the Wednesday
192,644 COVID-19 patients presumed to be recovered in NC Raleigh The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services said that over 192,000 COVID-19 patients are presumed to have recovered from the virus as of Oct. 5. NCDHHS estimates a median time to recovery of 14 days for non-fatal COVID-19 cases who were not hospitalized and 28 days for hospitalized cases. Estimates are used since patientspecific data on the actual recovery time to resolution of symptoms are not available for all COVID-19 cases. NSJ STAFF
NC voter registration deadline is Oct. 9 Raleigh Friday marks the deadline to register to vote in North Carolina. Voters must be registered 25 days before an election. The county board of elections must receive an application by this date. If an application is received after the deadline, it will be considered timely if it is postmarked on or before the voter registration deadline. Otherwise, the application will not be processed until after the election. Those who register through the Division of Motor Vehicles or another voter registration agency will have applications deemed timely if it is received by that agency at least 25 days before the election. NSJ STAFF
UNC Charlotte wastewater sampling stops potential virus outbreak Charlotte As a result of the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus during routine residence hall wastewater sampling on Oct. 2, UNC Charlotte says they completed 155 COVID-19 tests of students and staff in the impacted area. Based on the tests, the positivity rate was less than 1%, and no clusters were found. Anyone who tested positive is now in isolation receiving proper medical care. On Saturday, the university’s contact-tracing team notified close contacts of those with positive test results to begin an appropriate quarantine period. Research shows it is likely the disease presents in wastewater several days before the onset of symptoms, assisting the university in preventing outbreaks of the virus. NSJ STAFF
North Carolina Troopers Association endorses President Trump Raleigh The North Carolina Troopers Association announced its official endorsement of President Donald Trump for re-election. “In the face of growing calls to ‘defund the police,’ it is more important than ever that we have a President who understands the fundamental importance of law-and-order. President Trump has been a consistent champion for law enforcement throughout his first term, supporting our officers at every turn and fighting to ensure we have the resources we need to protect our communities,” said Danny Jenkins, president of the North Carolina Troopers Association and executive board member of the National Troopers Coalition, which has also endorsed President Trump. NSJ STAFF
Nearly 40 nations criticize China’s human rights policies United Nations Nearly 40 mainly Western countries criticized China’s treatment of minority groups, especially in Xinjiang and Tibet, on Tuesday and expressed grave concern at the impact of its new national security law on human rights in Hong Kong. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
President Donald Trump stands on the balcony outside of the Blue Room as he returns to the White House Monday, Oct. 5, 2020, after leaving Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda, Md.
NC at center of black conservative rise Robinson is a Black Conservative Voices board member, a GOP precinct chair and original Blexit NC director
backgrounds. She used her own upbringing, being raised on the 13th floor of a housing project in Brooklyn, New York, where she routinely witnessed gang violence, as an example. One thing black Americans tend to have in common, she By David Larson said, regardless of whether they North State Journal grew up middle class or working RALEIGH — Last week pro- class, in New York or in North filed the life of Clarence Hen- Carolina, in an urban or a rural derson, a black conservative area, is that being a Democrat is who was a participant in the simply part of who you are. “I don’t think you even identi1960 Greensboro Woolworth’s sit-in and, more recently, a fy the question before you idenspeaker at the 2020 Republi- tify as a Democrat,” Robinson said. “It makes becan National Convening a black person tion. For much of his and anything othlife, being a member of er than a Democrat the black community “It was a mind tilt for everyand having his political body involved. And views was an “oddity,” something if you become a Rebut now, a new genera- about this publican, the idea tion of black conservabecomes, you are a tives has emerged. And election that race traitor. You are a lot of the energy for brought us siding with the enethis movement is com- all out. We my, so to speak.” ing from Henderson’s But Robinson behome state of North just met gan to question this Carolina. each other. identity and the asAccording to Dansumptions behind ielle Robinson, a black One person it while in college. conservative leader just met this Since she believed who lives in Raleigh, college was a place a shift happened in other person, for “healthy quesjust the last year. Af- and we just tioning,” she beter years of individual started gan to apply some of black Republicans votwhat she was learning for their candidates building this ing, specifically in of choice but not being community. economics classes, to too vocal in their communities, many began It just literally her own upbringing and community. to emerge and connect organically While Robinson with one another. said she didn’t imRobinson is a Wake grew.” mediately start votCounty GOP precinct ing Republican, chair; the original di- Danielle she does rememrector of Blexit NC, a Robinson, ber thinking to hergroup which calls for self, “Hmm, what if a “black exit” from the NC black I’m not a Democrat?” Democratic Party; and conservative And as she found a board member of the leader herself increasingNorth Carolina Republy moving away from lican Party’s Black ConDemocratic views servative Voices Coalition. She told NSJ that despite and towards Republican views, stereotypes of black conser- it became clear that this was not vatives being from the middle understood or welcome among and upper classes, black conservatives have a wide variety of See CONSERVATIVES, page A2
Trump back at White House following stay at Walter Reed By Zeke Miller The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump returned to the White House Monday evening following a stay at Water Reed National Military Medical Center for a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. Anxious to project strength just four weeks from Election Day, Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that he is planning to attend next week’s debate with Democrat Joe Biden in Miami. “It will be great!” he said. In a letter, Trump’s doctor, Navy Cmdr. Sean Conley, said Trump had a “restful” night at the White House and that on Tuesday “he reports no symptoms.” On Monday afternoon, shortly before his departure from Walter Reed, Conley offered that the presi-
dent would not be fully “out of the woods” for another week. Trump returned to the White House Monday night aboard Marine One, climbing the South Portico steps and giving a double thumbs-up from the terrace, where aides had arranged American flags for the sunset occasion. In a video released later, Trump said, “Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines.” On Tuesday, Trump also returned to his previous comparisons of COVID-19 to the seasonal flu. “Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu,” he tweeted. “Are we going to close See TRUMP, page A3
U.S. Education Secretary DeVos attends roundtable in Raleigh Roundtable focused on Opportunity Scholarship Program By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — Parents, students, lawmakers and non-profit leaders came together to meet with U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for a roundtable discussion of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program and the state’s other school choice options. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) oversees a number of grants, such as the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP), which provides $4,200 a year to eligible low-income students for tuition at the participating private school of their choice. The state also has two options for students with special needs — the Children with Disabilities Grant and the Education Savings Account. The Children with Disabilities Grant Program gives up to $8,000 per year, and the Education Savings Account (ESA) Program provides up to $9,000 per year to students who enroll in a participating nonpublic school, including home school. The roundtable discussion was hosted by Parents for Educational Freedom NC (PEFNC), a statewide organization that supports greater educational options and equal access to those options through parental school choice.
PEFNC President Mike Long’s opening remarks noted that one in five students in North Carolina have chosen a school outside of the traditional public school system, See DEVOS, page A2
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RESTRICTIONS from page A1 CONSERVATIVES from page A1 staying on their properties if they those close to her. are not year-round residents. “I grew around black people, A similar situation to Surf in a family of black people, then City’s actions has arisen in Dare all of a sudden, it became, I’m no and Currituck counties, resultlonger black; I’m no longer part ing in the filing of a federal lawof this family,” Robinson said of suit by six property owners this time. “So when I announced whose permanent residences are that I was a Republican, it was in neighboring states. just a huge identity crisis.” Law-enforcement checkpoints She said this is a common stohave been set up on roads leadry for black conservatives, having into various towns and couning their black identity called ties. into question by their family and The town of Beaufort has a friends. chokepoint near I-70 to repel non-residents. One needs a valid form of government-issued ID with a Carteret County address, a COVID-19 Entry Pass issued by the town documents provDEVOS fromorpage A1 ing you are an essential worker or are performing an essential including charter schools, homesservice. chools and private schools. Ocracoke is also requiring “We are coming together today documentation in order to gain at a pivotal time: the year 2020, entry to the town. where the worldwide coronavirus The public’s use of the Atlanpandemic has shown in starkby retic Ocean has been banned ality just Beach, how crucial Atlantic Salterschool Path,choice Inis to Beach the welfare of families,” dian and Emerald Isle. said In Long. a joint press release, the towns DeVos thanked Long and kitPEFsaid “swimming, surfing, NC for arranging the roundtable ing,” and “non-motorized recrebefore making some brief remarks. ational water access” are all proShe said that no matter what backhibited. ground or income level a family Wrightsville Beach officials comes from thatbeaches “all families have already closed to the an opportunity to equally access public but will now also be fining a quality education.” violators up to $500. If one in“There is so much more cludes court costs, the fineprogress jumps to be made and we’re seeing it now to $650. as Officials families across the countryand have in Wilkesboro been more aware in the last six North Wilkesboro announced onto eight months of their children’s April 8 that only oneown person per education,” saidallowed DeVos.entry “Whatinto they family will be are and are not learning… What the any stores. Children can only acschools are or are not doing to meet company them if no other suittheirperson children’s able canneeds.” watch them. President Trump’s education Last week, Cooper issued pria orities have included the expannew executive order containing sion of parental and multiple layers school of newchoice, restricin the past, he has several times tions on the few retail stores still called onorCongress to pass the Edallowed able to remain open. ucation Freedom Scholarships and This new order begins at 5 p.m. Opportunity Act, afor $530 billion annuApril 13 and runs days. al According tax credit for businesses and into executive order dividuals that donate to scholarship 131, only five people per 1,000 funds. feet of retail space or 20% square DeVos said that if North Carof fire marshal posted occupanolina and other states participatcy limits can be in a store at one ed in the administration’s time. Markings must be proposal placed it could mean $160 help 6 feet apart in areasmillion where to peomeet the demand for more educaple gather, like checkout lines, tionalstores options. and must observe cleanOne of the themes expressed ing measures. Additional recom-by all participants is the ideainclude gaining mendations in the order rapid support of “funding students plastic shields at registers and instead of systems.” contact-free checkouts. “We order shouldoverrides be talking The any about lofunding a child, not a system cal prohibitions that set a differ-or building,” said rate DeVosin during the ent occupancy order to Q&A session. She said parents maintain “uniformity” across the know what is best for their child state.” As with Cooper’s previandexecutive whether aorders, school is meeting the ous municipalineeds ofindividual their child stores or not.can enties and Lt. Gov. Dan Forest made than an apact even stricter measures pearance via a recorded video mesdescribed in the new directives. sage. He also says that North CarThe North Carolina-based Fresh olina should be funding students Market grocery store chain, first, notApril the system. pointstarting 14, willForest require all ed out that PEFNC and lawmakguests to wear a face-covering of ers insort. the room stood up to protect some the OSP when Gov. Roy Cooper
The Second Sunday of Easter approaches, and Christians are reminded of the first Last week, we looked at Sunday following Christ’s resurrection. Jesus kindness as “goodness in action.” had met with most of His disciples after Mary This week, the sixth element of Magdalene alerted the Fruit of the Spirit isthem actual of His presence. Thomas notthe with them when they met goodness.was During summer, we examined thesaid parables Jesus, and he he would not believe in the taught by Jesus in Matthew resurrection until he had seen the wounds of 13. As we examine the Fruit of the crucifixion for himself. the Spirit, we encounter one of Eight after the resurrection, Thomas the mostdays famous parables of had his doubts removed when he saw the Bible — The Parable of the Jesus and examined His wounds. While Good Samaritan. The question presented in the parable is: Who Jesus blessed those who believed in His is my neighbor? The answer, in He nonetheless resurrection based on faith, the parable, is anyone in need. was willing to prove Himself to Thomas. The background that is often Thomas proven a devoted and loyal lost in the had tale of the Good disciple and Jesus did not Samaritan is that the Jews andcondemn him for theskepticism. Samaritans were at odds his with each other and disapproved of each other’s behavior. We find ourselves today in similar factions. We have also recently TRAFFIC from page A1illness, seen celebrations of the accidents or shortfalls besetting failed to produce results. those with opposing views. The In the meantime, somethy road teaching of Jesus is to “love and bridge projects already have neighbor” regardless of tribe, been put on hold. creed, or predicament.
John 20:27-29 (KJV) 27 Then saith he to Luke 10:30-33 Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold 30 And Jesus answering said,my A hands; and reach hither certain man went down from thy hand, and thrust it Jerusalem Jericho, and fell intotomy side: and be not among thieves, which stripped faithless, but believing. him of his and 28 raiment, And Thomas answered anddeparted, said unto wounded him, and 31 my him, half My Lord and And leaving him dead. God. 29 Jesus saith unto by chance there came down him, Thomas, because a certain priest that way: and thou hast seen me, thou when hehast sawbelieved: him, heblessed passedare 32 And by on thethey other side. that have not seen, likewiseand a Levite, when he was yet have believed.
at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggioother (c. 1601–1602, currently housed a certain side. 33 But in Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany). Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
transportation sales tax revenue, shutting down certain businesses. But some states have not. which also is down. PUBLIC DOMAIN Washington, site of the first “We were hoping to bid it out “The Good Samaritan (afterbut Delacroix)” (1890) is a painting coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., for construction very soon, by Vincent van Gogh which of a similar suspended workpainting on 92 of its 100 then COVID-19 and all that,issoa copy by Eugene Kröller-Müller Museum, highwayOtterlo, projects as a rethat timelineDelacroix, is kind of in the air,” active Netherlands. The North Carolina Depart- said West Plains administrator sult of a stay-at-home order for ment of Transportation has Tom Stehn, a former state high- most workers. The halted projslashed its expected construction way engineer. “It was a high pri- ects include major ones in Seattle and Spokane, as well as improveprojects from 131 down to 38 for ority for us.” Though ambulances are run- ments to an Interstate 90 pass the upcoming budget year, a $2 ning as usual and detours are through an avalanche-prone area billion reduction. TRUMP from page A1 that it’s not a problem.” Biden share results of medical scans Ohio has delayed projects until well-marked for visitors, “ob- of the Cascade Mountains. Trump’s lungs, saying he was tested negative for the virus on of Vermont’s entire $200 million next year on interstate highways viously that direct interchange not at liberty to discuss the infordown our Country? No, we have Sunday. in Columbus and Cincinnati be- would be nice,” said Daniel Mar- road construction plan for 2020 Biden said he’d “listen to the mation because Trump did not learned to live with it, just like we cause of the expected decline in shall, chief clinical officer for the is on hold, save for a $6 million waive doctor-patient confidentiare learning to live with Covid, science” ahead of the upcoming emergency repair where a storm South Howell County Ambulance fuel tax revenue. ality on the subject. At the hosin most populations far less le- debates, adding that the cam- washed out part of the foundation Faced with a budget shortfall, District. pital, doctors revealed that his paigns and the debate commis- on thal!!!” Interstate 89. The city of Bend, Oregon, the Missouri has postponed $46 miloxygen level had dropped Joe Biden said during an NBC sion should be “very cautious” in blood The longer the delay, the greatlion for 18 road and bridge proj- nation’s seventh-fastest growsuddenly twice in recent days town hall Monday night that he making plans. “If scientists say er the likelihood that some projects that had been priorities for ing metropolitan area over the was glad Trump seemed to be re- that it’s safe, that distances are and that they gave him a steroid local governments. As many as past decade, pulled a $190 mil- ects might not get finished this covering well, “but there’s a lot to safe, then I think that’s fine,” he typically only recommended for 299 additional projects valued lion transportation bond off the year. very sick. be concerned about -- 210,000 said. “I’ll do whatever the experts the“Every project is sort of at risk at $785 million could be at risk May ballot. Supporters had conOn Tuesday, Conley did not people have died. I hope no one say.” without federal help, McKenna cerns about pushing a property of running out of quality weather Conley repeatedly declined to share details on the president’s walks away with the message tax hike for roads, sidewalks and days to complete the work,” said said. Among the immediate de- bike lanes while local business- Jeremy Reed, construction engiferments: a new highway inter- es are suffering financially and neer for the state’s transportation change to provide direct access many residents are without work. agency. Pennsylvania originally halted “They’re going to show up on to the expanded Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains. The cen- voters’ day and just glance and all road construction work. But other person, and we just started like, ‘Wow, where did you all “Some of us went to Thankster’s hospital, physician and spe- think, `I’m not raising my taxes it has since allowed work to probuilding this community. It just come from?’” giving, and were packing to-go cialty clinics are among the area’s right now, no way!’” said Mike Ri- ceed on 61 critical projects. About North Carolina’s black conserliterally organically grew.” plates within 15 minutes of being largest employers, serving about ley, co-chairman of the Go Bend 800 road and bridge projects, at vatives have been especially sucShe said many of black conserthere. No one voluntarily wants 40,000 patients in eight rural 2020 Coalition that support- $7 billion, remain on hold. cessful in gainingsome leadership vatives even discovered they lived to go through that.” By contrast, statesroles have counties of southern Missouri ed the measure. “We’re going to in the party. Kevin Daniels of trafRaclose to each other. Robinson When Robinson moved to come back to voters, but now just taken advantage of a lull in and northern Arkansas. leigh, for example, is the RNC’s said this made them realize for NorthThe Carolina around 2007, fic to speed up transportation state had allotted more felt like the wrong time.” engagement director, and the first time they weren’t alone. shethan wasn’t very politically active, projects. Construction crews have Most states have classified road black $1.2 million to cover half Clarence Henderson has advised “Until we became a commubutthe something about the age of road construction costs. The construction as essential work been able to shut down highway nity, and I think that could have President Trump on black outTrump othother energized half was to her comeand from local that can continue despite orders lanes during prime hours without er black conservatives to become been the part that was missing reach. Most of all, Mark Robbefore, but when you brought inson, a black Republican from more outspoken. “It was something about this us together, something amazing Greensboro, winning the primaelection that brought us all out,” happened in 2020 and in the tail ry for N.C. lieutenant governor Robinson said. “We just met each end of 2019. When you brought over a long list of prominent caother. One person WORSHIP fromjust pagemet A1 this together the community, it was reer politicians was another mo-
causing major traffic backups. Florida announced that it is accelerating work schedules by several weeks on about $2 billion worth of bridge and road projects. In Maryland, a westbound lane of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis recently re-opened to vehicles following repairs. The $27 million project was completed well ahead of schedule, partly because of light medications. Hecoronavirus was set topanretraffic amid the ceive the fifth and final dose of demic. theThe antiviral remdesivir Tuesday declining traffic volumes at thebeen White House. large in some have especially Vice President Mike Penceconreof the nation’s most famously turned the campaign trail such mogested to metropolitan areas, ments after Trump Bay announced as the San Francisco area. he Business would soon leave the hospital. leaders in the region The vice president boarded had hoped to put a 1 cent sales Air tax Force to fly toballot Salt Lake City, on theTwo November that could where he isbillion to face off40 against raise $100 over years Democratic vice presidential for public transit and transpornominee Sen. Kamala Harris on tation projects in a nine-county Wednesday. region. But the coronavirus outbreak interrupted work on state legislation needed to place the measure on the ballot. It now could be 2022, or even 2024, before supporters can make ment that showed something is another push for a public vote on happening in North Carolina. the measure, said John Grubb, “I’moperating so excited about what’s chief officer of the Bay happening in North Carolina beArea Council, a business-backed cause it’s not in any other state policy advocacy group. like“Ifthis. this bewe’reAnd in aI know poor economy, cause we started getting the outwhich it looks like we’re going to pouring of other be in, that wouldstates have wanting been an to tie into in North Carolina awful lot ofusstimulus and an awand what we were doing,” Robinful lot of job creation,” he said. son said. “Now we’re taking leadership roles in the party. So, we are here to stay. We are here to grow our message in our communities, and we’re not going anywhere.”
Benham and others showed up to the Charlotte clinic after receiving calls that the police were there demanding that the group’s mema daughter, Mia, in fourth grade. bers leave the area. When they reShe said Mia has ADHD and has fused to leave, eight were given cistruggled in school, but the pantations of “violation of emergency demic and remote instruction “reprohibitions and restrictions” — a ally brought that to light.” Class 2 misdemeanor. Chloe Dixon, a single mom from “They’re saying there were 50 Hope Mills, said she made the people there,” Benham said on choice to pull her oldest daughthe discrepancy between his acter, Savannah, out of public schools count and the “official” account. about three days into remote in“Just look at the video. The video struction. The OSP helped pay for shows clear evidence. It is a lie. It one of her children to get an in-peris wrong. The police department, son education, but that she can’t afCharlotte Observer, the mayor’s offord to send all three. She said jugfice — they’re all wrong.” gling her job and helping her other Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a two school-aged children stuck befriend of Benham’s, tweeted out in hind computer screens has been a support of him later the same day, huge struggle. calling the arrest unconstitutional CLARK | out NORTH “IROBERT just found onSTATE my JOURNAL way up and saying, “Because elected Dems here, he’s assignments behind,” said are pro-abortion, they are abusing Attendees of Northwood Temple Church in Fayeteville’s 2020 Easter drive-in service listen in on Dixon of her nine-year-old third their power—in a one-sided way— their radios from inside their cars as Pastor John Hedgepeth delivers his sermon. grade son. “I had no idea.” She addto silence pregnancy counselors.” A.P. DILLON | NORTH STATE JOURNAL ed that unless parents are sitting Cruz also put a petition on his site beside their child all day every day, Betsy DeVos participates in a roundtable discussion on school choice in Raleigh on Oct. 2, 2020 nion sets, with sealed wafers and which asks signatories to “Tell crimination against religious in- ‘drive-in’ services.” they have no idea what the children The very next day, Wilming- cups of juice, but had to call off the Democratic Governor Roy Cooper stitutions and religious believers,” are missing. that if abortion is ‘essential’ then said Barr in a statement. “Thus, ton police posted that drive-in ser- plan to distribute them after word Melanie Osborne of Raleigh Kyzer said that the legislature the relief bill should have “done had sought to defund the program part pregnancy services are essential, government may not impose spe- vices “will not be considered a vi- from the city. her oldest child Allauhas gotten school choice programs brought more to expand Medicaid.” in his budget submitted in August. “They said don’t do communion, too. Stop discriminating against cial restrictions on religious activi- olation,” so no legal action would with her to the roundtable. Osby being balanced and hav- ra Joining Long and DeVos were done “When our governor is prohibitty that do not also apply to similar be taken against the churches, but and I’m a good man. I try to do people of faith!” a comprehensive approach. He borne has four other daughters who Leader Phil Berger (R-Eden) ing ing millions of children from hav- Senate police still urged “all churches and what the mayor says,” Hedgepeth U.S. Attorney General Wil- nonreligious activity.” on to highlight a number of are quadruplets, one of which has Kyzer, the communica- went ing any in-person instruction this and Joseph “Where a state has not acted houses of worship to continue with said. “We’re law-abiding. I want to liam Barr has received a flood of loss issues and requires school choice options the state hearing director for House Speaker the school year, your courageous efforts tions complaints from religious people evenhandedly, it must have a com- virtual services, including for Eas- do things the way they said and let resources, which she is able for in addition to the OSP and special Moore (R-Kings Mountain). pays provide the leadership that gives Tim them know we’re cooperating with around the country who, like Ben- pelling reason to impose restric- ter.” savings accounts such as to get using funds from the OSP’s lawmakers included co-chair education families access to full-time quality Other In Fayetteville, drive-in ser- them.” ham, believe their rights are being tions on places of worship and grant. of the Senate Education Committee the AP and IB exam fees and the disability instruction,” Forest said. Benham, though, said he will violated by local and state govern- must ensure that those restrictions vices were allowed, and North“As a single mom, balancing work Promise Program which offers Deanna Ballard (R-Watagua) NC Around the middle of Septem- Sen. are narrowly tailored to advance wood Temple Pentecostal Holi- not be cooperating with Charments. Senate Education Commit- $500 a semester tuition at three and online education has been very ber, Cooper announced that only and A tweet from Barr’s commu- its compelling interest,” said Barr. ness Church had an Easter service lotte’s demands for his group to tough for us. While my daughter is universities. member Joyce Krawiec (R-For- state elementary school students would tee“Religious institutions must not be at 10 a.m. Pastor John Hedgepeth stop counseling women outside nications director, Kerri Kupec, in a small private school, two “It is not a binary dichotomy, like now be able to return for daily in-person syth). told NSJ the church promoted the the abortion clinic, even after the said, “During this sacred week for singled out for special burdens.” my children are full-time virtulot of opponents of school choice of “I think everyone — Republicans a celebration instruction. and was expecting po- arrest, since he believes the city’s Drive-in church services have many Americans, AG Barr is monDemocrats — understands that want to make it… that if you are ex- al learners, and it’s been a struggle,” Lawmakers have heard from and itoring govt regulation of religious been another touchpoint in North tentially hundreds of cars. The ser- requests violate the letter and spirfor education is really panding here, it has to take away said Osborne. parents all over the state who cur- opportunity services. While social distancing Carolina, especially during the vice could be heard on 92.7 FM to it of the law. Osborne said their family has there,” said Kyzer of Republigreat equalizer for our nation,” from rently use the OSP as well as those theEaster “Heck yeah we are, of course,” season. Wake County gov- allow attendees to sing along to the policies are appropriate during in the OSP for six lawmaker’s expansion of school participated Berger. He added the big poli- can who have children struggling with said this emergency, they must be ap- ernment made clear that drive- hymns played inside the sanctuary Benham said when asked whethafter realizing that her old“They’ve really shown that years question is how to help the most choice. remote instruction and wanted to cy in services would not be permit- and listen to Hedgepeth’s sermon er his group is still present at that plied evenhandedly & not single access those educational you can make really powerful in- est daughter really needed a higher find better options. Some help came families out religious orgs. Expect action ted. Some churches, like Plymouth from a raised platform outside, all clinic. “We haven’t stopped. Every vestments that have made us top in level of instruction than their pubin the form of the $1.1 billion Coro- opportunities. Baptist Church in Raleigh, had while congregants remained in- day they’re open, we’re there.” from DOJ next week!” lic school was providing. Osborne country.” Berger said it is important the the navirus Relief 3.0 bill, which exBenham said demand for aborOn Tuesday, Barr announced planned to have a drive-in service side their vehicles. it “crushing” to hear that Three families currently using called money for education find its panded the OSP’s income eligibili- public “Other churches are not open. tion hasn’t slowed down, and his that his office had filed a statement but were forced to cancel, as rewere people trying to take the OSP participated in the round- there to where the students are and the ty threshold from 133% to 150% of way They are going to have it by vid- group offers a social service that in support of a church in Missis- ported by Carolina Journal. OSP away. the “money follows the stu- table. the amount required for a student so that Gov. Roy Cooper made clear in eo, or by online streaming, but I is federally protected because the sippi after the city fined congreOsborne’s daughter Allaura said “The thing most frustrating is He also talked briefly about to qualify for free or reduced lunch. dent.” gants $500 per person for attend- his executive order 121 that reli- wanted to do it live,” Hedgepeth mothers are offered housing assishad more extracurricular opfeeling like you don’t have a she’s the legislature had managed the Access to the scholarships was how ing parking lot services. Barr’s gious entities were subject to the told NSJ. “I wanted to do it in a tance, child-care assistance, mensaid Jessica Edwards of be- portunities at her school like stuforward-fund the OSP through voice,” also expanded by eliminating the to 10-person way they’d never done it. Drive-in. torship and much more. limitation. statement also noted that citizens government and debate and a parent during the pandem- dent to the tune of $144.8 million ing cap on awards for students enter- 2027The “The day I was arrested, while Wilmington Police Depart- Drive-up. You can still be private were permitted to attend nearshe has been able to find her ic. She and her family are in Cum- that ing kindergarten and first grade. dollars. I was being cuffed, two mothers by drive-in restaurants, even with ment put out a similar directive to in your car.” County, where the school passion, which is giving back to the “That sounds like a whole lot of berland The bill also included an allotment Hedgepeth said the mayor sent chose to go onto the mobile ultralocal churches on April 7 on Facetheir windows open. said Berger. “But the reali- district is still operating on Plan C, community. of $6.5 million to eliminate wait- money,” “But even in times of emergen- book, saying they “prohibit any rules for them to abide by when sound unit and both of them chose “I wouldn’t have ever gotten is complete remote instructhat only represents 1.4% of the which lists for the Children with Disabil- ty is cy, when reasonable and tempo- event or convening that brings to- they did their service, including life for their kids and are now these opportunities if it wasn’t for state dollars that go to educa- tion. ities Grant Program and Education total rary restrictions are placed on gether more than ten individuals how many feet apart to have the plugged into our mentor network,” Edwards is military spouse from the Opportunity Scholarship,” said tion today. You can imagine what Savings Account Program. rights, the First Amendment and in one place (indoor or outdoor) at vehicles. Northwood Temple had Benham said. “Two mothers — so will be in education dollars Fayetteville with two school-aged Allaura, now a senior at North RaCooper signed the bill and issu- that federal statutory law prohibit dis- one time. This prohibition includes purchased hundreds of commu- was it worth it for me? Absolutely.” children, a son in high school and leigh Christian Academy. ing a short statement that said in when we get to 2027.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
As Harris pitches to black voters, some want to hear more
You really need to get out here, and you need to show that you understand that you have a fight on your hands. They act as if they have it made.”
By Kathleen Ronayne The Associated Press RALEIGH — Standing before Sen. Kamala Harris at a campaign event near a Raleigh barbershop, Marcus Bass asked the Democratic vice presidential nominee a pointed question: How would she and Joe Biden convince young black voters their ticket isn’t simply the lesser of two evils? “I appreciate your question and the point,” Harris replied. “Nobody is supposed to vote for us — we need to earn it.” That’s what Harris, the first black woman to appear on a major party’s presidential ticket, is trying to do in swing states like North Carolina, as the presidential contest enters its final weeks. In conversations at barbershops and historically black colleges and universities, through ads on popular websites and live Instagram interviews, Harris is pitching herself and Biden as a team that can make meaningful progress on issues that matter to black Americans, like police reform, ending the new coronavirus pandemic and creating a more equitable economy. She’ll have the chance to pitch to her biggest audience yet on Wednesday, when she is expected to debate Vice President Mike Pence. The intensifying focus on the vice presidential debate offers Harris an important chance to address doubts about the Democratic ticket. Biden’s history-making selection of Harris as his running mate has energized and excited some black voters, particularly wom-
Nicole Small, a Detroit Charter Commission member
Democratic vice presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., visits the This Is the Place Monument with former Utah State Sen. Scott Howell, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020, in Salt Lake City. en, who are the Democratic Party’s most reliable voters. Harris attended Howard University, an HBCU, and was a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Members donning the sorority’s green and pink colors can often be spotted outside her events. But she’s still facing skepticism about her past as a prosecutor, and young black voters say they’re looking for something more than a politician who looks like them. They’re not yet convinced Biden and Harris are committed or able
to execute meaningful change. “I do think they have a lot more work to do,” said John Ray, a 32-year-old black man who works with youth in Detroit. “We know that grandparents and certain age demographics are already going to vote. So, should a lot of energy be spent there, or should we be trying to really activate those populations that historically don’t vote? Some are saying, ‘What are you going to do beyond campaign promises to actually make things better for me in my community?’”
Harris has appealed to black voters during recent visits to Michigan and North Carolina, including those who couldn’t or didn’t vote in 2016 and those whom Trump is courting, particularly black men. She chose Shaw University, an HBCU in Raleigh with a history in the civil rights movement, as the site of her first North Carolina visit, where she delivered a speech on the Supreme Court. Biance Wilburn, a senior at Shaw University, learned through
What does Phase 3 mean for K-12 students? The state’s largest district has modified Plan A, along with mask protocols By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper’s announcement of Phase Three brings a few small changes to how businesses and certain venues operate, but schools are not mentioned at all in the order. That leads to the question, what, if any impact does Phase Three’s Executive Order 169 have on the state’s school children? One area is masks or face coverings, which are still required in public spaces for everyone in the state ages five and up. The order reads that “Face coverings are still required in public when it is not possible to maintain social distancing from non-household members. In Phase Three, this requirement applies to any public place or business, indoor or outdoor.” Also unchanged are the mass gathering
limits of 25 for indoors and 50 for outdoors. Prior to the announcement of Phase Three, Cooper and N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen announced that all K-5 elementary students were being allowed to return to school under Plan A, which is daily in-person instruction. The Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit created by Cohen’s department was updated to reflect that change; however, it also detailed that students in grades six through 12 would not have the option to return to full-time instruction at school. Instead, those grades must choose between Plan B, a rotation schedule of one week in school and two weeks of remote instruction, and Plan C, which is remote instruction only. The mask exemptions in the Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit mirror that of Executive Order 163 (Phase 2.5), which is identical to details and exemptions for masks in Phase Three. In the state’s largest district,
Wake County Public Schools’ (WCPSS), working guidelines for health protocols regarding masks go beyond the state’s mask mandate by requiring children under the age of five to wear a mask. “Preschool children, ages 3-4 are expected to wear cloth face coverings if they can reliably wear, remove, and handle cloth face coverings throughout the day,” the guidance reads. Mask requirements first were introduced in Gov. Cooper’s Phase Two extension and were revised in his most recent Phase Three order. Phase Two did not require masks for those under the age of 11, and neither order recommends or requires children under the age of five to wear a mask. There has been active debate and varying guidance across the country about masks. Included in that debate is whether or not the government can force usage and whether or not it violates medical privacy to ask an individual about the reason why they are not wearing a mask. Wake County Schools
may be putting that debate to the test with their most recently proposed guidelines. The current WCPSS health protocol guidelines also state that for a student or staff member to not wear a mask must be “supported by medical need” and will be considered on a “case-by-case basis in light of the nature of the disability and the necessity of maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment.” Parents will have to request a “disability-based accommodation form” and their student will have to wear a mask until the “specific disability-based accommodation” has been approved. There are no details about what constitutes a disability in the WCPSS student health protocols documents. The Phase Two extension executive order, the Phase 2.5 order and the Phase Three orders all state that “anyone who declines to wear a Face Covering for these reasons should not be required to produce documentation or any other proof of a condition.” All three
her work with an advocacy group last year that many of her peers thought voting didn’t matter, a perception that she’s worked to change. Wilburn, who is 21, called Harris’ visit to campus a “wow” moment before the California senator greeted students and grooved to a drumline performance. “It means a lot to be a black woman and just black in America, period,” she said. But Tory Jackson, a 36-year-old mental health worker from Raleigh who is black, said many of his friends are resigned to another Trump win and may opt out of voting. He likened it to staying in a bad relationship instead of gambling on a new one. “We’ve dealt with him for four years. We’ve already seen what he can and can’t do. We already know his antics,” said Jackson, who plans to vote but not for Trump. Nicole Small, of Detroit, said early momentum from Harris’ selection has fizzled out. “Now, some of those who were really excited, they’re now gravely concerned. Some are traditional Democrats who are saying, ‘We see no visibility in our community.’ You really need to get out here, and you need to show that you understand that you have a fight on your hands. They act as if they have it made,” said Small, a Detroit Charter Commission member.
orders also include the same eleven exceptions for wearing a mask or face covering. The only difference in the two exemption lists is changing the age requirement to wear a mask in public from 11 years old and up to five years old and up. Parents will also be required to sign a form as confirmation that they are aware of the district’s health protocols. Board member Jim Martin went a step further, saying that he thought that the children should also be required to sign that form. Students can be suspended and teachers fired for not complying with mask requirements according to the current version of WCPSS’ protocols. Students can face consequences that include in-school or out-ofschool suspension, and any “willful or repeated failures to wear masks at school could result in an involuntary transfer to a virtual learning environment.” Staff who don’t want to wear a mask have to obtain an exception for “medical reasons” from human resources. Similar to the student protocols, there is no list of what constitutes a medical reason in the staff health protocol document.
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North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Pumpkin season hits NC
Police arrest two wanted in child abuse case Buncombe County Two people wanted on charges of domestic violence and child abuse dating back to March have been taken into custody. Asheville police said they received a report in July of domestic violence and child abuse. Detectives assigned to the Buncombe County Family Justice Center, working with Buncombe County social services and Mission Children’s Hospital, identified a pattern of criminal abuse dating back to March. Police charged Iris Delia Melendez-Townsend, 54, of Asheville, with five counts of assault by strangulation and misdemeanor child abuse. Police also charged Eric Elvin Melendez, 36, of Asheville, with six counts of misdemeanor child abuse.
Cunningham cancels appearance after second allegation
Glade Valley
Watauga County The University of North Carolina system reported its first coronavirus-related student death on Tuesday since several campuses reopened with at least partial in-person learning last month. Chad Dorrill, a 19-year student at Appalachian State University who lived off campus in Boone and took all of his classes online, died on Monday due to coronavirus complications. The university reported a new high of 159 current COVID-19 cases among students on Tuesday. Nearly 550 students have tested positive for the virus since in-person classes resumed last month. Appalachian State remains open for in-person instruction.
Macon County A sheriff’s office was identified as a COVID-19 cluster after a number of employees tested positive, the Macon County Health Department announced. The sheriff’s office would only say that “multiple employees” fell ill and were tested, and that some of the tests have come back positive. Some of the workers were on duty when they became ill, but they went home immediately when they started displaying symptoms. Employees have been quarantined at home. Public access to the sheriff’s office will be limited for the next couple of weeks.
Graham County John Franklin Burch, 45, was killed after being hit by a car while lying down on NC Highway 54. Burch was wearing dark clothing, and alcohol was believed to be a factor. The driver of the Ford Ranger that hit him did not see him or attempt to avoid him. Burch was declared dead at the scene, and authorities do not plan to file charges WFMY
RALEIGH — Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham canceled a planned town hall appearance as a second allegation against him was made public. According to WUNC’s Jeff Tiberii, Cunningham backed out of a previouslyscheduled appearance to talk to voters on Monday afternoon. “I’m disappointed for the organizers who worked hard to put this together; also that we will not hear from Cunningham about sexually suggestive texts he sent to a woman (not his wife, nor mother of his children). Fascinated to see when he publicly addresses this,” Tiberii said in a tweet Monday.
Ken’s Korny Maze
Riverbend Farm
Smith’s Nursery and Produce Farm
Mike’s Farm Beulaville
Chapel Hill: No Franklin Street Halloween due to pandemic
18-year-old charged in fatal shooting at mobile home park Alamance County Dazmin Monique Crisp, 18, of Burlington, has been charged with first-degree murder in a fatal shooting at a mobile home park. The sheriff’s office cited witnesses who said they saw an older model Honda park near the victim’s home on Sept. 8. The witness told investigators they saw two people get out of the car and walk toward the house before hearing two gunshots. Ryan Tate Hogan, 22, died of a single gunshot wound. Crisp is also charged with felony breaking and entering. The sheriff’s office said the investigation into Hogan’s death is continuing. AP
COVID-19 cluster found at sheriff’s office
Man hit by car after lying down in highway
By Matt Mercer North State Journal
Vollmer Farm
Kersey Valley Maize Adventure
Appalachian State student dies following COVID complications
Jones & Blount
Blue Mountain Farm Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze
The N.C. Department of Agriculture says pumpkins are a “minor crop” in the state, but many farmers see them as an additional source of income — particularly as the leaves turn and families across the state look for the perfect pumpkin to carve, eat or use to decorate homes. Pumpkins are native to America. The department says on its website that when pilgrims arrived, one of the many interesting discoveries they made Hickory Nut was Native Americans’ use Gap Farm of pumpkins. In fact, the first Fairview “pumpkin pie” recipe was when those early Americans sliced the top, removed the seeds, Deal Farms and filled the pumpkin with Franklin milk, spices, and syrup to bake in hot ashes. The savvy consumer knows that pumpkins are fruits, not vegetables, and they can grow as large as 1,100 pounds. Around 3,000 to 4,000 acres of pumpkins can be found in the state.
Police: Person struck by bullet at Halloween theme park Guilford County A person has been shot at a Halloween theme park. The incident occurred at the Woods of Terror early Sunday morning. The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office said the victim was taken to a local hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening. The investigation is ongoing. Woods of Terror owner Eddie McLaurin said two gunshots were fired into the air and that one of the bullets came down on a customer. McLaurin said staff members tended to the victim. The person appeared to have a minor gunshot wound to the cheek. AP
Orange County Chapel Hill officials announced that all townsponsored public events and festivals through the end of the year have been canceled. Also canceled was the annual Halloweenrelated closure of Franklin Street. While not an organized event, thousands of costumed revelers typically pack the street. The town did not say how it would deal with any potential crowds that still might gather. Some years have seen as many as 40,000 people parade along the closed-off street on Halloween. AP
18-year-old in coma after being shot in head by 19-year-old
Family threatened for flying Mexican flag New Hanover County A family was told in a threatening letter to take down a Mexican flag in front of their home, but neighbors rallied around them and raised their own Mexican flags in solidarity. Jessica Zambrano told New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office she received the anonymous letter several weeks ago, saying flying a Mexican flag “means war” and Zambrano should take the flag down “or feel my wrath.” After initially fearing for her safety, Zambrano left the flag flying. After neighbors learned of the letter, a few of them purchased their own Mexican flags and began flying them as well. AP
Purina pet food to occupy old MillerCoors plant Rockingham County A pet food manufacturer is taking over the former MillerCoors plant in Eden and pledging to create 300 jobs. In exchange, Purina Petcare will get an incentive package from state and local governments. The company, a subsidiary of Nestlé, plans to invest $450 million to turn the former brewery into a pet food manufacturing plant. The average job would pay $42,000 a year. The state’s Economic Investment Committee approved a $24.6 million incentive package. Eden and Rockingham County will contribute $24.4 million in incentives. MillerCoors closed the Eden brewery in 2016, saying it needed to streamline its operations. AP
The website NationalFile.com, which first reported the suggestive text messages, identified a second woman claiming an affair with Cunningham. Erin Brinkman, a lawyer who previously worked on a campaign for Cunningham, said a friend of hers had been in a relationship with Cunningham since 2012. “He’s been having an affair with a good friend of mine since 2012. Not the woman mentioned in the story. Needless to say, my friend was devastated. But my feeling is, if they’ll cheat WITH you, they’ll cheat ON you!,” Brinkman wrote on Facebook. Cunningham is married with two teenage children. North State Journal has asked the campaign for comment but has not received a response as of Tuesday evening.
Homeless man accused of smearing blood on sorority house Pitt County A homeless man has been charged for smearing satanic messages in blood on a sorority house and vehicle belonging to a student living there, police said. Patrick Canter, 25, was charged with injury to real property. Canter, who was armed with a machete, injured himself and then smeared what appeared to be his own blood on the front of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house as well as a resident’s white Jeep that was parked at the house. Officers found the man at an intersection adjacent to campus and were able to disarm him in less than five minutes. AP
Camden County Tristian Swartz, 18, is in a coma after being shot in the head by a passenger of the car he was driving. Jelin Emmanuel Files, 19, was in the car, along with an unidentified female passenger. He pulled out a gun and shot Swartz in the head. Files was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. WAVY
County commissioner charged with two felonies Columbus County Giles “Buddy” Edwin Byrd, 71, was arrested and charged with larceny and stolen property. Byrd, of Hallsboro, is a member of the Columbus County commission. He allegedly stole a 10 ft. by 16 ft. Amish-made barn with cedar strain trim and a burgundy roof valued at $6,000. Byrd turned himself in and was being held on bond. WWAY
Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham speaks during a televised debate with U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020, in Raleigh, N.C.
Gov. Roy Cooper chooses replacement NCSBE members NSJ staff RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper on Tuesday chose two Republicans from lists submitted by the North Carolina Republican Party to replace David Black and Ken Raymond on the N.C. State Board of Elections. James “Carr” McLamb Jr. of Wake County was chosen to replace Black and former state Sen. Tommy Tucker of Union County was chosen to replace Raymond. “Elections are a sacred trust in our democracy. Our state will hold free, fair elections and follow the law to ensure every North Carolinian who registers can cast their ballot safely and securely,” said Gov. Cooper. “I appreciate that Mr. Tucker and Mr. McLamb are willing to serve on the board.” Carr McLamb has been licensed to practice law in North Carolina since 2007. McLamb served the state of North Carolina as assistant general counsel and deputy director of legislative affairs
98 % of ALL Farms Truth are Family Farms
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at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (now known as the Department of Environmental Quality) and later as deputy secretary and general counsel to the Department of Transportation. In 2017, he joined Envirolink, and in 2019, he became chief operating officer and general counsel. Tommy Tucker represented NC Senate District 35 (Union County) in the North Carolina Senate from 2011 to 2019. During that time, he served as a co-chair of the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee and co-chair of the Health Care Committee. Additionally, he served as a gubernatorial appointee to the North Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council and the North Carolina-South Carolina Boundary Commission. Prior to his NC Senate service, Tucker served as Weddington City Council’s mayor pro tem from 1994 to 1996 and as a Union County commissioner from 1996 to 2000.
The most direct way to make China “pay”hope for this is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl they to disaster sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures aresuch understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will emerge out of this stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least half of their in 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe data and asking questioning when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basi dt we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay sa to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’t.as afterdown our own while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in that look el I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called ld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upp temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpar North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020 money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington are already about thing? That is what free citizens living in a free supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through th An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans past. theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how everyone actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and edi business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
north STATEment
What unites — and divides — ustoas Americans s okay ask questions about when
The comfort and hope of Easter e begin to get back to normal How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL
The left and the media have done a good job, in YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY identifies us as their minds, of dividing us as a nation into various Americans? COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO tribes: rich vs. poor, white vs black, atheist vs religious, Our independence. Americans don’t want other straight vs gay. Identity politics has ruled American people telling them what to do. They, we, didn’t want “THIS IS perhaps THEfallen DAY the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New politics for the last 30 years, even longer. the King WITH of England telling us what under to do; we don’tshelter-in-place MOST STATES either or stay-at-home into place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need It is almost like we are not The United States of want the United Nations telling us what to do and we in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after athis COVID-19 virus dissipates to takeThe cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin the ask switching their operation orders thanks to local or state governments, majority of Americans precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who of simply America but will “Thepay Divided States of America,” whichup is its spread don’t want our bosses, neighbors or spouses telling us States, around the globe and in the United China for this virus, covered and tried to tell the world there were only to I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, a minister began a pr are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about data, andApril when Stanly County Journal forthe Wednesday, 15,things 2020 can start getting back unlikely much longer. what to do all the time. North State Journal for Wednesday, Aprilto 15,stand 2020 catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland 3 Count Some of these orders extendthe atother least through the of this month. normal are inofsome circles with contempt.That would mean that the fatality THIS WEEK, according to treated members the federal government, rate is actually fa Oneend possible outcome on Nov. 3 is that either side We sure as heck don’tInwant orderpeople to putinthe crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. These stories from throughout be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband our re gin of the political Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. a resounding electoral victory and wipes out the party tellingworldwide us what topandemics do. We are can not trace an theirwins source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillionhope, in added and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we inspiration and supplies to peopl re were only the curve in novel outbreak. The excitement was when it’s Secondly, what arethe we expecting in terms of a sec Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Cooper during question what the government tellsReserve us about safe begin other sidecentury forstated a decade or two. If there iscoronavirus such a sweep, acquiescent society ofour individuals by any stretch the inRoy 231-year history. At leastoffour the 20th alone can bethe debt plus trillions more in Federal backup liquidity toto the c collapseimagination. and a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global The institute’s model simply cuts off in August workers on the front lines ofearly the corona we are either going to be a much freer democratic don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve rk. have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu republicThere basedison the principles and “Asking” though is“Russian an entirely state’s stay-at-home orders extend intooutbreak. May. No. The government for and have emergency the right to ask those flu”different andwill the matter. 2002 SARS evidence that theof capitalism currency, we would notworks be able tous, fund anywe of these Perhaps did nwhen in added to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain free enterprise, or we are going to become a socialist My fatherIfused to say he loved North Carolinians For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons massiveto 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also be hadasked its origins China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation currency he does decide extend it, questions should asthey’ve tointhe questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders areseasonal, in and place all over thewe are likely to see more ser COVID-19 ity to the because donned masks.in Europe. which means ioning country inthat theCOVID-19 mold of many countries if you asked them forishelp, they would give making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting sel There 100% agreement, outside of China, depreciation. justification for it. And the answers should notneed vague ones like “we country,inand the stricter some of and them get in states, such asAnd Michigan, provide abe We the reserve The result: a reduction expected hospitalization death. in the fall. that means we will be faced with eit is China’s Make no mistake about it: 1:4, 2020 trulyChina isreminds a hinge you the shirt and coatoriginated off their backs. However, if you in Wuhan Province probably from the completely has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through nment Corinthians which us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out an they abundance ofyou caution.” the more sittingHill, at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about gency transparency According to the of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with w message of Some election, much like and 1780 thatpeople, defined demanded andof coat, tell to markets. Neal1860 Robbins, publisher | financial Frank senior opinion editor Chernobyl.their shirtunregulated andwould unsanitary wet believe it1940, came out of aUniversity economic and means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work evels will need to be explained in detail|hope toFrank the people of this state who when they getoft back tobyproviding their families, will demand nd currency Metrics andwins, Evaluation model most cited members for of the testing andhygiene contact tracing, or with the realization t and honesty who are as nation. Ifeditor he Joe Biden is can not go to hellItand fight you tooth andlab nail. Neal Robbins, publisher Hill, senior opinion that wewewill biowarfare run by the communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilizedare world of 21st century health, affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves comforted by to isolate continue working commonand sense an Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at those who are moston vulnerable let eve are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. going to be able to corral the extreme leftist socialists You know what really divides us as Americans? from our me a Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame once again enjoy through God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep peak outbreak was Leaders revised down by local over 120,000, thelevels number of be as Which raises the who provide energy tohas today’s modern Democratic Thatamount same hard-headedness and independence. of time predicting hundreds of thousands of cases at sincere the andand state should as third they question: What exactly can theirwhy foodmodels safety and health protocols, American business no other or express regret remorse, because that is forthcoming not what scientific experts hing? not worked sporting events, ventilators by nearly 13,000 the number overall deaths by weevery capable ofbut rolling out tens of millions of tests ove If you arepurely celebrating theand Easter season,ofdo. I— urge you toadvantage also whole. Party. We getare entrenched our beliefs waysredundant of looking reliable.inchoice can be with those answers and again, not vague answers, answer than and to build manufacturing plants elsewhere totalitarian governments They take of weakness — we need to hygiene August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling toand takeEaster tests regu Biden says he “is the Democratic Party,” but he at the world and its problems and find it hard to see slth, what reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the people Lenten se concerts, family forgone national security safety reasons as well as and supply and delivery withthey find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the To date, I’ve along with and what the state has asked then details that give their statements believability. know what they e the blame Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptoma may be the last white male to be nominated by the things “another way.” God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spor reliability adversaries push back. to do what we can to keep our families, itizens mandated that we do,concerns. but along the way I’ve alsowhat hadthey questions aboutthat will allow We should all continue gatherings, what know, questions the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Ame Party for president. He will join Such is our collectiveThe life most together today direct wayintoAmerica. make too. ChinaDemocratic “pay” for this disaster is to offer Thatthe is,faith unless anby exogenous happens such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. Through and helpingevent one another, I am gatherings, church services and many m the data. State Republican leaders have, ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue yinweakness church services a freeWe see it in all aspects First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? Mohicans and the passenger pigeon on the list of of life but most explicitly don’t and when U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices forcontinue the greate when politics. certainHardly types ofand questions get asked,important there is because to itask questions about certain the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home or the determines whether areas ought to OneSoviet thing is certain: Things cannot as t extinct species. in our sordid national many more they hope to ty were expressedUnfortunately, production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly tostories the dissolution of the Union In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by of humanity are over. disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on If we have a status quo election with split control anyonesometimes today seeksatobillion persuade with facts and worth of American direct plants and equipment in 1989. know what in they afterinvestment our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evo of the White House and Congress, the only way logic with a touch of in humor anymore. The left has simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. temporary he Star Wars In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own ought to lock down further. celebration and pray we can all continu especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower to getor anything done who will be through theSenators same all pretense of “positive and theorists last I abandoned to normal ascomparison. though they persuasion” are conspiracy are people shape, or form.inSo while we are should remain vigilant and stay safe, at Washington already talking about the possibility Soviet Union seen case fatality rates —we the number ofget deaths divided bywith estimates into terms of deathguidelines and the upper-end estim methods we’ve everWe’ve achieved anything ofChina substance inshouldn’t now “demands” everyone thinks like they do; sayof what money toin buy a 3-D printer and plastic totrillion make face shields for necessary safety and remain sacrifices are otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time comfortable this so-called “new An investment tax credit 30% on half of U.S. investment China of forgiving $1.2 in debt we owe them as one way get ed. the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and ho Washington — clever leadership and compromise. they say and spend tens of trillions of your tax dollars health care workers out of his own home. through this together. or $60 billion,government appliedover. to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your Since whentoday, did questioning at all levels become athe bad normal.” and denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they kno Ronald Reagan used to tell his legislative team “to and borrowed moneyinvestment forever liketothey do. the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected thing? That free citizens living in a free were people supposed Not little possibility Republicans actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when gosociety up to Capitol andhave get 60% ofone what we bit. tendis towhat not care as muchover about what tax revenue spread a few years. $18 billion in lostHill revenue is 75%, representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial waysthey for hope to know what they don’t. to do, last I checked. e way to get number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their want this year. We can come back next year for the people say or do as long as they don’t try to force decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. Mythe first concern asstill we have go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews alsocan written underSome the pseudonym Toldjah Don’t hold them your to do death, particularly elderly has patients, be variable. rest.” they needSister to start answering serious questions, or th same. But they undertaking to saveentrenched our own economy, not of defeatedofenemies as in the among It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of our elected We compromise in every other daily aspect of life: sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since positions they are unwilling to give up without a fight, to the same lack of institutional faith to which all ot worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. past. the world like any other modern nation. ancial ways business, marriage andpeople friendships. Only in politics is tofor be sure. many are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. suffering from China the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American compromise a four-letter word.importantly, we have no clue how many Americans AskI’ve anyone if they want be dictated to on a daily because Even more been trying to to take precautions, allmade of this up business nowextra for the past 30 years. They have nobrings secret that they ible citizens of Chances are close to 100% they will answer in It is time to get over it.have For our nation’s sake. basis. actually coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harva intend to replace U.S. asexperience the premierI’superpower in to therepeat. world and way too many memories of athe painful d prefer not the negative, often with emphasis added. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief replace the dollar as the reserve currency their renminbi. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easilywith most everyone has number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com.
The 3 big questions nobody is answering
Joe Biden Antifa’s existence It’s okay to denies ask questions about when — and that’s dangerous we begin to get back normal Thetocomfort and hope of Easter hina will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO
The 3 big questions nobody is answering
WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need ordering themsimply to more beforeina which congressional committee this PRESIDENT TRUMP’S coronavirus The diagnosis ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus cavalierofmanner China about theearlier origin ofuneasy the with by orders thanks to local ordissipates state governments, a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’m how people who askor less “stand down,” THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower thanNew Sarum Brew which ensures Antifa gets with maximum year as to his experiences, including when he was and subsequent trip to Walter Reed Medical Center “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer in Concord and und the globe and in the United will to pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tellabout the world thereand werewhen onlythings can start getting backInc. areStates, havingChina to adjust what is being called the “new normal.” questions the data, toaway and state and local governments, Americans have begunof topanic, flatten suggested, even if the transmission rateare is high. destruction and mayhem. attacked by members the extremist group while make last Tuesday’s presidential debate seem like it in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury switching their operations to make ha astrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide economic collapse and Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. snand thetoneed the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. Thetheir excitement wasout what areAntifa we expecting in terms of the a second — in with more wave? radical reporting on destructive actions in Portland ages I know that during this challenging time ofSecondly, social distancing, Inconcert Fayetteville, order put the crisis causedVirginia’s bywas China inago. perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown of work. stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept withoutminister began a program to de simply ask muted — after all, trends canhas easily reverse —ago. butor real. Americans Thedifficult institute’s model simplyof cuts in early August. does not elements theoff Black Lives MatterItorganization — over a year But it to wasn’t. And though Democratic working from home losing awhat job, it may be to us “rejoice seniors throughout rldwide pandemics can trace their source theCarolina, United States over cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Here in North Democratic Gov.The Roycrisis Cooper stated during question the government tells aboutand when it’s safe to begin the Cumberland County. ng back tohistory. At least four inpresidential have abided byaway recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs are responsible fora more than a billion predict how manyhusband people will die in second wave. This isdollars the ourinregion continu Ngo sustained a brain hemorrhage inasthe attack. nominee Joe Biden got with not be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, a Christian, These stories from throughout 231-year the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. riot damage, which makes the carried out in need and “What people need to know about Antifa is how much to flu,” stay 1977 at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, important problem because experts maintain that the virus is answering many of moderator Chris Wallace’s dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me just hope, andprotests supplies to people ectly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong markets financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were notmost theofreserve state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. andand No. The government works for us, and wewe have the rightinspiration to ask those Since when did ccept flu” without No, since George Floyd’s death theserious “costliest U.S. civil that itthankful is an ideology and movement that includes questions and is dodging other issues brought up by they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we areworkers likely toonsee more spreading have to be and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global the front lines of the coronavirus respon ussian and former the 2002Vice SARS outbreak. There evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency If he decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the Wedoes need questioning essive to begin the disorder” in will U.S. history, the news site organized cells or groups,” Ngo told Fox News Trump, one dodged issue in result: particular deservesinwithout The a reduction expected hospitalization and death. in the fall.inAnd that means we be faced according with eithertorenewed Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our communities contin 1918President “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency Biden. justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, Axios. That figure was only with for we the two-week interview after the debate. “You don’t maintain more attention than itAccording got in the aftermath. to theseasons University of Washington Institute Health lockdowns forand large swaths ofI the population, wide-scale Foran me, my faith isthe anfor important part of my daily life decision am glad initiatives have passedperiod in Congress, lik Easter government There is 100% agreement, outside oftransparency China, thatofCOVID-19 depreciation. must do this out an abundance of caution.” more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about Antifa isProvince not just of2tracing, rioting or that occurred after Floyd’s death. sustained months ofEaster rioting indecisions places like Seattle t to askin those During a back andMetrics forth exchange about and Evaluation model most oftAs cited by members of the testing and contact with the realization thatsupporting we will have I celebrated with myback family, I reflected ontheir Protection Program, are self-employed and honesty ginated Wuhan probably from the has to pay for their aberrant ways through provide a China at all levels It will need tocompletely be explained in detail to the people ofmaking. this state who when theyand can get to providing for families, will demand We’re four months out from that,keep andelse the andneed Portland without members, participants and condemning extremist groups, Trump remarked eegulated all over “an the Trump administration, theand expected for hospital beds atusobviously tonot isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone work.on the payroll Corinthians 1:4, which reminds our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses people idea.” It is and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic financial means. Diplomacy has worked from our are being told to remain jobless and at home an undetermined answers. message offorAntifa become a rioting lawlessness in the such as Please k money.” that “somebody’s got to do outbreak something about as Michigan, peak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of comfort Which raises third question: What exactly we cities do?and Are affliction, that weworld may be able to those who arethe innightly any reliefand will soon reachcan families workers. warfare lab run by the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the civilized of 21st health, hygiene scientific experts of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands ofso cases Leaders atcentury the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they much more than amount hope that will Portland iscontinue still happening. So that number hasand to targeted so Fox also pointed out that by “Antifa has behind and the left because [the riots are] not a right-wing bad thing? nxious about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths webeen capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by working on common sense Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer — we need tois a left-wing again enjoy sincere be in thepeople billionstowith “s” regularly, at this point. violenceand and riots forbecause years, with the group tracing problem. This ll demand August byonce nearly 12,000. months — and compelling takean tests since the that, aswhat manyprotocols, God.” That is ir food safety and health American business noproblem.” other or express remorse, thatgive is not what To know date, what I’ve gone alonghas with what the state has asked andregret then with details that their statements believability. we can defeat the coronavirus and keep people and they No, former Vice President Biden. Antifa is not its roots back to Portland, Ore., in 2007, but has Biden’s only response was to dismiss the idea Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. ice than to build redundant totalitarian do. They take advantage of every weakness free citizens business ownersmanufacturing mandated thatplants we do,elsewhere but alongpurely the way I’ve also had governments questions about Wein should all continue to do what we can to keep ourItfamilies, just “an idea.” much more than and that,Easter asand many been behind a surge violence in win cities across the that the anarchistic left-wing group responsible oming assecurity they know, what they questions that will allow the economy tothis reopen. create awe contact tracing system for is 330 million Americans — reflect on message and be comforted, so that may live out Until then, the Lenten seasons provid concerts, family national and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they or the thefor data. Stateorchestrate Republicanmuch leaders have, too.and chaos ourselves, andinour communities safe. Butbusiness we should also still continue livinghave in a free who lost owners who have lost their livelihoods country during the summer places like Portland, helping of the riots rs, but answer First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, don’t and when ability concerns. adversaries push back. gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home thanks to Antifa setting fires as will testify to. where the federal courthouse was by leftwe’ve seen in cities over the lastis, unless society were important because it determines whether certain areas ought to thing is certain: cannot continue they have been. this difficult time. Through faith by helping one another, amThings gatherings, church and many more celebra The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That an exogenous event happens such asbesieged the One Chernobyl they hope toDemocrat-run their livelihoods sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures areand understandable, they shouldI also have an expiration date.services churchissome services If you elected president and don’t make a wing radicals for months.” several months even existed. an idea, not amilies, be open “Antifa or closed, whether we ought to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to are stay home for months on end, and confident will emerge out of this stronger than own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the supposed . tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star Wars know what theythe questioning datastated. and asking when we can start getting back Thisonissocial all new to Americans, and it is not normal.effort Not in any way, and many more thanks to Antifa simply concerted to have your Justice Department Videos are shared media daily of Antifa an organization,” Biden still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evolving models, In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. duction back in the States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union to do, lastUnited I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at don’t. after own put aroll stop activities, youmodel could very wreaking havoc in Portland and whatever otheras statistics That’sin not just aand bad answer; it’s down aour dangerous eion stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors especially in to that lookviolent like the lower-end neighbors. Itheir wish everyone Easter, as well as Pas firesdirect will investment worthsetting of American plants equipment inor1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves others sick. cities helping the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new celebrating checked. well end up being a one-term president, too. happen to be on their radar at any given time. answer. Antifa very much is an organization, right xpiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep fai China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. Since questioning government at allcarry, levels become a bad normal.” testify to. Typically, the cities they choose to make wage war downwhen to thedid logo they created, theofflags they North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 in any way, the number identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the numerator economic damage. transparency honestyand from our confident th to buy 3-D printer and plastic to face shields for We need necessary safetyand guidelines remain sacrifices are society mparison. Senators inmoney Washington already talking about theofpossibility thing? That is what free citizens living in a free were supposed Not one little bit. Stacey Matthews also written incare are run by Democrats because they’ve learned and theofdamage the cause wherever they go. ayinvestment safe, at and in the denominator are likely wrong. don’t know many scientific — we need to knowhas what they know,under what the they health workers out hisowe own home. through this together. An tax credit of 30% U.S. investment China forgiving $1.2We trillion in debtofhow we them as one way toexperts get over. of China toon do,half last I checked. pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a regular that theSome respective mayors won’t stand up to them. Independent journalist Andy Ngo has extensively called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. ay, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your My first concern as wemilitant go alongactivities in all this, of course, family. they I’m kneecap Stacey Matthews has alsoofficers written under contributor the pseudonym Sister Toldjah to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Instead, law enforcement documented Antifa’s and testifiedis my number beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But estment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury billion in has waiting Ifor a Chinese to ahappen ask your elected them$18 catching the virus, and I’m worried will. After “Jubilee” and is regularbut contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some financial they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible ways for suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American imal dustEDITORIAL compared to the $6 |I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. SHAWN been Marshall tryingKREST to take because all of this brings up Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem dertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. rection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans t. the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. iness now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill,coronavirus senior opinion editor number of people who have had and not been tested. com. end to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and lace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
north STA
With lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court, how many have voluntarily retired? SUAL VOICES
19 justices to leave office, just three have died in tenure of a justice is 16.9 years. That number has THE CHOICE of who will replace Justice Ruth office, which is just under 16 percent. fluctuated over time. Justices seated in the early Bader Ginsburg is a crucial one, as you’ve probably A third concern often raised, or at least hinted 1800s were on the court for 20.6 years. That fell to COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON It may surprise heard. at, is that justices are loyal to the president who 15.0 years by the early 1900s. Lately, the tenures You’ve also probably heard why: A spot on the people appointed them. Since fewer justices are dying in have been trending up. Justices seated since 1950 Supreme Court is “a lifetime appointment” and office, they can choose when they leave, making it have spent an average of 22.1 years on the court, will affect the balance of the court “for decades to wringing their tough to break a liberal or conservative majority and that’s moved up to 26.6 years since 1970. come.” hands in print once it’s established. Twenty-six years is a fairly long time. So, The fact that Ginsburg kept her seat well into and on the air, It turns out, judges don’t play politics. We’ve her 80s, through battles with cancer, until she died assuming those trends continue, there appears to seen that from JusticeBrewing Roberts’Co. move be some validity to the concern. So, let’s look at the in office, underscores the stereotype of a Supreme “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. in Concord and Chief New Sarum in toward butSTATES it turnsunder out either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need WITH MOST the left since Kavanaugh’s appointment gave the first talking point: It’s “a lifetime appointment.” Court appointment. It’s generally believed that in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. ers thanksthat to local state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask theorjudges a majority. Wetoalso see groceries it from the turns out Ginsburg is in start a minority. theto108 conservatives justices hold“new ontonormal.” their spot on the like… I know thatcourt during this challenging time of social distancing, InOf Fayetteville, a minister began a program deliver to having to adjust to what is being called the questions about theIt data, and when things can getting back justices who have resigned. Of the 16 Supreme Supreme Court appointments who left office,throughout 51 well, like government jobs; once they’re in,orthere’s working from home losing a job, it difficult to contempt. “rejoice and seniors Cumberland County. chosen the at least ome of these ordersfor extend through the end of this month. normal are treated inmay somebe circles with Court justices who chose when to retire since 1950, died in The vast majority the other no June. getting them out. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do.have However, asoffice. aasChristian, husband These stories from throughout our region continue to provide ginia’s stay-at-home orders go into They’re treated as though we a society simply must of accept without highest court seven have done so during the administration of 57 chose to retire, with a handful resigning from Looking at the history of the court, both recent and dad, the Easter holiday hasthe reminded me oftells justus how much we it’s safe hope, inspiration Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what government about when to begin the and supplies to people in need and our health care a president of the party opposite of the one that office for a variety of reasons. and going back to its start, shows a different in the land are have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. cent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. appointedour them, in effect “flipping” seat. Most of the justices who died in office died people throughout picture, however. It may surprise the people and pandemic. communities continue their to step up, e’s stay-at-home ordersand will extendLenten into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the rightWhile to ask those honorable Only three of the 16 retired during the first year prematurely. The average life span of a justice who wringing their hands in print and on air, but it me, my faith is an important part ofstay-at-home my daily life and decision I am we have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck Easter seasons f he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked asFor to the questions. And the longer orders are in place allglad overinitiatives the show good of aare new presidential administration, which one diedmy infamily, office isI reflected 69.4 years. More haveProtection died in their turns out that the judges chosen for the highest making. As I celebrated Easter with on 2 Program, supporting self-employed people and ification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide would expect if theyonwere holdingwhile on until after 40s orLord 50s (seven) than have died in their 80ssmall (five).businesses court in the land are honorable and1:4, show good Corinthians which reminds us our “comforts us in all our helping keep people the payroll, direct judgment. st do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about messagewhen of it comes to knowing when the families election and in the hopes Please of being replaced by a The last those three who justices to any die in office — will soon reach judgment it is be able to comfort we may in relief workers. know that I’ll t will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of thisaffliction, state whoso thatwhen they can get back to providing forare their families, will demand that we will chief executive. Scalia and Ginsburg — were all in working their different time to leave the court.affliction, with the comfort whichRehnquist, we ourselves are comforted by continue on common sense and targeted solutions so that being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. While theand ideakeep of a people rogue court running 80s, which would appear to be evidence thatdefeat the the coronavirus Let’s the second talking point first: A once look againatenjoy God.” we can and businesses ount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they roughshod over the values your party holds dear court is taking the “lifetime appointment” more new justice events, will impact the court decadesthe to sporting If you are“for celebrating season, I—urge to also whole. reliable. can be withEaster those answers andyou again, not vague answers, but answer is a good way to get donations, nearly 250 years literally as time goes by.live However, just the opposite come.” How family many decades? Based on the average reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may out Until then, the Lenten and Easter seasons provide a message of of concerts, To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. history shows that the US Supreme Court has been is the case. Eighty percent of the justices appointed tenure of a Supreme Court justice, it’s about two — God’sabout example andWe comfort in need around that we will once again enjoy sporting events, concerts, family ndated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions shouldallallthose continue to do what us weduring can to keep ourhope families, gatherings, level-headed bunch whocelebrations exhibits good judgment in the early 1800s died in office. Thatgatherings, fell to 68%church by a services sometimes higher, sometimes lower. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am and many more after our data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church about when it is their time to leave. thepandemic late 1800s, 32% by the early 1900s. Oftemporary the last Going back to the start of thewe court, average confident willtothe emerge out of this ever. own Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is ask questions about the data,stronger becausethan while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greater good of the country and many more this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. metimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treatInthose measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, as well as Passover, a joyous ply questioning the data and asking when we can start neighbors getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, temporary In Concord, a shape, high school senior named his vigilant own normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who or form. So while weTanner shouldused remain and celebration stay safe, at and pray we can all continue to keep faith, practice printer andwe plastic to make face shields with for this so-called necessary safety guidelines and remain confident that we will get sacrifices are sick. money to buy a 3-D erwise don’t care if they get themselves or others the same time shouldn’t get comfortable “new
y to ask questions about when The n to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Defund the thought police The following is the fourth of four installments that mark the low points in the Big Four universities tacking left
90% of a university’s national ranking score is based on ‘academic resources, graduate student debt, the diversity of the faculty and the salary of graduates’ while only 10% is based on the area that needs reform most — ‘the learning environment.’
THE COVER of Newsweek’s Dec. 24, 1990, issue spelled out THOUGHT POLICE in tall letters, chiseled in stone, under the heading, “Watch What You Say.” The cover story noted that under “PC tyranny,” free speech is always the first casualty when “campus radicals” declare war on “social injustice.” Thirty years later, the demise of free speech is the recurring theme in my study of North Carolina’s Big Four universities. Coming last in this series is Wake Forest, whose leftward drift rarely made news before Wake Forest alum Melissa Harris-Perry joined the faculty in 2014. Dr. Harris-Perry had been a familiar face on MSNBC — until she publicly accused the network of treating her like a “token, mammy, or little brown bobble head” and was let go in 2016. Nor has Wake Forest treated Harris-Perry with the deference she requires, so her tenure there has been “a drawn-out series of battles,” according to the Wake Forest Review. She has complained loudly about the university’s having “benefited from slavery and Jim Crow” and from its ties to a “racist” tobacco company. When the provost failed to respond with a plan to atone for Wake Forest’s tainted past, Harris-Perry went on record declaring, “Academic freedom is truly dead at Wake Forest.” Perhaps there is no connection between her arrival at Wake Forest and the advent of the university’s “Bias Response Team,” but under the direction of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, students are urged to report incidents of bias, “even if you’re not sure that what you witnessed or experienced was bias-related.” One such incident made national news in 2018 because it involved the Response Team’s decision not to penalize students who repeatedly mocked a classmate for being a “mayonnaise monster lookin a**” and for participating in an event sponsored by the College Republicans. To her credit, Harris-Perry encouraged the student to report incidents of “verbal abuse,” but there is no record of her having pressed for a fair enforcement of the Response Team’s rules. Nor is there a record of Harris-Perry’s having helped President Nathan Hatch design the plan he announced on July 31. The “President’s Commission on Race, Equity and Community” will “illuminate our history” and be “honest about its past… facing reality, however sobering.” Though she wasn’t assigned a position on the team Hatch assembled to implement his plan, HarrisPerry’s moment has come at last. This column has already covered Wake Forest’s other news-making skirmish, which involved not one, but 189, faculty militants. Their target was the Eudaimonia Institute, which had accepted a $3.7 million donation from the Koch Foundation to support scholars who’d come together to “explore complex issues” and “engage in research.” From 2016 through 2019, it looked as though the Eudaimonia Institute would survive the militants’ push to cancel it. No more, and the institute will most likely disband at the end of this year. Thus far, grantors, taxpayers and tuition-paying parents seem unfazed by the rise of cancel culture and the demise of free speech in our universities. Perhaps the Big Four’s patrons have overlooked reports involving
The fight for free speech
students who are afraid to speak out in class, or perhaps some are in thrall to ideologues who promise to invent a world order that’s devoid of injustice and inequality. Another likely reason, however, concerns the Big Four’s rankings among American universities. The Wall Street Journal’s September report places Duke at #5, Carolina at #33, Wake Forest at #64, and NC State at #112 — out of 500 institutions that made the cut. For some, a university’s high ranking is reason enough to ignore its critics, but I urge patrons to consider that 90% of a university’s national ranking score is based on “academic resources, graduate student debt, the diversity of the faculty and the salary of graduates” while only 10% is based on the area that needs reform most — “the learning environment.” Having sustained impressive rankings among American universities and having surrounded themselves with like-minded leftists, the Big Four’s power brokers are free to indulge their love affair with the concepts “inclusion” and “diversity,” except, of course, when it comes to viewpoint diversity. With universities hustling to recover revenue lost during the pandemic, perhaps it is time for our legislature to make funding contingent upon posted plans to allow viewpoint diversity in North Carolina’s universities. Or, as commentator Candace Owens has suggested, perhaps it’s time for university patrons to “defund the thought police” and to reinstate the First Amendment in American universities. It was E.B. White who said, “One need only watch totalitarians at work to see that once men gain power over other men’s minds, that power is never used sparingly and wisely, but lavishly and brutally and with unspeakable results.” It was Michael Skube who observed the unspeakable results that followed the first hostile takeover of a North Carolina university. After surveying the wreckage campus radicalas had wrought at NC State, Skube predicted — with heartbreaking accuracy — “the research goes on, and as it does the wealthiest nation on earth slowly becomes uneducated.”
The COVID crisis is helping break the back of inflation in higher education The cost of college tuition and fees has grown faster than almost all other items, including the cost of medical care services, childcare and nursery school, and average wages.
IN A YEAR plagued by disease, riots and massive government overreach, there might be one silver lining. The consumer price index for college tuition and fees fell .7% in August from the prior month. That’s the largest single-month decrease since September 1978. It may be the beginning of a trend as virtual learning has changed students’ — and parents’ — evaluation of the cost of a degree. For far too long, tuition increases were as certain as death and taxes. The Official Data Foundation writes: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for college tuition and fees were 1,412.17% higher in 2020 versus 1977. Between 1977 and 2020: College tuition experienced an average inflation rate of 6.52% per year. This rate of change indicates significant inflation. Compared to the overall inflation rate of 3.43% during this same period, inflation for college tuition was significantly higher. The cost of college tuition and fees has grown faster than almost all other items, including the cost of medical care services, childcare and nursery school, and average wages. The only item that has grown faster is the cost of hospital services. In North Carolina, things aren’t quite so bad — for students and parents, at least. Tuition at all 16 UNC system schools is significantly lower than comparable schools in other states. For example, tuition for in-state undergraduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill was $7,019 for the 2019-2020 academic year. At the University of Virginia, in-state undergraduates paid $17,798. Published 2017-2018 tuition and fees for undergraduates in the UNC System were nearly 16% less than the national average for public universities. While UNC students save money compared to many others, that doesn’t mean the UNC system is cutting costs. Instead, others pick up the bill. Part of the reason for North Carolina’s comparatively affordable tuition is the generous subsidy the UNC system receives from North Carolina taxpayers. In the
most recent year for which data were available, the UNC system received 41% of its operational funding from state appropriations and just 23% from tuition and fees. Even UNC-Chapel Hill receives 21% of its operating revenues from state taxpayers (compared to only 7% at the University of Virginia). The North Carolina General Assembly sent $2.9 billion in taxpayer funding to the UNC system in 2018. North Carolina has the sixthhighest per-student state funding in the nation for university students. Even so, students still feel the financial pain. North Carolina has seen considerable tuition growth. From 2001-2002 until 2017-2018, average tuition and fees in the UNC system more than doubled, even after accounting for inflation — increasing from $3,366 to $6,933. But beginning in 2018-2019, the UNC Board of Governors made it a top priority to keep tuition low. Tuition and fees have been frozen for in-state undergraduate students for four years in a row. The Board has instructed UNC’s constituent institutions to keep their tuition proposals for 2021-2022 flat as well. For low tuition prices, North Carolina has set a national example. Current trends may mean that other states begin to follow suit. The coronavirus has sapped many families’ resources and their ability to pay high tuition costs. It has also exposed many more students to online learning. Although the execution of virtual learning hasn’t been very impressive, it has increased students’ awareness of the opportunities that online learning might offer in the future. Online learning has also made many wonder why college education is so expensive. This, coupled with longstanding enrollment declines driven by demographic changes, could mean that tuition will finally begin to decline nationally — or at least plateau. This would be a welcome change. Universities should tighten their belts to ensure it happens. Public higher education should bring better value to everyone — students, parents, taxpayers and society.
Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to letters@nsjonline.com or 3101 Industrial Dr. Suite 105. Raleigh, N.C. 27609. Letters must be signed; include the writer’s phone number, city and state; and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for style, length or clarity when necessary. Ideas for opeds should be sent to opinion@nsjonline.com.
THE VIOLENCE, looting and mayhem that this nation has seen over the last several months has much of its roots in academia, where leftist faculty teach immature young people all manner of nonsense that contradicts commonsense and the principles of liberty. Chief among their lessons is a need to attack free speech in the form of prohibitions against so-called hate speech and microaggressions. Here are examples of microaggressions: “You are a credit to your race.” “Wow! How did you become so good in math?” “There is only one race, the human race.” “I’m not racist. I have several black friends.” “As a woman, I know what you go through as a racial minority.” It is a tragic state of affairs when free speech and inquiry require protection at institutions of higher learning. Indeed, freedom in the marketplace of ideas has made the United States, as well as other Western nations, a leader in virtually every area of human endeavor. A monopoly of ideas is just as dangerous as a monopoly in political power or a monopoly in the production of goods and services. We might ask what is the true test of a person’s commitment to free speech? The true test does not come when he permits people to say those things he deems acceptable. The true test comes when he permits people to say those things that he deems offensive. The identical principle applies to freedom of association; its true test comes when someone permits others to voluntarily associate in ways that he deems offensive. While free speech has been under attack, we are beginning to see some pushback. More than 12,000 professors, free speech leaders and conservative-leaning organization leaders have signed “The Philadelphia Statement.” The 845-word document says in part: “Similarly, colleges and universities are imposing speech regulations to make students ‘safe,’ not from physical harm, but from challenges to campus orthodoxy. These policies and regulations assume that we as citizens are unable to think for ourselves and to make independent judgments. Instead of teaching us to engage, they foster conformism (‘groupthink’) and train us to respond to intellectual challenges with one or another form of censorship. A society that lacks comity and allows people to be shamed or intimidated into self-censorship of their ideas and considered judgments will not survive for long. As Americans, we desire a flourishing, open marketplace of ideas, knowing that it is the fairest and most effective way to separate falsehood from truth. Accordingly, dissenting and unpopular voices — be they of the left or the right — must be afforded the opportunity to be heard. They have often guided our society toward more just positions, which is why Frederick Douglass said freedom of speech is the ‘great moral renovator of society and government.’” The recognition of the intellectual elite attacking free speech is not new. In a 1991 speech, Yale University President Benno Schmidt warned: “The most serious problems of freedom of expression in our society today exist on our campuses. The assumption seems to be that the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and to liberate the mind.” Tyrants everywhere, from the Nazis to the communists, started out supporting free speech rights. Why? Because speech is important for the realization of leftist goals of command and control. People must be propagandized, proselytized and convinced. Once leftists have gained power, as they have in most of our colleges and universities, free speech becomes a liability. It challenges their ideas and agenda and must be suppressed. Attacks on free speech to accommodate multiculturalism and diversity are really attacks on Western values, which are superior to all others. The indispensable achievement of the West was the concept of individual rights, the idea that individuals have certain inalienable rights that are not granted by government. Governments exist to protect these inalienable rights. It took until the 17th century for that idea to arise and mostly through the works of British philosophers such as John Locke and David Hume. And now the 21st century campus leftists are trying to suppress these inalienable rights. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
NATION & WORLD Pope: Market capitalism has failed in pandemic, needs reform By Nicole Winfield The Associated Press ROME — Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed and that the world needs a new type of politics that promotes dialogue and solidarity and rejects war at all costs. Francis on Sunday laid out his vision for a post-COVID world by uniting the core elements of his social teachings into a new encyclical aimed at inspiring a revived sense of the human family. “Fratelli Tutti” (Brothers All) was released on the feast day of his namesake, St. Francis of Assisi. The document draws its inspiration from the teachings of St. Francis and the pope’s previous preaching on the injustices of the global economy and its destruction of the planet. He pairs these themes with a call for greater human solidarity to confront the “dark clouds over a closed world.” In the encyclical, Francis rejected even the Catholic Church’s own doctrine justifying war as a means of legitimate defense, saying it had been too broadly applied over the centuries and was no longer viable. “It is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibility of a ‘just war,’” Francis wrote in the most controversial new element of the encyclical. Francis had started writing the encyclical, the third of his pontificate, before the coronavirus struck, and its bleak diagnosis of
a human family falling apart goes far beyond the problems posed by the outbreak. He said the pandemic, however, had confirmed his belief that current political and economic institutions must be reformed to address the legitimate needs of the people most harmed by the coronavirus. “Aside from the differing ways that various countries responded to the crisis, their inability to work together became quite evident,” Francis wrote. “Anyone who thinks that the only lesson to be learned was the need to improve what we were already doing, or to refine existing systems and regulations, is denying reality.” He cited the grave loss of millions of jobs as a result of the virus as evidence of the need for politicians to listen to popular movements, unions and marginalized groups and to craft more just social and economic policies. “The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom,” he wrote. “It is imperative to have a proactive economic policy directed at ‘promoting an economy that favors productive diversity and business creativity’ and makes it possible for jobs to be created, and not cut.” As an outgrowth of that, Francis rejected the concept of an absolute right to property for individuals, stressing instead the “social purpose” and common good that must come from sharing the Earth’s resources. He repeated his criticism of the “perverse” global economic system, which he said consistently keeps
Pope Francis celebrates Mass in the crypt of the Basilica of St. Francis, in Assisi, Italy, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020. the poor on the margins while enriching the few — an argument he made most fully in his 2015 landmark environmental encyclical “Laudato Sii” (Praised Be). Francis also rejected “trickle-down” economic theory as he did in the first major mission statement of his papacy, the 2013 Evangelii Gaudium, (The Joy of the Gospel), saying it simply doesn’t achieve what it claims. “Neo-liberalism simply reproduces itself by resorting to magic theories of ‘spillover’ or ‘trickle’ — without using the name — as the only solution to societal problems,” he wrote. “There is little appreciation of the fact that the alleged ‘spillover’ does not resolve the inequality that gives rise to new forms of violence threatening the fabric of society.” “There is little doubt that these documents ... will be considered the teaching backbone of the Francis era,” Francis’ English-language biographer, Austen Ivereigh, wrote in Commonweal magazine. Francis made clear the text had wide circulation, printing the en-
cyclical in the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano and distributing it free in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday to mark the resumption of printed editions following a hiatus during the COVID-19 lockdown. Much of the new encyclical repeats Francis’ well-known preaching about the need to welcome and value migrants and his rejection of the nationalistic, isolationist policies of many of today’s political leaders. Francis’ call for greater “human fraternity,” particularly to promote peace, is derived from his 2019 joint appeal with the grand imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the revered 1,000-year-old seat of Sunni Islam. Their “Human Fraternity” document established the relationship between Catholics and Muslims as brothers, with a common mission to promote peace. The fact the he has now integrated that Catholic-Muslim document into an encyclical is significant, given Francis’ conservative critics had already blasted the “Human Fraternity” document as
heretical, given it stated that God had willed the “pluralism and diversity of religions.” Vatican encyclicals are the most authoritative form of papal teaching and they traditionally take their titles from the first two words of the document. In this case, “Fratelli Tutti” is a quote from the “Admonitions,” the guidelines penned by St. Francis in the 13th century. The title of the encyclical had sparked controversy in the English-speaking world, with critics noting that a straight translation of the word “fratelli” (brothers) excludes women. The Vatican has insisted that the plural form of the word “fratelli” is gender-inclusive. Francis’ decision to sign the document in Assisi, where he travelled on Saturday, and release it on the saint’s feast day is yet further evidence of the outsized influence St. Francis has had on the papacy of the Jesuit pope. Francis is the first pope to name himself after the mendicant friar, who renounced a wealthy, dissolute lifestyle to embrace a life of poverty and service to the poor.
US, Australia, India, Japan discuss China’s growing power The Associated Press TOKYO — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday that China’s increasingly assertive actions across the region make it more critical than ever for four Indo-Pacific nations known as the Quad to cooperate to protect their partners and their people from Chinese “exploitation, corruption and coercion.” Pompeo made the remark at a meeting in Tokyo with the foreign ministers of Japan, India and Australia, who together make up the Quad. The talks were the group’s first in-person meeting since the coronavirus pandemic began. Pompeo accused China of covering up the pandemic and worsening it, while threatening freedom, democracy and diversity in the region with its increasingly assertive actions. “It is more critical now than ever that we collaborate to protect our people and partners from the Chinese Communist Party’s exploitation, corruption and coercion,” Pompeo said. “We see it in the East and South China Seas, the Mekong, the Himalayas, the Taiwan Strait. These are just a few examples.” The talks came weeks before the U.S. presidential election and amid tensions between Washington and Beijing over the coronavirus, trade, technology, Hong Kong, Taiwan and human rights. They follow a recent flareup in tensions between China and India over their disputed Himalayan border, while relations between Australia and China have also deteriorated in recent months. Japan, meanwhile, is concerned about China’s claim to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, called Diaoyu in China, in the East China Sea. Japan also considers China’s growing military activity to be a security threat. Japan’s annual defense policy paper in July accused China of unilaterally changing the status quo in the South China Sea, where it has built and
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, right, and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, left, greet prior to their meeting at the prime minister's office in Tokyo, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020. militarized manmade islands and is assertively pressing its claim to virtually all of the sea’s key fisheries and waterways. China has denied allegations of covering up the pandemic, saying it acted quickly to provide information to the World Health Organization and the world. It says the U.S. is the biggest aggressor in the South China Sea. Beijing also denies human right violations in its handling of Hong Kong and minority Muslims in Xinjiang, and accuses Western nations of meddling in its internal affairs. Earlier Tuesday, new Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in a meeting with the Quad diplomats that their “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” security and economic initiative is more important than ever amid challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.
The international community faces multiple challenges as it tries to resolve the pandemic, and “this is exactly why right now it is time that we should further deepen coordination with as many countries as possible that share our vision,” Suga said, without directly criticizing China. Japan and the U.S. have been pushing the FOIP as a way to bring together “like-minded” countries that share concerns about China’s growing assertiveness and influence. Pompeo, as well as Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, and their Japanese counterpart, Toshimitsu Motegi, held talks after meeting Suga together. Pompeo earlier met one on one with his three counterparts, meet-
ings in which according to the State Department reaffirmed the importance of cooperating among them to advance peace, prosperity and security in the Indo-Pacific. Pompeo in his talks with Payne shared concerns about “China’s malign activity in the region,” while agreeing on the importance of the Quad discussions for “the promotion of peace, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” according to the State Department. Pompeo was the only one who explicitly criticized China in opening remarks at the Quad meeting. Others used more nuanced language to describe the significance of promoting the concept of the FOIP as an inclusive, rule-based, democratic order that respects territorial sovereignty and peaceful resolution of disputes, rather than making allegations against China.
Motegi said after the talks that the Quad members agreed to meet regularly and cooperate in infrastructure building, maritime security, cybersecurity and other areas, and exchange views on the situation in regional seas. Motegi said he proposed to other ministers that the Quad should broaden its cooperation with other countries. Suga, who had been chief Cabinet secretary under Abe, told Japanese media Monday that he will pursue diplomacy based on the Japan-U.S. alliance as a cornerstone and “strategically promote the FOIP,” while establishing stable relations with neighbors including China and Russia. Suga has little experience in diplomacy. Balancing between the U.S., Japan’s main security ally, and China, its top trading partner, will be tough, analysts say.
Burlington’s storied history with pro baseball is over, B3
NC State had to wait, but Devin Leary’s first start of the season for the Wolfpack — a four-touchdown effort in a 30-20 upset of No. 24 Pittsburgh — solidified him as the team’s No. 1 quarterback
Patience pays off for Leary, Wolfpack
UNC climbs to No. 8 in latest AP Poll Indianapolis The North Carolina Tar Heels jumped four spots in the Associated Press Top 25 poll to No. 8 after winning 26‑22 Saturday against Boston College in Chestnut Hill to move to 2-0 on the season. It’s UNC’s highest ranking since 2015, when Larry Fedora led the Tar Heels to No. 8 before losing to top-ranked Clemson — who is again No. 1 this week but lost five first-place votes to No. 2 Alabama — in the ACC Championship Game. The last time UNC was higher than eighth was the end of the 1997 season when Carl Torbush — taking over for Mack Brown after the coach left to take the Texas job — led the Tar Heels to a Gator Bowl win over thenBig East foe Virginia Tech. NC State was the only other North Carolina school to show up on any ballots, receiving 18 votes for the 37th-most after defeating No. 24 Pittsburgh 30-29 at Heinz Field on Saturday and knocking the Panthers from the poll.
Expected to be the starting quarterback in the season opener, Devin Leary finally took the reins of the NC State offense last week NELL REDMOND | AP PHOTO
With little or no fans in the stands, ACC teams are finding ways to bring some normalcy to stadiums with artificial crowd noise.
By Brett Friedlander North State Journal
Bringing the noise: How NC teams provide fake crowd sounds ley Stadium, quarterback Bai‑ ley Hockman threw a pass deep downfield toward the sideline. As the ball flew through the air, a murmur of excitement grew steadily louder. Emeka Emezie was there, but the ball was batted away at the last minute, perhaps with some early contact. A groan of disappointment, and perhaps outrage that there was no flag for pass interference, echoed through the empty stadium. Welcome to pandemic football. While fans are slowly begin‑ ning to trickle back into stadiums across the state, gameday oper‑ ations staffs for North Carolina’s college football teams have been coping with the problem of mak‑ ing stadiums emptied by the coro‑ navirus seem full. Cardboard cut‑ outs can give the impression that sections are stuffed with fans, but they still needed a roar of the crowd. Here’s a look at how the ACC, specifically the four North Caroli‑ na teams in the league, have tack‑ led the problem of bringing the noise to empty stadiums across the state.
WHEN ATHLON SPORTS released its preseason rankings of ACC quarterbacks in August, it had NC State’s Devin Leary at No. 14 on the list. Only Georgia Tech’s James Graham rat‑ ed lower. It wasn’t an unreasonable assessment based on the information available. Leary completed only 48.1% of his passes as a redshirt freshman in 2019 and failed to lead the Wolfpack to a win in any of his six starts to close out the season. But coach Dave Doeren saw something in the strong-armed New Jersey native that few outside the program did, which is why he didn’t even wait for the start of spring practice to name Leary his starter for 2020. On Saturday, Leary rewarded his coach’s faith in him by leading State to a 30-29 road upset of No. 24 Pittsburgh. “We’ve been waiting for him to become the guy,” Doeren said of his QB1, who fin‑ ished his high school career as his state’s all-time leader in passing yards and touch‑ down passes. “We’ve always known what his arm was. This team believes in him. You can see it in the locker room. They rally around him. He’s just calm and poised. He’s got a real‑ ly, really good arm. He’s a tough kid, and he really played a heck of a football game. I’m very proud of him and very happy for him.” Leary completed 28 of 44 passes for 336 yards, four touchdowns and no intercep‑ tions, a performance that earned him rec‑ ognition as the ACC’s Quarterback of the Week. More important than the numbers were the poise, confidence and leadership he showed with the game on the line. Trailing by five with no timeouts left and just 1:44 on the clock, Leary calmly moved the Wolfpack down the field. He extended the drive by connecting with Thayer Thom‑ as on a fourth-and-9 play before finishing the job with a perfectly thrown 13-yard dart to Emeka Emezie in the end zone with just 23 seconds remaining. “Devin was nails,” Doeren said. “He did a great job of reading coverage and putting the ball where it needed to be.” As dramatic as the touchdown and vic‑
See NOISE, page B2
See LEARY, page B4
Schools are finding ways to fill empty stadiums with chatters and cheers
UNCW has COVID-19 clusters in 3 sports
By Shawn Krest North State Journal
Wilmington UNC Wilmington says it has identified coronavirus clusters involving the Seahawks’ women’s basketball, softball and men’s soccer teams. The school announced the three clusters Monday, saying there had been a total of 18 COVID-19 cases. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services defines a cluster as five or more cases considered in close proximity of location over the past 14 days. Those involved in the clusters either have been or are currently isolating with medical monitoring and any needed treatment. The school has notified the New Hanover County Health Department and is conducting contact tracing to determine who has been in close contact with infected individuals.
IN DUKE’S home opener against Boston College, David Cut‑ cliffe came out of the locker room at halftime and was met by the television sideline reporter for the usual coach’s interview. Glaring up at the empty stands at Wallace Wade Stadium, Cut‑ cliffe put his hand to his ear and asked the reporter to repeat the question because he couldn’t hear it over the noise. A few miles away and a week earlier when North Carolina held its home opener, quarterback Sam Howell avoided the pass rush on third down and lofted a pass to Dyami Brown 22 yards downfield. The P.A. announcer responded with the traditional call-and-re‑ sponse at Kenan Stadium. “First down, Tar …,” he said. “Heels!” came back a hearty shout from the crowd that was not there. Meanwhile, in Carter-Fin‑
“We’ve been waiting for him to become the guy.” NC State coach Dave Doeren on quarterback Devin Leary
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Charles Haeger: The former major league pitcher, who was sought in the shooting death of his exgirlfriend in a Phoenix suburb, was found dead Saturday of a selfinflicted gunshot wound at the Grand Canyon, police said. Police were seeking the 37-year-old Haeger on suspicion of murder and aggravated assault in the fatal shooting Friday of Danielle Breed. Haeger made several stops as a minor leaguer in North Carolina, playing in Single-A Kannapolis (2004) and WinstonSalem (2005) and three stints in Triple-A Charlotte (2006-08). Bobby Bowden: The former Florida State football coach has tested positive for the coronavirus and was home Monday monitoring his symptoms. The 90-year-old Hall of Fame coach had been hospitalized for about two weeks, being treated for an infection after having a procedure to remove a skin cancer from his leg. Bowden returned home late last week and was informed by his doctor he had tested positive for the virus on Saturday. Olli Maatta: The defenseman was traded for the second consecutive offseason, going from Chicago to Los Angeles in a deal that sent minor league forward Brad Morrison to the Blackhawks. Maatta won two Stanley Cups with Pittsburgh but was traded to Chicago last offseason. The Finnish blueliner had four goals and 13 assists in 65 games for Chicago before adding three goals and three assists in nine playoff games. Maatta has two years and more than $8 million left on his contract.
NOISE from page B1 The murmur Before there can be a roar of the crowd, there needs to be a murmur — a continuous, low-level, background murmur. To give the auditory illusion of a full stadium, the ACC passed a policy requiring teams without fans in the stands to play ambient crowd noise on a continuous loop throughout the game. If small numbers of fans are allowed in, teams have the option of continuing the murmur, but it’s up to them. According to the official ACC policy that was passed earlier this year, “The home team shall set the volume of continuous artificial ambient crowd noise, with the minimum decibel level being 70 decibels and the maximum decibel level being 85 decibels as measured at midfield.” While human fans can raise their volume in an attempt to disrupt opposing offenses, that’s not allowed with the fake noise. It must remain at a consistent volume regardless of who has the ball or what’s going on in the game. Otherwise, the referees could throw a flag on the home team for either unsportsmanlike conduct or delay of game. The last time teams played in front of full houses, they didn’t
Beyond the box score POTENT QUOTABLES
The NHL managed to stay COVID-free during it return to play in two bubbles, but now the sport’s best player has tested positive for the coronavirus. Edmonton center Connor McDavid, 23, is self-quarantining at home and experiencing mild symptoms, according to the Oilers. The No. 1 overall pick in the 2015 draft won the Hart Memorial Trophy as league MVP in the 2016-17 season and has finished in the top five each of the past three seasons.
“We were able to get through these four weeks. I’m proud of that fact.” Campbell football coach Mike Minter after the Camels ended their four‑game season — all losses to FBS schools — with a 66‑14 loss Friday at Wake Forest.
“He was so good baseball had to change the rules.” Alex Rodriguez on the death of Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Gibson.
Washington Nationals pitching coach Paul Menhart, who pitched for three seasons in college at Western Carolina in the late 1980s, will not be back for a 16th season with the organization. Menhart was promoted to the major league club in May 2019, helping coach the Nationals to a World Series title last season.
The Houston Texans fired coach and general manager Bill O’Brien a day after Sunday’s 31-23 loss to the Vikings dropped the Texans to 0-4. O’Brien was criticized during the offseason for trading superstar receiver DeAndre Hopkins to Arizona. Romeo Crennel will serve as interim coach for the rest of the season.
Cautions in the NASCAR Cup Series playoff race at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday, two more than the old track record. The race went to three overtimes and 12 extra laps on the 2.66-mile tri-oval before Denny Hamlin earned his seventh win of the season and secured a spot in the Round of 8.
know they were going to need a continuous recording of crowd murmur. To help teams out, the ACC has provided various soundtracks. “The league provided each school with two ambient crowd noise files,” said league representative Kevin Best, “one from EA Sports and one from the NFL. Schools can use either one.” Most schools opted for the video game noise. “It’s the Madden soundtrack,” Wake Forest Associate AD for Fan Engagement Rhett Hobart said. “We reached out to EA Sports when we thought we were going to be able to do this to work on getting some actual crowd noise. So we actually got that and shared it with the other schools so they could use it, too.” Teams have implemented the background noise in various ways. Duke chooses to just let it play and forget about it. “Once we start the audio track, it is just loops through for the entire game,” said Chris Alston, Duke’s executive director of marketing. Wake gives itself more flexibility. “There’s three kinds of crowd beds, your basic underlying sound effect that plays the whole game,” Hobart said. “They’re low, medium and high excitement levels. We usually leave it at medium the whole game, but at moments, we may dial it down or up as needed.
“They still had it pumpin’ back there.” Wake Forest’s Donavon Greene on fake crowd noise It doesn’t change the volume, just the tone of the crowd.” Reactions Then there’s the add-ons: Cheers for big plays, groans for disappointing ones. “We are essentially having two different computers throughout the game,” Hobart said. “We are running a computer that has the regular music we use throughout the game, and we’re running a second computer that is solely dedicated to crowd noise. In addition to the dedicated track, we’re actually adding in crowd noise on top of that that indicates anticipation, celebration, those kinds of moments.” Wake uses about 30 different reaction sounds that it pulled from EA Sports. “If there’s a great pass downfield, we’re going to click the anticipation sound effect,” Hobart said. “Then we might play the celebration sound effect, so people are cheering when they actually score a touchdown.”
That leads to a bit of a gray area in ACC policy. Can the add-on sound effects be used while the play is going on? Long passes seem to be one of the few plays where it would be possible to use an effect mid-play, and the camps are split on whether that’s allowed. The policy says that the ambient noise “must comply with all ACC and NCAA Football Playing Rules to not create noise that prohibits a team from hearing its signals once the offensive team breaks its huddle or, if no-huddle, when the center addresses the ball, until the official whistles the play dead.” Hard-liners take that to mean that nothing can be changed until the whistle. “We are able to play crowd roars once a play is complete and the whistle has blown, but not while the play is still going on (ie. during an interception return),” says Duke’s Alston. The ACC’s Best agrees. “Teams can add their own reactions/cheers after the play is blown dead,” he says.
Swiss Skydiver added one final memorable moment to cap off a topsy-turvy Triple Crown season, beating favored Authentic by a neck after a stretch duel in the Preakness Stakes run without fans Saturday. She became the sixth filly and first since Rachel Alexandra in 2009 to win the Preakness.
Still, the letter of the policy only refers to a change in the ambient noise and add-ons that are used to keep a team “from hearing its signals.” An anticipation sound effect while the ball is in the air would seem to be exempt, and some teams are reading the rule that way. So far, no flags have flown as a result. Gameday environment Other than the minor controversy over the mid-play reactions, the fake noise appears to be well-received by everyone, even if they all long for the day when it’s no longer required. Most teams intend to keep using it, even as they’re allowed to let in a few thousand fans. After playing in front of 2,000 fans — 7% of Truist Field capacity, as allowed by state policy — Wake Forest return man Donavon Greene still heard the EA Sports sounds. “They still had it pumpin’ back there,” he said. Until the stands are full, it will have to serve as the best proxy teams have. And it seems to be a fairly good one. “During the Clemson game a few weeks back, I actually got a number of texts from people watching around the country asking if we had fans at the game because, on TV, it sounded like it,” Hobart said.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Thrown out of the game: Burlington’s ties to professional baseball severed As Major League Baseball contracts its farm teams to cut costs, small towns are where the pain is felt By Bob Sutton For the North State Journal BURLINGTON — For Burlington, a piece of baseball’s big time came with having something relatively small on the professional baseball scale. Still, as one of about 160 communities with a pro team, it provided a coveted distinction. That has gone away, officially ceasing by late September when the months-long speculation came true — the Appalachian League was going away, at least as a professional circuit. “It’s just a new era,” said Ryan Keur, who purchased the operating rights for the Burlington club last winter. Burlington had a minor league team for at least parts of the last eight decades. In North Carolina’s rich tradition of fielding teams in various minor leagues, Burlington’s club filled a certain role. It was the state’s only rookie-level team — playing what was called a short-season schedule — and the state’s lone Kansas City Royals affiliate. “There’s a glitz that goes with it,” said longtime season ticket holder David Horne said. “You have that connection that makes you feel you have something big-time. You have a minor league team and you might have watched a player in his first season or even his first game (as a pro player) and the player goes on to the major leagues.” What Burlington might be missing out most is the exposure and status. For years, hard-core fans in Cleveland and Kansas City knew about Burlington because that’s where they began to track the progress of prospects. Burlington was tagged as one of 42 minor league teams for elimination as part of Major League Baseball’s contraction of the minors. That included the entire 10-team Appalachian League, where teams also reside in Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Burlington’s roots run deep in the minors. It had a Carolina League team from 1945-55 and 1958-72, at times holding affiliations with the Pittsburgh Pirates and Texas Rangers. Players on some early Burlington pro teams included Luis Tiant and Jack McKeon. Burlington Athletic Stadium
Baseball will be back at Burlington Athletic Stadium next year, but the city’s eight decades with minor league baseball ended when Major League Baseball decided to dissolve the Appalachian League and put a college wooden bat league in its place. has a throwback charm, particularly once inside the grandstand. Players and staff for the home team make their ways from the clubhouse to the dugout by walking through spectators, often stopping to sign autographs and chat with patrons. The stadium had a major facelift following the 2018 season, with the concourse and entrance spruced up, modernized restrooms constructed, and a new building that houses the front office staff, ticket operations and team store becoming among the first markers greeting fans coming from the nearby parking lot. There will still be baseball, just on a different level. “We all wish we still had the Royals,” said Horne, who possesses mementos from the days of the Burlington Senators. “It’s a nice consolation prize, but it’s a downgrade nonetheless.” A college wooden bat league, under the umbrella of Major League Baseball and USA Baseball, will replace the Appy League beginning in 2021. The concept for the league is that rosters will be stocked with top rising freshmen and sophomores as a form of
“We all wish we still had the Royals. It’s a nice consolation prize, but it’s a downgrade nonetheless.” David Horne, longtime Burlington season ticket holder
a prospects circuit. “I think we’re going to get those same guys,” said Keur, a former team general manager whose time with the club began as an intern. “We may get them two or three years earlier than we had been getting them.” Instead of a 68-game schedule, the amateur league will play 54 games. So Burlington, which usually had 34 regular-season home dates plus an exhibition game (not to mention advancing to the postseason in four of the final 10 seasons), will see about a 20% reduction in home games. Miles Wolff, the longtime local operator, maintained his control of
the team until the sale to Keur in February. Pro baseball went away previously and then returned to Burlington in 1986, an endeavor spearheaded by Wolff, a Durham man who once owned the Durham Bulls and Baseball America, a baseball trade publication. Wolff also founded the independent Northern League among countless baseball endeavors that had him named as one of the sports most influential figures at the turn of the century. That new team lured by Wolff was the Burlington Indians, a relationship that lasted through the 2006 season. Those Indians won league championships in 1987 and 1993, something the Royals failed to do despite reaching the finals in 2012, 2016 and 2019. Ties with the Indians broke off when the Cleveland organization decided for a different structure for its farm system and to go without an Appy League team. To be sure, the impact of the Indians still exists. There are many Burlington-area baseball fans who call Cleveland their favorite team, certainly stemming from the days of seeing young minor leaguers in the Indians organization. That
group included Jim Thome, Manny Ramirez, C.C. Sabathia and Brian Giles. The Royals gladly came on board, sending many of their top prospects this way for 13 seasons. The first of those to reach the big leagues was Salvador Perez, who remains a catcher for Kansas City. A would-be 14th season never came about with the coronavirus pandemic nixing the 2020 campaign. So the last two games in the history of the Appalachian League’s professional alignment were contested in Burlington. The Royals won neither of those after capturing Game 1 of the championship series in Johnson City, Tennessee. The Johnson City Cardinals then won Games 2 and 3 at Burlington Athletic Stadium. Turns out, that was lights out. Bob Sutton likely witnessed more Burlington Royals games — combined with games in Burlington and opposing ballparks — than anyone other than Carlos Martinez, who saw a few more as the team’s pitching coach from 201219. Martinez had been assigned to another affiliate for 2020, though that season wasn’t contested.
Top 10 Tar Heels face test against Hokies UNC moved up to No. 8 in this week’s AP poll, but coach Mack Brown says his team has plenty to prove to earn that ranking By Brett Friedlander North State Journal ACCORDING TO the Associated Press college football poll, North Carolina is the eighth-best team in the country. It’s a ranking Mack Brown takes as a compliment and is a source of excitement for his players, even though the Hall of Fame coach admits that the honor isn’t really deserved. At least, not yet. “I’m happy that we’re in the top 10, (but) understanding that early rankings don’t make any difference and I told them that,” Brown said of his players during a Zoom call with the media on Monday. “I said, ‘The good thing for you is people have given you the respect they feel like you should be there, the tough thing is you’ve got to earn it to stay.’ That’s very, very important going forward.” The last time the Tar Heels (20, 2-0 ACC) climbed higher than No. 8 in the rankings was in 1998. They rose to No. 7 after winning the Gator Bowl, their first game under Carl Torbush after Brown announced he was leaving for Texas. The opponent that day was Virginia Tech, the same team that stands in UNC’s way of rising further in this year’s poll.
The 19th-ranked Hokies (20, 2-0) are off to an impressive start that has seen them win their first two games despite playing with a COVID-19-depleted roster. They’re also a team that has a healthy dislike for UNC. Tech hasn’t forgiven the Tar Heels for spoiling former coach Frank Beamer’s farewell game in Blacksburg in 2015 — the last time UNC was ranked as high as eighth in the national polls. The Hokies have won the last four meetings between the (under normal circumstances) Coastal Division rivals, including last year’s epic six-overtime battle. With 20 or more players coming out of quarantine or contact tracing and its roster nearly back to full strength, Tech will be the most formidable challenge of the young season by far for Brown and his highly touted team. “They should be a top-10 team,” the UNC coach said of the Hokies. “They’re really good. They’re 2-0 and they’ve had a lot of people out. They are really underrated and that shows you the fallacy of early-season rankings, in my estimation.” National rankings aren’t the only numbers that can be misleading during the first few weeks of a new season — especially one as unusual as this one. Case in point is UNC’s No. 1 ranking among FBS programs in rushing defense through two games after holding Syracuse and Boston College to an average of just 54 yards on the ground per game.
While UNC’s offense carried Mack Brown’s team last year, it’s the Tar Heels defense that has led the way through two games in 2020. “The first two opponents we’ve had, Syracuse had a rebuilt offensive line and two backs that opted out and, secondly, Boston College didn’t try to run it,’ Brown said. ‘I think they had nine rushes and we had some sacks.” The Tar Heels will get a more accurate read on how well they defend the run this week against Tech, a team that rushed for 254 yards against them last year. The Hokies have been just as good on the ground to start this season, churning out 314 yards against NC State two weeks ago before following that up by running for 324 more last Saturday at Duke. Khalil Herbert, a transfer from Kansas, had 208 yards all by himself against the Blue Devils and is averaging 12 yards per carry. That’s 10 more yards per carry than UNC’s defense has allowed. “I think our big test against the
“I think our big test against the run is going to be Saturday for the first time.” Mack Brown, UNC coach
run is going to be Saturday for the first time,” Brown said. “I think it’s obvious what Virginia Tech’s going to do. For two weeks, they’ve rushed for over 300 yards. If you rush for over 300 yards, you’re usually going to win the game.” While Tech’s offense is already in midseason form, the UNC attack that carried the team in Brown’s return to Chapel Hill in 2019 has stumbled out of the gate. Quarterback Sam Howell, touted as a potential Heisman Tro-
phy candidate before the season, has yet to complete a pass more than 20 yards downfield and has thrown as many interceptions (three) as touchdowns through the first two games. The Tar Heels are also minus-three in turnover margin and are averaging more than 90 yards in penalties per game. Though concerned, Brown isn’t panicking over his offense’s slow start. He’s chalked up some of the dysfunction to the two-week gap in the Tar Heels’ schedule caused by the cancellation of a nonconference game against Charlotte. He said he’s expecting to see a much more fluid performance now that his team has finally settled into something resembling a normal routine. “Usually we improve most from our first week to our second week,” Brown said. “So this should be like our second week.”
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catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic,Stanly economic c Count North State Journal for Wednesday, April being 15, 2020 one wayoforAmericans another. In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero catastrophe millions needlessly thrown out of work. THIS WEEK, acco A6 In order toThe put the crisis by U.S. China in perspective, zero worldwide pandemics trace source crisis hascaused cost the taxpayer atand least $2.4 trillion i irus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China liedcan about thetheir origin of theto the United States over state and local go worldwidedebt pandemics can trace theirinsource to the United States over our 231-year history. 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North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020
CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the ONE OBINSON WITHthere MOST STATES nd in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world were only under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home around hina lied about the origin of the ONEhas THING CERTAIN; after thisthanks COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalierofmanner in which C orders to local or state governments,The a majority Americans ay or another. 3,341 related deaths led toIS worldwide panic, economic collapse and catast THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE the fede ied to tell the world there were only “THIS IS DA around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this covered up its spread and t are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus an he crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. In o and state and local governments, Americans have rldwide panic, economic collapse and in it” (Psalm 118:24). catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to wo Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. thanks localThe or state governments, a majority of at Americans to take precautions, but with how people who sim mics traceout their source the United States over crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added worldw ce orcan stay-at-home fallen to into place. Iorders understand thetoseriousness of the virus and the the curve inI’m the uneasy novel coronavirus outbreak. The e being thrown of work. I know that during Incalled order toneed put thenormal.” crisis causedVirginia’s by Chinastay-at-home in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly orders godata, into and June. are having to adjust to what is being the “new questions about the when things can start getting ry. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the ty of at Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but our 23 ayer least $2.4 trillion in added working from home worldwide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, United States over Gov.The crisis hasstated cost the U.S. taxp Here in North Democratic Roywith Cooper during Some of these extend least through the of this month. normal are treated in some circles contempt. China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong flu,”and 1977 markets andatfinancial outlets. If end the U.S. dollar were not the reserve normal.” questions about Kong the data, when orders things can start getting back tohistory. have abided by recommendations and orders. The Reserve backup liquidity to the directl be glad” as the Bible our 231-year At least fourainrecent the 20th century alone can be that debt plus trillions more in Federa coronavirus press briefing “we just don’t know yet” if the Virginia’s stay-at-home orders into June. They’re treated asatthough we as a practiced society simply must acce heU.S. 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence thatcircles the withcurrency, wego would not be able to fund any of these emergency nd of this month. are treated in some contempt. to stay home; they’ve social distancin he dollar were notnormal the reserve and dad, the Easter “Russi Perhaps directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong orders Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If t state’s stay-at-home willgovernment extend into May. Since when didWALTER E. WILLIAMS inwe North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the tellsBYus about when it’s safe to toa PROVIDED NESTLE PURINA though as a society simply must accept without nish alsoThey’re had itstreated originsasinHere China. measures without immediate rampant inflation and currency they’ve donned fund flu” any pandemic of these emergency have toPETCARE bethe thankful “Russian flu” andfear theof 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that theIMAGEmasks. currency, we would not be massiv able Perhaps If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to COVID-19 We need WALTER E. WILLIAMS a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. questioning per stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalizat Lenten and greement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. of rampant inflation and currency pandemic. Maddie Grace, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, poses in front of the future home of“Spanish Nestlé Purina PetCare’s 22ndhad U.S. facility, slated to begin operating in “we The massive 1918 flu” pandemic also itsmanufacturing origins in China. measures without fea justification for it. And the answers should not be vague onesimmediate like COVID-19 is China’s know yet” if the process of did returning backstay-at-home to normalcy. state’s orders into May. No. The government works for us, andofwe have to According to theseasons University Washington Institu Eden, N.C.Since in 2022. For me,the myright faith is an Province probably from the completely Chinawill has extend to pay for their aberrant waysoutside andmust decisions government when There is 100% agreement, oftransparency China, thatof COVID-19 depreciation. origin do thisthrough out an abundance Easter of caution.” is China’s No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by m If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place a ant ways and decisions through making. As I celebra and honesty nsanitary wetarticles markets. Some believe it came out of but a iseconomic means. obviously not Chernobyl. originated inwork. Wuhan Provincehas probably from the completely has pay for their aberr provide a China at allDiplomacy levels It will need toworked be explained in detail to the people ofto this state whounregu graduates only able toand findfinancial low-paying ned in two past that student debt is questioning asked as to the questions. And thejustification longer stay-at-home in place all over the Trump administration, theand expected need for hosp plomacy has obviously not worked Corinthians 1:4, whi it.agreement, And the are answers should not be unsanitary vague ones likecentury “webeing country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such asDM Chernobyl. by the Chinese army. toorders bring China into thean civilized world of 21st health, hygiene unregulated and wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic financial means. from our Under anfor ISA he would owe agreedlem and communist that universities have encouraged are told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined biowar message of become a government gue ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, orld of 21st century health, hygiene affliction, so that wew mustupon do of this out ofand an abundance ofthe caution.” the more people,predicting sitting at home feeling isolated and/or run by the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the pts verifiablebehavior. policing With and regulation fair trade.—biowarfare Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame percentage of his income actual lab dollar theirrigorous own irresponsible scientific experts amount of time why models hundreds thousands of civilized casesanxi Unt hope that willof bad thing? the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of ov unist regimes never take the blame affliction, with the co at uncertain all levelsfinancial It amount will to be in detail to China theand people ofrigorous this state who when theyregulation can get back their families,their will d would be very low. With a Until traditional loan, adopts verifiable policing and of to providing and fair for trade. Totalitarian comm e graduates facing an nd health protocols, American business has no need other orexplained express sincere regret remorse, because that not what are reliable. f —iswe need to once again enjoy of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand August by nearly 12,000. rse, because that is not what God.” That is what he would owe the same amount regardless of his t’s particularlymanufacturing important to find solutions their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and rem are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. d redundant plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then become a choice know what they ndetermined answers. Here’s the problem: We still don’t the ans sporting events, take advantage of every weakness If you are celebrat Evenwhy with income-based repayment on his So, what’s to bereasons done? choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants purely totalitarian governments do. The amount of time models predicting hundreds ofcitizens thousands of cases at local levels should beknow as forthcom free mandated we do,elsewhere butthe along theand waystate I’ve also had questions about ty and safety as well asat supply andincome. delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until theyknow, winthat orLeaders the for nat bad thing? housands of cases Leaders the local and state levelslikely should be as forthcoming as they what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. pushing until they win or the loan, he would make interest-only payments as dical proposals, like completely reflect on this messa concerts, family forback. national security and safety reasons as well supply delivery they find in adversaries and keep are reliable. canasbe with and those answers and again, not vague answers, the data. State Republican leaders have,—too. s.student loans and making adversaries push living in a free reliabi canisbe with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer what is the true coronavirus fatality rate?c the principal continued to mount. them subject AMERICA’S COLLEGES areFirst, rife with God’sback. example don’t and when That what reliability adversaries push gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of statements questions get asked, there is and AMERICA’S COLLEGES rife with To I’veUniversity gonebelievability. along with what theexogenous state society has asked and then with details that give their believability. way to make China “pay” for work. thisare disaster isdate, tostatements offer That is, unless an event happens such asThe the Chernobyl The Purdue is already experimenting with were ptcy protection, would certainly corruption. financial squeeze resulting ked and then with details that give their important because it determines whether certain nt happens such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. Th most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster to offer That is, ankeep exogenous ev they toshould corruption. Thesource financial squeeze resulting sometimes aoffers disturbing among some people to treat thoseour church services free citizens mandated that wewe do,can but along the The way I’ve also had questions about We allis continue to do what weunless can to fam companies who will at least half of ISAs their meltdown in plan. 1986. Some experts believe that event, nothope the Star Warstendency under its “Back a Boiler” The program is ders who put their own money on the line from COVID-19 opportunities for a U.S. ta questions about We should all continue to do what to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — believe that event, not the Star Wars confident we will em supposed from COVID-19 offers opportunities forstaff a U.S. taxtoo. credits to companies who willon source at least half ofour their meltdown instart 1986. Somealso experts Sponsored by know they questioning the data and asking when we can getting back ourwhat more than 90-year the data. State Republican leaders have, ourselves, and communities safe. But we should stil and many more Sponsored by nue the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Research Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union Sponsored being funded byBut thewe Purdue Foundation, diligence lending to 18-yearbitbuild ofsimply remediation. Let’s first examine what living inby aUnion free ourselves, and ourNSJ communities safe. should also still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide sprea produc Sponsored by the dissolution of the Soviet In this same spirit bit ofbefore remediation. Let’s first examine what production back in the United States. There is though approximately program of are Reagan, led directlystt history of root making science-based last I there toisbe normal as they corruption, are$120 conspiracy theorists or people who don’t. Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, to ask questions about thedown data, because while reasonable part of thebecause university’s endowment. It’s a smallto do, ers. Andthere the fear of students filing forcorruption, might the of academic merican direct in plants and equipment in 1989. after our own asked, isbeinvestment to of ask questions about the data, while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. might the root academic billion neighbors helping ne I can’t emphasize society were dog and cat foods that pet owners EDEN – Purina will invest billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. now but is already showing positive results. ydirect would ensure loans are and by the title of a recent study,seen checked. sometimes aby disturbing tendency among some people to treatsuggested those measures are understandable, they should also have an expir suggested byin the title ofsmall a is recent study, investment the U.S. about $65 program billion Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ehernobyl. to treat those that measures are understandable, they also have an expiration date. We’ve case fatality rates — the number of temporary In Concord, a high in Chi trust,” said Nina Leigh Krueger, $450 million to should convert the in the China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Cd enough how encouraging Since when questioning government at all levels become aisbad supposed Purdue’s website explains a few of benefits of can “Academic Grievance Studies and the “Academic and to the simply questioning data asking when we start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 starttalking getting backGrievance ThisStudies is all new Americans, and it isthe not normal. in any way, Senators in Not Washington are already talking about the possibility the number of identified COVID-19 cases —compa but ba President, Nestlé Purina U.S. long-vacant MillerCoors plant inand eady about the possibility money to buy aare 3-D sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington alr thing? That is what freeThe citizens living in a free supposed ISAs: as hare a solution is politically unpopular. Corruption of Scholarship.” study was and positive this major Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was to do, last Iform. “Despite the challenging times County to aChina dry pet to normal though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay A6 people who shape, or SoRockingham while weChina should remain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t k ax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in of forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get debt we owe them as one way to get health care workers Anini An investment tax credit ofdone 30% on half of U.S. investment in China over. of China forgiving $1.2 trillion do, last I checked. The standard payment period for the Back onsiderably reduce the number ofand analysis Areo, an opinion andPurina analysis done bytech Areo, an opinion State business grants wetoby have all been living in, food production facility. The projinvestment for oursick. area.” the same time wemanufacturing shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new otherwise don’t care if they themselves orisitothers the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-call people have actually died of coronavirus. Some so yick. have caused the US. Don’t hold your on, applied tofor repatriated American China to get “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your checked. today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage the today, digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short a Boiler-ISA Fund is about 10 years, making ble to borrow college and would digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m focus on job creation, remained resilient. This straCelebrating the Power ofthat classifi ectSince is expected todid create 300 jobs government at all levels become ahas s become a bad normal.” number has been overestimated, given when questioning bad normal.” ee” to happen but ask your elected U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected Areopagitica, a speech delivered by an investment to the U.S. would for cost the and U.S.about Treasury billion the inby virus, and breath waiting Ifor a Chinese “Jub competitive withofmost Federal Plus and private loan ionately for affect low-income students. It with Areopagitica, a speech delivered worried them$18 catching I’m worried will. Afterinvestm tegic long-term investment average salary $42,000 COVID recovery innovations Community ydisfavor werea supposed Not little bit. ofspeech. death, particularly among elderlyhold patients, untable in tangible financial ways for thing? That whatrepresentatives free citizens living inaBerger asix-month free society Not one little bit. (R-Eden) John Milton in defense of free speech. over few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is toPhil hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for terms. Inisaddition, all studentsSen. receive students majoring inone soft but John Milton in defense of revenue free tax revenue spread overwere a fewsupposed years. $18 billion in lost China acc demonstrates our commitment tois(swine per year, according to Senate taxcan rev suffering from the H1N1 virus flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, Authors Pluckrose, James A.we sources suggest number is dramatically under —Helen Applications are now to do, last IBerger’s checked. grace period post-graduation payments begin. iplines. Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. More the than 70 communities providing high-quality nutrition Phil press pared to RALEIGH the $6 trillion+ Marshall PlanLeader are now decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we areprecautions, now this office. disaster.before this disaster. I’ve been trying to take extra because all of this brings up decim Lindsay andcan Peter Boghossian say has that beingas accepted for a new round of of e, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews also written the Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. to operate responsible citizens Once ain recipient makes successful for ed solutions that be implemented — forway We’re thankful for the Lindsay and Peter Boghossian say that across our from Sen. Berger (R-Eden) My first concern as we go along inpayments all this, of isown my family. I’m Matthews has also written the pseudonym Sist undertaking tocourse, save ourto economy, not ofStacey defeated enemies as in the Itstate isunder about time they expect e are our own economy, not of defeated enemies as theunder It ispseudonym about time they are expected operate aspets. responsible citizens of too many memories of a painful experience I’dbenefit prefer not to are repeat. under something has gone drastically wrong grantmaking from the One North ied I will. Afterpoliticaland is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how m great partnership at the state and it employs more than 8,000 worksaid, “This massive investment iscontract, public power. These municipalthe prescribed term of the no and additional sation. acrimonious climate. something has gone drastically wrong past. the world like any other modern worried about them catching the virus, I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrec the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has Carolina Small especially Business Program, in academia, within certain past. n local levels,especially and we are excited to ers across 21 U.S. production a game-changer forrequired the commu2009 pandemic, owned utilities are a tremendous payments are even if they have paid less actually have coronavirus. Some scientists sugges solution has been referred to as “skin in in academia, within certain China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American suffering from where the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, a key source capital for North cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American fields withinofthe humanities. They call Chin be awithin part of this communityThey sites. Since 2001, Purina has beenfields represent, home they local value, providing the amount ofmy funding received. Such a policy would call forcompanies. institutions nity Ithan the humanities. callthey of this brings uptechnology ofnow identified cases could be an safe, orderreliable of magnitude Carolina’s business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that these fields “grievance studies,” where I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up he past 30 years. They have made no secret that they and for many years to come.” part of Nestlé S.A., a global leader is and where I raised my kids. The busine Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion electric service and outstanding Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would hare the risk of every student these fields “grievance studies,” where and refer in not tocredit repeat. number of people who have had coronavirus and n The program, bybased upon scholarship isadministered not so much to replace U.S. as the superpower in the world wayMillerCoors too many abenefits. painful experience I’and dthe prefer not to premier repeat. The factory reside in intend nutrition, health wellness facility was of dorhe as premier superpower the world and memories have many down-stream Both would put outU.S. a loan tothe attend the In intoold scholarship is not sowill much basedon upon customer service to more than intend the North Carolina Board ost everyone has finding truth butinstitution. upon of attending replace the easily dollar as theeveryone reserve 1,300-plus currency their renminbi. acres near the borbased in Switzerland. mant for years, the new But what also makes mePulose sleep is Vevey, how most hastruthwith 1.2 million North Carolinians. as the reserve currency with their renminbi. pressure onand universities to keep tuition low and his means thatgrievances. universities would bescholars on finding but upon attending to Science, Technology,Grievance & Innovation replac social This expansion is part of a der of North Carolina and Virrina operations will help replace
Innovative solutions he student debt dilemma Fixingn.c. college FAST corruption
Approved Logos
Fixing college Purina investing $450corruption million in
dormant Eden MillerCoors plant
north STA
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“As hometown utilities, public (Board) and the North offset some of the artificial pressure on demand for or some part ofstudents, student loanCarolina debt when social grievances. Grievance scholars bully administrators and the otherjobs and economic activi- broader growth plan for Puri- ginia and be approximately 1.3 Department Commerce power communities always have higher education. They would also align universities’ efault. Such a policyofwould requireto action bully students, administrators and other departments into adhering theirty that was lost. I can’t empha- na that began last year with the million square feet in size. Puriwill focus this year on helping the best interest of their local interests with those of students. Universities s since student loans disbursed bypromote thesize enough adheringthan to their worldview. Theare worldview they is Jason na plans to into employ more 300 opening would of the company’sdepartments how encouraging and grand to promote job creation and residents at heart,” says Roy be invested in student success, not just increased ernment. worldview. The worldview they promote is neither scientific nor rigorous. Grievance EDITORIAL | STACEY wet petMATTHEWS food factory and people at its new factory location positive this major investment is newest economic recovery at small ElectriCities, a studies consist of disciplineslocally. such as THEWS enrollment. Some universitiesdistribution would probably begin ther solution can be implemented neither scientific nor GrievanceJones, CEO of EDITORIAL | STAC by 2024 while alsorigorous. increasing its center in Hartwell, for our area.” technology companies meeting nonprofit organization that works sociology, anthropology, gender studies, to offer better guidance to students when they choose of institutions are already giving it a studies consist of disciplines such as Headquartered in St. Lou- Georgia. The new Eden factory use of third-party employment the challenges of the COVID-19 with public power communities COLUMN | economREP.studies, RICHARD HUDSON queer studies,(ISAs). sexuality andare criticalis, race majors, choose classes and take outjoin loans. e Share Agreements ISAs anthropology, and local and regionalgender will Purina›s network of 21sociology, Mo, Purina has been a trustpandemic. across North Carolina, South studies. innovative do what “Free l agreements in whichwill students receive ed nameThese studies, sexuality andofficials critical race Applications be accepted ic development, company existing manufacturing locationsqueer among U.S. pet solutions owners will In 2017 andfor authors Carolina, and Virginia. October until December 1,2018, 2020, or until Pluckrose, College” cannot: and universities funding in exchange a predetermined say. Many of the jobs at Purina’s the U.S. and will becomestudies. for nearly a century. Its make brandsstudents in- across Lindsay and Boghossian started funds have been exhausted for the new factory will operational in 2022. cludebehave Purina more ONE,wisely Pro Plan andand act together towards the post-graduation income over a certain In 2017 and 2018,include authorsprofesPluckrose, 4 – 10 is national Public submitting bogus academic papers to Power Week, a time to pause program’s 2020-2021 fiscal year sional and staff,Boghossian production started operators, Purina’s Chow goal. and That Tidy goal Cats.is to The create “Eden is educated, wise first manufac-Lindsay years. The percent of income and numberDog same academic journals in cultural, queer, funding cycle. turing operation in North Carolicompany’s sales totaled $9.4 biln change based upon a student’s major and and productive graduates. Only with smart policies submitting bogus academic papers to and celebrate public power race, gender, sexuality studies Funding for fat thisand round of communities, especially as they na, and through this expansion we lion in the Americas in 2019, and See PURINA, page that incentivize student success can we ensure that tential. to academic journals inB6 cultural, queer, they would thedetermine program is if provided by thepass peer persevere through the effects of colleges truly provide value for students, parents, a good deal for students because they race, gender, fat and sexuality studies “THIS IS DAYinto the lord made, let usthe r seriousness ofCoronavirus the be virus and federal Reliefthe Fund review and accepted for need publication. WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen place. I understand theTHE pandemic facing ourhas country. taxpayers and society. ky thanhow loans. Imagine asimply student who that to determine if they would pass peer (CRF) under the Coronavirus Aid, Acceptance of dubious research in it” (Psalm 118:24). y with people who ask orders thanks to local or statereview governments, a majority of Americans Public to power take precautions, but I’m unea has a rich TATES journal underand either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of and the be virus and the accepted for need publication. Economic Security editors found sympathetic to their I know that during this Carolina challenging time ofWIT soc n thingsRelief, can start getting back to tradition in North that are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and wh Acceptance of dubious that Act (CARES Act)or ofpostmodern 2020.aThe cal state governments, majority ofvision Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simplyresearch ask working intersectional leftist orders from home or losing a job, it may be diffi withorcontempt. dates back to 1889, when the Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circle CRF is designed to provide ready editors found sympathetic of the world would prove the problem of sta society to what is being called thewithout “new normal.” questions about the data, and when thingsjournal can start getting back to be glad” have that that timeline isto their are Statesville first asCity theofBible tells us tobegan do. as However, asha aasC simply accept funding to must mitigate or respond Virginia’s stay-at-home ordersintersectional go intostated June.or They’re treated though we postmodern leftist vision low academic standards. very unlikely. ders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. using electric lights instead of Som and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of s us about when it’s safe to begin the to Several the COVID-19 public health Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper question what the government telj of the fake research papers of theLast world would prove thestated problem of week seven former FDA during home go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without gas streetlamps to illuminate emergency and to address have to be thankful and of hopeful for, its even the m alcy. Virgin EFForders TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR were accepted for publication. The Fat a recent coronavirus press briefing that “westandards. justblasted don’t know process returning back in to norm lowcommissioners academic the yet” ad- if thedowntown. unforeseen needs Today, North Carolina arolina, Democratic Gov. Roythose stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the Lenten and pandemic. us, and we have journal thefinancial right to ask Studies published aCooper hoax paper Several of the fake research papers stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. the Thetop government worksHer for ministration for “undermining the Since when did state’s back and risks created by the public among 10 providers that argued the term bodybuilding was yet” if the us press briefing “we process of returning normalcy. For me, ranks my faith is an important part ofstay-atmy da home orders are inthat place alljust overdon’t the know Easter seasons accepted publication. The a recen offor the FDA in a WashIf he doesto decide to extend were it, credibility” questions should be asked as toFat the questions. And the longer health emergency. Applicants of public power in the nation. questioning and should be replaced e orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, hem get exclusionary in states, such as Michigan, Studies journal published a hoax paper ington Post op-ed and called for will therefore need to articulate justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we This country, andwhen the stricter some ofI state’s provide did year’sSince Public Power with “fat bodybuilding, as abe fat-inclusive government the release of the pending vaccine that argued the term bodybuilding was Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “com eeling isolated and/or anxious about and it, document how funds will e to extend questions should asked as to the questions. Andmust the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, at home If hef Week theme — The Powersitting of message of FDA chiefs politicized performance.” One reviewer questioning Theas former be used as reimbursements and should bethis replaced affliction, so thatwhen we may becan able toback comfort those ng forthe their families, will demand And answers should not bereading vague ones like “we at allcountry, and the stricter some get exclusionary in states, such Michigan, levels It will need to of be them explained inguidelines. detailhope to the people of state who they get to provid Community, Neighbors Serving justific said, “I thoroughly enjoyed this we will to cover expenses they have warned thatthat public fears that a with “fat as a fat-inclusive affliction, with the comfort which an abundance caution.” the more people, at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about aresitting being told to remain jobless and atbodybuilding, home for anout undetermined answers. Neighbors —government reflects publicwe ourselves article believe it has an important mustard become a incurredand toof mitigate the impacts vaccine was rushed for politonce again enjoy politicized performance.” One reviewer God.” vels should be as forthcoming as they power’s commitment to meet contribution tototo make the field this The Associated why models predicting hundreds of thousands cases Leaders the localthe and state e explained detail theto people ofand this state whoPress they can amount get backoftotime providing for their families, will demand from in COVID-19, job ical could derail efforts toof at the allatlevels It wle in place. Elderly persons with underlying conditions said, “Ireasons thoroughly enjoyed reading thisare bad when thing? ORMER state senator, I foster have been asked sporting events, If you celebrating Easter season, I—urge again, not vague answers, but answer journal.” needs of thebe local communities creation, and promote research are reliable. can with those answers and emain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. vaccinate millions of Americans. arethat be would be monitored by health“I teams for some time, trust in article and believe it has an important s what I and would do regarding stay-atbecome a the have tremendous “Our Struggle Is Mythe Struggle: Solidarity That isLeaders what it serves, no matter what reflect on this message and be comforted, so ents believability. technological development in concerts, family The senior administration offiWASHINGTON, D.C. — The To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statem hy models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to make to the field and this r in North Carolina. The current SAH amoun Feminism Intersectional Reply to House has blocked new these massive companies.” response toas thean pandemic. timesand bring. Celebrations mayin need God’s example comfort allallthose arou at we can to keep our families, cial, spoke on but the of about White bad thing? free citizens mandated that but along the who way I’ve also hadcondition questions We should continue to do w gatherings, can be withsystem those answers — we anddo, again, not vague answers, answer Led by our major health leaders and journal.” res on April 29. of and Neoliberal Choice Feminism,” was “Many the most gameare rel look different this year, butand the by helping anonymity to discuss the action, Food and Drug Administration this difficult time. Through faith o fe. But we should also still continue the data. 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We Some papers accepted for publication d. suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, on the safety and effectiveness of vowing that career scientists, not tion confirmed the move Monday The 2020-2021 solicitation to do, Rigorous statewide antibody testing would be Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out care of our most vulnerable citizens, and in journals advocated foracademic One North Carolina its vaccine before Election politicians, will decide if under theextra shots sayingI’m the once White House I’vehas been trying to take precautions, all of thisDay. brings as we go along inbusinesses, all this,Small ofnow. course,training isevening, my implemented family. Stacey Matthews also written the pseudonym Sister Toldjah My available. Abecause Wall Street Journal writerup egin to reopen our men like Matching dogs andFunds, punishing whitebelieved male there was “no clinical or are safe and effective for mass vac-themselves. 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But President Donald Trump to submit, and the FDA to review ensure N.C. receives a fair allocation of items such in academic journals advocated training tween April 20 and May 5. chains during class and to be expected to take extra precautions, supporting materials because are posted all of this I’ve be Thebrings Whiteup House action was has repeatedly insisted that a vac- and greenlight, a vaccine applicaastoventilators from national ensure we likebefore dogs and fromI the discomfort. papers do the following: would not extend at nccommerce.com/grantsmories oflearn a painful experience I’Other d prefer notreported repeat. tion Nov.punishing 3. Pfizer’s white com- male cine to could be authorized beforemen first by The New York stores way to morbid obesity as a healthy life incentives/technology-funds/onecan address any peak scenario. There would a though topcollege students for historical slavery by rder April 29 without compelling petitors Moderna, AstraZeneca Election Day, be even Times. akespast mecelebrated lose sleep is how easily most everyone has But north-carolina-small-businesschoice and advocated treating privately directive for rapid to enable the working onasking them to sit in silence on the floor in ng its necessity. It is imperative to keep government scientists Thestanding intervention by Trump of- response program. inmasturbation conducted as social a form ficials of use of FDA-approved drugs that are experimental in chains during class and to be expected to ygiene measures place: such as is the latest example of the the administration’s vaccine effort See VACCINE, page B6 sexual violence against Typically,relation to a pandemic virus. learn from the discomfort. Other papers , gathering limits, masks, handwomen. washing, academic journal editors send submitted As long as a business could demonstrate the ability celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life out toor referees for on-going review. In to follow sound Covid-19 hygiene, they would be choice and advocated treating privately es to lift papers and reduce continue for publication, allowed to re-enter the economy. I would lean into conducted masturbation as a form of s need torecommending be determinedacceptance using scientific many reviewers gave these papers glowing exercising a little common sense on what works and sexual violence against women. Typically, Suspending and, more concerning,
okay to ask questions about when sk questions aboutIt’swhen It’s okay The comfort and hope we begin to get back to normal get back to normal we begin
White House nixes updated FDA guidelines What wouldon you do? approval vaccine
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
ncdot CASH REPORT For the week ending 10/1 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds:
$757,551,319 Add Receipts:
$ 101,461,445 Less Disbursements:
$ 196,024,934
VACCINE from page B5 and Johnson & Johnson are working on longer research timelines. Additionally, FDA scientists have been discussing the contents of the guidelines publicly for weeks and have made clear that the recommendations have already been shared with each of the vaccine developers. “There’s no there there to get all excited about this guidance,” said Dr. Peter Marks, the head of FDA’s vaccine division, in an online interview last week with the nonprofit Friends of Cancer Research. “The companies know what we’re expecting.” Instead, Marks said, releasing the guidelines was “an attempt to help the public see what we’re requiring of COVID-19 vaccines.” He added that the guidelines would explain that all upcoming
vaccines would be reviewed by FDA’s independent panel of outside vaccine advisers, before the agency makes its own final decision. Marks explained Monday that the two months of safety follow-up for vaccines is important because the most serious side effects connected with shots often occur in the first several weeks after vaccination. “The safety profile of a vaccine that’s going to be used in millions of people has to be incredibly clean,” Marks said in an online discussion with the Journal of American Medical Association. When asked about the potential timing for a first vaccine, Marks said an emergency authorization could come “before the end of the year.” The guidelines blocked by the White House are a type of non-
binding document that the FDA routinely uses to advise companies on research and regulatory standards for medical products. The FDA released its initial expectations for COVID-19 vaccines in June. Among other metrics, the agency said that any vaccine would have to be at least 50% protective against the virus. But the guidelines didn’t spell out the conditions under which the FDA would use its emergency authorization powers to speed up the availability of a vaccine. Under emergency review, medical products face a lower standard than full that merely requires that their expected benefits outweigh their risks for use during a public health crisis. Emergency authorization for a vaccine would likely limit initial use to medical and other frontline workers, nursing homes and people most at risk of catching or be-
coming seriously ill from the virus. The vaccine would have to undergo review for full FDA approval, a months-long process, before being approved for the general population. The FDA has faced criticism for allowing emergency use of some COVID-19 treatments backed by little evidence, including the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, but FDA officials have made clear that vaccines would face additional standards. Vaccines, unlike therapies, are given to healthy people and thus usually require more safety evidence. However, Trump argued last month that that the companies testing the vaccines, such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, are capable of determining whether they work. “I have tremendous trust in these massive companies,” he said.
Reserved Cash:
$ 470,820,679 Unreserved Cash Balance Total:
$ 2,841,025,074
World trade forecast for smaller drop, longer recovery Geneva, Switz. The World Trade Organization is predicting a 9.2% drop in merchandise trade this year, saying the hit from the pandemic doesn’t appear to be bad as first thought though the recovery may be slower than anticipated and could worsen if case counts rise again. Economists from the Geneva-based trade body on Tuesday revised their earlier prediction of a 12.9% plunge in merchandise trade this year. That forecast was presented in April, when COVID-19 case counts were soaring in major economic engines like the Europe Union and the United States. The revision follows improved trade performances in June and July, notably thanks to rising demand for health care goods and electronic equipment. But likewise, WTO forecasters now predict a 7.2% rise in trade next year, far more “pessimistic” than the April forecast for a 21.3% bounce back. The WTO cautioned that any recovery over the medium term will depend on the strength of investment and employment. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
US trade deficit up to $67.1 billion in August, 14-year high Washington, D.C. The U.S. trade deficit rose in August to the highest level in 14 years. The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that the gap between the goods and services the United States sells and what it buys abroad climbed 5.9% in August to $67.1 billion, highest since August 2006. Exports rose 2.2% to $171.9 billion on a surge in shipments of soybeans, but imports rose more — up 3.2% to $239 billion — led by purchases of crude oil, cars and auto parts. The U.S. deficit with the rest of the world in the trade of goods such as airplanes and appliances set a record $83.9 billion in August. The United States ran a surplus of $16.8 billion in the trade of services such as banking and education, lowest since January 2012. Hammered by the coronavirus and its fallout on the world economy, total U.S. trade — exports plus imports — is down 15.1% so far this year to $3.2 trillion. But the trade deficit won’t yield easily to changes in trade policy. As the U.S. economy recovers from springtime shutdowns, Americans are buying more imported goods while foreign demand for U.S. products remains weak. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
This Aug. 2, 2018, file photo shows the U.S. Food and Drug Administration building behind FDA logos at a bus stop on the agency’s campus in Silver Spring, Md.
CEO says Southwest needs union pay cuts to avoid furloughs The Associated Press DALLAS, TX — Southwest Airlines will cut pay for nonunion workers in January and says union workers must also accept less pay or face furloughs next year as the pandemic continues to hammer the airline business. Chairman and CEO Gary Kelly said Monday that unless the federal government gives airlines more money, Southwest will have to sharply cut spending to avoid losing billions of dollars every quarter until a coronavirus vaccine is widely available. Air travel is down nearly 70% from a year ago. “We would have to wipe out a large swath of salaries, wages and benefits to match the low traffic levels to have any hope of just breaking even,” Kelly said in a video to employees. Union officials said the company should find options other than pay cuts. Southwest, the fourth-biggest U.S. airline by revenue, recently said it is burning about $17 million a day. It lost $915 million in the second quarter and borrowed billions while cutting back on flights to conserve cash. Kelly said he won’t get a base salary through 2021 and nonunion employees will see a 10% pay cut Jan. 1 to avoid layoffs through 2021. Southwest will negotiate similar cuts from union workers, who represent about 85% of the workforce. Southwest Airlines Co. had about 61,000 employees in June but at least 4,200 agreed to leave. At least 12,500 more took long-
PURINA from page B5 technical staff and engineers. The plant will produce leading dry dog and cat food brands including Purina Pro Plan, Purina ONE and Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets. Purina conducted a national search for its newest factory location and explored multiple potential sites in North Carolina and other states as part of this project. After a detailed analysis, Purina officials say the proposal from Rockingham County, the City of Eden and North Carolina state officials offered Purina the best opportunity to serve pet
A Southwest Airlines jet takes off from Love Field in Dallas, Wednesday, June 24, 2020. term leaves of absence. Pay for union pilots, flight attendants, mechanics and ground workers are governed by longterm contracts, but Kelly wants “reasonable concessions” by Jan. 1. Southwest brags that it has never laid off employees in its roughly 50-year history. The Dallas-based carrier — along with Delta Air Lines — convinced thousands of workers to take early retirement or buyouts but avoided layoffs or furloughs. In contrast, American Airlines and United Airlines furloughed 32,000 workers between them last week. All the carriers are lobbying
Congress and the White House for another $25 billion in taxpayer money to pay workers for the next six months. That’s on top of up to $50 billion in cash and loans that Congress approved in March. Kelly said pay cuts would be rescinded if Congress approves more money. The president and chief negotiator for the Southwest pilots’ union said in a memo to members that they will fight to prevent furloughs. They said Southwest can find other ways to save money, and that it has enough cash to last more than two years. Southwest flight attendants began contract negotiations in late
2018, long before the pandemic. President Lyn Montgomery said Kelly’s remarks should galvanize union members to push lawmakers for more federal relief “before we go down the road of cracking open our contracts and taking out pay and quality-of-life benefits that took us decades to earn.” Montgomery said 5,400, or 32%, or Southwest’s 17,000 flight attendants have already left or taken extended leaves, and those who remain are stressed. “They are worried about both jobs and (contract) concessions,” she said. “They are worried about working during COVID-19.”
owners and retain and attract top talent over the long term. Mark Richardson, Chairman of the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners said, “We are ecstatic Nestlé Purina has chosen Eden and Rockingham County as their new manufacturing home. The news of their expansion into this property brings so much light and revitalization to our community. We are anxious to watch this site come back to life with new employees as well as tax base, but more importantly excited to see it occupied by such a well-known and respected company.” The arrival of Nestlé Puri-
na PetCare will be facilitated, in part, by a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) approved by the state’s Economic Investment Committee earlier today. Over the 12-year term of the grant, the project is estimated to grow North Carolina’s GDP by nearly $2 billion. Using a formula that takes into account new tax revenues generated by the 300 new jobs, the JDIG agreement authorizes a potential reimbursement to the company of up to $4.31 million over 12 years. State payments occur only after verification by the departments of Commerce and Revenue that the
company has met incremental job creation and investment targets. Projects supported by JDIG must, by law, result in positive net tax revenue to the state treasury, even after taking into consideration the grant’s reimbursement payments to a recipient company. The provision ensures all North Carolina communities benefit from the JDIG program. Nestlé Purina’s Rockingham County operations are projected to generate $61.23 million in state tax revenue over the life of the grant. To view and apply for positions at Purina’s new factory, visit purinajobs.com/Eden.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
2020 Toyota GR Supra
For thumbs up and turned heads, you can‘t beat it By Jordan Golson North State Journal NEW YORK CITY — I was suddenly concerned when I walked out of JFK airport that I might not be able to fit my massive Briggs & Riley suitcase in the back of the Toyota GR Supra that I was to drive home in. I have the B&R large expandable two-wheel unit, a massive bag that can fit oodles of clothes with ease. It‘s one of those suitcases that very frequent travelers use. I‘ve since added a matching carry-on variant when it was on sale on Amazon for $180 off. They‘re really good, but I digress. The Supra is a two-seat sports car and two-seat sports cars are not known for their capacious cargo compartments. This makes them bad for airport runs, but as I eyed the passenger seat and imagined my massive suitcase sitting next to me for the journey, I popped the sportback-esque trunk anyway. Just in case. Astonishingly, my giant Briggs & Riley bag slipped in as if it was meant to be there. With just a few inches to spare on each side, I closed the lid and started heading north for the drive back to New England. Priced at $56,615, my Toyota GR Supra 3.0 Premium (that‘s a mouthful) test car was fully equipped complete with a 3-liter turbocharged inline-six cylinder engine making a Toyota-reported 335 horsepower and 365 lbft of torque, though dyno-testing by reputable car magazines has
shown that Toyota is sandbagging a little bit on its numbers and different Supras will produce quite a bit more power than the numbers state, which is nice. The power goes to the rear wheels through an eight-speed automatic with paddle shifters, and there‘s an active rear differential, active exhaust, adaptive sport suspension, Brembo four-piston brakes up front, sport pedals, and a bunch of other sport things to remind you that you‘re driving a sports car, as if the low seating po-
sition and cramped cockpit didn‘t give it away. It‘s important to note that this isn‘t exactly a Toyota. The Supra is a BMW Z4 that has been tweaked quite a bit by Toyota, however, which is not a bad thing. The inside is all BMW — which is great because the BMW infotainment system is rather excellent, while those put in most Toyotas is merely adequate. The engine is from BMW, the same unit that you‘ll find in the Z4 M40i and the BMW M340i, and
the transmission and chassis come from Germany too — however, all those bits have been tuned by Toyota‘s engineers specifically for the Supra. Though German-Japanese tieups haven‘t always gone well in the past, they more than delivered here, if for nothing else than the Supra isn‘t really about the performance. A colleague of mine argued that the performance of the Supra isn‘t really up to snuff compared to other mid-$50k sports cars, and that the steering is a lit-
tle numb and that it doesn‘t live up to the hype. I disagree on the hype part. Yes, it‘s not a car that‘s ready to dominate the track like the outrageously excellent BMW M2 Competition, but that‘s not the point. I‘ve driven hundreds of cars in my automotive journalism career and the Supra has attracted more attention than any of them — even the fancy McLarens and Ferraris. This humble $56,000 car got constant attention and thumbs up from motorcyclists and other sports cars and kids in the back of SUVs and dads in the front of SUVs and college kids out for a drive and homeless dudes panhandling at stoplights. I don‘t know if it‘s because of the history of the Supra or the bright orange one that everyone remembers from Fast and the Furious or because it just looks awesome (the design is a bit polarizing, but I think it looks phenomenal from the back and front). My tester came in Downshift Blue, which was a deep azure color and it dripped with sex appeal, all curves and tightness. That‘s what this car is all about — what any sports car is all about, if we‘re honest. Very few Supras will ever set one wheel on a race track, in the same way that most Range Rovers will never see the Serengeti. But getting photos taken by ten year-olds on the highway? That‘s what it‘s all about Supra way. Oh, and if you put it in Sport mode? It‘ll make a hell of an exhaust note if you‘re looking to show off, too.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
features Raleigh native named to lead roles at New YorkPresbyterian Hospital and Cornell University humans via animals. But we have spent the last several years underfunding public health and haven’t made things like testing, tracing, or isolating part of our priorities. I think if we’d developed rapid testing for COVID sooner and had leadership from the top warning us just how deadly this virus could be things would be very different right now. I mean, we still have a debate going on now about the efficacy of masks! In terms of getting back to normal, I have sat on the advisory boards for my kids’ schools and the YMCA of the Triangle and advised them to open back up for safe socially distanced learning and operations so I hope we get back to normal relatively soon because I think we need to do it for our kids’ sake.”
By Elizabeth Lincicome North State Journal RALEIGH — Spend just a few minutes talking to Dr. Sallie Permar about her career path and life here in Raleigh, and it’s even more impressive that such a humble, gracious, down to earth mother of two is also one of the most prestigious pediatric specialists in the country on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. Permar was recently appointed the new chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine and Pediatrician-in-Chief at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and its Komansky Children’s Hospital. She was recruited from Duke University School of Medicine, where she serves as professor of pediatrics, immunology, and molecular genetics and microbiology; associate dean of physician-scientist development; and founding director of the Children’s Health and Discovery Institute. It is no surprise that since earlier this year, the North Carolina native has spent much of her time working towards the development of a coronavirus vaccine that can be used to safely treat children. In addition, her normal research focuses on the treatment and prevention of viral infections in newborns. She and her team are working on the development of vaccines to prevent mother-to-child transmission of viruses such as HIV, Zika and cytomegalovirus (CMV). She discovered a protein in breast milk that neutralizes HIV, and developed a nonhuman primate model for congenital CMV infection, now being used to test CMV vaccine strategies. “If you can prevent an infection from the first day of life, or from very early on, you’re giving that child a chance at a lifetime of development, health and wellness,” Dr. Permar says. Among her peers, Dr. Permar is known for mentoring the next generation of pediatricians. She says, among other things, she views her work in immunology and studying the human immune system as her way of being able to give back to humanity through her community. Q: You grew up in Raleigh.
Dr. Sallie Permar is pictured in this undated file photo. What about your education and upbringing in North Carolina informed the path you have taken? A: “Well my love of science originated early on in school. I grew up in the public schools system having attended a magnet elementary school, Washington Elementary, then I went to Martin Middle School and later to Broughton High School. I think it was the public schools system that really introduced me to science. It was my 9th grade science teacher Mr. Baker actually that really sparked my interest in science. At the time, it was really unique for a female to be so interested in the STEM subjects, STEM was not as big a part of the curriculum back then as it is today, so a lot of young girls weren’t encouraged to pursue science like their male counterparts. But at no point in my education did I feel any different than the guys in my class. That is to say my teachers all encouraged me to pursue my love of the sciences because that is where I excelled. I’d also say my parents fostered my love for community service and giving back to others which is what I feel I do every day in my role as an immunologist and
“I want to give back to the community and help people and the way I see myself doing that is through my research and improving the health and well-being of humanity.” Dr. Sallie Permar physician-scientist. I want to give back to the community and help people and the way I see myself doing that is through my research and improving the health and well-being of humanity. That really all came from seeing my parents engage in community service.”
College, it was my biology professor Dr. Malcolm Campbell that was my mentor. While in graduate school, it was Dr. Diane Griffin that I looked up to. She studied viruses in children. And then in medical school, it was Dr. Norman Letvin, who studied nonhuman primates which is something I currently do as well in my research. I looked up to him and he actually studied under Dr. Fauci at one point. I actually have a few former mentors who studied under Fauci. He has had an impact on a lot of physicians lives.”
Q: Who are some of your personal and professional mentors/heroes?
Q: Throughout COVID-19, your experience as an immunologist has been sought after, and you have advised numerous local organizations in NC. What innovations and mistakes have been made in your opinion, and how soon do you predict we’ll get back to some sense of normalcy?
A: “I certainly had some very strong mentors who cared about my career and where I ended up, not just that I was working on what they were working on at the time. While I was at Davidson
A: “No one could have seen this coming, but we should have been more prepared. We had warning signs in previous years when both the SARS and MERS viruses hit. Those were also transmitted to
Cocktails get the home treatment in several new books By Elizabeth Karmel The Associated Press COCKTAILS are having a moment, and because of the pandemic, that moment is happening most often at home. Many restaurants have responded with cocktails to go, approved in more than 30 states, according to the Distilled Spirits Council, an industry trade group. Liquor stores offer cocktails-in-acan, like those from Canteen and Cutwater, as well as hard seltzers and more. But there’s also been a rise in home bartending, with a number of books on the subject released in the past six months. Unlike the often complicated cocktail books of the past, these five offerings by new-to-the-cocktail-world authors are written specifically for the home cook/ bartender. Each aims to help you experience craft cocktails at home without having to get a Ph.D. in mixology. “Beautiful Booze: Stylish Cocktails to Make at Home” (Countryman Press) is written by Natalie Migliarini and James Stevenson, who left Seattle five years ago to travel and document the world of wine, beer, spirits and liqueurs. The inviting and glamorous photographs were shot in a rented apartment in New Orleans. The book grew from a blog of the same name, and the recipes are simple (often three ingredients), visually appealing and re-
fined. The authors renamed classic cocktails and gave them a witty twist for a book that is as much fun to read as it is to drink from. John DeBary worked for years in the New York City bar business. He is a wine and spirits writer and also launched the non-alcoholic aperitif Proteau about a year before the release of his book, “Drink What You Want: The Subjective Guide to Making Objectively Delicious Cocktails” (Clarkson Potter). The title resonates with me because I have always given the same advice, regardless of the recommended pairings. DeBary offers recipes for both alcoholic and nonalcoholic cocktails, some with clever names and absolutely no pretension. The writing is straightforward and informative. If you know nothing about how to make a drink, you can learn it all here. And if you already fancy yourself a home bartender, you’ll pick up tips and new ideas. J.M. Hirsch, the editorial director of Milk Street and former food editor for The Associated Press, turned a beloved hobby into a cocktail book, “Shake, Strain, Done: Craft Cocktails at Home” (Voracious). He approaches cocktails from a culinary perspective, breaking them down according to 11 categories: refreshing, creamy, fruity, sweet, sour, herbal, bitter, spicy, smoky, warm and strong. Hirsh presents drinks in a “language that we can taste.” You can peruse the book for a primary li-
Q: How should our response to COVID as a country inform our nation’s public health policies moving forward? What policies have worked during the pandemic both nationally and statewide? A: “Yes, over and backwards MASKS! But also putting testing strategies in place in co-living environments like universities. Duke has done a great job containing any major outbreaks through systematic and even random testing. This can often catch outbreaks before they balloon.” As a physician-scientist Dr. Permar spends the majority of her time doing research and the other time seeing patients. She says she realistically thinks the earliest we could have a vaccine for treating COVID in children is next summer because up until now trials have only been done on adults and the elderly and a whole new round of clinical trials will need to be performed on kids. On a personal note, Permar says she will certainly miss North Carolina but is excited for the new chapter. She begins her new role at NewYork-Presbyterian on December 1, but plans on doing the first few months virtually while her husband, a PR professional, looks for a job and also in order to help her kids finish out the school year and more easily transition to life in the Big Apple.
And as far as brands are concerned, taste is subjective. Although I am a proponent of trying new spirits, when you are starting out, have your favorite brands on hand. “Use the spirits that you already know and love — and you will love the cocktail,” Migliarini says. Some suggestions for setting up a basic home bar: Base spirits
A collection of spirits and cocktail recipe books are displayed at a home in Alexandria, Va., on Oct. 4, 2020. quor, like bourbon, and for a dominant characteristic. So, for instance, if you want a refreshing vodka drink or a warm bourbon tipple on a cold night, the book will guide you. If you are missing the City of Light and yearn for some café culture, David Lebovitz shows you how to create it yourself at home. The pastry chef and cookbook author’s newest book is “Drinking French” (Ten Speed Press). The photography alone transports you back to Paris. Lebovitz has captured traditional drinks, created some new ones and rediscovered iconic French spirits such as Suze, Pineau de Charentes, cognac, Chartreuse, Armagnac and Byrrh. Since the book was released in March, Lebovitz has been demonstrating food and drink on Instagram with his “apéro hour” videos. The apéro hour “signals the transition between day and night, or work and play,” he explains. In France, it is a time to wind down, and enjoy an aperitif and a nibble. Julia Bainbridge is a food writer who decided to stop consuming
alcohol but not to stop drinking. She drove cross-country in pursuit of the best non-alcoholic craft cocktails that she could find. Her new book, “Good Drinks: Alcohol-Free Recipes for When You’re Not Drinking for Whatever Reason” (Ten Speed Press), is welcome for those who want to enjoy a spirit-free cocktail to celebrate and join in the fun. Before you start experimenting with the drinks in these books, make sure you have the basics on hand. As you try new cocktails, you will build your bar based on what you like. Don’t feel you have to go out and buy everything at once. My starter list includes aged versions of tequila, rum and whiskeys from around the world, because I am a brown spirits lover. It will likely be different for your bar. For example, if you are a gin drinker, experiment with the new craft gins available. There are so many fantastic spirits and liqueurs available today that it is almost a requirement to try new bottles rather than sticking to one brand all the time.
Must-haves (choose your favorite brand): gin, vodka, blanco tequila, white rum, bourbon, rye, Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey, cognac, vermouth Nice-to-haves: flavored vodka, like the Ketel One Botanical; craft gin, like Citadelle; aged tequila (reposado, anejo or both); aged rum; flavored rum, like the Plantation Stiggins Pineapple Rum; a smoky Scotch whisky, like Laphroaig; your favorite single-malt Scotch whisky; your favorite single-pot still Irish whiskey; Japanese whisky, like Suntory Whisky Toki; limited edition or small-batch bourbon and/or rye, like Booker’s or Uncle Nearest. Liqueurs This is a very subjective list. There are many to choose from, and you will find your favorites: orange, such as Grand Marnier, Dry Curacao; pastis, Pernod or absinthe; kahlua or coffee rum; Campari, Fernet-Branca, Aperol, etc.; sweet and fruity, such as Chambord, Limoncello, St. Germaine, Luxardo. Tools and other items Bitters, a long stirring spoon, short spoons, a Shaker or Mason jar, a Hawthorne strainer and a julep strainer; stirring glass; jigger or small ounce measure; finemesh strainer.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Hundreds of Regal, Cineworld movie theaters to close The Associated Press LONDON — In the latest blow to the beleaguered film industry, the second-largest movie theater chain in the U.S. is temporarily shuttering its locations Thursday due to a lack of blockbusters on the calendar and major domestic markets like New York remaining closed. Cineworld Group Plc said Monday that it would close 536 Regal cinemas in the U.S. and 127 Cineworld and Picturehouse venues in the U.K. this week, affecting some 45,000 employees. “This is not a decision we made lightly,” said Cineworld CEO Mooky Greidinger. In the past few days, the already decimated 2020 release calendar lost another big film in the James Bond pic “No Time to Die.” It is at least partly due to the fact that one of the country’s biggest markets, New York, has not committed to a plan or a date for reopening cinemas in the state. Cineworld has high debts and is, like the wider industry, struggling with the effects of the pandemic. The absence of the biggest North American markets and a
consistent, solid release schedule from Hollywood studios have been devastating to their business. “We never argued the fact that we needed to be closed until we saw that similar activities to us started to open,” Greidinger said, citing indoor dining. “We cannot be in a situation where we lose more cash when we are open than we lose when we are closed.” Last week groups representing theater owners, movie studios and directors issued a plea to U.S. lawmakers to provide relief to ailing movie theaters. The letter, signed by the likes of Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, Patty Jenkins, Clint Eastwood and Martin Scorsese, said that if the status quo continues, nearly 70% of small to mid-size movie theaters could be forced to close permanently. Efforts to slow the spread of the virus resulted in closure of most cinemas for nearly six months. Many started tentatively reopening in late August, anticipating the release of money-making blockbusters, like Nolan’s “Tenet,” the Bond pic “No Time to Die” and Marvel’s “Black Widow.” Exhibitors also poured resources into
“We cannot be in a situation where we lose more cash when we are open than we lose when we are closed.” Cineworld CEO Mooky Greidinger enhanced safety and sanitization protocols, including limited capacity theaters, social distanced seating, cashless transactions and staggered showtimes. But ticket sales for Warner Bros.’ “Tenet,” the first major film out of the gates, were not as strong in the U.S. as hoped, likely a combination of audience reluctance to return to theaters and the effects of big markets like New York and Los Angeles remaining closed. While some analysts stress that films need to play the “long game” at the box office in this current environment, studios responded by delaying most other major films that had been set for the fall and winter. Some merely moved back 2020
openings as late as possible, like “Death on the Nile” (Dec. 18) and “Wonder Woman 1984,” which is now set for Christmas. But others abandoned the year entirely, including Marvel’s “Black Widow,” Spielberg’s “West Side Story” and Universal’s “Candyman,” all of which were pushed to 2021 in recent weeks. Although there are a handful of major films still set for 2020, like Pixar’s “Soul,” as well as a consistent calendar of independents and art house films, Friday’s announcement that “No Time To Die” was being delayed to 2021 came as a final blow. Without the big releases, Cineworld said it can’t give customers “the breadth of strong commercial films necessary for them to consider coming back to theaters against the backdrop of COVID-19.” “We did everything in our power to support safe and sustainable reopenings in all of our markets — including meeting, and often exceeding, local health and safety guidelines in our theaters and working constructively with regulators and industry bodies to restore public confidence in our industry,” said Greidinger. “We cannot be in the situation where every week we are getting another delay and another delay.” Cineworld shares fell as low as 15.64 pounds in London and were down 31% at 27.41 in morning trading. The industry had been rocked by the pandemic — first being
closed for months and then operating at a fraction of previous capacity, said David Madden, analyst at CMC Markets. Cineworld had also been highly leveraged, having largely funded its acquisition of Regal Entertainment in 2018 through debt. “Today the company confirmed they will be assessing their liquidity options, and it plans to update the market on the resumption of business in due course,’’ he said. “It seems that Cineworld is hunkering down and they are holding onto their current liquidity position, with the view to probably having a reduced service when they re-open.’’ Greidinger doesn’t regret reopening in August — at the time there was a solid release schedule and he believed that New York would have eased restrictions sooner. Now there is, “Not much to do but to wait,” Greidinger said. And he hopes New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will give “the greenlight soon.” The business, he said, needs a set blockbuster calendar extending six to eight weeks in the future in order to reopen. Greidinger hopes that that might be settled before Christmas, in time for “Wonder Woman 1984.” “I will be the happiest man to open the cinemas for ‘Wonder Woman,” he said. “But we will also need to look beyond ‘Wonder Woman’ to January and February.”
Regal Edwards Grand Teton theater is seen in Idaho Falls, Idaho on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020. Cineworld, which owns Regal, Cineworld and Picturehouse movie theaters, will suspend operations after the release of the latest James Bond film was postponed again, deflating hopes that a blockbuster could revive the devastated industry.
‘Dune’ ditches 2020, while AMC commits to staying open By Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press THE 2020 theatrical release calendar is getting even slimmer in the wake of the announcement that Regal cinemas are temporarily closing, although AMC, North America’s largest theater chain, says it will remain open. Warner Bros. said late Monday that its sci-fi pic “Dune” will now open in October 2021, instead of this December. The studio also pushed back its “Matrix” sequel by 8 months to late 2021 and “The Batman” to 2022. AMC Entertainment reiterated its commitment to stay open and cited a slew of upcoming new releases that it will be playing, including this weekend’s new films “The War With Grandpa,” with Robert De Niro, and “Yellow Rose.” Roughly 80% of its U.S. locations are currently open. With the recent exit of the next James Bond film, that leaves a mere handful of big films set to still open in 2020: Pixar’s “Soul,” on Nov. 20, Universal’s “The Croods: A New Age,” on Nov. 25, Disney’s “Death on the Nile,” on Dec. 18 and Warner Bros.’ “Won-
der Woman 1984,” at Christmas. It’s an extra hit to the ailing theatrical industry, which endured six months of closures and has had a difficult time restarting business during the pandemic with key markets like New York still closed and an ever-changing release calendar. Business has been so shaky that on Monday Cineworld Group Plc said it would temporarily close its 536 Regal cinema locations in the U.S. and 127 Cineworld and Picturehouse venues in the U.K. on Thursday. And last week leading groups representing movie theaters, movie studios and directors issued a dire plea to Congress for financial help for cinemas. They said nearly 70% of small and midsize theaters could face bankruptcy or closure without assistance. AMC CEO Adam Aron said in a statement that the company’s agreement with Universal Studios to shorten the theatrical window, “puts AMC in a position where we can open our theatres when others may feel the need to close.” AMC, Aron said, will share in home video on demand revenues with Universal.
This image released by Warner Bros. Entertainment shows Timothee Chalamet, left, and Rebecca Ferguson in a scene from “Dune.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
the following real estate situated in Kannapolis in the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel ID#04065A0117.000000
All that certain parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Cabarrus, State of NC, to-wit:
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Jackie R. Martin, Joseph C. Martin, Heirs of Jackie R. Martin: Pamela M. Lipe, Tony Martin (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Jackie R. Martin and Joseph C. Martin) to PRLAP, Inc., Trustee(s), dated October 3, 2008, and recorded in Book No. 8452, at Page 241 in Cabarrus County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cabarrus County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 12, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash
Being all of Unit No. 66-6 of the Carriage House Condominium, as shown on a plat entitled “Carriage House Condominiums” which said plat was prepared by Billy B. Long, Registered Surveyor, and detailed drawings prepared by Cynthia L. Bostick, Architect, Kannapolis, North Carolina, are on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County in Condominium Book at003-1 through 003-8 and as set forth in Declaration of Unit Ownership as recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County in Deed Book 508 at Page 467, together with a 1.4760% interest in the Common Areas and Facilities as set forth in said Declaration. Including the Unit located thereon; said unit being located at 122 Briarcliff Drive, Kannapolis, North Carolina.
said county at 10:00AM on October 21, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Wayne Speller and Deborah Starnes, dated December 15, 2006 to secure the original principal amount of $106,700.00, and recorded in Book 7219 at Page 152 of the Cabarrus County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.
IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY WAYNE SPELLER AND DEBORAH STARNES DATED DECEMBER 15, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 7219 AT PAGE 152 IN THE CABARRUS COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of
CUMBERLAND NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 652 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by James Smith and Gwendolyn Smith to Jeff Dunham, Trustee(s), dated the 10th day of June, 2006, and recorded in Book 7274, Page 038, and Re-recorded in Book 7342, Page 511, and Re-recorded in Book 7447, Page 830, and Additional Deed of Trust in Book 7247, Page 041, in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale
20 SP 254 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Steven M. Alcorn, Jr. and Kimberly D. Alcorn to David W. Allred, Trustee(s), which was dated June 1, 2009 and recorded on June 9, 2009 in Book 8171 at Page 0586 and rerecorded/modified/corrected on August 11, 2020 in Book 10843, Page 313, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina.
Grantees, by acceptance of this Deed, and by agreement with the Grantors, hereby expressly assume and agree to be bound by and to comply with the Covenants, Terms, Provisions, and Conditions as set forth in the Declaration and the By-Laws, including but not limited to the obligations
Address of property: Ct Southeast, Concord, NC 28025 Tax Parcel ID: 56409042020000 Present Record Owners: Speller and Deborah E. Starnes
3707 Osprey
W a y n e
And Being more commonly known as: 3707 Osprey Ct Southeast, Concord, NC 28025
at the courthouse door in the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 19, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 10, in a subdivision known as Recombination and Zero Lot Line Subdivision for Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity and the same being duly recorded in Book of Plats 116, Page 165, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 428 Vanstory Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Property Address: 428 Street, Fayetteville, NC Parcel Identification No.: 0437-70-8204
Vanstory 28301
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS 4521.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as
courthouse for conducting the sale on October 21, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit: Being all of Lot 19 in a Subdivision known as Beaver Creek North, Section One, Part Two according to a plat of same duly recorded in Book of Plats 82, Page 192, in which the correct plat reference was recorded in Book 7256, Page 630 and in a typographical error on “plat” in a corrective deed done in Book 7305, Page 759 where page 92 was inserted in lieu of page 192. The correct plat reference in Plat Book 82, Page 192 Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina.
The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the
Said property is commonly known as 7337 Reedy Creek Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28314. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE
c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 2106 - 4552
agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is September 16, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 16-086217
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the
expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.
county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit:
Parcel No. 9487-39-5680
sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of
An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the
Being all of Lot 209 in a subdivision known as Middle Creek, Section Five, according to a plat of the same duly recorded in Plat Book 61, Page 42, Cumberland County, North Carolina Registry.
State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days
well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the
Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on October 21,
The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Wayne Speller and Deborah E. Starnes.
Said property is commonly known as 1706 Winnabow Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28314.
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Carl R. Janicke, III and Kalie A. Janicke to Pamela S. Cox, Trustee(s), which was dated May 5, 2019 and recorded on March 5, 2019 in Book 10457 at Page 0763, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina.
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Steven M. Alcorn Jr and wife, Kimberly D. Alcorn.
Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county
to make payment of assessments for the maintenance and operation of the Condominium project which may be levied against such Unit. The Declaration also provides that the Condominium Unit shall be used for residential purposes only.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Carl R. Janicke, III and wife, Kalie A. Janicke. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental
c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Case No: 1284471 (FC.FAY)
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-02369-FC01
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have
agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to
be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-03004-FC01
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North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
CUMBERLAND 19 SP 1553 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Thomas D. Cain and Barbara Cain to Alexis Alan, Trustee(s), which was dated March 22, 2018 and recorded on March 26, 2018 in Book 10274 at Page 0660, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located,
20 SP 403 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Marie Michel and Dominique Michel to, Trustee(s), which was dated July 19, 2005 and recorded on July 21, 2005 in Book 6949 at Page 700, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on October 14, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder
ONSLOW AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 113 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Angelea Nofsinger, Aaron Nofsinger (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Angelea Nofsinger and Aaron Nofsinger) to Donald P. Eggleston, Trustee(s), dated September 29, 2017, and recorded in Book No. 4685, at Page 533 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on October 22, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Beulaville in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the County
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 332 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Donald Allen, Beatriz Allen (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Donald Allen and Beatriz Allen) to WFG National Title Insurance Company, Trustee(s), dated September 24, 2016, and recorded in Book No. 4522, at Page 57 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on October 15, 2020 and will
RANDOLPH 19 SP 293 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Stephen Scott Oxford and Karen Smith Oxford to L. Buchanan, Trustee(s), which was dated February 14, 2002 and recorded on February 18, 2002 in Book 1752 at Page 143, Randolph County Registry, North Carolina.
or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on October 21, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit: Land situated in the Township of Eastover in the County of Cumberland in the State of NC Land situated in the City of Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland in the State of NC BEING ALL OF LOT 2, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT ENTITLED “DIVISION OF THE PROPERTY OF MRS. DORIS A. CAIN”, AS RECORDED IN BOOK OF PLATS 106, PAGE 76, CUMBERLAND COUNTY REGISTRY.
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 2786 Baywood Road, Eastover, NC 28312.
An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the
of Onslow, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:
State of North Carolina, in Special Warranty Deed Book 4543, Page 704, was granted and conveyed by Secretary of Veterans Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America unto Hall Stewardship Solutions, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company.
The Land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, and is described as follows: Begin all of Lots 118 and 118A, Section II, Simpson’s Crossing as recorded in Map Book 60 at Page 42, for a more accurate description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 127 Christy Drive, Beulaville, North Carolina. **FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY** THE improvements thereon being known as 127 Christy Drive, Beulaville, NC 28518 Tax ID No. 077106 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY WAS TAKEN IN FEE SIMPLE BEING the same property which, by General Warranty Deed dated February 9, 2017, and recorded on February 24, 2017 among the Land Records of the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, in General Warranty Deed Book 4581, Page 465, was granted and conveyed by Hall Stewardship Solutions, LLC unto Angelea Nofsinger and Aaron Nofsinger. BEING the same property which, by Special Warranty Deed dated November 28, 2016, and recorded on November 29, 2016 among the Land Records of the County of Onslow,
sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Richlands in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Richlands Township, Onslow County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 36, Rolling Meadows Subdivision, Section 2, as shown on map entitled, final plat Rolling Meadows Subdivision, Section 2, dated June 25, 2007 and recorded in Map Book 53, Page 189, Slide 63, of the Onslow County Register of Deeds. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 204 High Meadow Court, Richlands, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1).
courthouse for conducting the sale on October 13, 2020 at 11:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Randolph County, North Carolina, to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND IN RANDOLPH COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1349, PAGE 1761, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS BEING ALL OF LOTS 33, 34, 35, AND LOT 36, BEING ENGLEWOOD FOREST, MAP NO. 2, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 39. BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROM PEARLIE P. SAMSON, WIDOW, AS SET FORTH IN BOOK 1349, PAGE 1761, DATED 02/17/1993 AND RECORDED 02/19/1993, RANDOLPH COUNTY RECORDS, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.
County Registry; thence from said beginning point along Chrisco, North 20 degrees 24 minutes 25 seconds East 204.02 feet to a tall existing iron pipe; thence along Redding Land Co.: South 52 degree 23 minutes 39 second East 117.83 feet to a tall existing iron pipe and South 21 degrees 17 minute 16 seconds West 212.98 feet to the Northern right of way line of Southway Road; thence along said right of way line, North 47 degrees 45 minutes 48 seconds West 117.73 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 0.532 acre and being the same property described in Book 1402, Page 162, Randolph County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 232 Southway Road, Asheboro, North Carolina.
NORTH CAROLINA, UNION COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Crystal Lynne Harben a/k/a Crystal H. Fuchs to Stacy D. Fulcher, Attorney at Law, Trustee(s), which was dated January 26, 2011 and recorded on February 23, 2011 in Book 05497 at Page 0140 and rerecorded/modified/corrected on October 4, 2018 in Book 06786, Page 0444, Union County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be
expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the
An Order for possession of the property may be
Said property is commonly known as 5128 Utile Road, Fayetteville, NC 28304.
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are All Lawful Heirs of Thomas D. Cain.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Marie Michel.
Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Daniel V. Wood, Heirs of Daniel V. Wood: Teresa Ann Wood, Marie Elena Wood, Kevin P. Wood, Michael T. Wood, Lisa Wood; Heirs of Marie Elena Wood: Brandon Michael Carrick, Hollie Latham (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Daniel V. Wood) to Richard L. Cox, Trustee(s), dated June 21, 2010, and recorded in Book No. RE 2187, at Page 233 in Randolph County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Randolph County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Asheboro, Randolph County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on October 13, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Asheboro in the County of Randolph, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing iron rod in the Northern right of way line of Southway Road (NCSR No. 1456), formerly described as Old Salisbury Road, the Southeast corner of Rossie J. and Jimmy Chrisco as described in Book 872, Page 402, Randolph
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.
Said property is commonly known as 5510 Driftwood Drive, Archdale, NC 27263. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will
This description is in accord with a survey entitled “Edward J. Griest & Colleen S. Griest” dated February 20, 1998, and prepared by Jerry King Surveying, Inc. SAVE AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING TRACT: BEGINNING at an existing iron rod in the northern right of way line of Southway Road (NCSR No. 1456), the Southeast corner of the Edward J. Griest and wife, Colleen S. Griest property described in Book 1544, Page 228, Randolph County Registry; thence from said beginning point along the Western line of Griest as described in Book 1544, Page 228, Randolph County Registry, North 21 degrees 17 minutes 16 seconds East 212.98 feet to a tall iron pipe; thence along a new line within the Griest tract, South 23 degrees 07 minutes 32 seconds West 209.99 feet to a new iron rod in existing hole in the Northern right of way of Southway
foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on October 20, 2020 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Union County, North Carolina, to wit: Being all of Lot 3, Block P, in that subdivision known as Beacon Hills, Section III, as same is shown on a plat thereof recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 151, of the Union County, North Carolina Register of Deeds; reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 8405 Beacon Hills Road, Indian Trail, NC 28079. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the
issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 19-16456-FC01
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the
county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 19-06661-FC02
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have
Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and
conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real
The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate
the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.
agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587
BEING the same property which, by Special Warranty Deed dated October 26, 2016, and recorded on November 04, 2016 among the Land Records of the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina in Special Warranty Deed Book 4534, Page 361, was granted and conveyed by Freedom Mortgage Corporation unto Secretary of Veterans Affairs, An Officer of the United State of America, Department of Veterans Affairs Loan Guaranty Service. BEING the same property which, by Substitute Trustee’s Deed dated October 20, 2010, and recorded on October 25, 2016 among the Land Records of the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, Substitute Trustee’s Deed Book 4529, Page 15, was granted and conveyed by Poore Substitute Trustee LTD, Substitute Trustee unto Freedom Mortgage Corporation.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Stephen Scott Oxford. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental
Road; thence along said right of way line South 44 degrees 00 minutes 04 second East 7.40 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 0.016 acres. This description is in accord with a survey entitled “Survey for Edward J. Griest & Colleen S. Griest”, prepared by Jerry King Surveying, Inc., dated February 20, 1998, revised April 29, 1998 and designated as Job No. 1450. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property
remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Crystal H. Fuchs. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 2188 - 4825
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 2963 - 7161
File No.: 19-12791-FC01
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in
this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 1789 - 3676
File No.: 18-21000-FC01
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
pen & paper pursuits
solutions From Sep. 30, 2020
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Stanly County Journal
Norwood Elementary School is pictured in this undated file photo.
WHAT’S HAPPENING Virus detected in wastewater at UNC Charlotte
Norwood Elementary teacher Julie Davis dies from COVID infection School’s third graders put in 14-day quarantine
Mecklenburg County Students at UNC Charlotte were told to stay inside their dorm on Friday after the coronavirus was detected in the dorm’s wastewater during routine sampling. Officials didn’t name the residence hall where the virus was detected, citing the privacy of the residents. Under university protocol, residents in the hall must remain in the building until they are tested for coronavirus. The tests were expected to take place Friday afternoon. No one living in the dorm has reported COVID-19 symptoms, “and no additional residence halls are affected at this time,” the school said. AP
5-year-old critically hurt in hit-and-run Union County Authorities say a suspect has turned himself in after a hitand-run critically injured a young girl who was playing at a soccer field. Deputies told local media the driver jumped a curb and hit three people, including a 5-year-old girl who was taken to a hospital in critical condition. The suspect later turned himself in. The suspect is a juvenile and will be charged with felony hit-and-run as well as careless and reckless driving. AP
Man charged with fraud in virus aid scheme Mecklenburg County Tristan Bishop Pan, 38, of Garner, was charged with fraudulently applying for $6.1 million in coronavirus relief funds. Pan submitted 14 Paycheck Protection Program loan applications and received more than $1.7 million for fake businesses, some named for fictional characters from the popular television series Game of Thrones. The applications for Pan Insurance Agency, White Walker, Khaleesi and The Night’s Watch included falsified tax filings and false statements about employee and payroll expenses. Some of the funds were recovered. Pan was charged with wire fraud, bank fraud, and engaging in unlawful monetary transactions. AP
By David Larson Stanly County Journal NORWOOD — The Stanly County School System announced Sunday, Oct. 4, that a third grade teacher at Norwood Elementary School had died after testing positive for COVID-19. The teacher, Julie Davis, was a well-loved part of the school community and messages of condolences to her family and co-workers have been pouring in since the announcement. “During her two years in service to the students of Norwood Elementary School, Mrs. Davis earned a well-deserved reputation as an inspirational teacher who was always seeking ways to support every student so that they were able to fulfill their potential,” acting superintendent of Stanly County Schools Vicki Calvert said in a statement. “Students absolutely loved being taught by Mrs. Davis. Her personality was infectious and she brought joy into
Julie Davis, the third-grade teacher who recently passed from COVID-19, is pictured above. the lives of the students, staff, and community.” The release concluded, saying, “We are extending our deepest condolences to Mrs. Davis’ family. We were truly blessed by her professionalism and caring spirit.” In the days before her passing, Stanly County Schools made an announcement to third grade parents that there was a teacher who had been infected with COVID-19 and that all students in the grade
level were exposed. They called for a quarantine of third grade students and moved all learning to remote. “In consultation with the Stanly County Health Department, it has been determined that due to close contact with a staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19, we will need to quarantine all 3rd-grade students at Norwood Elementary School who were present at school on Wednesday and Thursday of last week,” read a Stanly Schools statement on Sept. 29. “This period of quarantine begins immediately. Those classes effected will transition to remote learning from September 30 through October 9.” As this at-home learning period was announced, parents were directed to pick up remote learning packets at the front entrance of the school the following day. School lunches are still available for quarantined students and can be picked up in a “car rider line” on school days from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Stanly County Schools share your frustrations that our students and staff cannot be physi-
cally present on our campus,” the statement said. “However, the safety and well-being of all our students and staff must remain our highest priority.” The Stanly Health Department director, G. David Jenkins, also released a statement on the required quarantine, saying, “Due to an exposure to a staff member with positive COVID-19 test results, all third grade students at Norwood Elementary School MUST quarantine for 14 days (September 25-October 9). All of the students in the third grade are DIRECT CONTACTS to a positive case.” The health department statement said these students “are NOT allowed to attend after school/remote learning programs, daycare centers, athletic practices/games etc.” Based on direction from the North Carolina Health and Human Services Department, Jenkins also recommended that all students should be tested six days after their last contact with the individual. Even if the test comes back negative, they should not break the 14-day quarantine. Jenkins also directed parents to carefully monitor their children during this time, monitoring them for potential COVID-19 symptoms, like cough, loss of taste and smell, fatigue, shortness of breath and fever.
Stanly commissioners update solar farm regulations By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal ALBEMARLE — Following a unanimous vote by the Stanly County Board of Commissioners on Monday night, county restrictions for solar panel farms will tighten. The Stanly commissioners agreed to amend an ordinance (Section 618: ‘SEPGS’ Solar Energy Power Generating System) with added zoning restrictions that were recommended by the county’s planning and zoning board. While much discussion was had regarding the nature of the new requirements, the commissioners ultimately passed the amendment after making two alterations. “I can assure you that the regulations as proposed are designed to help four things,” John Skvarla, former N.C. Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality, said during the public hearing. “One is health and safety. We have to think forward,” Skvarla continued. “Two is about our first responders. We’ve talked about fires, and that is an immediate issue. Thirdly, the environment. Last but not least and probably the most important, what are the unforeseen burdens on tax-
payers?” According to a memo from County Zoning Board Vice Chairman David Underwood, the restrictions are “likely the most stringent ordinance in North Carolina regarding solar farms.” “This isn’t a solar ordinance; this is a ‘kill solar’ ordinance,” Commissioner Tommy Jordan said. “I think we need to be very clear about what the goal of this is — to be sure that there is never a solar farm in this county after this ordinance passes — because I don’t think there could be.” Jordan argued that that the new plan is “incredibly restrictive” and that other places in the county will not benefit from solar technology because of the “over-thetop” requirements. “It actually came as a request from the board of commissioners that we look at this language and strengthen the information and requirements for the solar overlay district which is primarily for solar farms,” Stanly County planning director Bob Remsburg said. Remsburg told the board that a current solar project in Badin, a Stanly Solar project on Old Aquadale Road and an Orion project north of Pfeiffer University will all three be grandfathered into the county’s new system.
“This county really ought to do it right; you have a lot to protect and you have a good reason to do so.” Richard Vinroot, attorney and former gubernatorial candidate Commissioner Mike Barbee agreed that the new solar farm requirements are extensive but ultimately necessary for the county. Barbee told the board that the regulations assist both the taxpayers and the county while protecting the landowners with added assurance of getting their land replaced if a company goes out of business. The new regulations include clarifications between major and minor SEPGS systems, an increase in required setbacks of all structures and fencing from 10 feet to 250 feet and an increase in the required buffer width from 10 feet to 100 feet. With a 4-3 vote, the board amended an item in the memo that would have required the installation of fire hydrants every
500 feet around the perimeter of the solar farm. Chairman Matthew Swain and Commissioners Zach Almond and Bill Lawhon voted against the motion to amend, while Commissioners Lane Furr, Mike Barbee and Jordan each voted in favor of allowing solar farm applicants to develop plans with the fire marshal’s office instead. Attorney and gubernatorial candidate Richard Vinroot and Mike Ellison of the W.K. Dickson Company were among the public hearing speakers who agreed with the new ordinance. While other counties have developed protective restrictions, the proposed rule would be the first time a county has looked to experts’ opinions to define a “reasonable ordinance with protections to deal with the things that will happen when these things finish their life and leave you with the aftermath,” Vinroot said. “This county really ought to do it right; you have a lot to protect and you have a good reason to do so.” Arguing against the solar restrictions, Ecoplexus, Inc. director of community engagement Phillip Martin and local resident Wayne Coble said that the ordinance is “skewed” and “inconsistent.”
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
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OCT 10
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OCT 11
ISSN: 2575-2278
Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278 Publisher
Neal Robbins
Publisher Editor Neal Robbins
David Larson
Editor Sports Editor David Larson Cory Lavalette
Sports Editor Senior Opinion Editor Cory Lavalette Frank Hill
Senior Opinion Editor Design Frank Hill Editor Lauren Rose
Design Editor
Published Lauren Roseeach Wednesday by North State Media LLC Published each Wednesday by 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, North State Media LLC Albemarle, N.C. 28001 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001 (704) 269-8461 INFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM (704) 269-8461 STANLYJOURNAL.COM INFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 STANLYJOURNAL.COM or online at nsjonline.com TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 Subscription Price: $25.00 orAnnual online at nsjonline.com Periodicals PostagePrice: Paid at Raleigh, N.C. Annual Subscription $25.00 and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. POSTMASTER: and at additional mailing offices. Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, POSTMASTER: Albemarle, N.C. 28001. Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.
DEATH NOTICES Get in touch!
x Jerry Wayne Fincher, 85, of Albemarle, died April 3.
x Sylvester “Corey” Maske, 27, of Albemarle, died April 4.
x John Henry Connell, Jr., 91, of Stanfield, died April 6. x Jason Eugene “Gene” Efird, 94, of Stanfield, died April 7. x Tony Monroe Smith, 72, of Rockwell, died April 8. stanlyjournal.com x Joyce Joyner Price, 75, of Badin, died April 8. x Danny Paul Luther, 65, of Norwood, died April 9. x Evelyn Lela Stamper, 90, of Oakboro, died April 10. x Jerry Dickson Huneycutt, 78, of Locust, died April 11. x Shirley MaeCounty Haire, 73,Journal of Albemarle, Stanly died April 11. x Betty Jane Keever Rogers, 87, of Albemarle, died April 11.
OCT 13
DEATH NOTICES Fta - Release Order (M), at
Stanly County Journal
OCT 12
Albemarle, on 09/29/2020. ♦ Austin, John Virgil (W /M/42) Arrest 24352 St Martin Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 9/30/2020 on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M), x Poplin, Derick Lynn (W M, (F) and 2) Assault♦ Watkins, On Gregory Nmn (B M, 2) Threatening Phone Calls (M), and 29) Arrest on chrg of Pwimsd Female (M), at 126 Stanly, NC, on 4/8/2020 57)South Arrest on chrg of Fta - Release ♦ Grover Harold ♦ Roth, Allison Lee (W /F/46) Arrest 3) Communicate Threats (M), at Order (M), at 651 Nc 24-27 Bypass on chrg of Assault And Battery, M Methamphetamine, F (F), at Third St, Albemarle, NC, on Rogers, Jr., 75, of 28566 Nc 73 Hwy, Albemarle, NC, on x Oxendine, Misty Lee (I E/henson St, Albemarle, on (M), at 223 S Second St, Albemarle, 10/5/2020 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, 4/13/2020 Albemarle, passed 09/29/2020. NC, on 9/30/2020 /F/34) Arrest on chrg of Fta on 04/09/2020 away September 27. ♦ Barringer, Leonard Allen (W /M/34) x (W Hill, James Wilson (WHeather Lynn - Release Order (M), at NC ♦ Eudy, (W F, 27) Arrest ♦ Watson, Chad Alan /M/31) Arrest on chrg of 1) Warrant Service x Leggett, Timothy James Arrest ononchrg ofFta 1) - Criminal HwySummons 24/27, Albemarle, NC,Ann ♦ Mavis chrg of Arrest on chrg of 1) /M/38) Larceny Motor For Other Agency (M) and 2) Warrant Or Citation, (M), at 126 S Third St, Vehicle Parts (F), 2) Alter/dest/ (W M, 32) Arrest on chrg Surrender By Surety (M), 2) on 4/8/2020 McSwain Galloway, Service For Other Agency (M), at Albemarle, on 09/29/2020. etc Stolen 3) Poss/rcv Norwood, NC, on 10/4/2020 of Felony Possession Of Mv/part (F), Surrender By Surety (F), and 85, of Richfield, Stolen Prop Cert Fel (F), 4) Pwimsd x Oxendine, Misty Lee (I Cocaine (F), at 161 W Main 3) Surrender By Surety (F), passed away ♦ Waldroup, Justin Wayne (W M, Sch Ii Cs (F), 5) Maintain Veh/dwell/ ♦ Wideman, K`nya (B /F/18) Arrest on /F/34) Arrest on chrg of 35) Arrest on chrg of Possess St/s First St, Albemarle, on at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, October 1. place Cs (f) (F), 6) Pwimsd Sch Iv Cs chrg of 1) Awdw Emergency Person ProbWViol Out Of County Methamphetamine Misd (F), at 2001 (F), 7) Possess DrugNC, Paraphernalia 04/09/2020 (F), 2) Assault On Govt Official/ on 4/13/2020 Main St/memory Ln, Albemarle, (M), at NCon 24/27, NC, on Hahn Mason, ♦ Polly (M), 8) Possession Of Firearm By emply (M), 3) Assault And Battery 09/30/2020 Felon (F), and 9) Dvx Protection Order (M), 4) Injury To Personal Property Christopher x Tompkins, Gomez-garcia, Ruben 4/8/2020
83, of Albemarle,
Violation Nc Hwy 740, (M), and 5) Disorderly Conduct(W (M),M, 20) Dwayne Arrest(M), onat 44305 (U /M/51) Arrest♦on chrg Justin Wayne (W M, 35) passed away Waldroup, New London, NC, on 9/30/2020 at 448 Eastover Av, Norwood, NC, on x Freeman, Michael Lee (W Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery, chrg of Possess Marijuana of Detainer (F), at 126 S October 1. 10/3/2020 /M/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) M (M), at 2001 St/memory Coe,at Alana Mckenzie (W /F/26) Up To 1/2 Ounce ♦(M), Third St, Albemarle, NC, on W Main Ln, Albemarle, on 09/30/2020. Financial Card Theft 2) Haze ♦ (F), Marley Arrest on chrg of 1) Possess ♦ Polk, Tyshun Moinere (B /M/20)
825 Mountain Creek Rd/
Rd/talbert Dr, Albemarle, on
Methamphetamine (F) and 2) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female Financial Card Fraud (f) (F),newborn, of Sutton, talbert Dr, Albemarle, on ♦ Watkins, Jaylen Durrell (B M, 19) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at Houston (W (M), at 344 Eastover Av, Norwood, x Frick, Adam and 3) Identity Theft (F), at Albemarle, passed Arrest on chrg of Fta - Criminal 44305 Nc 740, Albemarle, NC, on NC, on 10/3/2020 04/11/2020 (M), 126 S /M/28) Arrest onSummons chrg of Or Citation Scj, onat4/7/2020 away October 2. 9/30/2020 Third St, Albemarle, on 09/29/2020. x Tompkins, 1) Misdemeanor Larceny ♦ Dumas, Atora Dijonai (B /F/28) Christopher x Pennington, Lawrence ♦ Oma Marie Kimrey, ♦ Miller, Thadeus /M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1)Dwayne Fta - Release (W M, 20) Arrest on Justin (M)(B and 2) Obtain♦ Property Taylor, Cory Dion (B M, 32) Arrest Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor Order (M) and 2) Fta - Release Order Glenn J (W /M/60) Arrest 87, of Norwood, chrg of Assault On Female False Pretense (F), 41of Fta - Release Order, M on at chrg Larceny (M), at 126 S 3rd Street, (M), at 1147 Stanly Grove, Norwood, on chrg of 1) Breaking And passed away (M), at 126 on S Third St, Albemarle, on CreekNC, on 9/29/2020 Willow Street, Badin, NC, Albemarle, NC, on 10/1/2020 (M) at 825 Mountain 09/29/2020. Or Entering (f) (F) and 2) 2. October
Larceny After Break/enter ♦ Hemid, Abdulleh Nmn (B M, 46) ♦ Plokhov, Yuriy Aleksandrovich (O 04/11/2020 ♦ Freeman, Rosanna Faith (W F, ♦ Sparkie Mike Arrest on chrg of Fta Release Order /M/47) Arrest on chrg of Driving x-Winley, Jamel Stephen L (F), at Pennington Rd, on 33) Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor (F), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, on Poole, 68, of While Impaired (M), at 126 S Third St, x Thompson, Shawn Lacy (B /M/30) ArrestLarceny on chrg (M), at 721 4/7/2020 Leonard Avenue, 10/01/2020. Albemarle, NC, on 9/30/2020 Norwood, passed Albemarle, on 09/30/2020. (B M, 60) Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor Larceny away October 3. x Huneycutt, Richard ♦ Moss, Amber Madeline F, 33) Nc 8 Hwy/ ♦ Mclain, Joshua Allen (W /M/29) of Misdemeanor Larceny (M), (W at 44717 ♦ Labonte, Henry Robert (W M, 36) Stephen (W /M/65) Arrest Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor Arrest on chrg of Possess Stolen (M), at 781 Leonard Av, kerr Rd, New London, onof Att Obtain Prop Arrest NC, on chrg Larceny, M (M), at 781 Leonard Av, Motor Vehicle, F (F), at 126 South on chrg of 1) Conspire B&e False Pretense (M), at 721 Leonard on 04/12/2020 4/10/2020 Albemarle, on 10/01/2020 Third St, Albemarle,Albemarle, NC, on Bldg-felony/larceny (F) and Ave, Albemarle, on 09/30/2020. 9/30/2020 x Godwin, Kathryn StrawnDarrell Dorian x Powell, Holden (W 2) Conspire To Commit ♦ Shutters, (W M,Thomas 60) ♦ Lowe, Joshua Dieruell (W M, 28) Arrest With Cited Deadly on Charge of ♦ Johnson, Samantha (WArrest on (WCarol F, 41) chrgonofchrg of Assault /M/22) Felony Larceny (F), at Scj, on Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female, /F/29) Arrest on chrg of 1) Alter/dest/ Weapon (M), at 2339 E Main St, Felony Possession Sch Ii Speed In Excess Of 35 Mph 4/7/2020 M (M), at 617 Love St, Albemarle, on Albemarle, on 10/01/2020. etc Stolen Mv/part (F), 2) Pwimsd Cs (F), at 781 Leonard Av, (i) (202000244),09/30/2020. at 605 N Sch Ii Cs (F), 3) Maintain Veh/dwell/ x Hetland, Michael Shane (W ♦ Hatley, Jeffery William M, 54) Albemarle, on 04/12/2020 Main(WSt/collins Av, Norwood, place Cs (f) (F), 4) Pwimsd Sch Iv Cs ♦ Dial, Jeffrey Albert J (W M, 22) /M/42) Arrest on chrg of Dv Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (F), 5) Possess Drug Paraphernalia NC, on 4/10/2020 Arrest on chrg of Fta - Release Order (M), at (W 155 W Smith, David Wayne M,South St, Albemarle, on (M), at 1022 LowderProtection Violation (M), and 6) Other - x Free Text (F), at St, Albemarle,Order on 09/28/2020. 44305 Nc 740, Albemarle, NC, onon chrg 55) Arrest of Assault x Dye, James Chase (W (M), at 141 Turner St, 09/30/2020. 9/30/2020 On Female (M), at♦ 312 Martin Arrest on chrg of Norwood, NC, on 4/7/2020 Gallimore, Brooke/M/20) Michelle (W F, Arrest on chrg of Fta - Criminal Luther King Jr Dr,22) Albemarle, Assault On Female (M), at ♦ Huneycutt, Kory Dywayne (W Summons Or Citation, M (M), at /M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) First on 04/12/2020 8318 742 Oakboro, Oakboro, x Pennington, Lawrence 911 Carolina Av, Albemarle, on Glenn J (W /M/60) Cited on Degree Burglary (F) and 2) Larceny NC, on 4/9/2020 09/28/2020. After Break/enter (F), at 24352
x Hartsell, Debra Jean (W F,
St Martin Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 28) Arrest on chrg of Possess x Dye, Jeffery ♦ Rogers, Aaron Christopher (W M, (W /M/22) 9/30/2020 on chrg of Fta - Release Heroin (F), at 19933) NcArrest 24-27 Arrest on chrg of Simple Order (M), at 781 Leonard Av, ♦ Varner, Cameron Bypass Nicholas (W W, Albemarle, on Assault (M), at 8318 Nc Albemarle, on 09/28/2020. /M/21) Arrest on chrg of 1) Felony
Hwy 742, Oakboro, NC, on
on Citation of Dwlr Impaired
/M/44) Arrest on chrg of Dv
Charge of Dwlr Impaired Rev (2001069), at Pennington Rd/mann Rd, Albemarle, on 4/7/2020
Possession Sch I Cs (F) and 2) ♦ Rogers, Aaron Christopher (W 4/9/2020 Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at x Misenheimer, Laura M, 33) Arrest on chrg of Resisting Us52@ Johns Rd, Albemarle, NC, on Public Officer (M), at Leonard Av, Evelyn (W F, 48) Arrested x 781 James, Thomas Owen (W 9/30/2020 Albemarle, on 09/28/2020. ♦ Huneycutt, Kory Dywayne (W Rev (20-01605), at 651 Nc Protection ♦ Medlin, Shannon Michael (W M, Order Violation, /M/23) Arrest on chrg of Civil Order 45) ArrestSt, on chrg of Misdemeanor 24-27 Bypass E/henson M (M), at 44145 Catfish For Arrest - Child Support (M), at Stalking (M), at 126Rd, S Third St, London, NC, on Albemarle, on 04/08/2020 New
x Pauline Elizabeth Almond Tucker, 98, of Albemarle, died April 11.
x Brooks, Michael Lee J (W /M/36) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault By Strangulation
See OBITUARIES, page 7
x Rankin, Karena Quincanya (B /F/21) Arrest on chrg of
See OBITUARIES, page 7
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sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue Sweden style — a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will — emerge outis of stronger supposed U.S. taxJournal credits tofor companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe questioning and asking when we caninstart getting back This allthis newpandemic to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an North State Wednesday, April 15, 2020 and many more ut still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the bas ed we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay s to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people or form. So we should don’t.as afterdown our own Stanly County for Wednesday, Aprilwho 15, 2020neighbors. e while reasonable stay-at-home ought toJournal lock further. especially as statistics roll in that look e neighbors helping I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle uld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the up temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebratio in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpa money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are comparison. Senators inwere Washington already about Stanly Wednesday, October 7, are 2020 thing? That is what freeCounty citizens Journal living in afor free society supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through t An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing t investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up r the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our economy, notmany of opinion defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way senior too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. NealInsurrection. Robbins, publisher | own Frank Hill, editor e and Legal Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans past. the world like any other has modern nation. Neal Robbins, | easily Frank Hill, senior opinion editor But what also makes me losepublisher sleep is how most everyone actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and ed business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
’s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON
“THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask switching their operation I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a p are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our r Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting se justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer | BEN SHAPIRO is what COLUMN reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. COLUMN | I’ve BEN SHAPIRO God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spo itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, certain types The ofand questions get asked, to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate AIN; after this COVID-19 virus when dissipates cavalier manner in there whichisChina lied about the origin of the many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people treat those are understandable, he United States, China will pay for Stanly this virus, covered up itstospread and tried to measures tell the world there were only they should also have an expiration date. after ourfor own County Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a questioning the data and asking when wedeaths can start back This iseconomic all new tocollapse Americans, r Wednesday,simply April 15, 2020 nother. 3,341 related hasgetting led to worldwide panic, and and it is not normal. Not in any way, temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration pray we can all continu THIS WEEK, according theorists to members of the federal That would that the fatality rate isand actually far lower I by China to normal as though they are conspiracy or are people whogovernment, shape, or form. So whilemean we should remain vigilant stay safe, at andthan slast caused in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is so-called high. sacrifices areleaving otherwise care if they get themselves or others sick.theCalifornia. same time we shouldn’t get comfortable this “new witnessed MY FAMILY and myThe company are suburb, have become wrecks. Mywith children have personally nked. trace their source to thedon’t United States over crisis has cost U.S. taxpayer atthe least $2.4 trillion in added health care workers out of his own home. through this together. curve coronavirus The aexcitement was Secondly, whaturination are we expecting in nudity. terms ofLooters a second wave? Since whenthe did questioning government all outbreak. levels become bad Reserve normal.” It’s heartbreaking. drug use,topublic and public were allowed ast four in the 20th century alone canin bethe novel debtover. plusattrillions more in Federal backup liquidity the muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. My parents moved to California four decades ago. I grew up here. free reign in the middle of the city during the Black Lives Matter 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. This is the to do, last I checked. For 33 of the 36 years I’ve spent on this planet, I’ve lived here. I was riots; Rodeo Drive was closed at 1 p.m., and citizens were curfewed at 2 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus is My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah born at St. Joseph’s in Burbank; I attended elementary school at 6 p.m. ” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serioushave spreading worried about them catching the virus, I’m worried I will.I After is a regular to trends, RedState and Legal Insurrection. Edison Elementary; Idepreciation. wentand to college at UCLA. co-founded and a major To contributor combat these local and state governments gamed nt, outside of China, that COVID-19 We need The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will be faced with either renewed suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, media company here, with 75 employees in Los Angeles. I met my the statistics, reclassifying offenses and letting prisoners go free. vince probably from the completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through transparency According to the of Washington Institute for Health editor lockdowns for large swaths the population, wide-scale I’ve been trying tocame take extra because all of this brings upopinion wife here; all three ofpublisher my kids are Californians. Meanwhile, the police have of become targets forwith public ire. In July, the Neal Robbins, |native Frank Hill, senior California is not ary wet markets. Some believe it out ofprecautions, aUniversity economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have and honesty way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. This is the most beautiful state in the country. The climate is city of Los Angeles slashed police funding, cutting the force to its rcommunist | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene on aChinese trajectory Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has incredible. The scenery amazing. The people are generally warm, lowest levels in over a decade. from our rous verifiable regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame towardpolicing and peak outbreak was revised down to by do. over 120,000, the number of raisestime, the third What exactly can do? Are and there’s enormous amount At the same taxesquestion: have risen. California’s top we marginal th protocols, American business has no an other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is Which not what scientific experts ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few recovery; it is And we’re leaving. income tax rate is now 13.3%; legislators want to raise it to 16.8%. ndant manufacturing elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness — we need to plantsAugust by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests regularly, since the We’re leaving because all the benefits of California have steadily California is also home to a 7.25% sales tax, a 50-cent gas tax and on a trajectory safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the know what they Here’s—the problem: We stillcollapsed. don’t know the answers to the keyof virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we eroded and then suddenly Meanwhile, all the costs a bevy of other taxes that drain the wallet and burden business. adversaries push back. toward know, what they questions that will allowincreased the economy to reopen. a contact tracing for 330 million Americans — and California have steadily — and then suddenly skyrocketed. California has the worstsystem regulatory climate in America, according make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such create as the Chernobyl oblivion. First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? don’t and when It can be difficult to spot the incremental encroachment of a terrible to CEO Magazine’s survey of 650 CEOs. The public-sector unions nies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars important it final determines whether certain areas ought to the OneSoviet thingmake is certain: cannot continue as they have been. disease,$120 butbecause once the ravages set in, itled becomes that publicThings policy, running up the debt while providing theyThere hope to nited States. is approximately program of Reagan, directlyobvious to the dissolution ofessentially the Union be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and illness is fatal. So, too, with California, where bad governance has fewer and fewer actual services. California’s public education n direct investment plants and equipment in 1989. know what in they more thatinto presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do soand on the basis of ever-evolving models, turned a would-be paradise a burgeoning dystopia. system is a massive failure, even its once-great colleges are now nvestment in the U.S. is about $65liberalized billion by society Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. ought to lock down moved further.to North Hollywood, I was 11. We lived especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model When my family burdened by the stupidities of political correctness, including an Senators in Washington are already talking about the possibility We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms in a safe, clean suburb. Yes, Los Angeles had serious crime and unwillingness to use standardized testing. it of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get number ofproblems, identified but COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator economic damage. We need transparency honesty from our homelessness those were problems relegated to caused pocketstheof And still, the state legislature is dominatedand by Democrats. ied to repatriated Americanthe manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have US. Don’t hold your and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they of the city — problems that, with good governance, we thought California is not on a trajectory toward recovery; it is on a trajectory uld cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. could eventually be healed. Instead, the government allowed those toward oblivion. Taxpayers are moving out — now including my few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But problems to metastasize. As of 2011, Los Angeles County counted family and my company. In 2019, before the pandemic and the o the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. death, amongaselderly patients, can be had variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions,jumped or they38%, will fall prey less than particularly 40,000 of 2020, that are number widespread rioting outmigration rising for wn economy, not of defeatedof enemies as in thehomeless; It is about time they expected skyrocketed to operate as responsible citizens ofand looting, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American to 66,000. Suburban areas have become the sites of homeless the seventh straight year. That number will increase again this year. the world like any other modern nation. many people are dyingevery at home. institutions encampments. Nearly city underpass hosts a tent city; the city, I want myseem kids deeply to growprone. up safe. I want them to grow up in a g, stealing, pirating and pillaging American Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans in its kindness, has put out port-a-potties to reduce the possibility of community with a future, with more freedom and safety than I grew 30 years. They have made no secret that they actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate UCLA andSo, Harvard Law School, COVID-19 spread. up with. California makes thatof impossible. goodbye, Golden State. as the premier superpower in the world and of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. Police are forbidden in most cases from either moving transients or Thanks for the memories. eserve currency with their renminbi. number of people have Nearly had coronavirus and not been com. even moving theirwho garbage. every public space in Lostested. Angeles has become a repository for open waste, needles and trash. The most Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, beautiful areas of Los Angeles, from Santa Monica beach to my host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com.
l pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe The bigleaving questions nobody is answering Why3I’m California
questions about when The opioid crisis hasn’t gone away tbig to normal The comfort and hope of Easter sback COVID-19 catastrophe during the pandemic questions nobody is answering
under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need issipates cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin the with how people who simply ask tate governments,The a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’mofuneasy THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE theand federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower thanNew Sarum “THIS IS DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer in Concord and Brewing Co. in and “PRESERVE ME O Lord for in thee do I put my I start law enforcement, professionals, school administrators or this covered up its spread tried to tell the world there were only hat is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and trust.” when things can start getting backInc. to medical nd state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. each day off with this verse from Psalm 16:1, and last week it helped community organizations. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and tend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. he curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement wasout Secondly, whatTrump are we expecting inhonored terms of ahost second wave? I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, minister began a program to deliver groceries to provide comfort as we received news that President Donald I was to Director Carroll in Cabarrus County to zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown of work. ders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without muted — after all, trends canand easily reverse — butor real. Americans Thedifficult institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not working from home losing a job, it may be to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19. showcase our leading efforts and hear from the community about States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added , Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how people will die in a stories second wave. This is the our can beRenee glad” the Bible tells us to do. However, asto a Christian, husband These from throughout region continue provideto and IFederal offer our prayers to President Trump andmany the first how Congress and the administration build on our to progress esave can be that debt plus trillions more Reserve liquidity to the briefing “we just don’t know yet”as ifin the process ofbackup returning back normalcy. o stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus is in need and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people and our health lady, as well as their entire family. As with all Americans who have combat the opioid epidemic. After President Trump declared the care gsflu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those hey’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely toon see more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers the front lines of the coronavirus response. been affected by this virus, we lift them up in prayer for a quick epidemic a national emergency in 2017, Congress got to work and ce that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency end it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the The result: a reduction inwithout expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will be faced with either renewed Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our communities continue to step up, recovery. We also continue to pray for all of our leaders and those passed the largest response to a drug crisis ever — the SUPPORT for China. measures immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency If should you ornot be vague ones like “we e answers country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, ccordingEaster to theseasons University of Washington Institute for Healtha vaccine lockdowns forand large swaths of the population, withwe wide-scale For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life decision I am glad initiatives have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck working night and day to develop and therapeutics. Patients and Communities Act. We accomplished a lot with that bill, -19 depreciation. undance of caution.”you the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about someone Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact or with the that realization thatdone. we will As I celebrated Easter with myback family, I reflected on 2tracing, Protection Program, are supporting self-employed people and As we already know, COVID-19 does not discriminate on who it families, but Iwill know work isn’t Likehave COVID-19, working together, y in detail has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through provide a China ned to the people ofmaking. this state who when theyand can get to providing for their demand know needs rump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people on the payroll, while direct affects. Workers, families and small businesses are hurting in North we will continue to fight the opioid epidemic and provide support ame out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked obless and at home answers. message offor an undetermined eak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the Unfortunately, number of comfort Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do?and Are affliction, so that we may be able to those who are in any relief will soon reach families workers. Please know that I’ll Carolina and need relief. Washington Democrats to those struggling with substance use disorder. If you or someone assistance, the to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene els predicting hundreds of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hope that we13,000 willof thousands entilators by nearly and the number of overall deaths bywe we capable of rolling out tens of know millions of tests over thethe next few affliction, with the comfort which ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense and targeted solutions so that refused to work with us on their latest COVID-19 legislation last you needs assistance, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental ation of U.S. and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame Substance can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer again enjoy sincere ugust byonce nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people toServices take tests regularly, since the God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep people and businesses week, but I continue my call for Congress to come together to Health Administration 24-hour hotline is 1-800-662has no other or express regret and remorse, because that is not what with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. Abuse and Here’s the problem: We stilladdress don’t know the answers toadvantage the keyseason, virus transmittable while HELP. carriers are asymptomatic? Can we sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter I urge topast also the real of the American Itisdo isyou long timeto where totalitarian do.needs They take ofpeople. every weakness alongpurely the way I’ve also had governments questions about We should all continue to what we can keepwhole. our families, Mental Health uestions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans —create and seasons reflect this message and us beuntil comforted, we safe. may But live out Until then, the Lenten and to Easter provide a message for us toonput politics and onso real bipartisan solutions. While COVID-19 continues challenges, I was happy toof concerts, family nd delivery they find in adversaries and keepbehind pushing they win orthat the n leaders have, too. ourselves, andwork our communities we should also still continue First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, concerts, family While that remains my commitment, I am hopeful that together we share some good news last week. Services adversaries push back. gatherings, rtain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home mportant because That it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as they have been. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many more celebrations after our will emerge from this challenging time stronger than before. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it is rndency is to offer is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl Administration among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. church services open or closed,meltdown whether we ought to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are not going to stay home for months onofend, and confident will emerge out of this stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the country and One problem I have paid particularly close attention to as the expanding the Program Comprehensive Assistance for Family ofetatheir in 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star Wars and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, and many more 24-hour more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, whether certainly do so on the basisto ofinclude ever-evolving In thisled same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired stories ofthenot humanity are over. pandemic has gone on isor the opioid epidemic. According towill veteransmodels, injured before 9/11. This expansion ly $120 program of are Reagan, directly toshape, dissolution of thethey Soviet Unionremain are conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So while webyshould vigilantCaregivers and stay safe, at after our own hotline is ught to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, as Act, well passed as Passover, a joyous American Medical Association, more than 40 states have reported was included as part of the VA MISSION by Congress equipment in 1989. y get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new We’ve seen case fatality rates — Concord, the number of Chernobyl. deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms temporary In a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep faith, practice increases in opioid-related mortality during the coronavirus signed by President Trump in 2018. While this expansion is a 1-800-6625 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s ning government at all levels become a bad normal.” atenumber Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 he offor identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the numerator ofpossibility economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our confident money to buy 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain that we will get pandemic. Additionally, according to the Overdose Detection great step forward, as Fort Bragg’s congressman, I believe we must sacrifices are Senators in Washington already talking about the HELP. itizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. nd theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health care workers out of his own home. through this together. Mapping Application Program, overdoses rose almost 18% after do more to improve the caregiver program and care for our veterans. nt in of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get over. eople have actually died coronavirus. Some sources suggest don’t and when they hope toThat’s know why what they don’t. the bipartisan Care for the Veteran stay-at-home orders were implemented across the country. introduced ufacturing China to of “pay” damage have causedthe thehas US. Don’t hold your go along in all this, of course, isfor mythe family. I’m they Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym SisterI Toldjah umber has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But part of my commitment to combat the your opioid Act. I look forward to working with my colleagues to lion in virus, and breath waitingAs a Chinese “Jubilee” to ahappen but ask elected ing the I’m worried Ifor will. After and is regular contributor toepidemic, RedStateas and LegalCaregiver Insurrection. f death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall preyproviding for those who take well as the COVID-19 pandemic, I invited White House national continue advancing this legislation and nue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for irus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, ources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional which allFor other American carefaith of ourtoveterans. more information, as well as for helpful etra areprecautions, now this disaster. because all drug of thiscontrol bringspolicy up Director Jim Carroll to Cabarrus County last many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. week. Known as President Trump’s “drug czar,” Director Carroll resources like the Veteran Crisis Hotline (1-800-273-8255), visit mies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans first joined me at Cabarrus Health Alliance to showcase the efforts Hudson.house.gov/veterans. the world like any other modern nation. e lose sleep is how easily most everyone has ctually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36,on is a graduateThese of UCLA Harvardtimes, Law School, of the Substance Use Network project, an initiative focused are and challenging but my commitment to our military, American fetidentified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. helping pregnant women recover from opioid and substance abuse. their families and our veterans remains the same, just as it does that they bins, publisher | Frank Hill,coronavirus senior editor umber of people who have had andwith not been tested.Suda, Director com. Carroll and I Following theopinion tour Dr. Russell for combating COVID-19 and the opioid epidemic. Together, we world and held a roundtable discussion at the Concord Police Department will overcome the challenges before us and continue to make this nbi. with Chief Gary Gacek, Rep. Wayne Sasser and members of local country the greatest country on earth.
h STA Jason
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Podoroska 1st female qualifier into French Open semifinals Paris Nadia Podoroska became the first qualifier to reach the women’s semifinals at Roland Garros in the Open era, knocking out Elena Svitolina, the French Open’s No. 3 seed. Podoroska, who is ranked 131st and never had won a main draw Grand Slam match before last week, won 6-2, 6-4. The Argentine is only the third female qualifier to get to the semifinals at any major tournament in the Open era, which began in 1968, and the first since Alexandra Stevenson at Wimbledon in 1999.
Hamlin wins in 3rd overtime of Talladega’s longest race The No. 11 joined Kurt Busch’s No. 1 as the first two two cars to advance to the Round of 8 By Jenna Fryer The Associated Press TALLADEGA, Ala. — Denny Hamlin put himself in position to finally win in the playoffs by hanging at the back to avoid the carnage of the messiest and longest race in Talladega Superspeedway history. His sweeping three-wide pass in triple overtime Sunday brought an end to the sloppiest race of the season. The Daytona 500 winner surged to the win coming out of the final turn — it was the 58th lead change of a race that went nearly 32 miles, or 12 laps, longer than scheduled. Talladega was pocked with 13
cautions, two more than the record, and nearly every title contender had some sort of damage. Only six of the 12 made it to the finish. Hamlin insisted lagging the No. 11 Toyota at the back of the field all day, waiting to pounce at the end, was his strategy all along. Either that, or he was simply the last driver standing when given the chance to snap a skid that started with the playoffs one month ago. “I hate to say it, but you have to play the game. You have to get to the next round,” Hamlin said. “To win the championship, you have to win the last race and you have to get to the last race. For us, we played the strategy to play the numbers to make sure we got locked in.” Fitting for this particular wreck-fest was that Hamlin’s win needed official review. He had gone below the yellow out-of-
bounds line during the third overtime, but NASCAR ruled the move was legal. “They were crashing in front of us,” Hamlin shrugged. “Obviously, I got forced down there.” The crowd of 15,000 — the most allowed to attend the Alabama superspeedway — booed Hamlin as he was declared the winner. He dismissed any notion of a controversy over the yellow line rule, noting it had been called by NASCAR the same way the entire race. The race went more than four hours, so long that it was moved from NBC to NBC Sports Network because local news and then NFL football needed the big network. Hamlin raced to his 44th Cup victory, tying him with childhood hero Bill Elliott on the career list. He also earned the automatic berth into the next round of the playoffs, joining Kurt Busch, winner last week at home track Las
“To win the championship, you have to win the last race and you have to get to the last race.” Denny Hamlin Vegas but one of six playoff drivers that failed to reach the finish at Talladega. “You’re on top one week with a win and everything’s fantastic,” the elder Busch brother said. “And then this week we’re here at Talladega ... and next thing you know, I’m going for one of the wildest rides I’ve ever been in.” An hour after the finish, NASCAR rescinded a penalty on Chase Elliott, which moved him up to fifth in the final running order — the highest of the playoff drivers behind Hamlin. Austin Dillon was the next highest-finishing playoff driver at 12th. Four of 12 drivers will be eliminated next week at The Roval at Charlotte Motor Speedway. The bottom four in the standings are Kyle Busch, Clint Bowyer, Aric Almirola and Dillon.
Fitzpatrick to remain Dolphins’ starter Miami Ryan Fitzpatrick will remain the Miami Dolphins’ starting quarterback for at least another week, further delaying the NFL debut of Tua Tagovailoa. The Dolphins (1-3) announced Tuesday on Twitter that Fitzpatrick, 37, will get the nod Sunday at San Francisco. The disclosure ends speculation that coach Brian Flores was about to turn the offense over to Tagovailoa, drafted out of Alabama with the fifth overall pick as a potential franchise quarterback.
Tennessee panel conditionally OKs 4th sportsbook firm Nashville, Tenn. A Tennessee panel on Monday conditionally approved a license for a fourth sportsbook operator under the state’s online-only sports betting program, which is expected to begin allowing wagers Nov. 1. Tennessee Action 24/7 drew approval from the Tennessee Lottery’s Sports Wagering Committee, joining FanDuel, BetMGM and DraftKings. State lawmakers narrowly passed sports betting in spring 2019 for people 21 and older who are physically in Tennessee when they place bets.
Supreme Court allows minor leaguers’ class action over pay Washington, D.C. The Supreme Court is allowing a class-action lawsuit to proceed from minor league baseball players who allege they are being paid less than minimum wage. The lawsuit involves minor league players in Arizona, California and Florida. The justices offered no comment Monday in rejecting Major League Baseball’s appeal. The players first sued major league teams in February 2014, claiming most earn less than $7,500 annually in violation of several laws. A judge had initially allowed only the California players to sue, but the federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled in favor of the players from Arizona and Florida.
Denny Hamlin (11) races William Byron (24) and Matt DiBenedetto (21) to the finish line during the YellaWood 500 NASCAR Cup Series race Sunday at Talladega Superspeedway.
A look at all 16 potential World Series matchups MLB’s postseason is underway after one of the strangest regular seasons in memory
series had gone the other way, it would be the Braves, not the Yankees, who would be remembered as the big dynasty of that era.
RAYS-DODGERS (9.2%) By Noah Trister The Associated Press WITH ONLY FOUR teams left in each league, there are now 16 possible World Series matchups for this year. Here’s a look at each one — and what would make it interesting. The matchups are listed in descending order of likelihood, using probability figures from Fangraphs.com heading into Monday’s action. YANKEES-DODGERS (13.0%) The nearly as strange 1981 postseason ended with a matchup between these old rivals — the Dodgers beat New York in six games — but we haven’t seen it since in the World Series. It would be fitting for it to happen in 2020. ASTROS-DODGERS (11.5%) Houston beat Los Angeles in seven games in the 2017 World Series, but the Astros’ sign-stealing scandal put that victory in a new light, and the Dodgers haven’t taken kindly to it. YANKEES-BRAVES (9.6%) New York beat Atlanta for the title in 1996 and 1999, and if those
This series would pit Andrew Friedman, president of baseball operations for the Dodgers, against the team he used to work for. It would not do the same for David Price, however. The righthander, drafted No. 1 overall by Tampa Bay in 2007, opted out of this season for the Dodgers. ASTROS-BRAVES (8.5%) Astros manager Dusty Baker is remembered as an All-Star and World Series champion with the Dodgers, but he was drafted by the Braves and began his big league playing career with them. ATHLETICS-DODGERS (7.5%) This, of course, was the matchup that gave us Kirk Gibson’s famous home run off Dennis Eckersley in the 1988 World Series. The franchises also faced off in 1974, when Oakland defeated the Dodgers in five games. RAYS-BRAVES (6.8%) Atlanta’s victory over Cincinnati was the first postseason series win for the Braves since 2001. The Rays have only existed since 1998. Atlanta and Tampa Bay are both division champions this year,
Number of playoff teams that have never won a World Series — the Tampa Bay Rays and San Diego Padres though. YANKEES-PADRES (6.7%) The last time San Diego reached the World Series, the 114-win Yankees were waiting and swept the Padres in 1998. ASTROS-PADRES (5.9%) When Houston faced San Diego during the regular season, the Padres took three straight games by a combined score of 22-8, capping a seven-game winning streak. ATHLETICS-BRAVES (5.5%) In 1914, the Boston Braves beat the Philadelphia A’s in a four-game sweep in the World Series. Probably doesn’t mean much in Atlanta and Oakland. RAYS-PADRES (4.7%) These teams were trade partners on multiple occasions this past offseason. San Diego acquired Tommy Pham and Jake Cronen-
worth from Tampa Bay for Hunter Renfroe. The Rays also traded reliever Emilio Pagan to the Padres for outfielder Manuel Margot. ATHLETICS-PADRES (3.8%) There was an all-California World Series in 1974, 1988, 1989 and 2002 — although none of those involved San Diego. YANKEES-MARLINS (2.3%) How’s this for front office intrigue: Derek Jeter and Don Mattingly going up against the Yankees. ASTROS-MARLINS (2.0%) These are the remaining teams with the worst regular-season records. They combined to go 6060. Houston (107-55) finished 50 games ahead of Miami (57-105) last year. RAYS-MARLINS (1.6%) The idea of an all-Florida World Series has seemed far-fetched for a while, but perhaps it would be an appropriate way to finish this unusual season. ATHLETICS-MARLINS (1.3%) The last time Oakland played in the World Series, the A’s were swept by Cincinnati in 1990. Billy Hatcher, who was 9 for 12 in that series for the A’s, currently coaches first base for the Marlins.
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
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‘The Last Dance’ director talks project Gray Stone AD on Jordan’srecipient Bulls named
of annual NCHSAA award
The 10-part documentary will air over five Sundays By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press
Everyone from new Japan Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to IOC President Thomas Bach have tried to assure the Japanese public and deep-pocketed sponsors that the Olympics will take place.
IOC gets official look at simplification for Tokyo Olympics HBCU NFL hopefuls adjust after KEVIN L. DORSEY | NC A&T ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO
North Carolina A&T receiver Elijah Bell, pictured in 2017 against North Carolina Central, is among the HBCU draft hopefuls who was affected by the canceled events due to the coronavirus pandemic.
canceled pro days, combine The delayed Summer Games are scheduled to begin July 23, 2021
fewer shuttle buses; reduction in real cost of the Olympics might be hospitality areas; suspension in twice that much. All of the costs for putting on production of mascot costumes; “But when you the Olympics come largely from cancellation of official team weltake them all public money with the exception come ceremonies. coronavirus pandemic defensive lineman Dari- fican’t Big compete.” together it will The of $5.6 billion from a privately savings are not easy to find. Central The Associated Press us Royster, the Mid-Eastern Athhas made it even harder ButOrganizers that opportunity never and the IOC say nanced local operating budget. represent a “Just Conference offensive for under-the-radar players About 60% of the income and in this they had already slashed sever- letic TOKYO — The IOC and local came. the year, reSouth Carolina State’s pro defensive large result because wein toorganizers make an are impression on budget players — $3.3ofbillion — comes al billion dollars in costs before trying to “simplify” spectively. day and the HBCU combine befrom payments from 68 domestic the postponed Tokyo Olympics, the Olympics were postponed terms of both teams are from extra exposure help? of aago growing listofofthe “Does sponsors. six part months because promising to save money in what came simplification Yes, it does. But once it’s taken events canceled because of the smaller Organizing committee CEO one study says is already the most COVID-19 pandemic. This inaway it limits certain guys to getlast coronavirus pandemic. While Byexpensive Kyle Hightower Toshiro Muto acknowledged cluded moving events to existing and hopefully Summer Olympics on schools filmfor out saidthat Morsmall school and than borderline draft The Associated Press month thethere,” first time some venues rather building new their record. ... produce doesn’t gan State coach Tyrone Wheatprospects from across the counsponsors have backed out in the The executive board of the In- facilities. a first-round pick by the New be of hurt a lack of sim- ley,midst DE’MONTREZ Burroughs some mean of a slumping economy, Most theby big-ticket spending ternational Olympic Commit- try will York Giants in 1995. “It limits the ilar events, HBCU players may looked at it as his best shot to actee is expected to review the pro- had already taken place, such as the pandemic, and uncertainty significant we can’t pro scouts from actually seeing be hit hardest without them and complish his NFL dream. around the Olympics really hapthe $1.43 billion national stadiposed cuts on Wednesday. They guys one-on-one, to look Regional InvitaThe South Carolina State se- to theum, savings.” compete.” pening. and the Combine $520 million swim- these include about 50 changes and physically place eyes HBCU players in re- at them nior receiver dates “I can’t say that all contracts mingthat venue. fringe areashad thatthe leave the cirnum- tional them.been To get some ofhe thesaid. queshad previously used toand on have cled on his calendar. First,for thethe cent years renewed,” “We have many measures, ber of athletes — 15,400 Christophe De’MontrezDubi, Bulldogs’ annual pro day on boost their draft stock. answered up close andprivatepershortfall in this Olympics and Paralympics — and sometimes they look small. But tions Any the IOC executive March sonal.” “When you’re coming out of an 19, followed a week latBurroughs, all sports events untouched for when you take them all together ly funded operating budget will from a chance to know that the teams by the first-ever NFL combine HBCU, director for the er next South Carolina have to be getting made up from someit willyou represent a large result in Aside year. run the 40-yard dash and comare going to be looking at DivieventAlso heldlargely for draft prospects will be terms of both simplification and where else. The document handOlympic Games from Historicallyuntouched State receiver strength agility I talent...first,” saidsome Kansas Colleges ed other out last month and by organizers hopefully produce signif- plete the opening andBlack closing ceremo- sion drills in front of scouts from City Chiefs defensive back Alex and Universities who didn’t re“meanies, the heavily sponsored 121- icant savings,” Christophe Dubi, showed them considering the 32 to franchises, were to a SCexecutive State alum. “Withfor NFL’s ceive thecompetition national Brown, sures increase”players donations the IOC director day invitations torch relay,toand to up getfor thelost chance to intercombine, dif-last going combine in Indianapolis. make income. theHBCU Olympic Games, that’s said late areas that will be seen on televi- this view with team executives on thethe ferent. I wish we had that when He left for spring break the To keep sponsors on board, sion broadcasts. This means the month when the plans were prefirst day of the HBCU combine I was coming out. It was gonna week before his pro day with evIOC and local organizers have so-called field of play, and areas sented in Tokyo. to have all the for teams erything ready to go. He had film be a chance talked confidently in the last sevDubi said a search more event. immediately adjacent. Teams are still conducting inat those guys.” packages to scouts. eral months about the Olympics cuts would continue. Sometoofdistribute the proposed cuts list- looking terviews by phone and video conOnly four HBCU players were Heed was also thinking about what opening as planned on July 23, Tokyo and the IOC have not in a detailed document from theestimate 2019 draft a ferencing, hethe would say in include: interviews with 2021. but those are capped offeredinan of with the savorganizers fewer dec- selected per week, agent Aupredraft process, though representatives from NFL teams Japan has said reported about but estimates in Japan32put at three orative banners; a 10-15% reduc- fullings, Wiggins, whose clientsand Week 1 rosters. and what to ask idols like Pro made 1,600 deaths from COVID-19 them at 1-2% of official spending gustine tion in “stakeholders” delegation Burroughs. The$12.6 51 players to athe Football Hall of international Famer Deionin- of has had strict entry rules in place billion. invited However, gov- include sizes; five fewer “It’s harder to garner interHBCU combine were trying to Sanders, who would be there. 159 countries. terpreters from a staff of 100; ernment audit last year said the for citizens from “It was a chance to be able to position themselves to do the est and understand where the inshowcase our talent,” Burroughs same. The list also included Flor- terest is for clients than in years said. “Just because we are from ida A&M University quarterback past,” Wiggins said. “It’s a slightly smaller schools doesn’t mean we Ryan Stanley and North Carolina different pivot.”
JASON HEHIR wasisaalso kid in Jeff Morris, who thethe stands in Boston Garden on April 20, school’s principal, was1986, one the of day that Michael scored a playoff-record 63 eight Jordan given the Charlie Adams points. Distinguished Service Award It was a Christmas gift from his father, who stuck a note promising “Two tickets to the Air Jordan Show” in his stocking that holiday season.ByIt’s a giftDeal Hehir will never forJesse get,Stanly though his Countycurrent Journal seat for another Jordan show of sorts is considerably better. wouldn’t MISENHEIMER — The North“ICaroHehir is director ofAssociation the lina High the School Athletic recall it a ESPN andnamed Netflix production cently Gray Stone“The Day athletic challenge. I Last Dance,” a Morris 10-partasdocumendirector Jeff a 2020 Charlie Adtary series that debuts April 19 and ams Distinguished Service Award winner. would call it tells the Jordan’s final ChiOnstory Oct. of 1, the NCHSAA awarded Mora privilege.” cago 1997-98 ris,Bulls who season has alsoinbeen Gray that Stone’s princiculminated in a sixth title. pal since 2015, as its NBA Region 6 recipient of Hehir’s task: Take 10,000 Jasonin-Hehir, the annual honor that ishours givenofto eight archived footage, interviews dividuals with atadd least 10 years of director experi- of “The with more thaneducation 100 people, ence in both and and athletics. turn itNamed into about 8½former hours ofNCHSAA tele- Last Dance” after execvision. utive director Charlie Adams, the award “I wouldn’t call itwho a challenge,” is given to those have “regularly gone Hehir said. “I would call a privilege.” ‘above and beyond’ theit call of duty at both The series was moved up two months to prothe local and the state level,” an official vide content-starved press release said. fans with something new to watch during the Morris coronavirus “It’s humbling,” told pandemic. SCJ. “I ESPN was originally planning knew Charlie (Adams) when to werelease first gotthe documentary June, coinciding with what involved in in athletics here at Gray Stone would have been this season’s NBA Finals. and he was a great man. The work he It will runfor over five Sundays May has done North Carolina ending has been pi-17, with two one-hour broadcasts each week. oneering, and it’s an honor to be recog“I’m happy we can bring a little light to nized withifsomething that has bit hisofname people in a dark time here,” Hehir said. “Sports on it.” are such an indelible of of ourexperience cultural fabric Morris holds 25part years in andeducation-based lacking that ... there’s a significant athletics, includinghole 15 in enjoyment feel, thestructural escape that peoyears asthat the people director and purpleveyor can feel from everyday life that sports brings of Gray Stone’s athletic program us.”and seven years as the Yadkin Valley 1A The accelerated launch has only added to a Conference president. hectic“Our time for Hehir andvery his team. kids work hard and our There haswork beenvery much anticipation about coaches hard,” he said. “We setthe documentary, which in Hehir’s mind came a culture and it has blossomed into some-together much thanspecial; such a our project thing that faster feels very kidsusually love does. playing for us. We created a family atmo“Normally, an hourlong archival docsphere and to thedo coaches try to take that atumentary from start to finish, it takes about mosphere and support everything that we a year do.”from the inception of the idea to the researchAtoformer doing president all the shooting getting it all of thetoNorth Cartogether, it out, mapping it out, olina storyboarding Athletic Directors Association editing, getting back,appointee it takes to about (NCADA) andnotes a lifetime the a year,” Hehir said. “We’re doing 10 of those. And National Interscholastic Athletic Adminwe istrators had a littleAssociation bit over two (NIAAA), years to do itMorris so we’re already working at five times our normal recently concluded a four-year termrate.” on The pandemic Board further the NCHSAA of complicates Directors. matters. HehirAs and team are finishing things up while a his member of the NIAAA’s Accrediseparated, connecting through Zoom meetings tation Committee and the state coordinabuttor largely isolation at their own laptops of theinassociation’s Leadership Train- to geting the last pieces of the story ready to air. program, Morris has taught more The goes deepernational than justcon1997thandocumentary 30 courses at NIAAA 98,ferences. though that season the overriding He is also aispast recipient oftheme. the It also servesBruce as a retrospective of Jordan’s basNIAAA’s Whitehead Distinguished ketball life, Award from hisand college at North CaroService the days NCADA’s Rusty linaLee through his rise atop the NBA. Professional Development Award. Hehir knows anGray ongoing buildup and Prior to histhere timeisat Stone, Morris anticipation the documentary, and worked atsurrounding Colquitt County High School still(Moultrie, feels nervousness. He met with Jordan sevGeorgia) as a head soccer coach eraland times over the course of the project, includphysical education teacher. ing three sit-down interviews that are part of the documentary. “I hope that people will like it as much as we did,” Hehir said.
Become a part of Stanly County Schools! Stanly County Schools has an opening for a Speech Language Pathologist serving the K-12 population. Position is a full-time, 10 month position with full benefits. Candidate must hold a current certification from North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Interested applicants can apply through the SCS website and email resume to Dr. Laura Beachum, Director of Exceptional Children's Program, at laura.beachum@stanlycountyschools.org.
For Nutbush residents He also cited a widespread fear the threat of overburdened of being unnecessarily exposed to fear of contracting the v itals, states across the country matched with the worry th the virus. onverting convention centers, “All around, people are scared,” could lose stores that are ts facilities and performance the neighborhood. Offici he said. es into backup treatment sites Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Their fears are not unfounded. ven’t said if stores would oronavirus 6 patients. In this majority-black city along the Gateway facility was hat some Memphis, Tenthe Mississippi River, lawmakers If they did, shopping wo e, residents don’t get is why in and community leaders have been come more difficult for re city, a shopping center in the sounding the alarm over what they especially for those who ar dle of a predominantly black, see as a disturbing trend of the vi- have no means of transpo income residential neighborrus killing African Americans at a to stores located farther aw d has been chosen. get their children sions higher system but Stearns said he took the medical By Collin Binkley people who don’t rate.said he believed hefty bribes to“For ty and state officials are conintoHartop universities bogusdo?” ask the money was going to Georgeconsiderations into account in the car, whatwith do they Nutbush resident Patricia ed that The an Associated influx of Press patients town’s athletic programs. Pros- test scores or fake athletic credensentence, along with an “outpour- “I am enormously ris wondered aloud if city officials ris, who spoke to The Ass Memphis, as well as nearby ecutors say there’s no evidence tials, authorities say. BOSTON — A former tech ex- ing” of support from friends and remorseful for the actions while lugging wereknew “trying to contaminate” the Press issippi, ecutive Arkansas and rural Prosecutors have pushed for a bottl Dameris of any personal was sentenced Monday to family members who submitted that have brought me before bribesneighborhood. package Tennessee, willofstrain hospiprison time tergent, for most a parents ac- of bott to Ernst. one year home confinement for letters to the court. cused in theter scheme, theyitems said from t SingerActivist pleaded guilty is co- an “I really feel for your family, and you today. My life’s sentence paying $300,000 bribe his son’s and but other Earleand Fisher, AfriTheir fears are echoed to across ADRIAN SAINZ | AP PHOTO confinement washer warrantoperating the government’s into Georgetown A Lot to car. She note can with American Memphis home pastor, country:way Governors, mayorsUniversi- I understand your anguish,” Stea- is, I am burdened with the ed in Dameris’ case because his investigation into what authorities rns told Dameris. “You have lived a ty as a tennis recruit, even though recently clos understands the anxiety. “This grocery store of health experts in numerous This Friday, April 3, 2020 photo, shows Gateway Shopping Center have dubbed Operation Varsity “unusual and compelling personal good life, and I believe you deserve memories of what I’ve done the son did not play tennis. her house and she already is an honest and reasonable cons are also researching and in Memphis, Tenn. Blues, a series of indictments that circumstances.” Peter Dameris, of Pacific Pal- some reward for that.” that has hurt my family and travel to get to Gate Fisher Others said. who tructingisades, makeshift medical have farther pleaded guilty have cern rockedand the skepticism,” worlds of higher Speaking through tears, California, appeared be“Whenactress we Lori do things “I think it’sand parentertainfor the course for“Full House” ities. fore a Boston federal court judge Dameris said he regrets his in- others.” include education, sports Loughlin and designment.black people to be righteously volvement in the scheme andMutakes a Chinese restaurant and other via video the coronavigothertofashion consider the people Lee has disclosed a few: the New York City,because they’reofturner husband, Mossimo GiannulErnst, who is accused of acresponsibility. rus pandemic. He pleaded guilty neighborhood,” she said. “W skeptical of governmental intersic CityfullCenter in Nashville, the businesses. o the Javits Center convention Peter Dameris was sentenced to two cepting $2.7 million in bribes, has li. Loughlin need “I am enormously remorseful in June to one count of conspirato make the neighb vention that did not consult with Locating a treatment center for Convention Center, in Chicago, the McCormick Chattanooga pleaded not guilty. He resigned months in prison as part of plea a cy to commit mail fraud and hon- for the actions that have brought worse than already is.” people on the ground first.”deal, and Giannulli there Expo all coronavirus e Convention Center; and in the Knoxville was it ordered from Georgetown in 2018. Prosecutors patients say Damer-posme before you Center today,” — Damerest services mail fraud. Rep. Steve Doug McGowen, thehecity’s chief two problems, sites from dy, Utah, the Amerto five months. U.S. The couple admit-Cohen, acknowledged that is agreed in 2015 to residents funnel the say: Dameris is said. “Myresidential life’s sentenceneighis, I am es HisMountain sentence also included a away said the d to payingphis half aDemocrat, million dollars officer, saidforthetedGatelater operating considered the scheme a sham charity couldthrough potentially expose them borhoods. $95,000 fine and three years of burdened with the memories of Itmoney xpo Center. in bribes get theirmake two daughhis other not follow setthe up by Rick amid Singer, concerns the alleged that I’ve done that has hurt my to release. sense. way son sitebut wasdid being considered be- to doesn’t virus The what Gateway Shopping Cenhe U.S. supervised Army Corps of Engiinto the University South-are othe withitit.could Neither son was ters ringleader the scheme.COVID-19 Singer through family and others.” had recommended “I’m sureofthere cause potentially accomare of contracting ter in the Nutbush neighborhood blacks s has beenProsecutors scouting locations Dameris, the former CEO of steered roughly half of the mon- involved, and his son at George- ern California as rowing recruits. a sentence of 21 months of home would work, and they said that ennessee, and officials here of Memphis is different. The cen- at higher rates; and it could force modate hundreds of beds. He“Desperate Housewives” actress confinement along with a fine of technology services company ey to Georgetown’s former tennis town was allowed to stay and have if it were converted to a treatment some of the stores they rely on to ter features a Save A Lot grocery compiled a list of 35 possiFelicity Huffman, used also those pleadedrather t $95,000. Dameris’ lawyers asked ASGN Inc., joins dozens of par- coach, Gordon Ernst, who helped graduate. into a residential site, it would hold only mildly ill close. store, a Rent-A-Center, a Famibackup sites. They haven’t reguilty for paying $15,000 to have neighbo More than 50 parents, coachget Dameris’ son accepted as a ents and college coaches who have for probation only, saying he desomeone her daughter’s es and others have patients been charged recruit, prosecutors guilty insupply a sweeping na- tennis servedlist, leniency to help care ly for Dollar, a pleaded said. college coronavirus who could be rigCohen Nutbush resident andsay.commua beauty shop, d the whole but Gov. Bill
Former tech CEO gets home confinement for admissions bribe
son who has leukemia. U.S. District Judge Richard
tionwide college admissions scandal.
In court filings, Dameris apologized for influencing the admis-
since investigators revealed the scheme last year. The parents paid
entrance exam. Huffman was sentenced to two weeks in prison.
PEC, oil nations agree o nearly 10M barrel cut
bin Salman, a son of King Salman, assented to the deal. “I go with the consent, so I UBAI, United Arab Emir— OPEC, Russia and other agree,” the prince said, chuckling, roducing nations on Sunday drawing a round of applause from ized an unprecedented pro- those on the video call. But it had not been smiles and ion cut of nearly 10 million els, or a 10th of global supply, laughs for weeks after the soopes of boosting crashing pric- called OPEC+ group of OPEC mid the coronavirus pandemic members and other nations failed in March to reach an agreement a price war, officials said. his could be the largest re- on production cuts, sending pricion in production from OPEC es tumbling. Saudi Arabia sharply erhaps a decade, maybe lon- criticized Russia days earlier over said U.S. Energy Secretary what it described as comments Brouillette, who credited critical of the kingdom, which ident Donald Trump’s per- finds itself trying to appease l involvement in getting duel- Trump, a longtime OPEC critic. Even U.S. senators had warned parties to the table and helpto end a price war between Saudi Arabia to find a way to boost prices as American shale di Arabia and Russia. il prices have collapsed as the firms face far-higher production navirus and the COVID-19 costs. American troops had been ss it causes have largely halt- deployed to the kingdom for the lobal travel and slowed down first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, r energy-chugging sectors attacks over concerns of Iranias manufacturing. It has an retaliation amid regional tenstated the oil industry in sions. “They’ve U.S., which nowSchneider pumps more ment. spent over the last By Mike month waging war ontoAmerican e than any other country. Joshi, assistant the U.S. soThe Associated Press while are defendut some producers have been oil producers licitor general,we asked the judges to issue a decision on Monday, ORLANDO, Fla. — The Trump ing theirs. This is not how friendsor tant to ease supply. The car“as promptly as possible,” so the administration on Monday asked nd other nations on Sunday treat friends,” said Sen. Kevin Trump administration can have appellate judges to immediately ed to allow Mexico to cut only Cramer, a Republican from North suspend a lower court’s order re- time to appeal to the U.S. Supreme before the be. OPEC+ deal. 000 barrels a month, stick- to Dakota, if need quiring the 2020a census con- Court, U.S. producers haveseveral already point for an through accordOctober, initially The judges said hours tinue saying debeen reducing output. The Amerafter the virtual hearing that they hed Friday after a marathon cisions by the U.S. Census Bureau would issue aInstitute ruling Wednesday over how to conduct the nation’s ican Petroleum laudo conference between 23 naafternoon. head count shouldn’t be subject ed to Sunday’s global pact, saying it s. The nations together agreed Koh’s injunction last month “judicial second-guessing.” ut 9.7 million barrels a day will help get other nations’ stateAn attorney for the Trump ad- suspended a Sept. 30 deadline for owned oil production to follow the ughout May and June. the head count as well as a ministration urged the panel of ending lead of U.S. producers that are tryhe groupthree reached the deal just Ninth Circuit Court of Ap- Dec. 31 deadline for turning in apportionment numbers. Her order judges in San Francisco to plunging demand. s beforepeals Asian markets re- ingtoto adjust reverted the deadlines to those suspend U.S. District Judge Lucy Brouillette said the U.S. did not of ed Monday and as internaa Census Bureau plan, announced Koh’s injunction from last month. al benchmark Brent crude make commitments of its own Sopan Joshi said the head count in April in response to the panproduction but was ableoperato ed at just overto$31 barrelin order demic,cuts, that would end field needed end aMonday show the obvious — that plunging American shale producers tions on Oct. 31 and report apporfor the bureau to meet a year-end demand because of theatpandemggle. tionment numbers the end of deadline for turning in numbers April 2021. used how manyic conis expected to slash U.S. oil prodeo aired by for thedeciding Saudi-owned Koh also struck down an Oct. 5 gressional seats each state duction. gets lite channel Al-Arabiya in a process known as apportion- end date that the Commerce DeIranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanwed the moment that Saudi gy Minister Prince Abdulaziz ganeh also told state television
In this Aug. 26, 2020, file photo, a sign promoting Native American participation in the U.S. census is displayed as Selena Rides Horse enters information into her phone on behalf of a member of the Crow Indian Tribe in Lodge Grass, Montana.
Associated Press
Trump lawyer: Census could be done if not for court meddling
Congress still has the chance termines how $1.5 trillion in federal spending is distribut- to extend the deadline, and docuSAUDI ENERGY ed annually, as well as how many ments supplied by the Census BuIn this photo released by Saudicongressional Energy Ministry, Prince Abdulaziz bin Al-Saud, reau and theSalman Commerce Depart- Minist seats and Electoral ment that of the20 data analysis Collegechairs votes each state gets. The of Energy of Saudi Arabia, third right, a virtual summit theshow Group energy minister of the census, after theto head Census BureauApril reported as ofto phase his office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Friday, 10,that, 2020, coordinate a response plummet be done byto Dec. Sunday, 99.6% of households na-in count, prices due to an oversupply in the market and a downturn globalcan’t demand due the31, pandemi tionwide have been counted, al- Sherry said. “Accuracy matters,” Sherry told partment, which oversees the Cen- though seven mostly southern sus Bureau, had pushed after the states haven’t crossed the 99% the judges. “The fact that they praise. the deal that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia would try to compress data prothreshold yet. but its president, Andrés injunction, saying it violated herand cessing CensusLópez BureauObrador, in April had order. A previous panel “Thetroubling.” pure size of the cu saidis extremely the United Arab appellate Emirates would TheManuel New documents released overthen ag proposed extending the deadline had refused to suspend the order. cut another 2 million barrels of Friday that he had agreed with precedented, but, the weekend show that the Cenfor finishing the count from the The judge sided with civil rights is the impact the corona oil a day between them atop the Trump that the U.S. will compengroups and local governments end of July to the end of October sus Bureau incurred almost $1.5 having sate what Mexico cannot add to OPEC+ deal. The three countries fromon thedemand,” pandem- said M that had sued the Census Bureau and pushing the apportionment billion in costs Ghulam, an energy an the proposed did acknowledge due to a three-month from Dec.cuts. 31 to next ic, primarilymed andnot the immediately U.S. Department of Com- deadline “The big Oil Deal the with delay OPEC in fieldRaymond operations James. and leaves the cut themselves, ZanApril. The proposal to extend merce, arguing that though minorities forhuntemporary But workers. The 2020 apportionment deadline and others in hard-to-count Ghulam and others w Plus is done. This passed will save ganeh attended the videocomconfercensus to cost more munities would be missed if the the Democratic-controlled it may not be enough. dreds of thousandsHouse, of energy jobsis expected ence. but the Republican-controlled than $15 billion. counting ended in September. is at least a tempo in the United States,” TrumpOne saidof the“This Officials said other planned cuts appellate jurists, The Trump administration says Senate didn’t take up the request. lief for the energy industry in a tweet. “I would like to thank would stand in the deal, meaning Joshi the judge’s decision ignores the Then, in late July or early August, Judge Marsha Berzon, asked the global economy. and congratulate President Puan 8-million-barrel-per-day cut congressionally-mandated dead- bureau officials changed the dead- if unforeseeable circumstances, This i also called majeure,” liketo a fail and line once again to theand end King of Sep-Salman line requiring the Census Bureau too big to be let tin of Russia of ais“force from July through the end of the pandemic could make the Dec. 31 tember. to turn in apportionment numbers liance showed responsibili year and a 6-million-barrel cut for Saudi Arabia.” deadline more Legal con“TheyThe were hoping to getsaid an ex-President Dec. 31. beginning They also said the lothisflexible. agreement,” said Per M Kremlin 16bymonths in 2021. cal governments and civil rights tension,” Joshi told the judges. “At tracts sometimes have force maNysveen, the head Vladimir Putin held a joint call “This will enable the rebalancgroups failed to show that accu- some point, you have to make a jeure clauses that relieve parties of ana Rystad Energy. tho Trump and Saudi Saling ofwill the be oilcompromised markets andif the from honoring the terms of “Even the call. with You have a December dead-King racy the exman to support of the production cuts are small pected rebound of prices line staring youexpress in the face. You deal. 2020 census ends early enoughby for $15 no the force majeure hope deal. it getsItmoved, but Putin at some thebarrel data to in be the analyzed thesaid market needed a also said spoke “There sep- iswhat per shortbefore term,” Constitution,” Joshi buildi point,arately you realize not going to clause of the year. from Nigeria’s oil postpone the stock withit’sTrump about the oilin the a end statement said. The once-a-decade census de- move.”
ministry. Mexico had initially blocked
market and other issues. Analysts offered cautious
straints problem, the wors now avoided.”
& CREMATORY 522 North 2nd St. P.O. Box 7 Albemarle, NC 28002 Phone 704-983-1188
460 Branchview Dr. NE P.O. Box 367 Concord, NC 28026 Phone 704-786-1161
13575 Broadway Ave. P.O. Box 100 Midland, NC 28107 Phone 704-888-5571
12115 University City Blvd. P.O. Box 219 Harrisburg, NC 28075 Phone 704-247-1722
Stanly 2020 StanlyCounty CountyJournal Journal for forWednesday, Wednesday,October April 15,7,2020
Jason Efird
J Vivian Raffaldt
ASON EUGENE “GENE” EFIRD, 94, went home to be with hisVIVIAN Lord Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at his BRADSHAW home in Stanfield. RAFFALDT, 69, of Albemarle, Geneaway was born October 9, 1925, in passed on Monday, Cabarrus County to Simeon September 28, 2020the atlate Atrium Jason Efird and the late Sarah Health Cabarrus. A memorialElla Burris In addition to his serviceEfird. to celebrate her life will be parents, he was preceded death by held at 4PM on Tuesday,in October his wife, in Jewell Little Efird; sisters, 6, 2020 the Stanly Funeral Mary Lambert, Fannie Almond, and Cremation Care Chapel in Minnie Furr, Wilma Burleson and Albemarle officiated by Rev. Johnny Aileen Huskey; and brothers, Homer Leslie. The family will receive Efird, Efird the andservice Wayneat Efird, friendsGetus following the Sr. funeral home. A private funeral Vivian was born service Augustwill 19, be 1951 held on Saturday, April 11, 2020 in Montgomery County to the late at Love’sFranklin Grove United Methodist George Bradshaw and Church Cemetery in Stanfield Mirdie Bell Oaks Bradshaw. officiated by Rev. Jim Burial She is survived by White. her daughter will follow at the Love’ s Grove United Kelly Gentle Fink of Germanton, Methodist Church Cemetery, 4360 NC; son Robert Franklin Gentle Polk Ford of Road, (Tammy) Mt. Stanfield. Gilead, NC; Survivors include son Gerald grandchildren: Zachary Fink Wayne (Gail) Efird of Albemarle; (Cansas) of Kannapolis, Brianna daughter Lisa Efird (Mark) Hartsell Fink (Montana) of Germanton, of Stanfield; granddaughters, NC, Bladen Gentle of Mt. Gilead, Kelly Efird Barbee andGilead; LaurengreatAustin Gentle of Mt. Hartsell (Justin) Crump; and greatgrandchild: Holden Fink; sisters: grandsons, Ian Patrick Simmons Barbara Sexton of Asheville, NC,and Elliot MaryJacob YoderSimmons. of Flint, MI; brother: Memorials may be made to Love’ Donald Tucker of Yankton, SD. Shes Grove United Methodist Church, is preceded in death by her birthPO Box 276,Ethel Stanfield, NCsisters 28163-0276. mother Yoder, Patricia Compton and Janice Slate.
Tony Smith ONY MONROE SMITH, 72, of Rockwell, NC,Whitlock went to be with TThomas
hisTHOMAS Lord and Savior Jesus Christ JEFFERSON on Wednesday, 97, April 2020 at WHITLOCK, of 8, Albemarle, his home surrounded family. A passed away Monday,by September private family serviceHealth will be Stanly. held. 28, 2020 at Atrium Online condolences can be made at Mr. Whitlock will have a visitation stanlyfuneralhome.com at Stanly Funeral and Cremation Tony was born August 11, 1947 Care of Albemarle from 6:00 p.m.in Stanly County to the September late Pearlie 8:00p.m. Wednesday, Asbury and Emmer 30. His Smith funeral service willLee be at Smith. He Thursday, was the sonOctober in law of1st, Patat 2:00 p.m. and Mick Cagle where he worked at Stanly Funeral and Cremation Care the fish house for many years until Chapel of Albemarle with Rev. Ron he opened Anchor House Seafood Honeycutt officiating. Burial will in Rockwell. He andGrove his wife Becky follow in Anderson Baptist owned and operated Anchor House Church Cemetery. forMr. 25 years beforewas retiring 2009. Whitlock bornin January Mr.1923 Smith a charter member 21, inwas Montgomery, WV, andson deacon at Open Door “Bert” Baptist the of the late Albert Church in Richfield. He loved Whitlock and Docie Brown the Lord and his Whitlock. Hefamily was aabundantly. member of Tony was a wonderful father, and Anderson Grovehusband, Baptist Church. grandfather and could fix Class anything He was in the Navy, 2nd he put his hands on.during WWII. Boatsman serving Mr. Smith is survived byinhis wife Thomas was preceded death Becky CagleKay Smith of the home, by his wife, Frick Whitlock. sonsisWalter Smith Robbie Linda He survived by aand daughter, Smith; daughter Kayla Henderson Brooks of Partlow, Virginia; five (Brandon); grandchildren Danielle, grandchildren Tonya Wright, Billy Dustin,Shane and Steele Smith, Keaton Baker, Townsend, Oggie and Ella Henderson; David Townsend and Chrisbrother Rose and Smith; sisters Kay Kriechbaum, ten great grandchildren. He was Karen Stevenson, Ruby by Eudy, also preceded in death twoand Dorothy Smith (Nick). daughters, Peggy Townsend and He is preceded death by Rosemary Baker;in two brothers, brothers Joe Smith, Wayne Smith, Charles Whitlock and Woody Claude Smith, Smith,Anne Robert Whitlock and Wade two sisters, Smith, and MaryKirk. Morris. Stanley andsister Virginia Memorial contributions can be made to Open Door Baptist Church at 44563 Hwy 52, Richfield, NC 28137 or to Hospice & Palliative Care of Cabarrus County at 5003 Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081.
Pauline Tucker
Danny Luther
ERLE LORRAINE AUSTIN HELMS, 72, of Marshville, passed away Wednesday, NORMAN EARL April 8, 2020 at McWhorter House PATTERSON, 96, ofHospice Albemarle, in Monroe. passed away Friday, September 25, Lorraine was born April 28, 1947 2020. in Monroe theborn late Homer Normantowas MarchDavid 9, 1924 Austin and Jewell Delphia-Jane in North Carolina to the late W. Austin.Patterson She was also in Collie andpreceded the late Betsie death by brothers, A.D. Harriett Patterson. Heand wasTeddy also Austin; and Austin. preceded in sister, deathJoy by wife, Barbara The family will receive friends Patterson and sister, Daisy Gold from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Friday, Wells. April 10, 2020 at Hartsell Survivors include son, Funeral Dean Home of Albemarle. The funeral Patterson; daughter, Sharon service will4begrandchildren; at 11:00 am on and 4 Patterson; Saturday at Pleasant great-grandchildren.Hill Baptist Church in Marshville, officiated Celebration of life Saturday, by Rev. John Miller and Rev. Leon October 3, 2020 at Norman’s home. Whitley. She will lie in state for 30 minutes prior to the service. She will be laid to rest in the church cemetery. She is survived by her beloved husband of 47 years, Paul Helms of the home; son, Alex (Deanna) Helms of Pageland; daughter, Paula (Cristin Brandt) Helms of Mint Hill; grandchildren, Mason, Grant, and Raegan Helms; brothers, Boyce, Royce, Tim Austin; and sisters, Patricia Mullis, and Angel Tarleton. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 4600 Park Rd., Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28209.
ANNY PAUL LUTHER, 65, of Norwood, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, April 9, JOAN EFIRD TALBERT, 96, of 2020 at Atrium Health Stanly in Albemarle, passed away Tuesday, Albemarle. 29, 2020 at Atrium September Mr. Luther wasin born March 27, Health Cabarrus Concord. 1955 to the Robert Fulton and Joan waslate born August 29, 1924 Helen Tucker Luther. in Stanly County to the late Cromer Danny wasand survived by Whitley his wife, Etwell Efird Rosetta DeniseShe Burleson Luther of Norwood; Efird. was also preceded in sons, Jeremy (Karen) Luther and death by her beloved husband of 62 Jody Luther; step-sons, Bryan years, Henry Wade Talbert, who Whitleyaway and Gregg (Anita) Whitley; passed in 2008; brothers, Grandchildren, Daniel Luther Nathan Etwell Efird and Rev.and HunterEfird; Zado,and as well as hisJewell brother, James sisters, Bob Luther Jr (Lorena), uncle Jack Thompson, Lovena Burris, Evelyn Luther and several other loved nieces, Poplin and Viola Russell. nephews and cousins. Joan loved her family dearly and recently retired from wasDanny a retiree of Wiscassett Mills. Charlotte Pipe and She was a volunteerFoundry memberafter of the a dedicated 37 years and worked hospital auxiliary serving as a Pink there with his sons and several other Lady. friends and family members. A graveside service will be on Danny loved spending time at Friday, October 2, 2020 at 11:00 his lake house with his family and AM at Palestine United Methodist friends as35614 well as vacationing with Church, Palestine Road in his family. Danny and Denise enjoyed Albemarle officiated by Pastor listening to beach music and loved to Kevin McCormac. shag dance chance they could Survivorsevery include a number of get. He was an amazing father, loving nieces and nephews. grandfather and great friend to many. He will never be forgotten. A celebration of life will be announced once the current COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle is serving the Luther family.
Norman Patterson D Joan Talbert M
Polly Mason POLLY HAHN MASON, 83, of Albemarle went home to be with her Lord and Savior Thursday, October 1, 2020 in PruittHealth, Harrisburg. Her funeral will be 2 PM on Monday, October 5, 2020 in the Stanly Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Joe Smith officiating. Burial will follow in Stanly Gardens of Memory. The family will receive friends at Stanly Funeral and Cremation Care of Albemarle INDA TUCKER HATLEY,on 69, of Sunday evening from 6 until 8 PM. Albemarle, passed away Monday, Born April 13,March 2020. 12, 1937 in Stanly County, NC, was the daughter Linda wasshe born September 18, of Tillman Lee Furr and 1950 in Concord to the lateEdna Jacob and Hahn Bailey. She member Claris Tucker. Shewas was aalso preceded of Immanuel Baptist Church and in death by her brother, Terry Lee was a former textile and Tucker, and her twin worker sister, Brenda also worked for many Log Tucker Strickland. Weyears knowat Brenda Cabin. Polly loved life and loved her and Linda are in Heaven watching family She was over usand and grandchildren. laughing. always willing helpmother, others. sister, She Linda was a to loving was happy to be a Christian. and “Nana.” She was a very giving She wasperson. preceded in death by her and loving Linda would husband Bobby Eugene Mason always do anything she could for Sr. Survivors includeher sons GeneShe Mason others, especially family. and wife Sherry of Albemarle, enjoyed working at FastShop #5, David New London, Locust.Mason Lindaof will be forever loved Dawn Renee Mason Hill and and greatly missed. husband Starkey of New London, Survivors include her son, Gregory Alan Mason of Norwood, Alan Hatley and wife, Angela, of grandchildren Stephanie Albemarle; brother, RonnieCampbell, Tucker Michael Melton Jr., William Brad and wife, Linda, of Midland; Melton, CrystalLeslie Lynn Hatley; Barringer, granddaughter, 1 Joseph Win Hill, Jeremy Eugene niece; and 2 nephews. Mason, Staceywill Prevatte, The family receive Shaun friends Mason, Leeanna Mason, 13 greatfrom 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Thursday, grandchildren, 2 great-greatApril 16, 2020 at Hartsell Funeral grandchildren, brother Ronald Home in Albemarle. Linda will Lee Bailey of Albemarle, 5 sisters be laid to rest during a private Deborah of Albemarle, committalHuneycutt service at Bethel United Annette Jones of Albemarle, Methodist Church, Midland. Jenette Eudy of Oakboro, In lieu of flowers, please Diane consider a Kimrey of Albemarle, and Julia memorial donation to Bethel UMC, Carter of New London. 12700 Idlebrook Rd, Midland, NC She was preceded in death by 28107. grandchildren Starlette Dawn Hill, Melissa Mason Helms, and Dillion G. Mason, great grandson Jason Campbell as well as two sisters Joyce Bagwell and Alta Mae Poplin.
P Jimmy Hudson
AULINE ELIZABETH ALMOND TUCKER, 98, passed away peacefully at Trinity Place, Albemarle, NC on April 11, 2020. JIMMYwas DARROLL HUDSON, Pauline born on March 22, 76, of Albemarle, passed away 1922 in Cabarrus County, NC to the Wedneday, September 30,and 2020 at late John Richard Almond Alice his home. A Memorial Graveside Ada Ann Lambert Almond. service be held She iswill survived byon herSunday, three October 11,Gay 2020 at 3pm at Pine daughters, Michel (Jack), Grove United Methodist Church Oak Island, NC; Pamela Rushing Cemetery. Oakboro, NC; Kathy (Foreman), Mr.(Marc), Hudson was bornNC; October Hunt Albemarle, her 28, 1943, in Lincoln County, son, Chris Tucker (Chris Lear),NC and raised byDC. his She grandparents Washington, will be greatly Reverend Ellis P. Greene and Mrs. missed by her five grandchildren, Iller Greene. He was the son of the Heather Rushing Chaney (Shannon), late Ralph Eddison HudsonMichel and Michael Rushing, Elizabeth Jean Greene Hudson. JimmyJr.was Hartzog (Craig), Jack Michel, of the Methodist he as (Jenn), and WoodyFaith, Huntand as well retiredgreat-grandchildren. from Concord Builders as a seven She also foreman. leaves behind cherished nieces and Jimmy is survived by his wife, nephews. Hazel Hudson of TheHarris family expresses itsthe sincere home. He is also survived by two gratitude to the staff and caregivers daughters, Ginger Hudson of at Trinity Place for the care they Denton, NC and Crystal Hudson provided Pauline. of Asheboro, NC; twoservice brothers, A private graveside will be Carroll Hudson (Martha) of A held on Monday, April 13, 2020. Albemarle of and Bob Hudson celebration Pauline’ s life and legacy (Brenda) ofthis Matthews, will be held summer.NC; a stepson, Catesthe (Angela) In lieuJosh of flowers, familyof Albemarle, NC; stepsister, requests donations be madeSharon to the Thorton of Morganton, and BrightFocus Foundation NC at www. three grandchildren, Makayla brightfocus.org. Cates, Harlo Alford and Parks Hughes. Mr. Hudson is also preceded in death by a daughter, Lisha Hudson.
Merle Helms
John Whitley ShirleyWHITLEY, JOHN BRADFORD JR., 71, of Richfield, passed away Haire Friday, October 2, 2020 at his
HIRLEY MAE HAIRE, 73, home. of Albemarle passed on in John was born Aprilaway 16, 1949 April 11, 2020 at Atrium Cabarrus County to the Health late John Stanly. The family will a private Bradford Whitley andhold Bessie Mae gravesideWhitley. service for Mrs. Haire. Mauldin Shirley was born December 12, The family will receive friends 1946 in Washington, the from 3:00 pm - 3:45 DC pm,toSunday, late Charles Richard Bateman and October 4, 2020 at Gleaning ElizabethChurch. Mae Mulligan Bateman. Mission The funeral Shirley survivedhis by life her will husband service to is celebrate of 30 years Vaughn Smith of by follow at 4:00 pm, officiated Albemarle; sister Whitley Sandra Painter his son, Michael and Rev. of Gainesville, Steve Barbee. VA; half-brother Robert He isBateman survivedofbyStevensville, his beloved MD;of step-children Heather Smith wife 48 years, Patricia Mae of Jacksonville, andMichael David Hatley Whitley;FL sons, Smith ofWhitley, New London, NC;Whitley; 4 (Tracy) Matthew step-grandchildren; nieces Cyndi daughter, Kristen Whitley; Hentschel of Leesburg, and grandchildren, DestinyVA and Gracie Cheryl Hardy of Aylett,Arthur VA; 16 grandWhitley; and brother, nieces and nephews; and Gus the (Debbie) Whitley. dog. Stanly andand Cremation John wasFuneral a devoted loving Care of Albemarle is serving the husband, father, grandfather, Haire family.He was an avid and brother. outdoorsman, and enjoyed trips to the mountains.
Linda Hatley
Jerry Fincher
ERRY FINCHER passed from this life on April 3, 2020 at 8:05 pm. He was surrounded by his family DAVID COLLINS, 76, of and holding the hand of the love of Albemarle, NC, passed away his life. Jerry is preceded in death Wednesday September 30, 2020 at by three siblings, two brothers, Billy his home. Gilbert Fincher, and Larry Richard Mr. Collins was born February 7, Fincher, and one sister, Barbra Joyce 1944 in Stanly County, NC and was Moore. the son of the late Marvin Levern He is survived by his wife, Eleanor Collins and Caroline Davis Kate Fincher of the home, daughter, Collins. He retired from Parks Cindy Fincher Jacobs of Wingate Heating and Air in Charlotte, NC. NC., son and daughter in law, Tommy Mr. Collins was (Tiffany) Fincher of New London a member of Kendalls Baptist NC., Step Children, Jimmy (Lisa) Church. Lanier of Locust NC, Wanda (Bob) David was preceded in death by Krimminger of Locust NC., Eric his wife Wanda Talbert Collins. He (Sharon) Lanier of Charlotte NC., is survived by two daughters, Tracy Grandchildren-Trey (Gera) Whitson Collins Dean (John) and Melody of Midland, Step-grandchildren, Tucker both of Albemarle, NC; a Zach (Brittney) Washington, Aaron brother Robin Collins of Richfield, (Kinsey) Washington, Caleb (Nayeli) NC Washington, Beth (Robbie) Setzer, and three grandchildren, Tiffany Matthew ( April ) Wallace, Step Parker (Steve), Riley Tucker and great-grandchildren, Britlyn-Eve Kierra Tucker and great grandson, Washington, Robert Setzer, George Tobias Parker. (Sara) Setzer, Tracy (Rob) Setzer Bumgardener, Katie Underwood, Andrew Underwood, Step great great grandchild, Waylon George Setzer and brother Donald Lewis Fincher of Albemarle, NC. Jerry Fincher will be laid to rest on Wednesday April 8,2020 at 11:00 am at Canton Baptist Church. Anyone interested in attending, please RSVP at 704-796-2412. Dr. Phil McCray and Pastor Tommy Fincher will officiate.
David Collins
Sarah Wentz Jerald Turner JERALD TURNER, 78, of Albemarle, passed away Sunday, October 4, 2020 at his home. Mr. Turner was born September 27, 1942 in Beckley, West Virginia to the late Charles Randolph Turner and Thelma Alice Harrah. He was a former employee of BF Goodrich in Norwood and Square D in Monroe. Jerald enjoyed working in his yard. A graveside service will be on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM at the Stanly Gardens of Memory at 2001 East Main St., Albemarle. Survivors include daughter, Kathryn P. Turner; son, Jay Turner both of Raleigh; two grandchildren; and life time partner of 42 years, Zula Smith.
SARAH REBEKAH WENTZ, 77, of Albemarle, passed away on October 3, 2020 at the Clear Creek Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Mint Hill, NC. She was born on December 7, 1942 to Judson and Marie (Spivey) Smith of Albemarle NC. She attended Albemarle Schools for the duration of her grade and high school education. She later went on to achieve her Associates Degree. “ Becky “ was a teacher for Albemarle Middle School where she thoroughly enjoyed making a positive impact on her students. On August 11th she married the love of her life, James L. Wentz, Sr, and they started their new life together in Albemarle NC. She was a member of the Eastern Star organization where she was faithful and diligent to the cause. Sarah is survived by her loving daughter, Pamela Carson of Salisbury, NC; son, Jimmy Wentz of Albemarle; granddaughter, Ashley Brittan, and grandson Jason Love. She was preceded in death by father, Judson Smith; mother, Marie Smith; and husband, James Lee Wentz of 40 years.
Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in SCJ at obits@stanlyjournal.com
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Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
2 justices slam court’s 2015 decision in gay marriage case By Mark Sherman The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court, already poised to take a significant turn to the right, opened its new term Monday with a jolt from two conservative justices who raised new criticism of the court’s embrace of same-sex marriage. The justices returned from their summer break on a somber note, following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, hearing arguments by phone because of the coronavirus pandemic and bracing for the possibility of post-election court challenges. The court paused briefly to remember Ginsburg, the court’s second woman. But a statement from Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, underscored conservatives’ excitement and liberals’ fears about the direction the court could take if the Senate confirms President Donald Trump’s nominee for Ginsburg’s seat, Amy Coney Barrett. Commenting on an appeal from a former county clerk in Kentucky who objected to issuing same-sex marriage licenses, Thomas wrote that the 5-4 majority in a 2015 case had “read a right to same-sex marriage” into the Constitution, “even though that right is found nowhere in the text.” And he said that the decision “enables courts and governments to brand religious adher-
ents who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as bigots.” Thomas suggested the court needs to revisit the issue because it has “created a problem that only it can fix.” Until then, he said, the case will continue to have “ruinous consequences for religious liberty.” The court turned away the appeal of the former clerk, Kim Davis, among hundreds of rejected cases Monday. Thomas’ four-page statement prompted outrage from LGBTQ rights groups and others. Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement that Thomas and Alito had “renewed their war on LGBTQ rights and marriage equality” as the direction of the court “hangs in the balance.” With Ginsburg’s death and the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2018, only three members of the majority in the gay marriage case remain: Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Barrett’s confirmation would cement a 6-3 conservative majority on the court, and she has compared her approach to the law generally to that of her mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the dissenters in the gay marriage case. Reversing the court’s decision in the gay marriage case would seem a tall order, but Thomas’ statement underscored liberals’ fears that the
In this May 3, 2020, file photo the setting sun shines on the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. fighting over the Supreme Court’s makeup. The justices will hear a total of 10 arguments this week and next, but the term is so far short on high-profile cases. That could change quickly because of the prospect of court involvement in lawsuits related to the election. Perhaps the biggest case currently on the justices’ docket is post-Election Day arguments in the latest Republican bid to strike down the Affordable Care Act, which provides more than 20 million people with health insurance.
The justices last heard argument in their courtroom in February and skipped planned arguments in March and April before hearing cases by phone in May. On Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts began the hearing by noting what the public has only seen in pictures: that the door to the justices’ courtroom and the section of the court’s bench in front of Ginsburg’s chair have been draped with black fabric. Said Roberts: “We at the court will remember her as a dear friend and a treasured colleague.”
Grand jury audio details raid that killed Breonna Taylor
long gun, a rifle,” Hankison said. Walker and Taylor both dropped to the ground when the officers returned fire. “I’m scared to death,” Walker said, before it dawned on him that it was the police. Walker said he then looked at Taylor, who was bleeding. Seeking help he called his mother, 911 and then Taylor’s mother. Walker told a 911 dispatcher: “Somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend.” “If we knew who it was, that would have never happened,” Walker said. But Hoover, the police lieutenant, said he believed Walker and Taylor “ambushed” the officers. “They knew we were there. I mean, hell, the neighbors knew we were there,” he said. After the burst of gunshots, the officers focused on the wounded Mattingly. No one else entered Taylor’s apartment until a SWAT team arrived. A neighbor, Summer Dickerson, told investigators she was jolted out of bed by the gunshots. Outside the apartment, she said, an officer she recognized told her that “some drug-dealing girl shot at the police.” Walker initially told police that Taylor was the one who shot at them. He later said he was the one who fired the gun.
By Dylan Lovan The Associated Press LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Police said they knocked and announced themselves for a minute or more before bursting into Breonna Taylor’s apartment, but her boyfriend said he did not hear officers identify themselves, according to Kentucky grand jury recordings released Friday. In the hail of gunfire that ensued, the 26-year-old black woman was killed. The dramatic and sometimes conflicting accounts of the March 13 raid are key to a case that has fueled nationwide protests against law enforcement. When police came through the door using a battering ram, Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired once. He acknowledges that he may not have heard police identify themselves because of where he was in the apartment. If he’d heard them, “it changes the whole situation because there’s nothing for us to be scared of.” The fear and confusion that played out after midnight at Taylor’s Louisville home was detailed in 15 hours of audio recordings made public in a rare release. While the recordings added rich detail about what happened, noth-
ing on them appeared to change the fundamental narrative that was previously made public. The recordings also do not include any discussion of potential criminal action on the part of the officers who shot Taylor because Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron determined beforehand that they had acted in self-defense. As a result, he did not seek charges against police in her killing — a recommendation the grand jury followed. Grand jury proceedings are typically kept secret, but a court ruled that they should be released after the jury’s decision last week. The material does not include juror deliberations or prosecutor recommendations and statements, none of which were recorded, according to Cameron’s office. Though police had a “no knock” warrant that would have allowed them to burst in unannounced, they agreed it was better to “give them a chance to answer the door,” said Louisville police Lt. Shawn Hoover. Detective Myles Cosgrove said the officers had been told to “use our maturity as investigators to get into this house.” In a police interview played for the grand jury, Hoover said the officers announced themselves as
court could roll back some of their hardest-fought gains. The cases the justices spent about two and a half hours discussing Monday, however, were far less prominent: a water dispute between Texas and New Mexico and a case involving a provision of the Delaware constitution that keeps the number of state judges affiliated with the two major political parties fairly even. The justices seemed prepared to uphold Delaware’s political party provision, and the argument passed without any comment about the partisan
“They knew we were there. I mean, hell, the neighbors knew we were there.” Louisville police Lt. Shawn Hoover police and knocked three times. He estimated they waited 45 seconds to a minute before going through the door. Another officer said they waited as long as two minutes. Walker said he heard knocking but that police did not respond to his and Taylor’s repeated requests that whoever was at the door identify themselves. He told police that he grabbed his gun, and they both got up and walked toward the door. “She’s yelling at the top of her lungs, and I am too at this point. No answer. No response. No nothing,” Walker said. Police said they used a battering ram to enter the apartment, hitting the door three times before getting inside. Detective Michael Nobles said officers made so much noise that an upstairs neighbor came outside. Walker, who has said he
thought the police were intruders, fired once, hitting Detective Jonathan Mattingly in the leg as soon as he leaned inside the apartment. Mattingly said in testimony, some of which was previously released, that he fired his gun while falling on his backside. Cosgrove came through the door and saw Mattingly on the ground. In his interview with investigators, he spoke to the confusion of the confrontation. He told investigators that he thought he fired four or fewer shots, including the bullet that killed Taylor. Officer Brett Hankison, who has since been fired, told investigators that he saw flashes from a gun coming from inside the apartment and feared his fellow officers were “sitting ducks.” Hankison said he began shooting, and when gunfire inside the apartment continued, moved to fire through a window. Hankison was the only officer indicted by the grand jury, which charged him with wanton endangerment for shooting into another home with people inside. He has pleaded not guilty. “What I saw at the time was a figure in a shooting stance, and it looked as if he was holding, he or she was holding, an AR-15 or a
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Fans returned to Wake Forest’s Truist Field for last week’s win over Campbell. State policy allowed seven per sent of capacity—a little over 2,000 fans—to attend for the first time this season
WHAT’S HAPPENING Home décor store opening despite pandemic Forsyth County Many local businesses are struggling during the pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped cofounders Morgan Holt and Jamie Lapp from opening a new store. Fiddle & Fig, a home décor store, opened over the weekend as the state began Phase 3 of business reopening. The pair have been working toward opening the business since spring of last year. The opening date had to be postponed by seven months due to the pandemic. WXII
Deputy gives teen a new pair of sneakers Forsyth County Forsyth County sheriff’s deputy Kenneth Mickens was spotted doing an act of kindness to a child. A photo of Mickens giving a new pair of athletic shoes to a teenager was shared on the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page. Mickens said his sister was planning to donate three pairs of sneakers, and gave them to him to give to children in the community he patrols. When he gave one pair to a boy in Cleveland Avenue Homes, an unidentified person took the photo without him knowing. MY FOX 8
Winston-Salem resumes parking enforcement Forsyth County Starting Monday of this week, people parking in downtown Winston-Salem had to watch the meter. Parking enforcement resumed operations on Monday, including requiring usage of pay stations and meters, monitoring time limits and issuing tickets. Enforcement stopped in April in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials began by putting notices on windshields informing drivers that the program was resuming. WXII
Board of Education approves return to in-person learning Youngest students expected back first TCH staff WINSTON-SALEM/Forsyth County Schools announced that they will be bringing students back to in-person learning with a phased approach over the next few months. The WS/FCS Board of Education approved the measure at its most recent meeting. “Our focus is a safe return to the classroom for our students and employees,” said WS/FCS Superintendent Dr. Angela Hairston in a news release announcing the decision. “We continue to work with the Forsyth County Department of Public Health to monitor health trends very closely and believe a phased approach best enables us to create classroom environments that are both safe and provide the positive learning experiences our students need. Career and Technical Education (CTE) students were the first to return. These are students learning skills such as EMT, nursing and firefighting, who have hands-on skills as a integral part
The Associated Press GREENSBORO — A North Carolina city council will consider a resolution and apology on Tuesday for the shooting deaths of five demonstrators at a rally against the Ku Klux Klan and American Nazi Party nearly 41 years ago. The resolution is scheduled to be on the agenda for the Greensboro City Council. The resolution expresses the city’s apology to the victims, families and Morningside Homes community for the vi-
reporting on Oct. 19 and students on Nov. 2. Students in Exceptional Children, Separate-Setting, OCS and ESL programs will also return on Nov. 2. Fourth and fifth graders as well as middle school grades seven and eight will return on Nov. 16, with teachers reporting two weeks earlier. Sixth graders will return on Nov. 2, along with the
in a low-income housing community during a “Death to the Klan” rally on Nov. 3, 1979, organized by members of the Communist Workers Party. Five demonstrators were shot and killed at the rally. Juries acquitted several people of killing the protesters and wounding others. A subsequent civil case found six members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party and two Greensboro police officers liable for wrongful death in connection with what is now known as the Greensboro Massacre. The resolution has been in the works since last December. It grew out of work by the Greensboro Pulpit Forum, a coalition of faith and civil rights leaders, who contacted every City Council member to request the apology in the weeks following the 40th anniversary of the massacre, Mayor Nancy Vaughan said Friday. Vaughan said all nine City Council members read drafts of
the apology, made comments and circulated further drafts until they agreed on the document to be considered. In addition to the apology, the council will create an annual scholarship program called the “Morningside Homes Memorial Scholarships” honoring five graduates each year from Dudley High School in memory of the five victims. In August 2017, the council issued an informal apology when Councilwoman Sharon Hightower made a surprise motion. No formal resolution was drafted, however. She called the vote at the time “an impromptu apology because I felt like we needed to make the effort.” “This takes it a step further. It really is intentional and focused on the areas of hurt that really will speak to the concerns that the participants had from 1979,” Hightower said. “It will be good for the city.”
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos participates in a roundtable discussion in Raleigh on Monday Oct. 5.
Council to consider apology for anti-Klan rally deaths olence and police inaction. In the resolution, the city apologizes for “the failure of any government action to effectively overcome the hate that precipitated the violence, to embrace the sorrow that resulted from the violence and to reconcile all the vestiges of those heinous events in the years subsequent to 1979.” If the resolution is approved, the city will acknowledge that the police department neglected to act on knowledge it had that the Nazis and Klan were planning violence
WS/FCS Superintendent Dr. Angela Hairston youngest elementary students. High school students will report for in-person testing Jan. 11 through 21, with in-person classes starting Jan. 25. Teachers report on Nov. 30. While students are scheduled to be back in the school buildings, they will not be attending in person classes full time. The board approved a hybrid blend of in-person and remote classes. For example, elementary school students will attend in-person classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Wednesdays being used for remote learning and deep cleaning of schools. Middle schoolers and high schoolers will have fewer days in person. Depending on school size, they may meet in person twice a week or two days every other week. The plan will keep buildings at or below 50 percent capacity. “Having fewer students in the building at one time minimizes overcrowding of: pickup drop-off areas, buses, buildings’ halls, entries, exits, stairwells, etc.,” the plan presented to the board read.
of their curriculum. Students and teachers both returned to in-person learning on Monday, Oct. 5. Next up will be Pre-K students. Teachers will report back to school buildings next Monday, Oct. 12, with the students returning two weeks later. The youngest elementary school students—grades kindergarten through third grade, will return a week later, with teachers
“Our focus is a safe return to the classroom for our students and employees.”
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
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Twin City Herald Publisher Neal Robbins
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Why I’m leaving California MY FAMILY and my company are leaving California. It’s heartbreaking. My parents moved to California four decades ago. I grew up here. For 33 of the 36 years I’ve spent on this planet, I’ve lived here. I was born at St. Joseph’s in Burbank; I attended elementary school at Edison Elementary; I went to college at UCLA. I cofounded a major media company here, with 75 employees in Los Angeles. I met my wife here; all three of my kids are native Californians. This is the most beautiful state in the country. The climate is incredible. The scenery is amazing. The people are generally warm, and there’s an enormous amount to do. And we’re leaving. We’re leaving because all the benefits of California have steadily eroded — and then suddenly collapsed. Meanwhile, all the costs of California have steadily increased — and then suddenly skyrocketed. It can be difficult to spot the incremental encroachment of a terrible disease, but once the final ravages set in, it becomes obvious that the illness is fatal. So, too, with California, where bad governance has turned a would-be paradise into a burgeoning dystopia. When my family moved to North Hollywood, I was 11. We lived in a safe, clean suburb. Yes, Los Angeles had serious crime and homelessness problems, but those were problems relegated to pockets of the city — problems that, with good governance, we thought could eventually be healed. Instead, the government allowed those problems to metastasize. As of 2011, Los Angeles County counted less than 40,000 homeless; as of 2020, that number had skyrocketed to 66,000. Suburban areas have become the sites of homeless encampments. Nearly every city underpass hosts a tent city; the city, in its kindness, has put out port-apotties to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 spread. Police are forbidden in most cases from either moving transients or even moving their garbage. Nearly every public space in Los Angeles has become a repository for open waste, needles and trash. The most beautiful areas of Los Angeles, from Santa Monica beach to my suburb, have become wrecks. My children have personally witnessed drug use, public urination and public
nudity. Looters were allowed free reign in the middle of the city during the Black Lives Matter riots; Rodeo Drive was closed at 1 p.m., and citizens were curfewed at 6 p.m. To combat these trends, local and state governments have gamed the statistics, reclassifying offenses and letting prisoners go free. Meanwhile, the police have become targets for public ire. In July, the city of Los Angeles slashed police funding, cutting the force to its lowest levels in over a decade. At the same time, taxes have risen. California’s top marginal income tax rate is now 13.3%; legislators want to raise it to 16.8%. California is also home to a 7.25% sales tax, a 50-cent gas tax and a bevy of other taxes that drain the wallet and burden business. California has the worst regulatory climate in America, according to CEO Magazine’s survey of 650 CEOs. The publicsector unions essentially make public policy, running up the debt while providing fewer and fewer actual services. California’s public education system is a massive failure, and even its oncegreat colleges are now burdened by the stupidities of political correctness, including an unwillingness to use standardized testing. And still, the state legislature is dominated by Democrats. California is not on a trajectory toward recovery; it is on a trajectory toward oblivion. Taxpayers are moving out — now including my family and my company. In 2019, before the pandemic and the widespread rioting and looting, outmigration jumped 38%, rising for the seventh straight year. That number will increase again this year. I want my kids to grow up safe. I want them to grow up in a community with a future, with more freedom and safety than I grew up with. California makes that impossible. So, goodbye, Golden State. Thanks for the memories. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. com.
DEATH NOTICES ♦ John Matthew Beenen, Sr., 78, of High-Point, died October 1, 2020. ♦ Robert Bruce Boughman, Jr., 50, of Winston-Salem, died September 30, 2020. ♦ Jon Judson Coffey, 81, of Forsyth County, died October 4, 2020. ♦ Nancy Craver Foster, 91, of Winston-Salem, died October 1, 2020. ♦ Vasiliki “Bessie” Tsiolkas Gallins, 94, died October 4, 2020. ♦ Richard Graham High, 80, of Pfafftown, died October 2, 2020. ♦ Stephen Edgar Holland, 73, of Winston-Salem, died October 4, 2020. ♦ Martha Poteat Hutchens, 87, of Winston-Salem, died October 2, 2020. ♦ Elnora “Pat” Marshall Jones, 91, of Kernersville, died October 3, 2020. ♦ Molly Corbitt Jones, 84, of Greene County, died October 3, 2020. ♦ Frances Dowell Kiger Kirkman, 89, of Surry County, died October 2, 2020. ♦ Margaret Anne Jones Liebscher, 80, of Clemmons, died October 2, 2020. ♦ Laura Hobson Pardue, 88, of Yadkin County, died October 4, 2020. ♦ Blanche Earlette Peek, 70, died October 1, 2020. ♦ Brenda Jo Burnette Redmond, 73, of Clemmons, died October 3, 2020. ♦ Wallace Wayne Reynolds, 80, of Winston-Salem, died September 30, 2020. ♦ Ruth Lewis Speas, 92, of Winston-Salem, died October 1, 2020. ♦ Richard Watkins Starbuck, 73, of Winston-Salem, died October 4, 2020. ♦ Jo Ann (Linville) Tuttle, 73, died October 3, 2020. ♦ Michael (Mike) Robey Vestal, 66, of McGrady, died September 30, 2020. ♦ Connie Lynne White Watson, 67, of Winston-Salem, died October 1, 2020.
WEEKLY CRIME REPORT ♦ ARIAS, JESUS MATA was arrested on a charge of RESISTING ARREST at 5698 UNIVERSITY PW/ MERCANTILE DR on 10/4/2020 ♦ Baldwin, Stephen Brian (M/53) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at Silas Creek Parkway Nb/421, Winston Salem, NC, on 10/3/2020 17:17. ♦ Barnes, Quaicy Eshon (M/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugs-poss Sched Ii (F), 2) Misd Poss Controlled Substance (M), 3) Poss Cocaine Fel (F), and 4) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 1000 Blk Ridings Road, Winstonsalem, NC, on 10/1/2020 00:12. ♦ BLAKE, DAVID DALLIE was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 245 PITCHER CT on 10/4/2020 ♦ BUTLER, QUIANTE LANDELL was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1600 ZUIDER ZEE CT on 10/4/2020 ♦ Case, Melissa Dawn (F/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) Child Abuse (M), 2) Impaired Driving Dwi (M), and 3) Ndl - Suspended / Revoked (M), at WB40 Harper Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 10/1/2020 14:56. ♦ CONKLIN, MICHAEL EARL was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1012 S WOODED AV on 10/2/2020 ♦ Covington, Joseph Henry (M/24) Arrest on chrg of Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), at 300 Old Hollow Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/3/2020 03:23. ♦ DAVIS, FREDDY EDMUND was arrested on a charge of FAIL TO REGISTER - SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION at 3601 BETHANIA STATION RD/BETHABARA RD on 10/3/2020 ♦ Davis, Mark Lee (M/60) Arrest on chrg of 1st Degree Trespass, M (M), at 4634 Woodsman Wy, Winston-
salem, NC, on 10/2/2020 11:43. ♦ DAVIS, STACEY BUTLER was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 999 GLENCAIRN RD/TYLER DR on 10/3/2020 ♦ ERVIN, GEORGE WILLIAM was arrested on a charge of ASLT EMERGENCY PERSONNEL at 899 BURKE ST/BROOKSTOWN AV on 10/4/2020 ♦ GADSEN, BYSHEEN ERNEST was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1000 NANCY LN on 10/4/2020 ♦ GRINDSTAFF, DONALD LEE was arrested on a charge of COMMUNICATE THREATS at 201 N CHURCH ST on 10/2/2020 ♦ HAIRSTON, MARQUIS ALFONSO was arrested on a charge of POSS COCAINE FEL at 2700 PEPPER CT on 10/3/2020 ♦ Hawks, Brian Lee (M/37) Arrest on chrg of Hit & Run, M (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/2/2020 13:10. ♦ Jackson, Tristen Brack (M/24) Arrest on chrg of Ccw, M (M), at 3098 Ridgewood Rd/nb 311_ridgewood Rd Ra, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/30/2020 10:30. ♦ JOHNSON, LATOYA TANIKA was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 3180 PETERS CREEK PW/SOUTHPARK BV on 10/2/2020 ♦ JONES, KARL OIAJUWON was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1630 E TWENTY-FOURTH ST on 10/4/2020 ♦ KING, TITUS ELIJAH was arrested on a charge of DRUGS-POSS SCHED IV at 1099 N MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DR/N RESEARCH PW on 10/4/2020 ♦ Koroll, Timothy Mark (M/53) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/
Indian Tribe (M), at 4553 Silo Ridge Ct, Clemmons, NC, on 10/2/2020 16:20. ♦ Mabe, Randy Aaron (M/24) Arrest on chrg of 1) B&e-vehicle (F), 2) Drugsposs Sched Iv (M), 3) Drug Paraphernalia (M), and 4) Resisting Arrest (M), at 9375 Glen Cross Dr, Kernersville, NC, on 10/4/2020 11:30. ♦ MANNS, ANNIE MARIE was arrested on a charge of ADW - INFLICT INJURY at 3182 PETERS CREEK PW on 10/5/2020 ♦ MCCAIN, SHONE PATCHELL was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 369 BLOCK OF CHESTNUT ST on 10/4/2020 ♦ MCCORMICK, MATTHEW TRINITY was arrested on a charge of P/W/I/S/D COCAINE at 3045 N PATTERSON AV on 10/3/2020 ♦ Mills, Nathan Alexander (M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F) and 2) Ndl - Suspended / Revoked (M), at Eb 40/peters Creek Pw_eb 40 Ra, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/1/2020 16:00. ♦ PALMER, WILLIAM CURTIS was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 2642 N. CHERRY ST on 10/2/2020 ♦ Patterson, Devon Waynette (F/50) Arrest on chrg of Impaired Driving Dwi (M), at 3656 Martins Trail Cr, Walkertown, NC, on 9/30/2020 15:36. ♦ Pearson, Tamie Annette (F/48) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple (M), at 6075 Reidsville Rd, Belews Creek, NC, on 9/30/2020 14:28. ♦ Perkins, Angela Renee (F/41) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple (M), at 2016 Ashburn Ln, Clemmons, NC, on 10/5/2020 17:03. ♦ PRICE, JAMES CALVERT was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 101 EDEN TERRACE ST on 10/2/2020
♦ Pruett, Angela Willard (F/47) Arrest on chrg of Fugitive Arrest (magistrate`s Order) (F), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/1/2020 10:50. ♦ ROBINSON, DAVID ANTHONY was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 1612 S STRATFORD RD on 10/3/2020 ♦ SESSOMS, DONELL ELTON was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 715 W FIFTH ST on 10/3/2020 ♦ Shelton, Zachary Cole (M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) Breaking/larc-felony (F), 2) Larceny After B&e (F), and 3) Poss Stolen Goods (F), at 5714 Old Walkertown Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 10/1/2020 17:00. ♦ SIMS, RASHAD AKEEM was arrested on a charge of OFAFTA-PWISD COCAINE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 10/4/2020 ♦ SMITH, HAROLD DEVON was arrested on a charge of VIO. PROTECTIVE ORDER BY COURTS ANOTHER STATE/ INDIAN TRIBE at 1608 E SPRAGUE ST on 10/3/2020 ♦ Tharington, Jeffrey Scott (M/36) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another (M), at 3521 Skylark Haven Drive, Pfafftown, NC, on 10/5/2020 15:49. ♦ WILDS, RANDOLPH was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 780 N MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DR on 10/4/2020 ♦ Wilkins, Robert Sherman (M/51) Arrest on chrg of Child Abuse, M (M), at 6500 Wandering Ln, Pfafftown, NC, on 10/4/2020 16:42.
73° 59° 40%
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Podoroska 1st female qualifier into French Open semifinals Paris Nadia Podoroska became the first qualifier to reach the women’s semifinals at Roland Garros in the Open era, knocking out Elena Svitolina, the French Open’s No. 3 seed. Podoroska, who is ranked 131st and never had won a main draw Grand Slam match before last week, won 6-2, 6-4. The Argentine is only the third female qualifier to get to the semifinals at any major tournament in the Open era, which began in 1968, and the first since Alexandra Stevenson at Wimbledon in 1999.
Hamlin wins in 3rd overtime of Talladega’s longest race The No. 11 joined Kurt Busch’s No. 1 as the first two two cars to advance to the Round of 8 By Jenna Fryer The Associated Press TALLADEGA, Ala. — Denny Hamlin put himself in position to finally win in the playoffs by hanging at the back to avoid the carnage of the messiest and longest race in Talladega Superspeedway history. His sweeping three-wide pass in triple overtime Sunday brought an end to the sloppiest race of the season. The Daytona 500 winner surged to the win coming out of the final turn — it was the 58th lead change of a race that went nearly 32 miles, or 12 laps, longer than scheduled. Talladega was pocked with 13
cautions, two more than the record, and nearly every title contender had some sort of damage. Only six of the 12 made it to the finish. Hamlin insisted lagging the No. 11 Toyota at the back of the field all day, waiting to pounce at the end, was his strategy all along. Either that, or he was simply the last driver standing when given the chance to snap a skid that started with the playoffs one month ago. “I hate to say it, but you have to play the game. You have to get to the next round,” Hamlin said. “To win the championship, you have to win the last race and you have to get to the last race. For us, we played the strategy to play the numbers to make sure we got locked in.” Fitting for this particular wreck-fest was that Hamlin’s win needed official review. He had gone below the yellow out-of-
bounds line during the third overtime, but NASCAR ruled the move was legal. “They were crashing in front of us,” Hamlin shrugged. “Obviously, I got forced down there.” The crowd of 15,000 — the most allowed to attend the Alabama superspeedway — booed Hamlin as he was declared the winner. He dismissed any notion of a controversy over the yellow line rule, noting it had been called by NASCAR the same way the entire race. The race went more than four hours, so long that it was moved from NBC to NBC Sports Network because local news and then NFL football needed the big network. Hamlin raced to his 44th Cup victory, tying him with childhood hero Bill Elliott on the career list. He also earned the automatic berth into the next round of the playoffs, joining Kurt Busch, winner last week at home track Las
“To win the championship, you have to win the last race and you have to get to the last race.” Denny Hamlin Vegas but one of six playoff drivers that failed to reach the finish at Talladega. “You’re on top one week with a win and everything’s fantastic,” the elder Busch brother said. “And then this week we’re here at Talladega ... and next thing you know, I’m going for one of the wildest rides I’ve ever been in.” An hour after the finish, NASCAR rescinded a penalty on Chase Elliott, which moved him up to fifth in the final running order — the highest of the playoff drivers behind Hamlin. Austin Dillon was the next highest-finishing playoff driver at 12th. Four of 12 drivers will be eliminated next week at The Roval at Charlotte Motor Speedway. The bottom four in the standings are Kyle Busch, Clint Bowyer, Aric Almirola and Dillon.
Fitzpatrick to remain Dolphins’ starter Miami Ryan Fitzpatrick will remain the Miami Dolphins’ starting quarterback for at least another week, further delaying the NFL debut of Tua Tagovailoa. The Dolphins (1-3) announced Tuesday on Twitter that Fitzpatrick, 37, will get the nod Sunday at San Francisco. The disclosure ends speculation that coach Brian Flores was about to turn the offense over to Tagovailoa, drafted out of Alabama with the fifth overall pick as a potential franchise quarterback.
Tennessee panel conditionally OKs 4th sportsbook firm Nashville, Tenn. A Tennessee panel on Monday conditionally approved a license for a fourth sportsbook operator under the state’s online-only sports betting program, which is expected to begin allowing wagers Nov. 1. Tennessee Action 24/7 drew approval from the Tennessee Lottery’s Sports Wagering Committee, joining FanDuel, BetMGM and DraftKings. State lawmakers narrowly passed sports betting in spring 2019 for people 21 and older who are physically in Tennessee when they place bets.
Supreme Court allows minor leaguers’ class action over pay Washington, D.C. The Supreme Court is allowing a class-action lawsuit to proceed from minor league baseball players who allege they are being paid less than minimum wage. The lawsuit involves minor league players in Arizona, California and Florida. The justices offered no comment Monday in rejecting Major League Baseball’s appeal. The players first sued major league teams in February 2014, claiming most earn less than $7,500 annually in violation of several laws. A judge had initially allowed only the California players to sue, but the federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled in favor of the players from Arizona and Florida.
Denny Hamlin (11) races William Byron (24) and Matt DiBenedetto (21) to the finish line during the YellaWood 500 NASCAR Cup Series race Sunday at Talladega Superspeedway.
A look at all 16 potential World Series matchups MLB’s postseason is underway after one of the strangest regular seasons in memory
series had gone the other way, it would be the Braves, not the Yankees, who would be remembered as the big dynasty of that era. RAYS-DODGERS (9.2%)
By Noah Trister The Associated Press WITH ONLY FOUR teams left in each league, there are now 16 possible World Series matchups for this year. Here’s a look at each one — and what would make it interesting. The matchups are listed in descending order of likelihood, using probability figures from Fangraphs.com heading into Monday’s action. YANKEES-DODGERS (13.0%) The nearly as strange 1981 postseason ended with a matchup between these old rivals — the Dodgers beat New York in six games — but we haven’t seen it since in the World Series. It would be fitting for it to happen in 2020. ASTROS-DODGERS (11.5%) Houston beat Los Angeles in seven games in the 2017 World Series, but the Astros’ sign-stealing scandal put that victory in a new light, and the Dodgers haven’t taken kindly to it. YANKEES-BRAVES (9.6%) New York beat Atlanta for the title in 1996 and 1999, and if those
This series would pit Andrew Friedman, president of baseball operations for the Dodgers, against the team he used to work for. It would not do the same for David Price, however. The righthander, drafted No. 1 overall by Tampa Bay in 2007, opted out of this season for the Dodgers. ASTROS-BRAVES (8.5%) Astros manager Dusty Baker is remembered as an All-Star and World Series champion with the Dodgers, but he was drafted by the Braves and began his big league playing career with them. ATHLETICS-DODGERS (7.5%) This, of course, was the matchup that gave us Kirk Gibson’s famous home run off Dennis Eckersley in the 1988 World Series. The franchises also faced off in 1974, when Oakland defeated the Dodgers in five games. RAYS-BRAVES (6.8%) Atlanta’s victory over Cincinnati was the first postseason series win for the Braves since 2001. The Rays have only existed since 1998. Atlanta and Tampa Bay are both division champions this year,
2 Number of playoff teams that have never won a World Series — the Tampa Bay Rays and San Diego Padres though. YANKEES-PADRES (6.7%) The last time San Diego reached the World Series, the 114-win Yankees were waiting and swept the Padres in 1998. ASTROS-PADRES (5.9%) When Houston faced San Diego during the regular season, the Padres took three straight games by a combined score of 22-8, capping a seven-game winning streak. ATHLETICS-BRAVES (5.5%) In 1914, the Boston Braves beat the Philadelphia A’s in a four-game sweep in the World Series. Probably doesn’t mean much in Atlanta and Oakland. RAYS-PADRES (4.7%) These teams were trade partners on multiple occasions this past offseason. San Diego acquired Tommy Pham and Jake Cronen-
worth from Tampa Bay for Hunter Renfroe. The Rays also traded reliever Emilio Pagan to the Padres for outfielder Manuel Margot. ATHLETICS-PADRES (3.8%) There was an all-California World Series in 1974, 1988, 1989 and 2002 — although none of those involved San Diego. YANKEES-MARLINS (2.3%) How’s this for front office intrigue: Derek Jeter and Don Mattingly going up against the Yankees. ASTROS-MARLINS (2.0%) These are the remaining teams with the worst regular-season records. They combined to go 6060. Houston (107-55) finished 50 games ahead of Miami (57-105) last year. RAYS-MARLINS (1.6%) The idea of an all-Florida World Series has seemed far-fetched for a while, but perhaps it would be an appropriate way to finish this unusual season. ATHLETICS-MARLINS (1.3%) The last time Oakland played in the World Series, the A’s were swept by Cincinnati in 1990. Billy Hatcher, who was 9 for 12 in that series for the A’s, currently coaches first base for the Marlins.
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Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 7, 2020
2 justices slam court’s 2015 decision in gay marriage case By Mark Sherman The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court, already poised to take a significant turn to the right, opened its new term Monday with a jolt from two conservative justices who raised new criticism of the court’s embrace of same-sex marriage. The justices returned from their summer break on a somber note, following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, hearing arguments by phone because of the coronavirus pandemic and bracing for the possibility of post-election court challenges. The court paused briefly to remember Ginsburg, the court’s second woman. But a statement from Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, underscored conservatives’ excitement and liberals’ fears about the direction the court could take if the Senate confirms President Donald Trump’s nominee for Ginsburg’s seat, Amy Coney Barrett. Commenting on an appeal from a former county clerk in Kentucky who objected to issuing same-sex marriage licenses, Thomas wrote that the 5-4 majority in a 2015 case had “read a right to same-sex marriage” into the Constitution, “even though that right is found nowhere in the text.” And he said that the decision “enables courts and governments to brand religious adher-
ents who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as bigots.” Thomas suggested the court needs to revisit the issue because it has “created a problem that only it can fix.” Until then, he said, the case will continue to have “ruinous consequences for religious liberty.” The court turned away the appeal of the former clerk, Kim Davis, among hundreds of rejected cases Monday. Thomas’ four-page statement prompted outrage from LGBTQ rights groups and others. Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement that Thomas and Alito had “renewed their war on LGBTQ rights and marriage equality” as the direction of the court “hangs in the balance.” With Ginsburg’s death and the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2018, only three members of the majority in the gay marriage case remain: Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Barrett’s confirmation would cement a 6-3 conservative majority on the court, and she has compared her approach to the law generally to that of her mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the dissenters in the gay marriage case. Reversing the court’s decision in the gay marriage case would seem a tall order, but Thomas’ statement underscored liberals’ fears that the
In this May 3, 2020, file photo the setting sun shines on the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. fighting over the Supreme Court’s makeup. The justices will hear a total of 10 arguments this week and next, but the term is so far short on high-profile cases. That could change quickly because of the prospect of court involvement in lawsuits related to the election. Perhaps the biggest case currently on the justices’ docket is post-Election Day arguments in the latest Republican bid to strike down the Affordable Care Act, which provides more than 20 million people with health insurance.
The justices last heard argument in their courtroom in February and skipped planned arguments in March and April before hearing cases by phone in May. On Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts began the hearing by noting what the public has only seen in pictures: that the door to the justices’ courtroom and the section of the court’s bench in front of Ginsburg’s chair have been draped with black fabric. Said Roberts: “We at the court will remember her as a dear friend and a treasured colleague.”
Grand jury audio details raid that killed Breonna Taylor
long gun, a rifle,” Hankison said. Walker and Taylor both dropped to the ground when the officers returned fire. “I’m scared to death,” Walker said, before it dawned on him that it was the police. Walker said he then looked at Taylor, who was bleeding. Seeking help he called his mother, 911 and then Taylor’s mother. Walker told a 911 dispatcher: “Somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend.” “If we knew who it was, that would have never happened,” Walker said. But Hoover, the police lieutenant, said he believed Walker and Taylor “ambushed” the officers. “They knew we were there. I mean, hell, the neighbors knew we were there,” he said. After the burst of gunshots, the officers focused on the wounded Mattingly. No one else entered Taylor’s apartment until a SWAT team arrived. A neighbor, Summer Dickerson, told investigators she was jolted out of bed by the gunshots. Outside the apartment, she said, an officer she recognized told her that “some drug-dealing girl shot at the police.” Walker initially told police that Taylor was the one who shot at them. He later said he was the one who fired the gun.
By Dylan Lovan The Associated Press LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Police said they knocked and announced themselves for a minute or more before bursting into Breonna Taylor’s apartment, but her boyfriend said he did not hear officers identify themselves, according to Kentucky grand jury recordings released Friday. In the hail of gunfire that ensued, the 26-year-old black woman was killed. The dramatic and sometimes conflicting accounts of the March 13 raid are key to a case that has fueled nationwide protests against law enforcement. When police came through the door using a battering ram, Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired once. He acknowledges that he may not have heard police identify themselves because of where he was in the apartment. If he’d heard them, “it changes the whole situation because there’s nothing for us to be scared of.” The fear and confusion that played out after midnight at Taylor’s Louisville home was detailed in 15 hours of audio recordings made public in a rare release. While the recordings added rich detail about what happened, noth-
ing on them appeared to change the fundamental narrative that was previously made public. The recordings also do not include any discussion of potential criminal action on the part of the officers who shot Taylor because Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron determined beforehand that they had acted in self-defense. As a result, he did not seek charges against police in her killing — a recommendation the grand jury followed. Grand jury proceedings are typically kept secret, but a court ruled that they should be released after the jury’s decision last week. The material does not include juror deliberations or prosecutor recommendations and statements, none of which were recorded, according to Cameron’s office. Though police had a “no knock” warrant that would have allowed them to burst in unannounced, they agreed it was better to “give them a chance to answer the door,” said Louisville police Lt. Shawn Hoover. Detective Myles Cosgrove said the officers had been told to “use our maturity as investigators to get into this house.” In a police interview played for the grand jury, Hoover said the officers announced themselves as
court could roll back some of their hardest-fought gains. The cases the justices spent about two and a half hours discussing Monday, however, were far less prominent: a water dispute between Texas and New Mexico and a case involving a provision of the Delaware constitution that keeps the number of state judges affiliated with the two major political parties fairly even. The justices seemed prepared to uphold Delaware’s political party provision, and the argument passed without any comment about the partisan
“They knew we were there. I mean, hell, the neighbors knew we were there.” Louisville police Lt. Shawn Hoover police and knocked three times. He estimated they waited 45 seconds to a minute before going through the door. Another officer said they waited as long as two minutes. Walker said he heard knocking but that police did not respond to his and Taylor’s repeated requests that whoever was at the door identify themselves. He told police that he grabbed his gun, and they both got up and walked toward the door. “She’s yelling at the top of her lungs, and I am too at this point. No answer. No response. No nothing,” Walker said. Police said they used a battering ram to enter the apartment, hitting the door three times before getting inside. Detective Michael Nobles said officers made so much noise that an upstairs neighbor came outside. Walker, who has said he
thought the police were intruders, fired once, hitting Detective Jonathan Mattingly in the leg as soon as he leaned inside the apartment. Mattingly said in testimony, some of which was previously released, that he fired his gun while falling on his backside. Cosgrove came through the door and saw Mattingly on the ground. In his interview with investigators, he spoke to the confusion of the confrontation. He told investigators that he thought he fired four or fewer shots, including the bullet that killed Taylor. Officer Brett Hankison, who has since been fired, told investigators that he saw flashes from a gun coming from inside the apartment and feared his fellow officers were “sitting ducks.” Hankison said he began shooting, and when gunfire inside the apartment continued, moved to fire through a window. Hankison was the only officer indicted by the grand jury, which charged him with wanton endangerment for shooting into another home with people inside. He has pleaded not guilty. “What I saw at the time was a figure in a shooting stance, and it looked as if he was holding, he or she was holding, an AR-15 or a