North State Journal Vol. 5, Issue 28

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the Wednesday


Raleigh Police arrest 14 protesters in Friday protest Raleigh Police in North Carolina’s capital city say they arrested 14 protesters after a march against racial injustice violated a newly imposed curfew. Hundreds of protesters marched through downtown Raleigh Friday night. An American flag was burned, portable toilets were toppled and a memorial to fallen police officers was vandalized with red spray paint. Police say that after the 10 p.m. curfew was breached, they allowed the group to disband. Police say many went home, but some made clear they were going to defy the curfew. Fourteen protesters were charged with violating curfew. One of them, 21-yearold Bethany Koval, was also charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Financially struggling NCDOT mandates ‘unconscious bias training’ Raleigh An Aug. 27 memo sent to the N.C. Dept. of Transportation’s (NCDOT) over 82,000 employees by the agency’s Chief Human Resources officer Darryl Bass announced mandatory “unconscious bias training,” with a deadline for completion of Sept. 21. “The collection of 14 micro modules was created to help users recognize and mitigate unconscious bias within ourselves and others,” wrote Bass. Each module will take between 5 to 7 minutes with around 90 minutes spent overall. The letter says that the training is being offered to help make NCDOT “more welcoming and inclusive” in all areas of the department and to “encourage an enduring culture of respect in both on-duty and off-duty behaviors.” A.P. DILLON

NEA ranks state top in southeast funding metrics Raleigh The National Education Association, which is the N.C. Association of Educators’ (NCAE) parent organization, ranked North Carolina top in the Southeast on several major education funding metrics. According to the NEA, the state ranked No. 1 in the southeast in terms of increases in K-12 funding, increases in K-12 funding per student, increases in public school instructional staff salaries, and increases in teacher salaries. State Sen. Deanna Ballard (R-Watauga) said, “the facts speak for themselves: North Carolina Republicans are delivering for teachers and students in spite of obstruction from the far-left NCAE.” NSJ STAFF

Kenosha unrest causes $2M in damage to cityowned property Kenosha, Wis. Damage to city-owned property from violence that erupted over the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha is estimated at nearly $2 million so far, a city official said. The city’s public works director, Shelly Billingsley, provided the estimate to local leaders Monday night on what it would cost to replace garbage trucks, street lights and traffic signals, among other things that were destroyed or damaged in the unrest over the last week. Mayor John Antaramian has said the city will request $30 million in aid from the state to help rebuild in the aftermath of the unrest. Some of the city’s garbage trucks, which were parked downtown to provide security and limit movement by protesters, were set on fire during the demonstrations. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


Trump tours damage in Kenosha

President Donald Trump tours an area Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, that was damaged during demonstrations after a police officer shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis. At left is Attorney General William Barr and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.




NC moves into ‘Phase 2.5’ of path to reopening, Cooper announces Forest questions if decision is based on science or politics By Matt Mercer North State Journal RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper announced on Tuesday that some restrictions would be lifted at the end of the week as the state moves to “Phase 2.5.” Among the changes in the new “Phase 2.5” include slightly increasing mass gathering limits, moving indoor limits from 10 to 25 people, and outdoor limits from 25 to 50. Playgrounds, museums and gyms are now able to open with strict measures in place, although gyms are restricted to open at only 30% capacity. However, bars, night clubs, movie theaters, indoor entertainment venues and amusement parks are all ordered to remain closed. Worship, religious and spiritual gatherings, funeral ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, and other activities constituting the exercise of First Amendment rights are exempt from all the requirements of this Executive Order. “Safer at Home Phase 2.5 continues our state’s dimmer switch approach to easing some restrictions,” said Gov. Cooper. “We can do this safely only if we keep doing what we know works — wearing masks and social distancing. In fact, a new phase is exactly when we need to take this virus even more seriously.” N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen said, “As we take modest steps forward today, it’s important to remember that moving forward doesn’t mean letting up on slowing the spread of the virus. Our progress is fragile and we need to maintain focus on the 3Ws especially as we head into flu season.” In addition, Cohen issued a secretarial order allowing for outdoor visitation at nursing homes

“As we take modest steps forward today, it’s important to remember that moving forward doesn’t mean letting up on slowing the spread of the virus. Our progress is fragile and we need to maintain focus on the 3Ws especially as we head into flu season.” N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen or skilled nursing facilities. To participate, nursing homes must meet several requirements, including, but not limited to, not having a current outbreak, having a testing plan and updated written Infection Control or Preparedness plan for COVID-19, and having adequate personal protective equipment. The order is effective as of Sept. 4 at 5 p.m. and remains in effect through Sept. 22, 2020. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest blasted the latest move, asking in response to Cooper’s “Phase 2.5” if the decision is “based on science or politics?” “The science has shown for months that gyms, playgrounds and bowling alleys are safe. It must be the politics and polling that is changing with this new decision. The same holds true for other businesses and for schools. Other states have their businesses and schools open. It’s time for fear and panic to be replaced with hope and opportunity. It’s time for Gov. Cooper to actually protect the most vulnerable and give North Carolinians their freedoms and livelihoods back,” said Forest.

Gov Cooper announces $175 million for rent and utility payments in response to COVID shutdown By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper recently announced the release of $175 million to help North Carolinians pay their rent and utilities bills that have mounted due to the pandemic and subsequent shutdowns. “COVID-19 has strained family finances across North Carolina, and many people are struggling to make ends meet,” said Cooper in a statement. “People need a safe, stable place to call home, especially during this pandemic, and we must help keep people in their homes and keep their utilities on

while our economy recovers.” The money will be distributed through three programs that are “designed to work together to help people avoid eviction and pay their bills.” The programs include eviction prevention and utility payments, crisis response and housing stability, and local government funds. Around $94 million of the funding will be disbursed by the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) for eviction and utility payments. Money will be given to eligible community agencies to assist individuSee COOPER, page A2

Trump, Pence return to North Carolina this week By Matt Mercer North State Journal RALEIGH — President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are coming back to the Tar Heel state this week. President Trump’s Wednesday visit to Wilmington is set to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and to declare the city as the first World War II Heritage City. The President will meet with veterans, tour the Battleship North Carolina, and give remarks honoring the contributions of the city of Wilmington to the U.S. victory in World War II. Built in 1937, Battleship North Carolina was first commissioned on April 9, 1941 and took part in every major naval offensive in the Pacific area of operation, and earned 15 battle stars. After the war, the ship was used as a training vessel and finally decommissioned in 1947. The Battleship North Carolina found a permanent place in Wilmington as a war memorial. In March 2019, President Trump signed legislation directing the U.S. Secretary of the Interior to designate at least one city per year as an American World War II Heritage City. This will be President Trump’s 12th official visit to North Carolina. Vice President Pence is scheduled make two stops, first to visit a crisis pregnancy center in Raleigh as part of an event with pro-life activists at Christ Community Church. Sen. Thom Tillis, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, and NC Values Coali-

tion executive director Tami Fitzgerald are other notable guests. “Life is winning across the nation,” said SBA List president Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Communities across North Carolina are working hard to build up proSee TRUMP, page A2

North State Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2, 2020 North State Journal forfor Wednesday, September 2020


4.15.20 9.2.20 #228 #248

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Visit North State Journal online! RESTRICTIONS from page A1 staying on their properties if they are not year-round residents. A similar situation to Surf

City’s actions has arisen in Dare and Currituck counties, resulting in the filing of a federal lawsuit by six property owners whose permanent residences are in neighboring states. Law-enforcement checkpoints have been set up on roads leading into various towns TRUMP from page A1 and counties. town oftoBeaufort a lifeThe resources provide has for the chokepoint near I-70 to repel needs of mothers and their chilnon-residents. OneSBA needs val-aldren. Meanwhile, Listahas id formmade of government-issued IDto ready over 230,000 visits with Northa Carteret Carolina County voters, address, educating apeople COVID-19 Entry Pass issued about the stark differences by the town or documents provbetween candidates on abortion. ing you are to anthe essential In contrast Trumpworker adminor are performing an essential istration’s pro-life leadership, Joe service. Biden, Kamala Harris, and exOcracoke is also requiring tremist Democrats advocate abordocumentation in order to gain tion on demand through birth, entry to the town. paid for by taxpayers. Their agenpublic’s out useofofstep the with AtlandaThe is radically the tic Oceanofhas been banned by majority Americans who supAtlantic Beach, ground Salter Path, port common limitsIn-on dian Beach and Emerald Isle. In abortion.” a joint the towns The press vice release, president’s second said surfing, event “swimming, will be to accept thekitening,” and “non-motorized dorsement of the SouthernrecreStates ational water access” are all proPolice Benevolent Association. hibited. “President Trump and Vice Wrightsville President PenceBeach stand officials with law already closed beaches to the public but will now also be fining violators up to $500. If one includes court costs, the fine jumps to $650. COOPER A1 Officialsfrom in page Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro announced on April 8 that one person als with the only application andper disfamily will be allowed entry intoto bursement process. According any Children can only acthe stores. press statement, $28 million company nofederal other suitwill comethem from ifthe Comable person can watchBlock them.Grant munity Development week, Cooper issued The a — Last Coronavirus (CDBG-CV). new executive containing remaining $66 order million will come multiple layers ofAct new restricfrom the CARES Coronavirus tions the few retail stores still Reliefon Fund (CRF). allowed able and to remain open. Underorcrisis stability, $53 This newoforder begins atis5“desigp.m. million the funding April andthe runs for 30 days.Solunated13for Emergency According to executive order tions Grant-Coronavirus (ESG131, five people CV) only Program throughper the1,000 North square feetDepartment of retail spaceoforHealth 20% Carolina of fireHuman marshal Services posted occupanand (NCDHcy limits be inESG-CV a store atmoney one HS).” Thecan federal time. Markings must be placedor is for families who are homeless 6 feetface apart in areas where risk peo-of who a more immediate ple gather, like checkout lines, homelessness. andInformation stores mustabout observe cleanhow peoing measures. Additional recomple can apply for the NCORR promendations in the order include gram and the ESG-GV program plastic shields once at registers and will be shared the programs contact-free checkouts. have launched in the coming The according order overrides any loweeks, to the governor’s cal prohibitions news release. that set a differentLocal occupancy rate inwill order to governments see $28 maintain across thebe million in“uniformity” federal funding will state.” As with previadministered by Cooper’s the N.C. Departous executive orders, municipaliment of Commerce. These funds ties can enalsoand areindividual from thestores federal CDact evenprogram. stricter measures than BG-CV The funds will described in the new be administered by directives. incorporatThe North Carolina-based Fresh ed municipalities under 50,000 Market store chain, residents grocery and counties under starting 14, will require 200,000April residents that applyallto guests to wear a face-covering of participate. some sort.governments receiving Local


John 20:27-29 (KJV) The Second Sunday of Easter approaches, and Christians are reminded of the first their behavior or beliefs. is given freely and Paul warned the Galatians to the sins of the 27ItThen saith he to Following the eight-week series on Sunday following Christ’s resurrection. Jesus unconditionally. Paul described love in detail flesh (adultery, fornication, uncleanness, Thomas, Reach hither the parables of Matthew 13, we begin had met with most disciples to the Corinthians asthy patient and kind. Jesus lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, finger, and behold my a nine-week series on of theHis Fruit of the after Mary said in Matthew 5:44hands; that weand should love our Magdalene alerted them of His reach hither Spirit — ending the week prior to presence. variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, enemies, do good tothy them thatand hatethrust you, and hand, it election day. ourwith world seemswhen to Thomas wasAsnot them they met heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, pray for them which into persecute you. In be Mark, revellings) before announcing the Fruit of the my side: and not be consumed by problems caused or Jesus, and he said he would not believe in the Jesus said that lovingfaithless, the Lordbut andbelieving. loving your Spirit which begins with love (agape in Greek). exacerbated by people, Paul reminds resurrection until had seenthe the wounds of Agape love denotes goodwill that seeks And Thomas us that there are no he laws against neighbor as yourself28 were the greatest of the the crucifixion for himself. Fruit of the Spirit. commandments. answered and said unto the highest good for others, regardless of him, My Lord and my Eight days after the resurrection, Thomas God. 29 Jesus saith unto had his doubts removed when he saw Galatians him, Thomas,5:22-23 because Jesus and examined His wounds. While thou hast seen me, thou 22 Butbelieved: the fruitblessed of the are Jesus blessed those who believed in His hast Spirit is love, they that havejoy, not seen, resurrection based on faith, He nonetheless peace, and yetlongsuffering, have believed. was willing to prove Himself to Thomas. gentleness, goodness, Thomas had proven a devoted and loyal faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against disciple and Jesus did not condemn him for “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggio (c. 1601–1602, currently housed such there is no law. in Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany). his skepticism.

TRAFFIC from page A1 failed to produce results. In the meantime, some road and bridge projects already have been put on hold. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has slashed its expected construction projects from 131 down to 38 for the upcoming budget year, a $2 billion reduction. Ohio has delayed projects until next year on interstate highways in Columbus and Cincinnati because of the expected decline in fuel tax revenue. Faced with a budget shortfall, Missouri has postponed $46 million for 18 road and bridge projects that had been priorities for local governments. As many as 299 additional projects valued at $785 million could be at risk without federal help, McKenna said. Among the immediate deferments: a new highway interchange to provide direct access to the expanded Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains. The center’s hospital, physician and specialty clinics are among the area’s largest employers, serving about 40,000 patients in eight rural counties of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. The state had allotted more than $1.2 million to cover half the road construction costs. The other half was to come from local

transportation sales tax revenue, which also is down. “We were hoping to bid it out for construction very soon, but then COVID-19 and all that, so that timeline is kind of in the air,” said West Plains administrator Tom Stehn, a former state highway engineer. “It was a high priority for us.” Though ambulances are running as usual and detours are well-marked for visitors, “obviously that direct interchange would be nice,” said Daniel Marshall, chief clinical officer for the South Howell County Ambulance District. The city of Bend, Oregon, the nation’s seventh-fastest growing metropolitan area over the past decade, pulled a $190 million transportation bond off the May ballot. Supporters had concerns about pushing a property tax hike for roads, sidewalks and bike lanes while local businesses are suffering financially and many residents are without work. “They’re going to show up on voters’ day and just glance and think, `I’m not raising my taxes right now, no way!’” said Mike Riley, co-chairman of the Go Bend 2020 Coalition that supported the measure. “We’re going to come back to voters, but now just felt like the wrong time.” Most states have classified road construction as essential work that can continue despite orders

shutting down certain business- causing major traffic backups. Florida announced that it is aces. But some states have not. Washington, site of the first celerating work schedules by sevcoronavirus outbreak in the U.S., eral weeks on about $2 billion suspended work on 92 of its 100 worth of bridge and road projects. In Maryland, a westbound active highway projects as a result of a stay-at-home order for lane of the Chesapeake Bay most workers. The halted proj- Bridge near Annapolis recentects include major ones in Seattle ly re-opened to vehicles followand Spokane, as well as improve- ing repairs. The $27 million projments to an Interstate 90 pass ect was completed well ahead of through an avalanche-prone area schedule, partly because of light traffic amid the coronavirus panof the Cascade Mountains. Vermont’s entire $200 million demic. The declining traffic volumes road construction plan for 2020 is on hold, save for a $6 million have been especially large in some emergency repair where a storm of the nation’s most famously conwashed out part of the foundation gested metropolitan areas, such as the San Francisco Bay area. on Interstate 89. Business leaders in the region The longer the delay, the greater the likelihood that some proj- had hoped to put a 1 cent sales tax ects might not get finished this on the November ballot that could raise $100 billion over 40 years year. “Every project is sort of at risk for public transit and transporof running out of quality weather tation projects in a nine-county days to complete the work,” said region. But the coronavirus outJeremy Reed, construction engi- break interrupted work on state neer for the state’s transportation legislation needed to place the measure on the ballot. agency. It now could be 2022, or even Pennsylvania originally halted all road construction work. But 2024, before supporters can make push for a public vote on it has since allowed work to pro- another “Conversion on the John Grubb, ceed on 61 critical projects. About the measure, Way tosaid Damascus” officer of(cir. the Bay 800 road and bridge projects, at chief operating by Caravaggio Area Council, a business-backed $7 billion, remain on hold. 1600) is a painting in group. of the By contrast, some states have policy advocacy the collection “If we’re in Maria a poordel economy, taken advantage of a lull in trafSanta Popolo looks like we’reItaly. going to fic to speed up transportation which itchurch, Rome, be in, that would have been an projects. Construction crews have PUBLIC DOMAIN been able to shut down highway awful lot of stimulus and an awlanes during prime hours without ful lot of job creation,” he said.

enforcement officers and have received the endorsements of police associations from around Ameri“In contrast to the Trump WORSHIP from pagesupport. A1 ca because of their strong administration’s pro-life While Joe Biden and the radical Benham to anddefund others showed left threaten the po-up leadership, Joe Biden, theundermine Charlotte clinic after receivliceto and law and order, Kamala Harris, and ing callsTrump that theand police were there President Vice Presextremist Democrats demanding that the group’s ident Pence will always back memthe berssays leavea the area. When blue,” statement fromthey thereadvocate abortion on fused to leave, eight were given ciorganization. demand through birth, tations ofVice “violation of emergency Former President Joe prohibitions and restrictions” — a Biden and California Sen. Kamapaid for by taxpayers. Their Class 2 misdemeanor. la Harris have yet to announce agenda is radically out of “They’re saying there were any in-person campaign visits50 people there,” Benham said on to North Carolina. According to step with the majority of the discrepancy Biden’s campaign, hebetween is set tohis vis-acAmericans who support count andMinnesota, the “official” account. it Arizona, Pennsylcommon ground limits on “Justand look at the video. video vania, Wisconsin afterThe Labor ANDREW HARNIK | AP PHOTO shows clear evidence. It is a lie. It Day. abortion.” is wrong. The police department, Biden last campaigned in North Vice President Mike Pence waves before boarding Air Force Charlotte Observer, the mayor’s of- Two at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, Carolina during the Democratic SBA List president Marjorie fice — they’re all wrong.” primaries, speaking at Saint Au- N.C., Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, to travel back to Washington after Sen.University Ted Cruz (R-Texas), gustine’s in Raleigh on a speaking at the 2020 Republican National Convention. Dannenfelser Feb.friend 29. of Benham’s, tweeted out in support of him later the same day, calling the arrest unconstitutional ROBERT CLARK | NORTH STATE JOURNAL and saying, “Because elected Dems are pro-abortion, they are abusing Attendees of Northwood Temple Church in Fayeteville’s 2020 Easter drive-in service listen in on their power—in a one-sided way— their radios from inside their cars as Pastor John Hedgepeth delivers his sermon. to silence pregnancy counselors.” North Carolina also prohibited The report says that the toCruz also put a petition on his site tal reported arrearages increased evictions through Cooper’s execnion orders, sets, with ‘drive-in’ services.” which asks signatories to “Tell crimination against religious in- $15,296,410 as sealed well aswafers ordersand isover last month de- utive cupsby of juice, but Supreme had to callCourt’s off the very next day, reporting Wilming- sued Democratic Governor Roy Cooper stitutions and religious believers,” spiteThe the N.C. 52 fewer utilities plan to distribute after word tondata police that drive-in ser- Chief that if abortion is ‘essential’ then said Barr in a statement. “Thus, this Justice Cherithem Beasley. forposted this reporting period. the city.issued a memo “will not be considered a vi- from pregnancy services are essential, government may not impose spe- vices Beasley Utility providers reported “They said don’tplaced do communion, olation,” soresidential no legal action would on March too. Stop discriminating against cial restrictions on religious activi- “438,3814 15 that summacustomer and I’m a good man. Such I try to do be takenbecame against the churches, but ry ty that do not also apply to similar accounts people of faith!” evictions on hold. eviceligible for diswhatare theinstances mayor says,” Hedgepeth police still urged churches and tions U.S. Attorney General Wil- nonreligious activity.” where «crimiconnection due to“allnon-payment said. “We’reislaw-abiding. I wantput to houses worship to continue with nal “Where a state has not acted but liam Barr has received a flood of activity occurring which wereof not disconnected during do things way they and let virtual services, including for Eas- the complaints from religious people evenhandedly, it must have a com- the health,the safety, andsaid welfare of Reporting Period, compared them know we’re cooperating with ter.” 490,845 accounts reported others around the country who, like Ben- pelling reason to impose restric- with in danger.» The first time them.” mentioned eviction or In Fayetteville, ser- Cooper ham, believe their rights are being tions on places of worship and in June.” Residentialdrive-in customers Benham, though,was saidinhe will vices up were allowed, in andlate Northviolated by local and state govern- must ensure that those restrictions racked moratoriums execu$10,211,981 fees utility notorder be cooperating Charwood TempleinPentecostal are narrowly tailored to advance and ments. 124, with anwith end date of penalties addition toHolithe tive lotte’s17. demands for his group to ness Churchin had anfees Easter A tweet from Barr’s commu- its compelling interest,” said Barr. $41,506,489 late andservice pen- April stop outside at 10 reported a.m. Pastor Hedgepeth nications director, Kerri Kupec, “Religious institutions must not be alties Maycounseling 30, Cooperwomen issued ExecubyJohn providers bethe Order abortion clinic, even after the told NSJ the church the tive said, “During this sacred week for singled out for special burdens.” 142, stopping all evictween April 1 and Julypromoted 31. arrest, he believes commerthe city’s and was expectingsaw po- tions Drive-in church services have celebration many Americans, AG Barr is monforsince non-payment, Non-residential accounts requests violate thefor letter and spirtentiallyaccumulation hundreds of cars. ser- cial or itoring govt regulation of religious been another touchpoint in North similar residential, three weeks. of The penalof thestopped law. vice could on 92.7for FM services. While social distancing Carolina, especially during the ties late fees from acand feesbeofheard $1,395,041 theto Itit also AP PHOTO “Heck yeah course,” allow attendees to the cumulating policies are appropriate during Easter season. Wake County gov- reporting for we 21 are, daysofwith an periodto sing and along “contribBenham whethhymns inside the sanctuary ernment made clear that this emergency, they must be apdate said of when June asked 20. Tenants to played $5,406,026 in total be- end Gov. Roy Cooper gives an address in this undated file photo. drive- uting er hisgiven groupup is still present at that and listen Hedgepeth’s sermon were plied evenhandedly & not single in services would not be permit- tween to six months to April to 1 and July 31.” Utility clinic. stopped. from a raised platform all pay out religious orgs. Expect action ted. Some churches, like Plymouth providers off “We costshaven’t incurred duringEvery that reported thatoutside, 25,8654 day they’re open, there.” iswhile congregants remained acin- time. The Baptist Church in Raleigh, had non-residential DOJ week!” to pri- website same we’re day, Beasley customer at thefrom funds arenext “encouraged Benham said demand for aborside their vehicles. planned have a comes drive-inonservice Barr announced an order extending eviction became eligible for discon- sued The $175tomillion the counts oritizeOn theTuesday, money locally to help tion hasn’t slowed his “Other are not comopen. postponements but of were forced to cancel, re- nection that his officepay hadrent filed and a statement untildown, June and 21 with duechurches to non-payment utility providers in asthe their residents out- heels group offersserved a social service Theytoare goingreported to have it vid- no ported by Carolina Journal. in support a church infunds Missis- state evictions until Junethat 30. 28,700 inby June. facing bankruptcy as the re- pared standing utilityofbills.” These is federally because by online streaming, but I At Gov. Roy Cooper made to clear thetocity fined intercongre- sult of the time protected of Beasley’s May the 30 TheorCARES Act’s 120-day morunpaid bills allowed ac-in eo, cansippi also after be used support mothers are were offered housing assiswanted on to do it live,”expired Hedgepeth his executive reli- atorium $500 per distribution person for attendthere 9,000 pending evictions on order, under order two of121 thethat governetgants access, food as cumulate tance, child-care assistance, mentold25. NSJ. wanted to do it in a evictions. gious entities were subject to the July parking lottesting services. The“Imoratorium covered COVID-19 related executive welling as COVID-19 and Barr’s di- nor’s torship and much more. way they’ never done it. Drive-in. 10-person limitation. statement also noted that citizens orders, By Beasley’s June 29 order, exrenters in dfederal housing assis142 and 124. agnosis. “The the day deadline I was arrested, Drive-up. You can still be Thelatest Wilmington Depart- tance wereapplication permitted process to attend near- The again, while there programs or who liveprivate on a tending report Police in August The is now I was beingevictions cuffed, two mothers in your car.” put out a similar directive to property byfor drive-in restaurants, even with by ment 10,500 pending. In with a federally backed were the NC Utilities Commission open local governments to apchose to go the mobile ultraHedgepeth the mayoralso sent her July local churches April 7 onstatFace- mortgage. open. 24 onto order, eviction proThatsaid moratorium (NCUS) to the ongovernor, ply their for windows the Commerce-adminissound were unit and both of them rules for them to abidefrom by when they “prohibit any barred even Eligible in times local of emergensuspended againchose unproperty owners fil- cesses there saying are “1,092,262 residentered “But funding. gov- edbook, lifeAug. for 23. their kids and now they their service, convening thataccounts brings to- ing cy, when reasonable andfortempoOn Aug. 24,are Beasley newdid evictions againstincluding tenants til and or non-residential ernments wishing to apply the tialevent pluggedanother into our order mentorextending network,” how many feet apart the issued gether than an ten aggregate individuals for rary restrictions are program placed on past non-payment as welltoashave blockdue,more carrying Commerce CDBG-CV Benham said. “Two mothers so vehicles. Temple had eviction in one of place (indoor or outdoor) rights, the First and amount prohibitions again— to ownersNorthwood from charging any re$273,145,950 in cus-at ing should contact the Amendment N.C. Dept. of was it22. worth it for me? Absolutely.” purchased hundreds one time. This prohibition includes lated federal statutory dis- tomer non-payment fees.of commu- Sept. arrearages.” Commerce or visit law theprohibit agency’s

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


North Carolina ‘Principal of the Year’ named Kisha Clemons of NewtonConover schools is the new NC ‘Principal of the Year’ By A.P. Dillon North State Journal


State Treasurer Dale Folwell speaks at a Council of State meeting in Raleigh.

Folwell: NC pension plan valued at a record $108.1 billion NC is one of seven states with funding ratios over 80% By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — The N.C. pension plan set a record $108.1 billion in estimated market value last week, per State Treasurer Dale Folwell. According to a statement released by Folwell’s office, “the investment returns have shown sharp gains since the pension plan tumbled to an estimated $93.6 billion at the height of market volatility due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic lockdowns in March.” The statement additionally says that the current market value of North Carolina’s plan is more than $14.5 billion higher than the March figure and is $1.2 billion more than February 2020’s all-time high of $106.9 billion. As the ninth-largest public pension fund in the country, the North Carolina Retirement System is currently valued at

more than $107 billion. The system serves over 950,000 North Carolinians, including teachers, state employees, local governments, firefighters and police officers. According to a report by, pension plans may be negatively impacted by COVID-19 in two ways: The first is through financial losses keeping funds from earning their assumed rates of return and that will add unfunded liabilities; the other is the economic recession caused by lockdowns, which cause a reduction in tax revenue for state and local governments, putting pressure on their budgets while public health costs are increasing. Equable is a bipartisan nonprofit organization, based in Long Island City, New York, that monitors public pensions and helps educate policymakers and taxpayers about retirement stability. Moody’s Investors Service has estimated that U.S. Public Pension investment losses are climbing close to $1 trillion, but North Carolina’s retirement system has not suffered the same issues as other state plans.

As the ninth-largest public pension fund in the country, the North Carolina Retirement System is currently valued at more than $107 billion. The system serves over 950,000 North Carolinians, including teachers, state employees, local governments, firefighters and police officers. North Carolina is one of seven states with estimated funding ratios over 80%. North Carolina’s funded ratio stands at around 88%. Over the calendar year, the pension plan has increased 4% in value and, despite market volatility, increased 6.38% for the 2nd Quarter. Nationally, the report by Equable says that the average investment return for statewide retirement plans was negative 0.44% as of June 30.

Dozens of NC charter schools win grants to enroll and support more underserved students 34 schools will get grants to expand choice for disadvantaged students By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — North Carolina’s State Board of Education has approved grants that total $17.4 million to 34 charter schools to attract and enroll more underserved and disadvantaged students. The awards are part of the N.C. Department of Public Instruction’s Office of Charter Schools program, Advancing Charter Collaboration and Excellence for Student Success (ACCESS). One of the goals of the ACCESS Program is to create a “cohort of 160 charter school leaders who can develop and demonstrate best practices in serving educationally disadvantaged students.” The awards will be in the form of five-year grants between $300,000 to $900,000. The funding for the grants comes from $36.6 million awarded to the state through the U.S. Department of Education’s “Expanding Opportunities Through Quality Charter Schools Program.” The overall purpose of the program is to enable states to award subgrants to eligible applicants to expand opportunities for disadvantaged students at current charters and by opening new high-quality charter schools. “These funds will go directly to expand opportunities for low-income students to attend high-performing charter schools,” said Alex Quigley, chairman of the state’s Charter School Advisory Board in a statement. “Too often in our country, school choice has been limited to those that have the means to buy a house in a wealthy zip code or send their children to private school. The ACCESS Program will increase equity by expanding educational options for parents regardless of their race or income.” As of the opening of the 2020-


Parent's and teachers rally at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh in support of School Choice Week in this January 2018 file photo. 21 school year, there are 200 public charter schools in North Carolina. Charter schools differ from their traditional counterparts by being operated by independent non-profits and their boards, which grants the school flexibility in curriculum and budgetary areas. Public charters in North Carolina do get public dollars, but not as much as district schools. They also can’t charge tuition or discriminate in admissions. Unlike district schools, charters are required to hold a lottery for seats when and if there are more students applying than seats available. “I am proud of the commitment these high-quality charter schools have made to eliminate

barriers that would make it difficult for any of our students to attend their schools,” Dave Machado, head of the state Office of Charter Schools said. “The funds from this grant will go directly toward training leaders, developing transportation and nutrition plans, adding technology and resources, and much more.” Charter schools can accomplish such enrollment through weighted lotteries, school lunch programs and increased transportation options. Funds can also be used to attract and help retain disadvantaged students through teacher professional development and increased student access to technology.

RALEIGH — A Newton-Conover City School district principal has been named the 2020 Wells Fargo North Carolina Principal of the Year. Since 1984, 41 Principals of the Year and 264 regional recipients have been recognized for the award. Kisha Clemons, principal of Shuford Elementary School, was given the honor at an Aug. 28 luncheon at The Umstead, in Cary. Prior to becoming the principal at Shuford Elementary in 2016, Clemons was the principal of Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Elementary School in the Rowan-Salisbury School System for two years and spent five years as an assistant principal at Catawba and Mountain View elementary schools in Catawba County. During her initial year in education, Clemons was as a music teacher and band director in Beaufort County Schools. She also taught music and served as band director in middle schools for five years in Catawba County. “Kisha says visitors to Shuford Elementary see students who are learning, engaged and empowered, but underneath is what others don’t see,” State Superintendent Mark Johnson said at the awards presentation. “It’s the hard work, the persistence, the failure. It’s the jour-

The 2020 Wells Fargo Principal of the Year receives $3,000 for personal use and $3,000 for his or her school. ney.” The 2020 Wells Fargo Principal of the Year receives $3,000 for personal use and $3,000 for his or her school. Clemons will also receive professional development and resources supporting global awareness in the curriculum for their staff courtesy of Education First and resources to help combat child hunger from No Kid Hungry NC. In addition, she will receive a custom-made NC Principal of the Year signet ring and a complimentary two-night stay at the new Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown Chapel Hill-Carrboro. Clemons joins the 2020 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North Carolina Teacher of the Year Maureen Stover, a science teacher at Cumberland International Early College High School in Cumberland County Schools. Stover, who teaches science teacher at Cumberland International Early College High School, was named in July.

League of Conservation Voters’ accused of false, libelous claims in political mailer By David Larson North State Journal RALEIGH — A widely-distributed political mailer by Conservation Votes PAC, the political arm of the N.C. League of Conservation Voters, is receiving renewed heat after a second of its claims has been challenged. The piece attacks state Rep. Chris Humphrey (R-Lenoir), saying he “got to Raleigh and went hog wild with taxpayer money,” listing a few claims as proof. Earlier in August, the N.C. Republican House Caucus, of which Humphrey is a member, blasted the mailer, calling it defamatory and saying one of the claims, that Humphrey used his position as an elected official to secure “$50,000 in taxpayer money to go to a non-profit directly connected to his wife,” was simply false. The NCRHC countered the claim by saying, “Not only was Rep. Humphrey not elected at the time, he was not married at the time that S.B. 469 was introduced nor when it became law. Rep. Humphrey’s wife was not even affiliated with the Pride of Kinston, Inc. at those times and her connection to that organization is as an unpaid volunteer.” The caucus then demanded that the League of Conservation Voters “immediately and completely retract this advertisement as specified above, and to cease sending out any of the information including in their defamatory advertisements.” Humphrey said, “A full apology and retraction sent to the voters of Lenoir and Pitt Counties is more than warranted.” Now a second claim on the mailer has been called into question. Joe Stewart, vice president of government relations for the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, sent a letter on Aug. 10 to the LCV asking for clarification on another claim on the mailer, which accused Humphrey of “voting for pro insurance company legislation that would directly benefit his company’s bottom line.” “As the lead advocate for the nearly 8,000 members of the Independent Insurance Agents of NC (IIANC) who live and work in communities all across North Carolina, this claim really jumped out at me since I track legislation on insurance issues

“Not only was Rep. Humphrey not elected at the time, he was not married at the time that S.B. 469 was introduced nor when it became law. Rep. Humphrey’s wife was not even affiliated with the Pride of Kinston, Inc. at those times and her connection to that organization is as an unpaid volunteer.” NC Republican House Caucus

pretty closely for our organization and could not for the life of me think of what you would be referring to in leveling such a serious allegation,” Stewart said in the letter to LCV executive director Carrie Clark. Stewart said the bills which are listed are not ones that could benefit any agent’s “bottom line.” One was a bill sponsored by Democrats that was unrelated to insurance, and the other simply set the revenue rate for the Department of Insurance for that year. The second bill, HB 1080, was non-controversial and many politicians that the LCV endorsed also voted for or supported the bill, including Gov. Roy Cooper and almost all Democrat House and Senate members. “Whatever the exception is that your organization takes to Rep. Humphrey’s vote on HB 1080, there sure seem to be a lot of folks you’ve endorsed who supported it along with him,” Stewart said to conclude the letter. “So, the question that I hope you will answer is this: how exactly are HB 1030 and HB 1080 proof of the accusation you make against Representative Humphrey in this mailing?” NSJ reached out to the League of Conservation Voters but has not received a response by time to print. Stewart said they haven’t responded to his letter and he “would be surprised if they did.”

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Marking six months since NC’s first confirmed COVID-19 case



Jones & Blount

On March 3, 2020, the first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus was identified in North Carolina. As of Sept. 1 there are now over 160,000 cases, over 2,700 deaths, and daily life has come to a crawl as businesses, schools and churches have been forced to shut down.



0 Counties without a confirmed case



Counties with 0 reported deaths




Deaths in congregate living facilities

Contact tracers hired by NCDHHS



2,295,698 12001-21015 Number of tests completed 21015+ as of 09/02


Ashe County A county commissioner is charged with four counts of taking indecent liberties with a child, authorities said. Ashe County Commissioner Larry Dix, 69, was arrested Thursday by agents of the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation. The SBI said the alleged offenses happened between July 1, 2019, and June 19 of this year, but no additional details of the case were available. Dix was being held in the Alleghany County Jail with bond set at $200,000. It’s not known whether Dix has an attorney. AP

Asheville restaurant closes after nearly 7 years Buncombe County Jayson Im and his sister Kristina Im shut off the infrared tabletop grills and closed the doors to Korean House, which opened in January 2014. They’d been working long days, especially with no employees left to help them in the COVID-19 pandemic. Korean House remained open for takeout until mid-May, then closed until July 1. Im said after that, he and his sister took care of everything from prep to washing the dishes. They lasted just over a month, closing permanently in early August. AP







Number of people who have applied for unemployment benefits


Police arrest two for meth trafficking

County commissioner facing sex charges


RGA jumps into gubernatorial campaign

Caldwell County Michelle Lynn Sumlin, 30, and Keith Wayne Garland, 52, were both arrested and charged with trafficking in methamphetamine after the Caldwell County Sheriff’s I.C.E. Unit, assisted by Lenoir Police Narcotics Division, made a bust a week ago. Acting on a tip, police made a traffic stop and recovered 1.4 pounds of meth, worth $95,400 in street value. WBTV

Highway to remain closed after landslide Madison County A February landslide washed out a 300-foot stretch of Walnut Creek Road, forcing a 35mile detour. Six months later, repairs and cleanup continue, but officials say that the $3.5 million work will continue for several more months, at least. The detour affects 850 drivers a day. Rain has slowed the work, officials say. WLOS

State senator accused of breaking up aide’s marriage Alamance County State Sen. Rick Gunn, of Burlington, is the subject of a lawsuit filed by Wake County resident Arthur Johns, who accuses him of breaking up his marriage to the legislator’s aide. Johns’ lawsuit says Gunn’s interference in his two-decade-old marriage to legislative assistant Karen Johns and their subsequent relationship led to marital separation last year. Johns is suing under what are called the claims of alienation of affection and of criminal conversation, which is also known as adultery. Gunn announced last fall — months after the Johnses separated — that he wouldn’t seek reelection. AP

Randall Kenan dies: Author depicted black, gay life in prose Orange County Randall Kenan, an author whose stories explored the experience of being black and gay in the American South, has died. He was 57. The University of North Carolina, where Kenan taught as an English professor, confirmed his death on Saturday. Daniel Wallace, his friend and colleague at the university, said Kenan was found dead Friday at his home in Hillsborough, near Chapel Hill. Kenan grew up in North Carolina and attended UNC, receiving his undergraduate degree in 1985. He was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. AP

Officer cleared in shooting of man with BB gun in Raleigh Wake County Authorities say a Raleigh police officer acted lawfully when he shot Keith Collins six times while he was fleeing on foot with a BB gun. State law allows officers to use deadly force against what they consider imminent harm, making split-second decisions factors into what is reasonable. AP

Prison escapee who walked off job captured Guilford County A minimum-security inmate who walked away from a prison job assignment has been captured. Prison officials say Michael Lee Willis-Rockett was taken into custody Sunday after he was identified at a hotel in High Point. Officials say he was given away by his tattoos. Willis-Rockett, an inmate at Wake Correctional Center, walked away from his job assignment at the Department of Public Safety’s Correction Enterprise warehouse in Apex, where he loaded trucks. He has been serving a two-year sentence for identity theft and was scheduled for release in December. He’s now charged with escape. AP

EAST Patrol: Tesla Autopilot driver was watching movie, crashed Nash County A Tesla driver, whose car was on Autopilot mode, was watching a movie on his phone when he crashed into a sheriff’s deputy’s car. A state trooper and a Nash County deputy were on the side of U.S. Highway 64, responding to a previous crash, when the Tesla slammed into the deputy’s cruiser. The cruiser hit the trooper’s car, pushing the two officers to the ground. No one was hurt. Authorities charged Devainder Goli of Raleigh with violating the move-over law and watching television while operating a vehicle. AP

Florida investigators visit North Carolina in cold case Washington County Detectives from Florida have visited a North Carolina county to investigate a 1982 cold case. Chris Cassenari of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office said a woman’s body was found in a canal in River Beach, Florida, but it’s believed she is from Washington County. Authorities had a person of interest in the case, but investigators weren’t able to make a case. Detectives also found evidence of a long piece of hair inside the truck, but there was no DNA testing at the time. With current technology, investigators are trying to match the DNA.

By Matt Mercer North State Journal RALEIGH — The Republican Governors Association (RGA) will begin advertising in the race between Gov. NCDHHS Roy Cooper and Lt. Gov. Dan Forest this week in what is expected to be a boost for Forest’s campaign. The RGA, whose mission is electing and supporting Republican governors, is expected to launch a multi-milliondollar broadcast television campaign in the Charlotte and Raleigh television markets under the RGA’s Right Direction PAC. According to a spokesperson with the RGA, the organization is placing a $3.19 million ad buy boosting Forest in the Charlotte and Raleigh media markets.

Earlier this year, RGA executive director Dave Rexrode said of Forest, “Lt. Gov. Forest has a positive vision for the future that reflects North Carolina values, coupled with a proven track record of success in statewide elections. The RGA stands ready to support Dan Forest as he fights to bring principled, solution-oriented leadership to the governor’s office.” The Forest campaign held what it billed as a first of its kind digital rally on Sunday, featuring campaign supporters and appearances from Govs. Henry McMaster (SC), Kristi Noem (SD), Greg Abbott (TX), Doug Ducey (AZ) and former Govs. Nikki Haley and Scott Walker. Gov. Roy Cooper has spent over $7 million on ads already in the campaign.


Man sentenced to four years in prison for bank fraud scheme Craven County Jamal Watson, 42, has been sentenced to more than four years in prison for launching a bank fraud scheme to buy cars. Watson had just finished serving 10 years in prison for distribution of heroin and possession of a firearm by a felon. Prosecutors said Watson, his wife and a third person applied for loans to purchase 20 vehicles over one year. Watson and his wife provided fake Social Security numbers and employment information. Watson also provided a fake North Carolina driver’s license bearing a false Durham address. The court ordered Watson to pay restitution. AP


Dan Forest speaks at his campaign’s telethon and is joined by supporters, including Congressman Dan Bishop (R-09) at the Table Farmhouse Bakery in Asheboro on August 31, 2020.


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How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrop The 3 big questions nobody is

The most direct way to make China “pay”hope for this is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl they to disaster COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures aresuch understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will emerge out of this stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least half of their in 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe data and asking questioning when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basi dt we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay sa to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’ afterdown our own while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in look el I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, 15,that 2020 otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortableApril with this so-called ld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upp temporary ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied abo In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpar North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020 around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington are already about the possibility Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 the thing? That is what free citizens living in a free supposed Nottalking one little bit. North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 ain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific — we need to know w catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic health care workers out of his own home. through th An investment tax credit of 30% U.S. investment in China in debt we owe them asto one way toexperts get over. of China forgiving $1.2 trillion toon do,half lastof I checked. THIS WEEK, according members of the federal government, able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown or $60 applied China to “pay”isfor damage have caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey Matthews written under the begun pseudonym Siste which China today, lied about thebillion, origin of the to repatriated and state and local governments, Americans have flatten number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’retowilling worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at leastto $ investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected andinisthe a regular contributor outbreak. to RedState and Legal Insurrecti ad and tried to tell the world there were only worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After the curve novel coronavirus The excitement was of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious qu our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve back taxpanic, revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for— but real. Americans suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, ed to worldwide economic collapse and muted — after all, trends can easily reverse sources suggest1957 the number is dramatically underestimated, since toand thefinancial same lack of institutional to directly traced to China: “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets outlets. If the dollar decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up edlessly being thrown out of work. have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of th undertaking to save in our ownPerhaps economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected operate as responsible citizens of way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. U.S. at least $2.4 trillion added to stay at to home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, andtaxpayer Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant i past.backup liquidity to the COVID-19 theeasily world like any modern nation. publisher | Frank Hill,other senior opinion editor But what alsoNeal makesRobbins, me lose sleep is how most everyone has n Federal Reserve they’ve donned masks. actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion e China were has been cheating, stealing, pillaging American We need tlets. If the U.S. dollar not the reserveis The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. China’spirating and ofinidentified cases could be an from orderthe of magnitude lower than the China host Bentheir Shapiro Show” andand edi originated Wuhan Province probably completely hasofto“The pay for aberrant ways business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they e able to fund any of these emergency transparency According to the of Washington Institute for opinion Health ed Neal Robbins, publisher | financial Frank Hill, senior editor Neal Robbins, |wetFrank Hill,Some senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been com. unregulated andpublisher unsanitary markets. believe it came out oftested. aUniversity economic and means. Diplomacy has intend inflation to replaceand thecurrency U.S. asChernobyl. the premier superpower in the world and diate fear of rampant Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the and honesty Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor biowarfare lab run by the communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st c replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. administration, the expected need for hospital beds at from our Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and Trump regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes eir aberrant ways and decisions through peakhas outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of their food safety and health protocols, American business no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because scientific experts means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advanta — we need to vilized world of 21st century health, hygiene August by nearly 12,000. Jason for national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until know what they n communist regimes never take the blame Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key TORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS reliability concerns. adversaries push back. and remorse, because that is not what know, what they questions will allow the economy to reopen. The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is tothat offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens s do. They take advantage of every weakness First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is don’t and when U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that ev COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON nd keep pushing until they win or the important because it determines whether certain areas ought to theyThere hope to production back in the United States. is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissoluti open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a billion worth of American direct investment plantsbe and equipment in 1989. know what in they enous event happens such as the Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. experts believe that event, not the Star Wars ought to lock down further. comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking a irectly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union We’ve in seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe t number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerato today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated Americanthe manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused China’s Chernobyl. and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for need a Chinese “Jubilee”and to happe “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. in Concord New WITH MOST under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand thehave seriousness ofdied the virus and the n are already talking about the STATES possibility people actually of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in ta in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operation orders local orto state to take precautions, but I’mnumber uneasy has withbeen howoverestimated, people who simply ask illion in debt we owe thanks them astoone way get governments, a majority of Americans given that classification for cause decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, a minister began a pr having adjust to hold whatyour is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting back to mage they haveare caused thetoUS. Don’t ofenemies death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated as in the It is about time they are expected to operate working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some ofbut these extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in somesources circles with contempt. ese “Jubilee” to happen askorders your elected suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since past. themust world like any otherfrom modern nation. our re be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. as However, as aasChristian, husband These stories throughout Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though we a society simply accept without hina accountable in tangible financial ways for many people are dying at home. China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tellsmore us about when it’s we safehave to begin thehow many Americans Even importantly, no clue business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recentas coronavirus briefing process of returning back to normalcy. e expected to operate responsiblepress citizens of that “we just don’t know yet” if the actually haveand coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Lenten and intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, andcases we have the to ask when did modern nation.state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. of identified could beright an order ofthose magnitude lower than the replace theas dollar as the currency theirofrenminbi. For me, my reserve faith is an important part my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked to the questions. Andwith the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the and we number of people who have had coronavirus not been tested. ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting sel justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work evels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. | FRANK HILL can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer s what EDITORIAL reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spor itizens EDITORIAL mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to doRICHARD what we can to keep our families, gatherings, COLUMN | REP. HUDSON || FRANK HILL COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO EDITORIAL FRANK HILL this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many m the data. State Republican leaders have, too. servicesCOLUMN | BENourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue SHAPIRO church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a simply questioning the THING data andIS asking when we canthis startCOVID-19 getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not inlied anyabout way, the origin ONE CERTAIN; after virusa dissipates The cavalier manner inown which China the temporary In Concord, high school senior named Tanner used his celebration and pray we of can all continu last I to normal as though they conspiracy theorists are people who shape, or form. Sovirus, whilecovered we should remain vigilant and stay safe, atworld there around theare globe and in the Unitedor States, China will pay for this up its spread and tried to tell the were only WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 fallen into place. I understand the seriousness money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remaino sacrifices are sick. otherwise don’tcatastrophe care if they get themselves or others the same time we3,341 shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “neweconomic collapse and ed. North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 one way or another. related deaths has led to worldwide panic, ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME a prominent elected Democrat gave orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans know that it’s dangerous to blame ourselves for terrible problems that to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how p health care workers out of his own home. through this together. Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad normal.” THIS WEEK, totomembers of the federal government, That wouldmean mean that over. caused THIS WEEK,according according ofTHE the federal government, That would that tht “THIS IS DAY the lord hasworld made, let rejoice and be glad In order to put the in crisis by China inadjust perspective, zero millions ofmembers Americans needlessly being thrown out of us work. around the globe and the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the there were only a full-throated, unequivocal statement of support for the United States are having to to what is being called the “new normal.” we did not cause. questions about the data, and when things can of the thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed and Notand one little bit. state local governments, Americans have begun flatten suggested, evenififthe thetra tr and state and local governments, Americans have begun to topanic, flatten suggested, indeaths (Psalm 118:24). worldwide trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in even added catastrophe one way or can another. 3,341 related has led to worldwide economic collapse and of America?pandemics Some of these orders extend atin least through theunderstand end ofit” this month. “They just as the distinguished French writer, Jean normal are treated in some circles with contem to do, last I checked. were only the curve the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are w tand the seriousness of the virus and thetoneed the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement wasbackup what are we Iunderstands know that during this challenging time ofSecondly, social distancing, our history. At pains least four inthat the America 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve liquidity the In231-year order put the crisis caused by China infamily. perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. President Obama took tocourse, say is not “exceptional” Virginia’s stay-at-home orders goafter into June. Francois Revel, the dangers ofSister endless selfcriticism and They’re treated as though we to as a society My first concern as we go along in all this, of is my I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Toldjah collapse and muted — all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s modelsim sim m uneasy with how people who simply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model sim working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve during his apology tours around the globe. Every speech at the Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during self-denigration. question what the government tells us about wh worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. have abided by and orders. They’ve left their predict howmany manypeople peop and when things can start getting back tohistory. have abided byrecommendations recommendations and orders. They’ve left jobs predict how be glad” the Bible tells usfeels to do. However, asto a Christian, our At2002 least fourabesides in the 20th century can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve liquidity to the “Russian and theConvention, SARS outbreak. There isalone evidence thatthat the currency, we would be able to fund any of these emergency Perhaps National attacking President Trump, recent coronavirus press briefing “we just don’t know yet”as the “He wrote: ‘Clearly, aifnot civilization that guilty forback everything it is husban process ofbackup returning normalcy. fromDemocratic the 231-year H1N1 flu” virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, in added to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem me circles withsuffering contempt. to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many most important problem and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much directly to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong 1977 markets outlets.and If the U.S. dollar were not theand reserve massive 1918 “Spanish pandemic also had itsargued origins China. measures without fear ofThe rampant inflation currency denigrated theSince history offlu” America and essentially forinflu,” replacing it into state’s orders will extend May. and doesand will financial lack the immediate energy conviction to defend itself.’” No. government works for us, and wewe ha when did I’ve been trying toaccept taketraced extra precautions, because all ofstay-at-home this brings up to we theasCOVID-19 they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means gh a civilization society simply must without they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this globaw A “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. Perhaps with some form of socialism. If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the It used to be that America could depend on moderate-to-conservative questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders way too many of aquestioning painful experience I’dWe prefer not to repeat. The need We need ement reserve tells us about when it’smemories safe to begin the result: a areduction ininwithout expected hospitalization death. in the the fall.And Andthat thatmea me The result: reduction expected hospitalization and in fall. Lenten and is China’s pandemic. massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic alsoeveryone had itsthe origins in China. measures fear of and rampant inflation and currency that feels originated inlose Wuhan Province probably from completely has to immediate pay their aberrant ways and decisions through Or worse. justification for it.has And the answers should not China be vague ones likefor “we Democrats, mostly Southern Democrats, to speak mature wisdom country, and the stricter some of them get in st COVID-19 But what also makes me sleep is how easily most ncy to normalcy. transparency transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for lockdowns for large swat According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swa For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decisio Easter seasons government Neal Robbins, publisher | financial Frank Hill, senior opinion editor There is 100% agreement, outside of do China, thatfor COVID-19 depreciation. Chernobyl. Joe Biden has yet to talk about positive vision America other this out of an abundance of caution.” unregulated and unsanitary wetamust markets. Some believe it came out of a to their more and liberal Democratic colleagues. Hardly any Blue Dog theDiplomacy more people, sitting at home feeling isolated economic means. has obviously not worked guilty is China’s orks for us, andfor we have the right to askin those currency Metrics and Evaluation model most oftAs cited by members members testing and contact Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by ofand the testing and contact trac making. I to celebrated with my family, I reflected ontheir 2traci and honesty and honesty originated Wuhan Province probably from the completely has to pay for their aberrant ways through Neal publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor provide a China at all levels than heRobbins, will be arun nice guy who will “bring people together.” What about It will need to be explained in detail to Democrats the people of this state who exist anymore serve asworld aEaster ballast todecisions the extremist far left when they can get back tohealth, providing for fa biowarfare lab by the communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized of 21st century hygiene everything is in place stay-at-home ordersitare all over the Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds to isolate those who are m Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our Chernobyl. unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked from our from our saying, “Thank God we have individual freedoms in America unlike any are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined leaders such as Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala answers. message of Until China adoptsarigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame become some get inwill states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third roughof them affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number Which raises the thir and does biowarfare lab by and the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into civilized world of 21st health, hygiene scientific experts other nation on run earth, weprotocols, should be forever thankful for them”? amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Harris, who are the the real leaders of the Socialist Democratic Party, not should b Leaders atcentury the local and state levels foodabout safety and health American business has nohope other or13,000 express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what scientific experts that will bad thing? t home feeling isolated and/ortheir anxious ventilators bynearly nearly and thenumber number ofoverall overall deaths bywe we capable of worked affliction, withcommunist the comfort whichthose ourselves areblame comforted byout ventilators by 13,000 and the of deaths we capable ofrolling rolling ou Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian regimes never take the lack the energy That would be a nice start. are reliable. Joe Biden. can be with answers — and again, not va choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every — weakness — we need to — we need to once again enjoy oh,providing will demand August by nearly 12,000. months and compellin God.” hygiene for their families,their August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelli That is what food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what People seem to think the recent “Blame America First!” crowd To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then Historical revisionists try to lay blame on the Founders of America with details that give their statements believab for national security and safety reasons as what well as supply and delivery they indon’t adversaries and keep pushing until theyvirus winisortransmittable the and conviction know they Here’s the problem: Wefind still know the answers toadvantage the key key wh sporting events, know what they If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge to also he blame Here’s the We still don’t know the to the virus isyou transmittable choice than tofree build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do.isanswers They take of today: every weakness citizens leading theconcerns. modern Socialist Democratic Party new to the American mandated thatis we do, but along the problem: way I’ve also had questions about for virtually everything that wrong about America racism, We should all continue to do what we can tow reliability adversaries push back. to defend dhat state levels should be as forthcoming as they know, what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing s reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out concerts, family what they questions that willtoo. allow the economy to reopen. a climate contact tracing forThe national security as well asRepublican supply andleaders delivery they find inis, adversaries and keep insurance pushing until wincreate or theChernobyl political scene. theknow, data. State have, income inequality, private health probably global ourselves, andthey our communities safe. But we sh living way inand a free most direct tosafety makereasons China “pay” for this disaster is towhat offer That unless an exogenous event happens such as the s — and again, not vague answers, but answer First, is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during don’t and when itself. weakness reliability concerns. adversaries back. First, what isofthe true coronavirus fatality rate? leaders This question isaboutare we willing to submi gatherings, and when They wrong. have always been elements of the Democratic Unfortunately, when certain types questions get push asked, there is What change while they are at it. of the Democratic Party to ask questions the data, because while taxare credits toThere companies whodon’t will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars society r statements believability. U.S. important becauseitThat it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing isis certain: this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I also amT the Thethat most direct waywere tothe make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl they hope to important because determines whether certain areas ought to One thing certain: Party have defamed United States of America for a myriad of sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those have never done in recent memory is paint a positive portrait of what measures are understandable, they should church services theyThere hope to production back in the United States. is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly toout thestyle dissolution of thestronger Sovietare Union to do what we can to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden — a Americans not going confident we will emerge of this pandemic than ever. supposed U.S.and tax imperfections credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, the the Starmost Wars be open closed, whether we ought toinpursue — Sweden style — atonot Americans are not goin know what they sins — domestic and foreign. questioning the data andorasking when can start getting back it means to be living the freest, the most prosperous and This is all new Americans, and it is not no and many more billion worth of American directsimply investment in plants and equipment inwe 1989. know what they unities safe. But we still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether they certainly will not do Sponsored by should also In this same spirit, Iwhose continue towe be inspired by stories of production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union hernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not d to do, last I What they always fail to do is to put their criticism of American to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who generous country in world history, ideals have released millions shape, or form. So while we should remain vigi don’t. in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by after our own Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. eStar data, because while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics ro don’t. neighbors helping neighbors. billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. Wars ought to lock down further. especially as statistics r democratic republicanism in proper context, that is, vis-à-vis all the otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. of people around the globe from servitude and oppression. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable wit checked. comparison. Senators in are already talking about the possibility able, they should also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — Washington the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of dea temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own in China. Chinese direct investment in thewhen U.S. and is about $65 billion bycase Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. viet Union other forms of government that haveSince been tried failed over the did questioning government at all levels become aisbad Perhaps the most troubling aspect is that traditional mainstream normal.” We’ve seen fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates into terms of de North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way get icans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for sacrifices are comparison. Senators inwere Washington are talking about possibility years, as Winston Churchill observed. thing? That is what free citizens living in Democrats a free society supposed have been proud of already America over the years and supporteddamage. W Not one little bit. the the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your we should remain vigilant andtoday, stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we n health care workers out of his own home. An investment taxReagan’s credit ofSecretary 30% of U.S. investment indenominator China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debthow we owe them and as one way toexperts get over. our President Ronald of State Jeanne Kirkpatrick, toon do,half last I checked. form of government and freedom through thick thin. andbillion the are likely wrong. We don’t know many scientific — we n’t get comfortable with this so-called “new investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hop or $60addressed billion, applied to repatriated China toofthose “pay” damage they havesuggest caused thehas US. Don’t hold your atoday, Democrat, the 1984 GOP in San Diego and in MyConvention first American concern asmanufacturing we go along all this, of course, isfor mythe family. I’m sources Today, same moderate Democrats are afraid to also speak up inwhen Stacey Matthews written under the hop pse ssibility people have actually died coronavirus. Some the don’t and number beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and tax revenue spread over a fewcost years. $18 billion in lost revenue ishas representatives toChinese hold China accountable inbut tangible financial waysthey for investment to the U.S. would the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a “Jubilee” to happen ask your elected excoriated the 1984 Democrats, including then-Sen. Joe Biden, for worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After defense of American foreign policy, freedom, capitalism and family and is a regular contributor to RedState and L way to get number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and ofwe death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some financial they need to start answe decimal dust compared to theyears. $6suffering trillion+ Marshall Plan are now this disaster. tax revenue spread over a few $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible ways for being on the wrong side of foreign policy issues around the globe, with from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, values for fear of being marginalized by the socialists who run their n’t hold your ofenemies death, particularly among elderly patients,underestimated, can be variable.since Some they start sources suggest number is dramatically to theneed sameto lack of answ instit undertaking to save ourtoown economy, not of defeated as in thethe Ittoday. is all about time they up are expected to operate as responsible citizens of decimal dust compared the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we areprecautions, now this disaster. these excerpts: I’ve been trying to take extra because of this brings party ur elected sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of insti o written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply past. the world like any other modern nation. undertaking save oursent own not defeated enemies as in the It isatabout timenot they are expected operate as marginalized. responsible citizens of deeply “When our to Marines, toeconomy, Lebanon onmany aofmultinational way too memories of a people painful experience I’home. dtoprefer to repeat. Earth moderate Democrats: Youtoare already You seem cial ways for many are dying institutions tor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we no clue how many Americans China has been cheating, and pillaging American past. theeasily world likehave any other modern nation. peacekeeping mission with thestealing, consent of the also United States Congress, Butpirating what makes me lose sleepimportantly, is how most everyone has might as we well speak for the ideals of America you support or leave Even more have noup clue how many Americans actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a gra business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American were murdered in their sleep, the ‘blame America first crowd’ didn’t your beloved Democratic Party. Because it has already left you. le citizens of actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36,Shapiro is a gr of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben intendthe tonow replace the U.S. asyears. the premier superpower in the the world and business for the past 30 They have made no secret that they blame terrorists who murdered the Marines; they blamed Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapir number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. replaceStates. dollarthe as U.S. the reserve currency with theirinrenminbi. intend tothe replace as the premier superpower the world and United number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. replace dollar dictators as the reserve their renminbi. “Whenthe Marxist shootcurrency their waywith to power in Central America, the San Francisco Democrats don’t blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies; they blame United States policies of 100 years ago. “But then, they always blame America first. The American people Jason EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS


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s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter

It’s okay to ask questions about when How Chinawe will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe to get back to normal Democrats blame America first The comfort and hope of Eas How China always willbegin payThe for this COVID-19 catastrophe 3 big questions nobody is answerin answeri The 3 big questions




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It’s to ask ask questions questionsabout aboutwhen when It’s okay okay to The comfort and hope of Easter we begin to get back to normal Things I learned from my family’s battle with COVID-19 we begin to get back to normal The comfort and hope of Easter ina will payThe for this 3 bigCOVID-19 questionscatastrophe nobody is answering


COVID-19 HIT MY FAMILY a Mack truck on Aug. category due to age and multiple underlying conditions. WITH MOST STATES under like either shelter-in-place or 14. stay-at-home fallen place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need “THIS IS THEfallen DAY theinto lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Hydromer Inc. in Con WITH MOSTfirst STATES underwere eitherdry shelter-in-place stay-at-home into place. I understand seriousness the virus and the need E THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus My thanks mother’s symptoms coughing. Theor onset was slow, The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the We’ve fought the virus asI’m best we could, using OTC meds like Tylenol orders to local ordissipates state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but uneasy with how people who simply ask in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching orders thanks to think local or state governments, a majority Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people simply THIS WEEK, according toofmembers theand federal government, That would mean that thewho fatality rateask is actually fart “THIS ISofTHE DAY the lord hasworld made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Co which made she was withvirus, the cough she and cough syrup as necessary per the doctor’s office. My dad was nd the globe and in the United States, China will to pay for this covered up its spread tried to tell the there were only are having to us adjust what isdealing being called theoccasional “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting backInc. to ainmini I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, having tohas. adjust to what being called thegovernments, “new normal.” questions the data, andcollapse when things getting back toare andishad state and local Americans have begun about topanic, flatten suggested, even thestart transmission is high. indeaths it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury switching sometimes My dad also aleast cough, but he assumed itthis was from hospitalized briefly lastinweek but only for aifcan few days in order torate get trophe one way or another. are 3,341 related has led to worldwide and Someof ofthese theseorders orders extend atleast through the end of month. normal are treated some circles with contempt. working from home or losing awas job,economic it may becircles difficult to “rejoice andexpecting seniorsin throughout Some extend at through the end of this month. normal are treated in some with contempt. nd the need the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement Secondly, what are we terms of aCum seco I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, min allergies another ongoing issue he’s dealtofwith for several dialysis treatments and some rest. order to put the crisis causedVirginia’s by Chinaand in perspective, zero health millions Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from thr Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without mply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. working from home or losing awhat job, it may be difficult “rejoice and seniors throughout Cum years now. The biggest lesson we learned is tells toto listen to your body. Ifsafe it’s telling wide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, United States over Gov.The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Here in North Democratic Roy Cooper stated during question the government us about when it’s to begin the and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and suT in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what thejobs government tells usfeel about when it’swill safedie to in begin the from back tohistory. At least four inHere have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve their predict how many people a stories second wave. be as the Bible tells us to do. However, asto aIf Christian, These th My started Monday seventeenth. I trillions was soglad” fatigued I Federal you to left slow down, slow down. you youhusband have symptoms, schedule 31-year the symptoms 20th century alone can be the debt plus more in Reserve backup liquidity to the a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back normalcy. have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front line a could recentbarely coronavirus press that “wethey’ve just don’t know yet” if the the process of test returning back to normalcy. tobriefing stay 1977 atwas home; practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain t get out of the bed. It hard to wake up. My coughing a COVID with a drive-up clinic, or get a referral from your doctor and dad, Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and su tly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve Lenten and state’s stay-at-home stay-at-homeorders orderswill willextend extend intoMay. May. No. The government works forand us, and we have the While right topeople ask those pandemic. through The biggest Since when did state’s into No. The government works for us, we have the right to ask those ept without Since when did they’ve donned seasonal, which means we areworkers likely toonsee did notdoes start until later in thethat week, itmasks. was a very mild cough. to get tested as soon as you can. Don’t wait. have to to be thankful for, even in the midst this global themore frontseri linh ian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There isto evidence thebut currency, we would bemy able toand fund any of these emergency If he he decide toextend extend questions should asked as the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place allinitiatives over the For me, faith is anhopeful important part of my daily lifeofand decision I am glad we Easter seasons If decide it,it, questions should bebe asked as to not the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the lesson we Wedoes need questioning ovebegin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will be faced with eith Lenten and Mom’s coughing picked up considerably throughout the week. Dad’s Eat food and drink fluids like your life depends on them, because it pandemic. While people through questioning 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also hadfor itsit. origins in answers China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation andsome currency making. As I celebrated Easter my family, reflected on 2in states, Protection Program, are justification for it.And Andthe the answersshould should not vague ones like “we country, and the stricter of them getstates, such as Michigan, justification not vague “we country, and thewith stricter ofI them getlarge in such Michigan, provide abebe learned is to outside transparency stayed the same, but it was a prettyEaster intense cough. Again, notlike unusual does. We were hungry more last week than we had been in ages. We According to theseasons University ofones Washington Institute Health lockdowns for swaths ofhelping the population, withwe w For me, my faith isthe anfor important part ofsome my daily life and decision I as am glad initiatives government ere is 100% agreement, of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. government Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our small businesses must do this out of an abundance of caution.” more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting using attesting home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of model at all for him to have that kind of cough, but with mom, him, and me knew it was our bodies the food as energy to fight the virus. o ask those Metrics and Evaluation most oft cited by members of the and contact tracing, or with the realization th making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, ar and honesty listen to your nated in at Wuhan Province probably from the completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through provide a people affliction, so that wewhen may becan able comfort those who any relief will soon reach fam It will will need tobe beexplained explainedinindetail detail the people of this state who they can get back to providing forintheir families, will demand at all all levels levels It need to totothe ofleast this state when they getto back toto providing forare their families, will all suffering from various symptoms that at thewe very were awho cold, Wereminds tried to as much as possible, because trying tohelping dodemand too small much hope that will all over and the Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds atrest isolate those who are most vulnerable and let Corinthians 1:4, which us our Lord “comforts us in all our businesse ulated unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked from our affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working onever com body. If it’s are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. are being told to remainCOVID jobless tests. andmessage at home of for an undetermined answers. become become a mom and I scheduled was self-defeating. Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can once again enjoy affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach arfare labtelling run byyou thetocommunist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene God.” we can defeat the corona scientific amount oftime time why modelspredicting predicting hundreds thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should as forthcoming as they fa amount of hundreds ofof thousands ofboth cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be asbe forthcoming as they hope that we13,000 will I found out experts Iwhy wasmodels positive that Sunday, as did mom. We were We also learned that doing temperature checks is NOT a reliable bad thing? ious about ventilators by nearly and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of testsonove bad thing? affliction, thecan comfort which we ourselves areblame comforted by vague continue working co til China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of sporting If you with are celebrating the Easter season, I—urge you to also whole. andevents, fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not answers, but answer are reliable. be with those answers and again, not vague answers, but answer — we need to slow down, slow devastated because we were the ones who did everything we knew to indicator for whether someone has the coronavirus. Neither mom, dad, once again enjoy demand August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests regula God.” we can defeat the coron That is That is what reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the Lenten food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what concerts, family Toright. date,I’ve I’vegone gone alongwith withwhat whatthe thestate state has asked and then with details their statements believability. To date, has asked and then with thatthat giveagive their statements believability. be nor Idetails have ever had fever know what theyalong Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers toadvantage the key down. Ifredundant you virus isyou transmittable while carriers are sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I throughout urge tothis. also whole. God’s example and comfort allall those in every need around us during hope that weasymptoma will once a e than tofree build manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take of weakness free citizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should continue to do what we can to keep ourwhich families, citizens gatherings, mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, We worewhat masks when questions we were inthat the car together. We socialAs of this writing, we appear to be on the mend, for we are ming as they know, they will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Ame reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the Lente concerts, family this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church servi feel you have tional security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the the data. Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and ourour communities safe. But we should also still the data.State State Republican leaders have, ourselves, and communities safe. But we should also continue still we continue church living in in a free living distanced in the house as best wewhat could with beingcoronavirus caregivers for immensely thankful to God. But it has been quite the battle, and but answer First, is the true fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once don’t and when confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifice ility concerns. adversaries push back. gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of getget asked, there is is to ask questions about the fatigue data, because while reasonable stay-at-home symptoms, Unfortunately, when certain types ofquestions questions asked, there to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home a my dad. We wiped down everything we bought into the house with continue to struggle with and tiredness. We’re still coughing, and many more society were society important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as th this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. e most direct way to “pay”hope this is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl they to disaster sometimes afor tendency among some people toand treat those measures are understandable, theythey should also also havehave an expiration date. sometimes adisturbing disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, should an expiration date.serv church services schedule a make China anti-bacterial wipes. We washed our hands religiously used hand too, but it’s not as persistent. after our own milies, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on supposed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebr confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrific supposed ax credits to companies whosimply willknow source athand least half ofwhen their meltdown in 1986. Some experts This believe that the Star Wars questioning the data and when wewe can start getting back is all new to Americans, and itlisten is it not Not in any way, what they simply questioning the data andasking asking when can start getting back This is allevent, new tonot Americans, and istonormal. not normal. Not in any way, sanitizer and wipes we couldn’t wash our hands. We I can’t stress enough forthey people to their bodies and get and many more COVID test. ll continue temporary more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evol In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. to do, do, lastUnited to normal as they conspiracy theorists oror areare people who shape, form. So while weSoviet should remain vigilant and stay at at uction back in the States. There isthough approximately program of Reagan, led directly toshape, theor ofwhile the Union to last II toLysoled normal as though theyare are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should remain and safe, stay safe, the house periodically and wiped down surfaces. tested ifdissolution they think they’ve come down with thevigilant coronavirus. It’s better don’t. after our own tay-at-home ought to lock down further. statistics in that look like theguidelin lower money tohelping buy a 3-D printer andwe plastic to especially make face as shields for roll necessary safety neighbors neighbors. sacrifices are sick. I wish everyone celeb otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others the same time shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new n worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. checked. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called Mom’s and dad’s only trips out of the house the last few months to know as soon as possible, not just for your health but also for the “new iration date. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estim temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we Since when questioning government all levels become a bad ina. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about billion byover. atat Perhaps COVID-19 isbad China’snormal.” Chernobyl. Since when did questioning government all levels become aget normal.” have been to did take him $65 to dialysis treatments three times a week, health of those around you. North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and hon to buy aare 3-D printer and plastic face shields for necessary safety guidel thing? That citizens inina a free society were supposed Not one little bit. sacrifices are arison. Senators inmoney Washington already talking about themake possibility thing? Thatisiswhat whatfree freedrugstore citizensliving living free society were supposed Not one little prescriptions from the drive-thru, and sometimes popping safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know health care workers out of his own home. this together. to do, last I checked. investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way to get over. local food drive-thrus. Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonymthrough Sister Toldjah tobydo, lastfast I checked. led “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. My concern as we along ininallallthis, ofof course, is is my family. I’mI’m they Stacey has also written under the SisterSister Toldjah , or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage have causedcontributor thehas US.also Don’t hold your Myfirst trips out were same. and is Matthews a regular to RedState andpseudonym Legal Insurrection. My first concern asmuch wego gothe along this, course, my family. Stacey Matthews written under the pseudonym Toldjah number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and Insurrection. we’re willing to follow their about catching the and I’m worried I will. and is ais contributor to RedState and and Legal tment to the U.S. would costworried theBut U.S. Treasury $18 billion in virus, breath waiting for aAfter Chinese toregular but ask your elected short ofthem wrapping yourself in bubble-wrap and not worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried Ileaving will. After “Jubilee” and ahappen regular contributor to RedState Legal Insurrection. of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or th suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, venue spread over a few years. $18house billion lost revenue is(swine representatives topandemic, hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for your forin months atvirus a time, thereflu) is no way you fully protect suffering from the H1N1 during thecan 2009 sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up to the same lack of institutional faith to which all oth mal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Planthe we coronavirus. areprecautions, now this disaster. yourself from been Marshall tryingcatching to take extra because all of this brings up ter Toldjah way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. dad the test two and found out he time wasnot positive rtaking to save our own economy, not oftook defeated enemies as later in the It is about they expected to operate as responsible citizens of wayMy too many memories of adays painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. what also makes me lose sleep is how easily everyone ction. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans asBut well. This was especially scary because he isworld inmost the highest riskhas the like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvar na has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief o ess now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. d to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and ce the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.

north STA

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Wilmington and North Carolina’s battleship have earned their national praise THE DAY BEFORE THE ATTACK on Pearl Harbor, the people of Wilmington crowded the banks of the Cape Fear River to celebrate the launch of the city’s first ship of the war effort. Over the next four years, Wilmington would become a major hub in our fight for freedom. Everything from Liberty ships to new recruits passed through the Port City on the way to the battlefield. This week, that legacy was rightfully given national praise. Aboard the Battleship North Carolina, President Trump announced that Wilmington has now become the first American World War II Heritage City in the country. This historic designation was possible thanks to the hard work of our congressional delegation, who helped usher the program into law last year. Wilmington is certainly worthy of this national recognition. The people of North Carolina — and Wilmington in particular — have always risen to the challenge of defending America when we needed it most. Wilmington served as a training center for each branch of the U.S. military, and maintained three prisoner-of-war camps during World War II. The city’s North Carolina Shipbuilding Company built a total

President Trump announced that Wilmington has now become the first American World War II Heritage City in the country.

of 243 ships in just five years as America defended freedom in Europe and the Pacific. More than 24,000 people from southeastern North Carolina came together to accomplish that monumental feat. Once the war was won, the people of North Carolina came together again to honor those efforts. In the 1960s, schoolchildren from across the state saved up their nickels and dimes to raise the money to give the U.S.S. North Carolina its permanent home. Today, the Battleship North Carolina is a crown jewel of our state, visited by tens of thousands from across North Carolina — reminding them of the crucial role that Wilmington has served in the defense of freedom. For generations, the U.S. military has been a blessing to the great state of North Carolina. We are proud to be home to nearly 100,000 active duty military members across our bases and 670,000 veterans. I thank President Trump and U.S. secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt for honoring all of them and the brave men and women who served before them.

week earlier. The range of ethnic diversity was beyond anything any prior Republican convention had achieved. The number of everyday Americans — from lobstermen, farmers, industrial workers, small business owners, and police officials — was dramatically larger than any former Republican convention. The number of African American speakers who repudiated Democratic attacks alleging the president is a racist — and championed his policies as having helped minority communities — was compelling. I think we will see significant support for the president in November because of it. Throughout the convention, the Trump children did a great job of personalizing their father and recognizing his accomplishments. Ivanka Trump perfectly set the stage for his acceptance speech. Finally, the president’s speech was more like a State of the Union than a traditional rah-rah convention speech. I think this made it more effective in the long run. This was an incumbent president sharing with the American people his understanding of what had been accomplished, what was worth fighting for, and what he would accomplish if re-elected. It was a serious, adult speech. What some reporters thought was flat or uninspiring I thought was Eisenhower-like in its calm, common sense language. This was a controlled, serious, thoughtful, and eminently presidential Trump — exactly what his critics had called for over the last three-and-a-half years. It confused them when they actually experienced it. Karl Rove did a great job analyzing the 74-minute speech on Fox: “He went after Biden, but out of the 5,000 words, 564 are divided and devoted to going after the Democrats — 10% of the speech. So you know, [it was] a relatively small portion of it, though it was effectively written and grabbed our attention. Interestingly enough, the second term agenda was 401 words. That was 7%. The biggest part of his speech was devoted to a defense of traditional American values, patriotism. The second biggest portion was devoted to promises made, promises kept — 956 words. And law and order was third — 831 words devoted to that one issue. Six-hundred-thirty-six words devoted to the COVID response.” So, with the White House as the backdrop, the president outlined his achievements, values, and hope for the future. He also drew a sharp contrast with Biden. The choices have been made clear by the Democratic and Republican conventions. As someone who said throughout 2016 that Donald Trump would win, I am confident after these two weeks that if everyone who is for him turns out to vote, President Trump will win by an amazing margin. At the same time, Mitch McConnell will gain seats in the US Senate, and we will be addressing Speaker Kevin McCarthy in January. These two weeks sealed the deal, and now it will be played out in the campaign. To read, hear, and watch more of Newt’s commentary, visit

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

Dan Forest is the lieutenant governor of North Carolina and the Republican candidate for governor in 2020.



President Trump sets the stage for the big choice This was a controlled, serious, thoughtful, and eminently presidential Trump — exactly what his critics had called for over the last threeand-a-half years.

Diversity, equity and inclusion nonsense CHECK OUT any professional and most college basketball teams. Their starting five, and most of their other 10 players, are black, as is 80% of the NBA. This does not come anywhere close to the diversity and inclusion sought by the nation’s social justice warriors. Both professional and college coaches have ignored and threw away any pretense of seeking diversity and inclusiveness. My question to you is: Would a basketball team be improved if coaches were required to include ethnically diverse players for the sake of equity? I have no idea of what your answer might be, but mine would be: “The hell with diversity, equity and inclusion. I am going to recruit the best players and do not care if most of them turn out to be black players.” Another question: Do you think that any diversity-crazed college president would chastise his basketball coach for lack of diversity and inclusiveness? Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (National Accelerator Laboratory) is home to the world’s most powerful experiments, fastest supercomputers and top-notch physics researchers. Much of SLAC’s research is on particle accelerators that are complicated machines that are designed, engineered and operated to produce high-quality particle beams and develop clues to the fundamental structure of matter and the forces between subatomic particles. You can bet that their personnel makeup exhibits very little concern about racial diversity, equity and inclusion. The bulk of their scientists is not only Americans of European and Asian ancestry but mostly men. My question to you is: What would you do to make SLAC more illustrative of the racial, ethnic and sexual diversity of America? As for me, my answer would be the same one that I gave in the basketball example: I am going to recruit the brightest scientists and I do not care if most of them turn out to be men of European and Asian ancestry. In the hard sciences, one will find black Americans underrepresented. For example, a 2018 survey of the American Astronomical Society, which includes undergraduates, graduate students, faculty members and retired astronomers, found that 82% of members identified as white and only 2% as black or African American. Only 3% of bachelor’s degrees in physics go to black students. In 2017, some fields, such as structural engineering and atmospheric physics, graduated not a single black Ph.D. The conspicuous absence of black Americans in the sciences have little or nothing to do with racism. It has to do with academic preparation. If one graduates from high school and has not mastered a minimum proficiency in high school algebra, geometry and precalculus, it is likely that high-paying careers such as engineering, medicine, physics and computer technology are hermetically sealed off for life. There are relatively few black fighter jet pilots. There are stringent physical, character and mental requirements, which many black applicants could meet. But fighter pilots must also have a strong knowledge of air navigation, aircraft operating procedures, flight theory, fluid mechanics, meteorology and engineering. The college majors that help prepare undergraduates for a career as a fighter pilot include mathematics, physical science and engineering. But if one graduates from high school without elementary training in math, it is not likely that he will enroll in the college courses that would qualify him for fighter pilot training. At many predominantly black high schools, not a single black student tests proficient in math and a very low percentage test proficient in reading; however, these schools confer a diploma that attests that the students can read, write and compute at a 12th-grade level and these schools often boast that they have a 70% and higher graduation rate. They mislead students, their families and others by conferring fraudulent diplomas. What explains the fact that over 80% of professional basketball players are black, as are about 70% of professional football players? Only an idiot would chalk it up to diversity and inclusion. Instead, it is excellence that explains the disproportionate numbers. Jewish Americans, who are just 3% of our population, win over 35% of the Nobel prizes in science that are awarded to Americans. Again, it is excellence that explains the disproportionality, not diversity and inclusion. As my stepfather often told me, “To do well in this world, you have to come early and stay late.”

Battleship North Carolina is pictured in this August 2020 file photo.

AS SOMEONE who has been watching conventions since 1956, I think this was the most historically effective convention of my lifetime. Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel deserves a lot of credit for organizing, managing, and presiding over an amazingly complex operation. The Republican National Convention simply dwarfed the Democrats’ convention in scale, complexity, and people participation. The range of people, the emotional power of individual stories, and the consistent small interventions by the president during the first three days were incredibly effective. The weaving together of past achievements, historic American values, a bold exciting future, and the impossible radicalism of Joe Biden and the Democrats was masterful. All this combined to lay out the panorama of the 2020 choice. The members of the anti-Trump propaganda media were blind to what they were watching. If anything, their pettiness in complaining about various events was a further condemnation of their complete loss of any sense of balance. After an eloquent and heart-felt speech by First Lady Melania Trump from the Rose Garden, (she is returning it to the Jackie Kennedy design) some on the left attacked her for her accent. Bette Midler stirred up a storm of criticism when she tweeted, “Oh, God. She still can’t speak English.” Of course, if anyone on the right mocked an immigrant for his or her accent, it would be immediately condemned as xenophobia and bigotry. But the Left is so deranged, it can’t remember what it believes when it has a chance to attack President Trump and his family. A young man who lost the use of his legs in a car wreck — the youngest potential congressman in 200 years, Madison Cawthorn — ended his speech by standing with the help of a walker to show he believed people should stand for the National Anthem. Some on the Left went crazy. As Mollie Hemingway tweeted: “If you thought, ‘certainly nobody could attack this man in a wheelchair for standing up at the end of his speech,’ you haven’t met our completely insane White House press corps, currently viciously attacking a paralyzed man for not sharing their far-left political views.” Vice President Mike Pence did a great job reasserting American patriotism, the importance of the American flag, and the profound meaning behind “land of the free and home of the brave.” Fort McHenry was an inspired choice for his speech. According to the propaganda media, President Trump was somehow cheating by using the White House. They apparently forgot that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt accepted the Democratic nomination for a third time in 1940 from the White House. Actually, the setting was beautiful, and the fireworks may have been the most amazing Washington has ever seen. Watching the fireworks go off above the Washington Monument was a lifetime experience — even watching on television. I wish I could have been there in person. The GOP convention prime time speakers were almost a decade younger on average than the Democrats’ a



North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Israeli National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat, left, U.S. President Donald Trump's senior adviser Jared Kushner, center, and U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, right, board the Israeli flag carrier El Al's airliner as they fly to Abu Dhabi for talks meant to put final touches on the normalization deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

First direct IsraelUAE flight lands in Abu Dhabi The Associated Press ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — A Star of David-adorned El Al plane flew from Israel to the United Arab Emirates on Monday, carrying a high-ranking American and Israeli delegation to Abu Dhabi in the first-ever direct commercial passenger flight between the two countries. The Israeli flag carrier’s flight marked the implementation of the historic U.S.-brokered deal to normalize relations between the two nations and solidifies the long-clandestine ties between them that have evolved over years of shared enmity toward Iran. With the U.S. as matchmaker, Israel and the Emirates agreed earlier this month to work toward normalization, which would make it the third Arab nation to have full relations with Israel, after Egypt and Jordan. Unlike those two nations, Israel has never fought a war against the UAE and hopes to have much-warmer relations. The American delegation included President Donald Trump’s senior

adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, as well as national security adviser Robert O’Brien. Israel was represented by national security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and other top officials. At an airport ceremony in Abu Dhabi, Kushner called the visit a “historic breakthrough” and expressed hope this “will be the first of many” such flights. “There is great urgency between the people of both countries to break down old barriers, to get to know each other, to form new and hopefully very deep friendships,” he said. State television in Abu Dhabi broke into its broadcast to show the airplane on the tarmac and aired the comments of all officials, including Ben-Shabbat, who spoke in Arabic and Hebrew. “We came here in broad daylight and before the eyes of all in a plane bearing the flag of Israel along with our American friends,” Ben-Shabbat said. “Israel and the UAE have much in common. Our region is full of challenges and threats. But we have the strength and the ability to

stand against them.” The El Al flight, numbered LY971 after the UAE’s international calling code number, flew into Saudi Arabian airspace shortly after takeoff and later passed over the capital, Riyadh. That marked another historic first for Israel and signaled acquiescence by the kingdom for the UAE’s move. “They were very gracious to allow us to fly over their airspace, which they’ve never done before, for an Israeli commercial plane,” Kushner said. Kushner and other officials have said they hope more Arab nations will follow the UAE in establishing ties with Israel, even without a peace agreement with the Palestinians. Saudi King Salman, along with other Gulf Arab leaders to varying degrees, maintain their boycotts of Israel in support of Palestinians obtaining an independent state. Any regular flights between Israel and the UAE would require Saudi clearance to be profitable. Otherwise the three-hour, 20-minute flight would have taken more than seven hours. The plane was decorated with the words for peace in Arabic, Hebrew and English above the pilot’s window. Private jets have earlier flown between the two nations as part of covert talks, and Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways flew cargo freighters to Israel before to deliver coronavirus aid to the Palestinians. But the high-profile flight Monday looked to place a solid stamp on the surprise

Aug. 13 White House announcement of Israel and the UAE establishing ties. Since then, telephone calls were connected, and the UAE’s ruler issued a decree formally ending the country’s decades-long boycott of Israel. Some Israeli firms have already signed deals with Emirati counterparts, and Monday’s visit is expected to usher in further business cooperation. The UAE has touted the deal as a tool to force Israel into halting its contentious plan to annex parts of the West Bank sought by the Palestinians for their future state. It also may help the Emirates acquire advanced U.S. weapons systems that have been previously unattainable, such as the F-35 fighter jet. Currently, Israel is the only country in the region with the stealth warplanes. The Palestinians, however, have fiercely opposed the normalization as peeling away one of their few advantages in moribund peace talks with Israel. Palestinians have held public protests and burned the UAE flag in anger. In the West Bank, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said it was “very painful” to see the flight take place. He also criticized El Al for picking a plane named for Kiryat Gat, a southern Israeli city built near the ruins of what were once Arab villages before the 1948 establishment of Israel. During the Arab-Israeli war at that time, thousands of Egyptian troops were encircled by Israeli forces, including future Egyptian Presi-

dent Gamal Abdel Nasser. “It hurts us very much today when an Israeli plane lands in the Emirates, under the flight name Kiryat Gat, the settlement which was built on the occupied Palestinian lands of the town of Fallujah in which Gamal Abdel Nasser was trapped, in a clear and a blatant violation of the Arab position toward the Arab-Israeli conflict,” he said. Shtayyeh’s government has severed ties with the U.S. and rejected Trump’s Mideast plan, saying it unfairly favors Israel. In a reference to the Palestinians, Kushner said “the very few who have been critical of this peace agreement are the ones with a long track record of failure and trapping their people in misery and poverty.” Israelis eagerly anticipate the prospect of mutual embassies, expanding tourism to the Gulf and solidifying business opportunities with another country that shares its penchant for technology and innovation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touted the deal as validation of his vision that regional peace doesn’t require Palestinian acquiescence or come at the cost of ceding land. For Trump, the accord delivers a key foreign policy victory as he faces a tough reelection campaign. It also helps solidify an emerging anti-Iran alliance that includes Israel and pro-Western Arab governments. “Right now the biggest threat we see in the region is Iran,” Kushner said.

Human Rights Watch: Venezuela using COVID-19 to crack down The Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan security forces and authorities under President Nicolás Maduro have used the coronavirus as an excuse to crack down on dissenting voices on social media and even in private messages, Human Rights Watch reported. The New York-based rights group said Venezuelan authorities have targeted dozens of journalists, healthcare workers, human rights lawyers and political opponents critical of the government’s response to the pandemic. Some critics have been physically abused to levels bordering on torture, the group said in a report listing 162 such cases from March through June. Human Rights Watch says it verified several complaints through interviews with alleged victims, while also citing reports by Venezuelan media and human rights advocates. “In Venezuela today, you can’t even share a private message criticizing the Maduro government via WhatsApp without fear of being prosecuted,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “The state of emergency has emboldened security forces and armed pro-government groups that already have a record of torture and extrajudicial killings to


In this March 12, 2020 file photo, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela. crack down even more harshly on Venezuelans,” Vivanco said. Venezuela’s Ministry of Communications did not immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment. Authorities loyal to Maduro often dismiss critics of its human rights record as outside interests led by the United States interfering in the nation’s internal affairs. Venezuela was in an econom-

ic and political crisis before the pandemic. Maduro has come under heightened international pressure to step down since early 2019, when U.S.-backed opposition leader Juan Guaidó mounted a challenge, claiming the socialist leader illegitimately clings to power following a fraudulent election. Maduro’s government instituted emergency measures in mid-

March shortly after Venezuela’s first coronavirus cases were diagnosed, closing many businesses, limiting travel inside the country and grounding commercial air travel. Officials so far have reported roughly 350 coronavirus deaths and 42,000 illnesses, but medical workers and government critics say that is an undercount due to the lack of testing. Human Rights Watch said Maduro’s government often evokes an “overly broad” anti-hate law approved in 2017 as an instrument for its crackdown, which is enforced by a judicial system lacking independence from Maduro. The group cited the case of Iván Virgüez, a 65-year-old human rights lawyer arrested in midApril after a Facebook post critical of how migrants returning to Venezuela were held in quarantine centers. Over the two days he was in custody, police handcuffed him for two hours under the sun to a metal tube 2 feet off the ground, Human Rights Watch said, adding that he was denied a bathroom for 26 hours. Virgüez was charged with public disturbance, contempt, defamation of authorities and instigation of rebellion. He remains under house arrest, allowed to leave his home only for medical

visits, Human Rights Watch says. Hospital worker Andrea Sayago in April sent colleagues a warning on the WhatsApp messaging service of their first coronavirus cases. Photos of test results she sent ended up on social media and hospital administrators forced her to resign, saying her message constituted “terrorism,” the human rights group reported. Venezuela’s intelligence police later questioned her for several hours, and she’s been charged with misuse of privileged information and put under house arrest pending trial, Human Rights Watch said. Security forces in March entered the home of Darvinson Rojas, a 25-year-old freelance journalist and activist, without a search warrant, claiming an anonymous tip reporting a coronavirus case. Human Rights Watch said Rojas tweeted a tally of coronavirus cases collected from various official sources, which gave a total number of cases higher than the ones authorities reported. The organization said authorities roughed up Rojas’ family members, seized his cellphone and computer and detained him for nearly two weeks. He’s charged with inciting hatred for publishing false information aimed at destabilizing the government.



NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs preview, B2


Following Saturday’s scrimmage, UNC coach Mack Brown said the defense’s pass rush needs to improve and the offense will need contributions from young players.

Scrimmage gives Tar Heels taste of coming regular season


Isner knocked out in opening round of U.S. Open Flushing Meadows, N.Y. Greensboro native John Isner had a short stay at the U.S. Open, dropping a fifth set tiebreaker in the opening round to fellow American Steve Johnson to lose 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 7-6 (3). The 35-year-old Isner has struggled in his career against Johnson, who improved to 6-4 against Isner and has now won five straight in the series. Isner, who had 52 aces in the match, failed to reach at least the third round for the first time since 2008, the only other time he was knocked out in the opening round.


NC State women’s soccer won’t play this fall Raleigh The NC State women’s soccer team announced Monday it will not play this fall, citing a “depleted roster” that was impacted by both injuries and some players not returning to campus for the fall semester due to the coronavirus pandemic. The school said it informed the Atlantic Coast Conference of the decision Friday and that the team “will focus on 2021, and spring competition should that be an option.”


Panthers trade former UNC LB Smith to Bills Orchard Park, N.Y. The Buffalo Bills acquired linebacker Andre Smith for a conditional pick in the 2023 draft in a trade with the Carolina Panthers on Monday. Smith has appeared in 19 NFL games, and mainly played in special teams roles during his two seasons with the Panthers since being selected in the seventh round of the 2018 draft out of UNC with a pick they acquired from the Bills as part of the trade that sent receiver Kelvin Benjamin to Buffalo in October 2017.


Cary Tennis Park lost both the ACC men’s and women’s tournaments because of the coronavirus, one of many financial hits the town — like elsewhere in the state and country — has taken during the pandemic.

Cary feels pandemic’s pinch because of lost sporting events Cancellations and an uncertain future is costing the town millions of dollars in revenue By Brett Friedlander North State Journal CARY FANCIES itself as North Carolina’s “NCAA Championship City” because of the number of high-level college sporting events it hosts. Between the WakeMed Soccer Park, USA Baseball National Training Complex and Cary Tennis Park, the vibrant Raleigh suburb has been the site of 18 different NCAA championship events, as well as 29 ACC championships and countless local and youth tournaments over the years. These days, however, Cary is — in the words of Mayor Harold Weinbrecht — “an NCAA Championship City without NCAA Championships.” It’s hardly alone. Sports venues across the country have gone silent for most of the summer and into the fall because of the coronavirus pandemic. Because of its size and the volume of events it has lost — and has the potential to lose — Cary has felt the crunch more than most.

$41.6M The estimated lost economic impact for the Raleigh metro area because of sporting events canceled due to COVID-19.

“It’s frustrating,” said William Brown, athletic director for the Town of Cary. “We have started renting some of our soccer fields to some local groups for practices and some games, and at the tennis park we’re back teaching private lessons and group lessons. So that’s a good thing. But with the events, that’s put us in a bit of a stalemate until we can get back rolling.” Already, Cary has lost the ACC men’s and women’s tennis tournaments in the spring, the NCAA Division II College World Series this summer and the NCAA Division I women’s soccer College Cup — its version of the Final Four — this See CARY, page B4

With less than two weeks to go until the opener, UNC got a chance to simulate game day By Shawn Krest North State Journal NORTH CAROLINA held a dress rehearsal for the regular season with a scrimmage on Saturday. While that is standard procedure for college teams to make sure players are ready for a gameday environment, never has it been more necessary than this season. The COVID-19 pandemic has scrambled normal operating procedures, affecting everything from the stadium environment to the sideline benches. With so much different, coach Mack Brown is trying to make sure his players are as comfortable as possible. “We actually had our in-game production. We had music that will be playing throughout the ballgame,” Brown said. “Our players voted on the music to make sure they had the music they wanted in each situation during the ballgame.” While the season will start without fans in the stands, the team got approval to use recorded crowd noise. “We actually pumped in crowd noise during the scrimmage as well,” Brown said. “It’s very disappointing to me and our players that we will not be able to have fans at our games in September. And our fans have been unbelievable. Seven percent of our season ticket holders have either donated their money back or rolled their purchase over to 2021. That’s an unbelievable number at a time where we are with our economy. I applaud our fans. I apologize to you that you won’t be at the games. We’re going to have to bring our own energy.” With social distancing so highly prioritized during the pandemic, some changes had to be made

“We’re going to have to bring our own energy.” UNC coach Mack Brown on not having fans in the stands in September to the normal sideline setup. “We went back through our COVID guidelines during the game Saturday night,” Brown said. “We told our players, ‘During the game (on the field), you don’t have to wear your mask. You don’t have to wear your shield, but when you come off the field we’re going to require you to have a helmet on or wear a mask at all times.’” In previous seasons, the bench area — or “coaches box” — covers the 50 yards between the 25-yard lines on each side. They’ve added an additional 20 yards to help players spread out. “They’ve extended the coaches box from the 15-yard line to the 15-yard line,” Brown said, “but we’re also having to try to figure out the guys that aren’t going to play as much, where do they stand? How do they social distance? The other thing that was difficult the other day with that sideline scattered out so much is that you do a good job with your substitutions and special teams. Those guys are scattered out a lot more than they normally would be. They’ve got masks on. So it’s harder to hear.” Then there’s the actual onfield action. Brown broke down each of UNC’s units following the dress rehearsal. Special teams: “Punters and kickers have been good, not great. We want to pick up in that area. Coverage has been really, really good. Return was poor. We didn’t do a good job of that last year or Saturday.” Defense: “We’re closer to twoSee TAR HEELS, page B4


North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



The NASCAR Cup Series playoffs get underway Sunday at Darlington with 16 drivers — including six former champions — vying to be the last man standing at Phoenix Raceway on Nov. 8. The field of established veterans and emerging stars is led by favorites Kevin Harvick and Denny Hamlin, who combined to win half of the circuit’s 26 regular-season races. Seven race teams have drivers in the playoffs, led by StewartHaas Racing with all four of its cars in the running. Hendrick Motorsports, Joe Gibbs Racing and Team Penske all have three drivers in the playoffs. Here’s a look at the 16 drivers.



Harvick, Hamlin ... and everyone else


Cook Out Southern 500




Sept. 6 | 6 p.m.

Darlington Raceway

Darlington, S.C.

Federated Auto Parts 400

Sept. 12 | 7:30 p.m.

Richmond Raceway

Richmond, Va.

Bass Pro Shops Night Race

Sept. 19 | 7:30 p.m.

Bristol Motor Speedway

Bristol, Tenn.

South Point 400

Sept. 27 | 7 p.m.

Las Vegas Motor Speedway

Las Vegas, Nev.

YellaWood 500

Oct. 4 | 2 p.m. Oct. 11 | 2:30 p.m.

Talladega Superspeedway Charlotte Motor Speedway Road Course

Talladega, Ala.

Bank of America ROVAL 400 Hollywood Casino 400

Oct. 18 | 2:30 p.m.

Kansas Speedway

Kansas City, Kan.

Texas 500

Oct. 25 | 3 p.m.

Texas Motor Speedway

Fort Worth, Texas

Xfinity 500

Nov. 1 | 2 p.m.

Martinsville Speedway

Martinsville, Va.

NASCAR Cup Series Championship

Nov. 8 | 3p.m.

Phoenix Raceway

Avondale, Ariz.

Concord, N.C.

1 • Kurt Busch Chip Ganassi Racing • Chevrolet

2 • Brad Keselowski Team Penske • Ford

3 • Austin Dillon Richard Childress Racing • Chevrolet

4 • Kevin Harvick Stewart-Haas Racing • Ford

Path to the title: The 2004 champion finished third at Darlington in the first race back after the coronavirus shutdown, and a good showing there could get the No. 1 team started on the right foot.

Path to the title: The 2012 champion has three wins on the season and his 19 top-10s are second only to Harvick’s 21. He’s completed 6,570 of 6,657 laps so far this season with just two finishes outside the top 20 — both due to crashes.

Path to the title: If the Welcome native can claw his way to the Round of 8, the No. 3 team will get to return to the site of its win this season, Texas. Another win there would then get Dillon into the winner-take-all finale at Phoenix.

Path to the title: Harvick is the favorite. The 2014 champion’s seven wins, 17 top-fives and 21 top-10s are all tops among Cup drivers this season, and the title will be decided at a track where he has won a career-best nine times in 35 races.

Standing in the way: In a normal year, Keselowski would be one of the favorites. But despite the No. 2’s solid season, it has not been at the same level as Harvick and Hamlin.

Standing in the way: Dillon’s seven top-10s so far this season are the secondfewest among the playoff qualifiers, and he is also at the disadvantage of being one of just three drivers with no teammates in the postseason.

Standing in the way: There’s not much outside of Hamlin, but winning races is the easiest way to advance in the playoffs, and — despite all his success this season — Harvick has won this year at just one of the playoff tracks (Darlington).

9 • Chase Elliott Hendrick Motorsports • Chevrolet

10 • Aric Almirola Stewart-Haas Racing • Ford

11 • Denny Hamlin Joe Gibbs Racing • Toyota

12 • Ryan Blaney Team Penske • Ford

Path to the title: It feels like it will only be a matter of time before Elliott wins a title, so why not this year? The 24-year-old will have a chance to win a fourth straight road course race at Charlotte’s Roval on Oct. 11, and he certainly has a flair for the dramatic that lends itself to a championship hunt.

Path to the title: Almirola is having arguably his best Cup season despite not getting a win in the regular season and has shown the ability to be consistent with a run of ninestraight top-10s in the middle of the season.

Path to the title: Hamlin is arguably the best active driver not to win a championship, and this year feels like his best chance yet. He and Harvick have gone back and forth all season, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t be that way right down to the final lap at Phoenix.

Path to the title: The High Point native’s 11 top-10s are on the low side among playoff participants, but eight of those were top-fives. He’s made the Round 8 twice in the last three years, and his two good performances at the CMS Roval (including a win in 2018) could help the No. 12 get that far again.

Standing in the way: Hamlin’s having a once-in-a-lifetime season and still isn’t the favorite thanks to Harvick. He’s only reached the Championship 4 once, finishing eighth and behind (guess who?) Harvick and Ryan Newman, who finished 1-2.

Standing in the way: The biggest black mark on Blaney season has been the number of bad finishes: five races finishing 31st or worse. One result like that can derail a playoff run, and Blaney hasn’t yet shown he’s capable of winning his way through the postseason.

Standing in the way: The elder Busch brother hasn’t had much luck since the Cup Series moved to a playoff format and also has not won a race this season.

Standing in the way: It’s been 25 years since someone as young as Elliott won the Cup Series title (Jeff Gordon in 1995), and while Elliott’s time is coming, it may not be here quite yet.

Standing in the way: Almirola is an underdog and his teammate Harvick will likely get most of the attention. Winning a title will probably take multiple playoff wins, and Almirola has just two for his career.

14 • Clint Bowyer Stewart-Haas Racing • Ford

18 • Kyle Busch Joe Gibbs Racing • Toyota

19 • Martin Truex Jr. Joe Gibbs Racing • Toyota

21. • Matt DiBenedetto Wood Brothers Racing • Ford

Path to the title: The 41-year-old is in his 15th season and should benefit from playoff races at short tracks in Richmond and Bristol in the Round of 16, and he has also fared well and the Charlotte Roval and Talladega — both in the Round 12.

Path to the title: No one is going to rule out the defending champion regardless of how his current season has gone. Despite not having a win, the younger Busch has 11 top-fives — tied for the third most among playoff drivers.

Path to the title: In Truex’s last 10 races, he has three seconds, five thirds, a fourth and a 29th. While there’s no wins in that list — and only one overall this season — a string of 10 more races like that will give the 2017 champ a shot at his second title.

Path to the title: Everyone loves to root for a Cinderella, and DiBenedetto is that. No team has more experience than the Wood Brothers, and not many penciled them in for the playoffs at the start of the season.

Standing in the way: Bowyer has won just twice in the last eight seasons — both in 2018 — and outside of his dismal 2016 season with HScott Motorsports, this year has been arguably the worst of his career.

Standing in the way: It’s been a feast-orfamine season for Busch, who has finished 26th or worse eight times this year. Busch has never gone a full season without winning, so he should have at least one in him — but is there more?

Standing in the way: The 2017 champion continues to be one of the Cup Series’ top drivers, but this year he’s been in the second tier of contenders behind Harvick and Hamlin. Of the 11 Cup Series tracks Truex has not won at, five are among the 10 playoff races — including the new Championship 4 track, Phoenix.

22 • Joey Logano Team Penske • Ford

24 • William Byron Hendrick Motorsports • Chevrolet

41 • Cole Custer Stewart-Haas Racing • Ford

88 • Alex Bowman Hendrick Motorsports • Chevrolet

Path to the title: Logano, like Keselowski, has been overshadowed by the Big Two this season, but the No. 22 is certainly among the championship favorites. Logano has won at all but two of the playoff tracks, and he’s proven he can win in the playoffs before.

Path to the title: The Charlotte native had big shoes to fill in the No. 24, but Hendrick Motorsports might be getting rewarded for its patience. Byron got his first win last week at Daytona and is riding a wave of momentum.

Path to the title: The lone rookie in the playoff field, Custer pulled off arguably the move of the season with his four-wide pass to win at Kentucky. The 22-year-old has the talent to pull off the miraculous, so why not a stunning Cup title?

Path to the title: This will be Bowman’s third straight year in the playoffs, and he enters this year’s postseason with back-to-back top10s. Both Kansas and the Charlotte Roval have been kind to Bowman.

Standing in the way: Byron’s win Saturday night was incredibly encouraging, but it’s unrealistic to expect a 22-year-old to make a legitimate push for the title in his second playoff berth.

Standing in the way: Realistically, Custer just isn’t consistent enough of a contender to come out on top during a 10-race championship battle. He hovered around 20th in the points most of the season and is not yet ready to compete with the experienced field.

Standing in the way: The 2018 champion has had a good season, but it hasn’t been as good as he’s used to — his six top-fives this season are on pace for his fewest since 2012.

Standing in the way: Honestly, it’s hard to see a scenario where DiBenedetto wins the title. He has just five top-fives in 202 career races and is still in search of his first win.

Standing in the way: Despite good runs the past two weeks, the No. 88 has been outside the top 20 five times in the last 11 races. Neither of Bowman’s two career Cup wins — Fontana this year and Chicago last year — came at playoff tracks.

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020 WEDNESDAY



Cliff Robinson: One of the NBA’s best sixth men who in college helped start coach Jim Calhoun’s run at UConn died Saturday. He was 53. Robinson helped the Trail Blazers reach the NBA Finals in 1990 and 1992, and he was the NBA’s Sixth Man of the Year in 1993. He played 1,380 games in the league, ranking in the top 15 all-time. Besides the Blazers, Robinson also played for Phoenix, Detroit, Golden State and the Nets. Dell Loy Hansen: The owner of the MLS’s Real Salt Lake, NWSL’s Utah Royals and USL’s Real Monarchs will sell all three of his soccer teams in the wake of reports that he made racist comments. Both MLS and the NWSL had said they were investigating Hansen after a report Friday in The Athletic quoted former employees and others who said Hansen had made racist statements and used a racial slur. Haskell Garrett: The Ohio State defensive tackle was released from the hospital Monday after being shot in the face over the weekend, coach Ryan Day said. Garrett, who was hit by a bullet that passed through both of his cheeks, told police he was attempting to intervene in an argument between a man and woman he did not know when he was shot by the man. Garrett is a senior who has played in 33 games for the Buckeyes. He played in 11 games last season for the Big Ten champions, recording 10 tackles, and was expected to play a major role before the 2020 season was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.


beyond the box score POTENT QUOTABLES


Hall of Fame coach John Thompson, who turned Georgetown into a powerhouse and became the first black coach to lead a team to the NCAA men’s basketball championship, has died. He was 78. Thompson took over a moribund Georgetown program in the 1970s and molded it in his unique style into a perennial contender, culminating with a national championship team anchored by center Patrick Ewing — now the Hoyas’ coach — in 1984.


“That was one of our black superheroes.” Thunder guard Chris Paul on the death of “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman.





“The No. 8 car just ran out of talent.” Cup Series driver Ryan Newman after he was knocked out Saturday’s race at Daytona — and a chance to win and make the playoffs — when Tyler Reddick caused a late‑race multicar crash. PRIME NUMBER

89 The number worn by pitcher Miguel Yajure during his major league debut Monday with the New York Yankees, making the 22-yearold Venezuelan the first player to wear the number — the final number from 0 to 99 to have never been worn — in a regular-season game. Yajure pitched three innings in relief Monday against the Tampa Bay Rays, surrendering no hits, walking three and striking out two in his debut.


The Lakers won a playoff round for the first time since 2012 and LeBron James improved to 14-0 in first-round series when Los Angeles eliminated Portland in five games with a win Saturday. The Lakers will face the winner of Oklahoma City and Houston, who will play in a decisive Game 7 on Wednesday.


The Jacksonville Jaguars made two significant moves ahead of the start of the NFL season, agreeing to trade disgruntled pass-rusher Yannick Ngakoue to the Vikings on Sunday for two draft picks and waiving running back Leonard Fournette on Monday after failing to find a trade partner for the former fourth overall pick.



Jon Rahm, who had just one bogey during the two weekend rounds, made a 65-foot birdie putt on the first playoff hole to win the BMW Championship on Sunday in Olympia Fields, Illinois. The winding shot came shortly after Dustin Johnson, the world’s No. 1 player, made a 45‑foot putt on the same 18th hole to force the playoff.

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Blue Devils’ pursuit of Arch Manning reminiscent of state’s other legacy players Basketball and football teams in the state have featured plenty of famous bloodlines

“Obviously my brother’s career went one way, and mine went another.”

By Shawn Krest North State Journal


Both running back Mike Davis, left, and cornerback Troy Pride Jr. have seemingly done enough during training camp to earn a spot on the Panthers’ 53-man roster.

Cuts coming: Who will make Panthers’ 53-man roster? Carolina has tough choices to make as it looks to hold onto versatile young players By Shawn Krest North State Journal IT’S CUTDOWN WEEK in the NFL. By the end of the week, the Panthers will have to reduce their roster from 79 players at press time to a final 53. Unlike other seasons, there aren’t four preseason games’ worth of performance — and playing time — to use as a guide for projecting who will be cut and who will earn a jersey on opening day. With expectations for the season low — by Panthers’ standards — and the team going through a roster turnover, there’s also a good chance that some of the players on the final 53 are currently employed by other teams. The Panthers will likely be busy shoppers on the waiver wire as they keep track of other teams’ cuts in an effort to upgrade their roster. Here’s our best guess as to which players on the current Carolina roster will survive the cutdown. Quarterback (3): There’s little drama here other than whether P.J. Walker or Will Grier will be Teddy Bridgewater’s backup. But all three are clearly on the team. Our guess is Walker starts off ahead of Grier on the depth chart. Running back (4): Much of the drama was removed from this position last week when Jordan Scarlett was cut. Of the remaining backs, Christian McCaffrey is a lock. Three of the remaining four contenders should make the team: Mike Davis, Alex Armah, Reggie Bonnafon and Trenton

Cannon. Davis has impressed in camp and gone from a long shot to a near sure thing. Armah has earned praise from coaches for his versatility. Cannon was acquired from the Jets at the start of August and may beat out Bonnafon. Both have similar levels of experience, but Bonnafon is a holdover from the previous administration and Cannon was brought in by the new group. Wide receiver (7): The only question here seems to be whether Keith Kirkwood, currently sidelined with a broken clavicle, makes the active roster or is sent to PUP or IR. If they take him off the active roster, it will be to use the roster spot elsewhere and try to make do with six receivers. We have DJ Moore, Robby Anderson, Curtis Samuel, Kirkwood, Brandon Zylstra, Pharoh Cooper and Seth Roberts making it. Tight end (3): This seems like one of those spots ripe for a waiver wire pickup to knock someone off the roster. As it stands, Ian Thomas, Chris Manhertz and Temarrick Hemingway are in, with Hemingway most likely to get a late release if the Panthers’ front office finds someone. Offensive line (9): This is the position likely to benefit if the Panthers put Kirkwood on PUP. Former Baylor player Sam Tecklenburg is a former Baylor player and a Matt Rhule favorite. He’d be the 10th man on the line. As of now, we have Russell Okung, Taylor Moton, John Miller, Dennis Daley, Matt Paradis, Greg Little, Michael Schofield, Chris Reed and Tyler Larsen on the team. Defensive line (9): This group is young, but the top nine appears to be set. Derrick Brown, Kawann Short, Brian Burns, Yetur Gross-Matos, Stephen Weath-

erly, Efe Obada, Zach Kerr, Bravvion Roy and Marquis Haynes should be on the team. Linebacker (6): If the Panthers keep an extra defensive lineman (Bruce Hector, for instance) or defensive back (Myles Hartsfield possibly), it will be at the expense of recently acquired Julian Stanford. The team may also replace Stanford with a waiver pickup later in the week, but for now, we have him on the team along with Shaq Thompson, Tahir Whitehead, Adarius Taylor, Jordan Kunaszyk and Jermaine Carter. The team would also love to get Chris Orr on the roster but may take its chances with getting him to the practice squad. Secondary (9): Jermaine Carter, Julian Stanford and many of the other roster bubble players will be looking to this unit to see if the Panthers want to bolster a weaker position by keeping a 10th defensive back. Eli Apple, Donte Jackson, T.J. Green, Corn Elder and Troy Pride Jr. are in at corner. Tre Boston, Juston Burris and Kenny Robinson are in at safety. Jeremy Chinn can float between linebacker and DB and is on the team. That’s nine. That leaves seventh-round pick Stantley Thomas-Oliver and Hartsfield, an intriguing running back/ defensive back, on the outside. Hartsfield has the better shot of finding his way on the roster, but we have him starting on the practice squad. Special teams (3): Snapper J.J. Jansen and kicker Joey Slye are in. The final spot comes down to punter Joseph Charlton and kicker/punter Kaare Vedvik. Versatility seems to be the order of the day in the coronavirus NFL, so we’re giving the nod to Vedvik over Charlton.

TAR HEELS from page B1

CARY from page B1

deep on defense than offense. We can really run. We’re a much faster defense than this time last year. The most improved position is definitely the secondary. The thing we’re not doing as well as we’d like is pass rush. We’d like to be able to get a pass rush with just four players, instead of (defensive coordinator) Jay Bateman having to send a bunch of extra people and forcing us to play man coverage.” Offense: “We were much better on Saturday. I’ve really been pleased with Garrett Walston. He’s doing a really good job for us at tight end. Our older guys are playing well, but we don’t have the same depth right now as we do defensively. We’ve got to find younger guys that can play at a high level.” That quest will be made easier by the NCAA ruling that preserves a year of eligibility for everyone that appears in a game this season. In other words, players will not use up a year by playing (or opting out) during this uncertain season. “The eligibility rule is something that’s really strange for coaches and players,” Brown said. “All of our guys can play this year and it doesn’t count as a year. You don’t have redshirting, or another way to say it is they’re all redshirted but can play. So (freshman) Jon Adorno, our backup center, can play in four games, six games or all 11 games and can still be a freshman (next year). All of our seniors, if they decided they can’t make the NFL or can’t get drafted at a high enough level, they can all come back next year.”

fall because of coronavirus-related cancellations. Other events, including the ACC’s women’s soccer tournament and cross country championship, could also potentially be on the chopping block — not to mention next March’s NCAA men’s basketball regional at PNC Arena, which is located just outside town limits. “Basically, there has not been a major sporting event here that we’ve been involved with since mid-March,” said Scott Dupree, executive director of the Greater Raleigh Sports Alliance, a group that works to attract events to Wake County and its surrounding area — including Cary. “The only exception was in late July when USA Baseball had three straight national team tournaments, but that’s literally been it. And everything is still canceled into the fall.” Dupree said that a total of 75 sporting events of all sizes and stature have been lost since the shutdown began five months ago, costing the Raleigh metro area an estimated 70,650 hotel room nights and $41.6 million of economic impact.

DUKE COACH David Cutcliffe has coached two Mannings at two different schools. He was quarterbacks coach at Tennessee, back before Peyton Manning began his Hall of Fame NFL career, then he was head coach at Ole Miss, convincing Eli to play for him before the younger Manning went on to win two Super Bowls with the Giants. Now, Cutcliffe is attempting to add a third Manning, at a third school, to his portfolio. The Blue Devils recently extended a scholarship offer to Arch Manning, one of the top quarterback prospects in the class of 2023. Manning is named after his grandfather, longtime NFL quarterback Archie Manning. Peyton and Eli are his uncles. His father is the third Manning brother, Cooper, who caught passes from Peyton until an injury ended his football career. Duke is well-known for having athletes with famous bloodlines. In the early 1990s, at least one of Coach K’s first two national championship teams included Grant Hill, son of Cowboys running back Calvin, and Billy McCaffrey, brother of NFL receiver Ed. McCaffrey’s nephew, Max, later played receiver for Cutcliffe, a few years before brother Christian became an NFL star for the Panthers. Those Duke teams also included Clay Buckley, whose father, Jay, led Duke’s Final Four teams of the early 1960s. Those championship teams were followed by teams that featured Doug Collins’ son, Chris, and Jeff Capel’s son Jeff (brother of UNC standout Jason). Mike Dunleavy Jr. joined the team, winning a ring in 2001. In the early 2010s, Duke’s roster included Austin Rivers (son of NBA star Doc), Seth Curry (brother of Steph and son of Dell) and any number of Plumlee brothers (Miles, Mason and Marshall all played for Duke). Last year’s team included the son of Hall of Famer David Robinson (Justin), the brother of national champion Tyus Jones (Tre), the son of former Blue Devil Dave O’Connell (Alex) and Coach K’s grandson (Michael Savarino). Duke football also has had some eye-raising walk-ons under Cutcliffe, including the son of rock star John Mellencamp (Hud) and the grandson of former Duke coach and Hall of Famer Steve Spurrier (Gavin, currently on the 2020 team). One of the biggest legacy players to come through Durham actually had close ties to another school in the state. Shavlik Randolph was a standout high schooler at Raleigh’s Broughton High. His grandfather Ronnie was one of the stars of the early ACC. He’s still NC State’s all-

As much as it hurts the economy to lose the highest-profile events — including NCHSAA tennis and lacrosse championships and several USTA events — Brown said the absence of other, less visible events are just as damaging. “We have weekend tournaments at our two softball complexes, and those are kind of our secret, fly-under-the-radar weapons for economic impact,” he said. “When you add all those weekend tournaments to the big things like the College Cup, DII (World Series) and the (NCAA and ACC) tennis tournaments, it really adds up.” According to figures provided by Brown, the loss of 55 youth tournaments over the past 37 weekends has cost Cary nearly $7 million in revenue. In all, 85 events scheduled for town facilities since March 15 have been canceled with a combined hit of $18.98 million. “People don’t talk about those tournaments,” Brown said, “but they’re every weekend. And while local teams are involved, about half the teams still have to come and spend the night.” Normally, Dupree and his staff would be traveling around the country promoting the Raleigh area at travel conventions and trade shows while meet-

Stephen Rivers, younger brother of Philip Rivers

time leading rebounder and is second in ACC history. He’s in the top 10 for Wolfpack scoring as well. Randolph chose Duke over State, UNC (who enlisted Michael Jordan to wear a “Shav Country” shirt to try to lure him to Chapel Hill) and Kansas. His college career was hampered by injury, however, and he left Duke early to play for several years as an NBA journeyman. Randolph’s recruiting class also included Lee Melchionni, a second-generation Blue Devil, following father Gary. Duke doesn’t have a monopoly on legacy players, however. UNC’s basketball team last year included the high-profile son of Greg Anthony (Cole), as well as sons of former Tar Heel greats Kenny Smith (KJ), Bob McAdoo (Ryan) and the brother of national champion Wes Miller (Walker). An assistant coach for the Tar Heels, Hubert Davis, was also a UNC legacy, as the nephew of UNC legend Walter. Wake Forest, meanwhile, enjoyed the senior season of Brandon Childress, who combined with father Randolph to set an ACC scoring record for father/son combinations. One of Childress’ teammates during his four years at Wake was Anthony Bilas, son of former Duke player and current ESPN personality Jay. They currently rank in the top 20 for ACC father/son scoring combinations, as do the UNC Smiths (eighth). NC State has representation on the list, as well, most notably in sixth place, where Tony Warren and his son, current NBA Bubble breakout player T.J., both starred for the Pack. Four years after State missed on Randolph, the Wolfpack were shunned again by a legacy when Stephen Rivers, the brother of Wolfpack star quarterback Philip Rivers, decided to go his own way and play for LSU. His path included throwing a total of two passes in three years in Baton Rouge before transferring. He spurned State — who had unproven transfer Jacoby Brissett as their only quarterback option at the time — again and went to Vanderbilt. He finished his career at Northwestern State, starting a total of nine college games, 42 fewer than his brother logged with the Pack. “Obviously my brother’s career went one way, and mine went another,” he told while trying to impress scouts at a pro day. For many legacies, that seems a fitting description of their college career.

ing with event planners in search of new clients. Now, whatever contacts that can be made are done virtually. And there isn’t a lot of business to be had. With COVID-19 still an issue and Gov. Roy Cooper having extended Phase 2 restrictions to the state’s reopening plan into October, there’s no telling when the playing fields and stands of Cary’s athletic venues will once again be filled. “Can people even plan events not really knowing what the answer to that question is right now?” Dupree said. “Most people now are looking ahead and thinking about winter or spring of 2021 and beyond. “Nothing is really happening in between in terms of planning between now and Jan. 1. Depending on what the event is and who the owner is, a lot of folks are thinking ahead to 2122 and ’23. “Hopefully our world will be back to a new normal by then. Who knows if it will be, but that’s how they’re planning. Right now, we’re just trying to hang onto events, reschedule what we can and look for new business that’s still happening. It’s been challenging for everybody in our industry.”

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catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic,Stanly economic c Count North State Journal for Wednesday, April being 15, 2020 one wayoforAmericans another. In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero catastrophe millions needlessly thrown out of work. THIS WEEK, acco A6 In order toThe put the crisis by U.S. China in perspective, zero worldwide pandemics trace source crisis hascaused cost the taxpayer atand least $2.4 trillion i irus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China liedcan about thetheir origin of theto the United States over state and local go worldwidedebt pandemics can trace theirinsource to the United States over our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be plus trillions more Federal Reserve backup liquidity l pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only the curve in nove our 231-year history.and At least four in the 20th century alone bethe directly to China: 1957economic “Asian flu,” 1968and “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets financial outlets. If the U.S.muted dollarcan were not the 3,341 related deaths has ledtraced to worldwide panic, collapse — after all, tre North State Journal There for Wednesday, September 2,traced 2020 directly to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any ofabided these emergen ective, zero Perhaps millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. have by recom “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidenceB5 that the massive 1918 “Spanish flu” $2.4 pandemic had Perhaps its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation nited States overNeal The crisispublisher has cost the |U.S. taxpayer at senior least trillionalso in added Robbins, Frank Hill, opinion editor to stay at home;and theyc COVID-19 massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. y alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal backup liquidity to the COVID-19 There is 100%Reserve agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. they’ve donned mask There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 need g Kong flu,” 1977 is China’s markets and financial If Wuhan the U.S. Province dollar were not the reserve a reduc originated probably from the completely to pay probably forWe their aberrant waysThe andresult: decisions thr is China’s originated inChina Wuhanhas Province from the completely evidence that the Chernobyl. currency, we would not be able to fund any of these transparency According to the Uni unregulated and unsanitary wetemergency markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not Neal out Robbins, Chernobyl. unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came of a ins in China. measures without biowarfare immediate fear of rampant inflation andChinese currencyarmy. and Evaluati lab run by the communist honesty to bring China into theand civilized world ofMetrics 21st century health Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior editor biowarfare lab run by the communist Chinese army.opinion OVID-19 depreciation. Trump administratio Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of Until China and adopts fair trade. Totalitarian communist never from our rigorous verifiable policing andregimes regulation of take th mpletely China has to paytheir for their ways and decisions through peakhas outbreak waswh re foodaberrant safety and health protocols, American business has notheir otherfood safety or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not and health protocols, American business no other scientific experts ve it came out of a economic and financial means. 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Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame Here’s the problem reliability concerns. reliability concerns. adversaries push back. ness has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what know, what they questions will al The most direct wayunless to make “pay” event for this disaster is tothat offer The most direct to makeofChina “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, an China exogenous happens such as the Ch s elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They takeway advantage every weakness First, what is tr don’t and when to companies willexperts source at least half their not the U.S. tax to companies who will source at least half of theirU.S. tax credits meltdown in 1986.who Some believe thatofevent, theitS pply and delivery they find in adversaries andcredits keep pushing until they win or the important because they hope to productionprogram back in the United States. There istoapproximately $120 production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 of Reagan, led directly the dissolution the Sov adversaries push back. be open or of closed, wh billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment know what they billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. isaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl more liberalized soci in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by don’t. China. Chinese direct in Star the U.S. Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. half of their meltdown in 1986.inSome experts believe thatinvestment event, not the Warsis about $65 billion by ought to lock down fu comparison. comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about the ximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union We’ve seen casepos fat An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt wethe owe them of asidentifi one w s and equipment in 1989. number today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing out $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s today, or $60Chernobyl. billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have and caused the US. Don the denominator investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in Senators in Washington are to already talking about possibility people have investment the U.S. would costthe the U.S. Treasury $18 billion intax revenuebreath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask you spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is actually vestment in China of China forgivingtax $1.2revenue trillion spread in debt we owe them as one way to getin lost revenue is number has been ove over a few years. $18 billion representatives to hold China accountable in tangible decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are nowfinanc n manufacturing China to “pay” for decimal the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your of death, particularly dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this undertaking todisaster. save our own economy, not of defeated enemies as in the $18 billion in breath waiting forundertaking a Chinese “Jubilee” toour happen ask yournot elected sourcesas suggest the n to save ownbut economy, of defeated enemies aspast. in the It is about time they are expected to operate responsibl t revenue is representatives to past. hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for many people are thebeen world like any other modern China has cheating, stealing, pirating nation. and pillaging American dyin Plan we are now this disaster. Even more importa China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they d enemies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of actually have coronav business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret thatintend they to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and the world like any other modern nation. of identified cases co intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the worldreplace and the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. laging American number of people wh replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. no secret that they

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It’s okay to ask questions about It’s okay to ask questions about when will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe How Chi A7 begin to get back to normal sstrophe about when A7 How Chinawe The comfort will payThe for this catas 3 bigCOVID-19 questions noba we begin to get back to normal normal EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL

North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020



CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the ONE OBINSON WITHthere MOST STATES nd in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world were only under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home around hina lied about the origin of the ONEhas THING CERTAIN; after thisthanks COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalierofmanner in which C orders to local or state governments,The a majority Americans ay or another. 3,341 related deaths led toIS worldwide panic, economic collapse and catast THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE the fede ied to tell the world there were only “THIS IS DA around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this covered up its spread and t are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus an he crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. In o and state and local governments, Americans have rldwide panic, economic collapse and in it” (Psalm 118:24). catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to wo Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. thanks localThe or state governments, a majority of at Americans to take precautions, but with how people who sim mics traceout their source the United States over crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added worldw ce orcan stay-at-home fallen to into place. Iorders understand thetoseriousness of the virus and the the curve inI’m the uneasy novel coronavirus outbreak. The e being thrown of work. I know that during Incalled order toneed put thenormal.” crisis causedVirginia’s by Chinastay-at-home in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly orders godata, into and June. are having to adjust to what is being the “new questions about the when things can start getting ry. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the ty of at Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but our 23 ayer least $2.4 trillion in added working from home worldwide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, United States over Gov.The crisis hasstated cost the U.S. taxp Here in North Democratic Roywith Cooper during Some of these extend least through the of this month. normal are treated in some circles contempt. China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong flu,”and 1977 markets andatfinancial outlets. If end the U.S. dollar were not the reserve normal.” questions about Kong the data, when orders things can start getting back tohistory. have abided by recommendations and orders. The Reserve backup liquidity to the directl be glad” as the Bible our 231-year At least fourainrecent the 20th century alone can be that debt plus trillions more in Federa coronavirus press briefing “we just don’t know yet” if the Virginia’s stay-at-home orders into June. They’re treated asatthough we as a practiced society simply must acce heU.S. 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence thatcircles the withcurrency, wego would not be able to fund any of these emergency nd of this month. are treated in some contempt. to stay home; they’ve social distancin he dollar were notnormal the reserve and dad, the Easter “Russi Perhaps directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong orders Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If t state’s stay-at-home willgovernment extend into May. Since when didWALTER E. WILLIAMS inwe North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the tells us we about when it’s safe to toa CORY LAVALETTE | NORTH STATE JOURNAL | FILE though as a society simply must accept without nish alsoThey’re had itstreated originsasinHere China. measures without immediate rampant inflation and currency they’ve donned masks. fund flu” any pandemic of these emergency have tonot be thankful “Russian flu” andfear theof 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, would be massiv able Perhaps If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the COVID-19 We need WALTER E. WILLIAMS a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. questioning per stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalizat Lenten and greement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. of rampant inflation and currency pandemic. Boarded up windows at vandalized buildings in downtown Raleigh are spraypainted with messages of hope a dayhad after of China. the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also itsprotests origins in measures without fea justification for it. And the answers should not be vague onesimmediate like “we The COVID-19 is China’s know yet” if the process of Carolina’s returning backstay-at-home to normalcy. state’s orders into May. No. The government works for us, andofwe have to According to theseasons University Washington Institu turned violent in North capital. For me,the myright faith is an Province probably from the completely Chinawill has extend to pay for their aberrant waysoutside andmust decisions government Since when did There is 100% agreement, oftransparency China, thatof COVID-19 depreciation. origin do thisthrough out an abundance Easter of caution.” is China’s No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by m If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place a ant ways and decisions through making. As I celebra and honesty nsanitary wetarticles markets. Some believe it came out of but a iseconomic means. obviously not Chernobyl. originated inwork. Wuhan Provincehas probably from the completely has pay for their aberr provide a China at allDiplomacy levels It will need toworked be explained in detail to the people ofto this state whounregu graduates only able toand findfinancial low-paying ned in two past that student debt is questioning asked as to the questions. And thejustification longer stay-at-home in place all over the Trump administration, theand expected need for hosp plomacy has obviously not worked Corinthians 1:4, whi it.agreement, And the are answers should not be unsanitary vague ones likecentury “webeing country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such asDM Chernobyl. by the Chinese army. toorders bring China into thean civilized world of 21st health, hygiene unregulated and wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic financial means. from our Under anfor ISA he would owe agreedlem and communist that universities have encouraged are told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined biowar message of become a government gue ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, orld of 21st century health, hygiene affliction, so that wew mustupon do of this out ofand an abundance ofthe caution.” the more people,predicting sitting at home feeling isolated and/or run by the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the pts verifiablebehavior. policing With and regulation fair trade.—biowarfare Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame percentage of his income actual lab dollar theirrigorous own irresponsible scientific experts amount of time why models hundreds thousands of civilized casesanxi Unt hope that willof bad thing? the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of ov unist regimes never take the blame affliction, with the co at uncertain all levelsfinancial It amount will to be in detail to China theand people ofrigorous this state who when theyregulation can get back their families,their will d would be very low. With a Until traditional loan, adopts verifiable policing and of to providing and fair for trade. Totalitarian comm e graduates facing an nd health protocols, American business has no need other orexplained express sincere regret remorse, because that not what are reliable. f —iswe need to once again enjoy of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand August by nearly 12,000. rse, because that is not what God.” That is what he would owe the same amount regardless of his t’s particularlymanufacturing important to find solutions their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and rem are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. d redundant plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then become a choice know what they ndetermined answers. Here’s the problem: We still don’t the ans sporting events, take advantage of every weakness If you are celebrat Evenwhy with income-based repayment on his So, what’s to bereasons done? choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants purely totalitarian governments do. The amount of time models predicting hundreds ofcitizens thousands of cases at local levels should beknow as forthcom free mandated we do,elsewhere butthe along theand waystate I’ve also had questions about ty and safety as well asat supply andincome. delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until theyknow, winthat orLeaders the for nat bad thing? housands of cases Leaders the local and state levelslikely should be as forthcoming as they what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. pushing until they win or the loan, he would make interest-only payments as dical proposals, like completely reflect on this messa concerts, family forback. national security and safety reasons as well supply delivery they find in adversaries and keep are reliable. canasbe with and those answers and again, not vague answers, the data. State Republican leaders have,—too. s.student loans and making adversaries push living in a free reliabi canisbe with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer what is the true coronavirus fatality rate?c the principal continued to mount. them subject AMERICA’S COLLEGES areFirst, rife with God’sback. example don’t and when That what reliability adversaries push gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of statements questions get asked, there is and AMERICA’S COLLEGES rife with To I’veUniversity gonebelievability. along with what theexogenous state society has asked and then with details that give their believability. way to make China “pay” for work. thisare disaster isdate, tostatements offer That is, unless an event happens such asThe the Chernobyl The Purdue is already experimenting with were ptcy protection, would certainly corruption. financial squeeze resulting ked and then with details that give their important because it determines whether certain nt happens such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. Th most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster to offer That is, ankeep exogenous ev they toshould corruption. Thesource financial squeeze resulting sometimes aoffers disturbing among some people to treat thoseour church services free citizens mandated that wewe do,can but along the The way I’ve also had questions about We allis continue to do what weunless can to fam companies who will at least half of ISAs their meltdown in plan. 1986. Some experts believe that event, nothope the Star Warstendency under its “Back a Boiler” The program is ders who put their own money on the line from COVID-19 opportunities for a U.S. ta questions about We should all continue to do what to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — believe that event, not the Star Wars confident we will em from COVID-19 offers opportunities for amonths of lockdowns U.S. taxtoo. credits to companies who willSponsored source at least half ofour their meltdown instart 1986. Somealso experts After by know they questioning the data and asking when we can getting back cent survey ofdirectly 15supposed major the data. State Republican leaders have, ourselves, and communities safe. But we should stil and many more Sponsored by nue the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Research Reagan, led toemployers the dissolution of thewhat Soviet Union Sponsored being funded byBut thewe Purdue Foundation, diligence lending to 18-yearbit ofsimply remediation. Let’s first examine what living inby aUnion free ourselves, and ourand communities safe. should also still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide sprea produc Sponsored by the dissolution of the Soviet In this same spirit bit ofbefore remediation. Let’s first examine what production backdo, in the United States. There is though approximately program of are Reagan, led directlystt a summer of protests, across thequestions last IBoe-there toisbe normal as they corruption, are$120 conspiracy theorists or people who don’t. Unfortunately, when certain types of get asked, to ask questions about thedown data, because while reasonable part of thebecause university’s endowment. It’s a nation smalltoincluding ers. Andthere the fear of students filing forcorruption, might the root of academic merican direct in plants and equipment in while 1989. after our own asked, isbeinvestment to of ask questions about the data, reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. might the root academic billion neighbors helping ne “Despite the City Council’s society were ing Co., Inc., and billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. urban corridors are otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. program now but is already showing positive results. ydirect would ensure loans are and suggested title of a recent study,seen checked. sometimes aby disturbing tendency among some people to treat those by the measures are understandable, they should also have an expir suggested byin the title ofsmall a is recent study, investment the U.S. about $65 billion Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ehernobyl. to treat those that measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. We’ve case fatality rates — the number of temporary In Concord, a high in Chi Lowe’s Cos. that collectively emin the China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S.grants is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Cd struggling across the state a few of best efforts, and Since when did questioning government at all levels become aisbad supposed Purdue’s website explains benefits of can “Academic Grievance Studies and the “Academic and to the simply questioning data and asking when we start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 starttalking getting backGrievance ThisStudies is all new Americans, and it isthe not normal. Not in any way, Senators inploy Washington are already talking about the possibility the number of identified COVID-19 cases —compa but ba about 2.6 million people. Of eady about the possibility money to buy aare 3-D sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington alr thing? That is just whatstop freeThe citizens living in a free supposed ISAs: as though they areA6 hare a solution is politically unpopular. Corruption of Scholarship.” study was Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was PPP loans are to do, last Iform. those, 57% said they had decidnormal conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay people who shape, or Soto while weChina should remain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t k ax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get debt we owe them as one way to get health care workers Anini An investment tax credit ofdone 30% on half U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion over. toby do, lastof I checked. The standard payment period for the Backtheir back-to-work onsiderably reduce the number ofand analysis Areo, an opinion and analysis done by Areo, an opinion Smithfield Foods pledges Gastonia’s FUSE edso-called to postpone By Elizabeth Lincicome gaps. What restaurants the same time wemanufacturing shouldn’t get comfortable with this “new otherwise don’t care ifisthey themselves or itothers sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-call people have actually died of coronavirus. Some so yick. have caused the US. Don’t hold your on, applied tofor repatriated American China to get “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. American Don’t hold your checked. today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage the today, digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short a Boiler-ISA Fund about 10 years, making ble to borrow college and would digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m $2a million toward rural plans becauseatofall recent increases North State Journal District Brings Sports, s become bad normal.” number has been overestimated, given that classifi Since when did questioning government levels become a bad normal.” ee” to happen but ask your elected U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected and really need Areopagitica, speech delivered by competitive with most FederalinPlus investment to the U.S. would for cost thehotels U.S.about Treasury $18 billion the inby virus, and breath waiting Ifor a Chinese “Jub and private loan ionately for affect low-income students. It Areopagitica, a speech delivered worried them catching I’m worried will. Afterinvestm Covid-19 infections. A separate internet accessaNot for NC Entertainment ydisfavor werea supposed one little bit. ofspeech. death, particularly amongDowntown elderly patients, can untable in tangible financial ways for thing? ThatInis— what free citizens living in30,000 asix-month free society were supposed Not one little bit. John Milton in defense of free speech. over few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for terms. addition, all students receive a students majoring in soft but John Milton in defense of free tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China acc survey of North American RALEIGH As the sumare paying customers to tax rev suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, students Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. sources suggest the number is dramatically under towe do, last I checked. grace period post-graduation before payments begin. iplines. Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. conducted over the to sumpared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Planmer are now decimal dust compared the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this this disaster. draws to a close, thedisaster. num- workers There’s a lot in the pipeline for I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up decim return.” Lindsay andcan Peter say has that e, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews also written the Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. to operate asthat responsible citizens of SMITHFIELD, Va. —Boghossian Smithfield ain recipient makes successful payments for ed solutions be implemented — Lindsay and Boghossian say that mer that roughly 70% ar-family. berMy ofOnce people visiting downtown first concern as we go along infound all this, of course, isown my Matthews has also written under the Sist undertaking to save our economy, notPeter ofStacey defeated enemies as in the It about timepseudonym they expect e are our own economy, not of defeated enemies as theunder the FUSE — is Franklin Urban Sports It ispseudonym about time they are expected to operate as I’m responsible citizens of way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to are repeat. under something has gone drastically wrong has announced a a regular contributor ied I will.Foods After and is to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have noinclue how m en’t interested in returning to ansomething Raleigh down nearly 75% theisprescribed term of from the contract, no and additional sation. acrimonious political climate. has gone drastically wrong and Entertainment — District past. the world like any other modern worried about them catching the virus, I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrec the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has in academia, within past. n commitment ofespecially $2 million over office anytime soon. Most people same time are last required year, a numBryan Holladay, Charlotte 2009 pandemic, payments even if they have paid less actually have coronavirus. Some scientists sugges solution has been referred to as “skincertain in this in academia, especially within certain China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging Americanthe public power community of suffering fromwhy thethe H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, cheating, pirating and pillaging American fields within the humanities. They call thestealing, next two years support Chin prefer a flexible model that allowsfields within the humanities. They reflects city is still they than the amount of funding received. Such a policy would calltofor institutions ber that callthey of this brings up of identified cases could be an Gastonia. Recently, theorder majorof magnitude Public Relations business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that these fields “grievance studies,” where the North Carolina Business I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up he past 30 years. They have made no secret that they them to come into an office some reeling from coronavirus lockbusine Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would hare the risk of every student these fields “grievance studies,” where and refer in not tocredit repeat. number of Gaston peopleCounty who have hadannounced coronavirus and n project scholarship is Education, not so much Committee for a based upon intend to replace U.S. as the superpower in the world wayworld too many memories abenefits. painful experience I’ dthe prefer not to premier repeat. is days and stay home others. Econoand the aftermath ofofthe he as premier superpower the and have many down-stream Both would put outU.S. a loan tothe attend the In intodowns scholarship not so much based upon that the Atlantic League of intend ost everyone has non-profit organization helping finding truth butinstitution. upon attending replace the easily dollar as the reserve ity currency with their renminbi. of truth our Center Cityattending is driven by mists conclude that until a vaccine riots that swept region But what also makes methis lose sleep is how most everyone has as the reserve currency between with their renminbi. pressure on the universities to keep tuition low and his means thatgrievances. universities would bescholars on finding but upon to Professional Baseball (ALPB) will replac create connections social Grievance spring and summer. Shutdown or- is readily available, and people feel these small businesses, smart en-

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offset some of the artificial pressure on demand for or some part ofstudents, student loan debt when social grievances. Grievance scholars education and the overall work locate an expansion franchise bully administrators and ders otherthat went into effect this past safe going back out into public, trepreneurs and by so many in readiness of citizens across theto education. They would also align universities’ efault. Such a policy would require action bully students, administrators and other there and that it will be owned departments into adhering theirspringhigher forced most downtown of- the tourism and hospitality indus- the world of hospitality who have state. This grant will provide they interests with those of students. Universities would s since student loans disbursed bypromote thefice workers departments into adhering to their byJason Brandon Bellamy, the CEO of worldview. Theare worldview is to telecommute, de- tries will remain some of the big- faced tough choices throughout funding for wirelessnor hotspots to Grievancebe invested in student success, not just increased ernment. worldview. The worldview they promote is neither scientific rigorous. Maryland-based commercial real EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS this pandemic.” gest losers. priving the area’s restaurant inbettercan connect students in rural studies consist of disciplines such as THEWS universities would probably begin region,neither ther solution be implemented locally. scientific rigorous. Grievance estate firm Velocity Cos. The team| STAC EDITORIAL Smith says henor is optimistic that Charlotte’s downtown dustryenrollment. of its keySome clientele. The areas as well as address longsociology, gender to offer better guidance to students when they choose of institutions areanthropology, already giving it a studies, studies consist of disciplines such as adds momentum to an exciting Oak City’s downtown was hit dou- also known as Uptown, has seen a the Queen City’s centrally located term internet access solutions COLUMN | aREP. RICHARD HUDSON queer studies,(ISAs). sexuality andare criticalbly race majors, choose classes and take out loans. e Share Agreements ISAs sociology, anthropology, gender studies, project rooted in community. business district offers unique similar loss in tourism and visitors hard when just one week after for disadvantaged communities. studies. These innovative solutions l agreements in 2020-2021 which students studies, sexuality critical race “We’re going to be looking opportunity for the and downtown overdo thewhat last “Free six months. Bryanqueer were finally allowed to will With the school receive restaurants In 2017 Smithfield’s andfor 2018, authors Pluckrose, around for opportunity to work in College” cannot: make students and universities funding in exchange a predetermined area to bounce back from the panwho owns and operatesstudies. reopen at half-capacity, protests in Holladay, beginning, donation Lindsay and Boghossian started the wake demic. position of strength Charlotte Publicthe Relations, says In of George Floyd’sand death behave more wisely act together towards post-graduation income over a certain 2017“Our and 2018, authors Pluckrose, Gastonia and in Gaston County,” will give thousands of households submitting bogus academic papersturned to same comesand fromBoghossian our exceptional talent theeducated, city’s hospitality violent. Demonstrators in Duplin, Sampson, Bladen Bellamy said. “We’re planting a goal. That goal is to create wise industry hasLindsay years. The percent of income and number started academic journals inaccess cultural, queer, and Robeson Counties and the differentiating assets we to flag here and we’re going to do been devastated by the pandem-submitting vandalized restaurants and loot-Only graduates. with smart policies n change based upon a student’s major and and productive bogus academic papers race, gender, fat at and sexuality studies to virtual learning a time of created journals in the prior cycle, includic. can While Charlotte ed numerous Raleigh student businesses, everything we can to make this that incentivize success wethe ensure that City Coun-academic tential. to in cultural, queer, determine if they would pass peer heightened need, as school inggender, the mostfat prolific decade for the set aside parents, $8 Million in grants torace, even setting fire to some along the forcilstudents, community successful. This is a colleges truly provide value a good deal for students because they and sexuality studies “THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe r seriousness of and the virus and need review be accepted foronline publication. districts increasingly rely the on WITH STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand development of new office, hotel, help the city’sMOST ailing hotels, restauway. taxpayers and society. long-term relationship.” ky than loans. Imagine a student who to determine if they would pass peer Acceptance of dubious research in it” (Psalm 118:24). y with how people who ask that Bill King, president and chief rants, education amid thesimply COVID-19 and space in Cenbars and orders thanks to to local oroffset statereview governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, The project’s existing plansbut I’m unea TATES journal under editors either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I and understand thehelp seriousness of residential the be virus and the need and accepted forthe publication. found sympathetic to their I know that during this challenging time ofWIT soc n thingspandemic. can start getting back to ter City,” hethe says. “This includes economic drought theto industry executive of the Downtown Ra- theare having to adjust what is being called “new normal.” questions about the data, and wh include developing the brandAcceptance of dubious research that cal state governments, a majority of Americans take precautions, but I’mHolladay uneasy with how people who simply ask intersectional or postmodern leftist vision “These have been challenging orders four million square feet of new ofsays it leigh Alliance, says atoquarter of is experiencing, working from home or losing a job, it may be diffi withorcontempt. Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circle new sports stadium and several editors found sympathetic to their times for so many across of the world would prove the problem of sta society to what is being called thethe “new normal.” the data,enough. and when can getting back to beunficestart space recently delivered, has not been “Eachthings weekjournal businesses downtownquestions still haveabout are glad” assurrounding the Bible tells us to do. as However, asha aasC simply must accept without parcels of land. The Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though we country. Recognizing our ability to intersectional or postmodern leftist vision low academic standards. der construction, or in active planthere is a new announcement of their windows boarded up more ders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. Som and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of s us about when it’s safe to begin the Trenton site will doSeveral more to of support communities Here in North Democratic Gov. Royprove Cooper question whatMill the government telj the fake research papers of the world would thestated problem of city’s former ning; 4,000 new hotel rooms; top during a business closing – Carolina, most recentthan two months after They’re the civiltreated home go into June. as though we as a society simply must accept without have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the m alcy. in our own backyard, we leapt become loft apartments and the Virgin EFForders TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR were accepted for publication. The unrest Fat a recent press briefing thatwho “westandards. just don’t to know yet” if the process of returning back to norm lowtalent academic continue choose was Thecoronavirus Wooden Vine, a popplace and that due to ly it at the opportunity toto assist arolina, Democratic Gov. Roythose statedtook during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the Lenten and historic Coca-Cola bottling plant pandemic. us, and we have the right ask Studies journal published aCooper hoax paper Several of the research state’s stay-at-home will extend May. No. The government worksHer for Center into City asfake their home; papers and ular bistro in the heart orders of downthe coronavirus many workers Since when are did the North Carolina Business retail, that argued the term bodybuilding was staying us press briefing that “we yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. For me, will mybecome faith isresidential, an important part ofstay-atmy da home orders are in place alljust overdon’t the know Easter seasons were accepted for publication. The Fat a recen jobs announced by major compatown. Despite the City Council’s still home. “We don’t have If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer Committee forand Education asbe it replaced questioning restaurant, brewery, and office should e orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, hem get exclusionary in states, such as Michigan, Studies journal published a hoax paper nies who are committed to Center best efforts, grants and PPP loans very many office workers back yet, justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, andwhen the stricter some ofI state’s provide provides connection to rural Since did with “fat bodybuilding, as abe fat-inclusive space. The new baseball team City including LendingTree, Truare just stop gaps. What restaugovernment and we don’t have a lot of visitors that argued the term bodybuilding was Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “com eeling isolated and/or anxious about e to extend it, questions should asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the communities during a time of must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home If hef messageAlly, of and Lowe’s.” politicized performance.” One reviewer and its ownerquestioning are another major Honeywell, really need get areexclusionary yet at hotels.” andas should bethis replaced affliction, so thatwhen we may becan able toback comfort those ng forthe their families, will demand uncertainty and when it is needed And answers should not bereading vagueback ones like “we atDowntown and rants the stricter some of in states, such Michigan, allcountry, levelsRaItand willhotels need to be them explained inist, detail to the people of state who they get to provid justific said, “I thoroughly enjoyed this step closer toward bringing the hope that we will Charlotte’s economy took anleigh Alliance is providing grants paying customers to return. Thiswith “fat as a fat-inclusive most,” said Steve Evans, Director affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves government an abundance ofbelieve caution.” more at home feeling isolated anxious about aresitting being told to remain jobless and and/or atbodybuilding, home for aninundetermined answers. article and it has an important mustard whole vision to life. “This is truly a staypeople, other hit earlier the sumis why some Charlotte private bars to businesses to become helpthe them of Community Development for once again enjoy politicized performance.” One reviewer God.” vels should be as forthcoming as they contribution to make to the field amount time why models predicting hundreds of thousands cases Leaders the local e explained insenator, detail theincredibly people ofand thisthis state who when they can get backofconditions to providing their families, will demand a milestone for city and an and state mer after the Republican Par-of opening, even though it for is vioand promote themselves atour allat levels It wle Smithfield Foods.Ito “I am place. Elderly persons as with are underlying said, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading thisare bad thing? ORMER state have been asked afloatin sportingitevents, If you celebrating the Easter season, I—urge again, not vague answers, but answer journal.” are reliable. can be with those answers and example of how public-private ty announced was moving the emain jobless and at home for an undetermined lation of the Governors mandate,” answers. things gradually improve, focusproud to be a part of this arethat be would be monitored by health teams for some time, article and believe it has an important s what I would regarding the stay-at-Solidarity become a give theirso “Our do Struggle Iswe Mybegin Struggle: That isactivating what reflect on this message and be comforted, ents believability. concerts, family Smithfield Familyhundreds as to long-anticipated Republican Napartnerships can revitalize he says. ing its efforts on “safely To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that statem hy models predicting of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to make to the field and this r in North Carolina. The current SAH amoun Feminism as an Intersectional to God’sabout example andWe comfort all in need arou at we can to keep our families, bridge the gap between our rural Reply tional Convention to Jacksonville, Michael J.that Smith, President downtown,” puts it. “We a community proven to becontinue bad thing? free citizens mandated but along the way I’ve alsobut had questions should allthose to do w gatherings, can be withsystem those answers — we anddo, again, not vague answers, answer Led as by King our major health leaders and journal.” res on April 29. Neoliberal and Feminism,” was are rel communities andChoice the future.” FL instead. Holladay says the lack CEO of Charlotte Center City are doing scavenger hunts, en- & the this difficult time. Through faith and by helping o fe. But we should also still continue beneficial for everyone,” said data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities s church services North Carolina Association, Iorganization would “Our Struggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity te senator recently we are going to couraging inHospital adetails free That is of what e along with what the state asked then with give an their statements believability. accepted forsaid publication by aand the Many rural counties hadhas 50 Affilia, To d of a convention has been devastatPartners, geared peopleliving to exercise and that Gastonia Mayor Walker Reid III. confident we will emerge out this pandemic str ecause while reasonable stay-at-home Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, b have a master plan with primary suppliers and a Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to ow four things: who is sick, who is not, feminist journal for social workers. The percentthe of students unable to had questions and many more but along way I’ve also about society should all continue to dothe what we can to our families, ingkeep to the hospitality sector. promoting economwere walk downtown,” he said.We “Even if towards free citizens manda Inthose this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by ydo, should alsowho have an expiration sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat measures are understandable, the paper consisted in ofspring adate. rewritten plan forourselves, manufacturers in N.C. toand re-purpose Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” was een sick and has not. Ipart agree. Public access remote learning last “Earlier this summer there was ic, cultural residential develyou’rebackup not comfortable yet going to publican leaders have, too. and our communities safe. But we should also still continue after our own the da supposed neighbors helping neighbors. d it is not normal. Not in any way, living a free passage from Meincaused Kampf. Two other due to interruptions simply the data and asking when canConvention start getting facilities to produce ventilators and PPE necessary downtown, accepted for publication by Affilia, a back This is allin new to Americans, a erts are coalescing around benchmarks toa business, hope that the we RNC ofquestioning Charlotte’s having onquestions the opment when certain types ofstay questions asked, there iscare more tofeet ask about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home temporary Unf In Concord, a shape, high school senior named d remain vigilant and safe,willat get by COVID-19. This funding papers were published, including ourlast ownIdemands. ongoing needs for social workers. The ore rules hoax ease: sustained reductions in new toofdo, toAn normal as though conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So while weTanne shoul would journal be the savoir forare the hospiagrees. “From the cornerthey officeare tofeminist streetto is take helpful.” society were rbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. address a critical and immediate “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make fa mfortable with this so-called “new somet sacrifices are would evaluate re-purposing ofshop, consisted partcompany of a rewritten deaths, widespread testing, ample hospital Stillassessment tality industry. Our was corner coffee pain get ispaper the question remains when thethe otherwise don’t carethe if they themselves orin others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get co checked. need forasking students at Urban Dog Parks.” This subject supposed gndthe and when we paper’s can and start getting This is all to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, health care workers out of his own home. hotels, empty warehouses andnew university dorms passage from Mein Kampf. Two other thedata ability to low-income monitor new patients planning $100,000 events for clireal. This has been one of the most simply if ever mostback downtown workers Since when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a bad in historically underserved was dog-on-dog rape. But the gh they are conspiracy theorists ordog arerape people who shape, So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, atwere ents, there waspublished, an expectation times our free businessas it emergency field hospitals inchallenging conjunction with hoax papers were including will feel is safe to return to anor of-form. contacts. do,little lastbit. I to nor thing? That is what citizens living in a free society supposed Nottoone communities. eventually Boghossian, es,we especially small business-“Rape fice and dine outside their homes. deployment strategies for health professionals. and Queer Performativity re reasonable data pointsforced that should serve if theypaper get themselves or others sick. the same time shouldn’t get comfortable withCulture this so-called “new “Smithfield has always otherw tocare do, last Iour checked. Pluckrose andFoods Lindsay to prematurely out checked. es, havecare ever faced. The personal-at Urban See COMMERCE, page The Wall Street Journal citeddirect a re- primary Virtual hospitals and Parks.” ThisB6is paper’s subjectI’m Stacey ation make decisions to keep undertothe pseudonym Sister Toldjah been a steadfast partner questioning government at for alleveryone levels become normal.” My firstoptions concern as we go along in allDog this, of course, my family. Matthews has also written Sinc themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer a bad would be made available through every health was dog-on-dog rape. But the dog rape not going back fullwhat normal any timewere supposed the Legal state ofto North Carolina, dState and Insurrection. tefree citizens living a free Not one littleworried bit. had figured outin theysociety were doing. about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to Re thing? particularlyeverything for the rural tomorrow. We implemented. paper eventually forced Boghossian, re not reopening Some papers accepted for publication system. Ongoing testing would be d. suffering from the H1N1 virusPluckrose (swine flu) during theto2009 pandemic, to do, communities in which they Rigorous statewide antibody testing would be and Lindsay prematurely out care of our most vulnerable citizens, and in academic journals advocated training I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah operate,” added North Carolina My themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer egin to reopen our businesses, now. white maleimplemented once available. men like dogs and punishing Agriculture Commissioner way too many memories of aand painful experience prefer not to repeat. m catching thestudents virus, and I’mSteve I will. After and is other a regular contributor to RedState Insurrection. In conjunction with regional governors hadLegal figured out whatI’dthey were doing. lowing acollege couple of data models —worried Fuller, worrie for historical slavery by Troxler. “Their generous support But what also makes me lose Some sleep is how easily most has H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, and cooperation with the White House, I would papers accepted foreveryone publication d the CDC. The models N.C. asking them to sitproject inBusiness silence oncases the floor in sufferi of the North Carolina ensure N.C. receives a fair allocation of items such in academic journals advocated training tween April 20 and May 5. chains during class and to be expected to take extra precautions, because I’ve be Committee for Education will all of this brings up men like dogs and punishing white male fromI the discomfort. papers do the following: would not extend mories oflearn a painful experience I’Other d prefer notastoventilators repeat. from national stores to ensure we bring internet connectivity way to morbid obesity as a healthy life can address any peak scenario. There would be a college students for historical slavery by rder 29 without compelling toApril thousands of households, akespast mecelebrated lose sleep is how easily most everyone has But choice and advocated treating privately standing directive for rapid response to enable the asking them to sit in silence on the floor in ng its necessity. It is imperative to keep providing a tremendous amount conducted as a form of use of FDA-approved drugs that are experimental in of value and opportunity foras oursocial chains during class and to be expected to ygiene measures inmasturbation place: such sexual violence against Typically,relation to a pandemic virus. students and their families.” learn from the discomfort. Other papers , gathering limits, masks, handwomen. washing, academic journal editors send submitted As long as a business could demonstrate the ability celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life out toor referees for on-going review. In to follow sound Covid-19 hygiene, they would be choice and advocated treating privately es to lift papers and reduce continue for publication, allowed to re-enter the economy. I would lean into conducted masturbation as a form of s need torecommending be determinedacceptance using scientific many reviewers gave these papers glowing exercising a little common sense on what works and sexual violence against women. Typically, Suspending and, more concerning,



okay to ask questions about when sk questions aboutIt’swhen It’s okay The comfort and hope we begin to get back to normal get back to normal we begin

What would you do?

Is this the car for Mom?

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


ncdot 15 years later, Walmart to launch CASH REPORT its answer to Amazon Prime For the week ending 8/28 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds:

$950,511,675 Add Receipts:

$246,659,749 Less Disbursements:


By Joseph Pisani The Associated Press NEW YORK — Walmart is launching a new membership service that it hopes can compete with Amazon Prime. Called Walmart+, it will cost $98 a year, or $12.95 a month, and give members same-day delivery on 160,000 items, a fuel discount at certain gas stations and a chance to check out at Walmart stores without having to wait at a register. Walmart has a long way to go to catch up with Amazon Prime. Launched in 2005, Prime has

more than 150 million members worldwide who pay $119 a year, or $12.99 a month, for faster shipping and other perks, such as discounts at Amazon’s Whole Foods supermarkets and access to its video streaming site. Walmart’s online sales are growing rapidly, especially during the pandemic, when more people have turned to the company to order groceries online and pick them up at a store. But the world’s biggest retailer is still a distant second online to Amazon. Walmart is expected to take 6% of all online sales in the U.S. this year, com-

pared to Amazon’s 38%, according to market research firm eMarketer. Last week, Walmart emerged as a possible suitor for the U.S. business of TikTok, the fast-growing video app with more than 100 million users. Analysts have said the bid with tech company Microsoft could be a way for Walmart to grow its online shopping business and connect with millions of young shoppers. Janey Whiteside, Walmart’s chief customer officer, said it wasn’t launching Walmart+ to compete with any other shopping member-

ship. “We’re launching it to meet the needs of our customers,” she said. “And it really was designed to make their busy lives easier.” Walmart+ members will still have to spend at least $35 online to qualify for free shipping. But delivery could be as quick as the same day for groceries, toys and household items, such as toilet paper and soap. Members will get a discount of up to 5 cents a gallon at Murphy gas stations or at the 2,000 Walmart locations that have gas pumps. The company said it’s working to add more gas-station chains to its list. At its stores, members can unlock an app to scan items as they shop and pay without having to stop at a cashier. The Bentonville, Arkansas-based company said Walmart+ will launch Sept. 15.

Reserved Cash:

$496,790,331 Unreserved Cash Balance Total:


Zoom stock surges, market value tops Boeing, Starbucks New York Zoom surged in early trading Tuesday, making the video conferencing company more valuable than well-established companies in the auto and aviation industries. The shares rose 33% to $432.45, pushing Zoom’s market value to nearly $122 billion, after it reported explosive growth during the second quarter as more people paid for subscriptions, giving them more control over virtual meetings. Zoom’s revenue more than quadrupled from the same time last year to $663.5 million and profits blew past Wall Street forecasts. At the current level, Zoom’s market value exceeds that of two storied automakers, General Motors and Ford, combined, as well the value of aviation giant Boeing and consumer favorite Starbucks. The company is one of the key beneficiaries of the virus pandemic as more people log on to its videoconferencing service to work from home.


Walmart is launching a new membership service that it hopes can compete with Amazon Prime. Called Walmart+, it will cost $98 a year, or $12.95 a month, and give members same-day delivery on 160,000 items, a fuel discount at certain gas stations and a chance to check out at Walmart stores without having to wait at a register.


GM, Ford complete US contracts to build breathing machines Detroit General Motors says it has finished making 30,000 medical breathing machines for the U.S. government to help treat coronavirus patients. The Department of Health and Human Services contracted with GM to build the ventilators at a converted auto electronics plant in Kokomo, Indiana, at a cost of $489.4 million. The machines were designed by Ventec Life Systems of the Seattle area, and GM ramped up production in about a month when it appeared the U.S. and other countries would run short of ventilators. The ventilators were to be finished by Monday. GM says Tuesday it has turned over control of the Kokomo operation to Ventec, which will continue to make ventilators there and in Bothell, Washington. Earlier Ford announced it has finished making 50,000 ventilators for the government at a cost of $336 million. A portion of a factory near Detroit was converted to make the machines. It will now go back to producing auto parts. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

COMMERCE from page B5 that the convention would bring in over 100 Million dollars in economic impact to the city,” he says. “The combination of the pandemic and politics erased any possibility to make money off the convention. Only Westin Hotel and few select companies were able to provide services for the smaller convention. For our company the RNC Convention just ended up being a big waste of time and resources.” Mohammad Jenatian, Presi-

Trump eyes aquaculture boom, but environmentalists dig in By Patrick Whittle The Associated Press PORTLAND, Maine — President Donald Trump wants to dramatically expand aquaculture production in the United States, but a coalition of environmentalists believes his plan would be bad for the oceans, unnecessary for food security and difficult to implement. Trump’s bid to grow fish farming is designed to address the socalled “seafood deficit,” which refers to the fact that nine-tenths of the seafood Americans eat comes from overseas. The seafood trade gap with other countries approached $17 billion in 2017, according to one federal government report. The president issued an executive order in May that promised broad changes in how the U.S. regulates fish farming. It included provisions to expedite the development of offshore aquaculture in deep federal waters. That sector of the industry has yet to emerge in the U.S., where most aquaculture takes place near shore where farmers grow salmon, oysters and other popular seafood items. The Trump administration and the aquaculture industry said the order, which is being implemented now, represents common sense

dent of the Greater Charlotte Hospitality & Tourism Alliance (HTA) has worked in Charlotte’s hospitality industry for over 40 years. His clients include a variety of different businesses such as hotels, restaurants, bars, food service companies, attractions, transportation companies, professional sports teams, conventions & event venues, event planning companies, architects, construction companies, banks, and malls. He is among a group of local leaders who spent the past 25 years trying

steps to ease the burden of rules on fish farmers. But environmental groups said it threatens to increase pollution and over-development in the ocean at a time when many consumers aren’t buying seafood. “They’re trying to somehow connect open-water aquaculture with the need for domestic food. But it just doesn’t make sense,” said Marianne Cufone, executive director of the Recirculating Farms Coalition, one of several environmental groups that oppose the move. “Why we’re seeing it during a pandemic, I don’t know, I’m shaking my head.” The executive order gives the nation’s regional fishery management councils, which regulate fisheries, six months to recommend “actions to reduce burdens on domestic fishing.” One of the order’s

stated goals is “more effective permitting related to offshore aquaculture and additional streamlining of fishery regulations,” with “the potential to revolutionize American seafood production.” The order aims to bring seafood production to the U.S. instead of keeping the nation dependent on other countries, said Paul Doremus, deputy assistant administrator for operations at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service. “We’re a major seafood consuming country and we could be producing more of that seafood internally,” Doremus said. “That’s the driving force behind the executive order as a whole.” Aquaculture in federal waters has support from some major fish farmers, including Cooke Aquaculture, a Canada-based seafood giant. Cooke spokesman Joel Richardson said the order shows Trump’s administration knows “the world needs more aquaculture to feed the world.” The company’s operations include salmon farms in the nearshore waters of Maine. Hallie Templeton, senior oceans campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said it’s not the right time to grow fish farming. Seafood is

popular in restaurants, and the coronavirus pandemic has caused many to shutter, at least temporarily. Seafood sales to restaurants fell 90% in the early weeks of the pandemic. The industry has since seen an infusion of CARES Act money to help it recover, but continues to struggle. Templeton called offshore aquaculture “floating factory farms” and said they are more likely to cause pollution in the marine environment than provide sustainable food. A recent court ruling dealt a blow to the prospects for offshore fish farming. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a decision Aug. 3 that federal law granting NOAA authority over fisheries does not also let the agency set rules for offshore fish farms. That scuttled rules that could have regulated fish farms in the Gulf of Mexico. However, the aquaculture industry remains hopeful that Trump’s executive order can help pave the way for more fish farming, both nearshore and offshore. Paul Zajicek, executive director of the National Aquaculture Association, said the order isn’t about eliminating regulations but rather “removing barriers to aquaculture permitting” for farmers. Some fishing groups have also come out in support of the order. Scot Mackey, director of government affairs for the Garden State Seafood Association, which advocates for fishermen as well as farmers, said the order “will help the industry weather the current crisis and come back stronger.”

to bring the Republican Convention to Charlotte and says he was saddened by the sudden change in plans. In a recent letter to his members, Jenatian offered this perspective on things. “Granted, our whole universe has changed since the COVID – 19 pandemic started a few months ago and this convention is a minor fraction of what was expected to be one of the biggest tourism and economic development events in the history of the Charlotte region. Yet, securing this

event and dealing with the political fiasco of losing it and getting it back again is still a significant part of the journey that some of us have been on to make Charlotte a major travel destination and an economic hub of our nation.” Jenatian stands by his belief that Charlotte’s vibrant economy will rebound, and says it recenlty surpassed San Francisco as being the 15th largest city in the country. He says that while the RNC would have done wonders for the downtown and surrounding areas,

Charlotte still has a lot to be proud of in terms of what it can offer visitors as well as residents. In the short term, local leaders in both Raleigh and Charlotte are taking steps to try to lure visitors back. The NC Department of Commerce has established a job retention grant program and the Charlotte City Council has already approved $8 Million in grants dedicated to assisting hotels, restaurants, and bars that are located within the city limit of Charlotte.

“We’re a major seafood consuming country and we could be producing more of that seafood internally.” Paul Doremus, National Marine Fisheries Service

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


2020 mazda cx-30


A premium crossover with an economy price Here‘s your next new car, Mom By Jordan Golson North State Journal BOSTON — My mother is getting ready to buy her first new car in more than a decade. She recently retired and bought a house out in the country, which means she can‘t take public transportation everywhere like she did for the prior 38 years she lived in the city. She had cars during those four decades of course. I remember riding around in a 80‘s-era Honda Civic hatchback when I was little, and she later had vehicles as varied as a Jeep Wrangler and a Chrysler Town & Country minivan — but it‘s been the better half of a decade since she owned a vehicle and now it‘s my job as her son and a Professional Automotive Journalist to help her buy something new. Her first suggestion was a used Range Rover. Unless you want to make best friends with your mechanic (and put his kid through med school), that‘s going to be a pass. I suggested a 1992 Volvo 240 wagon with 245,000 miles on it (in beige!) but she kiboshed that on the same mechanic-related grounds. Mom lives in New Hampshire, where it snows, so all-wheel drive is a necessity (as is a solid set of winter tires, probably Nokian Hakkapeliitta or, more likely, Bridgestone Blizzak). I‘m long out of the house so she doesn‘t need a ton of room in the car — just enough space for the occasional Costco run and the more-frequent quilting-antiquing-whatever-retired-people-do runs. Like everyone these days, she wants a higher seating position and the improved visibility that goes along with it. That, plus the need for AWD, means SUV or crossover. There are about a million choices that meet those criteria, some of which I‘ve reviewed here before: the Hyundai Kona, for example, or the Kia Seltos, or the Toyota RAV4. Or, not coincidentally, my test car this week: the 2020 Mazda CX-30. It‘s a subcompact crossover slotting between the CX-3 and the CX5, and yes, the name is a bit weird. Mazda sells a CX-4 in some other countries, so we get the odd name. Whatever. Think of the CX-30 as an upscale companion to the CX-3 — they‘re similar in size, but the CX30 is a little more premium and a

little more focused on the folks sitting in the front two seats. My test car was a top-of-the-line Premium trim, with every option box ticked. With a sticker of $31,370, it had almost everything I could ask for. The full Mazda safety suite, including radar cruise control with full stop, blind spot monitoring, lane keep assist, automatic high beams and windshield wipers, and even adaptive LED headlights that swivel to illuminate curves. It has heated leather seats up front and a 12-speaker Bose sound system. There‘s Mazda‘s excellent chassis and all-wheel drive system, as well as the terrific 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine making 186 horsepower and 186 torques that I‘ve driven in so many other Mazda vehicles. There‘s an 8.8-inch touchscreen atop the elegant center stack, including both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support. There‘s an annoying Mazda infotainment control knob down between the passengers, and the excellent Mazda steering wheel in front of the driver. But all of the touchpoints feel solidly premium. This is a really nice car, and you don‘t feel like the designers cheaped out anywhere. The Mazda CX-30 punches above its weight. It looks elegant and refined. The exterior has the same gorgeous design that the rest of the Mazda lineup sports and it looks particularly sharp in the Polymetal Gray Metallic that my test car was equipped with. It sits back on its haunches a little bit, like a greyhound ready to rip around the track. Fuel economy is acceptable at 25/32/27 city/highway/combined. It won‘t win any commuter awards with those numbers, but it‘s reasonable for the competition. The CX-30 covers a wide range of price points. It starts around $22,000 and runs up to the $31,000 Premium that I wanted, so there‘s going to be a CX-30 for you, regardless of your price range. And, perhaps, there‘s one for Mom, too. I don‘t know if I‘ll convince her on the Mazda, though. Hyundai and Kia both offer 10-year / 100,000-mile powertrain warranties, while the Mazda sports 5-year / 60,000-mile coverage. But the Mazda is definitely the classier option. And what mom isn‘t all about class? So, there you go, Mom. I told you I‘d help you pick out a car. The Mazda CX-30. Enjoy.


North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


‘Tenet’ launches with $53M in overseas gambit at box office By Jake Coyle The Associated Press NEW YORK — The first wave of big new movies released since the beginning of the pandemic, including Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending thriller “Tenet” and the long-delayed “X-Men” spinoff “The New Mutants,” arrived in theaters over the weekend, testing the waters of a radically different theatrical landscape. Warner Bros.’ “Tenet” — the most hotly anticipated movie of the year and the one that has repeatedly positioned itself to lead the return of multiplex moviegoing — opened with an estimated $53 million overseas in 41 markets, including most of Europe, South Korea and Canada. Given the circumstances, it was difficult to forecast the performance of the $200 million “Tenet,” starring John David Washington Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki. But the result exceeded the expectations of most. Toby Emmerich, chairman of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, called it “a fantastic start.” “Given the unprecedented circumstances of this global release we know we’re running a marathon, not a sprint, and look forward to long playability for this film globally for many weeks to come,” said Emmerich in a statement. While many of Hollywood’s largest productions have postponed their release and others have rerouted to streaming platforms, Warner Bros. gambled that “Tenet” could roll out abroad first, and then gradually debut in the U.S. So far, it seems to be working. The overseas opening for “Tenet” was greeted by some as proof that blockbuster moviegoing can be resurrected even while the virus continues to circulate and large indoor gatherings are considered higher risk. As part of their safety protocols, movie theaters are mandating mask wearing, cleaning cinemas in between showings and operating at 50% capacity to distance moviegoers usually crowded shoulder to shoulder. “The strong international debut


This image released by Warner Bros. Entertainment shows Elizabeth Debicki, left, and John David Washington in a scene from “Tenet.” of Christopher Nolan’s ‘Tenet’ is an emphatic statement that audiences around the world are ready to return to theaters where local guidelines allow,” said Rich Gelfond, chief executive of IMAX. The large-format exhibitor accounted for $5 million of the film’s box office. In nine markets, including Ukraine and the Netherlands, “Tenet” did better than any previous movie directed by Nolan, including “The Dark Knight.” It was the largest opening yet in Saudi Arabia, which in 2018 ended its ban on cinemas. In the United Kingdom, “Tenet” accounted for 74% of ticket sales, Warner Bros. said. “Tenet” will open this week in the U.S. and China, the two largest markets. In the U.S., the conditions remain far from ideal. About 60% of theaters are currently open.

The largest chains, including AMC and Regal, r eopened the week prior. Any new release is trying to coax moviegoers back to the movies — any movie — in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the U.S. over the weekend, the Walt Disney Co.’ “The New Mutants,” a critically panned horror riff for Marvel made by 20th Century Fox before the Disney acquisition, led the domestic box office with an estimated $7 million in 2,412 locations. Cathleen Taff, Disney’s president of global distribution, called it a success for times requiring recalibrated expectations. “We continue to have faith and believe in the theatrical experience. We think consumers are ready to start having that experience with others sooner rather than later,” Taff said. “We’re en-

couraged. We’re very encouraged.” Disney will next week release the live-action remake of “Mulan” for a $30 digital rental through its streaming service, Disney+. Originally slated for theatrical release in March, it’s the most expensive movie yet to go straight to the home. Taff, though, said she’s optimistic about upcoming releases coming to theaters. “Of course it’s not going to be a linear process. We’ve been upended for sure, along with many other industries. But we have to continue to pivot and adjust our approach in real time,” said Taff. “Right now we’re feeling pretty good.” Theaters remain closed in several states, including New York and California. On Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom released guidelines that could allow county-by-country reopening of cine-

mas. United Artists Releasing’ “Bill & Ted Face the Music” debuted Friday on video-on-demand. The company didn’t provide rental grosses Sunday, but it also put “Bill and Ted” in 1,007 North American theaters where it made just shy of $1.1 million. Theatrical release may be harder for adult-skewing specialty fare whose audiences are historically harder to get out of the house. Fox Searchlight’s “The Personal History David Copperfield,” a Charles Dickens adaptation by Armando Iannucci (“Veep”), opened with $520,000 from 1,360 theaters. “The results, while modest, signal a return to the cinema for moviegoers who are yearning for the majesty of the big screen,” said Frank Rodriguez, distribution head for Searchlight.

Chadwick Boseman, who embodied Black icons, dies of cancer By Ryan Pearson The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — First Chadwick Boseman slipped on the cleats of Jackie Robinson, then the Godfather of Soul’s dancing shoes, portraying both Black American icons with a searing intensity that commanded respect. When the former playwright suited up as Black Panther, he brought cool intellectual gravitas to the Marvel superhero whose “Wakanda forever!” salute reverberated worldwide. As his Hollywood career boomed, though, Boseman was privately undergoing “countless surgeries and chemotherapy” to battle colon cancer, his family said in a statement announcing his death at age 43 last week. He’d been diagnosed at stage 3 in 2016 but never spoke publicly about it. The cancer was there when his character T’Challa visited the ancestors’ “astral plane” in poignant scenes from the Oscar-nominated “Black Panther,” there when he first became a producer on the action thriller “21 Bridges,” and there last summer when he shot an adaptation of a play by his hero August Wilson. It was there when he played a radical Black leader — seen only in flashbacks and visions — whose death is mourned by Vietnam War comrades-inarms in Spike Lee’s “Da 5 Bloods.” “A true fighter, Chadwick persevered through it all, and brought you many of the films you have come to love so much,” his family said. “It was the honor of his career to bring King T’Challa to life in Black Panther.” Boseman died at his home in the Los Angeles area with his wife and family by

his side, his publicist Nicki Fioravante told The Associated Press. Boseman is survived by his wife and a parent and had no children, Fioravante said. Born and raised in South Carolina, where he played Little League baseball and AAU basketball, Boseman graduated from Howard University in Washington, D.C. He wrote plays, acted and directed in theater and had small roles in television before landing his breakthrough role. His striking portrayal of the color-line-demolishing baseball star Robinson opposite Harrison Ford in 2013’s “42” drew attention in Hollywood and made him a star. A year later, he wowed audiences as Brown in the biopic “Get On Up.” Boseman died on a day that Major League Baseball was celebrating Jackie Robinson day. “His transcendent performance in ‘42’ will stand the test of time and serve as a powerful vehicle to tell Jackie’s story to audiences for generations to come,” the league wrote in a tweet. Expressions of shock and despair poured in late Friday from fellow actors, athletes, musicians, Hollywood titans, fans and politicians. Viola Davis, who acted alongside Boseman in “Get On Up” and the upcoming Wilson adaptation, said: “ words to express my devastation of losing you. Your talent, your spirit, your heart, your authenticity.” “He was a gentle soul and a brilliant artist, who will stay with us for eternity through his iconic performances,” said Denzel Washington, who funded a scholarship Boseman used to study theater at Oxford and produced the upcom-


In this Feb. 14, 2018 photo, actor Chadwick Boseman poses for a portrait in New York to promote his film, “Black Panther.” ing Wilson film. Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a Howard alumna, wrote the actor “was brilliant, kind, learned, and humble. He left too early but his life made a difference.” Disney executive chairman Bob Iger called Boseman “an extraordinary talent, and one of the most gentle and giving souls I have ever met.” “Captain America” actor Chris Evans called Boseman “a true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create.” His T’Challa character was first introduced to the blockbuster Marvel cinematic universe in 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War,” and his “Wakanda forever” salute became a pop culture landmark after the release of “Black Panther” two years ago. “I don’t think the world was

ready for a ‘Black Panther’ movie before this moment. Socially and politically, it wasn’t ready for it,” he told AP at the time. The film’s vision of Afrofuturism and the technologically advanced civilization of Wakanda resonated with audiences, some of whom wore African attire to showings and helped propel “Black Panther” to more than $1.3 billion in global box office. It is the only Marvel Studios film to receive a best picture Oscar nomination. The character was last seen standing silently dressed in a black suit at Tony Stark’s funeral in “Avengers: Endgame.” A “Black Panther” sequel had been announced, and was one of the studio’s most anticipated upcoming films. In addition to Jackie Robinson and James Brown, Boseman portrayed the future U.S. Supreme

Court Justice Thurgood Marshall in 2017’s “Marshall.” He humanized the larger-than-life historical figures with the same soulful, reserved dignity — interrupted by flashes of sparkling wit — that he would later bring to T’Challa. He took on his first producing job in last year’s action thriller “21 Bridges,” in which he also starred. Boseman completed one last performance, in a Netflix adaptation of August Wilson’s “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Boseman first got into theater, acting and writing plays as an undergrad at Howard. He visited Africa for the first time during college with director and theater professor Mike Malone, working in Ghana to preserve and celebrate rituals with performances on a proscenium stage. He told AP the trip had been “one of the most significant learning experiences of my life.”

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Venice reclaims spotlight as 1st COVID-era film fest opens By Nicole Winfield The Associated Press ROME — Venice is reclaiming its place as a top cultural destination with the opening of the Venice Film Festival — the first major in-person cinema showcase of the coronavirus era after Cannes canceled and other international festivals opted to go mostly online this year. But don’t be fooled. The 77th edition of the world’s oldest film festival will look nothing like its predecessors. The public will be barred from the red carpet, Hollywood stars and films will be largely absent and face masks will be required indoors and out as the festival opens Wednesday. Those strict measures are evidence of the hard line Venice and the surrounding Veneto region took to contain the virus when it first emerged in the lagoon city in late February. Unlike neighboring Lombardy, which became the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe, Veneto largely kept the virus under control with early local lockdowns and broad testing once the virus was widespread. La Biennale chief Robert Cicutto said the decision to hold the festival at all was an important sign of rebirth for Venice and the film industry, and said the experience on the Lido will serve as a “laboratory” for future cultural gatherings. “It will be an experiment on the ground of how to confront an important event” in the COVID era, he said in presenting this year’s Venice lineup. The Sept. 2-12 festival marks Italy’s return to the art world stage after it became the first country in the West to be slammed by


Workers mount lights on the red carpet of the 77th edition of the Venice Film Festival at the Venice Lido, Italy, Monday, Aug. 31, 2020.

COVID. Even Tom Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible 7,” in Venice at the time for three weeks of filming, had to pull out. Italy’s strict 10-week lockdown largely tamed the virus, but infections are now rebounding after summer vacations. Health authorities are scrambling to test passengers at airports and seaports to try to identify imported cases before they can spread. Guests to the glamorous film festival are not exempt. If they arrive from outside Europe’s open-border Schengen area, they will be tested upon arrival. Other measures to limit contagion include reserved seats, spaced apart, for all screenings and a requirement to wear masks even during screenings and outdoors.

“Clearly we have to abide by anti-COVID measures,” said Paola Mar, Venice’s culture chief. “Each of us has a personal responsibility. And if all of us do our jobs, we can limit the harm.” But she said the show must go on, given the importance of the film festival and the Biennale’s other longer-term cultural contributions to Venice’s economy, which depends almost entirely on tourism. Restrictions on travel from the U.S. to Europe have meant that Hollywood films, which often use Venice as a springboard for other festivals and ultimately the Oscars, are essentially no-shows this year. That means no sightings of Venice regulars George Clooney and

Brad Pitt arriving by water taxi, no red carpet photo ops with Lady Gaga, who premiered “A Star is Born” here, or Joaquin Phoenix, whose “Joker” won Venice’s top prize, the Golden Lion, last year before going on to Oscar glory. This year’s slightly reduced lineup still contains in-competition films from a variety of countries, but will be a mostly European affair. Italian films are well represented, including the first Italian opening-night film in years, the out-of-competition family drama “Lacci” by Daniele Luchetti. Two Italian documentaries filmed during lockdown are making their debuts: Andrea Segre’s “Molecules,” a haunting study of an empty, ethereal Venice, premieres as the festival’s pre-open-

Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 16, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit:

($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.

superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

ing film Tuesday. And director Luca Guadagnino, whose documentary about Italian shoemaker Salvatore Ferragamo is an official out-of-competition film, offered up a last-minute short “Fiori, Fiori, Fiori!,” about reconnecting with his childhood friends in Sicily during the lockdown. Spanish director Pedro Almodovar is premiering his first-ever English-language film, “The Human Voice,” which he filmed and edited in the weeks after Spain’s lockdown ended. The short film, an adaptation of the Jean Cocteau play of the same name, stars Tilda Swinton, who will be picking up a Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement award in Venice this year. Cate Blanchett heads the main jury, which added Matt Dillon at the last minute after Romanian director Cristi Puiu pulled out. But other A-list celebrities are largely staying away. Venice itself still has a long way to go to recover from the economic devastation of a pandemic, the halt to cruise ship stops and a lockdown on a city beloved by the jet-set. All this happened after Venice was already brought to its knees by the historic “acqua alta” floods last November, which raised deep questions about how Italy’s lagoon city will function as climate change and rising sea levels grow to be increasing threats. “The city hasn’t worked since November,” said gondolier Maurizio Carlotto. “There’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. The hotels that are open are half-empty. You look at the restaurants at night, they’re empty.” “To relaunch Venice, and tourism in general, we need this virus to end,” he said, looking out at an eerily empty canal. “They have to find the antidote.”


CUMBERLAND 20 SP 490 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by V. Capital, LLC to Lima One Lender Services, LLC, Trustee(s), which was dated December 2, 2015 and recorded on December 2, 2015 in Book 09766 at Page 0122 and rerecorded/modified/ corrected on November 15, 2017 in Book 10204, Page 0463, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina.

BEING all of Lot 37 in Block A of that subdivision known as LAGRANGE, SECTION SIX, with the plat of same being duly recorded in Plat Book 30 at Page 20, Cumberland County Registry, State of North Carolina; to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.

Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of

Said property is commonly known as 7568 Decatur Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28303.


conducting the sale on September 16, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit:

NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Jacob T. Hurndon to Angela Greenberg, Trustee(s), which was dated April 16, 2008 and recorded on April 21, 2008 in Book 7867 at Page 201, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20 SP 565 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ANGELA P. MURRAY AND OWEN K. MURRAY AND GUS C. PAPPAS AND KOULA K. PAPPAS DATED MAY 30, 1997 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 4669 AT PAGE 279 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20 SP 564 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOE E. BROWN AND RAMONA BROWN AKA RAMONA E. BROWN DATED APRIL 29, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 6868 AT PAGE 101 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20sp586 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY SHIRLEY M. MCDOUGALD DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 9958 AT PAGE 772 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the

A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars

BEING all of Lot No. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO (152), in a subdivision known as “FARMINGTON, SECTION TWO”, according to a plat of the same duly recorded in Plat Book 78, Page 19, Cumberland County, North Carolina Registry. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 1174 Butterwood Cir, Fayetteville, NC 28314. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due

and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on September 14, 2020 the followingdescribedrealestateandanyotherimprovements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Angela P. Murray and Owen K. Murray and Gus C. Pappas and Koula K. Pappas, dated May 30, 1997 to secure the original principal amount of $105,300.00, and recorded in Book 4669 at Page 279 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28304 Tax Parcel ID:

2608 Sydney 0 4 2 6 -7 7-

contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on September 14, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Joe E. Brown and Ramona Brown aka Ramona E. Brown, dated April 29, 2005 to secure the original principal amount of $15,600.00, and recorded in Book 6868 at Page 101 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Rockwood Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28311 Tax Parcel ID:





secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on September 14, 2020 the followingdescribedrealestateandanyotherimprovements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Shirley M. McDougald, dated September 30, 2016 to secure the original principal amount of $205,300.00, and recorded in Book 9958 at Page 772 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Greyfield Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28303 Tax Parcel ID: 4622 Present Record Owners:





0409-43The Estate of

Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are V Capital, LLC. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of

and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Jacob T. Hurndon. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold.

1362 Present Record Owners: Murray



And Being more commonly known as: 2608 Sydney Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28304 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Angela P. Murray. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to

8845 Present Record Owners: and Ramona E. Brown

Joe E. Brown

And Being more commonly known as: 701 Rockwood Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28311 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Joe E. Brown and Ramona E. Brown. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition

Shirley M. McDougald And Being more commonly known as: 6442 Greyfield Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28303 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are The Estate of Shirley M. McDougald. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and

the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-04670-FC01

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return

Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may

File No.: 20-05391-FC01

all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587

The date of this Notice is August 24, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 13-055364

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or

expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the

assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate

purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is August 24, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-108874

the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is August 24, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-110167

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


CUMBERLAND 20 SP 111 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Brady D. Gill a/k/a Brady Gill and Samantha R. Gill a/k/a Samantha Gill to H. Terry Hutchens, Trustee(s), which was dated August 29, 2016 and recorded on August 31, 2016 in Book 9934 at Page 0538, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note


20 SP 535 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Joey M. Parton to Philip R Mahoney, Trustee(s), which was dated January 9, 2009 and recorded on January 14, 2009 in Book 08052 at Page 0265 and rerecorded/modified/corrected on April 20, 2009 in Book 08126, Page 0605, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 19sp1614 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY LYNDA COLLINS DATED JUNE 24, 2010 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 8422 AT PAGE 528 AND MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT RECORDED JULY 1, 2019 IN BOOK 10533, PAGE 800 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained

AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 1240 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Breahana L. Troy (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Breahana L. Troy) to Jennifer K. Fincher, Trustee(s), dated April 24, 2015, and recorded in Book No. 09635, at Page 0742 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on September 14, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Tract One:PIN: 9487-05-8681BEING all of Lot 66, in a Subdivision known as WOODMARK, according to a plat of same duly recorded in Book of Plats 56, Page 5,

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20SP221 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ANTONIO J. MOORE, JR. AND SADIQA MOORE DATED APRIL 18, 2007 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 7564 AT PAGE 367 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for


evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 9, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING all of Lot Number 26 in a subdivision known as PLEASANT VALLEY, Redivision of Section Two and the same being duly recorded in Book of Plats 26, at page 6, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 3331 Nato Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset

bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Brady D. Gill and wife, Samantha R. Gill. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental

agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.

Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-00246-FC01

Funds Paid to the Clerk of Court in Civil Proceeding, 19 CVD 4826


2020, a Petition for Payment of Surplus Funds, Affidavit and Affidavit of Title for surplus funds.



Lash Bragan and wife, Christl Bragan

Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The Plaintiff in the above entitled action has filed on July 17,

This the 19th day of August, 2020.

courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 9, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING all of Lot 118 in a subdivision known as SCOTTS MILL NORTH AT TREYBURN, SECTION 2 and the same being duly recorded in Book of Plats 118, at page 188, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 5016 Windflower Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE

EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Joey M. Parton. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1,

2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.

Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-05394-FC01

and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on September 11, 2020 the followingdescribedrealestateandanyotherimprovements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Lynda Collins, dated June 24, 2010 to secure the original principal amount of $115,025.00, and recorded in Book 8422 at Page 528 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

3922 Present Record Owners:

all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Petitioners, vs. Unknown Heirs of Mark Marshall and Sabrina L. Scott

Address of property: Nursery Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Tax Parcel ID:

3414 Butler 0 4 4 3 - 8 7-

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 19SP1677 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ROBERT H. MOREAU, JR. DATED MARCH 23, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 7183 AT PAGE 630 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the

DAVIDSON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIDSON COUNTY 18SP454 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY KEITH B. DILLON AND SHARON C. DILLON DATED MARCH 14, 2002 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1304 AT PAGE 618 IN THE DAVIDSON COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein

The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Lynda Collins. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to


cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of saidcountyat10:30AMonSeptember8,2020thefollowing described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Antonio J. Moore, Jr. and Sadiqa Moore, dated April 18, 2007 to secure the original principal amount of $138,311.00, and recorded in Book 7564 at Page 367 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

Unit 307, Fayetteville, NC 28314

Address of property: 6 1 6 Marshtree Ln Unit 307, Fayetteville, NC 28314 Tax Parcel ID: 9 4 97- 4 8 6338-046 Present Record Owners: Antonio J Moore, Jr. and Sadiqa Moore And Being more commonly known as: 616 Marshtree Ln

secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on September 8, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Rita G. Hamilton, dated August 30, 2002 to secure the original principal amount of $71,464.00, and recorded in Book 5836 at Page 131 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

Lynda Collins

And Being more commonly known as: 3414 Butler Nursery Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306

Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Property Address: 6800 Woodmark Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28314. Tract Two:PIN: 9487-05-9657BEGINNING at an existing iron pipe, the northeast corner of Lot 66, Woodmark, as recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 5, Cumberland County, North Carolina, registry, said existing iron pipe also being an angle point in the rear (southern) line of Lot 91 of Cliffdale West, Section One, as recorded in Plat Book 45, Page 55 and running with said southern line of Lot 91 and beyond with the southern line of Lot 92 South 78 degrees 45 minutes East, 142.73 feet to an existing iron pipe in the northern right-of-way margin of S.R. 1401; thence with said right-of-way margin with a curve to the southwest on a radius of 110.65 feet, an acre distance of 200.54 feet (chord South 49 degrees 29 minutes West, 174.20 feet) to the point of tangency in the eastern line of Lot 66 of Woodmark Subdivision as referenced above; thence with said eastern line of Lot 66 North 03 degrees 04 minutes West, 141.22 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 0.11 acre, more or less, located East of Lot 66, Woodmark. Property Address: 6800 Woodmark Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28314Tract Three: PIN: Former Hopper Road EasementThe western half of Hopper Road right of way bordering the above two described tracts. See also Resolution No. R2014-028 of the City of Fayetteville, recorded in Book 9448, Page 603 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 6800 Woodmark Drive, Fayetteville, North

Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in

The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Antonio J Moore, Jr. and Sadiqa Moore. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be

Fayetteville, NC 28314 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are The Estate of Rita G. Hamilton.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the

tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

Present Record Owners: Robert H. Moreau, Jr. And Being more commonly known as: 8214 Beaver Dam Rd, Autryville, NC 28318 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Robert H. Moreau, Jr. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and

assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or

contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on September 14, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Davidson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Keith B. Dillon and Sharon C. Dillon, dated March 14, 2002 to secure the original principal amount of $133,472.00, and recorded in Book 1304 at Page 618 of the Davidson County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

And Being more commonly known as: 1114 Harvey Teague Rd, Winston Salem, NC 27107

This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

Address of property: Teague Rd, Winston Salem, NC 27107 Tax Parcel ID: 0100400000030A Present Record Owners: and Sharon C. Dillon

1114 Harvey



The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Keith Dillon and Sharon C. Dillon. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 1284610 - 10345

The date of this Notice is August 17, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109150


SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination

secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said countyat 10:30AM on September 8, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Robert H. Moreau, Jr., dated March 23, 2006 to secure the original principal amount of $85,500.00, and recorded in Book 7183 at Page 630 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: 8214 Beaver Dam Rd, Autryville, NC 28318 Tax Parcel ID: 14 0 4 -1 5 6669

Present Record Owners: The Estate of Rita G. Hamilton

Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 19-108158

the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

And Being more commonly known as: 6800 Kizer Dr,

Tax Parcel ID: 9496-29-9069

The date of this Notice is July 20, 2020.

the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement,

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

Address of property: 6800 Kizer Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314

Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the

JOHN A. MANDULAK Attorney for Plaintiff 4317 Ramsey Street Post Office Box 2505 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Telephone: (910) 864-6888

You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than October 5, 2020, or 40 days from August 26, 2020, said date being the date of first publication notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.

The date of this Notice is August 17, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109173

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is June 29, 2020.

after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is August 17, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 10-011256

Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 15-069029

North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020




20 SP 229 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIDSON COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Walter Reid Ford and Lucille V. Ford to Henri R. Mazzoli, Trustee(s), which was dated November 23, 1999 and recorded on November 30, 1999 in Book 1162 at Page 458, Davidson County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 14, 2020 at 11:00AM,

ONSLOW AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 439 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Heather L. Thompson, Hunter C. Thompson (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Heather L. Thompson and Hunter C. Thompson) to Pamela S. Cox, Trustee(s), dated December 9, 2016, and recorded in Book No. 4549, at Page 340 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said


IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION RANDOLPH COUNTY 20sp40 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ELISA ROMERO ALARCON DATED JULY 13, 2017 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2554 AT PAGE 1680 IN THE RANDOLPH COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will

UNION AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 649 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Amanda C. Tarlton (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Amanda C. Tarlton) to Jason Throckmorton, Trustee(s), dated June 17, 2003, and recorded in Book No. 3105, at Page 400 in Union County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Union County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the

WAKE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 1161 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Chad E. Lynch, Danielle M. Lynch (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Chad E. Lynch and Danielle M. Lynch) to CB Services Corp., Trustee(s), dated June 25, 2008, and recorded in Book No. 13181, at Page 166 in Wake County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Wake County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed

20 SP 1118 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Nilas Jones and Pamela Jones to Trustee Services of Carolina, Trustee(s), which was dated July 24, 2009 and recorded on August 25, 2009 in Book 013675 at Page 01026, Wake County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION WAKE COUNTY 10SP4694 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY SARA BURNS AND JAMES BURNS DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 11670 AT PAGE 1943 IN THE WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and

Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secureddebt,theundersignedsubstitutetrusteewillexpose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on September 8, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Davidson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Kevin Ratermann, dated March 16, 2007 to secure the original principal amount of $147,682.00, and recorded in Book 1772 at Page 1625 of the Davidson County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

College Rd, Lexington, NC 27295 Tax Parcel ID: 1900300000022 Present Record Owners: Ratermann

K e v i n

And Being more commonly known as: 2280 Yadkin College Rd, Lexington, NC 27295 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Kevin Ratermann.

arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is August 17, 2020.

2280 Yadkin

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities

and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Davidson County, North Carolina, to wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake found on the north right of way or Oak Avenue in the south boundary line of Lot 112, as shown by map of property of Peeler & Beckner “Oakmont Addition” in Plat Book 2, page 101; said beginning corner being South 86° 11’ 30” East 75.00 feet from a point, the southwest corner of Lot 112 where the north right of way of Oak Avenue intersects the east right of way of Dixie Street; thence with a new line crossing in Lots 112 through 117 North 4° 00’ East 154.25 feet to an iron stake, a now corner in the line of Lots 117 and 118; thence with the tire of Lots 117 and 118 South 86° 00’ East 75.00 feet to an iron stake found, corner of Lots 117, 118, 105 and thence with the rear line of Lots 106 through 111 South 4° 00’ West 154.00 feet to an iron stake, corner of Lots 111 and 112 on the north right of way of Oak Avenue· thence with the north right of way of Oak Avenue North 86 degrees 11’ 30” West 75.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described is the eastern one half of Lots 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, and 117 as shown by map of “Oakmont

Addition”. recorded in Plat Book 2. page 101, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davidson County, North Carolina. For further reference, see Book 535, page 50; and Deed Book 419, page 282, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Davidson County, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 512 Oak Avenue, Lexington, NC 27292-4532. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the

property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Walter Reid Ford and wife, Lucille V. Ford. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to

the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 19-18601-FC01

indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on September 10, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Richlands in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 6, as shown on that plat entitled, “FINAL PLAT TURNER FARMS SECTION V” prepared by Parker & Associates, Inc., and recorded in Map Book 69, Page 166, Onslow County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 417 Old Stage Road, Richlands, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and

conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include,

but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default

at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 1273364 - 10629

the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of saidcountyat10:00AMonSeptember9,2020thefollowing described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Randolph County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed James Larry Ellison and Joyce Elaine Ellison, dated November 1, 2002 to secure the original principal amount of $68,500.00, and recorded in Book 1789 at Page 2051 of the Randolph County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.

Tax Parcel ID: Present Record Owners: Ellison and Joyce Elaine Ellison

all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Address of property:

Address of property: Mill Rd, Asheboro, NC 27205

5147 Lassiter

expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:45AM on September 2, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Randolph County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Elisa Romero Alarcon, dated July 13, 2017 to secure the original principal amount of $139,428.00, and recorded in Book 2554 at Page 1680 of the Randolph County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Rd, Asheboro, NC 27203 Tax Parcel ID: PIN: 7760390078 Present Record Owners: Alarcon

811 Shannon ID: 49418 / Elisa Romero

undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Judicial Center in Monroe, Union County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:00 PM on September 10, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Waxhaw in the County of Union, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot #6, Shannon Ranchettes, as shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 74 Union County Registry. Subject, however, to restrictions on such property recorded in Book 236, Page 770, of the Union County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 1823 Shannon Road, Waxhaw, North Carolina.

7617537227 James Larry

And Being more commonly known as: 5147 Lassiter Mill Rd, Asheboro, NC 27205 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are James Larry Ellison and Joyce Elaine Ellison. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to

And Being more commonly known as: 811 Shannon Rd, Asheboro, NC 27203 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Elisa Romero Alarcon. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax

Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 15-074986



SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order

The date of this Notice is August 19, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 18-102428

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate

associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is August 12, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109100



SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord,

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by

providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1).

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Wake County Courthouse door, the Salisbury Street entrance in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:30 PM on September 14, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Apex in the County of Wake, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: The following described property in the County of Wake, State of North Carolina: Lot 37 of LO37 Park at West Lake PH2., as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book of Maps 2005, Page 883, Wake County Registry. Being and intending to describe the same premises conveyed in a deed recorded 05/23/2005, in Book 11373, Page 47. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 5149 Dove Forest Lane, Apex, North Carolina. Property Address: 5149 Dove Forest Lane Parcel ID: 0679.03-13-4795-000 Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale

for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws.

A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property

pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 3208 - 7960

courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 9, 2020 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Wake County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 82, PHASE 1, WATERFORD LANDING SUBDIVISION, AS DEPICTED IN MAP BOOK 1994, BEGINNING AT OR INCLUDING PAGE 42. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 808 White Daisies Ct, Raleigh, NC 27610. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due

and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Pamela B. Jones. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of

superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the

loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-03650-FC01

failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on September 16, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Wake County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Sara Burns and James Burns, dated November 3, 2005 to secure the original principal amount of $122,400.00, and recorded in Book 11670 at Page 1943 of the Wake County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: 829 A

Barringer Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606 Tax Parcel ID: 0119718 Present Record Owners: Burns Asset Management, Inc. And Being more commonly known as: 829 A Barringer Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Burns Asset Management, Inc. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities

arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is July 6, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 16-088177

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 1263214 - 10618


North State Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020

pen & paper pursuits


solutions From Aug. 26, 2020

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Stanly County Journal


Empty stadiums Carolina Panthers mascot sits in empty stands during an NFL football camp practice Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020, in Charlotte, N.C.

Ronnie Long freed from prison after serving 44 years for a wrongful conviction

WHAT’S HAPPENING Lee Pickler of Locust receives national ‘Business Person of the Year’ award Stanly County President of ScanOnline in Locust, Lee Pickler, was one of two recipients awarded “Business Person of the Year” during the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Conference. Pickler was already given the same title by the Stanly County PBL chapter in February. The award was presented to Pickler during a meeting of Stanly County Board of Commissioners. He then also received the “Business Person of the Year” award for North Carolina before going on to the national level. ScanOnline works to ensure the security and performance of mobile devices and computers. SCJ

6 injured in crash between ambulance, wrong-way driver Mecklenburg County Six people were injured early Monday when an ambulance collided with a pickup truck that was driving the wrong way. Four people in the pickup truck were taken to a hospital with injuries that were considered lifethreatening after the car hit the ambulance head-on at around 3 a.m. in Charlotte. Two ambulance crew members were hospitalized but were expected to be okay. The crew members were driving back to headquarters after finishing their shift and did not have a patient on board. AP

Snack food plant worker hit by truck, killed Mecklenburg County A worker at a snack food plant was killed when he was hit by a truck near a loading dock. Robert Sledzewski, 56, had ended his shift at the Snyder’s-Lance plant and was walking to his vehicle through the poorly lit area of the loading dock. As a truck driver turned into the loading dock area to retrieve a trailer, he didn’t see Sledzewski and hit him. The driver was screened and found not to be impaired. Investigators also said speed was not a factor in this accident. No charges are pending in the case. AP

By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal NEW LONDON — “It is time,” Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James Wynn wrote in a court filing, freeing a man who has spent the past 44 years behind bars. At 5:13 p.m. on Aug. 27, Ronnie Long, a 64-year-old Concord native, walked out of the Albemarle Correctional Institution a free man — a direct result of the state of North Carolina officially filing a motion in federal court seeking to vacate his life sentence in prison. “Mr. Long, a black man, was tried in ‘small town’ 1970s North Carolina by an all white jury for the rape of the white widow of a prominent local business executive,” Wynn, a federal judge from North Carolina, wrote. The last 44 years of Long’s life have been spent in prison serving an 80-year sentence for rape and burglary charges; for the past two

and a half years, Long has been inside the New London institution. But for over four decades, he has maintained his innocence without any wavering. Back in 1976, Long was accused and convicted on charges of raping a 54-year-old white woman, Sarah Bost, who told police that an unknown assailant had sexually assaulted her in her home before fleeing. The woman identified Long — who happened to be at the courthouse for a separate trespassing charge two weeks later — as the man responsible for the crime. U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephanie Thacker wrote last week that a “trickle of post-trial disclosures has unearthed a troubling and striking pattern of deliberate police suppression of material evidence” pertaining to Long’s criminal case. According to Thacker, fingerprints and semen samples

HUD Secretary Carson, Congressman Hudson hold affordable housing roundtable in Kannapolis By David Larson Stanly County Journal KANNAPOLIS — On Aug. 27, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson and U.S. Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-8) hosted a roundtable discussion in Kannapolis on affordable housing and Opportunity Zones in low-income areas. Local leaders from Cabarrus County also participated in the discussion. “We were able to personally show Secretary Carson and Congressman Hudson the work we have done in our Opportunity Zone which is the West Avenue Streetscape, the Atrium Health Ballpark and the mixed-use development VIDA, which is under construction,” Kannapolis Mayor

Darrell Hinnant said in a release by the city. Opportunity Zones are a federal program which allows private capital to be invested in struggling areas without the usual tax obligations. A release from Hudson’s office estimates the zones will spur $100 billion in investments across the country. North Carolina has 252 Opportunity Zones, including 18 in the 8th Congressional District, which includes Stanly and Cabarrus counties. Downtown Kannapolis is among the first such zones in the nation, and many properties in the zone have already seen investment due to the designation. “Through measures like Opportunity Zones and the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, I’m proud of the progress

from the crime scene that did not match Long were intentionally withheld by law enforcement during Long’s investigation. When Long became a free man this past Thursday, he was greeted outside by his wife Ashleigh, who was joyfully celebrating her 35th birthday. The Durham native became prison pen pals with Long while examining his case during her criminal justice stud-

ies in college. It was the first time the two had ever seen each other outside of a prison building. They met back in 2013 while Long was serving his sentence at the Harnett Correctional Institution in Lillington. The two got married less than a year later, and during this time period, Ashleigh dropped out of college to assist her husband in finding a pro bono attorney and to start a petition for his release. Nearly 40,000 “Free Ronnie Long” petition signatures later, Long has been freed. “Ronnie Long suffered through 44 years of injustice,” Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles posted on her Twitter account just hours before Long walked out of prison. “I can’t imagine the strength he and his loved ones needed to endure it. I am elated that he will soon be free. Many thanks to The Innocence Project, the Duke Law Wrongful Convictions Clinic, and Attorney Jamie Lau.”

made by working with President Trump, which we highlighted today in Kannapolis,” Hudson said in a press release. During the roundtable, leaders from local government and a number of community organizations — including Habitat for Humanity, Cooperative Christian Ministry, Hope Haven, and Opportunity House — had an opportunity to give Carson and Hudson information on their efforts, especially in the area of affordable housing. They highlighted the Tiny House projects in Kannapolis’s Carver neighborhood, the senior citizen housing at Prosperity Ridge Apartments and Concord’s Habitat for Humanity homes. “While we have made progress to add affordable housing in our city, we do have a great need for more housing for seniors, young adults transitioning out of foster care, people with disabilities and others,” Hinnant said during the discussion. “As a county we are working to secure additional federal dollars for more projects to help our residents.” Hudson and Carson said they were committed to securing more grants and HUD funding for the area. Carson oversees $12 billion in CARES Act funding passed to

respond to economic losses from the pandemic and resulting shutdowns. Hudson said H.R. 3077, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, which he co-sponsored, would also contribute to improving housing costs and availability by giving more flexibility to the housing program. “Housing prices have risen to the level that there are many in the workforce who maintain a job, but still cannot afford a place to call home,” Carson said. “The Trump administration has been working hard to bring solutions to this problem. Today, I’m pleased to bring together leaders of innovation and deregulation in North Carolina’s housing market, and I thank Representative Hudson for his commitment to affordable housing for all.” After the discussion, Hudson and Carson went to Concord and toured one of the Habitat for Humanity homes being built. “I appreciate Secretary Carson for coming to our community and look forward to working together to continue to improve our economy and expand opportunities for all Americans,” Hudson said in a release highlighting the visit by a key member of the president’s cabinet.

“Ronnie Long suffered through 44 years of injustice. I can’t imagine the strength he and his loved ones needed to endure it. I am elated that he will soon be free.” Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles

Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020








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WEEKLY CRIME LOG ♦ Furr, Sabrina Carter (W /F/53) Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery (M), at Keystone, Albemarle, NC, on 8/31/2020

Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278

Publisher Neal Robbins

♦ Parnell, Kenley Dale (W /M/49) Arrest on chrg of Intoxicated And Disruptive (M), at East Whitley Road, Norwood, NC, on 8/31/2020

Editor David Larson

Sports Editor Cory Lavalette

Senior Opinion Editor

♦ Hill, Eddie Ward (W /M/59) Arrest on chrg of 1) Communicate Threats (M), 2) Second Degree Trespass (M), 3) Intimidating Witness (F), and 4) Other - Free Text (F), at St. Martin, on 8/30/2020

Frank Hill

Design Editor Lauren Rose Published each Wednesday by North State Media LLC 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001

♦ Hatley, Noah Eugene (W /M/22) Arrest on chrg of 1) Break Or Enter Motor Vehicle (F), 2) Alter/dest/ etc Stolen Mv/part (F), 3) Larceny After Break/enter (F), 4) Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle (F), 5) Poss Stolen Goods/prop (f) (F), and 6) Other - Free Text (F), at Mission Church Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 8/30/2020


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Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.

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Flee/elude Arrest W/mv (f) (F), at Norwood, NC, on 8/30/2020 ♦ Adair, Leah Michele (W /F/18) Cited on Charge of Possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 Ounce (202000708), at 112 Kelty Av/n Main St, Norwood, NC, on 8/30/2020 ♦ Schrum, Wayne Edward (W /M/52) Arrest on chrg of Sexual Battery, M (M), at 164 S Kendall St, Norwood, NC, on 8/29/2020 ♦ Plyler, Edward Nelson (W /M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) Felony Possession Sch Ii Cs (F) and 2) Carrying Concealed Gun (m) (M), at Nc 24-27 Hwy/ us 601 Hwy, Albemarle, NC, on 8/28/2020 ♦ Honeycutt, Randy Michael (W /M/34) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault With Deadly Weapon (m) (M) and 2) Second Degree Trespass (M), at 501 Billingsley Rd, NC, on 8/28/2020

♦ Mason, Spencer Kyle (W /M/31) Arrest on chrg of 1) Break Or Enter Motor Vehicle (F), 2) Larceny After Break/ enter (F), 3) Alter/dest/ etc Stolen Mv/part (F), 4) Poss Stolen Goods/ prop (f) (F), 5) Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle (F), and 6) Other - Free Text (F), at 12593 Mission Church Rd, Locust, NC, on 8/30/2020

♦ Goodwin, Anterrio Jerold (B /M/30) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 24277 St Martin Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 8/28/2020

♦ Core, Trevor Allen (W /M/27) Arrest on chrg of Communicate Threats (M), at 206 Lee St, Richfield, NC, on 8/30/2020

♦ Powers, Jason Adam (W /M/39) Arrest on chrg of 1) Resisting Public Officer (M), 2) Communicate Threats (M), and 3) Second Degree Trespass (M), at 22299 Hwy 49, Gold Hill, NC, on 8/27/2020

♦ Pugh, Molly Kate (W /F/19) Arrest on chrg of 1) Resisting Public Officer (M), 2) Felony Larceny (F), 3) Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle (F), 4) Poss Stolen Goods/prop (f) (F), and 5)

♦ King, Jessica Myers (W /F/45) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault And Battery (M) and 2) Dwlr Not Impaired Rev (M), at Indian Mound/ bowers, Norwood, NC, on 8/28/2020

♦ West, Roderick Nathaniel (W /M/27) Arrest on chrg of Possess Heroin (F), at 12240 Big

Lick Rd, Stanfield, NC, on 8/27/2020 ♦ Helms, Samuel Delane (W /M/24) Arrest on chrg of 1) Breaking And Or Entering (f) (F), 2) Larceny After Break/enter (F), and 3) Possession Of Firearm By Felon (F), at 447 Brown Ave., Albemarle, NC, on 8/27/2020 ♦ Apperwhite, Sherry Michelle (W /F/45) Arrest on chrg of Felony Possession Sch Ii Cs (F), at 447 Brown Ave., Albemarle, NC, on 8/27/2020 ♦ Page, Bobby Lee (W /M/58) Arrest on chrg of Second Degree Trespass (M), at 39072 Nc 740 Hwy, New London, NC, on 8/27/2020

NC, on 8/25/2020 ♦ Williams, Gary Lee (W /M/41) Arrest on chrg of Possess Heroin (F), at 496 S Main St, Norwood, NC, on 8/25/2020 ♦ Phifer, Braxton Demille (B M, 26) Arrest on chrg of Pwimsd Cocaine (F), at 516 Arey Av/henry Jay St, Albemarle, on 08/28/2020. ♦ Ross, Christopher Lee (W M, 47) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 1007 Fox Run Dr, Albemarle, on 08/29/2020. ♦ Crump, Judson Adam (B M, 25) Arrest on chrg of Carrying Concealed Weapon, (M), at 209 Us 52 North/efird St, Albemarle, on 08/29/2020.

♦ Coleman, Kevin Michael (W /M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) Surrender By Surety (F) and 2) Surrender By Surety (F), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, NC, on 8/26/2020

♦ Bennett, Travis James (W M, 27) Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery, M (M), at 1820 E Main St, Albemarle, on 08/25/2020

♦ Core, Stephen Allen (W /M/51) Arrest on chrg of Simple Assault (M), at 206 Lee St, Richfield, NC, on 8/25/2020

♦ Bennett, Travis James (W M, 27) Arrest on chrg of Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), at Mcdonald 24/27, Albemarle, on 08/25/2020.

♦ Keator, Benjamin Lawrence (W /M/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault By Strangulation (F) and 2) Assault On Female (M), at 126 South 3rd Street, Albemarle, NC, on 8/25/2020

♦ Williams, Mark Anthony (W M, 31) Arrest on chrg of Communicate Threats (M), at 301 Yadkin St, Albemarle, on 08/26/2020.

♦ Hedrick, Jordan Keith (B /M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 Ounce (M), 2) Possess Methamphetamine (F), 3) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), 4) Possess Marij Paraphernalia (M), 5) Fict/alt Title/reg Card/ tag (M), 6) Operate Veh No Insurance (M), and 7) Dwlr Impaired Rev (M), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle,

♦ Sutton, Sabrina Mcbryde (W F, 36) Arrest on chrg of Shoplifting Concealment Goods (M), at 1554 Nc 24-27 Bypass W, Albemarle, on 08/26/2020.




84° 66° 20%




84° 68° 20%

DEATH NOTICES ♦ Emily Ann Rogers Austin, 77, of Albemarle, passed away August 18. ♦ Sybil Mae Walker Buchanan, 85, of Albemarle, passed away August 24. ♦ Margaret McDowell Shankle, 94, of Norwood, passed away August 25. ♦ Joy Lee Mihalko, 67, of Badin, passed away August 26. ♦ Paul Man, of Oakboro, passed away August 26. ♦ Dianne Austin, 73, of Albemarle, passed away August 26. ♦ Barbara Jane Foster Huneycutt, 82, of Locust, passed away August 26. ♦ Tommy Lee Deese Jr., 27, of Albemarle, passed away August 28. ♦ Ashley Nicole McKethan, 35, of Albemarle, passed away August 28. ♦ Bennie Ray Smith, 79, of Albemarle, passed away August 28. ♦ Gerald Wayne Boatman, 84, of Albemarle, passed away August 28. ♦ Doug Sasser, 87, of Oakboro, passed away August 29. ♦ Mary Emma Hudson Colson, 82, of Norwood, passed away August 29. ♦ Clarene Brewer Coley, 83, of Badin, passed away August 29.

Stanly County Journal


Joy Mihalko

OY LEE MIHALKO, 67, of Badin, passed away Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at Atrium Health Cabarrus in Concord. Joy was born October 12, 1952 in Texas to the late Arthur Sweatt and the late Sylvia Ramey Sweatt. She was a loving wife, mother, and grammy to Preston and Parker McNeeley. She was also a loving niece, aunt, and cousin, always showing how much family meant to her. Survivors include her husband, Charles Mihalko of Badin, NC; daughter, Meredith (Jason) McNeeley; son, Michael Mihalko; brothers, Kirby Sweatt, Gary Sweatt, Eric Sweatt, and Mark Sweatt.

Kenneth Kepley


ENNETH KEPLEY, 85, of Norwood, passed away Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at Forrest Oakes Healthcare Center in Albemarle. Mr. Kepley was born August 15, 1934 in Stanly County to the late Clyde Ree Kepley and the late Eva Corrinia Kepley. He was also preceded in death by brother, Joe Donald Kepley and sister, Edith Kepley Curlee. Mr. Kepley will lie in state from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Thursday, August 13, 2020, at Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle. A graveside service will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, August 14, 2020 at Silver Springs Baptist Church Cemetery at 16072 NC 138 Hwy Norwood officiated by Rev. Mark Little. Survivors include wife, Edith Evelyne Kepley of Norwood; daughter, Sonia K. Lamb and husband Jeff of Cerro Gordo; son, Mike Kepley and wife Janey of Aquadale; grandchildren, Wesley, Hailey, Logan, Brendon, Amber, Matt and Will; great grandchildren, Nollie and Oak; brother, Tommy Kepley and wife Jeanette; and cousin, Billy Joe Lambert and wife Ozelle.


Edith Gardon

RU passed away at Sandy Ridge Memory Care in Candor, NC on August 18th, 2020. Dru was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 7, 1931, a Daughter of the late Miss Mamie Byrum. Dru Married Mike in 1958 and spent most of her early married life raising her 3 boys. Her love for her boys was everything to Dru. Later in life Dru would go back to work in one of the local mills, after taking a short break from the mill, at age 70 ,she would go back to work again, helping keep the offices of Charlotte Pipe And Foundry clean until she was 81 years old. She was preceded in death by her Husband of 51 years “Mike”, mother; Mamie Byrum, and brothers Bill and Clarence. Also so her dearest lifelong friend, Miss Annie Bell Perry. She is survived by her sister Joann Wilson; Four sons, Mirek and his wife Joan of Stanfield, NC, Jenda and his wife Raedell of Albemarle, NC, Olda and his wife Jeanine of Stanfield, NC, David and his wife Karen of Charlotte, NC; 7 Grandchildren; Mandy, Brittany, Whitney, Emily, Kelly, Sara and Ezra and Great grandchildren; Brody, Bristol and Joely.


Lloyd Lambert

LOYD JUNIOR LAMBERT passed away at home on August 23rd 2020 at the age of 73. Lloyd is predeceased by his, father: Lloyd Leonard Lambert, mother: Estelle Parker Lambert, sister: Barbara Lambert, sister: Brenda Lambert and brother: Jimmy Lambert. Lloyd is survived by his loving wife of 51 years. Lloyd is lovingly remembered by his wife, Olivia Smith Lambert of New London, children; Gina Anderson, Deanna Burleson (Shane), and Randy Lambert (Amber), grandchildren; Jacob Overcash, Amanda Overcash, Owen Overcash, Clayton Earnhardt, Allyson Earnhardt, Chris Earnhardt, Connor Burleson, Justin Burleson, Cody Burleson, Morgan Mitchell, and Hunter Lambert; sisters; Carolyn Burleson (Davie) and Shelby Burris (Gary) and a number of nieces and nephews. Lloyd was a veteran of the United States Navy. He enjoyed the outdoors, hunting, fishing and going to the beach and mountains. He enjoyed spending time with family especially with his grandkids. He was a devoted Christian and long- time member of Open Door Baptist Church.


Sybil Buchanan

YBIL MAE WALKER BUCHANAN, 85, of Albemarle, NC, passed away Monday August 24, 2020 at the Tucker Hospice House. Mrs. Buchanan was born June 17, 1935 in Person County, NC and was the daughter of the late Walter McDowell Walker, Sr. and Mary O’Briant Walker. She retired from Harris Wood Products and was a member of West Albemarle Baptist Church for over forty years. Sybil was preceded in death by her husband Daniel C. Buchanan, Sr. She is survived by a son Daniel C. “Danny” Buchanan, Jr. and wife Christi of New London, NC; daughter Susan Buchanan Harris and husband Jimmy of New London, NC; sister Peggy Walker Reagan of Roxboro, NC; grandchildren Brandon Buchanan, Danielle Buchanan Mauldin, Anne Marie Harris, Warren Harris and Owen Harris; great grandchildren Miller Mauldin, Gus Mauldin, Tripp Buchanan and Zack Buchanan. A brother preceded her in death, Walter McDowell Walker, Jr.

See OBITUARIES, page 7

sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue Sweden style — a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will — emerge outis of stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe questioning and asking when we caninstart getting back This allthis newpandemic to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more ut still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the bas ed we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay s to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’ afterdown our own e while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in that look e I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle uld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the up temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebratio in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpa money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington are2020 already about Stanly County Journal Wednesday, September 2, thing? That is what free citizens living infor a free supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through t An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing t investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start North State Journal forover Wednesday, April 2020 tax revenue spread a few years. $1815, billion in lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering from the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now disaster. County Journal this for Wednesday, April 15,up 2020 been Marshall trying toStanly take because all of this brings r the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. e and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans past. theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how everyone actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and ed business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.






Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Jason| Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher


ES ’s okay to askVOICES questions about when VISUAL COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON

The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter

“THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask switching their operation I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a p are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our r Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting se justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer is what reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spo BEN itizens COLUMN mandated| that weSHAPIRO do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain sacrifices are sick. COLUMN BENcare SHAPIRO otherwise| don’t if they get themselves or others the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new ked. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. Since when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a bad thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. to do, last I checked. IN JUNE 2019, Sen.The Kamala Harris, D-Calif., tore into former about evidence and toofdire — to the conclusion that any AIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalier manner in family. which China the origin theconsequence My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my I’m lied Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah Vice President Joe Biden in a Democratic primary debate. She incident involving black Americans rifeLegal with racism. Thus, he United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedStateisand Insurrection. Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 r Wednesday,suffering April 15, from 2020the openly suggested that he was a racist whose past political activity this week, when a black man named Jacob Blake in Kenosha, nother. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and H1N1 virus according (swine flu) to during the 2009 THIS WEEK, members of thepandemic, federal government, would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower than s caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrownWisconsin, out That of work. would have kept a “little girl”because like her all from integrated was shot by police officers and video leading up to the I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, of attending this brings up and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. n trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added public school. shooting was released, Democrats rushed to condemn the police, way too manythe memories ofthe a painful experience I’ d prefer not toexcitement repeat. curve in novel coronavirus outbreak. The was Secondly, what are we expecting in terms of a second wave? ast four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the About a year later, Biden selected Harris for his vice-presidential even while explicitly acknowledging that they didn’t have the facts. But what also makes me lose is how easily reverse most everyone has Americans — after all,sleep trends can easily — but real. The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hongmuted Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets.reporter If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve candidate. It followed naturally that some intrepid might Biden released a statement with staggering irresponsibility: have abided and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. This is the Harris isn’t the is evidence 2 SARS outbreak. There thatby therecommendations currency, we would not be able fund any of these emergency ask Harris about why she had joined forces with such to a historic He called for an “immediate, fullbecause and transparent investigation” to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem experts maintain that the virus is ” pandemic also had its originsbigot. in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency but openly stated that “the officers must be held accountable”; only political they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serious spreading nt, outside China, that COVID-19 Soresult: far, Harris hasdepreciation. beenin asked that question twice. Stephen he claimed that America had woken up “yetbe again with grief and renewed Weof need figure who sees The a reduction expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will faced with either vince probably from the completely China has tothat payshe forhad their aberrant ways andoutrage decisions Colbert asked, obviously assuming prepared thatthrough yet another black American a victim of excessive transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for opinion Health editor lockdowns for large swaths of the ispopulation, with wide-scale charges of racism Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior ary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked an answer. She hadn’t. Instead, Harris broke into her nowforce”; he called the shooting an “inflection point” and yet another Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have and honesty rcommunist | Frank Hill, senior editor as aChinese convenient army.opinion to bring China into theacivilized 21st century health, hygiene famous Awkward Joker Cackle, saying with laugh, “Itworld was a of symptom of “systemic racism.” Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. from our rous verifiable policing regulation of and tried fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take thehad blame weapon, ratherand peak debate!” Colbert quickly to laugh with her to alleviate the of Again, Bidenraises nothe access toquestion: the facts. But that didn’t stop himdo? Are outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number Which third What exactly can we th protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what scientific experts extraordinary tension — andand to back away from unforced levying charges of racism. than as serious ventilators by nearly 13,000 the number of the overall deaths by fromwe capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few ndant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness — we need to revelation that Harris is simply a political hack willing to leverage It wasn’t just Biden. Gov. Tony Evers, D-Wis. —tests whoseregularly, state August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take since the allegations safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the know what they chargesthe of racism for career gain. investigative system will be handling the case — asymptomatic? immediately Here’s problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are Can we requiring actual adversaries push back. know, what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans — and Now, political observers might figure that such a terrifying announced, “While we do not have all of the details yet, what we make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl evidence. First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? brush with unmasking might prompt Harris to think through the know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person don’t and when nies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars important because it determines whether certainNews’ areas ought to to have One thing isinjured certain: cannot continue as they question. She still hasn’t. Overof the weekend, been shot or orThings mercilessly killed at the hands of have been. theyThere hope to nited States. is approximately $120 program Reagan, ledABC directly toRobin the dissolution of the Soviet Union be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and Roberts asked Harris the same question. And Harris’ answer was individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.” n direct investment plants and equipment in 1989. know what in they more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evolving models, no better: “I think that that conversation is a distraction from what And so, Kenosha burned. And the narrative has been set: nvestment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model we need to accomplish right now and what we need to do.” Harris The shooting was unjustified, and racist at that. No evidence Senators in Washington are already talking about the possibility We’ve seen case that fatality rates — theofnumber of deaths divided by has been estimates into terms death and if the in terms again confirmed allegations against presented; none need be. And theupper-end facts don’testimates match it of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China ofher China forgivingracism $1.2 trillion inBiden debt we owe them as one way get of the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our were merely a tool inChina her arsenal — afor tool todamage be wielded when accusations, ied to repatriated American manufacturing to “pay” the they have causedthe the US. Don’t the holdfacts yourwill be put aside. Harris herself has and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they awaywaiting for possible use when happen continued to push the absolute lie, for example, that Michael uld cost the U.S. Treasury $18 convenient billion in and stored breath for afuture Chinese “Jubilee” but ask your elected people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. Unfortunately, Harris isn’t the onlytopolitical figureaccountable who sees in tangible Brown was murdered Ferguson, Missouri, an allegation firmly few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives hold China financial waysinfor number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But o the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now disaster.weapon, rather than as serious charges of racism asthis a convenient rebutted by former President Obama’s Department of Justice. death, particularly elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey wn economy, not of defeatedofenemies as in the among It is about timeDemocratic they are expected to operate Fealty as responsible citizens allegations requiring actual evidence. politicians to the narrative is of the sole qualifier for power in Democratic sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American theon world any joys other appear to have latched to thelike simple of modern chargingnation. political circles. many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. g, stealing, pirating and pillaging American opponents with racism at the drop of a hat. According to the Will any of this alleviate racism? Of course not. But it’s not Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans 30 years. They have made no secret that they Associated Press, Democrats havescientists taken, forsuggest example, to charging It’s designed achieve and And, so far, actually haveand coronavirus. Some that the numberdesigned Ben to. Shapiro, 36, is to a graduate of attain UCLApower. and Harvard Law School, as the premier superpower in the world those who mispronounce Harris’ first name with racism — as the strategy seems to be working. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. eserve currency with their renminbi. thoughofit people is perfectly thatcoronavirus the emphasis in “Kamala” on number whoobvious have had and not been lies tested. com. the first syllable rather than the second. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, And it’s not merely that Democrats now levy frivolous racism host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. charges with ease. Democrats are willing to jump — without any com. WS

Democrats push charges of racism forfor purposes of convenience l pay this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 big questions nobody is answering





questions about when Two Trump cabinet members visit the district tbig to normal The comfort and hope of Easteraffordable housing sback COVID-19 catastrophe questions nobody is answering to continue work on pollution,


under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need issipates cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin the with how people who simply ask tate governments,The a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’mofuneasy WEEK, virus, according to members theand federal government, That would mean that the fatality ratePlan is actually far lower thanNew Sarum FROM CABARRUS COUNTY to Cumberland County, Action comprehensive cross-agency planCo. in “THIS ISofTHE DAY the lord hasworld made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. Concord and Brewing orTHIS this covered up its spread tried to tellabout the there were only hat is being called the “new normal.” questions the data, and when things can PFAS start getting back— totheinmost nd state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. our region is a special place with unique challenges and ever to address an emerging chemical of concern. It was great to 3,341 related led to worldwide panic, economic collapse tend at least through the end deaths of this has month. normal are treated in some circlesand with contempt. he curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we expecting in terms of a second wave? I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, minister began a program to deliver groceries to opportunities. This week, I was honored to welcome two of have Administrator Wheeler in Fayetteville to discuss how we zero go into June. millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out as of work. ders They’re treated though we as a society simply must accept without muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. President Donald Trump’s cabinet officials to highlight some of can continue to combat GenX and clean up the Cape Fear River. States over Gov.The hasstated cost the U.S. taxpayer at least in added , Democratic Roycrisis Cooper during question what$2.4 the trillion government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how manyhusband people will die inweek a stories second wave. ThisSecretary is the ourBen be these glad” as the Bible tells us our to do. However, asto astate. Christian, These from throughout region continue to provide important issues for community and Also last I invited HUD Carson, a esave can be that debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve liquidity to the briefing “we just don’t know yet” ifin the process ofbackup returning back normalcy. o stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus is and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people in need and our health care gsflu,” On Tuesday, Environmental Protection Agency champion ofto efforts to make housing more affordable, to markets outlets. IIfinvited theNo. U.S. dollar were not the reserve will 1977 extend into May. and financial The government works for us, and we have the right ask those hey’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. ce that the currency, would be ableAndrew toquestions. fundWheeler any of these emergency Administrator to the come to Fayetteville to orders are Kannapolis end it, questions should bewe asked as not to the And longer stay-at-home in place to alltalk overabout the how we can improve housing in our The result: a reduction inwithout expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. GenX And that means we will be people faced with either renewed Lenten and pandemic. While throughout our continue to step up, measures immediate of rampant inflation and currency discuss arecountry, addressing chemicals like community. Carson leads thecommunities Trump Administration’s sincerely eChina. answersI should not be vague ones likeways “we wefear andPFAS the stricter some of them in get in states, such asSecretary Michigan, ccording to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wide-scale For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck Easter seasons -19 depreciation. our water. When itthe comes to GenX, community House Council of Eliminating Barriers to Affordable undance of caution.” more people,people sittinginatour home feeling isolatedWhite and/or anxious about appreciate both Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting self-employed people and y in detail has pay for their aberrant ways and through provide a China are angry, they are when afraid, and wedecisions want answers. I first invited Housing,will which was created by an executive order signed by ned to the people ofto this state who they can get back to providing for their families, demand Administrator rump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people on the payroll, while direct ame out of at a home economic and financial means. Diplomacy hassoobviously worked obless and answers. the EPA to Fayetteville in 2018 they couldnot hear directly from President Trump to engage with state, local, and tribal leaders message offor an undetermined eak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do? Are affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and workers. Please know that I’ll Wheeler and to we bring China into the of 21st health, hygiene els predicting hundreds thousands of civilized cases onworld Leaders atcentury the local and state levels should beacross as forthcoming our community this issue. This week’s bipartisan roundtable the countryas tothey identify and remove obstacles that impede hope that willof entilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense and targeted solutions ation of Secretary and Carson fair trade. Totalitarian communist never take the blame canthat beregimes with those answers —our and again, not vague answers, answerhomes. I also discussed legislation I am so that discussion continued dialogue and allowed local production of but affordable once again enjoy ugust by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests since God.” we can defeat the regularly, coronavirus andthe keep people and businesses has nowhat other orthe express sincere regret because that isthe not what with the state has asked and then and remorse, with details that give their statements believability. representatives to engage directly with EPA administrator. working on to modernize the low-income housing tax credit to making Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. where totalitarian do. EPA Theytotake advantage oftoxicity every weakness alongpurely the way I’ve also had governments questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, I urged the complete a final assessment make it more flexible and easier to use. time tothey visit our uestions that will allow the economy reopen. create awe contact tracing system Until for 330 million Americans — and seasons provide a message of reflect ontothis message and beuntil comforted, so may But live out then, the Lenten and Easter concerts, family nd delivery find in adversaries and keep ourselves, pushing they win orthat the n leaders have, too. andrecent our communities safe. we should also still continue of GenX andand discussed my most efforts to combat Secretary Carson hasonce also again done aenjoy lot of sporting work on Opportunity First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will events, concerts, family community at my adversaries back. gatherings, rtain types of questions get push asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home PFAS chemicals, including GenX, through two amendments Zones, a program I supported in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. mportant because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as they have been. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many more celebrations after our rndency is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl invitation. among some people to treat thosein the latest measures aresuch understandable, they should also North have an expiration date. church services I secured appropriations bill passed by the U.S. Carolina has 252 approved Opportunity Zones, with 18 of e open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the country and oftatheir meltdown 1986. Some back experts believe that the Star Wars and asking when we caninstart getting This is allevent, new tonot Americans, and it is not normal. Not in anyinway, and many more House of Representatives. These amendments would study them right here our region. These zones incentivize economic more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evolving models, In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. ly $120 programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay safe, at are conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should afterdown our own the relationship PFAS exposure and COVID-19, and growth economically distressedmodel communities, with an ught to lock further. neighbors especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end helping between neighbors. Iin wish everyone equipment y get themselvesinor1989. others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new celebrating Easter, as well as Passover, a joyous provide $2.4 million for the EPA to develop regulations to expected $100 billion in investment thekeep country. seen rates — Concord, the number of Chernobyl. deaths in terms of death and the upper-end estimates terms temporary In a high schooldivided senior by named estimates Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can in allthroughout continue to faith, practice 5We’ve billion by case fatality Perhaps COVID-19 China’s ning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” ate Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 control discharge of PFAS in surface waters. I sincerely appreciate both Administrator Wheeler and he number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain confident that we will get sacrifices are Senators inwere Washington are already about itizens living in a free society supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility Also at the roundtable, Administrator Wheeler announced the Secretary Carson making the time to visit our community nd the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health care workers out of his own home. through this together. nt in China over. of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get eople have actually died coronavirus. Some they sources suggest the don’t and when they hopeattomy know what they don’t. newthe Innovative to Destroy Challenge, a partnership invitation. I hope these visits will continue the great ufacturing China to of “pay” damage have causedPFAS thehas US. Don’t hold your go along in all this, of course, isfor my family. I’m Ways Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah umber has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But Administration to between federal and states agencies seeking detailed plans for a partnerships I have forged with the Trump lion in virus, and breath waiting Ifor a Chinese to ahappen ask your elected ing the I’m worried will. After “Jubilee” and is regularbut contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. f death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall preyI look forward to non-incineration method to destroy PFAS in firefighting foam. tackle issues affecting our communities, and nue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for irusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, ources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American I am happy to see the EPA pursuing this initiative as part of the continuing to work together. etra areprecautions, now this disaster. because all of this brings up many people are dying home. institutions seem mies as in the It is at about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans theeasily worldmost like any other has modern nation. e lose sleep is how everyone ctually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, American fetidentified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. that they


Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Pelicans’ Ingram named NBA most improved player New Orleans Pelicans forward Brandon Ingram has been named the NBA’s most improved player in a season that saw him bounce back from a life-altering blood clot and a trade from the team that drafted him second overall in 2016. Ingram, who came to New Orleans as part of a blockbuster trade that sent Anthony Davis to the Los Angeles Lakers, averaged a team-leading and careerbest 23.8 points per game while hitting 46.3% of his shots. The former Duke star, who turns 23 Wednesday, also became an NBA All-Star for the first time.

Boston Marathon will go virtual next week The 124th running of the iconic road race will be done across the globe using an app that will simulate racing the normal route By William J. Kole The Associated Press BOSTON — Missing: Boston’s raucous crowds and smiles for miles. Still there, sort of: Wellesley College’s iconic “scream tunnel” and the thunderous cheers along the finish line on Boylston Street. The 124th running of the Boston Marathon finally gets underway next month, but virtually — meaning real runners will do the hard work, and an interactive mobile app will help augment their not-quite-authentic experience. Rather than lining up in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and making the long trek to Boston, ath-

letes will run this year’s marathon solo because of the coronavirus pandemic. A weeklong TV special and the new mobile app will showcase their stories as they go the distance on their own. Amazon and WBZ-TV are teaming up on a “Boston Marathon Live” broadcast that will be aired nightly starting Monday, Sept. 7, through Sunday, Sept. 13. Co-produced by the Boston Athletic Association, which puts on the marathon every year, the show will air at 8 p.m. EDT and again at midnight on television and be streamed on The marathon normally is run on a Monday in April, on Massachusetts’ unique Patriots Day holiday, but was postponed to mid-September because of the pandemic. Then, at the end of May, it was canceled altogether — the first time in its 124-year history that the storied race in its traditional format was scrapped.

Instead, registered runners are being encouraged to complete the 26.2-mile (distance by themselves — wherever they are in the world — and share accounts of their preparation, motivation and execution. Athletes also will be able to use a mobile app the BAA is rolling out to upload their routes and finish times. The app includes audio cues that will sync with an individual runner’s progress and play at key mile markers, such as the roar of the crowd as runners approach the irrepressible women of Wellesley, a marathon tradition, and the finish on Boylston in downtown Boston. It’s all designed to help participants get at least a feel for the real thing, even if they’re running in Bangor or Bangkok instead of Boston, the planet’s most prestigious marathon and a bucket list dream for serious runners. BAA CEO Tom Grilk said the

show will “truly allow for us to bring Boston to the world.” More than 17,000 runners worldwide are registered for the virtual version. A field of 30,000 runners participated in last year’s in-person race. “This isn’t quite how I imagined, but it still feels exciting,” said Zach Lister, a marathoner who’s using his run to raise money for Boston’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute. One advantage to the virtual marathon: Runners can pick a day where the weather suits them, rather than get stuck racing in withering heat or pouring rain. But covering the classic marathon distance solo — without the usual cheering crowds or fellow athletes to draw on for strength and support — won’t be easy. RC Malden, a suburban Boston running club, alluded to that Friday in a tweet: “Running a marathon is hard. Running a marathon ALONE is almost impossible.”


3 LSU players opt out of season Baton Rouge, La. LSU All-America wide receiver Ja’Marr Chase, cornerback Kary Vincent Jr. and defensive end Neil Farrell Jr. have announced they are opting out of the 2020 season and won’t be helping the Tigers defend their college football national title. Chase didn’t specifically say in the tweet that he would be entering the 2021 NFL Draft, but he’s regarded as a likely first-round pick. Vincent said he was opting out to begin training for the draft, while Farrell said he plans to play for LSU in 2021.


Blatter questioned in FIFA investigation in Switzerland Bern, Switzerland Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter was questioned Tuesday by Swiss investigators about a $2 million payment he authorized in 2011 to then-UEFA president Michel Platini. Blatter was questioned one day after Platini spent about three hours at the offices of Switzerland’s federal prosecutors. A criminal proceeding has been open against Blatter, 84, since the allegation was revealed in September 2015, though it was extended to Platini only three months ago. Blatter has also been a suspect in a second allegation linked to $1 million of FIFA money gifted in 2010.


Vandersloot sets WNBA single-game record with 18 assists Bradenton, Fla. Chicago guard Courtney Vandersloot set the WNBA single-game record with 18 assists in the Sky’s 10077 win over the Indiana Fever on Monday night. Vandersloot beat the record, held by Ticha Penicheiro, with an assist to teammate Allie Quigley. Penicheiro, who reached 16 assists in 1998 and 2002, tweeted a congratulatory note to Vandersloot after the game. Vandersloot finished with 13 points and is averaging 9.3 assists this season which would also break her own mark of 9.1 set last year.


Fans cheer on runners at the start of the 123rd Boston Marathon in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, in April 2019.

Johnson proud of ending NASCAR career with 7 titles A late-race crash at Daytona prevented the No. 48 from reaching the playoffs in the driver’s final full-time season The Associated Press DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Long after a fireworks extravaganza lit up Daytona International Speedway and well after William Byron and his Hendrick Motorsports team ended their celebration in Victory Lane, Jimmie Johnson found a moment to reflect. On his night. On his emotions. On his legacy. He pretty much covered them all. Johnson posted a picture on Instagram of his battered No. 48 Chevrolet, which was caught up in a late-race wreck and knocked out of playoff contention in the regular-season finale Saturday. The crash meant his racing career would end without a record-setting eighth Cup Series championship. “7 it is,” he wrote. “I’m damn proud of that in case you were wondering.” Johnson was running near the front of the pack most of the night and was in position to make the playoffs until Denny Hamlin and Joey Logano made contact and started a multi-car melee that collected Johnson and nine others with less than two laps to go. Logano slammed into Bubba Wallace, who slid sideways and nearly wrecked Byron. Logano tried to straight-


Jimmie Johnson, picutred at Phoenix Raceway in March, missed the playoffs in his final season, meaning he will stay tied with Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt Sr. for the most career NASCAR Cup Series titles with seven. en his car, but Matt DiBenedetto rammed into his rear bumper and caused him to lose control for good. Johnson looked like he might escape the carnage, but Logano spun into Matt Kenseth, who made a hard right into Johnson’s driver-side door. Johnson sat on pit road in his

mangled mess during a red flag and surely realized that the “storybook ending” he talked about a day earlier was gone. “The last couple of months, we’ve been really getting our act together and running well,” Johnson said after finishing 17th and missing the final postseason berth by six

points. “Definitely disappointed to not be in the playoffs. That was the No. 1 goal to start the year.” Johnson would have been safely in the 16-car field had he not missed a race following a positive test for COVID-19 and had a second-place finish thrown out at Charlotte after failing post-race inspection. He noted both setbacks after another disappointment at Daytona, a track at which he has won seven times over two decades. He also has now crashed 43 times at the historic venue. Johnson handled the latest one with grace and dignity — no surprise given the way he has gone about his business in an often-glaring spotlight. He walked to Victory Lane to congratulate Byron and his team, including crew chief Chad Knaus. Johnson and Knaus were together for all seven titles in the 48. “I feel awful,” Knaus said. “Let’s be quite honest, right? Jimmie shouldn’t be in this position. … That hurts. I hate it for Jimmie. He’s one of my best friends.” Regardless of how it plays out, Johnson already has left an indelible mark on stock-car racing. He won five consecutive championships (2006-10), forcing other drivers and teams to play catch-up, and added two more (2013, ‘16) years after the unprecedented run. He’s a first-ballot Hall of Famer with a racing career that will be hard to match, let alone top, for anyone moving forward.

Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020


North ‘The LastStanly Dance’ footballtalks player director project toJordan’s participate on Bullsin Blue-Grey AllAmerican Bowl

The 10-part documentary will air over five Sundays

By Tim Reynolds TheCooper Associated Press will play at Hogan

the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T


North Carolina Press A&T receiver Elijah Bell, pictured in 2017 North Carolina Central, is among the HBCU draft The Associated is reporting the NFL has taken over against the independent investigation into workplace conduct hopefuls who was affected by theTeam, canceled events due to the coronavirus pandemic. within the Washington Football including allegations against owner Daniel Snyder.

HBCU NFLover hopefuls adjust after NFL takes investigation canceled pro days, combine of Washington franchise “Justclients “Our because we would gladly are from in participate smaller such an NFL schools investigation doesn’t but do not mean feel safe we can’t to speaking compete.” investigators

hired by Mr. De’Montrez Snyder and do Burroughs, not trust the South Carolina investigation State receiver that is currently underway.” A statement from lawyers for 15 former Washington Football Club employees

The coronavirus Central lineman Dari-and compete.” The number ofpandemic accusations can’t actiondefensive against Daniel Snyder office. us Royster, the Mid-Eastern Athhas made even harder ButThethat opportunity never of sexualitharassment the Washington Football Team change of course comes letic Conference offensive and came. foragainst under-the-radar players less than a week since the Post upon conclusion of the investigafemale employees players South Carolina State’s pro of defensive tohas make an impression tion,” they said.of the year, readditional examples grown in the paston month dayreported and the HBCU be- spectively. Snyder vowed to change the workplace sexualcombine harassment, teams

help? came part of allegations a growing that list of culture extra insideexposure the organization along with Sny- “Does Yes, it does. But once it’s taken events canceled because of the amid 42 women speaking out der was personally involved. By Stephen Whyno it limits guys to get coronavirus While ByThe Kyle Hightower about theircertain experiences workLawyers pandemic. Lisa Banks and Deb- away Associated Press their film out there,” small school and borderline draft The Associated Press In MorJuly, he ra Katz, who represent more than ing for Washington.said State coach Wheat-was from across the coun-met gansaid after the Tyrone investigation 15 former team employees, THE NFL has taken over the prospects ley, a first-round pick by the New try will be hurt by a lack of simDE’MONTREZ Burroughs independent investigation into with NFL senior vice president complete the team “will institute York Giants in 1995. “It limits theand ilar events, HBCU players may looked at it as his best shot to acworkplace conduct within the and special counsel for investiga- new policies and procedures scouts from seeing hit hardest without them andThe prostrengthen complish his NFL dream. ouractually human resources Lisa Friel on Monday. Washington Football Team, own- be tions guys one-on-one, to look Regional Invita-and these TheDan South Carolina State seinfrastructure to not only avoid firm of Combine Katz, Marshall er Snyder confirmed Mon- thelaw at them and physically place eyesbut tional that HBCU players in renior receiver had the dates cirBanks LLP sent a letter to Good- these issues in the future day. them.importantly To get some of the queshad previously usedleague to on most cled Snyder on his said calendar. First, the he cent create a team ellyears on Thursday asking the in a statement tions answered up close and and per- inboost their draft stock. Bulldogs’ annual pro day on culture that is respectful and his wife, Tanya, suggested to launch its own investigation. sonal.” “When you’re coming out of an March 19, followed a week latclusive of all.” “Our clients would gladly parto Commissioner Roger Goodell Aside from a chanceatoforyouinknow that theinvestigateams er the by the first-ever combine of HBCU, After thegetting Post reported ticipate such an NFL NFL assumeNFL full oversight run the 40-yard dash and com- inare going to be looking at Divievent held for draft prospects Snyder the review “so that the results are tion but do not feel safe speaking mer cheerleader saying other strength and agility talent first,”hired saidbyKansas from Historically Blackand Colleges vited her to a hotel room with one to Iinvestigators Mr. Sny- plete thorough, complete trusted sion in front of scouts from the back Alex drills and didn’t of his friends, and that longtime derChiefs and dodefensive not trust the investigaby Universities the fans, thewho players, ourreem- City NFL’s 32 franchises, players were Brown, a SC State alum. “With ceive invitations to the national ployees and the public.” He said tion that is currently underway,” team executive Larry Michael to get thecheerleading chance to interHBCU that’s dif-let- going combine in Indianapolis. made extra videos Banks andcombine, Katz wrote in the the organization remains com- this view with team executives the ferent. I wish we had that when He left for spring break the for the owner showing on sensitive mitted to fully cooperating with ter. first day of the HBCU combine I was coming out. It was gonna week before his pro day with evmaterial that wasn’t made public, Banks and Katz called their the investigation. a chanceato have all the teams event. erything to go. He The had film Washington’s owner denied those “productive discussion” Lastready month, after Wash- be meeting still conducting inlooking at those guys.” packages to distribute to scouts. specificare allegations. ington Post reported 15 female and said they learned the NFL Teams by phone and video confourteam HBCU players Heformer was alsoemployees thinking about what “I want to unequivocally state and the agreed to were release terviews saying they Only ferencing, but those are capped selected in the 2019 draft with a he were wouldsexually say in interviews with Snyharassed during current and former employees that this never happened,” per week, agent predraft thoughagree32 at three representatives fromthe NFL teams der said of thesaid report heAuinvitany process, nondisclosure their time with team, Sny- fullfrom Wiggins, whose clients Week rosters. and to Washington ask idols like ed a cheerleader to a hotel room ments so 1they can speak with in- gustine derwhat hired lawPro firm made include Burroughs. The 51 players invited to the Football Hall of Famer Deion in 2004. “Furthermore, I do Wilkinson Walsh LLP to review vestigators. “It’s harder garner intercombine were and trying to Sanders, who would be policies there. and HBCU not have anytoknowledge of the “We are pleased encourthe team’s culture, est and understand where the in- in position themselves to do the “It was a chance to be able to referenced allegations of workplace miscon- aged that the league is taking 10-year-old videos for clients than in years list also included showcase our talent,” Burroughs the is story. I did not request their thisThe matter seriously andFlorwe ex- terest duct. Attorney Beth Wilkinson same. Wiggins “It’s saw a slightly A&M University quarterback said. because wetoare creation, andsaid. I never them.” that it will take appropriate past,” now“Just reports directly thefrom league idapect smaller schools doesn’t mean we Ryan Stanley and North Carolina different pivot.”

JASON HEHIR was a kid in the stands in Stadium Boston Garden on April 20, 1986, the day that Michael Jordan scored a playoff-record 63 points. By Jesse Deal ItStanly was aCounty Christmas gift from his father, who Journal stuck a note promising “Two tickets to the Air Jordan Show” in his stocking holiday seaNEW LONDON — A that North son.Stanly It’s a gift Hehir willbenever for- in Comet will playing get,this though hisBlue-Grey current All-Ameriseat for winter’s another Jordan show of sorts is can Bowl at AT&T Stadium in Dalconsiderably better. “I wouldn’t las. Hehir is Hogan, the director thereCooper a seniorofwide call it a ESPN andand Netflix production ceiver defensive back for“The North Last Dance,” 10-part documenStanly, hasa been selected to par- challenge. I taryticipate series that debuts April 19 in the upcoming and would call it tellsbowl the story final ChigameofatJordan’s the home a privilege.” cago Bulls season in 1997-98 of the National Football that culminated in a sixth NBA title. League’s Dallas Cowboys. “I am Hehir’s Take 10,000 hours of Jason Hehir, “I task: am honored to be to archived footage, add interviews invited to the Blue-Grey honored director of “The with more than 100 people, and All-American Bowl in be invited to turn it into Hogan about 8½ hours Last Dance” Dallas,” posted onof telethe Bluevision. his Twitter page follow“I call invitation it a challenge,” Grey Allingwouldn’t the bowl Hehir said. “I would call it a privilege.” announcement. “Thanks American The series wasFootball moved up to Blue-Grey fortwo months to providethe content-starved fans with something in new opportunity. Also, big Bowl to shout watch out during the coronavirus pandemic. to my team- Dallas.” ESPN was coaches, originally North planning to release the mates, documentary in June, coinciding with what Stanly Booster Club and would have been this season’s Finals. Cooper Hogan, Dr. Dawn Lucas for the NBA Itrecognition.” will run over five SundaysNorth ending May 17, Stanly with two one-hour broadcasts each week. A dual threat for the senior “I’m happy canoffense bring a little bit of light to Comets onif we both people a dark time here,” and in defense, Hogan willHehir said. “Sports arelikely such anplay indelible part of our cultural fabric free safety andduring lacking that ... there’s significant the bowl game. aThe latest hole in enjoyment that people feel, the escape slate of Blue-Grey matchups has that people been can feel from everyday sports brings scheduled for 14,that 2020, us.”Jan. 18, 2021, and Jan. 25, 2021, in The accelerated launch has only added to a Dallas. hecticHogan time for Hehir and his team. was a participant at the There has beenCombine much anticipation All-American (Mid-At- about the documentary, which in Hehir’s mind came tolantic Super) at the Washington gether much faster than such a project usually Football Club’s training facility does. back on June 28, where he engaged “Normally, to do as an the hourlong archival docin drills such 40-yardumentary from run startand to bench finish,press, it takes about dash, shuttle a year from the inception of the idea to the reamong others. searchInto2019, doingHogan all the shooting to getting it all led the Comtogether, storyboarding it out, mapping it out, ets with four interceptions and finediting, getting notes back, it takes about a ished the season with third-highyear,” “We’re doing of those. And est Hehir tacklesaid. count (70) on his 10 team; we he hadhad a little over two yearsduring to do it so we’re fivebitinterceptions already working at five times our normal rate.” his sophomore season. TheOn pandemic further the offensive sidecomplicates of the ball matters. Hehir team finishing—things — and linedhisup as are a wideout the up while separated, connecting through Zoom 5-foot-9, 170-pound Hogan was meetings butsecond largelyon in the isolation at with their24 own Comets re-laptops to getceptions the last pieces of the story ready to air. last year. He averaged The documentary goescatch deeper than just 1997nearly 10 yards per during 98,his though that season is the 230-yard campaign asoverriding a wide theme. It also serves as a retrospective of Jordan’s basreceiver. ketball life,shoutout from his college days at North Caro“Big to Cooper Holinagan through his rise atop the NBA. on his invitation as a defensive Hehir knows there is an All-Ameriongoing buildup and back to the Blue-Grey anticipation the documentary, and can Bowl,”surrounding the North Stanly Booststillerfeels nervousness. He met with Jordan sevClub posted on Twitter followeraling times over the course of the “Your project, includHogan’s bowl invitation. ingNorth three Stanly sit-down interviews that High School Boost-are part of theer documentary. Club and Comet Nation are very “I hopeofthat people will like it as much as we proud you.” did,” Hehir said.

Become a part of Stanly County Schools! Stanly County Schools has an opening for a Speech Language Pathologist serving the K-12 population. Position is a full-time, 10 month position with full benefits. Candidate must hold a current certification from North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Interested applicants can apply through the SCS website and email resume to Dr. Laura Beachum, Director of Exceptional Children's Program, at

For Nutbush residents He also cited a widespread fear the threat of overburdened of being unnecessarily exposed to fear of contracting the v tals, states across the country matched with the worry th the virus. onverting convention centers, “All around, people are scared,” could lose stores that are v s facilities and performance the neighborhood. Officia said. s into backup treatment sites Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 2,he 2020 Their fears are not unfounded. ven’t said if stores would oronavirus6patients. In this majority-black city along the Gateway facility was o hat some Memphis, Tenthe Mississippi River, lawmakers If they did, shopping wou , residents don’t get is why in and community leaders have been come more difficult for res city, a shopping center in the sounding the alarm over what they especially for those who are le of a predominantly black, see as a disturbing trend of the vi- have no means of transpo ncome residential neighborrus killing African Americans at a to stores located farther aw has been chosen. “For people who don’t higher rate. y and state officials are conturning in 2014 after IS militants By Robert Nutbush resident Patricia Har- car, what do they do?” aske d that an influx Burns of patients swept across the Syrian border The Associated Press ris wondered aloud if city officials ris, who spoke to The Ass Memphis, as well as nearby and took control of large swaths “We look forward to the day were “trying to contaminate” the Press while lugging a bottle ssippi, Arkansas and rural WASHINGTON, D.C. — The of Iraqi territory. when we don’t have to be tergent, a package of bottl neighborhood. Tennessee, willStates strain hospiTrump met last week at the United plans to reduce its military force inacross Iraq from the White House with Iraqi Prime there. We were there and Activist Earle Fisher, an Afri- ter and other items from th Their fears are echoed ADRIAN SAINZ | AP PHOTO 5,200 tomayors about 3,500 by Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. now we’re getting out. We’ll can American Memphis pastor, A Lot to her car. She noted country:current Governors, “We April look forward tophoto, the dayshows Gateway Shopping Center November, officials saidThis Fri- Friday, understands the anxiety. “This grocery store recently close health experts inU.S. numerous 3, 2020 be leaving shortly, and the day. The cut would be in line with when we don’t have to be there,” is an honest and reasonable con- her house and she already s are also researching and in Memphis, Tenn. President Donald Trump’s repeat- Trump said then. “We were there relationship is very good.” cern and skepticism,” Fisher said. travel farther to get to Gate ructing edmakeshift medical call to bring troops home and and now we’re getting out. We’ll “When we do things, “I think it’s par for the course for ties. his reelection campaign pledge to be leaving shortly and the relaPresident Donald Trump is very good.the We’re mak- a Chinese restaurant and other black people to be righteously got to consider the people endCity, what he calls “endless Lee hastionship disclosed a few: MuNew York they’re turn- wars.” very bigin oil Nashville, deals. Our oilthe com- businesses. planconvention to shrink thesic U.S. skeptical of governmental inter- neighborhood,” she said. “W CityingCenter o the JavitsThe Center force in Iraq was first reported by panies are making massive deals. vention that did not consult with need to make the neighb Locating a treatment center for Convention Center, in Chicago, the McCormick Chattanooga the Wall Street Journal. Officials ... We’re going to be leaving and the lowest possible level as quickworse than it already is.” there theonKnoxville Center —leaving all coronavirus Convention Center; the and in spoke ly as possible, patients but he has not citedpos- people on the ground first.” hopefullyExpo we’re going to be who confirmed plan U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a Doug McGowen, the city’s chief two numbers. problems, residents say: from that residential neighy, Utah, condition the Mountain Amer- tosites a country can defend itself.” esspecific of anonymity dis- away PATRICK SEMANSKY | AP PHOTO Pompeo said after meeting Last month, the top U.S. gener- It could potentially exposelast them operating officer, said the Gate- phis Democrat, said the d borhoods. cuss a matter not yet publicly anxpo Center. Iraq’s foreign ministerthat for the Middle East saidCenhe be- toweek nounced. President Donald with Iraqi Minister Mustafa doesn’t make sense. way site wasTrump being meets considered be- Prime the with virus amid concerns The alGateway Shopping e U.S. Army Corps of Engithat Washington was committed lieved the U.S. will keep a smallAmerican troops are in Iraq al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, Aug.are other “I’m sure there has been scouting locations ter in the Nutbush neighborhood blacks are contracting COVID-19 cause it could potentially accomto train and advise Iraqi secu- er but enduring presence in the to helping Iraq regain and main- 20, 2020, in Washington, D.C. ennessee, and officials here of Memphis is different. The cen- at higher rates; and it could force modate hundreds of beds. He said that would work, and they rity forces battling the Islam- country. Marine Gen. Frank McK- tain security. Armed groups are of thethe stores they rely on to if it were converted to a treatment have used those rather th ter features Save A Lot grocery compiled a listgroup, of 35but possinot under full control of the enzie, acommander of U.S. Central some ic State the relationintoattack a residential site,Soleimani it wouldand hold only ill missile close. store, a Rent-A-Center, a Famiackup sites. They haven’t reballistic on al-Asadneighbo Qassem Iraqi mi-mildly Iraqi prime minister, Pompeo Command, said he believes the ship has been rocky at times in air base Iraq, said. which resultleader Abu Mahdi al-Musaid, addingresident that those Iraqis and coalition largelist, partbutbecause of periodpatients who could be inCohen Nutbush andgroups commu-litia coronavirus ly Dollar, a welcome beauty U.S. supply shop, d the whole Gov. Bill

US plans further troop reductions in Iraq by November

ic attacks by Iran-backed militia groups that are not fully controlled by the Iraqi government. U.S. troops, after invading Iraq and toppling President Saddam Hussein in 2003, had withdrawn from the country only to begin re-

troops, especially in the ongoing fight to keep IS fighters from taking hold of the country again. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said as recently as this month that the administration intends to get U.S. forces in Iraq to

should be replaced by local police as soon as possible and that the U.S. would help. Tensions spiked between the U.S. and Iraq in January after a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad airport killed Iranian Gen.

handis. Angry Iraqi lawmakers, spurred on by Shiite political factions, passed a nonbinding resolution to oust all U.S.-led coalition forces from the country. In response to the Soleimani killing, Iran on Jan. 8 launched a

ed in traumatic brain injuries to more than 100 American troops. Two months later, U.S. fighter jets struck five sites in retaliation, targeting Iranian-backed Shiite militia members believed responsible for the January rocket attack.

PEC, oil nations agree o nearly barrel cut to reach college students in pandemic Voting10M groups scramble

bin Salman, a son of King Salman, the social media platforms to perassented to the deal. suade young people to register to “I go with the consent, so I UBAI, United Arab Emirvote. NextGen is sifting through Twitter to find potential voters — other Chase Gaines agree,” the prince said, chuckling, — OPEC,RALEIGH Russia and and is directly messaging them. he could get more young drawing a round of applause from oducingwishes nations on Sunday Some groups and campaigns people in North Carolina to anzed an swer unprecedented pro- those on the video call. have gone old-school, ramping up their front doors and take his But it had not been smiles and on cut GOP of nearly phone banking efforts and notflyer. 10 million for weeks after the sols, or a 10th of Hart global supply, ing an increased rate of responses Rick longs for the laughs days from young people stuck at home. where hecrashing would wake up at 6called a.m. OPEC+ group of OPEC pes of boosting pricThe number of adult registrants to prep for a day of campaigning in members and other nations failed mid the coronavirus pandemic between 18 and 24 in Georgia the streets of Atlanta to persuade in March to reach an agreement price war, officials said. is 28% higher than it was in Nohis classmates to elect Democrats. his could The be two the college largest re- on production cuts, sending pricvember 2016. Registration is up by students are on tumbling. Saudi Arabia sharply on in production from OPEC 13% in Texas, 10% in Arizona and opposite ends of the politicalesuniRussia days earlier over erhaps averse decade, maybethelon7% in Michigan, but down in Ohio but facing same criticized chalby 17% and 10% in Pennsylvania lenge: reaching young voters what when it described as comments said U.S. Energy Secretary over the same period of time. Necampuses are empty and students critical of the kingdom, which Brouillette, who credited vada, Florida and North Carolina are scattered across the country. dent Donald Trump’s per- finds itself trying to appease nearly mirror the number of young “The pandemic really did hit us a longtime OPEC critic. involvement in getting registered voters before the 2016 significantly,” said duelHart, anTrump, unEven U.S. senators had warned arties topaid thestudent table and help-at Morepresidential election. volunteer Saudi Arabia to find a way to o end ahouse priceCollege war between Republican campaigns have who was working been more willing to conduct outin Georgia on behalf of Democratboost prices as American shale i Arabia and Russia. reach in person. Trump campaign ic presidential nominee Joe Biden, l prices have collapsed as the firms face far-higher production spokeswoman Samantha Zager but is now back at his parents’ costs. American troops had been navirus home and in theLaurel, COVID-19 said the campaign has 73 target Maryland. “The SAUDI ENERGY to the kingdom for the s it causes have largely haltcampuses and more than 550 stucountry kind of came to adeployed shut first obal travel and bin Salman Al-Saud, dents working to assist with re-Ministe down andslowed we weredown like, ‘What dotime since the Sept. 11, 2001, In this photo released by Saudi Energy Ministry, Prince Abdulaziz cruitment, training andenergy activation we do next?’” energy-chugging sectors attacks over concerns of Irani- Energy of Saudi Arabia, third right, chairs a virtual summit of the Group of 20 minister on campus anda online. Campaigns, advocacy an retaliation amid regional ten- his office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Friday, April 10, 2020, to coordinate as manufacturing. It has groups response to plummeti “Our youth engagement efforts and registration organizations say stated the oil industry in sions. prices due to an oversupply in the marketELISE andAMENDOLA a downturn | AP PHOTOin global demand due to the pandemi will continue both virtually and they’re still struggling to answer “They’ve over the last a booth is ready for a voter at City Hall in Cambridge, Mass. U.S., which pumps more in-person,” she added. that now question — and looking for In thisspent Feb. 24, 2020, file photo month waging war on American e than any other country. Symone Sanders, senior camcreative, largely digital, solutions. praise. oil producers while we are defend- that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the deal but its president, Andrés t some producers have been paign advisor for Biden, oversees a The coronavirus has forced program that includes more than The initial impact was clear. In student unions or young people the eight ball to begin with, and many colleges to adopt online-on“The pure size of the cut Manuel López Obrador, had said the United Arab Emirates would tant to ease supply. The car- ing theirs. This is not how friends 300 chapters. The campaign said North Carolina, which President carrying clipboards at concerts COVID is just going to make it ly classes, eliminating hopes of nd other nations on Sunday treat friends,” said Sen. Kevin cut another 2 million barrels of Friday that he had agreed with precedented, but, then ag members Trump won in 2016 and it will haveishired rallies, said Patrick Schuh, Donald said Daniel Smith, a pro- oiland large in-person registration drives the staff impact the coronav that the U.S. will compena day between them atop the Trump a Republican from North d to allow Mexico to cut only Cramer,worse,” on campus. Outdoor festivals, fessor and chair of political sci- Michigan state director for Amer- Democrats are hoping to flip, reg- dedicated to campus voting in having on demand,” sate what Mexico cannot add to OPEC+ deal. The three countries Dakota, before the OPEC+ deal. 000 barrels a month, a sticksporting events and other public ence at the University of Florida, ica Votes, which supports Demo- istrations among young people be- more than 10 battleground states said M med Ghulam, an energy an the cuts. sharply by the end of notcandidates immediately acknowledgetween U.S. who producers already point forgatherings an accord August. 18proposed and 29 dropped cratic and progressive has studiedhave mail-in balloting. did are initially canceled, cutting Raymond James. But registering college students “The Oilcampus Deal clowith OPEC cut themselves, though Zan-when the virusbig forced been reducing output. The causes. All these worries areAmera bigger the off more access to college-age hed Friday aftereasy a marathon vote is just half battle. and others w in March. That This has begun “All attended of these the visibility headache forInstitute Democrats, laudwho are ganeh voters.between 23 na- ican Petroleum Butthe Ghulam is done. willtosavetohunvideoevents confer-suresPlus conference their not ownbeelections are important. They show ener- rebound. more dependent on saying college it vot- ence. Groups dedicated to rallying it may enough. dreds of thousands of energy States jobs set ed Sunday’s global pact, The nations together agreed Kate Fellman, executive direc- procedures and have wildly difyoung voters have worries that go ers’ support and, in a tradition- gy, they help with engagement,” “This is at least a tempor in the United States,” Trump said Officials said other planned cuts will help get other nations’ stateut 9.7 million barrels a day tor of the nonpartisan voter reg- ferent policies for in-person and beyond registrations. With cam- al campaign, their volunteerism. Schuh said. lief for the energy industry in a tweet. “I would like to thank would stand in the deal, meaning owned oil production to follow the ughout May and June. The Democratic National Com- istration group You Can Vote, said mail-in voting. A student who regpuses closing, college students are Voters under 30 made up 13 pertheusing global economy. and congratulate President Pu8-million-barrel-per-day producers thatinare try-ac- anmittee e groupespecially reached transient, the deal just to vote a campus ad- This in the organization set a goal this isters and Biden’s campaign have cut cent of the electorate 2016, causinglead con-of U.S. dress could see dormitories or othyear to register 30,000 people, greatly restricted staff travel, efcording to an analysis by Pew Refusion about whether they should is too big to be let to fail and tin of Russia and King Salman of s before Asian markets re- ing to adjust to plunging demand. from July through the end of the er campus housing shut down due 18 to 25, in the state. She said the fectively eliminating coordinatsearch Center. This year, polls register at their home or school liance showed responsibilit Brouillette said the U.S. did not year and a 6-million-barrel cut for Saudi Arabia.” ed Monday and as internato an outbreak being able new registrants in-person voter contacts. The team had show that the age favors 16edmonths address. The shiftcrude to mail voting this before agreement,” said Per M The4,391 Kremlin said President beginning in 2021. make commitments of group its own l benchmark Brent raises other unexpected hurdles Biden by a wide margin. And if advocacy group NextGen Ameri- before the pandemic hit in mid- to vote. Voting by mail also has its Nysveen, the head Vladimir Putin held a joint call “This will enable the rebalancproduction cuts, but was able to d at just over $31 a barrel for young voters, including a lack they vote, they could also play an ca, which was founded by former March. But in the four months challenges, with studies showing of anal Rystad Energy. “Even thou and Saudi Sal-voters of the oil presidential markets and the ex-since,with obviousrole — that plunging American shale producers young are more likely than the Trump group registered justKing Democratic candiimportant in Senate, House ing of familiarity with the U.S. show Post- the production are smalle man to express support voters of theof other rebound pricesyouth by $15dozens because of the pandem- pected gle. age groupscuts to have of people. date Tom Steyer toofincrease down-ballot contests. al Service and even improperdemand cur- and their mail-in ballots for that lost ground participation, saidshort it doesn’t havesaid Making But traditional outreach to col- per sive that can lead what therejected. marketReneeded an deal. up It also said Putin spoke sepbarrel in the term,” ic istoexpected to slash U.S. oil prodeo aired bypenmanship the Saudi-owned do not count when buildin has arately meant getting creative.about In- jected staff members on college oil rejected votes. postpone the stock with Trump the oilballots statement from Nigeria’s ite channel Al-Arabiya duction.lege voters has been upended. a paid dividual students are turning to results are counted. “Younger voters are behind There are no tables set up in many campuses. straints problem, the wors market and other issues. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zan- ministry. ed the moment that Saudi Analysts offered cautious now avoided.” Mexico had initially blocked gy Minister Prince Abdulaziz ganeh also told state television

Associated By Press Mike Householder The Associated Press

& CREMATORY 522 North 2nd St. P.O. Box 7 Albemarle, NC 28002 Phone 704-983-1188

460 Branchview Dr. NE P.O. Box 367 Concord, NC 28026 Phone 704-786-1161

13575 Broadway Ave. P.O. Box 100 Midland, NC 28107 Phone 704-888-5571

12115 University City Blvd. P.O. Box 219 Harrisburg, NC 28075 Phone 704-247-1722

Stanly County Journal forfor Wednesday, September 2020 Stanly County Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2, 2020



Jason Efird

Tony Smith

Merle Helms

ASON EUGENE “GENE” EFIRD, 94, went home to be with his Lord Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at his home in Stanfield. ARBARA JANE FOSTER Gene was born October 9, 1925, in HUNEYCUTT, 82, of Locust, Cabarrus to the late Simeon NC passedCounty away Wednesday, August Jason Efird the late Sarah Ella 26, 2020 at and home surrounded by her Burris family.Efird. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by Ms. Huneycutt was born October his wife, in Jewell Little Efird; 31, 1937 Charlotte, NC tosisters, the late Mary Fannie Almond, LesterLambert, Foster and the late Lois Viola Minnie Wilma Burleson and WhitlowFurr, Foster. Aileen brothers, Homer She Huskey; was also and preceded in death by Efird, Getus and Wayne Efird, brothers, JoeEfird Lee Foster and Lester Sr. Foster, Jr.; sisters, Margarett Cucci, A private funeral service will be Louise Whitaker, Linda Hatley and held Saturday, April 11, 2020 Ellenon Hall. at Love’ s Grove United Methodist Survivors include son, Darrell Church Cemetery in Stanfield Huneycutt; son, Dale Huneycutt; officiated by Rev. Jim White. son, Stephen Huneycutt all ofBurial will follow at the Love’ s Grove Locust, NC; daughter, Kim United Methodist Cemetery, 4360 HuneycuttChurch of Indian Trail, NC; Polk Ford Road,Leslie Stanfield. granddaughter, Furr and Survivors include son Gerald husband Jason; granddaughter Wayne Efird of Albemarle; Megan (Gail) Huneycutt; grandsons, daughter Lisa EfirdEli (Mark) Hartsell Taylor Huneycutt, Purser, Luke of Stanfield; granddaughters, Purser, and Robbie Purser; great Kelly Efird Barbee andAustin, LaurenAfton grandchildren, Creed Hartsell (Justin) Crump; and greatFurr and Layton Furr; brother, grandsons, Ian Simmons Bruce Foster ofPatrick Lincolnton, NC; and Elliot Jacob Simmons. sisters-in-law, Carol Mullis Foster may be made to Love’s andMemorials Peggy Drye Huneycutt; brotherGrove Methodist Church, in-lawUnited Guy Hall; as well as severalPO Box 276, Stanfield, NC 28163-0276. nieces, nephews and cousins.

ONY MONROE SMITH, 72, of Rockwell, NC, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ERALD WAYNE on Wednesday, April 8,BOATMAN, 2020 at 84, ofsurrounded Albemarle,by passed away his home family. A Friday, 28, 2020 private August family service willatbeNovant held. Health Rowan Medical inat Online condolences can Center be made Salisbury. G.W. March 2, Tony was born August 11,1936 1947in Jacksonville, TX to the late Pearlie Milton in Stanly County and Duffie Boatman of Jacksonville, Asbury Smith and Emmer Lee TX. HeHe was also preceded in of death Smith. was the son in law Pat by wife,Cagle Marylois andhis Mick whereGajeske he worked at Boatman. the fish house for many years until served in the Coast Guard he G.W. opened Anchor House Seafood for 7 years asHe a cook. He wife thenBecky worked in Rockwell. and his until heand retired in construction as a owned operated Anchor House superintendent. for 25 years before retiring in 2009. is survived by his son, Warren Mr.He Smith was a charter member “Beau” Boatman andDoor wife,Baptist Susan; and deacon at Open granddaughter, Jessica Church in Richfield. HeBoatman; loved the grandson, Christopher Boatman;Tony Lord and his family abundantly. and Nathan was great-grandson, a wonderful husband, father, and Hudson. grandfather and could fix anything he put his hands on. Mr. Smith is survived by his wife Becky Cagle Smith of the home, sons Walter Smith and Robbie Smith; daughter Kayla Henderson (Brandon); grandchildren Danielle, Dustin, and Steele Smith, Keaton and Ella Henderson; brother David Smith; sisters Kay Kriechbaum, Karen Stevenson, Ruby Eudy, and Dorothy Smith (Nick). He is preceded in death by brothers Joe Smith, Wayne Smith, Claude Smith, Wade Smith, Robert Smith, and sister Mary Morris. Memorial contributions can be made to Open Door Baptist Church at 44563 Hwy 52, Richfield, NC 28137 or to Hospice & Palliative Care of Cabarrus County at 5003 Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081. IANNE AUSTIN, 73, of Albemarle, NC passed away Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at her home surrounded by family. Dianne was born January 9, 1947 in Patterson, Louisiana to the late John Santos Carinhas, Sr. and Frances Tringali Carinhas. In addition to her parents, she was also preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd Austin, her brothers John Santos Carinhas, Jr. and Joseph Carinhas, Sr., and her sister Joyce Carinhas Hebert. Dianne is survived by her daughters, Shelly Crotty (Dan), a nurse living in Holly Springs, NC, Mimi Braunsberg, a speech language pathologist at Badin Elementary Albemarle, HIRLEY MAE in HAIRE, 73, NC,ofand Mary Jopassed Lizotteaway (Jeremy), Albemarle on aApril physical therapist in Gray, TN. 11, 2020 at Atrium Health Most dear her heart wereaher 7 Stanly. Thetofamily will hold private grandchildren, Austin Braunsberg graveside service for Mrs. Haire. (18), Aaron (16), 12, Zachary Shirley wasBraunsberg born December Crotty Ryan Crotty Isaac 1946 in(16), Washington, DC(14), to the Lizotte (15), Caleb Lizotte (13), and late Charles Richard Bateman Evie Lizotte (11).Mulligan She’s also survived Elizabeth Mae Bateman. by her sister, Anne Carinhas Shirley is survived by her husband Broussard Patterson, Louisiana of 30 yearsof Vaughn Smith of and multiplesister dearly cherished nieces Albemarle; Sandra Painter and nephews. VA; half-brother of Gainesville, The family willofreceive friends Robert Bateman Stevensville, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, on Friday, MD; step-children Heather Smith September 4, 2020 at Hartsell of Jacksonville, FL and David Funeral of Albemarle. Smith ofHome New London, NC; 4 Mass will be held on Saturday, September step-grandchildren; nieces Cyndi 5, 2020, atof 11:00 am, at VA Ourand Lady of Hentschel Leesburg, the Annunciation Catholic in Cheryl Hardy of Aylett, VA;Church 16 grandAlbemarle, officiatedand by Father Peter nieces and nephews; Gus the L. Fitzgibbons. Burial will follow at dog. Stanly Funeral and Cremation Stanly of Memory, Care ofGardens Albemarle is serving2001 the E. Main HaireStreet, family.Albemarle.

ERLE LORRAINE AUSTIN HELMS, 72, of Marshville, passed away Wednesday, April 8, August 29, 2020NatSATURDAY, McWhorter Hospice House 2020, Clarene Brewer Coley, in Monroe. loving mother grandmother Lorraine wasand born April 28, 1947 passed away 83. in Monroe to at theage late Homer David Clarene born on October Austin and was Jewell Delphia-Jane 26, 1936 in Badin, NC. She was Austin. She was also preceded in preceded in deathA.D. by her husband, death by brothers, and Teddy Joe Coley and great granddaughter, Austin; and sister, Joy Austin. Karsyn Jernigan. The family will receive friends Clarene was- a8:00 lifelong from 6:00 pm pm, member Friday, of Bethel UMC. She was a co-owner April 10, 2020 at Hartsell Funeral of Hester Transfer and Home of Albemarle. TheStorage funeral with her husband, Heronfavorite service will be at 11:00 thing to do spend time with Saturday at was Pleasant Hill Baptist her family. She was a very devoted Church in Marshville, officiated grandmother and had wayLeon of by Rev. John Miller andaRev. making sure her lie grandkids knew Whitley. She will in state for 30 how loved theytowere. She also minutes prior the service. She will enjoyed andchurch gardening. be laid toreading rest in the cemetery. While living at Spring Arbor, she She is survived by her beloved enjoyed going to bible study and husband of 47 years, Paul Helms playing bingo. of the home; son, Alex (Deanna) She of is survived her son, Paula Helms Pageland;bydaughter, Danny Coley and wife Kathleen; (Cristin Brandt) Helms of Mint Hill; her grandkids, Mason, Justin Coley and grandchildren, Grant, and wife Meghan, Jernigan Raegan Helms;Dana brothers, Boyce, and husband Britt, Bonnie Sells Royce, Tim Austin; and sisters, and husband Terry; and 6Tarleton. great Patricia Mullis, and Angel grandkids, Kobe, Lila, Memorials mayTucker, be made to the Kyndal, Laine, and Gavin; as well Alzheimer’s Association, 4600 Parkas several sister-in-laws andNC a brotherRd., Suite 250, Charlotte, 28209. in-law. A graveside funeral service will be held at Bethel UMC in New London on September 2, 2020 at 10:00am with a viewing prior to the service at 9:00am.

JBarbara Huneycutt TGerald Boatman MClarene Coley O G B

Danny Luther

Jerry Fincher

ANNY PAUL LUTHER, 65, of Norwood, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, April 9, 2020 at Atrium Stanly in ATHY ANNHealth PARRISH Albemarle. HARRISON, 67, of Denton Mr. Luther was born March 27, went home to be with the Lord on 1955 to 27, the2020. late Robert Fultonwill and August Her funeral Helen Tucker Luther. be a graveside service at Mt. View Danny was survived his wife, Memorial Gardens, Oldby Camp Denise Burleson of Norwood; Rd in Denton, NCLuther at 11 AM on sons, JeremySeptember (Karen) Luther andwith Wednesday, 2, 2020 Jody Luther; BryanTony Pastor Stoneystep-sons, Benfield, Pastor Whitley and Thomas and Gregg Pastor(Anita) GeraldWhitley; Ward Grandchildren, Daniel Luther and officiating Hunter as well as his brother, She isZado, survived by her husband Bob Luther (Lorena),ofuncle Jack Jerry WalterJrHarrison the home, Luther and severalHarrison other loved nieces, daughter Andrea Culp nephews andTodd cousins. and husband of Richfield, Danny recently retired from granddaughters Lela Claire Culp Charlotte Foundry and Sadie Pipe Ann and Culp, sisters: after Patty a dedicated 37 yearsAZ, andChris worked Ludwig of Phoenix, Gonos there with his sons andThomas several other of Phoenix, AZ, Teresa friends and family members. of Bishop, CA, Karen Marwin of Danny spending timeof at Reno, NV,loved Sandra Wilkinson, his lake house withLynn his family and Phoenix, AZ, Terri Browning friends as well NV, as vacationing with his of Henderson, brothers Jerry family. Danny and Denise enjoyed Schmere Jr of Florida, Reece Parrish listening to beach music andParrish loved to of Thomasville, NC, Harold shag dance every chance they could of Denton, NC, and Terri Sprinkle get. He was an amazing loving of Thomasville, NC, two father, step fathers grandfather and friend to NV Jerry Schmere Sr.great of Henderson, many. He will never be and Russell Marwin of forgotten. Phoenix, AZ. celebration ofin life will be SheAwas preceded death by a sister announced once the current Deanie DeHart. COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle is serving the Luther family.

ERRY FINCHER passed from this life on April 3, 2020 at 8:05 pm. He was surrounded by his family andLIZABETH holding the hand of the love of JOSEPHINE his MARTIN, life. Jerry is97, preceded in death of Matthews, by threeaway siblings, two brothers, passed Thursday, August Billy 27, Gilbert and Larry Richard 2020 atFincher, The Addison of Indian Trail Fincher, and one sister, Barbra Joyce in Monroe. Moore. She was born February 2, 1923 He is survived Eleanor in North Carolinaby tohis thewife, late John Kate Fincher of the daughter, Oscar Sykes and thehome, late Elva McCoy Cindy Fincher Jacobs of Wingate Sykes. NC., and daughter in law,she Tommy In son addition to her parents, (Tiffany) Fincherinofdeath New by London is also preceded First NC., Step Children, Jimmy (Lisa) Husband, Norman R. Watson, Lanier of Locust NC, Wanda Second Husband, Bill Adcock,(Bob) and Krimminger of Locust NC., Eric Third Husband, DeeBee Moore (Sharon)sisters, LanierFaye of Charlotte NC., Martin; Sykes Zagar, Grandchildren-Trey (Gera) and Sue Sykes House; niece,Whitson Jon of Midland, Step-grandchildren, Stephanie Zagar; brother-in-law, Zach (Brittney) Washington, Aaron John Zagar. (Kinsey) Washington, Caleb (Nayeli) Jo is survived by daughter, Toie Washington, (Robbie) Setzer, Watson BlakeBeth and her husband, Matthew ( AprilBlake; ) Wallace, Perry Marshall step-Step great-grandchildren, Britlyn-Eve granddaughter, Mandy Adcock; Washington, Robert step-sons, Rev. Steve Setzer, MartinGeorge and (Sara) Setzer, Tracy (Rob) Setzer Rev.Phillip Martin; nephew, Mark Bumgardener, KatieLinda; Underwood, Zagar and his wife, niece, Andrew Underwood, Step great Shelia Dawn Zagar; and cousins, greatMcCoy grandchild, Waylon George Tony and Jack Patterson. Setzer brother Donald Lewis The and family will receive Fincher of Albemarle, friends from 1:30 pm -NC. 2:00 pm, Jerry Fincher will be 2, laid to rest Wednesday, September 2020 at on Wednesday April Church 8,2020 at 11:00 am Hopewell Baptist Cemetery. atgraveside Canton Baptist Anyone A serviceChurch. will be on interested inatattending, please RSVP Wednesday 2:00 pm at Hopewell at 704-796-2412. Dr. Phil McCray Baptist Church Cemetery officiated and Pastor Tommy will by Ric Peirce. BurialFincher will follow officiate. at the Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery at 420 Hopewell Church Rd., Monroe.

DKathy Harrison JElizabeth Martin K E

Dianne Austin

D Pauline Tucker

PAshley McKethan A

AULINE ELIZABETH ALMOND TUCKER, 98, passed away peacefully at Trinity Place, SHLEYNC NICOLE Albemarle, on April 11, 2020. MCKETHAN, Albemarle, Pauline was born35, onof March 22, NC passed away Friday August 1922 in Cabarrus County, NC to the 28,2020 AtriumAlmond Health Cabarrus, late JohnatRichard and Alice Concord, NC.Her funeral service will Ada Ann Lambert Almond. be 12 Pm Tuesday by September She is survived her three1, 2020 at Stanly Funeral and Cremation daughters, Gay Michel (Jack), Care of Albemarle ChapelRushing with Rev. Oak Island, NC; Pamela Brandon King officiating. (Foreman), Oakboro, NC;Burial Kathy will follow in Stanly Gardens of Memory. Hunt (Marc), Albemarle, NC; her The family will receive friends son, Chris Tucker (Chris Lear),11am until 12pm prior thewill service. Washington, DC.toShe be greatly Ashley was born May 2, 1985 missed by her five grandchildren, in Stanly Rushing County, NC and was the Heather Chaney (Shannon), daughter of David Elizabeth Lee Stirewalt and Michael Rushing, Michel Sylvia Ann Smith Stirewalt. She Hartzog (Craig), Jack Michel, Jr. formerly worked forHunt WalMart and (Jenn), and Woody as well as she attended First Baptist Church of seven great-grandchildren. She also New London. leaves behind cherished nieces and Mrs. McKethan is survived by nephews. herThe husband Allen familyShaun expresses itsMason, sincere She is also survived by a gratitude to the staff anddaughter caregivers Natalie Mason NC; at Trinity Placeof forNorwood, the care they two brothers Andy Stirewalt of provided Pauline. Badin, NC and Aaron Stirewalt A private graveside service will be of Albemarle, NCApril and two sistersA held on Monday, 13, 2020. Amanda Laton of Albemarle, celebration of Pauline’s life andNC legacy and Stirewalt of New London, will Anita be held this summer. NC.In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the BrightFocus Foundation at www.


Shirley Haire


Linda Hatley

INDA TUCKER HATLEY, 69, of Albemarle, passed away Monday, April 13, 2020. Linda was born September 18, 1950 in Concord to the late Jacob and Claris Tucker. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Terry Lee Tucker, and her twin sister, Brenda Tucker Strickland. We know Brenda andOUG LindaSASSER, are in Heaven 87, ofwatching Oakboro, overpassed us andaway laughing. Saturday, August was loving mother, sister, 29, Linda 2020 at hisahome. and “Nana.” She very giving Mr. Sasser waswas borna January 5, and loving Linda would 1933 to the person. late Daniel Baxter and always do anything she could for Lillie Earnhardt Sasser. In addition others, especially her family. She to his parents, he was also preceded enjoyed at FastShop in death working by his brother, Daniel#5, Junior Locust. Linda will be forever loved Sasser. and greatly Doug wasmissed. a graduate of Survivors include herand son,attended Albemarle High School Alan Hatley and wife, Angela, of Pfeiffer College. He retired from Albemarle; brother,Department Ronnie Tucker the North Carolina and wife, Linda, ofafter Midland; of Transportation 40 years of granddaughter, Hatley; 1 service and was aLeslie long-time member niece; and 2 nephews. of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church Thehe family will receiveserved friends where had previously as a from 4:00 - 6:00School pm, Thursday, Deacon andpm Sunday Teacher. April loved 16, 2020 Hartsell Funeral Doug his at family dearly and Home in Linda will adored hisAlbemarle. grandchildren and greatbe laid to rest during a private grandchildren. committal at wife Bethel Survivorsservice include, of United 62 years, MethodistSasser; Church, Midland. Christeen daughter, Christie In lieu ofand flowers, please consider Honeycutt husband, Ron; son, a memorial donation to Bethel UMC, Reggie Sasser and wife, LeAnn; 12700 Idlebrook Rd,Honeycutt Midland, NC grandchildren, Zach 28107. and wife Cindi, Ashley Honeycutt,


Doug Sasser


Bennie Smith

ENNIE RAY SMITH, 79, of Albemarle went home to be with the Lord Friday, August 28, 2020 in Atrium Health Cabarrus. Born February 3, 1941 in Stanly County, NC, he was the son of the late Marvin and Ruby Andrews Smith. He was a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church and was a retired brick mason. He loved woodworking and painting and was very talented. He is survived by his wife 61 years, Mary Lou Hatley Smith, five sons Reggie (Cindy), Bobby, Mark (Cecila), Michael (Susan), and Chris (Denise), four brothers, Lee (Christine), Tommy (JoAnn), Richard (Jean), and David (Penny) and a sister Carolyn Miller, 14 grandchildren, 18 greatgrandchildren and 1 great-great-

Celena Sessoms


ELENA MARIA SESSOMS, 42, of Gold Hill, passed away Sunday, August 30, 2020 at her home. Ms. Sessoms was born November 29, 1977 in Mecklenburg County to Lisa Hannon and Michael Hannon. Celena always let her light shine. She loved and was loved by everyone she knew. She is an angel now. The family will receive friends from 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM, Thursday, September 3, 2020 at Faith Free Will Baptist Church, 34915 Locust Lane, New London. The funeral service will follow at 10:00 AM officiated by Rev. Michael Hannon, Rev. Andrew Ball, Rev. Cecil Tucker, and Rev. Wayne Eudy. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Survivors include mother, Lisa Hannon and husband Michael; brother, Levi Morton; sister, Brandi Hodge; nephews, Ethan Morton, Caleb Hodge, and Zander Morton; and niece, Chloe Hodge (her sunshine).

Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in grandchild. SCJ at

Corey Sasser; great-grandchildren, William and Josiah Honeycutt; sister, Sue Poole.

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Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Uncertainty dominates presidential campaign’s final stretch By Steve Peoples The Associated Press NEW YORK — Within President Donald Trump’s campaign, some privately feared the worst heading into the national conventions. But as the candidates move beyond trouble-free conventions and into the final phase of the 2020 election season, both sides acknowledge the contest is tightening. And after months of running an almost entirely virtual campaign because of the pandemic, Biden has decided to launch a new phase of in-person events. “This campaign has always known that it’s going to be a close race, it’s going to be a tough race,” Biden’s senior adviser Anita Dunn said, noting that no Democratic presidential candidate since 1964 has earned more than 52.9% of the vote. She added: “It’s a polarized nation and we expect this kind of tightening.” That leaves Democrats and Republicans preparing for a 60-day sprint to the finish that is widely expected to be one of the most turbulent and chaotic periods in modern American history. Each side cast the other as an existential threat to America’s future as they offered voters starkly different versions of reality over the last two weeks of carefully scripted conventions. Democrats attacked Trump as a racist with autocratic tendencies who is failing to protect the nation from the pandemic as he actively undermines democracy. Re-


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. publicans are attacking Joe Biden as a senile lifetime politician controlled by his party’s far-left wing and incapable of protecting suburban voters from mobs of protesters. Among the many crises shaping the fall campaign, racial tensions have emerged as a critical factor that could decide Trump’s fate. Trump’s campaign believes it is benefiting from violent protests in Wisconsin that followed a police officer shooting Jacob Blake, a black man. The president has repeatedly cast protesters as angry mobs that threaten America’s suburbs, an argument aimed at strengthening Trump’s diminished standing with older voters and suburban women. Civil rights leader Martin Lu-

ther King III likened Trump’s rhetoric on race — and his party’s efforts to make it more difficult to vote this fall — to the efforts of Republican leaders like Richard Nixon prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. “It’s just straight racism,” King said of Trump’s rhetoric and record. “The hands of the clock are going backwards.” Meanwhile, the candidates are unleashing dramatically different campaigns upon voters as they navigate the pandemic. After almost completely avoiding campaign travel since early March, Biden resumed limited in-person campaigning on Monday in Pennsylvania. He’ll make subsequent appearances in battleground states “where it’s safe,”

Dunn confirmed, noting that some states have strict limits on public gatherings. Biden himself has cited plans to campaign in at least four states: Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, although the specific schedule remains a work in progress. He is expected to rely on smaller events in which attendees would adhere to strict social distancing Biden’s team is not currently planning to resume in-person canvassing efforts, usually the lifeblood of campaigns, in which armies of paid staff and volunteers talk face-to-face with prospective supporters at their doorsteps. On the other side, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said the GOP has been actively courting voters in person for weeks and would continue to do so. “We’ve now ramped up to about 2 million volunteers that have been activated. We’re knocking a million doors a week,” McDaniel told The Associated Press. “Biden has chosen to forego that. They’re knocking zero doors a week.” Trump plans to begin a breakneck campaign schedule featuring larger events in the coming days and weeks. He’s grown fond of rallies inside airport hangars, which are arguably safer from a health perspective given they are partially open-air; they also allow the president to energize his crowds by pulling up in Air Force One. The president will continue to highlight the civil unrest in response to protests against law enforcement in Wisconsin and

elsewhere, according to Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who described the Republican message against their Democratic challenger this way: “We’ll match the president’s leadership and record against Joe Biden, who is a weak puppet of the extreme left, afraid to stand up to anti-police rioters, and bowing to radicals to raise taxes and drag the country toward socialism.” Trump aides privately crowed about Biden’s decision to resume campaigning, believing it demonstrates concern about a tightening race that could lead to public stumbles from the gaffe-prone former vice president. They also pointed to Biden’s plans to campaign in Minnesota, describing it as evidence of a narrowing race even in a state Trump lost four years ago. The president’s position is improving throughout the Midwest, aides believe. Trump’s team believes he can afford to lose Michigan and Pennsylvania, so long as he carries Wisconsin and the rest of his 2016 states — including one Maine congressional district. Meanwhile, Biden is betting he can keep his party’s many disparate factions united behind his White House bid. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who competed against Biden in the Democratic primary, hosted a series of online events over the weekend designed to refocus his party’s final-weeks message on health care and income inequality. The Vermont senator’s weekend appearances mark the beginning of what he described as a more active role designed to highlight progressive priorities. “Our job right now is to elect Biden. And the day after he is inaugurated we are going to rally the American people to make certain that we implement the most progressive agenda in modern American history,” said Sanders.

A Zoom Thanksgiving? Summer could give way to a bleaker fall By Carla K. Johnson The Associated Press AS THE SUMMER of COVID draws to a close, many experts fear an even bleaker fall and suggest that American families should start planning for Thanksgiving by Zoom. Because of the many uncertainties, public health scientists say it’s easier to forecast the weather on Thanksgiving Day than to predict how the U.S. coronavirus crisis will play out this autumn. But school reopenings, holiday travel and more indoor activity because of colder weather could all separately increase transmission of the virus and combine in ways that could multiply the threat, they say. Here’s one way it could go: As more schools open for in-person instruction and more college students return to campuses, small clusters of cases could widen into outbreaks in late September. Public fatigue over mask rules and other restrictions could stymie efforts to slow these infections. A few weeks later, widening outbreaks could start to strain

hospitals. If a bad flu season peaks in October, as happened in 2009, the pressure on the health care system could result in higher daily death tolls from the coronavirus. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has said that scenario is his biggest fear. One certainty is that the virus will still be around, said Jarad Niemi, a disease-modeling expert at Iowa State University. “We will not have a vaccine yet and we will not have enough infected individuals for herd immunity to be helpful,” Niemi said. Fall may feel like a roller coaster of stop-and-start restrictions, as communities react to climbing hospital cases, said University of Texas disease modeler Lauren Ancel Meyers. Everyone should get a flu shot, she said, because if flu spreads widely, hospitals will begin to buckle and “that will compound the threat of COVID.” “The decisions we make today will fundamentally impact the safety and feasibility of what we can do next month and by Thanksgiving,” Meyers said.

The U.S. is recording on average about 900 deaths a day from COVID-19, and newly confirmed infections per day are running at about 42,000, down from their peak in mid-July, when cases were topping out at over 70,000. Several vaccines are in advanced testing, and researchers hope to have results later this year. But even if a vaccine is declared safe and effective by year’s end, as some expect, there won’t be enough for everyone who wants it right away. Several companies are developing rapid, at-home tests, which conceivably could be used by families before a Thanksgiving gathering, but none has yet won approval. More than 90 million adults are over 65 or have health problems, putting them in higher danger of severe consequences if they get sick with the coronavirus. Many of them and their families are starting to decide whether to book holiday flights. Caitlin Joyce’s family is forging ahead with a holiday feast. They plan to set up plywood tables on

sawhorses in a large garage so they can sit 6 feet apart. “We’ll be in our coats and our sweaters,” said Joyce, 30, of Edmonds, Washington, who plans to travel to her grandparents’ home in Virginia. “It will be almost like camping.” One widely cited disease model projects 2,086 U.S. deaths per day by Thanksgiving, more than double compared with today. “In our family we will not have our extended family get-together. We will stick to the nuclear family,” said Dr. Christopher Murray of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, one of the few models making a prediction for November. Uncertainty is huge in Murray’s model: Daily deaths could be as low as 1,500 by Thanksgiving or as high as 3,100. With all the uncertainty, most disease modelers aren’t looking that far ahead — at least officially. Jeffrey Shaman, a public health expert at Columbia University, thinks the virus will spread more easily as the weather forces people indoors: “But what level of a

bump? That’s hard to say.” At Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, computer scientist Roni Rosenfeld’s team uses machine learning to project COVID-19 deaths. The team’s computer algorithm learns from patterns it finds in state and county data to improve its forecasts. A five-time winner of a CDC competition for predicting flu season activity, Rosenfeld thinks his model’s COVID-19 projections aren’t very useful beyond four weeks because of the wild card of human behavior. “What happens very much depends on us,” he said. “People, myself included, don’t always behave rationally.” Presented with the same facts, “the same person might behave differently depending on how sick and tired they are of the situation.” Like other disease modelers, Rosenfeld said the virus will still be with us at Thanksgiving, readily spreading at family gatherings. While his plans may yet change, he said he is going to travel with his wife to visit their adult children.

98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms


Twin City Herald


Empty stadiums Carolina Panthers mascot sits in empty stands during an NFL football camp practice Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020, in Charlotte, N.C.

WHAT’S HAPPENING Sheriff’s office changes restraint policies The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office announced that it was changing its policies around suspect restraint following the death of John Neville. Last December, Neville, an inmate, suffered a medical emergency and died. Five detention officers were charged with involuntary manslaughter. The sheriff’s office announced that the bent-leg prone restraint has been banned. Suspects must now be repositioned so that they are sitting or placed on their sides. WFMY

Online class interrupted by obscenities School officials in the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County district are investigating after a virtual art class at Southeast Middle School was interrupted by shouted obscenities and inappropriate gestures. The teacher of the class shut down the meeting. Reportedly, a participant in the class was the one responsible for the interruption. Officials say a student in the district, but not at Southeast, was the one making the comments. MY FOX 8

Detention center using educational tablets The Forsyth County Detention Center is making use of inteleTABLET educational tablet devices for inmates. The program was first tested in late 2018 with female inmates and has been expanded in recent weeks. There are now 275 tables in use at the detention center, throughout the entire facility. Inmates can use them to take more than 400 different educational courses, as well as do GED prep and work on job placement for when they are released. MY FOX 8


20177 52016 $0.50


Mississippi gov skipped mask at NC event, despite mandate By Leah Willingham The Associated Press JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves compared his attending a crowded campaign event over the weekend for a North Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate — while not wearing a mask -– to people who attended police brutality protests outside the Governor’s Mansion in Mississippi in June. “There’s public health risks to doing large political gatherings, but in this country — and we do still live in America — we protect the right to free speech and we protect the right to political discourse and political events,” Reeves said at a Tuesday news conference. Both North Carolina and Mississippi have mandates for people to wear face coverings in public places to slow the spread of the coronavirus. No more than 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors are allowed to gather in North Carolina, under executive orders from Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper. In Mississippi, Reeves signed exec-


utive orders banning people from attending gatherings with more than 10 people indoors or 20 people outdoors. On Sunday, Reeves was one of more than 200 people who attended a tightly packed rally for Lt. Gov. Dan Forest at the Rowan County Fairgrounds in Salisbury. Forest is running for governor against incumbent Cooper. Reeves said Tuesday that he

School-issued Chromebook melts in student’s home Computer malfunction filled house with smoke TCH staff WINSTON-SALEM — A Chromebook issued by Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools began smoking and melted while an unidentified 10-yearold boy was using it at home. The school district has issued more than 40,000 Chromebooks to students to help facilitate distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The district says that all of the computers are under five years old. The student’s mother told

WFMY news that her son heard a pop noise from the computer. It then began to melt in the area where the computer’s lithium battery is located and filled the house with smoke. Photos of the damaged Chromebook submitted to the station showed significant damage around the battery and melting that continued through to the other side of the computer, which appears to have been closed when it began melting. The district replaced the Chromebook that day. The district issued a statement on social media confirming the incident. “We have had a report of a

Gov. Tate Reeves discusses his statewide order for people to wear masks in public amid a recent surge in cases during a COVID-19 press briefing, Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2020 in Jackson, Miss.

wore a mask 90% of the time while in North Carolina and that he only took his mask off to speak at the rally in support of Forest. Both Mississippi and North Carolina’s mask mandates allow people to remove masks temporarily while making a speech or broadcast. However, photos from the event show Reeves sitting at tables surrounded by other people, posing for photos next to attendees and

“We have had a report of a Chromebook malfunction specifically related to the battery.” Statement from WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools Chromebook malfunction specifically related to the battery and battery life,” it read. The statement went on to offer suggestions on ways to avoid the problem occurring. “We want to remind you to only charge these devices when they need charging. Never leave Chromebooks plugged in and unsupervised for long periods of time, like overnight. Also, it is best to always use the devices on surfaces that allow for proper ventilation like a desk or table. Prolonged charging and limited ventilation can damage the battery, the operating systems and cause the machine to shut down

shaking hands with Forest and others — all while not wearing a mask. When asked why he did not wear a mask at the event, Reeves brought up protests around police brutality and racial injustice that happened in Jackson in June. “There were literally thousands and thousands and thousands of people outside the Governor’s Mansion protesting, and I defend their right to do so,” he said. “But just because you agree with those that are protesting, doesn’t mean that there are not public health risks to doing so.” Forest has cited the First Amendment for why he is able to host political events that go against Cooper’s executive orders. He has hosted numerous in-person campaign events where attendees did not wear masks. At a campaign event on July 4, Forest claimed that multiple studies have shown masks are not effective at preventing the spread of viruses. Forest’s campaign placed a thermal imaging camera at the front door of his event Sunday that it said detected temperatures of 100.4 degrees or above. Reeves has said repeatedly during the coronavirus pandemic that he believes wearing masks is one of the single most important things Mississippi residents can do to mitigate the spread of the virus.

completely. Proper care will ensure our devices do not malfunction and last as long as possible.” The school also directed students and parents to a section of the district website related to Chromebook safety. Among the tips there are to never use the Chromebook on your lap or on carpets, beds or fabric surfaces. Charging cords should also not be on any fabric surfaces. The statement went on to explain that there are several layers of content filters on the school laptops, including sites specifically blocked by Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools, to help protect the students from inappropriate web sites. “During this remote learning time, when helping students adjust our school psychologists are encouraging parents to remember the acronym, ROSE. ROSE stands for routine, organizations, space, and encouragement. Keep students in a routine, help keep their day organized and planned, create a separate learning space, and keep encouraging them,” the statement concluded.

Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 2, 2020








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Twin City Herald

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Editor Shawn Krest

Sports Editor Cory Lavalette

Design Editor Lauren Rose Published each Wednesday as part of the North State Journal. 3101 Industrial Dr., Suite 105 Raleigh, N.C. 27609 (704) 269-8461 INFO@TWINCITYHERALD.COM TWINCITYHERALD.COM

TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 or online at Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.

DEATH NOTICES ♦ Hattie Louise Ketner Boles, 95, of Old Town, died August 30, 2020. ♦ David Nelson Bouldry, 81, of Winston-Salem, died August 29, 2020. ♦ Charlie “Clyde” Cranfill, Jr., 91, of Forsyth County, died August 27, 2020. ♦ Magilene Stewart Doggett, 98, of High Point, died August 26, 2020. ♦ Judy Austin Ebert, 79, of King, died August 30, 2020. ♦ Billy Eugene Fink, 84, of Clemmons, died August 26, 2020. ♦ Travis Lindsay Foster, 79, of Winston-Salem, died August 27, 2020. ♦ Frances Louise Wheeling Fulton, 79, of Kernersville, died August 28, 2020. ♦ Frances B. Gibson, 90, of Winston-Salem, died August 26, 2020. ♦ Paula Jacqueline “Jackie” James, 70, of Rural Hall, died August 26, 2020. ♦ Muriel Beverly Luongo, 73 of Clemmons, died August 28, 2020. ♦ Shirley Mikles McIver, 79, of Winston-Salem, died August 27, 2020. ♦ Judy Arnn Oakley, 69, of Winston-Salem, died August 28, 2020. ♦ Charles Doswell “C.D.” Olson, 98, of Winston-Salem, died August 29, 2020. ♦ Peter Charles Papas, Sr., 74, died August 26,2020. ♦ Charles “Charlie” Hugh Risner, 74, died August 27, 2020. ♦ Carol Diane Demark Roy, 77, of Kernersville, died August 30, 2020. ♦ Billy “Bill” Eugene Tuttle, 81, of Kernersville, died August 28, 2020. ♦ Wanda Ingram Viverette-Sagel, 67, died August 26, 2020. ♦ Vivian Shields Voss, 96, of Winston-Salem, died August 27, 2020. ♦ Lewis Hunter Warner, 76, of Winston-Salem, died August 27, 2020.


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Democrats push charges of racism for purposes of convenience

Neal Robbins

Frank Hill





Senior Opinion Editor



Harris isn’t the only political figure who sees charges of racism as a convenient weapon, rather than as serious allegations requiring actual evidence.

IN JUNE 2019, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., tore into former Vice President Joe Biden in a Democratic primary debate. She openly suggested that he was a racist whose past political activity would have kept a “little girl” like her from attending integrated public school. About a year later, Biden selected Harris for his vicepresidential candidate. It followed naturally that some intrepid reporter might ask Harris about why she had joined forces with such a historic bigot. So far, Harris has been asked that question twice. Stephen Colbert asked, obviously assuming that she had prepared an answer. She hadn’t. Instead, Harris broke into her nowfamous Awkward Joker Cackle, saying with a laugh, “It was a debate!” Colbert quickly tried to laugh with her to alleviate the extraordinary tension — and to back away from the unforced revelation that Harris is simply a political hack willing to leverage charges of racism for career gain. Now, political observers might figure that such a terrifying brush with unmasking might prompt Harris to think through the question. She still hasn’t. Over the weekend, ABC News’ Robin Roberts asked Harris the same question. And Harris’ answer was no better: “I think that that conversation is a distraction from what we need to accomplish right now and what we need to do.” Harris again confirmed that her allegations of racism against Biden were merely a tool in her arsenal — a tool to be wielded when convenient and stored away for possible future use when not. Unfortunately, Harris isn’t the only political figure who sees charges of racism as a convenient weapon, rather than as serious allegations requiring actual evidence. Democratic politicians appear to have latched on to the simple joys of charging political opponents with racism at the drop of a hat. According to the Associated Press, Democrats have taken, for example, to charging those who mispronounce Harris’ first name with racism — as though it is perfectly obvious that the emphasis in “Kamala” lies on the first syllable rather than the second. And it’s not merely that Democrats now levy frivolous racism charges with ease. Democrats are willing to jump — without

any evidence and to dire consequence — to the conclusion that any incident involving black Americans is rife with racism. Thus, this week, when a black man named Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was shot by police officers and video leading up to the shooting was released, Democrats rushed to condemn the police, even while explicitly acknowledging that they didn’t have the facts. Biden released a statement with staggering irresponsibility: He called for an “immediate, full and transparent investigation” but openly stated that “the officers must be held accountable”; he claimed that America had woken up “yet again with grief and outrage that yet another black American is a victim of excessive force”; he called the shooting an “inflection point” and yet another symptom of “systemic racism.” Again, Biden had no access to the facts. But that didn’t stop him from levying charges of racism. It wasn’t just Biden. Gov. Tony Evers, D-Wis. — whose state investigative system will be handling the case — immediately announced, “While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.” And so, Kenosha burned. And the narrative has been set: The shooting was unjustified, and racist at that. No evidence has been presented; none need be. And if the facts don’t match the accusations, the facts will be put aside. Harris herself has continued to push the absolute lie, for example, that Michael Brown was murdered in Ferguson, Missouri, an allegation firmly rebutted by former President Obama’s Department of Justice. Fealty to the narrative is the sole qualifier for power in Democratic circles. Will any of this alleviate racism? Of course not. But it’s not designed to. It’s designed to achieve and attain power. And, so far, the strategy seems to be working. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of


on 8/31/2020

♦ Barber, Cody Michael (M/27) Arrest on chrg of 1) Larceny/ misdemeanor (M), 2) P/w/i/ s/d Sched I (F), 3) Poss Heroin (F), 4) Drugs-poss Sched I (F), 5) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 6) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 7) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 8) Fail To Appear/compl (F), and 9) Fail To Appear/compl (F), at 5115 Main St, Walkertown, NC, on 8/28/2020 03:30.

♦ DOMINGUEZ, JORGE was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 2700 OLD LEXINGTON RD on 8/30/2020

♦ Breeding, Christian Merchant (M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M), 2) Breaking/larc-felony (F), 3) Impaired Driving Dwi (M), 4) Resisting Arrest (M), 5) Fail Heed Siren (M), 6) Reckless Driving (M), 7) Stop Sign Violation (M), 8) Vio Seat Belt Law (M), and 9) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), at 5809 Davis Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 8/29/2020 09:00. ♦ Brown, Martin Eugene (M/65) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple, M (M), at 925 Cotinus Cr, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/26/2020 00:30. ♦ Brown, Martin Eugene (M/65) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 925 Cotinus Cr, Lewisville, NC, on 8/26/2020 00:30. ♦ Carter, Willie Shamone (M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) Larceny-firearm (F), 2) Drugs-poss Sched I (F), 3) Drugs-misd Poss (M), 4) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 5) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 6) Weap-poss By Felon (F), and 7) Ccw - Firearm (M), at 1298 E Fourteenth St/claremont Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/26/2020 02:30. ♦ Chalk, Nakevia Nicole (F/24) Arrest on chrg of Child Abuse, M (M), at 447 Fishel Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/27/2020 20:23. ♦ CHRISTMAS, BRANDON JAMAYL was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 909 N PATTERSON AV

♦ COOK, TEMAREO CHARLES was arrested on a charge of OFA/FTA-ASSAULT ON A FEMALE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 8/28/2020

♦ FINCHAM, ALLEN MICHAEL was arrested on a charge of LARCENY-FELONY at 301 MEDICAL CENTER BV on 8/31/2020 ♦ Garcia, Kristen Lee (F/50) Arrest on chrg of Assaultsimple (M), at 925 Cotinus Cr, Lewisville, NC, on 8/26/2020 00:30. ♦ Graves, Robert Eugene (M/33) Arrest on chrg of 2nd Degree Trespass (M), at 1465 River Ridge Dr, Clemmons, NC, on 8/31/2020 19:06. ♦ HOLLIFIELD, MICHAEL EUGENE was arrested on a charge of ASSLT ON OFF/ST EMP at 3197 PETERS CREEK PW on 8/29/2020 ♦ Inman, David Matthew (M/34) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M) and 2) Vand-personal Prop (M), at 1736 Round Hill Cr, Kernersville, NC, on 8/27/2020 02:00. ♦ JACOBS, BRANDON ERIC was arrested on a charge of LARCENY-FELONY at 420 BARNES RD on 8/28/2020 ♦ Jenerett, Eric Warnell (M/48) Arrest on chrg of 1) Fail To Register - Sex Offender Registration (F) and 2) Sex Offender Unlawfully On Premises. (F), at 3790 Peters Creek Pw, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/29/2020 22:12.

(M/59) Arrest on chrg of 1) Impaired Driving Dwi (M) and 2) Ndl-drive While Lic Revoked After Division Sent Notificatio (M), at Reidsville Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 8/31/2020 01:41. ♦ Martin, Ricky Steven (M/65) Arrest on chrg of Impaired Driving Dwi (M), at 4301 Kinnamon Village Lp/ clemmons Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 8/28/2020 14:43. ♦ MCLAURIN, CEDRIC FELIX was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 7027 BRANDEMERE LN on 8/29/2020 ♦ MOODY, SEBASH NAJEE was arrested on a charge of FALSE IMPRISONMENT at 2900 ATWOOD RD on 8/30/2020 ♦ QUICK, XAVIERRE ALEXANDER was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 100 W FIFTH ST on 8/29/2020 ♦ RABB, MICHAEL LEE was arrested on a charge of P/W/I/S/D COCAINE at 1020 LOUISE RD on 8/29/2020 ♦ RIVERADEJESUS, ANGEL JOEL was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at SB 421/LOWERY ST_SB 421 RA on 8/30/2020 ♦ Rolland, Michael Stuart (M/48) Arrest on chrg of Cyberstalking, M (M), at 200 N Main St, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/28/2020 10:37. ♦ Romero Gaitan, Juan Carlos (M/18) Arrest on chrg of Affray, M (M), at 7895 Broad St, Rural Hall, NC, on 8/29/2020 18:13. ♦ ROUSE, MONTAYE KEON was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 100 W FIFTH ST on 8/29/2020

♦ KING, KAREEM LATIF was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT-SIMPLE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 8/31/2020

♦ Shell, Sirronn Manta (M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M), 2) Breaking/ enter-misd (M), 3) Vandreal Property (M), 4) Fail To Appear/compl (M), and 4) Order For Arrest (M), at 800 Blk Rich Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/29/2020 20:23.

♦ Mangum, Kelvin Raynard

♦ Shipp, Damien Kennard

♦ JOHNSON, JARVIS HENRY was arrested on a charge of COMM LAW ROBBERY at N PATTERSON AV on 8/31/2020

(M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drug Trafficking (F), 2) Drugs-poss Sched I (F), 3) Drugs-maintain (F), 4) Drug Trafficking (F), 5) Drugs-mfg Sched I (F), and 6) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), at 1760 Lamb Ave, High Point, NC, on 8/28/2020 13:45. ♦ SMITH, PATRICIA LYNETTE was arrested on a charge of REC/POSS STOLE MV at 1360 N CHESTNUT ST on 8/30/2020 ♦ Smith, Tyron Jarelle (M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F), 2) P/w/i/s/d Marijuana (F), 3) Possession Marijuana (F), 4) Drugs-maintain (F), 5) Drug Paraphernalia (M), and 6) Ccw - Firearm (M), at 498 E Thirty-second St/n Glenn Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/30/2020 21:08. ♦ TAYLOR, CALIA LANAE was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT-SIMPLE at 4614 INDIANA AV on 8/30/2020 ♦ Wade, Charles Seavoy (M/19) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple, M (M), at 301 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/27/2020 15:23. ♦ Wagner, Patricia Ann (F/45) Arrest on chrg of Assaultsimple (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/29/2020 17:30. ♦ WILLIAMS, BARSHARD DEWAYNE was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 4614 INDIANA AV on 8/30/2020 ♦ WILLIAMS, JAMIE MARCUSLEON was arrested on a charge of WEAP-POSS BY FELON at E 3RD on 8/30/2020 ♦ Wooten, Allen Gray (M/42) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 8/30/2020 20:30. ♦ ZELLER, JASON LEE was arrested on a charge of DRUGS-POSS SCHED IV at 100 RICKS DR/S STRATFORD RD on 8/29/2020

Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Pelicans’ Ingram named NBA most improved player New Orleans Pelicans forward Brandon Ingram has been named the NBA’s most improved player in a season that saw him bounce back from a life-altering blood clot and a trade from the team that drafted him second overall in 2016. Ingram, who came to New Orleans as part of a blockbuster trade that sent Anthony Davis to the Los Angeles Lakers, averaged a team-leading and careerbest 23.8 points per game while hitting 46.3% of his shots. The former Duke star, who turns 23 Wednesday, also became an NBA All-Star for the first time.


Boston Marathon will go virtual next week The 124th running of the iconic road race will be done across the globe using an app that will simulate racing the normal route By William J. Kole The Associated Press BOSTON — Missing: Boston’s raucous crowds and smiles for miles. Still there, sort of: Wellesley College’s iconic “scream tunnel” and the thunderous cheers along the finish line on Boylston Street. The 124th running of the Boston Marathon finally gets underway next month, but virtually — meaning real runners will do the hard work, and an interactive mobile app will help augment their not-quite-authentic experience. Rather than lining up in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and making the long trek to Boston, ath-

letes will run this year’s marathon solo because of the coronavirus pandemic. A weeklong TV special and the new mobile app will showcase their stories as they go the distance on their own. Amazon and WBZ-TV are teaming up on a “Boston Marathon Live” broadcast that will be aired nightly starting Monday, Sept. 7, through Sunday, Sept. 13. Co-produced by the Boston Athletic Association, which puts on the marathon every year, the show will air at 8 p.m. EDT and again at midnight on television and be streamed on The marathon normally is run on a Monday in April, on Massachusetts’ unique Patriots Day holiday, but was postponed to mid-September because of the pandemic. Then, at the end of May, it was canceled altogether — the first time in its 124-year history that the storied race in its traditional format was scrapped.

Instead, registered runners are being encouraged to complete the 26.2-mile (distance by themselves — wherever they are in the world — and share accounts of their preparation, motivation and execution. Athletes also will be able to use a mobile app the BAA is rolling out to upload their routes and finish times. The app includes audio cues that will sync with an individual runner’s progress and play at key mile markers, such as the roar of the crowd as runners approach the irrepressible women of Wellesley, a marathon tradition, and the finish on Boylston in downtown Boston. It’s all designed to help participants get at least a feel for the real thing, even if they’re running in Bangor or Bangkok instead of Boston, the planet’s most prestigious marathon and a bucket list dream for serious runners. BAA CEO Tom Grilk said the

show will “truly allow for us to bring Boston to the world.” More than 17,000 runners worldwide are registered for the virtual version. A field of 30,000 runners participated in last year’s in-person race. “This isn’t quite how I imagined, but it still feels exciting,” said Zach Lister, a marathoner who’s using his run to raise money for Boston’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute. One advantage to the virtual marathon: Runners can pick a day where the weather suits them, rather than get stuck racing in withering heat or pouring rain. But covering the classic marathon distance solo — without the usual cheering crowds or fellow athletes to draw on for strength and support — won’t be easy. RC Malden, a suburban Boston running club, alluded to that Friday in a tweet: “Running a marathon is hard. Running a marathon ALONE is almost impossible.”


3 LSU players opt out of season Baton Rouge, La. LSU All-America wide receiver Ja’Marr Chase, cornerback Kary Vincent Jr. and defensive end Neil Farrell Jr. have announced they are opting out of the 2020 season and won’t be helping the Tigers defend their college football national title. Chase didn’t specifically say in the tweet that he would be entering the 2021 NFL Draft, but he’s regarded as a likely first-round pick. Vincent said he was opting out to begin training for the draft, while Farrell said he plans to play for LSU in 2021.


Blatter questioned in FIFA investigation in Switzerland Bern, Switzerland Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter was questioned Tuesday by Swiss investigators about a $2 million payment he authorized in 2011 to then-UEFA president Michel Platini. Blatter was questioned one day after Platini spent about three hours at the offices of Switzerland’s federal prosecutors. A criminal proceeding has been open against Blatter, 84, since the allegation was revealed in September 2015, though it was extended to Platini only three months ago. Blatter has also been a suspect in a second allegation linked to $1 million of FIFA money gifted in 2010.


Vandersloot sets WNBA single-game record with 18 assists Bradenton, Fla. Chicago guard Courtney Vandersloot set the WNBA single-game record with 18 assists in the Sky’s 10077 win over the Indiana Fever on Monday night. Vandersloot beat the record, held by Ticha Penicheiro, with an assist to teammate Allie Quigley. Penicheiro, who reached 16 assists in 1998 and 2002, tweeted a congratulatory note to Vandersloot after the game. Vandersloot finished with 13 points and is averaging 9.3 assists this season which would also break her own mark of 9.1 set last year.


Fans cheer on runners at the start of the 123rd Boston Marathon in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, in April 2019.

Johnson proud of ending NASCAR career with 7 titles A late-race crash at Daytona prevented the No. 48 from reaching the playoffs in the driver’s final full-time season The Associated Press DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Long after a fireworks extravaganza lit up Daytona International Speedway and well after William Byron and his Hendrick Motorsports team ended their celebration in Victory Lane, Jimmie Johnson found a moment to reflect. On his night. On his emotions. On his legacy. He pretty much covered them all. Johnson posted a picture on Instagram of his battered No. 48 Chevrolet, which was caught up in a late-race wreck and knocked out of playoff contention in the regular-season finale Saturday. The crash meant his racing career would end without a record-setting eighth Cup Series championship. “7 it is,” he wrote. “I’m damn proud of that in case you were wondering.” Johnson was running near the front of the pack most of the night and was in position to make the playoffs until Denny Hamlin and Joey Logano made contact and started a multi-car melee that collected Johnson and nine others with less than two laps to go. Logano slammed into Bubba Wallace, who slid sideways and nearly wrecked Byron. Logano tried to straight-


Jimmie Johnson, picutred at Phoenix Raceway in March, missed the playoffs in his final season, meaning he will stay tied with Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt Sr. for the most career NASCAR Cup Series titles with seven. en his car, but Matt DiBenedetto rammed into his rear bumper and caused him to lose control for good. Johnson looked like he might escape the carnage, but Logano spun into Matt Kenseth, who made a hard right into Johnson’s driver-side door. Johnson sat on pit road in his

mangled mess during a red flag and surely realized that the “storybook ending” he talked about a day earlier was gone. “The last couple of months, we’ve been really getting our act together and running well,” Johnson said after finishing 17th and missing the final postseason berth by six

points. “Definitely disappointed to not be in the playoffs. That was the No. 1 goal to start the year.” Johnson would have been safely in the 16-car field had he not missed a race following a positive test for COVID-19 and had a second-place finish thrown out at Charlotte after failing post-race inspection. He noted both setbacks after another disappointment at Daytona, a track at which he has won seven times over two decades. He also has now crashed 43 times at the historic venue. Johnson handled the latest one with grace and dignity — no surprise given the way he has gone about his business in an often-glaring spotlight. He walked to Victory Lane to congratulate Byron and his team, including crew chief Chad Knaus. Johnson and Knaus were together for all seven titles in the 48. “I feel awful,” Knaus said. “Let’s be quite honest, right? Jimmie shouldn’t be in this position. … That hurts. I hate it for Jimmie. He’s one of my best friends.” Regardless of how it plays out, Johnson already has left an indelible mark on stock-car racing. He won five consecutive championships (2006-10), forcing other drivers and teams to play catch-up, and added two more (2013, ‘16) years after the unprecedented run. He’s a first-ballot Hall of Famer with a racing career that will be hard to match, let alone top, for anyone moving forward.

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Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Uncertainty dominates presidential campaign’s final stretch By Steve Peoples The Associated Press NEW YORK — Within President Donald Trump’s campaign, some privately feared the worst heading into the national conventions. But as the candidates move beyond trouble-free conventions and into the final phase of the 2020 election season, both sides acknowledge the contest is tightening. And after months of running an almost entirely virtual campaign because of the pandemic, Biden has decided to launch a new phase of in-person events. “This campaign has always known that it’s going to be a close race, it’s going to be a tough race,” Biden’s senior adviser Anita Dunn said, noting that no Democratic presidential candidate since 1964 has earned more than 52.9% of the vote. She added: “It’s a polarized nation and we expect this kind of tightening.” That leaves Democrats and Republicans preparing for a 60-day sprint to the finish that is widely expected to be one of the most turbulent and chaotic periods in modern American history. Each side cast the other as an existential threat to America’s future as they offered voters starkly different versions of reality over the last two weeks of carefully scripted conventions. Democrats attacked Trump as a racist with autocratic tendencies who is failing to protect the nation from the pandemic as he actively undermines democracy. Re-


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. publicans are attacking Joe Biden as a senile lifetime politician controlled by his party’s far-left wing and incapable of protecting suburban voters from mobs of protesters. Among the many crises shaping the fall campaign, racial tensions have emerged as a critical factor that could decide Trump’s fate. Trump’s campaign believes it is benefiting from violent protests in Wisconsin that followed a police officer shooting Jacob Blake, a black man. The president has repeatedly cast protesters as angry mobs that threaten America’s suburbs, an argument aimed at strengthening Trump’s diminished standing with older voters and suburban women. Civil rights leader Martin Lu-

ther King III likened Trump’s rhetoric on race — and his party’s efforts to make it more difficult to vote this fall — to the efforts of Republican leaders like Richard Nixon prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. “It’s just straight racism,” King said of Trump’s rhetoric and record. “The hands of the clock are going backwards.” Meanwhile, the candidates are unleashing dramatically different campaigns upon voters as they navigate the pandemic. After almost completely avoiding campaign travel since early March, Biden resumed limited in-person campaigning on Monday in Pennsylvania. He’ll make subsequent appearances in battleground states “where it’s safe,”

Dunn confirmed, noting that some states have strict limits on public gatherings. Biden himself has cited plans to campaign in at least four states: Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, although the specific schedule remains a work in progress. He is expected to rely on smaller events in which attendees would adhere to strict social distancing Biden’s team is not currently planning to resume in-person canvassing efforts, usually the lifeblood of campaigns, in which armies of paid staff and volunteers talk face-to-face with prospective supporters at their doorsteps. On the other side, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said the GOP has been actively courting voters in person for weeks and would continue to do so. “We’ve now ramped up to about 2 million volunteers that have been activated. We’re knocking a million doors a week,” McDaniel told The Associated Press. “Biden has chosen to forego that. They’re knocking zero doors a week.” Trump plans to begin a breakneck campaign schedule featuring larger events in the coming days and weeks. He’s grown fond of rallies inside airport hangars, which are arguably safer from a health perspective given they are partially open-air; they also allow the president to energize his crowds by pulling up in Air Force One. The president will continue to highlight the civil unrest in response to protests against law enforcement in Wisconsin and

elsewhere, according to Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who described the Republican message against their Democratic challenger this way: “We’ll match the president’s leadership and record against Joe Biden, who is a weak puppet of the extreme left, afraid to stand up to anti-police rioters, and bowing to radicals to raise taxes and drag the country toward socialism.” Trump aides privately crowed about Biden’s decision to resume campaigning, believing it demonstrates concern about a tightening race that could lead to public stumbles from the gaffe-prone former vice president. They also pointed to Biden’s plans to campaign in Minnesota, describing it as evidence of a narrowing race even in a state Trump lost four years ago. The president’s position is improving throughout the Midwest, aides believe. Trump’s team believes he can afford to lose Michigan and Pennsylvania, so long as he carries Wisconsin and the rest of his 2016 states — including one Maine congressional district. Meanwhile, Biden is betting he can keep his party’s many disparate factions united behind his White House bid. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who competed against Biden in the Democratic primary, hosted a series of online events over the weekend designed to refocus his party’s final-weeks message on health care and income inequality. The Vermont senator’s weekend appearances mark the beginning of what he described as a more active role designed to highlight progressive priorities. “Our job right now is to elect Biden. And the day after he is inaugurated we are going to rally the American people to make certain that we implement the most progressive agenda in modern American history,” said Sanders.

A Zoom Thanksgiving? Summer could give way to a bleaker fall By Carla K. Johnson The Associated Press AS THE SUMMER of COVID draws to a close, many experts fear an even bleaker fall and suggest that American families should start planning for Thanksgiving by Zoom. Because of the many uncertainties, public health scientists say it’s easier to forecast the weather on Thanksgiving Day than to predict how the U.S. coronavirus crisis will play out this autumn. But school reopenings, holiday travel and more indoor activity because of colder weather could all separately increase transmission of the virus and combine in ways that could multiply the threat, they say. Here’s one way it could go: As more schools open for in-person instruction and more college students return to campuses, small clusters of cases could widen into outbreaks in late September. Public fatigue over mask rules and other restrictions could stymie efforts to slow these infections. A few weeks later, widening outbreaks could start to strain

hospitals. If a bad flu season peaks in October, as happened in 2009, the pressure on the health care system could result in higher daily death tolls from the coronavirus. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has said that scenario is his biggest fear. One certainty is that the virus will still be around, said Jarad Niemi, a disease-modeling expert at Iowa State University. “We will not have a vaccine yet and we will not have enough infected individuals for herd immunity to be helpful,” Niemi said. Fall may feel like a roller coaster of stop-and-start restrictions, as communities react to climbing hospital cases, said University of Texas disease modeler Lauren Ancel Meyers. Everyone should get a flu shot, she said, because if flu spreads widely, hospitals will begin to buckle and “that will compound the threat of COVID.” “The decisions we make today will fundamentally impact the safety and feasibility of what we can do next month and by Thanksgiving,” Meyers said.

The U.S. is recording on average about 900 deaths a day from COVID-19, and newly confirmed infections per day are running at about 42,000, down from their peak in mid-July, when cases were topping out at over 70,000. Several vaccines are in advanced testing, and researchers hope to have results later this year. But even if a vaccine is declared safe and effective by year’s end, as some expect, there won’t be enough for everyone who wants it right away. Several companies are developing rapid, at-home tests, which conceivably could be used by families before a Thanksgiving gathering, but none has yet won approval. More than 90 million adults are over 65 or have health problems, putting them in higher danger of severe consequences if they get sick with the coronavirus. Many of them and their families are starting to decide whether to book holiday flights. Caitlin Joyce’s family is forging ahead with a holiday feast. They plan to set up plywood tables on

sawhorses in a large garage so they can sit 6 feet apart. “We’ll be in our coats and our sweaters,” said Joyce, 30, of Edmonds, Washington, who plans to travel to her grandparents’ home in Virginia. “It will be almost like camping.” One widely cited disease model projects 2,086 U.S. deaths per day by Thanksgiving, more than double compared with today. “In our family we will not have our extended family get-together. We will stick to the nuclear family,” said Dr. Christopher Murray of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, one of the few models making a prediction for November. Uncertainty is huge in Murray’s model: Daily deaths could be as low as 1,500 by Thanksgiving or as high as 3,100. With all the uncertainty, most disease modelers aren’t looking that far ahead — at least officially. Jeffrey Shaman, a public health expert at Columbia University, thinks the virus will spread more easily as the weather forces people indoors: “But what level of a

bump? That’s hard to say.” At Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, computer scientist Roni Rosenfeld’s team uses machine learning to project COVID-19 deaths. The team’s computer algorithm learns from patterns it finds in state and county data to improve its forecasts. A five-time winner of a CDC competition for predicting flu season activity, Rosenfeld thinks his model’s COVID-19 projections aren’t very useful beyond four weeks because of the wild card of human behavior. “What happens very much depends on us,” he said. “People, myself included, don’t always behave rationally.” Presented with the same facts, “the same person might behave differently depending on how sick and tired they are of the situation.” Like other disease modelers, Rosenfeld said the virus will still be with us at Thanksgiving, readily spreading at family gatherings. While his plans may yet change, he said he is going to travel with his wife to visit their adult children.

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