philip Riv ers led NC State to a 49-21 win nearly two decades ago.

NC State will need to have similar success against a veter an Texas Tech defense that has allowed just two yards per carry and 13 first downs through two games.“They’ve got 10 guys who are either seniors or grad transfers,” Doeren said of the experienced Red Raiders defense.

“As we’ve looked at evolving the schedule in the future, it’s cer tainly a nod to maybe new mar kets that we want to be in, but also balancing that with markets where people have been support ing us forever,” O’Donnell said.

This group may look familiar

Devin Leary was shaky early on, but the ju nior got into a rhythm by the third drive of the game and fin ished the day — also his 23rd birthday — with a six-touch down performance.

Defensive end: Desmond Evans, UNC (Sanford Lee Coun ty, ranked No. 2 in the state in 2020); Savion Jackson, NC State (Clayton, No. 3 in 2019)


After walking on, Thomas has returned punts for four years, av eraging 10 yards.

Punter: Ben Kiernan, UNC (Raleigh Wakefield, No. 105 in 2019)Again, not a no-brainer. App State’s Clayton Howell was a freshman All-American in 2018 but spent the last two seasons primarily as holder on kicks. He’s back at the Mountaineers’ punter this season.

“I felt something at a racetrack that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. And it was the true joy and the love that you just have for being there, whether you’re a competitor or a fan.”

Darrell Waltrip won 10 races, fol lowed by Dale Earnhardt Sr. and Cale Yarborough with five each.

Long snapper: Drew Little, UNC (New London North Stanly, No. 124 in 2019)

— it’s also the Preseason All-ACC linebacker corps. This unit is the most talented on the All-North State Team. Virginia Tech’s Dax Hollifield and UNC’s Cedric Gray are expected to be key contribu tors to their teams.

“You look at our 75th anniversary and the schedule that we’re put ting together and it’s a perfect balance.”Richard Petty won a record 15 NASCAR races at North Wil kesboro, which is known for its downhill slope on the front stretch and uphill back stretch.

“I thought we used our first week as an opportunity to learn and grow,” NC State coach Dave Doeren said at his weekly press conference. “We have to do the same this Quarterbackweek.”

Cooper, sporting a North Wil kesboro Speedway jacket, was The Winston’s grand marshal in 2000, when the younger Earn hardt beat his dad and Dale Jar rett to the finish. The governor said the track, which he visited in May, “is almost like a cathedral.”

NC State’s Drake Thomas (32) went to Heritage High School in Wake Forest and is now one of the ACC’s best linebackers.

that we want to look to more than oneO’Donnellyear.” acknowledged holding more races outside NA SCAR’s strongholds in recent years to grow the sport has led to weighing choices. The 2023 sea son also will feature a new NA SCAR street race in Chicago.

Neither has produced huge sack numbers, but both are slot ted as starting edge rushers this season. So they get the nod over Clemson’s K.J. Henry, who will be in the defensive end rotation for the Tigers.

Kick returner: Will Shipley, Clemson (Matthews Wedding ton, No. 2 in 2021)

While the North Wilkes boro decision was months in the making, Smith and NASCAR Chief Operating Officer Steve O’Donnell said the concept was confirmed just in recent weeks. That’s when standing-room-on ly crowds attended a “Racetrack Revival” series at the reopened track, spearheaded by Speedway

Whether they decide to stay home or are willing to travel to play for a faraway team, we felt that North Carolina’s contribu tions to college football deserve someEachattention.yearfor the past sever al seasons, we’ve named a North Carolina All-Bowl team in Janu ary. In addition to that, we’re un veiling our first annual Preseason All-North State Team.

He became the first quarter back in NC State history to re cord four passing touchdowns and two rushing touchdowns in the same game while also fin ishing with 258 yards of total

Also a starting running back on All-North State’s offense, Shipley averaged 27.0 yards per return last year.

N. WILKESBORO from page B1

Motorsports, Earnhardt Jr., and the widow of the late Benny Par sons. Ryan Newman won the first race, while Earnhardt Jr. was third in a recent race.

Last week, we introduced you to the top players on offense. This week, we’ll unveil the defense and special teams.

Safety: Jireh Wilson, East Carolina (Jacksonville Northside, No. 58 in 2018); Solomon Rogers, Charlotte (Rolesville, unranked in A2019)pair of nearly overlooked instate prospects head up this unit of the All-North State Team. Rog ers was rated a two-star recruit but had 49 tackles and five pass defenses last season. Wilson may end up starting at linebacker in stead of safety, like teammate Myles Berry (Greensboro Dudley).


Smith picked up 86 yards on the ground against the Cougars — but lost 58 on the stat sheet due to sacks — and had the game-winning 9-yard touch down run for the Red Raiders.

This was not the no-brain er some may have expected, but that’s because of the old saying: Out of sight, out of mind. Yes, Dunn is the Wolfpack’s all-time career scoring leader and has multiple All-ACC and watch list selections. But Stanford’s Joshua Karty was the top kicker in the nation when he came out of Bur lington’s Western Alamance in 2020. Karty was third-team AllPac-12 as a redshirt freshman last year and should have plenty of time to earn the honor after Dunn departs.

After a Week 1 scare in which the Wolfpack barely squeaked by thanks to East Carolina’s kick ing struggles, NC State got back on track against an FCS oppo nent, steamrolling Charleston Southern 55-3 at Carter-Finley Stadium last weekend.

Quarterback Devin Leary and the NC State offense got back on track in their 55-3 win over Charleston Southern last Saturday.

Sumo-Karngbaye’s running mate, junior Jordan Houston, added 26 yards on five carries and also had a 24-yard receiv ing touchdown on a wheel route for the Wolfpack.

Linebacker: Trenton Simp son, Clemson (Charlotte Mallard Creek, No. 1 in 2020); Drake Thomas, NC State (Wake Forest Heritage, No. 25 in 2019); Payton Wilson, NC State (Hillsborough Orange, No. 4 in 2018)

Punt returner: Thayer Thom as, NC State (Wake Forest Heri tage, not rated in 2017)

NORTH CAROLINA high schools produce some of the top college football players in the na tion each year. The state is packed with more than enough up-andcoming talent to support its seven FBS schools, as well as the other top programs from around the nation that annually cross the border to poach players.

“I thought we used our first week as an opportunity to learn and grow. We have to do the same this week.”


Many of North Carolina’s top defenders have stayed in the Old North State

Wolfpack hoping momentum carries over vs. Texas Tech

“I felt something at a racetrack that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. And it was the true joy and the love that you just have for be ing there, whether you’re a com petitor or a fan,” said Earnhardt, now a television analyst and own er of a NASCAR Xfinity Series team. “It’s just got a special place in our history. And I’m so excited to see what can happen beyond this.”O’Donnell said later it was too early to tell whether a successful All-Star Race could lead to annu al race dates at the track, but “we wouldn’t be going back to North Wilkesboro if we didn’t think it would be successful and a place

Dale Earnhardt Jr. on racing at North Wilkesboro Speedway

A recent effort to renovate the speedway took off, buoyed by $18 million in federal American Res cue Plan funds earmarked by the North Carolina General Assem bly last year for infrastructure improvements.Thelegislature has agreed in principle to provide another $4 million next year for additional improvements to host the race next May 21 and for “future events over the next several years,” said Greg Walter, general manager at Charlotte Motor Speedway, Speedway Motorsports’ flagship venue.The All-Star Race originally began in 1985 as The Winston and was usually held in May the week before the Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. It’s been held the past two years at Texas Motor Speedway, most re cently won by Ryan Blaney.


Friday, Sept. 16 (Invisalign Arena)

“The ball is king around here. I have to make sure I take care of it,” said Mayfield, who also fumbled the ball four times in his Carolina debut but didn’t lose any.

After a week of celebrating a win over an SEC powerhouse, the App State faithful will now show the country its enthusiasm during the ESPN visit. A win over Troy would not only get the Mountaineers off to a good start in conference play, but it could mean a return to the Top 25.

By Cory Lavalette North State Journal

The Panthers didn’t find their

That led to a Cleveland touch down, and — after another Pan thers punt — the Browns took a 14-0 lead on their next possession.

The Panthers will need to get running back Christian McCaffrey more touches if they want to have a more consistent attack against the Giants on Sunday.

The 2018 second overall pick av eraged 9.1 yards per carry against the Titans, totaling 164 yards on 18 carries with a touchdown.

“App State, Alabama, Clemson, Oklahoma are the only FBS pro grams with nine-plus wins every year since 2015, so what we’re get ting ready to walk into is what we want to be,” he said. “I want our program to look like what they’ve been doing, so I have a lot of respect for them. I mean, they’re 42-8 at home since 2014.”

Now both teams will reset for Sunday’s matchup in New York.

And it’s the Hurricanes’ year to host.While the names on the ice may be unfamiliar to most hockey fans, it will provide fans a chance to see some of the best prospects from the Hurricanes, Predators, Lightning and Panthers during a four-day tournament running Friday through Monday. Games will be played at Invisalign Arena and PNC Arena. Here’s a look at the four teams and what players to watch when the games begin.

Defensemen Scott Morrow and Alexander Nikishin are not on the roster, and neither are wing ers Gleb Tikozov and Alexander Perevalov. Center Jack Drury and goalie Pyotr Kochetkov are eligible — while flexible, the general rule is for players to be 24 years old or younger with 20 or fewer games of NHL experience — but neither willSoparticipate.whois playing? As we learned last year when Seth Jarvis dominated the tournament, the showcase can serve as a launching pad for a prospect heading into training camp.

The script was similar for the

rey Pronman, the Panthers have the NHL’s 25th best prospect pool, compared to No. 6 for Car olina. And like the Hurricanes, Florida’s top-tier prospects won’t be playing in the tournament.

Hurricanes host NHL Prospects Showcase

The Hurricanes long partici pated in the Traverse City, Michi gan, prospect tournament — now called the NHL Prospects Tourna ment — but in 2019 moved to the NHL Prospects Showcase and its rotating site schedule.

Monday, Sept. 19 (PNC Arena) Predators vs. Panthers, 10 a.m. Hurricanes vs. Lightning, 1 p.m.

Florida Panthers

Giants on Sunday but ended with better results. Former Duke quar terback Daniel Jones led New York down the field and connected with Chris Myarick for a touchdown and then, down one point, con nected on a two-point conversion attempt to Saquon Barkley to put the Giants ahead 21-20 over Ten nessee.The Titans, like the Browns, had a chance to win it with a field goal in the final seconds, but Ran dy Bullock’s kick missed wide left from 47 yards.

Tale of two teams: Panthers, Giants meet after similar openers

“The ball is king around here. I have to make sure I take care of it.”

Against the Aggies, quarterback Chase Brice had only 134 yards and one touchdown on 15-of-30 passing for the Mountaineers, while wide out Dashaun Davis had four recep tions for 39 yards. Running back Camerun Peoples was the differ ence-maker with 112 rushing yards on 19 carries (5.9 yards per carry).

“I’m a fighter, I’ve fought my whole life,” Mayfield said.” There’s 16 games (left), and just like our whole team showed in that second half, we’re going to fight.”

Tampa Bay Lightning

RALEIGH — One of the prom ises made when the Hurricanes christened the recently branded Invisalign Arena at Wake Com petition Center in Morrisville was more hockey events coming to the Triangle. That meant youth tour naments, college games and, as we’ll see starting this week, the NHL Prospects Showcase.


The Mountaineers struggled de fensively, allowing the Tar Heels to march down the field as quar terback Drake Maye racked up five touchdowns and 352 yards.

“They have to touch the football, no doubt,” Rhule said.

Nashville Predators

In another timeline, Yaroslav Askarov could be in the Car olina net for this tournament. Askarov was taken 11th overall in the 2022 draft, two spots before the Hurricanes selected Jarvis. The Russian goalie is one of the prized possession of the Nash ville prospect pool ranked 22nd by EgorPronman.Afanasyev, a 6-foot-4

The Lightning have stripped their farm system in an effort to win championships, and it result ed in two titles and last year’s run to the Stanley Cup Final. Because of that, the cupboard is pretty bare — Pronman ranks Tampa Bay 31st out of 32 teams, ahead of only Boston.

The Lightning will have three Jacks in their hand at the tourna ment.Six-foot-6 center Jack Finley, the 57th pick in 2020, had 27 goals and 50 points in the WHL last year. Jack Thompson is an of fensive defenseman who totaled 57 points, including 21 goals, in the OHL last year.

APP STATE from page B1

The team will also get a clos er look at Alexander Pashin and Justin Robidas, two elite skating forwards who were late-round se lections in recent years.

Carolina Hurricanes

Gunler and Ponomarev, mean while, joined the Wolves for the stretch run after playing much of the year overseas. Gunler, from Sweden, played in 10 playoff games, scoring once and adding an assist, while Ponomarev had 10 points in 11 regular season games

The Carolina offense sputtered in the first half, running just 11 plays on its first three drives — all result ing in punts. Then Baker Mayfield, making his first start with Caroli na, sailed a pass high for a Browns interception on the next drive.

Panthers quarterback Baker Mayfield, who had an interception and fumbled four times in the opener.

Last weekend’s victory was just what App State needed after its season-opening 63-61 loss to UNC.

Jones is also a threat to run — the Giants quarterback has rushed for more than 1,000 yards in his career.The Panthers, meanwhile, will need to better utilize their top of

Rees, Noel Gunler and Vasily Ponomarev join Suzuki as the other Wolves who will play for Carolina. Rees, while just 5-foot10 and 182 pounds, is a wrecking ball who may remind Hurricanes fans of Brock McGinn.

On defense, Ronan Seeley and Anttoni Honka should lead the way. Honka is an ultra-skilled player who will start his North American professional career this year, while Seeley has proven to be a seventh-round find. He won gold with Canada at the World Junior Championships, posting four as sists in seven games during that tournament.GoaliesPatrik Hamrla and Jakub Vondras, draft picks in 2021 and 2022, respectively, should see most of the time in net.

According to The Athletic’s Co

Carolina lost on a late-game field goal, while New York earned a victory after a miss

Given the number of col lege-bound and Russian players the Hurricanes have selected in re cent years, Carolina’s roster won’t have some of the names from the top of its prospect pool.

Saturday, Sept. 17 Practice Day

“I felt really good about our chances to stop them,” coach Matt Rhule said of the Panthers settling for a field goal on the penultimate scoring drive of the game. “On that last drive, we didn’t get it done.”

A fter a bounce-back perfor mance by the defense in College

I think our guys will be focused and ready for the challenge,” Troy coach Jon Sumrall said of his team’s upcoming road test. “With a lot of what (App State) accomplished, I’d like for us to emulate and get to that standard and get back to where I think we were before. … They’ve been consistent through coaching changes and they’ve done a great job at having continuity and finding ways to continue their tradition and

2022 NHL Prospects Showcase Schedule

By Cory Lavalette North State Journal

Station, the Mountaineers will try to get their offense back to how it looked against UNC.

Defenseman Evan Nause, the 56th overall pick in the 2021 draft, should lead Florida’s de fense, while winger Justin Sour dif is a high-energy player who could make an impact as he looks to start his professional career on the right foot.

And despite the Week 1 disap pointment, the Panthers know there is plenty of season to go.

B4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

fensiveChristianweapon.McCaffrey carried the ball just 10 times Sunday, totaling 33 yards and a touchdown on the ground, and added four receptions for 24 yards. The Panthers’ other most explosive player, DJ Moore, got just four touches, running once for seven yards and making four catches for 43 yards.


Carolina will play the Predators, Panthers and Lightning during the four-day tournament

The biggest name is Ryan Suzu ki, Carolina’s first round pick in the 2019 draft. The younger brother of Nick Suzuki, the recently named captain of the Canadiens, has had a hard-luck career since being 28th overall, suffering an eye injury in juniors and being in and out of the lineup last season during the Chi cago Wolves’ Calder Cup title run. The tournament should offer him the opportunity to be one of the topJamiesonplayers.

rhythm until the fourth quarter when, trailing 20-7, they complet ed an 11-play, 75-yard drive with a 7-yard touchdown scramble by Mayfield.Afterthe Browns kicked a field goal to extend their lead to 23-14, Carolina scored on its next two possessions — an opening play 75yard touchdown pass from May field to Robbie Anderson and then a field goal with 61 seconds left to take a one-point lead.

The key, according to Rhule, will be getting off to a better start and having sustained drives early in the game.

Sunday, Sept. 18 (PNC Arena) Hurricanes vs. Predators, 10 a.m. Lightning vs. Panthers, 1 p.m.

with Chicago and played all 18 playoff games, registering a goal and six points, after coming over following the KHL season.

But Cleveland, led by former NC

“I thought what we saw in the fourth quarter was kind of starting to click for Baker, starting to click for everybody else,” Rhule added.

The Panthers are hoping the team that showed up in the fourth quarter is the one who starts the game“WhoSunday.wewere in the fourth quarter is who we want to be,” Mayfield said. “We just have to do it for 60 Carolinaminutes.”willalso need to stop the run. The Browns, led by 141 yards from Nick Chubb, had 217 yards and averaged 5.6 yards per carry in the opener, and things won’t get easier with Barkley in the backfield for the Giants.

State quarterback Jacoby Brissett while Deshaun Watson served the first game of an 11-game suspen sion, had two questionable officiat ing decisions go its way and drove into range for their big-legged rookie kicker.

A TWIST HERE, a turn there and the Panthers and Giants could be in opposite seats heading into Sunday’s Week 2 game at MetLife Stadium.Butas it stands, Carolina is 0-1 for the third time in four seasons after driving for a go-ahead score only to leave too much time on the clock for the Browns to set up a 58yard field goal by rookie Cade York in Cleveland’s 26-24 win last Sun day at Bank of America Stadium. It wasn’t so much about the fin ish as the start for the Panthers.

culture.”Sumrall mentioned that the Mountaineers are in elite company among the most reliable programs in college football.

And then there’s goalie Jack Lafontaine, a former Hurricanes draft pick who was not qualified this offseason after he strug gled with Carolina and the AHL Wolves after leaving the Univer sity of Minnesota in the middle of the season to turn pro. He’ll share the Tampa net with pros pect Hugo Alnefelt, a third round pick in 2019 out of Sweden.

winger, had 12 goals and 33 points as a rookie with AHL Mil waukee last year, and high picks Zachary L’Heureux and Luke Evangelista give the Preds plen ty of talent up front. Defensem an Luke Prokop, the first openly gay player under contract with an NHL team, is also on Nashville’s rookie camp roster.

Forward Jamieson Rees will be among the Hurricanes prospects participating in this week’s NHL Prospects Showcase being hosted by the team.

Hurricanes vs. Panthers, 10 a.m. Lightning vs. Predators, 1 p.m.

Mattress maker Schuyler Northstrom, right, of Uinta Mattress, looks on during production in his warehouse Friday, Sept. 9, 2022, in Salt Lake City.

Apple announced plans in April 2021 to build its first East Coast campus in Research Triangle Park between Raleigh and Durham. Toyota revealed in December it would build a battery plant in Randolph County, followed the next month by Boom Superson ic picking Greensboro for its first full-scale manufacturing facili ty for next-generation supersonic passengerChathamjets.County also got the brass ring in March when Viet namese automaker VinFast said it would build its first North Amer ican plant there to make electric vehicles. The investment, which could generate 7,500 jobs, would follow several near-misses by the state to attract a carmaker.

“THIS IS THE DAY in it” (Psalm 118:24).

business & economy

The Fed’s inflation-fighting efforts will inevitably “bring some pain to households and businesses. But a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain.”

Fed Chair aims to avoid a deepening recession with 40-year-high inflation, but economists worry that his soft landing strategy poses “painful” job losses, similar to 1980s

It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases

Fixing corruptioncollege

“It’s a game-changing technol ogy for electric vehicles, renew able energy, storage, rail systems, appliances ... and countless other electric applications,” Wolfspeed CEO Gregg Lowe said at the an nouncement outside the Executive Mansion in Raleigh.


But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has

I know that during working from home be glad” as the Bible and dad, the Easter have to be thankful and

How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe

said it plans to create 1,800 new jobs by the end of 2030 at a location in Chatham County, about 45 miles southwest of its Durham headquarters.

The 3 big questions nobody


we begin to get back to normal


Several of the fake research papers were accepted for publication. The Fat Studies journal published a hoax paper that argued the term bodybuilding was exclusionary and should be replaced with “fat bodybuilding, as a fat-inclusive politicized performance.” One reviewer said, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article and believe it has an important contribution to make to the eld and this journal.”“OurStruggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” was accepted for publication by A lia, a feminist journal for social workers. The paper consisted in part of a rewritten passage from Mein Kampf. Two other hoax papers were published, including “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at Urban Dog Parks.” This paper’s subject was dog-on-dog rape. But the dog rape paper eventually forced Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer had gured out what they were doing.

WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.”

I’d bet that by restoring the traditional academic mission to colleges, they would put a serious dent into the COVID-19 budget shortfall.

It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases,I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about the data. State Republican leaders have, too.

THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal and state and local governments, Americans have the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; they’ve donned masks.

Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed

Wolfspeed had considered the expansion in Marcy, New York, where its new production facili ty is located and where it had ad ditional space for expansion, ac cording to a state Commerce Department document.

The materials produced at the new plant will help supply the company’s new chip fabrication facility in upstate New York, Lowe said.This “East Coast silicon carbide corridor will dramatically im prove the way the world consumes energy,” Lowe said.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The last time the Federal Reserve faced inflation as high as it is now, in the early 1980s, it jacked up in terest rates to double-digit lev els — and in the process caused a deep recession and sharply higher unemployment.OnThursday, Chair Jerome Powell suggested that this time, the Fed won’t have to go nearly as far.“We think we can avoid the very high social costs that Paul Volck

This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new normal.”Notone little bit.

The best hope lies with boards of trustees, though many serve as yes-men for the university president. I think that a good start would be to nd 1950s or 1960s catalogs. Look at the course o erings at a time when college graduates knew how to read, write and compute, and make them today’s curricula. Another helpful tool would be to give careful consideration to eliminating all classes/majors/minors containing the word “studies,” such as women, Asian, black or queer studies.

If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the justi cation for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we must do this out of an abundance of caution.”

under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah RedState and Legal Insurrection.

Powell warned two weeks ago at an economic conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, that the Fed’s inflation-fighting efforts will inevitably “bring some pain to households and businesses.” But, he added, “a failure to restore

fects many consumer and busi ness loans, which means that borrowing costs throughout the economy will likely keep rising.

a society simply must accept without tells us about when it’s safe to begin the,and we have the right to ask those stay-at-home orders are in place all over the them get in states, such as Michigan, feeling isolated and/or anxious about providing for their families, will demand levels should be as forthcoming as they again, not vague answers, but answer statements believability. what we can to keep our families, safe. But we should also still continue because while reasonable stay-at-home should also have an expiration date. and it is not normal. Not in any way, remain vigilant and stay safe, at comfortable with this so-called “new



Average annual salaries for the new jobs, which would be generat ed starting in 2026, are projected at $77,753, well above the county

They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the process of returning back to normalcy.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

That is, unless an exogenous event meltdown in 1986. Some experts program of Reagan, led directly to

Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during a recent coronavirus press brie ng that “we just don’t know yet” if the state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May.

average of $41,638, according to stateGov.officials.Roy Cooper said Wolf speed’s news was an “historic cap ital investment” in the state and called Friday “another step in our drive toward a clean energy econ omy” as well as “an amazing day for high-paying jobs. “

Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed to do, last I checked.

The jobs announcement marked another big economic win for central North Carolina during the past 17 months.

My rst concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After su ering from the H1N1 virus (swine u) during the 2009 pandemic, I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat.

WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.”

No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand answers.Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer with details that give their statements believability.

Some papers accepted for publication in academic journals advocated training men like dogs and punishing white male college students for historical slavery by asking them to sit in silence on the oor in chains during class and to be expected to learn from the discomfort. Other papers celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life choice and advocated treating privately conducted masturbation as a form of sexual violence against women. Typically, academic journal editors send submitted papers out to referees for review. In recommending acceptance for publication, many reviewers gave these papers glowing praise.Political scientist Zach Goldberg ran certain grievance studies concepts through the Lexis/Nexis database, to see how often they appeared in our press over the years. He found huge increases in the usages of “white privilege,” “unconscious bias,” “critical race theory” and “whiteness.” All of this is being taught to college students, many of whom become primary and secondary school teachers who then indoctrinate our young people.

We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths the number of identi ed COVID-19 cases — but both and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources number has been overestimated, given that classi of death, particularly among elderly patients, can sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated,

It is about time they are expected the world like any other modern nation.

so, he did not comment on what the Fed may do at its next meeting in two weeks. Econ omists and Wall Street traders increasingly expect the central bank to raise its key short-term rate by a hefty three-quarters of a point for a third straight time. That would extend the most rap id series of rate hikes since Volck er’sThetime.Fed’s benchmark rate af

Since when did atgovernmentquestioningalllevels

I know that during this challenging time of social working from home or losing a job, it may be di be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst pandemic.Forme,my faith is an important part of my daily making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts a iction, so that we may be able to comfort those a iction, with the comfort which we ourselves are God.”Ifyou are celebrating the Easter season, I urge re ect on this message and be comforted, so that God’s example and comfort all those in need around this di cult time. Through faith and by helping one con dent we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger

But the winning site’s proximity to Wolfspeed’s current operations in Durham, along with the com pany’s relationship with North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, a historically Black college, “gave it a little bit of a tip ping edge,” he said. Wolfspeed on Friday also announced expanded initiatives to attract the school’s engineering students to the semi conductor

er and the Fed had to bring into play to get inflation back down,” Powell said in an interview at the Cato Institute, referring to the Fed chair in the early 1980s who sent short-term borrowing rates to roughly 19% to throttle pun ishingly high inflation.

AMERICA’S COLLEGES are rife with corruption. The nancial squeeze resulting from COVID-19 o ers opportunities for a bit of remediation. Let’s rst examine what might be the root of academic corruption, suggested by the title of a recent study, “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was done by Areo, an opinion and analysis digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short for Areopagitica, a speech delivered by John Milton in defense of free speech.

operates the world’s largest sili con carbide materials factory in Durham. Output at the new plant, which Lowe said could begin pro duction in about two years, would be more than 10 times what the Durham plant produces.

Investment in NC Main $4communitiesStreettopsbillion

In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by neighbors helping neighbors.

Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. Senators in Washington are already of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in China to “pay” for the damage they breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” representatives to hold China accountable

ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this catastrophe one way or another. In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian u,” 1968 “Hong Kong u,” 1977 “Russian u” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the massive 1918 “Spanish u” pandemic also had its origins in China. There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a

We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date.

Central banks around the world are scrambling to keep up with rising prices. The Bank of Canada on Wednesday lift ed rates by 0.75 percentage point and earlier this week the Reserve Bank of Australia implemented a half-point increase.

stumbling economy.

The Associated Press

Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick.

Chernobyl.isCOVID-19PerhapsChina’sSincewhen did


Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.

First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? important because it determines whether certain be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — more liberalized society that presumes wide spread,

Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. Lindsay and Peter Boghossian say that something has gone drastically wrong in academia, especially within certain elds within the humanities. They call these elds “grievance studies,” where scholarship is not so much based upon nding truth but upon attending to social grievances. Grievance scholars bully students, administrators and other departments into adhering to their worldview. The worldview they promote is neither scienti c nor rigorous. Grievance studies consist of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, gender studies, queer studies, sexuality and critical race studies.In2017 and 2018, authors Pluckrose, Lindsay and Boghossian started submitting bogus academic papers to academic journals in cultural, queer, race, gender, fat and sexuality studies to determine if they would pass peer review and be accepted for publication. Acceptance of dubious research that journal editors found sympathetic to their intersectional or postmodern leftist vision of the world would prove the problem of low academic standards.

The comfort and

mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about

Lowe likened an electric vehi cle with silicon chips to a car with a combustion engine whose gas tank is poked full of holes. Mean while, he said, a silicon carbide chip within an inverter that con verts electricity to turn the vehi cle’s motor results in super-fast recharging, he said — 20 minutes to add another 300 miles to his vehicle’s range, for example.


of the virus and the need with how people who simply ask when things can start getting back to with contempt.

Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during a recent coronavirus press brie ng that “we just don’t know yet” if the state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May.

We fromandtransparencyneedhonestyour

shelter-in-place or stay-at-home majority of course,societylevelsCooperendnormal.”Americansofthismonth.statedduringknowyet”iftheaskedastothevagueoneslike“weofthisstatewhoundeterminedthousandsofcasesaskedandthenquestionsaboutasked,thereistotreatthosestartgettingbackarepeoplewhosick.becomeabadweresupposedismyfamily.I’mworriedIwill.After2009pandemic,ofthisbringsupprefernottorepeat.mosteveryonehas

Graduatefield.students at North Carolina State University in Ra leigh helped start what is now Wolfspeed in 1987.

On Thursday, the European Central Bank increased its key rate by three-quarters of a point, the largest in its relatively short history, as Europe also struggles with record-high inflation and a

“THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice in it” (Psalm 118:24).

Powell also reiterated that the Fed is determined to lower infla tion, now near a four-decade high of 8.5%, by raising its short-term rate, which is in a range of 2.25% to Even2.5%.


Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June.

aberrant ways and decisions through Diplomacy has obviously not worked world of 21st century health, hygiene communist regimes never take the blame remorse, because that is not what take advantage of every weakness pushing until they win or the event happens such as the Chernobyl believe that event, not the Star Wars the dissolution of the Soviet Union alreadyChernobyl.talking about the possibility debt we owe them as one way to get have caused the US. Don’t hold your “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected accountable in tangible nancial ways for expected to operate as responsible citizens of

The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization According to the University of Washington Institute Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members Trump administration, the expected need for hospital peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall

Fed Chair Jerome Powell

Lenten and Easter over.sacritemporaryafterandchurchgatherings,concerts,sportingoncehopemessageprovideseasonsaofthatwewillagainenjoyevents,familyservicesmanymoreourowncesare

A state committee voted earli er Friday to award Wolfspeed up to $76 million over 20 years if it met investment and job-creation goals. The company is also likely to benefit financially from legisla tion signed by President Joe Biden last month that encourages semi conductor research and produc tion.The company, formerly known as Cree, already employs over 3,000 jobs in the state. The for mer LED light pioneer has turned to the production of silicon car bine chips, which are known to be more efficient and solid than tra ditional silicon chips.

Despite Powell’s assurances, many economists worry that the Fed will have to allow unemploy ment to rise much more than is currently expected to get infla tion back to its 2% target.

Lowe said the company already

Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who


The Associated Press

An illustration of the Wolfspeed semiconductor materials plant.

pandemic.Forme,my faith is making. As I celebrated Corinthians 1:4, which a iction, so that we a iction, with the comfort

Powell: Higher rates unlikely to cause deep US recession

In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face health care workers out of his own home.

Lowe said after the announce ment that the company looked at several states, and New York “put together a really strong package.”

DESIGNATED NORTH CAROLINA Main Street and Small Town Main Street program.MainunderparticipatingtrainingprogramanddevelopmentstrategicMaingrowthasmeasurablestrategieseconomicbuildingplacemakingcommunities,Carolinaindowntowncounties,Centeranddistricts.forthatdevelopmenttoRuralthethattechnicaltraining,communitiesDesignatedcommunityofStreetthecommunities’ofpopulationwere1,500-110,000.incommunitiesMachelleCommercesaidregion,theeconomicdistrictscreatecommunitiestheareMainStreetthedowntown32,000businessesa7,500rehabilitatedand$4.52leveragedtheCenter’sCenterStreet2021-2022,districtsnewbusinessesmoreinvestment,private$439.9receivedcommunitiesmorethanmillioninlocalandpublicwelcomedthan300newand1,900jobstoitsdowntownduringFiscalYeartheN.C.MainandRuralPlanningannouncedtoday.Accordingtotheannualreport,programhasmorethanbillioninpublicprivateinvestment,morethanbuildings,andsawnetgainofnearly7,500andmorethannewjobsintheirdistrictssinceinceptionoftheMainprogramin1980.“OurNorthCarolinaStreetcommunitiesshiningexamplesofpotentialthatruralhavetovibrantdowntownthatsupportgrowthforgreatercommunity,andthestate,”NorthCarolinaSecretaryBakerSanders.Currently,MainStreetrangepopulationfromAllunder50,000inatthetimedesignation.ThesepartneratlocallevelwithaMaindirector,aboarddirectors,andahostofvolunteers.MainStreetusetheeducation,andassistancetheyreceivefromN.C.MainStreetandPlanningCenterdevelopeconomicstrategiesaretransformationaltheirdowntownTheN.C.MainStreetRuralPlanningworksinregions,cities,towns,districtsanddesignatedNorthMainStreettoinspirethroughasset-baseddevelopmentthatachieveresultssuchinvestment,businessandjobs.TheStreetstaffprovideseconomicplanningtechnicalassistance,guidance,andandeducationtocommunitiesthestructureoftheStreetAmerica™

RALEIGH — A North Caroli na-based semiconductor company announced Friday it will build a $5 billion manufacturing plant in its home state to produce silicon carbide wafers, which is emerging as a favored part for renewable en ergyWolfspeedproducts.Inc.

China lied about the origin of the tried to tell the world there were only worldwide panic, economic collapse and being thrown out of work. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Reserve backup liquidity to the the U.S. dollar were not the reserve fund any of these emergency of rampant in ation and currency


But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has

Stacey Matthews has also written and is a regular contributor to RedState

My rst concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After su ering from the H1N1 virus (swine u) during the 2009 pandemic, I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat.

The comfort and hope

The cavalier manner in which China virus, covered up its spread and tried 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide millions of Americans needlessly The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer debt plus trillions more in Federal markets and nancial outlets. If the currency, we would not be able to measures without immediate fear depreciation.Chinahasto pay for their aberrant economic and nancial means. Diplomacy to bring China into the civilized world and fair trade. Totalitarian communist or express sincere regret and remorse, totalitarian governments do. They they nd in adversaries and keep

Sponsored by 15, 2020 opinion

fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask questions about the data, and when things can start getting back to normal are treated in some circles with contempt.

I doubt whether the coronaviruscaused nancial crunch will give college and university administrators, who are a crossbreed between a parrot and jelly sh, the guts and backbone to restore academic respectability. Far too often, they get much of their political support from campus grievance people who are members of the faculty and diversity and multicultural administrative o ces.

If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the justi cation for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we must do this out of an abundance of caution.”

The Fed has projected that un employment will rise only to 4.1% by the end of 2024 as higher rates bring down inflation. New re search released Thursday un der the auspices of the Brookings Institution says that such a sce nario requires “quite optimistic” assumptions and finds that un employment may have rise much higher to bring inflation down.

If you are celebrating re ect on this message God’s example and comfort this di cult time. Through con dent we will emerge In this same spirit, neighbors helping neighbors. In Concord, a high money to buy a 3-D health care workers

North Carolina wins Wolfspeed semiconductor materials plant

Even more importantly, we have no clue how many actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest of identi ed cases could be an order of magnitude number of people who have had coronavirus and not Lenten and Easter provideseasonsa

Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers questions that will allow the economy to reopen.

Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June.

fallen into place. I understand the to take precautions, but I’m uneasy questions about the data, and when normal are treated in some circles They’re treated as though we as question what the government tells process of returning back to normalcy. No. The government works for questions. And the longer stay-at-home country, and the stricter some of them the more people, sitting at home feeling when they can get back to providing answers.Leaders at the local and state levels can be with those answers — and with details that give their statements We should all continue to do what ourselves, and our communities safe. to ask questions about the data, because measures are understandable, they This is all new to Americans, and shape, or form. So while we should the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable normal.”Notone little bit.

US inflation slows for 2nd month but remains stubbornly high

The research, by Laurence Ball, an economist at Johns Hopkins, and two colleagues, found that the pandemic has made the job market less effi cient in matching unemployed workers with jobs — a trend that would accelerate un employment as the economy weakens.Inaddition, Americans ex pect higher inflation over the next few years, the research found. Typically, when that happens, employees demand higher pay, and their employ ers raise prices to make up for their increased labor costs, thereby fueling inflation. As prices accelerate, the Fed feels pressure to step up its rate hikes, putting the economy at further risk.

Inflation remains far higher than many Americans have ever experienced and is keeping pres sure on the Fed. The central bank is expected to announce another big increase in its benchmark in terest rate next week, which will lead to higher costs for many con sumer and business loans.

Larry Summers, a Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton, has said he thinks the unemployment rate, now 3.5%, might have to reach 7.5% for two years to reduce inflation close to the Fed’s 2% target.

A driver delivers 8,500 gallons of gasoline at an ARCO gas station in Riverside, Calif., Saturday, May 28, 2022.

“We’re not trying to engineer a recession. We’re trying to engineer a slowdown or moderation of activity.”

Next week, most Fed watch ers expect the central bank to an nounce a third straight threequarter-point hike, to a range of 3% to 3.25%. The Fed’s rapid rate increases — the fastest since the early 1980s — typically lead to higher costs for mortgages, auto loans and business loans, with the goal of slowing growth and reduc ing inflation. The average 30-year mortgage rate jumped to near ly 5.9% last week, according to mortgage buyer Freddie Mac, the highest figure in nearly 14 years.

RECESSION from page B5 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds $3,017,557,536 Add Receipts $41,526,928 Less Disbursements $119,329,330 Reserved Cash $125,000,000 Unreserved Cash Balance Total $6,778,233,914 Disaster reimbursements: $115,300,000 For the week ending 9/9

price stability would mean far greater pain.”


For the “not badge obsessed”

The Lexus RX is the most popu lar vehicle Lexus sells, and with goodThereason.mid-sized luxury cross over has been well-regarded for years thanks to Lexus’ maniacal focus on comfort, reliability, and unpretentious luxury. The new one doubles down on the first two, adds a big splash of sport iness, and should continue its dominance as the SUV of choice for wealthy folks who have no need to show off.

There are three drivetrains to choose from, and the base 275 horsepower and 317 lb-ft 2.4L turbocharged 4-cylinder is a ca pable option. It gets 25 and 24 mpg combined for FWD and AWD respectively. There’s a 350h hybrid that’s only available in AWD, making 36 mpg combined, which is excellent if you want bet ter fuel economy.

And then we get to the weird one. The RX 500h F-Sport Per formance AWD takes the tur


Republicans have sought to make inflation a central issue in the midterm congressional elec tions. They blame President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package passed last year for much of the increase. Many economists generally agree, though they also say that snarled supply chains,

es, inflicting hardships on many households and deepening gloom about the economy despite strong job growth and low unemploy ment. Groceries continue to rise rapidly, jumping 0.7% from July to August. In the past year, they have soared 13.5% — the biggest 12-month increase since 1979.

And Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard, also in remarks Wednesday, pointed out that there are signs that supply chain snarls are easing, which could boost factory output and moderate prices.

Still, on Thursday, he reit erated that the Fed’s goal is to achieve a “soft landing,” in which it manages to slow the economy enough to defeat high inflation yet not so much as to tip it into recession.

The new paper released Thursday concluded that the Fed may have to lift unemploy ment as high as Summers has suggested to curb inflation.

bocharged engine from the base model and adds a more powerful hybrid electric system to create a total of 366 system horsepow er and 406 lb-ft of torque. The re sult is a hybrid that makes just 27 mpg combined and a 0–60 mph time of 5.9 seconds, down from 7.2 seconds in the standard RX 350

Wages are still rising at a strong pace — before adjusting for in flation — which has elevated de mand for apartments as more people move out on their own. A shortage of available houses has also forced more people to keep renting, thereby intensifying com petition for apartments.

It’sAWD.faster, looks good, and it’s the first time the RX has had a “performance” option — but it disappointed me. Sure, it’s faster, but it feels like a missed opportu nity. The Germans have turned their SUVs into cash printing machines as folks pay enormous sums for sporty SUVs like the BMW X5 M and the Audi SQ 5. I wonder if Lexus missed an op portunity to create a true perfor mance SUV, perhaps the RX F with the same silky smooth V8 as the Lexus LC 500.

Still, the driving experience of the new RX is terrific. It’s im proved from the old RX, especial ly with the addition of rear-wheel steering, which helps the rig navi gate tight Starbucks parking lots.

In truth, the Lexus RX is not an exciting car. It is, however, an exceedingly popular one. Lex us says it’s likely to be bought by “creative visionaries” who are experiential and not badge-ob sessed, as well as highly educat ed professionals. That tracks. The RX is practical, comfortable, and attractive. It’s efficient, well-de signed, and will be a home run with the sort of folks who buy the Lexus RX. But it doesn’t push the limits, which is no surprise when you’re the market leader and have a very successful product.

The quintessential Lexus gets even better


Rising rents and more expen sive services, such as medical care, are also keeping inflation high.

Other central bank officials have recently echoed Powell’s message.“We’re not trying to en gineer a recession,” Loretta Mester, president of the Feder al Reserve Bank of Cleveland, said Wednesday in an inter view with the newswire MNI. “We’re trying to engineer a slowdown or moderation of ac tivity.”Atthe same time, Mester acknowledged that the Fed’s rate hikes will likely lead to job losses and will be “painful in the near term.”

The interior has been reworked with the same large touchscreen found in the new Lexus LX and the Toyota Tundra, supporting wireless Apple CarPlay and An droid Auto. Thankfully there are good storage spots for your phone, including a wireless char ger and two USB-C ports easi ly accessible beneath the screen. The new infotainment has exten sive connectivity, including builtin Apple Music through the incar data connection.

Even if inflation peaks, econ omists expect it could take two years or more to fall back to some thing close to the Fed’s annual 2% target. The cost of rental apart ments and other services, such as health care, are likely to keep ris ing in the months ahead.

In addition, she noted that auto makers and retailers en joyed hefty profit margins when goods were scarce and Americans were spending ro bustly. As consumers start to pull back in the face of high in flation, Brainard said, retailers and car companies may have to cut prices to boost sales. That would help slow inflation.

B6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

By Jordan Golson North State Journal

The newest version of Lexus Safety Sense adds an auto-brak ing feature called Proactive Driv ing Assist (PDA) that uses “gentle braking” to help maintain vehicle

distance between the RX and a preceding vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist. Instead of a last-min ute crash-avoidance feature like Automatic Emergency Brak ing, PDA is more like “automat ic slowing.” It’s so subtle that you might not even notice it happen ing, but it should help reduce tail gating and buy drivers more time to react in a crash.

The Associated Press

referring to the impact of high prices on family budgets. He has instead highlighted his adminis tration’s recent legislative accom plishments, including a law enact ed last month that’s intended to reduce pharmaceutical prices and fight climate Nationally,change.theaverage cost of a gallon of gas has dropped to $3.71, down from just above $5 in midJune. Many businesses are also reporting signs that supply back logs and inflation are beginning to

Inflation has escalated fami lies’ grocery bills, rents and util ity costs, among other expens

There’s a plug-in hybrid ver sion coming that I got to preview — it’s called the RX 450h+, and it’s currently available in Europe — and it will be the RX to buy once it arrives here in the states. But for now, there’s the 2023 RX, and if you are a creative visionary, this is the SUV for you.

Yet the signs that inflation might have peaked — or will soon — could bolster Democrats’ pros pects in the midterm elections and may already have contributed to slightly higher public approv al ratings for Biden. In his speech es, Biden has generally stopped

The Lexus design team didn’t mess with the RX’s tried-andtrue look, instead focusing on the typical nips and tucks of a rede sign, except at the front, which gets an entirely new interpreta tion of the Lexus spindle grille that — to put kindly — will be po larizing.Therear is a thoughtful expres sion of the new Lexus design lan guage we’ve seen in the UX and NX, looking modern without be ing too flashy (a Lexus hallmark).

Yet many economists say that as borrowing rates keep rising, employers will cut jobs, consumers will slash spending and a downturn will eventu ally result. And some have is sued starker warnings about the consequences of the Fed’s aggressive pace of rate hikes.

Core prices typically provide a clearer read on where costs are headed than overall inflation does. Stock index futures tumbled on the worse-than-expected core figures, with many investors fear ful that the Federal Reserve will now raise interest rates even fast er in its drive to curb inflation.

fade.General Motors has said the pandemic disruptions to over seas production of semiconduc tors, which have reduced auto out put, have significantly dissipated and that supply chain disruptions overall have improved about 80% from the worst days of the pan demic.Over the past year, prices of meat, milk and fruits and vege tables have soared by double-dig its. But executives at Kroger, the nation’s largest grocery chain, said that falling prices for farm commodities like wheat and corn could slow cost increases for food.

The best part about the look of the new RX is a jaw-dropping new Copper Crest color. I once based an entire Lexus review around the fantastic Nori Green Pearl (also available on the RX), and the silky copper is one of the best colors I’ve seen in a car.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and widespread shortages of items like semiconductors have been key factors in the inflation surge.

Loretta Mester, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. inflation slowed for a second straight month on a sharp fall in gas prices, yet excluding energy most other items got more expen sive in August, a sign that inflation remains a heavy burden for Amer icanConsumerhouseholds.prices surged 8.3% in August compared with a year earlier, the government said Tues day, down from an 8.5% jump in July and a four-decade high of 9.1% in June. On a monthly basis, prices rose 0.1%, after a flat read ing in ButJuly.excluding the volatile food and energy categories, so-called core prices jumped 0.6% from July to August — up sharply from 0.3% the previous month and dashing hopes, for now, that core prices might be starting to mod erate. In the 12 months ending in August, core prices jumped 6.3%, up from 5.9% in July. Rents, med ical care services and new cars all grew more expensive in August.

“What we hope to achieve,” the Fed chair said, “is a period of growth below trend, which will cause the labor market to get back into better balance, and then that will bring wag es back down to levels that are more consistent with 2% infla tion over time.”


pen & paper pursuits


B12 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

TAKE NOTICE NoticeWAKEtoCreditors Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Sheila Knight, late of Wake County, North Carolina (2022-E-1748), the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of December 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 14th day of September, 2022. Daryl AdministratorKnight of the Estate of Sheila Knight c/o Lisa M. Schreiner Attorney at Law P.O. Box 446 114 Raleigh Street Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 (For publication: 08/31, 09/07, 09/14, 09/21/2022)

Stanly County Schools is that in or der to meet bare-minimum pay roll, we’re going to run out some time in the Spring. So we can’t fix the pay scale without the addition al funding, and we can’t give our teachers the raises that they need either. I think we’re going to get something done in the future, but there’s going to have to be some toughThedecisions.”districtis also looking at even more additional costs, with one of the biggest being child nu trition services which, according to Lisk, have increased by three times.“What it really means is we’re going to have to have more money,” Lisk said. “We need to think about our school systems, think about what we need to make it work. As a county, we have to decide when are we going to make our schools a higher priority.”

According to Lefler, the current

“North Carolina passed a state budget in July after the fiscal year,” Lisk said. “What that means for

The only action that the board took was the approval of a contract with EdOptions to provide services for Stanly County Virtual Educa tion, an online schooling option for Stanly County Schools students.

“I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that my work in animal welfare is not done,” Avilés added. “Thank you to Stan ly County Sheriff’s Office, Karen, our deputies, fosters, transporters, Rescue Partners, adopters, spon sors, and supporters for making my time at SCAPS a success. I am so beyond thankful for all of you.”

By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

The first update that the board received was on the status of the district’s facilities.

According to Lisk, in order to meet those, the district is going to need an additional $800,000 just to meet payroll for this year and will need an additional $1 million in recurring funding to fix the pay scale for classified employees.

Jana Aviles

For the first time since the pandemic, the event included a live audience.

“Regardingpost.the comment that the shelter will be going backwards and become a “kill shelter,” I assure you that this will not happen,” the post stated. “The entire staff at the animal shelter, as well as this ad ministration, has worked extreme ly hard to obtain a better than 95% survival rate. We are not going to do anything to jeopardize this and will continue to work toward im proving processes with the re sources we have available to us.”

“We’re going to look at sever al plans. Just to look at 10-15 years down the road because we don’t have the funds to do it now. We just need to sit down with the county commissioners and tell them our plans and see what direction we need to be going in.”


alongside some pretty incredible people, and we made an enormous difference in the lives of the ani mals and people of Stanly County.”

ALBEMARLE — The Stan ly County Board of Education met Tuesday, September 6, where two updates were given on the state of the district’s facilities and finances.

The board was also given an up date on the state of the district’s fi nances.“Wesubmitted a budget request back in the spring to our commis sioners for a lot of the normal fund ing that we need, but three addi tional things as well,” said board member Dustin Lisk. “One was for a raise for our teachers, but on top of that, the state mandate came down to pay classified employees a minimum of $15 an hour.”

In late August, social media ru mors arose hypothesizing that SCAPS would implement a new policy requiring animals to be eu thanized after being in the facility for 30 days or more — a rumor that was refuted by the sheriff’s office in a response

plan in work is to try and start with repairs to the high schools and work their way down to the low er grades. Another area that the board wishes to address is the dis crepancy in curriculum available in the various schools across the district.“Ifyou look at our facilities, we don’t have labs. We don’t have CTE offerings or the facilities to offer those in all of our schools,” Lefler said. “We want to offer equal of ferings in the curriculum in all the schools because now some of our schools have most all of the offer ings and some of our schools have

The topic was included in the Sept. 6 meeting agenda by Com missioner Peter Asciutto, who wanted to clear the air with the public on recent social media posts concerning adoptions, euthana sia, and staffing at the local animal controlSCAPSagency.—under the manage ment of Sheriff Jeff Crisco and the Stanly County Sheriff’s Office since 2020 — will now be looking to hire a new head director to be the agen cy’s only full-time worker within the existing setup.

58 2017752016 $0.50 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 48 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | STANLYJOURNAL.COM SUBSCRIBE TODAY: 336-283-6305

See SCAPS page 2

Sheriff’s Office arrests two Midland residents on child abuse crimes

After a sexual assault investigation, the Stanly County Sheriff’s Office arrested two Midland individuals for child abuse and sex crimes. According to the police report, the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division received a report regarding a sexual assault of a juvenile victim. On September 10, Christopher David Charles, 38, and Sarah Hephzibah Charles, 33, were both arrested and charged with felony child abuse involving a sexual act, statutory sex offense with a child by an adult, and second-degree forcible sex offense. Both individuals are being held in the Ralph McSwain Detention Center under a $250,00 secured bond. Their initial court appearance is scheduled for September 27.

Board of Education to lean on County Commissioners for support

“I have had the pleasure of working alongside some pretty incredible people, and we made an enormous difference in the lives of the animals and people of Stanly County.”

The Stanly County Board of Ed ucation will next meet October 4.

Despite the direct response by

North Stanly’s Will Honeycutt and Southwestern Randolph’s Daniel Arellano battle over the ball during a non conference match at Southwestern Randolph high school in Asheboro, on Sept. 6, 2022. SWR won 9-2.

ALBEMARLE — Multiple is sues regarding the status of Stanly County Animal Protective Services (SCAPS) were discussed at the re cent Stanly County Board of Com missioners meeting this month.

Avilés’ resignation arrived just weeks after the Animal Welfare Section of the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Ser vices inspected SCAPS and found areas that needed improvement due to a lack of kennel staff and an absence of adequate funding, ac cording to an official department report.

Now-former SCAPS Director Jana Avilés announced her resig nation from the position in a so cial media post on Sept. 9: “To day was my last day as Director of Stanly County Animal Protective Services. Over the last two years, I have had the pleasure of working

Battle on the pitch


Stanly’s Dancing with the Stars raises $130k

By the end of the night, the event had raised $130,868 for the Butterfly House Children’s Advocacy Center, which provides evaluation and supportive services for survivors of child maltreatment. Since 2012, when the Butterfly House originally launched the fundraising event, it has raised over $879,000.

“If you look at our facilities, we don’t have labs. We don’t have CTE offerings or the facilities to offer those in all of our schools.”

Board of Education member Dr. Rufus Lefler

By Jesse Deal North State Journal

Continued support for virtual education approved

very little. So we want to equal it out in the future.”

“All of our high schools, all of them were built in about 1962, and most of them are nearly fall ing down,” said board member Dr. Rufus Lefler. “We’ve had a lot of discussion about all of the re pairs and air conditioning and all that we’re having to do to our fa cilities to keep them going. We’ve been talking about this for sever al months, but over the next sev eral months, we’re going to have meetings and conversations with the county commissioners and just give them our long-term plan about our high schools.”

Last weekend, the Stanly County Agri-Civic Center hosted the 10th annual Stanly County Dancing with the Stars event.

Stanly commissioners address issues surrounding Animal Protective Services

Jason Sudeikis accepts the Emmy for outstanding lead actor in a comedy series for “Ted Lasso” at the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards on Monday, Sept. 12, 2022, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

‘Succession,’ ‘Ted Lasso’ top Emmys; 1st time winners shine

pany, which performed a study to determine the maximum amounts Stanly could charge for new water and sewer connections. State law says counties may not charge sys tem development fees in excess of the maximum fees presented in theAfterstudy. reviewing the Wooten study, county utility staff recom mended the commissioners adopt new fees setting water and sew er connection fees below the max imum allowed by law. The recom mended rates from the county staff were less than half of the max imum allowable fees under the study. During the meeting, Com missioner Bill Lawhon made a mo tion to set the water and sewer connection fees at the maximum amounts from the Wooten study. That motion was seconded by

Commissioner Zach Almond. The commissioners approved the mo tion 6-1, with chair Tommy Jordan voting no. “I think it’s too high,” said Jordan in announcing his lone “nay” the new ordinance, a new, standard water connec tion cost a residential customer a $1,300 connection fee, and sew er connections were $1,250. With the new ordinance in place, new residential water customers will pay $8,622, which includes the connection fee and the new sys tem development fee. A new wa ter and sewer customer will now pay $13,389, a 525% increase over the total costs before the new or


is a rare bright spot for network broadcasting in the age of stream ing and cable dominance.

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Utilities Director Duane Wingo

Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278 Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor

shelter are now answering from the shelter are unrelated to ani mal compliance,” Kathryn Hin kle Russell, a SCAPS volunteer, told commissioners. “The SCAPS community would like to see three full-time shelter staff who have no table background and experience — with one of these three being our current director — given an of fer to stay and a raise.”

Get in touch

Lee said to “Squid Game” cre ator Hwang Dong-hyuk, who earned the Emmy for best drama series directing. In Korean, Lee thanked the audience in his na tive country for watching.

WILLIAMS, ERIC LEE (W /M/47), ASSAULT ON FEMALE, 09/10/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office HILL, ZABAIAN CORDARIUS (B /M/31), MISDEMEANOR LARCENY, 09/09/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office

“Ted Lasso” co-star Brett Gold stein, won comedy supporting ac tors, while Matthew Macfadyen of “Succession” and Julia Garner of “Ozark” earned drama series supporting actor honors.

dinance.Thecounty could vote at any time during the next five years to lower the fees.


Sudeikis won his second con secutive trophy for playing the unlikely U.S. coach of a British soccer team in the comedy “Ted Lasso,” with Smart matching that haul for her role as a veteran co median in Sudeikis“Hacks.”gavea rare awards show shoutout to TV consumers: “Thanks to the people who watch this show and dig it as much as we dig making it.”

Stanly County commissioners vote to raise water and sewer fees for new connections

Jason Sudeikis and Jean Smart collected back-to-back acting trophies, but several new Emmy winners were minted, with Lizzo and Quinta Brunson and Sheryl Lee Ralph of “Abbott Elementa ry” collecting trophies.

ALBEMARLE — Last week, the Stanly County Board of Com missioners adopted a new wa ter system development fee ordi nance. The new ordinance affects applicants for new water and sew er service and current users who need upgraded connections to wa ter and sewer service. No public comments were made during the public hearing last week. Prior to this new ordinance, Stanly County did not have a development fee for water and Accordingsewer.toDuane Wingo, the county utilities director, new water lines cost the county approximate ly $700,000 per mile, and sewer lines cost approximately $950,000 per mile. Wingo said recent capac ity improvements to the water sys


LOS ANGELES — “Succes sion” and “Ted Lasso” topped the Emmy Awards on Monday, in a ceremony that touted the influ ence of TV and extended honors to global sensation “Squid Game” and winners who delivered mes sages of empowerment.

sheriff’s office’s current arrange ment and workload at SCAPS: “I talk to people, and they say the deputies are not there in the after noon to feed and do as much of the paperwork, but the Sheriff’s Of fice says that they’re there every morning and pretty much every evening, Monday to Friday, doing thoseCommissionertasks.”

The evening’s uplifting tone, as voiced especially by Zendaya, Lizzo and Sheryl Lee Ralph, was in contrast to the darkness that pervaded the storytelling of best drama series winner “Succession” and even comedy series victor “Ted“ThanksLasso.”for making such a safe space to make this very difficult show,” said Zendaya, claiming her second best drama actress award for “Euphoria,” about a group of teens’ tough coming-of-age.


County Journal www

Thrones.”Once the music stopped, Thompson provided a mic drop moment — announcing Oprah Winfrey as the first presenter. Winfrey strutted onto the stage holding an Emmy statuette, de claring the night “a party!” The night’s first award went to Mi chael Keaton for his role in “Do pesick.” Winfrey and Keaton hugged before she handed him his“Ittrophy.means something,” Keaton said of the award for playing a caring doctor ensnared with his patients by addiction. He went on to recall the “magic” of being introduced to TV when his dad won a set at a raffle and thanked his parents for not mocking his youthful attempts at acting.

HARRIS, TAVARAS LAMAR (B /M/30), POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON, 09/06/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office

The board’s next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. at Stanly Commons.

Brunson, who created and stars in the freshman series, won the Emmy for comedy series writ ing. ABC’s “Abbott Elementary,” also nominated for best comedy,


imate in our position than he is. We’ll leave that up to other peo ple.”There were also cheers for pre senter Selma Blair, who has dis cussed her multiple sclerosis di agnosis publicly and who used a cane on stage.

2 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

sheriff’s office jurisdiction over SCAPS, “it’s not our job to make management decisions for the sheriff” and that the current fund ing amount would not be altered. Clarifying that any changes for SCAPS would need to be directly implemented through the sheriff’s office, the commissioners declined to vote on a resolution.


“I’m confident that data will show at least a third of the calls the five deputies assigned to the



North State Journal

Published each Wednesday as part of 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001

SMITH, KELLIE ANN (W /F/40), DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED, 09/09/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office

“My greatest wish for “Eupho ria’ was that it could help heal people. Thank you for everyone who has shared your story with me. I carry them with me, and I carry them with” Rue, her charac ter, Zendaya “Succession,”said.about a media empire run by a grasping and cutthroat family, split drama se ries honors with “Squid Game,” the bold South Korean-set dra ma about the idle rich turning the poor into entertainment fodder.

tem cost the county $7.2 million, and a future capacity increase will cost $32 million. “These fees … are very necessary in order for us to accommodate the growth that is happening in Stanly County,” said Wingo.AtTuesday’s meeting, the board of commissioners heard the results of a report from The Wooten Com

“These fees ... are very necessary in order for us to accommodate the growth that is happening in Stanly County.”

TURNER, CASEY RENEE (W /F/32), LARC MERCHANT PROD CODE FRAUD, 09/11/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office WALLACE, NIKITA RAE (W /F/35), LARC MERCHANT PROD CODE FRAUD, 09/11/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office CHARLES, CHRISTOPHER DAVID (W /M/38), FELONY CHILD ABUSE -SEXUAL ACT, 09/10/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office CHARLES, OfficeStanlyAINDECENTHEPHZIBAHSARAH(W/F/33),LIBERTIESWITHCHILD,09/10/2022,CountySheriff`S

Lee Jung-jae of “Squid Game,” who played the show’s moral cen ter, became the first Asian to win the Emmy for best drama series actor.“Thank you for making realis tic problems we all face come to life so creatively on the screen,”


Glamour was back with some metallic sparkle and lots of bright color as an otherworldly Britt Lower, Old Hollywood Elle Fan ning and their fellow stars posed for photographers.

the sheriff’s office, discussion of the SCAPS situation carried into the recent commissioners’ meeting, where a public comment session was held; the topic of staffing was brought up in relation with the cur rent structure involving sheriff’s of fice deputies working at the shelter.

North State Journal

By Lynn Elber The Associated Press


There was a ripple of reaction in the theater when “Succession” creator Jesse Armstrong men tioned Britain’s new king, Charles III, in accepting the show’s tro phy, the cast standing alongside him.“Big week for successions, new king in the U.K., this for us. Ev idently a little bit more voting involved in our winning than Prince Charles,” Armstrong said. “I’m not saying we’re more legit

“It’s such a pleasure and priv ilege for me to play this bonkers gift of a role in this wonderful show,” Macfadyen said in accept ing the trophy for his role as a scheming member of a media em pireHostfamily.Kenan Thompson kicked off the Emmys with a tribute to TV, dismissing Tik-Tok as “tiny vertical television,” and a mu sical number saluting series’ theme songs from “Friends” to “The Brady Bunch” to “Game of

Bill Lawhon re iterated that due to the chain-ofcommand structure that gives the

Ascuitto stated that he has heard conflicting accounts of the

We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nation-states. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an empire of its own, not merely a nation-state — as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”


Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a major foreign policy and national security failure and, in many ways, a direct affront to all the servicemembers who sacrificed so much to defend freedom at home and in the region. But I will not let this stand. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I promise to not rest until we have a thorough review of this deadly withdrawal, get our citizens and allies out of harm’s way, and I will continue to honor the brave Americans who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan.Atthesame time, leaders in Washington must also continue to

Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

It is

The West has decided, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to economic strength, instead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising endless giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying civilizations, pitting its citizens against each other, labeling them “semifascists” and “threats to democracy.”

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of DailyWire. com. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”


We lie somewhere between the moral collapse of Rudyard Kipling’s “Recessional” (1897) and Philip Larkin’s “Homage to a Government” (1969). This doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty — the kind of chaos and difficulty only strength, economic and military, and morals can successfully keep at bay.

September 11th, 2001, was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. However, amid the grave evil of that day, we also witnessed some of the most courageous and heroic acts of good. We saw hundreds of first responders rush into smoke and flames in order to save strangers, as well as the brave passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 sacrifice everything in order to prevent further catastrophe. These individuals were, and continue to be, heroes in every sense of the word. We must never forget the tragedy and heroism of 9/11. It is our responsibility to continue to honor and support all those most affected by what took place that day. This includes the thousands of brave men and women who, in the aftermath of the attack, answered the call to wear our nation’s uniform, defend freedom, and stop events like 9/11 from happening again.

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous economic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: state-run mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustainable... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.” China’s demographics are entirely upside-down; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is about to

SUNDAY MARKED 21 YEARS since the 9/11 terrorist attack on our homeland. This senseless act of violence struck at the very core of our nation and robbed nearly 3,000 innocent dads, moms, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters of their lives.

Remembrance and responsibility

support our troops and veterans with the challenges they may be facing here at home. Among these challenges, mental health is one of the greatest. According to a 2021 study, it is estimated that over 30,000 active-duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. This is four times higher than the number of deaths resulting from military operations. The psychological and emotional burdens carried by our nation’s active-duty and veteran personnel are immense and must be addressed in a comprehensive way. This is why I have cosponsored legislation like the VA Zero Suicide Demonstration Project Act and Vet CENTERS for Mental Health Act, provisions that will help expand mental health services for veterans across the Unfortunately,country.the mental health scourge is not the only health crisis affecting our military and country at large. Drug overdose deaths continue to surge across the United States, in large part due to opioids like fentanyl. In North Carolina, there were 3,759 deaths from opioid overdoses last year. However, this crisis is not limited to the civilian population, as reports have shown that our military is also vulnerable to this crisis. This includes our community at Fort Bragg, where accidental overdose is one of the leading causes of death for soldiers, outpacing deaths related to combat operations. It is clear we must take steps to address this crisis, including securing our border to stop drugs like fentanyl from entering our country in the first place. As your Congressman, I will work to make sure this happens.

Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.

It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over concerns about birthrate, immigration, and multiculturalism. Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long re-shifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian environmentalism — all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 mini-depression and now sky-high rates of inflation — the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.And then there is the problem of empires in decline.

Yet, many have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. And I fear the consequences of President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. This rushed and disorganized effort to pull the United States out of the region needlessly threw away years of hard-fought gains and led to the loss of billions of dollars in equipment, the abandonment of thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies, and the needless deaths of 13 brave U.S. servicemembers.

declare himself dictator for life.

So, what would China’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the all-important production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredictable.

In closing, I ask that you join Renee and me this week in praying for the family and friends of the victims and heroes of 9/11. May we never forget them and all who have served our nation since.


While these are difficult topics, it is only by having an honest and direct conversation about them they can be properly addressed. I will continue to have frank conversations about the most pressing issues facing our country today and will always work to support those who have sacrificed so much for this nation.


WE LIVE IN A DEEPLY SERIOUS time with deeply unserious leaders.Historian Niall Ferguson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth century” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, economic volatility, and empires in decline.”

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility, and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for weakness. Economic growth is the prerequisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion.

3Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Unserious leadership in a serious time

Which brings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.

In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territorial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism, and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above four children per woman in 1910 to well below two by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was, therefore, not unpredictable.

Just over two decades later, the images of 9/11 remain burned into the collective memory of every soul in our nation. I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news of what had happened, and the tragic events of that morning played out.



Athletic director Graham Neff


EliasTorontoTheodorou, a charismatic mixed martial artist who seven19-3,AprilearningCanadaUltimateheandhisMississauga,cancer.SundayformerJessHeastosuccessfullycampaignedfortherightusemedicalmarijuanaanathlete,hasdied.was34.Hispublicist,Moran,confirmedtheUFCfighterdiedinTorontoofliverTheodorou,fromOntario,madeprodebutinJune2011was8-0-0in2013whenjoinedthecastof“TheFighterNations:vs.Australia.”AfterhisUFCcontractin2014,Theodorouwaswithsixwinsinhislastoutings.

Clemson extended Dabo Swinney through 2031, giving its football coach a raise that will pay him an average of $11.5 million annually.

The first two postseason races have been won by drivers outside of the playoffs

Monza, FormulaItalyOne driver Alex Albon suffered “respiratory failure” and had to be put on a ventilator following complications from surgery. Albon was ruled out of the Italian Grand Prix with appendicitis on Saturday morning and underwent successful surgery but the Williams driver then had to be moved to intensive care as he required assistance breathing. Albon is out of intensive care and was expected to return home on Tuesday. He is expected to take part in the Singapore GP on Oct. 2. Albon signed a multi-year contract extension to continue driving for Williams last month.

Notre Dame QB Buchner expected to miss season

“I remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence.”

Dabo Swinney

Clemson’s Swinney gets raise, extension through 2031

Drew Pyne, who came off the bench after Buchner was hurt, was listed as the starter on Notre Dame’s depth chart of Saturday’s home game against California. Notre Dame plays at UNC on Sept. 24.

US Soccer investigation into NWSL misconduct nearing end

Swinney will make $10.5 mil lion this season, a raise of $2 mil lion scheduled under his old agree ment signed in 2019. He’ll earn $12.5 million in the contract’s final year,Each2031.year, Swinney will get $305,000 in base salary. His sup plemental income this season will be $6.695 million plus $3.5 mil lion in licensing money.

The Associated Press

“It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lightsout.”

U.S.ChicagoSoccer says an investigation into alleged abuse and misconduct in the National Women’s Soccer League is expected to be completed by early October.

There are several contract per formance bonuses, including $350,000 for a national title and $200,000 for an ACC champion ship. Swinney would get $100,000 if his team’s Academic Progress Rate reaches 975 out of 1,000, ac cording to the NCAA’s scale that tracks academic performance.

ONEFORMULA Albon after“respiratorysufferedfailure”surgery

Former UFC fighter Theodorou dies at age 34

The 52-year-old has won seven Atlantic Coast Conference titles, made the College Football Playoff six times and won national crowns after the 2016 and 2018 seasons.

Bell was the only driver to clinch a spot in the next round on points. The other 11 are up for grabs head ing to Saturday night’s race at Bris tol.“I’m very happy that we’re final ly getting the results that this team deserves,” Bell said. “Our speed has been there all year. I feel like we’ve given up a lot of good finish es. Hopefully we can build on this and keep rolling.”

The Tigers coach average annual salary is now $11.5 million

Wallace got around playoff con tender Alex Bowman for the lead with 67 laps to go, then built a 2-second cushion over a parade of drivers in the title hunt, each trying to earn the win that would ensure their spot in the round of eight.Hamlin wound up at the front of it, finishing second to climb into third in the playoff standings.

said it was “critical that Clemson invest in our football program and ensure our head coach is at Clem

son for a long, long time.”

Swinneycontinues.wouldn’t owe anything if he left to become an NFL head coach.Clemson would have to pay Swinney $64 million if it dis missed him without cause, a fig ure that decreases throughout the length of the deal.

He was quick to tweet his congrat ulations.Bellfinished third and Bowman fourth with playoff outsider Mar tin Truex Jr. in fifth. William By ron, Ross Chastain, Kyle Larson, Ryan Blaney and Daniel Suarez — all firmly in the playoff hunt — rounded out the top 10.


Bubba Wallace celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Kansas Speedway.

Denny Hamlin managed to trim into Wallace’s lead down the stretch, but the co-owner with Mi chael Jordan of the No. 45 car for 23XI Racing ultimately ran out of time. Wallace took the checkered

Bubba Wallace after he held off his team’s co-owner, Denny Hamlin, to win at Kansas


Fighting Irish coach Marcus Freeman says Buchner has a severe AC joint sprain in his left shoulder. Buchner was injured in the fourth quarter of Notre Dame’s loss to Marshall on Saturday.

Riley was fired and league Commissioner Lisa Baird stepped down in the wake of the players’ claims. U.S. Soccer and the NWSL and its players union announced separate investigations.

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Bubba Wallace was so comfortable cruis ing around Kansas Speedway on Sunday that he told his team over the radio in the closing laps that he didn’t want to know who was chas ing him or how far back they might be.He probably would have smiled knowing it was his boss.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Clem son coach Dabo Swinney has a reworked contract that will pay him $115 million over 10 seasons throughSwinney’s2031. enhanced contract follows megadeals given to Ala bama’s Nick Saban, Georgia’s Kir by Smart and Ohio State’s Ryan Day earlier this season. Swinney’s average yearly salary of $11.5 mil lion sits only behind Saban’s $11.7 million average compensation.

By Dave Skretta The Associated Press

Wallace holds off boss, title contenders to win at Kansas


Swinney was elevated to interim head coach in 2008 at midseason when Tommy Bowden was let go. Then the receivers coach, Swinney went 4-2 down the stretch to earn the full-time job.

flag for his second NASCAR Cup Series victory and made it back-toback weeks that a non-playoff driv er won a postseason race.

The university’s board of trust ees compensation committee ap proved the deal Thursday.

The contract includes a different tier for any buyout if Swinney were leave to coach his alma mater, Al abama — $9 million to join the Crimson Tide this year, but just $6 million for any other college head coaching job. Those figures are re duced, but remain different, as the contract

The Tigers reached their first ACC championship game in 2009, then won the title two years lat er. In 2015, Clemson began run of six straight league crowns and six consecutive CFP berths.

4 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 SPORTS

The Tigers have had 11 straight seasons of 10 wins or more.


Swinney’s total compensa tion will go up $250,000 for the next four years. He will remain at $11.5 million in 2026 and 2027, then continuing increasing by $250,000 the final four years of the“Iagreement.remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence,” said Swinney, who is in his 14th full sea son with the Tigers. “This agree ment is representative of what has been collectively built here.”

“I was driving as hard as I could,” said Hamlin, who had no qualms about passing his own

South Bend, Ind. Notre Dame quarterback Tyler Buchner is expected to miss the rest of the regular season with an injury to his nonthrowing shoulder that will need surgery.

driver for the win. “Nothing will ever come free when you’re driv ing for me. If you think I’m going to let you win, you better find an otherWallace,team.”who became the 18th different driver to reach Victory Lane this season, also won during last year’s playoffs at Talladega, when he was likewise out of the ti tle picture. And his victory Sunday came after Erik Jones, who also missed out on the postseason this year, won a chaotic race a week ago at Darlington.“Justsoproud of this team, so proud of the effort that they put in each and every week,” said Wal lace, who won in the same No. 45 car that Kurt Busch drove to vic tory at Kansas earlier this year. “They work their tails off and I’m so Buschproud.”stepped out of the ride while dealing with a concussion.

The investigation led by former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates was initiated last fall after North Carolina Courage coach Paul Riley was accused of sexual harassment and coercion by two former players.

“I knew Denny was going to be strong,” Wallace said after climb ing out of his car and throwing a little shade at his many detractors. “It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lights-out. Once we got to the lead, it was a lot of fun.”


“I really regret what I did,” Reid said. “I made a huge mistake. I apologize to the family. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

North hits the road this week to face Randleman (3-1), its final non conference opponent, on Friday. West will look to bounce back to the win column as it travels to Oak Grove (4-0) that same night.

The Comets struck first in the second half when wide receiver B.A. Harris hauled in a 28-yard touch down reception on North’s first drive of the third quarter. North

Britt Reid’s older brother, Gar rett, served a two-year sentence in a Pennsylvania state drug pro gram after he was arrested on drug-related charges. Garrett Reid was found dead in August 2012 in his dorm room at Lehigh University, where he was assist ing at the Eagles’ training camp. A coroner ruled that he died of an accidental heroin overdose.

Reid, the 37-year-old son of Chiefs coach Andy Reid, had been scheduled to go to trial on Sept. 26. Britt Reid had faced up to sev en years in prison, but the plea deal means he now faces a pos sible sentence of up to four years in prison. He entered his plea in Jackson County Circuit Court in Kansas City. Sentencing is set for Oct.

All Rangers and Blue Jays per sonnel in uniform wore a special Patriot Day patch on their caps. Special lineup cards and base jew els were used.

Former assistantChiefscoach Reid pleads guilty in crash

questioning Reid to con firm that he understood the plea deal, Circuit Judge Charles McK enzie said Reid also could serve a short period of time in prison and then be placed on probation if he qualifies for good behavior.

North Stanly scored the go-ahead touchdown in the final minute

It turns out that the Comets had a late-game response of their own.


They represented police offi cers, firefighters and first respond ers across the state. Andita threw the pitch to Rocky Wolfe, a fire fighter from the central Texas city of Killeen.Bushfamously delivered a per fect strike before Game 3 of the 2001 World Series at Yankee Sta dium between the Yankees and Arizona Diamondbacks weeks af ter New York City’s twin towers fell.There was a moment of silence before the Blue Jays and Rangers played. During the Canadian and U.S. national anthems, Bush stood between Texas interim manager

senior Jakyri Hixson scored two of his three rushing scores early in the game, but South Stanly trailed just 20-10 at half time after scoring late in the second quarter. But South Davidson scored 20 unanswered points in the second half to pull away.

The Associated Press

Cameron Smith caught a pass from quarterback Chance Blake, evaded multiple Colts and scored.

George W. Bush part of MLB’s 9/11 anniversary tribute

Bush, who was president on the day of the attacks, was at Globe Life Field as the Rangers played Toronto. He joined Jimmy Polloza ni, a police officer in nearby Fort Worth, and Pollozani’s 13-year-old daughter, Andita, in the ceremony.

West Stanly’s last-ditch effort came up short, giving North Stanly (2-2) a 24-21 Stanly Cup victory.

The Associated Press

ponent of this season in Central Davidson (4-0) this week. The un defeated Spartans — coming off a 42-0 shutout over West Wilkes — will host the winless Bulls on Fri day.The Bulls have been outscored by a margin of 181-23 in their four games this season.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Former Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid pleaded guilty Monday to felony driving while intoxicat ed resulting in serious physical in jury stemming from a 2021 crash, which occurred when his pickup truck struck two stopped cars on an interstate entrance ramp and seriously injured a 5-year-old girl.

In court Monday, Reid ac knowledged he was drinking on the night of the crash.

“The five victims of this crime are outraged the prosecuting at torney is not seeking maximum sentence allowable by law,” Por to said. “The defendant is a prior offender whose actions caused a 5-year-old girl to be in a coma and seriously injured three others.”

By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal

held onto a 17-14 lead until the Colts scored the go-ahead touchdown with a minute to go, but the Comets had other plans.

“In the past, we’ve dropped our heads. Tonight, I told my guys to be a man and take it to them.”

11-01.”The Yankees wore hats in trib ute of 9/11 responders rather than their interlocking NY.

Dating back to last season, South has lost 12 of its last 14 games and will play its last nonconference op

Anson 21, Albemarle 14 Coming off a 45-point victo ry over Owen on Sept. 2, Albemar le tried to make it two wins in a row when it traveled to Anson. But it was the Bearcats (3-1) who came away with a 21-14 win with a late score.The Bulldogs (1-2) were clinging to a 14-13 lead after quarterback Dre Davis connected with wide re ceiver Zyion Geiger for a 26-yard touchdown pass with 5:25 left to play. But Anson rallied with a touch down to earn the win. Albemarle’s other touchdown was a 3-yard run by Jaylen Pinckney midway through the second quarter.

Tony Beasley and first base coach Corey Ragsdale in front of the homeBushdugout.delivered the ball to Andi ta and gave her a hug and a word of advice before she threw from just in front of the mound. Afterward, Bush gave a fist bump to her father before they left the field.

Bush was part of the investment group that owned the Rangers from April 1989 until June 1998 and remains involved with the club. He and wife Laura have lived in Dallas since he left the White House in January 2009.

5Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

This is not the first legal issue for Reid, who graduated from a drug treatment program in Penn sylvania in 2009 after a series of run-ins with law enforcement. His father was coach of the Philadel phia Eagles at the time.

ARLINGTON, Texas — For mer President George W. Bush took part in a first ball ceremony in Texas, Aaron Judge put on special cleats at Yankee Stadium and the New York Mets wore first respond er caps as Major League Baseball paused Sunday to remember the Sept. 11 Thereattacks.weremoments of silence, remembrances and tributes at ballparks all across America on the 21st anniversary of 9/11.

Crisco said the win was just what his team needed after a 1-2 start to the season, heralding the effort of Smith — who finished with two touchdowns — and his ability to fire up the whole offensive unit.

West’s special teams proved to be a factor midway through the second quarter when it returned a blocked punt for a go-ahead score. North got three points back with 1:59 left in the half when kicker Kaden Young made a 35-yard field goal kick.

The son of Kansas City coach Andy Reid was charged with felony driving while intoxicated

Former President George W. Bush stands with members of the Texas Rangers for a moment of silence for 9/11 before Sunday’s game between the Blue Jays and Rangers in Arlington, Texas.

One of the vehicles he hit had stalled because of a dead battery and the second was owned by Ari el’s mother, who had arrived to help.The Chiefs reached a confiden tial agreement with Ariel’s family in November to pay for her ongo ing medical treatment and other expenses.Reidunderwent emergency sur gery for a groin injury after the crash. The Chiefs placed Reid on administrative leave and his job with the team ended after his con tract was allowed to expire.

Comets clip Colts in cross-county thriller

Germán said he was inspired by watching Sammy Sosa running with a flag in the Chicago Cubs’ first home game following the at tacks.“Itwas a way to show support to the country, to the people, the vic tims, and today I felt like it was a good way to kind of replicate that and show that horrific event, you remember what happened, and that it’s close to your heart,” Ger mán said through a translator.

“Ever since 2019, we’ve had this game scheduled and circled. To night, my team proved it — they came to play,” North coach Scott Crisco said, referencing his team’s 42-0 loss to West three years ago.

year.”While the Comets ultimately came out on top, it was the Colts (31) who controlled the contest early on. West put the first points of the night on the board at the 7:37 mark of the first quarter when running back Matthew Parker had a 12-yard touchdown run.

Starter Domingo Germán’s cap said NYPD and there was a mix of FDNY. He sprinted to the bull pen to warm up holding an Ameri can flag in his right hand, drawing cheers from a crowd that had been sitting through a rain delay.

“It’s a moment in our country’s history. We all have certain things we remember, where we were when it happened and how we felt,” Mets manager Buck Showal ter said before a game in Miami. “So many people involved, so it’s a chance to honor those people to day. Realizing the people and fam ilies that were affected by this that are still feeling the pain from it.”

South Davidson 40, South Stan ly 10For the fourth consecutive week, South Stanly (0-4) lost by at least 30 points as South Davidson (3-1) ran away to a 40-10 victory in Norwood on WildcatsFriday.

Bush received rousing applause when he was announced. As he headed toward the Rangers’ dug out afterward, some fans chanted, “USA! USA!”

NEW LONDON — Facing a 3rdand-10 with 70 yards to go and just 40 seconds left in the game, North Stanly was running out of time in Friday night’s home matchup with WestTheStanly.Colts had just taken the air out of R.N. Jeffery Stadium when running back Sawyer Gibbs put his team ahead by four points with 1:02 on the clock thanks to a 20-yard touchdown run.

A Kansas City police officer who arrived at the scene of the crash re ported he could smell alcohol and that Reid’s eyes were bloodshot, according to court documents. Reid had a blood-alcohol level of 0.113 two hours after the crash, police said. The legal limit is 0.08.


Baseball held tributes on the 21st anniversary of the attacks

The Mets wore caps with insig nias representing New York first responder departments. Featured were the city’s police and fire de partments as well as Port Authori ty Police and departments of sani tation and correction.

North entered the game on the heels of a 49-0 road loss to North Rowan.“Our offense has struggled the first three games, but they came into their own tonight,” Crisco said. “The line did a great job blocking and Cam is an exceptional run ner. He saw the holes and he has the mentality that he’s not going down with the first tackle. … This win jump-started our season. Now, we’re ahead of where we were last

Investigators said Reid was in toxicated and driving about 84 mph when his Dodge truck hit the cars on an entrance ramp to Inter state 435 near Arrowhead Stadi um on Feb. 4, 2021.

The teams engaged punts, penal ties and misfires until Comets wide out Junior Hill reeled in a 48-yard pass from Blake as the first quarter expired. Smith then scored on an eight-yard run on the following play to make it a 7-7 game.

Tom Porto, an attorney repre senting Ariel’s family, said they op posed the plea deal.

At Yankee Stadium as New York played Tampa Bay, Judge wore cleats marking the day. His left cleat had “9/11 Patriot Day” on the back and the right one had “9-

A girl inside one of the cars, Ariel Young, suffered a traumatic brain injury. Six people, including Reid, were injured in the crash.

The Bulldogs return home to face Southwest Randolph (2-1), who most recently lost a 10-0 defensive battle to West Davidson. The Cou gars have outscored their opponents by a combined 111-29 this season.

North Stanly’s Cam Smith runs the ball against West Stanly during an Sept.London,schoolStanlyupcountyintermatchatNorthhighinNewon9,2022.

mist and former Obama White House aide. “In that kind of en vironment, other concerns tend to move up on people’s lists. That could certainly change if the in flation numbers start getting worse.”Asenior White House offi cial, insisting on anonymity on a Thursday call with reporters, said recent trends in inflation have given the administration some

“We’re feeling it, we’re not a necessary purchase, people buy food and gas,” he said.


Ninety-seven percent of small business owners say inflation ary pressure is the same or worse than it was three months ago, ac cording to a survey of more than 1,500 small businesses by Gold man Sachs 10,000 Small Busi ness Voices. Sixty-five percent have raised prices to offset higher costs. And 38% say they’ve seen a decline in customer demand due to price Nicoleincreases.Miskelley, who manag es PMR, an auto and diesel repair shop in Marion, Illinois, said she

Schuyler Northstrom of Uin ta Mattress, a mattress maker in Salt Lake City, Utah, says he’s raised his prices by 15% since 2020. A mattress that used to sell for $289 wholesale is now $330.

By Josh Boak The Associated Press

When Biden did address infla tion in a Monday speech at Bos ton’s airport, he stressed prog ress, rather than financial pain on what he says is his top econom ic priority. Biden has largely put the blame for inflation on global forces such as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s February inva sion of Ukraine, even as he says his own policies are reducing the burdens of higher prices.

has seen customers delay repairs that aren’t urgent such as sched uled maintenance or getting new tires.At the beginning of the year, Miskelley’s labor costs rose 12% and the cost of towing cars to the shop went up due to higher gas prices. Parts are more expensive too. Last year, an air condition er processor would cost her $200, but this year she can’t find one for under $400. So, she’s had to raise her average price for a repair by 30% to 40%.

to save up.’” She says she’s a little worried but hopes people can adjust to in flation.“Right now, it kind of sucks be cause costs increased faster than I could catch up with. In time, I hope people budget better and their incomes change to reflect theTheeconomy.”pullback is more dramat ic among consumers with less discretionary income. Walmart says its customers, who tend to have lower incomes, are spending more on food and less on other items. Small business owners are seeing much of the same.

His remarks in Columbus, Ohio, in suburban Washing ton at a Democratic fundraiser, at a Cabinet meeting and in La bor Day speeches in Milwaukee and Pittsburgh were all missing a once-common refrain about fam ilies at the kitchen table straining under the rising costs of food and gasoline.It’sa self-edit ahead of the midterm elections in November, prompted by Biden attempting to shift the spotlight to his leg islative wins, the loss of abor tion protections and the threats he claims are posed to democra cy by the many Republican lead ers still under the sway of former President Donald Trump.

To adapt, Northstrom is rede signing the mattress to cut down on costs, and taking less profit, which isn’t sustainable in the long term, he said. He’s also focusing more on the higher end, mattress es that cost up to $1,200, which hasn’t been hit as hard.

A sign alerts foot traffic to nearby Bushwick Grind Café just a few steps away from a McDonalds restaurant, Thursday Sept. 8, 2022, in New York.

“The Fed is going to need great skill and also some good luck to achieve what we sometimes call a soft landing,” Treasury Secre tary Janet Yellen said Sunday on CNN. “I believe there is a path to accomplishing that.”

“He said I’m going to start making coffee at home, I need to budget, so I won’t be coming in here every day,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been on a goodbye cam paign.”Inflation has been rising at nearly the fastest pace in 40 years, driven up by strong con sumer spending and higher costs for food, rent, medical care, and otherFornecessities.muchof the pandemic, small business customers were largely tolerant of price increas es and kept on spending. But now owners say they’re seeing some pushback.

Her customers have noticed. “Typically, I am able to joke about how drastically different things are now and most agree with me,” she said. “On occasion, I deal with push back,” including the rare bout of yelling or cursing by a “Amongcustomer.alot of my older cus tomers, who are on restricted in come like Social Security, they say they have to cut back,” she said. “They say, ‘I know I need these tires, but I need to make a couple more rounds (of Social Security)

lot more to do.”

White House officials still de scribe inflation as Biden’s top economic priority. But the presi dent has also gone on the politi cal offensive regarding inflation, noting that the GOP opposed the law he signed last month that limits prescription drug pric es, funds climate-related invest ments, raises corporate taxes and reduces the federal budget defi cit.Biden says the measure, which Democrats call the “Inflation Re duction Act,” will help to lower prices, although outside analyses suggest the impact could be neg ligible.“You think if they really cared about inflation — reducing it — they would have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden said in his speech at a Democrat ic fundraiser. “Every Republican in the House, every Republican in the Senate, they voted against it. Everyone.”

One customer who had been coming in for years stopped in to tell Williams-Davis he bought himself a coffeemaker.

Prices at the pump are averag ing $3.72 a gallon, after having crested above $5 a gallon in midJune, and the president’s approv al ratings have recovered some what. Yet inflation still remains a challenge.“Themost public price — gas oline — has been falling signifi cantly,” said Austan Goolsbee, a University of Chicago econo

“We’re on the right track,” the president said Monday, noting the lower gas costs but adding the caveat: “There’s more to do, a

guarded optimism. The White House is banking on the possibil ity that interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve will lead infla tion down to pre-pandemic levels without sacrificing the job gains of the past 18 months.

makers are trying to keep vot ers focused on the GOP version. They say Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and resistance to oil drilling leas es has led to inflation, although prices are rising worldwide be cause of the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and troubled supplySenatechains.Republican leader Mitch McConnell noted the fi nancial pain being felt by manu facturers, farmers and construc tion firms in his home state of Kentucky.“Washington Democrats have spent nearly two years borrow ing, printing, and spending our economy into turmoil,” McCon nell said in a Wednesday speech to the Senate. “Since President Biden took office, prices in (Ken tucky) have spiked by 13%.”

By Mae Anderson The Associated Press

Biden’s midterm self-edit: Less talk about inflation

“If (customers) can get it for a dollar for not that notable of a dif ference, they’re going next door.”

At the Bushwick Grind Cafe in Brooklyn, New York, Kymme Williams-Davis has raised prices and switched to different types of goods to keep up with the rising costs of milk, coffee, paper goods and plastic, as well as shortag es of items such as paper cups and plastic lids. She hasn’t expe rienced anything like this since opening in Williams-Davis2015. says she has lost nearly half of her regular cus tomers. Some have traded down and are buying coffee for $1 at the McDonald’s or bodega on either side of the café instead of paying the $3 she charges.

As small businesses raise prices, some customers push back

Still, many leading econo mists, including researchers who presented this week at the Brook ings Institution, warn that bring ing down inflation will likely mean layoffs and a drastic rise in the unemployment rate despite Biden’sTherehopes.isarisk for Biden in piv oting away from discussing infla tion, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist who has advised Republican campaigns and is now president of the center-right American Action Forum. HoltzEakin noted that oil prices have largely fallen as demand from China has waned, something that could reverse in October if that country lifts it coronavirus lock downs.Hesaid that Democratic for tunes could ultimately rest on the movements of global energy mar kets with their mix of geopolitics, corporate profits and financial speculation.“Theydo this at their per il,” Holtz-Eakin said about the change in messaging. “When you look at the numbers, there real ly has not been great progress on inflation. Everything they’ve got ten on inflation has been driven by international conditions and global oil Meanwhile,prices.”Republican law


President Joe Biden speaks at a Democratic National Committee event at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022, in Oxon Hill, Md.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pres ident Joe Biden has stopped talking so much about inflation.

NEW YORK — Inflation isn’t only costing small businesses money. It’s costing them custom ers as well.

The increase doesn’t fully cover Uinta’s higher costs. Raw materi als such as springs and foam have increased by 40%. But North strom fears that raising prices any higher could cause his cus tomers to drop him.

6 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

“The pushback from retailers is pretty strong there,” he said. His retail partners include John Pa ras mattress stores and 2Brothers Mattress, both in Utah. “Some times we’re displaced by some of the larger guys with a lower cost product because of their volume.”

He is survived by his daughter, Jean Hedrick(James) of Albemarle; five grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 10 great-great grandchildren.

April 4, 1954 ~ September 10, 2022

J. D. “Dixie” Poplin, 83, of Norwood passed away, Monday, September 5, 2022.

Dixie was born October 12, 1938 in Stanly County to the late William Henry and Margie Mae Furr Poplin. He proudly served his country in the US Army and Marines. He retired from Collins & Aikman, Albemarle with 37 years of service.

Jim was born December 26, 1934 in Stanly County to the late Homer and Arabelle Shepherd Still. He was an alumni of the 1953 class of Norwood High School. He served in the U S Air Force Reserve and was a retired communication specialist from A T & T. Jim was a member of Randall United Methodist Church.

August 8, 1964 ~ September 6, 2022

James Richard “Jim” Rummage, 96, of Albemarle passed away Thursday evening, September 8, 2022 at his home.

December 26, 1934 ~ September 8, 2022

Jonathan was born August 8, 1964 in Bethel, Ohio to the late Kenneth Lee Parker and Carol Darnell Colley who survives of Kentucky. Jon was a Volunteer FireFighter in Ohio, Virginia Beach and Northeast VFD in Mount Pleasant, NC. Jonathan was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Norwood. He was employed with Lowe’s as a truck driver.Inaddition to his father, he was preceded in death by his brother, Kenneth Michael Parker.

He is survived by his wife, Susan “Sue” Mohlhenrich Still of the home; son, Mike Still and his wife Teresa of Albemarle and daughter Donna Still of Albemarle; step son, Greg Culbertson and wife Cathy Culbertson of Belmont; six grandchildren, Issac, Elijah, Grace, Tayler, Logan and Beau; one great grandson, Dawson; God son, James Homer Snuggs of Albemarle.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his siblings, Homer Lee Poplin, Lois Alvin Poplin, Vernon Poplin, W.C. “ Dub” Poplin, Eva Mae Leonard and Mildred Lucille Speight.

Jim was born September 25, 1925 in Stanly County to the late Doctor Tom Rummage and Pearl Mason Rummage. He was a member of Bethesda United Methodist Church and was last employed by American Efird.Jim loved to bird hunt and enjoyed gardening and farming.

March 6, 1951 - September 6, 2022

March 27, 1927 - September 6, 2022

April 13, 1954 ~ September 4, 2022

Scotty was born April 13, 1954 in North Carolina to the late Dewey Ray Holt and the late Sarah Jane EudySurvivorsHolt. include wife, Marlene Mills Holt of the home; children, Melissa (Ben) Blalock, Jeremy (Christi) Holt, Josh (Tina) Holt, and Heather (Nick) Keegan; grandchildren, Jordan Holt, Preston Blalock, Casey Holt, Reagan Holt, Gavin Keegan, Rory Holt, Jack Keegan, Oliver Keegan, and Michael Keegan; siblings, Larry Holt, Ann Chappel, and Johnny Holt.

Scotty was a kind, thoughtful, and helpful man. He was a man of integrity - if he gave you his word about something... he did it! He loved the Lord, his family, and his country. The times he enjoyed the most were getting together with his friends and going to the bike rally on his Harley and fishing with his sons.

Eugene Coolidge "Mickey"Jr.Lawrence

Jim was an avid lover of music, especially playing guitar and most other string instruments. He loved to sing. He enjoyed helping and teaching young people how to play guitar and other musical instruments.Inaddition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his step daughter, Cindy Culbertson; brother, William “Bill” Still and sister, Lucy Still Snuggs.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Scotty's previous employer, Monarch, and to Hospice of Stanly and the Uwharrie.

He was a member of Norwood First Baptist Church and was a member of Pee Dee Lodge #150 and was a shriner.

Jim Rummage

December 7, 1954 ~ September 4, 2022

Scotty Ray Holt

Jonathan Ashley Parker, 58, of Norwood passed away Tuesday morning, September 6, 2022.


She was preceded in death by her husband, Roger “Pete” Hinson. “Tiny” is survived by two sons, Calvin B. Hinson (Lisa) and Bryan K. Hinson (Dawn) all of New London, NC; a daughter, Deanna D. Hinson of Badin, NC; eleven grandchildren, Samantha Hahn, Zachary Hinson, Paris Hinson, Austin Stanley, Sierra Borga, Courtney Hinson, Jasmine Borga, McKenzie Hinson, Tanna Whitley, Melody Rusmisel and Blake Hinson and one step granddaughter, Jordan Jackson; twelve greatgrandchildren and three step great grandchildren.

Terry Lee Davis 68 of Norwood died Saturday afternoon, September 10, 2022 at Atrium Stanly.

Eugene Coolidge Lawrence, Jr., more affectionately known as “Mickey”, was born on February 23, 1948 and crossed into glory on September 9, 2022 surrounded by his dear family. Mickey is survived by his precious wife, Sylvia Kimrey Lawrence, of 44 years. Together they have two daughters, Michelle (Bryson) Osborne and Meagan (David) Baugh, and six grandchildren – Aidyn Osborne, William Baugh, Evan Baugh, Gwendolyn Baugh, Cadmon Baugh, and Owen Baugh. He is also survived by three younger siblings – Allen (Lynnie) Lawrence, Debbie (Tim) Will, and Anne (Buck) Skeene; as well as a brother-in-law Roy (Cathy) Kimrey. He was proceeded in death by his parents Eugene Coolidge Lawrence, Sr. and Cherry Still Lawrence and two granddaughters Delilah Hope Baugh and Lola AnnalyseMickeyBaugh.graduated from North Stanly High School in 1966 and from Rowan Tech with a degree in Drafting. Mickey proudly served his country on the USS Arnold J. Isbell DD-869 for three tours in Vietnam and was currently serving as the secretary for his shipmate’s reunions. He was an accomplished manufacturing engineer of more than 35 years, passionate fly fisherman, wonderful home chef, and proud grandfather.

Jonathan Parker

Bessie “Tiny” Nash Hinson, 71, of New London, NC, passed away Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at her home. Mrs. Hinson was born March 6, 1951 in Stanly County, NC to the late Clinton Lindo Nash and Callie Lee Thompson Nash. She was a homemaker who loved her family dearly and was loyal to them. “Tiny” was of the Baptist Faith and she loved helping others, cooking, traveling and Elvis.

Ruby Juanita Talbert Troutman, 95, of Albemarle, NC, passed away Tuesday, September 6, 2022 in Bethany Woods Nursing and Rehab. She was born March 27, 1927 in Stanly County, NC to the late Clyde Valbert Talbert and Etta Jane Blake Talbert. Ruby was a member of Fairview Baptist Church and retired from Wiscasset Mill Company. She was a hard worker always doing for other people, especially caring for her great-grandson, Drayton. Ruby really enjoyed getting together with herRubyfamily.was preceded in death by her husband J.D. Troutman. She is survived by a daughter, Linda Goodman of Mt. Gilead, NC; two grandchildren, William Garrett Goodman (Tina) of Biscoe, NC and Shonda Morris Huggins (Hugh) of Star, NC; five great-grandchildren, Stephanie Goodman Haas (Mitchell) of Biscoe, NC, Shellie Cockman (Tyler) of Bolivia, NC, Steven Goodman of Biscoe, NC, Jeffrey Morris of Star, NC and Drayton Reeves of Randleman, NC and six great-great-grandchildren, Aidan Goodman, Jewel Goodman, Jerrica Haas, Carson Lincoln, Weston Lincoln and Makinley Cockman. Ruby was also preceded in death by a daughter, Samelia “Sammy” Reeves on August 12, 2009 and a granddaughter, Jennifer Ashley Reeves.

Dixie Poplin

October 12, 1938 ~ September 5, 2022

She is survived by her husband Wayne Thomas Hatley of the home. One daughter Drusilla Hatley Brewer (Neil) of Greenville, NC. One son, Thomas John Hatley of Seoul, Korea. Two grandsons, Vaelin James Brewer and Atlas Wright Brewer. One brother Alton Blalock and four sisters, Linda Holste, Patricia Greene (Wayne), Debbie Foust and Theresa Hanson (Mark).

He is survived by his wife, Linda Lambert Poplin of the home; sons, Jerry Dixie Poplin of Star and Michael Larence Poplin of the home; one sister, Carnell Swaringen of Norwood.

Scotty Ray Holt, 68, of Albemarle, passed away Sunday, September 4, 2022 peacefully at his home surrounded by his four children and loving wife of 50 years.

September 25, 1925 ~ September 8, 2022

Terry was born April 4, 1954 in Stanly County to the late Calvin and Robbie Shue Davis. He was a 1972 graduate of South Stanly High School and a longtime member of Norwood Church of the Nazarene. He was a retired route salesman with FritoHeLay.issurvived by his wife Lisa Mabry Davis of the home. One son, Rev. William Terry Davis (Briana) of Charlotte. One daughter Lindsay Davis Medlin (Johnathan) of Oakboro. One brother, Michael Davis (Wanda) of Locust and one sister, Donna Davis Parker (Dennis) of Albemarle. Three grandchildren, Jordan Davis, Gage and Corbin Medlin.Hewas preceded in death by his brother Eddie Davis Memorials may be made to Norwood Church of the Nazarene, PO Box 1099, Norwood, NC 28128.

February 23, 1948 - September 9, 2022

Jim Still

7Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022


In addition to his mother, Carol and her husband, Jay, he is survived by his wife, Stephanie DiSalvo Parker of the home; three sons, Gregory James Parker of the home, Thaddeus Ford Parker of California, Alec Devin Parker of Ohio and one daughter, Miranda Parker Lewin(David) of California; grandchildren, Noah, Violet and Sabrina Lewin; sister, Tina Parker Tilley(David) of Kentucky; mother in law, Linda Hoy; aunt, Marolyn Sexton(Jerry); niece, Abbie Parker; nephews, James and Daniel Tilley; special family members, Claudia King and Gracie.

Bessie "Tiny" Nash Hinson

Susan Blalock Hatley 67 of Oakboro died Sunday Evening, September 4, 2022 at Hospice of Union in Monroe.

James Homer “Jim” Still, 87, of Albemarle, passed away Thursday, September 8, 2022 at his home.

Terry Davis

In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Frances Lee Rummage and his son, James Felix Rummage, who died in the Vietnam War.

Susan Hatley

Susan was born December 7, 1954 in Stanly County to the late Benton and Margie Stamper Blalock. She was a 1973 graduate of South Stanly High School and recieved her degree in education from Appalachian State University. She was a retired elementary school teacher with Stanly County Schools having taught at Oakboro, Aquadale and Locust Elementary Schools. She was a member of Freedom Baptist Church.

pealed.The State Board of Elections didn’t immediately have a com ment late Friday on the lawsuit, which was filed on the same day county election boards began sending absentee ballots to those who have requested them so far.

RALEIGH — North Carolina and national Republicans sued Friday seeking to block the State Board of Elections from extend ing the fall absentee-ballot re ceipt deadline because of a hol iday and from enforcing a rule that could disrupt the movement of some polling site observers.

“They’re not going to do it in their TV commercials,” added Sul

In North Carolina, where U.S. Rep. Ted Budd skipped four Re publican primary debates in his U.S. Senate bid, said Friday he wouldn’t accept an invitation from the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters to debate Democrat Cheri Beasley, as the two head for a presumably close general election. Budd said he had accepted a cable debate invite, but there’s no agree ment with Beasley on that appear ance.Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, mused to reporters about what would happen if voters elected a senator who never has “answered a legitimate question from a voter, from a newscaster in a non-taped

ernment offices are reopen. A de lay similar to the one instituted by Bell occurred in 2016, when Election Day was also Nov. 8. The lawsuit says the absentee


RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mc Daniel said Friday’s lawsuit is the latest effort “to preserve trans parency in North Carolina elec tions and stop unelected bureau crats from rewriting the law in the Tar Heel state.”

Other Senate contests are play ing out similarly.

“That kind of turned the race on its head for the next three months,” Sullivan said, noting headlines he characterized as “DeMint wants to fire gay DeMintteachers.”wenton to win the open seat by nearly 10 percentage points, a margin typical in recent South Carolina statewide elections. But in more competitive states, Sulli van said, a debate can serve as “a good way to find out where candi dates are on the issues.”


which is Nov. 8 this year.

ballot deadline law doesn’t specif ically give the board authority to push the back the deadline based on a legal holiday.

“You’re getting that in one shot,” Wukela said, of a debate appear ance being worth airtime that

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

The Republican National Com mittee, state Republican Party and the Clay County GOP chair woman sued the state board, the board members and its top ad ministrator in Wake County court. They want a judge to de clare the board is violating state law and the state and U.S. consti tutions.The GOP plaintiffs contend that board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell lacked au thority last month to move the ab sentee ballot deadline from Nov. 11 — the federal and state Veter ans Day holiday — to Nov. 14.

would otherwise cost millions. “That’s like a Super Bowl ad.”

The Republican National Com mittee and state GOP opposed temporary rules approved by the state board last month that pro hibited poll watchers from stand ing too close to voting machines and granted election officials the ability to remove disruptive ob servers. The state Rules Review Commission later blocked those changes.In2020, Republicans un successfully fought portions of a legal settlement between the State Board of Elections and a union-affiliated group to extend the grace period for mail-in ab sentee ballots from three to nine days in response to postal delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Republicans’ lawsuit also says the board overstepped its au thority related to “at-large” ob servers chosen by political par ties to monitor voting site activity where it’s needed and not just at oneTheprecinct.lawsuit says since 2016 board guidance or rules have re quired an at-large observer to work for at least four hours before they can be replaced at a voting site. The Republicans contend the requirement doesn’t align with state law and makes it hard for the party to fill volunteer gaps at voting sites and precincts by mov ing at-large observers to other lo cales.The directive hasn’t been en forced much, the lawsuit says, but the GOP believes it will be en forced this fall, despite the par ty’s written requests to have it re

setting, in a debate stage?” citing Fetterman’s campaign-trail ab sence as he recovers from a stroke.


Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 20228

Debating over debates: Campaign tradition faces skepticism

Refusal to participate can draw ire from rivals. The Republicans whom Walker refused to debate ahead of Georgia’s primary cri tiqued him as ill-prepared to take on Warnock, a skilled orator.

GOP sues over NC board’s absentee ballot date, observer rule

Bell’s memo cited another state law that says transactions set to occur on a holiday may be per formed on the next day after gov

“If you can’t get on the stage and debate fellow Republicans, how the heck are you going to de bate with Raphael Warnock in the general election?” Latham Sad dler, a Navy veteran and former Trump administration official who was among five Republicans chal lenging Walker, asked. “Usually if you’re hiding, you’re hiding for a reason.”Walker repeatedly proclaimed his eagerness to face off with War nock in the fall but, instead of agreeing to Warnock’s challenge to three debates, accepted an invita tion to a different one altogether. This week, Warnock said he would

The debate stage is set ahead of the start of the second and final presidential debate Oct. 22, 2020, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

In addition to winning candi dates thousands of impressions in earned media and repackaged vid eo clips, debate footage can also propel candidates’ messages far more broadly — and cheaply — than could television ad buys, said Michael Wukela, a South Caroli na Democratic media consultant and veteran of Vermont Sen. Ber nie Sanders’ presidential bids.

livan, who managed GOP Sen. Jim DeMint’s 2004 bid in South Caro lina and handled media for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presiden tial effort. “And in stump appear ances, press conferences, they can evade, they can dodge.”

In what “should have been the most boring debate in the histo ry of mankind,” Sullivan said that a 2004 panelist questioning De Mint and Democrat Inez Tenen baum asked DeMint if he agreed with a state GOP platform tenet in opposition of openly gay teachers in South Carolina’s public schools.

And sometimes, Sullivan add ed, it’s the media coverage of what happens onstage, rather than the back-and-forth itself, that can make a bigger impression.

Fetterman’s campaign said he will participate in a televised de bate in October but gave no oth er details, including why he would agree to just one debate. Oz’s cam paign immediately dubbed it a “se cret debate,” with no details on when or Notingwhere.that the uncertainty of debates can be “terrifying” for all involved, Wukela acknowledged incumbents’ reticence to allowing their challengers prominent op portunities to equate themselves with the office, or its existing oc cupant.“Strom Thurmond refused to de bate any of his opponents,” Wuke la said of the longtime South Caro lina everfour-touchdowngovernorDemocrat-turned-Republicanandsenator.“IfI’vegotalead,whywouldIthrowtheball?”

By Meg Kinnard The Associated Press

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a news conference, in Charlotte, in Oct., 2018.

participate in that debate, if Walk er agreed to another forum War nock wants. That back-and-forth remains unresolved.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Under pressure from his Republican ri val, Pennsylvania Democratic Sen ate candidate John Fetterman said this week he would participate in one debate before the November election.InGeorgia, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker are still working through the details of what a debate might look like, though they appear to be inching closer to a deal. And in Arizona, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Katie Hobbs has declined a tele vised debate with Republican Kari Lake.With the fall campaign rapid ly approaching, the time-honored tradition of televised debates as a forum for voters to evaluate candi dates may be the latest casualty of constant media coverage and pow erful digital platforms, as well as the nation’s polarized political cli mate. For some Republicans, es chewing debates is a chance to sidestep a media structure some in the party deride as biased and align with Donald Trump, who has blasted presidential debates. Some Democrats, including Hobbs, have pointed to raucous GOP debates from the primary season as a rea son to avoid tangling with their op ponents.Despite such skepticism, veter an political consultant Terry Sul livan defended debates as “the one forum where candidates are forced into answering questions that they don’t want to answer.”

State law says county election offices must receive civilian ab sentee ballots by the third day af ter Election Day — either in per son or in the mail if the ballot was postmarked by Election Day,

“This sudden change usurps the North Carolina General As sembly’s authority to regulate “the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives’ under the U.S. Constitution,” the lawsuit said.

Wolfspeed should have impact in Randolph County

Fire Marshal’s Office to start charging for specific services

According to Rohrbaugh, the

$29.3 million,” Hess said. “It’s still early, and prices are com ing down, fortunately, so we’re hoping this will improve, and we’re working to improve it, but this is where we are today. In terms of where you are from a funding standpoint, you’re just $1 million short, and I don’t think you’ve even tapped into all your fundraising and grants and all of the opportunities yet. But you’re really, really close.”

The center will include pas tures, demonstration areas, a food hub, a commercial kitchen, a covered outdoor arena, a large assembly room, offices for Co operative Extensions, Soil and Water, 4H, and much more for open use by the public.

Fire Marshal’s Office has pro vided permit consultation, plan review, and specialty inspec tions services free of charge to

Gov. Roy Cooper speaks at an event at Durham Technical Community College, in March 2022.

Founded and headquartered in Durham, Wolfspeed is de scribed as a global leader in the production of Silicon Carbide materials and devices which support sustainability through a more efficient use of energy

“We’remanner.notlooking at it so much from a revenue stand point as much as just recouping costs,” Beard said.



By Ryan Henkel Randolph Record

SILER CITY — Randolph County officials had roles in helping secure a major industri al project for nearby Siler City.

The governor’s office reported that an investment of approxi mately $5 billion across the next eight years will be made in the Town of Siler City.

The company’s expansion at the Chatham-Siler City Ad vanced Manufacturing Site will produce the Silicon Carbide ma terials to make semiconductor

contractors and the like,” said Fire Marshal Erik Beard. “Ran dolph County is one of the few counties in the state that had not charged for these services.”

Certainly, the impact will be felt in neighboring counties when Wolfspeed, Inc. cranks up operations in 2023 in Chatham County.The1,800 new jobs should be created by 2030. Wolfspeed will construct a manufacturing campus for the production of Silicon Carbide materials.

chips and devices that more ef ficiently power electric vehicle inverters and charging systems.

As the details of the project were worked out, those involved partnerships that included Cha tham County, the Town of Siler City, the City of Asheboro, the Town of Ramseur, the Town

Four more fire districts officially reformatted

Last Wednesday, the Duke Energy Foundation announced that it was distributing $500,000 in grants to help small businesses across North Carolina. This is the second year that the company has provided targeted assistance to support downtowns throughout the state, as many business owners continue their ongoing recovery from economic challenges trigged by the pandemic. Randolph County’s Asheboro/Randolph Chamber was just one of 20 local nonprofits to receive $25,000 in grants from Duke Energy. This organization is tasked with establishing a smallbusiness support microgrant program and deploying the funding within its local community by January 2023. The microgrants may range from $500 to $2,5000 per individual business.

According to Beard, the of fice will not charge for annu al and routine inspections and only would have an instituted fee if there were issues with vio lations not being corrected in a timely

Big project to bring jobs to Siler City site

The board of commissioners also approved the acceptance of an Eastern Triad Workforce Initiative Grant.

Randolph record

The Fire Marshal’s Office brought forth a request before the board to add a fee schedule to some of the services that the office

ASHEBORO — The Ran dolph County Board of Commis sioners met Tuesday, Septem ber 6, with the Fire Marshal’s Office’s request for a new fee schedule, the fire district refor matting, and the purchase of property for the I-74 Industrial Site; the key items on the agen da for consideration.

The board approved the purchase of two lots totaling about 30 acres of the I-74 Industrial Center site.

Last week, the North Carolina Zoo announced that Bono, its sixteenyear-old North American river otter, had died. According to Zoo officials, the river otter had been suffering from age-related issues, including arthritis, and had to be euthanized. River otters are only expected to live around 12 years in zoos, meaning Bono lived significantly longer than most of his species.

“ETWI funds are meant to address workforce needs,” said Randolph Community Col lege Vice President of Instruc tional Services Suzanne Rohr baugh. “Any gaps, any areas we can grow. Ultimately our goal is to provide a trained workforce to meet industry needs, and we feel like the budget before you does exactly that by reducing a lot of the administrative costs. This year, we have the oppor tunity to go through just Ran dolph County. We have allocat ed our resources accordingly, and $750,000 is what’s been al located to the county.”

Supreme smiles

North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice and Randolph County native Paul Martin Newby poses for a photo with the clerks and office staff of the Randolph County Courthouse on Sept. 8 in Asheboro.

Asheboro Pizza Hut catches fire

Zoo announces death of river otter


Last Tuesday night, a fire broke out at the Pizza Hut in Asheboro. According to a press release from the Asheboro Fire Department, the following morning, Fire and Rescue crews from the department’s A-shift were dispatched to a restaurant on E. Dixie Dr. at around 11:30 pm. Fortunately, the building was unoccupied at the time of the fire, and the dispatched crews were able to quickly extinguish the flames. Most of the direct damage from the fire was contained to the checkout counter area, although smoke damage is reported to have affected the entire building. Randleman Fire, Franklinville Fire, Tabernacle Fire, the Asheboro Police Department, and Randolph County EMS also arrived on the scene to assist.

the project, and we have com pleted the schematic design for the first phase of the design,” said Kristen Hess of HH Ar chitecture. “This reflects a long schedule, and, as you can see, we still have a long way to go. The idea is that we’d be opening in the first quarter of 2025.”


“In terms of budget, we’re at

See WOLFSPEED, page 2 See COMMISSIONERS, page 2 58 2017752016 $1.00

The board was given an up date on the status of the Farm, Food, and Family Education Center.“We are actively working on

“Sinceprovides.theinception of the North Carolina Fire Code in the early 1990s, Randolph County

Duke Energy grants $25,000 to help Randolph small businesses

than traditional semiconductor technology. This technology is used in a variety of applications, including electric vehicles, 5G networks, and renewable ener gy and storage.

By Bob Sutton Randolph Record

However, due to the growing volume of requests that the Fire Marshal’s office has received, around 3,000 inspection activ ities, and 700-800 specialty in spections per year, the office has requested that they start charging for these services.

♦ Millikan, Bobby Wayne (M, 33), Arrest on charge of Assault on a Female, at 8300 Curtis Power Rd, Bennett, NC, on 07/14/2021.

Arrest on charge of Resisting Public Officer, 321 Kings Ridge Rd, Randleman, on 07/14/2021.

A fall semester at the two-year school in Asheboro would often have 2,600 to 3,000 students enrolled. At the beginning of this week, that number stood at about 1,900 with about a month to go

♦ Roger Lee Jernigan Sr, age 67 of Asheboro, died September 5, 2022 in Albemarle, NC.

3101to:SendPOSTMASTER:addresschangesNorthStateJournalIndustrialDr.,Suite 105 Raleigh, N.C. 27609 WEDNESDAY 7.21.21 “Join#3 conversation”the

Chad Williams, vice president for student services at RCC, said a decline in high school students in dual enrollment has been the biggest reason for a dip.

RCC pushes for more students as numbers

By Bob Sutton Randolph Record

The Randolph Guide is a quick look at what’s going on in Randolph County.

♦ Fletcher, Amber Dawn (F, 34), Arrested on charge of Assault Gov Official/Employee, Resisting Public Officer,

The board then approved the purchase of two lots totaling about 30 acres of the I-74 In dustrial Center site – which to tals 160 acres – at $35,000 an acre to be eligible to receive funding from the Department of Commerce’s Utility Grant.

Jonathan Edward Ferree, 50, of Black Mountain, formerly of Asheboro, died July 11, 2021.

The change is not a tax in crease but instead a process to put all of the county’s fire dis tricts under the same rules and provide a more streamlined method for the districts to po tentially request a tax increase if needed.Afterno public comments were brought forth, the board abolished and reformatted each district.The board finally accept ed a $2.5 million Wastewa ter and Sewer Grant and des ignated it to be applied to the Seagrove-Ulah Wastewa ter Treatment Plant Improve ment Capital Project. In addi tion, they approved two budget amendments, one for an ad ditional $1.5 million for the Emergency Services VIPER Tower and an additional $2 million for Public Health Facil ityTheRenovations.Randolph County Board of Commissioners will next meet October 3.

Come11am out and ride to support a good cause! It is $20 per rider/car and $5 per additional rider. Enjoy live music by Cory Luetjen and the Traveling Blues Band, Vendors, Food Trucks, Raffle Prizes, and more!


Editor Xxx Sports

♦ Seibert, Sarah Elizabeth (F, 32),

Sept. 20

Randolph Guide

♦ Burnett “Bud” Wendel Esch, age 85 of Siler City, died August 30, 2022 surrounded by his loved ones at his home.

Dean, Evelen Carol Geyn (F, 58), Arrested on charge of Possess Drug Paraphernalia, on 9/3/22, at I-73 and I-74.

♦ Richardson, Erwin Quint Jr (M, 31), Arrest on charges of Felony Larceny and Possession of Stolen Goods, at 5471 Needhams Trail, Seagrove, on 07/14/2021.

For the current summer ses-

Sports Editor

Fox said this ties to his group’s overall mission for the Carolina Core, which is a non-bordered territory that stretches from Winston-Salem to Fayetteville. In his view, this marked “anoth


Publisher Neal Robbins Editor

Publisher Robbins Editor Lavalette

Passmore, Casey Lynn, Arrest on charge of possession of marijuana up to 1/2 oz., at Randolph Courthouse, on 7/13/2021.

WEDNESDAY 7.7.21 “Join#1 conversation”the

PublishedRoseeach Wednesday by North State Media LLC 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001

“This is a 160-acre site that we’re looking to develop into an industrial park,” said Econom ic Development Corporation Business Recruitment Director Crystal Gettys. “The property is located at the interchange of I-74 and Highway 311 in Sophia. The Randolph County EDC has been working with the private developer, Randolph County, the city of Randleman, and the City of Asheboro in providing the infrastructure necessary to support the development in the future industrial park.”

Breaking or Entering, Second Degree Trespass, on 9/6/22, at 7018 Reddy Foxx Ln.

The Wolfspeed project comes with a Job Development Invest ment Grant approved by the state’s Economic Investment Committee. According to the governor’s office, the state ap proved additional support to help with final site preparations

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“Join conversation”the

ISSN: 2575-2278

♦ Norman Raymond George, age 81 of Asheboro, died September 2, 2022.


♦ Melvin Ferguson, age 71 of Siler City, died September 4, 2022 at his home surrounded by loved ones.

Evelyn Howard Callicutt, age 91 of Seagrove, died September 6, 2022 at Autumn Care.

♦ Billy Lynn Maness, age 62 of Siler City, died September 9, 2022

Tommy Garner Cancer Benefit Ride


ASHEBORO — Enrollment at Randolph Community College isn’t likely to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels right away despite a school official pointing out unprecedented financial incentives for potential students.

er big win” for the regional col laboration.GreggLowe, who’s president and CEO of Wolfspeed, said the company’s relationship with North Carolina A&T to assist in developing a workforce is crucial to the Theproject.project could mean a to tal payroll of $140 million annu ally for the region. Average wag es could reach $77,750 per year.

♦ Queen, Michael Dean (M, 53), Arrested on charge of Assault on a Female, on 9/6/22, at 6038 Poole Rd.

Frank Hill

Sept. 15

Ramseur Town Council Meeting

♦ Green, Gail Ann (F, 49), Arrested on charge of ADW, Simple Assault, on 9/6/22, at 6038 Poole Rd.



By Dan Gelston The Associated Press

Senior Opinion Editor

♦ Danny Wayne Coltrane, age 64 of Asheboro, died September 4, 2022.

♦ Hazelwood, Elizabeth (F, 44), Arrest on chage of Misdemeanor Larceny, at Hoover Hill Rd/Slick Rodk Mtn, on 07/14/2021.

Addie Mae Hunt McLeod, age 79, died July 11, 2021, at Autumn Care in Biscoe.

WWE leaves virtual reality behind in 1st tour since WEDNESDAY JULY 21 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 13% THURSDAY JULY 22 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 5% FRIDAY JULY 23 HI 89° LO 68° PRECIP 20% SATURDAY JULY 24 HI 86° LO 69° PRECIP 24% SUNDAY JULY 25 HI 86° LO 69° PRECIP 32% MONDAY JULY PRECIPLOHI RANDOLPH COMMUNITY COLLEGE aboutRCCbetter“There ShacklefordRCC

Matt Mercer

Mildred Mae Cozart Poole, age 85, of Asheboro, died July 9, 2021.

3101 Industrial Dr., Suite 105 Raleigh, N.C. 27609

after several years of declining health.

♦ ♦ ♦

Harold Eugene “Gene” Anderson, 82, died at his home on Monday, July 12, 2021 in a tragic house fire.



Anyone6pm interested in learning more about a career with RCSO in detention is invited to attend information sessions with recruiters and detention staff. The drive will take place at 727 McDowell Rd in Asheboro. For more information about detention careers contact: Captain Derrick Hill (336) 318-6670

North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365)

♦ Lynch, Detrick Lamont (M, 40), Arrest on charge of Misdemeanor Possession of Schedule VI CS, Possessiong of Stolen Motor Vehicle, at I-85 Exit 111, on 07/13/2021.

Do you have a birthday, wedding, engagement or other milestone to celebrate? Contact us at

♦ Bolton McKee, James Henry (M, 47), Arrest on charge of Possession of Stolen Goods, at 6469 Clyde King Rd, Seagrove, on 07/15/2021.

Design Editor

“There’s never a better time to go back to college,” he said.

Roark, Justin Steven (M, 30), Arrest on charge of Possession of Meth, Possession with intent to manufacture, sell or distribute heroin, Simple possession of Schedule II, III, IV CS, Maintaining Place, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, at 1029 High Point Rd, on 7/13/2021.

Annual Subscription Price: $50.00

These four districts are a part of the greater reformat ting of every fire district, with four other districts – Guil-rand,



RCSO RecruitmentDetentionDrive

Carolyn Ray Bass Bunn, age 86 of Siler City, died September 9, 2022 at the Siler City Center.

176 E. Salisbury St, Asheboro, on 07/13/2021.

million grant and authorized an agreement with the NCDOT for the design and alignment of Wall Brothers Road.

Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices.

Robert Gordon “Bob” Cox, age 90 of Asheboro, died September 11, 2022 at Randolph Hospital.

See OBITS, page 7 WEEKLY FORECAST 2 Randolph Record for Wednesday, July 7, 2021

“Overall, we’re still seeing a decline in enrollment comparing to previous years prior to the pandemic,” Williams said. “I don’t know if we’ll get to numbers we’ve seen in previous fall semesters. … We’re reaching out to every student we can in every way we can.”

♦ Willard, Nicholas Alexander (M, 35), Arrested on charge of Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle, on 9/6/22, at 714 Granville St.


RCC held a one-week break earlier this month amid the summer semester, which began May 24 and concludes July 26. Late registration for the fall semester runs through Aug. 10, with classes beginning Aug. 16.

Along with that, the board ap proved the acceptance of a $1

of Ramseur, died September 9, 2022 at Universal Healthcare in Ramseur.

♦ Christopher

Senior Opinion Editor

♦ Boggs, Matthew Harrison (M, 39), Arrest on charge of Misdemeanor Larceny, at 2587 Wayne White Rd, Pleasant Garden, on 07/14/2021.

2 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365) Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualRANDOLPHRECORD.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 Get in RandolphtouchRecord www

♦ Helen Mayberry Hicks, age 88 of Asheboro, died September 3rd, 2022.

Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices.

WEEKLY CRIME LOG Williams, Denishia Lorren (B /F/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Marijuana (F), 2) Maintain Veh/dwell/place Cs (f) (F), 3) Possess X

“We’re just not seeing the level of engagement that we had seen,” Williams said.

of Franklinville, the Chatham County Economic Development Corporation, and the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation.MikeFox, president and CEO of the Piedmont Triad Partner ship, said the Wolfspeed an nouncement “is further evidence that the Carolina Core is the next engine of transformational growth for North Carolina.”

“This $750,000 has been a fixed amount since 2018, from Day 1,” said chairman Darrell Frye. “But before, it had been going through Guilford County, and they took 40% of this mon ey for themselves to adminis ter our program. So in the past, we’ve only been getting about $450,000 of this money. This year, we get the whole $750,000 because it’s coming directly to each one of the counties.”

funds will be focused on three areas: To generate and develop CTE interests, to pay the pro gram director, and to ensure that high school graduates are prepared to take the next steps in their lives and careers.

Stanly County Journal

Lucille Clark Phillips, age 85 of Siler City, died September 7, 2022 at Alamance Regional Medical Center.

Georgia Bernice Siler, 89, of Siler City, died July 15, 2021, at her home.

before those classes start.

Sept. 17

Patricia Ann Rudisill Long, age 85

Annie (Ann) Yates, age 87 of Randleman, died September 8th at the Brunswick Hospital in Bolivia, NC.

♦ Coley, Silas Eugene (M, 75), Arrested on charge of Domestic Criminal Trespass, on 9/6/22, at 635 Depot St Exit.

♦ Hamby, Alora Nicole (F, 29), Arrested on charge of Second Degree Trespass, Simple Assault, on 9/6/22, at RCSO.


The6:30pmTown of Ramseur Board of Commissioners meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at 724 Liberty St.

TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 or online at


♦ Church, Malena Danielle (F, 28), Arrested on charge of Misdemeanor Larceny, Possession of Stolen Goods, Shoplifting Concealment Goods, on 9/6/22, at 2945 Staleys Farm Rd.

♦ Allred, Roy Gene (M, 46), Arrested on charge of Trafficking Opium or Heroin, Possess Heroin, Possess Drug Paraphernalia, on 9/3/22, at 5002 Smoke Wood Rd.

DEATH NOTICES Enos Burris, 40, of Oakboro,X

Williams said there’s an effort to bolster enrollment. He cited the RCC Commitment Grant, a program designed as a funding mechanism to fill the gap that’s not covered by federal or state aid to “Therestudents.has never been a better opportunity to attend RCC and not have to worry about how to pay for it,” RCC president Dr. Robert Shackleford Jr. said. “We meet students exactly where they are and help them go as far as they can possibly Beginninggo.”with the fall semester, qualifying full-time students will be eligible for up to $1,000 perThatsemester.makes attending RCC the most enticing from a financial standpoint in the 16 years Williams has been at the school, he said. He previously worked in RCC’s financial aid office.

Annual Subscription $50.00

♦ Pugh, Robert Daniel (M, 39), Arrest on charge of Simple Assault (M), at 139 Drum St, Asheboro, on 07/14/2021.

The board held public hear ings for the abolishment and reforming of Fire Tax Districts for the East Side, Level Cross, Randleman-Sophia, and Tab ernacle Fire Districts in order to eliminate the $0.15 tax cap that the districts had.

Lauren PublishedRoseeach Wednesday by North State Media, LLC

Frank Hill


Design Editor

♦ Wiggins, Nigel Elisahoine (M, 27), Arrested on charge of Assault on a Female, on 9/6/22, at Randolph Co Courthouse.


♦ Burrow, Samantha Marie (F, 24), Arrested on charge of Second Degree Trespass, Resisting Public Officer, on 9/2/22, at Randleman High School.

sion, there’s enrollment of 915. That’s off slightly from the usual number that ranges up to 1,000, WilliamsTraditionalsaid. enrollment num bers have flattened, but it’s the number of high school students in programs designed for dual en rollment that has dropped,

Cory Lavalette

Still dealing with adjustments made because of the coronavirus pandemic, not all 2021 fall semester classes will be in person. Some will use a hybrid model with a mixture of face-to-faces sessions and virtual sessions. Many classes provide students with options on how to attend and participate, Williams said.

♦ McQueen, James Allen Jr (M, 35), Arrest on charge of Possession of Marijuana up to 1/2 oz., Possession of drug paraphernalia, Failure to appeal on felony, failure to appear on misdemeanor, at

♦ Anderson, John Richard Jr. (M, 47), Arrested on charge of Possess Meth, Possess Drug Paraphernalia, Unauthorized Use Motor Vehicle, on 9/5/22, at NC HWY 705 and Old US 220.

at the Chatham-Siler City Ad vanced Manufacturing Site as part of the recently passed state budget (North Carolina House Bill 103). Included in that sup port was a $57.5 million appro priation to the Department of Commerce to be used for site preparation.“NorthCarolina is a world leader in manufacturing, and Wolfspeed’s expansion confirms that,” Senate President Pro Tem pore Phil Berger said in a release. “That wouldn’t be possible with out the General Assembly’s longterm commitment to developing a strong, well-educated work force, reining in burdensome regulations, and lowering taxes.”


West Side, Climax, and Frankl inville – having already been reformatted earlier this year.



PHILADELPHIA — Triple H walked with his arms crossed like an X — his signature Degenera tion X symbol — with his 7-foot tag-team partner, Joel Embiid, to ring a ceremonial bell last month before a Philadelphia 76ers play offHisgame. theme music blared through the arena, and near ly 19,000 fans hanging from the rafters roared when the wrestler hoisted his bad-guy weapon-ofchoice sledgehammer and struck theSure,bell. the setting wasn’t Wres tleMania — though Triple H lost a match in the same building when the event was held there in 1999 — but for the superstar-turned-ex ecutive, the frenzied atmosphere

It is


support our troops and veterans with the challenges they may be facing here at home. Among these challenges, mental health is one of the greatest. According to a 2021 study, it is estimated that over 30,000 active-duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. This is four times higher than the number of deaths resulting from military operations. The psychological and emotional burdens carried by our nation’s active-duty and veteran personnel are immense and must be addressed in a comprehensive way. This is why I have cosponsored legislation like the VA Zero Suicide Demonstration Project Act and Vet CENTERS for Mental Health Act, provisions that will help expand mental health services for veterans across the Unfortunately,country.the mental health scourge is not the only health crisis affecting our military and country at large. Drug overdose deaths continue to surge across the United States, in large part due to opioids like fentanyl. In North Carolina, there were 3,759 deaths from opioid overdoses last year. However, this crisis is not limited to the civilian population, as reports have shown that our military is also vulnerable to this crisis. This includes our community at Fort Bragg, where accidental overdose is one of the leading causes of death for soldiers, outpacing deaths related to combat operations. It is clear we must take steps to address this crisis, including securing our border to stop drugs like fentanyl from entering our country in the first place. As your Congressman, I will work to make sure this happens.

In closing, I ask that you join Renee and me this week in praying for the family and friends of the victims and heroes of 9/11. May we never forget them and all who have served our nation since.


We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nationstates. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an empire of its own, not merely a nation-state — as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”

China’s demographics are entirely upside-down; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”

about to declare himself dictator for life.


It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over concerns about birthrate, immigration, and multiculturalism. Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long re-shifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian environmentalism — all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 mini-depression and now sky-high rates of inflation — the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.And then there is the problem of empires in decline.

SUNDAY MARKED 21 years since the 9/11 terrorist attack on our homeland. This senseless act of violence struck at the very core of our nation and robbed nearly 3,000 innocent dads, moms, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters of their lives.

Yet, many have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. And I fear the consequences of President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. This rushed and disorganized effort to pull the United States out of the region needlessly threw away years of hard-fought gains and led to the loss of billions of dollars in equipment, the abandonment of thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies, and the needless deaths of 13 brave U.S. servicemembers.

We must never forget the tragedy and heroism of 9/11. It is our responsibility to continue to honor and support all those most affected by what took place that day. This includes the thousands of brave men and women who, in the aftermath of the attack, answered the call to wear our nation’s uniform, defend freedom, and stop events like 9/11 from happening again.


In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territorial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism, and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above four children per woman in 1910 to well below two by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was, therefore, not unpredictable.

Historian Niall Ferguson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth century” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, economic volatility, and empires in decline.”

Unserious leadership in a serious time

So, what would China’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the all-important production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredictable.

Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

The West has decided, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to economic strength, instead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising endless giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying civilizations, pitting its citizens against each other, labeling them “semifascists” and “threats to democracy.”

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous economic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: staterun mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustainable... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.”

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a major foreign policy and national security failure and, in many ways, a direct affront to all the servicemembers who sacrificed so much to defend freedom at home and in the region. But I will not let this stand. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I promise to not rest until we have a thorough review of this deadly withdrawal, get our citizens and allies out of harm’s way, and I will continue to honor the brave Americans who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan.Atthesame time, leaders in Washington must also continue to

Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.

September 11th, 2001, was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. However, amid the grave evil of that day, we also witnessed some of the most courageous and heroic acts of good. We saw hundreds of first responders rush into smoke and flames in order to save strangers, as well as the brave passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 sacrifice everything in order to prevent further catastrophe. These individuals were, and continue to be, heroes in every sense of the word.

While these are difficult topics, it is only by having an honest and direct conversation about them they can be properly addressed. I will continue to have frank conversations about the most pressing issues facing our country today and will always work to support those who have sacrificed so much for this nation.


Remembrance and responsibility

WE LIVE IN A DEEPLY serious time with deeply unserious leaders.

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility, and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for weakness. Economic growth is the prerequisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion.

3Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Which brings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.

We lie somewhere between the moral collapse of Rudyard Kipling’s “Recessional” (1897) and Philip Larkin’s “Homage to a Government” (1969). This doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty — the kind of chaos and difficulty only strength, economic and military, and morals can successfully keep at bay.

Just over two decades later, the images of 9/11 remain burned into the collective memory of every soul in our nation. I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news of what had happened, and the tragic events of that morning played out.

Bubba Wallace after he held off his team’s co-owner, Denny Hamlin, to win at Kansas

Former UFC fighter Theodorou dies at age 34

Bubba Wallace celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Kansas Speedway.


The Tigers reached their first ACC championship game in 2009, then won the title two years lat er. In 2015, Clemson began run of six straight league crowns and six consecutive CFP berths.

By Dave Skretta The Associated Press

flag for his second NASCAR Cup Series victory and made it back-toback weeks that a non-playoff driv er won a postseason race.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Clem son coach Dabo Swinney has a reworked contract that will pay him $115 million over 10 seasons throughSwinney’s2031. enhanced contract follows megadeals given to Ala bama’s Nick Saban, Georgia’s Kir by Smart and Ohio State’s Ryan Day earlier this season. Swinney’s average yearly salary of $11.5 mil lion sits only behind Saban’s $11.7 million average compensation.

Swinney will make $10.5 mil lion this season, a raise of $2 mil lion scheduled under his old agree ment signed in 2019. He’ll earn $12.5 million in the contract’s final year,Each2031.year, Swinney will get $305,000 in base salary. His sup plemental income this season will be $6.695 million plus $3.5 mil lion in licensing money.

The first two postseason races have been won by drivers outside of the playoffs

Drew Pyne, who came off the bench after Buchner was hurt, was listed as the starter on Notre Dame’s depth chart of Saturday’s home game against California. Notre Dame plays at UNC on Sept. 24.


US Soccer investigation into NWSL misconduct nearing end

U.S.ChicagoSoccer says an investigation into alleged abuse and misconduct in the National Women’s Soccer League is expected to be completed by early October. The investigation led by former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates was initiated last fall after North Carolina Courage coach Paul Riley was accused of sexual harassment and coercion by two former players.

Riley was fired and league Commissioner Lisa Baird stepped down in the wake of the players’ claims. U.S. Soccer and the NWSL and its players union announced separate investigations.


Denny Hamlin managed to trim into Wallace’s lead down the stretch, but the co-owner with Mi chael Jordan of the No. 45 car for 23XI Racing ultimately ran out of time. Wallace took the checkered

Monza, FormulaItalyOne driver Alex Albon suffered “respiratory failure” and had to be put on a ventilator following complications from surgery. Albon was ruled out of the Italian Grand Prix with appendicitis on Saturday morning and underwent successful surgery but the Williams driver then had to be moved to intensive care as he required assistance breathing. Albon is out of intensive care and was expected to return home on Tuesday. He is expected to take part in the Singapore GP on Oct. 2. Albon signed a multi-year contract extension to continue driving for Williams last month.

“I knew Denny was going to be strong,” Wallace said after climb ing out of his car and throwing a little shade at his many detractors. “It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lights-out. Once we got to the lead, it was a lot of fun.”


Wallace holds off boss, title contenders to win at Kansas

Clemson extended Dabo Swinney through 2031, giving its football coach a raise that will pay him an average of $11.5 million annually.

“I was driving as hard as I could,” said Hamlin, who had no qualms about passing his own

driver for the win. “Nothing will ever come free when you’re driv ing for me. If you think I’m going to let you win, you better find an otherWallace,team.”who became the 18th different driver to reach Victory Lane this season, also won during last year’s playoffs at Talladega, when he was likewise out of the ti tle picture. And his victory Sunday came after Erik Jones, who also missed out on the postseason this year, won a chaotic race a week ago at Darlington.“Justsoproud of this team, so proud of the effort that they put in each and every week,” said Wal lace, who won in the same No. 45 car that Kurt Busch drove to vic tory at Kansas earlier this year. “They work their tails off and I’m so Buschproud.”stepped out of the ride while dealing with a concussion.

Athletic director Graham Neff

The Tigers have had 11 straight seasons of 10 wins or more.

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Bubba Wallace was so comfortable cruis ing around Kansas Speedway on Sunday that he told his team over the radio in the closing laps that he didn’t want to know who was chas ing him or how far back they might be.He probably would have smiled knowing it was his boss.

Swinney’s total compensa tion will go up $250,000 for the next four years. He will remain at $11.5 million in 2026 and 2027, then continuing increasing by $250,000 the final four years of the“Iagreement.remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence,” said Swinney, who is in his 14th full sea son with the Tigers. “This agree ment is representative of what has been collectively built here.”

“It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lightsout.”


Notre Dame QB Buchner expected to miss season

The Associated Press

Bell was the only driver to clinch a spot in the next round on points. The other 11 are up for grabs head ing to Saturday night’s race at Bris tol.“I’m very happy that we’re final ly getting the results that this team deserves,” Bell said. “Our speed has been there all year. I feel like we’ve given up a lot of good finish es. Hopefully we can build on this and keep rolling.”

The Tigers coach average annual salary is now $11.5 million

Swinney was elevated to interim head coach in 2008 at midseason when Tommy Bowden was let go. Then the receivers coach, Swinney went 4-2 down the stretch to earn the full-time job.

Fighting Irish coach Marcus Freeman says Buchner has a severe AC joint sprain in his left shoulder. Buchner was injured in the fourth quarter of Notre Dame’s loss to Marshall on Saturday.

4 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 SPORTS

EliasTorontoTheodorou, a charismatic mixed martial artist who seven19-3,AprilearningCanadaUltimateheandhisMississauga,cancer.SundayformerJessHeastosuccessfullycampaignedfortherightusemedicalmarijuanaanathlete,hasdied.was34.Hispublicist,Moran,confirmedtheUFCfighterdiedinTorontoofliverTheodorou,fromOntario,madeprodebutinJune2011was8-0-0in2013whenjoinedthecastof“TheFighterNations:vs.Australia.”AfterhisUFCcontractin2014,Theodorouwaswithsixwinsinhislastoutings.

Clemson’s Swinney gets raise, extension through 2031

The contract includes a different tier for any buyout if Swinney were leave to coach his alma mater, Al abama — $9 million to join the Crimson Tide this year, but just $6 million for any other college head coaching job. Those figures are re duced, but remain different, as the contract

“I remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence.”

said it was “critical that Clemson invest in our football program and ensure our head coach is at Clem

son for a long, long time.”

There are several contract per formance bonuses, including $350,000 for a national title and $200,000 for an ACC champion ship. Swinney would get $100,000 if his team’s Academic Progress Rate reaches 975 out of 1,000, ac cording to the NCAA’s scale that tracks academic performance.

ONEFORMULA Albon after“respiratorysufferedfailure”surgery

Dabo Swinney

Wallace got around playoff con tender Alex Bowman for the lead with 67 laps to go, then built a 2-second cushion over a parade of drivers in the title hunt, each trying to earn the win that would ensure their spot in the round of eight.Hamlin wound up at the front of it, finishing second to climb into third in the playoff standings.

He was quick to tweet his congrat ulations.Bellfinished third and Bowman fourth with playoff outsider Mar tin Truex Jr. in fifth. William By ron, Ross Chastain, Kyle Larson, Ryan Blaney and Daniel Suarez — all firmly in the playoff hunt — rounded out the top 10.

South Bend, Ind. Notre Dame quarterback Tyler Buchner is expected to miss the rest of the regular season with an injury to his nonthrowing shoulder that will need surgery.

The 52-year-old has won seven Atlantic Coast Conference titles, made the College Football Playoff six times and won national crowns after the 2016 and 2018 seasons.

Swinneycontinues.wouldn’t owe anything if he left to become an NFL head coach.Clemson would have to pay Swinney $64 million if it dis missed him without cause, a fig ure that decreases throughout the length of the deal.

The university’s board of trust ees compensation committee ap proved the deal Thursday.


At Ramseur, the host Wildcats won their third game in a row as Devonte Brooks scored on a pair of runs.DJ Thomas had a 31-yard goahead reception from Stratton Barwick in the second quarter for Eastern Randolph (3-1). Ervodd Cassady ran for 118 yards on 20 car ries, and Jake Fesmire scored on a run for the Wildcats.

Chapman has aided in the transition. He said he can serve as a consultant to Luck.

Hazelwood wins race

Beane came through with a team-high 16 service points as the visiting Patriots defeated Trinity last week.

“With Charlie’s tutelage, I think I’ll be OK,” Luck said. Because of his recent role with Asheboro, Luck said he’s familiar with the scheduling models used in the Mid-Pied montAsheboro’sConference.volleyball team went on a recent pause because of COVD-19 cases. Luck said he’s not aware of any similar is sues impacting any other teams within the Mid-Piedmont Con ference.“Aslong as they get the con ference (competitions) in, that’s what matters,” Luck said.

Payne also returned a kickoff for a touchdown and scored on a rushing play.

Asheboro’s boys’ soccer team has defeated two 2021 state champions in the first month of this season.


Trinity 60, Jordan-Matthews 7

Randolph Record

Hazelwood’s time of 18 minutes, 5.71 seconds for the 3.1-mile race gave him nearly a 14-second mar gin on runner-up Cole Johnson of High Point Central. There were 80 runners in the boys’ race.

Eastern Randolph 28, Williams 21


The former Asheboro High School athletics director is the new commissioner of the Mid-Piedmont Conference.

At Trinity, Wheatmore notched the home victory as Riley Strick land threw two touchdown pass es.Jonathan Kelly racked up 124 rushing yards on 15 carries for the Bulldogs (1-3), who snapped an eight-game losing streak overall dating to last Wheatmoreyear.won for the first time since Sept. 17, 2021, at Ashe boro, which is the next opponent for the Bulldogs.

By Bob Sutton Randolph Record

Zander Cheek, who finished with 75 yards on the ground on ten car ries, Chase Whitaker, and Karson Bowman all scored on runs. Zander Cheek also scored on a catch from Andrew Canter on an 80-yard play.

Greensboro Smith (0-3) scored about three minutes into the game, but that was it.

Asheboro hits pause in volleyball season

Huntersville, was last season’s Class 1-A state champion. Last month, the Blue Comets topped reigning Class 3-A state champion Western Alamance.Laterin the week, Asheboro im proved to 9-0 with a 3-0 victory against Uwharrie Charter Acad emy behind goals from Diego Bustamonte, Cristian Cruz, and Ozmar Martinez. Santos and Ortiz had assists.

“It’s a way to stay involved,” Steve Luck said. “I’ll jump right in.”With roles in two confer ences, it became a juggling act for Chapman, particularly near the end of a sports season when all-conference selections were being made, league tourna ments were taking place, and state playoffs were approach ing. He said this should lessen hisChapmanworkload. is a long-time coach at Southwestern Ran dolph, which is a PAC member. He’s an assistant coach for foot ball and softball at the school.


Joseph Baker rushed for 102 yards on 17 carries for West Da vidson (2-2), which was coming off a pair of blowout defeats by a total of 124-7.

By Bob Sutton Randolph Record


Area teams flex on defense

Luck replaces long-time commissioner Charlie Chap man, who reduced his work load and yet remains commis sioner of the Piedmont Athletic Conference.Luckretired from Asheboro in the spring. Yet he remained an interested observer of the Blue Comets as his son, sopho more Ben Luck, is a participant in the football, basketball, and baseball programs.

PJ WARD-BROWN | NORTH STATE JOURNAL Liberty Beane prepares to fire a serve during a match last week for Providence Grove.

Blue Comets roll along

At Randleman, Christian Long threw for two touchdowns and ran for another as the host Tigers used a big second half to pull away af ter the teams were knotted at 7-7 at halftime.Longthrew 15 years to Ama ri Ferdna for the only Randleman touchdown of the first half. The Ti gers went ahead in the third quar ter on Amarion Moton’s 5-yard run. Moton finished with 114 yards on 21 carries.Tyshaun Goldston caught a 16yard touchdown pass from Long early in the fourth quarter. Ash ton Dillow returned a fumble for Randleman’s next touchdown be fore Long’s 19-yard run helped seal theLongoutcome.rushed for 97 yards on 15 attempts and threw for 66 yards.

Wheatmore’s boys placed sixth out of eight scoring teams. Oak Hill Academy was the team cham pion.In the girls’ race, Wheat more’s Olivia Hildreth was 13th in 25:46.21.

Wheatmore 21, Chatham Central 0

A Mid-Piedmont Conference match with Oak Grove was reset for Thursday at South Asheboro Mid dle School, which is the team’s tem porary home court.

Zane Cheek of Providence Grove runs between Asheboro’s Jaylon Moore (to his right) and DJ Headen during Friday night’s game. Asheboro’s Davis Gore, far left, chases Cheek.

ASHEBORO — The Asheboro volleyball team hoped to be back in action this week after a health-re latedThepause.Blue Comets called off two matches last week and another for Monday night. Athletics director Wes Berrier said five team mem bers were hit by COVID-19, so team activities were shut down.

At Dobson, cross country run


Providence Grove, volleyball

The Cougars (2-1) were shutout victims for the first time since the second-to-last game of the 2021 spring season against Southern Guilford. They had scored in 14 straight games since then.

Cristian Ortiz, right, of Asheboro makes a move on Southwestern Randolph’s Richard Dominguez during a boys’ soccer game earlier this season.

Luck, a 1985 Asheboro grad uate, is also involved with the organization of a youth football program in Ashe boro. The grassroots program fields teams in 6-and-under, 8-and-under, and 10-and-un der divisions, something he said he hopes can build a stron ger foundation for the sport in the city. He sees those teams serving as a feeder program for the teams in the school district.

Providence Grove (4-0) scored 14 points in each of the first three quarters.TheBlue Comets dropped to 0-4.

A non-conference match with Providence Grove was moved to Oct. 10, when the Blue Comets should be using North Asheboro Middle School again. Asheboro’s non-league match with Wheatmore won’t be rescheduled.

West Davidson 10, Southwestern Randolph 0

ner Zach Hazelwood of Wheat more captured first place in last week’s Fisher River Park.

The Bulldogs (3-1) secured their third blowout victory of the sea son. It was 36-0 at halftime.

ASHEBORO — Zane Cheek ran for three touchdowns, and Provi dence Grove notched its third con secutive shutout with Friday night’s 49-0 victory at Asheboro.

Asheboro at Wheatmore North Stanly at Randleman Providence Grove at Ledford Southwestern Randolph at TrinityAlbemarleatCarrboro


5Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Ex-Asheboro AD takes conference role

Eastern Randolph went up 28-14 with 2:52 to play on Brooks’ 12-yard run on a drive that consumed about sevenThenminutes.DanMahan scored on a 24-yard quarterback keeper to give the Bulldogs a chance. The Wild cats recovered the ensuing onside kick.Williams (2-2) lost a tight game to Eastern Randolph for the second straight year. The Bulldogs scored first on Kylei Richmond’s 8-yard run on the fourth snap of the game.

At Lexington, Caleb Broom threw to Noah Baker for the game’s only touchdown.

The Bears dropped to 0-4.

That outcome helped Providence Grove to its second consecutive victory in the Piedmont Athletic Conference. The Patriots won two of their first three matches in league play after finishing last season with a sub-.500 conferenceCombinedrecord.withafour-set non-league loss at Southeast Guilford, the Patriots had other big contributors during the week. Riley Mazzarone had a total of 66 assists, and Emma Mazzarone compiled 32 kills in the two matches. Allie Frazier notched 15 digs in the Trinity match, and Mailey Way had 18 digs vs. Southeast Guilford.


The Jets are 0-4.

ASHEBORO — Steve Luck didn’t stay away from high school athletics for long.

Cheek rolled up 210 rushing yards on 16 carries.


“Those ADs in the Mid-Pied mont know me, and I know them,” Luck said. “I’m working with six ADs, and those guys are good at what they do.”

At Siler City, three of Dominic Payne’s seven completed passes went for touchdowns as the Bull dogs rolled on the road.

Steve Luck

Randleman Greensboro38,Smith 7

The latest conquest came with last week’s 2-1 victory against visit ing Christ the King. Cristian Ortiz and Brandon Santos had goals for the Blue Comets, with Edwin Perez and Carlos Castaneda providing as sists.Christ the King, which is in


The U.S. thanked Morocco for facilitating Nasser’s transfer.

The move also restores auton omy to the country’s immigra tion judges over how they manage their dockets, said Jeremy McKin ney, president elect of the Ameri can Immigration Lawyers Associ ation. Immigration judges clashed repeatedly with the Trump ad ministration, decrying measures they said limited their indepen dence.“To say the immigration judg es never possessed this power was simply ridiculous,” McKinney said.

The State Department said in a statement that President Joe Biden’s administration would con tinue “a deliberate and thorough

guarded optimism. The White House is banking on the possibil ity that interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve will lead infla tion down to pre-pandemic levels without sacrificing the job gains of the past 18 months.

said immigration judges too often let people stay in the country lon ger than they should in a sort of le galThepurgatory.decision is one of several recent Biden administration re versals of former President Don ald Trump’s immigration policies.

Nasser’s attorney in Morocco, Khalil Idrissi, said the years Nass er spent in Guantánamo “were un justified and outside the law, and what he suffered remains a stain of disgrace on the forehead of the American system.”

makers are trying to keep vot ers focused on the GOP version. They say Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and resistance to oil drilling leas es has led to inflation, although prices are rising worldwide be cause of the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and troubled supplySenatechains.Republican leader Mitch McConnell noted the fi nancial pain being felt by manu facturers, farmers and construc tion firms in his home state of Kentucky.“Washington Democrats have spent nearly two years borrow ing, printing, and spending our economy into turmoil,” McCon nell said in a Wednesday speech to the Senate. “Since President Biden took office, prices in (Ken tucky) have spiked by 13%.”

White House officials still de scribe inflation as Biden’s top economic priority. But the presi dent has also gone on the politi cal offensive regarding inflation, noting that the GOP opposed the law he signed last month that limits prescription drug pric es, funds climate-related invest ments, raises corporate taxes and reduces the federal budget defi cit.Biden says the measure, which Democrats call the “Inflation Re duction Act,” will help to lower prices, although outside analyses suggest the impact could be neg ligible.“You think if they really cared about inflation — reducing it — they would have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden said in his speech at a Democrat ic fundraiser. “Every Republican in the House, every Republican in the Senate, they voted against it. Everyone.”

A sign alerts foot traffic to nearby Bushwick Grind Café just a few steps away from a McDonalds restaurant, Thursday Sept. 8, 2022, in New York.

“We’re feeling it, we’re not a necessary purchase, people buy food and gas,” he said.

In the decision on immigration judges, Garland wrote that three federal appeals courts had already rejected Sessions’ 2018 policy, say ing the judges had the authori ty to decide how they wanted to handle cases. The Justice Depart ment, which runs the immigration

The transfer of Abdullatif Nass er was the first by the Biden ad ministration, reviving an Obama administration effort that had been stymied, in part, by conser vative opposition and by the diffi culty of finding secure sites to send some of the detainees.

Nasser, also known as Abdul Latif Nasser, arrived Monday in Morocco. Police took him into cus tody and said they would investi gate him on suspicion of commit ting terrorist acts.

has seen customers delay repairs that aren’t urgent such as sched uled maintenance or getting new tires.At the beginning of the year, Miskelley’s labor costs rose 12% and the cost of towing cars to the shop went up due to higher gas prices. Parts are more expensive too. Last year, an air condition er processor would cost her $200, but this year she can’t find one for under $400. So, she’s had to raise her average price for a repair by 30% to 40%.

The Obama administration, seeking to allay concerns that some of those released had “returned to

But some immigration judges said they can only use the practice in a limited number of cases and that it makes the courts more ef ficient, not less. Without it, some immigrants have wound up fil ing applications for asylum or ap peal simply to buy more time while waiting on their green card appli cation, Marks said.

During the Trump administra tion, the number of cases in the immigration courts surged, part ly as some of the hundreds of thou sands of cases that had been put on hold were added back on the

Ninety-seven percent of small business owners say inflation ary pressure is the same or worse than it was three months ago, ac cording to a survey of more than 1,500 small businesses by Gold man Sachs 10,000 Small Busi ness Voices. Sixty-five percent have raised prices to offset higher costs. And 38% say they’ve seen a decline in customer demand due to price Nicoleincreases.Miskelley, who manag es PMR, an auto and diesel repair shop in Marion, Illinois, said she

When Biden did address infla tion in a Monday speech at Bos ton’s airport, he stressed prog ress, rather than financial pain on what he says is his top econom ic priority. Biden has largely put the blame for inflation on global forces such as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s February inva sion of Ukraine, even as he says his own policies are reducing the burdens of higher prices.

the fight,” set up a process to en sure those repatriated or resettled in third countries no longer posed a threat. It also planned to try some of the men in federal court. But the closure effort was thwarted when Congress barred the transfer of prisoners from Guantánamo to the U.S., including for prosecution or medical care. The prisoner transfer process stalled under Trump, who said even before taking office there should be no further releases.

“It clutters up the system with unnecessary filings and unneces sary hearings,” she said.

Schuyler Northstrom of Uin ta Mattress, a mattress maker in Salt Lake City, Utah, says he’s raised his prices by 15% since 2020. A mattress that used to sell for $289 wholesale is now $330.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pres ident Joe Biden has stopped talking so much about inflation.

By Amy Taxin The Associated Press


address how it would handle the ongoing effort to prosecute five men held at Guantánamo for the Sept. 11 attacks. It also has to re solve what it will do with detain ees that the Obama administration particularly struggled with, ei ther because their home countries were not considered secure enough to return them to, or because they were refused by third-party coun tries.The detention center opened in 2002. Bush’s administration trans formed what had been a quiet Navy outpost on Cuba’s southeastern tip into a place to interrogate and im prison people suspected of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.

migrants fleeing violence to quali fy for asylum.

“We’re on the right track,” the president said Monday, noting the lower gas costs but adding the caveat: “There’s more to do, a lot more to do.”

process” aimed at reducing the de tainee population at Guantánamo.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki had said in February it was the “intention” of the Biden admin istration to close the detention fa cility, something President Barack Obama pledged to do within a year shortly after he took office in Janu aryAlmost2009. 800 detainees have passed through Guantanamo. Of the 39 remaining, 10 are eligible to be transferred out, 17 are eligible to go through the review process for possible transfer, another 10 are in volved in the military commission process used to prosecute detain ees and two have been convicted, another senior administration of ficialThesaid.Biden administration didn’t

Prices at the pump are averag ing $3.72 a gallon, after having crested above $5 a gallon in midJune, and the president’s approv al ratings have recovered some what. Yet inflation still remains a challenge.“Themost public price — gas oline — has been falling signifi cantly,” said Austan Goolsbee, a University of Chicago econo

As small businesses raise prices, some customers push back

U.S. ATTORNEY General Mer rick Garland tossed a Trump ad ministration policy that barred immigration judges from putting off the deportation cases of immi grants waiting on green cards and visas.Garland overruled a decision by then-Attorney General Jeff Ses sions that judges could not tem porarily shelve those cases — a practice known as administrative closure.Immigration judges, who are employees of Garland’s Depart ment of Justice, said the practice helps them manage their dockets more efficiently by letting them fo cus on cases that are ready to go to court and avoid dragging in immi grants and attorneys for unneces sary hearings. That’s critical in a backlogged system where immi grants already wait years to get a court date.

“The United States commends the Kingdom of Morocco for its long-time partnership in secur ing both countries’ national secu rity interests,” the Pentagon state ment said.

6 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 6 Subscribe today (

“It helps us clear our dockets so we’re dealing with cases that are really ready for hearings,” said Immigration Judge Dana Leigh Marks, president emerita and ex ecutive vice president of the Na tional Association of Immigration Judges.Formany immigrants, admin istrative closure was seen as a life line that shielded them from de portation while they awaited word on their applications for legal sta tus from other agencies, such as green cards or other visas. Critics

A review board had recom mended repatriation for Nasser, who is in his mid-50s, in July 2016, but he had remained at Guantána mo under President Donald Trump, who opposed closing the site.In announcing Nasser’s trans fer, the Pentagon cited the board’s determination that his detention was no longer necessary to protect U.S. national security.

NEW YORK — Inflation isn’t only costing small businesses money. It’s costing them custom ers as well.

At the Bushwick Grind Cafe in Brooklyn, New York, Kymme Williams-Davis has raised prices and switched to different types of goods to keep up with the rising costs of milk, coffee, paper goods and plastic, as well as shortag es of items such as paper cups and plastic lids. She hasn’t expe rienced anything like this since opening in Williams-Davis2015. says she has lost nearly half of her regular cus tomers. Some have traded down and are buying coffee for $1 at the McDonald’s or bodega on either side of the café instead of paying the $3 she charges.

One customer who had been coming in for years stopped in to tell Williams-Davis he bought himself a coffeemaker.


By Dino Hazell The Associated Press

“He said I’m going to start making coffee at home, I need to budget, so I won’t be coming in here every day,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been on a goodbye cam paign.”Inflation has been rising at nearly the fastest pace in 40 years, driven up by strong con sumer spending and higher costs for food, rent, medical care, and otherFornecessities.muchof the pandemic, small business customers were largely tolerant of price increas es and kept on spending. But now owners say they’re seeing some pushback.

courts, is making rules related to administrative closure and will al low the practice in the meantime, the attorney general wrote.

His remarks in Columbus, Ohio, in suburban Washing ton at a Democratic fundraiser, at a Cabinet meeting and in La bor Day speeches in Milwaukee and Pittsburgh were all missing a once-common refrain about fam ilies at the kitchen table straining under the rising costs of food and gasoline.It’sa self-edit ahead of the midterm elections in November, prompted by Biden attempting to shift the spotlight to his leg islative wins, the loss of abor tion protections and the threats he claims are posed to democra cy by the many Republican lead ers still under the sway of former President Donald Trump.

In step to shut Guantanamo, President Biden transfers Moroccan home

— The Biden administration took a step toward its goal of shutting down the Guantánamo Bay detention center for international terror sus pects on Monday, releasing into the custody of his home country a Moroccan who’d been held with out charge almost since the U.S. opened the facility 19 years ago.


Her customers have noticed. “Typically, I am able to joke about how drastically different things are now and most agree with me,” she said. “On occasion, I deal with push back,” including the rare bout of yelling or cursing by a “Amongcustomer.alot of my older cus tomers, who are on restricted in come like Social Security, they say they have to cut back,” she said. “They say, ‘I know I need these tires, but I need to make a couple more rounds (of Social Security)

“The pushback from retailers is pretty strong there,” he said. His retail partners include John Pa ras mattress stores and 2Brothers Mattress, both in Utah. “Some times we’re displaced by some of the larger guys with a lower cost product because of their volume.”


By Josh Boak The Associated Press

Last month, Garland ended two policies that made it harder for im

“These are extremely dangerous people and should not be allowed back onto the battlefield,” Trump said.Under Trump, only one prison er, a Saudi, was transferred to Sau di Arabia to serve the remainder of his sentence after he agreed to a

pleaUnderbargain.Obama, 197 were trans ferred to other countries.

mist and former Obama White House aide. “In that kind of en vironment, other concerns tend to move up on people’s lists. That could certainly change if the in flation numbers start getting worse.”Asenior White House offi cial, insisting on anonymity on a Thursday call with reporters, said recent trends in inflation have given the administration some

The possibility that former Guantánamo prisoners would re sume hostile activities has long been a concern that has played into the debate over releases. The office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a 2016 report that about 17% of the 728 detain ees who had been released were “confirmed” and 12% were “sus pected” of reengaging in such ac tivities.Butthe vast majority of those reengagements occurred with former prisoners who did not go through the security review that was set up under Obama. A task force that included agencies such as the Defense Department and the CIA analyzed who was held at Guantánamo and determined who could be released and who should continue in detention.

Biden’s midterm self-edit: Less talk about inflation

court calendar following Sessions’ decision.Since the 2018 fiscal year, the number of cases pending in the immigration courts has risen 74%, to 1.3 million, according to data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.GeneHamilton, a key architect of many of Trump’s immigration policies who served in the Justice Department, said he believes Gar land’s decision will let immigrants stay in the country indefinitely de spite facing deportation.

In a statement, the public prose cutor at the Court of Appeal in Ra bat said the National Division of the Judicial Police in Casablanca had been instructed to open an in vestigation into Nasser “on suspi cion of committing terrorist acts.”

In this June 25, 2021 file photo, Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks during a news conference on voting rights at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.

to save up.’” She says she’s a little worried but hopes people can adjust to in flation.“Right now, it kind of sucks be cause costs increased faster than I could catch up with. In time, I hope people budget better and their incomes change to reflect theTheeconomy.”pullback is more dramat ic among consumers with less discretionary income. Walmart says its customers, who tend to have lower incomes, are spending more on food and less on other items. Small business owners are seeing much of the same.

The increase doesn’t fully cover Uinta’s higher costs. Raw materi als such as springs and foam have increased by 40%. But North strom fears that raising prices any higher could cause his cus tomers to drop him.

Idrissi, Nasser’s attorney, said judicial authorities should not “take measures that prolong his torment and suffering, especially since he lived through the hell of Guantánamo.”Nasser’sjourney to the Cuban prison was a long one. He was a member of a nonviolent but ille gal Moroccan Sufi Islam group in the 1980s, according to his Penta gon file. In 1996, he was recruited to fight in Chechnya but ended up in Afghanistan, where he trained at an al-Qaida camp. He was cap tured after fighting U.S. forces there and was sent to Guantána mo in May 2002.

Garland lets immigration judges put off deportation cases

By Mae Anderson The Associated Press

“If (customers) can get it for a dollar for not that notable of a dif ference, they’re going next door.”

“The Fed is going to need great skill and also some good luck to achieve what we sometimes call a soft landing,” Treasury Secre tary Janet Yellen said Sunday on CNN. “I believe there is a path to accomplishing that.”

To adapt, Northstrom is rede signing the mattress to cut down on costs, and taking less profit, which isn’t sustainable in the long term, he said. He’s also focusing more on the higher end, mattress es that cost up to $1,200, which hasn’t been hit as hard.

In this Wednesday, April 17, 2019, file photo reviewed by U.S. military officials, the control tower is seen through the razor wire inside the Camp VI detention facility in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.

President Joe Biden speaks at a Democratic National Committee event at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022, in Oxon Hill, Md.

Still, many leading econo mists, including researchers who presented this week at the Brook ings Institution, warn that bring ing down inflation will likely mean layoffs and a drastic rise in the unemployment rate despite Biden’sTherehopes.isarisk for Biden in piv oting away from discussing infla tion, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist who has advised Republican campaigns and is now president of the center-right American Action Forum. HoltzEakin noted that oil prices have largely fallen as demand from China has waned, something that could reverse in October if that country lifts it coronavirus lock downs.Hesaid that Democratic for tunes could ultimately rest on the movements of global energy mar kets with their mix of geopolitics, corporate profits and financial speculation.“Theydo this at their per il,” Holtz-Eakin said about the change in messaging. “When you look at the numbers, there real ly has not been great progress on inflation. Everything they’ve got ten on inflation has been driven by international conditions and global oil Meanwhile,prices.”Republican law

7Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 obituaries Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in the Randolph Record at 2 Randolph Record WEDNESDAY 7.21.21 “Join#3 conversation”the WEEKLY FORECAST 2 Randolph Record for WEDNESDAY 7.7.21 “Join#1 conversation”the WEEKLY FORECAST WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% THURSDAY JULY 1 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% FRIDAY JULY 2 HI 78° LO 66° PRECIP 57% WEDNESDAY JULY 21 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 13% THURSDAY JULY 22 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 5% JULY PRECIPLOHI RANDOLPH COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Alma is survived by her husband, Clifford Dennis "Tripp" Richardson and her brother, Joe Thomas Robbins. Also, by her 4 children, Debbie Richardson Purinton (Brad), Vickie Richardson Carpenter (Kent), Craig Richardson (Scott), and Kirk Richardson (Trish), and by her 7 grandchildren, Bonnie Forsyth, Trey Forsyth, Jared Purinton (Sandi), Matt Purinton, Sadie Carpenter, Jacob Richardson, and Nathan Richardson. Alma also had 2 great grandchildren, Parker Purinton and CullenAlmaPurinton.hasbeen an active member of churches wherever she lived. She played in hand bell choirs, sang in the church choirs, taught Sunday School, and served as deacon. She was most recently a member of the First Baptist Church of Asheboro.

April 11, 1936 — September 10, 2022

July 25, 1932 — September 8, 2022

Billy leaves behind his two daughters, Donna Hicks and husband Patrick of Thomasville, and Dana Sheaff and husband Doug of Greensboro; five grandchildren; and his sister: Nellie ‘Cindy’ Toomes of Level Cross.

Sharon is survived by her husband, Tony Sheppard of Asheboro. She is also survived by her mother, Linda Bonkemeyer of Asheboro, daughter Erin Pierson (Adam) of Sophia, daughter Megan Guillen (Mark) of Round Hill, VA, daughter Lyndsey Brock and boyfriend Trevin Jones of Randleman, sister Christi Bunting (Steve) of Randleman, nephew Ben Bunting (Allison) of New Bern and her beloved grandsons, Alec Pierson, Parker Pierson and Matthew Guillen. She also had one great nephew, Asher Bunting.

She is survived by her husband of 70 years, Bobby Jean Maness; daughters, Jean Maness of Asheboro and Belinda "BB" Gallimore of Ramseur; grandchildren, Jeffrey Thomas (fiancée Becky), Joey Thomas (Amber), Jamie Dunn, and John Gallimore (fiancée Sarah); great grandchildren, Tanner Thomas (Felicity), Miah Dunn (Landon), R.J. Walden (Makayla), Jayde Stinson (Skylar), Jared Walden (Hayley), Paige Dunn, Malachi Dunn, Chloe Gallimore, and Zephaniah Dunn; and great great grandchildren, Ariel Goad, Waylon Stinson, and Jenson Thomas.


June 27, 1955 — September 4, 2022

Nancy Jean Ferguson Lundy, age 85, of Randleman, NC passed away at her home, surrounded by her was a Christian Lady and was a very loving Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother and friend. Nancy loved horses, sewing and baking. She was well known for her pound cakes that she shared with many people along with her hand-made cards. Nancy will be greatly missed. Nancy is preceded in death by her parents, William and Edna Ferguson and her loving husband, ReubenNancyLundy.issurvived by her children: Barbara Millikan (Gene) of Liberty, NC, Lisa Cox of Randleman, NC, Linda Corum (Freddie) of Randleman, NC; one son: Richard Lundy (Stephanie) of Asheboro, NC; grandchildren: Summer Russell (Brian), Tabitha Johnson, Travis Millikan (Kari), Crystal Hilton (Jeremy), Christopher Corum and Matthew Shore; and 12 great grandchildren.

Chronicle is survived by the mother of his daughter, Teri Brower; daughter, Vanessa Perry (Amanda Watkins); sisters, Jennifer Broadwater, Jo Ann Perry, Betty Lyon; brothers, Lenard Perry, Jr. and wife Elizabeth, Lester Perry, Ronnie Perry; friends and family of Word of Life Tabernacle Church; several nieces and nephews.



Lena King Maness, age 87, of Ramseur passed away on Saturday, September 3, 2022 at her home.

He was born on August 24, 1955 in Appling, GA to Lenard and Arline Perry. Chronicle was a loyal and hard worker who was employed with Metal USA and was a member of Word of Life Tabernacle Church where he served as an usher. He enjoyed watching sports, especially UNC Basketball and was an avid Atlanta Braves fan.

November 8, 1934 — September 3, 2022

Roland Nichols Monroe, age 90, of Seagrove, passed away on September 8, 2022 at First Health Moore Regional Hospital. Roland was born in Moore County on July 25, 1932 to Carl and Minnie Seawell Monroe. He was a retired textile worker and a member of Needham's Grove Baptist Church and he enjoyed camping. He was a US Army veteran, who served in Germany and member of VFW Post 9245.Inaddition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brothers Carl Monroe Jr., Edwin Monroe, sisters Margaret Monroe and Odessa Vick.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by his three daughter, Teresa Perry, Brandi Franklin (Jason) and Amanda McPherson (Shane) all of Randleman; three grandchildren: Mattie Franklin (Cameron), Jordan and Malachi Franklin; a special son, Jamie Dixon; his dog, Penny; sister: Joanne Gaines; brother: Lamon Perry (Paula); several brother and sister-in-laws.

Geneva Grogan Brooks, age 100, of Midlothian, VA, formerly of Asheboro, passed away on September 4, 2022.

Lena King Maness

Chronicle Perry, age 67, of Asheboro, passed away on September 7, 2022.

Mrs. Whittington was preceded in death by her husband, Harry James Whittington, Sr., her mother Bertie McPherson, father George Hubert McPherson, brothers George and Larry McPherson, sisters Shirley McPherson , Gaynelle Marley and LouiseMrs.McPherson.Whittington is survived by her son, Harry James Whittington Jr. , Sheila Whitman , grandson Matthew Eugene Whittington (Amber), former daughter in law Vickie Lynn Whittington all of Randleman. Sisters Patsy McNeill of Ramseur, Gail McMasters of Ramseur and Imogene Morris of Franklinville. One niece, 3 nephews, 4 great nieces and 5 great nephews.

Russell Neil Perry

He is survived by his wife Ada Dunn Monroe of the home and his nieces and nephews.

Chronicle Perry

She was preceded in death by her father, Charles Bonkemeyer and very special aunt, Betty Petty.

Billy Donald Rayle

Alma passed away Saturday afternoon, 9/10/22, at Clapp's Nursing Home in Asheboro, NC.

January 28, 1962 — September 7, 2022

Alma was preceded in death by her parents, Ralph Walter Robbins and Bonnie Brantley Robbins, and brother, James Leon Robbins.

Sharon Bonkemeyer Sheppard, age 60, of Asheboro, left this earth and entered Heaven on September 7, 2022. Sharon was born on January 28, 1962 to Charles and Linda Bonkemeyer.Sharonattended Asheboro High School and was a former teacher assistant at Randleman Elementary School. She also spent many years as a homemaker and was an excellent cook. Sharon loved her family and always cherished spending time with her girls and grandsons.

March 24, 1922 — September 4, 2022

August 24, 1955 — September 7, 2022

August 20, 1935 — September 5, 2022

Diane Whittington

August 22, 1937 — September 7, 2022

He was a beloved member of the community and was the type of person that was always ready to help anyone that needed help. His favorite pastime was working hard and playing even harder. He enjoyed working on cars and racing cars, boating, riding horses, riding motorcycles, hunting, farming, gardening, and spending time with his family. In addition to his parents, Billy is preceded in death by his loving wife of 63 years, Ima Jean Harris Rayle; two sons, Thomas ‘Guy’ Rayle and John Clarence Rayle; and nine siblings.

Mrs. Diane McPherson Whittington, age 75 of Randleman passed away Saturday, September 10th. at her home surrounded by her family. Mrs. Whittington worked for over 32 years in the textile industry doing various jobs in the shipping and receiving department , quality control and she retired from Technimark. She was a member of the Whitehall Evangelical Methodist Church in Randleman.

Billy was born on August 20th, 1935 in Guilford County to Alonzo and Phoebe Farrington Rayle. He was born into a large family being the youngest of 11 siblings. Billy graduated from Sumner High School in 1955. After working at the hosiery mill for his brother during high school, Billy later worked for P. Lorillard for over 10 years. After that, he became the co-founder of Reid's Trailer and retired as the co-owner and President of Reid’s Trailer Sales Corporation after 42 years of service.

Russell Neil Perry, age 67, husband of Donnivee Cox Perry, passed away on Sunday, September 4, 2022 unexpectedly at his home. Born in West Jefferson, he was the son of Woodrow and Alice Perry. He retired from Tomlinson Erwin Lambeth in 2017. Russell was a member of Cedar Square Friends Meeting and an active member of the Quaker Mens. He love being outdoors, hunting , running his beagles and fishing. Along with being an avid gardener.

In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to Needham's Grove Baptist Church at 359 Needhams Grove Road, Seagrove NC 27341.

Geneva G. Brooks

Mrs. Maness was born in Montgomery County on November 8, 1934 to Ervin and Susie Green King. Lena was retired from GE (Black & Decker) and was a member of Amity Hills Baptist Church. In addition to her parents, Lena was preceded in death by her grandson, Jason Brady Walden, great great grandchildren, Ezra Mae Walden and Baby Walden, brothers, Clyde, Morris, Paul and Jimmy King, and sisters, Pauline, Ruby, Beulah, and Baby Clara.

Geneva is survived by her: daughter: Jonnie Ruth (Roger) King of The Villages, FL; sons: Steve (Jann) Brooks of Clemmons, NC; Mike (Linda) Brooks of Midlothian, VA; grandchildren: Michelle Recher, Sarah Barr, Chris King, Cameron King, Amanda Brooks, Samantha Brooks, Ragan Crider and Max Sanderson and 12 greatgrandchildren.

November 20, 1946 — September 10, 2022


She was born on March 24, 1922, to Walter and Mary Graham Grogan.Shespent her early years in Todd, NC moving to High Point at the start of WW2. After her marriage to John Brooks in 1949 they moved to Asheboro where she lived on Redding Road until 2018. She was a longtime member of First United Methodist Church, Asheboro and manager of the Stedman Outlet Store for many years. She was preceded in death by her husband: John Blair Brooks in 1995.

Billy Donald Rayle, age 87 of Greensboro, went to be with the Lord on September 5th, 2022.

ballot deadline law doesn’t specif ically give the board authority to push the back the deadline based on a legal holiday.

State law says county election offices must receive civilian ab sentee ballots by the third day af ter Election Day — either in per son or in the mail if the ballot was postmarked by Election Day,

“That kind of turned the race on its head for the next three months,” Sullivan said, noting headlines he characterized as “DeMint wants to fire gay DeMintteachers.”wenton to win the open seat by nearly 10 percentage points, a margin typical in recent South Carolina statewide elections. But in more competitive states, Sulli van said, a debate can serve as “a good way to find out where candi dates are on the issues.”

The debate stage is set ahead of the start of the second and final presidential debate Oct. 22, 2020, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mc Daniel said Friday’s lawsuit is the latest effort “to preserve trans parency in North Carolina elec tions and stop unelected bureau crats from rewriting the law in the Tar Heel state.”


“If you can’t get on the stage and debate fellow Republicans, how the heck are you going to de bate with Raphael Warnock in the general election?” Latham Sad dler, a Navy veteran and former Trump administration official who was among five Republicans chal lenging Walker, asked. “Usually if you’re hiding, you’re hiding for a reason.”Walker repeatedly proclaimed his eagerness to face off with War nock in the fall but, instead of agreeing to Warnock’s challenge to three debates, accepted an invita tion to a different one altogether. This week, Warnock said he would

Bell’s memo cited another state law that says transactions set to occur on a holiday may be per formed on the next day after gov

And sometimes, Sullivan add ed, it’s the media coverage of what happens onstage, rather than the back-and-forth itself, that can make a bigger impression.

Refusal to participate can draw ire from rivals. The Republicans whom Walker refused to debate ahead of Georgia’s primary cri tiqued him as ill-prepared to take on Warnock, a skilled orator.

Debating over debates: Campaign tradition faces skepticism

RALEIGH — North Carolina and national Republicans sued Friday seeking to block the State Board of Elections from extend ing the fall absentee-ballot re ceipt deadline because of a hol iday and from enforcing a rule that could disrupt the movement of some polling site observers.

ernment offices are reopen. A de lay similar to the one instituted by Bell occurred in 2016, when Election Day was also Nov. 8. The lawsuit says the absentee

“They’re not going to do it in their TV commercials,” added Sul

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

In North Carolina, where U.S. Rep. Ted Budd skipped four Re publican primary debates in his U.S. Senate bid, said Friday he wouldn’t accept an invitation from the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters to debate Democrat Cheri Beasley, as the two head for a presumably close general election. Budd said he had accepted a cable debate invite, but there’s no agree ment with Beasley on that appear ance.Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, mused to reporters about what would happen if voters elected a senator who never has “answered a legitimate question from a voter, from a newscaster in a non-taped


participate in that debate, if Walk er agreed to another forum War nock wants. That back-and-forth remains unresolved.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a news conference, in Charlotte, in Oct., 2018.


The Republicans’ lawsuit also says the board overstepped its au thority related to “at-large” ob servers chosen by political par ties to monitor voting site activity where it’s needed and not just at oneTheprecinct.lawsuit says since 2016 board guidance or rules have re quired an at-large observer to work for at least four hours before they can be replaced at a voting site. The Republicans contend the requirement doesn’t align with state law and makes it hard for the party to fill volunteer gaps at voting sites and precincts by mov ing at-large observers to other lo cales.The directive hasn’t been en forced much, the lawsuit says, but the GOP believes it will be en forced this fall, despite the par ty’s written requests to have it re

The Republican National Com mittee and state GOP opposed temporary rules approved by the state board last month that pro hibited poll watchers from stand ing too close to voting machines and granted election officials the ability to remove disruptive ob servers. The state Rules Review Commission later blocked those changes.In2020, Republicans un successfully fought portions of a legal settlement between the State Board of Elections and a union-affiliated group to extend the grace period for mail-in ab sentee ballots from three to nine days in response to postal delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to winning candi dates thousands of impressions in earned media and repackaged vid eo clips, debate footage can also propel candidates’ messages far more broadly — and cheaply — than could television ad buys, said Michael Wukela, a South Caroli na Democratic media consultant and veteran of Vermont Sen. Ber nie Sanders’ presidential bids.

“This sudden change usurps the North Carolina General As sembly’s authority to regulate “the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives’ under the U.S. Constitution,” the lawsuit said.

pealed.The State Board of Elections didn’t immediately have a com ment late Friday on the lawsuit, which was filed on the same day county election boards began sending absentee ballots to those who have requested them so far.

livan, who managed GOP Sen. Jim DeMint’s 2004 bid in South Caro lina and handled media for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presiden tial effort. “And in stump appear ances, press conferences, they can evade, they can dodge.”

Other Senate contests are play ing out similarly.

8 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Republican National Com mittee, state Republican Party and the Clay County GOP chair woman sued the state board, the board members and its top ad ministrator in Wake County court. They want a judge to de clare the board is violating state law and the state and U.S. consti tutions.The GOP plaintiffs contend that board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell lacked au thority last month to move the ab sentee ballot deadline from Nov. 11 — the federal and state Veter ans Day holiday — to Nov. 14.

GOP sues over NC board’s absentee ballot date, observer rule

By Meg Kinnard The Associated Press

would otherwise cost millions. “That’s like a Super Bowl ad.”

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Under pressure from his Republican ri val, Pennsylvania Democratic Sen ate candidate John Fetterman said this week he would participate in one debate before the November election.InGeorgia, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker are still working through the details of what a debate might look like, though they appear to be inching closer to a deal. And in Arizona, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Katie Hobbs has declined a tele vised debate with Republican Kari Lake.With the fall campaign rapid ly approaching, the time-honored tradition of televised debates as a forum for voters to evaluate candi dates may be the latest casualty of constant media coverage and pow erful digital platforms, as well as the nation’s polarized political cli mate. For some Republicans, es chewing debates is a chance to sidestep a media structure some in the party deride as biased and align with Donald Trump, who has blasted presidential debates. Some Democrats, including Hobbs, have pointed to raucous GOP debates from the primary season as a rea son to avoid tangling with their op ponents.Despite such skepticism, veter an political consultant Terry Sul livan defended debates as “the one forum where candidates are forced into answering questions that they don’t want to answer.”

which is Nov. 8 this year.

setting, in a debate stage?” citing Fetterman’s campaign-trail ab sence as he recovers from a stroke.

“You’re getting that in one shot,” Wukela said, of a debate appear ance being worth airtime that

Fetterman’s campaign said he will participate in a televised de bate in October but gave no oth er details, including why he would agree to just one debate. Oz’s cam paign immediately dubbed it a “se cret debate,” with no details on when or Notingwhere.that the uncertainty of debates can be “terrifying” for all involved, Wukela acknowledged incumbents’ reticence to allowing their challengers prominent op portunities to equate themselves with the office, or its existing oc cupant.“Strom Thurmond refused to de bate any of his opponents,” Wuke la said of the longtime South Caro lina everfour-touchdowngovernorDemocrat-turned-Republicanandsenator.“IfI’vegotalead,whywouldIthrowtheball?”

In what “should have been the most boring debate in the histo ry of mankind,” Sullivan said that a 2004 panelist questioning De Mint and Democrat Inez Tenen baum asked DeMint if he agreed with a state GOP platform tenet in opposition of openly gay teachers in South Carolina’s public schools.

Hoke arrestedwomanafter car chase and shooting

The31.” Hoke County Board of Commissioners will next meet September 20.

“We have the money to do a lot of clearing, which runs about

The Fayetteville Police Department arrested a Raeford woman last Tuesday, who is accused of shooting a “knifewielding” woman in the hip and engaging in a dangerous car chase.

By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

“We’ll probably shoot may be once every other month, and we’d normally be out there for about three hours,” Virgil said.

Carrying the flag

Property and casualty insurance fraud costs insurance customers an estimated $120 billion a year in premiums.”increased


Raeford woman charged with insurance fraud

According to officers, Ashley Marika King, 21, called 911 to inform the police that she was chasing “a suspect,” and intended to shoot her. King, who eventually caught up with her target, confronted and shot the woman near the intersection of Bugle Call and Deertrot drives in west Fayetteville. The gunshot victim was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. King has been charged with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and is being held at the Cumberland County Detention center on a $10,000 secured bond.

Special agents with the De partment of Insurance’s Criminal Investigations Division accused Singletary of making a false state ment to Nationwide General In surance Co. with regards to an of fense that occurred on November 1, 2021. The agents argued that her false filing was an attempt to col lect on an automobile insurance claim.

NC Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey

RAEFORD — The Hoke County Board of Commission ers met Tuesday, September 6, where they approved the con struction of a shooting range for use by the Hoke County Sheriff’s OfficeThe proposed range is planned to be located off of Steele Road, near the Hoke County Animal Shelter and Emergency Manage ment office, and needed board approval since it is set to be built on county land.

sioner James Leach. “There’s no need for us to keep going out of our own county to train folks that work here. We need our own, and it’s time we had our own.”The board of commissioners also accepted a $4,700 stand alone bid offer for the purchase of surplus property off Old Farm Road by an adjacent property owner to the undeveloped lot.

Board of Commissioners approves shooting range for Sheriff’s Office

Raeford man wins over $500,000 in the lottery

According to the criminal sum mons, Singletary filed a fraudulent claim about how the accident oc curred and added a witness who was not at the scene of the acci dent.“Property and casualty insur ance fraud costs insurance cus tomers an estimated $120 billion a year in increased premiums,” said Commissioner Causey. “The De partment of Insurance has beefed up its fraud-fighting staff in an ef fort to make more arrests to keep fraud from driving up insurance costs.”Ifyou suspect insurance fraud or other white-collar crimes, please report it. You may anon ymously report fraud by calling the NC Department of Insurance Criminal Investigations Division at (919) 807-6840.

Virgil stated that the Sheriff’s Office has a need for the range because ,currently, they are hav ing to send employees to neigh boring counties to do the fire arm qualifications, which are required by North Carolina law for any firearm-carrying officer.

The board was then given an update in regards to the status of the County’s audit.

“The auditors were here on the third week of August for the fi nal fieldwork, they stayed three days, and they are doing the rest of it remotely,” said Finance Of ficer EJ Prevatte. “It’s still an ongoing process, but we hope to have it out on time by Octo ber

RALEIGH — Last Wednes day, North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey an nounced that a Hoke County wom an had been charged with two fel onies. Athenia Renee Singletary, 52, of 149 Sweetgum Court, Rae ford, was charged with insurance fraud and attempting to obtain property by false pretenses.

“We’ve kind of worked out the kinks, and we’ve located where we would like to put this range,” said Sheriff Roderick Virgil.



Two weekends ago, a Hoke County man walked out of the Muncheez Express on Fayetteville Road with a winning lottery ticket. Jeremy Sowells of Raeford turned a $20 Fast Play ticket and turned it into $508,513. Sowells stopped by the lottery headquarters last Tuesday to collect his prize. After state and federal taxes, he took home just over $361,000. The odds of winning a Fast Play jackpot are 1 in 320,000.

The proposed range is planned to be located off of Steele Road, near the Hoke County Animal Shelter and onsinceneededManagementEmergencyoffice,andboardapprovalitissettobebuiltcountyland.


The Hoke County’s varsity football team charged the field with American flags last Friday night for their game against the Seventy-First Falcons. Unfortunately, Military Appreciation Night ended in defeat for the home team, as the Bucks lost their home non-conference game, 35-15. The team currently has a 2-2 record as they march into their first conference game against Scotland this Friday. For more prep sports highlights, please see page 5.

North State Journal

Sale of land off Old Farm Road approved

cause the whole agency also has to qualify each year, which is over 75 people. We’re trying to go ahead and move forward with this so we can get this accom plished instead of trying to ma neuver 75 to 80 people in various counties.”“It’scertainly something that you have to have,” said Commis

58 2017752016 $1.00

“Right now, what we’re doing is the new employees we bring in, we’re having to send them to neighboring counties,” Vir gil said. “That’s a challenge be

According to Virgil, the back drop and berms will be con structed out of dirt and cleared debris, and the Sheriff’s Office only plans to utilize the range about once every other month.

$5,500, and for the most part, we’re going to just berm up what we’re knocking down. It won’t have to be transported away.”

♦ Rader, Sean Richard (W/M/48), Break or Enter with Intent to Terrorize or Injure Sheriff’s09/11/2022,Occupant,HokeCountyOffice, Shatnawi, Mohammad Nazih Turki (U/M/31), Assault on a Sheriff’s09/11/2022,Female,HokeCountyOffice,

Bockelman, Scott Gene (W/M/47), Assault on a Female, 09/10/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, Avery, Tony Anthony (B/M/37), Sheriff’s09/09/2022,AssaultCommunicateADW,Threats,onaFemale,HokeCountyOffice,

WEEKLY FORECAST Melissa SWARBRICK FOR NC HOUSE Melissa SWARBRICK HAS A PLAN TO CUT COMBATTINGTAXES HIGH SUPPORTINGINFLATION ENFORCEMENTLAW PUTTING NORTH CAROLINA FAMILIES FIRST FIGHTING FOR BETTER EDUCATION PAID FOR BY SWARBRICK FOR NC HOUSE 48 We stand corrected To report an error or a suspected error, please email: with “Correction request” in the subject line. Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualMOORE.NORTHSTATEJOURNAL.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 JOHNNY BOYLES for Hoke County Commissioner CONTACT: BOYLES4HOKE@GMAIL.COM | PAID FOR BY COMMITTEE TO ELECT JOHNNY BOYLES • Hoke County Native and Lifelong Resident • Strong Christian Conservative Values • Standing Up for our Hoke County Farmer's, Agricultural Community, Law Enforcement and First Responders • Still Serving at Stonewall Fire Department 49 Years; Treasurer Over 25 years "I want to be a servant to ALL PEOPLE of Hoke County." I Support our Veterans, Active Duty Members and their Families Serving on Law Enforcement Committee Strong Business Strength while Keeping Taxes Low Get in touch Hoke County Edition of North State Journal www WEDNESDAY 9.14.22 “Join conversation”the David Frumpfor County Commissioner Let’s Move Hoke Forward Together What I stand for • Best Community Planning Planned and Smart Growth • Best Schools Invest in Our Children / Our Future • Best Business Environment Increase Quality Jobs Give us Places to Shop and Things to Do • A Safe Community Support Our First Responders Background • Christian Family Man • Retired Navy Officer Served with Honor 25 Years • Small Business Owner Hoke Farmer for 30 Plus Years Construction and Renovation (Retired) Great home & auto rates for any budget. Surprisingly great rates await when you have options like bundling your home and auto insurance. Call me for a quote today. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Individual premiums and budgets will vary by customer. All applicants subject to State Farm® underwriting requirements. Availability and amount of discounts and savings vary by state. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company Winter Haven, FL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas State Farm 2101551Richardson,LloydsTX John Owen, Agent 4003 Fayetteville Rd Raeford, NC 28376 Bus: john.owen.jtjj@statefarm.com910-875-7169 Great home & auto rates for any budget. Surprisingly great rates await when you have options like bundling your home and auto insurance. Call me for a quote today. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Individual premiums and budgets will vary by customer. All applicants subject to State Farm underwriting requirements. Availability and amount of discounts and savings vary by state. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company Winter Haven, FL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas State Farm 2101551Richardson,LloydsTX John Owen, Agent 4003 Fayetteville Rd Raeford, NC 28376 Bus: john.owen.jtjj@statefarm.com910-875-7169 WEDNESDAY SEPT 14 HI 7 9° LO 5 8° PRECIP 6% THURSDAY SEPT 15 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% FRIDAY SEPT 16 HI 8 3° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SATURDAY SEPT 17 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SUNDAY SEPT 18 HI 8 4° LO 60° PRECIP 6% MONDAY SEPT 19 HI 86° LO 61° PRECIP 7% TUESDAY SEPT 20 HI 8 8° LO 63° PRECIP 7% Do you have a birthday, wedding, engagement or other milestone to celebrate? Contact us at

2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022


♦ Boles, Kenny Tewayne (I/M/38), Possess Drug Paraphernalia, ADW, 09/09/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, Morgan, Patrick Todd (W/M/53), Simple Possess Schedule II CS, 09/08/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, Graham, Wendi Diane (W/F/46), 09/08/2022,Methamphetamine,PossessHoke County Sheriff’s Office, McCormick, Bradley (B/M/35), Firearm by Felon, 09/07/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, ♦ Miles, Lorenzo Devonte (B/M/30), Trespass - Second 09/06/2022,Degree,Hoke County Sheriff’s Office, Hicks, Joseph Ellis (W/M/33), Simple Possess Schedule III CS, 09/06/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office,


declare himself dictator for life.

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility, and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for weakness. Economic growth is the prerequisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion.

Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor


Unserious leadership in a serious time

support our troops and veterans with the challenges they may be facing here at home. Among these challenges, mental health is one of the greatest. According to a 2021 study, it is estimated that over 30,000 active-duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. This is four times higher than the number of deaths resulting from military operations. The psychological and emotional burdens carried by our nation’s active-duty and veteran personnel are immense and must be addressed in a comprehensive way. This is why I have cosponsored legislation like the VA Zero Suicide Demonstration Project Act and Vet CENTERS for Mental Health Act, provisions that will help expand mental health services for veterans across the Unfortunately,country.the mental health scourge is not the only health crisis affecting our military and country at large. Drug overdose deaths continue to surge across the United States, in large part due to opioids like fentanyl. In North Carolina, there were 3,759 deaths from opioid overdoses last year. However, this crisis is not limited to the civilian population, as reports have shown that our military is also vulnerable to this crisis. This includes our community at Fort Bragg, where accidental overdose is one of the leading causes of death for soldiers, outpacing deaths related to combat operations. It is clear we must take steps to address this crisis, including securing our border to stop drugs like fentanyl from entering our country in the first place. As your Congressman, I will work to make sure this happens.

It is

Yet, many have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. And I fear the consequences of President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. This rushed and disorganized effort to pull the United States out of the region needlessly threw away years of hard-fought gains and led to the loss of billions of dollars in equipment, the abandonment of thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies, and the needless deaths of 13 brave U.S. servicemembers.

Which brings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.


And then there is the problem of empires in decline.

Just over two decades later, the images of 9/11 remain burned into the collective memory of every soul in our nation. I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news of what had happened, and the tragic events of that morning played out.

While these are difficult topics, it is only by having an honest and direct conversation about them they can be properly addressed. I will continue to have frank conversations about the most pressing issues facing our country today and will always work to support those who have sacrificed so much for this nation.

In closing, I ask that you join Renee and me this week in praying for the family and friends of the victims and heroes of 9/11. May we never forget them and all who have served our nation since.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of DailyWire. com. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”

3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 OPINION VISUAL

The West has decided, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to economic strength, instead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising endless giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying civilizations, pitting its citizens against each other, labeling them “semifascists” and “threats to democracy.”

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous economic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: state-run mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustainable... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.” China’s demographics are entirely upside-down; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is about to

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a major foreign policy and national security failure and, in many ways, a direct affront to all the servicemembers who sacrificed so much to defend freedom at home and in the region. But I will not let this stand. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I promise to not rest until we have a thorough review of this deadly withdrawal, get our citizens and allies out of harm’s way, and I will continue to honor the brave Americans who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan.Atthesame time, leaders in Washington must also continue to

So, what would China’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the all-important production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredictable.


We lie somewhere between the moral collapse of Rudyard Kipling’s “Recessional” (1897) and Philip Larkin’s “Homage to a Government” (1969). This doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty — the kind of chaos and difficulty only strength, economic and military, and morals can successfully keep at bay.

SUNDAY MARKED 21 YEARS since the 9/11 terrorist attack on our homeland. This senseless act of violence struck at the very core of our nation and robbed nearly 3,000 innocent dads, moms, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters of their lives.

September 11th, 2001, was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. However, amid the grave evil of that day, we also witnessed some of the most courageous and heroic acts of good. We saw hundreds of first responders rush into smoke and flames in order to save strangers, as well as the brave passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 sacrifice everything in order to prevent further catastrophe. These individuals were, and continue to be, heroes in every sense of the word. We must never forget the tragedy and heroism of 9/11. It is our responsibility to continue to honor and support all those most affected by what took place that day. This includes the thousands of brave men and women who, in the aftermath of the attack, answered the call to wear our nation’s uniform, defend freedom, and stop events like 9/11 from happening again.

Remembrance and responsibility

Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.

We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nation-states. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an empire of its own, not merely a nation-state — as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”

WE LIVE IN A DEEPLY SERIOUS time with deeply unserious leaders.Historian Niall Ferguson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth century” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, economic volatility, and empires in decline.”

It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over concerns about birthrate, immigration, and multiculturalism. Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long re-shifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian environmentalism — all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 mini-depression and now sky-high rates of inflation — the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.

In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territorial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism, and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above four children per woman in 1910 to well below two by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was, therefore, not unpredictable.



Notre Dame QB Buchner expected to miss season

The university’s board of trust ees compensation committee ap proved the deal Thursday.

Denny Hamlin managed to trim into Wallace’s lead down the stretch, but the co-owner with Mi chael Jordan of the No. 45 car for 23XI Racing ultimately ran out of time. Wallace took the checkered

flag for his second NASCAR Cup Series victory and made it back-toback weeks that a non-playoff driv er won a postseason race.

The Tigers coach average annual salary is now $11.5 million

Swinney will make $10.5 mil lion this season, a raise of $2 mil lion scheduled under his old agree ment signed in 2019. He’ll earn $12.5 million in the contract’s final year,Each2031.year, Swinney will get $305,000 in base salary. His sup plemental income this season will be $6.695 million plus $3.5 mil lion in licensing money.

Swinney’s total compensa tion will go up $250,000 for the next four years. He will remain at $11.5 million in 2026 and 2027, then continuing increasing by $250,000 the final four years of the“Iagreement.remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence,” said Swinney, who is in his 14th full sea son with the Tigers. “This agree ment is representative of what has been collectively built here.”

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Clem son coach Dabo Swinney has a reworked contract that will pay him $115 million over 10 seasons throughSwinney’s2031. enhanced contract follows megadeals given to Ala bama’s Nick Saban, Georgia’s Kir by Smart and Ohio State’s Ryan Day earlier this season. Swinney’s average yearly salary of $11.5 mil lion sits only behind Saban’s $11.7 million average compensation.

Athletic director Graham Neff

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Bubba Wallace was so comfortable cruis ing around Kansas Speedway on Sunday that he told his team over the radio in the closing laps that he didn’t want to know who was chas ing him or how far back they might be.He probably would have smiled knowing it was his boss.

The contract includes a different tier for any buyout if Swinney were leave to coach his alma mater, Al abama — $9 million to join the Crimson Tide this year, but just $6 million for any other college head coaching job. Those figures are re duced, but remain different, as the contract

driver for the win. “Nothing will ever come free when you’re driv ing for me. If you think I’m going to let you win, you better find an otherWallace,team.”who became the 18th different driver to reach Victory Lane this season, also won during last year’s playoffs at Talladega, when he was likewise out of the ti tle picture. And his victory Sunday came after Erik Jones, who also missed out on the postseason this year, won a chaotic race a week ago at Darlington.“Justsoproud of this team, so proud of the effort that they put in each and every week,” said Wal lace, who won in the same No. 45 car that Kurt Busch drove to vic tory at Kansas earlier this year. “They work their tails off and I’m so Buschproud.”stepped out of the ride while dealing with a concussion.

Swinney was elevated to interim head coach in 2008 at midseason when Tommy Bowden was let go. Then the receivers coach, Swinney went 4-2 down the stretch to earn the full-time job.

Dabo Swinney

The Tigers reached their first ACC championship game in 2009, then won the title two years lat er. In 2015, Clemson began run of six straight league crowns and six consecutive CFP berths.

Bubba Wallace after he held off his team’s co-owner, Denny Hamlin, to win at Kansas

The Tigers have had 11 straight seasons of 10 wins or more.



US Soccer investigation into NWSL misconduct nearing end

The first two postseason races have been won by drivers outside of the playoffs

4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Bell was the only driver to clinch a spot in the next round on points. The other 11 are up for grabs head ing to Saturday night’s race at Bris tol.“I’m very happy that we’re final ly getting the results that this team deserves,” Bell said. “Our speed has been there all year. I feel like we’ve given up a lot of good finish es. Hopefully we can build on this and keep rolling.”

Fighting Irish coach Marcus Freeman says Buchner has a severe AC joint sprain in his left shoulder. Buchner was injured in the fourth quarter of Notre Dame’s loss to Marshall on Saturday.

Riley was fired and league Commissioner Lisa Baird stepped down in the wake of the players’ claims. U.S. Soccer and the NWSL and its players union announced separate investigations.

ONEFORMULA Albon after“respiratorysufferedfailure”surgery


Monza, FormulaItalyOne driver Alex Albon suffered “respiratory failure” and had to be put on a ventilator following complications from surgery. Albon was ruled out of the Italian Grand Prix with appendicitis on Saturday morning and underwent successful surgery but the Williams driver then had to be moved to intensive care as he required assistance breathing. Albon is out of intensive care and was expected to return home on Tuesday. He is expected to take part in the Singapore GP on Oct. 2. Albon signed a multi-year contract extension to continue driving for Williams last month.

Clemson’s Swinney gets raise, extension through 2031 SPORTS

The 52-year-old has won seven Atlantic Coast Conference titles, made the College Football Playoff six times and won national crowns after the 2016 and 2018 seasons.

Wallace got around playoff con tender Alex Bowman for the lead with 67 laps to go, then built a 2-second cushion over a parade of drivers in the title hunt, each trying to earn the win that would ensure their spot in the round of eight.Hamlin wound up at the front of it, finishing second to climb into third in the playoff standings.

South Bend, Ind. Notre Dame quarterback Tyler Buchner is expected to miss the rest of the regular season with an injury to his nonthrowing shoulder that will need surgery.


said it was “critical that Clemson invest in our football program and ensure our head coach is at Clem

son for a long, long time.”

“It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lightsout.”

U.S.ChicagoSoccer says an investigation into alleged abuse and misconduct in the National Women’s Soccer League is expected to be completed by early October. The investigation led by former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates was initiated last fall after North Carolina Courage coach Paul Riley was accused of sexual harassment and coercion by two former players.

Clemson extended Dabo Swinney through 2031, giving its football coach a raise that will pay him an average of $11.5 million annually.

Wallace holds off boss, title contenders to win at Kansas

Swinneycontinues.wouldn’t owe anything if he left to become an NFL head coach.Clemson would have to pay Swinney $64 million if it dis missed him without cause, a fig ure that decreases throughout the length of the deal.

The Associated Press

He was quick to tweet his congrat ulations.Bellfinished third and Bowman fourth with playoff outsider Mar tin Truex Jr. in fifth. William By ron, Ross Chastain, Kyle Larson, Ryan Blaney and Daniel Suarez — all firmly in the playoff hunt — rounded out the top 10.

“I knew Denny was going to be strong,” Wallace said after climb ing out of his car and throwing a little shade at his many detractors. “It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lights-out. Once we got to the lead, it was a lot of fun.”

By Dave Skretta The Associated Press

There are several contract per formance bonuses, including $350,000 for a national title and $200,000 for an ACC champion ship. Swinney would get $100,000 if his team’s Academic Progress Rate reaches 975 out of 1,000, ac cording to the NCAA’s scale that tracks academic performance.

“I remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence.”

Drew Pyne, who came off the bench after Buchner was hurt, was listed as the starter on Notre Dame’s depth chart of Saturday’s home game against California. Notre Dame plays at UNC on Sept. 24.

EliasTorontoTheodorou, a charismatic mixed martial artist who seven19-3,AprilearningCanadaUltimateheandhisMississauga,cancer.SundayformerJessHeastosuccessfullycampaignedfortherightusemedicalmarijuanaanathlete,hasdied.was34.Hispublicist,Moran,confirmedtheUFCfighterdiedinTorontoofliverTheodorou,fromOntario,madeprodebutinJune2011was8-0-0in2013whenjoinedthecastof“TheFighterNations:vs.Australia.”AfterhisUFCcontractin2014,Theodorouwaswithsixwinsinhislastoutings.

Former UFC fighter Theodorou dies at age 34

Bubba Wallace celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Kansas Speedway.

“I was driving as hard as I could,” said Hamlin, who had no qualms about passing his own

“The five victims of this crime are outraged the prosecuting at torney is not seeking maximum

RAEFORD — The Hoke County High vol leyball team notched its third win last Thurs day to break a three-match losing streak. The Bucks (3-7) defeated Southern Lee 3-1 in a home conference match. This week the Bucks traveled to Union Pines Tuesday and will host Pinecrest Thursday.

Bush received rousing applause when he was announced. As he headed toward the Rangers’ dug out afterward, some fans chanted, “USA! USA!”

This is not the first legal issue for Reid, who graduated from a drug treatment program in Penn sylvania in 2009 after a series of run-ins with law enforcement. His father was coach of the Philadel phia Eagles at the time.

Junior varsity falls to Seventy-First

One of the vehicles he hit had stalled because of a dead battery and the second was owned by Ari el’s mother, who had arrived to help.The Chiefs reached a confiden tial agreement with Ariel’s family in November to pay for her ongo ing medical treatment and other expenses.Reidunderwent emergency sur gery for a groin injury after the crash. The Chiefs placed Reid on administrative leave and his job with the team ended after his con tract was allowed to expire.

George W. Bush part of MLB’s 9/11 anniversary tribute


At Yankee Stadium as New York played Tampa Bay, Judge wore cleats marking the day. His left cleat had “9/11 Patriot Day” on the back

Hoke Volleyball wins at Southernterminology.”andresponsibilities,guysteachingsteppedhave“OurLeecoachesreallyupthethegame,football

“It was a way to show support to the country, to the people, the vic tims, and today I felt like it was a good way to kind of replicate that and show that horrific event, you re member what happened, and that it’s close to your heart,” Germán said through a translator.

Coach George Small

In court Monday, Reid ac knowledged he was drinking on the night of the crash.

A girl inside one of the cars, Ariel Young, suffered a traumatic brain injury. Six people, including Reid, were injured in the crash.

ARLINGTON, Texas — Former President George W. Bush took part in a first ball ceremony in Texas, Aaron Judge put on special cleats at Yankee Stadium and the New York Mets wore first responder caps as Major League Baseball paused Sunday to remember the Sept. 11 at tacks.There were moments of silence, remembrances and tributes at ball parks all across America on the 21st anniversary of 9/11.

All Rangers and Blue Jays per

Bush, who was president on the day of the attacks, was at Globe Life Field as the Rangers played Toron to. He joined Jimmy Pollozani, a police officer in nearby Fort Worth, and Pollozani’s 13-year-old daugh ter, Andita, in the ceremony.

The Yankees wore hats in tribute of 9/11 responders rather than their interlocking NY.

and the right one had “9-11-01.”

Tony Beasley and first base coach Corey Ragsdale in front of the home dugout.Bush delivered the ball to Andi ta and gave her a hug and a word of advice before she threw from just in front of the mound. Afterward, Bush gave a fist bump to her father before they left the field.

Britt Reid

The Associated Press

They represented police offi cers, firefighters and first respond ers across the state. Andita threw the pitch to Rocky Wolfe, a fire fighter from the central Texas city of Killeen.Bushfamously delivered a per fect strike before Game 3 of the 2001 World Series at Yankee Sta dium between the Yankees and Ar izona Diamondbacks weeks after New York City’s twin towers fell. There was a moment of silence before the Blue Jays and Rangers played. During the Canadian and U.S. national anthems, Bush stood between Texas interim manager

“I really regret what I did,” Reid said. “I made a huge mistake. I apologize to the family. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

Investigators said Reid was in toxicated and driving about 84 mph when his Dodge truck hit the cars on an entrance ramp to Inter state 435 near Arrowhead Stadi um on Feb. 4, 2021.

Former Chiefs assistant coach Andy Reid pleads guilty in crash

Bush was part of the investment group that owned the Rangers from April 1989 until June 1998 and re mains involved with the club. He and wife Laura have lived in Dal las since he left the White House in January 2009.

Germán said he was inspired by watching Sammy Sosa running with a flag in the Chicago Cubs’ first home game following the attacks.

The Mets wore caps with insig nias representing New York first responder departments. Featured were the city’s police and fire de partments as well as Port Authori ty Police and departments of sanita tion and correction.

Tom Porto, an attorney repre senting Ariel’s family, said they op posed the plea deal.

A Kansas City police officer who arrived at the scene of the crash re ported he could smell alcohol and that Reid’s eyes were bloodshot, according to court documents. Reid had a blood-alcohol level of 0.113 two hours after the crash, police said. The legal limit is 0.08.

Soccer teams notch wins

Reid, the 37-year-old son of Chiefs coach Andy Reid, had been scheduled to go to trial on Sept. 26. Britt Reid had faced up to sev en years in prison, but the plea deal means he now faces a pos sible sentence of up to four years in prison. He entered his plea in Jackson County Circuit Court in Kansas City. Sentencing is set for Oct.While28. questioning Reid to con firm that he understood the plea deal, Circuit Judge Charles McK enzie said Reid also could serve a short period of time in prison and then be placed on probation if he qualifies for good behavior.

The son of Kansas City coach Reid was charged with felony driving while intoxicated

sentence allowable by law,” Por to said. “The defendant is a prior offender whose actions caused a 5-year-old girl to be in a coma and seriously injured three others.”

Starter Domingo Germán’s cap said NYPD and there was a mix of FDNY. He sprinted to the bull pen to warm up holding an Amer ican flag in his right hand, drawing cheers from a crowd that had been sitting through a rain delay.

In Fayetteville on Thursday, the Hoke Coun ty Bucks boys varsity soccer team captured a 10-2 win over the Jack Britt Buccaneers. The Bucks were led by freshman Pedro Ramos with three goals and junior Bryan Ramirez with two goals and an assist. Seven Bucks scored a goal in the match. The Bucks dropped to 4-4 on the season with a loss Monday night against Rich mond. They travel to Sanford Wednesday to face Southern Lee. The junior varsity soccer team also topped Jack Britt last week and defeated Richmond County Monday. The JV Bucks (23) look to extend their winning streak to three games as they host Southern Lee on Wednesday.

Britt Reid’s older brother, Gar rett, served a two-year sentence in a Pennsylvania state drug pro gram after he was arrested on drug-related charges. Garrett Reid was found dead in August 2012 in his dorm room at Lehigh Univer sity, where he was assisting at the Eagles’ training camp. A coroner ruled that he died of an accidental heroin overdose.

“I really regret what I did. I made a huge mistake. I apologize to the family. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Former Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid pleaded guilty Monday to felony driving while intoxicat ed resulting in serious physical in jury stemming from a 2021 crash, which occurred when his pickup truck struck two stopped cars on an interstate entrance ramp and seriously injured a 5-year-old girl.

sonnel in uniform wore a special Patriot Day patch on their caps. Special lineup cards and base jew els were used.

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“It’s a moment in our country’s history. We all have certain things we remember, where we were when it happened and how we felt,” Mets manager Buck Showalter said be fore a game in Miami. “So many people involved, so it’s a chance to honor those people today. Realizing the people and families that were affected by this that are still feeling the pain from it.”


Indiana Fever forward Jantel Lavender said the chance to stay home this winter, work on her craft and get paid made the newly formed Athletes Unlimited basketball league appealing.

The Associated Press

The Hoke County junior varsity football team faced a tough Seventy-First team in Fayetteville last Thursday, losing 44-0. The JV Bucks (1-2) opened the season with a 26-0 win over Lum berton before losing to South View in their home opener 16-8. The JV team will host Scotland (21) on Thursday, with the varsity team traveling to Laurinburg to face the Scots Friday night.

Baseball held tributes on the 21st anniversary of the attacks

North State Journal Staff

“Typically, I am able to joke about how drastically different things are now and most agree with me,” she said. “On occasion, I deal with push back,” including the rare bout of yelling or cursing by a “Amongcustomer.alot of my older cus tomers, who are on restricted in come like Social Security, they say they have to cut back,” she said.

“The pushback from retailers is pretty strong there,” he said. His retail partners include John Pa ras mattress stores and 2Brothers Mattress, both in Utah. “Some times we’re displaced by some of the larger guys with a lower cost product because of their volume.”

Schuyler Northstrom of Uin ta Mattress, a mattress maker in Salt Lake City, Utah, says he’s raised his prices by 15% since 2020. A mattress that used to sell for $289 wholesale is now $330.

By Josh Boak The Associated Press

6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Family Chiropractic Center 24 Years Serving Hoke/Raeford Chiropractic celebrates 127 YEARS Discovered Sept. 18, 1895 Call 875-2500 for appointment To Get Back in Action 751 S. Main St., Mostwww.raefordchiropractic.comRaefordinsuranceled,Medicare& VA Veteran’s Administration covers chiropractic care. Call 910-875-2500 for more info on how.

One customer who had been coming in for years stopped in to tell Williams-Davis he bought himself a coffeemaker.

“They say, ‘I know I need these tires, but I need to make a couple more rounds (of Social Security)

When Biden did address infla tion in a Monday speech at Bos ton’s airport, he stressed prog ress, rather than financial pain on what he says is his top econom ic priority. Biden has largely put the blame for inflation on global forces such as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s February inva sion of Ukraine, even as he says his own policies are reducing the burdens of higher prices.

As small businesses raise prices, some customers push back

Prices at the pump are averag ing $3.72 a gallon, after having crested above $5 a gallon in midJune, and the president’s approv al ratings have recovered some what. Yet inflation still remains a challenge.“Themost public price — gas oline — has been falling signifi cantly,” said Austan Goolsbee, a University of Chicago econo

By Mae Anderson The Associated Press

“If (customers) can get it for a dollar for not that notable of a dif ference, they’re going next door.”

“He said I’m going to start making coffee at home, I need to budget, so I won’t be coming in here every day,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been on a goodbye cam paign.”Inflation has been rising at nearly the fastest pace in 40 years, driven up by strong con sumer spending and higher costs for food, rent, medical care, and otherFornecessities.muchof the pandemic, small business customers were largely tolerant of price increas es and kept on spending. But now owners say they’re seeing some pushback.

NEW YORK — Inflation isn’t only costing small businesses money. It’s costing them custom ers as well.

His remarks in Columbus, Ohio, in suburban Washing ton at a Democratic fundraiser, at a Cabinet meeting and in La bor Day speeches in Milwaukee and Pittsburgh were all missing a once-common refrain about fam ilies at the kitchen table straining under the rising costs of food and gasoline.It’sa self-edit ahead of the midterm elections in November, prompted by Biden attempting to shift the spotlight to his leg islative wins, the loss of abor tion protections and the threats he claims are posed to democra cy by the many Republican lead ers still under the sway of former President Donald Trump.

lot more to do.”

White House officials still de scribe inflation as Biden’s top economic priority. But the presi dent has also gone on the politi cal offensive regarding inflation, noting that the GOP opposed the law he signed last month that limits prescription drug pric es, funds climate-related invest ments, raises corporate taxes and reduces the federal budget defi

makers are trying to keep vot ers focused on the GOP version. They say Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and resistance to oil drilling leas es has led to inflation, although prices are rising worldwide be cause of the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and troubled supplySenatechains.Republican leader Mitch McConnell noted the fi nancial pain being felt by manu facturers, farmers and construc tion firms in his home state of Kentucky.“Washington Democrats have spent nearly two years borrow ing, printing, and spending our economy into turmoil,” McCon nell said in a Wednesday speech to the Senate. “Since President Biden took office, prices in (Ken tucky) have spiked by 13%.”

“We’re on the right track,” the president said Monday, noting the lower gas costs but adding the caveat: “There’s more to do, a

“The Fed is going to need great skill and also some good luck to achieve what we sometimes call a soft landing,” Treasury Secre tary Janet Yellen said Sunday on CNN. “I believe there is a path to accomplishing that.”

cit.Biden says the measure, which Democrats call the “Inflation Re duction Act,” will help to lower prices, although outside analyses suggest the impact could be neg ligible.“You think if they really cared about inflation — reducing it — they would have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden said in his speech at a Democrat ic fundraiser. “Every Republican in the House, every Republican in the Senate, they voted against it. Everyone.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pres ident Joe Biden has stopped talking so much about inflation.

Her customers have noticed.

Dr. Tony Santangelo, DC, named NC Chiropractic Association Chiropractor of the Year, based on community service & the profression

The increase doesn’t fully cover Uinta’s higher costs. Raw materi als such as springs and foam have increased by 40%. But North strom fears that raising prices any higher could cause his cus tomers to drop him.

Still, many leading econo mists, including researchers who presented this week at the Brook ings Institution, warn that bring ing down inflation will likely mean layoffs and a drastic rise in the unemployment rate despite Biden’sTherehopes.isarisk for Biden in piv oting away from discussing infla tion, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist who has advised Republican campaigns and is now president of the center-right American Action Forum. HoltzEakin noted that oil prices have largely fallen as demand from China has waned, something that could reverse in October if that country lifts it coronavirus lock downs.Hesaid that Democratic for tunes could ultimately rest on the movements of global energy mar kets with their mix of geopolitics, corporate profits and financial speculation.“Theydo this at their per il,” Holtz-Eakin said about the change in messaging. “When you look at the numbers, there real ly has not been great progress on inflation. Everything they’ve got ten on inflation has been driven by international conditions and global oil Meanwhile,prices.”Republican law

At the Bushwick Grind Cafe in Brooklyn, New York, Kymme Williams-Davis has raised prices and switched to different types of goods to keep up with the rising costs of milk, coffee, paper goods and plastic, as well as shortag es of items such as paper cups and plastic lids. She hasn’t expe rienced anything like this since opening in Williams-Davis2015. says she has lost nearly half of her regular cus tomers. Some have traded down and are buying coffee for $1 at the McDonald’s or bodega on either side of the café instead of paying the $3 she charges.

“We’re feeling it, we’re not a necessary purchase, people buy food and gas,” he said.

Biden’s midterm self-edit: Less talk about inflation


She says she’s a little worried but hopes people can adjust to in flation.“Right now, it kind of sucks be cause costs increased faster than I could catch up with. In time, I hope people budget better and their incomes change to reflect theTheeconomy.”pullback is more dramat ic among consumers with less discretionary income. Walmart says its customers, who tend to have lower incomes, are spending more on food and less on other items. Small business owners are seeing much of the same.

President Joe Biden speaks at a Democratic National Committee event at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022, in Oxon Hill, Md.

to save up.’”

has seen customers delay repairs that aren’t urgent such as sched uled maintenance or getting new tires.At the beginning of the year, Miskelley’s labor costs rose 12% and the cost of towing cars to the shop went up due to higher gas prices. Parts are more expensive too. Last year, an air condition er processor would cost her $200, but this year she can’t find one for under $400. So, she’s had to raise her average price for a repair by 30% to 40%.


A sign alerts foot traffic to nearby Bushwick Grind Café just a few steps away from a McDonalds restaurant, Thursday Sept. 8, 2022, in New York.

guarded optimism. The White House is banking on the possibil ity that interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve will lead infla tion down to pre-pandemic levels without sacrificing the job gains of the past 18 months.

Ninety-seven percent of small business owners say inflation ary pressure is the same or worse than it was three months ago, ac cording to a survey of more than 1,500 small businesses by Gold man Sachs 10,000 Small Busi ness Voices. Sixty-five percent have raised prices to offset higher costs. And 38% say they’ve seen a decline in customer demand due to price Nicoleincreases.Miskelley, who manag es PMR, an auto and diesel repair shop in Marion, Illinois, said she

mist and former Obama White House aide. “In that kind of en vironment, other concerns tend to move up on people’s lists. That could certainly change if the in flation numbers start getting worse.”Asenior White House offi cial, insisting on anonymity on a Thursday call with reporters, said recent trends in inflation have given the administration some

To adapt, Northstrom is rede signing the mattress to cut down on costs, and taking less profit, which isn’t sustainable in the long term, he said. He’s also focusing more on the higher end, mattress es that cost up to $1,200, which hasn’t been hit as hard.


He was preceded in death by two sisters, Sharon Elizabeth Pittman and Nancy Elaine Pittman Molchan.

Jerry was born April 5, 1952, in Cumberland County to the late James T. Long and Gladys Dunn.

September 7, 1952 ~ September 9, 2022

May 20, 1947 ~ September 5, 2022

January 5, 1928 ~ September 8, 2022

A memorial will be held later in Florida.

Ricky was born in Hoke County on September 18, 1952, to the late George Pittman and Elizabeth (Lib) Carter Pittman.

Troy was born in Baltimore Maryland on March 23, 1976.

Troy loved spending time creating new ideas and working with computers and automobiles. He loved his family and friends.

May 4, 1959 ~ September 2, 2022


Johnny Ware

7 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 obituaries SPONSORED BY CRUMPLER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION Our Family Serving Yours Since 1960 62 YEARS Address: 131 Harris Avenue, Raeford, NC 28376 | Website: | Phone: 910-875-415 | Fax: 910-875-6632 We are here for you in your time of need Funeral Home, Crematory, Pre-Arrangements, Grief Share, Veterans Honored Robert GeneKimKel Compassion, Dignity, Respect with Dedicated Professionals Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in NSJ obits@northstatejournal.comat

A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Mr. Jerry Tillman Long, 70, of Raeford passed away peacefully on September 10, 2022, surrounded by his family.

April 5, 1952 ~ September 10, 2022

August 15, 1931 ~ September 7, 2022

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Long family in memory of Jerry Long.

September 18, 1952 ~ September 5, 2022

Mrs. Gwendolyn McLaughlin age, 63 went home to rest with her heavenly father on September 2, 2022.Sheleaves to cherish her loving memories her husband, Lorenzo McLaughlin; children: Laresha Davis, David Maynor; sisters: Brenda Maynor, Traci Maynor, Mildred Pridgett; brothers: Robert Maynor, Jonathan Michaels, Marvin McPhatter, George Maynor Jr., four grandchildren along with a host of other family and friends Gwendolyn will be greatly missed.

Mr. Johnny Ware age, 94 went home to rest with his heavenly father on September 8, 2022.

Ricky loved to travel and was in a local band, Wild Oats before owning and operating Concrete’s Finest. Later in life, his hobbies were grilling, working on cars, and spending time with his family andHefriends.issurvived by his wife of 29 years, Pamala Thompson Pittman of Raeford; two daughters, Sarah M. Pittman of Raeford NC, and Sharon D. Pittman (Zach Warner) of Raeford NC, and two stepchildren, Michelle Richmond (Shane Richmond) of Kingsville MD, Rocky Godwin (Kristina Godwin) of San Antonio, TX, three granddaughters, Heather, Kiersten, and Wynn.

Ken was born in Onslow County on May 20, 1947 to the late Gordon Thomas and Emma Lee Weston. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Cleo Buchanan and Betty (Cyrus) Scott. Ken was a member of the Holden Beach Chapel. He served as a Master Mason of the Raeford Masonic Lodge 306. He served in the US Army during the Vietnam War. He retired as a Sergeant from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol after 28 years of employment. After Ken retired, he immersed himself in the Town of Holden Beach by serving on local boards and volunteering for festivals, summer concerts, and other various community events.

Mr. George Richard (Ricky) Pittman of Raeford NC has passed away on Monday, September 5, 2022, at First Health Moore Regional Hospital at the age of 69.

Glendora Thomas

He is survived by his wife of 53 years Cecelia Weston, a son, Chad Tracy Weston (Bridget) of Supply, NC, and daughter, Shannon Hill (William) of Greenwood, SC, and 3 grandchildren, Courtney Weston, William Hill, III and Andrew Arteagaharo. He is also survived by his siblings Mac Weston, Tommy Weston, Ruby White and JD Weston.

In his younger days, Jerry was an avid golfer. This was a passion he shared with his son Chris, his brother Jimmy, and a multitude of friends. On Arabia Golf Course, there are many memories, funny stories, pranks, jokes, fussing and cussing, with a little gambling on the side to be foreverJerrycherished.waswellknown for being the biggest 49ers fan in town. Whether you were passing through Home Food Super Market, walking the fairways, sitting around the poker table, or gathered in his home, there were always “peaceful arguments” to show his devotion to his team. Even his license plate read 49ers #1. Out of all his loves and passions, the legacy he leaves behind is the love and devotion he had for his family.

Mr. Raymond Troy Westfall Jr. passed away on September 07, 2022, in his home.

He was preceded in death by his father James T. Long, his mother, Gladys Dunn, his brothers James (Jimmy) Long, Edward (Bubby) Long, son in law, Ray Burrow, and brother-in-law, William (Bill) Lupo.

Mr. Kenneth Wayne Weston, age 75, of Holden Beach, NC, went home to be with his Lord and Savior surrounded by his family on Monday, September 5, 2022.

Mary Joyce Gregory(Neely)

He was preceded by his father Raymond Troy Westfall Sr.

Jerry is survived by his loving wife of 51 years, Kathy Long, a son, Chris Long (Melissa), his daughters, Christy Burrow and Casey Long, grandchildren, Jasmine Jackson (Tanner), Trey Long, Marley Long, Jonathan Fraser, Zaidee Burrow, Ava Burrow, Nathan Burrow, greatgrandchildren, Harper Jackson, Adalind Jackson, sisters, Pat Beasley (Bucky), Nancy Lupo, sister in law, Jean Long, along with Keith and Belinda Davis, half-siblings, James Thomas Long Jr., Joanna Long, Jamie Long, Marlena McKnight, and a multitude of family and friends who love him dearly.

Jerry was a beloved son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and friend. He was a very sweet, quiet, and humble man who loved his family unconditionally and to the utmost. In Jerry’s eyes, there was no better time than the time spent with his family, and if you know our family well, that was every single day. His admiration for his family is to be desired. One of his favorite things to do was to give his family members nicknames. Each of them were gifted a unique nickname that they will always cherish.



He is survived by his mother, Patricia (Pat) Ann Knight, and her husband, Ronnie, of Raeford, Two sisters, Christina Westfall (L. Casey Barber) of Laurinburg NC, and Crystal Deaton and husband Tony of Laurinburg, NC, and his two step-daughters, Sheila Huggins and Selena Hoppe, a granddaughter, Nina, his nephews, Cody Legg, Jacob Allen, and Casey James Barber, his nieces, Sidney Allen and Jada Hoover, and his great niece and nephew, Ezra and Cason.

March 23, 1976 ~ September 7, 2022

Mrs. Glendora Thomas age, 70 went home to rest with her heavenly father on September 9, 2022. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Rhonda D. Parker, parents, Evangalist Lucille and Earnest T. Parker. She leaves to cherish her loving memories her husband, Gregory Thomas, sisters: Teresa Parker, Eunice McLaughlin; brothers: Earnest Parker Jr., Ralph P. Parker, Dennis W. Parker, James L. Parker, John Mack; aunts: KZ Nichalison, Mary Helen Washington; two grandchildren, one great grand along with a host of other family and friends. Glendora will be greatly missed.

Mrs. Mary Joyce (Neely) Gregory of Raeford went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at Magnolia Gardens in Southern Pines,Mrs.NC.Gregory was born in Lovington, N.M. on August 15, 1931, to the late Clint and Cora (nee Watson) Williams and was adopted by Everett Neely and Beulah (nee Huffman) Neely. She was preceded by her husband of 52 years, Dawson Gregory.Marywas a loving and caring wife, mother, and grandmother. She is survived by her brother Ralph Williams of Kansas City Kansas, her son, Kenneth D. Gregory of Raeford, her daughter and Byna McLeod nee Gregory of Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Three grandchildren, James David Gregory of Fort Walton Beach, FL., K.W. Dawson Gregory of Raeford, Dustin Gregory, also of Raeford, and two greatgrandsons, Garrett Gregory, and Wyatt Gregory.


Bell’s memo cited another state law that says transactions set to oc cur on a holiday may be performed on the next day after government offices are reopen. A delay simi

The Republican National Com mittee, state Republican Party and the Clay County GOP chairwom an sued the state board, the board members and its top administrator in Wake County court. They want a judge to declare the board is violat ing state law and the state and U.S. constitutions.TheGOPplaintiffs contend that board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell lacked authority last month to move the absentee ballot deadline from Nov. 11 — the feder al and state Veterans Day holiday — to Nov. 14.

With the fall campaign rapid ly approaching, the time-honored tradition of televised debates as a forum for voters to evaluate candi dates may be the latest casualty of constant media coverage and pow erful digital platforms, as well as the nation’s polarized political cli mate. For some Republicans, es chewing debates is a chance to sidestep a media structure some in the party deride as biased and align with Donald Trump, who has blasted presidential debates. Some Democrats, including Hobbs, have pointed to raucous GOP debates from the primary season as a rea son to avoid tangling with their op ponents.Despite such skepticism, veter an political consultant Terry Sul livan defended debates as “the one forum where candidates are forced

OpenArms-resident ad.indd 1 9/7/22 3:42 PM

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Under pressure from his Republican ri val, Pennsylvania Democratic Sen ate candidate John Fetterman said this week he would participate in one debate before the November election.InGeorgia, Democratic Sen. Ra phael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker are still working through the details of what a debate might look like, though they appear to be inching closer to a deal. And in Arizona, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Katie Hobbs has declined a televised debate with Republican Kari Lake.

into answering questions that they don’t want to answer.”

“That kind of turned the race on its head for the next three months,” Sullivan said, noting headlines he characterized as “DeMint wants to fire gay DeMintteachers.”wenton to win the open seat by nearly 10 percentage points, a margin typical in recent South Carolina statewide elections. But in more competitive states, Sullivan said, a debate can serve as “a good way to find out where candidates are on the issues.”

In what “should have been the most boring debate in the history of mankind,” Sullivan said that a 2004 panelist questioning DeMint and Democrat Inez Tenenbaum asked DeMint if he agreed with a state GOP platform tenet in opposi tion of openly gay teachers in South Carolina’s public schools.

In North Carolina, where U.S. Rep. Ted Budd skipped four Repub lican primary debates in his U.S. Senate bid, said Friday he wouldn’t accept an invitation from the North Carolina Association of Broadcast ers to debate Democrat Cheri Bea sley, as the two head for a presum ably close general election. Budd said he had accepted a cable debate invite, but there’s no agreement with Beasley on that appearance.

Debating over debates: Campaign tradition faces skepticism

“They’re not going to do it in their TV commercials,” added Sullivan, who managed GOP Sen. Jim De Mint’s 2004 bid in South Carolina and handled media for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential ef fort. “And in stump appearances, press conferences, they can evade, they can dodge.”

Refusal to participate can draw ire from rivals. The Republicans whom Walker refused to debate ahead of Georgia’s primary cri tiqued him as ill-prepared to take on Warnock, a skilled orator.

in the mail if the ballot was post marked by Election Day, which is Nov. 8 this year.

8 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 We are happy to discuss your needs or questions. We’re here to help! O���R���������A���C����� Committed to serving and enriching the lives of every resident Affordable Assisted Living and Memory Care Caring for Seniors Integrity Open Arms Retirement Center 612 Health Drive • Raeford, NC • 910-875-3949

The Republicans’ lawsuit also says the board overstepped its au thority related to “at-large” observ ers chosen by political parties to monitor voting site activity where it’s needed and not just at one pre cinct.The lawsuit says since 2016 board guidance or rules have re quired an at-large observer to work for at least four hours be fore they can be replaced at a vot ing site. The Republicans contend the requirement doesn’t align with state law and makes it hard for the party to fill volunteer gaps at vot ing sites and precincts by moving at-large observers to other locales.

“You’re getting that in one shot,” Wukela said, of a debate appear ance being worth airtime that would otherwise cost millions. “That’s like a Super Bowl ad.”

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a news conference, in Charlotte, in Oct., 2018.

Mrs. Betty Purcell is from Raeford, North Carolina. She moved into our assisted living this past June. Besides being the mother of two, she worked for many years at Burlington Mills. Betty enjoys church, watching youtube and doing word searches.

The lawsuit says the absentee ballot deadline law doesn’t specif ically give the board authority to push the back the deadline based on a legal holiday.

Other Senate contests are play ing out similarly.


his eagerness to face off with War nock in the fall but, instead of agreeing to Warnock’s challenge to three debates, accepted an invi tation to a different one altogether. This week, Warnock said he would participate in that debate, if Walk er agreed to another forum War nock wants. That back-and-forth remains unresolved.

By Meg Kinnard The Associated Press

ment late Friday on the lawsuit, which was filed on the same day county election boards began sending absentee ballots to those who have requested them so far.

Integrity Open Arms Residents of the Month

GOP sues over NC board’s absentee ballot date, observer rule

Fetterman’s campaign said he will participate in a televised de bate in October but gave no oth er details, including why he would agree to just one debate. Oz’s cam paign immediately dubbed it a “se cret debate,” with no details on when or Notingwhere.that the uncertainty of debates can be “terrifying” for all involved, Wukela acknowledged incumbents’ reticence to allowing their challengers prominent oppor tunities to equate themselves with the office, or its existing occupant.

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

The directive hasn’t been en forced much, the lawsuit says, but the GOP believes it will be enforced this fall, despite the party’s written requests to have it repealed.

Mrs. Florence Herbert has been a resident here since May 2021. She moved to North Carolina from Pennsylvania to escape the bad weather. Florence enjoys word searches, BINGO, watching TV and spending time with her friends on the Special Care Unit at Integrity Open Arms.

“This sudden change usurps the North Carolina General As sembly’s authority to regulate “the times, places and manner of hold ing elections for senators and rep resentatives’ under the U.S. Con stitution,” the lawsuit said.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mc Daniel said Friday’s lawsuit is the latest effort “to preserve transpar ency in North Carolina elections and stop unelected bureaucrats from rewriting the law in the Tar HeelThestate.”Republican National Com mittee and state GOP opposed temporary rules approved by the state board last month that pro hibited poll watchers from stand ing too close to voting machines and granted election officials the ability to remove disruptive ob servers. The state Rules Review Commission later blocked those changes.In2020, Republicans unsuc cessfully fought portions of a le gal settlement between the State Board of Elections and a union-af filiated group to extend the grace period for mail-in absentee bal lots from three to nine days in re sponse to postal delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If you can’t get on the stage and debate fellow Republicans, how the heck are you going to debate with Raphael Warnock in the general election?” Latham Saddler, a Navy veteran and former Trump admin istration official who was among five Republicans challenging Walk er, asked. “Usually if you’re hiding, you’re hiding for a reason.”

State law says county election offices must receive civilian absen tee ballots by the third day after Election Day — either in person or

Walker repeatedly proclaimed

“Strom Thurmond refused to de bate any of his opponents,” Wuke la said of the longtime South Caro lina everfour-touchdowngovernorDemocrat-turned-Republicanandsenator.“IfI’vegotalead,whywouldIthrowtheball?”

Robert General has been a resident at Open Arms since August 2021. He was born in South Carolina, relocated to Richmond Virginia and later moved to North Carolina. Robert enjoys BINGO, church and knitting. He is a joy to have here at Open Arms Retirement Center.

The debate stage is set ahead of the start of the second and final presidential debate Oct. 22, 2020, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

The State Board of Elections didn’t immediately have a com

Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republi can Senate candidate in Pennsyl vania, mused to reporters about what would happen if voters elected

RALEIGH — North Caroli na and national Republicans sued Friday seeking to block the State Board of Elections from extend ing the fall absentee-ballot receipt deadline because of a holiday and from enforcing a rule that could disrupt the movement of some polling site observers.

In addition to winning candi dates thousands of impressions in earned media and repackaged vid eo clips, debate footage can also propel candidates’ messages far

more broadly — and cheaply — than could television ad buys, said Michael Wukela, a South Caroli na Democratic media consultant and veteran of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bids.

lar to the one instituted by Bell oc curred in 2016, when Election Day was also Nov. 8.


a senator who never has “answered a legitimate question from a voter, from a newscaster in a non-taped setting, in a debate stage?” citing Fetterman’s campaign-trail ab sence as he recovers from a stroke.


And sometimes, Sullivan added, it’s the media coverage of what hap pens onstage, rather than the backand-forth itself, that can make a bigger impression.


officials said violating the noise ordinance is a Class 3 misdemeanor.Theownercould get a $250 fine per violation or even 20 days in jail.

58 2017752016 $1.00 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 50 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 See COMMISSIONERS, page 2

North Carolina Arts in Education Week is designated for the second week of DuringSeptember.thisweek, the field of arts education joins together in communities across the country to advocate, educate, and celebrate the impact and transformative power of the arts in education.



a fix all, I understand that, but money is a motivator. In real life it is. When the job market has two jobs for every one person, money is a factor.”

The goals of the STEM Teach er Network are aligned with the recommendations of the Gover nor’s DRIVE Task Force, which was created by executive order in December 2019. In June, the Task Force released its Action Plan to increase the diversity of the edu cator workforce in North Caroli na.Winston-Salem State Univer sity’s Astrobotany Lab provides undergraduates with opportu nities to work with NASA and shadow scientists and research ers at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. The partner ship helped to create the lab on the WSSU campus in 2018, part of a Space Act agreement with NASA to research crop produc tion in space. The plants will go on spaceships at some point.

The Carolina Cowboys, the NC-based Professional Bull Riding (PBR) team, competed at Cowboy Days at the LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem Sept. 9-11, 2022.

The Brewer’s Kettle in Kernersville is trying to attract more people, but it’s coming at a cost.

North State Journal

Brewer’s Kettle has been around for about 8 years – but a new addition – that comes with new sounds has some homeowners fed up.

Sheriff makes request for better pay for detention officers

“North Carolina has the great est array of public and private uni versities in the country, including Winston-Salem State Universi ty,” said Gov. Cooper. “Innovative STEM programs like these are helping to strengthen and diversi fy our workforce, so our students can take on the jobs of the future.”


Groups celebrate Arts in Education Week

They’ve added a stage for live concerts, but neighbors say the music is just too loud.

“Ifuture.planon supporting you for whatever you need,” said Com missioner Tonya McDaniel in re gards to the Sheriff’s request. “I appreciate the detention center employees being here. We under

“We have a chance to be the benchmark to draw people in to come and work in the capac ity of detention. The reason the men and women are here, they have stuck with us through the storm. They are working hard, they are working mandatory overtime, we have people from patrol working in there to deal with the crisis. And we’re deal ing with the crisis, we are deal ing with it, and I just felt like we need to see the faces of the men and women in the detention cen ter to understand the stress we are dealing with over there.”

“The music was okay at first. We want to support music, but it got louder and louder,” one homeowner said. “Every weekend we must decide are we going to leave town and escape or stay and be enraged by it.”

“It’s really an expansion to the program that was started sever al years ago,” said County Man ager Dudley Watts. “The fact that the Winston-Salem Foun dation is interested in provid ing some funding for that is real ly a recognition of the program’s success.”Theboard also authorized multiple agreements.

The board also authorized an agreement between Forsyth County and Wake Forest Uni versity Baptist Medical Center for Mammography Screening and Diagnostic Services and a financial services agreement be tween Forsyth County and First Tryon Securities, LLC to serve as the County’s Financial Advi sor.There were then contracts that the board voted to approve,


Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County and WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS) have a longstanding relationship and are committed to providing opportunities for arts education across the public school system.

education.Duringthe visit, Cooper toured the WSSU New Sciences Build ing, which was completed in 2019. It is a $53.3 million ser vices building that was first fund ed through the NC Connect Bond approved by voters and houses many of the school’s STEM pro grams.The Next Generation black STEM Teacher Network program is working to increase the num ber of highly trained and certified black STEM teachers for both rural and urban school districts by providing tuition assistance, scholarships and stipends for par ticipation in professional devel opment and STEM research pro grams. In December 2021, WSSU was awarded over $1.9 million from the U.S. Department of Ed ucation to facilitate this program.

By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

The board then approved three budget amendments, one to the FY22-23 budget ordi nance to appropriate $329,725 for Gun and Gang Initiative Funding, the acceptance of an $80,000 Appropriate Stream flow Rehabilitation Assistance Program Grant for watershed restoration and the acceptance of an $80,000 grant for each of three years from the Win ston-Salem Foundation, Inc. to support the Microenterprise In dividual Development Account Program in Forsyth County.


WINSTON-SALEM — The Forsyth County Board of Com missioners met Thursday, Sept. 8 with the agenda consisting pri marily of votes on items pertain ing to budget amendments, con tracts and However,agreements.beforethe voting section began, Forsyth Coun ty Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough Jr. spoke before the board of com missioners urging them to sup port a higher pay threshold for Forsyth County detention cen ter“It’sofficers.nosecret that our num bers are very high in terms of people that are resigning and people that are leaving for var ious reasons,” Kimbrough said. “For every one person, there are two jobs out there. The problem with that is that those two jobs are paying more than our one job. I know that money is not

Although no vote was taken during the meeting, the com missioners did offer support to the sheriff for potential action in the

The new stage less than 200 feet from her home – has music playing 4 nights a Kernersvilleweek.

Board of Commissioners approves various contracts, budget amendments and agreements

stand your needs. We were hop ing that the support we gave last year was enough, but we’re find ing that it’s not. Nevertheless, I wanted you to hear it from me, that I plan on supporting you.”

said WSSU Chancellor Elwood L. Robinson. “It is vitally important to us that we move the needle in STEM education. In recent years many of these fields have seen a significant drop in their quali fied workforce. Our work is fill ing the gap and positively impact ing the lives of students that may have never considered a career in STEM.”Winston-Salem State Univer sity is one of 10 historically black colleges and universities (HB CUs) in North Carolina. It ranks as one of the top 50 producers of bachelor’s degrees in the nation for African Americans in phys ical science. The university re ceived a $28.2 million Gear Up grant from the U.S. Department of Education to create and acti vate a program that will help stu dents prepare for post-secondary

Roy Cooper on Thursday, Sept. 8 toured Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) and met with students in various STEM-relat ed programs, including the Next Generation black STEM Teach er Network program and WSSU’s Astrobotany Lab.

The Brewer’s Kettle has been cited 20 times.

“The arts have the power to change lives at every age, and Arts Council is proud to play a role in advocating for arts education in each of our schools across Forsyth County,” said Chase Law, president and CEO of Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County.

Neighbors complain about noise from Kernersville bar Kernersville

Two of the agreements were interlocal agreements, one be tween Forsyth County and the City of Winston-Salem regard ing the shared use of $255,662 in total grant funding of the 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Jus tice Assistance Grant Funds for a real-time intelligence center and the other between Forsyth County, the City of Winston-Sa lem and the Town of Kerners ville regarding the shared use of the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program Traffic Safety Project Grant Award for the con tinuation of the Forsyth County DWI Joint Task Force.

“We are thrilled to present to Governor Cooper the landmark work we are doing here at Win ston-Salem State University,”

Cooper tours Winston-Salem State University, highlights STEM programs

Several state agencies have HBCU internship and outreach programs to build our public workforce pipeline, including the NC Department of Transporta tion, NC Department of Health and Human Services and NC De partment of Natural and Cultural Resources.

Ride Cowboys ride

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Scott, Antoine Lavone (M/53) Arrest on chrg of 1) Impaired Driving Dwi (M) and 2) Imp Regis - Unauthorized Giving, Lending Use Other Vehicle (M), at 1600 Blk Lewisville- Clemmons Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 9/9/2022 03:14

Causer, John Lee (M/64) Arrest on chrg of Impaired Driving Dwi (M), at 200 N Church St, Winstonsalem, NC, on 9/9/2022 10:50.

Dorothy Grimes White, 92, of Winston-Salem, died September 7, 2022.

♦ Markle, Zachary Austin (M/26) Arrest on chrg of Resisting Arrest (M), at 3682 Wyandotte Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/9/2022 11:46.

♦ PENN, JERRY VILLARD was arrested on a charge of POSS MARIJUANA FEL at 512 ALEXANDER ST on 9/8/2022

Published 336-283-6305

HALL, JOHN SEBASTIAN was arrested on a charge of FUGITIVE at 131 BROADMOOR LN on 9/7/2022

It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over concerns about birthrate, immigration, and multiculturalism.

Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long re-shifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian environmentalism — all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 mini-depression and now sky-high rates of inflation — the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.

Barbara Bradshaw Everhart, 87, of Summerfield, died September 8, 2022.

♦ MERKLE, DAVID EDWARD was arrested on a charge of OFA/FTAMISD PROBATION VIOL at 1905 E SIXTEENTH ST on 9/7/2022

Unserious leadership in a serious time Given unpredictable.beislandinvasionasemiconductors,sophisticatedproductionimportantofdominationandforhistoricChina’slustTaiwanTaiwan’stheall-ofChineseofthewouldnotatall

COLE, OBIE was arrested on a charge of 9/8/2022CLEMMONSVILLELARC-FELONYBREAKING/at2111WRDon

DAILEY, DANNY RENARD was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 99 W FOURTH ST/N LIBERTY ST on 9/7/2022

BROWN, ROBERT ALLAN was arrested on a charge of IMPERSONATE OFFICER at 926 WACHOVIA ST on 9/8/2022

declare himself dictator for life.

North 27607

THOMPSON, SHERMAN ALPHONZO was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT-SIMPLE at 606 N DUNLEITH AV on 9/8/2022

William “Bill” Calvin Leavell, 75, died September 8, 2022.

The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners will next meet September 22.

We lie somewhere between the moral collapse of Rudyard Kipling’s “Recessional” (1897) and Philip Larkin’s “Homage to a Government” (1969). This doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty — the kind of chaos and difficulty only strength, economic and military, and morals can successfully keep at bay.

Coe, Joshua Martin (M/34) Arrest on chrg of Larceny Motor Vehicle Parts, F (F), at 3682 Wyandotte Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/9/2022 11:46.

In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territorial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism, and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above four children per woman in 1910 to well below two by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was, therefore, notSo,unpredictable.whatwouldChina’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the all-important production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredictable.Whichbrings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.

each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE:

BRYANT, CHAMARAY DEVON was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 1599 N LIBERTY ST/E SIXTEENTH ST on 9/9/2022

COAXUM, JUWAN DONNELL was arrested on a charge of OFA-FTAPWISD MARIJUANA at 201 N CHURCH ST on 9/7/2022

WEEKLY FORECAST WEDNESDAY SEPT 14 HI 7 9° LO 5 8° PRECIP 6% THURSDAY SEPT 15 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% FRIDAY SEPT 16 HI 8 3° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SATURDAY SEPT 17 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SUNDAY SEPT 18 HI 8 4° LO 60° PRECIP 6% MONDAY SEPT 19 HI 86° LO 61° PRECIP 7% TUESDAY SEPT 20 HI 8 8° LO 63° PRECIP 7% Twin City Herald Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Shawn Krest Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor

Pouncey, James Vernard (M/28) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at 200 N Main St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/7/2022 09:43.

♦ CRUTCHFIELD, KYLE JOSEPH was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 305 S HAWTHORNE RD on 9/8/2022

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous economic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: state-run mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustainable... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.” China’s demographics are entirely upsidedown; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is about to

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility, and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for weakness. Economic growth is the prerequisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion.

The West has decided, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to economic strength, instead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising endless giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying civilizations, pitting its citizens against each other, labeling them “semi-fascists” and “threats to democracy.”

Williams, Joseph Robert (M/28) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 570 Bethaniarural Hall Rd, Rural Hall, NC, on 9/11/2022 10:10.

WILLIAMS, KHAMAD CHERRY was arrested on a charge of B&EVEHICLE at 3698 PETERS CREEK PW/BRIDGTON RD on 9/9/2022

Arrest on chrg of 1) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 2) Probation Violation (M), and 3) Probation Violation (M), at 3000 Old Hollow Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 9/9/2022 19:37.

Wilson, Daizsha Monique (F/25) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple (M), at 570 Bethania-rural Hall Rd, Rural Hall, NC, on 9/11/2022 10:10.


Lutrelle (Lou) Poole Brown, 93, of Winston-Salem, died September 9, 2022.

GENTRY, DANA RAY was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 99 W FOURTH ST/N LIBERTY ST on 9/7/2022

GARNER, SEAN IGNATIUS was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 99 W FOURTH ST/N LIBERTY ST on 9/7/2022

Thomasine “Tommie” Carter Pierce Norman, 88, of Winston-Salem, died September 7, 2022.

ISMAIL, MAZEN FAWZYSWEED was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 930 N PATTERSON AV on 9/9/2022

Annualnsjonline.comSubscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing SendPOSTMASTER:offices.addresschanges to:

COMMISSIONERS from page 1 including the purchase of law enforcement duty footwear, the recruitment of adminis trative and fiscal temporary staffing services for the For syth County Department of Social Services, the recruit ment of security services at various parks, facilities and the Festival of Lights event, the providing of services for print, processing and mail ing services and the providing of business personal property auditing and audit appeal de fense

And then there is the problem of empires in decline.

2 Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Get in touch Twin City Herald www


was arrested on a charge of AWIK/SERIOUS INJURY at 725 N CHERRY ST on 9/7/2022

♦ Kowalski, Zachary Francis (M/29) Arrest on chrg of Impaired Driving Dwi (M), at 3158 S Stratford Rd/ dunn Dr, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/9/2022 23:56.

Prudente, Antonio Zarate (W /M/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Order For Arrest (M), 2) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), and 3) Probation Violation (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/10/2022 18:15.

Twyla Hague Jackson, 89, of Clemmons, died September 7, 2022.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of He is a threetime New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” | BEN SHAPIRO



TESH, DARRELL REESE was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 5199 GERMANTON RD/N PATTERSON AV on 9/9/2022

State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC

STEPHENS, QUIENTRELL LAQUAN was arrested on a charge of ROBBERY at 3300 SIDES BRANCH RD on 9/8/2022

BARE, BRIAN KERMIT was arrested on a charge of PROBATION VIOLATION at 1420 REVERE RD on 9/9/2022

We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nation-states. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an empire of its own, not merely a nation-state — as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”

WE LIVE IN A DEEPLY SERIOUS time with deeply unserious leaders.

arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 799 MILLER ST on 9/8/2022

BAILEY, REGINALD MALCOLM was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 759 SILAS CREEK PW on 9/7/2022


♦ SMITH, HILLARY CHRISTINA was arrested on a charge of RESISTING ARREST at 518 TRENT CT on 9/8/2022


Sharpe, Sonya Nicole (F/34)

Jack Bergman O’Brien, 83, of Forsyth County, died September 7, 2022.

BAXTER, JERRY LEWIS was arrested on a charge of 9095H3 TRAFF COCAINE at 901 N MARTIN LUTHER KING JR on 9/7/2022

Historian Niall Ferguson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth century” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, economic volatility, and empires in decline.”

Jeffrey Todd O’Neal, 59, of Forsyth County, died September 8, 2022.

HAY, QUINTONIO JACQUEZ was arrested on a charge of VANDPERSONAL PROP at 4338 GROVE AV on 9/8/2022

Theservices.board also approved a contract between Forsyth County, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and Youth Collaborative, Inc. for $63,611 for youth intensive intervention services highrisk youth ages 13-20 from Project X.


Wiles, Mikel Paul (M/44) Arrest on chrg of 1) Sex Offender Violation (F), 2) Sex Offender Violation (F), 3) Sex Offender Violation (F), 4) Sex Offender Violation (F), and 5) Sex Offender Violation (F), at 488 Brookridge Dr, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/8/2022 08:00.

WEDNESDAY 9.14.22 conversation”“Join#212the

RICHARDSON, EMILY JEAN was arrested on a charge of 1ST DEGREE TRESPASS at 2552 N PATTERSON AV on 9/8/2022


KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Bubba Wallace was so comfortable cruis ing around Kansas Speedway on Sunday that he told his team over the radio in the closing laps that he didn’t want to know who was chas ing him or how far back they might be.He probably would have smiled knowing it was his boss.

Notre Dame QB Buchner expected to miss season

Bubba Wallace after he held off his team’s co-owner, Denny Hamlin, to win at Kansas

Fighting Irish coach Marcus Freeman says Buchner has a severe AC joint sprain in his left shoulder. Buchner was injured in the fourth quarter of Notre Dame’s loss to Marshall on Saturday.

The first two postseason races have been won by drivers outside of the playoffs

Drew Pyne, who came off the bench after Buchner was hurt, was listed as the starter on Notre Dame’s depth chart of Saturday’s home game against California. Notre Dame plays at UNC on Sept. 24.

US Soccer investigation into NWSL misconduct nearing end U.S.ChicagoSoccer says an investigation into alleged abuse and misconduct in the National Women’s Soccer League is expected to be completed by early October. The investigation led by former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates was initiated last fall after North Carolina Courage coach Paul Riley was accused of sexual harassment and coercion by two former players.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Clem son coach Dabo Swinney has a reworked contract that will pay him $115 million over 10 seasons throughSwinney’s2031. enhanced contract follows megadeals given to Ala bama’s Nick Saban, Georgia’s Kir by Smart and Ohio State’s Ryan Day earlier this season. Swinney’s average yearly salary of $11.5 mil lion sits only behind Saban’s $11.7 million average compensation.

The 52-year-old has won seven Atlantic Coast Conference titles, made the College Football Playoff six times and won national crowns after the 2016 and 2018 seasons.

Clemson’s Swinney gets raise, extension through 2031 SPONSORED BY

Monza, FormulaItalyOne driver Alex Albon suffered “respiratory failure” and had to be put on a ventilator following complications from surgery. Albon was ruled out of the Italian Grand Prix with appendicitis on Saturday morning and underwent successful surgery but the Williams driver then had to be moved to intensive care as he required assistance breathing. Albon is out of intensive care and was expected to return home on Tuesday. He is expected to take part in the Singapore GP on Oct. 2. Albon signed a multi-year contract extension to continue driving for Williams last month.

Swinney will make $10.5 mil lion this season, a raise of $2 mil lion scheduled under his old agree ment signed in 2019. He’ll earn $12.5 million in the contract’s final year,Each2031.year, Swinney will get $305,000 in base salary. His sup plemental income this season will be $6.695 million plus $3.5 mil lion in licensing money.

“I remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence.”

The Tigers coach average annual salary is now $11.5 million

“I was driving as hard as I could,” said Hamlin, who had no qualms about passing his own

flag for his second NASCAR Cup Series victory and made it back-toback weeks that a non-playoff driv er won a postseason race.

son for a long, long time.”

There are several contract per formance bonuses, including $350,000 for a national title and $200,000 for an ACC champion ship. Swinney would get $100,000 if his team’s Academic Progress Rate reaches 975 out of 1,000, ac cording to the NCAA’s scale that tracks academic performance.

3Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 SPORTS

said it was “critical that Clemson invest in our football program and ensure our head coach is at Clem

Dabo Swinney

Denny Hamlin managed to trim into Wallace’s lead down the stretch, but the co-owner with Mi chael Jordan of the No. 45 car for 23XI Racing ultimately ran out of time. Wallace took the checkered

The Tigers have had 11 straight seasons of 10 wins or more.

Swinney was elevated to interim head coach in 2008 at midseason when Tommy Bowden was let go. Then the receivers coach, Swinney went 4-2 down the stretch to earn the full-time job.

Swinneycontinues.wouldn’t owe anything if he left to become an NFL head coach.Clemson would have to pay Swinney $64 million if it dis missed him without cause, a fig ure that decreases throughout the length of the deal.

Clemson extended Dabo Swinney through 2031, giving its football coach a raise that will pay him an average of $11.5 million annually.

“It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lightsout.”

Bubba Wallace celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Kansas Speedway.


By Dave Skretta The Associated Press

Wallace got around playoff con tender Alex Bowman for the lead with 67 laps to go, then built a 2-second cushion over a parade of drivers in the title hunt, each trying to earn the win that would ensure their spot in the round of eight.Hamlin wound up at the front of it, finishing second to climb into third in the playoff standings.


Albon after“respiratorysufferedfailure”surgery

“I knew Denny was going to be strong,” Wallace said after climb ing out of his car and throwing a little shade at his many detractors. “It’s cool to beat the boss, but man, we were just lights-out. Once we got to the lead, it was a lot of fun.”

The Associated Press

driver for the win. “Nothing will ever come free when you’re driv ing for me. If you think I’m going to let you win, you better find an otherWallace,team.”who became the 18th different driver to reach Victory Lane this season, also won during last year’s playoffs at Talladega, when he was likewise out of the ti tle picture. And his victory Sunday came after Erik Jones, who also missed out on the postseason this year, won a chaotic race a week ago at Darlington.“Justsoproud of this team, so proud of the effort that they put in each and every week,” said Wal lace, who won in the same No. 45 car that Kurt Busch drove to vic tory at Kansas earlier this year. “They work their tails off and I’m so Buschproud.”stepped out of the ride while dealing with a concussion.

The Tigers reached their first ACC championship game in 2009, then won the title two years lat er. In 2015, Clemson began run of six straight league crowns and six consecutive CFP berths.

South Bend, Ind. Notre Dame quarterback Tyler Buchner is expected to miss the rest of the regular season with an injury to his nonthrowing shoulder that will need surgery.

MMA Former UFC fighter Theodorou dies at age 34

He was quick to tweet his congrat ulations.Bellfinished third and Bowman fourth with playoff outsider Mar tin Truex Jr. in fifth. William By ron, Ross Chastain, Kyle Larson, Ryan Blaney and Daniel Suarez — all firmly in the playoff hunt — rounded out the top 10. Bell was the only driver to clinch a spot in the next round on points. The other 11 are up for grabs head ing to Saturday night’s race at Bris tol.“I’m very happy that we’re final ly getting the results that this team deserves,” Bell said. “Our speed has been there all year. I feel like we’ve given up a lot of good finish es. Hopefully we can build on this and keep rolling.”


Wallace holds off boss, title contenders to win at Kansas

Riley was fired and league Commissioner Lisa Baird stepped down in the wake of the players’ claims. U.S. Soccer and the NWSL and its players union announced separate investigations.

EliasTorontoTheodorou, a charismatic mixed martial artist who seven19-3,AprilearningCanadaUltimateheandhisMississauga,cancer.SundayformerJessHeastosuccessfullycampaignedfortherightusemedicalmarijuanaanathlete,hasdied.was34.Hispublicist,Moran,confirmedtheUFCfighterdiedinTorontoofliverTheodorou,fromOntario,madeprodebutinJune2011was8-0-0in2013whenjoinedthecastof“TheFighterNations:vs.Australia.”AfterhisUFCcontractin2014,Theodorouwaswithsixwinsinhislastoutings.

Swinney’s total compensa tion will go up $250,000 for the next four years. He will remain at $11.5 million in 2026 and 2027, then continuing increasing by $250,000 the final four years of the“Iagreement.remain eternally grateful and honored for the opportunity to continue coach and developing young people of excellence,” said Swinney, who is in his 14th full sea son with the Tigers. “This agree ment is representative of what has been collectively built here.”

The university’s board of trust ees compensation committee ap proved the deal Thursday.

Athletic director Graham Neff


The contract includes a different tier for any buyout if Swinney were leave to coach his alma mater, Al abama — $9 million to join the Crimson Tide this year, but just $6 million for any other college head coaching job. Those figures are re duced, but remain different, as the contract


“That kind of turned the race on its head for the next three months,” Sullivan said, noting headlines he characterized as “DeMint wants to fire gay DeMintteachers.”wenton to win the open seat by nearly 10 percentage points, a margin typical in recent South Carolina statewide elections. But in more competitive states, Sulli van said, a debate can serve as “a good way to find out where candi dates are on the issues.”

Fetterman’s campaign said he will participate in a televised de bate in October but gave no oth er details, including why he would agree to just one debate. Oz’s cam paign immediately dubbed it a “se cret debate,” with no details on when or Notingwhere.that the uncertainty of debates can be “terrifying” for all involved, Wukela acknowledged incumbents’ reticence to allowing their challengers prominent op portunities to equate themselves with the office, or its existing oc cupant.“Strom Thurmond refused to de bate any of his opponents,” Wuke la said of the longtime South Caro lina everfour-touchdowngovernorDemocrat-turned-Republicanandsenator.“IfI’vegotalead,whywouldIthrowtheball?”

State law says county election offices must receive civilian ab sentee ballots by the third day af ter Election Day — either in per son or in the mail if the ballot was postmarked by Election Day,

The debate stage is set ahead of the start of the second and final presidential debate Oct. 22, 2020, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

RALEIGH — North Carolina and national Republicans sued Friday seeking to block the State Board of Elections from extend ing the fall absentee-ballot re ceipt deadline because of a hol iday and from enforcing a rule that could disrupt the movement of some polling site observers.


“They’re not going to do it in their TV commercials,” added Sul

Bell’s memo cited another state law that says transactions set to occur on a holiday may be per formed on the next day after gov

which is Nov. 8 this year.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mc Daniel said Friday’s lawsuit is the latest effort “to preserve trans parency in North Carolina elec tions and stop unelected bureau crats from rewriting the law in the Tar Heel state.”

The Republican National Com mittee, state Republican Party and the Clay County GOP chair woman sued the state board, the board members and its top ad ministrator in Wake County court. They want a judge to de clare the board is violating state law and the state and U.S. consti tutions.The GOP plaintiffs contend that board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell lacked au thority last month to move the ab sentee ballot deadline from Nov. 11 — the federal and state Veter ans Day holiday — to Nov. 14.

ballot deadline law doesn’t specif ically give the board authority to push the back the deadline based on a legal holiday.

The Republican National Com mittee and state GOP opposed temporary rules approved by the state board last month that pro hibited poll watchers from stand ing too close to voting machines and granted election officials the ability to remove disruptive ob servers. The state Rules Review Commission later blocked those changes.In2020, Republicans un successfully fought portions of a legal settlement between the State Board of Elections and a union-affiliated group to extend the grace period for mail-in ab sentee ballots from three to nine days in response to postal delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Republicans’ lawsuit also says the board overstepped its au thority related to “at-large” ob servers chosen by political par ties to monitor voting site activity where it’s needed and not just at oneTheprecinct.lawsuit says since 2016 board guidance or rules have re quired an at-large observer to work for at least four hours before they can be replaced at a voting site. The Republicans contend the requirement doesn’t align with state law and makes it hard for the party to fill volunteer gaps at voting sites and precincts by mov ing at-large observers to other lo cales.The directive hasn’t been en forced much, the lawsuit says, but the GOP believes it will be en forced this fall, despite the par ty’s written requests to have it re

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Under pressure from his Republican ri val, Pennsylvania Democratic Sen ate candidate John Fetterman said this week he would participate in one debate before the November election.InGeorgia, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker are still working through the details of what a debate might look like, though they appear to be inching closer to a deal. And in Arizona, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Katie Hobbs has declined a tele vised debate with Republican Kari Lake.With the fall campaign rapid ly approaching, the time-honored tradition of televised debates as a forum for voters to evaluate candi dates may be the latest casualty of constant media coverage and pow erful digital platforms, as well as the nation’s polarized political cli mate. For some Republicans, es chewing debates is a chance to sidestep a media structure some in the party deride as biased and align with Donald Trump, who has blasted presidential debates. Some Democrats, including Hobbs, have pointed to raucous GOP debates from the primary season as a rea son to avoid tangling with their op ponents.Despite such skepticism, veter an political consultant Terry Sul livan defended debates as “the one forum where candidates are forced into answering questions that they don’t want to answer.”

“You’re getting that in one shot,” Wukela said, of a debate appear ance being worth airtime that

livan, who managed GOP Sen. Jim DeMint’s 2004 bid in South Caro lina and handled media for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presiden tial effort. “And in stump appear ances, press conferences, they can evade, they can dodge.”

Debating over debates: Campaign tradition faces skepticism

would otherwise cost millions. “That’s like a Super Bowl ad.”

In North Carolina, where U.S. Rep. Ted Budd skipped four Re publican primary debates in his U.S. Senate bid, said Friday he wouldn’t accept an invitation from the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters to debate Democrat Cheri Beasley, as the two head for a presumably close general election. Budd said he had accepted a cable debate invite, but there’s no agree ment with Beasley on that appear ance.Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, mused to reporters about what would happen if voters elected a senator who never has “answered a legitimate question from a voter, from a newscaster in a non-taped

4 Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

“This sudden change usurps the North Carolina General As sembly’s authority to regulate “the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives’ under the U.S. Constitution,” the lawsuit said.

In addition to winning candi dates thousands of impressions in earned media and repackaged vid eo clips, debate footage can also propel candidates’ messages far more broadly — and cheaply — than could television ad buys, said Michael Wukela, a South Caroli na Democratic media consultant and veteran of Vermont Sen. Ber nie Sanders’ presidential bids.

setting, in a debate stage?” citing Fetterman’s campaign-trail ab sence as he recovers from a stroke.

Refusal to participate can draw ire from rivals. The Republicans whom Walker refused to debate ahead of Georgia’s primary cri tiqued him as ill-prepared to take on Warnock, a skilled orator.

Other Senate contests are play ing out similarly.

In what “should have been the most boring debate in the histo ry of mankind,” Sullivan said that a 2004 panelist questioning De Mint and Democrat Inez Tenen baum asked DeMint if he agreed with a state GOP platform tenet in opposition of openly gay teachers in South Carolina’s public schools.


RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a news conference, in Charlotte, in Oct., 2018.

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

ernment offices are reopen. A de lay similar to the one instituted by Bell occurred in 2016, when Election Day was also Nov. 8. The lawsuit says the absentee

pealed.The State Board of Elections didn’t immediately have a com ment late Friday on the lawsuit, which was filed on the same day county election boards began sending absentee ballots to those who have requested them so far.


GOP sues over NC board’s absentee ballot date, observer rule

participate in that debate, if Walk er agreed to another forum War nock wants. That back-and-forth remains unresolved.

By Meg Kinnard The Associated Press

“If you can’t get on the stage and debate fellow Republicans, how the heck are you going to de bate with Raphael Warnock in the general election?” Latham Sad dler, a Navy veteran and former Trump administration official who was among five Republicans chal lenging Walker, asked. “Usually if you’re hiding, you’re hiding for a reason.”Walker repeatedly proclaimed his eagerness to face off with War nock in the fall but, instead of agreeing to Warnock’s challenge to three debates, accepted an invita tion to a different one altogether. This week, Warnock said he would

And sometimes, Sullivan add ed, it’s the media coverage of what happens onstage, rather than the back-and-forth itself, that can make a bigger impression.

Charters of Freedom are coming to Moore County

seven“Thegoals.”strategic plan that is in front of you today does represent some areas that we may not have had total agreement on, but I do believe this represents a plan that overall will drive Moore County Schools in a direction of contin uous improvement, targeted im provement, with very clear goals and represent the vision, mission and core beliefs of our communi ty and you, our board.”

sending absentee ballots to those who have requested them so far.

“This represents our work since February of 2022 of getting our stakeholder feedback, your feed back, we’ve had three work ses sions to garner where your con sensus feedback was and to drive the development of the plan,” said Superintendent Dr. Tim Locklair.

In 2020, Republicans unsuc cessfully fought portions of a le gal settlement between the State Board of Elections and a union-af filiated group to extend the grace period for mail-in absentee ballots from three to nine days in response to postal delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

State law says county election offices must receive civilian absen tee ballots by the third day after Election Day — either in person or in the mail if the ballot was post marked by Election Day, which is Nov. 8 this year.

Last Wednesday, the Duke Energy Foundation announced that it was distributing $500,000 in grants to help small businesses across North Carolina. This is the second year that the company has provided targeted assistance to support throughoutdowntownsthestate, as many business owners continue their ongoing recovery from economic challenges trigged by the pandemic. Moore County’s Carthage CommitteeCenturyInc.was just one of 20 local nonprofits to receive $25,000 in grants from Duke Energy. This organization is tasked with establishing a small-business support microgrant program and deploying the funding within its local community by January 2023. The microgrants may range from $500 to $2,5000 per individual business.

Carthage is one of the first of five North Carolina towns to have the Civil Rights Amendments added to the Charter of Freedoms display. The documents displayed will be roadside by the courts facility with a school bus zone to help educate children about the founding documents.


By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

58 2017752016 $1.00

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a news conference, in Charlotte, in Oct., 2018.

RALEIGH — North Caroli na and national Republicans sued Friday seeking to block the State Board of Elections from extend ing the fall absentee-ballot receipt deadline because of a holiday and from enforcing a rule that could disrupt the movement of some polling site observers.

says the board overstepped its au thority related to “at-large” observ ers chosen by political parties to monitor voting site activity where it’s needed and not just at one pre cinct.The lawsuit says since 2016 board guidance or rules have re quired an at-large observer to work for at least four hours before they can be replaced at a voting site. The Republicans contend the re quirement doesn’t align with state law and makes it hard for the party to fill volunteer gaps at voting sites and precincts by moving at-large observers to other locales.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mc Daniel said Friday’s lawsuit is the latest effort “to preserve transpar ency in North Carolina elections and stop unelected bureaucrats from rewriting the law in the Tar HeelThestate.”Republican National Com mittee and state GOP opposed temporary rules approved by the state board last month that prohib ited poll watchers from standing too close to voting machines and granted election officials the abili ty to remove disruptive observers. The state Rules Review Commis sion later blocked those changes.

By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press

The Republicans’ lawsuit also

Bell’s memo cited another state law that says transactions set to oc cur on a holiday may be performed on the next day after government offices are reopen. A delay simi lar to the one instituted by Bell oc curred in 2016, when Election Day was also Nov. 8.

Funding approved with goal of reducing class sizes in grades 4 and 5 throughout entire district

we want to have students that are proud American citizens. One of the core purposes of public schools is to unite our diverse populations into one. E Pluribus Unum. From many,Followingone.” his comments, Levy introduced a motion to change the mission statement to, “All stu dents will graduate with the skills, knowledge, character, and educa tion to become proud and success ful citizens of the United States of America,” which was approved by the“Withboard.that, there are a num ber of things on this strategic plan that I wish were a little different, but I think overall it is a very, very good and optimistic document which will get us to the next level in where we want to be,” Levy said.


The Republican National Com mittee, state Republican Party and the Clay County GOP chairwom an sued the state board, the board members and its top administrator in Wake County court. They want a judge to declare the board is violat ing state law and the state and U.S. constitutions.TheGOPplaintiffs contend that board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell lacked authority last month to move the absentee ballot deadline from Nov. 11 — the feder al and state Veterans Day holiday — to Nov. 14.

One of the notable changes in the new strategic plan draft was the change in the mission state ment. The new statement stated, “All students will graduate with the skills, knowledge, charac ter, and education to be success ful citizens,” with the changing of the original statement of “success ful American citizens” to just “suc cessful citizens.”

CARTHAGE — The Moore County Board of Education met Monday with the adoption of the 2022-24 strategic plan as the key item on the Followingagenda.thecollection of ad ditional public comments, the board approved the adoption of the Moore County Schools 202224 Strategic Plan.

“In an effort to improve South ern Middle School’s academic per


“I just believe that the origi nal draft was correct and that we should have said ‘American citi zens,’” said board member Robert Levy. “I don’t know why in the heck we are even arguing over whether

The board also approved the adoption of a revised 2022-23 cal endar for Southern Middle School.

See BOE, page 2

Duke grantsEnergy$25,000 to help Moore small businesses

The directive hasn’t been en forced much, the lawsuit says, but the GOP believes it will be en forced this fall, despite the par ty’s written requests to have it re pealed.The State Board of Elections didn’t immediately have a com ment late Friday on the lawsuit, which was filed on the same day county election boards began

The lawsuit says the absentee ballot deadline law doesn’t specif ically give the board authority to push the back the deadline based on a legal holiday.

“Now it’s been honed down to one page that represents our district’s vision, mission, core beliefs, and

“This sudden change usurps the North Carolina General As sembly’s authority to regulate “the times, places and manner of hold ing elections for senators and rep resentatives’ under the U.S. Con stitution,” the lawsuit said.


At the end of August, Moore County officials announced that the Charters of Freedom are coming to Carthage. The Charters of Freedom are replicas of historical governing documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the US Constitution. Each of the documents will be on display in a protected cement and glass casing.

GOP sues over NC board’s absentee ballot date, observer rule

Board of Education approves 2022-24 Strategic Plan

The changes involve adding 15 minutes to each school day be ginning January 4 in order to bank 3.71 additional education al days.“We’ll utilize those banked days to create four flexible learn ing days starting February 22,” Krencicki said. “Three of those are, at the moment, standard school days, and one in March is currently an early release day. All four of those would move to a flexible learning day, and we’d use that time in the morning, in the first half of the day to bring in 20-25% of the most at-risk stu dents that are not meeting their academic requirements and give them intense intervention on that half day and have small group in struction and then use the second half of the day to provide profes sional development and collabo rative planning for the faculty.”

Come7:30pmout and support the Union Pines Vikings varsity football team as they take on Lee County at home!

♦ CLARK, RICKY RICARDO, 42, B, M, 9/11/2022, Out of Coun ty, Breaking or Entering, $750 Secured, 9/26/22, Goldsboro

Types of services include oneon-one nursing care for medically fragile students, speech-language pathologists, and sign language interpreters.Theboard also approved two contracts for the replacement of cafeteria“Theseequipment.arefortwo equipment items at two of our schools,” Lock lair said. “At North Moore High School, a new cooler/freezer com bination at a little over $50,000 and at West Pine Middle School, replacement of the double serv ing line at almost $69,000. Orig inally we looked at funding this through ESSER, but with further investigation, we can pay for this out of our child nutrition fund balance.”Theboard was then present ed with a list of capital projects that the superintendent recom mended for funding, but after questions about spending were brought up by the board, the top ic was tabled until the November meeting.“Wehave two F-rated schools,” said board member David Hens

Come6pm out for Trivia at the Southern Pines Brewery! Enjoy fun and prizes each Thursday.

30 Second Rocks Music Bingo

Sept. BloodCommunity16Drive

Trivia Thursday at the Brewery

formance and with the flexibility provided to us as a low-perform ing school under the Restart Pro gram, I am requesting on behalf of the school improvement team to amend our calendar,” said Southern Middle School Princi pal Shaun Krencicki.

Come10am out to the Sandhills Farmer Market in the heart of the Village of Pinehurst! “Know your Famer, Know your Food” season runs until the first week of October.

budget, the digital learning fund is no longer there,” Locklair said. “It was rolled into our current ex penses. So, we’ve identified funds for the outright purchase. There is an upfront savings by doing an outright purchase versus a lease purchase.”Theboard approved amended and new contracts for Exception al Children services for 2022-23 to help recruit providers for these services as well as to meet the in creased need for these services.

HILL, PATRICK ALEXANDER, 51, W, M, 9/10/2022, Moore County Sheriff’s Office, PWIMSD Methamphetamine, Possess Methamphetamine, Traffick in Methamphetamine (x2), PWIMSD Marijuana, Maintain Veh/Dwell/Place CS, Possession of Firearm by Felon (x2), Possess Weapon Mass Destruction, Possess Marijua na up to 1/2 oz, Possess Sell Non Tax Paid Alcohol Bev erage, Possess Drug Para phernalia, Possess Marijuana Paraphernalia, Resisting Public Officer, $100,000 Secured, 9/22, Aberdeen


Union VarsityPinesFootball

The board then approved the purchase of 2,945 Chromebook devices from Trafera, LLC for a refresh of grades 2-5 devices with ESSER

♦ GALAN, RUBEN NMN, 38, H, M, 9/12/2022, Moore County Sheriff’s Office, DWLR Not Impaired Rev Based, Fail to Report Accident, Fail Maintain Lane Control, $250 Secured, 11/3/22, Homeless


The board finally approved as signing $1,739,500 in fund bal ance in order to meet current dig ital lease obligations, decompress the classified salary scale begin ning on Oct. 1, 2022, fund an additional counselor position at Crain’s Creek Middle School and to try and meet the board’s goal of a teacher to student ratio of no greater than 1:24 for Grades 4 and 5 classes throughout the en tire school system.

Music in the Park – Tim Wilson

There will be a Community Blood Drive at the McDonald Building in Carthage. All donors will receive a $10 e-gift card and a #20 fordonationcharitablewillbemadeeverydonor.

♦ RITTER, TIMOTHY KODY, 30, W, M, 9/10/2022, Moore County Sheriff’s Office, Larceny of Ungathered Crops, Possession of Stolen Goods/ Property (x2), Obtain Property False Pretense (x3), Probation Violation (x2), Possess Marijua na up to 1/2 oz (x3), Possess Marijuana Paraphernalia (x2), Possess Drug Paraphernalia (x3), Fictitious/False Informa tion to an Officer, Resisting Public Officer, Possess Heroin, Simple Possession Schedule IV CS, , $66,000 Secured, 9/28/22, West End

♦ VITALE, JOHN RUSSELL, 22, W, M, 9/9/2022, Aberdeen PD, Posses Stolen Motor Vehicle, $2,500 Secured, 9/28, So castee, SC

10am – 3pm

out for 30 Second Rocks Music Bingo, hosted by Dave’s Place! Test your music knowledge and win prizes!

The Moore County Board of Education will next meet Octo ber 11.

DE LA CRUZ -ESTRADA, EDGAR ALEXANDER, 35, W, M, 9/10/2022, Moore County Sheriff’s Office, ADW, $1,000 Secured, 10/5, Robbins


2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

moore happening

Enjoy10am Music in the Park at the Moore County Farmers Market in Downtown Southern Pines.

TUNE andSundays104.1990WEEBINTOAMand97.3FM1-2PMTheJohnMaureenshow

Sept. 15

“I’mgrades.”abig supporter of ex tra-curricular activities, but now doesn’t seem like the time to be spending millions of dollars on renovating locker rooms when we have two F-rated schools. I think after getting a report card with two Fs, maybe we should hud dle and revisit our spending pri orities and focus our spending on more academic things.”

BOE from page 1 Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualMOORE.NORTHSTATEJOURNAL.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 WEEKLY FORECAST MOORE CITIZENS FOR FREEDOM MOORE COUNTY Remember that we live in the best country, the best state, and by far the best county. MOORE COUNTY, WHAT A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Get in touch Moore County Edition of North State Journal www WEDNESDAY 9.14.22 “Join conversation”the WEDNESDAY SEPT 14 HI 7 9° LO 5 8° PRECIP 6% THURSDAY SEPT 15 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% FRIDAY SEPT 16 HI 8 3° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SATURDAY SEPT 17 HI 82° LO 5 8° PRECIP 7% SUNDAY SEPT 18 HI 8 4° LO 60° PRECIP 6% MONDAY SEPT 19 HI 86° LO 61° PRECIP 7% TUESDAY SEPT 20 HI 8 8° LO 63° PRECIP 7%

Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up in Moore County:

ley. “Since I’ve sat in this chair, we’ve spent $3 million on tracks for Moore County Schools, which doesn’t raise a letter grade one iota. I look at this list of things that were approved by this board a year and a half ago. When I first sat in this seat, we were discuss ing these priorities, and these priorities were passed. And in the work session, I asked if the board should revisit these pri orities, and in spite of us getting two F-rated schools, we’re not re visiting these priorities and using some of these funds instead for things that won’t raise our school letter

“Originally,funds. when we looked at this, we looked at bringing a lease purchase before our board of commissioners for approval, but as we know with our revised

In closing, I ask that you join Renee and me this week in praying for the family and friends of the victims and heroes of 9/11. May we never forget them and all who have served our nation since.

September 11th, 2001, was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. However, amid the grave evil of that day, we also witnessed some of the most courageous and heroic acts of good. We saw hundreds of first responders rush into smoke and flames in order to save strangers, as well as the brave passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 sacrifice everything in order to prevent further catastrophe. These individuals were, and continue to be, heroes in every sense of the word. We must never forget the tragedy and heroism of 9/11. It is our responsibility to continue to honor and support all those most affected by what took place that day. This includes the thousands of brave men and women who, in the aftermath of the attack, answered the call to wear our nation’s uniform, defend freedom, and stop events like 9/11 from happening again.

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous economic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: state-run mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustainable... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.” China’s demographics are entirely upside-down; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is about to

Unserious leadership in a serious time

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a major foreign policy and national security failure and, in many ways, a direct affront to all the servicemembers who sacrificed so much to defend freedom at home and in the region. But I will not let this stand. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I promise to not rest until we have a thorough review of this deadly withdrawal, get our citizens and allies out of harm’s way, and I will continue to honor the brave Americans who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan.Atthesame time, leaders in Washington must also continue to

Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.

declare himself dictator for life.

In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territorial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism, and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above four children per woman in 1910 to well below two by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was, therefore, not unpredictable.

Remembrance and responsibility

Which brings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.

We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nation-states. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an empire of its own, not merely a nation-state — as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”

So, what would China’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the all-important production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredictable.



WE LIVE IN A DEEPLY SERIOUS time with deeply unserious leaders.Historian Niall Ferguson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth century” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, economic volatility, and empires in decline.”

3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

It is

We lie somewhere between the moral collapse of Rudyard Kipling’s “Recessional” (1897) and Philip Larkin’s “Homage to a Government” (1969). This doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty — the kind of chaos and difficulty only strength, economic and military, and morals can successfully keep at bay.



Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

And then there is the problem of empires in decline.

Yet, many have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. And I fear the consequences of President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. This rushed and disorganized effort to pull the United States out of the region needlessly threw away years of hard-fought gains and led to the loss of billions of dollars in equipment, the abandonment of thousands of American citizens and Afghan allies, and the needless deaths of 13 brave U.S. servicemembers.

support our troops and veterans with the challenges they may be facing here at home. Among these challenges, mental health is one of the greatest. According to a 2021 study, it is estimated that over 30,000 active-duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. This is four times higher than the number of deaths resulting from military operations. The psychological and emotional burdens carried by our nation’s active-duty and veteran personnel are immense and must be addressed in a comprehensive way. This is why I have cosponsored legislation like the VA Zero Suicide Demonstration Project Act and Vet CENTERS for Mental Health Act, provisions that will help expand mental health services for veterans across the Unfortunately,country.the mental health scourge is not the only health crisis affecting our military and country at large. Drug overdose deaths continue to surge across the United States, in large part due to opioids like fentanyl. In North Carolina, there were 3,759 deaths from opioid overdoses last year. However, this crisis is not limited to the civilian population, as reports have shown that our military is also vulnerable to this crisis. This includes our community at Fort Bragg, where accidental overdose is one of the leading causes of death for soldiers, outpacing deaths related to combat operations. It is clear we must take steps to address this crisis, including securing our border to stop drugs like fentanyl from entering our country in the first place. As your Congressman, I will work to make sure this happens.


Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of DailyWire. com. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”

SUNDAY MARKED 21 YEARS since the 9/11 terrorist attack on our homeland. This senseless act of violence struck at the very core of our nation and robbed nearly 3,000 innocent dads, moms, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters of their lives.

It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over concerns about birthrate, immigration, and multiculturalism. Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long re-shifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian environmentalism — all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 mini-depression and now sky-high rates of inflation — the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.

While these are difficult topics, it is only by having an honest and direct conversation about them they can be properly addressed. I will continue to have frank conversations about the most pressing issues facing our country today and will always work to support those who have sacrificed so much for this nation.

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility, and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for weakness. Economic growth is the prerequisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion.

The West has decided, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to economic strength, instead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising endless giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying civilizations, pitting its citizens against each other, labeling them “semifascists” and “threats to democracy.”

Just over two decades later, the images of 9/11 remain burned into the collective memory of every soul in our nation. I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news of what had happened, and the tragic events of that morning played out.

Peter was born Jul 6, 1950, in West Caldwell N J to the late Ingeborg B. Mayer Bernhardt and the late August E Bernhardt, both from Germany.

4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 14, 2022 obituaries SPONSORED BY BOLES FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY Locations in: Southern Pines (910) 692-6262 | Pinehurst (910) 235-0366 | Seven Lakes (910) 673-7300

July 6, 1950 - September 8, 2022

Shirley Terranova Caristo, 85, of Pinehurst, NC passed away peacefully at her residence on Monday, September 5, 2022. She was born November 4, 1936 in Freeport, NY to the late Leonard and Mary O’Connell ShirleyTerranova.issurvived by two sons, Kenneth Caristo and his wife Dianna of Pinehurst, NC and Dominic Caristo II and his wife Karen of Apex, NC; a daughter Lisa Motes and her husband Ken neth of Florida; nine grandchil dren and 12 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years Dominick James Caristo and a son-in-law Viktor Kuncl.


April 13, 1950 - September 2, 2022

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two siblings, Elaine Broden and Robert Wilhelm.

June Jones Thompson, age 78 of Pinehurst, NC passed away in Southern Pines, on September 9, 2022. June was born in Cleveland, TN on July 23, 1944 to J.R. Jones and Helen Queen Jones.

CONTACT @BolesFuneralHomes

June is survived by her husband, Rex Gordon Thompson Jr, daughters Lisa Scott (Scottie) of Whispering Pines, Nikki Powers (Matthew) of Southern Pines; grandchildren; Brittni, Jordan, Emory and Rowan; two great-grandchildren; brother, J.R. Jones of Salisbury, MD, Jackie Tilghman of Salisbury, MD, and Janice Morris of Pittsville, MD.

June was preceded in death by her parents; sisters Jeannette Lilley and JudyJuneBrown.wasa loving caring wife, mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. She enjoyed traveling, genealogy, and spending time with family most of all. She taught us kindness, gratefulness, gentleness, and sacrificial love for others.

Peter is survived by his wife, Geraldine Bernhardt of Pinehurst & NJ; a sister Ingrid Bernhardt of VA.

Doris Lenora Walker Ogden, age 69 of Whispering Pines passed away on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst.

November 4, 1936 - September 5, 2022

She is preceded in death by her loving husband William Perdieu Toney. Bill and Eva had a wonderful marriage for 53 years until his death in 2006.Evais survived by her three children William Perdieu Toney, Jr., his beloved wife Nancy Jo Miller-Toney of Charlotte, NC and their son Preston Perdieu Toney of Mooresville, NC; Linda Toney Breeding of Cornelius, NC and her daughter Christine Michelle Davies, her husband William Jason Davies and their two daughters Avery Lynn and Brooklyn Rae of Mechanicsburg, PA. Linda’s son Scott Madison Cole and his wife Ashley Kate Cole of Charlotte, NC; and Jacqueline Kay Toney-Sadler, her husband Lee Harold Sadler of Whispering Pines, NC; and her two daughters Amanda Kay McKibben of Greenwood SC, and Evann Leigh McKibben and her daughter Chase Ruby of Charleston, SC.


Eldiweiss was born in Whiteville, NC on January 13, 1929 to Alton Brooks Formyduval and Flora Jane Johnson.


Peter BernhardtCarl

Doris WalkerLenoraOgden

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to FirstHealth Hospice and Palliative Care or Southern Pines United Methodist Church Food Pantry.

September 30, 1938 - September 10, 2022

Patricia was born on March 18, 1949 in Argentina. She was the daughter of the late Martin John and Ursula Mattheisen Essenburg. Pat was a graduate of Garnet Valley High School, Class of 1967, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. She retired from The Vanguard Group in 2015.

Margaret Williamson Furr, 83, of Whispering Pines, NC passed away peacefully Saturday, September 10, 2022 at The Greens in Pinehurst. She was born September 30, 1938 in Moore County, NC to the late Sheldon and Lillian Talbert Williamson.Sheissurvived by her children, Donna Dixon (Steven), Cathy Harris, and Kenneth Furr (Karen); grandchildren Wayne Bell, Crystal Gonzales, Theron Sandy, Kimberly Davis, Miranda Bibey, Amber Johnson, Cierra Bibey and Destiny Bibey; and several greatgrandchildren and other extended family. She is also survived by her sisters, Ila Scott and Marie Craig, and a brother Samuel Williamson. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband Ray Junior Furr; her daughter Angela Furr, her brother Joseph Williamson; sister Caroline Reynolds, and two grandchildren Jason Sandy and Kellie Furr.

March 18, 1949 - September 10, 2022

July 23, 1944 - September 9, 2022

Over the years she volunteered for numerous organizations including; American Lung Association, American Red Cross and SPUMC Food Pantry. She was a member and past officer of the Alfred Moore Chapter of the DAR, Suzanna Wesley Women’s Circle and Southern Pines United Methodist Church.

Peter graduated from West Essex High School in North Caldwell, NJ., Class of Peter1968.wasa self-taught Master Carpenter. He loved his work and taught his craft to a few young apprentices. Peter loved and studied weather and Outer space.


Eva Yeatts Toney

January 12, 1953 - September 7, 2022

October 19, 1933 - September 3, 2022

January 13, 1929 - September 3, 2022

Eldiweiss is preceded in death by her husband, Forrest Lockey. She is survived by sons, Brooks Lockey and Forrest Lockey III; grandchildren, Gabe Evans, Forrest Lockey IV, and Averey Lockey, and many nieces and nephews.

December 2, 1936 - September 3, 2022

It is with heartfelt sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of Kent “Ken” Maynard Wilhelm, 85 of Pinehurst, who entered eternal life on September 3, 2022.

June ThompsonJones

Eldiweiss Formyduval Lockey, age 93 of Aberdeen, NC passed away at home on September 3, 2022.

Eva Yeatts Toney of Southern Pines, NC died on Saturday, September 3rd at home with her family.Born October 19, 1933, in Altavista, VA in the home of her paternal grandfather, the late Robert Lee Yeatts. She was the daughter of the late Dana Harold Yeatts and Maude Arthur Yeatts of Altavista, VA. Eva was the third of eight brothers and sisters.

Ken was born on December 2, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan to the late Fredrick George and Mable Marie Wilhelm. He had an influential career in finance with Chrysler for over 35 years in Detroit, Michigan before retiring to Pinehurst at the young age of 53.

Patricia Enriqueta Kautz, age 73 of Vass, North Carolina passed away on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at FirstHealth Hospice House in West End with her family by her side.

His spirit is carried on by his wife of 64 years, Darlene Wilhelm; three children, Dawn Pschak (Jeff), Linda Zampa (Jeff) and Kent Frederick Wilhelm (Lauren); nine grandchildren, Kendall, Kyle and Connor Pschak, Madison, Hailey and Mackenzie Zampa, Brendan, Shane and Kaitlyn Wilhelm; and an extended family of relatives and friends.


Peter Carl Bernhardt, 72, of Pinehurst, passed at his home on Thursday, Sept 8, 2022.

Mary Diane Schmidt, 72, died Friday, September 2, 2022 at her home in Pinehurst.

She was born in Lincoln, Nebraska April 13, 1950 to the late Edgar and Erna Westervelt. She and her husband Joe lived in Miami, Florida for 49 years where she was a kindergarten teacher for the Miami Dade County Public Schools for 35 years. They have been residents of Pinehurst, NC for the last 6 years. She received her Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Miami and her Master of Education degree from Florida International University.

She is survived by her husband of 50 years, Joe Schmidt of the home, a daughter, Aimee Schmidt and her husband Robert Barnard of Fayetteville, NC, a sister, Susie Westervelt of Mesa, AZ, and a brother John Westervelt of Santa Cruz, CA.

Doris was born on January 12, 1953 in Washington DC to the late Nathaniel Walker and Naomi Evans Walker. Doris had a long career with Public Broadcasting Service where she worked as Director of Broadcast Operations. She was a member of Yates-Thagard Baptist Church in Whispering Pines. Doris will forever be remembered as a loving and devoted wife, mother, sister, aunt and friend who had a servant’s heart for helping others. Doris opened her home to many throughout her life and helped them when they needed it.

Memorial contributions may be made to FirstHealth Hopsice Foundation, 150 Applecross Rd., Pinehurst, NC 28374.


Pat is survived by her loving son, Douglas Kautz (Amanda) of Vass, North Carolina; three grandchildren: Haleigh Forsyth (Jacob), Mallory Kautz, Blake Kautz; brother, Martin Essenburg Jr. (Alba) of Homosassa, Florida; nephew, Matthew Essenburg; niece, Sarah Shapiro and their families; uncle Uwe Mattheisen (Jutta) of Bremen, Germany. She was preceded in death by her parents.

In 1958, she met Forrest Lockey in Lumberton. They were married in November, 1960, and went on to have Forrest Lockey, III and Brooks Lockey.Through the years, Eldiweiss has been very active in her church and community, serving on many committees and in many clubs. She loved Aberdeen and was dedicated to maintaining its historical significance in Moore County.

She is survived by her husband of 31 years, Craig Ogden; her son, Nathan Young of Coleman, FL; her sisters: Barbara Carson of Charlotte, NC; Teresa Walker of Upper Marlboro, MD; and Francine Plummer (Joseph) of Seaford, DE; and a host of nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Rudolph Young; and a sister, Wyomi Evans.

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