North State Journal Vol. 5, Issue 23

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the Wednesday


Gov. Roy Cooper issues statewide alcohol sales curfew Raleigh Gov. Roy Cooper announced a statewide curfew on alcohol sales, which takes effect on Friday, July 31 at 11 p.m. “Slowing the spread of this virus requires targeted strategies that help lower the risk of transmission,” said Cooper. “This will be particularly important as colleges and universities are scheduled to start, bringing people all over the country to our state. We have seen case numbers increase among younger people, and prevention is critical to slowing the spread of the virus.” The order does not apply to grocery stores, convenience stores or other entities permitted to sell alcohol for offpremise consumption. Local governments that have enacted stiffer orders on alcohol sales are not affected by the order. NSJ STAFF NORTH STATE JOURNAL

Lawsuit again targets Opportunity Scholarships program Raleigh The National Education Association and the North Carolina Association of Educators, vocal opponents of the Opportunity Scholarships, are funding a lawsuit against the program, which they claim violates several portions of the state constitution. “Vouchers for private schools are an affront to a state that has a long and cherished history of public education,” NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly, one of the plaintiffs in the suit, said in a news release. “Using public money to pay for private schools is part of a broad assault on public schools and on our state constitution.” The litigation filed in Wake County court comes five years after a closely divided state Supreme Court upheld the legality of the private-school grants. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

State Highway Patrol to launch ‘move over’ campaign Raleigh In an effort to increase awareness on the importance of moving over for public service vehicles, the State Highway Patrol is launching Move a Little/Save a Lot, a campaign focused on the education and enforcement of the state’s Move Over law. Since June, six separate collisions have occurred where a Highway Patrol vehicle was struck by another motorist, sending troopers to the hospital with a range of injuries. Failing to move over was the contributing factor in five of the six incidents. Within the past five years, 15 trooper’s vehicles have been struck due to move over violations. NSJ STAFF

Remington seeks bankruptcy for 2nd time in 2 years Madison Remington Arms, weighed down by lawsuits and retail sales restrictions following the Sandy Hook school massacre, is seeking bankruptcy protection for the second time in as many years. In a Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy court for Northern District of Alabama this week, the nation’s oldest gunmaker listed assets and liabilities of between $100 million and $500 million, and between 1,000 and 5,000 creditors. Remington sought bankruptcy protection in 2018. It exited court protection the same year, owned by creditors. According to June figures released by the FBI, 3.9 million background checks were conducted last month, the most since the system was created in 1998. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

President Donald Trump visited a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Morrisville on Monday to see the latest developments for a COVID-19 vaccine.




US attorney: Federal agents will stay in Portland until attacks end Hatfield United States Courthouse. Williams, whose office is inside PORTLAND, Ore. — U.S. offi- the courthouse, called on peacecers will remain in Portland un- ful protesters, community and til attacks on a federal courthouse business leaders and people of cease, a top official said Monday faith to not allow violence to ocafter another night of violence. cur in their presence and to leave And more officers may soon be on downtown before violence starts. He said federal agents have made the way. “It is not a solution to tell fed- 83 arrests. Demonstrations eral officers to leave in other cities around when there continues the U.S. were marred to be attacks on fedby violence over the eral property and personnel,” U.S. Attorney “If the Portland weekend. Protesters set fire to an Oakland, Billy Williams said. Police Bureau California, court“We are not leaving house; vehicles were the building unpro- were able to set ablaze in Richtected to be destroyed do what they mond, Virginia; an by people intent on dotypically do, armed protester was ing so.” shot and killed in AusPortland Mayor they would be tin, Texas; and two Ted Wheeler and City able to clear people were shot and Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty called for a this out for this wounded in Aurora, Colorado, after a car meeting with Acting disturbance drove through a proHomeland Security test. Secretary Chad Wolf and we would Kris Cline, princito discuss a cease-fire leave our pal deputy director and removal of heightof Federal Protective ened federal forces officers inside Service, said an incifrom Portland. the building dent commander in The city has had and not be Portland and teams nightly protests for from the Department two months since visible.” of Homeland Securithe killing of George ty and Department of Floyd in Minneapolis Kris Cline, Justice discuss what in May. force is needed every Early Monday, principal deputy U.S. agents repeated- director of Federal night. Cline refused to ly fired tear gas, flash Protective Service discuss the number of bangs and pepper officers currently presballs at protesters outent or if more would side the federal courthouse in downtown Portland. be arriving. Cline said Portland police Some protesters had climbed over the fence surrounding the court- should take over the job of dishouse, while others shot fire- persing protesters from the works, banged on the fence and courthouse area from the federal officers. projected lights on the building. “If the Portland Police Bureau Trump said on Twitter that federal properties in Portland were able to do what they typical“wouldn’t last a day” without the ly do, they would be able to clear this out for this disturbance and presence of the federal agents. The daily demonstrations have we would leave our officers inside included pelting officers with ob- the building and not be visible,” jects and trying to tear down fencing protecting the Mark O. See PORTLAND page A2

Trump showcases vaccine progress at Triangle biotech firm The president’s visit also highlights North Carolina as key swing state in 2020 By David Larson North State Journal MORRISVILLE — Air Force One landed at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport on Monday so President Donald Trump could tour a nearby biotech facility, showcasing his administration’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic amid a tough election year. Trump was joined at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies’ Innovation Center by several of North Carolina’s top Republican political figures, which he thanked for their presence and praised for their work.

Like the president, some of them, including Sen. Thom Tillis and Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, have difficult races ahead in the swing state. “Sen. Thom Tillis, thank you very much,” Trump said in his remarks. “Good job you’ve done. Thank you very much. You really have. Reps. Richard Hudson, David Rouzer, Mark Walker, Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy, thank you. All friends. All warriors. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, who I hear is doing a great job — where is Dan? Stand up, Dan. Great job, Dan.” But the president was not there just to boost Republicans’ chances in November’s elections. He spent most of his time speaking about the progress being made on responding to the COVID-19 panSee VACCINE page A2

By Andrew Selsky The Associated Press

CDC’s latest update says schools should reopen for in-person instruction Forest hits Cooper on ‘nonplan’ to reopen By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — On July 23, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidance stressing the importance of reopening schools and that unless there is “substantial, uncontrolled community transmission in an area,” all schools should reopen on some level this fall. A “decision-making” toolkit accompanying the guidance was also released. The CDC says school closures cause “well-known and significant harm” to children in the areas of “social, emotional, and behavioral health, economic well-being, and academic achievement.” In particular, low-income and minority children and those living with disabilities will be hardest hit and disproportionally impacted. “It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall. School closures have disrupted normal ways of life for children and parents, and they have had negative health consequences on our youth,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a statement, adding that the “CDC is prepared to work with K-12 schools to safely reopen while protecting the most vulnerable.” In past statements about school reopening, Redfield has stated he would send his own grandchildren back to school.

The new guidance also highlights that the “best available evidence indicates if children become infected, they are far less likely to suffer severe symptoms,” and that See SCHOOLS page A2

North 15, 2020 North State State Journal Journal for for Wednesday, Wednesday, April July 29,


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Visit North State Journal online! RESTRICTIONS from page A1 staying on their properties if they are not year-round residents.

A similar situation to Surf City’s actions has arisen in Dare and Currituck counties, resulting in the filing of a federal lawsuit by six property VACCINE from page A1 owners whose permanent residences are in neighboring demic. Trump’s states. comments covered checkpoints theLaw-enforcement creation of vaccines, therapeuhave beentoset upthose on roads leadtic drugs treat who are aling into various towns and counready infected and the provision of ties. preventative equipment across the The town of that Beaufort has it. a country to areas most need chokepoint near I-70 to repel “We’re here, actually, today to non-residents. One needs a valdiscuss the exciting progress that id formachieved of government-issued ID we’ve under the Operawith a Carteret tion Warp SpeedCounty — ouraddress, historic ainitiative COVID-19 Entrytest, Pass issued to develop, manufacby town or adocuments provturethe and deliver vaccine in record ing youTrump are ansaid. essential worker time,” “I’m therefore or aretoperforming an this essential proud announce that mornservice. ing, the Moderna vaccine has offiOcracoke is also requiring cially entered Phase Three already. documentation order to gain And that’s Phasein Three clinical trientry to final the town. als: the stage before approvpublic’s the Atlanal. The There’s neveruse beenofanything like tic hasof been by thisOcean in terms speedbanned — nothing Atlantic Beach, Salter Path, Ineven close. A second vaccine is likedian BeachPhase and Emerald In ly to enter Three in aIsle. matter aof joint days.”press release, the towns said surfing, kitFour“swimming, other vaccine candidates ing,” are onand the“non-motorized verge of enteringrecrethe fiational access” are do all pronal trialwater period and will so in hibited. the coming weeks, according to the Wrightsville Beach officials president. The Novavax vaccine, already closed beachesaretobeing the components of which public but will now also be fining developed in the Morrisville facilviolators up tothem. $500.Trump If onetoutinity, is among cludes the provided fine jumps ed the court federalcosts, funding to to $650. and other similar projNovavax Officials in Wilkesboro and ects. North Wilkesboro announced on “In addition to our $1.6 billion April 8 thatin only one person investment Novavax, we’veper isfamily allowed entry into sued a will $483bemillion contract with any stores. aChildren can only acModerna, $1.2 billion contract company them if no othermillion suitwith AstraZeneca, a $465 able person watchand them. contract withcan Janssen, just last Last week, Cooper issued a new executive order containing multiple layers of new restrictions on the few retail stores still allowed or able remain SCHOOLS fromto page A1 open. This new order begins at 5 p.m. April 13 and runs for days. “studies suggest that30COVID-19 According to executive orderin transmission among children 131, onlymay fivebe people 1,000 schools low.” per Additionalsquare feet of retail or 20% ly, transmission canspace remain low if of fire marshal posted occupanproper precautions are followed. cy The limits cansaid be in a store one17, CDC that as of at July time. Markings must placed children under 18 yearsbeold in the 6United feet apart in account areas where peoStates for “under ple like checkout lines, 7% gather, of COVID-19 cases and less and observe cleanthanstores 0.1% must of COVID-19-related ing measures. Additional recomdeaths.” mendations in are the conclusive, order include “No studies but plastic shields evidence at registers and the available provides contact-free checkouts. reason to believe that in-perorder overrides anyinterlosonThe schooling is in the best cal that set a differest prohibitions of students, particularly in the ent occupancy rate in mitigation order to context of appropriate maintain across the measures“uniformity” similar to those implestate.” Cooper’s previmentedAsat with essential workplaces,” ous executive orders, municipalithe CDC guidance says. tiesNorth and individual en-of Carolina’sstores State can Board act even stricter measures than Education met the day after the described theits new directives. CDC rolledinout new guidance. The North Fresh During theCarolina-based meeting, the board apMarket store chain, peared togrocery only have adopted restarting April 14, will require all vised information from the govguests to wear face-covering ernor and statea health officialsofat some sort. the Department of Health and

THE WORD: DOUBTING THOMAS A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY John13:33 20:27-29 (KJV) The of Easter approaches, Matthew TheSecond fourthSunday parable taught by Jesus in Matthew 13 is the Parable of the and Christians are reminded of the first 33 27 Then saith he to Leaven. Like the old Brylcreem jingle, Another parable Sunday following Christ’s resurrection. Jesus“a little dab’ll do ya,” Jesus tells his spakeThomas, he unto Reach them; hither followers the kingdom of heaven like yeast into bread. A small amount had met with most of His disciples afteris Mary thy finger,ofand behold my The kingdom Magdalene alerted them of His presence. hands; reach hither heaven is likeand unto of leavening, added to a large quantity of flour, will work through the entire thywhich hand,aand thrust it leaven, Thomas was not with them when they met dough. This parable appears in Matthew and Luke in concert with the intotook, my side: woman and and hid be not Jesus, and he said he would not believe in the faithless, but believing. in three measures of Parable ofuntil the he Mustard Seed. Jesusof teaches us that the smallest amount of resurrection had seen the wounds meal,28 tillAnd the Thomas whole the crucifixion answered and said unto was leavened. God’s powerfor ishimself. enough to sustain the world. him, My Lord and my Eight days after the resurrection, Thomas God. 29 Jesus saith unto had his doubts removed when he saw him, Thomas, because Jesus and examined His wounds. While thou hast seen me, thou Jesus blessed those who believed in His hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, resurrection based on faith, He nonetheless and yet have believed. was willing to prove Himself to Thomas. Thomas had proven a devoted and loyal disciple and Jesus did not condemn him for “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggio (c. 1601–1602, currently housed in Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany). his skepticism.

TRAFFIC from page A1

transportation sales tax revenue, shutting down certain business- causing major traffic backups. Florida announced that it is aces. But some states have not. which also is down. Washington, site of the first celerating work schedules by sev“We were hoping to bid it out failed to produce results. In the meantime, some road for construction very soon, but coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., eral weeks on about $2 billion and bridge projects already have then COVID-19 and all that, so suspended work on 92 of its 100 worth of bridge and road projects. In Maryland, a westbound that timeline is kind of in the air,” active highway projects as a rebeen put on hold. The North Carolina Depart- said West Plains administrator sult of a stay-at-home order for lane of the Chesapeake Bay ment of Transportation has Tom Stehn, a former state high- most workers. The halted proj- Bridge near Annapolis recentslashed its expected construction way engineer. “It was a high pri- ects include major ones in Seattle ly re-opened to vehicles followand Spokane, as well as improve- ing repairs. The $27 million projprojects from 131 down to 38 for ority for us.” Though ambulances are run- ments to an Interstate 90 pass ect was completed well ahead of the upcoming budget year, a $2 ning as usual and detours are through an avalanche-prone area schedule, partly because of light billion reduction. traffic amid the coronavirus panOhio has delayed projects until well-marked for visitors, “ob- of the Cascade Mountains. Vermont’s entire $200 million demic. next year on interstate highways viously that direct interchange The declining traffic volumes in Columbus and Cincinnati be- would be nice,” said Daniel Mar- road construction plan for 2020 cause of the expected decline in shall, chief clinical officer for the is on hold, save for a $6 million have been especially large in some South Howell County Ambulance emergency repair where a storm of the nation’s most famously confuel tax revenue. washed out part of the foundation gested metropolitan areas, such Faced with a budget shortfall, District. as the San Francisco Bay area. The city of Bend, Oregon, the on Interstate 89. Missouri has postponed $46 milBusiness leaders in the region The longer the delay, the greatlion for 18 road and bridge proj- nation’s seventh-fastest growects that had been priorities for ing metropolitan area over the er the likelihood that some proj- had hoped to put a 1 cent sales tax local governments. As many as past decade, pulled a $190 mil- ects might not get finished this on the November ballot that could raise $100 billion over 40 years 299 additional projects valued lion transportation bond off the year. “Every project is sort of at risk for public transit and transporat $785 million could be at risk May ballot. Supporters had conwithout federal help, McKenna cerns about pushing a property of running out of quality weather tation projects in a nine-county tax hike for roads, sidewalks and days to complete the work,” said region. But the coronavirus outsaid. Among the immediate de- bike lanes while local business- Jeremy Reed, construction engi- break interrupted work on state ferments: a new highway inter- es are suffering financially and neer for the state’s transportation legislation needed to place the measure on the ballot. change to provide direct access many residents are without work. agency. It now could be 2022, or even Pennsylvania originally halted “They’re going to show up on to the expanded Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains. The cen- voters’ day and just glance and all road construction work. But 2024, before supporters can make ter’s hospital, physician and spe- think, `I’m not raising my taxes it has since allowed work to pro- another push for a public vote on PHOTO Grubb, cialty clinics are among the area’s right now, no way!’” said Mike Ri- ceed on 61 critical projects. About the measure, said JohnFILE largest serving about ley, co-chairman of the Go Bend 800 road and bridge projects, at chief operating officer of the Bay A bakeremployers, works dough. Area Council, a business-backed 40,000 patients in eight rural 2020 Coalition that support- $7 billion, remain on hold. By contrast, some states have policy advocacy group. counties of southern Missouri ed the measure. “We’re going to “If we’re in a poor economy, come back to voters, but now just taken advantage of a lull in trafand northern Arkansas. fic to speed up transportation which it looks like we’re going to The state had allotted more felt like the wrong time.” be in, that would have A1 been an Construction crews have PORTLAND Most states have classified road than $1.2 million to cover half from page mentprojects. to over 15,000 nursing week, a $1.95 billion agreement beenincluding able to shut down pairs highway awful lot of stimulus and an awroad construction homes, 643,000 withthePfizer. Tremendous costs. prog- The construction as essential work ful lotsaid. of job creation,” he said. lanes during prime hours without Cline despite half waswith to come eyewear, 7 million ress other is being made all offrom thoselocal“Bythat thecan endcontinue of the year, weordersof protective masks, 34 million pairs of gloves, great companies.” He said relations between the think we’re in very good and 6 million gowns,” Trump said. The president said part of the federal officers, some of whom live “It’s a lot.” agreement with Pfizer was that the shape to be doing that. By in Portland, and city police were Trump frequently defended his company would deliver 100 million the end of this year, we’re good. administration’s efforts by comdoses of the vaccine immediatePortland police responded SunWORSHIP fromby page paring his results to other counly after it is approved theA1 FDA. going to — in terms of the day evening to a shooting at a park tries’ and his predecessor’s. This would be done by manufac- vaccine. I think in terms of close to the site of the protests. Two andcandidates others showed “Through our relentless efforts, turing Benham the vaccine be- up people were detained and later rethe are Charlotte clinicand after receiv-therapeutics, even sooner we’ve completely rebuilt our stockfore to they approved then leased, police said. The person who ing calls thatones the police wereuptherethan that.” pile, which the previous adminissending out the that end was shot went to the hospital in a demanding the group’sthe memtration depleted and did not refill,” being successfulthat in combating private vehicle and was treated for bers leave the area. When they rehe said. “The cupboards were bare. virus. a non-life-threatening wound. fused toofleave, eight were given ci-President Trump on when a I say it often. In total, we’ve now “Instead the usual sequence Also late Sunday, police said COVID-19 vaccine will be available distributed nearly 100 million N95 tations of “violation of testing emergency of vaccine development, someone pointed out a bag in the andbyrestrictions” masks, 35 million surgical masks, and prohibitions trials, followed production, — a same park, where officers found 2 misdemeanor. 15 million face shields and much, our Class strategy is to conduct these loaded rifle magazines and Molosaying there were 50 creased knowledge in how to treat much more.” phases“They’re simultaneously,” Trump tov cocktails. The shooting was not Benham all said He also said the U.S. has conthe virus, the mortality rate for pasaid.people “We’re there,” mass-producing of on related to the items, police said. the discrepancy between his actients over the age of 18 is 85% low- ducted more than 52 million tests, the most promising vaccine candiTwo blocks away, the several dozand the “official” datescount in advance so that on theaccount. day er than it was in April — think of so those pointing to high conen federal law enforcement agents “Justit’s look at the video. video that: 85% — and is 25% lower than firmed-case counts were not beone that approved, it’ll be The availguarding the Mark O. Hatfield clear evidence. is a lie. It Europe as a whole,” Trump said. ing fair. able shows to the American peopleItimmeFederal Courthouse could hear the is wrong. Theprobably police department, “That’s more than all of Europe diately. And we’ll have a “In the middle of April, more than crowd of protesters — about 4,000 Charlotte Observer, mayor’s of22% of all deaths in the United put together, times two,” Trump lot for a lot of other peoplethe throughpeople at its peak. fice world. — they’re wrong.” out the Theall world is suffer- States were attributable to the Chi- said. “Nobody is even close.” “It’s scary. You open those doors Sen. a virus. As of last week, that numBecause of this lack of testing ing from this Ted ChinaCruz virus.”(R-Texas), na out, when the crowd is shaking the friend ofdimension Benham’s, of tweeted out in ber has dropped down — as of last overseas, the president said they Another Operafence, and ... on the other side of of him the same week, it’s dropped down to under are closely monitoring the Textion support Warp Speed thelater president fo- day, that fence are people that want to calling unconstitutional as border because there are “some cused on isthe thearrest advance in ther- 7%. kill ROBERT you because of the job we chose CLARK | NORTH STATE JOURNAL and saying, electedare Dems He also focused on his admin- very, very highly infected counapeutics. These“Because treatments to do and what we represent,” said aretopro-abortion, are abusing Attendees of Northwood Temple Church Fayeteville’s service listen in on has tries outsidein our borders.” He2020 men- Eastera drive-in istration’s response in providing meant bring down they the mortalideputy U.S. Marshal who their one-sided way— their radios from their cars as specifically Pastor John Hedgepeth hisprotecting sermon. the courthouse for tioned Latin Americadelivers protective equipment toinside the states ty rate forpower—in those whoahave already been to silence counselors.” contracted the pregnancy disease. The pres- whenever it was requested, saying, becoming “now the region in the weeks. He requested anonymity putthan a petition on his site “anything they need, we send them world with the most active reportidentCruz saidalso more 140 clinical because protesters identified him nion sets, and withposted sealedpersonal wafers and ‘drive-in’ services.” crimination religious asks signatories to “Tell ed infections, by far. immediately.” Heagainst particularly fo- intrialswhich for treatments are underway previously incups of juice, buthim hadonline. to call off the The very next day, Wilming- formation stitutions religious believers,” “America Governor Roy Cooper will develop a vaccine on theirand efforts in sending and Democratic repeatedly cited Remdesivir as cused about to distribute them word police that drive-in Barr in a statement. “Thus, thata “tremendous if abortion isimpact.” ‘essential’ then veryton soon, andposted we will defeat the ser- plan PPEsaid to nursing homes. having “I am worried for myafter life every fromIthe city.outside of the buildvices not be government may not impose pregnancy essential, “Last virus. We “will will have it considered delivered ina vi- time week, FEMA sent addi-spe“Due to the services medical are advances walk said don’t do communion, olation,” so said. no legal action would ing,”“They cialpersonal restrictions on religious activiStopachieved discriminating record time,” he protective equipwe’vetoo. already and our against in- tional he said. ty that do not also apply to similar be taken against the churches, but and I’m a good man. I try to do people of faith!” police still urged “all churches and what the mayor says,” Hedgepeth U.S. Attorney General Wil- nonreligious activity.” “Where a state has not acted houses of worship to continue with said. “We’re law-abiding. I want to liam Barr has received a flood of complaints from religious people evenhandedly, it must have a com- virtual services, including for Eas- do things the way they said and let them know we’re pelling in reason to impose restric- toter.” around the country who, like Ben- changes conducted by cooperating Parents for with Edalso use “Plan C,” which is com- ing NCDHHS’s “StrongHuman Services (NCDHHS) into them.” Freedom in North CarFayetteville, drive-in ser- ucational tions on places worship and pleteInremote ham, believe their rights are being SchoolsNC learning. As a rePublic of Health Toolschool reopening plans. Benham, though, will vices were over allowed, and Northmust ensure that thoseatrestrictions violated by local and state govern- kit,” (PEFNC) showssaid thathe nearly around 45 districts and olina which took place the July sult, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, a member not ofbeparticipants cooperatingreported with CharTemple Holi- half narrowly tailored to advance atwood ments. their least 31 charterPentecostal schools, roughly meeting. of the State Board of Education 24are lotte’s demands forthe hisschool groupbeto nessthe Church an student Easter service saidsaid Barr. half tweet from Barr’s commu- its concern was state’shad K-12 pop- biggest Thecompelling statementinterest,” by Forest and aARepublican who is running stopunable counseling women outside at 10 a.m. Pastor “Religious must not nications director, Kerri again Kupec, counties to provide extra-curshifted to John PlanHedgepeth C. Those ing haveinstitutions much different pos-be ulation, against Cooper this year, the abortion even after the told NSJinclude the church promoted the ricular singled special burdens.” said, “During this sacred week and clinic, after-school activimany districts ratesout andforstatistics, and that shifting questioned the board about thefor itive arrest, since(48%). he believes the city’s celebration and wasvoted expecting po- ties/events services have which many Americans, AG Barr Around 31% had already to open is why achurch regional approach reopening plans. Forest saidis monhe “this Drive-in requests violate thetheir letter and spirtentially ofWake cars. The ser- had anotherschools touchpoint in North itoring religious concerns that school has Planhundreds B, such as Counreopening must take under asked the govt sameregulation questionsofhe did to been it of the law. implementing inhearddistrict. on 92.7 FM to had Carolina, during the ty,vice social distancing difficulty thecould state’sbelargest rather especially than a one-size-fitsin aservices. previousWhile meeting about what place “Heck yeah we are,that of course,” sing along the structional policies during allEaster programs contin“Gov.attendees Cooper’stoplan gets to stumodel.”season. Wake County gov- allow metrics theyare wereappropriate using, and speBenham said when hymns playedto inside thethey sanctuary clear that drivethis emergency, to support their asked child’swhethabilihalfway where need ue “If DHHSmade and the Cooper Ad- dents cifically, “what arethey the must goalsbe forap- ernment hislearn. groupAnother is still present at that listen to Hedgepeth’s in services are would notto beupdate permit- toand plied schools evenhandedly & not single ministration concern was be. But much like jumpingsermon over a tyerto going opening back up?” clinic. “We haven’t stopped. fromhalfway a raised doesn’t platform outside, all having ted. guidelines Some churches, likeclaiming Plymouth creek, religious orgs. Expect action their to work so they can’tEvery procut it,” Senwhile “Iout asked these questions because day additional they’re open, we’re there.” while congregants remained in- vide Baptist Church in Raleigh, had ate DOJ next know week!”when it is they help (30%). Leader Phil Berger (R-Eden) are using federal guidelines, thefrom public should Benham said demand aborsideintheir vehicles. responding to planned to have a drive-in service Onschools Tuesday, Barr announced The poll revealed thatfor 94% of a statement they need to actually use the said safe for to open. DHHS of- then tion hasn’t slowed down, and his “Other churches are not open. respondents but were forced when to cancel, re- Cooper’s thatcommented his office hadthat filed athey statement felt more inclined to announcement. guidelines theyasare ficials are federal group offers a social service that They are goingbetween to have plans it by vidported by Carolina Journal. said in support of a church in Missispolicies expanding school The shifting by support Forest’s statement using White House guidelines to updated,” is federally protected because crithe eo, ordistricts by online streaming, but I choice Gov. Roy Cooper made clear in school sippischools, after the city congreduring the COVID-19 has caused many reopen and wefined haven’t hit in closing. mothers are 67% offered housing assiswantedtotoconsider do it live,” Hedgepeth order 121 that reli- parents $500 per person for attend- his Around said that North their options sis. On executive July 14, Cooper announced thegants benchmarks from those guidetance, child-care assistance, mentold NSJ. “I wanted do itjobs. in a Carolina entities were subjectcould to the while ingyet. However, parking lot the services. Barr’s thegious gives them school choice juggling their toown state’s public schools lines guidance torship and much way they’ d never done it. Drive-in. 10-person noted citizens andmore. 32% are conin the Wake County and opportunities, under limitation. “Plan B,” which is a Some theystatement are usingalso seems to that be out of open “The using day I those was arrested, Drive-up. You can still be private sidering TheofWilmington Depart- Charlotte-Mecklenburg were attend near- hybrid to pursuewhile difdistricts in-person Police and remote date,” saidpermitted Forest in atostatement. 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North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Rating North Carolina’s top lobbyists NSJ staff RALEIGH — The short session at the N.C. General Assembly was relatively short but packed full of policy and budget bills that resulted in battles between ideologies, interest groups and political parties. The men and women hired to navigate the intersection between business, politics and public policy this session totaled over 650. For the first time, the North State Journal has endeavored to figure out the state’s top lobbyists — as objectively as possible. Lobbying greatness is part perception and part results. But, lobbyists also stand on the importance of their clients and their connections. In an effort to distill lots of qualitative data into usable metrics, the North State Journal staff surveyed legislators, staffers, reporters, business leaders and parsed data on the clients represented by the registered lobbyists this year. This week, we reveal the top 10 lobbyists in North Carolina along with the honorable mentions, which round out the top 25 lobbyists from our rankings. The lists are in alphabetical order because defining a top 10 and top 25 is difficult enough without trying to figure out a fair way to de-

termine who is No. 1. The list is primarily comprised of lobbyists with significant clients — both in number and in quality. We developed a metric for client quality based on many factors, including market capitalization, business trade publication rankings, legislative success, and size. The factors in the rankings were legislator and staffer surveys and client quality scores. Less than 4% of all registered lobbyists made the list. Tom Apodaca, Vista Strategies The former senator represented powerful interests in the healthcare industry, including REX Hospital, Blue Cross and Blue Shield N.C., and Cardinal Innovations. Apodaca also represented Altria, parent of Philip Morris, among his stable of 14 clients. Sarah Bales, Brubaker & Associates The top lieutenant of former N.C. Speaker Harold Brubaker, Bales distinguished herself with high scores from legislators and staffers. She represented 27 clients this year, including major corporations, healthcare, and non-profits.

Harold Brubaker, Brubaker & Associates The former speaker represented 29 clients from diverse industries this session. His clients including blue chip companies like FedEx, GlaxoSmithKline, Pepsico, SAP, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of N.C. Brubaker also represented powerful groups like the N.C. Beer & Wine Wholesalers, High Point Market Authority, N.C. Cable Telecommunications Association, and N.C. League of Municipalities. Tom Fetzer, Fetzer Strategic Partners The former mayor of Raleigh and state GOP chairman had 19 clients this session. Insurance and healthcare clients like Nationwide, Colonial Life, WakeMed and Blue Cross were paired with major industry clients like Reynolds American, Pepsico, and Martin Marietta. John Hardin, Manning Fulton & Skinner Hardin, a litigation attorney and lobbyist, represented 29 clients this year. He represented N.C. brands like Food Lion and SAS Institute as well as national brands like Bayer, Allstate, and Expedia.


Jim Harrell, Bode & Harrell

and RDU Airport Authority.

The former N.C. House member represented 24 clients before the General Assembly this year. His clients included the Motion Picture Association, Accenture, N.C. Retail Merchants, WakeMed, and Accenture.

Dana Simpson, Smith Anderson Blount Dorsett Mitchell & Jernigan

Harry Kaplan, McGuireWoods Consulting Kaplan’s client list totaled 19 for 2020, including CVS Health and Koch Companies Public Sector. He represented Dare County, the City of Wilmington along with non-profits in the health and education sectors. Tracy Kimbrell, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein The former top lawyer for Senate Pro Tem Phil Berger represented 17 clients, including Apple, SAS Institute, Duke Energy, State Farm, and Atrium Health. Ches McDowell, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton McDowell represented 45 clients during this session with a diverse portfolio. He led the lobbying corps in athletic representation with the PGA Tour, NBA, Charlotte Hornets, Wake Forest Athletics, and Major League Baseball. He also represented the City of Charlotte, Piedmont Triad Airport Authority,

UNC Wilmington professor Mike S. Adams’ death ruled a suicide Adams was outspoken and known as a strong First Amendment supporter By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — The death of University of North Carolina at Wilmington professor Mike S. Adams has been ruled a suicide after an investigation by the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office. New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office (NHCSO) Lt. Jerry Brewer said in a statement that “Mr. Adams committed suicide with a single gunshot wound to the head.” Brewer also said that “No other people were in the home and foul play is not suspected. NHCSO found Adams dead in his home while conducting a wellness check on July 23, which was initiated by a 911 call. According to a report by the Port City Daily, 911 records show a call came in at 12:26 p.m. on July 23 from a friend concerned that they had not seen Adams in several days, yet his car was in his driveway. The caller indicated Adams had been “erratic” and “stressed.” NHCSO deputies responded and found all doors to the residence were locked. The officers eventually were able to enter Adams’ res-

idence at 2:06 p.m. The 911 information indicates that the house was cleared by NHCSO, and officers noted that Adams had a gunshot wound. NHCSO has indicated that Adams had been found by deputies in a bedroom. The 55-year-old Adams was known for being pro-life and for his strong defense of the First Amendment. He was set to retire from UNC-W on Aug. 1 as part of a settlement with UNC-W officials over a remark he had made on social media at the end of May. “I have some news to relay. The UNCW administration and I have resolved our recent conflict. This will allow me to retire on August 1, 2020 rather than in 2024 as previously planned,” Adams wrote in a June 29 Facebook post. “Although this was unexpected and not in my plans, for both personal and professional reasons this is an answer to prayer. I will be moving to the Charlotte area in the coming months. There will be some more news to follow. But that is enough for now.” The same day Adams posted to Facebook, UNC-W Chancellor Jose V. Sartarelli issued a press release stating Adams would be retiring. A few days later, a second announcement was made, which detailed the approximately $500,000 dollar amount to avoid litigation.

Longtime lobbyist and former legislative staffer for Harold Brubaker, Simpson was nearly a unanimous pick among staffers and legislators. He represented 31 clients, including AT&T, Accenture, Duke Energy, Dell Technologies, and Novartis. Simpson’s portfolio spanned from major healthcare and technology companies to non-profits and trade groups. Honorable Mentions Matthew Bales (Brooks Pierce), Daniel Baum (Troutman Sanders Strategies), John Cooper (Connect C LLC), Andy Ellen (NCRMA Service Corp.), Chris Evans (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of N.C.), David Ferrell (Nexsen Pruet), Nelson Freeman (Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton), Bryan Holloway (Holloway Group), Philip Isley (Blanchard, Miller, Lewis & Isley), Joe Lanier (Troutman Sanders Strategies), Doug Miskew (Public Sector Group), Thomas Moore (Cardinal Government Affairs), Jackson Stancil (Jones Street Consulting), Susan Fetzer Vick (Fetzer Strategic Partners). Next week, the North State Journal will delve into the top agency liaisons, lobbying firms and young lobbyists.

The 55-year-old Adams was known for being pro-life and for his strong defense of the First Amendment. He was set to retire from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNC-W) on Aug. 1 as part of a settlement with UNC-W officials over a remark he had made on social media at the end of May.


Mike Adams is pictured in this undated file photo. This was not the first conflict Adams had with UNC-W. In the fall of 2006, Adams was denied promotion to full professor by UNC-W. Within months, in January of 2007, The Alliance Defense Fund, which is now named Alliance Defending Freedom, sued UNC-W on behalf of Adams, alleging the school had not given him tenure due to his conservative views, raising the issue of First Amendment violations. In 2010, a district court judge ruled that the Adams’ opinions were not protected by the First Amendment. The ruling was almost immediately appealed, with

the U.S. Fourth Circuit reversing the ruling and sending it back to the lower court for further proceedings. The case finally went to trial in 2013. Adams and his legal team won and the school settled with him in 2014, paying Adams and his legal team $710,626. The jury found that UNC-W had disregarded its own promotion rules, and that the university had used Adams’ speech activities as a “motivating factor” to bar him from promotion. Adams was born on Oct. 30, 1964, in Mississippi. He was raised and went to high school in Clear

Lake, outside of Houston, Texas. Adams earned an associate degree in psychology from San Jacinto College in nearby Pasadena, Texas. He received his undergraduate degree, as well as a Master of Science in psychology and his doctorate in sociology, from Mississippi State University. Adams was a published author, writing three books between 2004 and 2013, and was a columnist for the conservative news site Townhall. Adams is survived by a brother, David, who wrote on social media that the family will be holding a private, small burial service. “Because he had so many friends all across the nation, a large public memorial service will be conducted at a later date. It may take us a while to work this out but we will let you know as soon as we can,” wrote Adams’ brother.

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North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Could NC’s public school districts soon change?

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020



NSJ Staff


Two arrested with 9 pounds of meth

Body of man, 45, recovered from lake McDowell County Police have identified the body of a 45-yearold man who went missing on a lake after falling off a boat. Christopher Michael Morris, of Candler, was recovered Tuesday from Lake James. Lt. Sam Craft, of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, said Morris went missing while boating near the Black Bear Access Area on the lake in McDowell County. Morris was found in the same area he went missing. He had fallen off the bow of a pontoon boat.

Buncombe County Rogelio Gutierrez and Marcos Liquidano, both of Atlanta, were arrested in a bust by the county’s Anti-Crime Task Force. The pair were found with nearly nine pounds of methamphetamine, making it one of the largest-weight drug arrests in the history of the county sheriff’s office. Both were charged with trafficking, among other felonies. Gutierrez had been convicted of murder in 2010 in a drug-related killing of two men. WLOS


Durham County Only first- and second-year students at Duke University will be allowed to live in campus housing this fall, according to a plan designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In an email to Duke faculty, Provost Sally Kornbluth said upperclassmen and graduate students will take online classes in the fall semester, which begins Aug. 17. Juniors and seniors living off campus will have access to libraries and laboratories, but can’t enter residence halls, dining halls and social spaces. The restrictions also will apply to student-athletes. Doctoral students still will be allowed on the Durham campus to perform research.

Avery County Six people were hospitalized for injuries they sustained when lightning struck near a roller coaster. They were injured while sitting under a tree at Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster. Lightning struck the tree, cracked the pavement and knocked several people to the ground, the Avery County Sheriff’s Office said. They were transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The roller coaster was not operating at the time of the incident. AP

Western District 8

Sandhills District 4

Northwest District 7

North Central District 3

Southwest District 6

Southeast District 2

Piedmont-Triad District 5

Northeast District 1


State investigators to review officer-involved shooting

Duke campus housing only for 1st, 2nd year students in fall

Three-day revival leads to COVID-19 cluster at church

Lightning strike injures 6 near roller coaster

Jones & Blount Rep. David Lewis announces retirement from N.C. House

North Carolina has eight State Board of Education regions, comprised of 115 public school districts across the state. In some counties, the vestiges of earlier, smaller districts remain — the town school systems in places such as Clinton, Mount Airy and Kannapolis. Consolidation brought many formerly split districts together to achieve cost savings across counties, such as Burlington-Alamance Schools. However, some areas have studied splitting their districts — the two largest in the state, Wake County Public Schools and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, were evaluated by a General Assembly committee in 2018. That report found several areas of concern, and more study was recommended. The report can be found on the General Assembly’s Joint Legislative Study Committee website. In Mecklenburg County, a local bill passed would grant four of the county’s suburban towns the ability to create their own charter schools separate from the CMS system. That bill is now the subject of a lawsuit. WEST


Person County Two Roxboro police officers are on paid leave as the State Bureau of Investigation reviews the shooting death of an African American man that occurred following a 911 call. David Brooks Jr., 45, of Roxboro, died following the officer-involved shooting. Officers responded to a call about a man wearing a mask and carrying what appeared to be a shotgun walking down U.S. Highway 158 near a discount retail store. Shots were fired about 6 minutes later. Investigators are reviewing dashboard camera video in patrol cars for possible footage of what happened involving Brooks.

Cooper-Suggs to succeed FarmerButterfield in N.C. House A retired educator and county Democratic Party chairwoman will serve out the term of former North Carolina state Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield and seek her own twoyear term in the fall. Democratic activists in Wilson County meeting on Saturday selected Linda Cooper-Suggs to fill the vacancy created when Farmer-Butterfield resigned from her 24th House District seat, The Wilson Times reported. Farmer-Butterfield stepped down last week after the legislature confirmed her as Gov. Roy Cooper’s nominee to join the North Carolina Employment Security Board of Review.


2 women killed after shootings in store lot

RALEIGH — On July 24, State Rep. David R. Lewis (R-Harnett) announced that he will be withdrawing his name from the November General Election ballot, finishing out his term after 18 years serving in the General Assembly. Lewis said in a statement, “Since 2003, I’ve had the honor and privilege of representing the people of Harnett County, and I’ve taken this great responsibility seriously, offering everything I have and everything I am in service, to improve the lives of my neighbors and our community. I’m proud of the growth both in our great State and within our beloved County, and I know the future of our community is strong.” Lewis served as Rules chairman, the second most powerful position in the N.C. House, for nine years and helped shepherd redistricting legislation through the House in 2011 and 2016. “In this esteemed legislative body, I have learned from spirited debate while showing respect for my political adversaries by avoiding personal attacks. A few years ago, President George W. Bush stated, ‘too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.’ I challenge each one of us to focus on debating the ideas while not seeking to personally destroy those with opposing ideology.” Lewis championed the first significant tax reform in over 70 years, which radically increased the zero-income tax bracket, removed special interest loopholes, and lowered the sales tax rates on essential goods. Conservatives believe this was a major element in expanding the state’s economy. “The time has come to focus my energies in new directions, and to allow

“The time has come to focus my energies in new directions, and to allow another capable leader to serve in this important role. As such, I have decided to not seek re-election. I remain steadfast in my commitment to the people of House District 53 and will fulfill the remainder of my term in service to our community.” State Rep. David Lewis (R-Harnett)

another capable leader to serve in this important role,” Lewis said. “As such, I have decided to not seek re-election. I remain steadfast in my commitment to the people of House District 53 and will fulfill the remainder of my term in service to our community.” Lewis played a large role in the establishment of more than 180 medical internships to help train new doctors for underserved communities and aided in the establishment of Campbell University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine. N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Kings Mountain) said following Lewis’ decision to retire, “It is hard to imagine the North Carolina House without Chairman Lewis’ leadership. He leaves a lasting impact on this legislature as an effective fighter for the historic reforms that secured lasting success for our state. I thank Chairman Lewis and his family for his service.”

Robeson County Two women died after a man fired into vehicles that were backing out of parking spaces outside a Lumberton retail store. Kayla Kyle, 32, of Lumberton, and Kimberly Hunt, 41, were shot and killed late Friday afternoon outside a Family Dollar store, Lumberton police said. Police said they were looking for a male suspect whom officers said fired into multiple vehicles as drivers pulled out of spaces. The department posted images of the suspect and a vehicle it says the suspect was dropped off by. AP



Jackson County The Jackson County Department of Public Health has traced a cluster of COVID-19 cases back to a three-day revival held July 12-14 at the Cashiers Church of God. A total of eight people who attended the event have now tested positive for the virus. The eight individuals are all following isolation orders, and the health department continues to investigate the incident. WLOS

Woman attacked by rabid fox while on her bed

Amazon: More than 3,000 people will work at new Garner site Wake County Amazon says that it expects to hire more than double the number of workers it had originally expected for a fulfillment center in Garner. The massive center, still under construction, expects to hire more than 3,000 people. Amazon originally said it would employ 1,500 people at the site. But the coronavirus pandemic has changed spending habits. And Amazon has pumped up staffing levels to keep up with the boost in online shopping. Amazon said it will pay workers in Garner at least $15 per hour. The rate is more than double North Carolina’s minimum wage. AP

Guilford County Julie Loflin said she was attacked on her bed by a rabid fox who entered her home through a dog door. The animal came into Loflin’s bedroom in Greensboro Sunday night, jumped on her bed, bit her finger, and grabbed her ankle by its mouth. Loflin grabbed the animal, holding it down by its neck for more than 12 minutes as she waited for police to arrive. She has been given a rabies vaccine. The fox that attacked her tested positive for the virus Wednesday. AP

9-year-old shot to death, mother wounded

Winner of $10M lottery prize in 2017 charged with murder Brunswick County A man who won a $10 million lottery prize in 2017 has been arrested on a murder charge in the death of a woman. The Shallotte Police Department charged Michael Todd Hill, 52, of Leland, with murder after the body of 23-year-old Keonna Graham was found Monday in a hotel room. Graham worked as a correctional officer at a prison in Burgaw and lived in Navassa, with her mother, and a 10-year-old sister. Hill won $10 million from an Ultimate Millions scratch-off ticket in August 2017. Hill was arrested in Southport. AP

Chowan County A 9-year-old girl was shot and killed and her mother wounded as they sat inside a car last weekend, the Chowan County Sheriff’s Office said. Deputies responding to a call late Friday night found two people had been shot inside a vehicle traveling south on U.S. Highway 17. The sheriff’s office said Makiia Slade of Edenton was shot and killed. Her mother, Shatory Hunter Slade was shot and is being treated at a Greenville hospital, where she was listed in fair condition on Monday. Law enforcement found a vehicle of interest and the driver is cooperating. AP


Representative David Lewis fields questions on the floor of the North Carolina House at the Legislative Building in Raleigh, Monday, August 28, 2017.


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The most direct way to make China “pay”hope for this is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl they to disaster North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures aresuch understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will emerge out of this stronger own temp supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least half of their in 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe data and asking questioning when we can start getting back This is County all new to Americans, andthan it is not normal. Not in an Stanly Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 and many more still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basi dt we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately program of Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution of the Soviet Unionremain to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists are people who or form. So while we should vigilant andlied stay sa ONE THING ISlock CERTAIN; afteror this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which abo don’ after our own while reasonable stay-at-home ought to down further. especially as statistics rollChina in that look neighbors helping neighbors. I wish el billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’taround care if the theyglobe get themselves or others sick. China will pay forthe same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with thistoso-called and in the United States, this virus, covered up its spread and tried tell the Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 ld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upp temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become ais2020 bad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, catastrophe waybyorofanother. 3,341 related deathsdamage. has led toWe worldwide panic North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, theone number identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the and numerator ofpossibility economic need transpar July 29, 2020 money to buy 3-D printer plastic make face shields for necessary sacrifices are THIS WEEK, to members of the federal government, comparison. Senators in Washington already about the thing? That is what free citizens living in acaused free society wereinsupposed Nottalking one according little In order to put the crisis by China perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown ain vigilant andlied stay safe,the at origin and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. Weworkers don’t know many scientific experts — webegun need to know health care out ofhow his owngovernments, home. through th which China the of 30% and in state and local Americans to flattenw Anabout investment tax of credit U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 debt we owe them as crisis one way tocost getthehave over. toon do,half lastof I checked. worldwide pandemics can trace their source to thetrillion United States over The has U.S.hope taxpayer at least $ able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they to know wha ad and tried totoday, tell the there were onlyto repatriated the curve in the novelthe coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was orworld $60 billion, applied China to “pay” for damage they have caused US. Don’t holdmore your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go history. along inAt allleast this, of course, is mythe family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Siste our 231-year four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions in Federal Reserve back number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to ed to worldwide panic, economic collapse — after all,cause trends canyour easily — but Americans investment to the U.S. wouldand costworried the U.S.about Treasury billion in China: waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to ahappen but ask elected them$18 catching the virus, and worried I1968 will. After muted and is regular contributor toreverse RedState andreal. Legal Insurrecti directly traced to 1957I’m “Asian flu,” “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets andneed financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they to start answering serious qu edlessly beingtax thrown out spread of work.over a few years. have abided by recommendations and orders. left their jobs revenue $18 billion lost revenue is(swine hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for beThey’ve suffering fromin the H1N1 virus flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not able to fund any ofto th Perhaps sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 in added to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, decimal dusttrillion compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan1918 we are nowpublisher this disaster. been Marshall tryingmassive toNeal take extra precautions, because all of this brings up Robbins, | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant i pseudonym Sister Toldjah manyas people are dying home. institutions seem deeply prone. n the Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the they’ve donned masks. undertaking to save our ownCOVID-19 economy, notmany of defeated enemies in the It is at about timenot they expected toRobbins, operate asdepreciation. responsible citizens of Hill, Neal publisher | Frank senior opinion way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 and If Legal Insurrection. Wewe need Even more importantly, have no clue how many Americans tlets. the U.S. dollar were not the reserveis China’s The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. past. theeasily world like any other modern nation. But what also makes meinlose sleepProvince is how most everyone has originated Wuhan probably from the completely ChinaBen hasShapiro, to pay for their aberrant ways and actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number is asenior graduate of UCLA e able to fund any of these transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for opinion Health China hasemergency been cheating, Chernobyl. stealing, pirating and pillaging American Neal Robbins, publisher | financial Frank36, Hill, ed unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and means. Diplomacy has of identified cases could and be an order of magnitude lower than the model host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and edi diate fear of rampant inflation Metrics and Evaluation most oft cited by members of the business now forand thecurrency past 30 years. They have made no secret that they honesty Neal Robbins, publisher Frank Hill,coronavirus senior opinion editor biowarfare lab run the communist army.opinion China into the civilized world of 21st c editor Neal Robbins, publisher || Frank Hill, senior editor number ofbypeople who have Chinese had and not been bring com. administration, the expected need for hospital beds at intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and from our Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and Trump regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes eir aberrant ways and the decisions peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of replace dollar through as the reserve currency with their renminbi. their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because scientific experts means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by choice than to build redundant manufacturing elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advanta — we need to plantsAugust vilized world of 21st century health, hygiene by nearly 12,000. for national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until know what they n communist regimes never take the blame Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key reliability concerns. Jason adversaries push back. and remorse, because that is not what know, what they questions will allow the economy to reopen. The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is tothat offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens s TORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS do. They take advantage of every weakness First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is and when U.S. tax credits to companies whodon’t will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that ev nd keep pushing until they win or the important because it determines whether certain areas ought to theyThere hope to production back in the United States. is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissoluti COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a billion worth of American direct investment plants and equipment in 1989. know what in they enous event happens such as the Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. experts believe that event, not the Star Wars ought to lock down further. comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking a irectly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union We’ve in seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe t number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerato today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated Americanthe manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused China’s Chernobyl. and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happe n are already talking about the possibility people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in ta “THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. in Concordfor andcause New illion in debt weWITH owe them as one way tounder get either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home number has been overestimated, given classification MOST STATES place. I understand seriousness of the virus and the that need decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operation mage they haveorders caused the US. hold your death,with particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some thanks to Don’t local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’mofenemies uneasy who simply undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated as inhow the people It is about timeask they are expected to operate I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a pr ese “Jubilee” toare happen your sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since havingbut to ask adjust toelected what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting past. the world like anytoother modern nation. working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count hina accountableSome in tangible financial ways for many people are dying at home. of these orders extend at least through theChina end ofhas thisbeen month. arepirating treated and in some circles with contempt. cheating,normal stealing, pillaging American be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. as However, as aasChristian, husband These stories from throughout our re Even more importantly, weaccept have no clue how many Americans Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though we a society simply must without business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl e expected to operate citizens of actually have coronavirus. Here as in responsible North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Royintend Coopertostated during question what superpower the government tells us about when it’s Some safe toscientists begin thesuggest that the number replace the U.S. as the premier in the world and to be thankful and of hopeful for, even in the midst ofcases this could globalbe an workers onmagnitude the front lines ofthan the corona modern nation.a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t knowhave of identified order of lower the yet” if the process returning back to normalcy. replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did me, my faith is an important part ofstay-at-home my daily life and decision I am we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked asFor to the questions. And the longer orders are in place allglad overinitiatives the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting sel justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work evels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer s what COLUMN BEN SHAPIRO reflect on| this message and be comforted, so that we may liveHUDSON out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. COLUMN | REP. RICHARD EDITORIAL || FRANK FRANK HILL HILL EDITORIAL COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spor itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many m the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the In this same spirit, I continue to beThe inspired by stories humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own States, around the globe and in the United China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were Easter, only a osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Stanly County Journalorfor Wednesday, April 15, 2020 simply questioning the data and asking when we can startMOST gettingSTATES back under This is all shelter-in-place new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, WITH either stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and o temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists orthis are peopletowho shape, or form.parents, SoThe while we should remain and stay safe,the at origin THING IS CERTAIN; after COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalier manner in which China lied about ofuneasy thewaswith AONE PRIVATE SCHOOL north oforders the Mason-Dixon line with agovernments, tuition including a couple ofvigilant affluent African-American parents, THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that thanks local or state a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m how p In order to put the sacrifices crisisorcaused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. money totobuy afor 3-D printer andenrolled plastic toto make face shields for necessary safety guidelines andbe remain THIS WEEK, according members the federal government, That would mean that tht are “THIS ISofTHE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and glad otherwise don’t care theyglobe get themselves others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this “new around the andyear in the United States, will pay this virus, covered up its school spread and tried toso-called tell the world there were only of overif$62,000 per recently sent out China atonotice alums about the in anormal.” private either in North Carolina ordata, Virginia. n of the ed. and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the are having adjust to what is being called the “new questions about the and when things can worldwide pandemics canat trace theirbecome source to the United States The crisis has costled theto U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion ineven added health care workers out and ofover his own home. through this together. and state local governments, Americans have begun flatten suggested, if the tra indeaths it”this (Psalm 118:24). Since when changes did questioning all school levels a bad normal.” catastrophe way or over. another. 3,341 related has worldwide panic, collapse and theyone aregovernment making to their policy and faculty engagement Yet, theyend were “concerned” about publicto education in Carolina e were only the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement waseconomic Secondly, what are w Some of20th these orders extend at least through the of month. normal are treated in North some circles with contem our 231-year history. At least four in the century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the tand the seriousness of theisvirus and the need the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, thing? That what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. Inincludes order tothe putfollowing: the crisis causedVirginia’s by Chinastay-at-home in perspective, zero go millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out as of work. that and willing toeasily do anything possible to help improve it… except putastheir collapse and orders into June. They’re treated though we a society sims muted — after all, trends can reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model directly China: “Asian flu,” 1968 Kong flu,” 1977all, markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the to reserve m uneasy withtohow people who simplytraced ask muted — after trends can easily reverse — butor real. Americans Thedifficult institute’s model sim working from home losing awhat job, it may be “rejoice and do, last I checked. worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the“Hong United States over The cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Training for all to students in1957 implicit bias, bystander and children in it.has k. Here inanti-racism, North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roycrisis Cooper stated during question the government tells us aboutpeo wh have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many and whenPerhaps thingsMy can start getting back to “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husban first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah our 231-yearstrategies. history. At least fourainrecent the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve liquidity tonormalcy. the intervention The primary reason have an process education system is to prepare our coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” to ifin the ofbackup returning back to n in added to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important proble me circles COVID-19 withworried contempt. toinstances stay atahome; they’ve practiced socialthe distancing; in many places, important problem massive 1918 “Spanish flu”existing pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant and currency and dad, Easter holiday has reminded me ofreserve just much about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I1968 will. After and is regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” “Hong Kong flu,” markets andthe financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were notmost the Education on the school’s options for registering children challenges of the future. We need to inflation make sure they state’s stay-at-home orders will 1977 extend into May. for No. The government works forhow us, and wewe ha y to the a society they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which mean Since when did gh we asThey simply must accept without they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this globaw suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, were “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency of misconduct, racial bias and microaggressions, including anonymous understand the fundamentals of math, science, history, civics and Perhaps We need If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders he reserve The aa reduction in expected expected hospitalization hospitalizationand anddeath. death. inthe the fall. And that m We need questioning ment tellsisusChina’s about when it’sreporting safe to begin the Theresult: result: reduction in inresponsible fall. And that mea Lenten and originated in Wuhanflu” Province probably from completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up massive 1918 “Spanish pandemic also had its the origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation currency portals. literature, soofpandemic. they can make the most out ofand their lives asand “concerned” justification for it. And the answers should notpublisher be vague ones like “we country, theand stricter some of them get in sw st ency transparency COVID-19 According to the University Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large Neal Robbins, | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor to normalcy. transparency Chernobyl. According to the University of Washington Institute Health part for large swat For me, my faith isthe anfor important oflockdowns my daily life and decisio unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came Easter out of seasons acitizens economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked way too many memories of agovernment painful experience I’dof prefer not to repeat. There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. Updated Mission and Statement Values to ensure that student and in their chosen career. must do this out of an abundance of caution.” more people, sitting at home feeling isolated dorks currency about Metrics and Evaluation model most oft oft cited bymembers members the my family, testing and contact tra and honesty is China’s for us, andpublic we right to ask those Neal Robbins, publisher | institutional Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Metrics and Evaluation model most cited by ofofthe testing and contact making. As Itocelebrated with I reflected ontheir 2traci and honesty Buthave whatthe also makes mein lose sleep is the how easily most everyone hasexplained biowarfare lab run by communist Chinese army. to every bring China into the civilized world of 21st health, hygiene originated Wuhan Province probably from the China has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through and employee handbooks reflect commitment to creating will go college orEaster graduate school. But should provide a Not at all levels It will need tocompletely be inadministration, detail to the people ofchild this state who when theyand can getcentury back tothey providing for fa Trump the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who ar education in stay-at-home orders are in place all culture over theinadopts Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds has atfrom tonot isolate those who m from our Corinthians 1:4, which reminds usobviously our Lord “comforts us in allare our Chernobyl. Until China rigorous verifiable policing anditequally regulation ofat and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy worked from our a school which every community member feels all get a great classical liberal arts education kindergarten to 12th are being told to remain jobless and home for an undetermined answers. message of hrough become a peak outbreak was revised down by over over 120,000, thenumber number ofcomfort those Which raises the thi some of them in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by 120,000, the of Which raises the third affliction, so that we may be able to who are in any Northget Carolina their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what scientific experts biowarfarerespected lab run byand thevalued. communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the civilized world ofskin 21stat hygiene welcomed, grade, noof matter what color of their iscentury or how health, much money scientific experts amount of time why models predicting hundreds thousands ofthe cases Leaders the and state levels should bo hope that will worked ventilators by 13,000 and the number number ofoverall overall deaths by local we capable rolling bad thing? tothome feeling isolated and/or choice anxious about ventilators by nearly nearly 13,000 and the of deaths bywe we capable of of rolling affliction, with the comfort which ourselves are comforted byout than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame A robust anti-racism resource page on the school’s website that their family makes. As one friend said recently, “We need philosophers and willing to — we need to are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not va — we need to hygienefor their families, will demandThat is what August by nearly 12,000. months and compel again enjoy oth, providing August byonce nearly 12,000. months —— and compellin God.” for national security and safety reasons as well asanti-racist supply and delivery their food safety and health protocols, American business no other they find inwe adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the or express sincere regret andwelders remorse, because that iswho not what provides easily accessible and continuously updated tools. to be sure. But also need and electricians can think To date,what I’ve gone alonghas with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believab know they do anything the blame know what they Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable Here’s the problem: don’t know the answers toadvantage the keyseason, virus isyou transmittable wh sporting events, Ifpush you are celebrating the Easter I urge to also choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants totalitarian governments do. They take of every weakness reliability concerns. adversaries back. Diverse School Meeting speakers facilitating diversity of thought philosophically.” free citizens mandated that we do,elsewhere but alongpurely the waywill I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to what know, what they questions that allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracin possible to be as forthcoming d state levels should as they know, what they questions that will economy to reopen. create a contact tracing s reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out concerts, family for national security safety reasons as“pay” well supply andleaders delivery they find in adversaries keep ourselves, pushing until they winlarge or across various fields.inand If you want help public schools get better, numbers The most direct way to make China for this disaster is tohave, offer too. That is,tounless anand exogenous event happens such asthe the Chernobyl the data. Stateas Republican andand ourhelp communities safe. But we sh living a free First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to subm sweakness — and help again, not vague answers, but answer First, what is the coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit don’t and when God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during don’t and when improve reliability adversaries push back. “A robust anti-racism resourcewho page on the School’s website.” of children allinraces, send children to a that public school nearby your gatherings, U.S. tax concerns. credits to companies will source atwhen least half ofHow their meltdown 1986. Some experts event, not the because Star Wars Unfortunately, certain types of questions getof asked, there is your to askbelieve questions about the data, while rr the society were statements believability. 21st important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain important because determines whether certain areas ought to thing isUnion certain: this difficult time. Through faith and by one another, amT they hope to The most direct to United make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such ashelping theofOne Chernobyl they hope toapproximately century. home. Charter count. Not only they learn how to live with it… except put production back way in the States. There is $120 program ofschools Reagan, led directly towill the dissolution the Soviet sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they shouldI also church services to do what we can to keep our families, be open or closed, we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going be open or closed, whether ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not goi confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. supposed U.S. tax is credits to American companies whosimply will source least half of their meltdown instart 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star friends Wars There another, much lessdirect expensive way toatachieve the same goals others them, yourback involvement inis the contacting billion worth of investment in plants and equipment in 1989. know what they questioning the data and asking when wenot canlike getting This allPTA new or tonot Americans, and it is not no know what they theirBut children and many more unities Sponsored safe. we still continue Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do by should also more liberalized society presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of production back in the United States. There isU.S. approximately $120 program of are Reagan, led directly to theChernobyl. dissolution ofwhile the Union with much less you help get elected to the school board might be So the key Soviet towe making sure toeffort: do, last I investment to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or people who shape, or form. should remain vigi in China. Chinese direct in the is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s don’t. don’t. after our own in it. while reasonable e data, because stay-at-home ought to lock down especially as statistics ro Star Wars ought to lock down further. especially as statistics neighbors helping neighbors. billion of American direct investment in plants and equipment inor1989. Send worth your kids to public schools. the children the chance to become the next Albert in otherwise don’t care if they get themselvesall others sick. have the same time we shouldn’t comfortable wit comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about Einstein theget possibility checked. able, Union they should also have an We’ve seen case rates — the of deaths divided by inin terms of of dead temporary oviet In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own seen case fatality rates —they theanumber number ofChernobyl. deaths divided by to estimates estimates terms inexpiration China. Chinese investment inyour thehalf U.S. isU.S. about $65We’ve billion by Perhaps COVID-19 isbad China’s Seriously. Ifdate. yourdirect top concern about child’s education is helping the classroom, if have the ability and arewe willing do theone work. Since when did questioning government at all levels become normal.” An investment tax credit of 30% on of investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt owe them as way to get North State Journal Wednesday, April 15,buy 2020 icans, and it is not normal. Not inlearn any way, thenumber number offor identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. to aare 3-D printer and plastic make face shields for WeW the of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. sacrifices are comparison. Senators inmoney Washington already talking about the possibility them to live with others who do notThat lookislike them, schools People who have never attended nor sent their kids to public schools thing? what freepublic citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — wewe n health care workers out of his own home. and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get are the answer. should be very cautious about lecturing the rest of the country about over. to do, last I checked. investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in actually died breath waiting for a Some Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but askand your elected n’t get comfortable with this so-called “new people have of coronavirus. sources suggest the don’t when they hop ossibility people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they h today, or $60 billion, to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” the they have caused the US.also Don’t holdand your Putrevenue your children the same classroom school building with how tocourse, deal with racism in I’m America. Maybe private school faculty My $18 firstand concern werevenue go along in all this, of isfor my family. Stacey Matthews written under pse tax spreadinapplied over a few years. billion inas lost is representatives todamage hold China accountable in has tangible financial waysthe for number has been beenadministrators overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and e way to get number has overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, an investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected children of other races across the board for 8-10 hours per day for the can take sabbaticals to teach in public or charter schools worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and L decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we areparticularly now this disaster. of death, among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answe on’t hold your tax revenue spread overwill a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is(swine of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some representatives topandemic, hold Chinaincluding accountable in tangible financial waysto forstart answ they need entire school year. That do more to break down racial barriers than and help solve the problems, reducing racial tension and suffering from the H1N1 virus flu) during the 2009 undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated sources enemiessuggest as in the It is about time theyunderestimated, are expected to operate as to responsible citizens of the number is dramatically since same lack of of instit our elected decimala dust compared the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan sources we areprecautions, now this disaster. suggest the number dramatically underestimated, since tothe the same lack ins having “robust” websitetopage no I’ve one been will ever look inequality, core level on the ground. trying to at. take extra because allatisofthe this brings up past. the world like any other modern nation. oncial written under Toldjah many people are dying dying at home. institutions seem deeply ways for the pseudonym undertaking to save our own economy, not ofentirely defeated enemies as intothe It is at about time they expected operate as responsible citizens of ItSister is a big game to “talk” about racism. Itmany is another game Sending your kids to are public schoolstowill do more to reduce racial many people are home. institutions seem deep way too memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American tor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, importantly, we no how many Americans past. do something about it. theeasily worldthan like other modern nation. actually conflicts any page on any will ever accomplish. Even more we have have no clue clue howwebsite many Americans ButThey whathave alsomade makesno me lose sleep is how most everyone has business now for the past 30 years. secret that they actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that Shapiro, 36,36, is is a gra cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American IChina spokehas to abeen rather large group of concerned parents about publichave coronavirus. Some scientists suggest thatthe ble citizens of actually thenumber number Ben Ben Shapiro, ag intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro business now 30 years.DC. TheyWhen have Imade secret that theycases could be an order of magnitude lower than the education longfor agothe inpast Washington, askednohow many of identified host of “The Ben Shapi Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill,coronavirus senior opinion editor replace the dollar asU.S. theas reserve currency their number of people who have had and not been tested. com. intend replace the the premier superpower in renminbi. the world and of themto had their children in public schools inwith North Carolina, notof number people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. replace thehand dollar asraised. the reserve their to renminbi. one single was Everycurrency kid whowith was born that group of


atastrophe A6 A6

The 3 big questions nobody is



s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter

It’s okay to ask questions about when How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe we to get back to normal The 3 big questions nobody answeri The comfort and hope of Eas How true China willbegin payand for this COVID-19 catastrophe Want ‘diversity’ ‘equality’ in your child’s education? The 3 big questions nobody isisanswerin




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It’s okay okayto toask askquestions questions aboutwhen when Chicago’s Democratic mayor about reaches for the ‘woman card’ It’s divert from her failed leadership The comfort and hope of Easter we begin to get back to normal The comfort and hope of Easter hinato will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe we begin to get back to normal



The 3 big questions nobody is answering

A FEW MONTHS ago, I under wrote aeither column about how female leaders Missouri runplace. by Mayor Quinton Lucas. New Yorkof City run by WITH MOST STATES shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen is into I understand the seriousness theisvirus and the need “THIS DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and beTim glad Inc. NE THING IS CERTAIN; after thisDemocratic COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier inTHE which China about the origin of the WITH MOSTto STATES under stay-at-home fallen place. I understand the seriousness of the virus Hydromer and need in the party resistshelter-in-place reaching theor woman cardIS Mayor Billlied de Blasio. Albuquerque’s mayor is Keller. orders thanks local orneed statetoeither governments, a for majority ofmanner Americans tointo take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people whothe simply askin Con THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually fa in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer nd the globe and in the United willslighted pay forby this orders thanks local or state governments, a majority of Americans virus, covered up its spread and tried tosee tellaabout the world there were only to take precautions, but uneasy with how people ask every timeChina they feel a male opponent. Do you common theme there? They’re men. areStates, having totoadjust to what isvoters being or called thepolitical “new normal.” questions theI’m data, and when things can who startsimply getting backInc. to in Ct and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, a mini in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switchin having adjustorders to what is being called the “new normal.” about the economic data,inand when things can startfrom getting to strophe one way or another.are Unfortunately, 3,341 related deaths has led toquestions worldwide panic, collapse and another one has be written because Lightfoot conveniently omitted this information herback speech Some oftothese extend atto least through the endthey’re of thisstill month. normal are treated some circles with contempt. and thetoneed the curve inthrough the novel outbreak. The excitement wasout Secondly, what areand we trying expecting in terms of Cum a sec working from home or losing a job, it becircles to contempt. “rejoice seniors throughout I know that during this time ofdifficult social distancing, In Fayetteville, Some orders extend at go least thecoronavirus end this month. normal are treated inmay some with it.of these because itchallenging ran counter towork. the false narrative she was to construct order put the crisis causeddoing by China in perspective, zero millions ofof Americans needlessly being thrown of Virginia’s stay-at-home orders into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept withoutmi imply ask be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from thr muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early Augus working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated aswas though wein asadded aengaging society mustbyaccept Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, is the latest example ofU.S. taxpayer about how Trump supposedly in sexism allegedly dwide pandemics can trace Virginia’s their source to theCarolina, United States over crisis has cost the at least trillion Here in North Democratic Gov.The Roy Cooper stated during question what$2.4 the government tells ussimply about when it’s safewithout to begin the Cu and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and sut ng back to have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from Here North Carolina, Gov.“we Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the female elected official onDemocratic the Democratic side of the aisle to insinuate choosing to of only target female mayors. 231-year history. At least fouraain thein20th century alone can be that debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve backup liquidity tonormalcy. the recent coronavirus press briefing just don’t know yet” ifin the process returning back to have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front line to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and a sexism recent coronavirus briefing that just don’t know yet” if the of returning backnot to works normalcy. was behind apress decision made by “we the Trump administration. who haswere given even a reserve passing at have nightly news ctly traced to China: 1957 flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets.process If Anyone theNo. U.S. dollar the state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. The government for us,glance and we theWhile right people to ask those Lightfoot, whose Since when did “Asian Lenten and pandemic. through ccept without they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means weright areworkers likely to state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the to ask all those have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global onsee themore frontser li Last week, President Trump announced “a surge of federal law programming can see why Trump decided to have federal law ssian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency Since when did If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place over the city has long We need For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives weeih Easter seasons questioning to begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will be faced with Lenten and If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the pandemic. While people throug enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime.” enforcement intervene. Some of them, like Portland and Seattle, look sive 1918questioning “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency justification for it. And the answers should not be vaguemaking. ones like “we country, and themy stricter some of themonget in states, such as Michigan, As I celebrated Easter I them reflected 2left-wing Protection are been a hotspot outside transparency According to thenot University of Washington Institute Health lockdowns for large swaths ofas population, with justification forincluded it. And the answers should vague ones likeme, “we country, and thewith stricter some of getand in states, such“protesters” Michigan, provide abe The cities he were the Democrat-run cities of Albuquerque, like warzones, thanks infamily, large part tolife violent and For my faith isthe anfor important part of my daily decision I the am gladProgram, initiatives Easter seasons government here is 100% agreement, of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. must do this out of an abundance of caution.” more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about w government Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses to ask those must this out of Chicago. an abundance caution.” the moreEaster people, sitting at home isolated and/or anxious about Metrics and Evaluation model most oftAs cited by members ofand the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization Newdo Mexico, and That’sofin addition cities where federal agitators turning city blocks intoIfeeling scenes outon of 2an movie. I celebrated with my family, reflected Protection Program, a and honesty gun violence message ofpeople inated infor Wuhan Province probably from the China has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through provide a to at alllevels levels It will need tocompletely be explained in detail to the ofmaking. this state who when they can get back to providing for theirapocalyptic families, will affliction, so that weLightfoot may be able to comfort those who are in any relief willdemand soonand reach at all It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand all over the Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable let fam eve law enforcement officers were already in place countering violent and some of the other mayors (both male and female) Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small business egulatedand and unsanitary wet markets. believe it came ofhope a home economic andaffliction, financialwith means. Diplomacy has we obviously notare worked fromSome our to that we murder, are being told remain joblessout and at for will an undetermined answers. message of become a the comfort which ourselves comforted by continue working on com are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. s Michigan, rioters who were attacking federal buildings, like Seattle, Kansas City, would also like for people to believe the disturbing escalation in peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly caf affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach become a warfare lab run by the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the world of 21statcentury health, hygiene oncethat again enjoy scientific experts amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of civilized cases Leaders Leaders the local and state levels should be aswe forthcoming as they stated at the time amount God.” can defeat the corona hope will of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they Missouri, and Portland, Oregon. violence on their city streets is a recent development. It isn’t. In fact, bad thing? xious about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests ov affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on ntil China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of sporting and fair trade. Totalitarian communist never take the blame bad thing? arereliable. reliable. can beregimes with those answers —you andtoagain, not vague answers, but answer c events, — we need to If you are celebrating the Easter season, I— urge also whole. that “under no are once again enjoy can be with those answers and again, not vague answers, but answer Trump had warned Lightfoot and other mayors in advance of his the violence that has long plagued most of these cities preceded lr demand August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests God.” we can defeat the regu coro That what food safety and health protocols, American business has nowhat other or express sincere regret and remorse, because thatgive is not what date, I’ve gone along with the state has asked and then with details that their statements believability. That isiswhat reflect on city this message and be comforted, so that we may live outinwhile Until then, the Lenten concerts, family know what they ToTo date, I’ve gone along with whatthe the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. decision. In response to those advance warnings, Lightfoot, whose Trump’s presidency. But it’s gotten much worse a relatively short Here’s problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key circumstances” virus is transmittable carriers are asymptom sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. ce than tofree build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do.and They take advantage ofneed everyaround weakness citizens mandated that we along the way I’ve also questions about Weofshould continue to do what weto can toour keep ourthat families, God’s example comfort allallthose in us during we will once a free mandated that we do,do, butbut along the way I’ve also hadhad questions We should continue toso do what we can keep families, gatherings, has long been a hotspot for gun violence and murder, stated at about the time amount time inall the aftermath of the May 25 death ofhope George Floyd. ming aswould theycitizens know, what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create awe contact tracing system for 330 million Am reflect on this message and be comforted, that may live out Until then, the Lent concerts, family she “allow national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church servi living in a free the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue that “under no circumstances” would she “allow Donald Trump’s troops Sadly, most of these “protests” are no longer about George Floyd. church services s, but answer living in a free First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example andemerge comfort all in need around usthan during hope that we will once don’t and when bility concerns. adversaries push back. gatherings, Donald Trump’s Unfortunately, when certain types of questions asked, there toare askout questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home confident will ofthose this pandemic stronger ever. temporary sacrifice when certain types ofand questions get get asked, there is weistime. to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home toUnfortunately, come to Chicago and terrorize our residents.” They about stirring up as much chaos as possible soown as to scare society were important because itmore determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as t many this difficult Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church society were he most troops direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl they hope to Inthose this same spirit, I continue tolocal be inspired by stories ofthe sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people toa treat those humanity are over. measures are understandable, theytoshould alsoan have anof expiration date.ser church services to come sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people towe treat measures are understandable, they should also have expiration date. After Trump’s announcement, an angry Lightfoot held news residents and get leaders to bend extremist wills the milies, be open or closed, whether ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are notever. going to stay home for months o confident we will emerge outis of this pandemic stronger than own temporary afterwhen our own supposed tax credits to companies who willknow source at least half ofand their meltdown instart 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star Wars supposed neighbors helping neighbors. INot wish everyone celebr what they simply questioning data and asking we can getting back This allorganizers. new tonot Americans, it isnormal. not normal. in any way,sacrifi simply questioning thethe data asking we canthat start getting back This isprotest all new towe Americans, and itand is not Not in any way, and many more conference. “The president has been onwhen a campaign now for some time radical to Chicago and States. till continue more liberalized society presumes wide spread, or whether they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evo In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. duction back in the United There is approximately $120 program of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Union temporary In Concord, a shape, high school senior named Tanner used his own vigilant celebration and at pray we todo, do,last lastI I tonormal normal though they are conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So we remain and stayatsafe, to asas though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who orsadly, form. So while we should remain vigilant andin stay don’t. Democratic mayors across country,” she stated. “Whether Also, Lightfoot chose to should play the woman card in an safe, “to after our own stay-at-home ought to the lock down further. especially as statistics roll that looksafety like the lowe our directtoagainst neighbors helping neighbors. Ieffort wish everyone cele on worthterrorize of American investment in plants and equipment in 1989. money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary guidelin sacrifices are otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new otherwise don’t care they get themselves orinothers sick. same time we from shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new it’s me, whether it’s if Keisha Lance Bottoms Atlanta, whether it’snumberthe divert attention” her estimates failed leadership on of her city’s rising violent checked. checked. piration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the of deaths divided by in terms death and the upper-end estim temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray residents.” hina. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. w Since when did questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” Since when did government atWednesday, all become a bad normal.” over. Muriel Bowser inquestioning Washington, D.C., whether it’slevels Jenny Durkan in crime rate. North State Journal April 15, 2020 nparison. any way, the number offor identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency ho money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safetyand guide sacrifices are Senators inwere Washington are already talking about possibility thing? That what free citizens living a free society supposed one little bit. the thing? That is is what free citizens living inhere?” ainfree society were supposed Not one little bit. Seattle — do you see a common theme I’ve Not said it before and I’ll say it again: Playing the “sexism/woman” ay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they kno health care workers out of his own home. through this together. n investment tax credit of 30% on half U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillioncard in debt owe them as one way toDemocratic get over. do,last last Iaccused checked. totodo, I of checked. She then Trump, without evidence, of “trying to divert has we become a crutch for female leaders to lean on. alled “newbillion, applied to repatriated people have actually died of coronavirus. Some they sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. y, or $60 American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage have caused the US. Don’t hold your My concern wewe go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m I’mStacey Matthews has to also written under the pseudonym Sister Sister Toldjah Myfirst first concern as go along in this, of course, is my family. Stacey Matthews has alsothat written under the pseudonym Toldjah attention from hisas failed leadership onall COVID-19.” It’s long past time throw crutch away. number has and beenI’m overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, andInsurrection. we’re willing to follow thei stment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting a Chinese to ahappen but ask your elected worried about them catching thethe virus, worried I will. After and and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal worried about them catching virus, and I’m worried Ifor will. After What was the “common theme” Lightfoot mentioned? The fact that “Jubilee” is regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start answering serious questions, or t evenue spread over a few years. $18mayors billion in lost revenue iswomen, representatives topandemic, hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu)flu) during the 2009 pandemic, all the she named were of course. Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine during the 2009 sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all o mal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we precautions, areprecautions, now this disaster. I’ve been trying toto take extra because all of brings up up and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal What information did Lightfoot leave out of her rant? The fact that Insurrection. I’ve been trying take extra because allthis of this brings ister Toldjah people are dying home. institutions seem ertaking to save our own economy, not ofother defeated as inexperience the Itan about time expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way many memories ofmany a painful I’is d at prefer not federal tothey repeat. some of the citiesenemies that are already seeing increased waytoo too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to are repeat. ection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has has . the world like any other modern nation. presence, or that soon will, are controlled by male Democratic mayors. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone actually haveTed coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harva hina has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American For example, Portland is run by Mayor Wheeler. Kansas City, of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief ness now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. nd to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and ace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.

north STA


ask questions about when A7 China will payIt’s forokay this to COVID-19 catastrophe A7 we begin to get back to normal Cheating solutions the children Innovative empowering parents to theorstudent debtthe dilemma North State for Wednesday, April 15,29, 2020 NorthJournal State Journal for Wednesday, July 2020

ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the GUEST OPINION | NEWT GINGRICH UMN | JENNA ROBINSON around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and WITH MOST STATES either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understa In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millionsunder of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. orders thanks or state a majority of at Americans to take precautions, but I’m worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over to localThe crisisgovernments, has cost the U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added are having to what is being called the “new normal.” questions our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be to adjustdebt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the about the data, an Some these orders extend least through the of this month. are treated in some directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” of 1977 markets andatfinancial outlets. If end the U.S. dollar were notnormal the reserve Virginia’s orders into June. They’re treated as though “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence thatstay-at-home the currency, wego would not be able to fund any of these emergency WALTER E. Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the governm massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and WILLIAMS currency a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government wor pledging to help overcome racism and seeking to THE UNITED STATES is gradually grinding to originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through Since when did help the African American community, the teachers an educational collapse as the giant bureaucracies If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer s unregulated and unsanitary wetarticles markets. Some believe it came out of but a economic financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked graduates only ablecities toand find low-paying I explained in two past that student debt is questioning unions inisour biggest (where much of work. our and extraordinarily powerful teachers’ unions justification And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter som biowarfare labproblem run byignore the Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized UnderAfrican anfor ISAit. agreement, he would owe an agreeda real and communist that universities have in encouraged American community lives) are following aworld of 21st century health, hygiene children and education pursuit of power. government must do this out of an abundance of caution.” thethe more people, sitting at h Until China adopts verifiable policing and regulation fair trade. communist regimes never take blame strategy of and blackmail and cowardice. Manyirresponsible of the wealthiest school systems have uponof percentage of his income —Totalitarian the actual dollar it through theirrigorous own behavior. With Here are two examples of this unconscionable, decided that they simply will not go back to school at uncertain all levelsfinancial It amount will to be in detail to theand people of this state who when would be very low. With a traditional loan, college facing an their foodnew safety andgraduates health protocols, American business has no need other orexplained express sincere regret remorse, because that is not whatthey can get back to p despicable blackmail: The Los Angeles Teachers’ this fall. Theyimportant will offer virtual classes evenare though he would owe the same amount regardless of his future, so it’sredundant particularly to find solutions being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. choice than to build manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness become athat for younger Union demands more money through defunding the evidence isdone? overwhelming income. Even with income-based repayment on his that work. So, what’s to be amount ofthe time why models predicting hundreds of cases at the local and s for national security and safety reasons well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries pushing until they win orLeaders the police and capping charter schools asand partkeep of of thousands children, virtual classesas are dramatically less thing? loan, he would likelyplan; make interest-only payments as Some radical proposals, likebad completely The Durham any reopening And the Durham Association effective than in-person instruction. are reliable. can be with those answers — reliability concerns. adversaries push back. the principal continued to mount. privatizing student loans and making them subject COLLEGES are rife with That is what ofI’ve Educators members demand universal health Formake 37 years, children have come last, and the I AMERICA’S DOUBT WHETHER any Association Toisdate, gone along with what theexogenous state has askedhappens and then with details that give their s The most direct way to China “pay” for this disaster to offer That is, unless an event suchwould as the Chernobyl Purdue University is already experimenting with to bankruptcy protection, would certainly work. corruption. The financial squeeze resulting care and welfare for people in the country illegally bureaucrats and unions have come first. American defend the police e Share Educators’ free citizens mandated that its we do, along the way I’ve also had questions about We should U.S.of tax credits to companies will source at half of ISAs theirunder meltdown in plan. 1986. Some experts that event, not the Star Wars “Back a Boiler” The program is believe Private lenders who their own money onleast the line from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a to before they willbut reopen the schools. Now,put wewho are seeing this anti-student, antitreatment of George Floyd that led all continue Sponsored by ments the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our commun There are three things we can do to return the learning power structure in its full aggressiveness to his death. But many Americans members production back the Unitedbefore States. There approximately $120funded byprogram of Research Reagan, Foundation, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet being the Purdue would doin due diligence lending bit of remediation. Let’sUnion first examine what living intoisa18-yearfree to the children and their education despite the asAnd big, direct well-funded school systems simply refuse to offocus supporting the responses Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, are there isbe the some to of ask questions about the d part the university’s endowment. It’s a small old customers. the fearinvestment of students filing for and might root of academic corruption, billion worth of American in plants equipment in 1989. demand ntractual society were bureaucracy and the teachers’ union: go back to school. to Floyd’s death — rioting, looting, program now but is already showing positive results. bankruptcy would ensure that loans are small and suggested by the title of a recent study, sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandab in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. No. 1: As the US Department of Education has Notice of course that they are not refusing to wanton property destruction, assaults ments inuniversal supposed Purdue’s website10% explains aand few of the benefits of can prudent. “Academic Grievance and to theAmeric simply questioning the data asking when we start getting back ThisStudies all new comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about the possibility explained, of America’s K-12 students attend accept money. All the teachers and bureaucrats on police and other kinds ofismayhem health care ISAs: But such a solution is politically unpopular. Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was we students non-public schools – this includes millions of want full pay without having deal both whites blacks. to half do, last Iactually towith normal as though they areforgiving conspiracy theorists or debt are people who shape, form. So while An investment tax credit ofreduce 30% on of to U.S. investment in China of China $1.2Back trillion in we by owe them asand one wayor toand get analysis and welfare standard payment period for the It would considerably themind number of their so-called Thestudents done by Areo,isan opinion who are from lowerand middle-income students. They don’t sending The pretense that police conduct e today, orstudents otherwise don’t care ifisthey get themselves or itothers sick. theBysame time we shouldn’t $60 billion, instruction applied repatriated American manufacturing to “pay” for the damage they have caused hold your checked. a Boiler-ISA about 10 20,000 years, making borrowtofor college andGotomeeting, would digitalasthe magazine. the way, Areo is short families.Fund InChina Florida alone, of these students through Zoom, or some stands theUS. root Don’t of black problems. for people in able to Since questioning government at all“Jubilee” levels become badbut normal.” to the U.S.other would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion inwhen breath waiting forto a the Chinese to happen askNAACP, your elected ion investment coulddid lose their scholarships due impact of service (despite the fact most of It these systems According to the fromdelivered 1882competitive with most Federal Plus and private loan disproportionately affect low-income students. foraAreopagitica, a speech by the country the coronavirus. Any further federal relief must and teachers have no particular training in the 1968, there were 3,446 black people thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for terms. In addition, all students receive a six-month would also disfavor students majoring in soft but John Milton in defense of free speech. g in include these families. We before funding begin. effective use$6 of trillion+ online learning). lynched at theHelen hands Pluckrose, of whites. James A. illegally before do, last I checked. grace period post-graduation payments trendy disciplines. Authors decimal dust compared to the Marshall Plantowe are now this disaster.should be students – not school system bureaucracies. The Chinese Communist Party must love the Today, being murdered by whites ge for a they will reopen Once recipient makes successful payments for But solutions that cannot be implemented — know Lindsay andshould Peter Boghossian say that My first concern as go along all this, course, is my family. Stacey Matthews undertaking tothere save are our ownofeconomy, of defeated enemies asain the2: The Itwe isrecovery about time they areof expected to operate as I’m responsible citizens No. new billin should include a collapse American education. Its members or policemen be the least of of has also w the prescribed term of the contract, no additional even in this acrimonious political climate. something has gone drastically ermined the schools. worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributo provision that any school district that refuses to there is no way we can compete with them in a past. the world like any other modern nation. black worries. In recent times, there wrong payments are required even if they have paid less The first solution hasworld beenifreferred to as “skin in in academia, especially within certain open its schools for in-school learning should lose high-tech our children can’t go to school. is an average of 9,252 black-on-black suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, China the hasgame.” been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American t amount theythen received. Such policy would for big institutions fields within the humanities. its federal aidof–funding which would be converted Thea Chinese virus iscall paying dividends for thethan the every year. Over the past They call I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this murders brings up business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they into a tax credit for the students in that district if Chinese Communist dictatorship. 35 years, that translates into nearly where Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would to have a share in the credit risk of every student these fields “grievance studies,” wayto too many memories painful experience I’d prefer not324,000 to repeat. intend towho replace asto the premier superpower the world and their parents wantof to a home school, establish small are also three human blacks at thebased upon have many down-stream benefits. Both wouldaput takesthe outU.S. a There loan attend the enormous institution. In incosts scholarship ismurdered not so much tionreplace the community school with others, oris gohow to a private the bureaucracy-union education hands of other But what also makes me lose sleep easily most everyone has dollarthis as the reserve currencystranglehold with their renminbi. pressure on universities to keep tuition low and practice, means that universities would beover on finding truthblacks. but upon attending to school.of the artificial pressure on demand for and the refusal to put the children’s interests first: Only grievances. a tiny percentage of blacksscholars e over a offset some the hook for some part of student loan debt when social Grievance No. 3: The tax cuts in the new recovery bill First, virtually every serious study shows that are killed by police. For example, highershould education. They would also a policy would require action have bully students, administrators number students default. include a permanent tax align credit universities’ for those poorSuch children in impoverished neighborhoods in Chicago this year, there were 414 and other interests with those of students. Universities would by Congress since student loans are disbursed by the departments into adhering their families who want to provide an education outside the greatest need for face-to-face education. They homicides, with a total of 2,078 to people s. be invested in student success, not just increased federal government. worldview. The worldview they promote is the bureaucratic, government-run, unionized have the least ability to learn by video, and all the shot. So far in 2020, three people have L | STACEYBut MATTHEWS enrollment. system.Some universities would probably begin anotherreports solution be implemented neither scientific thiscan spring have reinforcedlocally. this fact. been killed by policenor andrigorous. four were Grievance If we debated education by putting the students Second, children with disabilities shot. Manhattan scholarsuch as to offer better guidance to students when they choose A number of institutions are already giving it aespecially need studies consistInstitute of disciplines and learning first, and thesetake are the of policies real human interaction, in-person sympathy, andmajors, a Heather MacDonald reports gender that “a studies, choose classes outkind loans. try: Income Share Agreements (ISAs). ISAs are sociology, anthropology, we innovative would develop in response commitment mentors to help receive them overcome theThese police is 18.5 times more solutions willtodobureaucratic, what “Free contractual agreements inbywhich students queerofficer studies, sexuality andlikely critical race unionized self-centeredness. challenges they face. Leaving them at home to cope to be killed by a black male than an College” cannot: make students and universities education funding in exchange for a predetermined studies. Every day we fail to act, our children fall further with online learning is simply cruel – and undoes unarmed black male is to be killed behavebehind more their wisely and act together towards percent of post-graduation over a certain 2017officer.” and 2018, Pluckrose, Chinese counterparts – and ourthe a generation of income hard work at helping children with by aIn police Crimeauthors is a major same goal. That goal is to create educated, wise number of years. The percent of income and number Lindsay and Boghossian started survival as a free country becomes a little more disabilities experience full lives. problem for many black communities, graduates. Only with smart policies of years can change based student’s major and and productive submitting academic papers to endangered. Third, thereupon are a a host of practical services, but how muchbogus of it can be attributed Every day we fail to act, poor are further especially for low-income students, such as school to causes such as institutional racism, that incentivize student success canchildren we ensure that income potential. academic journals in cultural, queer, trapped a self-serving bureaucratic and are breakfast seeing the school systemic racismfat andand white privilege? colleges truly in provide value for students,cycle parents, ISAs are a good dealand for lunch, students because theynurse, having race, gender, sexuality studies further from a prosperous future. a safeloans. place to go whileayour parents work, and taxpayers most devastating problem is peer andkept society. are less risky than Imagine student who toThe determine if they would pass If teachers don’t want to teach our children, we seeing the school guidance counselor that all come the very weak black family structure. WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of and the be virus and the review accepted for need publication. should fire them and hire ones who will. from the school system. When these are cut off, the Less than a third of black children Acceptance of dubious research orders thanks to locallives or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask of the poorest children become much more live in two-parent households and that journal editors found sympathetic to their To read, hear, and watch more of Newt’s stands at 75%. The are having to adjust todifficult. what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when thingsillegitimacy can start getting back to intersectional or postmodern leftist vision commentary, visit It is tragically ironic that at the time people are “legacy of slavery” is often blamed. Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. Such anworld explanation outthe to be of the wouldturns prove problem of stay-at-home go into June. simply must accept without STVirginia’s OPINION | JEFForders TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR They’re treated as though we as a society sheer nonsense when one examines low academic standards. Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin thepapers black history. Even during slavery, Several of the fake research where marriage was forbidden, most a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. were accepted for publication. The Fat black children lived in biological twostate’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those Studies journal published a hoax paper GUEST OPINION | MICHAEL BARONE parent families. Professor Herbert that argued the term bodybuilding was If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the G. Gutman’s research in “The Black exclusionary and should be replaced Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, 1925” that in three-fourths of with found “fat bodybuilding, as a fat-inclusive must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about 19th-century slave families, allOne the reviewer politicized performance.” It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, children thewill samedemand mother and in place. Elderly persons with underlying conditions said, “I had thoroughly enjoyed reading this AS A FORMER state senator, I have been asked father. In New York City, in 1925, 85% are beingmany told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. would be monitored by health teams for some time, article and believe it has an important times what I would do regarding the stay-atof black households were two-parent. amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to under the field home order in North Carolina. The current SAH In fact, “Five in to sixmake children the and this are reliable. can be withsystem thoseleaders answers vague answers, but answer Led by our major health and— and again, not journal.” order expires on April 29. age of six lived with both parents.” North Carolina I would “Ourslavery Struggle Is late My as Struggle: Onegone state along senatorwith recently are has going to and the To date, I’ve whatsaid thewe state asked then withHospital details Association, that give their statements believability. During and as 1920, Solidarity have a master plan with primary suppliers and a Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to need to know four things: who is sick, who is not, when CBS’ Martin Plissner put together the first IF THINGS HAD PROCEEDED according to a black teenage girl raising a child mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, network delegate count in 1968. Network delegate schedule, we’d be checking the polls to see if Joebackup without a man present wasFeminism,” a rarity. plan for manufacturers in N.C. to re-purpose Neoliberal and Choice was who has been sick and who has not. I agree. Public the data. State Republican leaders have, too.from his acceptance ourselves, and our communities shouldstudy alsoofstill continue counts proved their reliability on close calls in safe. But we had gotten around a bouncebenchmarks An 1880for family structure facilities to produce ventilators and PPEroll necessary accepted publication by Affilia, a health expertsBiden are coalescing to Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there iscare to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home 1972 and speech in Milwaukee. because in Philadelphia shows threeto take of1976. our own demands. An ongoing needs feminist journal forthat social workers. The follow before rules ease: sustainedThat’s reductions inthe new I remember being in the hall in Chicago in 1968 Democratic National Convention was originally quarters of all black families a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. g assometimes a assessment would evaluate the re-purposing of paper consisted in part of a rewritten cases and deaths, widespread testing, ample hospital keeping track of the roll call, as party rebels beat scheduled for asking July 13-16. were nuclear families. There were simply questioning the data and when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, hotels, empty warehouses and university dorms passage from Mein Kampf. Two other to monitor new patients and ss could capacity and theItability the convention managers and created the first has since been postponed, due to COVID-19, only slight differences in family to normaltrace as though they are conspiracy theorists are people who shape, or form. So while should remainstructure vigilant and stay safe, at including as emergency field hospitals in conjunction with hoax papers were published, their contacts. delegate-selection reform commission. Itswe rule to Aug. 17-20, and will evidently beor transformed between racial groups. strate deployment for care professionals. “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity These are reasonable points should sick. serve changesstrategies meant by health 1972, delegates were a mostly virtual event.that The percentages of nuclear families otherwise iftothey get data themselves or others the that same timemost we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new With sodon’t manycare chosen not in back-room party insiders This makes obvious,to good sense. It’s hard were: black Dog (75.2%), Irish This (82.2%), Virtual hospitals and direct caucuses primaryofcare options at Urban Parks.” paper’s subject as a foundation to make decisions keep everyone lity toSince when did questioning government at all levels become a bad normal.” memories, fond in primaries — and, effectively, by candidates, to imagine an environment more conducive to wouldbut German (84.5%) and native white be made available through every health was dog-on-dog rape. But the dog rape safe. We are not going back to full normal any time thing? That is what free citizens in avirus free than society were supposed Notparty one little bit. sound notOngoing state and testing local leaders. spreading thisliving particular a convention Americans (73.1%). Only one-quarter and otherwise, would be implemented. paper eventually forced Boghossian, soon. We are not reopening everything tomorrow. We system. lastmust I checked. Since then, conventions have mostly been so crammed with people cheering and of black families were female-headed. 19 to do, statewideby antibody testing wouldasbe Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out take carefloor of our most vulnerable citizens, and 5 feet.Rigorous of past choreographed nominees’ campaigns, chanting that it takes 10 minutes to move Female-headed families among Irish, My first concern as we go along inbusinesses, all this, ofnow. course, is my implemented family. I’m once Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah available. themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer we must begin to reopen our e, they television ads celebrating the candidate and I know what that’s like, since I have attended German and native white Americans conventions, worried about catching the of virus, and I’m—worried I will. After is a regular contributor Insurrection. In conjunction with other regional governors hadLegal figured out what they I amthem following a couple data models Fuller, and winding upand with a stirring acceptance speech. to RedState and in one way, shape or form, 24 Democratic averaged 11%. According to thewere 1938 doing. as I’veHolmes written be suffering from the H1N1 virusThe (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, and cooperation the WhiteTV House, I would Some papers accepted for publication and the CDC. models project N.C. cases In the days ofwith three-network dominance, Republican national conventions starting in 1968. Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, audiences were huge, and pollsters recorded I to That’s more of theall national only 11% of black childrenadvocated and 3% of training N.C. a fair allocation of items such in academic journals peak between April 20than andone-quarter May 5.because beento trying take extra precautions, of this ensure brings up receives d toI’ve elsewhere, massive post-convention heldI by the Democrats since 1832 and white were to unwedwhite male astoventilators from national bounces. stores to ensure we men children like dogs andborn punishing I would do conventions the following: would not extend feel a certain way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not repeat. er the Only any occasionally was the show marred Republicans since 1856. mothers. As Thomas Sowell reported: can address peak scenario. There wouldbybe a college students for historical slavery by the also SAHmakes orderthe past 29 without But what me April lose sleep is howcompelling easily most everyone has sadness at unrehearsed dissension, as when Edward Kennedy With so many memories, fond and otherwise, of “Going back a hundred years, when standing directive for rapid response to enable the asking them to sit in silence on the floor in data showing its necessity. It is imperative to keep my. past conventions, as I’ve written elsewhere, I feel a evaded Jimmy Carter’s handshake in 1980 (I had a blacks were just one generation out their Covid-19 demise, or use ofpodium FDA-approved drugs are experimental chains and todata be expected to hygiene measures such as pass that year) orthat Ted Cruz refrained fromin certain sadness in at place: their demise, orsocial virtualization. of slavery,during we findclass that census relation to a pandemic 2016 (I watched from learn from the discomfort. virtualization. distancing, gathering masks, washing, endorsing Donald Trump But it’slimits, probably about hand time. National of that era showed that a slightlyOther papers As the long as adelegation). business could demonstrate the ability celebrated morbid obesity as had a healthy life etc. Texas conventions no longer serve their original higher percentage of black adults ... National to followIfsound Covid-19 hygiene, they would be choice and treating the parties liked the post-1968 conventions The dates to lift andorreduce orthe continue purpose, the uses parties on-going and the press have married thanadvocated white adults. This factprivately conventions no madetoofbethem as ato campaign press loved them lean for the in the past half-century. remained true in every censusas from allowed re-entertool, the the economy. I would into conducted masturbation a form of restrictions need determined using scientific opportunity to schmooze with politicos from longerevidence. serve Suspending The national conventions were, for their first 1890 to 1940.” exercising a little common sense on what works and sexual violence against women. Typically, and, more concerning, across the country, on the convention floor and in 130 years, a unique communications medium. The absence of a father in the what is appropriate. Restrictions could be lessened as academic journal editors send submitted their violation original of individual constitutional rights are elaborate receptions and parties paid for by hugely They were the only place and time where party home predisposes children, especially the four benchmarks indicate it is safe to do so. papers out to referees for review. In dangerous exercises regardless of reason. purpose, or profitable news media. politicians could communicate frankly and boys, to academic failure, criminal North Carolina needs to get back to work. recommending acceptance for publication, Our businesses are on life support. It is imperative But conventions this century have gotten bargain personally. They were the only place behavior and economic hardship, the uses the For the next 18 months, I would monitor data many reviewers gave these papers glowing to get them opened. 500,000 North Carolinians where people could discover which candidates had less useful to the parties and the press. With a not to mention an intergenerational parties andsigned upgenuine while reserving the right to return to stronger praise. have for unemployment in the past three proliferation of TV choices, conventions no longer support and which just gave lip service. repeating of handicaps. If today’s have captive audiences. Viewership of place acceptance The conventions’ folderol —of eloquent weak family structure a legacy of restrictions if necessary. I would put in a Political scientistisZach Goldberg ran weeks. Data indicate N.C. will have 50% its small the press have speeches has plateaued around 30 million, even keynoteunder and nomination speeches,for hourslavery, then the people who make special team of medical, data analytics and business certain grievance studies concepts through businesses (revenue $10M) qualifying made of them as to turnout zoomed fromand 105 to 137 million, and multiple ballots such a claim must tell us how itto see how often leaders provide insights advice. The standard the Lexis/Nexis database, bankruptcy, iflong theydemonstrations, stay closed through May 15. I(103 the dwindling number of movable voters tune in thewould past halffor Democrats in 1924) — were not just has managed to skip nearly five channels with DHHS and County Public Health they appeared in our press over the years. begin opening businesses in less impacted them out. Post-convention bounces have become entertainment but ways of working out what generations to have an effect. century. Officials would continue. I would conduct briefings He found increases counties today. minimal. parties from dozens of states really stood for. There arehuge problems such asin the usages with stakeholder groups of government, medical of “white privilege,” bias,” I would categorize N.C. citizens into four groups: As for the press, with media profits down or Two developments in the late 1950s grossly poor education, “unconscious economic and business leaders from across the state, including “critical race theory” and “whiteness.” tested positiveended for Covid-19, hospitalized and in disappearing, the receptions have become less the conventions’ monopoly over frank stagnation and poverty that impact glittering, while electronic media has made sources communication: direct-dial long-distance the community federal, state, county and municipal folks (elected Allblack of this is being heavily. taught Ito college critical condition, immunocompromised and have routinely available outside convention sites. and telephoning and jethealthy airline travel. Suddenly, would like someone explainbecome how and non-elected). I would share the collective students, many oftowhom primary not tested positive, and finally, individuals Trump would with love tothe speak to in multiple could constantly varyingPresident tearing down statues of Christopher opinionsDonald from these groups public. and secondary school teachers who then who have not politicians tested positive. Thesestates groups need a packed hall, but after his tepid turnout in Tulsa, and frequently meet with one another. We need Columbus, Thomas and hyper transparency in this matter. indoctrinate our Jefferson young people. tailored plansspeak on who and how we will care for them. that’s not likely. COVID-19 will apparently give It’s no coincidence that the last multi-ballot Confederate generals help the black ridiculed all thea time, except when I doubt whether the coronavirusWe need parameters tonomination protect thedetermined Politicians everyone get an excuse to discard traditional ritual convention and and rules the last cause. Destruction of symbols of we need them to make monumental decisions. So I caused financial crunch give college vulnerable. The highest at-risk residents, those in that doesn’t much serve anyone’s purpose. by a credentials challenge were both in 1952. American history might helpwill relieve ask each of you reading along — What would you do? and university administrators, nursing homesThey andwere prisons, would see tight rules stay Still, there’s something sad about breaking the also the first conventions televised to the frustrations of all those white who are a links in an unbroken chain going back nearly two crossbreed between a parrot and jellyfish, national audiences. college students and their professors centuries. Every four years, my eyes tear up as I Conventions still had some unscripted frustrated by the 2016 election of the guts and backbone to restore academic watch the workmen clear the balloons and carry moments — John Kennedy clinching the President DonaldFar Trump. respectability. too Problems often, they get much the folding chairs off the convention floor after it is Democratic nomination on the last state in that blackpolitical people face give white of their support from campus adjourned sine die. Not this year. the alphabetical roll call, Barry Goldwater leftists cover for their anti-American grievance people who are members of the proclaiming that “extremism in the defense of agenda. faculty and diversity and multicultural Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for liberty is no vice,” Mayor Richard J. Daley booing administrative offices. the Washington Examiner, resident fellow at the a speaker who decried “Gestapo tactics” in the Walter E. Williams is a professor The bestathope liesMason with boards of American Enterprise Institute and longtime costreets of Chicago. of economics George author of The Almanac of American Politics. But they lost their aura of unpredictability University. trustees, though many serve as yes-men for the university president. I think that a good start would be to find 1950s or 1960s catalogs. Look at the course offerings at a time when college graduates knew how Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to or 3101

IsFixing racismcollege responsible for today’s black corruption problems?

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kay to ask questions about when egin to get back to normal What would you do?

Goodbye, after nearly two centuries, to the national conventions



North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

NATION & WORLD Mandatory masks becoming the rule amid Europe’s virus uptick People in England can be fined as much as $127 by police if they refuse to wear a mask in shops, banks, and supermarkets By Frances D'Emilio The Associated Press ROME — New rules on wearing masks in England came into effect Friday, with people entering shops, banks and supermarkets now required to wear face coverings, while Romania reported a record for daily infections and France announced mandatory testing for arrivals from 16 countries, including the United States. People in England can be fined as much as $127 by police if they refuse. Places like restaurants, pubs, gyms and hairdressers are exempt. John Apter, the national chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said officers would be available as a last resort but added that he hopes the public “will continue to do the right thing” to protect other citizens. French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Friday that as of Aug. 1, travelers entering France from 16 countries where the viral circulation is strong must undergo compulsory tests on arrival at French airports or ports — unless they can present a negative test less than 72 hours old from their countries of departure. Those testing positive on arrival must isolate for 14 days. Health authorities say cases on the French mainland have surged 66% in the past three weeks and 26% in the last week alone. Concerns had already prompted the government to make mask-wearing mandatory in all indoor public spaces this week. In Belgium, health authorities said a three-year old girl has died after testing positive for COVID-19 as new infections surged 89% from the previous week. Belgian authorities have bolstered restrictions to slow the spread of coronavirus, including making masks mandatory in crowded outdoor public spaces. Overall, Europe has seen over


Shoppers wear face coverings to protect themselves from COVID-19 as they walk along Oxford Street in London, Friday, July 24, 2020. 201,000 deaths in the pandemic, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Experts say the true toll from the coronavirus worldwide is much higher, due to limited testing and other issues. Romania set an all-time high for daily new infections Friday and authorities blamed the surge on a failure to wear masks, including in indoor public places or on mass transit. In Italy, most new cases have occurred in northern Italy, where the outbreak in Europe began, but southern regions have lately been seeing clusters of infections. Many recent cases have been traced to people returning from abroad, most of them foreign workers. Other clusters were among migrants rescued at sea and vacationers. Last week, the mayor of the tourist-mecca island of Capri or-

dered people to wear masks in the streets. Capri’s main square, with its trendy cafes and narrow streets, had been jammed with holiday-goers, many not wearing masks. Three young Romans who returned home after a holiday tested positive, Italian media said Friday. Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza on Friday ordered everyone entering Italy who had been in either Romania or Bulgaria during the last 14 days to self-quarantine. A few weeks ago, a cluster of cases was traced to an apartment complex in a town near Naples housing Bulgarian farm workers. In Italy, masks must be worn in shops, banks, on public transport and outdoors where it’s impossible to keep a safe distance apart. Amid fears in Spain that poor living conditions for seasonal agricultural workers are creating coronavirus hotspots, the Spanish farm

minister said Friday said authorities are pressing employers to provide decent accommodations and transport for the workers. The Health Ministry reported 971 new daily infections, the biggest daily increase since Spain’s lockdown ended. German authorities plan to set up testing stations at airports to encourage people arriving from high-risk countries to get tested for the coronavirus. They also will allow people arriving from other places to get tested for free within three days — though not at airports. Friday’s decision by the health ministers of Germany’s 16 states came amid mounting concern that holidaymakers could bring the virus back with them. There also is worry that not everyone returning from a long list of countries designated as high-risk is going into

self-quarantine for 14 days as they are supposed to — unless they test negative. Berlin’s state health minister, Dilek Kalayci, said that “in the end we want to call on all people returning to Germany to get tested.” Russia, which had halted all international flights and shut down its borders in late March to stem the outbreak, is resuming international flights starting on Aug. 1 with just three countries — Britain, Turkey and Tanzania — while the government works to expand the list. And as scientists around the world search for a vaccine to halt the pandemic, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has dismissed activists seeking to oppose vaccinations as “nuts.” Britain has Europe’s worst recorded pandemic toll at over 45,600 deaths.

At Nixon library, Pompeo declares China engagement a failure By Matthew Lee The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Trump administration took a hammer to one of the most significant Republican foreign policy achievements in the past five decades, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declaring U.S. engagement with China a dismal failure. Pompeo traveled to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California, to pointedly lament that the former president’s good and noble intentions in opening China to the world had come to naught and must be abandoned. Nearly 50 years after Nixon’s historic 1972 trip to China, Pompeo used the symbolism of the venue to accuse the Chinese of taking advantage of that opportunity to lie, cheat and steal their way to power and prosperity. Pompeo called for the free world to “induce” change in China, making an overt appeal for a new coalition of democratic nations to force the Chinese Communist Party to change direction or face isolation. Pompeo said western engagement with China could not continue as it has. “The free world must triumph over this new tyranny,” he said in speech to an invited audience that included exiled Chinese dissidents. “The old paradigm of blind engagement with China simply won’t get it done. We must not continue it. We must not return to it.” Pompeo’s speech was the latest in series of Trump administration broadsides against China that

have become an almost daily occurrence with Cabinet-level officials from Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Attorney General Bill Barr launching harsh criticisms of Beijing. The three men have each delivered public addresses attacking China in recent weeks, as has FBI director Christopher Wray. Trump, who in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, was playing up his “friendship” and positive relationship with Xi in an apparent effort to preserve trade negotiations with the Chinese, now seems to have signed off on an all-out assault on China. In his speech Pompeo called on nations to induce change in the Chinese Communist Party’s behavior “because Beijing’s actions threaten our people and our prosperity.” China has roundly rejected the administration’s accusations and taken particular aim at Pompeo, who it has accused of fomenting anti-Chinese sentiment around the world. China maintains that it is only seeking to develop its economy and society for the benefit of its own people and the world. Pompeo heaped scorn on China’s position, calling it a clear threat to the world. “If the free world doesn’t change Communist China, Communist China will surely change us. There can be no return to past practices because they’re comfortable, or because they’re convenient.” “The kind of engagement we have been pursuing has not brought the kind of change in China that President Nixon hoped to induce,” Pompeo said. “The truth is that our policies – and those of


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, Thursday, July 23, 2020, in Yorba Linda, Calif. other free nations – resurrected China’s failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that fed it.” Pompeo suggested the creation of a bloc, what he termed “a new grouping of like-minded nations – a new alliance of democracies,” to oppose China, although he was not specific about which countries should join. China, meanwhile, has embarked on its own effort to build alliances with infrastructure and financial assistance packages to developing nations. It has established a bloc of nations that vote with it at various United Nations and other international institutions, some of which the Trump

administration has withdrawn from. The State Department has been curtailing visas for Chinese and Communist Party officials involved in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong, and limiting the number of Chinese students and journalists allowed to come to the United States. In addition, the Commerce and Treasury departments have both announced new sanctions against China. They have warned private U.S. and foreign firms of potential penalties and reputational risk if they start or continue business with Chinese entities implicated by the U.S. in human rights abuses or clamping down on freedoms in Hong Kong.

“The free world must triumph over this new tyranny. The old paradigm of blind engagement with China simply won’t get it done. We must not continue it. We must not return to it.” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo



ACC eyeing 10+1 schedule, B4


Jordan Staal and the Hurricanes will need to slow Mika Zibanejad and the Rangers’ attack to advance to the NHL’s 16-team Stanley Cup Playoffs bracket.

In the bubble, Hurricanes resume quest for Stanley Cup


Maurice Petty, Hall of Fame engine builder, dies at 81 Kansas City, Kan. Maurice Petty, part of a stock car racing dynasty that includes father Lee and brother Richard and the first engine builder to be inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame, died Saturday. He was 81. Petty’s family did not disclose the cause of death. No funeral arrangements have been announced. While other family members were acclaimed for their ability behind the wheel, Maurice Petty earned the nickname “The Chief” for his ability to turn a wrench. Born in Level Cross, he helped his family win 198 races and seven championships in NASCAR’s premier series, and he also built engines that carried Hall of Famer Buddy Baker, Jim Paschal and Pete Hamilton to victory.


Positive COVID-19 tests derail baseball’s opening week Philadelphia The Yankees-Phillies game was postponed Tuesday for the second straight day as Major League Baseball deals with its first coronavirus outbreak since restarting its season last Thursday. The Phillies were waiting for complete results from their COVID-19 tests following an outbreak among the Miami Marlins, who played a weekend series in Philadelphia. The Yankees are scheduled to host the Phillies on Wednesday and Thursday. Seventeen Marlins players and staff members so far have tested positive for COVID-19 in an outbreak that stranded the team in Philadelphia on Sunday, disrupting MLB’s schedule in the early days of the pandemic-delayed season. Miami’s home opener against Baltimore was postponed, as was Tuesday’s finale of the two‑game series at Marlins Park. Unlike other professional sports leagues, MLB is having teams play in their home stadiums.


Matt Rhule’s first offseason as Panthers head coach has been anything but normal, but he finally gets to work directly with his players now that the team’s training camp started Tuesday.

Uncertainty swirls as Panthers open training camp The team has a new look — and a lot of work to make up By Shawn Krest North State Journal AS THE CAROLINA Panthers prepare to open training camp for the 2020 season, the same names are in the headlines yet again. The NFL offseason featured plenty of talk about Ron Rivera and Cam Newton. Of course, Rivera is now making news up in our nation’s capital, where he is helping to advise ownership on a new name for the Washington-based team. Meanwhile, Newton is even farther north, attempting to make New England Patriot fans forget about Tom Brady … or at least add to the impressive collection of Lombardi Trophies that Brady won up there. The Panthers promise to have a new look to the roster and new outlook this season. The last remaining core members of the 2015 Super Bowl team are gone. In addition to Rivera and Newton, the team said goodbye to tight end Greg Olsen, who left for Seattle, and linebacker Luke Kuechly, who chose to retire. New coach Matt Rhule takes over, arriving from Baylor and eager to put his stamp on the team. He set about rebuilding the defense, using every single one of the Panthers’ draft picks on defensive

5 Number of players from the Super Bowl 50 team still on the Panthers’ roster: Shaq Thompson, Kawann Short, Graham Gano, J.J. Jansen and Tre Boston (who left the team and returned).

players in an unprecedented approach to personnel. Another import from the college ranks, former LSU offensive coordinator Joe Brady (no relation to Tom), is designing the team’s postCam offense. In hindsight, the wholesale roster turnover couldn’t have been worse timed. With a large group of newcomers and virtually no veteran leaders remaining — as well as a coaching staff inexperienced with the NFL and eager to begin rebuilding the team’s culture — the Panthers have had to hold most of their offseason meetings and workouts remotely due to the coronavirus. According to reports, Rhule has met less than two dozen of his players, the assistants even fewer. See PANTHERS, page B3

Carolina starts its five‑game play-in series against the New York Rangers on Saturday By Cory Lavalette North State Journal ONE DAY SHY OF 20 weeks since the NHL put its season on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Carolina Hurricanes will hit the ice Wednesday against another team. Sure, it will just be an exhibition against the Washington Capitals, but it’s the first chance to play for real — kind of. “Yes, we’re playing hard against each other, but it’s a huge difference when you get hit,” Hurricanes right wing Justin Williams said Monday of the exhibition. “So I’m gonna throw a few hits that probably aren’t gonna hurt anybody, but I’m going to take some hits as well.” It will be the lone tune-up before the start of Carolina’s fivegame play-in series with the New York Rangers on Saturday. It will also be a chance for both teams to try and find some normalcy after entering the Toronto bubble where they will spend as much time as their success allows. “Once you actually get to the rink, the one place that actually feels normal is when you lace your skates up,” Hurricanes coach Rod Brind’Amour said in his first Zoom press conference from Toronto. “That’s the one place that it feels normal. So yeah, you gotta deal with all of this. Everybody’s dealing with it. There’s absolutely no one that’s not. So I think players are all refreshed when they actually get out on the ice and go play.” The league did try to add some touches of home, putting family photos in the players’ bubble rooms as a way to ease the transition when in between games. “I talked to my wife, and I guess they reached out to your family to send a picture. … It’s nice just to have that little touch of home,” said alternate captain

Hurricanes vs. Rangers Game 1: Saturday, noon Game 2: Monday, noon Game 3: Tuesday, 8 p.m. Game 4: Aug. 6, 1 p.m.* Game 5: Aug. 8, 1 p.m.* * if necessary

Jordan Martinook, who last week admitted talking about leaving his wife and young son back in western Canada to come back and play had him “a little choked up.” The mental aspect of this unique conclusion to the NHL season could prove as important to the 24 teams invited to the league’s return-to-play bubbles in Toronto and Edmonton as how well they’ve prepared for this new-look postseason. “Obviously, we miss our families, we miss a lot of things, but it is unprecedented times,” Martinook said. “It’s kind of a cool circumstance that you get — your team is your family for the foreseeable future. And, obviously, we’re a family throughout the year, but you’re definitely going to be a lot tighter after this.” Just how tight will depend on the results, and it starts against the Rangers. Here’s how the teams match up. Forwards The Rangers have a Hart Trophy finalist in winger Artemi Panarin and a consistent thorn in Carolina’s side in center Mika Zibanejad. Chris Kreider — armed with a new contract signed on trade deadline day worth $45.5 million over seven years — is capable of taking over a game with his size and speed. That’s enough to give any team — especially the Hurricanes, 0-4 against the See HURRICANES, page B4

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020






From Wayne to Yancey North State Journal’s 100 in 100 series, led by Brett Friedlander, will showcase the best athlete from each of North Carolina’s 100 counties. From Alamance to Yancey, each county will feature one athlete who stands above the rest. Some will be obvious choices, others controversial, but all of our choices are worthy of being recognized for their accomplishments — from basketball courts and pool halls to boxing rings and in front of the Olympics rings. The series’ final five profiles come from Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin and Yancey counties.

Wayne County

JIMMY GRAHAM AS A BASKETBALL PLAYER AT Miami, Jimmy Graham was best known for his defense, rebounding and physical play as a 6-foot-8, 256-pound power forward. He was also known for having a penchant for committing fouls. It’s a trait that caught the eye of university president Donna Shalala, who after watching Graham play a few times suggested that he try out for the Hurricanes football team. Graham hadn’t played football since ninth grade back home at Charis Prep Jimmy Academy in Goldsboro Graham when his adopted mother forced him to give up the game to spend more time on his academics. But with the aid of former Miami quarterback Bernie Kosar, who helped him prepare for his return to the gridiron after his basketball eligibility had expired, he decided to give football another try. “At least now, I can’t foul out,” he said at the time, only half-jokingly. As it turned out, Graham’s size, aggressiveness and 40-inch vertical leap made him a natural as a tight end. Although he caught only 17 passes during his one college season, five of them went for touchdowns. The New Orleans Saints saw enough from him that they selected him in the third round of the 2010 NFL Draft. He caught 99 passes for 1,310 yards and 11 touchdowns in his second pro season, becoming the first tight end in Saints history to post a 1,000-yard season and earning the first of his five Pro Bowl selections. He led the NFL in touchdown receptions in 2013 before moving on to the Seattle Seahawks, where he became the team’s all-time leader in catches, receiving yards and touchdowns among tight ends. Graham has also played for the Green Bay Packers and is now a member of the Chicago Bears. In 10 seasons, he has amassed 649 receptions for 7.883 yards and 74 scores. As impressive as those numbers are at face value, they’re even more amazing considering the obstacles Graham had to overcome — above and beyond his lack of football training. At the age of 9, he was left by his mother at a group home, where he was subject to physical abuse on an almost daily basis. It wasn’t until he was taken in by a woman named Becky Vinson that he finally found some stability and began the journey that will likely lead to Canton, Ohio, and the NFL Hall of Fame. Wilkes County

JUNIOR JOHNSON IF FATE AND FOOLISHNESS hadn’t stepped in, Robert Glenn Johnson Jr. might have gained fame and fortune as a baseball pitcher. But a broken arm, suffered while horsing around on a tractor he flipped over, ended that dream when he was 14. So instead of playing baseball for a


Ronda’s Junior Johnson went from moonshine runner to stock car racing legend, winning races as both a driver and owner.

living, Johnson went into his family’s two businesses — farming and moonshine. He was especially talented behind the wheel of a high-performance car, which he used to outrun the authorities at high speed while delivering illegal alcohol to customers throughout the mountains of Western North Carolina. Legend has it that Johnson was never caught on the road. He was, however, arrested and convicted of bootlegging following a stakeout of his family’s still in 1956. He had already begun transitioning his driving skills to the track by then, having won five NASCAR races in 1955 before spending a year in jail in Ohio. He returned to competition following his release, earning a reputation as one of the fiercest competitors on the Grand National circuit. His fearless style helped him win 50 races with 148 top-10 finishes and 48 pole positions. “I was crazy, I think,” Johnson said in 2015. “I’ve never been scared in a race car, any other kind of car, because I thought I was a good enough driver to handle it. And I was.” Johnson’s most significant victory came in 1960 at the Daytona 500. Not only was it his first superspeedway win but the native of Ronda also discovered and later perfected the technique of drafting that is still used to this day. In 1966, while still at the top of his game at the age of just 35, Johnson retired from competition, saying that he’d accomplished “about everything I’d hoped for.” While he never won a series championship as a driver, he earned six as a car owner with Cale Yarborough and Darrell Waltrip behind the wheel. He also had success with drivers Terry Labonte, Geoff Bodine and Bill Elliott. Johnson’s list of superlatives is a lengthy one. He was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in 1991 and the NASCAR Hall of Fame as a charter member in 2010. He was selected as one of NASCAR’s 50 Greatest Drivers and a stretch of U.S. Highway 421 in Wilkes County is named in his honor. But perhaps his greatest tribute came from Hollywood in 1973 when Jeff Bridges played a character based on Johnson’s life in the film “The Last American Hero.” Wilson County

JULIUS PEPPERS FIRST THINGS FIRST: JULIUS Peppers grew up in Bailey and was a twosport standout at Southern Nash High School. But he was born in Wilson, so in the interest of honoring the best athletes produced by the state of North Carolina, the future NFL Hall of Famer has been chosen as our representative from Wilson County. What’s amazing about Peppers and the success he achieved at North Carolina and in the NFL is that he’d never played football before high school. He was a standout basketball player and track athlete when Southern Nash coach Ray Davis spotted him practicing the triple jump as a freshman and convinced him to go out for the team. At 6-foot-7, 250 pounds, Peppers proved to be a man among boys. As a running back, he rushed for 3,501 yards and 46 touchdowns while dominating just as much on the other side of the line of scrimmage as a defensive end. As a senior, he earned Parade All-American honors as an allpurpose talent. In basketball, Peppers was a fourtime all-conference performer as a power forward who amassed 1,661 points and 960 rebounds in his career. On the track, he led Southern Nash to the 3A state championship by running a leg on the 4-x400 relay team and placing second in the triple jump while also participating in the high jump. His versatility led to his winning the NCHSAA’s Male Athlete of the Year award in 2005. But that was only the beginning. At UNC, Peppers led the nation with 15 sacks as a sophomore and was


Wilson-born Julius Peppers was the second overall pick by the Panthers in the 2002 NFL Draft and had 159.5 sacks in his 17-season career. acknowledged as the best defensive player in college football by winning the Bednarik and Lombardi awards while earning consensus first-team All-American status. He finished his career ranked second in school history with 30.5 sacks to go along with five interceptions, five forced fumbles and three defensive touchdowns. He also played two seasons for the Tar Heels in basketball, contributing to a Final Four team in 2001 before being taken by the Carolina Panthers as the second overall pick in the 2002 NFL Draft. Just as he had at every previous level, Peppers dominated the pro ranks with his combination of size, speed and smarts. In 17 seasons with the Panthers, Bears and Packers, he earned nine Pro Bowl selections and three first-team All-Pro selections. In addition to being the 2012 Defensive Rookie of the Year and helping the Panthers to the Super Bowl the following season, he was named to the NFL’s All-Decade Team in both the 2000s and 2010s. Peppers finished his career with 159.5 sacks, the fourth-most in league history, to go along with 715 tackles, 51 forced fumbles, 11 interceptions and six defensive touchdowns. He currently serves as a special assistant for the Panthers. Yadkin County

DICKIE HEMRIC THE DISCUSSION ABOUT THE greatest basketball players in ACC history usually includes the likes of David Thompson, Michael Jordan, Christian Laettner, Tim Duncan, Ralph Sampson and Len Bias. Rarely is Dickie Hemric’s name included. And that’s a shame since an argument can be made that no one dominated the conference during his era more than the Wake Forest forward who was Dickie the ACC’s first legitimate Hemric superstar. Consider that 64 years after playing his final college game, Hemric’s conference record of 1,802 career rebounds still stands, as does his NCAA Division I record of 1,359 freethrow attempts. His 2,587 career points were the most by an ACC player until it was broken by Duke’s J.J. Redick in 2006. Though small for a dominant low post presence by today’s standards at 6-foot-6, 225 pounds, Hemric was nearly unstoppable around the basket thanks to a combination of strength and tenacity that was the product of his rural upbringing during the Great Depression. “He was as strong as a bull, knew how to get position better than anyone around, knew how to anticipate rebounds and

was completely unselfish,” former Deacon teammate Jack Murdock said of Hemric in a 2006 interview with the newspaper in Hemric’s adopted hometown of Canton, Ohio. “He was unique. For him to do what he did at 6-6 was remarkable.” Hemric was a first-team all-conference selection in all four of his college seasons, earning Southern Conference Player of the Year honors in 1953 and the ACC’s Player of the Year award in each of the league’s first two seasons of existence. He was also named the second winner of the ACC’s Athlete of the Year award following his senior year of 1955 and was Wake Forest’s first All-American. In 2003, on the ACC’s 50th anniversary, Hemric was selected along with Thompson, Jordan, Laettner, Duncan and the others as one of the conference’s 50 Greatest Players. Following college, he was drafted 10th overall by the Boston Celtics. Although he had a hard time cracking the lineup of the NBA’s most dominant team and played only two professional seasons, Hemric did earn a championship ring in 1957 before retiring to take a job with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Yancey County

SUSIE HOPSON SHELTON WHEN SUSIE HOPSON WAS diagnosed with diabetes, her doctor told her mother that the best thing she could do for her daughter — who was in the second grade at the time — was to make sure she got as much exercise as possible. So she signed young Susie up for basketball. It turned out to be a lifechanging decision in more ways than one. Not only did it help the youngster control her diabetes, but it also sparked a passion for the sport that continues to burn just as strong to this day. Hopson grew to be Susie Hopson 6-foot-2, a stature that Shelton combined with the work and effort she put into developing her skills helped her become one of the best girls basketball players in NCHSAA history. In 2013, she was named one of the state organization’s “100 Female Athletes to Remember.” Following her record-setting career at Mountain Heritage High School, she chose to play at nearby Mars Hill University because her “comfort level wasn’t there” with the bigger schools that were recruiting her. There, she set a school record by scoring 1,984 points during a career that saw her win South Atlantic Conference Freshman of the Year honors in 1993 while earning allconference recognition four times. She was the league’s Player of the Year and a Division II All-American in 1996 on the way to leading the Lions to a conference championship and an NCAA Tournament berth. Her 19.1 points-per-game scoring average was the best in SAC history at the time of her graduation and her 21.6 average in 1996 is still the standard at Mars Hill, numbers that earned her induction into both the conference and school halls of fame. After graduating, getting married and going into coaching, Hopson Shelton made a brief comeback with the WNBA’s Charlotte Sting during the league’s first season in 1996. But it only took one season for her to realize she was better suited for coaching than playing. “Everybody thinks I’m a big woman, but when you get there I’m just average size,” she told Mars Hill Magazine in 2018. “The athleticism and speed of those women is phenomenal.” In keeping with her small-town roots, Hopson Shelton has come full circle by returning to coach the girls basketball team at her alma mater Mountain Heritage, where she has won 92 percent of her games — including an undefeated season on the way to the 2A state championship in 2019.

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020 WEDNESDAY



Zion Williamson: Lawyers for the Pelicans rookie asked a federal judge last Friday to disregard an affidavit alleging a $400,000 payment was made to the former Duke star’s family before his lone college season. The new filing asserts that the claims made in the sworn affidavit were false and that evidence meant to support those claims were fraudulent. The affidavit was provided to the court in Winston‑Salem by lawyers for ex‑Williamson marketing agent Gina Ford, who is seeking $100 million in damages from the basketball star for breach of contract. John Chayka: The Coyotes general manager split with the team Sunday, bringing an end to a conflict in which Chayka asked for permission to pursue another position despite having signed a contract extension in the fall. “Chayka has chosen to quit on a strong and competitive team, a dedicated staff, and the Arizona Coyotes fans, the greatest fans in the NHL,” the team said in a terse statement. Chayka countered, saying he wished to join the Coyotes in the Edmonton playoff bubble, however, “Sadly, the situation created by ownership made that an impossibility.” Shohei Ohtani: The Angels’ two-way player didn’t record an out in his long-awaited return to the mound for Los Angeles, allowing the first six A’s batters to reach base before his day was done in a 6-4 loss to the Athletics on Sunday. The 2018 AL Rookie of the Year Ohtani made his first appearance on the mound since Sept. 2, 2018, after not pitching last season following Tommy John surgery.

PANTHERS from page B1 The preseason also promises to have hurdles and setbacks as sports continue to look for ways to operate at some level of normalcy during these abnormal times. As Major League Baseball’s struggles with positive tests and canceled games demonstrate, an outbreak is just a mistake or fluke and some bad luck away. Here’s a look at the questions swirling around the team as camp opens. Can they pull it off? Before getting too deep into the Panthers’ outlook, the key question to consider is whether this season will even get off the ground. After what appeared to be a successful start to the season, baseball ran into problems that threatened to end it four days in. Basketball and hockey still appear to be on schedule to restart. Of course, they haven’t played any games that mattered since mid-March. Football has challenges far tougher than those other sports, with extensive contact in close quarters as a key component of every play. Even holding practices promises to be a logistical challenge, let alone games, and don’t even begin talking about how many fans to allow in.


beyond the box score POTENT QUOTABLES


The NHL’s 32nd franchise unveiled its team nickname and logo, and the Seattle Kraken got a step closer to starting play in the 2021-22 season. The Kraken, managed by former Hurricanes great and general manager Ron Francis, feature a logo that is a stylized sea blue S with a tentacle of the mythical sea creature in the darker blue negative space, along with a menacing a red eye.


“Hopefully everything goes well, but I don’t see how.” Falcons running back Todd Gurley on the NFL playing during the coronavirus pandemic. ELAINE THOMPSON | AP PHOTO




“We can win every single week.” Joe Gibbs Racing driver Denny Hamlin, who got his Cup Series-leading fifth win last Thursday at Kansas. PRIME NUMBER

$1.5M The amount of money Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving is committing to supplement the income of WNBA players who choose not to play this season, whether it be because of coronavirus concerns or social justice reasons. The funds will come from the KAI Empowerment Initiative that Irving launched Monday. It will also provide players with a financial literacy program created by UBS.



John Blake, the former Oklahoma football player and coach who was a key figure in improper benefits allegations against UNC during Butch Davis’ coaching tenure, died Thursday. He was 59. Blake’s close friendship with late NFL agent Gary Wichard was the focus of the NCAA’s 2010 probe, leading to Davis’ dismissal.

The Toronto Blue Jays will play their home games in Buffalo starting Aug. 11. The team said in a statement Sunday there needs to be infrastructure modifications at Sahlen Field, home of the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons. Canada would not allow MLB teams to travel in and out of the country, leading to the move.



Former Wake Forest assistant basketball coach Jamill Jones was sentenced Thursday to three years of probation, community service and a $1,000 fine for fatally punching a man in New York City who pounded on his car’s window. Jones, 37, was convicted in February of misdemeanor assault for the punch that killed 35-year-old Sandor Szabo, a graduate of Raleigh’s Millbrook High School, in August 2018.

Can Rhule make up for lost time? It’s safe to say this isn’t the first impression Rhule hoped to make on the team. Regardless of how smoothly the Zoom meetings may have gone, it’s not the same as in-person, face-to-face interaction on the practice field and in the locker room, meeting rooms and offices. “College guys” always come with some level of skepticism at the pro level. Rhule and Brady are going to attempt to show they belong about four months later than most other coaches who have tried to make the jump. Is Teddy Bridgewater up for the job? The former Vikings starter and most recently a Saints backup is now the man tasked with replacing Newton. He’s surrounded by plenty of playmakers. Running back Christian McCaffrey is one of the league’s most exciting young players, and Bridgewater will be able to target up-and-coming receivers D.J. Moore and Curtis Samuel. The team also added veteran Robby Anderson to the receiving corps. Of course, a lack of playmakers was never Newton’s problem. It was a lack of protection. The line added Russell Okung but lost Trai Turner.


Running back Christian McCaffrey became the face of the Panthers offense last season and should remain the team’s top weapon under new coach Matt Rhule and offensive coordinator Joe Brady. Going from Newton to Bridgewater also costs the team a great deal of elusiveness at the position, which will make protection even more of a priority — and a challenge. Is the defense fixed? Or at least better? If improvement is measured in new faces, this might be the most improved defense in NFL history. The interior line should be better, with first-round pick Derrick

Brown at one tackle spot and veteran Kawann Short, who missed 14 games to injury last year, returning. The team used its second-round pick on defensive end Yetur Gross-Matos, who will need to fill Buffalo-bound Mario Addison’s shoes. The team also added four defensive backs as it attempts to rebuild the secondary, which never really advanced past the work-in-progress stage in the four post-Super Bowl seasons.

Outlook Change always brings pessimism, especially when the change causes the departure of as many long-term franchise cornerstones as this offseason saw. It also brings uncertainty, however. If enough of the questions have positive answers, the ceiling could be high on this team. Or, things could be every bit as bad as fans thought while crying in their drinks during the offseason purge.

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Decisions on ACC football schedule, Notre Dame loom Conference leaders will meet Wednesday, and a rumored “10‑plus-1” format could be the route chosen by the league

“If they’re willing to share their money, sure.”

By Brett Friedlander North State Journal COACH MIKE HOUSTON and his East Carolina football team are scheduled to officially begin their preseason camp on Friday. Three days later, Dave Doeren and his NC State Wolfpack plan to hit the practice field for the first time, and everyone else around the state is set to be up and running by the middle of next week. The NCAA, meanwhile, issued a blanket waiver on Tuesday that allows all FBS schools to move their opening games up a week to Aug. 29 to give them more scheduling flexibility. All signs, it appears, are that college football is still aiming for an on-time — or earlier — start to its 2020 season. But then, as Major League Baseball is finding out thanks to a COVID-19 outbreak within the clubhouse of the Miami Marlins, plans can change rapidly because of the ongoing pandemic. Because of that uncertainty, the ACC has put off deciding how and when it will conduct its football season for as long as possible. The time for patience, however, is close to running out. Commissioner John Swofford is scheduled to meet with the conference’s 15 university presidents on Wednesday to discuss scheduling scenarios for the upcoming season. Although several plans will be on the table, including a radical pod system featuring home-and-home games against conference-only competition, published reports over the past week indicate that the favored model is one that includes 10 league games in addition to a “plus one’ nonconference opponent. The current divisional structure would be abandoned under such a plan. Teams with the best two conference records would then advance to the ACC Championship Game. Another positive aspect of the 10plus-1 format is that it would allow ACC members Clemson, Georgia Tech, Florida State and Louisville to continue their end-of-season rivalries against their respective SEC opponents — South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Kentucky — provided the SEC also adopts a similar plan. NC State could also keep its scheduled high-profile home date against Mississippi State. The ACC is one of three Power Five conferences yet to determine its 2020 scheduling plans. The Big Ten and Pac12 have already announced that they will play conference-only schedules. Other than the trend line of the coro-

Duke coach David Cutcliffe on the possibility of Notre Dame playing for the ACC title this season

navirus, which is headed in the wrong direction in several states within the ACC’s geographic footprint, the biggest unknown surrounding any plan the conference decides on is what to do with Notre Dame. The Irish are currently scheduled to play six ACC opponents this season. Swofford, who has long been a staunch supporter of the conference’s all-but-football arrangement with Notre Dame, has repeatedly said that he wants to include college football’s most visible independent in any scheduling scenario, if possible. “With the relationship that we have with Notre Dame, and they’re already playing six games with our teams,” Swofford said in May, ‘if that was something was best for the ACC and best for Notre Dame, we would certainly have that conversation.” Not everyone in the league is quite as enthusiastic, especially when it comes to the revenue the Irish receive from its lucrative television contract with NBC. “If they’re willing to share their money, sure,” Duke coach David Cutcliffe said earlier this month. “You don’t get something for nothing.” Like it or not, though, there is a strong possibility that Notre Dame will not only be part of the ACC’s scheduling plan moving forward, but that it could potentially be eligible for the league championship and its spot in either the College Football Playoff or the Orange Bowl. No matter what the Irish’s involvement, it’s a safe bet that those schedule cards teams had printed up last spring when the games were first announced will be headed for the shredder after Wednesday’s meeting. At the very least, two extra conference games will have to be added for each team. But because of travel concerns and other logistics, it’s more likely that the entire league schedule will be tossed aside and redrawn once a final plan is adopted. At this point only a month away from the season’s kickoff, anything and everything is still on the table. The only real certainty given the unprecedented circumstances, no matter what format is ultimately chosen, is that things can and probably will keep changing right up until — or if — the first game is played.


If the ACC adopts a 10-plus-1 schedule for the 2020 football season, long‑standing cross‑conference rivalry games — like the one between Clemson and South Carolina — could still be played.

HURRICANES from page B1


Rangers during the regular season — fits. There are also some familiar faces among New York’s forward corps, with Greg McKegg, Phil Di Giuseppe and Julien Gauthier all wearing Rangers blue now. New York will be without Brendan Lemieux for the first two games of the series after he was suspended two games for an illegal check back in March, so all three former Hurricanes could be in the lineup early in the series. Carolina may not have a 95-point player like Panarin, but the Hurricanes are deeper in the forward ranks than their opponent. While the Rangers will rely on their top two lines to score, Brind’Amour can roll out four lines with scoring touch, particularly if Warren Foegele can replicate the performance he had in his first postseason a year ago. Edge: Carolina

Even with Dougie Hamilton’s status up in the air and Brett Pesce not ready following March shoulder surgery, Carolina’s defense is something to behold. Jaccob Slavin remains arguably the top defensive defensemen in the game, and Panarin should expect to see a steady dose of him all series. Deadline acquisition Sami Vatanen is finally healthy and gives the Hurricanes another topfour blueliner. And then there’s Brady Skjei, traded to Carolina from the Rangers at the deadline and ready to prove his old team wrong. “I’ve got a ton of motivation with a chip on my shoulder going into this playoff series,” Skjei said back on July 16. He might also have some pointers for his new teammates. “I don’t wanna give away too much, but we’ve talked to Brady a little bit,” Brind’Amour said back


Brandon Ingram (14) and Zion Williamson (1) are two of the five former Duke Blue Devils playing for the New Orleans Pelicans as the NBA readies for its return to finish the season.

NBA ready to resume More than half of the 33 players with ties to North Carolina went to Duke By Brett Friedlander North State Journal IT’S BEEN FOUR months since Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz tested positive for COVID-19, setting off a chain of events that brought sports across the world to a screeching halt. On Thursday, the NBA will finally resume its 2019-20 season with 22 teams competing in what will amount to a month-long tournament that will determine the league’s champion. The games will be played in the quarantined bubble of Disney World’s Wide World of Sports and other venues around Orlando, Florida. If you’re a basketball fan in general and a Duke fan in particular, the return of the NBA will be a sight for your sore eyes. Of course, if you’re not particularly fond of the Blue Devils and their massive alumni association around the league, you might be better suited

looking the other way. That’s because of the 33 players with ties to North Carolina colleges listed on the NBA’s restart rosters, 18 of them played at least one season in a Duke uniform under coach Mike Krzyzewski. That compared to eight from North Carolina and one each from NC State, Wake Forest, UNC Wilmington and Campbell. Eleven of the teams, exactly half, still in action feature at least one former Blue Devil. All but one of them play in the Western Conference, led by the New Orleans Pelicans with five. It’s a group put together by former Dukie Trajan Langdon and includes J.J. Redick, Jahlil Okafor, Brandon Ingram, Frank Jackson and Zion Williamson. Williamson, as he usually is, has been the center of attention lately, forced to leave the NBA’s bubble to tend to what has been described as an urgent family matter. The No. 1 overall pick in last year’s draft is averaging 23.6 points and 6.8 rebounds in 19 games this season for the Pelicans.

North Carolina well‑represented in NBA bubble Here is the full list of in-state players on restart rosters: Boston Celtics: Jayson Tatum (Duke), Semi Ojeleye (Duke) Brooklyn Nets; Lance Thomas (Duke), Kyrie Irving* (Duke) Dallas Mavericks: Seth Curry (Duke), Justin Jackson (UNC) Denver Nuggets: Mason Plumlee (Duke) Houston Rockets: Austin Rivers (Duke), Chris Clemons (Campbell) Indiana Pacers: T.J. Warren (NC State) Los Angeles Clippers: Montrezl Harrell (Tarboro/ North Edgecombe HS) Los Angeles Lakers: Danny Green (UNC), Quinn Cook (Duke), Devontae Cacok (UNCW) Memphis Grizzlies: Tyus Jones (Duke), Grayson Allen (Duke), Justise Winslow* (Duke) Miami Heat: Bam Adebayo (Pinetown/High Point Christian) Milwaukee Bucks: Marvin Williams (UNC) New Orleans Pelicans: Zion Williamson (Duke), J.J. Redick (Duke), Brandon Ingram (Duke), Jahlil Okafor (Duke), Frank Jackson (Duke) Oklahoma City Thunder: Chris Paul (Wake Forest) Phoenix Suns: Cameron Johnson (UNC); Jalen Lecque (NC State signee) Portland Trail Blazers: Gary Trent Jr. (Duke) Sacramento Kings: Harrison Barnes (UNC), Harry Giles III (Duke), Jabari Parker (Duke), Marvin Bagley III* (Duke) San Antonio Spurs: Tyler Zeller (UNC) Utah Jazz: Tony Bradley (UNC), Ed Davis (UNC) Washington Wizards: Jerome Robinson (Raleigh/ Broughton HS) * not playing

“I’ve got a ton of motivation with a chip on my shoulder going into this playoff series.” Hurricanes defenseman Brady Skjei on facing the Rangers, his former team

in mid-July. “So we’ll definitely use him as a resource here when we start dialing up more talking about our opponent. … We’ll definitely pick his brain.” The Rangers do have some young talent on D, led by rookie Adam Fox. Fox, who was part of the 2018 draft weekend trade that brought Hamilton to Carolina from Cal-

gary, strong-armed his way into a trade to New York and has been better than the Blueshirts could have even expected with 43 points in his rookie year. Tony DeAngelo and Jacob Trouba are also young, new-age defensemen that can move the puck. But there’s a dropoff from there. Marc Staal is on the wrong side of 30, Brendan Smith remains underwhelming and Ryan Lindgren has just 65 games of NHL experience under his belt. There’s not a lot of help there to make up the 20 minutes per game Skjei was playing when he was in New York. Edge: Carolina Goaltending The one place where the Rangers hold an edge is in net. Veteran Henrik Lundqvist and rookie Igor Shesterkin each won their starts against Carolina this season, and Alexander Georgiev is just as capable of getting the job done. The

“Fortunately for us, he’s back here,” Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry told on Monday. “He’ll be out of quarantine (on Tuesday). We’ll go from there. We’re just happy to have him back. It’s a real private thing with his family, which is first and foremost on our mind. To make sure everything was fine there.” Besides the Pelicans, the largest concentration of former Duke stars belongs to the Memphis Grizzlies and Sacramento Kings with three each — although one on each team is injured and won’t play. Memphis has Tyus Jones, Grayson Allen and Justise Winslow, who is currently sidelined. Sacramento has Harry Giles III, Jabari Parker and the injured Marvin Bagley III. The Kings also feature a Tar Heel on their roster in Harrison Barnes. But when it comes to Old North State diversity, no one is represented by more schools than the Los Angeles Lakers with UNC’s Danny Green, Duke’s Quinn Cook and UNCW’s Devontae Cacok teaming up to try to help LeBron James win another championship ring. In addition to those players from state schools, four others with ties to North Carolina will be on the court when the NBA starts back up. They are Tarboro native Montrezl Harrell of the Los Angeles Clippers, who played his college ball at Louisville; the Miami Heat’s Bam Adebayo of Pinetown, who attended Kentucky; Jerome Robinson of the Washington Wizards, a Raleigh native who starred at Boston College; and the Phoenix Suns’ Jalen Lecque, who signed to play at NC State but turned pro before playing a game for the Wolfpack. All 22 teams in the Orlando bubble will play an eight-game schedule to finish the 2019-20 regular season. If the eighth seed has a four-game lead in the standings, it will advance directly to the playoffs to face the No. 1 overall seed. If the ninth-place team is within 3½ games, a play-in game will be held between the eighth- and ninth-place teams. Once the playoffs begin, all series will be seven games, with single days of rest between each game.

question will be who coach David Quinn goes with to start the series, though there are multiple options if his first choice falters. The Hurricanes also have a decision to make in goal. Can Petr Mrazek — who was fueled by the Carolina fans during last season’s playoff run — be effective in an empty arena? Or could James Reimer provide a calming influence during the series and beyond? Edge: New York Overview The Rangers survived Carolina’s onslaught again and again in the regular season (the Hurricanes outshot New York a combined 161-104 in the four games), but it will be even harder in a fivegame series. While a goalie — particularly a New York one — could steal the series, the Hurricanes are just too deep for the still-rebuilding Rangers. Prediction: Hurricanes in 4.

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catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, Stanly economic c Coun North State Journal for Wednesday, Aprilbeing 15, 2020 one way another. In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero catastrophe millions ofor Americans needlessly thrown out of work. THIS WEEK, acc A6 canabout In order toThe putcrisis the crisis China in perspective, zero worldwide pandemics tracethe their source has caused cost thebyU.S. taxpayer at and leaststate $2.4and trillion virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied origin of theto the United States over local ig worldwidedebt pandemics can trace their source toReserve the United Statesliquidity over our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be plus trillions more in Federal backup ll pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only the curve in nov our 231-year history. At financial least four outlets. in the 20th century alone can bethe directly traced to China: 1957economic “Asian flu,” 1968 and “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and If the U.S. muted dollar were notall, thetr 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, collapse — after North State Journal for Wednesday, Julydirectly 29, 2020 traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergen ective, zero Perhaps millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. have abided “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence thatby therecom B5 Perhaps massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and c United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor to stay at home; they COVID-19 massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. COVID-19 y alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal backup liquidity to the that There is 100%Reserve agreement, outside of China, COVID-19 depreciation. they’ve donned mas There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 We need g Kong flu,” 1977 is China’s markets and financial outlets.inIfWuhan the U.S.Province dollar were not the from reserve The decisions result: a redu originated probably the completely has to pay for their aberrant ways and thr is China’s originated inChina Wuhan Province probably from the completely evidence that the Chernobyl. currency, we would not be able and to fund any of these transparency According to the unregulated unsanitary wetemergency markets. SomeChernobyl. believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not Neal out Robbins, unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came of aUn gins in China. measures withoutbiowarfare immediatelab fearrun of rampant inflation and currency Metrics and Evaluat by the communist Chinese army. and honesty to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health Neal Robbins, publisher | FrankChinese Hill, senior biowarfare lab run by the communist army.opinion editor COVID-19 depreciation. Trump administrati Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of Until China and fair trade. Totalitarian regimes never from communist our adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of take th mpletely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through peak outbreak was r their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other express regret and remorse, becausehas that not wh their foodor safety and sincere health protocols, American business nois other scientific experts eve it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked ventilators by nearly choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do.need They advantage every w choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhereofpurely — we totake to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene August by nearly 12,t for national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find inand adversaries and keep pushing until they win or for national security safety reasons as well as supply and delivery know what they d regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame Here’s the problem reliabilityadversaries concerns. push back. reliability concerns. siness has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what know, what they questions will a The most directis, way to make China “pay”event for this disaster is tothat offer The most direct way to makeof China for this disaster is to offer That unless an exogenous happens such as the Ch ts elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage every“pay” weakness First, what is the t don’t and when to companies will sourcebelieve at leastthat half event, of theirnot the U.S. tax credits to companies whowin will at least half of their U.S. tax credits meltdown in 1986. who Some experts pply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they orsource the important because iS they hope to production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Sov adversaries push back. open or closed, w billion worth of American direct investment plantsbe and equipment know what in they worth event of American in plants and equipment in 1989. disaster is to offer That is, unless billion an exogenous happensdirect such asinvestment the Chernobyl more liberalized inby China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by soc inSome China. Chinese direct in the is about $65 billion Perhaps COVID-19 isdon’t. China’s Chernobyl. t half of their meltdown in 1986. experts believe thatinvestment event, not the StarU.S. Wars ought to lock down f comparison.Senators in Washington are already talking comparison. about the pos oximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union We’ve seen case fa An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt wethe owe them as one w ts and equipment in 1989. number of ident today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing out $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is or China’s Chernobyl. today, $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don and the denominato investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in Senators in Washington aretoalready talking about people have actually investment the U.S. would costthe thepossibility U.S. Treasury $18 billion in tax revenue breath waiting for ayears. Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but you spread over a few $18 billion in lost revenue is ask vestment in China of China forgivingtax $1.2 trillionspread in debtover we owe them as one to get number has been revenue a few years. $18way billion in lost revenue is decimal dust representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financ compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now ov n manufacturing China to “pay” fordecimal the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your death, particularl dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now thistodisaster. undertaking save our own economy, not of defeatedofenemies as in the $18 billion in breath waiting forundertaking a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected sources the to save our own economy, not of defeated enemies aspast. in the It is about time they are expected to operate assuggest responsibl st revenue is representatives topast. hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for many people are thebeen world like anystealing, other modern China has cheating, piratingnation. and pillaging American dyi Plan we are now this disaster. Even more import China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they ed enemies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of actually have corona business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret thatintend they to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and the world like any other modern nation. of identified cases co intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world replace and the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. llaging American number of people w replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. no secret that they

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r in the world and renminbi.



It’s okay to ask questions about It’s okay to ask questions about when will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe How Chi A7 begin to get back to normal sstrophe about when A7 How Chinawe The comfort will payThe for this cata 3 bigCOVID-19 questions nob we begin to get back to normal normal EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL

North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020



CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the ONE OBINSON WITH MOST STATES nd in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home around China lied about the origin of the ONE IS CERTAIN; after thisthanks COVID-19 virus cavalierofmanner in which orders to local ordissipates state governments,The a majority Americans ay or another. 3,341 related deaths hasTHING led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and catast THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE theand fed ried to tell the world there were only “THIS IS D around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this covered up its spread are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus an he crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. In o and state and local governments, Americans hav orldwide panic, economic collapse and in it” (Psalm 118:24) catastrophe one way orofanother. 3,341 related deaths has led tosim w Some oftothese orders extend at least through the end of this month. orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority Americans take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who mics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added worldw ace or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The being thrown out of work. I know that durin In orderthe to “new put the crisis causedVirginia’s by Chinaquestions in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly stay-at-home orders intoand June. arebut having to adjust tohow what is being called the go data, things can start getting ry. least four intrillion theto 20th century alone canI’m beuneasy debt plus trillions more inask Federalnormal.” Reserve backup liquidity to the about ity At of at Americans take precautions, with people who simply — after all,when trends canhas easily reverse — tax bu our 23 payer least $2.4 in added working from home worldwide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, Unitedmuted States over The crisis cost the U.S. Here in North Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong flu,”and 1977when things markets outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve questions aboutKong the data, canand startfinancial getting back to have abided by recommendations and orders. Th lnormal.” Reserve backup liquidity to the directl be glad” as the Bible our 231-year history. At least fourainrecent the 20th century alone be that “we debt plus trillions more Feder coronavirus press can briefing just don’t know yet” must ifin the Virginia’s stay-at-home orders into June. They’re treated as at though as a society simply acce he 2002 SARS outbreak. evidence thatcircles the with currency, wego would not traced be abletotoChina: fund 1957 any of theseflu,” emergency nd of this month. are is treated in some contempt. to flu,” stay home;we they’ve practiced socialthe distancin he U.S. dollar were notnormal the There reserve and dad, Easter “Russi Perhaps directly “Asian 1968 “Hong Kong 1977 markets and financial outlets. If state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. Since when did WALTER E. WILLIAMS in North Democratic Gov.flu” Roy Cooper stated during question whatthey’ve thethat government tells us about when safe to They’re treated as though we as aCarolina, society simply must accept without nish also had its origins inHere China. measures without immediate fear rampant inflation and currency donned masks. fundflu” anypandemic of these emergency have tonot beit’s thankful massiv “Russian and theof2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence the currency, we would be able t Perhaps If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the COVID-19 PHOTO BY NCDOT We need WALTER E. WILLIAMS recent coronavirus presswhen briefing thatto“we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. questioning oper stated during question what theagovernment tells usdepreciation. about it’s massive safe begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitaliza Lenten and outside of and China, that COVID-19 rgreement, of rampant inflation currency pandemic. The 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fea justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we COVID-19 is China’s t know yet” ifprobably the Since process ofdid returning back to normalcy. state’s stay-at-home orders will into No. government for us, andof weWashington have the to Accordingworks to theseasons University Instit Road closure signs are pictured in this 2019 file photo in Pitt County. For me, myright faith an Province from the completely China has extend to pay for their aberrant ways outside andmust decisions through government when There isMay. 100% agreement, oftransparency China, thatThe depreciation. origin do this out ofCOVID-19 an abundance Easter of caution.” is China’s No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place am rant ways and decisions through making. As I celebr and honesty nsanitary wetarticles markets. Some believe it came out of but a iseconomic means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked Chernobyl. originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely has pay for their aber provide a China unregu at all levels It will need to be explained in detail to the people ofto this state who graduates only able toand findfinancial low-paying work. ned in two past that student debt is questioning asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the Trump administration, the expected need for hos iplomacy has obviously not worked Corinthians 1:4, wh justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as M Chernobyl. by the Chinese army. to bring China into theancivilized world of 21st health, hygiene unregulated and unsanitary wetcentury markets. Some believe it came of at a home economic and financial means. D from our to Under an ISA agreement, he would owe agreedlem and communist that universities have encouraged are being told remain joblessout and biowar message offor an undetermined become a government gue ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000 world of 21st century health, hygiene affliction, so that we mustupon do of this out ofand an abundance of caution.” more people, at home feeling isolated and/or anxi biowarfare lab run by theregimes communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the pts verifiablebehavior. policing With and regulation fair trade.—Totalitarian communist never take the blame percentage of his income the actual dollar theirrigorous own irresponsible scientific experts amount ofthe time why models sitting predicting hundreds thousands of civilized cases Unt hope that willof bad thing? thelevels more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about ventilators byproviding nearly 13,000 and the number of odc munist regimes never the blame affliction, withwill the attake all It amount will need to be in detail to the people of this stateverifiable who when they can get back to for their families, would be very low. With a traditional loan, Until China adopts rigorous policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian comm e graduates facing an uncertain financial nd health protocols, American business has no other orexplained express sincere regret and remorse, because thatreliable. is not what are their f — we need to once again enjoy of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand August by nearly 12,000. orse, because that is not what God.” That istake what he would the samejobless amount regardless his t’s particularlymanufacturing important to find solutions their foodofsafety health protocols, American business nowhat otherthe state or express sincere rem are being toldowe to remain and at home for anand undetermined answers. d redundant plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They advantage every weakness Toofknow date, I’ve gone alonghas with has asked andregret then and become a choice what they undetermined answers. Here’s the problem: Weshould still don’t know the ans sporting events, ySo, take advantage of every weakness If be you celebra Evenwhy with income-based repayment on his what’s to bereasons done? choice than tofree build redundant plants purely totalitarian governments do. Th amount of time models predicting hundreds ofcitizens thousands ofmanufacturing cases Leaders atbut thealong local and state levels asare forthcom mandated that we do,elsewhere the way I’ve also had questions about ty and safety as well as supply andincome. delivery they findbein adversaries and keep pushing until theyknow, win or the for nat thing? thousands of cases at the localloan, and state levels should as forthcoming as they what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. pushing until they win orLeaders the he would likely make interest-only payments as dical proposals, likebad completely reflect on this mess concerts, family forback. national security safety reasons as well supply andleaders delivery they find in not adversaries and keep are reliable. can as be with those answers —too. and again, vague answers, the data. State Republican have, adversaries push ss. living inand a free reliabi can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate the principal continued to mount. student loans and making them subject AMERICA’S COLLEGES are rife with God’s example don’t and when That is what reliability adversaries push back. gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is and AMERICA’S COLLEGES are rife with To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. way to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl The Purdue University is already experimenting with society were ptcy protection, would certainly work. corruption. The financial squeeze resulting kedhappens and then with details that give their statements believability. important because it determines whether certain ent such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless exogenous eT they hope toshould corruption. The financial squeeze resulting Astheir highway systems across sometimes aWe disturbing tendency among some people to treat those church services free citizens mandated that we“Back do,can but along the way I’ve also had questions about continue to do what we can toan keep our fam Well-Maintained National Highwho will source at least half of meltdown in plan. 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Warsall ISAs under its a Boiler” The program is ders who put their own money on the line from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a U.S. ta dcompanies questions about We should all continue to do what we to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — believe that event, not the Star Wars confident we will em supposed from COVID-19 offers opportunities the for anation face shortfalls, U.S. tax credits tothat companies whosimply will source at by least half of their meltdown instart 1986. Somealso experts Sponsored know what they questioning the data and asking when we can getting back way Network, finds ourdissolution in-bit data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we stil and many more Sponsored byInshould noue the United States. There is approximately $120 of Research Reagan, led directly to the of the Soviet Union Sponsored by being funded byprogram the we Purdue Foundation, diligence before lending to of remediation. Let’s first examine what living inLet’s a18-yearfree ourselves, and ourthe communities safe. But also still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spre produc Sponsored by should the dissolution of the Soviet Union thisled same spiri bit of remediation. first examine what “As our connection to production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, directly terstates saw the third-highest instatewide efforts to invest to do, last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who don’t. Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stn part of the university’s endowment. It’s a small ers. And the fear of students filing for might be the root of academic corruption, merican direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. afterdown ourinown t asked, there to of ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping mightisbe the root academic corruption, billion society were crease inworth vehicle traveled billion of miles American direct investment in plants and equipment 1989. and rebuild take hold the global economy otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. program now but is already showing positive results. y would ensure that loans are small and suggested by the title of a recent study, checked. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expir suggested title of aisrecent study, direct investment inthe the U.S. about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. e to treat those by measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date.2018 We’ve seen rates — Concord, the number of temporary Chernobyl. In hig inaChi between 2000 and andinvestment that China. Chinese direct in Grievance thewhen U.S. isStudies about $65 billion by case fatality Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Since did questioning government at all it levels become aisbad Purdue’s website explains aand few ofinthe benefits of can “Academic and the increases, North “Academic Grievance and simply theAmericans, questioning data when we start getting back This is all new to Americans, and is not normal. Not in a North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 neady starttalking getting backsupposed ThisStudies is all new to and it the is not normal. Not in any way, Senators in asking Washington are already talking about the possibility the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but NC has the 18th-highest share (3 about the possibility money to buy a 3-D sacrifices are society compa comparison. Senators inwere Washington are alb thing?of That is what free citizens living in a free supposed ISAs: as though they are conspiracy h are a solution iswho politically unpopular. Corruption Scholarship.” The study was Corruption of do, Scholarship.” The study was to last I form. percent) of interstate bridges ratnormal theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay A6 Carolina’s transportation people shape, or Sotowhile weChina should remain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t k ax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get debt we owe them as one way to get health care workers Anini An investment tax credit of 30% half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion over. to do, lastan I opinion checked. The standard payment periodedfor the onsiderably reduce thebegins number of and analysis done byon Areo, and analysis done by Areo, an opinion Duke Energy two Power Crews Give Back inthe poorBack oror structurally deficient By Elizabeth Lincicome sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new otherwise don’t care ifisthey themselves others sick. the same time we shouldn’t getChina comfortable with this so-call people have actually died of coronavirus. Some so ey caused the US. Don’t hold your on, applied tofor repatriated American manufacturing China to get “pay” for damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your infrastructure networks checked. today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing to “pay” for the damage th today, digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short a Boiler-ISA Fund about 10 years, making it blehave to borrow college and would digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m condition. Additionally, 21 per- a bad North State Journal major NC solar projects els become a bad normal.” number has been overestimated, given that class Since when did questioning government at all levels become normal.” ilee” to happen but ask your elected U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected There’sand community-building for Areopagitica, speech delivered by competitive with most Federal Plus investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S.about Treasury billion the in breath waiting Ifor a Chinese “Jub and private loan ionately affect low-incomea students. It Areopagitica, a speech delivered by virus, are integral components worried them$18 catching I’m worried will. Afterinvestm cent of the state’s interstate bridg-for ety were supposed Not little bit. of death, particularly elderly patients, can ountable in tangible financial ways for thing? ThatInisaddition, what free citizens inafound asix-month free society were supposed Not one little bit. John Milton in defense of speech. happening in theamong public power CHARLOTTE — Continuing over a few years. $18 billion infree lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable inyears. tangible financial ways for terms. allwinning studentsliving receive disfavor students majoring in one soft but John Milton in defense of free speech. revenue spread over a few $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China ac estax were in need of repair or RALEIGH — Since tax rev suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, of our state’s competitive . Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. sources suggest the number is dramatically unde community of Wake Forest. its expansion of solar energy do, last I checked. grace period post-graduation payments begin. iplines. Authors Helen Pluckrose, replacement. pared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plantowe are now decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall PlanJames we areprecautions, this disaster. this disaster. the White House in 2016, Pres- before I’ve been trying to take extra because all of this brings up decim Lindsay andcan Peter say— that future.” se, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah power and electric many people are dying at home. to deliver cleaner energy ed to operate as responsible citizens of Once ain recipient makes successful payments for ee are solutions that be Boghossian implemented Lindsay and Peter Boghossian say that “In North Carolina, isto se-family. ident Trump has called ongo ConMy first concern as along in all this, of course, isno my I’m Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym Sist undertaking to saveitour own economy, not of defeated enemies as inThere, the Itcrews is about time they are expec our own economy, not offor defeated enemies as the Itwe is about time they are expected operate as responsible citizens of way too many memories of ahas painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. under something has gone drastically wrong workers partnered with a couple of customers, Duke Energy on a regular contributor ried I will. After and is to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how m cret that we haveworried had ourI chalgress pass athem major infrastructheto prescribed term of the contract, no additional nation. s acrimonious political climate. something has gone drastically wrong past. the world like any other modern worried about catching the virus, and I’m will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrec the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has in academia, especially past. local nonprofits to helpSome build ascientists home Tuesday announced it has lenges keeping our cheating, transportapackage are aimed at improving 2009 pandemic, payments even if(swine they have have coronavirus. sugges solution has been referred tobegun aswithin “skin certain in ture in academia, especially withinactually certain Markpirating Coggins, NCpillaging Chamber China hasless been stealing, and American fromroads, therequired H1N1 virus flu)paid during thespeed 2009with pandemic, cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American fields within the humanities. Theysuffering call Chin for a family in need in the Wake construction on two major solar tion funding up to the nation’s ports, bridgthan the amount of funding they business received. now for the past 30fields a policy would call for institutions within the humanities. They call llSuch of this brings up of identified cases could be an order of magnitud years. up They have made no secret that they these fields “grievance studies,” where I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings he past 30 years. They have made no secret that they County town. our growing population,” says es and railway system. While neprojects in North Carolina: a busine Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinio Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would hare innot the riskisof every student fields “grievance studies,” where prefer tocredit repeat. number of people who have had coronavirus and scholarship not so much upon intend to replace asthese the premier superpower in the world and way too many memories ofhave abenefits. painful experience I’dthe prefer not to repeat. NC Chamber Director of U.S. Governgotiations to pass such a bill 69-megawatt (MW) Maiden Creekbased he as premier superpower the world and have many down-stream Both would put out aeveryone loan tothe attend the institution. In into scholarship is not so much based upon intend ostU.S. has finding truth but upon attending replace theeasily dollar as theeveryone reserve currency withChamber their renminbi. “We at but the appreciment Mark Coggins. “Ris-finding repeatedly the effort has solar facility, located the towntheir But what faltered, also makes metolose sleep isAffairs how most has as the reserve currency with renminbi. pressure on universities keep tuition low and his means that universities would be scholars on truth upon attending to replac social grievances. Grievance

Innovative solutions he student debt dilemma Fixingn.c. college FAST corruption


Fixing college NC Chamber launches transportation corruption

initiative to address aging infrastructure

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ate the legislature’s efforts but ing costs from historic taken on some new urgency as lawmakof Maiden, and a 25-MW Gaston offset of the artificial pressure on demand for storms, ansocial or some part ofstudents, student loan debt whenand other grievances. Grievance scholars bully administrators ers point to it as a way to help the inadequate revenue stream, and still don’t feel it is enough to get solar facility located in Bessemer higher education. They would also align universities’ efault. Such a policy would require action bully students, administrators and other departments into adhering to their economy at least partially recover the COVID-19 pandemic have us to where we need to be as a City. interests with those of students. Universities would s since student loans areworldview disbursedthey by the departments into to their worldview. The promote is Jason says. “The largfrom the current coronavirus-in- all combined to create a virtu- state,” Cogginsadhering The projects werenor selected be invested in student success, not just increased ernment.neither worldview. Theremains: worldview they promote is scientific rigorous. Grievance EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS er question how can we al transportation crisis here in duced recession. as part ofconsist abe competitive biddinglocally. eTHEWS studies of disciplines such as enrollment. Some universities ther solution can implemented neither scientific rigorous. Grievance EDITORIAL | STAC ensure North nor Carolina creates a Northprobably Carolina.”begin America’s 64-year old Inter- would process that was established sociology, anthropology, to offer better guidance to students when they choose of institutions are already givinggender it a studies, studies consist of disciplines such sustainable and diversified reve-as Another factor making things state Highway System dates all from 2017’s landmark solar COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON queer studies, sexuality and choose classesDwight and take worse out loans. e Share Agreements (ISAs). ISAs arecritical race anthropology, studies, nue stream that keep gender our roads, is that even in light of thesociology, themajors, way back to President legislation in North Carolina. The studies. These innovative do what North “Free Carolina’s pop-queer l agreements in which students receive studies, ports, sexuality andairports critical race railways, and pandemic, D. Eisenhower, whose solutions adminis- will projects wereand among theauthors most In 2017 Pluckrose, College” makeitsstudents and universities funding in exchange for2018, a predetermined well-funded not just next year continues to rise, as peo-studies. tration firstcannot: authorized con- ulation cost-effective will deliver started Lindsay income andand Boghossian but overand the2018, next decade beple move out of struction the Federal Aidtogether behave under more wisely and act towards thecrowded metro- In post-graduation over a certain 2017 authorsand Pluckrose, On a Friday just before stay-at-home clean solar energy at the lowest papers toHighway Act of 1956. The system politan cities in favor of our state’s yond?” submitting bogus academic same goal. That goal is to create educated, wise years. The percent of income and number Lindsay and Boghossian started orders, staff from Wake Electric, academic journals in cultural, queer,extends throughout the U.S. in- great quality of life and comparapossible cost. In response, the Chamber has n change based upon a student’s major and and productive graduates. Only with smart policies submitting bogus academic papers to race, gender, and will sexuality studiescluding routes in Hawaii, Alaska, tively lower cost of living. As such, organized a coalition of businessElectriCities of North Carolina, and Together, the fat projects tential. to determine if they would pass peer that incentivize student success can we ensure that academic journals in cultural, queer, Habitat for Humanity met to don hard feature about 400,000 solar esgender, to address some of the probCoggins points out that Northrace, and Puerto truly Rico. provide Though the fedcolleges value for students, parents, good deal for students because fat and sexuality studies “THIS hats IS THE DAY the lord has made, let usthr e aseriousness of the virus and the need review and be accepted forthey publication. — notfallen an unfamiliar accessory panels and generate enough WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home into place. I understand lems related to funding infraCarolina maintains the second eral government funds some road ky than how loans. Imagine a simply student who that taxpayers and society. to determine if they would passinpeer Acceptance of dubious research it” (Psalm 118:24). sy with people who ask for the lineworkers — and pitch-in energy to power approximately structure projects well into the most miles traveled next toorTexas. construction, interstate highways orders thanks tothe local state governments, aand majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m unea TATES under either shelter-in-place ortostay-at-home fallen into place. I understand seriousness of and the be virus the review accepted for need publication. WIT journal editors sympathetic their hammer nails,this mount exterior I knowtothat during challenging time of so en things20,000 can start getting back to homes andfound businesses. future. They are calling the initia“The growth in traffic on ouris being are owned and maintained by the are having to adjust to what called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and wh Acceptance of dubious research that or contempt. state governments, a majority of vision Americans take precautions, but and I’mthe uneasy withconhow people who simply ask intersectional or postmodern leftist orders siding, and other tasks needed to Both projects are scheduled to tive, Destination 2030: The Road interstates mediocre states in which theyto operate. working from home or losing a job, it may be diffi scal with Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circl journal found sympathetic to their of is thebeing world would the problem ofThe Washingtonquestions st what the “new normal.” about the data, and when can getting back to be tostart a editors Stronger Transportation Fu-glad” ditions of our roads andthings bridgbuild a new home. It was ato time Post recently come online bycalled the accept end prove of this year. arewe as the Bible tells us do.ofas However, ashaaa s ato society simply must without Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though intersectional or postmodern leftist vision low academic standards. ture, which will as Coggins puts es revealed in this report highreported that transportation deders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. true community-building: fellowship At peak construction, atocombined Som and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me ls us about when it’s safe begin the in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated question what the governmentofte Several of the fake research paperspartments across the nation face lightHere of the worldwith would prove thetoproblem of during actual it work its partners push during just how dire that crisis has labor. “It’s not often 380 workers will June. be employed at home go into They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without have to be thankful and hopeful for, even Virgin in the malcy. EFForders TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR were accepted for publication. The Fat a recent coronavirus press briefing “we just don’t transporknow yet” if the ofdo returning low for academic standards. athat more modernized Our state, its businesses, a projected $50 billion shortfall become. you installprocess windows or framing back to nor the two sites. arolina, Democratic Gov. Cooper stated during question what and the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the Lenten and pandemic. us, and we have the right toRoy ask those Studies journal published a hoax paper Her of theMay. fake research papers on a house, not state’s stay-at-home willSeveral extend into The government works for tation revenue model. its people all rely on orders transpordue to a drop inSince gas tax revenue. when did mention doing it On-site workers will fluctuate that argued the“we term bodybuilding was us press briefing that just don’t know yet” if the has rebounded process ofon returning back todecide normalcy. For me, my faith is an important part of my da -home orders are in place all over the Easter seasons were accepted for publication. The Fat a recen “As our connection to the global tation to succeed. The TRIP reWhile traffic If he does to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-a with your CEO or another colleague throughout the construction questioning exclusionary and should be replaced the nation’s roads e orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, them getprocess. in states, such as Michigan, Studies journal published a hoax paper economy increases, North Caroliport makes it clear that our state’s in recent weeks, justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we and the stricter some ofI state’s provide you don’tcountry, usually work with,” says Duke Energy will ensure Since when did with “fat bodybuilding, as abe fat-inclusive na’s transportation infrastructure leaders must act to modernize our government it is still far below normal levels, that argued the term bodybuilding was Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “com isolated and/or anxious about eeeling to extend it, questions should asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home PJ Rehm of ElectriCities, a nonprofit safe work practices by contractors If he message of components politicized performance.” One reviewer networks integral questioning revenue and encourage andlike the prospect continued and should be replaced affliction, so thatwhen weorganization may becan able toback comfort thos ing their families, will demand Andforthe answers should not be vague “we atofall country, and the stricter someto ofbethem get exclusionary ininstates, such as Michigan, membership that meeting highest expectations. levels disIt willstream need explained detailhope toare the people of this state who they get to provid justific said, “Ithe thoroughly enjoyed readingones this we will of“fat ourbodybuilding, state’sthat competitive future. federal leaders to make the infraruption is making experts queswith as a fat-inclusive affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves provides valuable support to 70+ Duke Energy also provide government an abundance ofwill caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated anxious about to are being told to remain jobless andand/or at home for isancommitted undetermined answers. article and believe it has an important must ad become a fuels The NC Chamber structure investments our nation tion just how viable a motor once again enjoy politicized performance.” One reviewer public power communities across God.” evels should be as forthcoming as they proper traffic management support contribution to the field andtax this amount of why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state e explained insenator, detailtoItomake the been people of this state when they canneeds get back totime providing for their families, willthe demand building upon state’s available this to secure a prosperous fu-said, aswho a primary mechat all levels It w inis place. Elderly persons with underlying conditions “I thoroughly enjoyed badfunding thing? ORMER state havebut asked the state. “You be learn a lotEaster about sportinginvestments events, reading to ensure safe operations around If you are celebrating the season, I—urge again,jobless not vague answers, answer journal.” are reliable. can with those answers an infrastructure and ture.” emain and at home for an undetermined answers. anism. are be would be monitored by health teams for some time, article and believe it has an important s what I would do regarding the stay-atbecome acomforted, in those 8 hours!” the “Our site at all times. Is My Struggle: Solidarity Struggle That is what toat theAccording reflect onsomebody this message and be so tha ments believability. concerts, family advocating for solutions to diverto the Chamber, Specifically calling attention To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statem hy models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to make to the field and this r in North Carolina. The current SAH amoun Under North Feminism anfamilies, Intersectional ReplyNorth to God’sabout example andWe comfort allallthose in need arow hat we can to keep as our sify revenue streams to finance over the next that decade NCDOT Carolina’s transportation bad thing? free citizens mandated wethe do, but along theits way I’ve also had questions should continue to do gatherings, can be withsystem those answers again, not vague answers, but answer Led by our major health leaders and— and journal.” res April 29. eafe.on Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” was Carolina’s Competitive are rel critical transportation infrastruconly have funds available for challenges, the report focused on will this difficult time. Through faith and by helping But we should also still continue the data. State Republican leaders have, too. Is ourselves, and our communities church services North Carolina Hospital Association, I would “Our Struggle My Struggle: Solidarity te senatorwith recently said we are has going to and living in a free That is what e along what the state then with details that give their statements believability. accepted for publication by asked Affilia, a thethe Procurement for Renewable To d of the state’s needed projects. ture projects that will improve recent situation caused by a 17%Unfortunately, confident out of this pandemic ecause while reasonable stay-at-home whenwe certain types ofand questions get asked, theretois we willtoemerge ask questions about the data,st have a master planWe with primary suppliers atime as an Intersectional ow four who is sick, not,questions feminist journal for who social workers. The Energy, proposed projects many more do, but things: along the way I’ve alsoishad about should all continue to do what to keep our families, our roads, railways, ports, Reply waDuring that and same frame, can theFeminism society were legal provision recently triggered free citizens manda In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired b ey should also have an expiration date. sometimes a disturbing tendency some people to treat measures are understandable, th paper in rewrittenby backup forourselves, manufacturers in N.C. to re-purpose Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” was een sick and who has not.too. I part agree. must beconsisted built where there is aof aPublic teramong andafter sewer systems, energy re-those estimates 57%safe. of theBut revelow cashplan reserves at the North publican leaders have, and group our communities we should also still continue our own the da supposed neighbors helping neighbors. nd it is not normal. Not in any way, living a free passage from Meinbenchmarks Kampf. simply the data and asking when we canby start getting facilities to produceofventilators and PPEquestioning necessary accepted for publication Affilia, a back This is allinnew to Americans, a erts are coalescing around to Carolina need for energy capacity on the Two other and broadband availabilinue currently fund infraTranswhen certain types of questions asked, there isDepartment to ask questions about the used data,tobecause whilesources reasonable stay-at-home temporary Unf InThe Concord, a shape, high school senior named d remain vigilant and stay safe, atget hoax papers were published, including to take(NCDOT). care to of our own demands. ongoing journal for social workers. ore rules ease: sustained reductions in new portation do, last I toAn normal as needs though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who or form. So while weTanne shou Duke Energy system in North ty,” Coggins says. structure projects will decline duefeminist The shortfall societyand were rbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity money to buy a 3-D printer plastic to make mfortable with this so-called “new somet sacrifices are assessment evaluate the re-purposing of paper consisted part of a rewritten deaths, widespread testing, ample Carolina or South Carolina. The hospital prevented The NC Chamber Foundation what they cite as ancare overifreliance the would department from otherwise don’t they get themselves orinothers sick. the same time we shouldn’t get cf checked. at Urban Dog Parks.” This paper’s subject supposed gndthe and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, health care workers out of his own home. simply hotels, empty warehouses and university dorms passage from Mein Kampf. Two other thedata ability to monitor new patients and is also part of the effort. Later this on the dwindling motor fuels tax. entering into any new contracts. bids can come from any company, Since when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a bad wasconspiracy dog-on-dog rape. gh they are theorists or dog arerape people whonoted that shape, orthan form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at summer, the Foundation, in partThe legislature has taken some asPost emergency field hospitals in conjunction with hoax papers were published, including The more contacts. including Duke Energy, andBut can the toone do,little last bit. I to nor thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not paper eventually forced Boghossian, nership NCQueer State’s Institute to addressget thecomfortable state’s aging“Rape projects hadstrategies been by steps for health care professionals. Culture and Performativity re reasonable data that should serve 100deployment in the formpoints of power purchase if theybe get themselves or others sick. thedelayed same time we shouldn’t with thiswith so-called “new otherw to do, last I checked. Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out checked. for Transportation Research andsubject infrastructure, such as recent-at Urban theVirtual state even beforenormal.” the hospitals andpandemdirect primary care options Dog Parks.” This paper’s ation to the make decisions keep everyone agreements (PPA), to utility selfnquestioning under pseudonym Sister Toldjah government at all levels become a bad My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also writte Sinc themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer (ITRE), willtherelease ly every passing House Bill 77 whichwasEducation ic occurred. would be made available through health dog-on-dog rape. But dog rape The group reports getting to know developed facilities orautility not going back toInsurrection. full any timewere edState and tefree citizens living innormal free society supposed Not one little bit. hadLegal figured out what they were doing. worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to R thing? theeventually results of aforced new study to idenputimplemented. additional money towardspaper such Ongoing the North Carolina each other better and getting to know asset acquisitions. system. testing would be Boghossian, re not reopening everything tomorrow. We As Some papers accepted for publication d. suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, tify the four most workable longthe state’s “Build NC” bond packDepartment of Commerce is callto do, a bit more about the future residents Duke Energy maintainscitizens, more Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out care of our most vulnerable andtrainingRigorous statewide antibody testing would be inalong academic journals advocated term transportation funding and added roughly $100extra Milingimplemented attention to aonce new study re- age I’ve been trying to take precautions, because all of thisopbrings up will achieve homeownership as we go in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah My who than 3,300 MW of solar power on available. themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer egin to reopen our businesses, now. men like dogs and punishing white male tions for the state. I’While Coggins lion fortoo themany stateto to RedState conduct of road leasedAfter by TRIP, a national transway memories a painful experience d prefer not to repeat. m catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. and is a regular contributor and Legal Insurrection. through Habitat’s innovative its energy grid in North Carolina, with other regional governors had figured out what they were doing. lowing a couple data models — Fuller, worrie college of students for historical slaveryportation by In conjunction did not onmost specifics he and makes generalmerenonprofit, identifying maintenance But what also loseSome sleep is comment howaccepted easily has affordable housing program. While which could power H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, and cooperation with the White House, I would papers for everyone publication d the CDC. The models project N.C. cases asking them to about sit in700,000 silence on the floor sufferi justinhow dismal the state’s aging pairs. Still, the Chamber points says potential sources of current COVID-19 has postponed volunteer homes and businesses at peak ensure N.C. receives a fair allocation of items such in academic journals advocated training tween April 20 and May 5. chains during class and to be expected to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up has become. The out there is a $1.5 billion hole in revenue include money collected I’ve be infrastructure efforts for the rest of this particular TheIcompany also astoventilators from national ensure right we now and thatmenfrom like the dogs white learn from the discomfort. papers do the following: would notoperates extend mories ofoutput. a painful experience I’dOther prefer not repeat. gasand tax,punishing the highway use male the to NCDOT report, titled Restoring the In-stores way to 40 solar 29 facilities in the state. North y celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life can address any peak scenario. bedown a 50% due tocollege historical slavery by home-build, the lessons learned will rder April without compelling tax, students and fees for collected on things weeklywould travel is terstate Highway System: Meet- There akespast meCarolina currently lose sleep is how easily most everyone has But sustain all involved. ranks No.treating 2 in choice and privately directive for rapid response to enable the travel restric-asking them to sit travel in silence the floor in ng its necessity. It isadvocated imperative tothe keep associated with suchon as new coronavirus-related ingstanding America’s Transportation conducted a form ofNeeds nation for overall solar power. use of FDA-approved drugs that are experimental in chains during class and to be expected to ygiene measures inmasturbation place: such asassocial drivers’ licenses and such. with a Reliable, Safe & tions. sexual violence against Typically, relation to a pandemic virus. learn from the discomfort. Other papers , gathering limits, masks, handwomen. washing, s academic journal editors send submitted As long as a business could demonstrate the ability celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life papers out to foron-going review. In to follow sound Covid-19 hygiene, they would be choice and advocated treating privately es to lift and reduce orreferees continue for publication, allowed to re-enter the economy. I would lean into conducted masturbation as a form of s need to recommending be determinedacceptance using scientific many reviewers gave these papers glowing exercising a little common sense on what works and sexual violence against women. Typically, Suspending and, more concerning,



okay to ask questions about when sk questions aboutIt’s when It’s okay The comfort and hope we begin to get back to normal get back to normal we begin

What would you do?


North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


2021 kia seltos: the perfect road trip companion Passing the ultimate 1700mile test By Jordan Golson North State Journal

By Jordan Golson North State Journal RAGGED POINT, C.A. — In the first scene of the first episode of Aaron Sorkin’s terrific HBO drama The Newsroom, news anchor Will McAvoy rants during a lecture to journalism students. In the midst of a recitation of literacy rates and educational stats, he throws a question back to a student during a Q&A: “So, when you ask ‘what makes us the greatest country in the world?’, I don’t know (...what) you’re talking about. Yosemite?” The man makes a point. I’ll leave the op-ed page to debate whether America is the greatest country in the world, but we can all agree that Yosemite is a national treasure, along with the rest of the National Parks system. After four months of hunkering down at home, hiding from COVID, I’d had enough. I reached out to Kia to borrow a car, called a friend in San Diego who I thought might be interested in exploring a few of our National Parks and got cracking. Our route would take us north of San Diego to Joshua Tree National Park, home to both extensive groves of the eponymous tree as well as some terrific stargazing. Then we’d head further north to spot some gigantic trees at the Sequoia and King’s Canyon National Parks, followed by Yosemite itself. After Yosemite, we’d head west to Monterey, and south down California 1 along Big Sur, stopping for the night at Ragged Point Inn at the south end, before dashing back to San Diego. Four nights, four parks. If you’re looking for a COVID-friendly trip, a road trip to a National Park is a solid way to go. There’s plenty of space for social distancing, and they’re quite cheap. Yosemite, for example, costs just $35 for a weeklong vehicle pass. Though it’s worth considering the $80 Interagency Annual Pass which is good for entrance at all BLM, Forest Service, Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Army Corps of Engineers, and Fish and Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or day use fees. Then there are countless people who qualify for free annual passes, including all US 4th graders and active military members, plus heavily discounted senior annual and lifetime passes. We picked up the $80 Annual Pass at the scorching Joshua Tree West Entrance, stopped by the public restrooms there (which have prominent posters showing what color your urine should be to avoid dehydration in the 110-degree heat — brown is bad, by the way), and headed into the park. I don’t have nearly the space to review the full park, and anyway, you should just go yourself. Cameras, too, completely fail to do it justice. The bizarre and wonderful trees, along with the spectacular desert landscape, make for a spectacular visit. But at night is when Joshua Tree really comes alive. City-living — or even being near a city — really puts a damper on what you can see in the night sky, and both the Park and local communities have invested significant time and money into helping keep Joshua Tree dark. We easily spotted the Milky Way, Saturn and Jupiter, as well as Comet NEOWISE in the dark sky, along with countless other celestial objects. After picking up a Date Shake in nearby Palm Springs, we headed north to Sequoia. This was a bit of a National Parks Express Tour, so we didn’t venture into the fantastic hiking and camping options that these parks offer, but the views were spectacular even from the main roads through the parks. The massive sequoia trees simply must be seen to believe, making for a rather humbling experience when one considers how old these living things are. Yosemite is even more awe-inspiring. The glacier-carved Yosemite Valley, flanked by Half Dome, El Capitan, and Yosemite Falls, is jaw-dropping. Staring up at climbers on El Capitan and knowing that someone even climbed the imposing 3,200-foot wall without rope is bewildering. From the first view of Yosemite Valley from the famous Tunnel View lookout through to the drive out of the park, the landscape never disappoints. We even spotted a very healthy-looking black bear eating in a field, which is always a treat. After the soaring peaks of the Sierra Mountains, we headed west towards the ocean and the Pacific Coast Highway along Big Sur. The twisting coastal drive along California 1, with the cliffs of the Santa Lucia Mountains rising out of — or plunging into, depending on your perspective — the Pacific Ocean, is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. Our final stop, at the Ragged Point Inn at the south end of Big Sur — where we watched the sunset from atop the cliffs — was the capstone to an amazing road trip. COVID has stressed us all, with anxiety over mental and physical health taking a real and significant toll. And, luckily, the best antidote might just be to get outside. Even if you don’t have the majesty of Yosemite nearby, I encourage you to just get in the car and take a drive somewhere new. You never know — you might find what makes America the greatest country in the world.


Yosemite Valley

Ragged Point

Sequoia National Park

Los Angeles

Joshua Tree National Park

San Diego

YOSEMITE VALLEY, C.A. — You can learn a lot about a person by going on a road trip with them. Sharing a cramped space for days on end will bring out the best and worst in everyone. Are they clean or messy; patient or not; tolerant of their companions’ playlist picks or a more discerning musical connoisseur? All of this goes into whether a road trip partnership will be a success or failure. And there’s a similar equation to be balanced with the other member of the road trip crew: the car itself. A proper road trip requires (ideally, anyway) a few things from an automobile. Decent fuel economy is always nice, as is ample cargo space for both your haul and supplies. Comfortable seats are a must, a decent stereo and convenient storage cubbies for drinks, food, phones, and whatever else must be kept close at hand. Finally, the car must be a good companion — not too noisy and harsh, and definitely no complaining about the heat. Just smooth acceleration and an enthusiasm for eating up endless miles of American asphalt. The new 2021 Kia Seltos checks every box. The review car for my 1700-mile road trip was the topof-the-line Seltos SX Turbo AWD, weighing in at $29,485 after an extra $345 for the Starbright Yellow paint that was either a rather pleasing shade of dark yellow or an unfortunate sickly green depending on the light. At least it photographs well, which is probably the point. Even for just under thirty grand, the Seltos SX was totally loaded with useful features: Automatic high beams (which seem silly until you have them, then they‘re essential); adaptive cruise control (ditto); active lane keeping; a large center touchscreen; wireless phone charging; a Bose stereo; and a full safety suite including pedestrian detection, blind-spot monitoring, and rear-cross-traffic alert. The only safety feature it was missing, somewhat weirdly, is automatic windshield wipers — a small complaint, really. The center console, which is an essential part of road trip kit, is particularly well thought out. There‘s a bin just ahead of the shift knob that‘s the perfect size for both your smartphone and for storing bags of beef jerky or Skittles. Above the bin is a wireless charging pad, which, when combined with the USB cable that‘s required for Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, lets you keep two smartphones charged up with ease. There are a pair of decently sized cupholders behind the shift knob, just fore of an armrest and storage bin that‘s perfect for holding a vast quantity of facemasks which you‘ll need to do just about anything these days. The Seltos is not a particularly large subcompact crossover, which is both good and bad, though it makes excellent use of the space it does have. This is certainly a car meant for a two-person road trip, but there is ample room in the back for kids if you‘re bringing those along. My traveling partner and I preferred to put a cooler on the backseat instead, which was easily reached by either driver or passenger. The trunk is surprisingly roomy for such a small crossover, easily swallowing up my full-size suitcase plus several weekender duffel bags, a couple of collapsable lawn chairs, and a case of water — all without obscuring visibility through the rear window. The SX Turbo comes with a 1.6L turbocharged 4-cylinder engine, but it produces an easy 175 horsepower and 195 lb-ft of torque that is more than enough to keep things moving along. It was no problem to pass slow-moving trucks on the highway or to merge into traffic, and we easily exceeded the 25/30/27 fuel economy ratings. We averaged 30.7 mpg across more than 1,700 mostly-highway miles, which is particularly important in California, which has some of the highest gas prices in the country. And, though it has a turbocharged engine, the Seltos is happy with regular gasoline. I wish the digital speed indicator on the instrument cluster was a bit bigger, and a sunroof would have been nice — that last feature isn‘t available if you get the black or white roof option. And dual-zone climate control might have been nice, though I wouldn‘t really expect it on a sub$30,000 car. And to be honest, I can‘t come up with any other complaints. The Seltos SX, with its small, turbocharged engine and eminently reasonable price, was our perfect vehicular road-trip companion. Quiet, practical, comfortable, and completely overshadowed by the grandeur of America‘s National Parks. Just as it should be.

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


ncdot CASH REPORT For the week ending July 24, 2020 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds:


Experimental COVID-19 vaccine is put to its biggest test Pharmaceutical maker Moderna begins largest push toward widespread vaccine, with 30,000 Americans ready to receive test shot

Add Receipts:

$312,055,003 Less Disbursements:

$217,570,382 Reserved Cash:

$752,994,439 Unreserved Cash Balance Total:

$481,322,038 Note: State law sets NCDOT’s minimum combined cash balance at 7.5% of current fiscal year appropriations.

Target to close on Thanksgiving, ending Black Friday kickoff New York Target is joining Walmart in closing its stores on Thanksgiving Day, ending a decade long tradition of jump starting Black Friday door buster sales. The move, announced Monday, come as stores are rethinking the Black Friday in-store bargain shopping as they try to curb the spread of the coronavirus, which has seen a resurgence in a slew of states. Walmart, the nation’s largest retailer, announced the move on Tuesday, and at the time, analysts expected more would follow. “Historically, deal hunting and holiday shopping can mean crowded events, and this isn’t a year for crowds,” said Target in a statement. Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette said earlier this month that the department store will be pivoting its Black Friday business more toward online and will likely be going “full force” with holiday marketing right after Halloween. It also will be staggering events to reduce customer traffic in the store. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — The biggest test yet of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine got underway Monday with the first of some 30,000 Americans rolling up their sleeves to receive shots created by the U.S. government as part of the all-out global race to stop the outbreak. Final-stage testing of the vaccine, developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc., began with volunteers at various U.S. sites given either a real shot or a dummy without being told which. It will be months before results trickle in, and there is no guarantee the vaccine will ultimateHANS PENNINK | AP PHOTO ly work against the scourge that has killed about 650,000 people Nurse Kathe Olmstead, right, gives volunteer Melissa Harting, of Harpersville, N.Y., an injection around the world, including al- as the world’s biggest study of a possible COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the National Institutes of most 150,000 in the U.S. Health and Moderna Inc., gets underway Monday, July 27, 2020, in Binghamton, N.Y. As if to underline how high the stakes are, there were more setIn Europe, rising infections in tions as they go about their daily gust, followed by a candidate backs in efforts to contain the viSpain and other countries caused routines, especially in hard-hit ar- from Johnson & Johnson in Seprus. In Washington, the White alarm only weeks after nations re- eas where the virus still is spread- tember and one from Novavax in House disclosed that national se- opened their borders in hopes of ing. Testing is planned at close to October. Pfizer Inc. plans its own 30,000-person study this sumcurity adviser Robert O’Brien reviving tourism. Over the week- 90 sites, officials said. “Unfortunately for the United mer. has the coronavirus — the high- end, Britain imposed a 14-day It normally takes years to creest-ranking U.S. official to test quarantine on travelers arriving States of America, we have plenfrom Spain, Norway ordered a 10- ty of infections right now” to get ate a accine from scratch, but scipositive so far. The move to restart the nation- day quarantine for people return- that answer, the government’s top entists are setting speed records al pastime ran into trouble just ing from the entire Iberian penin- infectious-disease expert, Dr. An- this time, spurred by knowledge that vaccination is the world’s best five days into the long-delayed sula, and France urged its citizens thony Fauci, said recently. Several other vaccines made hope against the pandemic. season: Two major league base- not to visit Spain’s Catalonia reGovernments around the world by China and by Britain’s Oxball games scheduled for Monday gion. In Binghamton, New York, ford University began smaller fi- are already trying to stockpile night were called off as the Miami Marlins coped with an out- nurse Melissa Harting received nal-stage tests in Brazil and oth- millions of doses of the leading break — the Marlins’ home open- one of the first injections of the er hard-hit countries earlier this candidates so that immunizations er against the Baltimore Orioles, Moderna vaccine candidate. say- month. But the U.S. requires its can begin immediately if the vacand the New York Yankees’ game ing she was volunteering “to do own tests of any vaccine that cines win approval. But the first available doses will most likely might be used in the country. in Philadelphia, where the Mar- my part to help out.” Every month through the be reserved for people at highest “I’m excited,” Harting said. Eslins used the clubhouse over the pecially with family members in fall, the government-funded risk. weekend. “We’re optimistic, cautiously On virus relief, Republicans on front-line jobs that could expose COVID-19 Prevention Network Capitol Hill planned to roll out a them to the virus, she said, “doing will roll out a new study of a lead- optimistic” that the vaccine will $1 trillion package that could in- our part to eradicate it is very im- ing candidate, each with 30,000 work and that “toward the end volunteers, to test not only wheth- of the year” there will be data to clude a new round of $,1200 stim- portant to me.” After two doses, scientists will er the shots work but whether prove it, Dr. Stephen Hoge, presulus checks but reduce the extra ident of Massachusetts-based $600 a week in federal unemploy- closely track which participants they are safe. The final U.S. study of the Ox- Moderna, told a House subcomment benefits that are expiring for — those getting real shots, or a dummy — experience more infec- ford shot is set to begin in Au- mittee last week. millions of Americans this week.

Trade, technology and security at risk in US-China feud As the U.S. gears up for election season, trade relations with China remain in limbo The Associated Press BEIJING — They have the largest economies in the world. They spend more than anyone else on their militaries. From high-tech chips to control of the high seas, their interests are closely intertwined. The ongoing sharp deterioration in U.S.-China ties poses risks to both countries and the rest of the world. In the latest escalation, a U.S. consulate in Chengdu in southwestern China shuttered Monday, ordered by China to close in retaliation for the U.S. shutting down its consulate in Houston last week. With the U.S. presidential campaign heating up, all bets are that relations with China will only get worse. A look at what’s at stake: Trade Both countries already have suf-

fered heavy losses in a tariff war that erupted in 2018 over Beijing’s technology ambitions and trade surplus. If talks on ending the dispute fail, the world could face downward pressure on trade at a time when the global economy is already reeling from the coronavirus pandemic. The United States is China’s biggest single-country export market, even after President Donald Trump imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese goods. And China is the No. 3 market for American exporters, as well as a huge market for goods and services produced in China by U.S. companies ranging from General Motors Co. to Burger King. Chinese purchases of American farm goods, semiconductors and other goods declined 11.4% last year but still exceeded $100 billion. Exports to China support just under 1 million American jobs, according to the U.S.-China Business Council, though that was down 10% from 2017’s peak. China is the biggest export market for Iowa and other American farm states, which were slammed when Beijing suspended imports of

soybeans and raised tariffs on pork and other goods. That briefly boosted sales for soybean exporters in Brazil and Argentina, though China resumed buying lower-priced American beans under the “Phase 1” trade truce signed in January. But if the two can’t resolve broader differences on trade, it will be a blow not only to their exporters but also to other Asian economies that supply China’s factories with raw materials and components. Technology U.S. and Chinese producers of telecom, computer, medical and other technology and their markets are tightly interwoven. Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and others rely on Chinese factories to assemble most of their smartphones, computers and other consumer electronics. Those factories need processor chips and other components from the United States, Japan, Taiwan and Europe. The disruption caused by moves including the Trump administration’s curbs on Chinese tech giant

Huawei’s access to U.S. components and technology threatens to disrupt those flows and cost suppliers, including Silicon Valley companies, billions of dollars in lost revenue. China is also a top market for Apple and other U.S. tech brands, and is increasingly becoming a technology competitor with its own brands in smartphones, medical equipment and other fields. The United States often is the top market for China’s highest-value-added goods. Beijing has been urging exporters to find other markets, but many say Asian and even European markets won’t buy such high-value goods. Security While the U.S. has long been the predominant military power in the Pacific, China now has two operational aircraft carriers and an arsenal of missiles seen as a threat to U.S. vessels and bases in the region. Military tensions have largely focused on the South China Sea, a crucial waterway that is the subject of overlapping territorial claims by

Our primary focus is the preservation and growth of investment capital. We employ a highly-selective approach vetted by in-house research. Our

China and several smaller Asian nations. In 2018, a Chinese destroyer came perilously close to colliding with a U.S. destroyer, the USS Decatur, while executing what the Navy called an “unsafe and unprofessional maneuver” in the South China Sea. A Chinese fighter jet collided with a U.S. Navy surveillance plane in international airspace over the South China Sea in 2001, leading to major diplomatic incident after the U.S. plane made an emergency landing on a Chinese island. Taiwan is another potential flashpoint. China claims the self-governing island as its territory, to be taken by force if necessary. The U.S. is bound by its own law to ensure the island has a credible defense and has approved military sales to Taiwan under Trump. Taiwan’s foreign minister said last week that Chinese military flights near the island have been taking place on a near-daily basis, more frequently than previously reported. Washington upped the ante earlier this month by declaring that it did not recognize most of China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea, a break with its previous policy of not taking a stance on the sovereignty disputes.

Andrew C. Burns

CEO & Chief Investment Officer

boutique model is powerful. | 919-636-3765 Rick Woods, CFA, CPWA® President

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Regis Philbin, television personality and host, dies at 88 By David Bauder The Associated Press NEW YORK — Regis Philbin, the genial host who shared his life with television viewers over morning coffee for decades and helped himself and some fans strike it rich with the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” has died at 88. Philbin died of natural causes Friday night, just over a month before his 89th birthday, according to a statement from his family provided by spokesman Lewis Kay. Celebrities routinely stopped by Philbin’s eponymous syndicated morning show, but its heart was in the first 15 minutes, when he and co-host Kathie Lee Gifford — on “Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee” from 1985-2000 — or Kelly Ripa — on “Live! with Regis and Kelly” from 2001 until his 2011 retirement — bantered about the events of the day. Viewers laughed at Philbin’s mock indignation over not getting the best seat at a restaurant the night before, or being henpecked by his partner. “Even I have a little trepidation,” he told The Associated Press in 2008, when asked how he does a show every day. “You wake up in the morning and you say, ‘What did I do last night that I can talk about? What’s new in the paper? How are we gonna fill that 20 minutes?’” “I’m not gonna say it always works out brilliantly, but somehow we connect more often than we don’t,” he added. “One of the greats in the history of television, Regis Philbin has passed on to even greater airwaves,” President Donald Trump said in a tweet. “He was a fantastic person, and my friend.” Ripa and her current partner, Ryan Seacrest, called Philbin “the ultimate class act, bringing his laughter and joy into our homes every day.” “There are no words to fully express the love I have for my precious friend, Regis,” Gifford said Saturday on Instagram. “I simply adored him and every day with him was a gift.” The tributes flooding in over social media read like blurbs for a movie Philbin would promote: “Always made me laugh” — Tony Bennett. “One of a kind” — Henry Winkler. “A lovely man” — Rosie O’Donnell. “His wit was only surpassed by his huge heart” — Meredith Vieira. “As wonderful a man as he was talented” — Paul Reubens, also known as Pee-Wee Herman. “You were the best” — LeVar Burton. After hustling into an entertainment career by parking cars at a Los Angeles TV station, Philbin logged more than 15,000 hours on the air, earning him recognition in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most broadcast hours logged by a TV personality, a record previously held by Hugh Downs. “Every day, you see the record shattered, pal!” Philbin would tell viewers. “One more hour!” He was host of the prime-time game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” briefly television’s most popular show at the turn of the century. ABC aired the family-friendly program as often as five times a week. It generated around


$1 billion in revenue in its first two years — ABC had said it was the most profitable show in TV history — and helped make Philbin himself a millionaire many times over. Philbin’s question to contestants, “Is that your final answer?” became a national catchphrase. Philbin was even a fashion trendsetter; he put out a line of monochramactic shirts and ties to match what he wore on the set. “You wait a lifetime for something like that and sometimes it never happens,” Philbin told the AP in 1999. In 2008, he returned briefly to the quiz show format with “Million Dollar Password.” He also picked up the Lifetime Achievement Award from the daytime Emmys. He was the type of TV personality easy to make fun of, and easy to love. When his son Danny first met his future wife, “we were talking about our families,” Danny told USA Today. “I said, ‘You know that show Regis and Kathie Lee?’ And she said, ‘I hate that show.’ And I said, ‘That’s my dad.’” Yet Philbin was a favorite of a younger generation’s ironic icon, David Letterman. When Letterman announced that he had to undergo heart surgery, it was on the air to Philbin, who was also there for Letterman’s first day back after his recovery. Letterman returned the favor,

Top, in this Oct. 28, 2011 file photo, Regis Philbin, right, and producer Michael Gelman go over show prep in Regis’s office before a broadcast of “Live! with Regis and Kelly”, in New York. Left, in this Sept. 15, 1967 file photo, Regis Philbin, of “The Joey Bishop Show” goes over the upcoming routines with Joey Bishop, right, on the set of the ABC-TV studio in Los Angeles. Right, in this June 27, 2010 file photo, host Regis Philbin is seen on stage at the 37th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Las Vegas. appearing on Philbin’s show when he went back on the air in April 2007 after undergoing heart bypass surgery. “In the same category as (Johnny) Carson. Superlative,” Letterman said. “He was on our show a million times, always the best guest we ever had, charming, lovable and could take a punch. When he retired I lost interest in television. I love him.” In the 2008 AP interview, Philbin said he saw “getting the best out of your guests” as “a specialty. ... The time constraints mean you’ve got to get right to the point, you’ve got to make it pay off, go to commercial, start again. Play that clip. Say goodbye.” He gave his desktop a decisive rap. “And make it all conversational.” Regis Francis Xavier Philbin grew up in the New York borough of the Bronx, the son of Italian-Irish parents and named for the Roman Catholic boys high school his dad attended. He went to Notre Dame University, and was such an enthusiastic alum, he once said he wanted his ashes scattered there. After leaving the Navy in 1955, Philbin talked his way into a meet-

ing with the stationmaster at KCOP-TV in Los Angeles. He got a job parking cars, then progressed into work as a stagehand, courier, newswriter and producer of a sports telecast. When its sportscaster didn’t show up one day, Philbin filled in. Philbin got far more on-air experience in San Diego in the early 1960s, when KOGO-TV began producing “The Regis Philbin Show” for a national audience. The program of music and celebrity interviews was taped two weeks before each airing. It was canceled after four months. In 1967, Philbin was hired as the announcer and sidekick to comic Joey Bishop on his network show. When he heard that he was going to be fired because of poor ratings, Philbin tearfully announced he was leaving on July 12, 1968, walking off during a live broadcast. He returned three days later after letters of support poured in. He and Bishop had bad blood: Bishop called Philbin an “ingrate” for walking off during a salary dispute and later badmouthing him. Philbin’s second wife, Joy, was Bishop’s assistant. After three years of commuting

to St. Louis each week for a local Saturday night show, Philbin became a star in local morning television — first in Los Angeles, then in New York. In 1985, he teamed with Kathie Lee Johnson, a year before she married former football star Frank Gifford, and the show went national in 1988. Philbin’s “sarcastic playfulness” endears him to fans, Good Housekeeping magazine wrote in 2000. “He’s the little guy protesting the injustices of life, from crime waves to paper cuts,” the magazine wrote. “The ranting is punctuated with Kathie Lee’s familiar cry of ‘Oh, Reege,’ uttered sometimes in sisterly sympathy and sometimes in teacherly admonishment.” The gentle bickering and eye-rolling exasperation in Philbin and Gifford’s onscreen relationship was familiar to anyone in a long-lasting relationship. “No arguments, no harsh words in all this time,” Philbin told a theater audience in 2000. “Well, there was the time I didn’t talk to her for two weeks. Didn’t want to interrupt her.” Gifford left the show in 2000. After a tryout period for a replacement, soap star Ripa (“All My Children”) filled the slot. The same hustler who parked cars in Hollywood worked just as hard to land the job on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” “I begged my way on,” he told People magazine. “There was a short list, and I wasn’t on it. I called my agent, and we made a full assault on ABC in L.A.” The audience responded to Philbin’s warm, comic touch in the role. He later jokingly referred to himself as the man who saved ABC. It wasn’t complete hyperbole: ABC was suffering in the ratings before the game became a smash success. Forbes reported that two-thirds of ABC’s operating profit in 2000 was due to “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Philbin appeared to love every minute of it. Even the ultimate arbiter of hip, the MTV Video Awards, asked him to make an appearance. “It’s better to be hot,” he told the AP. “It’s fun. I know this business. I was perfectly content with my morning show. People would ask me, ‘What’s next?’ There is nothing next. There are no more mountains for me to climb. Believe me when I tell you, all I wanted when I started this show in 1961 was to be a success nationally.” The prime-time game burned out quickly because of overuse and ended in 2002. Philbin enjoyed a side career as a singer that began when he sang “Pennies from Heaven” to Bing Crosby on Bishop’s show. He said a record company called him the next day, and he made an album. Even though the series “Regis Philbin’s Health Styles,” on Lifetime in the 1980s, was part of his lengthy resume, Philbin had health issues. Doctors performed an angioplasty to relieve a blocked artery in 1993. He underwent bypass surgery in 2007 at age 75. He’s survived by his wife, Joy, and their daughters J.J. and Joanna Philbin, as well as his daughter Amy Philbin with his first wife, Catherine Faylen, according to People. In this July 28, 2000 file photo, Kathie Lee Gifford and co-host Regis Philbin reminisce during her last appearance on the show, in New York.


North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


TAKE NOTICE CABARRUS AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 18 SP 715 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Bradfort B. Clinton and Lynette D. Clinton to Victoria L. Sprouse, PA, Trustee(s), dated the 29th day of September, 2005, and recorded in Book 6280, Page 34, and Modification in Book 11306, Page 0195, in Cabarrus County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed


NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 48 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Cortrelle Bivens to William Lockett Tally, Attorney at Law, Trustee(s), dated the 1st day of November, 2017, and recorded in Book 10197, Page 175, in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 311 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Dillon L. Rankin, Cassie L. Rankin (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Dillon L. Rankin and Cassie L. Rankin) to Francis B. Simkins, III, Trustee(s), dated April 21, 2015, and recorded in Book No. 09633, at Page 0769 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina,

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 511 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Christopher K. Spencer, Donna Spencer (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Christopher K. Spencer and Donna Spencer) to National Title Network, Trustee(s), dated October 17, 2012, and recorded in Book No. 9023, at Page 264 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on August 10, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North

20 SP 23 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Estaban Arrona and Alexis L Arrona to Investors Title Insurance Company, Trustee(s), which was dated April 12, 2018 and recorded on April 13, 2018 in Book 10286 at Page 0466, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on August 5, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will

that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on August 3, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 650 as shown on plat of Dominion Hills at Highland Creek Phase 3 Map 3, recorded in Plat Book 44 at Page 45, in the Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Public Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 1108 Elrond Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1).

in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on August 10, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Mark B. Sanderson, dated April 17, 2009 to secure the original principal amount of $115,202.00, and recorded in Book 8132 at Page 610 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Buttermere Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314 Tax Parcel ID:





9 4 8 7- 07-

designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on August 3, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 261, Oakdale, Section III, according to a plat of same duly recorded in Book of Plats 36, Page 33, Cumberland County, North Carolina Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 4707 Beaufort Drive, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security

or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on August 3, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 60, in a subdivision known as MIDDLE CREEK, SECTION TWO, according to a plat of the same recorded in Plat Book 59, Page 83 Cumberland County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 974 Rim Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and

Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: The land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Cumberland, State of North Carolina, and is described as follows: Being all of Lot 40 in a subdivision known as “The Rerecording of Acorn Ridge, Section 8”, according to a plat of the same duly recorded in Book of Plats 124, Page 143, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 2224 Cliff Swallow Drive, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Parcel ID: 0415-76-9704 Commonly known as 2224 Cliff Swallow Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1).

sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit: Being all of Lot Number One (1), in a subdivision known as Crossgates, according to a plat of the same duly recorded in Book of Plats 40, page 16, Cumberland County, North Carolina Registry. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 2901 Peacock St, Hope Mills, NC 28348. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.


TO: The unknown father of Baby Boy Thorpe, a male child, born on June 14, 2020 in Durham, North Carolina.




JOHNSTON AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 354 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Barbara Hockaday and Michael Ginn, (Barbara Hockaday, Deceased) (Heirs of Barbara Hockaday: Jerry Wayne Hockaday, Jr., Charles Hogan Hockaday, Alicia Rene Hockaday Baron and Unknown Heirs of Barbara Hockaday) (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Barbara Hockaday) to David Brunk, Trustee(s), dated the 24th day of September, 2007, and recorded in Book 3424, Page 810, in Johnston County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door


Take notice that a Petition for Adoption was filed with the Clerk of Superior Court for Durham County, North Carolina

TO: Any Unknown Birth Fathers – TAKE NOTICE THAT a Petition for Adoption for the adoption of a minor female child born on the 3rd day of December, 2019, in Dunn, Harnett County, North Carolina to Amelia Howard (a Caucasian woman, then 29 years of age, small-boned, 5’10” tall, approximately 125 pounds, brown hair, brown

in the City of Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 11:00 AM on August 4, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Johnston, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All that certain property situated in the Township of Smithfield in the County of Johnston and State of North Carolina, being more fully described in a Deed dated 12/16/2003 and recorded 12/16/2003, among the land records of the County and State set forth above, in Deed Volume 2604 and Page 535. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 64 Williams Lane, Smithfield, North Carolina. Tax Map or Parcel ID No. : 15I09043B Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by

providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE

7675 Present Record Owners: Sanderson

assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.



And Being more commonly known as: 6839 Buttermere Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Mark B. Sanderson. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and

c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Case No: 1256542 (FC.FAY)

The date of this Notice is July 21, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109504

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord,

agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include,

but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days

but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE

conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for

any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by

providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include,

but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement,

the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587

Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Esteban Arrona and spouse, Alexis Leann Arrona. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.

c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Case No: 1292423 (FC.FAY)

c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 2975 - 7173

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 3139 - 7726

File No.: 19-15283-FC01

Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC

in the above entitled special proceeding. The Petition relates to Baby Boy Thorpe, a male child, born on June 14, 2020 in Durham, North Carolina. The birth mother is Shaniah Thorpe, who is an 18 year-old Black female with brown curly hair, brown eyes and a height and weight of 5’2 and 125 lbs. Ms. Thorpe reports that the identity and whereabouts of the biological father are Jaquan [Last Name Unknown] of Fayetteville, NC. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that you are

required to file a response to such pleading not later than 40 days from the first day of publication of this notice, that date being July 15, 2020, and upon your failure to do so the Petitioner will apply to the Court for relief sought in the Petition. Any parental rights you may have will be terminated upon the entry of the decree of adoption. This the 15th day of July, 2020.

Kelly T. Dempsey, Attorney for Petitioners, 637 McNinch Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208.

eyes) was filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Sampson County on the 2nd day of July 2020. The child was conceived in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina area around March of 2019 and that the child’s biological father may be a biracial man, who met the mother at a party. You must file a response to the petition within forty (40) days of the first publication of this notice on or before August 31, 2020 in order to participate in and receive further notice of this proceeding, including notice of the time and place of hearing. IN THE EVENT YOU

FAIL TO RESPOND, THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT WILL ENTER AN ORDER ALLOWING THE ADOPTION TO PROCEED WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Any and all rights you may have with respect to the minor child will be extinguished and all aspects of any legal relationship between the minor child and you as her parent will be terminated with the entry of a Decree of Adoption. The address of the Court in which the Petition has been filed is Sampson County Clerk of Superior Court, Special Proceedings, 101 E. Main Street, Clinton, NC 28328, 919-

596-6600. This the 22nd day of July 2020. Law Office of Angel Simpson Gillis, PO Box 80464, Raleigh, NC 27623 (07/22/2020, 07/29/2020, and 08/05/2020.

the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may

request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE

4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Case No: 1267558 (FC.FAY)

c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 1028

North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020



JOHNSTON NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 567 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Kimberly Dowdle and Christopher Dowdle to Kristoff Law Offices, Trustee(s), dated the 5th day of December, 2005, and recorded in Book 3035, Page 388, in Johnston County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina,

ONSLOW NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 175 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Ted C. Gutierrez, Leasha K. Gutierrez (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Ted C. Gutierrez and Leasha K. Gutierrez) to Pamela S. Cox, Trustee(s), dated April 15, 2013, and recorded in Book No. 3967, at Page 848 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or


STANLY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 26 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Judy M. Sexty, Ronald Sexty (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Judy M. Sexty and Ronald Sexty) to Philip R. Mahoney, Trustee(s), dated October 19, 2001, and recorded in Book No. 821, at Page 214 in Stanly County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Stanly County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 11:00 AM on August 12, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following

UNION AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 19 SP 284 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Ramon Perez and Jessica Perez (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Lashawn Daniels and April Daniels) to Tom Wood, Trustee(s), dated the 19th day of August, 2016, and recorded in Book 06748, Page 0654, in Union County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Union County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Judicial Center in the City of Monroe, Union County, North Carolina, or the customary


20 SP 972 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Degantus A. Hodges to Becky Medlin, Trustee(s), which was dated November 3, 2011 and recorded on November 7, 2011 in Book 14530 at Page 583, Wake County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on August 12, 2020 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Wake County, North Carolina, to wit:

AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 250 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Nancy W. Crabtree, Heirs of Nancy W. Crabtree: Andy Learon Crabtree, Tina Crabtree; Heirs of Tina Crabtree: Jonathan Earl Lazenby, Alex Raeford Lazenby (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Nancy W. Crabtree) to William R. Echols, Trustee(s), dated February 6, 2006, and recorded in Book No. 011808, at Page 01683 in Wake County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Wake County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:30 PM on August 10, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate

or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 11:00 AM on August 4, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Johnston, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 16, Walker Woods Subdivision, Section One, as shown on a map recorded in Plat Book 65, Pages 196-198, Johnston County Registry, to which plat reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said lot. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 240 East Walker Woods Lane, Clayton, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security

the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on August 13, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Hubert in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all Lot 97 as shown on that certain map entitled, “Revised Final Plat Showing Planned Residential Development, SAGEWOOD, SECTION I, Prepared for BEAVER CREEK INVESTORS INC., SWANSBORO Township, Onslow County, NC”, dated August 10, 2012, prepared by John L. Pierce & Associates, P.A. and recorded in Map Book 65, Page 54, Cabinet N in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 307 Sinclair Lane, Hubert, North Carolina. SUBJECT to Restrictive and Protective Covenants recorded in Book 3804, Page 11 and as amended in Book 3922, Page 523, Onslow County Registry. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third

in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00PM on August 12, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Randolph County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed James I. Wentz aka James Wentz, dated August 3, 2004 to secure the original principal amount of $136,000.00, and recorded in Book 1880 at Page 1623 of the Randolph County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Randleman Rd, Randleman, NC 27317 Tax Parcel ID:

1 0 9 2 2 7758946778

real estate situated in New London in the County of Stanly, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Lying east but not adjacent to Mountain Creek Road (S.R. 1522) in Harris Township, Stanly County, North Carolina, and BEING all of Lot No. 6, as shown on “Final Plat of The Meadows Subdivision - Phase Two”, dated August 18, 1999, surveyed by Rogell E. Hunsucker & Associates, Inc., R.L.S., recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 287, Office of the Register of Deeds for Stanly County, North Carolina, reference to which being hereby made for a more particular description hereof by metes and bounds. Subject to and together with all of the rights, duties and privileges set forth on the recorded plat aforesaid, as well as the restrictions incorporated by reference herein. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 40131 Eagle Head Court, New London, North Carolina. For back reference see deed from Sammy E. Estridge, Jr. and spouse, Rita A. Estridge; Ronnie P. Janey and spouse, Rita P Janey; and Eston G. West and spouse, Jackie S. West to Salvador G. Mendez and spouse, Rose P. Mendez dated October 27, 2000 and recorded in Record Book 767 at Page 755, Stanly County Registry. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23.

location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:00 PM on August 13, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Union, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 101 of Anklin Forrest, as shown in Plat Cabinet K at File 99 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Union County, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 4016 Widgeon Way, Waxhaw, North Carolina. TMS#:


Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers,

in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 11:00AM on August 14, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Wake County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Tyrece Lee and Deidre Lee, dated September 25, 2004 to secure the original principal amount of $66,750.00, and recorded in Book 11051 at Page 1133 of the Wake County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Pl, Raleigh, NC 27610 Tax Parcel ID:

2601 Bristol 0061542


situated in Raleigh in the County of Wake, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a new iron pipe set in the northern right of way line of Marsh Creek Road, said pipe being North 54 deg. 15 min. 48 sec. East 139.4 feet from the centerline junction of Marsh Creek Road and Field Street; runs thence North 02 deg. 53 min. 54 sec. East 239.9 feet to an existing iron pipe; runs thence South 89 deg. 07 min. 08 sec. East 102.67 feet to an existing iron pipe; runs thence South 01 deg. 25 min. 51 sec. West 203.60 feet to a new iron pipe set in the northern right of way line of Marsh Creek Road; runs thence along said right of way line South 72 deg. 33 min. 05 sec. West 115.00 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, and being all of that 0.537 acre parcel as shown on map prepared by Robert G. Williams, RLS, entitled “House Location for Harvey E. Crabtree and wife, Nancy W. Crabtree, City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina” dated 7-10-97. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 4003 Marsh Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Property Address: 4003 Marsh Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27604

agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of

the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Case No: 1287691 (FC.FAY)

party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained

in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Present Record Owners: Wentz

associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.



And Being more commonly known as: 10922 Randleman Rd, Randleman, NC 27317 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are James I. Wentz. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 2647 - 6148

The date of this Notice is June 10, 2020. Satterfield Legal, PLLC Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 16-084728

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least

Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return

of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may

request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP

P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Case No: 1274167 (FC.FAY)

Present Record Owners:

(5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Deidre Lee

And Being more commonly known as: 2601 Bristol Pl, Raleigh, NC 27610 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Deidre Lee. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent

A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Degantus A. Hodges.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 1901 - 3955

The date of this Notice is July 24, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109281

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date

pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

An Order for possession of the property may be issued

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole

Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the

purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by

discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 19-12888-FC03

providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 Firm Case No: 1679 - 3088


North State Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

pen & paper pursuits


solutions From July 22, 2020

TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461


Stanly County Journal


Air Force One lands in NC

Rep. Richard Hudson (center) joins Sen. Thom Tillis, and three fellow NC Republican congressmen (Greg Murphy, Dan Bishop and David Rouzer) to tour a Wake County biotech plant with President Trump on Monday, July 27, 2020.


Stanly Community College unveils plan for fall semester

Locust Police Chief Steven Smith is pictured in this unndated file photo.

2 more prison inmates die from COVID-19 complications

Stanly County Two more male inmates at Albemarle Correctional Institution died after testing positive for COVID-19. One offender died at a hospital on Friday, while another died at a hospital on Thursday. Eight state prisoners with COVID-19 have died since the pandemic began. Three were serving their sentences at Albemarle, which has reported over 100 positive cases. Both inmates were hospitalized in early July and tested positive weeks ago. Both died from preexisting conditions complicated by the virus. Officials haven’t released the names of the prisoners. One was in his early 60s, the other was in his early 70s. AP

Charlotte, other Meck cities ban late-night alcohol sales Mecklenburg County Officials in Charlotte and a handful of other Mecklenburg County towns are restricting alcohol sales after 11 p.m. to help fight the spread of the coronavirus. Other towns that said they will enact such an order include Davidson, Matthews, Mint Hill and Pineville. Officials enacted the restrictions after seeing videos of people in restaurants and bars not wearing masks or practicing social distancing. The order is set to run until Aug. 7. Restaurants that don’t sell booze can still operate under their normal hours assuming they follow social distancing and mask requirements.

Plan addresses COVID-19 precautions amid growing enrollment


Locust Police Chief Steven ‘Smitty’ Smith passes away from heart attack By David Larson Stanly County Journal LOCUST — The Locust Police Department announced “with the utmost tremendous sadness” that their chief, Steven R. “Smitty” Smith, had passed away July 21. The department later confirmed to the media that his death was caused by a heart attack. “Chief Smith passed away last evening at Atrium Health Cabarrus in Concord. Chief Smith was off-duty at the time of his death. He was 45 years old,” the release said. Smith had a long history in Locust, having been born in the town and starting his police career. He then worked in the Monroe Police Department and

the Kannapolis Police Department before returning to the Locust Police Department in 2007. While hired as a patrol officer, Smith was quickly promoted to sergeant and then captain within the department. In December 2019, Smith was appointed to the position of chief of police, succeeding retiring Locust Chief Frank Hartsell. Every member of the department, including the departing Hartsell, endorsed Smith as chief. “Chief Smith was an outstanding decision maker and leader who held an extraordinary vision for the future of the Locust Police Department,” read the Locust PD statement. “In just six months as See POLICE CHIEF, page 2

By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal ALBEMARLE — While some community colleges across the state have seen a drop in enrollment numbers for this upcoming fall semester, Stanly Community College is not one of them. To handle the increased numbers while maintaining safety during the global pandemic, SCC has released a detailed plan for the fall semester. SCC President Dr. John Enamait told SCJ on Thursday that he is “cautiously optimistic” about the status of fall enrollment. “When we started registration, we were down significantly, but we have caught up,” Enamait said. “Now, we’re actually a little positive, so our current fall enrollment is actually higher than it was this time last year. We still have three weeks before the semester starts so anything could happen. I’m hoping that our enrollment will continue to be strong.” Enamait said that his staff has received feedback from the parents of recent high school

John R. Nance appointed to fill chief district judge seat for 20A


The district covers Stanly and Montgomery counties By David Larson Stanly County Journal 5

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ALBEMARLE —North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley announced

in a press release Monday that she had chosen three chief district court judges to replace retiring judges. Judge John R. Nance was picked by Beasley to fill the vacancy for chief district judge for Judicial District 20A, which serves Stanly and Montgomery counties. Nance is currently the acting

chief judge for District 20A following the retirement announcement of Chief District Court Judge Bill Tucker. Tucker will officially vacate the seat on July 31. “I am grateful to each of these judges for their willingness to lead in their communities, particularly as we continue to navigate such difficult waters together,”

graduates who may have been planning to go to a university but are having second thoughts due to health, safety and financial concerns. “We’re starting to develop a campaign targeting those students who may not be thinking about our college transfer degrees at the community college and what a great deal they are,” he said. “We’ve got an articulation agreement with universities who will accept the 60 credit hours of our two-year degrees. Parents and students can save quite a bit of money while not really losing anything.” SCC recently released its “Return to Campus Guidelines” that navigate the methods and safety precautions the college is taking to fight against the spread of COVID-19 as classes begin on Aug. 17. Citing a higher-education exemption in Gov. Roy Cooper’s latest executive order, SCC will not enforce the usage of face masks on campus, though masks will be highly encouraged with reminder signs posted on walls and doors. The college has provided masks, face shields, gloves, sanitizers and disinfectants to campus personnel. In areas of its campus that are more pubSee SCC, page 2

said Beasley in the press release. Nance graduated from Oklahoma University in 1977 and later received a master’s degree from Webster University in 1987. He then went to Regent University School of Law, where he received his law degree in 1991. In 2014, Nance was elected to be a judge on North Carolina’s Judicial District 20A and has served on that court, of which he will now be chief judge, since 2015. “I am confident that courts in each of these counties will continue to serve the public with excellence and expediency under the new leadership,” Beasley said.

Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020






“Join the conversation” Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278

Publisher Neal Robbins

Editor David Larson

Sports Editor Cory Lavalette

Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill

Design Editor Lauren Rose

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♦ Lindsey, Jamarian Dequan (B M, 26) Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery (M), at 641 Nc 24-27 Bypass E, Albemarle, on 07/20/2020. ♦ Perry, Billy Brian (W M, 45) Arrest on chrg of Possess Methamphetamine (F), at 954 Old Charlotte Rd/harwood St, Albemarle, on 07/20/2020. ♦ Kindell, Holly Rickerra (B F, 31) Arrest on chrg of Possession Of Controlled Sub Prison/jail (F), at 819 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr/wall St, Albemarle, on 07/20/2020.


♦ Marklin, Heather Sue (W F, 42) Arrest on chrg of Larc Merchant Prod Code Fraud (F), at 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 07/21/2020.

Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.

POLICE CHIEF from page 1 Chief of Police, ‘Smitty’ had been consistently praised for his performance by the members of the Locust Police Department, Locust city administration as well as the elected members of the City Council of Locust.” Other law enforcement from the area mourned with the Locust PD, including the Stanly County Sheriff’s Office, which released a statement on Smith’s passing. “The Stanly County Sheriff’s Office would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family of Chief Steven Smith and the Locust Police Department. His loss is felt by us all, and none of us fights alone,” the release said. “‘Smitty’ was an awesome law enforcement officer that always put his community and other law enforcement officers first. Most if not all of our deputies have served with him for many years, and many of them call him friend, mentor, brother, and family. Thank you Smitty for all you did and all you taught us, we will take it from here.” The department referred to Smith as an “officer’s Chief” because he combined leadership with a strong rapport with the officers he oversaw. His philosophy of seeing the patrol division as “the heart and soul of a police department” was a big part of Smith’s success, since that is the public-facing side of the police for the community. “Chief Smith’s goal was to develop or enhance the most well-equipped, well-trained, community driven patrol officers possible and every single member of the Locust Police Department responded so positively to that leadership,” the release said. “‘Smitty’ was adored by his peers in the Stanly and surrounding county’s law enforcement community as well as by so many members of the Locust community that had known him his entire life. ‘Smitty’ was always a pleasure to be around and one of the most humorous storytellers you would ever meet. Chief always seemed to have the perfect ‘one-liner’ for any occasion. All of the members of the Locust Police Department will miss him so much.” The department asked the public to keep Chief Smith’s family in their thoughts and prayers as they mourn his passing. His funeral service was held July 25 at Locust First Baptist Church with his burial immediately following in the church cemetery.


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♦ Wright-smith, Erica Adrienne (W F, 28) Arrest on chrg of Attempt First Degree Burglary (F), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, on 07/21/2020.

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Published each Wednesday by North State Media LLC 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001

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♦ Mckinney, Kevin Demetruius J (B M, 24) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 847 S Fourth St/s Fifth St, Albemarle, on 07/21/2020. ♦ Kindell, James Edgar Amaendus (B M, 34) Arrest on chrg of Assault Leo/poW/firearm, F (F), at 40479 Airport Rd/ridge St, New London, on 07/22/2020. ♦ Germany, Al Britten (W M, 46) Arrest on chrg of Larc Merchant Prod Code Fraud (F) at 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 07/22/2020.

07/25/2020. ♦ Varner, Cameron Nicholas (W M, 21) Arrest on chrg of Carrying Concealed Weapon (M), at 529 Rogers St/wood St, Albemarle, on 07/26/2020. ♦ Varner, Cameron Nicholas (W M, 21) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 100 Heath St/e Main St, Albemarle, on 07/26/2020. ♦ Cash, James Bernard (B M, 51) Arrest on chrg of Larc Merchant Prod Code Fraud (F), at 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 07/26/2020. ♦ Ragsdale, Leann Taylor (W /F/31) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), 2) Maintain Veh/ dwell/place Cs (f) (F), and 3) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 24/27 Bethal Church Rd, Locust, NC, on 7/26/2020 ♦ Thompson, Malik Gewon (B /M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) Larceny Of Motor Vehicle (f) (F), 2) Create Counterfeit Cs (F), 3) Poss Marij >1/2 To 1 1/2 Oz (M), 4) Driving While Impaired (M), 5) Flee/elude Arrest W/mv (f) (F), 6) Speeding (M), 7) Reckless Drvg-wanton Disregard (M), and 8) Aggressive Driving (M), at US74 Anson County, Norwood, NC, on 7/26/2020 ♦ Dunn, Dominique (B /M/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Larceny Of Motor Vehicle (f) (F) and 2) Create Counterfeit Cs (F), at US74 Norwood, NC, on 7/26/2020

♦ Misenheimer, Laura Evelyn (W F, 48) Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery (M), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, on 07/23/2020.

♦ Poole, James Lee (W /M/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Heroin (F), 2) Maintain Veh/dwell/place Cs (f) (F), and 3) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 62 Cedar St, Badin, NC, on 7/24/2020

♦ Sellers, Treshun (B M, 19) Arrest on chrg of Robbery With Dangerous Weapon (F) at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, on 07/23/2020.

♦ Dunn, Jamie Suzanne (W /F/40) Arrest on chrg of Felony Possession Sch Ii Cs (F), at 33426 Old Salisbury Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 7/24/2020

♦ Peoples, Trey Jaquan (B M, 26) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female, M (M), at 1000 Henry Jay St/arey Av, Albemarle, on 07/23/2020.

♦ Ward, Sean Patrick (W /M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) Trafficking,opium Or Heroin (F), 2) Pwimsd Heroin (F), 3) Maintain Veh/dwell/place Cs (f) (F), and 4) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 62 Cedar Street, Badin, NC, on 7/24/2020

♦ Richardson, Gary Nmn (B M, 25) Arrest on chrg of Pwimsd Marijuana (F), at 342 Park Rd, Albemarle, on 07/24/2020. ♦ George, Andrew Forrest (W M, 34) Arrest on chrg of Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle (F), at 1713 Johnson St, Albemarle, on 07/24/2020. ♦ Garner, Anthony Maurice H (B M, 40) Arrest on chrg of Driving While Impaired (M), at 824 Nc 24-27 Bypass E, Albemarle, on 07/25/2020. ♦ Stocks, Travis Tyrell (B M, 21) Arrest on chrg of Possession Of Stolen Firearm (F), at 155 S Morrow Av, Albemarle, on 07/25/2020. ♦ Mclain, Joshua Allen (W M, 29) Arrest on chrg of Pwimsd Marijuana (F), at 517 Nc 2427 Bypass E, Albemarle, on

♦ Vanhoy, Justin Kelly (W /M/33) Arrest on chrg of 1) Neg Child Abuse-ser Phys Inj (F), 2) Driving While Impaired (M), 3) Reckless Drvg-wanton Disregard (M), 4) Operate Veh No Insurance (M), 5) Drive/allow Mv No Registration (M), and 6) Operate All-terrain Veh Public Street Other Than Crossing (M), at 40741 Ridoner Roadeu, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Mauldin, Tiffany Michelle (W /F/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Simple Assault (M) and 2) Injury To Personal Property (M), at 40471 Ridenhour Rd, Richfield, NC, on 7/23/2020

♦ Amerson, Robert Eugene (W /M/38) Arrest on chrg of 1) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 2) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 3) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), 4) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), and 5) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), at 503 Old Charlotte Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Hetland, Michael Shane (W /M/43) Arrest on chrg of 1) Breaking And Or Entering (f) (F), 2) Felony Larceny (F), 3) Poss Stolen Goods/prop (m) (M), and 4) Injury To Personal Property (M), at 517 Jaycee Hut Rd, Norwood, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Vanhoy, Justin Kelly (W /M/33) Arrest on chrg of 1) Neg Child Abuse-ser Phys Inj (F), 2) Driving While Impaired (M), 3) Reckless Drvg-wanton Disregard (M), 4) Operate Veh No Insurance (M), 5) Drive/allow Mv No Registration (M), and 6) Operate All-terrain Veh Public Street Other Than Crossing (M), at 40741 Ridoner Roadeu, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020



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DEATH NOTICES ♦ Susan Frances Frey, 80 of Albemarle, passed away July 20. ♦ Steven Ray Smith, 45, of Locust passed away July 21. ♦ William Clay Ingram, 97, of Albemarle, passed away Tuesday July 21 ♦ Saundra Hatley Elvin, 76, of Albemarle, passed away July 24. ♦ Melissa Long, 53, of Albemarle, passed away July 24. ♦ Doris Hathcock Tucker, 83, of Stanfield, passed away July 24. ♦ Bobby Blue Parnell, 86, of Albemarle, passed away on July 25. ♦ Mayme Efird Pinion, 90, of Norwood, passed away July 25.

♦ Rumbaugh, Stanton Colt-levi (W /M/28) Arrest on chrg of Dv Protection Order Violation (M), at 12030A Old Aquadale Road, Norwood, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Mauldin, Tiffany Michelle (W /F/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Simple Assault (M) and 2) Injury To Personal Property (M), at 40471 Ridenhour Rd, Richfield, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Auman, Savannah Michelle (W /F/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), 2) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 3) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 4) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), and 5) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), at 503 Old Charlotte Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Amerson, Robert Eugene (W /M/38) Arrest on chrg of 1) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 2) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 3) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), 4) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), and 5) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), at 503 Old Charlotte Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020 ♦ Hetland, Michael Shane (W /M/43) Arrest on chrg of 1) Breaking And Or Entering (f) (F), 2) Felony Larceny (F), 3) Poss Stolen Goods/prop (m) (M), and 4) Injury To Personal Property (M), at 517 Jaycee Hut Rd, Norwood, NC, on 7/23/2020


John Dixon

OHN HENRY DIXON, age 70, of Stanfield passed away on July 27, 2020 at Atrium Health Northeast in Concord. John was born in Concord, NC to William Dixon and Margie Nance. John married Judy Dixon of Stanfield, North Carolina on March 1, 1968 in York, SC. He was retired from Research and Development with Hoechst Celanese in Charlotte. He was of the Baptist Faith. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Judy Dixon of the home, daughters Holly Clontz and husband Stacy of Stanfield, Jennifer Little of Stanfield, and one grandchild Jamie Dabbs of Stanfield and a nephew Scott Dixon of SC. A son Keith Dixon and a brother Richard Dixon both preceded him in death.

♦ Auman, Savannah Michelle (W /F/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), 2) Trafficking In Methamphetamine (F), 3) Trafficking In Methamphetamine

SCHOOLS from page 1 lic facing than others, SCC has installed plexiglass partitions; to assist with flow of foot traffic, certain doors on campus are labelled as entry and exit only. As for the classes themselves, SCC will deliver them to students in three variations: on-campus face-to-face courses, online courses structured through the CANVAS Learning Management Platform, and hybrid courses featuring both approaches. “When we start trying to decide what we are doing face-toface, it’s those classes that are heavy in lab and contact hours,” Enamait said. “The lecture classes — English for example — are easier for us to offer online than something like welding. We also did take into account how comfortable faculty were in being in close proximity to students.” Compared to past semesters,

(F), 4) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), and 5) Conspire Traffic Methamphetami (F), at 503 Old Charlotte Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 7/23/2020


“When we start trying to decide what we are doing face-to-face, it’s those classes that are heavy in lab and contact hours. The lecture classes — English for example — are easier for us to offer online than something like welding.” SCC President Dr. John Enamait

the college is offering a higher number of online classes than it normally does. The courses which do require face-to-face involvement will have a limited maximum enrollment in order to encourage social distancing. SCC students will operate un-

der a situational flexibility — if they are taking a class that has multiple formats (an online section and a seated section), they will be able to transfer to the online section if they find the safety of the seated section to be less than ideal. Enamait mentioned that over the course of the summer, the college has encouraged teleworking as much as it can, though areas such as the admissions, the business office and library have required some staff on campus in order to prepare for the fall. “As we’ve brought them back, employees have indicated that they do feel relatively safe, and that the college has done all we can to try to keep this virus from spreading,” he said. “Generally speaking, they have repeatedly expressed appreciation for what we have done to try to protect them and ensure their safety. That has held true throughout the pandemic.”


Bobby Parnell

OBBY BLUE PARNELL, 86, of Albemarle, passed away on Saturday, July 25, 2020 at Woodhaven Court. Bobby was born February 28, 1934 in Montgomery County to the late Adam Lincoln Parnell and Kate Elizabeth Blue Parnell. Mr. Parnell is survived by his wife of 34 years Judy Efird Parnell; daughter: Ellen Parnell Peterson (Bill) of Candor; step-sons: Kevin Efird of New London and David Efird (Renea) of Oakboro; stepdaughter Sharon Efird Morrison of Norwood; Brother Joe Parnell of Thomasville; sister Phylis Parnell of Wadeville; also survived by a number of step-grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son Robert Adam Parnell; brothers: A.L. Parnell, JT Parnell, Phillip Parnell, and Leroy Parnell; sisters: Helen Hutchinson, and Ann Elkins. See OBITUARIES, page 7

sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue Sweden style — a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will — emerge outis of stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe questioning and asking when we caninstart getting back This allthis newpandemic to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more ut also still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the bas ed we by should In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity North State Journal forthe Wednesday, April 15, 2020 production back in United States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay s to do, last I to normal as they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’t. afterdown our own e while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in that look e I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or Wednesday, others sick. April 15, 2020 the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle Stanly County Journal for uld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the up temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebratio in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpa money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices areWednesday, comparison. Senators inwere Washington are already about Stanly County living Journal July 29, 2020 thing? That is what free citizens in afor free society supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through t An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing t investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up r the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. e and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill,But senior editor past. theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. what opinion also makes me lose sleep is how everyone Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and ed business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.



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’s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON

“THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask switching their operation I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a p are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our r Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting se justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer is what COLUMN reflect on this message and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give theirso statements believability. | BEN SHAPIRO God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spo itizens COLUMN mandated| that weSHAPIRO do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, BEN this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to beofinspired by stories humanity are over. AIN; after thissometimes COVID-19avirus dissipates The some cavalier manner in which about the the disturbing tendency among people to treat those China lied measures are origin understandable, they shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a he United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell theisworld there were only and it is not normal. Not in any way, simply questioning the data and asking when we start getting back This all new to Americans, Stanly County Journal forcan Wednesday, April 15, 2020 temporary r Wednesday, April 15, 2020 In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu nother. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, collapse last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, oreconomic form. So while weand should remain vigilant and stay safe, at THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower than money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain s caused by China in perspective, zero millions ofothers Americans needlessly thrown out of problems work. sacrifices are sick.released otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with so-called ON TUESDAY, The Wall Street Journal the being results Some of wealth inequality are inthis part products“new ked. and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. n trace their source to the United States over government The crisis cost theNews. U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added Since when did questioning at allhas levels become bad over. of acurve poll performed in conjunction with NBC The poll atnormal.” — history always consequences. But of a second wave? the in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The aexcitement was of history Secondly, what are has we expecting in terms ast four in the thing? 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the the That ismuted what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. found that 56%all, of Americans believe American society isAmericans racist. overwhelmingly, pathways to success are not barred by It does not — after trends can easily reverse — but real. The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. 1957 “Asian flu,” “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets andrelations financialare outlets. If theor U.S. dollar were not the reserve to1968 do, last I checked. Seventy-one percent believe race either very discrimination. Black Americans occupy many of thewave. mostThis is the have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second 2 SARS outbreak. There evidence that currency, would not befamily. ablesay to I’m fund any of prominent these emergency My first is concern as gothe along in all this, of is my Matthews has also in written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah fairly bad. Most troubling, 65%we of course, black positions American society, from government to the virus is to stay atwe home; they’ve practiced socialAmericans distancing; in that many Stacey places, mostand important problem because experts maintain that ” pandemic also had itsabout origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation currency worried them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. racial discrimination is built into American society, “including entertainment to education towe finance. Responsible individual they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means are likely to see more serious spreading nt, outside China, that COVID-19 depreciation. suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during thehospitalization 2009 pandemic, into our policies and institutions.” decision-making is generally rewarded forbe allfaced Americans, blackrenewed Weof need The result: a reduction in expected and death. in the fall. And that means we will with either vince probably from the trying completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through I’ve been to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up The notion that America isof systemically racist bodes illopinion for and white. And Americans are more than willing to fight According transparency According to the University Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, withthose wide-scale Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior editor ary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. the future. It’s also a dramatic lie. American history is replete who would obstruct the possibility of success for those who Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have to andSwedish honesty rcommunist | Frank Hill,But senior editor Chinese army.opinion to is bring China into the civilized world of 21st make century health, hygiene what also makes me racism lose sleep how easily most everyone has with racism; was indeed the root of systems ranging theisolate right decisions. Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. from our economists rous verifiable policing and regulation ofto Jim Crow. and fair trade. Totalitarian communist never and takemore the blame from outbreak slavery But the by story of120,000, America is the storyregimes More Americans apparently believe that thecan we do? Are peak was revised down over the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly th protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, becauseAmerican that is not what is endemically racist — yet the system scientific experts from World of the cashing of Martin Luther Jr.’s promissory note: the system ventilators by nearly 13,000 andKing the number of overall deaths by weevery capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few ndant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of — we need to fulfillment of the pledge of the Declaration of Independence produces moreweakness wealth, freedom and opportunity thanregularly, any on since the Values, August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find inthem adversaries and of keep pushing until theyfor winmillions or the of citizens to treat all men equally, to grant protection their Earth of every color, creed and religion. know what they Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we America is adversaries push unalienable natural rights. America hasback. worked to extirpate the If a majority ofcontact Americans believe thatfor society is racistAmericans — not know, what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a tracing system 330 million — and one “pay” of thefor this disaster make China is to offer sin of bigotry That is,inunless anofexogenous eventofhappens such as the Chernobyl nearly universal pursuit the fulfillment the just individuals but a vast swath of friends and neighbors, and First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? don’t and when nies whomost will source at least half of their The storymeltdown inis1986. experts believe that event, not institutions the Star Wars racially declaration. of America 1776,Some not 1619; it’s Abraham to boot Things — then cannot it will be quite difficult important because it determines whether certain areas ought to America’s OneSoviet thingUnion is certain: continue as theyfor have been. they hope to nited States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Lincoln, not John C. Calhoun; it’s Martin Luther—King Jr., not Americans to unify. No country can survive its citizens seeing tolerant be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and n direct investment plants Robin and equipment in 1989. know what in they DiAngelo. one another as enemies rather than friends, seeing their country more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evolving models, countries onis about $65 billion by nvestment in the U.S. Perhaps COVID-19 China’sdoes Chernobyl. don’t. It isto particularly today that Americanissociety not as a reflection ofas continuing its history. ought lock downtrue further. especially statistics evil roll embedded in that lookinlike the lower-end model Earth. Senators in Washington are already talkingAmerica, about thelike possibility deserve the scorn being heaped upon her head. American every other of nation, requires aupper-end common philosophy, We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms death and the estimates in terms it of 30% on half of U.S. investment China not of racist: China According forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we oweculture them as onehistory way totoget society isindecidedly to—Swedish economists and survive. And yet those elements are being from our the number of identified COVID-19 cases but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty ied to repatriated Americanfrom manufacturing China tois“pay” the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold World Values, America one offor the most racially tolerant consistently eroded byyour those who would rather collapse the what they and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, uld cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting forbanned a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but asksystem your elected countries onactually Earth. American law has in pursuit of some unspecified utopia. have died of coronavirus. Somediscrimination sources suggest theAmerican don’t and when they to know what they don’t. few years. $18 billion in lostpeople revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial for hope on race for two generations and more than half a century; in That utopia willways not come. Allwe’re thatwilling will follow in thetheir wakeadvice. of number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and to follow But o the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now disaster. laws on the books cut fact, the only racially this discriminatory the dissolution oftoour common bonds is chaos. The principles of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey wn economy, not of defeatedinenemies in the It is abouthave timebeen theygranted are expected as responsible citizens of favor suggest ofas racial minorities, specialto operate Declaration of Independence remain true; the promise sources the number who is dramatically underestimated, sinceof theto the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American thecollege world like any other modern nation. privileges in arenas like remains durable. The only question is whether we are willing many people are dying at home.admissions. institutions seem deeply prone. g, stealing, pirating and pillaging American The police are no longer instruments of racial terror,Americans contrary to stand up for those principles and work anew to fulfill those Even more importantly, we have no clue how many 30 years. They have made notosecret that they narrative: In many of America’s largest cities, popular media promises, rather than in the foundations of the greatest actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36,caving is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, as the premier superpower in the world and police forces cases are either majority minority or nearly so, andthan police nationhost everofconceived by mankind. of identified could be an order of magnitude lower the “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. eserve currency with their renminbi. are not more likelywho to shoot black Americans number of people haveand hadkill coronavirus and notthan beenwhite tested. com. Americans. Problems of high crime in minority neighborhoods Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law are generally a result of under-policing, rather than the School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of converse. WS

l pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 bigisquestions nobody is answering America hitting the self-destruct button





questions about when Getting our soldiers the resources tbig to normal The comfort and they hope of Easter sback COVID-19 catastrophe questions nobody is answering and appreciation deserve


under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need issipates cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin the with how people who simply ask tate governments,The a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’mofuneasy THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofBRAGG’S theand federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower than “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. in of Concord and Newhave Sarum AS FORT congressman, it’s an honor to represent through burn pits which beenBrewing linked toCo. in or this covered up its spread tried to tell the world there were only hat is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things canchemicals start getting backthe to use nd state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. so many active-duty soldiers, their families and our veterans. We serious health conditions, including cancer. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and tend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. he curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement wasoutinof Secondly, what as are we expecting in terms of a second wave? I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, minister began a program to deliver groceries to owe a debt to everyone who has served our nation’s military, Together, these provisions in the NDAA will further support zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown work. ders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without muted — after all, trends canhas easily reverse — taxpayer butor real. Americans Thedifficult institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not working from home losing a job, it may be to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. well as their families, for the sacrifices they have made to protect our troops, their families and our veterans. States over The crisis cost the U.S. at least $2.4 trillion in added , Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve their jobs predict how many people Also, will die in a stories second wave.throughout This is be glad” the Bible tells us do. However, asto a Christian, husband These from regionearlier continue our country. We also owe itleft to to them to make sure they have all the as part of my commitment tothe ourour military, this to provide esave can be that debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the briefing “we just don’t know yet”asifin the process of returning back normalcy. o stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus isforinthe and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people need and our health care available tools and resources they deserve. year I helped secure a President Unit Citation 30th gsflu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those hey’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we areworkers likely toonsee more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global the front lines of the coronavirus response. Congress returned this week to pass the latest National Infantry Division for its service in World War II. ce that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency end it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the The result: a reduction inwithout expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And means we will be people faced either renewed Lenten and pandemic. While throughout oursoldiers communities continue to step up, Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This annual defense billthat Made up in of with National Guard from North measures of rampant and currency Among their eChina. answers should not be vague onesimmediate like “we fearcountry, and inflation the stricter some of them get in states, such as part Michigan, ccording to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wide-scale For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck lays out all of the priorities to keep our military strong and Carolina and nicknamed the “Old Hickory Division” after Easter seasons -19 depreciation. undance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about accomplishMetrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members ofand the testing andproud contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting self-employed people support military families and veterans. This year, I was to President Andrew Jackson, the division landed on the beaches of and y China has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through provide a ned in detail to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand ments, the theand rumpout administration, expected need for hospital beds atusaobviously tonot isolate those who are mosthelping vulnerable and let everyone else work. Corinthians 1:4, which reminds our Lord “comforts us in all our small businesses keep people on the payroll, while direct work with my colleagues to include record-setting number of Normandy on D-Day and became a vital part of the Allied effort ame of a economic financial means. Diplomacy has worked obless and at home answers. message offor an undetermined eak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of comfort Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do?and Areworkers. Please know that I’ll affliction, so that we may be able to those who are in any relief will soon reach families provisions in the bill. to defeat Nazi Germany. division of to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene els predicting hundreds of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hope that we willof thousands entilators by nearly and the number of overall deaths by wehazardous capable ofduty rollingbyout tens of millions of testsonover thethe next fewand affliction, withcommunist the comfort which we ourselves areblame comforted continue working sense solutions so that These provisions included awith 10%those increase in Among theirbut accomplishments, division of targeted 13,000 soldiers ation of 13,000 and 13,000 fair trade. Totalitarian never take the can beregimes answers — and again, not vague answers, answer common once again enjoy ugust by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests regularly, since the God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep people and businesses pay for those serving in eligible locations. This increase will held off an advance of 80,000 German troops at Mortain, France, has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. soldiers held Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers toadvantage the their keyseason, virus isyou transmittable while carriers areHistorical asymptomatic? Can we that General, and sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter I urge to also whole. support our warfighters who put lives on the line and is in in August 1944. records indicate where purely totalitarian governments do. They take of every weakness along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, off advance uestions thatanwill allow economy tothis reopen. create awe contact tracing system for 330 million Americans —intended and seasons reflect onto message and comforted, so may But live out Until theD. Lenten and Easter provide addition an overall 11% paybe raise our troops since President later President, Dwight Eisenhower for the 30th a message of concerts, family nd delivery they findthe in adversaries and keep ourselves, pushing until they win orthat the n leaders have, too. andfor our communities safe. we should also stillthen, continue First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, Trump entered office. Infantry Division to be recognized with the Presidential Unitconcerts, family of 80,000 adversaries push back. gatherings, rtain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home mportant because That it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as they have been. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many more celebrations For members of the Special Operations Community, I secured Citation. However, the designation went overlooked for nearly 70 after our rndency is to offer is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl German troops among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. church services open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style —the a Force Americans are notever. going to stay home for months on end, and confident will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the country and improvements to the Preservation of and Family years. ofetatheir in 1986. experts believe that event, not the Star Wars and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, and many more at Mortain, more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do Former so on the basisare of over. ever-evolving models, In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity (POTFF) program established to create a holistic approach to Congressman Larry Kissell fought for the 30th ly $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at after our own France, in ught to lock down further. address especially as statistics roll in that look everyone likerecognition the lower-end model neighbors helpingon neighbors. IDivision’s wish Easter, as well Passover, a joyous pressures the increased stressget on comfortable operator’s Infantry and when I came into as office, he equipment y get themselvesinor1989. others sick. the force sameand time we shouldn’t with this so-called “new celebrating We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep faith, practice families. asked me to carry on the fight. I worked for more than seven years August 1944. 5 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ning government at all levels become a bad normal.” atenumber Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 he offor identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the numerator ofpossibility economic damage. need transparency from our confident to buy 3-D printer and plastic to make face for We necessary safetyand guidelines remain that Military families make sacrifices forbit. our country too.shields That’s throughout the Obama andhonesty Trumpand administrations to have thewe will get sacrifices are society Senators inmoney Washington already talking about the itizens living in a free were supposed Not one little nd the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health caretrillion workers hisbill own home. through this together. why I secured language inofthe that will future 30th recognized. Finally, nearly 75 years after their heroic stand nt in China $1.2 inout debt we owe them ashelp one improve way to get over. of China forgiving eople have actually died coronavirus. Some they sources suggest the don’t and they hope to know in what theyPresident don’t. Donald Trump directed the U.S. Impact Aid funding schools in military communities. I also at Mortain, March ufacturing China to of “pay” damage have caused thehas US. Don’t holdwhen your go along in all this, of course, isfor mythe family. I’m for Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah umber has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But and ensure these secured improvements to strengthen Exceptional Army Insurrection. to award the Presidential Unit Citation lion in virus, and breath waiting a Chinese to ahappen but ask your elected ing the I’m worried Ifor will. After “Jubilee” and is regularthe contributor toFamily RedState and Legal f death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey Member Program that supportsinspecial needs education veterans get the credit they deserve. nue topandemic, hold China accountable tangible financial waysfor for irusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009 ources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American military families. This week, the citation was presented to the 30th Infantry etra areprecautions, now this disaster. because all of this brings up many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeplyDivision prone. at a ceremony at the North Carolina National Guard. Finally, for veterans, I worked across the aisle to ensure the mies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat. Even more importantly, we have no clue many Americans ofhow Veterans Affairs burn pit registry is expanded to This ceremony was a culmination of years of hard work and I have theeasily worldmost likeDepartment any other modern nation. e lose sleep is how everyone has ctually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, include veterans who servedthe in Syria. Our community has one been proud to work with so many veterans, the North Carolina American fetidentified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. of the fastest growing veteran populations in the country and National Guard and President Trump to make it happen. that they bins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor umber of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. we owe it to these heroes to take care of themcom. both during and You can rest assured that as long as I am your congressman, I world and after they have served our country. After years of fighting in the will continue to do everything I can to support our troops, their nbi. Middle East, many of our servicemembers were exposed to toxic families and our veterans.

h STA Jason

Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020



No fans for NASCAR races at Dover next month Dover, Del. The NASCAR weekend in late August at Dover International Speedway will take place without fans. Delaware state officials denied the track’s request to host a limited number of fans Aug. 2123 in the interest of public health and safety. The track is to host a NASCAR Xfinity Series and NASCAR Cup Series on Saturday and Sunday of that weekend. NASCAR has run race weekends without fans with limited exceptions, notably at tracks in Tennessee and Texas.


MLB returns with thrills; red flags remain after 1st weekend Baseball’s 60-game regular season starts but one team has already had COVID-19 spread through its roster

By Jake Seiner The Associated Press NEW YORK — The World Series champion Washington Nationals stood six feet apart along the first base line and watched as a banner commemorating their title was raised, then took a knee alongside the New York Yankees in a call for social justice. Star slugger Juan Soto wasn’t there — he was flagged hours before the first pitch for COVID-19. Neither, of course, were any fans. Hardly ideal, but there was hardball nonetheless. “I’d rather be playing baseball than not,” Nationals ace Max Scherzer said. Major League Baseball returned

to action this weekend with a flourish of highs and lows as the sport attempts to play a 60-game regular season amid a coronavirus pandemic still plaguing much of the United States. The baseball itself was a breath of fresh air — even through all those face coverings. Opening Day gems from Jacob deGrom, Shane Bieber and Kyle Hendricks. A mesmerizing home run from Giancarlo Stanton. Deft baserunning by Lorenzo Cain that baffled the entire Cubs infield. But COVID-era baseball has been unmistakably different. Cardboard cutouts of fans, managers arguing with umpires through face masks, air fives after home runs — not to mention a stream of players put on the coronavirus injured list, including potential outbreaks within the Marlins and Reds clubhouses. The 60-game sprint started with a bang — thunder, actually, along with a torrential downpour in the

“We just do the best we can with the masks and social distancing and all that and hope for the best.” Robert Dugger, Marlins pitcher rain-shortened opener between the Yankees and Nationals. Despite that, it was the sport’s mostwatched regular season game in nine years. Later that night, Mookie Betts made his Dodgers debut in Los Angeles, one day after signing a $365 million, 12-year deal to stay there through 2032. The National League adopted the designated hitter for the first time, and Mets slugger Yoenis Céspedes — sidelined since 2018 with various lower body injuries — hit the first home run by a DH during a

game between NL teams on Opening Day. There’s a new protocol for extra innings, with each team awarded an automatic runner at second base to start each inning after the ninth. The change was poorly received, but after seeing it in action, some traditionalists are seeing the appeal. “It’s another one of these changes that we might end up liking,” 64-year-old Braves manager Brian Snitker said. “Made it interesting.” Lastly, MLB unveiled another modification hours before first pitch, expanding the postseason from 10 teams to 16. Still, the biggest concern is controlling the coronavirus. The Miami Marlins scratched righthander Jose Urena from his scheduled start Sunday in Philadelphia and delayed their postgame trip home amid concerns about a possible virus outbreak within the team. The team then postponed Monday’s home opener against the Orioles after more than a dozen players and coaches tested positive in the last week. “There’s nothing we can really do,” Marlins pitcher Robert Dugger said. “It’s out of our control. We just do the best we can with the masks and social distancing and all that and hope for the best.”

Giants to release kicker Rosas following June arrest New York The New York Giants are going to release 2018 Pro Bowl placekicker Aldrick Rosas, both the NFL Network and The Associated Press are reporting. Rosas was arrested in mid-June after being involved in a hitand-run accident in Chico, California. He was charged with three misdemeanors. The police report said his SUV failed to stop at a red light and collided with a pick-up truck. Rosas left the scene on foot but was later picked up by police and charged with misdemeanor hit-andrun and driving with a suspended license. Rosas had signed a $3.2 million tender offer for the 2020 season.


Thompson wins 3M Open by 2 strokes Blaine, Minn. Michael Thompson birdied two of the last three holes Sunday for a 4-under 67 and a two-stroke victory, finishing off his second PGA Tour win seven years after his first with a victory at the 3M Open. Thompson finished at 19-under 265 at the TPC Twin Cities. Adam Long took was second after a 64 Sunday. Richy Werenski, who had the 18-hole lead and shared it with Thompson after both Friday and Saturday, shot a 70 for his worst round of the tournament and settled for a nine-way tie for third — three strokes back.


Astros’ Verlander out at least two weeks with forearm strain Houston Reigning AL Cy Young Award winner Justin Verlander has a strained right forearm and will be shut down for at least two weeks. Astros manager Dusty Baker announced the injury after Houston’s 7-6 loss to the Mariners on Sunday, saying Verlander would be evaluated after two weeks. Verlander denied a report that the injury would end his season in a tweet Sunday night. The 37-year-old Verlander had groin surgery in March but recovered in time to pitch for the Astros on Friday’s Opening Day with the season delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Dodgers special assistant Jose Vizcaino stands on the field during practice as cutouts occupy some of the stadium seats before Sunday’s game against the San Francisco Giants in Los Angeles.

Even whistles now are safer at NBA restart The league is trying to take every precaution to avoid an outbreak in the bubble

Zach Zarba, NBA referee

By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — The NBA believes it has considered every possible way it can make the restarted season as safe as possible for everyone involved. That even included a plan to contain referee spittle. Referees at the NBA and WNBA restarts are using the same whistles as they always have — albeit with one subtle but important addition. A small black bag is being slipped onto each whistle, designed to collect any spittle that might emanate from a referee’s mouth and through the device itself when being used during play. “Obviously, with health and wellness being in the forefront of everything that we’re doing here in the bubble at Disney, we wanted to make sure that we had something in place for the whistles,” said Monty McCutchen, the former NBA referee who is now a league vice president overseeing the referee program. “In what used to be a normal world, we didn’t worry about what came out of a whistle ... spittle or moisture or a mist or any combination of those was not a concern for us. It is now, and it needs to be.”

“The innovation and attention to detail out here, soup to nuts, is impressive.”


NBA official Michael Price uses a covered whistle during a WNBA basketball game between the Washington Mystics and Indiana Fever in Bradenton, Florida. Whistles aren’t just whistles, not at this level. They’re high-tech, made by Fox 40 — the company that provides whistles to NHL, NFL and college referees, among others — and calibrated to work with Precision Time by using radio technology to communicate between the referee and the scorer’s table to instantly stop the clock when blown. The NBA ran plenty of testing to ensure that the baggies — which are washable and reusable

-- would not thwart that system in any way. The baggie attaches with Velcro and works whether a referee wants to wear the whistle on a lanyard or keep it hand-held. “We had several ideas at one time, and this is what we came up with,” McCutchen said. “There’s other coverings that are of a harder plastic that we have some here in case we need them. We felt that this was the most reasonable and the quickest and it because it was pliable, a little easier to hold.”

Longtime referee Zach Zarba said it took some getting used to, but by the midway point of his first scrimmage at Walt Disney World he didn’t even notice the baggie was there. “You’re not going to get any referee to complain about being back to work and the guidelines and health and safety go along with that,” Zarba said. “We’re all for it. And if this keeps people safer, it’s a no-brainer. ... The innovation and attention to detail out here, soup to nuts, is impressive.” McCutchen once lost a whistle during a game when it sailed from his mouth and directly into the drink of a courtside fan. He had a backup that night. And just in case anything goes wrong at Disney, referees — even though the games won’t have fans present — will have backup whistles with them as well. “Our referees are really clear about the goals here: keep people safe, keep people healthy, and then the game,” McCutchen said. “But we can’t have a game if everyone is ill or sick and if we don’t have the proper attitude toward health and safety. Our referees are embracing this.”

Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Pfeiffer ‘The Last Dance’ directorgranted talks project full NCAA on Jordan’s Bulls Division III membership

The 10-part documentary will air over five Sundays

By Tim Reynolds The school started the The Associated Press reclassifying process in 2016 JASON HEHIR was a kid in the stands in Boston Garden onBy April 20,Deal 1986, the day that Jesse Michael Jordan scored a playoff-record 63 Stanly County Journal points. It was a ChristmasMISENHEIMER gift from his father, —who Pfeiffer stuck a note promising “Two tickets to the University announced in aAir July 23 Jordan Show” in his stocking seapress releasethat thatholiday it will be an offison. It’s a gift Hehir will neverDivision forcial NCAA III member beget, though his current ginning seat Sept.for 1. another Jordan show of sorts isDivision III MemThe NCAA considerably better.bership Committee“Ivoted wouldn’t to make Hehir is the director of thefor both the NCAA Pfeiffer eligible call it a ESPN and Netflix production “The Athletic Conferand USA South challenge. I Last Dance,” a 10-part documenence championships starting this tary series that debuts April 19 and upcoming 2020-21 would academic year. call it tells the story of Jordan’s final “A lot of Chicredit goes to our stua privilege.” cago Bulls season dent-athletes, in 1997-98 that coaches and current culminated in a sixth NBA title. and past administrators for getting Hehir’s task: Take us 10,000 of Pfeiffer JasonDirector Hehir, of to thishours point,” archived footage, Athletics add interviews Danielle Lafferty said in director of “The with more than 100 people, andpress the university’s release. “This KEVIN L. DORSEY | NC A&T ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO JOHN LOCHER PHOTOabout 8½ hours of teleturn| AP it into process took a lot ofLast hardDance” work, pavision. North Carolina A&T receiver Elijah Bell, pictured in 2017 against North Carolina Central, is among the HBCU draft tience and support from all. It took Gonzaga won the West Coast Conference Tournament in Las Vegas and was considered one of the favorites for the NCAA “I wouldn’t call four it a challenge,” hopefuls whobefore was affected by the canceled events due to the coronavirus pandemic. years to receive news from Tournament it was canceled. Hehir said. “I would call it a privilege.” the National Office that they have The series was moved upus two to pro-where granted fullmonths membership vide content-starved fans with I applaud thesomething dedicationnew and pato watch during tience the coronavirus from our pandemic. student-athletes ESPN was originally planning to release the and coaches.” documentary in June, coinciding what Back in 2016, with Pfeiffer started would have been this season’s NBA Finals. the reclassification process to move It will run over from five Sundays ending May II 17,status its NCAA Division with two one-hourto broadcasts each week. a Division III designation. The “I’m happy if we can bring a little academic bit of lightyear to was school’s 2016-17 people in a dark time here,” Hehir said. “Sports prothe first year of the provisional The coronavirus pandemic are such an indelible part of our cultural fabric can’t compete.” over the defensive next four lineman Daricess. Pfeiffer’s next steps were to to com- and other sports Central Coaches and administrators ful of leagues managed us Royster, the Mid-Eastern Athhas made it even harder and lacking that ... there’s a significant hole in But that opportunity never months. join the USA South and obtain a plete conference tournaments, are watching football’s “Just letic Conference offensive and enjoyment that people feel, the escape that peocame. for under-the-radar players The Big Ten and Pac-12 opted to “We have to be ready for waiver to narrow the reclassificabut most were just getting started return closely players the year, reple can feel from everyday life that sportsyears brings Carolina State’s nonconference pro defensivegames because we to make an impression in of any tion process to three instead when theon plug was South pulled on the eliminate and everything.” us.” day and the HBCUfootball combineand be-the spectively. other major conof four. season. teams are from “Doesit.extra exposure help? The accelerated launch has to a for came part a growing ferenceslist areof considering “We see soonly muchadded opportunity In the four months since,ofthe Yes, it does. But once it’s taken hectic time for Hehir and his team. events canceled because of the smaller Brian Katz, Sacramento State College basketball could take a success within Division III and the pandemic has ballooned as hot By John Marshall away would it limitspush certain guys to get There has been USA muchSouth anticipation the for coronavirus pandemic. By Kyle Hightower similar While route, which and weabout are excited spots have popped up across the The Associated Press schools basketball coach their film out there,” said Mordocumentary, which in Hehir’s mind came to- have small school and borderline draft The Associated Press our student-athletes to finally country. The sports world has back the start of the season until doesn’t gan State coach Tyrone Wheatgether much faster than such a project usually prospects from across the counJanuary for most schools. the opportunity to fully compete for WHILE THE professional started to come back to life in rea first-round does. try will be hurt sim- ley, DE’MONTREZ mean are finding ways The of financial implications willpick by the New NCAA and USA South Championweeks, starting with NA-by a lack sports to return centBurroughs York Giants in 1995. “It limits the “Normally, to doships,” an hourlong archival docilar events, HBCUpush players may looked at it as his best shot tothe ac- UFC. the NCAA to do whatevLafferty said. SCAR and to competition, college basketball we can’t umentary from start“We to finish, it takes the about be hitsports hardestfolwithout and complish hislike NFL dream. er itthem can to play pro somescouts sort offrom sea- actually seeing have ingrained Division The other major is in a holding pattern, much these guys one-on-one, to look a year from the inception of the idea to the the Regional Combine InvitaThe South Carolina State secompete.” III mission and values intoreeach of lowed, but the NCAA has delayed son while trying to keep its stucollege football. at them and physically place eyes search to doing allour the programs shooting toand getting it all for that in re- safe. niorcoaches receiverdo had athe dates cirdent-athletes are excited decision about tional starting theHBCU fall players College basketball To 2020 get some of the questogether, storyboarding it out, mapping it out, cent years had previously to on them. calendar. First, the including Theused cancellation of the the new vision of Division III athsports seasons, football. have an advantagecled overonthehisfootDe’Montrez tions answered up close and perediting, getting notes back, it takes about a forboost their draft stock. Bulldogs’ annual pro day on letics here at Pfeiffer. We look College basketball, as it stands NCAA Tournament led to a $375 ball coaches while in limbo. Since sonal.” year,” Hehir said. “We’re doing 10 of those. And “When you’re coming out of an March 19, followed a week latBurroughs, million shortfall in revenue the ward to competing at the highest now, is slated to begin on Nov. their season starts later, they get a getting a chance to we had a little bit over to doIII it soand we’re HBCU,looked you know the teams by the first-ever NFL combine South Carolina NCAA distributes Aside to its from member leveltwo of years Division providThe NCAA initially at that chance to see how er things play out, 10. run the 40-yard dash and comalready working at five times our normal rate.” are going to be looking at Divievent held for draft prospects schools, causing a ripple budgeting an excellent experience our stubumping up the start of the seaboth in professional sports and in State receiver plete otheracross strength and agility The pandemic further complicates matters. I talentwigfirst,”ary saideffect Kansas on universities dent-athletes can have in competison to Colleges afford moresion scheduling college football. from Historically Black Hehir and his teamtion are finishing up while defensive Alex drills in front of scouts from the Universities didn’tbut re-thatCity country. and in thethings classroom.” gle room, wasChiefs shelved as the back “I know this forand sure: it’s not who NFL’s 32 franchises, players were separated, connecting through Zoom meetings Brown, a SC State alum. “With ceive invitations to the national Losing football, the biggest With this new designation, going to be like any other season COVID-19 cases rose in dozens of going to get the chance to interbut largely in isolation at their own laptops to Dithis HBCU combine, that’smaker dif- in Indianapolis. money college sports, Pfeiffer has become the ninth states. we’ve ever had,” combine SoutherninMiss view with team executives on the get the last pieces of the story ready to air. ferent. I wish we had that when He left for spring break the vision III institution within North Basketball players, like oth- would be another huge blow. A coach Jay Ladner said. “And even first day the HBCU combine The documentary goes deeper 1997-is the coming out. second It was gonna before his pro with ev- I was year without theofNCAA Carolina. Thethan USAjust South er day student-athletes, were allowed if we have a season,week you’re certainevent. 98, though that season is the overriding theme. be a chance to have all the teams erything ready to go. He had film home to eight of those schools. ly looking at all types of changes to return to campus for volun- Tournament could be financialTeams are still It also serves as a retrospective of Jordan’s bas- Dilooking at those packages to distribute scouts. last ly catastrophic, particularly for conducting inThroughout the country, tary to workouts month. Someguys.” and we all know that. But football ketball life, from his college at North450 CaroOnly fourafter HBCUsmaller playersschools. were terviews by phone and video conHeorder was of also thinking about halted what workouts vision IIIdays contains instituschools is certainly the first busiferencing,ifbut those are capped lina through his rise atopand themore NBA.than 180,000 stuthe 2019 draft a anything he would say of in interviews with selected “I’d with be for we’re tions multiple athletes tested in positive ness for administrators. A lot at three per week, said agent AuHehir knows there is an ongoing buildupnoand full others predrafthave process, though 32 Northern representatives teams but playing games,” Arizona dent-athletes. Though athletic for NFL COVID-19, what happens to them is going to from gustine anticipation surrounding theaid documentary, made Week 1 rosters. and happens what to to ask been idols able like Pro coach Shane Burcar said. Wiggins, “The last whose clients financial is availableand to these to continue offseason drive, eventually, what Burroughs. still feels nervousness. He met with Jordan The 51 health players invited to want the toinclude Football Hall of programs Famer Deion thing we do is lose comstudent-athletes (unlike sevthose in with multiple us.” “It’s harder to garner intereral times over the course of the project, includHBCU combine were trying to Sanders, who would be there. petition dates. If we’re playing 29 Division I and Division II schools), precautions in place. The 2019-20 college basketball est we’d and understand ing three sit-downDivision interviews that are part ofare elto do the “It was a end chance to be able tothe position or 31 games, love to do where the inIII student-athletes Whether season themselves starts games season came to an emphatic terest is for clients than in years the documentary. same. The list also included Florshowcase our talent,” Burroughs igible for the same academic finanon March 17 when the growing on time, gets pushed back or is that. And if that means playing in Wiggins said. “It’s a slightly “I hope that people it asand much we A&M University quarterback “Just because we arealtogether from ida I’m totally past,” fine with a May cial will aid, like grants loanasoptions as will depend on May, pandemic led to said. cancellation of shelved different pivot.” did,” Hehir said. Ryan Stanley and North Carolina smaller schools doesn’t mean we any student. the NCAA Tournament. A hand- what happens with the pandemic Madness.”

HBCU NFL hopefulsstuck adjust College basketball in after holding canceledduring pro days, combine pattern pandemic

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July 29, Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2020


Barr able to put his stamp on executive power as Trump’s AG Backup coronavirus hospital

nity volunteer Homer Osborne quickly transported to a hospital said he understands the need to should their conditions worsen. Memphis officials said the Gatehelp coronavirus patients, but he questions why officials chose way site was put on the list in response to a request from the state’s Gateway. “There are a lot of poor people coronavirus team to identify large, in this neighborhood that come available buildings where an alterhere and shop,” said Osborne, who nate treatment facility could be lowas buying food at the center for cated. “The task of finding space to a home delivery service he’s providing during the virus outbreak. shelter hundreds of potential pa“People won’t want to come over tients is not one of choice but nehere. It’s just going to kill this cessity,” the officials said in a statement. area.” For Nutbush residents, their He also cited a widespread fear of being unnecessarily exposed to fear of contracting the virus is matched with the worry that they the virus. “All around, people are scared,” could lose stores that are vital to the neighborhood. Officials hahe said. Their fears are not unfounded. ven’t said if stores would close if In this majority-black city along the Gateway facility was opened. the Mississippi River, lawmakers If they did, shopping would beand community leaders have been come more difficult for residents, sounding the alarm over what they especially for those who are old or see as a disturbing trend of the vi- have no means of transportation rus killing African Americans at a to stores located farther away. “For people who don’t have a higher rate. Nutbush resident Patricia Har- car, what do they do?” asked Harris wondered aloud if city officials ris, who spoke to The Associated were “trying to contaminate” the Press while lugging a bottle of detergent, a package of bottled waneighborhood. Activist Earle Fisher, an Afri- ter and other items from the Save ADRIAN SAINZ | AP PHOTO can American Memphis pastor, A Lot to her car. She noted that a understands the anxiety. “This grocery store recently closed near This Friday, April 3, 2020 photo, shows Gateway Shopping Center is an honest and reasonable con- her house and she already has to in Memphis, Tenn. cern and skepticism,” Fisher said. travel farther to get to Gateway. “When we do things, we’ve “I think it’s par for the course for Lee has disclosed a few: the Mu- a Chinese restaurant and other black people to be righteously got to consider the people in the skeptical of governmental inter- neighborhood,” she said. “We don’t sic City Center in Nashville, the businesses. Locating a treatment center for vention that did not consult with need to make the neighborhood Chattanooga Convention Center, worse than it already is.” the Knoxville Expo Center — all coronavirus patients there pos- people on the ground first.” U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a MemDoug McGowen, the city’s chief sites away from residential neigh- es two problems, residents say: It could potentially expose them operating officer, said the Gate- phis Democrat, said the decision borhoods. sense. The Gateway Shopping Cen- to the virus amid concerns that way site was being considered be- doesn’t make CHIP SOMODEVILLA/POOL VIA AP “I’m sure there are other places ter in the Nutbush neighborhood blacks are contracting COVID-19 cause it could potentially accomAttorney General William during a House hearing on the oversight the Department of Justice on would work, and they should modate hundreds of beds. He said ofthat at higher rates; and it Judiciary could forceCommittee of Memphis is different. TheBarr cen-testifies Capitol Hill,aTuesday, Julygrocery 28, 2020some in Washington, of the storesD.C. they rely on to if it were converted to a treatment have used those rather than go ter features Save A Lot site, it would hold only mildly ill into a residential neighborhood,” store, a Rent-A-Center, a Fami- close. Nutbush resident and commu- coronavirus patients who could be Cohen said. ly Dollar, a beauty supply shop, Democrats on Capitol Hill have a well-regarded prosecutor, and an agency riven with tumult. practice. Despite early indications of an though the judge did impose a sen- accused Barr of acting more like “He doesn’t have anything to prove from a professional or career askance view of the Russia inves- tence shorter than what the trial Trump’s personal lawyer than standpoint,” said his longtime col- tigation — he authored a memo team had sought, Trump commut- America’s chief law enforcement officer. For Barr, that’s a criticism league and friend, attorney Chuck months before his nomination ed the sentence anyway. He also moved to dismiss the easily shrugged off. Cooper. “He’s been at the apex of critical of special counsel Rob“I dismiss it because like many the legal profession for a long time. ert Mueller’s efforts — he struck a prosecution of former Trump adAnd so, in that respect, he’s unlike soothing note at his confirmation ministration national security ad- other talking points these days, any other attorney general. He’s al- hearing. He was confirmed 54-45, viser Michael Flynn, a request there’s never any actual particular the Justice Department expected matter presented to support it, so I ready ascended to that pinnacle mostly along party lines. But that support began to erode would be simple but that has in- ignore it as just part of the general once before.” Only one other attorney gener- a month later after he cleared stead produced a pitched fight be- background noise,” Barr said in a recent interview with The Associal has served two non-consecutive Trump of obstruction of justice al- fore a federal appeals court. Trump and Barr have broken on ated Press. terms — John J. Crittenden, who legations. He initiated an invesbin Salman, a son of King Salman, At the end of the day, Barr inheld the job under presidents John tigation of the Russia probe that occasion: Trump wanted a full-on assented to the deal. Tyler Millard “I and go with theFillmore consent,insotheI Trump supporters have embraced, prosecution of players in the Rus- sists his most controversial deci19th century. Barr’s firstchuckling, stint was but that Democrats see as vindic- sia probe, like Andrew McCabe, sions have been right and just. agree,” the prince said, “I think the only way to handle and bristled when Barr asked from 1991ato 1993,ofunder President drawing round applause from tive and backward-looking. He sought leniency in the sen- him to stop tweeting about Roger this kind of job, especially in the George Bush. call. those onH.W. the video Then But it he hadleft notgovernment been smileswork and tencing of Trump ally Roger Stone Stone, saying that the tweets were kind of environment we are in, is for a string lucrative private-seclaughs forofweeks after the so- — his idea alone, he insists, and a making it impossible to do his job. to just put one foot in front of the But largely, Barr has delivered, other, and every time a decision tor legalOPEC+ jobs until he of answered called group OPEC “righteous decision based on the Donald Trump’s call nations to replace Jeff merits.” The move promoted an- Trump has told confidants, in- is brought to you, you make a demembers and other failed Sessions, seen a reason- gry dissent in the Justice Depart- cluding when he moved to drop cision and walk away with a clear in Marchand to was reach anas agreement conscience,” Barr said. able choice to restore normalcy to ment and the swift resignation of charges against Flynn. on production cuts, sending prices tumbling. Saudi Arabia sharply criticized Russia days earlier over what it described as comments critical of the kingdom, which finds itself trying to appease Trump, a longtime OPEC critic. Even U.S. senators had warned Saudi Arabia to find a way to Attendance at Disney theme Adventure in Florida where atboost prices as American shale parks around the world fell less tendance grew by 6%, powered firms face far-higher production than 1% in 2019 from the previous by the addition of the Harry Potcosts. American troops had been ENERGY MINISTRY coaster, Hagrid’s year. Disney is the largest theme ter-themed steelSAUDI deployed to the kingdom for the Magical Creatures Motorbike AdparkMinistry, operator in the world by at-bin Salman Al-Saud, Minister of first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, In this photo released by Saudi Energy Prince Abdulaziz venture. tendance. attacks over concerns of Irani- Energy of Saudi Arabia, third right, chairs a virtual summit of the Group of 20 energy ministers at Rides basedtoon Harry Potter MagicApril Kingdom at Walt Disan retaliation amid regional ten- his office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Friday, 10, 2020, to coordinate a response plummeting oil intellectual continued ney World Florida kept its ti- demand sions. prices due to an oversupply in the market and in a downturn in global due to property the pandemic. tle as the world’s most visited park to drive growth at the Universal “They’ve spent over the last last year, with 20.9 million visits, parks, the report said. month waging war on American Among domestic U.S. operahalf the praise. dealpercent but its increase president,over Andrés oil producers while we are defend- that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and athe Cedar year. ItObrador, was followed by tors, “The pure Fair size ofEntertainment the cut is unManuel López had said ing theirs. This is not how friends the United Arab Emirates would previous had the strongest growth, with California withwith 18.6 Co. precedented, but, then again, so Friday thatinhe had agreed treat friends,” said Sen. Kevin cut another 2 million barrels of Disneyland in the attendance, driven visits, Disneyland the jump impact coronavirus is Trump that theTokyo U.S. will compen- ais7.8% Cramer, a Republican from North oil a day between them atop the million investments in new rides. 17.9 million having on demand,” said Mohamsate what Mexico visits cannotand addToto by OPEC+ deal. The three countries with Dakota, before the OPEC+ deal. Chinese operators grew rapidly DisneySea. All of those parks med Ghulam, an energy analyst at the proposed cuts. U.S. producers have already did not immediately acknowledge kyo 2019, with attendance at parks flatbig from previous Raymond James. “The Oilthe Deal with year. OPEC in been reducing output. The Amer- the cut themselves, though Zan- were by the and Fantawild Group Theisflat attendance likelyhundue owned But Ghulam others worried done. This willis save ican Petroleum Institute laud- ganeh attended the video confer- Plus byenough. 19.8% and visits at to an effort by Disney limitjobs en- increasing it may not be dreds of thousands of to energy ed Sunday’s global pact, saying it ence. owned by Oct Group growwhile charging higher prices, “This is at least a temporary rein the United States,” Trump said parks Officials said other planned cuts try, will help get other nations’ statevisitors have alike more lief by for9.4%. the energy industry and for in that a tweet. “I would to enjoythank ing owned oil production to follow the would stand in the deal, meaning so report noted the in Hong global economy. Thisthat industry and experience, congratulatethough President Pu- theThe lead of U.S. producers that are try- an 8-million-barrel-per-day cut able JOHN RAOUX | AP PHOTO park industry has survived a 15% and dropKing was Salman the result is too big to be let to fail and the altin of Russia of theme ing to adjust to plunging demand. from July through the end of the Kong, in the past over health tourism disruptions caused by disruptions In Brouillette this Thursday, JulyU.S. 2, 2020, cars drive under a sign liance showed responsibility with Saudi Arabia.” year and a 6-million-barrel cut for of said the did notfile photo, concerns. protests for political reforms, the and greeting visitors nearoftheitsentrance to months Walt Disney World, Lake this security agreement,” said Per Magnus The Kremlin said President beginning in in 2021. make commitments own 16 “While the acknowledging the sesaid.Putin held a joint call Nysveen, Buena Vista, Fla.but was able to head of analysis at Vladimir “This will enable the rebalanc- report production cuts, consequences Competing in Saudi manyKing of Salthe rious Rystadnature Energy.and “Even though the Trump and show the obvious — that plunging ing of the oil markets and the ex- with the current history as Disney, production cutspandemic, are smaller than man markets to express supportUniverof the of demand because of the pandem- pected rebound of prices by $15 same us market that people’s Parks and Resorts ansepat- shows operating levels, and said the sal aicthird to halfto ofslash normal what the needed behavior, and only deal. It also said Putin had spoke per barrel in the short term,” is expected oil pro- COVID somethe exceptions, largelyconrejump of 2.3%, with investment horizon many ownvolume, postpone stock building arately with Trump about the51.2 oil with a statement from ofNigeria’s oil tendance duction.according to the report. to problem, normal once threat is Mostissues. of that growth turns may be altered due to cash million “However, may take one to ers straints the the worst is for market visits. and other ministry. Iranian OilitMinister Bijan Zanthe report said. from Universal’s of removed,” loss,” the report said. blocked came several yearstold to return to pre- flow now avoided.” Analysts offered Islands cautious Mexico had initially ganeh also state television

in Memphis worries residents

By Michael Balsamo The Associated Press

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Gathered in the small assembly hall in Little Rock,Sainz Arkansas, their chairs By Adrian spaced 6 feet apart, The Associated Press the business leaders listen admiringly to the nation’s chief lawTenn. enforcement ofMEMPHIS, — Faced ficial. with the threat of overburdened They ask Attorney General Wilhospitals, states across the country liam Barr about elder fraud and are converting convention centers, other thanks Barr sportssubjects. facilitiesEach and performance for his devotion andtreatment service, praisspaces into backup sites ing him as a patriot who’s working for coronavirus patients. tirelessly protect America Tenand What to some Memphis, restore order. don’t get is why in nesse, residents Butcity, there are those whoindistheir a shopping center the agree. Black Lives black, MatmiddleOutside, of a predominantly ter protestersresidential approach the doors, low-income neighborscreaming, chanting hood has been chosen. and bangingCity on the The business andwindows. state officials are conleaders to influx be heard the cerned strain that an of over patients din. from Memphis, as well as nearby “We’ve been here an and hourrural and Mississippi, Arkansas now all understand what you go westwe Tennessee, will strain hospithrough every a middle-age tals. Their fearsday,” are echoed across banker tells Barr, “so thank mayors you.” the country: Governors, In health the course 18 and expertsofinroughly numerous months in office, the 70-year-old states are also researching and Barr has become inexorablymedical linked constructing makeshift to a norm-busting president with facilities. sagging popularity uncertain In New York City,and they’re turnreelection prospects. ing to the Javits Center convention Hisinactions, including the invessite; Chicago, the McCormick tigation he launched into the RusPlace Convention Center; and in sia probe, have deepened criticism Sandy, Utah, the Mountain Amerof Trump’s faithful proica him Expoas Center. tector. The Democrats U.S. Army have Corpssuggested of Engihe should be impeached, and are neers has been scouting locations holding hearings what they in Tennessee, andinto officials here say the politicization thepossiJushaveis compiled a list ofof35 tice Department watch. ble backup sites.under They his haven’t reHe came to thelist, job with the repleased the whole but Gov. Bill utation of an establishment Republican, and the expectation, by some, that he would temper the behavior of an impulsive and iconoclastic president. He has not, leading some to believe he has tailored his principles to conform with Trump’s views on politics and the law. In fact, for decades Barr has made no secret of his commitment to law and order and his support for expansive presidential power. Those views have The Associated Pressmarried neatly with a president who has tested DUBAI, the limits of executive authority, United Arab Emiraates pairing that has benefited both — OPEC, Russia and other men and perhaps allowed to oil-producing nations on Barr Sunday let down his more than proever finalized an hair unprecedented before. duction cut of nearly 10 million The people who of know himsupply, insist barrels, or a 10th global that Barrofisboosting just being Barr —pricthat in hopes crashing he is notthe motivated by ambition or es amid coronavirus pandemic anything other the said. opportuand a price war,than officials nity to put his heartfelt “This could be the beliefs largestinto reduction in production from OPEC for perhaps a decade, maybe longer,” said U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette, who credited President Donald Trump’s personal involvement in getting dueling parties to the table and helping to end a price war between By Mike Schneider Saudi Arabia and Russia. TheOil Associated Press prices have collapsed as the coronavirus and the COVID-19 ORLANDO, — largely Attendance illness it causesFla. have haltat themeand parks wasdown flat ed Disney global travel slowed last yearenergy-chugging as it limited the number other sectors of people allowed in to improve such as manufacturing. It has the experience tourism devastated theand oilfaced industry in disruptions in Hong Kong, while the U.S., which now pumps more visits Universal parks, crudejumped than anyatother country. driven by Harry Potter-themed But some producers have been rides, according a newThe report reluctant to ease to supply. carreleased this month. tel and other nations on Sunday The report byMexico the Themed Enagreed to allow to cut only tertainment Association the 100,000 barrels a month,and a stickEconomics Practice at AECOM ing point for an accord initially said that Friday overall attendance at the reached after a marathon 10 biggest theme between park operators video conference 23 nain the The world grew by 4% last year tions. nations together agreed and climbed to 521 million to cut 9.7 million barrels visits, a day according toMay the report. throughout and June. The reportreached only looked at just atThe group the deal tendance in 2019 andmarkets didn’t take hours before Asian reinto account the and disruptions in opened Monday as internathe industry this year caused by tional benchmark Brent crude the spreading traded at justcoronavirus, over $31 a which barrel forced parks to close for months at and American shale producers astruggle. time. Parks that have reopened areVideo operating with on ataired by thelimits Saudi-owned tendance guests canAl-Arabiya maintain satellite sochannel social Attendance at showeddistancing. the moment that Saudi the parks could bePrince anywhere from Energy Minister Abdulaziz

OPEC, oil nations agree to nearly 10M barrel cut

Report: Attendance flat at Disney parks, grows at Universal

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460 Branchview Dr. NE P.O. Box 367 Concord, NC 28026 Phone 704-786-1161

13575 Broadway Ave. P.O. Box 100 Midland, NC 28107 Phone 704-888-5571

12115 University City Blvd. P.O. Box 219 Harrisburg, NC 28075 Phone 704-247-1722

Stanly County County Journal Journal for for Wednesday, Wednesday, April July 29, Stanly 15, 2020 2020




Jason Efird

ASON EUGENE “GENE” EFIRD, 94, went home to be with his Lord Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at his home in Stanfield. USAN FRANCES FREY Gene was born 9, 1925, in (nee Mick), 80October of Albemarle, Cabarrus County the late Simeon NC passed awayto peacefully on Jason Efird and20, the2020 late Sarah Monday, July withElla Burris addition to hisborn familyEfird. by herInside. She was parents, was preceded in death by Januaryhe 24, 1940 in Weston, WV, his Jewellof Little sisters,C. thewife, daughter the Efird; late Ralph Mary Lambert, Fannie Almond, and Mary H. Mick. Susan was Minnie Furr, Burleson and preceded in Wilma death by her loving Aileen Huskey; andD. brothers, Homer husband William (Bill) Frey, Jr. Efird,In Getus Efird and Wayne Efird, addition to her parents Sr. and husband, Susan was preceded private service will be in A death byfuneral her son, Charles held on Saturday, April 11, 2020 Kenneth Isner; three sisters, at Love’sWard, GroveJean United Methodistand Lucile Anderson, Church Cemetery in two Stanfield Judith Skeen; and brothers, officiated by Rev.and JimFranklin White. Burial William Mick Mick. will follow at survived the Love’sby Grove She is twoUnited Methodist Church Cemetery, 4360 siblings, John Mick of Grafton, Polk Road, Stanfield. WV Ford and Pamela Mick, also of Survivors include son Gerald Grafton; five children, Kim Wayne Efird of Albemarle; Dickey(Gail) and husband Bruce of daughter (Mark) Midland,Lisa NC,Efird Kevin IsnerHartsell of of Stanfield; granddaughters, Flemington, WV, Patti Page of Kelly EfirdNC, Barbee andDean Lauren Midland, Cindy and Hartsell and greathusband(Justin) DanielCrump; of Albemarle, NC, grandsons, Simmons Judi ParksIan andPatrick partner Randy and Elliot Jacob of Simmons. Ballentine Mooresville, NC; Memorials may be made to Love’s seven grandchildren, Lauren Grove United Methodist Church, PO Martin, Whitney Lynch, Zachary Box 276, Stanfield, Parks and partnerNC Ali28163-0276. Tarner, Jordan Parks and wife Angelina, Savannah Parks, Shelby Pate and husband Brandon, Steven Page; twelve great-grandchildren; and numerous step-grandchildren, step-great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins.


Susan Frey

Pauline Tucker

AULINE ELIZABETH ALMOND TUCKER, 98, passed away peacefully at Trinity Place, Albemarle, NC on April 11, 2020. Pauline was born on March 22, 1922 in Cabarrus County, NC to the late John Richard Almond and Alice Ada Ann Lambert Almond. She is survived by her three daughters, Michel (Jack), ORISGay HATHCOCK Oak Island, NC; Pamela Rushing TUCKER,83, of Stanfield, (Foreman), Oakboro, NC; NC, passed away Friday,Kathy July Hunt (Marc), her 24, 2020 at Albemarle, the TuckerNC; Hospice son, Chris Tucker (Chris Lear), House. A graveside service will Washington, DC. She be greatly be held at 10AM on will Wednesday, missed by2020 her five July 29, atgrandchildren, Herrin’s Grove Heather Rushing Chaney (Shannon), Primitive Baptist Church. Michael Rushing, Elizabeth Michel Doris was born October 11, Hartzog JackCounty, Michel, NC Jr. 1936, in(Craig), Cabarrus (Jenn), andthe Woody Huntof as the welllate as and was daughter seven great-grandchildren. She also Ted Robert Hathcock and Ruth leaves behind cherished nieces and Compton Hathcock. nephews. Mrs. Tucker was preceded in The family sincere death by herexpresses husband,itsHouston gratitude to the staff and caregivers Lee Tucker on December 19, at Trinity Place for the care 2018. She is survived by athey provided daughterPauline. Susan Blalock (Jimmy) private graveside service will be ofAAlbemarle, two sons Robert held on Monday, April 13, 2020. A Tucker (Diane) of Norwood, and celebration of Pauline’ s life and legacy John Tucker of Stanfield; NC; will be held this summer.six greatseven grandchildren; In lieu of flowers, the family grandchildren. Doris is also requests donations be to the preceded in death bymade a daughter BrightFocus Foundation at www. Sherry Diane Vanhoy in 1992 and brothers Clyde Hathcock and


Tony Smith

Merle Helms

Danny Luther

ONY MONROE SMITH, 72, of Rockwell, NC, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ OLLEENEApril LILLIE HARRIS on Wednesday, 8, 2020 at RUSSELL, 85, ofbyAlbemarle, his home surrounded family. A passed away Monday, July private family service will be held. 27, 2020 at Trinitycan Place in at Online condolences be made Albemarle. Colleene was born February Tony was born August 11, 1947 13, 1935 in Stanly to the in Stanly County to County the late Pearlie late Ewell Eugene HarrisLee and Asbury Smith and Emmer Lillie Harris. Smith.Octiva He wasLowder the son in law of She Pat was also preceded in he death by at and Mick Cagle where worked her beloved Lee the fish househusband, for many Jason years until Russell in Anchor 2002; and son, Edward he opened House Seafood Eugene “Eddie” Russell. in Rockwell. He and his wife Becky The and family will receive owned operated Anchorfriends House from 8:00 retiring pm, Thursday, for 256:00 years-before in 2009. July 30, 2020 Hartsell Funeral Mr. Smith was aatcharter member Home of Albemarle. SheBaptist will and deacon at Open Door lie in state on Thursday from Church in Richfield. He loved the 12:00 - 5:00 pm forabundantly. friends to Tony pay Lord and his family their the family was arespects wonderfulwithout husband, father, and present. Theand funeral will grandfather could service fix anything be at 11:00 am, on. Friday in Hartsell he put his hands Funeral Home’s Lefler by Memorial Mr. Smith is survived his wife Chapel, officiated bythe Rev. Billy Becky Cagle Smith of home, Hill Rev. Delane sons and Walter Smith and Burris. Robbie She willdaughter be laid Kayla to restHenderson at Stanly Smith; Gardens ofgrandchildren Memory. (Brandon); Danielle, She isand survived by herKeaton daughter, Dustin, Steele Smith, Brenda (Billy) Hill of and EllaRussell Henderson; brother David Albemarle; Madge Harris Smith; sisterssister, Kay Kriechbaum, Stoker; grandchildren, Melissa Karen Stevenson, Ruby Eudy, and Whitley McDonald, Dorothy Smith (Nick).Connie Ridenhour, Karen He is preceded in Russell; death by great grandchildren, Kayla Whitley, brothers Joe Smith, Wayne Smith, Logan Brendan McDonald, Claude and Smith, Wade Smith, Robert Malorie Russell, EvanMorris. and Smith, and sister Mary Hannah Ridenhour; and can great Memorial contributions be great Brentley made grandchildren, to Open Door Baptist Church and Kacyn Lilly, Jaxton Everyn at 44563 Hwy 52, Richfield, NC Lowery, Atreyu Edward Russell; 28137 or to Hospice & Palliative Care and sister-in-law, of Cabarrus CountyPauline at 5003 Hospice Carpenter; step-grandchildren, Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081. Dathan D’Agostino, Julianne Byrd; and step-great grandchildren, Kiersten and Adelyn Byrd.

ERLE LORRAINE AUSTIN HELMS, 72, of Marshville, passed away Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at McWhorter Hospice House ILLIAM CLAY INGRAM, in Monroe. 97, of Albemarle, passed Lorraine wasJuly born April 28,at1947 away Tuesday 21, 2020 in Monroe to the late Homer Trinity Place. There will beDavid a Austin and Jewell Delphia-Jane Celebration of Life service held at She was also Ingram. preceded in aAustin. later date for Mr. death brothers, A.D. 13, and1923 Teddyin Claybywas born July Austin;County, and sister, Joy Austin. Stanly NC and was the family receiveC. friends sonThe of the latewill William Ingram fromIda 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Friday, and Russell Ingram. April 2020 atisHartsell Funeral Mr.10, Ingram preceded in Homeby of Albemarle. TheMollie funeral death his first wife, service will be at 11:00 amhis onsecond Huneycutt Ingram and Saturday at Pleasant Hill Baptist wife, Daisy Hathcock Ingram and in Marshville, officiated aChurch grandson, Jimmy Arey. He is by Rev. John and Rev. Leon survived by aMiller daughter, Brenda Whitley. She will lie in state for 30 I. Boone of Salisbury, NC; eight minutes prior to fourteen the service. She will grandchildren; greatbe laid to rest in the church cemetery. grandchildren; twenty great-great She is survived byone her beloved grandchildren and greathusband of 47 years, Paul Helms great-great grandchild. of the home; son, Alex (Deanna) Helms of Pageland; daughter, Paula (Cristin Brandt) Helms of Mint Hill; grandchildren, Mason, Grant, and Raegan Helms; brothers, Boyce, Royce, Tim Austin; and sisters, Patricia Mullis, and Angel Tarleton. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 4600 Park Rd., Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28209.

ANNY PAUL LUTHER, 65, of Norwood, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, April 9, 2020OGER at Atrium Health Stanly75, in DALE CLARK, Albemarle. of Concord, passed away Mr. LutherJuly was born March Wednesday, 22, 2020 at27, 1955 to the late Robert Fulton Atrium Health Cabarrus in and Helen Tucker Luther. Concord. Danny by his19, wife, Roger was survived born August Denise Luther of 1944 inBurleson Stanly County toNorwood; the late sons, Jeremy (Karen)Clark Lutherand and William McKinley Jody Luther;Clark. step-sons, Bryan Katherine He was also Whitley and preceded inGregg death(Anita) by his Whitley; wife of Grandchildren, Daniel 55 years, Phyllis Ann Luther Clark; and two Hunter Zado, as his brother, brothers; andasawell sister. Bob Luther Jr (Lorena), uncle Jack He is survived by his wife, Luther and severalPigg other loved sons, nieces, Jean Katherine Clark; nephews and cousins. Tony (Cynthia Merritt) Clark, Danny recently Billy (Lori) Clark;retired sister,from Blanche Charlotte Pipegrandchildren; and Foundry after Norris; four nine agreat-grandchildren; dedicated 37 years andnumerous worked there sons andand several other nieceswith andhis nephews; stepfriends and family members. son, Darrell Black. Danny loved spending time at his lake house with his family and friends as well as vacationing with his family. Danny and Denise enjoyed listening to beach music and loved to shag dance every chance they could get. He was an amazing father, loving grandfather and great friend to many. He will never be forgotten. A celebration of life will be announced once the current COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle is serving the Luther family.

TColleene Russell M William Ingram D C R W

TEVEN RAY SMITH, 45, of Locust passed away Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at Atrium Health Cabarrus. Born May 9, 1975 in Concord, he was the son of the late Danny INDA TUCKER HATLEY, Boyce Smith and Sandra Kay69, of Albemarle, passed Monday, Hartsell Smith. Mr. away Smith was April 13, 2020. the Chief of Police for the City of Lindaand wasaborn September 18, Locust member of Locust 1950 Concord to the late Jacob and FirstinBaptist Church. Claris was also by preceded Mr.Tucker. Smith She is survived his in death by herGriffin brother,Smith, Terry Lee wife Melissa Tucker, andRiley her twin sister, Brenda daughter Faith Smith and Tucker Strickland. We know Brenda son Hunter Ray Smith all of the and Linda in Heaven watching home. In are addition to his parents over us and laughing. he was preceded in death by Linda was a loving mother, sister, brothers Chris Smith and Keith and “Nana.” She was a very giving Smith. and loving person. Linda would always do anything she could for others, especially her family. She enjoyed working at FastShop #5, Locust. Linda will be forever loved and greatly missed. Survivors include her son, Alan Hatley and wife, Angela, of Albemarle; brother, Ronnie Tucker and wife, Linda, of Midland; granddaughter, Leslie Hatley; 1 niece; and 2 nephews. The family will receive friends from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Thursday, April 16, 2020 at Hartsell Funeral Home in Albemarle. Linda will be laid to rest during a private committal service at Bethel United Methodist Church, Midland. In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial donation to Bethel UMC, 12700 Idlebrook Rd, Midland, NC 28107.


Doris Tucker

Robert “Skeet” Hathcock.



Shirley Haire

HIRLEY MAE HAIRE, 73, of Albemarle passed away on April 11, 2020 at Atrium Health Stanly. The family will hold a private graveside service for Mrs. Haire. Shirley was born December 12, 1946 in Washington, DC to the late Charles Richard Bateman and ENNETH MARTIN BOLES, Elizabeth Mae Mulligan Bateman. 81, OF PEACHLAND, PASSEd Shirley is survived by herFriday, husband away peacefully at home of 30 24, years Vaughn Smith of by July 2020 surrounded Albemarle; sister Sandra Painter family. of Gainesville, VA; born half-brother Mr. Boles was January Robert Bateman of Stevensville, 30, 1939 in Richmond County to MD; step-children Heather Smith the late Charlie Martin Boles and of Jacksonville, FLFrances and David the late Myrtice Boles. Smith of also Newpreceded London, NC; 4 He was in death step-grandchildren; nieces Cyndi by stepson, Eric Sanders; and Hentschel of Leesburg, brother Fred Boles. VA and Cheryl Hardy include of Aylett,wife VA; 16 Survivors of grand20 nieces and Gus the years,and Lisanephews; Boles; grandchildren, dog. Stanly Funeral and Cremation Dominick, Demitri, and Erica Care of Albemarle serving the Hammond all of is the home; Haire family. Abby Burleson of grandchild, Albemarle; stepchildren; Krystal Surratt of Norwood and Danny Burleson of Albemarle; and brother, David Boles and wife Sarah of Taylorsville.


Kenneth Boles

Steven Smith Linda Hatley

Roger Clark

Karin Simpson


ARIN ANN ZIMMERER SIMPSON, 76, of Albemarle, passed away Sunday, July 26, 2020 at Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital in Pineville. Karin was born November 26, 1943 in Germany to the late Thomas and Oma Zimmerer. She was also preceded in death by her daughter, Susan Stirwald. There will be a private family service at Salisbury National Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Larry Brantley Simpson; son, Thomas Lee Simpson and wife Rita; and daughter, Sandra Davis and husband Ben.

Jerry Fincher

J Denise Viveros D

ERRY FINCHER passed from this life on April 3, 2020 at 8:05 pm. He was surrounded by his family ENISEthe P. VIVEROS and holding hand of the falleció love of Miércoles 22 de julio de 2020 his life. Jerry is preceded in death enthree la casa de ella. Subrothers, funeralBilly se by siblings, two llevará a cabo el lunes a la 1 pm Gilbert Fincher, and Larry Richard 27 de julio 2020 a Barbra las Stanly Fincher, andde one sister, Joyce Funeral and Cremation Care Moore. of He Locust. La familia is survived by his recibirá wife, Eleanor amigos en laof funeraria las Kate Fincher the home,desde daughter, 11 a.m. hasta la 1 p.m. Cindy Fincher Jacobs of Wingate Ella el 25 de in marzo de NC., sonnació and daughter law, Tommy 2000 en Troy NC. Ella era una (Tiffany) Fincher of New London estudiante. NC., Step Children, Jimmy (Lisa) Las of sobrevivientes incluyen Lanier Locust NC, Wanda (Bob) Mamá y esposa Teresa Viveros Krimminger of Locust NC., Eric y Wbistano Parades, Papa Solomon (Sharon) Lanier of Charlotte NC., Perez, Hermana Irais Auilar, Grandchildren-Trey (Gera) Whitson Hermana Esposo Sairi Aigular of Midland,yStep-grandchildren, y Mario A. Rivera Lopez, sobrinos Zach (Brittney) Washington, Aaron Athziry Sinai Lopes y Ian (Nayeli) Josue (Kinsey) Washington, Caleb Lopez. Washington, Beth (Robbie) Setzer, Matthew ( April ) Wallace, Step great-grandchildren, Britlyn-Eve Washington, Robert Setzer, George (Sara) Setzer, Tracy (Rob) Setzer Bumgardener, Katie Underwood, Andrew Underwood, Step great great grandchild, Waylon George Setzer and brother Donald Lewis Fincher of Albemarle, NC. Jerry Fincher will be laid to rest on Wednesday April 8,2020 at 11:00 am at Canton Baptist Church. Anyone interested in attending, please RSVP at 704-796-2412. Dr. Phil McCray and Pastor Tommy Fincher will officiate.


Earl Oakes

ARL C. OAKES, 88, of New London, NC, passed away Sunday July 26, 2020 at the Tucker Hospice House in Kannapolis, NC, due to Covid-19. His graveside service will be 10am Thursday July 30, 2020 at Highland Baptist Church Cemetery. Due to Covid restrictions the family would like to ask all family and friends attending the service to please observe social distancing and wear a facial covering. Mr. Oakes was born May 23, 1932 in Caswell County, NC and was the son of the late Joseph Oakes and Avis Kendrick Oakes. He retired from Collins & Aikman as a dispatcher. Earl was preceded in death by his first wife Helen Tally Oakes and his second wife Elizabeth Maxine Hathcock Oakes. He is survived by a daughter, Catherine Oakes Arnold and husband Michael of New London, NC; stepdaughter Andria H. Lambert and husband Sam of Albemarle, NC; stepson Jimmy Hathcock; two brothers Garland “Joe” Oakes and wife Florence of Roxboro, NC and Lanny Oakes and wife Cathy of Whitsett, NC; a sister Ellen O. Whitfield and husband Burley of Chattanooga, TN. He had three step granddaughters whom he loved very much. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Irma Jean Oakes of Roxboro, NC.

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Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


In VP search, Biden has a known quantity in Susan Rice By Julie Pace The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — As then-Vice President Joe Biden left the West Wing each evening to head home, he often popped his head into national security adviser Susan Rice’s nearby suite of offices to check in — sometimes on pressing foreign policy matters, sometimes just to shoot the breeze. “My favorite unannounced visitor was Vice President Joe Biden,” Rice wrote in her book “Tough Love.” In those visits, as well as in daily national security briefings, Biden and Rice forged an easy working relationship, according to people who worked alongside them during their eight years in the Obama administration. It’s that personal relationship, and Biden’s firsthand knowledge of how Rice would operate in close proximity to a president, that are now seen as among her strongest attributes as Biden considers her to be his running mate on the Democratic presidential ticket. The 55-year-old has a long pedigree in foreign policy, but has never held elected office. She is close to former President Barack Obama and his network of policy and political advisers, but has a lower public profile than other women Biden

is considering. She has also been a lightning rod for criticism from Republicans, who contend she put politics ahead of national security. Yet Rice has quietly gained support among some Democrats in recent weeks as Biden’s advisers grapple with the enormity of what he would inherit if he defeats President Donald Trump in November. Rice is seen as a No. 2 who could shoulder much of the early workload on foreign policy while Biden focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and reviving the economy. And though Rice briefly flirted with running for Senate from Maine this year, she’s seen as less likely to be eyeing the presidency herself — a bonus among some Biden advisers who worry about speculation that the 77-year-old Biden might only serve one term if elected. Some of Rice’s supporters also note she didn’t challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020, drawing a pointed contrast with Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, who have also been vetted for the No. 2 spot. But it’s the close working relationship Rice forged with Biden during the Obama administration that is seen as a key intangible that other contenders simply don’t have. “His entire theory of politics is personal relationships,” Ben


In this Dec. 15, 2010, file photo Vice President Joe Biden, center, and Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, meet with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Rhodes, who served as Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said of Biden. “The idea of him taking a leap of faith on someone he really doesn’t know because it seems to check a political box seems very unlikely to me.” Rice spent the first four years of the Obama administration as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She commuted to Washington on weekends to be with her family, and sometimes offered the luxury apartment set aside for the UN ambassador to Biden and his wife, Jill, when they were in New York. Rice was on track to become Obama’s second term secretary of state, but became ensnared in the political controversy over the administration’s handling of the 2012 attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya. After Republicans vowed to fight her confirmation to the top State Department job, Rice bowed out of contention. Obama instead named Rice his national security adviser, a powerful position that gave her regular,

high-level access to both the president and vice president. She briefed Obama and Biden together in the Oval Office most mornings on the most crucial aspects of their daily national security briefings, and advised Biden on the foreign policy matters he led, including Ukraine’s efforts to combat Russian aggression and instability in Iraq. “They’ve worked together closely on some of the most delicate issues a president has to deal with, on literally war and peace,” said Denis McDonough, who served as Obama’s chief of staff. People who worked with Biden and Rice, some of whom insisted on anonymity to discuss private meetings and conversations, described them as something of an odd couple. Rice is seen as highly disciplined and can be brusque in meetings and deliberations. Biden, a lifelong politician, is verbose and more likely to make emotional connections even with strangers. They were sometimes on opposite sides of foreign policy debates within the Obama administration,

Colleges plan for virus testing, but strategies vary widely By Collin Binkley The Associated Press BOSTON — For students heading to Colby College in Maine this fall, coronavirus testing is expected to be a routine part of campus life. All students will be required to provide a nasal swab every other day for two weeks, and then twice a week after that. All told, the college says it will provide 85,000 tests, nearly as many as the entire state of Maine has since the pandemic started. Colby, a private school of 2,000 students, joins a growing number of colleges announcing aggressive testing plans to catch and isolate COVID-19 cases before they spread. But whether colleges should be testing every student — and whether there’s capacity for it — is a subject of debate. Some colleges plan to test students only if they show symptoms or come into close contact with someone who has tested positive. But some researchers say that approach could quickly cause outbreaks caused by students who don’t show symptoms. As universities hurry to make plans for virus testing, federal officials are warning that they could overload labs that process tests for hospitals. In a call with governors last Monday, Health and Hu-

man Services Secretary Alex Azar said too many colleges are signing contracts with commercial labs, which threatens to “jam up the capacity” of the system. Instead, Azar said colleges should develop testing operations in their own labs, especially at big research universities. Colleges have been trumpeting testing plans as they work to reassure families that they can reopen safely. For some, it’s partly meant to signal that officials will spend whatever it takes to keep the campus protected. “It’s first and foremost to provide a safe environment. But truthfully it’s also to give all of us comfort, to give our local community comfort, and to give our students and families comfort,” said Doug Terp, vice president for administration and chief financial officer at Colby. The testing plan will cost the college an estimated $5 million, he said. But at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, officials argue that testing every student could “create a false sense of security.” Instead, the school plans to test students who show symptoms or were exposed to the virus, and those in high-risk groups. Virus testing is just one of many safety measures colleges are planning as they look to reopen. Many also plan to reduce class sizes, lim-

it dorm capacity, require masks and ban large gatherings. By testing, colleges hope to identify sick students and place them in isolation spaces to prevent further spread of the virus. For months, university leaders have argued that testing is crucial to a safe reopening. But with limited guidance from federal officials, colleges have created a patchwork of strategies based on advice from state agencies and on research from their own health experts. Dozens of universities plan to test students when they arrive, but after that initial screening, some plan to focus on students with symptoms. Some other schools say they will test random samples of students, while some plan to test all students at various intervals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourages widespread testing, saying colleges should primarily test students with symptoms. The agency says broader testing should be considered only in areas with higher virus transmission rates. But researchers at several universities warn that relying on symptoms alone won’t be enough. They say many young people carry the virus but never feel ill. Without catching those cases, they say, the virus could rapidly spread out of control. At Cornell University, a re-

“It’s incumbent on us to do everything we can to create a safe environment. Whatever we do, there is going to be risk. All we can do is use science to create the best conditions for public health safety.” Michael Kotlikoff, Cornell University provost. search team recently found that students would need to be tested every seven days to keep infections down. A separate study at Yale University and Harvard Medical School suggested that all students should be tested every two or three days. It found that testing only once a week could lead to thousands of infections over a semester. Of particular concern for colleges is the risk that students could arrive on campus carrying the virus without knowing it. Some are asking students to get tested before they arrive. At Cornell, students have been asked to get tested before leaving home, and they will face anoth-

including during the Arab Spring. Rice advocated aggressively at the United Nations for authorization to stand up a no-fly zone and launch airstrikes in Libya; Biden has said he argued strongly against the campaign. Both prided themselves on their willingness to give Obama blunt, unvarnished advice — and respected that about each other, according to the people who worked with them. “They developed this kind of mutual respect, but also casual nature to their relationship that he didn’t have with everybody,” Rhodes said. Biden and Rice got to know each other in the mid-1990s, when she was nominated to serve as assistant secretary of state for African Affairs in President Bill Clinton’s administration. At 32, Rice was one of the youngest people to reach that level of the State Department, and she was also pregnant with her first child. Biden hasn’t mentioned Rice as prominently in public as he has other potential running mates. He holds regular policy talks with Warren, and has headlined online fundraisers with Harris. He’s also singled out Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms as rising Democratic stars. But Democrats say Biden has kept an eye on Rice in recent months. In public appearances last year, she defended Biden’s work in the Obama administration on Ukraine at a time when it was under vigorous attack from Trump — and at a time when Biden’s candidacy appeared to be on shaky ground. Biden, according to people with knowledge, took notice.

er test when they arrive. Officials hope that by testing twice, they will identify asymptomatic cases and drive down false test results. Once on campus, students will be tested once a week. “It’s incumbent on us to do everything we can to create a safe environment,” said Michael Kotlikoff, the university’s provost. “Whatever we do, there is going to be risk. All we can do is use science to create the best conditions for public health safety.” Even with testing, several colleges have already seen outbreaks among athletes and other students who returned to campus this summer. UNC Chapel Hill paused football workouts this month after 37 athletes, coaches and staff members tested positive. Uncertainty around testing has also led to tension between college administrators and their professors. Faculty unions at schools including the Georgia Institute of Technology and Western Kentucky University have demanded widespread testing as a condition for reopening. While some research universities have created their own testing operations, including at Boston University, others are turning to local hospital systems or commercial labs. In New England, Colby and more than 30 other colleges plan to have samples tested through the Broad Institute, a research center tied to Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms


Twin City Herald


Comet NEOWISE over NC Astrophotographer Johnny Horne sets up his equipment to photograph Comet NEOWISE at Grandfather Mountain in Linville, N.C., Friday, July 17, 2020.

WHAT’S HAPPENING Man dies trying to save dog in Tennessee lake Authorities have identified a North Carolina man who died trying to save a dog that jumped off a boat into a Tennessee lake. Eric Jordan, 52, jumped into Watauga Lake near Hampton, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Jordan was a passenger onboard a boat in the area of Big Island, when a dog onboard jumped into the water. Jordan entered the water to try to rescue the animal. Jordan began to struggle, and a witness on a nearby houseboat pulled him onto their boat. Officials did not say whether the dog was rescued. AP

Driver dead after collision with parked trash truck A sport utility vehicle driver died when she crashed into the back of a garbage truck parked along the side of the road. Kelly Burick Taylor, 45, of Rural Hall, was driving north on University Parkway when she collided into the parked truck on the right side of the road. Emergency workers declared Taylor dead at the scene. Her passenger was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. AP

Monk found fatally wounded at temple A Buddhist monk found suffering from a fatal wound while kneeling at an altar was likely struck by a bullet fired from outside the temple, authorities said. Another monk discovered Tam Dinh Tran kneeling with blood coming out of his nose and thought he was suffering from a medical condition. First responders determined Tran had a traumatic injury and puncture wound to his right side. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Detectives discovered two bullet holes to the exterior of the building and a bullet lodged in a wall, likely fired from near the road by the temple. AP

‘Clear as mud’ housing refund plans irk college students The Associated Press RALEIGH — When Laura Comino opened the housing email from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in June, she knew she had to take action. At the direction of the state’s public university system, UNCG asked her to sign a housing contract addendum acknowledging that she might not get a refund if the school kicks her out of her dorm in the fall because of the coronavirus pandemic. An online petition Comino circulated days later collected nearly 40,000 signatures from people demanding that all 16 UNC System colleges offer prorated refunds and return deposits if the virus closes dorms.

“People got so incredibly upset thinking this would affect all of us, and there’s a possibility where it still might,” Comino said. With classes scheduled to begin in August, the possibility of no refunds has left students and administrators alike with questions. Comino and the dean of her school, Andrew Hamilton, both called the policy “clear as mud.” Like Comino, students across the country are facing uncertainty about whether they’ll get housing refunds if they’re displaced from campus by the pandemic. And they are pushing back against policies they view as prioritizing university revenue over their financial well-being. The University of South Florida and the University of Mary-

“We’re going to have to find out from the system what they want us to do, because some schools can afford to do it and some schools can’t.” UNCG Chancellor Franklin Gilliam land have said they would not be obligated to refund students if COVID-19 prompts them to close residence halls. Washington State University issued a similar policy, but then reversed it. And Stan-

Ex-Wake Forest basketball coach avoids jail for fatal punch By Alanna Richer The Associated Press NEW YORK — A former men’s college basketball assistant coach was sentenced Thursday to three years of probation, community service and a fine for fatally punching a man in New York City who pounded on his car’s window. Former Wake Forest assistant coach Jamill Jones, 37, was sentenced in a Queens court video conference to probation, 1,500 hours of community service and a $1,000 fine. Jones, for the first time, apologized to the victim’s family and spoke through tears while addressing the court. Jones, of North Carolina, was convicted in February of misdemeanor assault for the punch that killed 35-year-old Sandor Szabo in August 2018. Szabo, who had earlier in the day attended a family wedding, was walking in Long Island City at night when he banged on the


In this Aug. 9, 2018 file photo, Jamill Jones, left, appears in Queens Criminal Court in New York. rear window of the vehicle Jones was in, according to the office of Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. Jones followed Szabo, exited the

vehicle and punched him once in the face. Szabo fell to the ground and hit his head on concrete, according to the news release from Katz’s office. Szabo died two days

ford University students have complained about having to move abruptly to make room for a quarantine area. The flagship UNC campus at Chapel Hill plans to offer refunds or credits if students are kicked out of their units, creating concerns about unequal treatment at different campuses. “We’re going to have to find out from the system what they want us to do, because some schools can afford to do it and some schools can’t,” UNCG Chancellor Franklin Gilliam said. UNC System spokesman Josh Ellis said the guidance was meant to inform students that housing and dining refunds might be unavailable, but no definitive decisions have been made. The system announced Thursday that tuition and fees will not be prorated if classes go entirely online, but refund policies for housing and dining costs remain unchanged. “No plan has been put out to say: If you’re vulnerable, here’s what we’re going to do,” Comino said of the system’s clarification.

later at a hospital. Jones testified at his trial that he hit Szabo in self-defense and to protect his then-fiancée, who was with him. “This was a tragic incident that ended the life of a man and devastated his family, a violent run-in that should never have happened,” Katz said in the release. “Violence is never the answer to settling a dispute.” Szabo’s family members spoke to the court Thursday, all criticizing New York state laws that precluded prosecutors from charging Jones with a felony. “He will always be a murderer, a coward,” Szabo’s mother, Donna Kent, said in court. “I believe that if you were the good person you say you are, we wouldn’t be here today. It is said that time heals all wounds. I disagree; 718 days have passed, and nothing has gotten easier.” Jones resigned last year from his position with the Wake Forest basketball team. “I have dealt with this day in, and day out. I’ve lost my career, my family,” Jones said in court. “But the one thing that I’ve lived for every day is that I pray for this family. I pray that this family at some point can have peace.”

Twin City Herald for Wednesday, July 29, 2020








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America is hitting the self-destruct button ON TUESDAY, The Wall Street Journal released the results of a poll performed in conjunction with NBC News. The poll found that 56% of Americans believe American society is racist. Seventy-one percent believe race relations are either very or fairly bad. Most troubling, 65% of black Americans say that racial discrimination is built into American society, “including into our policies and institutions.” The notion that America is systemically racist bodes ill for the future. It’s also a dramatic lie. American history is replete with racism; racism was indeed the root of systems ranging from slavery to Jim Crow. But the story of America is the story of the cashing of Martin Luther King Jr.’s promissory note: the fulfillment of the pledge of the Declaration of Independence to treat all men equally, to grant them protection of their unalienable natural rights. America has worked to extirpate the nearly universal sin of bigotry in pursuit of the fulfillment of the declaration. The story of America is 1776, not 1619; it’s Abraham Lincoln, not John C. Calhoun; it’s Martin Luther King Jr., not Robin DiAngelo. It is particularly true today that American society does not deserve the scorn being heaped upon her head. American society is decidedly not racist: According to Swedish economists from World Values, America is one of the most racially tolerant countries on Earth. American law has banned discrimination on race for two generations and more than half a century; in fact, the only racially discriminatory laws on the books cut in favor of racial minorities, who have been granted special privileges in arenas like college admissions. The police are no longer instruments of racial terror, contrary to popular media narrative: In many of America’s largest cities, police forces are either majority minority or nearly so, and police are not more likely to shoot and kill black Americans than white Americans. Problems of high crime in minority neighborhoods are generally a result of under-policing, rather than the converse.

Some problems of wealth inequality are in part products of history — history always has consequences. But overwhelmingly, the pathways to success are not barred by discrimination. Black Americans occupy many of the most prominent positions in American society, from government to entertainment to education to finance. Responsible individual decision-making is generally rewarded for all Americans, black and white. And Americans are more than willing to fight those who would obstruct the possibility of success for those who make the right decisions. More and more Americans apparently believe that the American system is endemically racist — yet the system produces more wealth, freedom and opportunity than any on Earth for millions of citizens of every color, creed and religion. If a majority of Americans believe that society is racist — not just individuals but a vast swath of friends and neighbors, and America’s institutions to boot — then it will be quite difficult for Americans to unify. No country can survive its citizens seeing one another as enemies rather than friends, seeing their country as a reflection of continuing evil embedded in its history. America, like every other nation, requires a common philosophy, culture and history to survive. And yet those elements are being consistently eroded by those who would rather collapse the American system in pursuit of some unspecified utopia. That utopia will not come. All that will follow in the wake of the dissolution of our common bonds is chaos. The principles of the Declaration of Independence remain true; the promise remains durable. The only question is whether we are willing to stand up for those principles and work anew to fulfill those promises, rather than caving in the foundations of the greatest nation ever conceived by mankind. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of

♦ Sarah Bette Barnhardt, 77, of Winston-Salem, died July 24, 2020. ♦ Timothy Eugene Boles, Jr., 31, of Forsyth County, died July 22, 2020. ♦ Wayne Stephen Cartwright, 72, of WinstonSalem, died July 24, 2020. ♦ Raymond Stockton Craft, 87, of Lewisville, died July 23, 2020. ♦ David Lynn Dixon, 70, of Advance, died July 22, 2020. ♦ Neil Curtis Glass, 70, of Winston-Salem, died July 22, 2020. ♦ Ruby Mae Smith Greene, 81, of Winston-Salem, died July 24,2020. ♦ Pearl Emma Cheek Hayes, 88, of WinstonSalem, died July 24, 2020. ♦ Donald “Don” Gray Jones, 83, of Winston-Salem, died July 24, 2020. ♦ Antonio A. Madrinan, 92, died July 25, 2020. ♦ Rebecca Sue Lawson “Nanny Becky” McCreary, 76, died July 23, 2020. ♦ Jeannette Nelson Mintun, 82, of Winston-Salem, died July 24, 2020. ♦ Virgil Glenn Phelps, 85, of Winston-Salem, died July 25, 2020.

WEEKLY CRIME REPORT ♦ Barber, Cody Michael (M/27) Arrest on chrg of 1) Rec/poss Stole Mv (F), 2) P/w/i/s/d Sched Ii (F), 3) Drugs-maintain (F), and 4) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 2248 Old Hollow Rd/jones Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 7/24/2020 21:33. ♦ Bassett, Brian Daniel (M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Robbery (F) and 2) Larceny-felony (F), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/24/2020 13:40. ♦ BLAIR, ALDINE BERNARD was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 2640 PEACHTREE ST on 7/27/2020 ♦ BOOKER, LESHAWNDRE MONTAND was arrested on a charge of DISCH FA/OCC DWELL at 1608 N PATTERSON AV on 7/27/2020 ♦ Brown, Crystal Gayle (F/35) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugsposs Sched Ii (F) and 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at Nb 52/nb 52_s Main St Ra, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/22/2020 12:10. ♦ Carter, Annah Victoria (F/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F) and 2) Poss Heroin (F), at 5699 Seidel St/loeschs Ln, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/24/2020 17:47. ♦ CHEEK, ALVIN LARRY was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 200 N CHURCH ST on 7/26/2020

♦ Gerald Harris Robertson, 80, of Germanton, died July 26, 2020.

♦ CUTHBERTSON, BRIDGETT LOUISE was arrested on a charge of ORDER FOR CONTEMPT at 201 N CHURCH ST on 7/27/2020

♦ Sharon “Kay” Sellers, 63, of Kernersville, died July 26, 2020.

♦ CUTHBERTSON, BRIDGETT LOUISE was arrested on a charge of ADW-OTHER WEAPON at 1845 TRELLIS LN on 7/25/2020

♦ Brooks Fryer Snyder, 95, of Winston-Salem, died July 22, 2020.

♦ Elwahi, Nawar Salma (F/20) Arrest on chrg of 1) Communicate Threats (M), 2) Communicate Threats (M), 3) Communicate Threats (M), and 4) Communicate Threats (M), at 5267 Shaddowfax Dr, Kernersville, NC, on 7/24/2020 22:00.

♦ Pauline E. Stephens, 100, died July 23, 2020. ♦ Taylor Eugene Welch, 25, of Advance, died July 23, 2020. ♦ Ricky Alystne Young, 66, of Forsyth County, died July 23, 2020.

♦ Evans, Amelia Goforth (F/56) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugsposs Controlled Substance-

methamphetamine>less Than 1 (M), 2) Drugs-poss Sched Iv (M), and 3) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 1133 Old Hollow Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 7/22/2020 03:27.

Arrest on chrg of 1) Larcenyfirearm (F) and 2) Weap-poss By Felon (F), at 200 N Main St, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/23/2020 09:46.

♦ Fanning, Thomaz Depriest (M/22) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Marijuana Fel (F) and 2) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), at Wb Salem Pw/linville Rd_wb Salem Pw Ra, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/22/2020 03:52.

♦ Leach, Silvester Reginald Jamall (M/32) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at 928 New Hope Ln, Winstonsalem, NC, on 7/23/2020 11:16.

♦ Flowerssmith, Vivian Evette (F/51) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/23/2020 17:15. ♦ Griffin, Jacob Miles (M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugsposs Sched I (F), 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 3) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 4) Fail To Appear/compl (M), and 5) Fail To Appear/compl (M), at 2075 Griffin Rd, Rural Hall, NC, on 7/22/2020 12:49. ♦ Grimes, Jody Lee (M/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) Breaking/larc-felony (F) and 2) Larceny-felony (F), at 566 Old Hollow Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 7/23/2020 08:40. ♦ HERNANDEZ, RIGOBERTO JULIAN was arrested on a charge of PROBATION VIOLATION at 1000 WAUGHTOWN ST on 7/26/2020 ♦ HILTON, MATTHEW JOSH was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 2690 PETERS CREEK PW on 7/26/2020 ♦ Johnson, Reginald Denard (M/30) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 1345 Lockland Av, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/27/2020 19:00. ♦ Jones, Roger Dale (M/62) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugsposs Sched Ii (F) and 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 1133 Old Hollow Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/22/2020 03:27. ♦ KELLY, TIMOTHY LEE was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at NEW WALKERTOWN RD on 7/25/2020 ♦ Ladue, Gerald John (M/43)

♦ LONG, TYREE RAY was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1556 E SEDGEFIELD DR on 7/26/2020 ♦ MOORE, CHRISTOPHER DALE was arrested on a charge of DRUGS-POSS SCHED II at 5998 UNIVERSITY PW on 7/27/2020 ♦ Nelson, Richard Todd (M/29) Arrest on chrg of 1) Kidnapping (F), 2) Adw - Inflict Injury (M), 3) Adw - Inflict Injury (M), 4) Vand-personal Prop (M), 5) Vand-personal Prop (M), 6) Poss Heroin (F), 7) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 8) Liquor-consuming (M), 9) Resisting Arrest (M), 10) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), 11) Reckless Driving (M), 12) Ndl Suspended / Revoked (M), and 13) Speeding - Exceeding Posted Limit By 15 Mph Or More On Hwy (M), at 2349 Loeschs Ln/ seidel St, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/24/2020 17:47. ♦ Nottke, Dianne Eileen (F/53) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at 4495 Bashavia Wayside Rd, Pfafftown, NC, on 7/25/2020 17:45. ♦ Patel, Bipinchandra Chhotabhai (M/62) Arrest on chrg of 1) Gambling (M), 2) Video Gaming Machines-ban On New Machines (M), and 3) Conduct License Premise (M), at 4990 Reidsville Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 7/23/2020 16:00.

Broad St/e Wall St, Rural Hall, NC, on 7/26/2020 15:17. ♦ RUSSELL, ZIYON SHYRECK was arrested on a charge of ADW-OTHER WEAPON at 4204 MEREDITH WOODS LN on 7/25/2020 ♦ SMITH, CORTEZ MACKLENARD was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 897 N GRAHAM AV on 7/25/2020 ♦ Smith, Jessica Dawn (F/29) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugsposs Sched Ii (F), 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), and 3) Ccw (M), at 5401 Hootsdale Dr/ lynndale Dr, Winston-salem, NC, on 7/23/2020 11:36. ♦ SMITHDANIELS, AYANA BRIASIA was arrested on a charge of CRIME AGAINST NATURE at 1499 IVY AV/E FIFTEENTH ST on 7/25/2020 ♦ SMITHDANIELS, AYANA BRIASIA was arrested on a charge of COMM LAW ROBBERY at 729 E SIXTEENTH ST on 7/25/2020 ♦ THOMAS, RYAN CHARLES was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 3599 S MAIN ST/W CLEMMONSVILLE RD on 7/26/2020 ♦ Vernon, Javon Willis (M/25) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M) and 2) Vand-personal Prop (M), at 600 Woodbriar Path, Rural Hall, NC, on 7/26/2020 01:09. ♦ VINSON, WALTERIA MARQUET was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 201 N CHURCH ST on 7/27/2020 ♦ WILKS, AQUERIA JANAE was arrested on a charge of RESISTING ARREST at 3045 BRIARCLIFFE RD on 7/25/2020

♦ REYES, FELICITA MAYREN was arrested on a charge of ASSLT ON OFF/ST EMP at 814 KAPP ST on 7/26/2020

♦ WILSON, JOHN ALAN was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 3324 THOMASVILLE RD on 7/25/2020

♦ Rowdy, Terrel Dawayne (M/24) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F), 2) Poss Marijuana Misd (M), 3) Poss Marijuana Misd (M), and 4) Ccw (M), at 6999

♦ WILSON, TAMEYIA CELESTE was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 601 PETERS CREEK PW on 7/27/2020

Twin City Herald for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


No fans for NASCAR races at Dover next month Dover, Del. The NASCAR weekend in late August at Dover International Speedway will take place without fans. Delaware state officials denied the track’s request to host a limited number of fans Aug. 2123 in the interest of public health and safety. The track is to host a NASCAR Xfinity Series and NASCAR Cup Series on Saturday and Sunday of that weekend. NASCAR has run race weekends without fans with limited exceptions, notably at tracks in Tennessee and Texas.



MLB returns with thrills; red flags remain after 1st weekend Baseball’s 60-game regular season starts but one team has already had COVID-19 spread through its roster

By Jake Seiner The Associated Press NEW YORK — The World Series champion Washington Nationals stood six feet apart along the first base line and watched as a banner commemorating their title was raised, then took a knee alongside the New York Yankees in a call for social justice. Star slugger Juan Soto wasn’t there — he was flagged hours before the first pitch for COVID-19. Neither, of course, were any fans. Hardly ideal, but there was hardball nonetheless. “I’d rather be playing baseball than not,” Nationals ace Max Scherzer said. Major League Baseball returned


to action this weekend with a flourish of highs and lows as the sport attempts to play a 60-game regular season amid a coronavirus pandemic still plaguing much of the United States. The baseball itself was a breath of fresh air — even through all those face coverings. Opening Day gems from Jacob deGrom, Shane Bieber and Kyle Hendricks. A mesmerizing home run from Giancarlo Stanton. Deft baserunning by Lorenzo Cain that baffled the entire Cubs infield. But COVID-era baseball has been unmistakably different. Cardboard cutouts of fans, managers arguing with umpires through face masks, air fives after home runs — not to mention a stream of players put on the coronavirus injured list, including potential outbreaks within the Marlins and Reds clubhouses. The 60-game sprint started with a bang — thunder, actually, along with a torrential downpour in the

“We just do the best we can with the masks and social distancing and all that and hope for the best.” Robert Dugger, Marlins pitcher rain-shortened opener between the Yankees and Nationals. Despite that, it was the sport’s mostwatched regular season game in nine years. Later that night, Mookie Betts made his Dodgers debut in Los Angeles, one day after signing a $365 million, 12-year deal to stay there through 2032. The National League adopted the designated hitter for the first time, and Mets slugger Yoenis Céspedes — sidelined since 2018 with various lower body injuries — hit the first home run by a DH during a

game between NL teams on Opening Day. There’s a new protocol for extra innings, with each team awarded an automatic runner at second base to start each inning after the ninth. The change was poorly received, but after seeing it in action, some traditionalists are seeing the appeal. “It’s another one of these changes that we might end up liking,” 64-year-old Braves manager Brian Snitker said. “Made it interesting.” Lastly, MLB unveiled another modification hours before first pitch, expanding the postseason from 10 teams to 16. Still, the biggest concern is controlling the coronavirus. The Miami Marlins scratched righthander Jose Urena from his scheduled start Sunday in Philadelphia and delayed their postgame trip home amid concerns about a possible virus outbreak within the team. The team then postponed Monday’s home opener against the Orioles after more than a dozen players and coaches tested positive in the last week. “There’s nothing we can really do,” Marlins pitcher Robert Dugger said. “It’s out of our control. We just do the best we can with the masks and social distancing and all that and hope for the best.”

Giants to release kicker Rosas following June arrest New York The New York Giants are going to release 2018 Pro Bowl placekicker Aldrick Rosas, both the NFL Network and The Associated Press are reporting. Rosas was arrested in mid-June after being involved in a hitand-run accident in Chico, California. He was charged with three misdemeanors. The police report said his SUV failed to stop at a red light and collided with a pick-up truck. Rosas left the scene on foot but was later picked up by police and charged with misdemeanor hit-andrun and driving with a suspended license. Rosas had signed a $3.2 million tender offer for the 2020 season.


Thompson wins 3M Open by 2 strokes Blaine, Minn. Michael Thompson birdied two of the last three holes Sunday for a 4-under 67 and a two-stroke victory, finishing off his second PGA Tour win seven years after his first with a victory at the 3M Open. Thompson finished at 19-under 265 at the TPC Twin Cities. Adam Long took was second after a 64 Sunday. Richy Werenski, who had the 18-hole lead and shared it with Thompson after both Friday and Saturday, shot a 70 for his worst round of the tournament and settled for a nine-way tie for third — three strokes back.


Astros’ Verlander out at least two weeks with forearm strain Houston Reigning AL Cy Young Award winner Justin Verlander has a strained right forearm and will be shut down for at least two weeks. Astros manager Dusty Baker announced the injury after Houston’s 7-6 loss to the Mariners on Sunday, saying Verlander would be evaluated after two weeks. Verlander denied a report that the injury would end his season in a tweet Sunday night. The 37-year-old Verlander had groin surgery in March but recovered in time to pitch for the Astros on Friday’s Opening Day with the season delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Dodgers special assistant Jose Vizcaino stands on the field during practice as cutouts occupy some of the stadium seats before Sunday’s game against the San Francisco Giants in Los Angeles.

Even whistles now are safer at NBA restart The league is trying to take every precaution to avoid an outbreak in the bubble

Zach Zarba, NBA referee

By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — The NBA believes it has considered every possible way it can make the restarted season as safe as possible for everyone involved. That even included a plan to contain referee spittle. Referees at the NBA and WNBA restarts are using the same whistles as they always have — albeit with one subtle but important addition. A small black bag is being slipped onto each whistle, designed to collect any spittle that might emanate from a referee’s mouth and through the device itself when being used during play. “Obviously, with health and wellness being in the forefront of everything that we’re doing here in the bubble at Disney, we wanted to make sure that we had something in place for the whistles,” said Monty McCutchen, the former NBA referee who is now a league vice president overseeing the referee program. “In what used to be a normal world, we didn’t worry about what came out of a whistle ... spittle or moisture or a mist or any combination of those was not a concern for us. It is now, and it needs to be.”

“The innovation and attention to detail out here, soup to nuts, is impressive.”


NBA official Michael Price uses a covered whistle during a WNBA basketball game between the Washington Mystics and Indiana Fever in Bradenton, Florida. Whistles aren’t just whistles, not at this level. They’re high-tech, made by Fox 40 — the company that provides whistles to NHL, NFL and college referees, among others — and calibrated to work with Precision Time by using radio technology to communicate between the referee and the scorer’s table to instantly stop the clock when blown. The NBA ran plenty of testing to ensure that the baggies — which are washable and reusable

-- would not thwart that system in any way. The baggie attaches with Velcro and works whether a referee wants to wear the whistle on a lanyard or keep it hand-held. “We had several ideas at one time, and this is what we came up with,” McCutchen said. “There’s other coverings that are of a harder plastic that we have some here in case we need them. We felt that this was the most reasonable and the quickest and it because it was pliable, a little easier to hold.”

Longtime referee Zach Zarba said it took some getting used to, but by the midway point of his first scrimmage at Walt Disney World he didn’t even notice the baggie was there. “You’re not going to get any referee to complain about being back to work and the guidelines and health and safety go along with that,” Zarba said. “We’re all for it. And if this keeps people safer, it’s a no-brainer. ... The innovation and attention to detail out here, soup to nuts, is impressive.” McCutchen once lost a whistle during a game when it sailed from his mouth and directly into the drink of a courtside fan. He had a backup that night. And just in case anything goes wrong at Disney, referees — even though the games won’t have fans present — will have backup whistles with them as well. “Our referees are really clear about the goals here: keep people safe, keep people healthy, and then the game,” McCutchen said. “But we can’t have a game if everyone is ill or sick and if we don’t have the proper attitude toward health and safety. Our referees are embracing this.”

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Twin City Herald for Wednesday, July 29, 2020


In VP search, Biden has a known quantity in Susan Rice By Julie Pace The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — As then-Vice President Joe Biden left the West Wing each evening to head home, he often popped his head into national security adviser Susan Rice’s nearby suite of offices to check in — sometimes on pressing foreign policy matters, sometimes just to shoot the breeze. “My favorite unannounced visitor was Vice President Joe Biden,” Rice wrote in her book “Tough Love.” In those visits, as well as in daily national security briefings, Biden and Rice forged an easy working relationship, according to people who worked alongside them during their eight years in the Obama administration. It’s that personal relationship, and Biden’s firsthand knowledge of how Rice would operate in close proximity to a president, that are now seen as among her strongest attributes as Biden considers her to be his running mate on the Democratic presidential ticket. The 55-year-old has a long pedigree in foreign policy, but has never held elected office. She is close to former President Barack Obama and his network of policy and political advisers, but has a lower public profile than other women Biden

is considering. She has also been a lightning rod for criticism from Republicans, who contend she put politics ahead of national security. Yet Rice has quietly gained support among some Democrats in recent weeks as Biden’s advisers grapple with the enormity of what he would inherit if he defeats President Donald Trump in November. Rice is seen as a No. 2 who could shoulder much of the early workload on foreign policy while Biden focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and reviving the economy. And though Rice briefly flirted with running for Senate from Maine this year, she’s seen as less likely to be eyeing the presidency herself — a bonus among some Biden advisers who worry about speculation that the 77-year-old Biden might only serve one term if elected. Some of Rice’s supporters also note she didn’t challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020, drawing a pointed contrast with Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, who have also been vetted for the No. 2 spot. But it’s the close working relationship Rice forged with Biden during the Obama administration that is seen as a key intangible that other contenders simply don’t have. “His entire theory of politics is personal relationships,” Ben


In this Dec. 15, 2010, file photo Vice President Joe Biden, center, and Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, meet with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Rhodes, who served as Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said of Biden. “The idea of him taking a leap of faith on someone he really doesn’t know because it seems to check a political box seems very unlikely to me.” Rice spent the first four years of the Obama administration as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She commuted to Washington on weekends to be with her family, and sometimes offered the luxury apartment set aside for the UN ambassador to Biden and his wife, Jill, when they were in New York. Rice was on track to become Obama’s second term secretary of state, but became ensnared in the political controversy over the administration’s handling of the 2012 attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya. After Republicans vowed to fight her confirmation to the top State Department job, Rice bowed out of contention. Obama instead named Rice his national security adviser, a powerful position that gave her regular,

high-level access to both the president and vice president. She briefed Obama and Biden together in the Oval Office most mornings on the most crucial aspects of their daily national security briefings, and advised Biden on the foreign policy matters he led, including Ukraine’s efforts to combat Russian aggression and instability in Iraq. “They’ve worked together closely on some of the most delicate issues a president has to deal with, on literally war and peace,” said Denis McDonough, who served as Obama’s chief of staff. People who worked with Biden and Rice, some of whom insisted on anonymity to discuss private meetings and conversations, described them as something of an odd couple. Rice is seen as highly disciplined and can be brusque in meetings and deliberations. Biden, a lifelong politician, is verbose and more likely to make emotional connections even with strangers. They were sometimes on opposite sides of foreign policy debates within the Obama administration,

Colleges plan for virus testing, but strategies vary widely By Collin Binkley The Associated Press BOSTON — For students heading to Colby College in Maine this fall, coronavirus testing is expected to be a routine part of campus life. All students will be required to provide a nasal swab every other day for two weeks, and then twice a week after that. All told, the college says it will provide 85,000 tests, nearly as many as the entire state of Maine has since the pandemic started. Colby, a private school of 2,000 students, joins a growing number of colleges announcing aggressive testing plans to catch and isolate COVID-19 cases before they spread. But whether colleges should be testing every student — and whether there’s capacity for it — is a subject of debate. Some colleges plan to test students only if they show symptoms or come into close contact with someone who has tested positive. But some researchers say that approach could quickly cause outbreaks caused by students who don’t show symptoms. As universities hurry to make plans for virus testing, federal officials are warning that they could overload labs that process tests for hospitals. In a call with governors last Monday, Health and Hu-

man Services Secretary Alex Azar said too many colleges are signing contracts with commercial labs, which threatens to “jam up the capacity” of the system. Instead, Azar said colleges should develop testing operations in their own labs, especially at big research universities. Colleges have been trumpeting testing plans as they work to reassure families that they can reopen safely. For some, it’s partly meant to signal that officials will spend whatever it takes to keep the campus protected. “It’s first and foremost to provide a safe environment. But truthfully it’s also to give all of us comfort, to give our local community comfort, and to give our students and families comfort,” said Doug Terp, vice president for administration and chief financial officer at Colby. The testing plan will cost the college an estimated $5 million, he said. But at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, officials argue that testing every student could “create a false sense of security.” Instead, the school plans to test students who show symptoms or were exposed to the virus, and those in high-risk groups. Virus testing is just one of many safety measures colleges are planning as they look to reopen. Many also plan to reduce class sizes, lim-

it dorm capacity, require masks and ban large gatherings. By testing, colleges hope to identify sick students and place them in isolation spaces to prevent further spread of the virus. For months, university leaders have argued that testing is crucial to a safe reopening. But with limited guidance from federal officials, colleges have created a patchwork of strategies based on advice from state agencies and on research from their own health experts. Dozens of universities plan to test students when they arrive, but after that initial screening, some plan to focus on students with symptoms. Some other schools say they will test random samples of students, while some plan to test all students at various intervals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourages widespread testing, saying colleges should primarily test students with symptoms. The agency says broader testing should be considered only in areas with higher virus transmission rates. But researchers at several universities warn that relying on symptoms alone won’t be enough. They say many young people carry the virus but never feel ill. Without catching those cases, they say, the virus could rapidly spread out of control. At Cornell University, a re-

“It’s incumbent on us to do everything we can to create a safe environment. Whatever we do, there is going to be risk. All we can do is use science to create the best conditions for public health safety.” Michael Kotlikoff, Cornell University provost. search team recently found that students would need to be tested every seven days to keep infections down. A separate study at Yale University and Harvard Medical School suggested that all students should be tested every two or three days. It found that testing only once a week could lead to thousands of infections over a semester. Of particular concern for colleges is the risk that students could arrive on campus carrying the virus without knowing it. Some are asking students to get tested before they arrive. At Cornell, students have been asked to get tested before leaving home, and they will face anoth-

including during the Arab Spring. Rice advocated aggressively at the United Nations for authorization to stand up a no-fly zone and launch airstrikes in Libya; Biden has said he argued strongly against the campaign. Both prided themselves on their willingness to give Obama blunt, unvarnished advice — and respected that about each other, according to the people who worked with them. “They developed this kind of mutual respect, but also casual nature to their relationship that he didn’t have with everybody,” Rhodes said. Biden and Rice got to know each other in the mid-1990s, when she was nominated to serve as assistant secretary of state for African Affairs in President Bill Clinton’s administration. At 32, Rice was one of the youngest people to reach that level of the State Department, and she was also pregnant with her first child. Biden hasn’t mentioned Rice as prominently in public as he has other potential running mates. He holds regular policy talks with Warren, and has headlined online fundraisers with Harris. He’s also singled out Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms as rising Democratic stars. But Democrats say Biden has kept an eye on Rice in recent months. In public appearances last year, she defended Biden’s work in the Obama administration on Ukraine at a time when it was under vigorous attack from Trump — and at a time when Biden’s candidacy appeared to be on shaky ground. Biden, according to people with knowledge, took notice.

er test when they arrive. Officials hope that by testing twice, they will identify asymptomatic cases and drive down false test results. Once on campus, students will be tested once a week. “It’s incumbent on us to do everything we can to create a safe environment,” said Michael Kotlikoff, the university’s provost. “Whatever we do, there is going to be risk. All we can do is use science to create the best conditions for public health safety.” Even with testing, several colleges have already seen outbreaks among athletes and other students who returned to campus this summer. UNC Chapel Hill paused football workouts this month after 37 athletes, coaches and staff members tested positive. Uncertainty around testing has also led to tension between college administrators and their professors. Faculty unions at schools including the Georgia Institute of Technology and Western Kentucky University have demanded widespread testing as a condition for reopening. While some research universities have created their own testing operations, including at Boston University, others are turning to local hospital systems or commercial labs. In New England, Colby and more than 30 other colleges plan to have samples tested through the Broad Institute, a research center tied to Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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